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Digital marketing strategy
Planning Template

Authors: Dr Dave Chaffey and Danyl Bosomworth

v2.0 Published: June 2011

Plan > Reach > Act > Convert > Engage


    Digital Marketing Planning Template
    First things, first...
    Digital marketing planning is no different to any other marketing plan, in fact it’s increasingly

    strange to have separate plans for ‘digital’ and ‘offline’ since that’s not how your customers
    perceive your business. However, we’re often required to separate plans for “digital” only
    based on the way teams and reporting is structured and to help the transition to digital - be-
    fore it becomes “business as usual”. A common format helps align your plan to other market-
    ing plans!

    þþ Focus on building a plan around the customer - not your products and tactics
    Some general advice to keep in mind when planning

    þþ Situations and plans change, especially online, so ensure plans are usable by having a

    þþ Make plans fact-based and state assumptions, so they’re easy for others to buy into
       clear vision for the year and keeping real detail to a shorter term 90-Day focus

    þþ Keep it Simple! “Jargon light” is best. Again it helps others buy into what you’re saying

    þþ Keep plans up to date - monthly is more than enough
    þþ There isn’t a perfect plan, what’s needed changes according to each business!

    Creating the general structure

    Knowing where to start
    is often the hardest thing
    when writing a digital
    marketing plan. So once
    you have a structure /
                                                                                                                                                 Actions and controls
    framework to follow in a
    table of contents it’s then
    almost a matter of filling in
    the gaps... 
    At Smart Insights we
    recommend the
                                                                                                                                                 Executive summary

    SOSTAC™ planning
    structure developed by PR
    Smith, Dave Chaffey’s
    co-author of Emarketing
    This is a great framework
    for business, marketing or digital marketing plans since it’s simple and logical, so it’s easy to
    remember and to explain to colleagues or agencies.

             Digital marketing planning template
             © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
Each of the six areas help in separating out the key strategies, for example customer acquisi-
    tion, conversion and retention.

    That’s the intro, you’ll want to delete this bit! In the other sections we have provided headings                                        1
    to help structure your strategy, with prompts to help your thinking in italics which you’ll also
    want to delete.

    About this document
    We’ve created this since we’ve been asked so many times for it when giving training courses

    and consulting.
    It’s created by Dave Chaffey and Dan Bosomworth of Smart Insights.
    If you want to download a Microsoft Word version of this document to amend for your own
    use or check back for updates, you can find this document on our site at:

    This is an early draft and we would like to keep improving it, so please feedback with your
    thoughts and suggestions for improvement: info@smartinsights.com.

    Where do I find more information on digital marketing concepts
    If you’re not familiar with some of the concepts we introduce in this template, naturally,

    there’s more info online. We also have these shortcuts to more in-depth strategy guidance
    which we reference :
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartstrategy - 10 ways to convince colleagues you need an online strategy
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartintegration - a table to integrate your goals and strategies
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartfeedback - customer feedback tools

    •	 http://bit.ly/smartbenchmarking - recommendations on how to benchmark
    against competitors
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartrace - RACE is our framework for defining strategies to support the cus-
    tomers through the lifecycle
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartradar - our digital marketing radar helps you prioritise your online presence                                          Actions and controls
    to reach and engage your audience
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartreputation - monitor your online reputation
    •	 http://bit.ly/smarttargeting - online targeting options
    •	 http://bit.ly/smartsegments - how to segment your audience in Google Analytics
                                                                                                                                                 Executive summary

    You may also find Dave Chaffey’s book Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and
    Practice useful since it goes into much more depth in all these areas.

             Digital marketing planning template
             © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
Situation analysis.
    Where are we now?
    Understanding your online marketplace

    The immediate, or micro-environment
    A. Our customers
    Always start with the customer, their characteristics, behaviours, needs and wants. You
    should define:

    þþ Options for segmenting and targeting – you should apply your traditional segments, but                                               2
       also consider the new microtargeting options available online – see http://bit.ly/smart-
    þþ Ideal customers - characteristics summarised in named personas are useful to get start-
       ed, think about demographics, searching and product selection behaviours and unmet
       needs - detail here is very useful to talk about “What would John do.. or think about...”.

       Also consider what your data tells you in regard to your most profitable, and potentially
       profitable customers

    B. Our market
    þþ Market description - Focus on actionable needs and trends - are you meeting them, what
       are they - this insight us useful for other teams and you should find out what other teams

       know, what exactly is growing in the market, is there evidence you can draw from

    C. Our competitors
    þþ Benchmark against competitors for your customer personas and scenarios against the
       criteria given in the strategy section, in particular their marketing mix.
    þþ For key digital tactics like SEO and social media marketing, it’s also important to bench-

       mark against competitors. See our guide at http://bit.ly/smartbenchmarking.

