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Digital Disruptors
How the Most Cutting-edge
Digital Transformation
Solutions Providers are
Reshaping Our World?
Revolu onizing Data Management to
Transform Global Industrial Success
Imad A. Syed
CEO (Middle East and APAC),
Group CIO and Board Member
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
VOL 02 | Issue 03 | 2024
The Digital Alchemists
Top Ten Trends in the
Essential Solutions for
Every Enterprise's
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024.pdf
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024.pdf
n today's dynamic digital landscape, where change is
Ithe only constant, staying ahead of the curve is crucial
for businesses of all sizes. This necessitates not just
embracing technology, but harnessing its power to
transform operations, unlock new possibilities, and deliver
exceptional customer experiences. Enter the digital
transformation solution providers – architects of change,
navigators of disruption, and the unsung heroes propelling
organizations into the future.
However, in a crowded marketplace, identifying truly
innovative players can be a daunting task. So, what defines
an "innovative" solution provider in the realm of digital
transformation? It's a complex question, but certain key
elements stand out:
~Vision Beyond Technology: It's not just about offering the
latest tech toys. True innovation stems from understanding
the unique challenges and opportunities businesses face,
and applying technology as a strategic enabler, not a
standalone solution.
~Human-Centered Design: Technology is powerful, but
without human understanding, it's devoid of impact.
Innovative solutions consider the human element –
employee experiences, customer needs, and the broader
social context – to foster meaningful change.
~A Future-Proof Lens: The digital landscape is ever-
evolving. Innovative solutions anticipate trends, embrace
emerging technologies, and are built with adaptability and
scalability in mind, ensuring relevance in the dynamic
~Collaboration at its Core: Transformation rarely happens
in silos. Leading providers foster collaboration, not just
within their teams, but also with clients, fostering open
communication and leveraging diverse perspectives to
shape impactful solutions.
~Measurable Impact: Innovation isn't a buzzword; it's
about delivering tangible results. The most innovative
solution providers go beyond showcasing features; they
demonstrate the quantifiable impact their solutions have on
business metrics, customer satisfaction, and overall
transformation journey.
Identifying these game-changers necessitates looking
beyond industry rankings and awards. It requires delving
deeper, understanding their approach, philosophy, and the
transformative impact they create. In this CIOLook India’s
exclusive edition of ‘5 Most Innovative Digital
Transformation Solution Providers in 2024,’ by
recognizing and celebrating these true innovators, we not
only acknowledge their achievements but also pave the way
for a future where digital transformation serves as a true
catalyst for progress and positive change.
Witness their engrossing tales and enjoy the joy-read!
Happy Innovation and Merry Transformation ahead.
- Gaurav PR Wankhade
Managing Editor
Beyond Transforma onal
Solu ons
Enter Creant Technologies,
the 2024 Innova on Maestro
16 24
Embrace the Future with
a Digital Transformatory –
Bedre Web Technologies
Private Limited:
Reshaping Businesses with
Cu ng-Edge Digital Solu ons
Digital Disruptors
How the Most Cutting-edge
Digital Transformation
Solutions Providers are
Reshaping Our World?
The Digital Alchemists
Top Ten Trends in the
Essential Solutions for
Every Enterprise's
Transformational Journey
Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode
Art & Design Director : Rashmi Singh
Associate Designer : Sameen Arif
Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar
Sr. Vice President : Tejaswini Whaval
Sr. Team Leader : Suraj Gadekar
Asst. Team Lead : Veena Nayak
February, 2024
Copyright © 2024 CIOLOOK India, All
rights reserved. The content and images
used in this magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without prior permission from CIOLOOK
India. Reprint rights remain solely with
For Subscription
Pooja M. Bansal
Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi
Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad
Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade
Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni
SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar
Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade
Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale
Cover Price: Rs.300/-
Nikhil Gupta,
Auxiliary DigiTech
As a trusted partner in navigating the digital landscape,
Auxiliary DigiTech redefines possibilities through
cutting-edge technology, seamless network services,
and ironclad data security.
Sunil Bedre,
Founder and Director
Praveen Govindaiah,
Founder and CEO
Dr Imad A. Syed -
(Middle East and APAC),
Group CIO,
and Board Member
Mayank Maggon,
Founder and CEO
Bedre Web
Private Limited
Creant Technologies
Pvt Ltd
PiLog Group
Bedre Web Technologies is a complete IT Services company
located in India, USA, Bahrain, Dubai and Kuwait with a
team of experts in advanced IT, web, software development,
internet marketing, and digital technologies.
Creant is a next-gen digital transformation, technology
consulting, enterprise IT and product engineering services
firm, that helps customers to become smarter, highly
productive, nimble and better at predicting the future.
PiLog is a global group of companies specializing in
Enterprise Asset Management and Cataloguing Solutions and
a leading provider of Master Data Quality solutions, solving
the Master Data Problems and content, supporting multiple
domains in various industries.
TechChefz is a new breed of innovative digital
transformation agency, redefining storytelling for an
always-on world.
5Most Innova ve
Transforma on
Solu on Providers
in 2024
Revolu onizing Data Management to
Transform Global Industrial Success
PiLog’s focus is on Data such as
Master, Meta and Real-Time Analytics
optimization and, in turn, business
processes that affect large industries.
The biggest power in the world might be that of
change. Scientists have proven that change is the
only constant. Yet it remains invisible to us in its
singularity. It is only when over a period of accumulated
time, we see the sudden transformation. The point is that
the change happening on a momentary basis could not be
seen. But when it happens in a group, it is visible. It is the
evident power of unity.
Some ancient wise people symbolized universal unity in the
circle. Wisest mathematicians believe that Pi is universally
the most powerful and transcendental number. Because Pi
reflects the correlation between a circle's circumference and
Similarly, data is the united power of datum – a piece of
single fact or information. The united power of data –
sometimes called Log – is the currency of the modern
digital era. More than generating the currency of data, the
transformational force resides in data management.
Globally, PiLog Group is revolutionizing industrial success
with its mastery of futuristic data management solutions.
PiLog has been in the master data business since 1996, with
a large international client base.
The Universal Revolutionaries
Revolutionizing data management in the last two and a half
decades, Dr Imad A. Syed, the CEO of PiLog Group
(Middle East & APAC), informs that they are a global
group of independent companies specializing in Quality
Data and Digital Governance and Analytical solutions
supporting multiple data domains in a variety of industries
all over the globe. He says, “We have many resources
operating globally, including in Africa, the Americas,
Europe, the Middle East, Asia, etc.”
The PiLog's solutions are state-of-the-art. It is focused on
creating a common business language and managing the
rules for producing high-quality, multilingual terminology
using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence technolo-
gies, and human-augmented algorithms for our customers
eager to transform their businesses digitally.
PiLog provides exclusive technical dictionaries and
industrial libraries with content repositories that are the
culmination of research, development, and execution over
the past twenty years embedded into the platform of PiLog
Data Quality HUB. “All our methodologies, processes, and
solutions are compliant with international standards for
delivering seamless systematic integration of content into
various platforms such as SAP S/4HANA®, Oracle ERP
Cloud, Maximo, MS Dynamics and more,” shares Dr Imad
Syed, adding that they have the BEST dictionary in the
form of PPO – PiLog Preferred Ontology which covers the
MRO and Services templates industry agnostic over a
couple of decades.
The Data Masters
PiLog has successfully implemented Master Data Gover-
nance solutions in the market, which are pre-tested, pre-
configured, and well-proven with industry BEST practices
offerings on-premise, cloud and hybrid models. PiLog’s
methodology, processes, tools, algorithms, programs,
approach, repositories etc., are governed as per ISO 8000,
22745, 29002, 11179, IEC 60050 (IEV) complaint. PiLog is
ISO 8000 certified master data service provider (QMDP
Certified) duly supported by ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001
accredited company.
Dr Imad Syed furthers that their vision and mission focus
on master, meta and transactional data and business process
• End to End Supply Chain Optimization.
• Optimization of Asset Life Cycle Management.
• Business partnership Evolution.
• Seamless Data Migration.
• Digital Transformation.
At the Forefront of Excellence
With its Labs and Delivery Centre in Hyderabad, the PiLog
Group has spread its range of excellence across the globe
and is counted among the leading data management
companies spanning the world with its exceedingly high-
resolution services, which has been testified by many.
Regarded as the designated CEO of 2020-21 by the Indian
Achievers Forum, Dr Imad Syed, with his exceptional team,
has facilitated the PiLog Group to be awarded the Data
Company of the Year by Indywood Excellence Awards,
By quoting Tim Berners Lee, when he said, “Data is a
precious thing and will last longer than the systems
themselves,” before founding the WWW, Dr Imad Syed
says that it sounds even more prominent today when the
world is driven by sporadic use of data in almost
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
PiLog is a global
group of
specializing in
Quality Data and
Digital Governance
and Analytical
supporting multiple
data domains in
various industries
all over the globe.
“We at the front of the data revolution have been putting
data for various businesses at its best place and have now
completed 25 magnificent years in transforming how the
business landscapes govern, maintain and manage their
data,” says Dr Imad Syed. He adds that Master Data
management is inevitable for any business today, medium
or large. PiLog Group has been impeccably meeting these
needs for business houses since its inception by the
visionary Dr Imad Syed, Group CIO and Board Member
at PiLog Group.
Achieving one more milestone, PiLog has been recognized
by Gartner in several research publications as part of the
MDM market segment, specially featured in Gartner’s
Magic Quadrants for Master Data Management Solutions
in 2021.
Creating a Common Business Language
Dr Imad Syed says, “On this prolific journey, it has been an
increasingly fulfilling experience to be leading the
organization initiatives from the front for all value manage-
ment initiatives for PiLog group development and its
esteem customers in go to market, revenue management,
innovations, profitability, product development and
corporate advisor.”
It is because of PiLog’s unparalleled approach to data
management solutions that integrate simple yet powerful
strategies for data governance, management, transformation
and analytics of complex system landscapes. With a proven
track record of excelling in operational efficiency and
effectiveness, the Group has revolutionized product and
solution development. Under Dr Imad Syed's exemplary
leadership, PiLog uses agile and sustainable frameworks
from the perspective of futuristic technology evolutions.
According to Dr Imad Syed, PiLog Group is a leading
provider of Data Management Solutions, solving the
Master, Meta, and Analytical Data challenges and pro-
cesses, supporting multiple domains in various industries.
He adds that PiLog solutions are state-of-the-art, focused on
creating a common business language and managing the
rules for creating high-quality, multilingual master data for
organizations. PiLog provides exclusive technical dictionar-
ies, libraries, repositories, and industry-proven processes
culminating research, development, and execution over the
past twenty-five years.
PiLog’s Powerful Pillar
Dr Imad Syed’s eighteen-plus years of progressive career
growth from Sr. Systems Engineer to today’s CEO Zone 3,
Group CIO and Board Member at PiLog with overall
experience spanning over Twenty years speaks volumes. He
led the organization initiatives from the front for all value
management initiatives for PiLog group development and
its esteemed customers in go-to-market, revenue manage-
ment, innovations, profitability, product development and
corporate advisor.
