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Mobile Automation with Appium
Manoj Kumar
About Me
✓Open Source Enthusiast
(Selenium, ngWebdriver, Serenity, Protractor et..)
✓Author assertselenium.com & official documentation of Selenium
✓Organizer & Program Chair seleniumconf.com
✓Member of Project Leadership committee - Selenium
✓Accessibility enthusiast
Today’s Session
✓Challenges of Mobile Automated testing
✓Getting started with Automated Mobile Testing -Appium
✓Advanced features and unique capabilities
✓Scaling your Appium tests
✓State of Mobile Automation testing tools
✓& More

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Mobile Testing with Appium
Mobile Testing with AppiumMobile Testing with Appium
Mobile Testing with Appium

We will learn more about mobile application testing using the Appium automation testing Framework. We'll explore how it is different from web application testing, what is the importance of mobile application testing and lastly, why should we choose appium as a testing tool.

mobile testingappiumautomation in mobile testing
Appium ppt
Appium pptAppium ppt
Appium ppt

"Learn All Aspects Of Appium step by step, Enhance your skills & Launch Your Career, On-Demand Course affordable price & classes on virtually every topic.Try Before You Buy for maven online training visit: https://goo.gl/YKsHBZ"

appium online trainingit courses online trainingappium

This document discusses Android and iOS automation using Appium. It provides an overview of Appium, including that it is an open source test automation tool for mobile apps that supports automation of native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It also outlines the features of Appium, how to set up automation for Android and iOS apps, and demonstrates automating a mobile web app.

Automate it!
Challenges - Mobile Automation
• Validate every OS version your app supports
• Validate every locale your app supports
• Validate different device manufacturers
• Validate performance of your mobile apps
• Simulator vs Real Device differences
Tools / Frameworks

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Automation testing on ios platform using appium
Automation testing on ios platform using appiumAutomation testing on ios platform using appium
Automation testing on ios platform using appium

Appium is an open source test automation framework for testing native, hybrid and mobile web applications across platforms like iOS, Android and Windows. It allows writing tests using the same WebDriver API that can be reused across platforms. Appium uses vendor-provided frameworks like XCUITest for iOS automation. XCUITest is different from the older UIAutomation framework in features supported and changes to element locators. When testing on real iOS devices, a developer account and certificates are required to code sign apps. Tests need to be updated to use different locators like accessibility ID instead of XPath due to performance issues and API changes in XCUITest.

test automationtesting mobile appsselenium
Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application TestingMobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing

The presentation basics about the mobile application strategies and concepts. Good source for the beginners. Get your app tested by us: [email protected]

swaamtechandroidmobile application testing
Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application TestingMobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing

The document discusses mobile application testing, including the types of mobile applications like web, native, and hybrid applications; different mobile platforms like Android and iOS; how to test aspects like installation, features, and network connectivity; challenges in mobile application testing like lack of devices; and how to overcome challenges using emulators and automation tools.

mobile app testing
Be Honest
Tool Stack
Appium Philosophy
• Test the Same app you submit to the marketplace
• Write automated tests in any language / framework
• An open-source mobile automation framework
• Come up With your own driver implementation

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Top 20 best automation testing tools
Top 20 best automation testing toolsTop 20 best automation testing tools
Top 20 best automation testing tools

Today we need everything reliable and accelerated, so to attain prompt results we are using varied automation testing tools. An automation tool is a piece of software that is run by little human interaction. Different testing tools are used for automation/manual testing, unit testing, performance, web, mobile, etc., more to that we have some open source testing tools as well.

automation testingautomation testing toolsautomated testing
Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing by Javed AnsariMobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari

This document discusses various topics related to mobile application testing. It covers what mobile application testing is, why it is important, challenges, different testing methodologies like legacy testing, behavior driven testing and crowd sourcing. It also discusses types of testing like functionality, UI, interruption, security and performance testing. Tools for testing on emulators and actual devices are compared. Specific test areas like UI, interruption, gesture testing are described.

