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Targeting the Best
Hispanic Customer:
An AHAA Generational and Cultural Orientation Study
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Welcome to join in the
Generational & Cultural Orientation
conversation at:
Twitter: @ahaa @ScarboroughInfo
Facebook: AssociationofHispanicAdvertisingAgencies
Hashtag: #ahaaresearch
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Gaby Alcantara-Diaz
Carlos Santiago
Study Methodology Scott Willoth
What is Cultural Orientation (C.O.)? Jake Beniflah
Media preferences by Generation
& Cultural Orientation
Scott Willoth
Where are Best Customers for Key Categories?
- A look at Gen Y, Gen X & Boomers & Cultural Orientation
Conclusions and Implications
Carlos Santiago
Q&As by Moderator & Live Audience Gaby Alcantara-Diaz
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
2010 - 2012 2013 - 2014
AHAA Research Thought Leadership
Phase 2
Total Market
Hispanic ROI
- Finance
& Insurance
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Scott Willoth
Dr. Jake BeniflahCarlos Santiago Susan Nuñez
Horacio Gavilan L. Cortes-Vasquez & team
Research Study Team
Sponsored by:Data Partners: Source: Scarborough Research (based on ACS 2011)
2011 Total
US Pop
% of
Total US
2011 US
% of
Total US
H Pop
% of
51,775,505 26.6% 10,471,236 34.1% 20.2%
Gen X
61,324,756 31.5% 11,533,357 37.5% 18.8%
81,667,688 41.9% 8,733,235 28.4% 10.6%
194,767,949 100.0% 30,737,828 100.0% 15.8%
Context of Study Generations
Impact of Hispanics by Generation -2011
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Regardless of Age & Generation,
Hispanics Growing Faster than Non-Hispanics
Source: U.S. Decennial Census 2000-2010
0-17 18-29 Gen Y 30-44 Gen X 45-64 Boomers 65+ Silent
Population Annual Growth Rate by Generation
2000-2010 CAGR
Hisp NH
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Sample Size
Study Design
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
• We’re living in an era of tremendous demographic change and
leading companies view Hispanics as an important segment to drive
corporate growth.
• Ongoing need to understand Hispanic consumers cross-culturally.
Culture continues to matter – but which one? For which Hispanic
consumer? And for which categories?
• AHAA conducted the first study that measures the cultural
orientation of Hispanics with implications on category and product
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Purpose of the Study
• Uncover new insights that may provide marketers with additional
tools to mine their Hispanic opportunity by exploring specific
category and cultural benefits among Hispanic Millennials, Gen X
and Boomers.
• Some of the questions we set out to answer include:
– Where are the business opportunities by generational segment?
– Is there an Hispanic “best” customer in key product categories?
– How does cultural orientation vary across generational segments?
– How are Hispanics culturally different from each other?
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Base Total
Gen X
Hispanic by
Acculturation Level
Lesser 352 82 148 122
Moderate 227 101 64 62
High 348 122 100 126
Total - Hispanic 927 305 312 310
Total Non-Hispanic 335 124 105 106
Total Market 1,262 429 417 416
Phase 2 Sample Design
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Cultural Orientation
What is it?
How did we measure it?
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What is Cultural Orientation?
• Cultural orientation is the degree to which individuals actively engage in
certain parts of culture (food, music, language, media, celebrations, etc.)
