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Making the World Better for Future Generations
The founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja
Han Moon, have presented models for lasting peace in the fields of education, politics,
arts, sciences, media and human rights, with particular focus on women, youth and
the family. Rev. and Mrs. Moon see the human potential in terms of committed
relationships, where each person, each family, each community and each nation exists
for one another and lives for the greater good. Differences of race, religion, nationality
and ideology are transcended under the vision of One Family Under God.
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon · Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
Harmony The founders recognized conflict among religions as a serious threat to humanity
and campaigned for religious harmony by creating various interreligious organizations
beginning with the World Religious Peace Committee in 1968. Notably, they emphasized
that in order for the United Nations to create a path to true peace, it needs to seek the
wisdom of faith leaders with spiritual insight and recommended a reformation of the UN.
They proposed its transformation into a bicameral system with an upper house composed of
spiritual leaders and a lower house composed of political and diplomatic representatives.
Understanding The founders gathered prominent religious scholars and theologians to
compile World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, a 1,078-page book
(published in English in 1991, and in Korean and Japanese in 1994) featuring a comparative
study of the holy scriptures of the world’s major religions including Christianity, Islam,
Hinduism and Buddhism. World Scripture revealed that 73 percent of the world’s religious
writings share the common themes of uncovering the fundamental truths of the universe and
realizing a peaceful world through understanding the Will of the Creator.
Beyond religion
Beyond borders
Toward one family of humankind
Connections Seeing that man-made barriers resulting from self-interest impeded the
realization of true peace, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon envisioned one of the largest
transnational infrastructure projects in human history – the Peace Road Project. At the
International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in 1981, he first proposed the
construction of an International Peace Highway, with the goal of connecting the entire
world by road. In 2005, he proposed building the Bering Strait Bridge and Tunnel to connect
Alaska and Russia. His final proposal, to build a 209~231 kilometer-long undersea Korea-
Japan Tunnel, is currently in a developmental phase.
Transcending ideology The founders challenged dialectical communism that denies God
and religion and established the International Federation for Victory over Communism (1968)
and at the height of the Cold War, launched an international campaign to defeat Communism.
In 1990, they met with Soviet President and General Secretary of the Communist Party
Mikhail Gorbachev, a meeting that influenced the peaceful collapse of Communism. In 1991,
Rev. and Mrs. Moon inspired dialogue for peace between North and South Korea through
their meeting with North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung.
Wisdom From early on, the founders initiated movements in civil society to address global
issues such as poverty, climate change, and inequality―challenges that are difficult for any
one nation to tackle alone. The Universal Peace Federation (UPF, in General Consultative
Status with UN ECOSOC, with a network of 1.2 million Ambassadors for Peace across
185 countries), founded in 2005, carries out multiple projects and initiatives, including the
International Leadership Conference and World Summit series, to address and contribute to
solving global problems.
“Humankind is one family; a family tied together by relationships of true love. Humankind is
like a tree; many family members live together. There are toddlers, teenagers, young adults,
middle-aged and elderly members.”
Family The founders consider the coming together of a man and woman centered on God
to form an ideal family with the promise of creating new life as a holy event that carries
on God’s work of Creation. They call it the “Blessing.” The first Blessing ceremony was
held in Korea in 1960, and in its 60-year history, millions of couples around the world have
Women With the foresight that the world in the future would require the leadership of
women based on their motherly love, the founders established the Women’s Federation for
World Peace (WFWP, in General Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC, with a network
covering 119 countries) in 1992. Under the motto “One Global Family,” WFWP carries
out humanitarian projects worldwide. Various programs under the Global Women’s Peace
Network serve to restore the dignity of women by supporting networking and partnerships.
Culture The founders viewed culture, arts and sports as key ingredients to building a world
of peace. They established the Universal Ballet Company (one of Korea’s foremost ballet
companies) and the Little Angles (a children’s traditional performing arts troupe), and hosted
the World Culture and Sports Festival, and the Peace Cup (an intercontinental professional
football competition). These and other cultural projects have fostered harmony among people
beyond the barriers of race, religion and nationality.
“Religion is like a wide river flowing toward an ideal, peaceful world. The river flows for a great
distance before it reaches the wide expanse of peace. On its way, many streams flow into it. The
streams cease to be streams at the point they merge with the river. From that point, they too
become part of the river. In this way, they all become one.”
“For thousands of years, history has seen the continuous increase of divisions. Each time a
different religion was adopted or a new regime came into power, more boundaries were drawn
and more wars were fought. However, there can be no boundaries in a world God created.”
USD 1 million (KRW 1.1 billion)
Medal, Plaque
Individuals or organizations must have contributed significantly to
the promotion of peace outlined in the Peace Mission affirmed by the
Sunhak Peace Prize Committee.
The achievements of the individual or organization must have had
a positive impact on the realization of peace for people of diverse
nations, races, religions, or ideologies.
Nominations may be submitted from any among 1,000 qualified
nominators around the world who represent a wide range of fields and
areas of professional expertise, and diverse geographical, cultural,
religious, and ethnic backgrounds.
Qualified Individuals	 Recipients of international prizes,
		highly respected individuals
Qualified Organizations	 International NGOs, academic associations,
		organizations previously awarded international prizes
Review Process
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee carefully reviews the nominees
with support from the Secretariat and in consultation with experts
to come up with a short list of the most promising candidates. The
Committee meets periodically throughout the year for this purpose.
Laureate Selection and Official Announcement
After careful review of the nominees on the short list, the Sunhak
Peace Prize Committee arrives at its final selection and makes a
public announcement through the media.
Frequency of Award
Nomination and
Selection Process
Our Vision
of Peace
One Family Under God
The Sunhak Peace Prize was established in order to help resolve
worldwide suffering, conflict, poverty and threats to the environment
by promoting a comprehensive, future-oriented vision of peace.
Sustainable peace in the 21st century can only be accomplished by
resolving the tensions and conflicts we find across the world. This
can be done by developing a global culture of mutual respect and
cooperation. Based on the founders' vision of One Family under God,
the Sunhak Peace Prize encourages all people to dedicate themselves
to peace, choosing dialogue and cooperation over conflict and
The Sunhak Peace Prize honors individuals and organizations that
have made significant contributions to peace and human development,
conflict resolution, and restoration of balance in the relationship
between humanity and the natural environment.
Our Mission
The Sunhak Peace Prize advocates the following objectives.
Poverty Relief
Disease Eradication
Education and Welfare
for Human
Resolution of Disputes
Religious Harmony
Peace Among Nations
of Conflict
Climate Change Prevention
Energy Innovation
Sustainable Human
Solving the problems of poverty,
disease and ignorance, and
respecting the human rights and
dignity of every human being.
Peacefully resolving conflicts
between people of differing
religions, races and nationalities.
Finding solutions to climate
change and the depletion of natural
resources in order to create a
sustainable balance between the
natural and human worlds.
THE 2015
Event Time
August 28, 2015, 10 am (Korea time)
Grand Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul, Korea
THE 2015
Award Theme
The theme of the inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize was “The path to humanity’s future peace lies in the
ocean.” The Sunhak Peace Prize is a prize established to honor the One family under God peace vision
laid out by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. The two have devoted their entire lives
for the peace of the human community. Especially since the early 1960’s, the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon
foresaw environmental and food resource problems as crises that would threaten the peace of the future
human community and pointed out that the ocean was a powerful solution.
Candidate Nominations
Based on this theme, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee started receiving names of candidates from the
recommendation committee consisting of over 1,000 members, and ultimately received 182 candidate
recommendations from 66 countries.
Once the nomination period concluded, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee focused on screening the
nominees until March of 2015. The candidate list was compressed through data research and verification
process and local inspection conducted by experts within their respective fields.
Laureate Selection and Public Announcement
After several meetings to review the short list of candidates, the Committee ultimately decided that the
inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize would be shared by the former President of the Republic of Kiribati, His
Excellency Anote Tong, and Indian fisheries scientist, Dr. Modadugu V. Gupta. On June 8, 2015, at the
National Press Club in Washington D.C., the inaugural laureates were officially announced globally
through a public press conference.
Anote Tong
Climate Peace
A Global Leader Creating Peace
at the Forefront of Climate Change
Notable Achievements
Led the international community to act on climate change
His Excellency Anote Tong, former President of Kiribati, actively informed the international community about
the climate crisis faced by low-lying (having lower-than-average altitudes above sea-level) Pacific small island
states due to rising sea levels and led the international community to actively address this issue.
President Tong played a key role in calling upon major international organizations, including the UN, to create
comprehensive consultative bodies for the international community to embark on solving this problem.
The Republic of Kiribati is a small island nation in the South Pacific consisting of 33 atolls and islands and has
an area of 811km² and a population of 114,000.
Led the protection of marine ecosystems
Former President Tong has actively led campaigns to protect the marine ecosystem in the Pacific Rim as a
repository of resources for future generations.
In 2006, President Tong worked with Conservation International to create the Phoenix Islands Protected Area
(PIPA), encompassing some of the most pristine and coral-rich waters on the planet. In 2010, it was declared
the world's largest marine UNESCO World Heritage Site. Furthermore, President Tong conceived the Pacific
Oceanscape framework, an unprecedented effort among 23 Pacific island nations of the Pacific Islands Forum
to collaboratively and sustainably protect, manage, and sustain their ocean. Together, the nations of the Pacific
Oceanscape have responsibility for nearly 10% of the world’s ocean surface (approximately 40 million km²).
For Kiribati, which relies heavily on income generated from licensing commercial fishing to foreign vessels,
this was a moral decision to abandon national interest for the greater good.
Committed to ensuring the dignity of human rights for climate
Former President Tong has devoted a significant amount of his energy to defending the rights of his citizens
and has contributed greatly in building awareness among the international community on the need for
protection of climate refugees’ human rights. President Tong is establishing a systematic migration policy so
that his country’s citizens, who will be forced to leave Kiribati within the next 30 years due to rising sea levels
submerging their country, can migrate with their dignity intact. First, he worked diligently to secure funds to
buy land for resettlement, purchasing 5,500 acres of land in Fiji, and is running the Migration With Dignity
vocational education program so that they will not be treated as unstable refugees but as valuable members
of the workforce with competitiveness and marketability. Even as hope seemed to diminish as his country’s
citizens faced the possibility of losing their homes due to climate change, President Tong’s warm love for
humanity shined brightly as he strove to safeguard human dignity and established various expert vocational
training programs in areas such as nursing, seamanship, horticulture and gardening, and linguistics.
