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Agile Testing 
Guiding Principles & Enabling Practices 
Raj Indugula 
Agile Approach 
Maximize value and quality within specified project 
Shared Context drives Quality 
Individuals and 
Responding to 

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Behavior Driven Development—A Guide to Agile Practices by Josh Eastman
Behavior Driven Development—A Guide to Agile Practices by Josh EastmanBehavior Driven Development—A Guide to Agile Practices by Josh Eastman
Behavior Driven Development—A Guide to Agile Practices by Josh Eastman

The document discusses Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and how it can help increase quality and prepare an organization for increased business demands. It describes BDD as an industry practice where the whole team collaborates on system testing and definition of done. BDD promotes requirements using examples, collaboration between roles, finding defects earlier and more often through automation, and keeping technical debt low.

The Future of Testing
The Future of TestingThe Future of Testing
The Future of Testing

This talk was given in March at the CzechTest conference in Prague and at the Testing and Finance conference in London in May.

future of testingredistribution of testing
Backlog Blunders
Backlog BlundersBacklog Blunders
Backlog Blunders

Backlog blunders can undermine an agile team's productivity. Common issues include stories that are unclear or lack acceptance criteria, dependencies between stories that are not defined, and estimates set too high due to unknowns. Formatting stories well with clear acceptance criteria and estimating honestly helps. Regularly refining the backlog through ceremonies ensures it remains valuable and prioritized based on feedback. Defining "done" criteria and keeping the backlog transparent helps teams deliver working functionality each sprint.

Integrated Teams & Iterative Delivery 
Ensure that the evolving software 
does not regress? 
Test in-cycle? 
Bridge the communication gap 
between Bus./Testing/Dev.? 
Adopt automation strategies? 
Deal with performance issues 
identified late? 
Move Quality Upstream 
Small paradigm shift with profound implications 
• Testing not a trailing activity 
• QA leads the Sprint by providing guidance 
and feedback on the business needs of 
the emerging product
Testing is Continuous, Not a Phase 
Continuous testing is the only way to ensure 
continuous progress 

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Agile Executive Briefing - Situational Assessment + 50k Ft View
Agile Executive Briefing - Situational Assessment + 50k Ft ViewAgile Executive Briefing - Situational Assessment + 50k Ft View
Agile Executive Briefing - Situational Assessment + 50k Ft View

The first part of this presentation is a situational assessment of typical challenges in IT project delivery using the SCRAP (Situation, Complication, Resolution, Action, Proof) model. This is essentially a business case for Agile. So if you are looking for ways to get buy-in for Agile, this is the place to be. The second part of this presentation shows you what Agile is from 50,000 ft. From this high up, we'll be covering the essential elements from a business and management perspective. We'll cover what Agile is, what it does, how it works and what it achieves. If you are interested in learning or communicating the value of Agile, then this is the presentation for you! Please email me if you would like a download.

executive briefingoverviewproduct
Agile basics
Agile basicsAgile basics
Agile basics

This document summarizes a webinar by Allan Kelly on Agile basics. It discusses 5 key Agile concepts: quality, visualization of work, iterations, working in small batches, and vertical teams. For each concept, it provides details on practices like test-driven development, burn down charts, 2-week iterations, small stories and tasks, and fully staffed cross-functional teams. It emphasizes that following even one of these basics can improve outcomes, and following all 5 provides greater benefits to managing software projects in an Agile way.

xanpanagile adoptionagile software development
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile TesterAgile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester

This presentation provides an overview of the role of testers on agile teams. In essence, the differences between testers and developers should blur so that focus is the whole team completing stories and delivering value. Testers can add more value on agile teams by contributing earlier and moving from defect detection to defect prevention.