mobile ui testingmobile interruption testingenterprise mobility
Getting started with Appium 2.0
Getting started with Appium 2.0Getting started with Appium 2.0
Getting started with Appium 2.0

Slides used in workshop on "Getting started with Appium 2.0" at AppiumConf 2021 https://confengine.com/conferences/appium-conf-2021/proposal/15634/getting-started-with-appium-20

• Appium is a HTTP server that creates and handles WebDriver session
through Mobile JSON WP
Appium Architecture
• Similar to WebDriver Server
• A Client-Server architecture
• Server - Node Js
• Client - your Automated Scripts
• Receive request from Client > Executes commands on devices/emulators
> A HTTP response is responded
Appium Architecture
• When you download Appium Desktop or install via npm - you’re just
downloading or setting up the Server part of Appium
• When you write an automated Appium Script and execute it, a HTTP
request in JSON format is sent to Server
• Appium sends the commands to iOS and Android platform in a way that it
understands via bootstrap- which acts as a Unix/TCP server
Appium in a Nutshell

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Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application TestingMobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing

This document discusses testing strategies for mobile applications. It covers the types of mobile application testing including interface testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, and service testing. It also discusses challenges in mobile application testing related to device variation and differences in operating systems and versions. Finally, it discusses strategies for mobile application testing including using real devices, emulators, and cloud-based testing on remote real devices.

testingmobile application
QSpiders - Automation using Selenium
QSpiders - Automation using SeleniumQSpiders - Automation using Selenium
QSpiders - Automation using Selenium

The document discusses automation testing using Selenium. It provides an overview of Selenium, including what it is, its components like Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium WebDriver. It explains the features and advantages of each component. Selenium is an open source tool that allows automated testing of web applications across different browsers and platforms. It supports recording and playback of tests and can help reduce testing time and costs through automation.

Selenium test automation
Selenium test automationSelenium test automation
Selenium test automation

This document discusses Selenium, an open source tool used for automating web application testing. It describes Selenium components like Selenium IDE, RC, and WebDriver. Benefits of Selenium include time savings, reduced costs, repeatable tests, and generated reports. Frameworks like modular, data-driven, and keyword-driven are also covered. The document outlines prerequisites, features, benefits to organizations, best practices, and limitations of Selenium.

Appium Landscape
Source: Jonathan Lipps- CloudGrey
Appium Requirements
• Appium via npm server
• Driver Specific Setup
• XCUITest Driver - iOS
• Mac, Xcode > 7, XCUITest library
• UiAutomator2 Driver( EspressoDriver at it Beta Stage) - Android
• Java 7, Android SDK
• Windows Driver - Win Desktop Apps
• Mac Driver - Mac Desktop Apps
Appium Server

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RESTful API Testing using Postman, Newman, and Jenkins
RESTful API Testing using Postman, Newman, and JenkinsRESTful API Testing using Postman, Newman, and Jenkins
RESTful API Testing using Postman, Newman, and Jenkins

INCLUDE AUTOMATED RESTFUL API TESTING USING POSTMAN, NEWMAN, AND JENKINS If you’re going to automate one kind of tests at your company, API testing is the perfect place to start! It’s fast and simple to write as well as fast to execute. If your company writes an API for its software, then you understand the need and importance of testing it. In this webinar, we’ll do a live demonstration of how you can use free tools, such as Postman, Newman, and Jenkins, to enhance your software quality and security. Elise Carmichael will cover: Why your API tests should be included with your CI Real examples using Postman, Newman and Jenkins + Newman An active Q&A where you can get your automated testing questions answered, live! To get the most out of this session: Download these free tools prior to the webinar: Postman, Newman (along with node and npm) and Jenkins Read up on how to parse JSON objects using javascript *Can’t attend the webinar live? Register and we will send the recording after the webinar is over.

restful apisoftware testingpostman
Mobile application testing
Mobile application testingMobile application testing
Mobile application testing

