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Company Overview
We Are Automating & Educating
the World’s Leading Companies!
Data Science Automation, Inc.
 We Promise…
 Fanatical Responsiveness
 Client Empowerment
 Risk-Free Automation Results
 Adaptive Automation Technologies
 We Sell…
 Automation Engineering Services
 Automation Training Services
 Third-Party Products
 DSA Industry Products
Great Praise …
 “DSA did in minutes what man months of our internal efforts
could not produce.” --- Lucent Technologies
 “DSA assigned a one-man team that, in one month,
surpassed our nine-man internal new product initiative team
plodding for the past two years.” --- TA Instruments
 “DSA is twice as expensive, but three times faster than others
that claim to have these skills.” --- Medrad
 “DSA did what even National Instruments claimed to be
impossible.” --- American NDT
 “In one day, DSA saved my job, accomplishing what my team
couldn’t.” --- SIL4 Systems
 “DSA accomplished more in a couple weeks than previous
vendors in as many months.” --- Johnson Controls
 “We’ve discontinued all other contractors, except DSA.” ---
Celera Genomics
….DSA did in a few minutes what man-
months of our internal efforts could not
….DSA was able to keep the project
within budget and deliver three weeks
….DSA’s classes are outstanding,
compared to other vendor’s that
were disappointing.
….DSA paid for itself in the first half hour.
….The most enjoyment
I get from my job is when DSA is
on-site.….DSA has shown extreme
resourcefulness, and has found a way
through or around every roadblock we've
Genetic Therapy
….We’ve discontinued use of all
contractors except for DSA.
DSA is my ‘friend in Pennsylvania.’
….DSA represents the pinnacle
of customer service.
….You’d be really lucky to work for DSA.
Lawson Mardon Wheaton
….DSA demonstrated a quick
grasp of very difficult concepts.….DSA was able to do what
other vendors claimed to be
….DSA showed a true commitment
to excellence and a refreshing
enthusiasm to do whatever it takes.
.…Thank you for providing such
a high standard of quality in the
products and services you
….You should take great pride in
DSA not only because of the growth
that you've enjoyed but because of
the successes you've brought to your
….DSA may have been twice as
expensive, but they are three times
more productive than any other that
claims to have these skills.
Client Testimonials

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Arocom is a consulting and solution engineering company with expertise in providing engineering services for AI & Machine Learning, Data Operations & Analytics, MLOps and Cloud Computing. Our clients include companies within biotech, drug discovery, therapeutics, manufacturing, retail and startups. Our consultants are best in their skills and offer hands-on talent to our clients in achieving their goals.

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Data Platform at Liv Up
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This document describes Liv Up, a platform that aims to maximize data value by giving business analysts autonomy over data pipelines while maintaining responsibility and transparency. The key goals are to enable fast decision making using domain knowledge, reduce communication costs, and build a scalable data architecture. The principles involve immersing analysts in business context, treating data as a first-class citizen, and giving autonomy while holding analysts responsible for data quality. The platform demonstrates how raw data is transformed and modeled in BigQuery and data transformations are managed through Dataform.

ModernTech Overview
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ModernTech Overview

- The document discusses ModernTech Mechanical's 3D design and manufacturing solutions and services, and a customer's current CAD software issues with importing and exporting files between Inventor and AutoCAD. - It demonstrates SolidWorks software and highlights benefits like faster product development, easier manufacturing, and design validation tools like simulation. - ModernTech's services are described like training, support, staffing assistance, 3D printing, and it lists customers in industries like automotive, medical, and consumer products. Next steps may include attending a product demo or developing an implementation schedule.

 Core Purpose
technologies to research, manufacturing,
gov’t & business operations …
 To acquire, analyze, present & manage DATA
 To design, simulate, test & validate PRODUCTS
 To monitor, predict, control & optimize PROCESSES
 To invent, draft, prototype & build MACHINES
 For maximum productivity, quality, profit
& understanding
 Higher Purpose
 Raise the professional standards of
systems integration practices to
reduce client risk
 Free clients from the complexity of
 Create digital landscapes for real-
time information access
 Speed and enhanced decision
making and discovery
 Core Values/Beliefs
 Communicate with Clarity
 Perform with Mastery
 Relate with Integrity
 Achieve with Accountability
DSA Values
 Communicate with Clarity
 Detailed, candid and frequent
 Consistently and accurately deliver
on prioritized features
 Keep solutions as simple as possible
 Empower clients with intuitive,
aesthetic & well-documented

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Patni Computer Systems provides IT services and solutions with a focus on quality, security, scalability, and efficiency based on over 30 years of experience. It has a mature global delivery model with processes, people, and infrastructure to ensure excellence in delivery. Key aspects of its approach include strong industry and domain expertise, a focus on business value, flexibility, and single point accountability.

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Vmoksha Technologies Corporate Overview
Vmoksha Technologies Corporate OverviewVmoksha Technologies Corporate Overview
Vmoksha Technologies Corporate Overview

Vmoksha Technologies is an IT outsourcing company headquartered in Bangalore, India with offices in the US, Europe, and Asia Pacific. It provides services including application development, infrastructure management, cloud computing, mobility, testing, and staff augmentation. Vmoksha's mission is to help customers achieve ROI goals and competitive advantage by measuring its success based on the value provided.