• Provides marketers with concrete measures on how Hispanics are
adopting the American culture relative to their native culture
• Cultural orientation is different from acculturation, which relies on proxy
variables (i.e., language) – and should not replace it
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How Was Cultural Orientation
• Used the Bicultural Involvement Questionnaire* (BIQ) comprised
of two subscales (37 items), independently measuring the cultural
orientation toward the Hispanic and Anglo cultures
37 items10 20 7
*Szapocznik, Kurtines, & Fernandez (1980)
Reliability scores were high: .93 (Hispanicism); .89 (Americanism)
LANGUAGE – comfort across at home, at school, at work, with
friends, in general; CULTURE - Food, music, dances, stores,
celebrations, TV programs, radio stations, books and magazines,
websites, volunteering in community organizations
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Cultural Orientation by Generational Level
ACOS = Anglo Cultural Orientation Scale
HCOS = Hispanic Cultural Orientation Scale
Millennial Gen X Boomer
• Hispanic Millennials showed a high Anglo Cultural Orientation
• Hispanic Gen X showed similar scores across HCOS and ACOS
• Surprisingly, Hispanic Boomers had a higher Anglo Cultural Orientation
Gen Level
Sig differences were found between 90% and 99% confidence levels for ACOS
across the three groups; and between Mill and Gen X and Gen X and Boomer
No stat sig differences between Millennial and Boomers in HCOS
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Cultural Orientation by Acculturation Level
ACOS = Anglo Cultural Orientation Scale
HCOS = Hispanic Cultural Orientation Scale
Low Mod High
• Low acculturated Hispanics scored the highest Hispanic Cultural Orientation
• High acculturated Hispanics showed the highest Anglo Cultural Orientation
Statistically significant differences were found at 95% confidence level
Sponsored by:Data Partners: ACOS = Anglo Cultural Orientation Scale
HCOS = Hispanic Cultural Orientation Scale
Cultural Orientation by Nativity and Gen
Gen X Boomer
Gen Y
- Statistically significant differences were found at 95% confidence level
- U.S. Nativity levels: Gen Y (65% USb / 35%Fb); Gen X ( 43%/57%); Boomer (46%/54% )
- Study Nativity levels: Gen Y (60%Usb / 40%Fb); Gen X (39%/61%); Boomer (46%/54%)
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Main Cultural Orientation Findings -
• This study found that the cultural orientation varied across Hispanic
Millennials, Gen X and Boomers
• This study found a higher incidence of ‘cultural duality’ across the board
than expected (this may be due to the fact this study measured cultural
orientation across two cultures instead of one)
• Changes to cultural orientation were most pronounced across “place of
birth” and “acculturation,” as expected
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Media Behavior Highlights
By Generational Segment
& Cultural Orientation
Findings – TV, Radio, Print, Internet
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Heaviest TV Viewers
Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for TV viewership
• Boomer Latinos are by far the most likely Generational cohort (Hispanic or
Non-Hispanic) to be heavy TV viewers, more than doubling Gen X Hispanics
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Heaviest Hispanic TV viewers gradually become
less HCO over the generations.
n=212 n=54 n=63 n=78
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Heaviest Radio Listeners
Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for radio listening
• Hispanics in Gens Y and X are heavier radio listeners than their Non
Hispanic counterparts.
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Heaviest Latino radio listeners are ACO among
Millenials, but shift to BCO in older generations.
n=206 n=65 n=76 n=58
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Heaviest Newspaper Readers
Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for newspapers reading
• Among both Hispanics and Non-Hispanics, Boomers are far-and-
away heaviest newspaper readers
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
17% 14%
48% 57%
38% 36%
TOTAL Millennial Xer Boomer
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Youngest heavy readers are ACO, switches to
BCO among older generations.
n=145 n=27 n=44 n=74
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Heaviest Internet Users
Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for Internet usage
• Not surprisingly, younger generations are heaviest Internet users.
However, drop-off not nearly as precipitous among Hispanics.
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Heavy Internet users are most likely to be ACO,
with exception of Xers, where BCO
n=149 n=57 n=53 n=39
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Best Customers Across
By Generational Segment
& Cultural Orientation
Findings – Millennials, GenXers, Boomers
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
• Baby food (164)
Movies - opening
weekend (141)
• Wireless - plan to
switch (140)
• Satellite/Pay TV (124)
Foreign travel (122)
• Children
clothing/shoes (125)
• Eco friendly: Save
water (115)
• Game/toy stores (108)
• Wireless - plan to
switch carrier (163)
• Children
clothing/baby food
• Computer - plans to
buy (139)
• Satellite/Pay TV
• Eco friendly: Save
water (116)
• Foreign Travel (113)
• Cold & flu Meds
• Footwear (104)
• Wireless - plan to
switch carrier (172)
• Foreign travel (137)
• Cold/flu Meds (123)
Greater Opportunities in Hispanic vs.
Non-Hispanics by Generational Segments
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Latino Boomers:
Greater Opportunities
vs. Other Hispanic Generational Segments
Coffee and nuts
New car, car insurance
Own 3+ vehicles
Newspaper & in-store circulars
Prescription drugs mainly because of high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, & digestive disorders. Specialist
see more: ophtalmologiest, cardiologist, & podiatrist. Health insurance
Financial: Own property. Life Insurance.