Dr Imad Syed is a Senior Executive, Digital Advisory, and
Visionary Leader with vast experience in conceiving and
designing business, enterprise information and data quality
HUB strategies for medium to large enterprises. His
expertise in creating simple yet powerful strategies for data
governance, management, transformation and analytics of
complex system landscapes, and his proven track record of
excelling in operational efficiency and effectiveness has
revolutionized product and solution development using
innovative frameworks that are agile and sustainable from
the perspective of futuristic technology evolutions.
He is continuously developing and executing business
strategies. Whether for GTM, Product or Operational
management or deep and diversified Value-Engineering
solutions, it has been his core strength. ‘Passionate to
nurture, build and lead high-performance teams resulting
best of both worlds in the form of Customer and Employee
experience’ is the principle that Imad Syed believed and
proven several times.
He Conceived, Designed and Built the architecture of
Enterprise solutions with state-of-the-art futuristic technolo-
gies, Cloud-based content micro-services (web services)
with subscription models.
He further Conceived and Designed the data lifecycle
management processes such as iDataAcquisition,
iDataHarmonization, iDataGovernance and iDataAnalytics
for on-premise and on-cloud enterprise solutions that can be
integrated on-demand across various platforms and
operational systems.
Forward Thinking Leadership of Innovations
Mentioning his team members, too, Dr Imad Syed says that
Innovators and Forward Thinking Leaders of the PiLog
leadership team Dr Salomon de Jager, Mr Gideon
Huisamen, and Mr Pieter Strydom made important
contributions in complementing each other’s capabilities
from time to time.
PiLog Group’s open-door policy and culture for change
have helped budding talents perform and take up leadership
roles quickly. “We always believed in change for good and
influence and promote innovations,” states Dr Imad Syed.
Key Achievements in Progression to Be reckoned
• Harmony, culture, decentralized governance, zero
roadblocks for change, ability to prove & improve
every day, non-monotonous with highly professional &
competitive business
• Dr Imad Syed’s passion for technology changes and
adoption as an early bird; building business-driven
technology excellence and Love for Data; knowledge
management; employee first notion to build strong and
long-lasting customer business transformation.
• Mission and Goals had been very simple for Dr Imad
Syed, aiming to make organizations efficient and
structured to meet dynamic business and technology
demand with TOP and BOTTOM line improved by min
20 per cent YoY and Revenue to 200 MUSD by 2024
and 1BUSD by 2030.
Key accolades which enabled overall success and
progression within the organization:
• Transforming Data Management Organization into
Digital and Business Process Transformation Organiza-
• Ability to hold a large client base for sustained and
long-term business.
• Build NextGen DATA QUALITY HUB on the latest
and greatest technology platforms.
• Innovation HUB and high-performing team manage-
• Value Management in the Delivery Process.
PiLog has been evolving products and services for the past
three decades, with a core mantra of Business and Digital
Transformation, strategized right skilling and highly
competitive products covering not limited to:
Key Products:
• DATA Quality HUB, including Data Harmonization,
Data Migration and Governance. Solution for multi-
domain master and metadata objects with impactful
PiLog Group is a
leading provider of
Data Management
Solutions, solving
the Master, Meta,
and Analytical
Data challenges
and processes,
multiple domains
in various
• tools of Industry Standards (repository, templates), ML
& AI-driven and IoT enabled.
• Business Partner Life Cycle Management (Vendors and
• Business Performance Analytics Platform (Spend and
Inventory Visibility).
• Fixed Asset and eSPIR Solution.
• Master Data and Process Maturity Assessment
Software Add On (ECA, MCA, SCMA, ALCMA).
Key Services:
• Cleansing Services covering Cleanse, Standardization,
Categorization and Enrichment of multi-domain master
• Management Consulting.
• Business Process Outsourcing (Data Management, S2P,
Category Management).
• Asset and Supply Chain Process Optimization.
• Master Data and Process Maturity Assessment
Software Add On (ECA, MCA, SCMA, ALCMA).
Key Challenges and Effective Management:
• Market Penetration across Geographies and Industry
Sectors was a major challenge addressed with revised
geographical strategies and effective partnership
• Retention of knowledge base was managed effectively
with career development plan; equal opportunities to
progress and profit sharing models.
• Adoption of evolving technologies and synchronization
of platforms to meet dynamic customer demand and
huge competition was forward-thinking product release
plans and improved customer user experience and
limited change management.
• Business plans with short-term to long-term longevity
and sustainability have helped businesses sustain in
favourable and unfavourable market conditions,
including the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
• Transformation of Employee and Customer relations to
experience better.
Four M Focus
Being an experienced leader, Dr Imad Syed opines on how
technology is transforming the industry and what advance-
ments can be expected in the future. Current and near future
market conditions will be cautious, with more and more
organizations looking at opportunities to consolidate and
optimize business and IT processes and investments.
Though it is murky for IT products and services companies
to sustain with Innovation, Automation and Right Vision
will enable IT Products, Consulting and Services Industry
to blossom…
PiLog focuses on Data such as Master, Meta and Real-Time
Analytics optimization and, in turn, business processes that
affect large industries. Most importantly, on Four M’s
(Man, Machine, Money and Material) for Extended Supply
Chain and Asset Life Cycle Management.
A Data Bank-Full Wisdom
In his advice, Dr Imad Syed says, “My two cents for
budding entrepreneurs is to follow simple commandments of
business evolution:”
• Transparent, passionate and vision-based organization
• Be front runner in adoption and Go to Market.
• Having the right set of business partners for your
organizational growth.
• Challenges and problems will make you stronger to
sustain and progress.
• Define and effectively manage value for internal and
external engagements.
• Continual Investment in Innovations.
• Create a value chain within the organization for a better
Tomorrow’s Data Quality HUB
PiLog’s short to mid and long-term business plan is derived
from controlled aggression and the ability to manage
effectively quarter by quarter meeting organizational
• Improved profitability with increased automation,
PCBs and per capita income.
• Top Line and Bottom Line Improvement above market
derivations and expectations.
• Increase market penetration across geographies with
strong partnerships, analyst collaboration and beefing
up digital marketing and sales management.
• Extend the service line and amalgamation of products
to DATA Quality HUB with modular availability to
customers to pick and choose on-premise or on cloud
• Focused Investment on Innovation Council.
Client Testimonials:
“We had good and bad times with clients on various
engagements but always gave enough insights to self-reflect
and improve… Great
Journeys…,” says Dr Imad
• Some lasting for more
than two decades
wherein revenue and
partnership had grown
• Some customers, after a
few engagements, went
into a shell. "But always
remembered and
reckoned us during need
even after decades."
• Few customers pushed
us to be recognized by
analysts and certifica-
tions to position
ourselves better.
• Few had engaged in a
partnership for product
development, co-
innovation, and even
ramp-up partnerships.
• Man of Excellence
Award. 2021-22. India's
Most Coveted Award
was presented to Dr
Imad A. Syed, Chief
Executive Officer, in
Recognition of Out-
standing Professional
Achievements and
Contribution in Nation
Achievers' Forum.
• CEOs of the Year
2021. Certificate of
Appreciation presented
to Dr Imad A. Syed,
Chief Executive Officer,
PiLog Group (Middle
East and APAC). 2021.
How the Most
Solu ons Providers are Reshaping
Our World?
www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024
he world is witnessing a digital revolution, and at
Tthe forefront are digital disruptors: innovative
companies providing cutting-edge transformation
solutions that reshape the way we live, work, and interact.
These disruptors aren't merely deploying technology; they
are wielding it as a tool to revolutionize industries, create
new possibilities, and empower individuals and businesses
Beyond Automation
While digital transformation often brings to mind
automation and efficiency gains, the impact of disruptors
goes far deeper. They are:
www.ciolookindia.com (17)
Digital Disruptors
Democratizing Innovation: Gone are the days of
technology being accessible only to large
corporations. Today, disruptors like Wix and
Squarespace enable even small businesses and
individuals to build websites and applications,
fostering a more democratized and inclusive digital
Personalizing Experiences: From AI-powered
recommendations to hyper-targeted marketing,
disruptors are tailoring experiences to individual
needs and preferences. This shift towards
individualization is enhancing customer satisfaction
and engagement across industries.
Building Human-centric Systems: While
technology fuels change, disruptors recognize the
vital role of the human element. Platforms like Slack
and Monday.com are fostering collaboration and
communication within organizations, ensuring
technology serves people, not the other way around.
Driving Sustainability: Recognizing the critical
February| 2024
need for environmental responsibility, disruptors like
EcoChoice and Cloud Carbon Footprint are helping
businesses measure and reduce their digital footprint,
promoting a more sustainable future.
Shaping the Future of Work: Remote work
platforms like Zoom and Deel are redefining the
traditional workplace, enabling flexibility and global
collaboration. This shift empowers individuals and
unlocks new talent pools for businesses.
The Disruptor Mindset
What sets these companies apart isn't just their
technology, but their mindset. They are:
Bold Experimenters: They aren't afraid to challenge
the status quo and explore uncharted territories,
embracing emerging technologies like blockchain
and metaverse experiences.
Collaborative Innovators: They understand that
innovation thrives on collaboration, fostering
partnerships and open ecosystems to integrate diverse
perspectives and expertise.
Impact-Driven Visionaries: Their focus isn't solely on
profit; they strive to create solutions that address societal
challenges, promote inclusion, and contribute to a better
Agile and Adaptable: In a rapidly evolving landscape,
these companies are nimble and responsive, constantly
learning and adapting to new trends and demands.
Human-Centered Designers: They understand that
technology must serve human needs, prioritizing user
experience, accessibility, and ethical considerations.
The Ripple Effect
The impact of digital disruptors extends far beyond
individual companies. They:
Empower New Industries: From fintech to edtech,
disruptors are creating entirely new industries and business
models, fostering innovation and economic growth.
Upskill the Workforce: As automation redefines roles,
disruptors are providing training and support for individuals
to adapt and thrive in the digital age.
Bridge the Digital Divide: By creating accessible and
affordable solutions, disruptors are bringing marginalized
communities into the digital fold, promoting equity and
Shape Global Collaboration: Enabling seamless
communication and collaboration across borders, disruptors
are fostering a more interconnected and interdependent
The Future Unfolds
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses
across industries are faced with the imperative to adapt and
innovate to stay competitive. The advent of digital
transformation has revolutionized traditional business
models, enabling organizations to leverage technology to
streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver
superior customer experiences. At the forefront of this
digital revolution are the digital disruptors – innovative
companies that are reshaping our world with cutting-edge
digital transformation solutions.
Digital disruptors are driving change across various sectors,
from retail and finance to healthcare and manufacturing.
These trailblazing companies are harnessing emerging
technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud
computing, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
to unlock new opportunities and drive unprecedented
The impact of digital disruptors extends beyond just
business operations – it is transforming entire industries and
reshaping the way we live and work. In the retail sector, for
example, digital disruptors are revolutionizing the shopping
experience through innovations such as augmented reality,
personalized recommendations, and frictionless checkout
processes. In healthcare, digital transformation solutions are
driving improvements in patient care, from remote
monitoring and telemedicine to predictive analytics and
personalized medicine.