DSA Values
 Perform with Mastery
 Highly disciplined methodical
approach without cutting corners
 Strong emphasis on planning &
design to reuse and leverage past
solutions & experience
 Certified best practices from diverse
industry sectors
 Ongoing training and advanced
technical certifications
DSA Values
 Relate with Integrity
 Always act in the best long-term
interest of the client relationship
 We build, and constantly reaffirm,
our client’s trust in us
 Behave ethically, with integrity &
good judgment
 Provide nurturing guidance & what
clients need to hear
DSA Values
 Achieve with Accountability
 Do not meander on the path to a
cost-effective solution
 Adaptive Automation solutions for
the lowest TOTAL cost of ownership
 Apply diverse technical resources
with fanatical responsiveness
 Take great joy in job completion &
customer satisfaction
DSA Value Proposition
 We are in business to make your
research, new product
innovation, manufacturing and
business operations…
 We do this by delivering on our
Brand Promise…
 Investment Compounding
through Adaptation
 Client Empowerment
through Education

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Vmoksha technologies corporate overview. This will give insight about our core services offerings, people, culture, vision, mission, client, contacts etc.

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Code-in-motion is a design, manufacturing, sales and service organization that focuses on product identification systems, labeling systems, robotic systems, machine vision systems, and software development. They provide turn-key automation solutions for industries such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Code-in-motion has over 200 years of cumulative industry experience and expertise in areas like labeling, laser marking, robotics, vision inspection, and controls. They aim to increase customers' production yields and profits through customized, integrated automation systems.

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PLAY TO WIN In Business, As In Chess, Forethought Wins Showcasing exemplary stories of success where channel partners have gone to great lengths to implement innovative solutions. Acclaiming those partners who have risen to the challenges of the digital era and transformed their business to a solutions offering. Inspiring channel businesses to become value-added providers and trusted allies to their customers. Stories that made a Difference.

business intelligencebusinesstechnology
Risk-Free Automation Results
 We are all about lowering and
eliminating your risk of doing
 You can’t wait to automate, but
you can make a poor decision in
selecting an automation systems
 We’ve looked at what hundreds
of clients and thousands of
projects have taught us about
what you value most…
Risk-Free Automation Results
 At Data Science Automation…
 We don’t cut corners!
 In a world of vendors selling partial and
superficial solutions, we believe that
 if the project is worth doing, it is worth doing right!
 We don’t cut corners!
 Our unique and methodical approach will
deliver the Lowest Total Cost of Ownership.
Risk-Free Automation Results
 Quality Suffers with
Disproportionate Changes
 Double Scope
 Presupposes shortcuts
 Double Time
 Presupposes inferior labor
 System may work but not
 Double Cost
 Presupposes waste
 Confusion/Lack of
Maintaining Project Balance
Optimizes Project Quality
Risk-Free Automation Results
 Every Project Has Risks
 Primary Sources of Project Risk
 Time system will be delivered late
 Budget system will come in over-budget
 Scope system won’t perform as expected
 Quality corners will be cut with consequence
 At Data Science Automation...
 We offer Risk-Free Automation Results
because we don’t cut corners!

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Prakash Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a software outsourcing company incorporated in 2000 in Vadodara, India. It has over 400 employees across various group companies involved in software, chemicals, telecom and other industries. Prakash aims to become a global leader in software outsourcing and leverages its skills and experience to provide innovative solutions to enhance customer competitiveness. It has a diverse client portfolio including companies in the US, Europe, Asia and other regions.

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Risk-Free Automation Results
 Don’t take risks you cannot manage
 DSA has developed and adopted a
complete series of best practices that
apply specifically to our business of
providing the most advanced Control
& Information Systems Integration
Risk-Free Automation Results
 DSA is a Gold-Tier CSIA Certified Member
 Exceeds third-party audit criteria since 2003
 General Management
 Human Resource Management
 Business Development
 Project & Lifecycle Management
 Quality Management
 Technical Management
 Financial Management
DSA Project Process
DSA Services
 Measurement & Automation
 Manufacturing Test Systems
 Process Control & Industrial
 Vision & Motion
Control Systems
 Laboratory Automation
 Instrumentation & Sensors
 Wireless & Remote
 Consulting & Training
 Project Coaching
 Project Management
 Software Engineering
 Technical Training
 Machine Building &
 Automated Test
 Robotics
 Pick ‘n Place
 Material Handling
 Automated Assembly
 Enterprise & Integration
 Database Management
 Web-Enabled Solutions
 Application Development
 Legacy Data Conversion
 Disaster Recovery

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With 10+ websites running 100% on cloud, Fitness & Lifestyle Group see over 5 million visitors each month. Hear how the Fitness & Lifestyle Group is proactively protecting the digital user experience of their users, and achieved a 60% optimisation of workloads through Dynatrace enterprise cloud monitoring, powered by A.I.

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The document discusses Erudine Behavior Engine software, which allows systems to be authored and evolved at low cost and reduced risk by capturing tacit knowledge and system behavior. It addresses how Erudine solves issues with traditional development by automating the capture and resolution of conflicts that normally require human mental modeling. Examples are given of projects using Erudine that achieved faster development time, lower costs, and legacy system modernization.