Testing is Collaborative 
The whole team can only go as fast as the slowest part 
• Quality is everyone’s problem, not just of 
the testers 
• Testing is the responsibility of the whole 
Tests represent Customer Expectations 
Oops…that’s not what I intended! 
• Shared understanding of what it means 
for a story to be done
Quick Feedback 
How long does the team have to wait for information 
about how the software is behaving? 
• Faster feedback loops increase Agility – 
the ability to respond to change 
• Test automation provides rapid feedback 
on how the software is behaving
“Leave No Broken Windows” 
Keep the code clean 
• Fix bugs as they are found 
• The sooner you find a defect, the cheaper 
it is to fix

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Quality Jam: BDD, TDD and ATDD for the Enterprise
Quality Jam: BDD, TDD and ATDD for the EnterpriseQuality Jam: BDD, TDD and ATDD for the Enterprise
Quality Jam: BDD, TDD and ATDD for the Enterprise

During Quality Jam 2016 I had the privilege of presenting with one of QASymphony's earliest customers, Better Cloud, on how methodologies like BDD, TDD and ATDD scale for the enterprises. Adam Satterfield is the VP of Quality Assurance at Bettercloud and has been in QA for many years; he has taught me a lot about Behavior Driven Development, Test Driven Development, Acceptance Test Driven Development. In the session we share a new way of testing-- what Adam and I believe to be the next generation of testing development. We know that there are several ways to do testing and we are just showing one new way to do it - If this session doesn't inspire action, hopefully it will at least give you and your team something to think about.

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Exploratory testing in an agile development organization (it quality & test ...
Exploratory testing in an agile development organization  (it quality & test ...Exploratory testing in an agile development organization  (it quality & test ...
Exploratory testing in an agile development organization (it quality & test ...

A case about how a company (Sectra) is using Exploratory Testing in their agile development organization where testers and developers are sitting together in cross functional teams using Scrum.

exploratory testingscrumdevelopment
Agile Testing
Agile Testing  Agile Testing
Agile Testing

Agile Testing: A pragmatic overview and new entry in Intelliware’s Agile Methodology Series. What you’ll learn in this presentation: Intelliware’s Chief Technologist, BC Holmes, provides a pragmatic overview of Agile testing. Complete with many examples, this presentation is ideal for those looking for a practical take on software testing in an Agile environment. The presentation covers: - Why do we use Agile testing? - What Agile testing isn’t - What Agile testing is: unit testing and test-driven development (TDD) - High-level properties of good tests - Testing in different languages - Test suites and code coverage - Using mock objects to help isolate units - Beyond unit testing

software developmentagile software developmentagile development
It isn't Done until it’s… 
“Done Done” 
Coded Tested Done
Defining tests with the requirements guides 
Automated Testing is at the heart of Agility 
Acceptance Tests 
Unit Tests/ 
Component Tests 
xUnit, Mocks 
(Are we building 
the right code?) 
(Are we building 
the code right?) 
Adaptation of Mike Cohn's test automation pyramid

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DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...
DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...
DevOps Test Engineering: Putting the ‘Continuous’ in Testing, an ITSM Academy...

Presenter: Anne Hungate President, Daring Systems You’ve heard about Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery but what’s common as code makes its way through those processes? Testing. With DevOps Testing (also known as Continuous Testing), testing tasks are engineered to be continuously completed end-to-end across the entire development to deployment pipeline. Developers, QA analysts, security professionals, IT Operations analysts…everyone is a tester in a DevOps environment. Join us to learn more about DevOps Testing and the emerging role of DevOps Test Engineer.

What is Agile Testing?
What is Agile Testing? What is Agile Testing?
What is Agile Testing?

Agile Testing involves testing in the context of Agile development. It is done continuously and collaboratively by all members of the team throughout the development process, rather than just by QA/testers at the end. This helps ensure high quality, useful software is delivered iteratively.

agile; testing
Lean Software 101
Lean Software 101Lean Software 101
Lean Software 101

Lean principles and practices have long been applied to manufacturing, with Agile arguably the inevitable evolution of Lean applied to knowledge-based work.   When viewed from a customer’s perspective much of software development may be seen as lower value.  How can organizations become lean by eliminating waste and working smarter? This presentation explores Lean principles and practices applied to software beginning with value stream mapping and the 7 (+1) types of waste.  Presented as an Agile 101 session at Agile New England on 5 August 2021.

lean softwarelean 101ane 101
But, in reality… 
Manual Scripted Testing 
Automated Testing is NOT Selenium-type UI 
record & play tests
What are acceptance tests? 
• Tests that demonstrate business intent of 
system from end user’s point of view 
• Black-box testing
What is Acceptance Test Driven 
Development (ATDD)? 
A practice in which the whole team 
collaboratively discusses acceptance 
criteria, with examples, and then distills 
them into a set of concrete acceptance 
tests before development begins. 
- Elisabeth Hendrickson