However, digital disruption also presents its own set of
challenges, including cybersecurity threats, data privacy
concerns, and workforce reskilling requirements. To thrive
in this digital age, organizations must embrace a culture of
continuous innovation, agility, and adaptability. By
partnering with digital disruptors and embracing digital
transformation initiatives, businesses can unlock new
growth opportunities, enhance competitiveness, and future-
proof their operations in an increasingly digital world.
The digital revolution is ongoing, and disruptors are leading
the charge. As they continue to push boundaries,
experiment with new technologies, and prioritize human-
centric solutions, we can expect even more transformative
changes in the years to come. The possibilities are limitless,
and one thing is certain: the world shaped by these digital
disruptors will be a world defined by innovation,
accessibility, and positive impact.
In essence, digital disruptors are playing a pivotal role in
reshaping our world and driving the next wave of
innovation and growth. By harnessing the power of
emerging technologies and embracing digital
transformation, businesses can stay ahead of the curve,
delight customers, and thrive in today's fast-paced digital
economy. The future belongs to those who embrace change
and seize the opportunities presented by digital disruption.
www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024.pdf
Reshaping Businesses with Cu ng-Edge Digital Solu ons
Embrace the Future with a Digital Transformatory –
Bedre Web
Technologies Private Limited
n today's dynamic marketplace, staying ahead of the
Icurve is crucial. Digital transformation service
companies act as your allies in this journey, unlocking
the power of technology and innovation to unlock a myriad
of benefits:
*Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline operations, automate
tasks, and optimize workflows – do more with less.
*Elevated Customer Experiences: Gain deeper insights
into customer needs and preferences, delivering
personalized interactions and increased satisfaction.
*Sharpened Competitive Edge: Adapt quickly to market
shifts, experiment with new models, and outpace your
However, the impact goes beyond mere technological
upgrades. Digital transformation fosters a culture of
innovation and adaptability, empowering your organization
~Respond Swiftly to Market Changes: Be the first to
seize new opportunities and navigate challenges effortlessly.
~Launch Cutting-Edge Products and Services: Meet
evolving customer demands and stay ahead of the curve
with innovative solutions.
~Experiment with Confidence: Explore new business
models, test ideas, and pivot seamlessly based on real-time
In this ever-evolving digital transformation landscape,
Bedre Web Technologies Private Limited stands out as a
leading provider of innovative solutions. With a proven
track record of success and a commitment to pushing
boundaries, the company empowers businesses to thrive in
the digital age.
Sunil Bedre, the Founder and Director, is helping
businesses succeed online with cutting-edge web solutions
and digital marketing strategies to unlock their digital
transformation potential. Sunil has over eight years of
experience in the field!
Sunil said, “I’m creating digital experiences and
transforming businesses with my expertise in cloud
computing, digital marketing, business consulting, website
development, and digital transformation and uniting the
puzzle pieces of success.
I specialize in project coordination, ensuring goals are
accomplished on time and within budget, and exploring the
world one adventure at a time! From cricket to travelling
and playing musical instruments, I always look for new
ways to let my creative side shine.”
Sunil spoke in an exclusive interview with CIOLook India,
where he regaled everything about his journey since Bedre
Web Technologies’ inception in 2016. The highlights of that
discussion are given ahead:
Sir, what makes Bedre Web Technologies one of the
Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution
Providers in 2024?
It has to do with several of our distinctive traits.
*A Legacy of Innovation: Bedre Web Technologies has
been at the forefront of digital transformation for over eight
years. Our team of skilled professionals combines deep
technical expertise with a passion for understanding client
This results in customizable solutions that deliver real-
world results.
*A Comprehensive Suite of Services: At Bedre Web
Technologies, we offer a comprehensive range of services,
~Web Development & Design: Creating user-friendly and
visually appealing websites and applications that capture
attention and drive engagement.
~Mobile App Development: Building native and cross-
platform mobile apps that seamlessly integrate with existing
systems and enhance user experience.
~Cloud Solutions: Leveraging the power of cloud
computing to improve scalability, agility, and security.
~Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:
Implementing AI&ML solutions to automate tasks, gain
valuable insights, and optimize operations.
~Digital Marketing and SEO: Crafting effective digital
marketing strategies to reach target audiences and achieve
business goals.
*Partners in Progress: At Bedre Web Technologies, we
don't just provide solutions; we partner with our clients
www.ciolookindia.com (21) February| 2024
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
Our customer-centric approach sets Bedre Web
Technologies apart from other IT services companies. We
prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed our
clients' expectations. Instead of merely providing services,
we delight our customers with their offerings.
Innovation is a core value at Bedre Web Technologies. We
are driven by passion and continuously seek to introduce
technologically advanced web solutions to our clients.
We keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the
industry, ensuring that our clients receive cutting-edge
Overall, Bedre Web Technologies is a dynamic and
customer-focused IT services company with a broad range
of expertise. Our commitment to innovation and customer
satisfaction suggests that we are dedicated to delivering
high-quality solutions to our clients.
What inspired you to venture into the industry as an
innovative digital transformation company?
Various inspirational points, such as
• Market Demand.
• Technological Advancements.
• Business Growth and Expansion.
• Competitive Edge.
• Innovation and Creativity.
• Addressing Industry Challenges.
• Impact and Influence.
What USPs make you stand out as a fastest-growing
digital transformation service and solutions company?
• Expert Team.
• Tailored Solutions.
• Innovation and Technology.
• Proven Track Record.
• Seamless Integration.
• Customer-Centric Approach.
• End-to-End Services.
What were the initial challenges after venturing into the
field, and what are the challenges now? How do you
overcome them?
Common challenges that companies might face when
entering the field of digital transformation and how they can
address these challenges include Market Awareness,
Competition, building a Client Base, Skill Acquisition and
Since inception, we have
strived with our mission:
‘Quality Drives Customer
Satisfaction,’ which always
forces and motivates us to
enhance UX with the latest
and cutting-edge web
technologies, combining
usability and aesthetics.
throughout the entire journey. We take the time to
understand individual needs, challenges, and goals,
ensuring our solutions are tailored for maximum impact.
*A Commitment to Client Success: Our dedication to
client success is evident in our impressive track record. We
have a portfolio of satisfied clients across diverse industries
who have experienced significant improvements in
efficiency, productivity, and revenue growth thanks to
Bedre Web Technologies' solutions.
*Looking Beyond the Future: Bedre Web Technologies
constantly innovates and evolves. We are committed to
staying at the forefront of the digital transformation wave,
ensuring our clients remain ahead of the curve in an ever-
changing landscape.
Please describe Bedre Web Technologies in detail.
Bedre Web Technologies Pvt Ltd is a comprehensive
Digital Transformation service company with a global
presence, operating in India, USA, Bahrain, Dubai, and
Kuwait. Our team comprises experts in various fields,
including new Web development, custom software
development, Domain, Hosting servers, Digital Marketing,
Cloud Computing, Business Consulting, and IT Security
www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024
Funding and Resource Overcoming the
Challenges: Market Research and Marketing,
Niche Focus, Networking and Partnerships,
Customer-Centric Approach and Quality
Companies need to proactively identify and
address challenges throughout their journey in
the digital transformation industry. By
remaining focused, agile, and customer-
oriented, companies can navigate the initial
hurdles and thrive in the ever-evolving digital
How digital brand building will help
companies in their digital transformation
Website and branding play crucial roles in a
company's digital transformation journey.
They are essential components that can
significantly impact a company's online
presence, reputation, and success in the digital
world. Here's how website and branding can
support a company's digital transformation:
• Establishing an Online Presence.
• Enhancing Credibility and Trust.
• Showcasing Products and Services.
• Seamless User Experience.
• Lead Generation and Customer
• Brand Consistency.
• Facilitating Communication and
In conclusion, a well-designed website and a
strong branding strategy are integral to a
company's digital transformation. They form
the foundation for establishing an effective
online presence, engaging with potential
customers, showcasing products and services,
and supporting various digital marketing
efforts. By prioritizing website development
and branding during digital transformation,
companies can build a solid online identity
and gain a competitive edge in the digital
www.ciolookindia.com (23) February| 2024
n today's fast-paced digital landscape, enterprises are
Iconstantly seeking innovative solutions to navigate their
transformational journey successfully. In such a modern
business landscape, digital transformation is no longer a choice,
but a necessity. The evolution of technology and the advent of
digitalization have brought forth a plethora of opportunities and
challenges for businesses across industries.
As enterprises strive to stay competitive and relevant in this
dynamic environment, they must leverage essential solutions that
empower them to adapt, innovate, and thrive. It's the lifeblood of
organizational survival, growth, and thriving in the face of
disruptive innovation.
Navigating this complex journey requires more than just
technology; it demands strategic vision, the right tools, and a
deep understanding of emerging trends. Enter the digital
alchemists: solution providers armed with cutting-edge tools and
transformative expertise, guiding enterprises through their digital
However, with a plethora of solutions claiming to hold the key to
success, choosing the right ones can be overwhelming. That's
why we've identified top ten trends shaping the landscape of
essential solutions for every enterprise's transformational
Hyperautomation Meets Intelligence: Forget repetitive tasks;
intelligent automation powered by AI and machine learning (ML)
is taking center stage. AI and ML technologies are
revolutionizing the way enterprises operate by automating
processes, predicting outcomes, and driving data-driven decision-
making. From predictive analytics to natural language
processing, AI and ML solutions empower businesses to extract
valuable insights and drive innovation. From automating
customer service inquiries to optimizing supply chains, these
solutions streamline operations and unlock efficiency gains like
never before.
Top Ten
Trends in the Essential
Solu ons for Every
Transforma onal Journey
www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024
The Digital Alchemists
www.ciolookindia.com (25) February| 2024
Cloud Ascendency: The cloud reigns supreme, offering
agility, scalability, and unprecedented access to computing
power. Enterprises are increasingly ditching on-premise
infrastructure for cloud-based solutions, facilitating remote
work, global collaboration, and faster innovation cycles.
Cloud computing continues to be a game-changer for
enterprises, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-
With cloud-based solutions, businesses can leverage on-
demand resources, streamline operations, and enhance
collaboration across teams and geographies.
The Democratization of Data: Data is the new gold, and
democratizing access to it is crucial. It has emerged as a
valuable asset for enterprises, and analytics and BI
solutions enable businesses to unlock actionable insights
from vast amounts of data.
By harnessing the power of analytics, enterprises can make
informed decisions, optimize operations, and drive growth.
Data analytics platforms and visualization tools are
empowering every employee, not just data scientists, to
glean insights, make informed decisions, and drive data-
driven growth.
