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The Definitive Guide
to API Management
ApigeeAPI Management
APIs: The foundation of digital business
Customer and developer expectations are driving enterprise IT to
employ new approaches for serving the needs of a diverse mix of
users and experiences.
That’s where APIs come into play. They’re the foundation upon
which digital business is built, enabling app developers to create
apps and experiences that serve the needs of customers,
regardless of channel or device.
With the explosion of apps and digital experiences, companies need
better solutions to manage their APIs and API-driven businesses.
API management:
a set of technologies and
processes for creating,
managing, securing, analyzing
and scaling the APIs that power
the apps and experiences that
drive the digital world.
ApigeeAPI Management
Anatomy of an API management solution
A developer portal to attract and engage app developers, enabling
them to discover, explore, purchase (or profit from), and test APIs, and
register to access and use them
An API gateway to secure and mediate the traffic between clients
and backends, and between a company’s APIs and the developers,
customers, partners, and employees who use them
API lifecycle management to manage the process of designing,
developing, publishing, deploying, and versioning APIs
solutions market
will quadruple by
2020 as business
goes digital.
Forrester 2015
ApigeeAPI Management
Scale Create
Anatomy of an API management solution
Backend as a Service (BaaS) capabilities to enable modern app
features including social graphs, user management, data storage,
push notifications, and performance monitoring
An analytics engine that provides insights for business owners,
operational administrators, and app developers, enabling them to
manage all aspects of APIs and API programs
API monetization to enable packaging, pricing, and publishing of APIs
so partners and developers can purchase access or share revenue
API management
Create, manage, secure, analyze, and
scale APIs and digital business.
Design & Develop
Secure & Deploy
Publish, Analyze & Monetize
ApigeeAPI Management
API lifecycle management
API providers manage the processes for designing, developing,
publishing, deploying, versioning, monitoring availability, and
measuring performance.
API consumers (developers) discover new APIs, understand
versioning and API updates, register for access to APIs, test
and register apps built against the APIs, and communicate and
collaborate with other developers and the API provider
ApigeeAPI Management
Design and build APIs that developers love
API management enables
API developers, who expose
assets via APIs, to unlock the
value of business assets by
creating APIs from existing
data and services.
It enables API providers
to see from the perspective
of app developers
(the API consumers)
and to design and build
APIs that are easy to use,
following best practices.
ApigeeAPI Management
Publish APIs with the developer in mind
Developer productivity is critical. A developer portal enables companies
to provide everything that internal, partner, and third-party developers
need to be effective and productive building on the APIs.
The best developer portals provide a complete, self-service experience,
by enabling developers to:
•	 register apps
•	 select the APIs and the service levels they need
•	 get secure access
•	 monitor their API usage
•	 monetize and participate in revenue sharing with the API provider
There are
over 18.2M
and over 50%
of them are
Evans Data 2013
ApigeeAPI Management
A developer portal provides everything developers need to be effective and productive building on APIs
API Console
& Smartdocs
Developer Developer Portal API Team
Dev Onboarding
Dev Dash
Docs Manager
Forum, Blog
Dev Manager
Key Manager,
API Dashboard
ApigeeAPI Management
API traffic management
Caching improves API and app performance by storing data from
backend resources for quick retrieval
Quotas and rate limits control the number of connections apps can
make to the backend via the API
Spike arrest capabilities protect against traffic spikes and denial-of-
service attacks
API traffic
ApigeeAPI Management
API security
Malicious users can access your systems through the same
channels as legitimate users.
It’s critical for API management solutions to provide security that’s
easily configurable and enabled at all points of engagement—from
the APIs to the backend services and from the API to the apps.
API keys,
app authentication
access control
traffic control,
quotas, DDoS
API Team
LDAP, role-based
access control
IP access control
In 2014, breaches of digital
systems resulted in 1B records
being lost to hackers
Gemalto Breach Level Index, 2014
ApigeeAPI Management
API analytics
API management solutions provide the visualization tools,
dashboards, and reports to measure a broad spectrum of data
that flows across APIs.
