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Automation Testing by
Selenium Web Driver
As efficient as your
in-house team
We provide the people, the ability
and the tools so you can be best at
what you do.
Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Why automate testing?
Test automation has specific advantages for improving the
long-term efficiency of a software team’s testing processes.
Test automation supports:
0 Frequent regression testing
0 Rapid feedback to developers
0 Virtually unlimited iterations of test case execution
0 Support for Agile and extreme development methodologies
0 Disciplined documentation of test cases
0 Customized defect reporting
0 Finding defects missed by manual testing
Automation Test Life Cycle

Recommended for you

Selenium WebDriver training
Selenium WebDriver trainingSelenium WebDriver training
Selenium WebDriver training

This document provides an overview of a Selenium training course. The course is divided into modules covering Selenium User, Practitioner, and Expert topics. The Selenium User module focuses on the basics of Selenium and using the Selenium IDE. It includes exercises for locating elements and writing simple test scripts. The document also provides references and demo websites for practicing Selenium.

Introduction to selenium
Introduction to seleniumIntroduction to selenium
Introduction to selenium

This document provides an introduction to Selenium, an open source tool for automating web application testing. It discusses the history and components of Selenium, including Selenium RC, WebDriver, Grid, and IDE. Selenium RC and WebDriver are described as the main APIs for controlling browsers. Grid allows running tests on multiple browsers and machines in parallel. IDE is a plugin for recording and playing back tests in Firefox. The document explains how Selenium can test across different browsers, platforms and programming languages. It compares Selenium to other tools like QTP and outlines reasons for choosing Selenium, such as its powerful features, flexibility, support for parallel testing and integration with other tools.

seleniumgridadvantages of automation
Selenium ppt
Selenium pptSelenium ppt
Selenium ppt

Selenium is a suite of tools used for browser automation testing. It was introduced in 2004 and is developed using JavaScript. Selenium has four main components: IDE, Remote Control, WebDriver and Grid. It is used to test web applications and can perform functional, regression and load testing. The Selenium IDE records user interactions in the Firefox browser and exports test cases to various languages. It has advantages like being open source and easy to use, but only supports the Firefox browser.

selenium ide
Selenium History
0 2004 - at ThoughtWorks in Chicago, Jason Huggins built the Core mode as
"JavaScriptTestRunner" for the testing of an internal Time and Expenses
application (Python, Plone).
0 2006 - at Google, Simon Stewart started work on a project he called WebDriver.
Google had long been a heavy user of Selenium, but testers had to work around
the limitations of the product. The WebDriver project began with the aim to
solve the Selenium’ pain-points.
0 2008 - merging of Selenium and WebDriver. Selenium had massive community
and commercial support, but WebDriver was clearly the tool of the future. The
joining of the two tools provided a common set of features for all users and
brought some of the brightest minds in test automation under one roof.
0 Shinya Kasatani in Japan became interested in Selenium, he
0 Wrapped the core code into an IDE module into the Firefox browser
0 Added the ability to record tests as well as play them back in the same plugin.
0 This tool, turned out an eye opener in more ways that was originally thought as it is
not bound to the same origin policy.
0 See http://docs.seleniumhq.org/about/history.jsp for more interesting details
0 http://docs.seleniumhq.org/about/contributors.jsp
Selenium World
Which tool to use?
Selenium IDE

Recommended for you

An overview of selenium webdriver
An overview of selenium webdriverAn overview of selenium webdriver
An overview of selenium webdriver

This document provides an overview of Selenium WebDriver. It begins by explaining what Selenium is and that it is used to automate testing of web applications across different browsers. It then discusses the various components of Selenium, including Selenium IDE, Selenium Remote Control (RC), WebDriver, and Selenium Grid. A key section compares WebDriver to Selenium RC, noting that WebDriver has a simpler architecture that controls the browser at the OS level, is faster, and allows for more real-life user interaction compared to RC. The document concludes by thanking the reader.

seleniumselenium webdriverselenium automation
Automation Testing using Selenium Webdriver
Automation Testing using Selenium WebdriverAutomation Testing using Selenium Webdriver
Automation Testing using Selenium Webdriver

This will help you to understand about automation testing and when to do automation on your application using selenium. How selenium works, how to find web elements and what operations we can perform on the web elements to do automation.

Java Basics for selenium
Java Basics for seleniumJava Basics for selenium
Java Basics for selenium

This document provides an overview of test automation using Selenium. It discusses reasons to automate testing such as supporting regression testing and finding defects missed by manual testing. It also discusses when not to automate, such as when an application's behavior is unstable. The document then covers the Selenium framework, its components like Selenium IDE and WebDriver, and languages it supports like Java. It also discusses concepts in object-oriented programming relevant to test automation like classes, objects, inheritance and more.

Script Syntax
0 Selenium scripts that will be run from Selenium-IDE
are stored in an HTML text file format.
0 HTML table with three columns.
0 The first column identifies the Selenium command
0 the second is a target, and
0 the final column contains a value.
0 The second and third columns may not require values
depending on the chosen Selenium command, but they
should be present.
0 Each table row represents a new Selenium command.
Commonly Used Selenium
 Open - opens a page using a URL.
 click/clickAndWait - performs a click operation, and optionally waits for a new
page to load.
 verifyTitle/assertTitle - verifies an expected page title.
 verifyTextPresent - verifies expected text is somewhere on the page.
 verifyElementPresent - verifies an expected UI element, as defined by its HTML
tag, is present on the page.
 verifyText - verifies expected text and its corresponding HTML tag are present on
the page.
 verifyTable - verifies a table’s expected contents.
 waitForPageToLoad - pauses execution until an expected new page loads.
Called automatically when clickAndWait is used.
 waitForElementPresent - pauses execution until an expected UI element, as
defined by its HTML tag, is present on the page.
Locating Elements
0 For many Selenium commands, a target is required. This
target identifies an element in the content of the web
application, and consists of the location strategy followed
by the location in the format locatorType=location
0 Locating by Identifier : the most common method of
locating elements and is the catch-all default when no
recognized locator type is used
0 the first element with the id attribute value matching the
location will be used. If no element has a matching id
attribute, then the first element with a name attribute
matching the location will be used
Locating Elements
0 Locating by Id: more limited than the identifier locator
type, but also more explicit.
0 Use this when you know an element’s id attribute.
0 Locating by Name: will locate the first element with a
matching name attribute. If multiple elements have the
same value for a name attribute, then you can use filters
to further refine your location strategy.
0 The default filter type is value (matching the value