Cybersecurity Goes Beyond Protection: Gone are the
days of solely focusing on defense. Leading solutions are
adopting a proactive approach, leveraging AI and predictive
analytics to anticipate cyber threats and prevent breaches
before they happen. With the rise of cyber threats and data
breaches, cybersecurity has become a top priority for
enterprises. Robust cybersecurity solutions help businesses
safeguard their sensitive information, protect against cyber-
attacks, and ensure compliance with regulatory
Internet of Things (IoT): IoT technology is reshaping
industries by connecting devices, sensors, and machines to
the internet, enabling real-time monitoring, automation, and
optimization of processes. IoT solutions empower
enterprises to enhance efficiency, improve customer
experiences, and unlock new revenue streams.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA solutions
automate repetitive tasks and workflows, allowing
enterprises to streamline operations, reduce errors, and free
up employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. By
deploying RPA, businesses can achieve greater efficiency
and productivity across their operations.
Digital Customer Experience (CX) Solutions: In today's
digital-first world, delivering exceptional customer
experiences is paramount for enterprise success.
Digital CX solutions enable businesses to engage customers
across multiple channels, personalize interactions, and build
long-lasting relationships.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: ERP
systems integrate core business processes such as finance,
human resources, and supply chain management, providing
enterprises with a centralized platform for managing their
operations. By implementing ERP solutions, businesses can
improve efficiency, visibility, and decision-making.
Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology offers
secure and transparent transactions, making it ideal for
industries such as finance, supply chain, and healthcare. By
leveraging blockchain solutions, enterprises can enhance
trust, traceability, and security in their operations.
Digital Transformation Consulting Services: As
enterprises embark on their transformational journey, they
often seek guidance from digital transformation consulting
services. These services help businesses develop a strategic
roadmap, assess technology needs, and implement solutions
that drive tangible business outcomes.
The Road Forward
These are just a few of the many trends shaping the
landscape of essential solutions for enterprise
transformation. By embracing these trends and partnering
with the right digital alchemists, any organization can
embark on a successful journey towards a brighter, more
innovative future.
The digital alchemists of today are leveraging a diverse
array of essential solutions to drive enterprise
transformation. By embracing cloud computing, AI, data
analytics, cybersecurity, IoT, RPA, digital CX, ERP,
blockchain, and digital transformation consulting services,
businesses can navigate their transformational journey with
confidence and achieve sustainable growth in the digital
age. The key lies in adopting a holistic approach to digital
transformation and embracing solutions that empower
enterprises to innovate, adapt, and thrive in an ever-
changing business landscape.
www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024
Stay in the known.
Get in print and digital on
the 2024 Innova on Maestro
Praveen Govindaiah,
Founder and CEO
Beyond Transforma onal Solu ons: Enter
We always forget utterly predictable and conven-
tional things, fast enough even not to realize we
don’t have the memory of that memory. In the
same way, as a successful business aspirant, whenever you
think of digital transformation, you always un-remember
cookie-cutter and predictable ‘solutions.’And as you meet
today’s maestro, I bet you will forget them all in the blink
of an eye. In the vibrant orchestra of progress, where
creativity harmonizes with cutting-edge tech, a company
rises above the rest, conducting a masterpiece of innovation
– Creant Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
Creant is not just a digital transformation provider; it's a
genius. The team doesn't follow scripts; they compose
symphonies of change tailored to each client's unique
rhythm. With audacious ideas, unwavering expertise, and an
infectious passion for progress, they redefine what's
possible, reimagine success, and turn digital dreams into
dazzling realities.
Because Creant’s establishment had been grounded in the
deepest passion and aspiration for embracing ever-
advancing technological transcendence. Sharing their
trailblazing journey from its inception, Praveen
Govindaiah, Creant’s Founder and CEO, says, “Our foray
into the realm of digital transformation stemmed from a
fundamental observation: the world was rapidly evolving,
and technology was the driving force behind this evolution.
Witnessing this transformative power, we recognized an
incredible opportunity to adapt and lead the charge in
shaping this digital landscape.”
Bridging the Divide
The motivation sprouted from a desire to bridge the gap
between technological advancements and their seamless
integration into businesses. Praveen says that he and his
team of experts saw technology's immense potential to
revolutionize how companies operate, connect, and deliver
value. This vision fuelled Praveen’s passion to establish a
company of like-minded professionals dedicated to
facilitating this transformative journey for businesses across
various industries.
Praveen adds, “Our inception was rooted in a belief that
digital transformation isn't merely about adopting new
technologies; it's a holistic shift encompassing culture,
processes, and innovation.” It's about empowering organi-
zations to leverage technology as a catalyst for growth,
efficiency, and sustainability.
Thus, under Praveen’s visionary leadership, the team
embarked on this journey with a relentless pursuit of
innovation and a commitment to understanding the
evolving needs of businesses. “We aimed not just to follow
trends but to set benchmarks by envisioning possibilities
that technology could unlock for our clients,” states
As they navigated this dynamic field, challenges were
aplenty, but so were opportunities. Embracing these
challenges became their cornerstone, driving them to create
tailored solutions, cultivate expertise, and foster a culture of
adaptability and continuous learning.
“Our motivation remains unwavering—to be at the forefront
of digital transformation, driving positive change, and
enabling businesses to thrive in an increasingly tech-centric
world,” says Praveen. As they continue, this motivation acts
as team Creant’s guiding light, steering them through the
ever-evolving digital innovation landscape.
Fostering Sustained Value-Delivery
Creant has emerged as one of India's most innovative
digital transformation companies. Sharing the guiding
philosophy that has propelled their organization's success,
Praveen says the multi-pronged strategy includes:
Customer-Centric Approach: At the core of the com-
pany’s philosophy lies a relentless commitment to under-
standing and addressing the unique needs of its clients.
Praveen says they believe in partnering closely with them,
listening intently to their challenges, and co-creating
tailored solutions that drive tangible value.
Agile Innovation: Embracing agility has been pivotal. “We
thrive on adaptability, constantly evolving our strategies,
technologies, and processes to stay ahead of the curve,”
adds Praveen. This mindset allows the team to respond
swiftly to market dynamics and deliver innovative solutions
People and Expertise: Praveen furthers, “Our success is
deeply intertwined with our team's expertise and passion.”
Investing in their people, fostering a culture of continuous
learning, and encouraging creativity and collaboration are
cornerstones of their philosophy. Praveen insists that they
believe that nurturing talent translates directly into deliver-
ing exceptional solutions.
www.ciolookindia.com (29) February| 2024
5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
Holistic Harmony: The team understands that true
transformation isn't a one-note solo; it's a harmonious
orchestration of technology, strategy, and people. Creant
weaves data magic, crafts bespoke solutions, and empowers
teams to embrace change, ensuring every note lands in
perfect harmony.
Results that Resonate: Their success isn't measured in
buzzwords or platitudes but in quantifiable results.
Increased productivity, soaring profits, and brands that
resonate with hearts and minds are the melodies Creant
composes for its clients.
Beyond Technology, Humanity: “We believe technology is
the instrument, not the orchestra,” assures Praveen. At
Creant, the human touch remains the conductor, ensuring
every solution is infused with empathy, understanding, and
a deep commitment to making a positive impact.
Frontrunner in Shaping the Contours
The digital transformation landscape is continually
evolving. Accepting the fact, Praveen says that adaptability
is at the heart of their company's strategy, bolstered by the
integration of AI technologies that enable them to stay agile
and ahead of industry trends. “We've cultivated an environ-
ment that embraces AI-driven insights, utilizing sophisti-
cated algorithms to analyze market dynamics and foresee
emerging trends.”
The team undergoes continuous AI-powered learning,
leveraging machine learning models to comprehend
evolving technological landscapes and swiftly adapt their
approaches. Additionally, their strategic alliances include
collaborations with AI innovators, granting them access to
cutting-edge AI solutions.
This synergy empowers them to forecast shifts in the digital
transformation landscape, proactively tailoring and
deploying innovative AI-driven solutions for their clients.
“By harnessing AI's adaptability, we position ourselves as
frontrunners in not only predicting but shaping the future
contours of digital transformation,” says Praveen, whose
leadership style is often recognized as a driving force
behind Creant's achievements.
The Mastery of Leadership Ethos
He highlights his approach to leadership and team building
within the organization: "Drawing from our extensive
experience, my leadership style emphasizes empowerment
At Creant Technologies, we
prioritize transparency, honesty,
and accountability in all our
interactions, fostering trust
among clients, partners, and
our team.
Ethical Leadership and Integrity: “Upholding ethical
standards and integrity in every facet of our operations is
non-negotiable. We prioritize transparency, honesty, and
accountability in all our interactions, fostering trust among
clients, partners, and our team.”
Ecosystem Collaboration: Recognizing the power of
partnerships, the team actively collaborates with a diverse
ecosystem of tech innovators, industry experts, and
academia. This collaboration enriches their knowledge
base, expands their capabilities, and enables them to offer
holistic solutions.
Continuous Value Delivery: Praveen ensures they don’t
settle for one-off successes; their goal is sustained value
delivery. “We measure success by the long-term impact our
solutions create, ensuring that our clients adapt to digital
transformation and thrive in the evolving landscape.”
Above the Distinctions
According to Praveen, here's what sets them apart:
Innovation at the Core: Praveen says, “We don't chase
trends; we set them.” From pioneering AI-powered
marketing strategies to crafting immersive VR experiences,
Creant thrives on pushing boundaries and leaving competi-
tors breathless.
www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024
and collaboration. Building cohesive teams, fostering an
environment where every team member feels valued and
inspired to take ownership, has been pivotal in our
Praveen furthers that at the core of their digital transforma-
tion initiatives lies a dual commitment: optimizing opera-
tional efficiency while elevating the end-user experience.
“We achieve this equilibrium by intertwining technological
innovation with a customer-centric ethos. Our strategies
focus on leveraging automation, AI-driven processes, and
streamlined workflows to enhance operational efficiency
without compromising quality or personalization.”
Simultaneously, they prioritize understanding customers'
needs through robust analytics and feedback mechanisms.
This insight enables the team to tailor their solutions to
meet and exceed client expectations, enhancing their
experience at every touchpoint. “Moreover, our agile
methodologies allow us to iterate swiftly, ensuring that our
operations evolve with changing customer preferences.” By
harmonizing operational excellence with unwavering
attention to customer satisfaction, they consistently deliver
transformative solutions that optimise processes and create
meaningful experiences for their clients and end-users.
Tech Team Sustainability
Sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial
aspects of the modern digital industry. According to
Praveen, they are integral parts of the ethos at Creant
Technologies, reflected in their eco-friendly practices and
engagement in community initiatives. “Our commitment to
environmental responsibility complements our technologi-
cal proficiency,” assures Praveen.
In the realm of digital transformation, advancing technolo-
gies play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. Similarly, it
remains at the core of Creant’s operations, with expertise in
platforms like Liferay, IoT and AI/ML. “Leveraging such
technologies, we optimize services, enhance efficiency, and
drive innovation, positioning ourselves as leaders in the
digital age.”