DSA Skills
 Software
 TestStand
 RSView
 RSLogix/ControlLogix
 SolidWorks, CAD
 Matlab, Simulink
 LabWindows/CVI
 Visual Basic, VBA
 C, C++, VisualC++, C#
 .NET, Active X
 SQL Server, MySQL
 Oracle
 MS Access
 Ladder, SFC
 Hardware
 Data Acquisition
 Signal Conditioning
 Distributed I/O
 Motion Control
 Image Acquisition
 PLCs and PACs
 Robots
 Sensorrs
 Instrumentation
 cRIO, sbRIO
 FieldPoint, cFP
 GPIB, Serial
 Industrial Networks
 Labelling
 Barcodes
 Systems
 Operating Systems
 Embedded Systems
 Networks
 Client/Server
 Web
 Exchange
 Visual Interdev
 Supply Chain
DSA Solutions
 Fiber Glass Process Efficiency
 Industrial Pump Performance
 Turbine Blade Vibration
 Steel Mill Temperature Control
 Chemical Vapor Deposition
 Glass Optical Distortion
 Microscopy
 Cell Tracking
 High Throughput Screening
 Genomics Sequencing
 Proteomics Sequencing
 WTC DNA Identification
 Isolated Heart Perfusion
 Polyurethane Manufacturing
 Web-Enabled Power Plant Monitor
 Chemical Plant Electrical Audits
 Mine Ventilation Airflow
 Mine Explosion Propagation
 Rubber Adhesion Testing
 Seatbelt Spring Reliability
 Enterprise Resource Planning
 Theme Park Superconducting
Linear Magnet Controls
 High Voltage Power Cells
 AC Drive Testing
 Cellular Radio Amplifier
 HR Performance Systems
 Capacity Planning Systems
 Uninterruptible Power
 Gypsum Plant SCADA
 PCB Testing
 BlueTooth Chip Testing
 RF Component Testing
 CDMA Component Testing
 Micro-Air Vehicles
 Titanium Gas Atomizers
 Refinery P&ID Verification
 Business Databases
 Cellular Phone Testing
 Market Research EEG
Engagement Measurements
 Truck Axel Testing
 Oil/Gas Well Drilling
 Phased Array Radar
 Cogeneration Feed Conveyor
 Steel Bar Mill Automation
 CO2 Dissolution in Seawater
 Gas Meter Production Test
 BOM/Accounting Integration
 Distillation Tower Datalogging
 Sintered Pellet Melting
 Remote Turbine Witness
 Customized On-site Training
DSA Solutions
 Surgical Scalpel
 Laser Welding SPC
 Sleep Apnea Respirators
 Truck Idler Arm Testing
 Engine Emissions Monitoring
 Bottle Cooler Test Automation
 Instrument Drivers
 DVD Injection Molding
 Steel Drop Sensors
 RF Transceiver Testing
 Distributed Genetic Research
Climate Monitoring
 Styrofoam Reprocessing
 Hydro-Electric Thrust Bearing
 Plastics Machine Control
 Mercury Emissions Monitoring
DSA Solutions
 Acoustic Loose Parts
Monitoring & DSP
Identification in Nuclear
 Supply Chain Management
 Global Silo Monitoring for
Vendor Managed Inventory
 Refrigeration Chiller Testing
 Avionics Fuel Pump Testing
 Thermal Glass Press & Mold
 On-line Glass Defect
 High Pressure Valve Testing
 Plastic Lid Injection Molding
 Warfare Assault Vehicle
 Land Mine Detection
 Chemical Thermo-Graphic
 Caster Durability Testing
 Missile Gyroscope Engineering
 Liquid Crystal on Silica Optics
Projection Testing
 Large-screen Television
Electronics Testing
 Fiber Optic Alignment
 Nerve Agent Pupil Reactions
 Environmental Chamber
 Vending Machine Electronics
 MEMS Characterization
 DNA Color Mapping
 In-Vehicle Test Systems
 Paramagnetic Oxygen Sensing
 Steering Pump Testing
 Polymer Reactor Control
 Muscular Dystrophy Grip
Strength Testing

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Title DataOps, the secret weapon for delivering AI, data science, and business intelligence value at speed. Synopsis ● According to recent research, just 7.3% of organisations say the state of their data and analytics is excellent, and only 22% of companies are currently seeing a significant return from data science expenditure. ● Poor returns on data & analytics investment are often the result of applying 20th-century thinking to 21st-century challenges and opportunities. ● Modern data science and analytics require secure, efficient processes to turn raw data from multiple sources and in numerous formats into useful inputs to a data product. ● Developing, orchestrating and iterating modern data pipelines is an extremely complex process requiring multiple technologies and skills. ● Other domains have to successfully overcome the challenge of delivering high-quality products at speed in complex environments. DataOps applies proven agile principles, lean thinking and DevOps practices to the development of data products. ● A DataOps approach aligns data producers, analytical data consumers, processes and technology with the rest of the organisation and its goals.