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Making the Move to Behavior Driven Development
Making the Move to Behavior Driven DevelopmentMaking the Move to Behavior Driven Development
Making the Move to Behavior Driven Development

The document discusses moving to a behavior-driven development (BDD) approach. It outlines challenges with traditional software development processes, such as requirements getting lost in handoffs. BDD aims to address these by shifting testing to the beginning through acceptance tests written in a "Given-When-Then" format. This allows teams to build testable code, catch issues earlier, and deploy features incrementally. Adopting BDD requires training, champion support, and patience. Metrics should track success, and teams can start small before a full rollout.

atddbehavior driven developmentbdd
Conducting Agile Retrospectives
Conducting Agile Retrospectives Conducting Agile Retrospectives
Conducting Agile Retrospectives

A retrospective is a meeting to look back over an iteration, release, or project, specifically to discuss what worked well, what could be improved, and most importantly, how to translate the lessons learned into actionable change. Retrospectives are a forum for the team to improve upon their process. They’re an integral part of Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP).

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Agile Transformation: People, Process and Tools to Make Your Transformation S...
Agile Transformation: People, Process and Tools to Make Your Transformation S...Agile Transformation: People, Process and Tools to Make Your Transformation S...
Agile Transformation: People, Process and Tools to Make Your Transformation S...

Many companies are currently going through Agile Transformation or thinking about making the transition to agile. While moving to agile can create great opportunity for organizations, the journey to get there can be highly challenging. If you don’t have the right people, process and tools in place, the true benefits of agile may not be recognized. In this webinar, Andrew Stickland, Head of Client Services, for Clearvision and Kevin Dunne, VP of Business Development and Strategy for QASymphony will discuss the best practices for making the agile transformation. In this webinar, we will try to answer the following questions: - Who are the people I need in place? - What are the core processes that I need to change? - What tools do I need? View the On-Demand webinar here: http://pi.qasymphony.com/agile-transformation-best-practices-webinar-lp060?utm_source=slideshare&utm_medium=slideshare&utm_campaign=Agile%20Transformation%20Webinar

agile transformationagileqasymphony
Sample Story Maturation Look-A-Head 
The tactical act of getting a story ready is often performed as a 
two sprint look-a-head by an “amigos” (BA, QA, Dev) team 
Sprint n Sprint n + 1 Sprint n + 2 
Select User Story 999 for Sprint n 
Re-estimate it, sharpen story & 
acceptance criteria 
Create testable example and other 
supporting material for 999 Develop 
User Story 999 
The PO and 3+ Amigos look-a- 
head and select story 999 
for inclusion for Sprint n + 2. 
They do cleanup on the story. 
The 3+ Amigos further 
support the story and the PO 
gets appropriate sign offs. 
Story 999 makes it’s way into a 
sprint and it is built.
Epics, Features, Stories 
Product backlog 
Modern Agile Acceptance Model 
Conditions of Satisfaction – 
Broad Terms 
Acceptance Criteria – 
Further Refined 
Examples – 
Actual scenarios or data 
Executable Examples – 
Ready to automate
Testable Examples in Gherkin 
• Executable Example, Making it Repeatable 
• Examples that can be executed are the final step 
Given the “Unregistered User” user has navigated to the “register” page 
When entering “newuser” in the “Username” field 
And entering “abc123” in the “Password” field 
And entering “abc123” in the “Confirm Password” field 
And pressing the “Register” button 
Then the text “Thank you for Registering” should appear on page 
And the URL should end with “use/accountPage” 
Can be used for both manual testing and automation

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Agile Base Camp - Agile metrics
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This document discusses various metrics that can be used to measure agile processes. It begins by defining what a metric is and explaining common process improvement cycles. It then outlines different categories of metrics including business, process, code, design, testing, and automation metrics. Examples are provided for each category. The document notes that choosing the right metric is important and should encourage desired behavior, be easy to measure, and provide periodic feedback. It emphasizes that both leading and lagging metrics should be considered to measure productivity, predictability, quality, and value.

Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!
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Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!

The document provides guidance for managing a team of junior testers. It discusses challenges such as lack of skills and experience in junior testers. It recommends setting clear expectations, providing frequent communication and feedback, ensuring knowledge sharing, and protecting the team to help them succeed. Patience and structure are important, as is repeating key messages, to help junior testers learn and improve. The goal is for the team to work cooperatively toward a common objective.