Beyond simple charts and graphs, both the ops and business
teams can gain deep visibility—in real time—into the performance
of the API program.
How’s our
system doing?
API Team
How’s our
API doing?
Business Owner
How’s our
business doing?
App Developer
How’s our
app doing?
ApigeeAPI Management
Backend as a Service (BaaS)
BaaS or mBaaS (mobile BaaS) is a strategic addition to an
API management solution.
Most modern apps require functionality including data storage and
synchronization, messaging, geolocation, user management, push
notifications, and social graph functionality.
All of these services are missing from existing backend systems,
but are provided by BaaS via customized software development kits
(SDKs) and APIs.
Social Integration
Push Notifications
Data Storage
User Management
BaaS enables developers to develop and
extend apps with modern features
ApigeeAPI Management
API monetization
API management solutions aren’t only a competitive advantage for
enterprises, but also a potential source of revenue and a tool to build
your developer ecosystem.
API monetization includes:
•	 Rate plans to pay developers through revenue sharing,
or charge them for the use of your APIs
•	 Reporting and billing facilities
•	 Limits to control and monitor API usage and performance
Create and publish packages
Price creatively
Limits, notifications
Billing documents
Detailed reporting
Developer workflows
ApigeeAPI Management
Traffic bursts are a reality across industries.
Enterprises must be confident that their capacity can scale with
dynamic traffic fluctuations.
An API management solution supports high-performance requirements,
with architectures and distributed database technologies to perform
at scale.
Scaling for success
Support massive scale across geographies
Plan for growth in API traffic as your business grows
Plan for spikes in API traffic as campaigns take off
Be highly available and reliable at scale
ApigeeAPI Management
A sophisticated API management solution is open to extension or
complements from third parties.
It’s a platform that enables a business to easily extend its capabilities
by supporting commonly used and popular languages including Java,
Python, and JavaScript. It also supports open-source and customer-
modifiable extensions.
ApigeeAPI Management
API management:
APIs have become the foundational technology for building
digital businesses.
A digital business is one that delivers a connected digital experience
to its customers through apps, data, and devices. Behind every app
through any channel, on any device is an API.
A sophisticated API management solution enables businesses to create,
manage, analyze, secure, and scale APIs.
Scale Create
About Apigee
Apigee delivers an intelligent API platform to accelerate
the pace of digital business.  We help companies – from
disruptive start-ups to the Fortune 100 – use their
enterprise data and services to create connected digital
experiences for customers, partners and employees.
This is digital business.
Behind every smartphone, mobile app and connected
experience is at least one API – and APIs need to be
managed, secured, analyzed and scaled.
That’s what we do.
Apigee helps businesses use APIs to securely
share data and services across a myriad of devices
and channels.  Built from the ground-up for the new
requirements of today’s digital business, our platform
helps companies serve customers in a real-time,
anywhere-anytime fashion, use data to continually
improve the customer experience, and drive
additional revenue.
For more information, visit apigee.com.
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API Management

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Definitive Guide to API Management

  • 2. ApigeeAPI Management APIs: The foundation of digital business BEING A DIGITAL BUSINESS MEANS BEING AN API-RUN BUSINESS Customer and developer expectations are driving enterprise IT to employ new approaches for serving the needs of a diverse mix of users and experiences. That’s where APIs come into play. They’re the foundation upon which digital business is built, enabling app developers to create apps and experiences that serve the needs of customers, regardless of channel or device. With the explosion of apps and digital experiences, companies need better solutions to manage their APIs and API-driven businesses. API management: noun man·age·ment ma-nij-mənt a set of technologies and processes for creating, managing, securing, analyzing and scaling the APIs that power the apps and experiences that drive the digital world.