    D. Intermediaries, influencers and potential partners
    þþ Review customer use of different types of sites which may influence their decision for ex-
       ample, search engines, specialist news sites, aggregators, social networks and bloggers
                                                                                                                                                Actions and controls
    You can monitor your reputation across different influencers using http://bit.ly/smartreputation

    E. Wider macro environment
    These are the big picture strategic influences. We recommend you don’t go into too much
    depth on these, instead review the influence of the main macro factors for digital; social, legal
    and technology in the context of customer analysis and competitor benchmarking.
                                                                                                                                                Executive summary

    þþ Social - how have consumer attitudes changed?
    þþ Legal - checking your online marketing activities comply with privacy and online trading
       laws before problems arise
    þþ Environment - is your approach ethical and sustainable
    þþ Political - can you take advantage of government funding schemes
    þþ Technology - review of the latest technology

            Digital marketing planning template
4           © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
F. Our own capabilities
    Once you have looked outwards (often missed), only then should you turn inwards and look
    at your own capabilities.
    In particular, you may find this digital marketing benchmarking spreadsheet useful for bench-
    marking your current capabilities. The spreadsheet supports Dave Chaffey’s report on Man-
    aging Digital Channels for Econsultancy which goes into more detail on different areas of

    strategy development and channel governance.

    G. Internet-specific SWOT summary
    Include a digital channel SWOT that summarises your online marketplace analysis findings
    AND links to strategy. In a large organisation, or for a more complete summary complete a
    SWOT for:

    þþ Customer acquisition and conversion and customer development
    þþ Different brands
    þþ Different markets
    þþ Different competitors – direct and indirect

    þþ We recommend using a TOWS matrix for SWOT: http://bit.ly/smartswot since this helps
       integrate your analysis with your strategy rather than the analysis being placed on the
       shelf and forgotten.

    1)	 Garner evidence and data to help others understand your recommendations - visualise with

    2)	 Set-up your digital listening post to ensure you understand what’s going on around you and
        charts and graphs where you can – they’re much more effective than a long report

    3)	 Google “market research” for documents relevant to your sector, they’re often a cheap
        listen in on conversation that could inform your understanding

        source of insight to change perspective

                                                                                                                                                Actions and controls
                                                                                                                                                Executive summary

            Digital marketing planning template
5           © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
Objective setting
     Where do we want to be?
     Setting useful, actionable objectives

     We recommend four different types of measures to help you and colleagues look forward to
     the future offered by digital marketing:
     So we suggest this hierarchy of measures may help in larger organisations:
     •	 1. Top-level broad goals to show how the business can benefit
     from digital channels

     •	 2. Mid-long term vision to help communicate the transformation needed in a larger organi-
     •	 3. Specific SMART objectives to give clear direction and commercial targets
     •	 4. Key performance indicators to check you are on track

     You should be as specific as possible in your goals. We recommend these should be:
     þþ SMART - see the definition at foot of http://www.smartinsights.com/about/
     þþ Based around the customer lifecycle – we use the mnemonic RACE to define this and
        give examples of different KPIs here: http://bit.ly/smartrace
     þþ Define what the R is in ROI for you - it will likely be monetary but don’t forget digital mar-
        keting can be more than that

     þþ Divided into key digital strategy areas of customer acquisition, conversion, customer de-
        velopment and growth - this is important to ensure you’re covering all of the areas
     þþ Broken down into short, medium and long-term goals
     Align goals to the business and marketing goals and how you substantiate them using the
     approach described in http://bit.ly/smartintegration.

    1)	 Make sure your online goals align with organisational goals - your colleagues will believe

    2)	 Once you have completed the KPIs, go back up to the big picture and define a long-term
        more in your strategy then.                                                                                                               Actions and controls

        vision for how digital will help the organisation grow into the future, again aligned with organi-

    3)	 When creating the strategy make sure it is aligned with these goals, a table linking goals,
        sational vision.

    4)	 Finally, remember to revisit this section to align with your control and review process. Sim-
        substantiation (situation analysis) and strategies as given in Dave’s books can help here.
                                                                                                                                                  Executive summary

        plify to the “strategic levers” which really control business results. These are your K KPIs.
    In a nutshell, it’s about alignment and integration between the different sections of your plan.