The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful
organization. Ardently believing in it, Praveen ensures that
their company culture, rooted in the IT sector, focuses on
continuous growth and skill development. “We provide
ample learning opportunities, cultivate collaborative
environments, and empower employees to innovate,” he
Creating Tomorrow’s Digital Masterpiece
Praveen says his team's resilience and adaptability have
been evident when reflecting on challenges faced in the IT
industry. “Swiftly adapting to market shifts and emerging
stronger showcased our commitment to innovation and
client satisfaction.”
Looking ahead, Creant Technologies aspires to further its
impact in India's Digital transformation landscape. Praveen
concludes, “We aim to continue leading the way in techno-
logical innovation, leveraging our diversified expertise to
empower businesses across sectors and drive positive
change in society.”
Creant Technologies is not just the most innovative digital
transformation solution provider of 2024; it is the future of
transformation itself. The team is the audacious dreamers,
fearless experimenters who turn every challenge into an
opportunity to create something truly remarkable.
So, if you're ready to ditch the predictable and embrace the
extraordinary, if you're prepared to hear your digital
transformation story composed by the maestros of innova-
tion, then join the symphony – join Creant Technologies,
www.ciolookindia.com (31) February| 2024
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5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024.pdf

  • 1. Digital Disruptors How the Most Cutting-edge Digital Transformation Solutions Providers are Reshaping Our World? PiLog GROUP Revolu onizing Data Management to Transform Global Industrial Success Imad A. Syed Dr CEO (Middle East and APAC), Group CIO and Board Member 5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024 VOL 02 | Issue 03 | 2024 www.ciolookindia.com LOOK I N D I A The Digital Alchemists Top Ten Trends in the Essential Solutions for Every Enterprise's Transformational Journey
  • 5. THE GAME CHANGERS: RECOGNIZING INNOVATION IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SOLUTIONS n today's dynamic digital landscape, where change is Ithe only constant, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses of all sizes. This necessitates not just embracing technology, but harnessing its power to transform operations, unlock new possibilities, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Enter the digital transformation solution providers – architects of change, navigators of disruption, and the unsung heroes propelling organizations into the future. However, in a crowded marketplace, identifying truly innovative players can be a daunting task. So, what defines an "innovative" solution provider in the realm of digital transformation? It's a complex question, but certain key elements stand out: ~Vision Beyond Technology: It's not just about offering the latest tech toys. True innovation stems from understanding the unique challenges and opportunities businesses face, and applying technology as a strategic enabler, not a standalone solution. ~Human-Centered Design: Technology is powerful, but without human understanding, it's devoid of impact. Innovative solutions consider the human element – employee experiences, customer needs, and the broader social context – to foster meaningful change. ~A Future-Proof Lens: The digital landscape is ever- evolving. Innovative solutions anticipate trends, embrace emerging technologies, and are built with adaptability and scalability in mind, ensuring relevance in the dynamic future. ~Collaboration at its Core: Transformation rarely happens in silos. Leading providers foster collaboration, not just within their teams, but also with clients, fostering open communication and leveraging diverse perspectives to shape impactful solutions. ~Measurable Impact: Innovation isn't a buzzword; it's about delivering tangible results. The most innovative solution providers go beyond showcasing features; they demonstrate the quantifiable impact their solutions have on business metrics, customer satisfaction, and overall transformation journey. Identifying these game-changers necessitates looking beyond industry rankings and awards. It requires delving deeper, understanding their approach, philosophy, and the transformative impact they create. In this CIOLook India’s exclusive edition of ‘5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024,’ by recognizing and celebrating these true innovators, we not only acknowledge their achievements but also pave the way for a future where digital transformation serves as a true catalyst for progress and positive change. Witness their engrossing tales and enjoy the joy-read! Happy Innovation and Merry Transformation ahead. - Gaurav PR Wankhade Managing Editor
  • 7. Articles CONTENTS Beyond Transforma onal Solu ons Enter Creant Technologies, the 2024 Innova on Maestro 20 16 24 Embrace the Future with a Digital Transformatory – Bedre Web Technologies Private Limited: Reshaping Businesses with Cu ng-Edge Digital Solu ons 28 Digital Disruptors How the Most Cutting-edge Digital Transformation Solutions Providers are Reshaping Our World? The Digital Alchemists Top Ten Trends in the Essential Solutions for Every Enterprise's Transformational Journey
  • 8. CONTENT DESIGN Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode Art & Design Director : Rashmi Singh Associate Designer : Sameen Arif SALES Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar Sr. Vice President : Tejaswini Whaval Sr. Team Leader : Suraj Gadekar Asst. Team Lead : Veena Nayak TECHNICAL February, 2024 Copyright © 2024 CIOLOOK India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK India. FOLLOW US ON www.twitter.com/ciolookindia www.facebook.com/ciolookindia/ WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email [email protected] For Subscription www.ciolookindia.com CONTACT US ON Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-Chief [email protected] SME-SMO Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale Cover Price: Rs.300/- www.ciolookindia.com LOOK I N D I A
  • 9. Brief Featuring Nikhil Gupta, Founder Auxiliary DigiTech As a trusted partner in navigating the digital landscape, Auxiliary DigiTech redefines possibilities through cutting-edge technology, seamless network services, and ironclad data security. Company Sunil Bedre, Founder and Director Praveen Govindaiah, Founder and CEO Dr Imad A. Syed - CEO (Middle East and APAC), Group CIO, and Board Member Mayank Maggon, Founder and CEO Bedre Web Technologies Private Limited Creant Technologies Pvt Ltd PiLog Group TechChefz Bedre Web Technologies is a complete IT Services company located in India, USA, Bahrain, Dubai and Kuwait with a team of experts in advanced IT, web, software development, internet marketing, and digital technologies. Creant is a next-gen digital transformation, technology consulting, enterprise IT and product engineering services firm, that helps customers to become smarter, highly productive, nimble and better at predicting the future. PiLog is a global group of companies specializing in Enterprise Asset Management and Cataloguing Solutions and a leading provider of Master Data Quality solutions, solving the Master Data Problems and content, supporting multiple domains in various industries. TechChefz is a new breed of innovative digital transformation agency, redefining storytelling for an always-on world. 5Most Innova ve Digital Transforma on Solu on Providers in 2024
  • 11. PiLog GROUP Revolu onizing Data Management to Transform Global Industrial Success PiLog’s focus is on Data such as Master, Meta and Real-Time Analytics optimization and, in turn, business processes that affect large industries. C O V E R S T O R Y
  • 12. The biggest power in the world might be that of change. Scientists have proven that change is the only constant. Yet it remains invisible to us in its singularity. It is only when over a period of accumulated time, we see the sudden transformation. The point is that the change happening on a momentary basis could not be seen. But when it happens in a group, it is visible. It is the evident power of unity. Some ancient wise people symbolized universal unity in the circle. Wisest mathematicians believe that Pi is universally the most powerful and transcendental number. Because Pi reflects the correlation between a circle's circumference and diameter. Similarly, data is the united power of datum – a piece of single fact or information. The united power of data – sometimes called Log – is the currency of the modern digital era. More than generating the currency of data, the transformational force resides in data management. Globally, PiLog Group is revolutionizing industrial success with its mastery of futuristic data management solutions. PiLog has been in the master data business since 1996, with a large international client base. The Universal Revolutionaries Revolutionizing data management in the last two and a half decades, Dr Imad A. Syed, the CEO of PiLog Group (Middle East & APAC), informs that they are a global group of independent companies specializing in Quality Data and Digital Governance and Analytical solutions supporting multiple data domains in a variety of industries all over the globe. He says, “We have many resources operating globally, including in Africa, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, etc.” The PiLog's solutions are state-of-the-art. It is focused on creating a common business language and managing the rules for producing high-quality, multilingual terminology using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence technolo- gies, and human-augmented algorithms for our customers eager to transform their businesses digitally. PiLog provides exclusive technical dictionaries and industrial libraries with content repositories that are the culmination of research, development, and execution over the past twenty years embedded into the platform of PiLog Data Quality HUB. “All our methodologies, processes, and solutions are compliant with international standards for delivering seamless systematic integration of content into various platforms such as SAP S/4HANA®, Oracle ERP Cloud, Maximo, MS Dynamics and more,” shares Dr Imad Syed, adding that they have the BEST dictionary in the form of PPO – PiLog Preferred Ontology which covers the MRO and Services templates industry agnostic over a couple of decades. The Data Masters PiLog has successfully implemented Master Data Gover- nance solutions in the market, which are pre-tested, pre- configured, and well-proven with industry BEST practices offerings on-premise, cloud and hybrid models. PiLog’s methodology, processes, tools, algorithms, programs, approach, repositories etc., are governed as per ISO 8000, 22745, 29002, 11179, IEC 60050 (IEV) complaint. PiLog is ISO 8000 certified master data service provider (QMDP Certified) duly supported by ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001 accredited company. Dr Imad Syed furthers that their vision and mission focus on master, meta and transactional data and business process transformation: • End to End Supply Chain Optimization. • Optimization of Asset Life Cycle Management. • Business partnership Evolution. • Seamless Data Migration. • Digital Transformation. At the Forefront of Excellence With its Labs and Delivery Centre in Hyderabad, the PiLog Group has spread its range of excellence across the globe and is counted among the leading data management companies spanning the world with its exceedingly high- resolution services, which has been testified by many. Regarded as the designated CEO of 2020-21 by the Indian Achievers Forum, Dr Imad Syed, with his exceptional team, has facilitated the PiLog Group to be awarded the Data Company of the Year by Indywood Excellence Awards, 2017. By quoting Tim Berners Lee, when he said, “Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves,” before founding the WWW, Dr Imad Syed says that it sounds even more prominent today when the world is driven by sporadic use of data in almost everything. 5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
  • 13. PiLog is a global group of independent companies specializing in Quality Data and Digital Governance and Analytical solutions supporting multiple data domains in various industries all over the globe.