  • 3. ApigeeAPI Management Anatomy of an API management solution AT ITS MOST BASIC, API MANAGEMENT MUST ATTRACT DEVELOPERS, MEDIATE TRAFFIC, AND MANAGE API DEPLOYMENT A developer portal to attract and engage app developers, enabling them to discover, explore, purchase (or profit from), and test APIs, and register to access and use them An API gateway to secure and mediate the traffic between clients and backends, and between a company’s APIs and the developers, customers, partners, and employees who use them API lifecycle management to manage the process of designing, developing, publishing, deploying, and versioning APIs The API management solutions market will quadruple by 2020 as business goes digital. Forrester 2015
  • 4. ApigeeAPI Management Scale Create Analyze Secure Manage Anatomy of an API management solution SOPHISTICATED API MANAGEMENT FEATURES TURBO-CHARGE A DIGITAL BUSINESS Backend as a Service (BaaS) capabilities to enable modern app features including social graphs, user management, data storage, push notifications, and performance monitoring An analytics engine that provides insights for business owners, operational administrators, and app developers, enabling them to manage all aspects of APIs and API programs API monetization to enable packaging, pricing, and publishing of APIs so partners and developers can purchase access or share revenue API management Create, manage, secure, analyze, and scale APIs and digital business.
  • 5. Scale Monetize Secure BUILD Design & Develop RUN Secure & Deploy USE Publish, Analyze & Monetize Analyze Develop Publish ApigeeAPI Management API lifecycle management CREATE, MANAGE, SECURE, ANALYZE, AND SCALE APIS API providers manage the processes for designing, developing, publishing, deploying, versioning, monitoring availability, and measuring performance. API consumers (developers) discover new APIs, understand versioning and API updates, register for access to APIs, test and register apps built against the APIs, and communicate and collaborate with other developers and the API provider
  • 6. ApigeeAPI Management Design and build APIs that developers love THE DEVELOPER IS THE LYNCHPIN OF THE DIGITAL VALUE CHAIN AND THE API STRATEGY API TEAM BACKEND 1010100101001001001000010101010100101001010101000101001010101 API 1010100101001001001000010101010100101001010101000101 USER APP DEVELOPER 1010100101001001001 API management enables API developers, who expose assets via APIs, to unlock the value of business assets by creating APIs from existing data and services. It enables API providers to see from the perspective of app developers (the API consumers) and to design and build APIs that are easy to use, following best practices.
  • 7. ApigeeAPI Management Publish APIs with the developer in mind APIS ARE ONLY AS SUCCESSFUL AS THE DEVELOPERS WHO BUILD ON THEM Developer productivity is critical. A developer portal enables companies to provide everything that internal, partner, and third-party developers need to be effective and productive building on the APIs. The best developer portals provide a complete, self-service experience, by enabling developers to: • register apps • select the APIs and the service levels they need • get secure access • monitor their API usage • monetize and participate in revenue sharing with the API provider There are over 18.2M developers worldwide and over 50% of them are developing APIs. Evans Data 2013
  • 8. ApigeeAPI Management A developer portal provides everything developers need to be effective and productive building on APIs API Console & Smartdocs Authentication Community Developer Developer Portal API Team Dev Onboarding Dev Dash Docs Manager Forum, Blog Dev Manager Key Manager, OAuth API Dashboard
  • 9. ApigeeAPI Management API traffic management MONITOR AND MODIFY THE BEHAVIOR OF APIS WITH CACHING, QUOTAS, RATE LIMITS, AND SPIKE ARREST Caching improves API and app performance by storing data from backend resources for quick retrieval Quotas and rate limits control the number of connections apps can make to the backend via the API Spike arrest capabilities protect against traffic spikes and denial-of- service attacks API traffic management CACHE QUOTA RATE LIMIT SPIKE ARREST
  • 10. ApigeeAPI Management API security SECURITY IS KEY AT ALL POINTS OF ENGAGEMENT ALONG THE DIGITAL VALUE CHAIN Malicious users can access your systems through the same channels as legitimate users. It’s critical for API management solutions to provide security that’s easily configurable and enabled at all points of engagement—from the APIs to the backend services and from the API to the apps. Apps API keys, app authentication Users OpenID Connect Developers role-based access control APIs traffic control, quotas, DDoS API Team LDAP, role-based access control Back-end TLS IP access control In 2014, breaches of digital systems resulted in 1B records being lost to hackers Gemalto Breach Level Index, 2014 1B Records