Former President of Kiribati
Born on June 11, 1952, Fanning Island,
Line Islands, Kiribati
Graduate of the University of Canterbury
London School of Economics
Professional Background
1978-1980	 Project Officer, South Pacific
	 Bureau for Economic Cooperation
1983-1992	 Director, Atoll Research and
	 Development Unit, USP
1994-1996	 Minister of Natural Resources
1996-2003	 Member of Parliament
	 (Boutokaan Te Koaua party)
2003-2007	 President of the Republic of Kiribati
2007-2011	 Served second term as President
	 of the Republic of Kiribati
2012-2016	 Served third term as President
	 of the Republic of Kiribati
Vijay Gupta
Food Peace
Found Alternative Solutions to
the Future Food Crisis Pioneer of
the Blue Revolution
Notable Achievements
Addressed the looming food crisis resulting from climate change
Through field research and development of aquaculture methods and technologies suitable for the climate
and environment of South and Southeast Asia, Dr. Modadugu V. Gupta effected an explosive increase in
production known to us now as the Blue Revolution. Since the 1960’s Dr. Gupta foresaw that aquaculture, with
its relatively low-cost, high-quality animal protein, could play a key role in improving nutrition for the poor. He
was instrumental in significantly developing aquaculture technologies to a point where it is now considered as
the solution to humanity's future food crisis. Especially from the latter part of the 1980’s in Bangladesh, one of
the poorest countries in the world, Dr. Gupta correctly identified fish species such as tilapia and silver barb, as
suitable to thrive in the country's turbid and shallow waters. As a result, Bangladesh's annual fish production,
which was only about 170,000 tons in 1986, when the research started, increased fourfold to more than 850,000
tons by the time Dr. Gupta retired in 2004. Since 2000, going beyond Asia, Dr. Gupta has striven to develop
effective methods of aquaculture that could thrive in Africa.
Miraculously brought independence and self-sufficiency to the
world's poorest through the use of innovative aquaculture methods
Dr. Gupta is a saint of the South and Southeast Asian poor communities who, rather than giving fish to the
poor and hungry, taught them how to farm fish, cultivating a miracle of independence and self-sufficiency. In
order to address the hunger and nutrition deficiency problem of the extreme poor in South and Southeast Asia,
Dr. Gupta developed low-cost, high-efficiency methods of aquaculture and devoted himself to disseminating
his methods while living with the poor in their environment. As a result, Dr. Gupta not only greatly improved
the nutritional status of those who had been living in a vicious cycle of extreme poverty and hunger, but also
instilled in them the hope for a better life.
Significantly improved the social status and rights of Asian women
Dr. Gupta actively spread aquaculture methods to South and Southeast Asian women of low social status,
which resulted in not only increased household incomes and nutrition, but also drastically improved the social
status and rights of women. He personally convinced religious leaders who were negative towards women’s
participation in society that their participation in the economy would benefit all. He motivated women to be
self-sufficient and educated poor women farmers on the basic skills required for aquaculture. In addition, he
cooperated with local organizations so that women could receive the funding and land necessary for their
economic activities. These initiatives were such a great success that now women account for a majority of the
workforce in fish farming, and this has brought positive changes that have improved women’s rights and status
both within the household and in the society.
Indian Fisheries Scientist
Born August 17, 1939. India
Ph.D. in Biology, Calcutta University
Professional Background
1971-1977	 Scientist, Indian Council of
	 Agricultural Research (ICAR)
1977-1981	 Fish Breeding Expert, Mekong
	 Secretariat, UN-ESCAP (Lao PDR)
1981-1985	 Senior Aquaculture Scientist,
	 Mekong Secretariat, UN-ESCAP,
1986-1989	 UN-FAO Fish Culture Specialist/
	 Officer-In-Charge (Bangladesh)
1989-1996	 Senior Aquaculture Specialist/
	 Officer-In-Charge, WorldFish
	 Center (CGIAR) in Bangladesh,
	 Malaysia, Philippines
2003-2004	 Assistant Director General,
	 International Relations and
	 Partnerships, WorldFish
2005-present	 Advisory services to various
	 international organizations
	 (World Bank, Asian Development
	 Bank, UN Development Program,
	 US Agency for International
THE 2017
Event Time
Feburary 3, 2017, 10 am (Korea time)
Lotte World Hotel in Seoul, Korea
THE 2017
Award Theme
The 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize focused on the “global refugee crisis.” Today, as we face the largest number
of displaced persons on the global level since World War II, the international community, through
international solidarity and cooperation, must make a transnational effort to solve this refugee crisis for
the common benefit of humankind. The founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize emphasized the need for a
love for humanity that transcends divisions of religion, nationality, and race in order to create a world of
lasting peace, and they campaigned for a world where we no longer need borders because we recognize
that we are all members of one human family. It is with this critical situation and the peace vision of the
founders in mind that the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee focused on the “global refugee crisis.” as the
2017 award theme.
Candidate Nominations
From April 2016, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee started accepting nominations from among the 1,000
qualified nominators around the world and ultimately received 225 candidate recommendations from 76
The Committee held a number of meetings to review each nominated candidate’s personal background
and career information through an objective screening and evaluation process.
Laureate Selection and Public Announcement
After careful review and having arrived at a short list of the most promising candidates, the Committee
held its final selection meeting, where it was decided that the 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize would be awarded
to Italian surgeon Dr. Gino Strada and Afghan educator Dr. Sakena Yacoobi. On November 29, 2016 in
Washington D.C., the laureates were officially announced globally through a public press conference.
Gino Strada
Refugee Peace
The Hero Who Fought for
the Right to Medical Care for
Refugees and War Victims
Notable Achievements
Providing emergency aid at the frontline of conflict in Africa and the
Middle East
Dr. Gino Strada is an Italian surgeon who has been providing humanitarian relief to the victims of war
and poverty, and refugees around the world for 28 years. He began his career as a war surgeon with the
International Committee of the Red Cross (IRCR) in 1989, and in 1994, founded EMERGENCY, an
international humanitarian organization. EMERGENCY’s mandate is to provide high quality, free medical
and surgical care to the victims of war, landmines and poverty. Over the years, EMERGENCY worked in
17 countries, building and managing over 60 hospitals, medical and surgical centers, rehabilitation centers,
pediatric clinics, primary health clinics, a maternity center and a center for cardiac surgery and has saved more
than 8 million lives.
Taking the lead in protecting the dignity of human rights by
guaranteeing the right to be cured
Dr. Strada has actively promoted the value of peace, solidarity, and human rights by providing high quality,
free-of-charge medical treatment without discrimination based on the firm belief that the right to be cured is a
basic and inalienable right of all people.
In Africa, where there is little awareness of the availability of health care, his focus is on spreading the
perception that health care supports the basic human right to live like a human being and that the state should
take the lead. Through his active efforts, the governments of 11 African nations (Central African Republic,
Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and
Uganda) have signed EMERGENCY's Manifesto for a Human Rights-based Medicine (a medical declaration of
human rights) that recognizes the right of people to receive medical treatment and commits to make efforts to
provide health care services free of charge.
Leading the peace culture by promoting the abolition of war and
prohibition of production of anti-personnel landmines
Dr. Strada is engaged in the anti-war movement with a solid moral and political position that war must be
abolished on the grounds that war tramples human dignity and life. As such, it cannot be justified for any
reason. In 1997, Dr. Strada, who over decades has seen civilian casualties and human misery caused by land
mines in conflict zones, campaigned with strong determination to ban the production of mines in Italy, and
succeeded in achieving his goal in 1998. In addition, he strongly opposed and campaigned against Italy's
intervention in the war in Afghanistan in 2001, and in Iraq in 2003. In 2002, EMERGENCY organized a
massive campaign with the support of half a million people protesting against the war.
Italian Surgeon
Born April 21, 1948 in Milan, Italy
1978 Postgraduate school, specialist in
Emergency Surgery, University of Milan
Professional Background
1978-1984	 Surgeon, Institute of Emergency
	 Surgery, University of Milan (Italy)
1981	 Visiting Surgeon, Groote Schuur
	 Hospital, Capetown, South Africa.
1989-1992	 Surgeon, International Committee
	 of the Red Cross (ICRC) Hospital
	 (Pakistan, Ethiopia, Thailand,
1993	 Chief Surgeon, Berbera Hospital,
1994	 Surgeon, Koshevo Hospital,
1994-2007	 Chief Surgeon, EMERGENCY
	 Hospitals (Rwanda, North Iraq,
	 Cambodia, Afghanistan, Eritrea)
2007-Present	 Cardiac Surgeon, Salam Centre
	 for Cardiac Surgery (Khartoum,
Refugee Peace
The Mother of Refugee Education
Who Proposed a Fundamental
Solution for Refugee Resettlement
Notable Achievements
Devoting her life to Afghan refugee education
Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, the Mother of Afghan education, has been a pioneer and devoted educator of refugees
for 21 years acting with the belief that education is the key to social reconstruction even under the severe
conditions of war and occupation.
Dr. Yacoobi began educating teachers in Afghan refugee camps where they had struggled to survive after
decades of war and began to establish schools for boys and girls after the complete collapse of the education
and health systems. In 1995, the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) was established to provide systematic
refugee education and since then the institute has provided education and vocational training to 13 million
women and children. Despite the Taliban regime's ban on women's schools, AIL successfully operated more
than 80 secret underground schools and educated more than 3,000 girls without any incident.
Presenting a holistic solution for refugee resettlement
Dr. Yacoobi introduced a holistic approach to rebuilding communities destroyed by war and provided an
innovative solution to the problem of resettlement. As a comprehensive and long-term solution to problems
faced by society as a whole, this approach aims at overcoming the educational, economic, socio-cultural and
institutional constraints of refugee camps. It contributes to improving the overall quality of life and furthering
community development for Afghan refugees.
AIL is providing technical assistance to hospitals, radio stations and four private schools. Since 1996, it
has provided health education to more than 2 million women and children. As a result, infant mortality and
maternal mortality during pregnancy and childbirth were significantly reduced. AIL also provides “Love and
Forgiveness” workshops to transform the refugees who have been surrounded by social deprivation and anger
into positive leaders who can innovate in their local communities. AIL also supports the desire of the refugees
for a peaceful and fruitful life through radio broadcasts on topics of social trends, health, family success
models, human rights, literature and music. The radio broadcasts reach over a million listeners a day.
Contributing to the improvement of human rights and the status of
Muslim women
Dr. Yacoobi is committed to educating Muslim women with the belief that "to educate girls is to educate future
generations." Due to protracted conflicts and elements of Islamic culture that oppose women's education,
Afghanistan has the world's lowest literacy rate, with only 12.6% of women over 15 years of age being able
to read and write. In order to address this serious issue, Dr. Yacoobi has been aggressively persuasding and
changing the prejudices against women's education. Consequently, many women and children in Afghanistan
and Pakistan are now being educated. Dr. Yacoobi has also established a women’s university in recent years.