Different testing requirements that mobile applications have, challenges and solutions Challenges 1. Complex mobile testing matrix, Expensive test environment 2. Repetitive testing 3. Mobile testing for devices located at various locations Solutions: • Risk Based Testing approach • Using Mobile device emulators • Use of Automation tools • Leveraging external services

Automation - web testing with selenium
Automation - web testing with seleniumAutomation - web testing with selenium
Automation - web testing with selenium

Here is the presentation of the lectore that a gave at my work (3Base group) about the web testing with Selenium and TestNG

Appium Driver Service
Desired Capabilities
Appium Inspector
Advanced Appium Actions
Name Some please?

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Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...

This presentation about Selenium WebDriver will help you understand what is Selenium, why Selenium WebDriver was developed, what exactly is Selenium WebDriver, the architecture of Selenium WebDriver and the limitations of Selenium WebDriver. In the end, we'll be looking at a demo showing the working of WebDriver using java. Selenium is an automated testing tool that tests web applications across various platforms and browsers. WebDriver happens to be one of the Selenium tools with a simple yet robust architecture. It controls the browser based on the user program. WebDriver revolutionized automation testing and continues to do so. Let's move further and understand the selenium web driver in detail. Below are the topics we will be discussing in the presentation: 1. What is Selenium? 2. Why Selenium WebDriver? 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? 4. The architecture of Selenium WebDriver 5. Limitations of Selenium WebDriver 6. Demo: Automation testing with WebDriver Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course includes basic as well as advanced concepts of WebDriver and other tools/frameworks like TestNG, Maven, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j. Special focus is given on building a robust framework with Page Object Design Pattern, Data-Driven Approach, and creating reusable components to improve productivity. The course also covers the Selenium Grid, which along with TestNG helps achieve parallel execution to improve coverage and reduce execution time for faster feedback. Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. The course includes a project where you have to create the test automation for an eCommerce application with a framework and reporting. What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution Learn more at https://www.simplilearn.com/selenium-certification-training

selenium webdriver tutorialselenium webdriver tutorial for beginnerselenium
Introduction to Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Selenium Web DriverIntroduction to Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Selenium Web Driver

The document provides an introduction to Selenium WebDriver. It discusses the architecture and components of Selenium 1.0 and 2.0. It describes the Selenium WebDriver API for finding elements, performing actions, and handling windows/frames. It also provides an example of creating a test in Java to validate search results on the Rambler website using Selenium WebDriver.

ATAGTR2017 Appium
ATAGTR2017 AppiumATAGTR2017 Appium
ATAGTR2017 Appium

The presentation on Appium was done during #ATAGTR2017, one of the largest global testing conference. All copyright belongs to the author. Author and presenter : Sunket Ingale

appiumagile testing alliancetools
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Thanks - Srinivasan & Sai
Vertical Swiping
Vertical Swiping
Thanks - Srinivasan & Sai
Chained Locators

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Use Jenkins For Continuous Load Testing And Mobile Test Automation
Use Jenkins For Continuous Load Testing And Mobile Test AutomationUse Jenkins For Continuous Load Testing And Mobile Test Automation
Use Jenkins For Continuous Load Testing And Mobile Test Automation

The document discusses using Jenkins for continuous load testing and mobile test automation. It describes how Jenkins can be used to automate testing across sprints in an agile methodology. Specifically, it outlines how to leverage Jenkins to run functional tests continuously and repurpose those tests for performance and load testing. This helps ensure applications are thoroughly tested before each release.

STARWest: Use Jenkins For Continuous 
Load Testing And Mobile Test Automation
STARWest: Use Jenkins For Continuous 
Load Testing And Mobile Test AutomationSTARWest: Use Jenkins For Continuous 
Load Testing And Mobile Test Automation
STARWest: Use Jenkins For Continuous 
Load Testing And Mobile Test Automation

Frank Cohen's session from the STARWest (Software Test Automation) conference, October 2014. Building mobile apps and Ajax apps effectively requires a blended approach to test automation. 