Major Credit & Deparment store cards,
Investments in money market & mutual funds
Domestic &
Foreign trips
Married, Full-time job
Other Purchases:
Glasses & contacts; dry cleaners
Civic: Registered to vote: Democrats.
Contribute $ to religious orgs. Energy efficient
devices (windows, light bulbs)
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Auto: New Car Purchasers
Q: Any vehicle new bought/leased (HHLD)
• NH are more likely to buy a new car.
• Latino Boomers show 35% higher incidence than Latino Millennials.
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
H Boomers 35% More likely to
have bought new car v. H Millennials
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
40% of H Boomers new car buyers are Bicultural
Oriented while 45% for H Xers, 43% for Millennials
n=379 n=89 n=135 n=155
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Financial: Life Insurance
Q: Life insurance coverage: Yes
• Life insurance coverage is 73% more likely among Latino Boomers
than Latino Millennials although incidence remains lower than NH
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Hispanics with Life Insurance policyholders’ Cultural
Orientation skews Anglo Oriented among Millennials
and fairly balanced between Anglo & Bilingual Oriented
among Boomers
n=347 n=72 n=118 n=157
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Travel: Foreign Trips
Q: Any trip outside continental U.S. past 3 years
• Hispanics are more likely to travel abroad than NH
• Latino Boomer generation 22% more likely than Latino Millennials
34.9% 35.0%
37.2% 35.9%
41.4% 41.9%
50.2%Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
40% More likely
to v. NH Boomers
26% More likely to
travel abroad v. NH
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Hispanic foreign travelers’ Cultural Orientation
skews somewhat Bicultural Oriented across all
generational segments yet most Hispanic Oriented
among Xers
n=459 n=158 n=145 n=156
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Hispanic Gen Xers:
Greater Opportunities
vs. Other Hispanic Generational Segments
QSR & C-stores.
Yogurt, tortillas, coffee, baby food, energy/nutrition bars, &
ready to eat cereal.
2 vehicles
Health: Rx drugs. cold/flu,
allergies, children meds.
Maternity care & pediatrics.
Demographics: Blue Collar,
married. FT job. Dual Earners.
Credit Cards or debit
Other Purchases: Children clothing, game/toy,
cosmetics/perfume/skin care, furniture, shoes, sport
attire/equiptment, home accesories.
Civic: Not as registered to vote.
Movie goers. High tech devices and plan to buy more.
Median users of internet, smartphone & apps.
Airline & lodging
reservations online
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Tech/Entertainment: Satellite TV
Q: Any Satellite TV (HHLD)
• Overall Hispanic show higher incidence of Satellite TV subscription, Latino
Xers 68% more likely than Latino Millennials
29.2% 28.9%
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
14% More likely to
subscribe v. NH
68% More likely to
subscribe v. H Gen Y
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Hispanics satellite TV subscribers’ Cultural Orientation is
fairly even among Xers and skew more Bicultural
Oriented across Millennials and Boomers
n=27 n=80 n=105 n=92
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Children’s clothing
Q: Bought Children’s clothing past 12 months
• Xers surpass other Generational segments in purchases of children’s
• Overall, Hispanics show 32% higher incidence than NH
35.7% 35.4%
Non Hispanic Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
32% More likely
to buy v. NH
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Children’s clothing buyers Cultural Orientation skew
varies: Anglo Oriented among Millennials, fairly
distributed among Xers and Bicultural Oriented
among Boomers
n=379 n=126 n=163 n=90
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Hispanic Millennials:
Greater Opportunities
vs. Other Hispanic Generational Segments
Food: C-stores. Candy, frozen
pizza, spirits, packaged meat, QSR,
ice cream, yogurt
Used car
E-mail & internet
Health: Health club. Maternity
care, OB/GYN. ER user.
Debit card, check cashing & checking account
Not married. Employed PT.
Sales/office jobs. College courses.
Other Purchases: Infant, music/video, furniture, sport
equipment, office supplies. Online purchases.
Rechargeable batteries
Hight tech devices; plan to buy more blue ray, HDTV, tablets.