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The document provides information to help a project manager transitioning to a ScrumMaster role. It begins with an exercise to define the roles of project manager and ScrumMaster. It then compares their responsibilities, with the project manager focusing on planning and tracking tasks while the ScrumMaster facilitates processes like the daily scrum and removes impediments. The document outlines the Scrum framework and roles of product owner, ScrumMaster and team. It provides examples of how the ScrumMaster helps with planning, daily standups, reporting tools and retrospectives. It concludes with an overview of the ScrumMaster's new responsibilities.

scrumjason hallpmi
Automated Acceptance Tests 
(Cucumber, SpecFlow, FitNesse) 
expressed in 
common language 
“Glue” code that ties 
specification to 
System Under Test
Testing Collaboratively 
Business Analyst 
Develop usage 
Create and execute 
tests to simulate 
usage scenarios; 
Automate regression 
Create and maintain 
acceptance test “glue” 
code that ties test 
specification to 
system under test 
• Should be an integral part of every iteration/sprint, not just a 
trailing activity 
• Vital not only to prove completeness of a feature in repeatable 
fashion, but also to prove that software does not regress as it 
• Success depends on cooperation & collaboration
Benefits of ATDD 
• Improved requirements elicitation 
• Consensus between BA/QA/Dev on the story helps 
prevent bugs & gives clear target for development 
• Reuse of Acceptance Scenarios for all phases of 
• Creates clear examples that everyone understands; 
discovers some problems before any development

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Scaling Agile: A Guide for the Perplexed

This document provides an overview of scaling agile development in an organization. It discusses why organizations scale agile, such as to improve organizational agility. It then outlines a four phase approach to jumpstarting scaling: assess the current state, align initiatives, accelerate progress incrementally, and reflect and progress further. Specific techniques are discussed for each phase, such as establishing agile champions, piloting programs, limiting work in process, growing stable teams, and selecting a scaling framework. The presentation concludes by emphasizing an iterative scaling strategy and finding support to move forward.

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Agile Trends in Government: Lean and Agile Method Adoption and Delivery in the Public Sector Presented by Arlen Bankston PMI 2014 Symposium

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Facilitation for the Facilitator - Techniques and Exercises for Specific Goal...
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The document provides an overview of a facilitation guide for workshops focused on techniques and exercises for specific goals and outcomes, introducing the facilitator Beth Wong and covering topics such as brainstorming exercises, trends in agile adoption, challenges in engagement and retention, agile assessment practices, and a continuous improvement exercise.

What are unit tests? 
Developer tests that determine whether the 
smallest piece of testable software in an 
application is behaving as expected 
Key Characteristics 
• Quick to execute 
• Easy to execute 
• Isolated 
• Leave the system under test unaltered
Test Doubles (Mocks) 
Used to isolate unit tests form external 
Why use them? 
• Ease of setup 
• Fast executing 
• To work with a subsystem that doesn’t exist 
• Simulate various execution paths of external 
What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? 
Write a new 
Red (Failing 
Green (Test 
Write Code 
• Better design 
• Supports change 
• Prevents gold-plating 
• Prevent bugs 
• Discover bugs

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Our presentation from Agile Africa on the Agile Testing Mindset. If you like what we have to say here and would like some more techniques - check our our book: https://leanpub.com/AgileTesting To get exclusive access to a new techniques from us each month, sign up to our newsletter: http://bit.ly/W1dP3o

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Get in shape to become a better agile tester (Agile2014, Orlando)
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This document summarizes a session on becoming a better agile tester. It discusses removing barriers between teams through shared activities like pair programming and testing. This leads to benefits like improved product quality, efficiency, understanding, trust, and empathy. It also notes that testers need new skills to work collaboratively, and emphasizes curiosity, communication, respect, empathy, and willingness to see others succeed over purely technical skills.