              Digital marketing planning template
              © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
    How are you going to achieve the goals?
    Setting a meaningful strategy

    The key elements of digital strategy involve revisiting and aligning the main thrust of your
    marketing strategy in an online context, make sure you draw from other plans, if there isn’t
    one then use these headers. Don’t get drawn into the details at this stage. That’s the tactics.
    We recommend you summarise your strategy in a table like the one shown here: http://bit.ly/
    smartintegration - this provides a great summary and integrates goals with situation, strategy,
    tactics and measures!

    But you may want to summarise the essence of some or all of the digital strategies below. -
    how are you going to leverage the potential of digital marketing to your business, and how
    does that meet the objectives. This is about your approach only, not the detail.
    Consider breaking it down as well, it’s often easier to explain in smaller, bite-size chunks, this
    also helps when it comes to tactics which should hang from the strategies below:

    A. Targeting and segmentation
    þþ A company’s online customers have different demographic characteristics, needs and be-
       haviours to its offline customers. It follows that different approaches to segmentation may
       be required and specific segments may need to be selectively targeted though specific
       content and messaging on your site or elsewhere on the web. This capability for “micro-

       targeting is one of the biggest benefits of digital marketing.
    þþ Specific targeting approaches to apply online described in the book include: demograph-
       ic, value-based, lifecycle and behavioural personalisation.

    B. Positioning
    þþ How do you position your online products and services in the customers mind? Consider

    þþ Reinforcing your core proposition. How do you prove your credibility
    þþ Define your online value proposition. This should flow from your positioning and be what
       the customer sees immediately when they interact with you online.

                                                                                                                                                Actions and controls
    þþ Define these in key messages for different audiences, e.g. prospects against existing
       customers, segments with different value you target.
    þþ You need clear messaging hierarchies to effectively communicate your positioning both in
       online and offline media.

    C. Proposition and the marketing mix
                                                                                                                                                Executive summary

    Think about the digital marketing mix - how can you provide differential value to customers
    through varying the 4Ps online through Product, Price, Promotion and Place and how can
    you add value through service. And don’t forget what PR Smith calls the Eighth P of “Partner-
    ing”. Particularly if you sell online, you will want to explain how you will modify the marketing
    For example:
    þþ Product. Can you offer a different product range online. How can you add value to prod-
       ucts through additional content or online services.

            Digital marketing planning template
            © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
þþ Price. Review your pricing and consider differential pricing for online products or ser-
    þþ Place. Identify your online distribution issues and challenges. Should you create new
       intermediaries or portals or partner with existing sites?
    þþ Promotion. Discuss the problems and opportunities of the online communications mix.

       These will be detailed in the acquisition and retention communications strategies. Review
       approaches for online promotions and merchandising to increase sales. You may want to
       include exclusive promotions to support the growth of different digital channels, i.e. Email,
       Mobile, Facebook, Twitter.
    þþ People. Can use automated tools such as FAQ to deliver “web self-service” or should
       you provide online contact points through Live Chat or Phone Call-back.

    þþ Processes. List the components of process and understand the need to integrate them
       into a system.
    þþ Physical evidence. Identify the digital components that give ‘evidence’ to customers of
       your credibility such as awards and testimonials
    þþ Place. The eighth P. So much of marketing today is based on strategic partnerships
       partnerships, marketing marriages and alliances that we have added this ‘P’ in as a vital

       ingredient in today’s marketing mix.

    D. Brand strategy
    Gaining ‘street cred’ online is now paramount to success, how and where are you going to
    do that - brand favourability follows credibility and trust - what do you understand will be the
    reasons to engage with your brand, why would they click through - or not - how will you dem-

    onstrate credibility online.                                                                                                            4

    E. Online representation or presence.
    This includes your own Web site strategy (one site or four, sub-domains, what are the site
    goals and how will they be achieved...) and priorities for social presences. Our digital mar-
    keting radar (http://bit.ly/smartradar) helps you prioritise your online presence to reach and

    engage your audience.

    F. Content and engagement strategy.
    Which content will feature to gain initial interest, support the buying process (text and rich
    media product content and tools) and stickiness and to promote return visits (blogs and com-                                                Actions and controls
    munity). Remember user-generated content too, such as reviews, ratings and comments.
    You will have to prioritise content types and ensure you devote sufficient resource to it to cre-
    ate quality content which helps you compete. All effective online companies see themselves
    as publishers!