Avid users of internet, smartphone & apps
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Tech/Entertainment: Movies
Q: Usually seen movies in opening weekend at a theater past
• Hispanics are nearly twice as likely as NH to go to movies on opening weekend.
• Hispanic Millennials are twice as likely as Latino Boomers
Non Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
84% More likely to
attend v. NH
40% More likely
to attend v. NH Y
Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Hispanics heavy movie goers’ Cultural Orientation skew
more Bicultural Oriented across Millennials and Xers but
evenly balanced between Anglo & Bilingual Oriented
among Boomers
n=176 n=74 n=68 n=34
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Q: HHLD plans to buy Furniture in next 12 months
• Hispanics Millennials are 41% more likely to plan to buy furniture than
Hispanic Boomers
Non Hispanic
Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers
40% More likely to
buy v. NH
41% More likely v.
Hispanic Boomers Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation
Furniture shoppers Cultural Orientation skews Anglo
Oriented among Millennials, Hispanic Oriented
among Xers and Bicultural Oriented among
n=209 n=78 n=83 n=48
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
What’s Next?
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
• Cultural orientation varied across Hispanic Millennials, Gen Xers,
and Boomers; in other words, study showed that Hispanics are
culturally diverse
• Surprisingly, the study found a level of cultural duality across all
Hispanics – not just Millennials
• The “best” Hispanic customer varied by category, suggesting that
the best opportunity for each category can be found in different
generational segments and specific Cultural Orientation
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
• Hispanics already lead in incidence and growth in many categories
where they could effectively lead Total Market efforts for marketers, i.e.:
– Maternity & Baby/infant/children: food, meds, clothing, footwear, toys,
games, OTC and Rx, etc.
– Tech & entertainments: wireless, Pay TV, smartphones, computers, tablets
– Leisure: Foreign travel
• Understanding Hispanic generational differences and product usage
can help define targeting priorities for product and service marketers
• Understanding Cultural Orientation and media usage among target
category users by generational segments and cross-culturally may
allow marketers to increase conversions and deepen engagement with
their most promising Hispanic niche
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Opportunities for Hispanic Marketers
• Expand the “one-size-fits-all” (i.e., homogeneous) cultural view of
Hispanics and target the specific category cultural orientation
consumer profile – not just the segment that is culturally ‘Hispanic’
• Use generational marketing to understand the diversity among
Hispanics and drive marketing effectiveness
– This study can help pave the way for deeper analysis by marketers for
their specific categories and should be used as a starting point
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
What’s Next on AHAA’s
Generational & Cultural
Orientation Calendar?
AHAA will:
• Publish an in-depth full-version of this study for AHAA Members-
only in August
• Host a webinar for Members-only that would uncover additional
study findings and insights in August
If you’re not a member of AHAA, please contact info@ahaa.org
Sponsored by:Data Partners:
Deck available at AHAA Research page:
Continue the
Generational & Cultural Orientation
conversation at:
Twitter: @ahaa @ScarboroughInfo
Facebook: AssociationofHispanicAdvertisingAgencies
Hashtag: #ahaaresearch

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AHAA Generational Cultural Orientation Webinar_short_deck_06-27-13_final

  • 1. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Targeting the Best Hispanic Customer: An AHAA Generational and Cultural Orientation Study THE NOT SO HIDDEN VALUE IN GENERATIONAL TRENDS
  • 2. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Welcome to join in the Generational & Cultural Orientation conversation at: Twitter: @ahaa @ScarboroughInfo Facebook: AssociationofHispanicAdvertisingAgencies Hashtag: #ahaaresearch 2
  • 3. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Introduction Gaby Alcantara-Diaz Carlos Santiago Study Methodology Scott Willoth What is Cultural Orientation (C.O.)? Jake Beniflah Media preferences by Generation & Cultural Orientation Scott Willoth Where are Best Customers for Key Categories? - A look at Gen Y, Gen X & Boomers & Cultural Orientation Conclusions and Implications Carlos Santiago Q&As by Moderator & Live Audience Gaby Alcantara-Diaz 3 Agenda