Data-Driven AI - Service Catalogue
Data-Driven AI - Service CatalogueData-Driven AI - Service Catalogue
Data-Driven AI - Service Catalogue

Data-Driven AI is a Microsoft Gold Partner specialising in building modern data platforms and advanced analytics consulting. We deliver innovative data and AI solutions to help organisations build a data-driven culture and empower their business decisions with insights.

aidatalakebig data


1239_2.pdf for procurement
DSA Solutions
 Distributed Blood Bank Facility
 Projector Microdisplay
Parametric Research
 Navy Missile Guidance &
 Catalytic Converter
 Inkjet Print Head Product
Design & Validation
 Locomotive Traction Control &
Software Simulation
 Homebuilder Design Options
Database & Reporting
 Vision Characterization of
MEMS Motors
 Dome Security Camera Pan/Tilt
Automated Testing
 Compander Control for Natural
Gas Liquefaction
 Plastic Ribbon Defect
 Motion Control Encoder
 Power Tool Bit Vision
 MRI Contrast Fluid Injector
 Heavy Construction
Equipment Stress/Load
 High Speed DAQ for Metal
Bonding Analysis
 Windshield Vinyl Gap Image
 Network Infrastructure
 Electrical Contactor Testing
 Combatant Craft Telemetry &
Maneuvering Analysis
 Wind Turbine Electrical ATE
 Hard Drive Wafer Noise Level
Characterization & Testing
 Steel Coil Production Monitor
 Ar Laser Power Supply Testing
 Naval Nuclear Reactor Monitor
 Advanced Solar Cell Performance
 Hazardous Gas Detection Device
 First-Responder Respirator Gas
Mask Performance Validation for
CBNR Agents
 Big Rig Truck HIL Simulation
 Ultrasonic Metal Pipe Inspection
 Bearing Vibration Analysis
 Crystal Cleaning Oven Control
 High Throughput Security Tape
 Hydraulic Well Fracturing Blender
& Pump Control
DSA Solutions
 High Voltage Breaker
Dielectric Gas Management
 Military Vehicle Lifting &
Tiedown Performance Testing
 Interrupter Friction Testing
 Photonic Switching
 Tensiometer Control
 Carburization Furnace Control
for Tool Hardening
 Plant Growth Rate Evaluation
 Tire Tread & Sidewall
 Polyethylene Pipe Oxygen
Barrier Coating Optimization
 Glass Drop Measurements
 Satellite Power Supply Testing
 Aircraft RVSM Certification
 O-Ring Leakage Evaluation
DSA Solutions
 Centrifugal Compressor Engine
Test Cell
 Proportional Valve Testing
 Robotic Evaluation of Nuclear
Reactor Crack Propagation
 Laser Topography
 Airbag Diffuser Production Vision
 High Pressure Steam Test Bench
 Ion Beam Deposition Process
 RF Coil Preamplifier Testing
 Accelerated Life Testing
 Atomizer Nozzle Characterization
 Asphalt Vision Inspection
 Electric Motor Testing
 Eddy Current Testing
 Oil Field Wireless DAQ
 Injection Molding Robotic
 Space Simulation & Testing
 Polymer Extruder Control
 Muscle Stimulus & Response
 Instrument Driver
 Automated Industrial Pump
 Cockpit Instrumentation
 Dairy Farm Data Acquisition
 PLC Integration
 Eye Tracking Vision System
 Print Head Digital Image
 Airport Deicer Fluid Level
 Ultra-High Throughput Drug
 Garage Door Limit Switch Tests
 Fish Farm Conductivity
DSA Solutions
 Pneumatic Hammer Testing
 Railroad Wheel Eddy Current &
Ultrasound Testing
 Gas Mask Canister Manufacturing
 Pressure Vessel Fatigue Testing
 Prison Cell Phone Usage
 Railroad Fastener Clip Tempering
 RF Power Combiner Divider
 Steel Core Material Testing
 Instrument Driver Development
 Nuclear PCB Vision Inspection
 Aerospace Deicing Heater
 Microcontroller Development
 Structural Health Monitoring of
 Steel Coatings Simulation
 SCBA Battery Life Testing
 Vision Guided Forklift Testing
 Denture Adhesive Testing
 Aircraft Fuel Pump
 Firefighter Mask Regulator
 Helicopter Engine Flight Test
 High Temperature Gas Catalyst
 Optical Flat Glass Stain
 Forklift Hydraulic Cylinder
 Autonomous Lawn Tractor
 Dynamometer Automation
 VExPrT (Vision Executive for
Production Test)
 Electro/Mechanical Circuit
Breaker Testing
 Robotic Weld Inspection
 Hospital Bed Life Testing

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The iMMS is a unique application that is synchronizing both user experience and copyrights while providing services like online music management, legal downloads, artists’ management. There are several other applications available in the market that either provides some specific services or large scale integrated solutions. Our product differs from the rest in a way that we give more power to the users remaining within the copyrights circle.

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DSA Industries
 Aerospace/Avionics
 Agriculture
 ATE/
 Automotive
 Basic Materials
 Biomedical
 Biotechnology
 Broadcasting
 Chemicals
 Computers
 Construction
 Consumer Products
 Education
 Electronic
 Energy/Power
 Entertainment/Media
 Food/Beverage
 Government/Defense
 Imaging Equipment
 Industrial Controls
 Lumber
 Medical
 Mining
 National Security
 Oil/Gas/Refining
 Pharmaceutical
 Plastics/Rubber
 Pulp/Paper
 Semiconductor
 Space Technology
 Steel/Glass
 Telecommunications
 Textile/Fibers
 Transportation
 Water/Wastewater
 Warehouse/
Duplicate Systems
Global Deployments
We Are Automating & Educating
the World’s Leading Companies!
The Cure for Cancer
Embedded Controllers for NPI