Afghan Women's Educator
Born March 17, 1950 in Herat, Afghanistan
1981 Master's Degree in Public Health, Loma
Linda University (California, USA)
Professional Background
1982-Present	 Established Creating Hope
	 International (CHI) in Michigan,
1982-1991	 Health Consultant
1989-1992	 D'Etre University (Michigan, USA)
1992-1995	 International Rescue Committee
	 (IRC) women's education and
	 teacher training program
1995-Present	 Founder and President of Afghan
	 Institute of Learning (AIL)
2007-Present	 Founded four Professor Sakena
	 Yacoobi Private School facilities
	 in Kabul and Herat, Afghanistan
	 (K-12), the "Professor Sakena
	 Yacoobi Private Hospital and
	 Clinic", and Radio Meraj 94.1FM
THE 2019
Event Time
Feburary 9, 2019, 10 am (Korea time)
Lotte World Hotel in Seoul, Korea
THE 2019
Award Theme
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee chose “Africa’s human rights and human development” as the theme
for the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize. Today, we are facing intensifying problems caused by global inequality.
In order for us to build an era of peace, mutual prosperity and coexistence in the 21st century, we have to
bring Africa’s development and human rights issues to the world’s consciousness and solve these issues
together as a global family. The founders especially emphasized the love of humanity that can surpass the
barriers among nations and races as the solution to world peace. They presented One Family under God as
a vision of peace early on and have led and expanded the peace movement all around the world. Based on
this vision of peace, let us all accelerate the transformation of Africa with the combined efforts and good
will of humankind.
Candidate Nominations
From February 2018, to June 2018, nominations were submitted by about 1,000 qualified nominators from
around the world. A total of 111 candidate nominations from 40 countries were received.
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee thoroughly reviewed the nominees over many discussions with
support from the Secretariat and in consultation with experts to come up with a short list of candidates.
The candidates in the short list were then reviewed again with emphasis on their activities and public
Laureate Selection and Public Announcement
At the final review discussion of the candidates, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee selected FGM (Female
Genital Mutilation) human rights activist Waris Dirie and Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, a leader
spearheading agricultural innovation and good governance in Africa, as the Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates
for 2019. The announcement of the Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates for 2019 was made at a press conference
held in Cape Town, South Africa, on November 22, 2018.
Ayodeji Adesina
Leading Africa’s Development through
Agricultural Innovation and Promotion
of Good Governance in Africa
Notable Achievements
Bringing great improvement to Africa’s food security by leading
Africa’s agricultural innovation
Dr. Adesina had a vision that in order for Africa to overcome chronic poverty in the 21st century and become
self-sufficient, African countries must transform their agricultural sectors. With this in mind, he has been
spearheading agricultural innovation for over 30 years and improved food security for millions of people
throughout the African continent.
Dr. Adesina proclaims: “Agriculture is a sector that will help diversify economies, create jobs, and eradicate
food insecurity in African countries, as well as achieving food security for the world.” Therefore, he has been
at the forefront of establishing major agricultural policies to eradicate poverty in Africa.
While working as an agricultural scientist at the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Adesina developed innovative
approaches for reaching poor farmers in the remotest areas of Africa with improved agricultural technologies.
He helped to design a model called “The Agro-Dealers Network,” which consisted of a massive rural network
of small village shops that taught modern agricultural techniques and sold seed varieties and fertilizers to
farmers. With this method, the distances travelled by farmers to find modern farm inputs declined drastically.
He passionately cooperated with international and local NGOs to reach millions of farmers, yielding significant
increases in food production across the continent.
In 2015, based on his belief that, “The greatest infrastructure to build isn’t a road or a rail or a port, but grey
matter infrastructure,” Dr. Adesina established an initiative called “African Leaders for Nutrition” with the
help of other world leaders such as Bill Gates; Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa; the late Kofi A.
Annan; and John Kuffor, the former President of Ghana. Since establishing the initiative, Dr. Adesina has
worked at the forefront of efforts to eradicate malnutrition, stunting and poverty in Africa through agriculture.
Spearheading good governance through works accelerating Africa’s
economic growth
During his services as the Vice President for Policy and Partnerships of the Alliance for a Green Revolution
in Africa (AGRA) and as Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nigeria, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina
used his political leadership and influence to build a bright future for Africa. He continues to be a leader in
bringing agricultural innovation to the African continent as a President of the African Development Bank
Dr. Adesina greatly transformed agriculture, including introducing high-yielding technologies to expand food
production, designing and implementing policies to support farmers’ access to technologies at scale, increasing
the availability of credit for millions of smallholder farmers, attracting private investments for the agricultural
sector, rooting out elements of corruption in the fertilizer industry, and assisting in the establishment of major
agricultural policies for Africa’s green revolution.
Following his beliefs, Dr. Adesina has made “using agriculture to create wealth” his core value. He has also
spearheaded good governance in Africa, ensuring inclusive growth for Africa’s economy.
Agricultural Economist, President of
African Development Bank
Born February 6, 1960, Nigeria
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue
University, USA
Professional Background
1988	 Senior Agricultural Scientist at
	 the Rockefeller Foundation,
	 New York, USA
1990-1995	 Principal Economist and
	 Coordinator of the West Africa
	 Rice Economics Task Force at the
	 West Africa Development
	 Association (WARDA)
1999-2003	 Representative for Southern
	 Africa at the Rockefeller
	 Foundation, New York, USA
2003-2008	 Associate Director for Food
	 Security at the Rockefeller
	 Foundation, New York, USA
2008-2011	 Vice President of the Alliance for
	 a Green Revolution in Africa,
	 Nairobi, Kenya
2008-2010	 President of the African
	 Association of Agricultural
2011-2015	 Minister of Agriculture and Rural
	 Development in Nigeria
2015-Present	 President of the African
	 Development Bank Group
Waris Dirie
Notable Achievements
Leading the campaign to eradicate FGM by raising worldwide
awareness of FGM as an act of violence and human rights issue
Waris Dirie is the first person to draw the world’s attention to female genital mutilation (FGM) as a human
rights issue. In addition to causing extreme pain, this practice frequently leads to death due to high blood loss
or infection. She has been leading anti-FGM campaign to eradicate the cruel practice. Through her efforts,
people around the world have started to view FGM as an act of violence.
Born into a goat-herding nomad family in Somalia, Ms. Dirie underwent female circumcision at the age of 5.
In 1997, when her career as a world-class supermodel was at its peak, she revealed her experience with FGM
as a representative of all African women who had undergone the procedure and had kept their silence. This
brave start led her to become a human rights activist to end the barbaric practice happening in Africa. She was
also appointed as the first Special Ambassador to the United Nations for the Elimination of Female Genital
Mutilation in 1997. Since then, she has been working tirelessly to end FGM.
As a result of her efforts, 15 member countries of the the African Union ratified the Maputo Protocol, Article
5 of which lists FGM as a harmful practice that must be ended. In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly
unanimously passed a resolution banning the practice of FGM and set as a goal to eliminate FGM by 2030.
This milestone saved the lives of millions of girls who were at the risk the violent practice.
Healing hearts and bodies of victims of FGM through
reconstructive surgery
Waris Dirie also works to provide reconstructive surgery and comprehensive cure for victims of FGM, who are
physically and psychologically injured by the brutal practice. In 2013, the Desert Flower Foundation partnered
with the Waldfriede Hospital in Berlin to open the first Desert Flower Center, which provides comprehensive
treatments for victims of FGM. There are currently centers operating in Paris, Berlin, Stockholm and
Amsterdam with a medical team of 120 doctors, nurses and staff. The centers provide physiological support,
reconstructive surgeries, career training, and educational materials to the victims and also provides education
in FGM reconstructive surgery to doctors and obstetricians.
Providing fundamental solutions to the eradication of FGM through
education and financial support
Waris Dirie understood that FGM is still carried out not because of tradition or culture but because of the
financial benefit the families gain from selling their daughters at a high cost. Therefore, to get to the core of the
issue, she helps victims become independent by providing basic literacy education and career education.
The Desert Flower Foundation runs a sponsorship program called “Save a Little Desert Flower,” which protects
girls in Sierra Leone and Djibouti from FGM by providing funds for education. Also, she started a pilot project
in many corners of Africa, called “Together for African Women,” aimed at providing women’s education,
career training and guaranteed income. She is also working on a project with fair-trade companies in Ethiopia
and Kenya that produce scarves and other fair-trade products to provide employment to thousands of women.
A Human Rights Activist Who
Publicized the Issue of Female Genital
Mutilation (FGM) to the World
Female Genital Mutilation Human
Rights Activist
Born 1965, Somalia (Exact birthday unknown)
Films and Books
1987	 Played a “Bond girl” in the film
	 The Living Daylights.
1997	 Wrote the book Desert Flower.
	 (Published in 65 languages & sold
	 more than 13 million copies)
1997–2003	 UN Special Human Rights Ambassador
	 for the eradication of FGM
2002	 Founded the Desert Flower Foundation
2009	 Co-produced the film Desert Flower,
	 based on her book of the same name.
THE 2020
Event Time
Feburary 5, 2020, 10 am (Korea time)
KINTEX Convention Center in Gyeonggi, Korea
THE 2020
Award Theme
The year 2020 is a very significant year for the Sunhak Peace Prize. Not only is it the year of the 4th
Award Ceremony, it is also the centenary year for the founders. For this reason, in addition to the 2020
Sunhak Peace Prize, a special Founders’ Award was presented to commemorate the 100th anniversary
of the birth of the founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. This year’s awards were presented to outstanding
individuals for their work in bringing harmony between peoples, guided by principles of interdependence,
mutual prosperity and universal values. The founders, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han
Moon, have stressed that, the barriers of religion, nationality and race can be transcended only when self-
centeredness and exclusivism are replaced by mindset that seeks harmony and sincere interaction between
peoples. Also, in international relations, the genuine pursuit of global, rather than national, interests is
necessary to attain a prosperous, peaceful world community. This year‘s awardees have demonstrated the
mindset, conviction and actions necessary to advance these goals.
Candidate Nominations
Nominations were submitted by almost 1,000 competent nominators around the world between March and
June, 2019. A total of 86 qualified candidates were nominated from 46 different countries.
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee reviewed each of the nominees in depth with support from the
Secretariat and in consultation with experts. The Committee then drew up a short list of candidates whose
activities and public work were further reviewed. Finally, the Committee selected the highly qualified
Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates for 2020.