  • 14. “We at the front of the data revolution have been putting data for various businesses at its best place and have now completed 25 magnificent years in transforming how the business landscapes govern, maintain and manage their data,” says Dr Imad Syed. He adds that Master Data management is inevitable for any business today, medium or large. PiLog Group has been impeccably meeting these needs for business houses since its inception by the visionary Dr Imad Syed, Group CIO and Board Member at PiLog Group. Achieving one more milestone, PiLog has been recognized by Gartner in several research publications as part of the MDM market segment, specially featured in Gartner’s Magic Quadrants for Master Data Management Solutions in 2021. Creating a Common Business Language Dr Imad Syed says, “On this prolific journey, it has been an increasingly fulfilling experience to be leading the organization initiatives from the front for all value manage- ment initiatives for PiLog group development and its esteem customers in go to market, revenue management, innovations, profitability, product development and corporate advisor.” It is because of PiLog’s unparalleled approach to data management solutions that integrate simple yet powerful strategies for data governance, management, transformation and analytics of complex system landscapes. With a proven track record of excelling in operational efficiency and effectiveness, the Group has revolutionized product and solution development. Under Dr Imad Syed's exemplary leadership, PiLog uses agile and sustainable frameworks from the perspective of futuristic technology evolutions. According to Dr Imad Syed, PiLog Group is a leading provider of Data Management Solutions, solving the Master, Meta, and Analytical Data challenges and pro- cesses, supporting multiple domains in various industries. He adds that PiLog solutions are state-of-the-art, focused on creating a common business language and managing the rules for creating high-quality, multilingual master data for organizations. PiLog provides exclusive technical dictionar- ies, libraries, repositories, and industry-proven processes culminating research, development, and execution over the past twenty-five years. PiLog’s Powerful Pillar Dr Imad Syed’s eighteen-plus years of progressive career growth from Sr. Systems Engineer to today’s CEO Zone 3, Group CIO and Board Member at PiLog with overall experience spanning over Twenty years speaks volumes. He led the organization initiatives from the front for all value management initiatives for PiLog group development and its esteemed customers in go-to-market, revenue manage- ment, innovations, profitability, product development and corporate advisor. Dr Imad Syed is a Senior Executive, Digital Advisory, and Visionary Leader with vast experience in conceiving and designing business, enterprise information and data quality HUB strategies for medium to large enterprises. His expertise in creating simple yet powerful strategies for data governance, management, transformation and analytics of complex system landscapes, and his proven track record of excelling in operational efficiency and effectiveness has revolutionized product and solution development using innovative frameworks that are agile and sustainable from the perspective of futuristic technology evolutions. He is continuously developing and executing business strategies. Whether for GTM, Product or Operational management or deep and diversified Value-Engineering solutions, it has been his core strength. ‘Passionate to nurture, build and lead high-performance teams resulting best of both worlds in the form of Customer and Employee experience’ is the principle that Imad Syed believed and proven several times. He Conceived, Designed and Built the architecture of Enterprise solutions with state-of-the-art futuristic technolo- gies, Cloud-based content micro-services (web services) with subscription models. He further Conceived and Designed the data lifecycle management processes such as iDataAcquisition, iDataHarmonization, iDataGovernance and iDataAnalytics for on-premise and on-cloud enterprise solutions that can be integrated on-demand across various platforms and operational systems. Forward Thinking Leadership of Innovations Mentioning his team members, too, Dr Imad Syed says that Innovators and Forward Thinking Leaders of the PiLog leadership team Dr Salomon de Jager, Mr Gideon Huisamen, and Mr Pieter Strydom made important
  • 15. contributions in complementing each other’s capabilities from time to time. PiLog Group’s open-door policy and culture for change have helped budding talents perform and take up leadership roles quickly. “We always believed in change for good and influence and promote innovations,” states Dr Imad Syed. Key Achievements in Progression to Be reckoned entrepreneur: • Harmony, culture, decentralized governance, zero roadblocks for change, ability to prove & improve every day, non-monotonous with highly professional & competitive business • Dr Imad Syed’s passion for technology changes and adoption as an early bird; building business-driven technology excellence and Love for Data; knowledge management; employee first notion to build strong and long-lasting customer business transformation. • Mission and Goals had been very simple for Dr Imad Syed, aiming to make organizations efficient and structured to meet dynamic business and technology demand with TOP and BOTTOM line improved by min 20 per cent YoY and Revenue to 200 MUSD by 2024 and 1BUSD by 2030. Key accolades which enabled overall success and progression within the organization: • Transforming Data Management Organization into Digital and Business Process Transformation Organiza- tion. • Ability to hold a large client base for sustained and long-term business. • Build NextGen DATA QUALITY HUB on the latest and greatest technology platforms. • Innovation HUB and high-performing team manage- ment. • Value Management in the Delivery Process. PiLog has been evolving products and services for the past three decades, with a core mantra of Business and Digital Transformation, strategized right skilling and highly competitive products covering not limited to: Key Products: • DATA Quality HUB, including Data Harmonization, Data Migration and Governance. Solution for multi- domain master and metadata objects with impactful PiLog Group is a leading provider of Data Management Solutions, solving the Master, Meta, and Analytical Data challenges and processes, supporting multiple domains in various industries.
  • 16. • tools of Industry Standards (repository, templates), ML & AI-driven and IoT enabled. • Business Partner Life Cycle Management (Vendors and Customers). • Business Performance Analytics Platform (Spend and Inventory Visibility). • Fixed Asset and eSPIR Solution. • Master Data and Process Maturity Assessment Software Add On (ECA, MCA, SCMA, ALCMA). Key Services: • Cleansing Services covering Cleanse, Standardization, Categorization and Enrichment of multi-domain master data. • Management Consulting. • Business Process Outsourcing (Data Management, S2P, Category Management). • Asset and Supply Chain Process Optimization. • Master Data and Process Maturity Assessment Software Add On (ECA, MCA, SCMA, ALCMA). Key Challenges and Effective Management: • Market Penetration across Geographies and Industry Sectors was a major challenge addressed with revised geographical strategies and effective partnership management. • Retention of knowledge base was managed effectively with career development plan; equal opportunities to progress and profit sharing models. • Adoption of evolving technologies and synchronization of platforms to meet dynamic customer demand and huge competition was forward-thinking product release plans and improved customer user experience and limited change management. • Business plans with short-term to long-term longevity and sustainability have helped businesses sustain in favourable and unfavourable market conditions, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic. • Transformation of Employee and Customer relations to experience better. Four M Focus Being an experienced leader, Dr Imad Syed opines on how technology is transforming the industry and what advance- ments can be expected in the future. Current and near future market conditions will be cautious, with more and more organizations looking at opportunities to consolidate and optimize business and IT processes and investments. Though it is murky for IT products and services companies to sustain with Innovation, Automation and Right Vision will enable IT Products, Consulting and Services Industry to blossom… PiLog focuses on Data such as Master, Meta and Real-Time Analytics optimization and, in turn, business processes that affect large industries. Most importantly, on Four M’s (Man, Machine, Money and Material) for Extended Supply Chain and Asset Life Cycle Management. A Data Bank-Full Wisdom In his advice, Dr Imad Syed says, “My two cents for budding entrepreneurs is to follow simple commandments of business evolution:” • Transparent, passionate and vision-based organization management. • Be front runner in adoption and Go to Market. • Having the right set of business partners for your organizational growth. • Challenges and problems will make you stronger to sustain and progress. • Define and effectively manage value for internal and external engagements. • Continual Investment in Innovations. • Create a value chain within the organization for a better experience. Tomorrow’s Data Quality HUB PiLog’s short to mid and long-term business plan is derived from controlled aggression and the ability to manage effectively quarter by quarter meeting organizational objectives. • Improved profitability with increased automation, PCBs and per capita income. • Top Line and Bottom Line Improvement above market derivations and expectations. • Increase market penetration across geographies with strong partnerships, analyst collaboration and beefing up digital marketing and sales management. • Extend the service line and amalgamation of products to DATA Quality HUB with modular availability to customers to pick and choose on-premise or on cloud • Focused Investment on Innovation Council. Client Testimonials: “We had good and bad times with clients on various engagements but always gave enough insights to self-reflect
  • 17. and improve… Great Journeys…,” says Dr Imad Syed. • Some lasting for more than two decades wherein revenue and partnership had grown multifold. • Some customers, after a few engagements, went into a shell. "But always remembered and reckoned us during need even after decades." • Few customers pushed us to be recognized by analysts and certifica- tions to position ourselves better. • Few had engaged in a partnership for product development, co- innovation, and even ramp-up partnerships. Awards: • Man of Excellence Award. 2021-22. India's Most Coveted Award was presented to Dr Imad A. Syed, Chief Executive Officer, in Recognition of Out- standing Professional Achievements and Contribution in Nation Building—Indian Achievers' Forum. • CEOs of the Year 2021. Certificate of Appreciation presented to Dr Imad A. Syed, Chief Executive Officer, PiLog Group (Middle East and APAC). 2021.
  • 18. How the Most Cutting-edge Digital Transformation Solu ons Providers are Reshaping Our World? www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024 (16) he world is witnessing a digital revolution, and at Tthe forefront are digital disruptors: innovative companies providing cutting-edge transformation solutions that reshape the way we live, work, and interact. These disruptors aren't merely deploying technology; they are wielding it as a tool to revolutionize industries, create new possibilities, and empower individuals and businesses alike. Beyond Automation While digital transformation often brings to mind automation and efficiency gains, the impact of disruptors goes far deeper. They are:
  • 19. www.ciolookindia.com (17) Digital Disruptors Democratizing Innovation: Gone are the days of technology being accessible only to large corporations. Today, disruptors like Wix and Squarespace enable even small businesses and individuals to build websites and applications, fostering a more democratized and inclusive digital landscape. Personalizing Experiences: From AI-powered recommendations to hyper-targeted marketing, disruptors are tailoring experiences to individual needs and preferences. This shift towards individualization is enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement across industries. Building Human-centric Systems: While technology fuels change, disruptors recognize the vital role of the human element. Platforms like Slack and Monday.com are fostering collaboration and communication within organizations, ensuring technology serves people, not the other way around. Driving Sustainability: Recognizing the critical February| 2024 need for environmental responsibility, disruptors like EcoChoice and Cloud Carbon Footprint are helping businesses measure and reduce their digital footprint, promoting a more sustainable future. Shaping the Future of Work: Remote work platforms like Zoom and Deel are redefining the traditional workplace, enabling flexibility and global collaboration. This shift empowers individuals and unlocks new talent pools for businesses. The Disruptor Mindset What sets these companies apart isn't just their technology, but their mindset. They are: Bold Experimenters: They aren't afraid to challenge the status quo and explore uncharted territories, embracing emerging technologies like blockchain and metaverse experiences. Collaborative Innovators: They understand that innovation thrives on collaboration, fostering