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Pre-trained Large Language Models (LLM) have achieved remarkable successes in several domains. However, code-oriented LLMs are often heavy in computational complexity, and quadratically with the length of the input code sequence. Toward simplifying the input program of an LLM, the state-of-the-art approach has the strategies to filter the input code tokens based on the attention scores given by the LLM. The decision to simplify the input program should not rely on the attention patterns of an LLM, as these patterns are influenced by both the model architecture and the pre-training dataset. Since the model and dataset are part of the solution domain, not the problem domain where the input program belongs, the outcome may differ when the model is trained on a different dataset. We propose SlimCode, a model-agnostic code simplification solution for LLMs that depends on the nature of input code tokens. As an empirical study on the LLMs including CodeBERT, CodeT5, and GPT-4 for two main tasks: code search and summarization. We reported that 1) the reduction ratio of code has a linear-like relation with the saving ratio on training time, 2) the impact of categorized tokens on code simplification can vary significantly, 3) the impact of categorized tokens on code simplification is task-specific but model-agnostic, and 4) the above findings hold for the paradigm–prompt engineering and interactive in-context learning and this study can save reduce the cost of invoking GPT-4 by 24%per API query. Importantly, SlimCode simplifies the input code with its greedy strategy and can obtain at most 133 times faster than the state-of-the-art technique with a significant improvement. This paper calls for a new direction on code-based, model-agnostic code simplification solutions to further empower LLMs.

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Image recognition, which comes under Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a critical aspect of computer vision, enabling computers or other computing devices to identify and categorize objects within images. Among numerous fields of life, food processing is an important area, in which image processing plays a vital role, both for producers and consumers. This study focuses on the binary classification of strawberries, where images are sorted into one of two categories. We Utilized a dataset of strawberry images for this study; we aim to determine the effectiveness of different models in identifying whether an image contains strawberries. This research has practical applications in fields such as agriculture and quality control. We compared various popular deep learning models, including MobileNetV2, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and DenseNet121, for binary classification of strawberry images. The accuracy achieved by MobileNetV2 is 96.7%, CNN is 99.8%, and DenseNet121 is 93.6%. Through rigorous testing and analysis, our results demonstrate that CNN outperforms the other models in this task. In the future, the deep learning models can be evaluated on a richer and larger number of images (datasets) for better/improved results.

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Best Overall Automation Application
Mechatronics & Machines
We Are Automating & Educating
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Drug Discovery
LED Taillight Controls
Packaging & Handling
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Injection Molding Material Handling
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Pick ‘n Place Machines
Custom Automated Machinery
Vibratory Bowl Feeders
Machine Design

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PLC Programming and Wiring
Certified Training
DSA Recognition
2000 2001 2006 2008 2012
DSA Recognition
17 Finalists or Winners since 2000

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DSA Recognition
 Industry Publications & Cover Articles
 2012 Flow Control, Motion Control Design
 2012 TEQ, Pittsburgh Business Times
 2009 Automation World
 2008 Control
 2007 NI News
 2005 Control Engineering
 2004 Industrial Ethernet
 2003 Compact PCI Systems
 2002 NI Annual Report
 2001 Instrumentation News
 2001 Scientific Computing & Instrumentation
 1998 Control Engineering
 1996 Control Engineering
DSA Partners
National Instruments
 Certified Partner in
Systems Integration
 Revenues
 Relationships
 Resources
 Credentials
 Certified Associate
 Certified Developers
 Certified Architects
 Certified Instructors
 Certified Champions
 NI Knights
 Certified Partner in
Technical Training
 Certified Instructors
 Certified Training Centers
 Certified Courses
 Value Added Reseller
 NI Products
 Complementary Products
 Same Price & Terms
 Integration Services
 More Than 10,000 Consultations
 More Than 4,000 Students
 More Than 3,000 Projects
 More Than 200 Testimonials
 More Than 20 Award Winning Solutions

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DSA Website
DSA is a proud sponsor and content contributor, seeking to educate and empower our clients while having fun

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Data Science Automation Company Overview