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Continuous Improvement Tricks

Using Behavioral & Gaming Strategies to Evolve Team Performance & Engagement Presented by Arlen Bankston Innovate Virginia 2011

teamproject managementagile
Build Automation & Continuous Integration 
Continuously commit 
and merge changes from 
Requirements gathering Application Development 
Source Control 
Poll for changes 
Pull changes, 
Build, run tests 
Deploy to higher 
Continuous Integration (CI) Server 
tasks from requirements 
test scenarios from business 
requirements for acceptance criteria 
Acceptance Test Environment 
- Test harness 
- Tests (automated + manual) 
Execute acceptance 
against the deployed 
Some Barriers to Adoption 
Developer : “I’m a developer, not a tester” 
Tester: “I’m a tester, not a developer” 
Management: “Why does Dev help with testing, 
when we have QA?” 
• Necessitates behavioral change 
• Requires discipline 
• Needs generalizing specialists 
• Needs collaboration across roles

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Sprint retrospective wartości scrum

Wielu Scrum Masterów nie ma pomysłu lub ma trudności z prowadzeniem wartościowych Retrospekcji Sprintu. Młodzi, niedoświadczeni adepci tej sztuki często ograniczają się do jednej dobrze przećwiczonej metody. Najgorzej, kiedy jest to wariacja oparta na plusach i minusach lub ćwiczeniu rozgwiazda. Każdy zespól to widział i szybko się znudzi. Z tego powodu, retrospekcja staje się "koniecznym złem” dla zespołu, nudnym spotkaniem, które nie przynosi żadnej wartości. Zespół przestaje się angażować. Dlatego warto poszerzać warsztat i sprawdzać inne metody. Dzisiaj chciałabym Ci przedstawić Retrospekcję z wykorzystaniem niedawnej zmiany w Scrum Guide - dodanych Wartości Scrum.

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CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. (MHM) are pleased to invite you to our 2016 Executive Education Series™ online training courses. This webinar-based training is designed to educate and inform our clients and the public on complex accounting and tax subject matters and current events. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit will be offered. Online registration and more details about these free courses can be found at http://www.cbiz.com or http://www.mhmcpa.com.

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Slide presented at Better Sofware conference in June 2016. The talk was about how facilitation, change managment and coaching, are essentials in guiding Agile Transition program

Agile Testing is supported by… 
• Everyone is 
responsible to 
ensure quality 
• Testing is not a 
• Testers are not sole 
gate-keepers of 
• Customer 
• Requirements 
• Writing test 
that assist 
• Skills to do 
different types of 
• Automation 
• Effective 
and team player 
• Development and build tools (source control, CI, code 
• Requirements and examples (mock-ups, testable 
• Multi-level test automation
…the job of testing is to 
prevent defects, not just to find them 
- Mary Poppendieck

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This document provides tips for helping developers and system administrators improve communication and collaboration. It recommends bringing the teams together both physically and through knowledge sharing. Celebrating successes and sharing systems and data can help break down silos. Regular communication through meetings and open discussions can also help build understanding and trust between the roles. The overall goal is establishing common values and a shared purpose to help the teams work together effectively.

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This document discusses strategies for growing a distributed product owner team at Siemens for their medical software development. It describes how the product owner team is distributed across multiple sites to be close to feature teams. Growing the team requires selecting people with the right skills and knowledge, investing in closing knowledge gaps, and facilitating communication through regular virtual and in-person meetings. Maintaining connections with customers also requires travel to events and customer sites. While challenging, distributing the product owner team can work with the right approaches for communication, collaboration, and skills development.

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Accelerate [XLR8] your agile transformation
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How organizations nowadays could innovate and transform themselves, to catch up with this faster-moving world? How is possible to incrementally change the organization from within? How to leverage self-organization, collaborative leadership and motivation to involve people from the whole organization to reach the Big-Opportunity?

agilexlr8change management
Some Tools (open source) 
• Unit testing: 
JUnit, Mockito, EasyMock 
• Acceptance testing: 
• GUI testing: 
Selenium, Sahi 
• Javascript testing: 
Jasmine, Qunit 
• Testing the database: 
DBUnit, SQLUnit, DBFit 
• Performance testing: 
JUnitPerf, JMeter 
• Usability testing: 
Manual unfortunately
Some Tools (open source) 
• Unit testing: 
MSTest, NUnit, Moq 
• Acceptance testing: 
• GUI testing: 
• Javascript testing: 
• Testing the database: 
Tsqlt, SSDT SQL Test 
• Performance testing: 
JetBrains, VisualStudio 2013, SQLServerProfiler, SQLLoadTest 
• Usability testing: 
Manual unfortunately
Agile Software Development 
• Extreme Programming Explained - Kent Beck 
• TDD: A Practical Guide – Dave Astels 
• Refactoring – Martin Fowler 
• Agile Estimating and Planning – Mike Cohn 
• Pragmatic Project Automation – Pragmatic Prog. 