Frank Cohen, CTO/Founder at Appvance, shows how to leverage the best application performance test methodology with test tools to deliver excellent Ajax, iOS and Android apps. 

Learn how to: 
* Effectively choose a mobile testing method for Agile shops 
* Reduce costs by choosing the best tools (Appium, Jenkins, Appvance PerformanceCloud) 
* Scale-up your mobile testing to thousands of test suites automatically 
* The mix-and-match mobile testing methodology for just-in-time performance testing

load testingajax

Appium is an open-source test automation framework for use in testing native mobile apps, hybrid and mobile web apps. It allows automation of tests across platforms like Android and iOS. Appium uses the WebDriver protocol for communication and follows a client-server architecture where the client sends commands to the Appium server which then executes them on the mobile device. Appium supports locator strategies like ID, XPath and testing features like parallel test execution across devices. It has advantages such as being free, open-source, supporting multiple platforms and frameworks but also has limitations such as requiring app access and slow test speeds.

appiumandroid developmentsoftware engineering
Any Possible
Thanks - Srinivasan & Sai
Tips & Tricks
• No XPath
• Use Predicates in iOS
• Appium is slow
• Stability over speed
• No Docs
Performance Testing for Mobile apps
• Mobile apps are usually run in a very constrained environment
• Mobile apps have the potential to create bad user experience not only from
UI perspective but also by jamming CPU or memory and shown as a
“battery draining app”
• At least with Android
• dumpsys is a tool that runs on Android devices and provides information
about services and can be used wth Android Debug Bridge
• Allow you to check how your application affects the overall device through
CPU, RAM, Battery, storage stats
List<List<Object>> data =
driver.getPerformanceData("io.appium.android.apis", "memoryinfo",
Performance Testing with Appium

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A Comprehensive Appium Guide for Hybrid App Automation Testing.pdf
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A Comprehensive Appium Guide for Hybrid App Automation Testing.pdf

Companies strive to enhance customer engagement through frequent feature updates in today's fast-paced digital landscape. The imperative to deliver reliable, bug-free applications quickly is paramount. To meet these demands, a robust testing process is indispensable.

appium testing
Mobile automation using selenium cucumber & appium
Mobile automation using selenium cucumber & appiumMobile automation using selenium cucumber & appium
Mobile automation using selenium cucumber & appium

This document discusses mobile automation using Selenium-Cucumber and Appium. It provides an overview of Selenium-Cucumber for automating web and mobile tests in a behavior-driven development approach. It also introduces Appium for automating native and hybrid mobile apps across platforms. The document outlines how to set up the required tools and libraries and provides examples of using Selenium-Cucumber to automate tests of Android web and mobile apps.

mobile automationappiumbdd
Visual Testing for mobile Apps
• Validate if your app looks same on different screen sizes, different
• How will your app layout or structure looks when used in different language
which has long strings like Deutsch
• Consider testing in Landscape mode
Accessibility Testing for Mobile Apps
• All activatable elements should be focusable
• The user flow on the screen should be from top to bottom and left to right.
The flow throughout the app should be intuitive.
Accessibility testing with Espresso
• Accessibility Test framework from Google - Plugged into any Java
• Espresso:
import android.support.test.espresso.contrib.AccessibilityChecks;
public class AccessibilityChecksIntegrationTest {
public static void enableAccessibilityChecks() {

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Frank Cohen, CTO/Founder at Appvance, teaches developers and testers how to become more closely aligned with easily deployable and configurable tools such as Jenkins CI and performance testing platforms. 

Learn how to: 
* Merge Agile SDLC and Performance Testing 
* Speed-up test operations by configuring Jenkins for automatic build, deploy, and tests 
* Instantly identify functional and performance issues using Jenkins as a performance dashboard 
* Use effective choices in Jenkins deployment – in the cloud, hosted, or in your datacenter

Automated Mobile Testing using Appium.pdf
Automated Mobile Testing using Appium.pdfAutomated Mobile Testing using Appium.pdf
Automated Mobile Testing using Appium.pdf

This document discusses the need for automated mobile application testing and introduces Appium as a tool to perform such testing. It provides an overview of Appium, including that it is open-source, cross-platform for Android and iOS, supports various programming languages, and can test native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It also provides basic instructions on getting started with Appium and includes screenshots of the Appium user interface and a sample test script.