  • 1. Company Overview We Are Automating & Educating the World’s Leading Companies!
  • 2. Data Science Automation, Inc.  We Promise…  Fanatical Responsiveness  Client Empowerment  Risk-Free Automation Results  Adaptive Automation Technologies  We Sell…  Automation Engineering Services  Automation Training Services  Third-Party Products  DSA Industry Products
  • 3. Great Praise …  “DSA did in minutes what man months of our internal efforts could not produce.” --- Lucent Technologies  “DSA assigned a one-man team that, in one month, surpassed our nine-man internal new product initiative team plodding for the past two years.” --- TA Instruments  “DSA is twice as expensive, but three times faster than others that claim to have these skills.” --- Medrad  “DSA did what even National Instruments claimed to be impossible.” --- American NDT  “In one day, DSA saved my job, accomplishing what my team couldn’t.” --- SIL4 Systems  “DSA accomplished more in a couple weeks than previous vendors in as many months.” --- Johnson Controls  “We’ve discontinued all other contractors, except DSA.” --- Celera Genomics
  • 4. ….DSA did in a few minutes what man- months of our internal efforts could not produce. ….DSA was able to keep the project within budget and deliver three weeks early. ….DSA’s classes are outstanding, compared to other vendor’s that were disappointing. ….DSA paid for itself in the first half hour. ….The most enjoyment I get from my job is when DSA is on-site.….DSA has shown extreme resourcefulness, and has found a way through or around every roadblock we've encountered. Genetic Therapy ….We’ve discontinued use of all contractors except for DSA. DSA is my ‘friend in Pennsylvania.’ ….DSA represents the pinnacle of customer service. ….You’d be really lucky to work for DSA. Lawson Mardon Wheaton ….DSA demonstrated a quick grasp of very difficult concepts.….DSA was able to do what other vendors claimed to be impossible. ….DSA showed a true commitment to excellence and a refreshing enthusiasm to do whatever it takes. .…Thank you for providing such a high standard of quality in the products and services you deliver. ….You should take great pride in DSA not only because of the growth that you've enjoyed but because of the successes you've brought to your customers. ….DSA may have been twice as expensive, but they are three times more productive than any other that claims to have these skills. Medrad Client Testimonials
  • 5. Strategy  Core Purpose  We apply ADAPTIVE AUTOMATION technologies to research, manufacturing, gov’t & business operations …  To acquire, analyze, present & manage DATA  To design, simulate, test & validate PRODUCTS  To monitor, predict, control & optimize PROCESSES  To invent, draft, prototype & build MACHINES  For maximum productivity, quality, profit & understanding
  • 6. Strategy  Higher Purpose  Raise the professional standards of systems integration practices to reduce client risk  Free clients from the complexity of technology  Create digital landscapes for real- time information access  Speed and enhanced decision making and discovery
  • 7. Strategy  Core Values/Beliefs  Communicate with Clarity  Perform with Mastery  Relate with Integrity  Achieve with Accountability
  • 8. DSA Values  Communicate with Clarity  Detailed, candid and frequent communications  Consistently and accurately deliver on prioritized features  Keep solutions as simple as possible  Empower clients with intuitive, aesthetic & well-documented deliverables
  • 9. DSA Values  Perform with Mastery  Highly disciplined methodical approach without cutting corners  Strong emphasis on planning & design to reuse and leverage past solutions & experience  Certified best practices from diverse industry sectors  Ongoing training and advanced technical certifications
  • 10. DSA Values  Relate with Integrity  Always act in the best long-term interest of the client relationship  We build, and constantly reaffirm, our client’s trust in us  Behave ethically, with integrity & good judgment  Provide nurturing guidance & what clients need to hear
  • 11. DSA Values  Achieve with Accountability  Do not meander on the path to a cost-effective solution  Adaptive Automation solutions for the lowest TOTAL cost of ownership  Apply diverse technical resources with fanatical responsiveness  Take great joy in job completion & customer satisfaction
  • 12. DSA Value Proposition  We are in business to make your research, new product innovation, manufacturing and business operations…  MORE COMPETITIVE  We do this by delivering on our Brand Promise…  Investment Compounding through Adaptation  Client Empowerment through Education
  • 13. Risk-Free Automation Results  We are all about lowering and eliminating your risk of doing business  You can’t wait to automate, but you can make a poor decision in selecting an automation systems integrator  We’ve looked at what hundreds of clients and thousands of projects have taught us about what you value most…
  • 14. Risk-Free Automation Results  At Data Science Automation…  We don’t cut corners!  In a world of vendors selling partial and superficial solutions, we believe that  if the project is worth doing, it is worth doing right!  We don’t cut corners!  Our unique and methodical approach will deliver the Lowest Total Cost of Ownership.
  • 15. Risk-Free Automation Results  Quality Suffers with Disproportionate Changes  Double Scope  Presupposes shortcuts  Double Time  Presupposes inferior labor  System may work but not supportable  Double Cost  Presupposes waste  Confusion/Lack of Discipline Maintaining Project Balance Optimizes Project Quality QQ TIME COST SCOPE