Laureate Selection and Public Announcement
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee selected H.E. Macky Sall, President of Senegal and Bishop Munib A.
Younan, Bishop Emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, as the Sunhak
Peace Prize Laureates for 2020. In addition, to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of founder Rev. Dr.
Sun Myung Moon, it decided to present a special Founders’ Award to former UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon. The announcement of the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize laureates was made on October 5, 2019 at a
press conference in Nagoya, Japan.
Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moon
A Leader Striving for a Sustainable
Eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Chairman of the Board, Ban Ki-moon Foundation
for a Better Future
Born June 13, 1944 in Republic of Korea
Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from
Seoul National University (South Korea)
Master of Public Administration from
the John F. Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University (USA)
Professional Background
1970	 Entry into the Ministry of
	 Foreign Affairs
2004-2006	 33rd Minister of Foreign Affairs
	 and Trade, South Korea
2007-2016	 Eighth Secretary-General of
	 the United Nations
2017-Present	 Chair, International Olympic
	 Committee’s Ethics
	 Commission (IOC)
2018-Present	 Co-Chair, the Ban Ki-moon
	 Centre for Global Citizens
2018-Present	 Chair, Global Green Growth
	 Institute (GGGI)
2018-Present	 Deputy Chair of The Elders
2019-Present	 Chairman of Board, Ban Ki-moon
	 Foundation for a Better Future
2019-Present	 Chair, National Council for
	 Dealing with Particulate Matter
Successful implementation of global action on climate change through
the Paris Agreement
Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon played a pivotal role in concluding the Paris Agreement, a global
measure to counter climate change. The Paris Agreement on climate change adopted in 2015 is a revolutionary
agreement in which 197 countries committed to curbing greenhouse gas emissions within this century, with a
comprehensive long-term goal of eliminating the production of man-made greenhouse gas.
Ban displayed significant behind-the-scenes leadership, traveling all over the world to urge global leaders to
participate in the historical climate agreement whereby all nations, regardless of their economic status, can join
the battle against climate change.
Furthermore, Ban succeeded in lobbying 55 countries to put into effect the agreement within a year. His efforts
led Foreign Policy, a prominent American news publication which focuses on global affairs, to select Ban as
one of the 100 leading global thinkers of 2016.
Presentation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a master
plan for global prosperity
During the 70th Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
presented and inspired the unanimous adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, a master plan to realize
the mutual prosperity of humankind by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals set forth 17 objectives in a
comprehensive global agenda for international cooperation toward alleviating human ills including poverty,
hunger, social and economic inequality, and environmental deterioration, while advancing clean water and
energy, as well as peace and justice. Ban elicited participation and consensus from heads of state to adopt the
agenda and to foster development towards a world where no one is left behind, breaking down the distinction
between developed and developing countries.
Promotion of gender equality and human rights
Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon prioritized the advancement of human rights, especially women's
rights and gender equality, from the early days of his tenure. In 2010, Ban launched UN Women, integrating
several UN-registered women’s rights committees. He also promoted women’s rights by launching initiatives
and campaigns such as UNiTE to End Violence against Women, Stop Rape Now, Network of Men Leaders,
and Special Representatives on Sexual Violence in Conflict.
Notable Achievements
Macky Sall
Professional Background
2002	 Minister of Mining, Energy, Water,
	 Equipment and Transports
2001-2002	 Minister of Mines, Energy and
2002-2003	 Senior Minister of Mines, Energy
	 and Water
2004-2007	 Prime Minister of Senegal
2007-2008	 Speaker of Parliament of Senegal
2013	 Chair of the Heads of State and
	 Government Orientation
	 Committee (NEPAD) (African Union)
2015-2016	 Chair of ECOWAS, Head of State of
	 Government Authority
2012-Present	 4th President of Senegal
	 (re-elected in April 2019)
Fourth President of the Republic of Senegal
Born December 11, 1961 in Senegal
Institute of Earth Sciences Bachelor of Geological engineer and
Geophysics (Senegal)
Graduated from Higher National School of Petroleum and
Engines (ENSPM) (France)
Macky Sall
A Model of Good Governance
in Africa
Notable Achievements
Implemented good governance with prudent reforms, including
reducing the presidential term from seven to five years
President Macky Sall, who took office as Senegal’s fourth president in April 2012, is championing good
governance in Africa by implementing dramatic reforms. These included reducing his term of office, originally
seven years under the current constitution, to five years. For a president to shorten the presidential term is
highly unconventional in Africa, where long-term rule is more commonplace. However, on March 20, 2016,
Senegal held a comprehensive referendum on the presidential term and other state affairs. The reforms passed
with 63 percent support.
In order to modernize and stabilize democracy in Senegal, President Sall has enforced the Thirteen Reform
Measures, aimed at strengthening the rule of law and improving the governance of public affairs. He has led
the fight against corruption by establishing the National Anti-Corruption and Civil Affairs Agency and the
National Commission for the Acquisition of Illegal Assets and Restoration of Unrighteous Gains. His firm
resolve and practice of good governance is a leading force for stable democracy in West Africa.
Contributed to the economic revival of West Africa by expanding
transportation infrastructure
President Macky Sall’s top priorities are stabilizing people’s livelihoods and reviving the economy. With these
goals in mind, he has implemented a development plan called “Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE)” (first phase:
2014-2018, and second phase: 2019-2023) to stabilize Senegal’s economic growth rate at around 6 percent.
President Sall is pursuing other policies, including raising retirement pensions, providing emergency subsidies
to farmers, holding national education conferences, and revolutionizing medical insurance.
He also set up a new national airline, Air Senegal. President Sall is chairman of the National and Government
Leaders Orientation Committee of the African Union’s Development Organization (NEPAD), which is greatly
improving Africa’s transportation infrastructure by building roads, bridges, highways, and TERs (local express
trains), and the Sénégambie bridge, which will facilitate trade and cooperation between Senegal and The
Pursuing harmony on the African continent
Emphasizing dialogue as a means of resolving continental disputes, President Macky Sall is actively promoting
international conferences such as the “International Conference on Islam and Peace,” the “UPF African
Summit” and the “International Conference on the Emergence of Africa” to promote harmony among African
leaders. More than 500 religious leaders and scholars attended the 2015 International Conference on Islam and
Peace in Dakar to discuss peace building. In addition, some 1,200 political figures and religious leaders from
more than 60 countries attended the 2018 African Summit in Dakar to discuss the peaceful future of Africa.
Munib A.
Munib A. Younan
A Pioneer for Religious Harmony
Professional Background
1976-1979 	 Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran
	 Church of the Redeemer in
	 Jerusalem (ELCJHL)
1976-1997 	 Teacher & Coordinator of Christian
	 Education, ELCJHL Schools
1990-1998 	 President, Synod of the ELCJHL
1998-2004 	 President, Board of Managers,
	 International Christian Committee
	 (ICC), Jerusalem
2004-2010	 President, Fellowship of the Middle
	 East Evangelical Churches
2010-2016	 President, Evangelical Family
	 Middle East Council of Churches
2010-2017	 President, The Lutheran World
	 Federation (LWF)
2002-Present	 Chair, Local Reference Group, and
	 Founding Member of original
	 church initiative (Ecumenical
	 Accompaniment Programme for
	 Palestine and Israel, EAPPI)
Former President of the Lutheran World Federation
Born September 18, 1950 in Jerusalem
Graduated from Finnish Jürvenpü Luther Theological Seminary (Finland)
Master’s in Theology at the University of Helsinki (Finland)
Forty years of facilitating harmony between Judaism, Christianity
and Islam in the Middle East
Bishop Munib Younan has emphasized to the world that religion's role is to serve all people, regardless of their
gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief or political persuasion. In addition, during his travels around the world,
his message has been: “To achieve consensus in diversity, one must guard against religious extremism, accept
the diversity of biblical interpretations, and accept differing religious traditions.”
Born in 1950 as a Palestinian refugee in Jerusalem, Bishop Younan devoted his life to promoting dialogue
among Jews, Christians and Muslims, and inspiring them toward reconciliation. While serving as the President
of the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches from 2004 to 2010, he built an extensive network
of religious leaders of different faiths and promoted dialogue among them contributing to bringing peace to
the Middle East. He has also taken a leading role in seeking resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict as a
founding member of a coalition movement organization for Palestine and Israel. In addition, he was the first
to translate the Augsburg Confession (1530), a key Lutheran doctrinal document, into Arabic, contributing
to the promotion of understanding between Christianity and Islam. He has also published a number of books
containing messages of interreligious harmony and a call to become witnesses for peace.
Conflict resolution between Catholic and Protestant churches
Over decades, Bishop Younan has maintained a continuous dialogue with the Catholic church, with the aim of
resolving the deep-rooted conflict between Catholic and Protestant churches. As a result, in 2013, the Lutheran
World Federation and the Vatican jointly adopted a document called “From Conflict to Communion,” easing
the 500-year-old conflict. This was a historic point in reconciliation between the churches, where both sides
promised to “renew their commitment to theological dialogue and continue the journey toward unity, guided
by God’s spirit according to the will of Lord Jesus Christ.” This was done with the aim of uniting the two
churches, accepting that the Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church have the same root, and thus must work
toward reconciliation. Therefore, in 2016, Lutherans and Catholics together marked the 500th anniversary of
the Reformation, and Bishop Younan and Pope Francis signed a declaration to take a “common path.” It was
the first time in history that a pope had taken part in the anniversary of the founding of the Lutheran Church.
Together, they stated that “theological distinction entails prejudice and conflict, and degenerates into a tool
for political purposes,” and that they “reject all past and present hatred and violence expressed in the name of
religion.” Thus, they sent a strong message of religious harmony to the world.
Notable Achievements
T H E 2 0 2 0 S U N H A K PE AC E PR I Z E AWA R D C E R E MON Y
Making the World Better for
Future Generations
Just as parents love their children unconditionally, those living today
must take responsibility to ensure peace for future generations.
February 20, 2013 Proposal of the Sunhak Peace Prize by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
August 11, 2014 Sunhak Peace Prize Committee Inauguration Ceremony
June 8, 2015
2015 Laureate Announcement Press Conference
(Laureates | Anote Tong, Modadugu Gupta)
August 28, 2015 Inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony
November 23~25, 2015 Sunhak Peace Prize Inititiave India・Nepal
November 29, 2016
2017 Laureate Announcement Press Conference
(Laureates | Gino Strada, Sakena Yacoobi)
February 3, 2017 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony
November 22, 2018
2019 Laureate Announcement Press Conference
(Laureates | Akinwumi Adesina, Waris Dirie)
February 9, 2019 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony
October 5, 2019
2020 Laureate Announcement Press Conference
(Founders’ Centenary Award Laureate | Ban Ki-moon
Laureates | Macky Sall, Munib A. Younan)
February 5, 2020 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony
USA Office	 200 White Plains Road, FL1, Tarrytown, NY 10591, USA
Korea Office	 8F Dowon Bldg. 34 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 04174
Eligibility Individuals or organizations must have contributed significantly to the
promotion of the tenets of peace affirmed by the Sunhak Peace Prize.