  • 4. Sponsored by:Data Partners: 2010 - 2012 2013 - 2014 AHAA Research Thought Leadership Upscale Phase 2 Total Market Hispanic ROI - Finance & Insurance 4
  • 5. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Scott Willoth Dr. Jake BeniflahCarlos Santiago Susan Nuñez Horacio Gavilan L. Cortes-Vasquez & team Research Study Team 5
  • 6. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Source: Scarborough Research (based on ACS 2011) Segment 2011 Total US Pop % of Total US Pop 2011 US Hispanic Pop % of Total US H Pop Hispanic % of Segment Millennial (18-29) 51,775,505 26.6% 10,471,236 34.1% 20.2% Gen X (30-44) 61,324,756 31.5% 11,533,357 37.5% 18.8% Boomer (45-64) 81,667,688 41.9% 8,733,235 28.4% 10.6% Adults (18-64) 194,767,949 100.0% 30,737,828 100.0% 15.8% Context of Study Generations Impact of Hispanics by Generation -2011 6
  • 7. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Context Regardless of Age & Generation, Hispanics Growing Faster than Non-Hispanics Source: U.S. Decennial Census 2000-2010 3.3% 2.6% 3.3% 6.0% 4.8% -0.5% 0.7% -1.4% 2.5% 1.2% 0-17 18-29 Gen Y 30-44 Gen X 45-64 Boomers 65+ Silent Population Annual Growth Rate by Generation 2000-2010 CAGR Hisp NH 7
  • 9. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Background • We’re living in an era of tremendous demographic change and leading companies view Hispanics as an important segment to drive corporate growth. • Ongoing need to understand Hispanic consumers cross-culturally. Culture continues to matter – but which one? For which Hispanic consumer? And for which categories? • AHAA conducted the first study that measures the cultural orientation of Hispanics with implications on category and product usage 9
  • 10. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Purpose of the Study • Uncover new insights that may provide marketers with additional tools to mine their Hispanic opportunity by exploring specific category and cultural benefits among Hispanic Millennials, Gen X and Boomers. • Some of the questions we set out to answer include: – Where are the business opportunities by generational segment? – Is there an Hispanic “best” customer in key product categories? – How does cultural orientation vary across generational segments? – How are Hispanics culturally different from each other? 10
  • 12. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Base Total (18-29) Millennial (30-44) Gen X (45-64) Boomer Hispanic by Acculturation Level Lesser 352 82 148 122 Moderate 227 101 64 62 High 348 122 100 126 Total - Hispanic 927 305 312 310 Total Non-Hispanic 335 124 105 106 Total Market 1,262 429 417 416 Phase 2 Sample Design 12
  • 13. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Cultural Orientation 13 What is it? How did we measure it? Findings
  • 14. Sponsored by:Data Partners: What is Cultural Orientation? • Cultural orientation is the degree to which individuals actively engage in certain parts of culture (food, music, language, media, celebrations, etc.) • Provides marketers with concrete measures on how Hispanics are adopting the American culture relative to their native culture • Cultural orientation is different from acculturation, which relies on proxy variables (i.e., language) – and should not replace it 14
  • 15. Sponsored by:Data Partners: How Was Cultural Orientation Measured? • Used the Bicultural Involvement Questionnaire* (BIQ) comprised of two subscales (37 items), independently measuring the cultural orientation toward the Hispanic and Anglo cultures Hispanic Anglo LANGUAGE CULTURE 37 items10 20 7 CHANGE *Szapocznik, Kurtines, & Fernandez (1980) Reliability scores were high: .93 (Hispanicism); .89 (Americanism) LANGUAGE – comfort across at home, at school, at work, with friends, in general; CULTURE - Food, music, dances, stores, celebrations, TV programs, radio stations, books and magazines, websites, volunteering in community organizations 15
  • 16. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Cultural Orientation by Generational Level ACOS = Anglo Cultural Orientation Scale HCOS = Hispanic Cultural Orientation Scale Millennial Gen X Boomer • Hispanic Millennials showed a high Anglo Cultural Orientation • Hispanic Gen X showed similar scores across HCOS and ACOS • Surprisingly, Hispanic Boomers had a higher Anglo Cultural Orientation Gen Level CulturalOrientation Sig differences were found between 90% and 99% confidence levels for ACOS across the three groups; and between Mill and Gen X and Gen X and Boomer No stat sig differences between Millennial and Boomers in HCOS 16