Recommended for you

Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriverSelenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver

This document provides an overview of Selenium WebDriver for test automation. It discusses what WebDriver is, its features for controlling browsers, and how it interacts with the Document Object Model (DOM). Locators for finding elements in the DOM are described. An example test task is presented for logging into a web application. The Page Object pattern is introduced as a best practice for organizing WebDriver tests. Code snippets demonstrate low-level WebDriver methods and handling pop-up windows.

web driverseleniumautomation testing
Selenium test automation
Selenium test automationSelenium test automation
Selenium test automation

This document discusses Selenium, an open source tool used for automating web application testing. It describes Selenium components like Selenium IDE, RC, and WebDriver. Benefits of Selenium include time savings, reduced costs, repeatable tests, and generated reports. Frameworks like modular, data-driven, and keyword-driven are also covered. The document outlines prerequisites, features, benefits to organizations, best practices, and limitations of Selenium.

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginners | What Is Selenium WebDriver | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginners | What Is Selenium WebDriver | Sele...Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginners | What Is Selenium WebDriver | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginners | What Is Selenium WebDriver | Sele...

This Selenium WebDriver tutorial talks about the drawbacks of Selenium RC and what was the need for Selenium WebDriver. It goes into the details of the avantages that WebDriver has over RC and how it replaced RC for automation testing. This tutorial will also tell you how WebDriver works and what are the different browser drivers you can use for testing. Watch the video to get a demonstration on how to locate various elements/ objects on the browser and how operations can be performed on those browser elements/ objects by writing Java code in Eclipse IDE. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph3NJm4Z7m4

introduction to seleniumautomation testingsoftware testing
Locating Elements
0 Locating by Xpath : XPath extends beyond (as well as
supporting) the simple methods of locating by id or name
attributes, and opens up all sorts of new possibilities such as
locating the third checkbox on the page.
0 Since only xpath locators start with “//”, it is not necessary to
include the xpath= label when specifying an XPath locator.
0 Absolute XPaths contain the location of all elements from the root
(html) and as a result are likely to fail with only the slightest
adjustment to the application. By finding a nearby element with
an id or name attribute (ideally a parent element) you can locate
your target element based on the relationship. This is much less
likely to change and can make your tests more robust.
Locating Elements
0 Locating Hyperlinks by Link Text: simple method of
locating a hyperlink in your web page by using the text of
the link. If two links with the same text are present, then
the first match will be used.
0 Locating by CSS: CSS uses Selectors for binding style
properties to elements in the document. These Selectors
can be used by Selenium as another locating strategy.
0 Most experienced Selenium users recommend CSS as their
locating strategy of choice as it’s considerably faster than
XPath and can find the most complicated objects in an
intrinsic HTML document.
Matching Text Patterns
0 Like locators, patterns are a type of parameter frequently
required by Selenese commands.
0 Examples of commands which require patterns are
0 verifyTextPresent,
0 verifyTitle,
0 verifyAlert,
0 assertConfirmation,
0 verifyText, and
0 verifyPrompt.
0 link locators can utilize a pattern.
0 Patterns allow you to describe, via the use of special characters,
what text is expected rather than having to specify that text
Landing Page

Recommended for you

Python selenium
Python seleniumPython selenium
Python selenium

Selenium is a powerful tool that manages web browsers by programs and automates browsers. It runs on all popular Operating System browsers, and its scripts are written in different languages, such as Python, Java, C#, Java etc.


Selenium is a tool for automating web application testing that allows tests to be written in various programming languages; it has multiple components including Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests in Firefox, and Selenium RC which allows tests to be run from external languages and provides more power and flexibility than the IDE. Tests can be used to check for correct behavior and responses across different browsers and platforms as well as catch regressions.

Test Automation Framework Designs
Test Automation Framework DesignsTest Automation Framework Designs
Test Automation Framework Designs

See how Martin Lienhard of Williams-Sanoma builds a test automation framework using Selenium, data-driven tests, and much more!

Recording User Actions
Save Test Case Script as HTML
Inspecting Element in mozilla
Extracting Element by css

Recommended for you

Selenium ppt
Selenium pptSelenium ppt
Selenium ppt

This document provides an overview of Selenium, an open source tool for automating web application testing. It discusses why and when to automate testing, the key features and components of Selenium including Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and Selenium IDE. It also covers how to install Selenium and write sample test scripts using Selenium commands. The document explains the architectures of Selenium Grid and the user interface of Selenium IDE. It concludes by discussing other uses of Selenium and the future of testing.

Selenium ppt
Selenium pptSelenium ppt
Selenium ppt

This document provides an overview of Selenium, including what it is, its main components, features, and how it can be used for testing web applications. Selenium is an open source tool for automating web applications that supports many programming languages and browsers. It consists of three main components - Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests within Firefox, Selenium RC which acts as a server to launch browsers, and Selenium Grid to run tests across multiple browsers and machines in parallel. The document also discusses Selenium commands (Selenese), integrating it with languages like Java, and how it can be used for test case development, execution, and reporting.

Selenium Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium Automation Testing Tutorial | Sele...
Selenium Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium Automation Testing Tutorial | Sele...Selenium Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium Automation Testing Tutorial | Sele...
Selenium Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium Automation Testing Tutorial | Sele...

In this Selenium presentation, we will learn about Selenium and a have a hands-on demo on the working of Selenium IDE and WebDriver. Selenium is an automated testing tool that tests web applications across various platforms and browsers. Selenium IDE, RC, WebDriver, and Grid constitute the Selenium suite. The tutorial video touches upon all the topics related to these components. Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course contains a lot of real-life examples and situations to demonstrate how to use Selenium WebDriver effectively. The following are the key concepts of Selenium included in the presentation: 1. Manual testing and its limitations 2. What is Selenium 3. Selenium suite of tools ⦁ Selenium IDE with demo ⦁ Selenium RC ⦁ Selenium WebDriver with demo ⦁ Selenium Grid 4. Advantages of Selenium testing 5.Limitations of Selenium testing What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data-Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution 12. Execute a project from scratch by building automation framework and automating a few test scenarios Who should take this Selenium training course? The course is ideal for : 1. Test Managers 2. Test Engineers 3. Test Lead 4. Test Analyst 5. QA Engineers 6. Software Developers 7. Engineers who want to learn Automation testing Learn more about https://www.simplilearn.com/selenium-certification-training?utm_campaign=Selenium-Tutorial-For-Beginners-cobEbkTwbwY

selenium tutorial for beginnerselenium automation testing tutorialselenium
Executing Script by CSS.
Extracting xpath
Xpath by Xpath Checker
Xpath is a very Helpful to validate Xpath on pages. In order to write xpath
expressions we should look at the tree structure of html source code and based
On the path for require element we should drive the xpath expression.
/html/body/a - It will Identify all the elements are using a tag.
/html/body/input - It will Identify all the elements are using input tag.
/html/body/input[1] – It will Identify the first input tag under body.
/html/body/a/img – xpath for a image present on a link.
/html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1] – It will Identify the element which
is present in 2nd tr contain 1st td inside tbody.
/html/body/div//a – It will identify all “a” tag present in the all div present
on html body.

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What Is Selenium? | Selenium Basics For Beginners | Introduction To Selenium ...
What Is Selenium? | Selenium Basics For Beginners | Introduction To Selenium ...What Is Selenium? | Selenium Basics For Beginners | Introduction To Selenium ...
What Is Selenium? | Selenium Basics For Beginners | Introduction To Selenium ...

In this Selenium tutorial, we will be learning about Selenium, its advent, components, advantages and limitations and lastly, its job roles and salaries. Selenium is an automated testing tool that tests web applications across various platforms and browsers. Selenium is a powerful automation tool and comprises of a suite of components viz. Selenium IDE, RC, WebDriver and Grid. The video has brushed upon the topics in brief and explains the following concepts: ⦁ Manual testing and its challenges ⦁ Advent of Selenium ⦁ What is Selenium? ⦁ Selenium suite of tools ⦁ Advantages of Selenium testing ⦁ Limitations of Selenium testing ⦁ Selenium jobs and salary Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course contains a lot of real-life examples and situations to demonstrate how to use Selenium WebDriver effectively. The training starts with a refresher course on core Java concepts and covers the basics of Test Automation and its importance in the industry. The course includes basic as well as advanced concepts of WebDriver and other tools/frameworks like TestNG, Maven, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j. Special focus is given on building a robust framework with Page Object Design Pattern, Data-Driven Approach, and creating reusable components to improve productivity. What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution 12. Execute a project from scratch by building automation framework and automating a few test scenarios Who should take this Selenium training course? The course is ideal for : 1. Test Managers 2. Test Engineers 3. Test Lead 4. Test Analyst 5. QA Engineers 6. Software Developers 7. Engineers who want to learn Automation testing Learn more at https://www.simplilearn.com/selenium-certification-training?utm_campaign=What-Is-Selenium-PXeBv-AGa6o

what is seleniumselenium basics for beginnersintroduction to selenium
Data driven Automation Framework with Selenium
Data driven Automation Framework with Selenium Data driven Automation Framework with Selenium
Data driven Automation Framework with Selenium

The document discusses designing a data-driven automation testing framework with Selenium. It describes different types of Selenium testing frameworks, including keyword-driven, data-driven, and hybrid frameworks. It provides examples of how to build each type of framework using Selenium and details how data-driven frameworks allow testing an application with different data sets. The document also promotes an Edureka course on mastering Selenium automation testing that includes lectures, assignments, and a project.

automation testingseleniumtesting
Automatedtestingwithselenium shubham jain
Automatedtestingwithselenium shubham jainAutomatedtestingwithselenium shubham jain
Automatedtestingwithselenium shubham jain

The document discusses the benefits of test automation using Selenium. It provides an overview of Selenium's history and development. Key advantages of test automation include enabling frequent regression testing, rapid feedback to developers, and finding defects that manual testing may miss. The document also covers Selenium commands, locating elements, script syntax, and different Selenium tools like IDE, WebDriver, and RC.

Generally we use xpath by position along with xpath by attribute.
//a[text()=‘Cuelogic’] – This xpath will identify the element by text “Cuelogic”
//a[contains[text(), ‘Cuelogic’]] – This xpath will also identify the element by text
“Cuelogic” but if their any spaces at beginning or at end
it will consider it.
//td[a] - “[ ]” denotes select all while “/” denote as parent to element path ignore all
other elements in tree same Structure.
Identify the Dependent and Independent Elements-
Derived xpath expression for the dependent element from the common parent
Write a xpath for independent element –
Executing script by xpath
Edit Script and find element
by xpath

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Automated testing with selenium prasad bapatla
Automated testing with selenium prasad bapatlaAutomated testing with selenium prasad bapatla
Automated testing with selenium prasad bapatla

Selenium automates browsers to test web applications. It supports frequent regression testing, rapid feedback to developers, unlimited test case execution, and disciplined test documentation. Selenium began in 2004 and has merged with other tools over time to provide a common set of features for all users. Selenium IDE allows recording and playing back tests without coding by using Selenium commands. Locators are used to identify page elements in tests, and patterns help match expected text.

automated testingselenum ide
How to use selenium locators effectively for web automation.pdf
How to use selenium locators effectively for web automation.pdfHow to use selenium locators effectively for web automation.pdf
How to use selenium locators effectively for web automation.pdf

If you are an automation engineer working with the Selenium framework, mastering the art of locating web elements is a vital skill.

selenium framework
Selenium Interview Questions And Answers | Selenium Interview Questions | Sel...
Selenium Interview Questions And Answers | Selenium Interview Questions | Sel...Selenium Interview Questions And Answers | Selenium Interview Questions | Sel...
Selenium Interview Questions And Answers | Selenium Interview Questions | Sel...

This presentation about Selenium interview questions will help you ace your interviews with ease. The questions are classified into different levels viz., beginner, intermediate and advanced. It involves questions on Selenium IDE, RC, WebDriver and Grid. The video also includes questions on various topics like locating web elements, different types of waits, same-origin policy, and navigation commands. It also talks about performing various actions like scroll down, mouse hover and screenshot. This video is useful for beginners and experienced professionals. Learn what are the most important Selenium interview questions and answers and know what will set you apart in the interview process. Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course contains a lot of real-life examples and situations to demonstrate how to use Selenium WebDriver effectively. The training starts with a refresher course on core Java concepts and covers the basics of Test Automation and its importance in the industry. What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data-Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution 12. Execute a project from scratch by building automation framework and automating a few test scenarios Who should take this Selenium training course? The course is ideal for : 1. Test Managers 2. Test Engineers 3. Test Lead 4. Test Analyst 5. QA Engineers 6. Software Developers 7. Engineers who want to learn Automation testing Learn more at https://www.simplilearn.com/selenium-certification-training

selenium interview questions and answersselenium interview questionsselenium interview questions for experienced
Creating Suite
Saving Suite
A few tips
0 Saving a test suite does not save the test case.
0 Make sure that you save the test case every time you
make a change and not just the test suite.
0 echo - The Selenese Print Command
0 Use Find button to see which UI element on the
currently displayed webpage (in the browser) is used
in the currently selected Selenium command. This is
useful when building a locator for a command’s first
Selenium IDE –
0 Firefox only
0 Can not Specify any condition Statement.
0 Can not Specify any Looping Statement.
0 Can not take external text data from External
Resources such as XLS,XML or Database.
0 Handing Exceptions is not in scope.
0 Note:- To overcome the limitation of Selenium IDE we
go for Selenium WebDriver.

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Selenium Overview
Selenium OverviewSelenium Overview
Selenium Overview

These are training slides created by me to conduct training and knowledge sharing sessions for beginners in Cognizant Technology Solutions for Selenium Automation.

software testingseleniumautomation
Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions And Answers
Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions And AnswersSelenium Automation Testing Interview Questions And Answers
Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions And Answers

This document contains 30 interview questions and answers related to Selenium testing. Some of the key questions covered include how to start the Selenium server from code, how to handle multiple browser windows, locate elements and verify text, connect to databases, and use Selenium Grid for parallel testing across different machines. The answers provide technical details on using Selenium commands, locators, and programming techniques.

seleniumjavainterview questions and answers
Selenium and The Grinder
Selenium and The GrinderSelenium and The Grinder
Selenium and The Grinder

This is a presentation I did back in 2006 about using Selenium and Grinder. Looking at it today (2011) it doesn't focus enough on the Selenium Grinder intersection....

Selenium Web Driver
0 WebDriver is a tool for automating web application
testing, and in particular to verify that they work as
0 It aims to provide a friendly API that’s easy to explore
and understand, easier to use than the Selenium-RC
(1.0) API, which will help to make your tests easier to
read and maintain.
0 It’s not tied to any particular test framework, so it can
be used equally well in a unit testing or from a plain
old “main” method.
Selenium Web Driver –
Browser Support
Selenium-WebDriver supports the following browsers along
with the operating systems these browsers are compatible
0 Google Chrome
0 Internet Explorer
0 Firefox
0 Opera 11.5+
0 HtmlUnit
0 Android – 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators)
0 iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets
(devices & emulators)
WebDriver &
Some reasons to use the Selenium-Server with
0 You are using Selenium-Grid to distribute your tests
over multiple machines or virtual machines (VMs).
0 You want to connect to a remote machine that has a
particular browser version that is not on your current
0 You are not using the Java bindings (i.e. Python, C#, or
Ruby) and would like to use HtmlUnit Driver
Install/Configure Webdriver
with Eclipse.

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Selenium training
Selenium trainingSelenium training
Selenium training

Selenium is an open source tool used for automating web application testing. It was created in 2004 by Jason Huggins and supports recording and playback of test cases in browsers like Firefox. Selenium has four main components - Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests, Selenium Remote Control for running tests on multiple browsers, Selenium WebDriver for direct browser control, and Selenium Grid for parallel testing on different machines. The latest version of Selenium is 3.0.

software developmentsoftware testingselenium
Mastering Test Automation: How To Use Selenium Successfully
Mastering Test Automation: How To Use Selenium SuccessfullyMastering Test Automation: How To Use Selenium Successfully
Mastering Test Automation: How To Use Selenium Successfully

In this slide, identify what to test and choose the best language for automation. Learn to write maintainable and reusable Selenium tests and add UI layout test as part of automation using Galen framework. This slide will also guide you in reporting structure by using external plugin's, an illustration covering cross browser testing (Running selenium grid with Docker) and explain Code repository (Git) and Jenkins CI tool.

selenium gridsoftware testing lifecyclemobile applications
Selenium corporate-training-in-mumbai
Selenium corporate-training-in-mumbaiSelenium corporate-training-in-mumbai
Selenium corporate-training-in-mumbai

Vibrant Technologies is headquarted in Mumbai,India.We are the best selenium training provider in Navi Mumbai who provides Live Projects to students.We provide Corporate Training also.We are Best selenium classes in Mumbai according to our students and corporates

Creating Project
Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Simple Architecture of
Remote Webdriver
Firefox Driver Chrome Driver
Internet Explorer
Protected class

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Selenium corporate-training-in-mumbai
Selenium corporate-training-in-mumbaiSelenium corporate-training-in-mumbai
Selenium corporate-training-in-mumbai

The document provides information about Selenium training offered by Vibrant Technologies & Computers in Mumbai, India. It discusses the history of Selenium and introduces the different Selenium tools - Selenium IDE for rapid prototyping, Selenium RC (Remote Control), Selenium WebDriver which addresses limitations of RC, and Selenium Grid for distributed testing. The remainder of the document goes into further detail about each of the Selenium tools.

Selenium with testng and eclipse ide
Selenium with testng and eclipse ideSelenium with testng and eclipse ide
Selenium with testng and eclipse ide

This document provides a guide for setting up Selenium, TestNG, and Eclipse IDE for automation testing. It includes instructions on installing Firefox, the Selenium IDE plugin, JDK, Eclipse, and TestNG. It also covers using the DOM Inspector to find element locators like XPath and CSS, and creating a sample Java project in Eclipse with a TestNG class containing test code. The goal is to provide beginners with a step-by-step process for getting started with test automation.

Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions
Selenium Webdriver Interview QuestionsSelenium Webdriver Interview Questions
Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions

This document provides Selenium Webdriver interview questions and answers to help readers prepare for automation testing interviews. It covers topics like the history and components of Selenium, reasons to use Selenium, different testing types in Selenium Webdriver, limitations of Selenium WebDriver, exceptions encountered, driver implementations, locators, XPath axes, and more. Advanced questions address CSS selectors, navigating pages, interacting with elements, and the Selenium WebDriver architecture.

#selenium #webdriver #testng #maven #interview
Selenium First Code
Browser open by Webdriver.
Methods:- “findElement” is a method of webdriver interface which is
Use to identify required element in the application. This method takes an
Object as an argument of type “By”.
Locators:- Webdriver supports 8 types of locators to identify the
Elements and all the locators will return the object of the type
Types of Locators:-
1. By.id(arg)
2. By.name(String)
3. By.xpath(String xpathExpression)
4. By.cssSelector(String Selector)
5. By.linkText(String linkText)
6. By.partialLinkText(String linkText)
7. By.className(String className)
8. By.tagName(String Name)
Locator Code:-

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Object identification and its management
Object identification and its managementObject identification and its management
Object identification and its management

Object Identification and its management is heart of any test automation. this document explains different ways for object identification in selenium, and also importance of its maintenance.

seleniumobject identificationobject management

Selenium is an open source automated testing tool used for testing web applications. It was originally developed in 2004 as a JavaScript library to automate testing routines. Selenium has evolved over time and now includes several tools: Selenium IDE for rapid test creation, Selenium RC which injects JavaScript into browsers, and Selenium WebDriver which allows direct communication with browsers. Selenium tests can be run across multiple browsers and operating systems to test web applications.

seleniumsoftware testingselenium webdriver
Using XPath in Selenium_ All you need to know.pdf
Using XPath in Selenium_ All you need to know.pdfUsing XPath in Selenium_ All you need to know.pdf
Using XPath in Selenium_ All you need to know.pdf

XPath is critical in Selenium testing, offering a robust method for locating elements within the web page's DOM. Understanding and utilizing XPath's capabilities can greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your Selenium tests. Moreover, with platforms like HeadSpin, you can enhance your testing capabilities further, leveraging its unique features aligned with Selenium standards.

mobile application developmentseleniumselenium testing
Locator Code impact.
Retrieving the value from
While doing validation we compare excepted result and actual
result then we will report the status. Actual result will be taken from
application during runtime. In order to do this we use following important
1. getTitle() :- This method help us to retrieve the title of the webpage.
2. GetcurrentUrl():- This method will retrieve the current url from the
address bar of the browser.
3. getAttribute(“value”) :- This is used to retrieve property value from the
element present in the application. It is basically used to retrieve text from
Textbox, password field, Address Field, Path of uploading file and button
4. isEnable() :- This method is used to check whether the specify elements
enable or not. True indicates enable and false indicates disable.
5. isSelected() :- It is used to checked whether the specific checkbox or radio
button is selected or not.
6. getText():- It is used to retrieve the text of the following element.
Windows Handles
Browser Operations
1. Navigate back to Previous Page:-
2. Navigate to the next Page:-
3. Refresh Mehods :-
Handling Frames

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Selenium interview-questions-freshers
Selenium interview-questions-freshersSelenium interview-questions-freshers
Selenium interview-questions-freshers

Automation testing involves automating manual testing processes to test applications and systems. Selenium is an open source tool that is commonly used for automation testing of web applications. It supports cross-browser testing and has components like Selenium IDE, WebDriver, and Grid. Some key features of Selenium include being free, having a large user community, and supporting multiple programming languages.

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DevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDET
DevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDETDevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDET
DevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDET

DevLabs Alliance Selenium Interview Questions for SDET will help SDETs to prepare for their interviews. Learn top 50 questions with their answers for Selenium which are majorly asked in interview for SDET role.

devlabs alliancedlainterview questions
DevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDET
DevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDETDevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDET
DevLabs Alliance Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions for SDET

This document contains 50 Selenium interview questions and their answers related to topics like what Selenium is, its advantages and limitations, Selenium locators, XPath, implicit and explicit waits, exceptions in Selenium, navigation commands, selecting dropdown values, differences between driver commands, frames, actions class, screenshots, object repository and Selenium frameworks. It aims to help prepare for Selenium interviews by providing concise explanations to commonly asked questions.

automation testingdevlabs alliancedla
Q: How do I execute Javascript directly?
A: WebDriver driver; // Assigned elsewhere
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
js.executeScript("return document.title");
Q: The InternetExplorerDriver does not work well on Vista.
How do I get it to work as expected?
A:DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(capabilities);
Q: Does WebDriver support Javascript alerts and prompts?
A: // Get a handle to the open alert, prompt or confirmation
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); // Get the text of the alert or prompt
// And acknowledge the alert (equivalent to clicking "OK")
//And to decline alert
Q: I need to use a proxy. How do I configure that?
A: Proxy configuration is done via the org.openqa.selenium.Proxy class like so:
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
// We use firefox as an example here.
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy);
// You could use any webdriver implementation here
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(capabilities);
Q: WebDriver fails to start Firefox on Linux due to java.net.SocketException
A: If, when running WebDriver on Linux, Firefox fails to start and the error looks like:
Caused by:
java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:365)
at java.net.Socket.bind(Socket.java:571)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.SocketLock.isLockFree(SocketLock.java:99)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.SocketLock.lock(SocketLock.java:63)
It may be caused due to IPv6 settings on the machine. Execute:
sudo sysctl net.ipv6.bindv6only=0
Framework Execution Flow
Keyword driver automation framework:-
Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver

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Dev labs alliance top 50 selenium interview questions for SDET
Dev labs alliance top 50 selenium interview questions for SDETDev labs alliance top 50 selenium interview questions for SDET
Dev labs alliance top 50 selenium interview questions for SDET

This document contains 50 Selenium interview questions and their answers related to topics like what Selenium is, its advantages and limitations, Selenium locators, XPath, implicit and explicit waits, exceptions in Selenium, navigation commands, handling dropdowns, frames, alerts and more. It aims to help prepare for Selenium interviews by providing concise yet comprehensive explanations of commonly asked concepts and techniques in Selenium testing.

top 50 selenium interview questions for sdet
Big data frameworks
Big data frameworksBig data frameworks
Big data frameworks

Implementation of Big Data infrastructure and technology can be seen in various industries like banking, retail, insurance, healthcare, media, etc. Big Data management functions like storage, sorting, processing and analysis for such colossal volumes cannot be handled by the existing database systems or technologies. Frameworks come into picture in such scenarios. Frameworks are nothing but toolsets that offer innovative, cost-effective solutions to the problems posed by Big Data processing and helps in providing insights, incorporating metadata and aids decision making aligned to the business needs.

big data solutionsbig data consulting servicesbig data sevices
Introduction to mongoDB
Introduction to mongoDBIntroduction to mongoDB
Introduction to mongoDB

This document provides an introduction to MongoDB, including what it is, why it is useful, how to install it, and how its basic functionality compares to SQL databases like MySQL. MongoDB is a flexible, scalable NoSQL database that allows dynamic queries and storage of data without a defined schema. It provides alternatives to SQL commands for create, read, update and delete operations that are more flexible than traditional relational databases.

introduction to mongodbmongodbcuelogic
Selenium RC
Selenium RC comes in two
A server which automatically
launches and kills browsers,
and acts as a HTTP proxy for
web requests from them.
Client libraries for your
favorite computer language.
0 http://docs.seleniumhq.org/
0 Selenium and Section 508 by David Sills
0 http://java.dzone.com/articles/selenium-and-section-508
0 Selenium Tutorial for Beginner/Tips for Experts
0 http://www.jroller.com/selenium/
0 Get Test-Infected With Selenium
0 http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/get-test-
0 https://code.google.com/p/selenium/
enjoy the rest of the code
camp 

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Introduction to google glass and GDKIntroduction to google glass and GDK
Introduction to google glass and GDK

Google Glass is an augmented reality smart glasses device. It has a 5MP camera, 720p video recording, Bluetooth, WiFi, and 12GB of storage synced to the cloud. The Glass Development Kit (GDK) allows building applications that run directly on Glass using Android APIs for Glass-specific features, while the Mirror API allows creating web-based "Glassware" apps. The timeline interface displays cards including static cards for information and live cards for updating content. Immersions provide customized full-screen experiences. Developers can create cards and control updating frequency. However, Glass also has limitations such as cost, battery life, privacy concerns, and some places banning its use.

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Trends in mobile applications development
Trends in mobile applications developmentTrends in mobile applications development
Trends in mobile applications development

Major software companies, such as Apple and Google, are disturbing the relatively safe and established actors of the mobile application business. These newcomers have caused signi cant structural changes by imposing and enforcing their own rules for the future of mobile application development. The implications of these changes do not only concern the mobile network operators and mobile phone manufacturers. This changed environment also brings additional opportunities and constraints for current mobile application developers. Therefore, developers need to assess what their options are and how they can take advantages of these current trends. In this presentation, we take a developer's perspective in order to explore how the structural changes will in fence the mobile application development markets. Moreover, we discuss what aspects developers need to take into account in order to position themselves within the current trends.

application developmentandroidapp store

The document discusses new features in HTML5 including magical form elements, local storage, local databases, web workers, and geolocation. It provides examples and links to demonstrate magical form elements that save time and resources, how to set and get values from local storage, using a local database with queries, running non-blocking code with web workers, and accessing geolocation data. The author thanks the reader and provides links to working examples on their website.

html5browser base geolocationoffline database

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Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver

  • 1. Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver As efficient as your in-house team We provide the people, the ability and the tools so you can be best at what you do.
  • 3. Why automate testing? Test automation has specific advantages for improving the long-term efficiency of a software team’s testing processes. Test automation supports: 0 Frequent regression testing 0 Rapid feedback to developers 0 Virtually unlimited iterations of test case execution 0 Support for Agile and extreme development methodologies 0 Disciplined documentation of test cases 0 Customized defect reporting 0 Finding defects missed by manual testing
  • 5. Selenium History 0 2004 - at ThoughtWorks in Chicago, Jason Huggins built the Core mode as "JavaScriptTestRunner" for the testing of an internal Time and Expenses application (Python, Plone). 0 2006 - at Google, Simon Stewart started work on a project he called WebDriver. Google had long been a heavy user of Selenium, but testers had to work around the limitations of the product. The WebDriver project began with the aim to solve the Selenium’ pain-points. 0 2008 - merging of Selenium and WebDriver. Selenium had massive community and commercial support, but WebDriver was clearly the tool of the future. The joining of the two tools provided a common set of features for all users and brought some of the brightest minds in test automation under one roof. 0 Shinya Kasatani in Japan became interested in Selenium, he 0 Wrapped the core code into an IDE module into the Firefox browser 0 Added the ability to record tests as well as play them back in the same plugin. 0 This tool, turned out an eye opener in more ways that was originally thought as it is not bound to the same origin policy. 0 See http://docs.seleniumhq.org/about/history.jsp for more interesting details 0 http://docs.seleniumhq.org/about/contributors.jsp
  • 9. Script Syntax 0 Selenium scripts that will be run from Selenium-IDE are stored in an HTML text file format. 0 HTML table with three columns. 0 The first column identifies the Selenium command 0 the second is a target, and 0 the final column contains a value. 0 The second and third columns may not require values depending on the chosen Selenium command, but they should be present. 0 Each table row represents a new Selenium command.
  • 10. Commonly Used Selenium Commands  Open - opens a page using a URL.  click/clickAndWait - performs a click operation, and optionally waits for a new page to load.  verifyTitle/assertTitle - verifies an expected page title.  verifyTextPresent - verifies expected text is somewhere on the page.  verifyElementPresent - verifies an expected UI element, as defined by its HTML tag, is present on the page.  verifyText - verifies expected text and its corresponding HTML tag are present on the page.  verifyTable - verifies a table’s expected contents.  waitForPageToLoad - pauses execution until an expected new page loads. Called automatically when clickAndWait is used.  waitForElementPresent - pauses execution until an expected UI element, as defined by its HTML tag, is present on the page.
  • 11. Locating Elements 0 For many Selenium commands, a target is required. This target identifies an element in the content of the web application, and consists of the location strategy followed by the location in the format locatorType=location 0 Locating by Identifier : the most common method of locating elements and is the catch-all default when no recognized locator type is used 0 the first element with the id attribute value matching the location will be used. If no element has a matching id attribute, then the first element with a name attribute matching the location will be used
  • 12. Locating Elements 0 Locating by Id: more limited than the identifier locator type, but also more explicit. 0 Use this when you know an element’s id attribute. 0 Locating by Name: will locate the first element with a matching name attribute. If multiple elements have the same value for a name attribute, then you can use filters to further refine your location strategy. 0 The default filter type is value (matching the value attribute).
  • 13. Locating Elements 0 Locating by Xpath : XPath extends beyond (as well as supporting) the simple methods of locating by id or name attributes, and opens up all sorts of new possibilities such as locating the third checkbox on the page. 0 Since only xpath locators start with “//”, it is not necessary to include the xpath= label when specifying an XPath locator. 0 Absolute XPaths contain the location of all elements from the root (html) and as a result are likely to fail with only the slightest adjustment to the application. By finding a nearby element with an id or name attribute (ideally a parent element) you can locate your target element based on the relationship. This is much less likely to change and can make your tests more robust.
  • 14. Locating Elements 0 Locating Hyperlinks by Link Text: simple method of locating a hyperlink in your web page by using the text of the link. If two links with the same text are present, then the first match will be used. 0 Locating by CSS: CSS uses Selectors for binding style properties to elements in the document. These Selectors can be used by Selenium as another locating strategy. 0 Most experienced Selenium users recommend CSS as their locating strategy of choice as it’s considerably faster than XPath and can find the most complicated objects in an intrinsic HTML document.
  • 15. Matching Text Patterns 0 Like locators, patterns are a type of parameter frequently required by Selenese commands. 0 Examples of commands which require patterns are 0 verifyTextPresent, 0 verifyTitle, 0 verifyAlert, 0 assertConfirmation, 0 verifyText, and 0 verifyPrompt. 0 link locators can utilize a pattern. 0 Patterns allow you to describe, via the use of special characters, what text is expected rather than having to specify that text exactly.
  • 18. Save Test Case Script as HTML
  • 23. Xpath by Xpath Checker Xpath is a very Helpful to validate Xpath on pages. In order to write xpath expressions we should look at the tree structure of html source code and based On the path for require element we should drive the xpath expression.
  • 24. /html/body/a - It will Identify all the elements are using a tag. /html/body/input - It will Identify all the elements are using input tag. /html/body/input[1] – It will Identify the first input tag under body. /html/body/a/img – xpath for a image present on a link. /html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1] – It will Identify the element which is present in 2nd tr contain 1st td inside tbody. /html/body/div//a – It will identify all “a” tag present in the all div present on html body.
  • 25. Generally we use xpath by position along with xpath by attribute. Ex- /html/body/input[@id=‘UN’] //input[@value=‘login’] //a[@href=‘http://www.cuelogic.com/’] //a[text()=‘Cuelogic’] – This xpath will identify the element by text “Cuelogic” //a[contains[text(), ‘Cuelogic’]] – This xpath will also identify the element by text “Cuelogic” but if their any spaces at beginning or at end it will consider it. //td[a] - “[ ]” denotes select all while “/” denote as parent to element path ignore all other elements in tree same Structure. Htmltag[@PN=‘PV’]
  • 26. Identify the Dependent and Independent Elements- Derived xpath expression for the dependent element from the common parent //tr[td[a[text()=‘Cuelogic’]]]/td[3]/input Write a xpath for independent element – //a[text()=‘Cuelogic’]
  • 28. Edit Script and find element by xpath
  • 31. A few tips 0 Saving a test suite does not save the test case. 0 Make sure that you save the test case every time you make a change and not just the test suite. 0 echo - The Selenese Print Command 0 Use Find button to see which UI element on the currently displayed webpage (in the browser) is used in the currently selected Selenium command. This is useful when building a locator for a command’s first parameter
  • 32. Selenium IDE – Limitations/Drawbacks 0 Firefox only 0 Can not Specify any condition Statement. 0 Can not Specify any Looping Statement. 0 Can not take external text data from External Resources such as XLS,XML or Database. 0 Handing Exceptions is not in scope. 0 Note:- To overcome the limitation of Selenium IDE we go for Selenium WebDriver.
  • 33. Selenium Web Driver 0 WebDriver is a tool for automating web application testing, and in particular to verify that they work as expected. 0 It aims to provide a friendly API that’s easy to explore and understand, easier to use than the Selenium-RC (1.0) API, which will help to make your tests easier to read and maintain. 0 It’s not tied to any particular test framework, so it can be used equally well in a unit testing or from a plain old “main” method.
  • 34. Selenium Web Driver – Browser Support Selenium-WebDriver supports the following browsers along with the operating systems these browsers are compatible with. 0 Google Chrome 0 Internet Explorer 0 Firefox 0 Opera 11.5+ 0 HtmlUnit 0 Android – 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) 0 iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)
  • 35. WebDriver & Selenium-Server Some reasons to use the Selenium-Server with Selenium-WebDriver. 0 You are using Selenium-Grid to distribute your tests over multiple machines or virtual machines (VMs). 0 You want to connect to a remote machine that has a particular browser version that is not on your current machine. 0 You are not using the Java bindings (i.e. Python, C#, or Ruby) and would like to use HtmlUnit Driver
  • 40. Simple Architecture of WebDriver WEBDRIVER(i) Remote Webdriver Firefox Driver Chrome Driver Internet Explorer Driver Interface Protected class
  • 42. Browser open by Webdriver.
  • 43. Methods:- “findElement” is a method of webdriver interface which is Use to identify required element in the application. This method takes an Object as an argument of type “By”. Locators:- Webdriver supports 8 types of locators to identify the Elements and all the locators will return the object of the type Webelements. Types of Locators:- 1. By.id(arg) 2. By.name(String) 3. By.xpath(String xpathExpression) 4. By.cssSelector(String Selector) 5. By.linkText(String linkText) 6. By.partialLinkText(String linkText) 7. By.className(String className) 8. By.tagName(String Name)
  • 46. Retrieving the value from application While doing validation we compare excepted result and actual result then we will report the status. Actual result will be taken from application during runtime. In order to do this we use following important Method. 1. getTitle() :- This method help us to retrieve the title of the webpage. 2. GetcurrentUrl():- This method will retrieve the current url from the address bar of the browser. 3. getAttribute(“value”) :- This is used to retrieve property value from the element present in the application. It is basically used to retrieve text from Textbox, password field, Address Field, Path of uploading file and button name. 4. isEnable() :- This method is used to check whether the specify elements enable or not. True indicates enable and false indicates disable. 5. isSelected() :- It is used to checked whether the specific checkbox or radio button is selected or not. 6. getText():- It is used to retrieve the text of the following element.
  • 48. Browser Operations 1. Navigate back to Previous Page:- driver.navigate().back(); 2. Navigate to the next Page:- driver.navigate().forward(); 3. Refresh Mehods :- driver.navigate().refresh(); Handling Frames
  • 49. Q: How do I execute Javascript directly? A: WebDriver driver; // Assigned elsewhere JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript("return document.title"); Q: The InternetExplorerDriver does not work well on Vista. How do I get it to work as expected? A:DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); capabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver. INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true); WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(capabilities); Q: Does WebDriver support Javascript alerts and prompts? A: // Get a handle to the open alert, prompt or confirmation Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); // Get the text of the alert or prompt alert.getText(); // And acknowledge the alert (equivalent to clicking "OK") alert.accept(); //And to decline alert Alert.dismiss();
  • 50. Q: I need to use a proxy. How do I configure that? A: Proxy configuration is done via the org.openqa.selenium.Proxy class like so: Proxy proxy = new Proxy(); proxy.setProxyAutoconfigUrl("http://youdomain/config"); // We use firefox as an example here. DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy); // You could use any webdriver implementation here WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(capabilities); Q: WebDriver fails to start Firefox on Linux due to java.net.SocketException A: If, when running WebDriver on Linux, Firefox fails to start and the error looks like: Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:365) at java.net.Socket.bind(Socket.java:571) at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.SocketLock.isLockFree(SocketLock.java:99) at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.SocketLock.lock(SocketLock.java:63) It may be caused due to IPv6 settings on the machine. Execute: sudo sysctl net.ipv6.bindv6only=0
  • 51. Framework Execution Flow Keyword driver automation framework:-
  • 53. Selenium RC Selenium RC comes in two parts. A server which automatically launches and kills browsers, and acts as a HTTP proxy for web requests from them. Client libraries for your favorite computer language.
  • 54. References 0 http://docs.seleniumhq.org/ 0 Selenium and Section 508 by David Sills 0 http://java.dzone.com/articles/selenium-and-section-508 0 Selenium Tutorial for Beginner/Tips for Experts 0 http://www.jroller.com/selenium/ 0 Get Test-Infected With Selenium 0 http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/get-test- infected-with-selenium-2/ 0 https://code.google.com/p/selenium/
  • 55. Books
  • 56. Thanks & enjoy the rest of the code camp 