Advanced Appium
Advanced AppiumAdvanced Appium
Advanced Appium

This document summarizes the Selenium Conference 2016 in Bangalore, India. It introduces the keynote speaker Dan Cuellar and provides an overview of the topics he will cover including What's New in Appium 1.5, testing Mac and Windows applications, advanced Appium techniques, visual and mechanical testing, and a question and answer session. It also briefly describes Appium as an open source test automation framework for native, hybrid and mobile web applications on Android and iOS.

Scaling Mobile Automation
Scaling Mobile Automation
• Dockerize Appium Tests - Easy Parallel tests
• Docker based Setup
• https://github.com/butomo1989/docker-android
• https://github.com/appium/appium-docker-android
• No more worry about requirements
• Comes pre-built in a docker image
• Build an Image and execute it!
Scaling Mobile Automation
• Appium Test Distribution
• Appium Device Manager
• Remote Appium Manager
Video Demo

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The ultimate guide to mobile app testing with appium
The ultimate guide to mobile app testing with appiumThe ultimate guide to mobile app testing with appium
The ultimate guide to mobile app testing with appium

Appium is an open-source test automation tool that allows developers to test mobile apps across platforms. It works by communicating with the mobile device and app to run automated tests scripts written in various programming languages. Appium tests can check that the user experience is seamless across different devices. The tool was initially created to test iOS apps but now supports Android as well. It has become popular for testing apps with user interfaces like games and banking apps across both iOS and Android devices.

best appium testing
CS02A - Interacting with applications.pptx
CS02A - Interacting with applications.pptxCS02A - Interacting with applications.pptx
CS02A - Interacting with applications.pptx

This document provides an overview of interacting with applications for automation testing. It discusses why automation is used, some automation basics, and different types of applications that can be tested. Selenium and Appium are introduced as open source frameworks for automation. Capabilities are explained for configuring the automation driver to connect to a device or browser for testing. Methods are described for identifying application objects using object properties or visual analysis to interact with elements in the user interface.

Designing an effective hybrid apps automation framework
Designing an effective hybrid apps automation frameworkDesigning an effective hybrid apps automation framework
Designing an effective hybrid apps automation framework

Best practices to design an hybrid-app automation framework with today’s de-facto standards: WebDriver, Selenium and Appium.

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Mobile Testing tools-Landscape
Thank you!

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Mobile Automation with Appium