  • 11. ApigeeAPI Management API analytics GET A 360-DEGREE VIEW OF API TRAFFIC, APP PERFORMANCE, AND OTHER BUSINESS AND OPERATIONAL METRICS API management solutions provide the visualization tools, dashboards, and reports to measure a broad spectrum of data that flows across APIs. Beyond simple charts and graphs, both the ops and business teams can gain deep visibility—in real time—into the performance of the API program. Ops How’s our system doing? API Team How’s our API doing? Business Owner How’s our business doing? App Developer How’s our app doing? Apps Analytics COLLECT ACT ANALYZE VISUALIZE
  • 12. ApigeeAPI Management Backend as a Service (BaaS) DATA STORAGE, SYNCHRONIZATION, AND MODERN FEATURES FOR APPS BaaS or mBaaS (mobile BaaS) is a strategic addition to an API management solution. Most modern apps require functionality including data storage and synchronization, messaging, geolocation, user management, push notifications, and social graph functionality. All of these services are missing from existing backend systems, but are provided by BaaS via customized software development kits (SDKs) and APIs. Analytics Geo-Location Social Integration Push Notifications Data Storage User Management BaaS enables developers to develop and extend apps with modern features
  • 13. ApigeeAPI Management API monetization MONETIZE YOUR APIS. SHARE REVENUE WITH YOUR DEVELOPERS. API management solutions aren’t only a competitive advantage for enterprises, but also a potential source of revenue and a tool to build your developer ecosystem. API monetization includes: • Rate plans to pay developers through revenue sharing, or charge them for the use of your APIs • Reporting and billing facilities • Limits to control and monitor API usage and performance Monetization capabilities Create and publish packages Price creatively Limits, notifications Billing documents Detailed reporting Developer workflows
  • 14. ApigeeAPI Management Scalability LAUNCH LIKE A STARTUP, SCALE LIKE AN ENTERPRISE Traffic bursts are a reality across industries. Enterprises must be confident that their capacity can scale with dynamic traffic fluctuations. An API management solution supports high-performance requirements, with architectures and distributed database technologies to perform at scale. Scaling for success Support massive scale across geographies Plan for growth in API traffic as your business grows Plan for spikes in API traffic as campaigns take off Be highly available and reliable at scale 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
  • 15. ApigeeAPI Management Extensibility THE POWER OF PLATFORM A sophisticated API management solution is open to extension or complements from third parties. It’s a platform that enables a business to easily extend its capabilities by supporting commonly used and popular languages including Java, Python, and JavaScript. It also supports open-source and customer- modifiable extensions.
  • 16. ApigeeAPI Management API management: THE GATEWAY TO THE DIGITAL ECONOMY APIs have become the foundational technology for building digital businesses. A digital business is one that delivers a connected digital experience to its customers through apps, data, and devices. Behind every app through any channel, on any device is an API. A sophisticated API management solution enables businesses to create, manage, analyze, secure, and scale APIs. Scale Create Analyze Secure Manage
  • 17. About Apigee Apigee delivers an intelligent API platform to accelerate the pace of digital business.  We help companies – from disruptive start-ups to the Fortune 100 – use their enterprise data and services to create connected digital experiences for customers, partners and employees. This is digital business. Behind every smartphone, mobile app and connected experience is at least one API – and APIs need to be managed, secured, analyzed and scaled. That’s what we do. Apigee helps businesses use APIs to securely share data and services across a myriad of devices and channels.  Built from the ground-up for the new requirements of today’s digital business, our platform helps companies serve customers in a real-time, anywhere-anytime fashion, use data to continually improve the customer experience, and drive additional revenue. For more information, visit apigee.com. Share these slides! Apigee GET THE FULL eBOOK API Management