  • 16. Risk-Free Automation Results  Every Project Has Risks  Primary Sources of Project Risk  Time system will be delivered late  Budget system will come in over-budget  Scope system won’t perform as expected  Quality corners will be cut with consequence  At Data Science Automation...  We offer Risk-Free Automation Results because we don’t cut corners!
  • 17. Risk-Free Automation Results  Don’t take risks you cannot manage  DSA has developed and adopted a complete series of best practices that apply specifically to our business of providing the most advanced Control & Information Systems Integration Services
  • 18. Risk-Free Automation Results  DSA is a Gold-Tier CSIA Certified Member  Exceeds third-party audit criteria since 2003  General Management  Human Resource Management  Business Development  Project & Lifecycle Management  Quality Management  Technical Management  Financial Management
  • 20. DSA Services  Measurement & Automation  Manufacturing Test Systems  Process Control & Industrial Automation  Vision & Motion Control Systems  Laboratory Automation  Instrumentation & Sensors  Wireless & Remote Automation  Consulting & Training  Project Coaching  Project Management  Software Engineering  Technical Training  Machine Building & Mechatronics  Automated Test  Robotics  Pick ‘n Place  Material Handling  Automated Assembly  Enterprise & Integration  Database Management  Web-Enabled Solutions  Application Development  Legacy Data Conversion  Disaster Recovery Planning
  • 21. DSA Skills  Software  LabVIEW  TestStand  RSView  RSLogix/ControlLogix  SolidWorks, CAD  Matlab, Simulink  LabWindows/CVI  Visual Basic, VBA  C, C++, VisualC++, C#  SQL, RDO, ADO  .NET, Active X  SPC, OPC  SQL Server, MySQL  Oracle  MS Access  Ladder, SFC  Hardware  Data Acquisition  Signal Conditioning  Distributed I/O  Motion Control  Image Acquisition  PLCs and PACs  Robots  Sensorrs  Instrumentation  cRIO, sbRIO  FieldPoint, cFP  PXI, SCXI, VXI  GPIB, Serial  PDA, FPGA  Industrial Networks  HMI  Labelling  Barcodes  Systems  Operating Systems  Embedded Systems  Networks  Client/Server  Web  ISP/ASP  Exchange  Visual Interdev  IIS  SCADA  MES  ERP  VMI  Supply Chain
  • 22. DSA Solutions  Fiber Glass Process Efficiency  Industrial Pump Performance  Turbine Blade Vibration  Steel Mill Temperature Control  Chemical Vapor Deposition  Glass Optical Distortion  Microscopy  Cell Tracking  High Throughput Screening  Genomics Sequencing  Proteomics Sequencing  WTC DNA Identification  Isolated Heart Perfusion  Polyurethane Manufacturing  Web-Enabled Power Plant Monitor  Chemical Plant Electrical Audits  Mine Ventilation Airflow  Mine Explosion Propagation  Rubber Adhesion Testing  Seatbelt Spring Reliability  Enterprise Resource Planning  Theme Park Superconducting Linear Magnet Controls  High Voltage Power Cells  AC Drive Testing  Cellular Radio Amplifier Testing  HR Performance Systems  Capacity Planning Systems  Uninterruptible Power Supplies  Gypsum Plant SCADA  PCB Testing  BlueTooth Chip Testing  RF Component Testing  CDMA Component Testing  Micro-Air Vehicles
  • 23.  Titanium Gas Atomizers  Refinery P&ID Verification  Business Databases  Cellular Phone Testing  Market Research EEG Engagement Measurements  Truck Axel Testing  Oil/Gas Well Drilling Optimization  Phased Array Radar  Cogeneration Feed Conveyor  Steel Bar Mill Automation  CO2 Dissolution in Seawater  Gas Meter Production Test  BOM/Accounting Integration  Distillation Tower Datalogging  Sintered Pellet Melting  Remote Turbine Witness Testing  Customized On-site Training DSA Solutions  Surgical Scalpel Electropolishing  Laser Welding SPC  Sleep Apnea Respirators  Truck Idler Arm Testing  Engine Emissions Monitoring  Bottle Cooler Test Automation  Instrument Drivers  DVD Injection Molding Optimization  Steel Drop Sensors  RF Transceiver Testing  Distributed Genetic Research Climate Monitoring  Styrofoam Reprocessing  Hydro-Electric Thrust Bearing Strain  Plastics Machine Control  Mercury Emissions Monitoring
  • 24. DSA Solutions  Acoustic Loose Parts Monitoring & DSP Identification in Nuclear Plants  Supply Chain Management  Global Silo Monitoring for Vendor Managed Inventory  Refrigeration Chiller Testing  Avionics Fuel Pump Testing  Thermal Glass Press & Mold Control  On-line Glass Defect Inspection  High Pressure Valve Testing  Plastic Lid Injection Molding  Warfare Assault Vehicle Control  Land Mine Detection  Chemical Thermo-Graphic Analyzers  Caster Durability Testing  Missile Gyroscope Engineering  Liquid Crystal on Silica Optics Projection Testing  Large-screen Television Electronics Testing  Fiber Optic Alignment  Nerve Agent Pupil Reactions  Environmental Chamber Control  Vending Machine Electronics  MEMS Characterization  DNA Color Mapping  In-Vehicle Test Systems  Paramagnetic Oxygen Sensing  Steering Pump Testing  Polymer Reactor Control  Muscular Dystrophy Grip Strength Testing
  • 25. DSA Solutions  Distributed Blood Bank Facility Monitoring  Projector Microdisplay Parametric Research  Navy Missile Guidance & Simulation  Catalytic Converter Optimization  Inkjet Print Head Product Design & Validation  Locomotive Traction Control & Software Simulation  Homebuilder Design Options Database & Reporting  Vision Characterization of MEMS Motors  Dome Security Camera Pan/Tilt Automated Testing  Compander Control for Natural Gas Liquefaction  Plastic Ribbon Defect Inspection  Motion Control Encoder Integration  Power Tool Bit Vision Characterization  MRI Contrast Fluid Injector Testing  Heavy Construction Equipment Stress/Load Testing  High Speed DAQ for Metal Bonding Analysis  Windshield Vinyl Gap Image Analysis  Network Infrastructure Upgrades  Electrical Contactor Testing  Combatant Craft Telemetry & Maneuvering Analysis  Wind Turbine Electrical ATE