  • 1. Mobile Automation with Appium Manoj Kumar
  • 2. About Me ✓Open Source Enthusiast (Selenium, ngWebdriver, Serenity, Protractor et..) ✓Author assertselenium.com & official documentation of Selenium ✓Organizer & Program Chair seleniumconf.com ✓Member of Project Leadership committee - Selenium ✓Accessibility enthusiast ✓I work at Applitools AI-POWERED VISUAL TESTING AND MONITORING
  • 3. Today’s Session ✓Challenges of Mobile Automated testing ✓Getting started with Automated Mobile Testing -Appium ✓Advanced features and unique capabilities ✓Scaling your Appium tests ✓State of Mobile Automation testing tools ✓& More
  • 7. Challenges - Mobile Automation • Validate every OS version your app supports • Validate every locale your app supports • Validate different device manufacturers • Validate performance of your mobile apps • Simulator vs Real Device differences
  • 12. Appium Philosophy • Test the Same app you submit to the marketplace • Write automated tests in any language / framework • An open-source mobile automation framework • Come up With your own driver implementation
  • 13. Appium • Appium is a HTTP server that creates and handles WebDriver session through Mobile JSON WP
  • 14. Appium Architecture • Similar to WebDriver Server • A Client-Server architecture • Server - Node Js • Client - your Automated Scripts • Receive request from Client > Executes commands on devices/emulators > A HTTP response is responded
  • 15. Appium Architecture • When you download Appium Desktop or install via npm - you’re just downloading or setting up the Server part of Appium • When you write an automated Appium Script and execute it, a HTTP request in JSON format is sent to Server • Appium sends the commands to iOS and Android platform in a way that it understands via bootstrap- which acts as a Unix/TCP server
  • 16. Appium in a Nutshell
  • 19. Appium Requirements • Appium via npm server • Driver Specific Setup • XCUITest Driver - iOS • Mac, Xcode > 7, XCUITest library • UiAutomator2 Driver( EspressoDriver at it Beta Stage) - Android • Java 7, Android SDK • Windows Driver - Win Desktop Apps • Mac Driver - Mac Desktop Apps
  • 25. Horizontal Swiping Thanks - Srinivasan & Sai
  • 27. Vertical Swiping Thanks - Srinivasan & Sai
  • 29. Any Possible Thanks - Srinivasan & Sai
  • 30. Tips & Tricks • No XPath • Use Predicates in iOS • Appium is slow • Stability over speed • No Docs
  • 31. Performance Testing for Mobile apps • Mobile apps are usually run in a very constrained environment • Mobile apps have the potential to create bad user experience not only from UI perspective but also by jamming CPU or memory and shown as a “battery draining app”
  • 32. • At least with Android • dumpsys is a tool that runs on Android devices and provides information about services and can be used wth Android Debug Bridge • Allow you to check how your application affects the overall device through CPU, RAM, Battery, storage stats List<List<Object>> data = driver.getPerformanceData("io.appium.android.apis", "memoryinfo", 10); Performance Testing with Appium
  • 33. Visual Testing for mobile Apps • Validate if your app looks same on different screen sizes, different manufacturers • How will your app layout or structure looks when used in different language which has long strings like Deutsch • Consider testing in Landscape mode
  • 35. Accessibility Testing for Mobile Apps • All activatable elements should be focusable • The user flow on the screen should be from top to bottom and left to right. The flow throughout the app should be intuitive.
  • 36. Accessibility testing with Espresso • Accessibility Test framework from Google - Plugged into any Java framework • Espresso: import android.support.test.espresso.contrib.AccessibilityChecks; @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) @LargeTest public class AccessibilityChecksIntegrationTest { @BeforeClass public static void enableAccessibilityChecks() { AccessibilityChecks.enable(); } }
  • 38. Scaling Mobile Automation • Dockerize Appium Tests - Easy Parallel tests • Docker based Setup • https://github.com/butomo1989/docker-android • https://github.com/appium/appium-docker-android • No more worry about requirements • Comes pre-built in a docker image • Build an Image and execute it!
  • 39. Scaling Mobile Automation • Appium Test Distribution • Appium Device Manager • Remote Appium Manager

Editor's Notes

  1. Unlike 5 or 10 years ago in todays world, when testing a web or mobile app - whether native or responsive, it’s important to be able to test on all devices and browsers. The problem is, there are simply too many device and browser combinations. Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, each one has multiple versions that customers may be using, on different devices (PC, MAC, Mobile Devices, Smart watches) Running on different operating systems (Windows, Linux, IOS, Android etc.) and in different screen resolutions according to the device. In some cases the application under test may also have responsive design to optimize the layout according to the viewable portion of the screen. In these cases we also need to check the app across the different layouts. While there are tools that let you test on a wide variety of devices, there is no automated testing tool that can see that the app looks and acts right on all devices. So someone still manually goes through each and every device, to ensure that everything is displaying properly. This causes major bottlenecks which adds cost to the dev process.
  2. On top of that we also know that release cycle are keep getting shorter and shorter. Many organisations already have CI in place and some already has full CD. It simply means that everything must be automated has we have zero time for manual bottle necks. So, we have more and more things that we need to cover and less and less time to do it.