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Structured organizations today are not keeping pace with a changing world incessantly. The Business Triathlon (Lean Strategy/Start-up, Agile and Change Management) could be the solution.

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Agile in 1,5 hours : brief introduction
Agile in 1,5 hours : brief introductionAgile in 1,5 hours : brief introduction
Agile in 1,5 hours : brief introduction

This document provides an introduction to agile development methods over the course of 1.5 hours. It begins with background on the presenter and an outline of topics to be covered, including an overview of traditional waterfall development practices, lean software development principles, agile principles and the Scrum framework. Key aspects of Scrum like roles, meetings, estimations and visualizing work are defined. Kanban principles and how it compares to Scrum are also introduced. The document emphasizes adopting agile practices to improve productivity, deliver value frequently and welcome changing requirements.

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Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean. And Have More Fun by Dean Leffingwell
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Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean. And Have More Fun by Dean Leffingwell

Scrum, XP, and Kanban have been proven to provide step changes in productivity and quality for software teams. However, these methods do not have the native constructs necessary to scale to challenges of building enterprise class software systems. What the industry desperately needs is a solution that moves from a set of simplistic, disparate, development-centric methods, to a scalable, unified approach that addresses the complex constructs and additional stakeholders in the organization- and enables realization of enterprise-class product or service initiatives via aligned and cooperative solution development. In this talk, Dean Leffingwell describes how to accomplish this with the Scaled Agile Framework, a publicly - accessible knowledge base of proven Lean and Agile practices for enterprise-class software development. He approaches the problem from the perspectives of Lean thinking and principles of product development flow, illustrating how these core principles help deliver business results at scale, while keeping the development system - and the enterprise - lean and responsive to rapidly changing market needs. And since winning is more fun, he’ll also describe some of the personal benefits that come when teams master the art of delivering better enterprise-class software, at an ever faster pace.

safeagileindiaagile software development
Acceptance Testing 
• Bridging the Communications Gap – Gojko Adzic 
• Agile Testing – Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory 
• The Cucumber Book - Wynne M. and Hellesoy A. 
• TDD: By Example - Kent Beck 
• TDD: A Practical Guide – Dave Astels 
§ The Art of Agile Development – James Shore 
• Refactoring – Martin Fowler 
• Working Effectively with Legacy Code – Mike Feathers 
• Refactoring to Patterns – Joshua Kerievsky 
• xprogramming.com, refactoring.com, testdriven.com

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Agile testing

  • 1. Agile Testing Guiding Principles & Enabling Practices Raj Indugula [email protected] www.lithespeed.com
  • 2. ON-­‐DECK AT-­‐BAT DONE What is the problem context? What are the guiding principles of Agile Tes<ng ? What are the enabling prac<ces? Concluding thoughts. Any ques<ons?
  • 3. Agile Approach Maximize value and quality within specified project constraints Cost Time Quality Scope
  • 4. Shared Context drives Quality Individuals and interactions… Working software… Customer collaboration… Responding to change…
  • 5. Integrated Teams & Iterative Delivery Challenges How do we… Ensure that the evolving software does not regress? Test in-cycle? Bridge the communication gap between Bus./Testing/Dev.? Adopt automation strategies? Deal with performance issues identified late? …
  • 6. ON-­‐DECK AT-­‐BAT DONE What is the problem context? Concluding thoughts. Any ques<ons? What are the guiding principles of Agile Tes<ng ? What are the enabling prac<ces?
  • 7. Move Quality Upstream Small paradigm shift with profound implications • Testing not a trailing activity • QA leads the Sprint by providing guidance and feedback on the business needs of the emerging product
  • 8. Testing is Continuous, Not a Phase Continuous testing is the only way to ensure continuous progress http://testobsessed.com/
  • 9. Testing is Collaborative The whole team can only go as fast as the slowest part • Quality is everyone’s problem, not just of the testers • Testing is the responsibility of the whole team
  • 10. Tests represent Customer Expectations Oops…that’s not what I intended! • Shared understanding of what it means for a story to be done
  • 11. Quick Feedback How long does the team have to wait for information about how the software is behaving? • Faster feedback loops increase Agility – the ability to respond to change • Test automation provides rapid feedback on how the software is behaving
  • 12. “Leave No Broken Windows” Keep the code clean • Fix bugs as they are found • The sooner you find a defect, the cheaper it is to fix
  • 13. It isn't Done until it’s… “Done Done” Coded Tested Done
  • 14. Test-Driven Defining tests with the requirements guides development http://testobsessed.com/
  • 15. ON-­‐DECK AT-­‐BAT DONE What is the problem context? Concluding thoughts. Any ques<ons? What are the guiding principles of Agile Tes<ng ? What are the enabling prac<ces? ATDD TDD Other prac<ces
  • 16. Automated Testing is at the heart of Agility Exploratory Testing GUI Tests Acceptance Tests Unit Tests/ Component Tests Cucumber, FitNesse, SpecFlow xUnit, Mocks Selenium Business-centric (Are we building the right code?) Developer-centric (Are we building the code right?) Adaptation of Mike Cohn's test automation pyramid
  • 17. But, in reality… Manual Scripted Testing Automated GUI Tests Acceptance Tests Unit Tests Automated Testing is NOT Selenium-type UI record & play tests
  • 18. What are acceptance tests? • Tests that demonstrate business intent of system from end user’s point of view • Black-box testing
  • 19. What is Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)? A practice in which the whole team collaboratively discusses acceptance criteria, with examples, and then distills them into a set of concrete acceptance tests before development begins. - Elisabeth Hendrickson
  • 20. 1. Elicit details from the business stakeholders about their expecta<ons 2. Dis<ll acceptance criteria into automatable tests expressed in a natural language 3. Wire the tests to SUT with “glue” code (as part of implementa<on)
  • 21. Sample Story Maturation Look-A-Head The tactical act of getting a story ready is often performed as a two sprint look-a-head by an “amigos” (BA, QA, Dev) team Sprint n Sprint n + 1 Sprint n + 2 Select User Story 999 for Sprint n +2 Re-estimate it, sharpen story & acceptance criteria Create testable example and other supporting material for 999 Develop User Story 999 The PO and 3+ Amigos look-a- head and select story 999 for inclusion for Sprint n + 2. They do cleanup on the story. The 3+ Amigos further support the story and the PO gets appropriate sign offs. Story 999 makes it’s way into a sprint and it is built.
  • 22. Epics, Features, Stories Epics Stories Features Product backlog Priority
  • 23. Modern Agile Acceptance Model Conditions of Satisfaction – Broad Terms Acceptance Criteria – Further Refined Examples – Actual scenarios or data Executable Examples – Ready to automate
  • 24. Testable Examples in Gherkin • Executable Example, Making it Repeatable • Examples that can be executed are the final step Given the “Unregistered User” user has navigated to the “register” page When entering “newuser” in the “Username” field And entering “abc123” in the “Password” field And entering “abc123” in the “Confirm Password” field And pressing the “Register” button Then the text “Thank you for Registering” should appear on page And the URL should end with “use/accountPage” Can be used for both manual testing and automation
  • 25. Automated Acceptance Tests Tool (Cucumber, SpecFlow, FitNesse) Specification expressed in common language “Glue” code that ties specification to System Under Test
  • 26. Testing Collaboratively Business Analyst Develop usage scenarios Developer Tester Create and execute tests to simulate usage scenarios; Automate regression testing Create and maintain acceptance test “glue” code that ties test specification to system under test • Should be an integral part of every iteration/sprint, not just a trailing activity • Vital not only to prove completeness of a feature in repeatable fashion, but also to prove that software does not regress as it evolves • Success depends on cooperation & collaboration
  • 27. Benefits of ATDD • Improved requirements elicitation • Consensus between BA/QA/Dev on the story helps prevent bugs & gives clear target for development • Reuse of Acceptance Scenarios for all phases of testing • Creates clear examples that everyone understands; discovers some problems before any development
  • 28. ON-­‐DECK AT-­‐BAT DONE What is the problem context? Concluding thoughts. Any ques<ons? What are the guiding principles of Agile Tes<ng ? What are the enabling prac<ces? ATDD TDD Other prac<ces
  • 29. What are unit tests? Developer tests that determine whether the smallest piece of testable software in an application is behaving as expected Key Characteristics • Quick to execute • Easy to execute • Isolated • Leave the system under test unaltered
  • 30. Test Doubles (Mocks) Used to isolate unit tests form external dependencies Why use them? • Ease of setup • Fast executing • To work with a subsystem that doesn’t exist • Simulate various execution paths of external system
  • 31. What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? Write a new test Red (Failing Test) Green (Test Passes) Write Code Benefits • Better design • Supports change • Prevents gold-plating • Prevent bugs • Discover bugs
  • 33. ON-­‐DECK AT-­‐BAT DONE What is the problem context? Concluding thoughts. Any ques<ons? What are the guiding principles of Agile Tes<ng ? What are the enabling prac<ces? ATDD TDD Other prac<ces
  • 34. Build Automation & Continuous Integration Continuously commit and merge changes from Requirements gathering Application Development Source Control changes others Poll for changes Pull changes, Build, run tests Deploy to higher environment Continuous Integration (CI) Server Development tasks from requirements test scenarios from business requirements for acceptance criteria Acceptance Test Environment - Test harness - Tests (automated + manual) Execute acceptance tests against the deployed application QA Environment Deployable artifacts
  • 35. ON-­‐DECK AT-­‐BAT DONE What is the problem context? Concluding thoughts. Any ques<ons? What are the guiding principles of Agile Tes<ng ? What are the enabling prac<ces?
  • 36. Some Barriers to Adoption Developer : “I’m a developer, not a tester” Tester: “I’m a tester, not a developer” Management: “Why does Dev help with testing, when we have QA?” • Necessitates behavioral change • Requires discipline • Needs generalizing specialists • Needs collaboration across roles
  • 37. Agile Testing is supported by… MINDSET SKILLSET TOOLSET • Everyone is responsible to ensure quality • Testing is not a phase • Testers are not sole gate-keepers of quality • Customer collaboration • Requirements elicitation • Writing test requirements that assist developers • Skills to do different types of testing • Automation • Effective communicator and team player • Development and build tools (source control, CI, code coverage) • Requirements and examples (mock-ups, testable examples) • Multi-level test automation
  • 38. Business Req. User Stories Unit Tests SoXware Applica<on Con<nuous Integra<on Automated Unit & Acceptance Tests Business-­‐ facing Tests Fixtures Developer PO/BA Tester
  • 39. …the job of testing is to prevent defects, not just to find them - Mary Poppendieck
  • 42. Some Tools (open source) • Unit testing: JUnit, Mockito, EasyMock • Acceptance testing: FitNesse Cucumber • GUI testing: Selenium, Sahi • Javascript testing: Jasmine, Qunit • Testing the database: DBUnit, SQLUnit, DBFit • Performance testing: JUnitPerf, JMeter • Usability testing: Manual unfortunately
  • 43. Some Tools (open source) • Unit testing: MSTest, NUnit, Moq • Acceptance testing: SpecFlow • GUI testing: Selenium • Javascript testing: Chutzpa • Testing the database: Tsqlt, SSDT SQL Test • Performance testing: JetBrains, VisualStudio 2013, SQLServerProfiler, SQLLoadTest • Usability testing: Manual unfortunately
  • 44. Agile Software Development • Extreme Programming Explained - Kent Beck • TDD: A Practical Guide – Dave Astels • Refactoring – Martin Fowler • Agile Estimating and Planning – Mike Cohn • Pragmatic Project Automation – Pragmatic Prog. 44
  • 45. Acceptance Testing • Bridging the Communications Gap – Gojko Adzic • Agile Testing – Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory • The Cucumber Book - Wynne M. and Hellesoy A. Gherkin https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/wiki/gherkin Cucumber http://cukes.info/ https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/wiki/
  • 46. TDD/Refactoring • TDD: By Example - Kent Beck • TDD: A Practical Guide – Dave Astels § The Art of Agile Development – James Shore • Refactoring – Martin Fowler • Working Effectively with Legacy Code – Mike Feathers • Refactoring to Patterns – Joshua Kerievsky • xprogramming.com, refactoring.com, testdriven.com