The achievements of the individual or organization must have had
a positive impact on the realization of peace among diverse nations,
races, religions, or ideologies.
Individual candidates must still be living.
Required for
Candidate Nomination Form (fixed format)
* Download Form: www.sunhakpeaceprize.org
References on the candidate's achievements
* All submitted materials must be written in English.
Exceptions may be made depending on the situation.
Submission Period	 March 2020 – May 2021
Address	 Sunhak Peace Prize Secretariat
	 8F Dowon Bldg. 34 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 04174
	 E-mail sunhakpeaceprize@gmail.com
	 Website: www.sunhakpeaceprize.org
	 Tel +82)2-3278-5158, Fax +82)2-3278-5198
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee

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2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Introductory Brochure (Eng)

  • 1. 1 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE Making the World Better for Future Generations THE SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE FOUNDATION
  • 2. 2 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 3 The founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, have presented models for lasting peace in the fields of education, politics, arts, sciences, media and human rights, with particular focus on women, youth and the family. Rev. and Mrs. Moon see the human potential in terms of committed relationships, where each person, each family, each community and each nation exists for one another and lives for the greater good. Differences of race, religion, nationality and ideology are transcended under the vision of One Family Under God. THE FOUNDERS Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon · Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
  • 3. 4 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 5 Harmony The founders recognized conflict among religions as a serious threat to humanity and campaigned for religious harmony by creating various interreligious organizations beginning with the World Religious Peace Committee in 1968. Notably, they emphasized that in order for the United Nations to create a path to true peace, it needs to seek the wisdom of faith leaders with spiritual insight and recommended a reformation of the UN. They proposed its transformation into a bicameral system with an upper house composed of spiritual leaders and a lower house composed of political and diplomatic representatives. Understanding The founders gathered prominent religious scholars and theologians to compile World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, a 1,078-page book (published in English in 1991, and in Korean and Japanese in 1994) featuring a comparative study of the holy scriptures of the world’s major religions including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. World Scripture revealed that 73 percent of the world’s religious writings share the common themes of uncovering the fundamental truths of the universe and realizing a peaceful world through understanding the Will of the Creator. Beyond religion Beyond borders Toward one family of humankind Connections Seeing that man-made barriers resulting from self-interest impeded the realization of true peace, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon envisioned one of the largest transnational infrastructure projects in human history – the Peace Road Project. At the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in 1981, he first proposed the construction of an International Peace Highway, with the goal of connecting the entire world by road. In 2005, he proposed building the Bering Strait Bridge and Tunnel to connect Alaska and Russia. His final proposal, to build a 209~231 kilometer-long undersea Korea- Japan Tunnel, is currently in a developmental phase. Transcending ideology The founders challenged dialectical communism that denies God and religion and established the International Federation for Victory over Communism (1968) and at the height of the Cold War, launched an international campaign to defeat Communism. In 1990, they met with Soviet President and General Secretary of the Communist Party Mikhail Gorbachev, a meeting that influenced the peaceful collapse of Communism. In 1991, Rev. and Mrs. Moon inspired dialogue for peace between North and South Korea through their meeting with North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung. Wisdom From early on, the founders initiated movements in civil society to address global issues such as poverty, climate change, and inequality―challenges that are difficult for any one nation to tackle alone. The Universal Peace Federation (UPF, in General Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC, with a network of 1.2 million Ambassadors for Peace across 185 countries), founded in 2005, carries out multiple projects and initiatives, including the International Leadership Conference and World Summit series, to address and contribute to solving global problems. “Humankind is one family; a family tied together by relationships of true love. Humankind is like a tree; many family members live together. There are toddlers, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged and elderly members.” Family The founders consider the coming together of a man and woman centered on God to form an ideal family with the promise of creating new life as a holy event that carries on God’s work of Creation. They call it the “Blessing.” The first Blessing ceremony was held in Korea in 1960, and in its 60-year history, millions of couples around the world have participated. Women With the foresight that the world in the future would require the leadership of women based on their motherly love, the founders established the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP, in General Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC, with a network covering 119 countries) in 1992. Under the motto “One Global Family,” WFWP carries out humanitarian projects worldwide. Various programs under the Global Women’s Peace Network serve to restore the dignity of women by supporting networking and partnerships. Culture The founders viewed culture, arts and sports as key ingredients to building a world of peace. They established the Universal Ballet Company (one of Korea’s foremost ballet companies) and the Little Angles (a children’s traditional performing arts troupe), and hosted the World Culture and Sports Festival, and the Peace Cup (an intercontinental professional football competition). These and other cultural projects have fostered harmony among people beyond the barriers of race, religion and nationality. “Religion is like a wide river flowing toward an ideal, peaceful world. The river flows for a great distance before it reaches the wide expanse of peace. On its way, many streams flow into it. The streams cease to be streams at the point they merge with the river. From that point, they too become part of the river. In this way, they all become one.” “For thousands of years, history has seen the continuous increase of divisions. Each time a different religion was adopted or a new regime came into power, more boundaries were drawn and more wars were fought. However, there can be no boundaries in a world God created.”
  • 4. 6 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 7 PRIZE OUTLINE Biennially Peace USD 1 million (KRW 1.1 billion) Medal, Plaque Eligibility Individuals or organizations must have contributed significantly to the promotion of peace outlined in the Peace Mission affirmed by the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee. The achievements of the individual or organization must have had a positive impact on the realization of peace for people of diverse nations, races, religions, or ideologies. Nomination Nominations may be submitted from any among 1,000 qualified nominators around the world who represent a wide range of fields and areas of professional expertise, and diverse geographical, cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Qualified Individuals Recipients of international prizes, highly respected individuals Qualified Organizations International NGOs, academic associations, organizations previously awarded international prizes Review Process The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee carefully reviews the nominees with support from the Secretariat and in consultation with experts to come up with a short list of the most promising candidates. The Committee meets periodically throughout the year for this purpose. Laureate Selection and Official Announcement After careful review of the nominees on the short list, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee arrives at its final selection and makes a public announcement through the media. Frequency of Award Category Prize Awards Nomination and Selection Process OUR VISION OF PEACE AND OUR MISSION Our Vision of Peace One Family Under God The Sunhak Peace Prize was established in order to help resolve worldwide suffering, conflict, poverty and threats to the environment by promoting a comprehensive, future-oriented vision of peace. Sustainable peace in the 21st century can only be accomplished by resolving the tensions and conflicts we find across the world. This can be done by developing a global culture of mutual respect and cooperation. Based on the founders' vision of One Family under God, the Sunhak Peace Prize encourages all people to dedicate themselves to peace, choosing dialogue and cooperation over conflict and competition. The Sunhak Peace Prize honors individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to peace and human development, conflict resolution, and restoration of balance in the relationship between humanity and the natural environment. Our Mission The Sunhak Peace Prize advocates the following objectives. Poverty Relief Disease Eradication Education and Welfare Respect for Human Development Resolution of Disputes Religious Harmony Peace Among Nations Resolution of Conflict Climate Change Prevention Biodiversity Energy Innovation Ecological Conservation Sustainable Human Development Solving the problems of poverty, disease and ignorance, and respecting the human rights and dignity of every human being. Conflict Resolution Peacefully resolving conflicts between people of differing religions, races and nationalities. Ecological Conservation Finding solutions to climate change and the depletion of natural resources in order to create a sustainable balance between the natural and human worlds.
  • 5. 8 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 9 THE 2015 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY Event Time August 28, 2015, 10 am (Korea time) Location Grand Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul, Korea THE 2015 LAUREATE SELECTION PROCESS Award Theme The theme of the inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize was “The path to humanity’s future peace lies in the ocean.” The Sunhak Peace Prize is a prize established to honor the One family under God peace vision laid out by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. The two have devoted their entire lives for the peace of the human community. Especially since the early 1960’s, the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon foresaw environmental and food resource problems as crises that would threaten the peace of the future human community and pointed out that the ocean was a powerful solution. Candidate Nominations Based on this theme, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee started receiving names of candidates from the recommendation committee consisting of over 1,000 members, and ultimately received 182 candidate recommendations from 66 countries. Review Once the nomination period concluded, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee focused on screening the nominees until March of 2015. The candidate list was compressed through data research and verification process and local inspection conducted by experts within their respective fields. Laureate Selection and Public Announcement After several meetings to review the short list of candidates, the Committee ultimately decided that the inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize would be shared by the former President of the Republic of Kiribati, His Excellency Anote Tong, and Indian fisheries scientist, Dr. Modadugu V. Gupta. On June 8, 2015, at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., the inaugural laureates were officially announced globally through a public press conference.