  • 20. partnerships and open ecosystems to integrate diverse perspectives and expertise. Impact-Driven Visionaries: Their focus isn't solely on profit; they strive to create solutions that address societal challenges, promote inclusion, and contribute to a better future. Agile and Adaptable: In a rapidly evolving landscape, these companies are nimble and responsive, constantly learning and adapting to new trends and demands. Human-Centered Designers: They understand that technology must serve human needs, prioritizing user experience, accessibility, and ethical considerations. The Ripple Effect The impact of digital disruptors extends far beyond individual companies. They: Empower New Industries: From fintech to edtech, disruptors are creating entirely new industries and business models, fostering innovation and economic growth. Upskill the Workforce: As automation redefines roles, disruptors are providing training and support for individuals to adapt and thrive in the digital age. Bridge the Digital Divide: By creating accessible and affordable solutions, disruptors are bringing marginalized communities into the digital fold, promoting equity and inclusion. Shape Global Collaboration: Enabling seamless communication and collaboration across borders, disruptors are fostering a more interconnected and interdependent world. The Future Unfolds In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses across industries are faced with the imperative to adapt and innovate to stay competitive. The advent of digital transformation has revolutionized traditional business models, enabling organizations to leverage technology to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver superior customer experiences. At the forefront of this digital revolution are the digital disruptors – innovative companies that are reshaping our world with cutting-edge digital transformation solutions. Digital disruptors are driving change across various sectors, from retail and finance to healthcare and manufacturing. These trailblazing companies are harnessing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to unlock new opportunities and drive unprecedented growth. The impact of digital disruptors extends beyond just business operations – it is transforming entire industries and reshaping the way we live and work. In the retail sector, for example, digital disruptors are revolutionizing the shopping experience through innovations such as augmented reality, personalized recommendations, and frictionless checkout processes. In healthcare, digital transformation solutions are driving improvements in patient care, from remote monitoring and telemedicine to predictive analytics and personalized medicine. However, digital disruption also presents its own set of challenges, including cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, and workforce reskilling requirements. To thrive in this digital age, organizations must embrace a culture of continuous innovation, agility, and adaptability. By partnering with digital disruptors and embracing digital transformation initiatives, businesses can unlock new growth opportunities, enhance competitiveness, and future- proof their operations in an increasingly digital world. The digital revolution is ongoing, and disruptors are leading the charge. As they continue to push boundaries, experiment with new technologies, and prioritize human- centric solutions, we can expect even more transformative changes in the years to come. The possibilities are limitless, and one thing is certain: the world shaped by these digital disruptors will be a world defined by innovation, accessibility, and positive impact. In essence, digital disruptors are playing a pivotal role in reshaping our world and driving the next wave of innovation and growth. By harnessing the power of emerging technologies and embracing digital transformation, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, delight customers, and thrive in today's fast-paced digital economy. The future belongs to those who embrace change and seize the opportunities presented by digital disruption. www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024 (18)
  • 22. Reshaping Businesses with Cu ng-Edge Digital Solu ons Sunil Bedre, Founder and Director Embrace the Future with a Digital Transformatory – Bedre Web Technologies Private Limited
  • 23. n today's dynamic marketplace, staying ahead of the Icurve is crucial. Digital transformation service companies act as your allies in this journey, unlocking the power of technology and innovation to unlock a myriad of benefits: *Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline operations, automate tasks, and optimize workflows – do more with less. *Elevated Customer Experiences: Gain deeper insights into customer needs and preferences, delivering personalized interactions and increased satisfaction. *Sharpened Competitive Edge: Adapt quickly to market shifts, experiment with new models, and outpace your competition. However, the impact goes beyond mere technological upgrades. Digital transformation fosters a culture of innovation and adaptability, empowering your organization to: ~Respond Swiftly to Market Changes: Be the first to seize new opportunities and navigate challenges effortlessly. ~Launch Cutting-Edge Products and Services: Meet evolving customer demands and stay ahead of the curve with innovative solutions. ~Experiment with Confidence: Explore new business models, test ideas, and pivot seamlessly based on real-time data. In this ever-evolving digital transformation landscape, Bedre Web Technologies Private Limited stands out as a leading provider of innovative solutions. With a proven track record of success and a commitment to pushing boundaries, the company empowers businesses to thrive in the digital age. Sunil Bedre, the Founder and Director, is helping businesses succeed online with cutting-edge web solutions and digital marketing strategies to unlock their digital transformation potential. Sunil has over eight years of experience in the field! Sunil said, “I’m creating digital experiences and transforming businesses with my expertise in cloud computing, digital marketing, business consulting, website development, and digital transformation and uniting the puzzle pieces of success. I specialize in project coordination, ensuring goals are accomplished on time and within budget, and exploring the world one adventure at a time! From cricket to travelling and playing musical instruments, I always look for new ways to let my creative side shine.” Sunil spoke in an exclusive interview with CIOLook India, where he regaled everything about his journey since Bedre Web Technologies’ inception in 2016. The highlights of that discussion are given ahead: Sir, what makes Bedre Web Technologies one of the Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024? It has to do with several of our distinctive traits. *A Legacy of Innovation: Bedre Web Technologies has been at the forefront of digital transformation for over eight years. Our team of skilled professionals combines deep technical expertise with a passion for understanding client needs. This results in customizable solutions that deliver real- world results. *A Comprehensive Suite of Services: At Bedre Web Technologies, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including: ~Web Development & Design: Creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites and applications that capture attention and drive engagement. ~Mobile App Development: Building native and cross- platform mobile apps that seamlessly integrate with existing systems and enhance user experience. ~Cloud Solutions: Leveraging the power of cloud computing to improve scalability, agility, and security. ~Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Implementing AI&ML solutions to automate tasks, gain valuable insights, and optimize operations. ~Digital Marketing and SEO: Crafting effective digital marketing strategies to reach target audiences and achieve business goals. *Partners in Progress: At Bedre Web Technologies, we don't just provide solutions; we partner with our clients www.ciolookindia.com (21) February| 2024 5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
  • 24. Our customer-centric approach sets Bedre Web Technologies apart from other IT services companies. We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed our clients' expectations. Instead of merely providing services, we delight our customers with their offerings. Innovation is a core value at Bedre Web Technologies. We are driven by passion and continuously seek to introduce technologically advanced web solutions to our clients. We keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the industry, ensuring that our clients receive cutting-edge services. Overall, Bedre Web Technologies is a dynamic and customer-focused IT services company with a broad range of expertise. Our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction suggests that we are dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions to our clients. What inspired you to venture into the industry as an innovative digital transformation company? Various inspirational points, such as • Market Demand. • Technological Advancements. • Business Growth and Expansion. • Competitive Edge. • Innovation and Creativity. • Addressing Industry Challenges. • Impact and Influence. What USPs make you stand out as a fastest-growing digital transformation service and solutions company? • Expert Team. • Tailored Solutions. • Innovation and Technology. • Proven Track Record. • Seamless Integration. • Customer-Centric Approach. • End-to-End Services. What were the initial challenges after venturing into the field, and what are the challenges now? How do you overcome them? Common challenges that companies might face when entering the field of digital transformation and how they can address these challenges include Market Awareness, Competition, building a Client Base, Skill Acquisition and Since inception, we have strived with our mission: ‘Quality Drives Customer Satisfaction,’ which always forces and motivates us to enhance UX with the latest and cutting-edge web technologies, combining usability and aesthetics. throughout the entire journey. We take the time to understand individual needs, challenges, and goals, ensuring our solutions are tailored for maximum impact. *A Commitment to Client Success: Our dedication to client success is evident in our impressive track record. We have a portfolio of satisfied clients across diverse industries who have experienced significant improvements in efficiency, productivity, and revenue growth thanks to Bedre Web Technologies' solutions. *Looking Beyond the Future: Bedre Web Technologies constantly innovates and evolves. We are committed to staying at the forefront of the digital transformation wave, ensuring our clients remain ahead of the curve in an ever- changing landscape. Please describe Bedre Web Technologies in detail. Bedre Web Technologies Pvt Ltd is a comprehensive Digital Transformation service company with a global presence, operating in India, USA, Bahrain, Dubai, and Kuwait. Our team comprises experts in various fields, including new Web development, custom software development, Domain, Hosting servers, Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Business Consulting, and IT Security Services. www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024 (22)
  • 25. Funding and Resource Overcoming the Challenges: Market Research and Marketing, Niche Focus, Networking and Partnerships, Customer-Centric Approach and Quality Delivery: Companies need to proactively identify and address challenges throughout their journey in the digital transformation industry. By remaining focused, agile, and customer- oriented, companies can navigate the initial hurdles and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. How digital brand building will help companies in their digital transformation drive? Website and branding play crucial roles in a company's digital transformation journey. They are essential components that can significantly impact a company's online presence, reputation, and success in the digital world. Here's how website and branding can support a company's digital transformation: • Establishing an Online Presence. • Enhancing Credibility and Trust. • Showcasing Products and Services. • Seamless User Experience. • Lead Generation and Customer Acquisition. • Brand Consistency. • Facilitating Communication and Engagement. In conclusion, a well-designed website and a strong branding strategy are integral to a company's digital transformation. They form the foundation for establishing an effective online presence, engaging with potential customers, showcasing products and services, and supporting various digital marketing efforts. By prioritizing website development and branding during digital transformation, companies can build a solid online identity and gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape. www.ciolookindia.com (23) February| 2024
  • 26. n today's fast-paced digital landscape, enterprises are Iconstantly seeking innovative solutions to navigate their transformational journey successfully. In such a modern business landscape, digital transformation is no longer a choice, but a necessity. The evolution of technology and the advent of digitalization have brought forth a plethora of opportunities and challenges for businesses across industries. As enterprises strive to stay competitive and relevant in this dynamic environment, they must leverage essential solutions that empower them to adapt, innovate, and thrive. It's the lifeblood of organizational survival, growth, and thriving in the face of disruptive innovation. Navigating this complex journey requires more than just technology; it demands strategic vision, the right tools, and a deep understanding of emerging trends. Enter the digital alchemists: solution providers armed with cutting-edge tools and transformative expertise, guiding enterprises through their digital metamorphosis. However, with a plethora of solutions claiming to hold the key to success, choosing the right ones can be overwhelming. That's why we've identified top ten trends shaping the landscape of essential solutions for every enterprise's transformational journey: Hyperautomation Meets Intelligence: Forget repetitive tasks; intelligent automation powered by AI and machine learning (ML) is taking center stage. AI and ML technologies are revolutionizing the way enterprises operate by automating processes, predicting outcomes, and driving data-driven decision- making. From predictive analytics to natural language processing, AI and ML solutions empower businesses to extract valuable insights and drive innovation. From automating customer service inquiries to optimizing supply chains, these solutions streamline operations and unlock efficiency gains like never before. Top Ten Trends in the Essential Solu ons for Every Enterprise's Transforma onal Journey www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024 (24)