  • 17. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Cultural Orientation by Acculturation Level ACOS = Anglo Cultural Orientation Scale HCOS = Hispanic Cultural Orientation Scale Low Mod High • Low acculturated Hispanics scored the highest Hispanic Cultural Orientation • High acculturated Hispanics showed the highest Anglo Cultural Orientation Acculturation CulturalOrientation NOTE: Statistically significant differences were found at 95% confidence level 17
  • 18. Sponsored by:Data Partners: ACOS = Anglo Cultural Orientation Scale HCOS = Hispanic Cultural Orientation Scale Cultural Orientation by Nativity and Gen Level Gen X Boomer U.S. Born Foreign Born Gen Y U.S. Born Foreign Born U.S. Born Foreign Born NOTES: - Statistically significant differences were found at 95% confidence level - U.S. Nativity levels: Gen Y (65% USb / 35%Fb); Gen X ( 43%/57%); Boomer (46%/54% ) - Study Nativity levels: Gen Y (60%Usb / 40%Fb); Gen X (39%/61%); Boomer (46%/54%) 18
  • 19. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Main Cultural Orientation Findings - Summary • This study found that the cultural orientation varied across Hispanic Millennials, Gen X and Boomers • This study found a higher incidence of ‘cultural duality’ across the board than expected (this may be due to the fact this study measured cultural orientation across two cultures instead of one) • Changes to cultural orientation were most pronounced across “place of birth” and “acculturation,” as expected 19
  • 20. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Media Behavior Highlights By Generational Segment & Cultural Orientation 20 Findings – TV, Radio, Print, Internet
  • 21. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Heaviest TV Viewers Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for TV viewership • Boomer Latinos are by far the most likely Generational cohort (Hispanic or Non-Hispanic) to be heavy TV viewers, more than doubling Gen X Hispanics 19.8% 8.2% 25.0% 22.4% 25.8% 21.5% 15.8% 35.6% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Heaviest Hispanic TV viewers gradually become less HCO over the generations. n=212 n=54 n=63 n=78 21
  • 22. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Heaviest Radio Listeners Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for radio listening • Hispanics in Gens Y and X are heavier radio listeners than their Non Hispanic counterparts. 20.0% 10.2% 17.1% 28.4% 20.2% 17.4% 25.5% 17.7% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Heaviest Latino radio listeners are ACO among Millenials, but shift to BCO in older generations. n=206 n=65 n=76 n=58 22
  • 23. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Heaviest Newspaper Readers Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for newspapers reading • Among both Hispanics and Non-Hispanics, Boomers are far-and- away heaviest newspaper readers 21.0% 9.2% 14.4% 33.5% 15.7% 12.7% 10.3% 21.4% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers 10% 17% 14% 7% 49% 21% 48% 57% 41% 62% 38% 36% TOTAL Millennial Xer Boomer HCO BCO ACO Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Youngest heavy readers are ACO, switches to BCO among older generations. n=145 n=27 n=44 n=74 23
  • 24. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Heaviest Internet Users Percent in First (heaviest) Quintile for Internet usage • Not surprisingly, younger generations are heaviest Internet users. However, drop-off not nearly as precipitous among Hispanics. 22.2% 32.9% 20.1% 17.5% 15.1% 19.3% 16.9% 11.5% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Heavy Internet users are most likely to be ACO, with exception of Xers, where BCO predominates. n=149 n=57 n=53 n=39 24
  • 25. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Best Customers Across Categories By Generational Segment & Cultural Orientation 25 Findings – Millennials, GenXers, Boomers
  • 26. Sponsored by:Data Partners: LatinoMillennials18-29vNH • Baby food (164) Movies - opening weekend (141) • Wireless - plan to switch (140) • Satellite/Pay TV (124) Foreign travel (122) • Children clothing/shoes (125) • Eco friendly: Save water (115) • Game/toy stores (108) LatinoXers30-44vNH • Wireless - plan to switch carrier (163) • Children clothing/baby food (143) • Computer - plans to buy (139) • Satellite/Pay TV (117) • Eco friendly: Save water (116) • Foreign Travel (113) • Cold & flu Meds (111) • Footwear (104) LatinoBoomers45-64vNH • Wireless - plan to switch carrier (172) • Foreign travel (137) • Cold/flu Meds (123) Greater Opportunities in Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanics by Generational Segments 26
  • 27. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Latino Boomers: Greater Opportunities vs. Other Hispanic Generational Segments 27 Food: Coffee and nuts Auto: New car, car insurance Own 3+ vehicles Coupons: Newspaper & in-store circulars Health: Prescription drugs mainly because of high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, & digestive disorders. Specialist see more: ophtalmologiest, cardiologist, & podiatrist. Health insurance Financial: Own property. Life Insurance. Major Credit & Deparment store cards, Investments in money market & mutual funds Travel: Domestic & Foreign trips Demographics: Married, Full-time job Other Purchases: Glasses & contacts; dry cleaners Civic: Registered to vote: Democrats. Contribute $ to religious orgs. Energy efficient devices (windows, light bulbs)
  • 28. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Auto: New Car Purchasers Q: Any vehicle new bought/leased (HHLD) • NH are more likely to buy a new car. • Latino Boomers show 35% higher incidence than Latino Millennials. 51.3% 39.1% 48.5% 56.3% 37.3% 32.7% 34.8% 44.3% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers H Boomers 35% More likely to have bought new car v. H Millennials Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation 40% of H Boomers new car buyers are Bicultural Oriented while 45% for H Xers, 43% for Millennials n=379 n=89 n=135 n=155 28
  • 29. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Financial: Life Insurance Q: Life insurance coverage: Yes • Life insurance coverage is 73% more likely among Latino Boomers than Latino Millennials although incidence remains lower than NH 61.8% 45.6% 64.9% 68.4% 36.6% 26.7% 36.1% 46.1% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Hispanics with Life Insurance policyholders’ Cultural Orientation skews Anglo Oriented among Millennials and fairly balanced between Anglo & Bilingual Oriented among Boomers n=347 n=72 n=118 n=157 29
  • 30. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Travel: Foreign Trips Q: Any trip outside continental U.S. past 3 years • Hispanics are more likely to travel abroad than NH • Latino Boomer generation 22% more likely than Latino Millennials 34.9% 35.0% 37.2% 35.9% 43.9% 41.4% 41.9% 50.2%Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers . 40% More likely to v. NH Boomers 26% More likely to travel abroad v. NH Most Likely Buyer Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Hispanic foreign travelers’ Cultural Orientation skews somewhat Bicultural Oriented across all generational segments yet most Hispanic Oriented among Xers n=459 n=158 n=145 n=156 30
  • 31. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Hispanic Gen Xers: Greater Opportunities vs. Other Hispanic Generational Segments 31 Food: QSR & C-stores. Yogurt, tortillas, coffee, baby food, energy/nutrition bars, & ready to eat cereal. Auto: 2 vehicles Health: Rx drugs. cold/flu, allergies, children meds. Maternity care & pediatrics. Demographics: Blue Collar, married. FT job. Dual Earners. Financial: Credit Cards or debit card Other Purchases: Children clothing, game/toy, cosmetics/perfume/skin care, furniture, shoes, sport attire/equiptment, home accesories. Civic: Not as registered to vote. Tech/Entertaiment: Movie goers. High tech devices and plan to buy more. Median users of internet, smartphone & apps. Travel: Airline & lodging reservations online
  • 32. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Tech/Entertainment: Satellite TV Q: Any Satellite TV (HHLD) • Overall Hispanic show higher incidence of Satellite TV subscription, Latino Xers 68% more likely than Latino Millennials 27.5% 24.4% 29.2% 28.9% 31.3% 20.2% 34.1% 30.9% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers 14% More likely to subscribe v. NH Most Likely Buyer 68% More likely to subscribe v. H Gen Y Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Hispanics satellite TV subscribers’ Cultural Orientation is fairly even among Xers and skew more Bicultural Oriented across Millennials and Boomers n=27 n=80 n=105 n=92 32
  • 33. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Children’s clothing Q: Bought Children’s clothing past 12 months • Xers surpass other Generational segments in purchases of children’s clothing. • Overall, Hispanics show 32% higher incidence than NH 27.0% 28.4% 45.4% 21.0% 35.7% 35.4% 47.0% 25.4% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers 32% More likely to buy v. NH Most Likely Buyer Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Children’s clothing buyers Cultural Orientation skew varies: Anglo Oriented among Millennials, fairly distributed among Xers and Bicultural Oriented among Boomers n=379 n=126 n=163 n=90 33
  • 34. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Hispanic Millennials: Greater Opportunities vs. Other Hispanic Generational Segments 34 Food: C-stores. Candy, frozen pizza, spirits, packaged meat, QSR, ice cream, yogurt Auto: Used car Coupons: E-mail & internet Health: Health club. Maternity care, OB/GYN. ER user. Financial: Debit card, check cashing & checking account Demographics: Not married. Employed PT. Sales/office jobs. College courses. Other Purchases: Infant, music/video, furniture, sport equipment, office supplies. Online purchases. Civic: Rechargeable batteries Tech/Entertaiment: Hight tech devices; plan to buy more blue ray, HDTV, tablets. Avid users of internet, smartphone & apps
  • 35. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Tech/Entertainment: Movies Q: Usually seen movies in opening weekend at a theater past • Hispanics are nearly twice as likely as NH to go to movies on opening weekend. • Hispanic Millennials are twice as likely as Latino Boomers 8.8% 15.8% 11.1% 6.7% 16.2% 22.2% 17.1% 11.3% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers 84% More likely to attend v. NH Most Likely Buyer 40% More likely to attend v. NH Y Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Hispanics heavy movie goers’ Cultural Orientation skew more Bicultural Oriented across Millennials and Xers but evenly balanced between Anglo & Bilingual Oriented among Boomers n=176 n=74 n=68 n=34 35
  • 36. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Furniture Q: HHLD plans to buy Furniture in next 12 months • Hispanics Millennials are 41% more likely to plan to buy furniture than Hispanic Boomers 13.5% 19.2% 18.1% 11.6% 19.0% 22.0% 20.7% 15.6% Non Hispanic Hispanic Total Gen Y Gen X Boomers 40% More likely to buy v. NH Most Likely Buyer 41% More likely v. Hispanic Boomers Cultural Orientation Highlights by Generation Furniture shoppers Cultural Orientation skews Anglo Oriented among Millennials, Hispanic Oriented among Xers and Bicultural Oriented among Boomers n=209 n=78 n=83 n=48 36
  • 38. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Conclusions • Cultural orientation varied across Hispanic Millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers; in other words, study showed that Hispanics are culturally diverse • Surprisingly, the study found a level of cultural duality across all Hispanics – not just Millennials • The “best” Hispanic customer varied by category, suggesting that the best opportunity for each category can be found in different generational segments and specific Cultural Orientation 38
  • 39. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Implications • Hispanics already lead in incidence and growth in many categories where they could effectively lead Total Market efforts for marketers, i.e.: – Maternity & Baby/infant/children: food, meds, clothing, footwear, toys, games, OTC and Rx, etc. – Tech & entertainments: wireless, Pay TV, smartphones, computers, tablets – Leisure: Foreign travel • Understanding Hispanic generational differences and product usage can help define targeting priorities for product and service marketers • Understanding Cultural Orientation and media usage among target category users by generational segments and cross-culturally may allow marketers to increase conversions and deepen engagement with their most promising Hispanic niche 39
  • 40. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Opportunities for Hispanic Marketers • Expand the “one-size-fits-all” (i.e., homogeneous) cultural view of Hispanics and target the specific category cultural orientation consumer profile – not just the segment that is culturally ‘Hispanic’ • Use generational marketing to understand the diversity among Hispanics and drive marketing effectiveness – This study can help pave the way for deeper analysis by marketers for their specific categories and should be used as a starting point 40
  • 42. Sponsored by:Data Partners: What’s Next on AHAA’s Generational & Cultural Orientation Calendar? AHAA will: • Publish an in-depth full-version of this study for AHAA Members- only in August • Host a webinar for Members-only that would uncover additional study findings and insights in August If you’re not a member of AHAA, please contact [email protected] 42
  • 43. Sponsored by:Data Partners: Deck available at AHAA Research page: http://ahaa.org/default.asp?contentID=27 Continue the Generational & Cultural Orientation conversation at: 43 Twitter: @ahaa @ScarboroughInfo Facebook: AssociationofHispanicAdvertisingAgencies Hashtag: #ahaaresearch