  • 6. 10 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 11 THE 2015 LAUREATES Anote Tong Climate Peace A Global Leader Creating Peace at the Forefront of Climate Change Notable Achievements Led the international community to act on climate change His Excellency Anote Tong, former President of Kiribati, actively informed the international community about the climate crisis faced by low-lying (having lower-than-average altitudes above sea-level) Pacific small island states due to rising sea levels and led the international community to actively address this issue. President Tong played a key role in calling upon major international organizations, including the UN, to create comprehensive consultative bodies for the international community to embark on solving this problem. The Republic of Kiribati is a small island nation in the South Pacific consisting of 33 atolls and islands and has an area of 811km² and a population of 114,000. Led the protection of marine ecosystems Former President Tong has actively led campaigns to protect the marine ecosystem in the Pacific Rim as a repository of resources for future generations. In 2006, President Tong worked with Conservation International to create the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA), encompassing some of the most pristine and coral-rich waters on the planet. In 2010, it was declared the world's largest marine UNESCO World Heritage Site. Furthermore, President Tong conceived the Pacific Oceanscape framework, an unprecedented effort among 23 Pacific island nations of the Pacific Islands Forum to collaboratively and sustainably protect, manage, and sustain their ocean. Together, the nations of the Pacific Oceanscape have responsibility for nearly 10% of the world’s ocean surface (approximately 40 million km²). For Kiribati, which relies heavily on income generated from licensing commercial fishing to foreign vessels, this was a moral decision to abandon national interest for the greater good. Committed to ensuring the dignity of human rights for climate refugees Former President Tong has devoted a significant amount of his energy to defending the rights of his citizens and has contributed greatly in building awareness among the international community on the need for protection of climate refugees’ human rights. President Tong is establishing a systematic migration policy so that his country’s citizens, who will be forced to leave Kiribati within the next 30 years due to rising sea levels submerging their country, can migrate with their dignity intact. First, he worked diligently to secure funds to buy land for resettlement, purchasing 5,500 acres of land in Fiji, and is running the Migration With Dignity vocational education program so that they will not be treated as unstable refugees but as valuable members of the workforce with competitiveness and marketability. Even as hope seemed to diminish as his country’s citizens faced the possibility of losing their homes due to climate change, President Tong’s warm love for humanity shined brightly as he strove to safeguard human dignity and established various expert vocational training programs in areas such as nursing, seamanship, horticulture and gardening, and linguistics. Former President of Kiribati Born on June 11, 1952, Fanning Island, Line Islands, Kiribati Graduate of the University of Canterbury London School of Economics Professional Background 1978-1980 Project Officer, South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation (SPEC) 1983-1992 Director, Atoll Research and Development Unit, USP 1994-1996 Minister of Natural Resources Development 1996-2003 Member of Parliament (Boutokaan Te Koaua party) 2003-2007 President of the Republic of Kiribati 2007-2011 Served second term as President of the Republic of Kiribati 2012-2016 Served third term as President of the Republic of Kiribati
  • 7. 12 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 13 THE 2015 LAUREATES Modadugu Vijay Gupta Food Peace Found Alternative Solutions to the Future Food Crisis Pioneer of the Blue Revolution Notable Achievements Addressed the looming food crisis resulting from climate change Through field research and development of aquaculture methods and technologies suitable for the climate and environment of South and Southeast Asia, Dr. Modadugu V. Gupta effected an explosive increase in production known to us now as the Blue Revolution. Since the 1960’s Dr. Gupta foresaw that aquaculture, with its relatively low-cost, high-quality animal protein, could play a key role in improving nutrition for the poor. He was instrumental in significantly developing aquaculture technologies to a point where it is now considered as the solution to humanity's future food crisis. Especially from the latter part of the 1980’s in Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world, Dr. Gupta correctly identified fish species such as tilapia and silver barb, as suitable to thrive in the country's turbid and shallow waters. As a result, Bangladesh's annual fish production, which was only about 170,000 tons in 1986, when the research started, increased fourfold to more than 850,000 tons by the time Dr. Gupta retired in 2004. Since 2000, going beyond Asia, Dr. Gupta has striven to develop effective methods of aquaculture that could thrive in Africa. Miraculously brought independence and self-sufficiency to the world's poorest through the use of innovative aquaculture methods Dr. Gupta is a saint of the South and Southeast Asian poor communities who, rather than giving fish to the poor and hungry, taught them how to farm fish, cultivating a miracle of independence and self-sufficiency. In order to address the hunger and nutrition deficiency problem of the extreme poor in South and Southeast Asia, Dr. Gupta developed low-cost, high-efficiency methods of aquaculture and devoted himself to disseminating his methods while living with the poor in their environment. As a result, Dr. Gupta not only greatly improved the nutritional status of those who had been living in a vicious cycle of extreme poverty and hunger, but also instilled in them the hope for a better life. Significantly improved the social status and rights of Asian women Dr. Gupta actively spread aquaculture methods to South and Southeast Asian women of low social status, which resulted in not only increased household incomes and nutrition, but also drastically improved the social status and rights of women. He personally convinced religious leaders who were negative towards women’s participation in society that their participation in the economy would benefit all. He motivated women to be self-sufficient and educated poor women farmers on the basic skills required for aquaculture. In addition, he cooperated with local organizations so that women could receive the funding and land necessary for their economic activities. These initiatives were such a great success that now women account for a majority of the workforce in fish farming, and this has brought positive changes that have improved women’s rights and status both within the household and in the society. Indian Fisheries Scientist Born August 17, 1939. India Ph.D. in Biology, Calcutta University Professional Background 1971-1977 Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) 1977-1981 Fish Breeding Expert, Mekong Secretariat, UN-ESCAP (Lao PDR) 1981-1985 Senior Aquaculture Scientist, Mekong Secretariat, UN-ESCAP, Thailand 1986-1989 UN-FAO Fish Culture Specialist/ Officer-In-Charge (Bangladesh) 1989-1996 Senior Aquaculture Specialist/ Officer-In-Charge, WorldFish Center (CGIAR) in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Philippines 2003-2004 Assistant Director General, International Relations and Partnerships, WorldFish 2005-present Advisory services to various international organizations (World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UN Development Program, US Agency for International Development)
  • 8. 14 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 15 THE 2017 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY Event Time Feburary 3, 2017, 10 am (Korea time) Location Lotte World Hotel in Seoul, Korea THE 2017 LAUREATE SELECTION PROCESS Award Theme The 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize focused on the “global refugee crisis.” Today, as we face the largest number of displaced persons on the global level since World War II, the international community, through international solidarity and cooperation, must make a transnational effort to solve this refugee crisis for the common benefit of humankind. The founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize emphasized the need for a love for humanity that transcends divisions of religion, nationality, and race in order to create a world of lasting peace, and they campaigned for a world where we no longer need borders because we recognize that we are all members of one human family. It is with this critical situation and the peace vision of the founders in mind that the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee focused on the “global refugee crisis.” as the 2017 award theme. Candidate Nominations From April 2016, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee started accepting nominations from among the 1,000 qualified nominators around the world and ultimately received 225 candidate recommendations from 76 countries. Review The Committee held a number of meetings to review each nominated candidate’s personal background and career information through an objective screening and evaluation process. Laureate Selection and Public Announcement After careful review and having arrived at a short list of the most promising candidates, the Committee held its final selection meeting, where it was decided that the 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize would be awarded to Italian surgeon Dr. Gino Strada and Afghan educator Dr. Sakena Yacoobi. On November 29, 2016 in Washington D.C., the laureates were officially announced globally through a public press conference.
  • 9. 16 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 17 THE 2017 LAUREATES Gino Strada Refugee Peace The Hero Who Fought for the Right to Medical Care for Refugees and War Victims Notable Achievements Providing emergency aid at the frontline of conflict in Africa and the Middle East Dr. Gino Strada is an Italian surgeon who has been providing humanitarian relief to the victims of war and poverty, and refugees around the world for 28 years. He began his career as a war surgeon with the International Committee of the Red Cross (IRCR) in 1989, and in 1994, founded EMERGENCY, an international humanitarian organization. EMERGENCY’s mandate is to provide high quality, free medical and surgical care to the victims of war, landmines and poverty. Over the years, EMERGENCY worked in 17 countries, building and managing over 60 hospitals, medical and surgical centers, rehabilitation centers, pediatric clinics, primary health clinics, a maternity center and a center for cardiac surgery and has saved more than 8 million lives. Taking the lead in protecting the dignity of human rights by guaranteeing the right to be cured Dr. Strada has actively promoted the value of peace, solidarity, and human rights by providing high quality, free-of-charge medical treatment without discrimination based on the firm belief that the right to be cured is a basic and inalienable right of all people. In Africa, where there is little awareness of the availability of health care, his focus is on spreading the perception that health care supports the basic human right to live like a human being and that the state should take the lead. Through his active efforts, the governments of 11 African nations (Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda) have signed EMERGENCY's Manifesto for a Human Rights-based Medicine (a medical declaration of human rights) that recognizes the right of people to receive medical treatment and commits to make efforts to provide health care services free of charge. Leading the peace culture by promoting the abolition of war and prohibition of production of anti-personnel landmines Dr. Strada is engaged in the anti-war movement with a solid moral and political position that war must be abolished on the grounds that war tramples human dignity and life. As such, it cannot be justified for any reason. In 1997, Dr. Strada, who over decades has seen civilian casualties and human misery caused by land mines in conflict zones, campaigned with strong determination to ban the production of mines in Italy, and succeeded in achieving his goal in 1998. In addition, he strongly opposed and campaigned against Italy's intervention in the war in Afghanistan in 2001, and in Iraq in 2003. In 2002, EMERGENCY organized a massive campaign with the support of half a million people protesting against the war. Italian Surgeon Born April 21, 1948 in Milan, Italy 1978 Postgraduate school, specialist in Emergency Surgery, University of Milan Professional Background 1978-1984 Surgeon, Institute of Emergency Surgery, University of Milan (Italy) 1981 Visiting Surgeon, Groote Schuur Hospital, Capetown, South Africa. 1989-1992 Surgeon, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Hospital (Pakistan, Ethiopia, Thailand, Afghanistan) 1993 Chief Surgeon, Berbera Hospital, Somalia 1994 Surgeon, Koshevo Hospital, Bosnia-Hezegovina 1994-2007 Chief Surgeon, EMERGENCY Hospitals (Rwanda, North Iraq, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Eritrea) 2007-Present Cardiac Surgeon, Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery (Khartoum, Sudan)
  • 10. 18 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 19 THE 2017 LAUREATES Sakena Yacoobi Refugee Peace The Mother of Refugee Education Who Proposed a Fundamental Solution for Refugee Resettlement Notable Achievements Devoting her life to Afghan refugee education Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, the Mother of Afghan education, has been a pioneer and devoted educator of refugees for 21 years acting with the belief that education is the key to social reconstruction even under the severe conditions of war and occupation. Dr. Yacoobi began educating teachers in Afghan refugee camps where they had struggled to survive after decades of war and began to establish schools for boys and girls after the complete collapse of the education and health systems. In 1995, the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) was established to provide systematic refugee education and since then the institute has provided education and vocational training to 13 million women and children. Despite the Taliban regime's ban on women's schools, AIL successfully operated more than 80 secret underground schools and educated more than 3,000 girls without any incident. Presenting a holistic solution for refugee resettlement Dr. Yacoobi introduced a holistic approach to rebuilding communities destroyed by war and provided an innovative solution to the problem of resettlement. As a comprehensive and long-term solution to problems faced by society as a whole, this approach aims at overcoming the educational, economic, socio-cultural and institutional constraints of refugee camps. It contributes to improving the overall quality of life and furthering community development for Afghan refugees. AIL is providing technical assistance to hospitals, radio stations and four private schools. Since 1996, it has provided health education to more than 2 million women and children. As a result, infant mortality and maternal mortality during pregnancy and childbirth were significantly reduced. AIL also provides “Love and Forgiveness” workshops to transform the refugees who have been surrounded by social deprivation and anger into positive leaders who can innovate in their local communities. AIL also supports the desire of the refugees for a peaceful and fruitful life through radio broadcasts on topics of social trends, health, family success models, human rights, literature and music. The radio broadcasts reach over a million listeners a day. Contributing to the improvement of human rights and the status of Muslim women Dr. Yacoobi is committed to educating Muslim women with the belief that "to educate girls is to educate future generations." Due to protracted conflicts and elements of Islamic culture that oppose women's education, Afghanistan has the world's lowest literacy rate, with only 12.6% of women over 15 years of age being able to read and write. In order to address this serious issue, Dr. Yacoobi has been aggressively persuasding and changing the prejudices against women's education. Consequently, many women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan are now being educated. Dr. Yacoobi has also established a women’s university in recent years. Afghan Women's Educator Born March 17, 1950 in Herat, Afghanistan 1981 Master's Degree in Public Health, Loma Linda University (California, USA) Professional Background 1982-Present Established Creating Hope International (CHI) in Michigan, USA 1982-1991 Health Consultant 1989-1992 D'Etre University (Michigan, USA) 1992-1995 International Rescue Committee (IRC) women's education and teacher training program 1995-Present Founder and President of Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) 2007-Present Founded four Professor Sakena Yacoobi Private School facilities in Kabul and Herat, Afghanistan (K-12), the "Professor Sakena Yacoobi Private Hospital and Clinic", and Radio Meraj 94.1FM
  • 11. 20 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 21 THE 2019 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY Event Time Feburary 9, 2019, 10 am (Korea time) Location Lotte World Hotel in Seoul, Korea THE 2019 LAUREATE SELECTION PROCESS Award Theme The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee chose “Africa’s human rights and human development” as the theme for the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize. Today, we are facing intensifying problems caused by global inequality. In order for us to build an era of peace, mutual prosperity and coexistence in the 21st century, we have to bring Africa’s development and human rights issues to the world’s consciousness and solve these issues together as a global family. The founders especially emphasized the love of humanity that can surpass the barriers among nations and races as the solution to world peace. They presented One Family under God as a vision of peace early on and have led and expanded the peace movement all around the world. Based on this vision of peace, let us all accelerate the transformation of Africa with the combined efforts and good will of humankind. Candidate Nominations From February 2018, to June 2018, nominations were submitted by about 1,000 qualified nominators from around the world. A total of 111 candidate nominations from 40 countries were received. Review The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee thoroughly reviewed the nominees over many discussions with support from the Secretariat and in consultation with experts to come up with a short list of candidates. The candidates in the short list were then reviewed again with emphasis on their activities and public works. Laureate Selection and Public Announcement At the final review discussion of the candidates, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee selected FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) human rights activist Waris Dirie and Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, a leader spearheading agricultural innovation and good governance in Africa, as the Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates for 2019. The announcement of the Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates for 2019 was made at a press conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, on November 22, 2018.