  • 28. Cloud Ascendency: The cloud reigns supreme, offering agility, scalability, and unprecedented access to computing power. Enterprises are increasingly ditching on-premise infrastructure for cloud-based solutions, facilitating remote work, global collaboration, and faster innovation cycles. Cloud computing continues to be a game-changer for enterprises, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost- efficiency. With cloud-based solutions, businesses can leverage on- demand resources, streamline operations, and enhance collaboration across teams and geographies. The Democratization of Data: Data is the new gold, and democratizing access to it is crucial. It has emerged as a valuable asset for enterprises, and analytics and BI solutions enable businesses to unlock actionable insights from vast amounts of data. By harnessing the power of analytics, enterprises can make informed decisions, optimize operations, and drive growth. Data analytics platforms and visualization tools are empowering every employee, not just data scientists, to glean insights, make informed decisions, and drive data- driven growth. Cybersecurity Goes Beyond Protection: Gone are the days of solely focusing on defense. Leading solutions are adopting a proactive approach, leveraging AI and predictive analytics to anticipate cyber threats and prevent breaches before they happen. With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, cybersecurity has become a top priority for enterprises. Robust cybersecurity solutions help businesses safeguard their sensitive information, protect against cyber- attacks, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT technology is reshaping industries by connecting devices, sensors, and machines to the internet, enabling real-time monitoring, automation, and optimization of processes. IoT solutions empower enterprises to enhance efficiency, improve customer experiences, and unlock new revenue streams. Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA solutions automate repetitive tasks and workflows, allowing enterprises to streamline operations, reduce errors, and free up employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. By deploying RPA, businesses can achieve greater efficiency and productivity across their operations. Digital Customer Experience (CX) Solutions: In today's digital-first world, delivering exceptional customer experiences is paramount for enterprise success. Digital CX solutions enable businesses to engage customers across multiple channels, personalize interactions, and build long-lasting relationships. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: ERP systems integrate core business processes such as finance, human resources, and supply chain management, providing enterprises with a centralized platform for managing their operations. By implementing ERP solutions, businesses can improve efficiency, visibility, and decision-making. Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology offers secure and transparent transactions, making it ideal for industries such as finance, supply chain, and healthcare. By leveraging blockchain solutions, enterprises can enhance trust, traceability, and security in their operations. Digital Transformation Consulting Services: As enterprises embark on their transformational journey, they often seek guidance from digital transformation consulting services. These services help businesses develop a strategic roadmap, assess technology needs, and implement solutions that drive tangible business outcomes. The Road Forward These are just a few of the many trends shaping the landscape of essential solutions for enterprise transformation. By embracing these trends and partnering with the right digital alchemists, any organization can embark on a successful journey towards a brighter, more innovative future. The digital alchemists of today are leveraging a diverse array of essential solutions to drive enterprise transformation. By embracing cloud computing, AI, data analytics, cybersecurity, IoT, RPA, digital CX, ERP, blockchain, and digital transformation consulting services, businesses can navigate their transformational journey with confidence and achieve sustainable growth in the digital age. The key lies in adopting a holistic approach to digital transformation and embracing solutions that empower enterprises to innovate, adapt, and thrive in an ever- changing business landscape. www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024 (26)
  • 29. Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOKINDIA Get in print and digital on CIOLOOKINDIA Magazine www.ciolookindia.com SUBSCRIBE TODAY LOOK I N D I A
  • 30. the 2024 Innova on Maestro Praveen Govindaiah, Founder and CEO Beyond Transforma onal Solu ons: Enter Technologies,
  • 31. We always forget utterly predictable and conven- tional things, fast enough even not to realize we don’t have the memory of that memory. In the same way, as a successful business aspirant, whenever you think of digital transformation, you always un-remember cookie-cutter and predictable ‘solutions.’And as you meet today’s maestro, I bet you will forget them all in the blink of an eye. In the vibrant orchestra of progress, where creativity harmonizes with cutting-edge tech, a company rises above the rest, conducting a masterpiece of innovation – Creant Technologies Pvt. Ltd., https://creanttechnologies.com/. Creant is not just a digital transformation provider; it's a genius. The team doesn't follow scripts; they compose symphonies of change tailored to each client's unique rhythm. With audacious ideas, unwavering expertise, and an infectious passion for progress, they redefine what's possible, reimagine success, and turn digital dreams into dazzling realities. Because Creant’s establishment had been grounded in the deepest passion and aspiration for embracing ever- advancing technological transcendence. Sharing their trailblazing journey from its inception, Praveen Govindaiah, Creant’s Founder and CEO, says, “Our foray into the realm of digital transformation stemmed from a fundamental observation: the world was rapidly evolving, and technology was the driving force behind this evolution. Witnessing this transformative power, we recognized an incredible opportunity to adapt and lead the charge in shaping this digital landscape.” Bridging the Divide The motivation sprouted from a desire to bridge the gap between technological advancements and their seamless integration into businesses. Praveen says that he and his team of experts saw technology's immense potential to revolutionize how companies operate, connect, and deliver value. This vision fuelled Praveen’s passion to establish a company of like-minded professionals dedicated to facilitating this transformative journey for businesses across various industries. Praveen adds, “Our inception was rooted in a belief that digital transformation isn't merely about adopting new technologies; it's a holistic shift encompassing culture, processes, and innovation.” It's about empowering organi- zations to leverage technology as a catalyst for growth, efficiency, and sustainability. Thus, under Praveen’s visionary leadership, the team embarked on this journey with a relentless pursuit of innovation and a commitment to understanding the evolving needs of businesses. “We aimed not just to follow trends but to set benchmarks by envisioning possibilities that technology could unlock for our clients,” states Praveen. As they navigated this dynamic field, challenges were aplenty, but so were opportunities. Embracing these challenges became their cornerstone, driving them to create tailored solutions, cultivate expertise, and foster a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. “Our motivation remains unwavering—to be at the forefront of digital transformation, driving positive change, and enabling businesses to thrive in an increasingly tech-centric world,” says Praveen. As they continue, this motivation acts as team Creant’s guiding light, steering them through the ever-evolving digital innovation landscape. Fostering Sustained Value-Delivery Creant has emerged as one of India's most innovative digital transformation companies. Sharing the guiding philosophy that has propelled their organization's success, Praveen says the multi-pronged strategy includes: Customer-Centric Approach: At the core of the com- pany’s philosophy lies a relentless commitment to under- standing and addressing the unique needs of its clients. Praveen says they believe in partnering closely with them, listening intently to their challenges, and co-creating tailored solutions that drive tangible value. Agile Innovation: Embracing agility has been pivotal. “We thrive on adaptability, constantly evolving our strategies, technologies, and processes to stay ahead of the curve,” adds Praveen. This mindset allows the team to respond swiftly to market dynamics and deliver innovative solutions promptly. People and Expertise: Praveen furthers, “Our success is deeply intertwined with our team's expertise and passion.” Investing in their people, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and encouraging creativity and collaboration are cornerstones of their philosophy. Praveen insists that they believe that nurturing talent translates directly into deliver- ing exceptional solutions. www.ciolookindia.com (29) February| 2024 5 Most Innovative Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2024
  • 32. Holistic Harmony: The team understands that true transformation isn't a one-note solo; it's a harmonious orchestration of technology, strategy, and people. Creant weaves data magic, crafts bespoke solutions, and empowers teams to embrace change, ensuring every note lands in perfect harmony. Results that Resonate: Their success isn't measured in buzzwords or platitudes but in quantifiable results. Increased productivity, soaring profits, and brands that resonate with hearts and minds are the melodies Creant composes for its clients. Beyond Technology, Humanity: “We believe technology is the instrument, not the orchestra,” assures Praveen. At Creant, the human touch remains the conductor, ensuring every solution is infused with empathy, understanding, and a deep commitment to making a positive impact. Frontrunner in Shaping the Contours The digital transformation landscape is continually evolving. Accepting the fact, Praveen says that adaptability is at the heart of their company's strategy, bolstered by the integration of AI technologies that enable them to stay agile and ahead of industry trends. “We've cultivated an environ- ment that embraces AI-driven insights, utilizing sophisti- cated algorithms to analyze market dynamics and foresee emerging trends.” The team undergoes continuous AI-powered learning, leveraging machine learning models to comprehend evolving technological landscapes and swiftly adapt their approaches. Additionally, their strategic alliances include collaborations with AI innovators, granting them access to cutting-edge AI solutions. This synergy empowers them to forecast shifts in the digital transformation landscape, proactively tailoring and deploying innovative AI-driven solutions for their clients. “By harnessing AI's adaptability, we position ourselves as frontrunners in not only predicting but shaping the future contours of digital transformation,” says Praveen, whose leadership style is often recognized as a driving force behind Creant's achievements. The Mastery of Leadership Ethos He highlights his approach to leadership and team building within the organization: "Drawing from our extensive experience, my leadership style emphasizes empowerment At Creant Technologies, we prioritize transparency, honesty, and accountability in all our interactions, fostering trust among clients, partners, and our team. Ethical Leadership and Integrity: “Upholding ethical standards and integrity in every facet of our operations is non-negotiable. We prioritize transparency, honesty, and accountability in all our interactions, fostering trust among clients, partners, and our team.” Ecosystem Collaboration: Recognizing the power of partnerships, the team actively collaborates with a diverse ecosystem of tech innovators, industry experts, and academia. This collaboration enriches their knowledge base, expands their capabilities, and enables them to offer holistic solutions. Continuous Value Delivery: Praveen ensures they don’t settle for one-off successes; their goal is sustained value delivery. “We measure success by the long-term impact our solutions create, ensuring that our clients adapt to digital transformation and thrive in the evolving landscape.” Above the Distinctions According to Praveen, here's what sets them apart: Innovation at the Core: Praveen says, “We don't chase trends; we set them.” From pioneering AI-powered marketing strategies to crafting immersive VR experiences, Creant thrives on pushing boundaries and leaving competi- tors breathless. www.ciolookindia.com February| 2024 (30)
  • 33. and collaboration. Building cohesive teams, fostering an environment where every team member feels valued and inspired to take ownership, has been pivotal in our accomplishments.” Praveen furthers that at the core of their digital transforma- tion initiatives lies a dual commitment: optimizing opera- tional efficiency while elevating the end-user experience. “We achieve this equilibrium by intertwining technological innovation with a customer-centric ethos. Our strategies focus on leveraging automation, AI-driven processes, and streamlined workflows to enhance operational efficiency without compromising quality or personalization.” Simultaneously, they prioritize understanding customers' needs through robust analytics and feedback mechanisms. This insight enables the team to tailor their solutions to meet and exceed client expectations, enhancing their experience at every touchpoint. “Moreover, our agile methodologies allow us to iterate swiftly, ensuring that our operations evolve with changing customer preferences.” By harmonizing operational excellence with unwavering attention to customer satisfaction, they consistently deliver transformative solutions that optimise processes and create meaningful experiences for their clients and end-users. Tech Team Sustainability Sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial aspects of the modern digital industry. According to Praveen, they are integral parts of the ethos at Creant Technologies, reflected in their eco-friendly practices and engagement in community initiatives. “Our commitment to environmental responsibility complements our technologi- cal proficiency,” assures Praveen. In the realm of digital transformation, advancing technolo- gies play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. Similarly, it remains at the core of Creant’s operations, with expertise in platforms like Liferay, IoT and AI/ML. “Leveraging such technologies, we optimize services, enhance efficiency, and drive innovation, positioning ourselves as leaders in the digital age.” The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Ardently believing in it, Praveen ensures that their company culture, rooted in the IT sector, focuses on continuous growth and skill development. “We provide ample learning opportunities, cultivate collaborative environments, and empower employees to innovate,” he adds. Creating Tomorrow’s Digital Masterpiece Praveen says his team's resilience and adaptability have been evident when reflecting on challenges faced in the IT industry. “Swiftly adapting to market shifts and emerging stronger showcased our commitment to innovation and client satisfaction.” Looking ahead, Creant Technologies aspires to further its impact in India's Digital transformation landscape. Praveen concludes, “We aim to continue leading the way in techno- logical innovation, leveraging our diversified expertise to empower businesses across sectors and drive positive change in society.” Creant Technologies is not just the most innovative digital transformation solution provider of 2024; it is the future of transformation itself. The team is the audacious dreamers, fearless experimenters who turn every challenge into an opportunity to create something truly remarkable. So, if you're ready to ditch the predictable and embrace the extraordinary, if you're prepared to hear your digital transformation story composed by the maestros of innova- tion, then join the symphony – join Creant Technologies, https://creanttechnologies.com/. www.ciolookindia.com (31) February| 2024