  • 26.  Hard Drive Wafer Noise Level Characterization & Testing  Steel Coil Production Monitor  Ar Laser Power Supply Testing  Naval Nuclear Reactor Monitor  Advanced Solar Cell Performance Testing  Hazardous Gas Detection Device Testing  First-Responder Respirator Gas Mask Performance Validation for CBNR Agents  Big Rig Truck HIL Simulation  Ultrasonic Metal Pipe Inspection  Bearing Vibration Analysis  Crystal Cleaning Oven Control  High Throughput Security Tape Reclamation  Hydraulic Well Fracturing Blender & Pump Control DSA Solutions  High Voltage Breaker Dielectric Gas Management  Military Vehicle Lifting & Tiedown Performance Testing  Interrupter Friction Testing  Photonic Switching  Tensiometer Control  Carburization Furnace Control for Tool Hardening  Plant Growth Rate Evaluation  Tire Tread & Sidewall Measurements  Polyethylene Pipe Oxygen Barrier Coating Optimization  Glass Drop Measurements  Satellite Power Supply Testing  Aircraft RVSM Certification  O-Ring Leakage Evaluation
  • 27. DSA Solutions  Centrifugal Compressor Engine Test Cell  Proportional Valve Testing  Robotic Evaluation of Nuclear Reactor Crack Propagation  Laser Topography  Airbag Diffuser Production Vision Gauging  High Pressure Steam Test Bench  Ion Beam Deposition Process Control  RF Coil Preamplifier Testing  Accelerated Life Testing  Atomizer Nozzle Characterization  Asphalt Vision Inspection  Electric Motor Testing  Eddy Current Testing  Oil Field Wireless DAQ  Injection Molding Robotic Packaging  Space Simulation & Testing  Polymer Extruder Control  Muscle Stimulus & Response  Instrument Driver Development  Automated Industrial Pump Testing  Cockpit Instrumentation  Dairy Farm Data Acquisition  PLC Integration  Eye Tracking Vision System  Print Head Digital Image Analyzer  Airport Deicer Fluid Level Monitoring  Ultra-High Throughput Drug Discovery  Garage Door Limit Switch Tests  Fish Farm Conductivity Monitor
  • 28. DSA Solutions  Pneumatic Hammer Testing  Railroad Wheel Eddy Current & Ultrasound Testing  Gas Mask Canister Manufacturing Automation  Pressure Vessel Fatigue Testing  Prison Cell Phone Usage  Railroad Fastener Clip Tempering  RF Power Combiner Divider  Steel Core Material Testing  Instrument Driver Development  Nuclear PCB Vision Inspection  Aerospace Deicing Heater  Microcontroller Development  Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges  Steel Coatings Simulation  SCBA Battery Life Testing  Vision Guided Forklift Testing  Denture Adhesive Testing  Aircraft Fuel Pump Characterization  Firefighter Mask Regulator Testing  Helicopter Engine Flight Test  High Temperature Gas Catalyst Characterization  Optical Flat Glass Stain Measurements  Forklift Hydraulic Cylinder Testing  Autonomous Lawn Tractor  Dynamometer Automation  VExPrT (Vision Executive for Production Test)  Electro/Mechanical Circuit Breaker Testing  Robotic Weld Inspection  Hospital Bed Life Testing
  • 29. DSA Industries  Aerospace/Avionics  Agriculture  ATE/ Instrumentation  Automotive  Basic Materials  Biomedical  Biotechnology  Broadcasting  Chemicals  Computers  Construction  Consumer Products  Education  Electronic Components  Energy/Power  Entertainment/Media  Food/Beverage  Government/Defense  Imaging Equipment  Industrial Controls  Lumber  Medical Instrumentation  Mining  National Security  Oil/Gas/Refining  Pharmaceutical  Plastics/Rubber  Pulp/Paper  Semiconductor  Space Technology  Steel/Glass  Telecommunications  Textile/Fibers  Transportation  Water/Wastewater  Warehouse/ Distribution
  • 30. Duplicate Systems Global Deployments We Are Automating & Educating the World’s Leading Companies!
  • 31. The Cure for Cancer
  • 35. MRI Contrast Fluid Injector Testing
  • 41. Vision Executive for Production Test
  • 42. Customized One-of Systems We Are Automating & Educating the World’s Leading Companies!
  • 59. Best Overall Automation Application NI WEEK WINNER
  • 60. Mechatronics & Machines We Are Automating & Educating the World’s Leading Companies!
  • 69. Pick ‘n Place Machines
  • 75. DSA Recognition 2000 2001 2006 2008 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 1999 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2009 2011 2012
  • 77. DSA Recognition  Industry Publications & Cover Articles  2012 Flow Control, Motion Control Design  2012 TEQ, Pittsburgh Business Times  2009 Automation World  2008 Control  2007 NI News  2005 Control Engineering  2004 Industrial Ethernet  2003 Compact PCI Systems  2002 NI Annual Report  2001 Instrumentation News  2001 Scientific Computing & Instrumentation  1998 Control Engineering  1996 Control Engineering
  • 79. National Instruments  Certified Partner in Systems Integration  Revenues  Relationships  Resources  Credentials  Certified Associate Developers  Certified Developers  Certified Architects  Certified Instructors  Certified Champions  NI Knights  Certified Partner in Technical Training  Certified Instructors  Certified Training Centers  Certified Courses  Value Added Reseller  NI Products  Complementary Products  Same Price & Terms  Integration Services
  • 80. Summary  More Than 10,000 Consultations  More Than 4,000 Students  More Than 3,000 Projects  More Than 200 Testimonials  More Than 20 Award Winning Solutions
  • 82. DSA is a proud sponsor and content contributor, seeking to educate and empower our clients while having fun G-Wizdom.com