  • 12. 22 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 23 THE 2019 LAUREATES Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina Leading Africa’s Development through Agricultural Innovation and Promotion of Good Governance in Africa Notable Achievements Bringing great improvement to Africa’s food security by leading Africa’s agricultural innovation Dr. Adesina had a vision that in order for Africa to overcome chronic poverty in the 21st century and become self-sufficient, African countries must transform their agricultural sectors. With this in mind, he has been spearheading agricultural innovation for over 30 years and improved food security for millions of people throughout the African continent. Dr. Adesina proclaims: “Agriculture is a sector that will help diversify economies, create jobs, and eradicate food insecurity in African countries, as well as achieving food security for the world.” Therefore, he has been at the forefront of establishing major agricultural policies to eradicate poverty in Africa. While working as an agricultural scientist at the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Adesina developed innovative approaches for reaching poor farmers in the remotest areas of Africa with improved agricultural technologies. He helped to design a model called “The Agro-Dealers Network,” which consisted of a massive rural network of small village shops that taught modern agricultural techniques and sold seed varieties and fertilizers to farmers. With this method, the distances travelled by farmers to find modern farm inputs declined drastically. He passionately cooperated with international and local NGOs to reach millions of farmers, yielding significant increases in food production across the continent. In 2015, based on his belief that, “The greatest infrastructure to build isn’t a road or a rail or a port, but grey matter infrastructure,” Dr. Adesina established an initiative called “African Leaders for Nutrition” with the help of other world leaders such as Bill Gates; Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa; the late Kofi A. Annan; and John Kuffor, the former President of Ghana. Since establishing the initiative, Dr. Adesina has worked at the forefront of efforts to eradicate malnutrition, stunting and poverty in Africa through agriculture. Spearheading good governance through works accelerating Africa’s economic growth During his services as the Vice President for Policy and Partnerships of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and as Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nigeria, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina used his political leadership and influence to build a bright future for Africa. He continues to be a leader in bringing agricultural innovation to the African continent as a President of the African Development Bank Group. Dr. Adesina greatly transformed agriculture, including introducing high-yielding technologies to expand food production, designing and implementing policies to support farmers’ access to technologies at scale, increasing the availability of credit for millions of smallholder farmers, attracting private investments for the agricultural sector, rooting out elements of corruption in the fertilizer industry, and assisting in the establishment of major agricultural policies for Africa’s green revolution. Following his beliefs, Dr. Adesina has made “using agriculture to create wealth” his core value. He has also spearheaded good governance in Africa, ensuring inclusive growth for Africa’s economy. Agricultural Economist, President of African Development Bank Born February 6, 1960, Nigeria Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University, USA Professional Background 1988 Senior Agricultural Scientist at the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA 1990-1995 Principal Economist and Coordinator of the West Africa Rice Economics Task Force at the West Africa Development Association (WARDA) 1999-2003 Representative for Southern Africa at the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA 2003-2008 Associate Director for Food Security at the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA 2008-2011 Vice President of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya 2008-2010 President of the African Association of Agricultural Economists 2011-2015 Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nigeria 2015-Present President of the African Development Bank Group
  • 13. 24 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 25 THE 2019 LAUREATES Waris Dirie Notable Achievements Leading the campaign to eradicate FGM by raising worldwide awareness of FGM as an act of violence and human rights issue Waris Dirie is the first person to draw the world’s attention to female genital mutilation (FGM) as a human rights issue. In addition to causing extreme pain, this practice frequently leads to death due to high blood loss or infection. She has been leading anti-FGM campaign to eradicate the cruel practice. Through her efforts, people around the world have started to view FGM as an act of violence. Born into a goat-herding nomad family in Somalia, Ms. Dirie underwent female circumcision at the age of 5. In 1997, when her career as a world-class supermodel was at its peak, she revealed her experience with FGM as a representative of all African women who had undergone the procedure and had kept their silence. This brave start led her to become a human rights activist to end the barbaric practice happening in Africa. She was also appointed as the first Special Ambassador to the United Nations for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in 1997. Since then, she has been working tirelessly to end FGM. As a result of her efforts, 15 member countries of the the African Union ratified the Maputo Protocol, Article 5 of which lists FGM as a harmful practice that must be ended. In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution banning the practice of FGM and set as a goal to eliminate FGM by 2030. This milestone saved the lives of millions of girls who were at the risk the violent practice. Healing hearts and bodies of victims of FGM through reconstructive surgery Waris Dirie also works to provide reconstructive surgery and comprehensive cure for victims of FGM, who are physically and psychologically injured by the brutal practice. In 2013, the Desert Flower Foundation partnered with the Waldfriede Hospital in Berlin to open the first Desert Flower Center, which provides comprehensive treatments for victims of FGM. There are currently centers operating in Paris, Berlin, Stockholm and Amsterdam with a medical team of 120 doctors, nurses and staff. The centers provide physiological support, reconstructive surgeries, career training, and educational materials to the victims and also provides education in FGM reconstructive surgery to doctors and obstetricians. Providing fundamental solutions to the eradication of FGM through education and financial support Waris Dirie understood that FGM is still carried out not because of tradition or culture but because of the financial benefit the families gain from selling their daughters at a high cost. Therefore, to get to the core of the issue, she helps victims become independent by providing basic literacy education and career education. The Desert Flower Foundation runs a sponsorship program called “Save a Little Desert Flower,” which protects girls in Sierra Leone and Djibouti from FGM by providing funds for education. Also, she started a pilot project in many corners of Africa, called “Together for African Women,” aimed at providing women’s education, career training and guaranteed income. She is also working on a project with fair-trade companies in Ethiopia and Kenya that produce scarves and other fair-trade products to provide employment to thousands of women. A Human Rights Activist Who Publicized the Issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to the World Female Genital Mutilation Human Rights Activist Born 1965, Somalia (Exact birthday unknown) Films and Books 1987 Played a “Bond girl” in the film The Living Daylights. 1997 Wrote the book Desert Flower. (Published in 65 languages & sold more than 13 million copies) 1997–2003 UN Special Human Rights Ambassador for the eradication of FGM 2002 Founded the Desert Flower Foundation 2009 Co-produced the film Desert Flower, based on her book of the same name.
  • 14. 26 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 27 THE 2020 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY Event Time Feburary 5, 2020, 10 am (Korea time) Location KINTEX Convention Center in Gyeonggi, Korea THE 2020 LAUREATE SELECTION PROCESS Award Theme The year 2020 is a very significant year for the Sunhak Peace Prize. Not only is it the year of the 4th Award Ceremony, it is also the centenary year for the founders. For this reason, in addition to the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize, a special Founders’ Award was presented to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. This year’s awards were presented to outstanding individuals for their work in bringing harmony between peoples, guided by principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. The founders, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, have stressed that, the barriers of religion, nationality and race can be transcended only when self- centeredness and exclusivism are replaced by mindset that seeks harmony and sincere interaction between peoples. Also, in international relations, the genuine pursuit of global, rather than national, interests is necessary to attain a prosperous, peaceful world community. This year‘s awardees have demonstrated the mindset, conviction and actions necessary to advance these goals. Candidate Nominations Nominations were submitted by almost 1,000 competent nominators around the world between March and June, 2019. A total of 86 qualified candidates were nominated from 46 different countries. Review The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee reviewed each of the nominees in depth with support from the Secretariat and in consultation with experts. The Committee then drew up a short list of candidates whose activities and public work were further reviewed. Finally, the Committee selected the highly qualified Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates for 2020. Laureate Selection and Public Announcement The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee selected H.E. Macky Sall, President of Senegal and Bishop Munib A. Younan, Bishop Emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, as the Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates for 2020. In addition, to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, it decided to present a special Founders’ Award to former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The announcement of the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize laureates was made on October 5, 2019 at a press conference in Nagoya, Japan.
