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The Brain Behind Your Brand: 
Davis Lee
Creative Director of Creative Services & Brand
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The Brain Behind Your Brand: 
Davis Lee
Creative Director of Creative Services & Brand
Top 50 brands of 2014 by Brandz, Kantar Retail and Bloomberg
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
Why the color purple?
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
Brand Guidelines
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
Marketing First
Marketo Sans

The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
So, we’ve already established 
a brand, what’s next?
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
Fun, fast and
Hands On
 Initiate Reviews
 Be specific
Agency Variables
Not the same
time zone
 At their mercy
Agency Variables
So what’s Creative Services
working on today?
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
The Brain Behind Your Brand: How to Design Your Way to Success
Thank You!

If you have questions, please email me at:

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Noida Girls Call Gurgaon 🛵🚡9873940964 💃 Choose Best And Top Girl Service And ...Noida Girls Call Gurgaon 🛵🚡9873940964 💃 Choose Best And Top Girl Service And ...
Noida Girls Call Gurgaon 🛵🚡9873940964 💃 Choose Best And Top Girl Service And ...

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