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Test Techniques
5/8/2014 1:30:00 PM
Build the Right Regression Suite
with Behavior-Driven Testing
Presented by:
Anand Bagmar
Brought to you by:
340 Corporate Way, Suite 300, Orange Park, FL 32073
888-268-8770 ∙ 904-278-0524 ∙ sqeinfo@sqe.com ∙ www.sqe.com
Anand Bagmar
Anand Bagmar is a hands-on and result-oriented software quality evangelist with seventeen
years in the IT field. Passionate about shipping quality products, Anand specializes in building
automated testing tools, infrastructure, and frameworks. He writes testing-related blogs and has
built open-source tools related to software testing-WAAT (Web Analytics Automation Testing
Framework), TaaS (for automating integration testing in disparate systems), and TTA (Test
Trend Analyzer). Anand is the lead organizer for vodQA, the popular testing conference in India.
Follow him on Twitter @BagmarAnand, email him at abagmar@gmail.com, or read his Essence
of Testing blog.
•  “Succeeding	
•  MarCn	
–  hFp://marCnfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html	

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While more and more organizations are practicing agile development methodologies, many have not learned how to “bake in quality” throughout the process. As an agile tester, you are an integral part of the development team—working on requirements, design, implementation, writing automated tests, and testing However, are all team members working together as they should to ensure quality from day one through final delivery? Dena Laterza offers proven tips to help you and your team make the cultural shift to adopt and foster a “quality first” team standard. Gain an understanding of a tester's involvement in test-driven development and behavior-driven development. Take back new ideas on automating tests, working with stakeholders, and becoming a fully informed tester. Learn how to push testing back into development and maximize the value of testers on the team. Take back a plan to get your agile team working together—as a team.

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The document discusses the "test pyramid" concept for balancing test suites from unit to end-to-end tests. It provides examples of different types of tests including unit tests, integration tests, UI/end-to-end tests. It also discusses challenges with different types of tests and strategies for addressing those challenges including dependency injection, mocks, and tools like Cucumber, Robolectric, and Pacto. The document seeks feedback on testing approaches and provides additional resources on testing best practices.

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This document discusses the deployment of test automation tools within IBM's large services division. It describes how test automation was a major problem area, taking up 1/3 of the net testing services business. The author led a research project to develop a technique called Automating Test Automation (ATA) that used natural language processing and program synthesis to semi-automatically convert English test cases into scripts. This helped lower the costs of test automation creation and maintenance. The document then briefly mentions the challenges of selling this research internally to the services division.

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Build the Right Regression Suite with Behavior-Driven Testing
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Does your functional automation really add value?
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Does your functional automation really add value?

We all know that automation is one of the key enablers for those on the CI-CD journey. Most teams are: • implementing automation • talking about its benefits • up-skilling themselves • talking about tooling • etc. In my experience, unfortunately most of the functional automation that is built is: • not optimal • not fit-for-purpose • does not run fast enough • gives inconsistent feedback, hence unreliable Hence, for the amount of effort invested in implementing automation, are you really getting the value from this activity? In this talk, we will discuss these challenges and why it would lead to poor ROI of automation. More importantly, we will discuss the following techniques to make automation valuable: • know the objective for the automation framework • establish criteria for tests to be automated • design your framework with proper abstraction layers • develop using appropriate design patterns

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•  Huge	
•  No	
•  Outdated	
•  BriFle	
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– In	
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•  Finger	
Build the Right Regression Suite with Behavior-Driven Testing
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The document discusses test automation architecture and provides recommendations for building an effective architecture. It recommends prioritizing unit testing and API/service layer testing over GUI testing to create a testing pyramid. Unit tests should be isolated and test small pieces of code, while API tests can test application logic through service calls. GUI tests should be limited in number and used to test broad end-to-end scenarios, not every small scenario. The goal is to have fewer, more stable automated tests rather than many fragile tests. Following best practices like testing different layers, prioritizing types of tests, and continuous refactoring can help create a maintainable and effective test automation architecture.

software testing
Lean Entrepreneurship for Software Professionals
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Lean Entrepreneurship for Software Professionals

Software teams are faced with the prospect of building a product, only to have unexpected shifts in customer demand, changes in the competitive landscape, or swings in the economic climate undermine their plans and turn their product into expensive waste. What is an entrepreneurially-minded software developer, designer, or tester to do? Thomas Vaniotis guides you toward a shift in thinking that is manifest in the Lean Startup and Lean UX movement. Learn to value information that comes from quickly exposing an idea to market pressures rather than considering the delivery of a particular feature as the goal. Identify wasteful activities in your product cycle and re-invest that energy by innovating around the build-measure-learn loop that drives value. Lean thinking and using meaningful production data to drive decisions will assist you—whether a tester, developer, product manager, or designer—in operating under the uncertain conditions of modern markets, regardless of your company’s age or size.

software development
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•  DeclaraCve	

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Emerging Product Owner Patterns in Large Organizations
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Emerging Product Owner Patterns in Large Organizations

Many organizations are actively searching for the perfect product owner—a unicorn who knows all about the product, anticipates the market, innovates, and improves the product’s quality and architecture, all while making and meeting commitments to the organization. That's a difficult if not impossible role to fill. So, how can we achieve these goals? Various enterprise patterns of scaling the product owner are emerging including the technical product owner, the proxy, the product owner team, the program team, the market manager, and the innovator. Tim Wise describes where each is applicable in large enterprises. Learn how to apply these approaches to both a service organization and a product development organization. Get a glimpse into the evolution that will influence product owner roles in large organizations as companies scale agile in the enterprise. Leave with knowledge of patterns that are emerging in large enterprises around the product owner.

agile software development
Testing Is the Profession I Chose
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Testing Is the Profession I Chose

Never underestimate the power of sharing the testing team’s achievements, lessons learned, challenges faced, roadblocks encountered, and the enriching solutions found. Jyothi Rangaiah says as testers we must be ready to nurture the needs of testing and testers in the organizations we serve. Only people, learning every day and questioning the norm, can and will move testing forward. Getting into this learning mode requires awareness of the need to improve. Jyothi discusses the importance of sharing the testing team’s everyday challenges and achievements with all involved. One person who cares for the quality of testing often can change the perception of testing in an organization. The internal corporate social networking site can be a good start to spread awareness and knowledge about testing. To test better, encourage and uphold the ways that are already beneficial. Network with the interested and the influential, and help each other understand the current state of affairs of testing.

software testing
Agile Adoption in Risk-Averse Environments
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Today, organizations are rapidly deploying mobile versions of their customer-facing and internal applications. With the prevalence of more agile-based approaches and the challenge of an ever-increasing diversity of devices and OS versions, testers are being asked to accomplish more testing in less time. Rachel Obstler shares how leading enterprises are improving the efficiency of their mobile testing using automation, and how they identify the right processes and tools for the job. Sharing some fascinating statistics from their recent mobile quality survey of more than 69,000 mobile app developers and QA organizations in the top US enterprises, Rachel dives into the challenges identified in the survey and shares five clear ways to improve your testing process: implementing a collaborative agile process, optimizing with a development tool that naturally facilitates testing, using a combination of real and emulated devices—and when to use them, and more.

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Know any testers who have bugs opened more than a year ago and still sitting in their defect queue? More than two years ago? Three? The fact is that many software development efforts are focused on delivering new features and functionality, leaving workarounds in place for bugs released in prior versions of applications. Often these defects seem relatively minor—we all have some workarounds for customers—but these are still bugs and ultimately should be dealt with. If you are seeking effective methods to close out those bugs once and for all, Shaun Bradshaw shares his experience eradicating aging bugs—in a Bugfest! Shaun shows how to effectively use kanban techniques to bring visibility to a myriad of outstanding problems left over from previous releases as well as to order and prioritize the work to clear out the nastiest, most offensive defects—and ultimately exterminate those pesky bugs!

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In agile projects, when the cycle from ideas to production shortens from months to hours, each software development activity—including testing—is impacted. Reaching this level of agility in testing requires massive automation. But test execution is only one side of the coin. How do we design and maintain tests at the required speed and scale? Testing should start very early in the development process and be used as acceptance criteria by the project stakeholders. Early test design, using a business domain language to write tests, is an efficient solution to support rapid iterations and helps align the team on the definition of done. These principles are the basis of acceptance test-driven development practices. Laurent Py shows you how the use of business domain languages enables test refactoring and accelerates automation. Come and learn how you can leverage acceptance tests and key test refactoring techniques.

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•  ?	
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DevOps is gaining popularity as a way to quickly and successfully deploy new software. With all the emphasis on deployment, software quality can sometimes be overlooked. In order to understand how DevOps and software testing mesh, Glenn Buckholz demonstrates a fully implemented continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) stack. After describing the internals of how CI/CD works, Glenn identifies the touch points in the stack that are important for testing organizations. With the now accelerated ability to deliver software, the testing groups need to know how this technology works and what to do with it because swarms of manual testers will not be able to keep up. Glenn demonstrates where and how to use automated testing, how to collect and make sense of the massive amount of test results that can be generated from CI/CD, and how to usefully apply manual testing.

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Software processes are commonly portrayed using machine metaphors in which consistency is highly prized. Frequently, organizations set up Centers of Excellence in a well-intentioned effort to create enterprise consistency. Steve Adolph reminds us that, in reality, software development takes place in a diverse ecosystem of corporate policies, competing interests, personal agendas, personality types, and a variety of formal and informal relationships. An aggressive top down imposition of practices is like sending a bulldozer through an ecosystem. This can create a prized consistency, but it also can destroy the environment’s productive vibrancy. It does not matter if the bulldozer says waterfall or agile on the side—it’s still a bulldozer. How do we live in harmony with our ecosystem? We can start by replacing machine metaphors with biological ones about leveraging and embracing diversity. Then use these metaphors to interpret two case studies of how organizations either bulldozed their ecosystem or learned to boost their productivity by living in harmony with it.

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All too often, companies adopt a mission to “go agile” before truly understanding what that entails. Business managers are quick to jump on the agile bandwagon, believing that going agile will magically make projects happen faster. Teams are getting certified in Scrum believing it is the silver bullet that will suddenly make everyone more productive. Inevitably, cracks begin to develop, and expectations are not met, leaving everyone questioning the value of going agile at all. Heather Fleming and Justin Riservato say there is a better way! The truth is that going agile will result in more productive teams and faster delivery of projects—but only if everyone can agree on the rules of the game. Learn why gaining consensus on the principles of agile is more important than implementing a specific process. Explore how having three key conversations—about saying no to deadlines, ensuring business partner engagement, and experimenting with process—up front can save you from an agile disaster.

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As cloud computing becomes of strategic importance in the enterprise, part of the solution is no longer on-premise but in the cloud, adding a layer of complexity. Edwin Chan demystifies performance testing of cloud systems and applications by addressing the following key questions: Is performance testing of cloud systems fundamentally different from testing on-premises applications? What are the best practices for performance testing of both cloud and on-premises systems? Performance testing of cloud systems is essentially the same as that of its on-premises counterpart with the exception of the key consideration of network latency. After clearing common misconceptions, Edwin shares the hot topic best practices—adopting an agile/lean methodology, conducting early performance testing, and automating the injection of test data. Discuss the challenges the testing team faces in these days of disruptive and fast-paced technology changes. Take back and apply some of the best practices that fit your organization’s need.

Build the Right Regression Suite with Behavior-Driven Testing

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Harness the Power of Checklists
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As testers, we can feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things that require our attention. We are pressured to meet the demands of a fast-paced development environment while grappling with the extreme complexities inherent in today’s software. How can we remember everything while prioritizing our work in a way that allows us to test thoroughly and with confidence? Kirk Lee shares how the proper use of checklists provides a lightweight yet powerful solution. Kirk explains how checklists can prevent forgetfulness, assist in assessing what is really important, and most importantly, free our minds from the mundane so we can reach the deeper levels of thought required to find the nastiest bugs. Take back foundational checklists and learn how to adapt them to your specific circumstance through defect and root-cause analysis. Kirk shares checklists focusing on quality attributes, test types, heuristics; and functional, security, performance, automation, and mobile testing.

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As applications for smartphones and tablets become incredibly popular, organizations encounter increasing pressure to quickly and successfully deliver testing for these devices. When faced with a mobile testing project, many testers find it tempting to apply the same methods and techniques used for desktop applications. Although some of these concepts transfer directly, testing mobile applications presents its own special challenges. Max Saperstone says if you follow the same practices and techniques as you have before, you will miss critical defects. Learn how to effectively test mobile applications, and how to add more structure and organization to generate effective test ideas to exploit the capabilities and weaknesses of mobile devices. Max shares first-hand experiences with testing mobile applications and discusses how to address various challenges. Work on real problems on your own device and learn firsthand how to be productive while testing mobile applications.

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Applying Lean Startup Principles to Agile Projects
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Warning! You can still build the wrong product using agile. In Eric Ries’ book The Lean Startup, he poses the question: What if we found ourselves building something that nobody wanted? In that case, what would it matter if we did it on time and on budget? We often assume the Product Owner is smart enough to define the right product. But what if we are wrong? Michael Hall shares lean startup principles and how they can be applied to ensure that the product we are building is righteous. Learn new agile concepts such as hypothesis-driven project vision, knowledge broker personas, learning maps, minimum learning product, experiment backlogs, experiment test iterations, validated learning, and pivot/persevere decisions. Case studies and Michael’s first-hand product experience emphasize the learning points. New and mature agilistas alike will leave the session armed with Lean Startup agile techniques that can be applied immediately on their agile projects.

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Build the Right Regression Suite with Behavior-Driven Testing

  • 1. T14 Test Techniques 5/8/2014 1:30:00 PM Build the Right Regression Suite with Behavior-Driven Testing Presented by: Anand Bagmar ThoughtWorks Brought to you by: 340 Corporate Way, Suite 300, Orange Park, FL 32073 888-268-8770 ∙ 904-278-0524 ∙ [email protected] ∙ www.sqe.com
  • 2. Anand Bagmar ThoughtWorks Anand Bagmar is a hands-on and result-oriented software quality evangelist with seventeen years in the IT field. Passionate about shipping quality products, Anand specializes in building automated testing tools, infrastructure, and frameworks. He writes testing-related blogs and has built open-source tools related to software testing-WAAT (Web Analytics Automation Testing Framework), TaaS (for automating integration testing in disparate systems), and TTA (Test Trend Analyzer). Anand is the lead organizer for vodQA, the popular testing conference in India. Follow him on Twitter @BagmarAnand, email him at [email protected], or read his Essence of Testing blog.
  • 3. Building  the  “right”   regression  suite  using   Behavior  Driven  Tes5ng   (BDT)   Anand  Bagmar   So#ware  Quality  Evangelist   Principal  Consultant,  ThoughtWorks  
  • 4. •  “Succeeding  with  Agile”  –  Mike  Cohn   •  MarCn  Fowler  –  Test  Pyramid   –  hFp://marCnfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html   The  Test  Pyramid  
  • 5. Func%onal  Tests  (GUI)   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Web  Service  Tests   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Integra%on  tests   • Developers   Component  tests   •  Developers   Unit  Tests   •  Developers   Test  AutomaCon  Pyramid   Manual  /   Exploratory   TesCng   Product   under  test   Ideal  Test   Pyramid   Business-­‐ facing  Tests   Technology-­‐ facing  Tests   •  Cost   •  Effort   •  Time  
  • 7. Test  Pyramid  reality   Development  team   Test  Pyramid   QA  team   Test  Pyramid  
  • 8. Func%onal  Tests  (GUI)   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Web  Service  Tests   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Integra%on  tests   • Developers   Component  tests   •  Developers   Unit  Tests   •  Developers   Manual  /  Exploratory  TesCng   Test     Ice-­‐cream  cone   Business-­‐ facing  Tests   Technology-­‐ facing  Tests   Test  Pyramid  –  AnC  PaFern   Product     under  test  
  • 9. Func%onal  Tests  (GUI)   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Web  Service  Tests   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Integra%on  tests   • Developers   Component  tests   •  Developers   Unit  Tests   •  Developers   Manual  /   Exploratory   TesCng   Product   under  test   Ideal  Test   Pyramid   Business-­‐ facing  Tests   Technology-­‐ facing  Tests   IdenCfy  the  right  type  of  tests  that  sit   on  top  of  the  Test  Pyramid  
  • 10. Case  Study   •  MulCple,  long   running  projects   •  Legacy   applicaCons   •  Integrated  
  • 11. •  Limited  AutomaCon     •  Long  regression  cycle   •  Huge  cost  of  fixing  defects   TesCng  Challenges  
  • 12. •  No  visibility  into  what  is  tested   •  Outdated   •  BriFle   •  LiFle  /  less  value   •  Expensive   •  Maintenance  nightmare   As  a  result  
  • 13. Biggest  problem   •  Trust  deficit  on  the  team   – In  exisCng  AutomaCon   – In  manual  tesCng   •  Finger  poinCng  /  blame  game  
  • 16. •  Remove  the  ambiguity   •  Same  visibility  for  all  
  • 17. EvoluCon  of  Test  Frameworks   Behavior   Driven   Development   (BDD)   OpCmized   scripts   Record  &   Playback     Core   Framework  
  • 21. The  Big  Picture   •  How  is  this  funcConality  going  to  be  used  by   the  end-­‐user?     •  What  is  their  thought  process  going  to  be   when  using  this  product?     •  What  is  the  “core-­‐business-­‐value”  I  am   delivering  to  the  end-­‐user?  
  • 22. Func%onal  Tests  (GUI)   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Web  Service  Tests   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Integra%on  tests   • Developers   Component  tests   •  Developers   Unit  Tests   •  Developers   Manual  /   Exploratory   TesCng   Product   under  test   Ideal  Test   Pyramid   Business-­‐ facing  Tests   Technology-­‐ facing  Tests   IdenCfy  the  right  type  of  tests  that  sit   on  top  of  the  Test  Pyramid  
  • 23. Expected  Func%onality:     The  customer  should  be  able  to  withdraw   money  from  his  account  via  an  ATM  machine   An  example  
  • 24. Given  the  account  has  balance  of  INR  5000   When  the  customer  requests  INR  1000   Then  the  account  is  debited  by  INR  1000   BDD  Example:  
  • 25. Given  the  account  is  in  credit   And  the  dispenser  contains  cash     When  the  customer  requests  cash     Then  ensure  the  account  is  debited   And  ensure  cash  is  dispensed   And  ensure  the  card  is  returned   BDT  Example:  
  • 26. New  Expected  Func%onality:     The  customer  should  be  able  to  withdraw   money  from  his  account  only  if  his  card  is   valid  
  • 27. Given  the  account  is  in  credit   And  the  card  is  valid   And  the  dispenser  contains  cash     When  the  customer  requests  cash     Then  ensure  the  account  is  debited   And  ensure  cash  is  dispensed   And  ensure  the  card  is  returned   BDT  Example  -­‐  updated:  
  • 28. Test  specificaCon  styles   •  ImperaCve     •  DeclaraCve  
  • 29. •  Write  user  flows  based  on  personas,  and  how   they  use  the  business  funcConality,  or,   •  Write  business  flows,  and  how  different  user   personas  can  use  that  
  • 30. Another  example   For  Indigo  Airlines  website  –   •  Guest  User  is  able  to  search  for  a  flight  for  a   single  traveller   •  Ability  to  specify  contact  informaCon  for   person  booking  the  flight  
  • 31. Search     Search   Results   Contact   Informa%on  
  • 32. ImperaCve  style   Given  I  am  a  guest  user  on  the  Indigo  home  page   And  I  select  “round”  trip  opCon   And  I  select  “Pune”  from  the  origin  dropdown   And  I  select  “Bangalore”  from  the  desCnaCon  drop  down   And  I  select  departure  date  as  “5  December  2013”   And  I  select  returning  date  as  “25  December  2013”     When  I  click  on  Search     Then  I  should  see  the  search  results  page     And  I  should  see  at  least  1  opCon  for  my  criteria     ...  
  • 33. …   When  I  select  the  “first”  opCon   Then  I  am  on  the  Contact  InformaCon  page     When  I  enter  first  name  as  “foo”   And  I  enter  last  name  as  “bar”   …   …   And  I  click  the  “Select  and  Con%nue”  buFon     Then  I  should  be  on  the  next  page    
  • 34. Given  I  am  a  guest  user     When  I  search  for  flight  opCons  for  a  “one-­‐way”  trip   for  “1”  “Adult”  from  “Delhi”  to  “Bangalore”   And  I  select  the  “first”  flight   And  I  enter  “valid”  contact  details  for  “traveller1”     Then  I  am  able  to  Save  and  ConCnue   DeclaraCve  style  
  • 36. DO  NOT   AUTOMATE   •  Low  Value,  High  Cost   •  Manual   Regression!   2nd  candidate  for   automa%on   •  High  Value,  High  Cost   Automate  ONLY  if   you  have  %me   •  Low  Value,  Low  Cost   •  ?  Manual   Regression?   1st  candidate  for   automa%on   •  High  Value,  Low  Cost   Cost   Value  
  • 37. Func%onal  Tests  (GUI)   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Web  Service  Tests   •  Developers  &  /  QA  team   Integra%on  tests   • Developers   Component  tests   •  Developers   Unit  Tests   •  Developers   BDT  helps  iden5fy  the  “right”  type  of   regression  tests!   Manual  /   Exploratory   TesCng   Product   under  test   Ideal  Test   Pyramid  
  • 38. A  real  world  Case  Study  
  • 40. How  did  we  accomplish  this?  
  • 42. Who  is  doing  the   acCon?   What  is  the  business   funcConality?   AcCons  and   verificaCons  happen   implicitly   Depicts  a  user  flow   Given  auc%oneer  creates  a  sale   And  5  items  are  added  to  the   sale             When  auc%oneer  starts  the   sale   And  auc%oneer  sets  a  starCng   bid  of  5000   And  buyer_1  bids   And  buyer_2  bids     Then  auc%oneer  Sells  the  item   And  buyer_2  wins  the  item  
  • 43. Final  state   Tests  running  on  Hudson  /  Jenkins   Since  1st  test  was  automated   Feature  files   33   Scenarios   65   Smoke  tests  execuCon  Cme   15  minutes   Regression  tests  execuCon  Cme   45  minutes   Test  case  repository  (manual  +   automated)   Cucumber  .feature  files  with   appropriate  tagging   Project  Management  tool   Mingle  
  • 44. ?   Incrementally  build   User  Flows   Regress  required   Product  Business   Value   Tests  in-­‐sync   EffecCve  Tests       Remove   ambiguity   Understand   new   funcConality   Living   DocumentaCon   Onboarding  
  • 45. Tools  to  enable  BDD  /  BDT   •  Cucumber   •  JBehave   •  SpecFlow   •  Twist   •  Concordion  
  • 46. [email protected]                @BagmarAnand     about.me/anand.bagmar   Thank  you