  • 15. 28 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 29 THE 2020 FOUNDERS’ AWARD LAUREATE LAUREATES Ban Ki-moon Ban Ki-moon A Leader Striving for a Sustainable Earth Eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, Chairman of the Board, Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future Born June 13, 1944 in Republic of Korea Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Seoul National University (South Korea) Master of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (USA) Professional Background 1970 Entry into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2004-2006 33rd Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, South Korea 2007-2016 Eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations 2017-Present Chair, International Olympic Committee’s Ethics Commission (IOC) 2018-Present Co-Chair, the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens 2018-Present Chair, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) 2018-Present Deputy Chair of The Elders 2019-Present Chairman of Board, Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future 2019-Present Chair, National Council for Dealing with Particulate Matter
  • 16. 30 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 31 Successful implementation of global action on climate change through the Paris Agreement Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon played a pivotal role in concluding the Paris Agreement, a global measure to counter climate change. The Paris Agreement on climate change adopted in 2015 is a revolutionary agreement in which 197 countries committed to curbing greenhouse gas emissions within this century, with a comprehensive long-term goal of eliminating the production of man-made greenhouse gas. Ban displayed significant behind-the-scenes leadership, traveling all over the world to urge global leaders to participate in the historical climate agreement whereby all nations, regardless of their economic status, can join the battle against climate change. Furthermore, Ban succeeded in lobbying 55 countries to put into effect the agreement within a year. His efforts led Foreign Policy, a prominent American news publication which focuses on global affairs, to select Ban as one of the 100 leading global thinkers of 2016. Presentation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a master plan for global prosperity During the 70th Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon presented and inspired the unanimous adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, a master plan to realize the mutual prosperity of humankind by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals set forth 17 objectives in a comprehensive global agenda for international cooperation toward alleviating human ills including poverty, hunger, social and economic inequality, and environmental deterioration, while advancing clean water and energy, as well as peace and justice. Ban elicited participation and consensus from heads of state to adopt the agenda and to foster development towards a world where no one is left behind, breaking down the distinction between developed and developing countries. Promotion of gender equality and human rights Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon prioritized the advancement of human rights, especially women's rights and gender equality, from the early days of his tenure. In 2010, Ban launched UN Women, integrating several UN-registered women’s rights committees. He also promoted women’s rights by launching initiatives and campaigns such as UNiTE to End Violence against Women, Stop Rape Now, Network of Men Leaders, and Special Representatives on Sexual Violence in Conflict. Notable Achievements
  • 17. 32 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 33 THE 2020 LAUREATES Macky Sall Professional Background 2002 Minister of Mining, Energy, Water, Equipment and Transports 2001-2002 Minister of Mines, Energy and Water 2002-2003 Senior Minister of Mines, Energy and Water 2004-2007 Prime Minister of Senegal 2007-2008 Speaker of Parliament of Senegal 2013 Chair of the Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (NEPAD) (African Union) 2015-2016 Chair of ECOWAS, Head of State of Government Authority 2012-Present 4th President of Senegal (re-elected in April 2019) Fourth President of the Republic of Senegal Born December 11, 1961 in Senegal Institute of Earth Sciences Bachelor of Geological engineer and Geophysics (Senegal) Graduated from Higher National School of Petroleum and Engines (ENSPM) (France) Macky Sall A Model of Good Governance in Africa
  • 18. 34 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 35 Notable Achievements Implemented good governance with prudent reforms, including reducing the presidential term from seven to five years President Macky Sall, who took office as Senegal’s fourth president in April 2012, is championing good governance in Africa by implementing dramatic reforms. These included reducing his term of office, originally seven years under the current constitution, to five years. For a president to shorten the presidential term is highly unconventional in Africa, where long-term rule is more commonplace. However, on March 20, 2016, Senegal held a comprehensive referendum on the presidential term and other state affairs. The reforms passed with 63 percent support. In order to modernize and stabilize democracy in Senegal, President Sall has enforced the Thirteen Reform Measures, aimed at strengthening the rule of law and improving the governance of public affairs. He has led the fight against corruption by establishing the National Anti-Corruption and Civil Affairs Agency and the National Commission for the Acquisition of Illegal Assets and Restoration of Unrighteous Gains. His firm resolve and practice of good governance is a leading force for stable democracy in West Africa. Contributed to the economic revival of West Africa by expanding transportation infrastructure President Macky Sall’s top priorities are stabilizing people’s livelihoods and reviving the economy. With these goals in mind, he has implemented a development plan called “Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE)” (first phase: 2014-2018, and second phase: 2019-2023) to stabilize Senegal’s economic growth rate at around 6 percent. President Sall is pursuing other policies, including raising retirement pensions, providing emergency subsidies to farmers, holding national education conferences, and revolutionizing medical insurance. He also set up a new national airline, Air Senegal. President Sall is chairman of the National and Government Leaders Orientation Committee of the African Union’s Development Organization (NEPAD), which is greatly improving Africa’s transportation infrastructure by building roads, bridges, highways, and TERs (local express trains), and the Sénégambie bridge, which will facilitate trade and cooperation between Senegal and The Gambia. Pursuing harmony on the African continent Emphasizing dialogue as a means of resolving continental disputes, President Macky Sall is actively promoting international conferences such as the “International Conference on Islam and Peace,” the “UPF African Summit” and the “International Conference on the Emergence of Africa” to promote harmony among African leaders. More than 500 religious leaders and scholars attended the 2015 International Conference on Islam and Peace in Dakar to discuss peace building. In addition, some 1,200 political figures and religious leaders from more than 60 countries attended the 2018 African Summit in Dakar to discuss the peaceful future of Africa.
  • 19. 36 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 37 THE 2020 LAUREATES Munib A. Younan Munib A. Younan A Pioneer for Religious Harmony Professional Background 1976-1979 Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem (ELCJHL) 1976-1997 Teacher & Coordinator of Christian Education, ELCJHL Schools 1990-1998 President, Synod of the ELCJHL 1998-2004 President, Board of Managers, International Christian Committee (ICC), Jerusalem 2004-2010 President, Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC) 2010-2016 President, Evangelical Family Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) 2010-2017 President, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) 2002-Present Chair, Local Reference Group, and Founding Member of original church initiative (Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme for Palestine and Israel, EAPPI) Former President of the Lutheran World Federation Born September 18, 1950 in Jerusalem Graduated from Finnish Jürvenpü Luther Theological Seminary (Finland) Master’s in Theology at the University of Helsinki (Finland)
  • 20. 38 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 39 Forty years of facilitating harmony between Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Middle East Bishop Munib Younan has emphasized to the world that religion's role is to serve all people, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief or political persuasion. In addition, during his travels around the world, his message has been: “To achieve consensus in diversity, one must guard against religious extremism, accept the diversity of biblical interpretations, and accept differing religious traditions.” Born in 1950 as a Palestinian refugee in Jerusalem, Bishop Younan devoted his life to promoting dialogue among Jews, Christians and Muslims, and inspiring them toward reconciliation. While serving as the President of the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches from 2004 to 2010, he built an extensive network of religious leaders of different faiths and promoted dialogue among them contributing to bringing peace to the Middle East. He has also taken a leading role in seeking resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict as a founding member of a coalition movement organization for Palestine and Israel. In addition, he was the first to translate the Augsburg Confession (1530), a key Lutheran doctrinal document, into Arabic, contributing to the promotion of understanding between Christianity and Islam. He has also published a number of books containing messages of interreligious harmony and a call to become witnesses for peace. Conflict resolution between Catholic and Protestant churches Over decades, Bishop Younan has maintained a continuous dialogue with the Catholic church, with the aim of resolving the deep-rooted conflict between Catholic and Protestant churches. As a result, in 2013, the Lutheran World Federation and the Vatican jointly adopted a document called “From Conflict to Communion,” easing the 500-year-old conflict. This was a historic point in reconciliation between the churches, where both sides promised to “renew their commitment to theological dialogue and continue the journey toward unity, guided by God’s spirit according to the will of Lord Jesus Christ.” This was done with the aim of uniting the two churches, accepting that the Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church have the same root, and thus must work toward reconciliation. Therefore, in 2016, Lutherans and Catholics together marked the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and Bishop Younan and Pope Francis signed a declaration to take a “common path.” It was the first time in history that a pope had taken part in the anniversary of the founding of the Lutheran Church. Together, they stated that “theological distinction entails prejudice and conflict, and degenerates into a tool for political purposes,” and that they “reject all past and present hatred and violence expressed in the name of religion.” Thus, they sent a strong message of religious harmony to the world. Notable Achievements
  • 21. 40 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 41 T H E 2 0 2 0 S U N H A K PE AC E PR I Z E AWA R D C E R E MON Y
  • 22. 42 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE 43 Making the World Better for Future Generations Just as parents love their children unconditionally, those living today must take responsibility to ensure peace for future generations. February 20, 2013 Proposal of the Sunhak Peace Prize by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon August 11, 2014 Sunhak Peace Prize Committee Inauguration Ceremony June 8, 2015 2015 Laureate Announcement Press Conference (Laureates | Anote Tong, Modadugu Gupta) August 28, 2015 Inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony November 23~25, 2015 Sunhak Peace Prize Inititiave India・Nepal November 29, 2016 2017 Laureate Announcement Press Conference (Laureates | Gino Strada, Sakena Yacoobi) February 3, 2017 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony November 22, 2018 2019 Laureate Announcement Press Conference (Laureates | Akinwumi Adesina, Waris Dirie) February 9, 2019 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony October 5, 2019 2020 Laureate Announcement Press Conference (Founders’ Centenary Award Laureate | Ban Ki-moon Laureates | Macky Sall, Munib A. Younan) February 5, 2020 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony HISTORY USA Office 200 White Plains Road, FL1, Tarrytown, NY 10591, USA Korea Office 8F Dowon Bldg. 34 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 04174 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATION ANNOUNCEMENT Eligibility Individuals or organizations must have contributed significantly to the promotion of the tenets of peace affirmed by the Sunhak Peace Prize. The achievements of the individual or organization must have had a positive impact on the realization of peace among diverse nations, races, religions, or ideologies. Individual candidates must still be living. Materials Required for Submission Candidate Nomination Form (fixed format) * Download Form: www.sunhakpeaceprize.org References on the candidate's achievements * All submitted materials must be written in English. Exceptions may be made depending on the situation. Submission Period March 2020 – May 2021 Address Sunhak Peace Prize Secretariat 8F Dowon Bldg. 34 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 04174 E-mail [email protected] Website: www.sunhakpeaceprize.org Tel +82)2-3278-5158, Fax +82)2-3278-5198
  • 23. 44 SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee