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Contemporary World - GLOBAL MEDIA CULTURES.pptx
refers to the communication channels through which we
disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional
messages and other data
can be defines as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and
institutions of a population that are passed down from generation
to generation
Globalization entails the spread of
various cultures
Globalization also involves the
spread of ideas
Globalization relies on media as
its main conduit for the spread of
global culture and ideas
5 Stages of Development of Media
• Language allowedhumans to communicate
and share information
• Language became the most important tool for
exploring the world and different cultures
• Language help people move and settle down
5 Stages of Development of Media
• It allowed humans to communicate over a
larger space and for a much longer
• It allowed the permanent codification of
economic, cultural and political practice.
5 Stages of Development of Media
• It allowed thecontinuousproduction,
reproduction andcirculation of print
5 Stages of Development of Media
• It includesthetelegraphs,telephone,radio, film
and television.
• Thewide range of thesemedia continueto open
up newperspectiveson economic,political and
cultural processes ofglobalization
5 Stages of Development of Media
• Digitized content that can be transmitted over
the internet or computer networks.
• It allows the advertisement of products and
online business transactions.
The media have a very important impact on cultural
globalization in two mutually interdependent ways:
1. The media provide an extensive transnationaltransmission of cultural
products and;
2. It contributes to the formation of communicative networks and social
Global media cultures create a continuous cultural exchange, which crucial
aspects such as identity, nationality,religion, behavioral norms and way of life are
continuous questioned and challenged.
Various Media drive Various forms of
Global Integration
Various Media
 are used for globalizationto work all over the world
 Media plays a major role in globalization
Television, Internet, Computers etc.
- Considered to have a significant influence in globalization
Various Media drive Various forms of
Global Integration
 the process of increasing the degree of economic and political integration
among countries around the world.
 Global integration can involve the processes of product standardization
and technologydevelopment centralization.
3 Factors that have affected the process of
Economic Globalization
1. Improvements in transportation and communication technology have reduced
the cost of transporting goods, services and factors of production and
communicating economically useful knowledge and technology
2. Tastes of individuals and, societies have generally but not universally, favored
taking advantage of the opportunities provided by declining costs of
transportation and communication through increasing economic integration.
3. The character and pace of economic integration have been significantly
influenced by public policies, although it is not always in the direction of increasing
economic integration.
3 Factors that have affected the process of
Economic Globalization
Globalization isn’t possible to occur without media.
Electronic media allowedopportunities
to spread all over the world.
Radio and Television is a powerful mass
medium in providing accessible
information for people.
Digital media through phone and computers
allows people to access information
from around the world
Global and Local Cultural Products
Global Product
 Those products that are marketed internationallyunder the same
brand name, features and specifications across countries.
Global and Local Cultural Products
Cultural Products
 are goods and services such as arts, architectures, museums etc. that
showcase the history and information of certain which belong to the
country’s cultural heritage.
Dynamics of Local and Global Culture
Global flows of culture tend to move more easily around the globe than ever
before, especially through non-material digital forms
There are three perspectives on global cultural flows:
These are cultural differentialism, hybridization, and convergence.
Three perspectives on global cultural flows:
 emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially different and are only
superficially affected by global flows.
 It also Involves barriers that prevent flows that serve to make cultures
more a line; cultures tend to remain stubbornly different from one another.
Three perspectives on global cultural flows:
 a process by which a cultural element blends into another culture by
modifying the element to fit cultural norms.
 It is actually an integration of local and global cultures.
 A key concept is “glocalization” or the interpenetration of the global and
local resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic areas
Three perspectives on global cultural flows:
 approach stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization.
 Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by strong flows, while cultural
imperialism happens when one culture imposes itself on and tends to
destroy at least parts of another culture

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Contemporary World - GLOBAL MEDIA CULTURES.pptx

  • 2. MEDIA refers to the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional messages and other data CULTURE can be defines as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation DEFINITION OF TERMS
  • 3. GLOBAL MEDIA CULTURES Globalization entails the spread of various cultures Globalization also involves the spread of ideas Globalization relies on media as its main conduit for the spread of global culture and ideas
  • 4. 5 Stages of Development of Media 1. ORAL COMMUNICATION • Language allowedhumans to communicate and share information • Language became the most important tool for exploring the world and different cultures • Language help people move and settle down
  • 5. 5 Stages of Development of Media 2. SCRIPTS • It allowed humans to communicate over a larger space and for a much longer duration • It allowed the permanent codification of economic, cultural and political practice.
  • 6. 5 Stages of Development of Media 3. PRINTING PRESS • It allowed thecontinuousproduction, reproduction andcirculation of print materials.
  • 7. 5 Stages of Development of Media 4. ELECTRONIC MEDIA • It includesthetelegraphs,telephone,radio, film and television. • Thewide range of thesemedia continueto open up newperspectiveson economic,political and cultural processes ofglobalization
  • 8. 5 Stages of Development of Media 5. DIGITAL MEDIA • Digitized content that can be transmitted over the internet or computer networks. • It allows the advertisement of products and online business transactions.
  • 9. The media have a very important impact on cultural globalization in two mutually interdependent ways: 1. The media provide an extensive transnationaltransmission of cultural products and; 2. It contributes to the formation of communicative networks and social structures Global media cultures create a continuous cultural exchange, which crucial aspects such as identity, nationality,religion, behavioral norms and way of life are continuous questioned and challenged.
  • 10. Various Media drive Various forms of Global Integration Various Media  are used for globalizationto work all over the world  Media plays a major role in globalization Examples: Television, Internet, Computers etc. - Considered to have a significant influence in globalization
  • 11. Various Media drive Various forms of Global Integration GLOBAL INTEGRATION  the process of increasing the degree of economic and political integration among countries around the world.  Global integration can involve the processes of product standardization and technologydevelopment centralization.
  • 12. 3 Factors that have affected the process of Economic Globalization 1. Improvements in transportation and communication technology have reduced the cost of transporting goods, services and factors of production and communicating economically useful knowledge and technology 2. Tastes of individuals and, societies have generally but not universally, favored taking advantage of the opportunities provided by declining costs of transportation and communication through increasing economic integration.
  • 13. 3. The character and pace of economic integration have been significantly influenced by public policies, although it is not always in the direction of increasing economic integration. 3 Factors that have affected the process of Economic Globalization
  • 14. Globalization isn’t possible to occur without media. Electronic media allowedopportunities to spread all over the world. Radio and Television is a powerful mass medium in providing accessible information for people. Digital media through phone and computers allows people to access information from around the world
  • 15. Global and Local Cultural Products Global Product  Those products that are marketed internationallyunder the same brand name, features and specifications across countries.
  • 16. Global and Local Cultural Products Cultural Products  are goods and services such as arts, architectures, museums etc. that showcase the history and information of certain which belong to the country’s cultural heritage.
  • 17. Dynamics of Local and Global Culture Global flows of culture tend to move more easily around the globe than ever before, especially through non-material digital forms There are three perspectives on global cultural flows: These are cultural differentialism, hybridization, and convergence.
  • 18. Three perspectives on global cultural flows: 1. CULTURAL DIFFERENTIALISM  emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially different and are only superficially affected by global flows.  It also Involves barriers that prevent flows that serve to make cultures more a line; cultures tend to remain stubbornly different from one another.
  • 19. Three perspectives on global cultural flows: 2. CULTURAL HYBRIDIZATION  a process by which a cultural element blends into another culture by modifying the element to fit cultural norms.  It is actually an integration of local and global cultures.  A key concept is “glocalization” or the interpenetration of the global and local resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic areas
  • 20. Three perspectives on global cultural flows: 3. CULTURAL CONVERGENCE  approach stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization.  Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by strong flows, while cultural imperialism happens when one culture imposes itself on and tends to destroy at least parts of another culture