    G. Digital channel acquisition communications strategy
                                                                                                                                                Executive summary

    Outline how you will acquire traffic, what’s are the main approaches you will use? Don’t for-
    get to consider how you drive visitors through offline media and integrated campaigns.
    þþ Key digital media channels for traffic acquisition would include:
    þþ Search engine marketing (natural and paid)
    þþ Social media marketing and Online PR (think brand strategy)
    þþ Partner and affiliate marketing

            Digital marketing planning template
            © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
þþ Display advertising
    þþ Email marketing to leads database

    H. Digital channel conversion strategy
    How does the user experience, which depends on information architecture, page template
    design, merchandising, messaging and performance help you make it easy for visitors to

    engage and convert?

    I. Digital channel retention communications strategy
    Often neglected, what will be the main online and offline tactics to encourage repeat visits
    and sales. Again integrated campaigns involving offline touchpoints are crucial here.

    J. Data strategy
    What are your goals in permission marketing and data capture - what/where/how/when/why,
    what tools and value adds are you going to use. You might alternatively reference these in
    the conversion strategy.
    How do you improve the quality of your customer data across channels to help increase the

    relevance of your messages through personalisation

    K. Multichannel integration strategy
    How you integrate traditional and digital channels should run through every section of your
    strategy since it’s key to success. One way to structure this is to map customer journeys
    across channels as channel chains.

    L. Social media marketing strategy                                                                                                      4

    þþ We would argue that social media marketing is part of a broader customer engagement
       strategy plus brand, acquisition, conversion and retention strategies, but many organisa-
       tions are grappling with how they get value from this, so it may help to develop an overall
       social media marketing.

    M. Digital marketing governance strategy
    þþ In larger organisations how you manage digital marketing is a big challenge. Questions that
       the governance strategy seeks to answer are how do we manage internal and external
       resources through changes to structures and skills needed for digital and multichannel                                                   Actions and controls
                                                                                                                                                Executive summary

            Digital marketing planning template
            © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
     The details of stategy
     Tactics are where the rubber hits the road to get results, so you need to define how you will

     implement your strategy in the real world - when you’ll do it, with what, your goals for each
     tactic aligned to the main objectives and how that will that be measured.
     þþ Each of strategy sections A to M will need implementation details which you can get spe-
        cialists in your team or agencies to develop. Remember that with digital, “the devil is in
        the detail”. The best digital strategies can fail if the execution is poor - search, social and
        email marketing and creating a persuasive web design are classic examples of this we
        see daily.

     þþ If there’s only you, create a plan and Just Do It! You have the benefit that you can be
        more nimble, so can test and learn
     þþ How are you going to divide the year up - thinking about campaigns versus seasonal
        or business focusses, this helps to get the plan actionable. Consider quarterly (90 day)
        blocks to focus on and ensure objectives, strategies and tactics are focussed on that.

     þþ Keep this section light and fact based and avoid too much description repeated in the
        strategy section. Hang your tactics under the strategic hangers, for example traffic acqui-
        sition, so that it’s easy for others follow.


                                                                                                                                                 Actions and controls
                                                                                                                                                 Executive summary

             Digital marketing planning template
10           © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
Actions and Controls
     Making it happen
     Create measurable KPI’s to align against objectives and stay on track

     Issues to reference include:
     þþ Budgets - media, digital platform investments and resources
     þþ Timescales including a longer-term roadmap if necessary
     þþ Organize your measuring in dashboards so that it’s easy to summarise and keep up to
        date against the plan.

     þþ Consider KPI’s (key performance indicators) that relate to tactics, strategies and so ob-
        jectives, sometimes a KPI is an objective, for example a KPI could be weekly total natural
        search traffic, home page bounce or email open rate. These can be good early warnings
        to objectives like ‘online sales revenue’ or ‘new leads’ not being met. Plain old Excel will
        suffice and will allow you to keep the latest results to hand.
     þþ The key is that (assuming your objectives were clear, detailed and relevant) you have the

        headers to site your KPI’s and measure against.
     þþ Consider how you will measure and report using web analytics
     þþ Are there other measurement tools and resources needed
     þþ What is the process to measure and report, for example looking at keyword level traffic
        daily is not actionable, but home page bounce can be if site changes are made

     þþ Think about creating a KPI summary dashboard

     In larger organisations, you have to think about resourcing, i.e.
     þþ Skills - internal and agency requirements to deliver on your plan

     þþ Structure - do you have a separate digital team or can you integrate
     þþ Systems - the processes to make things work and keep you agile

                                                                                                                                                 Actions and controls

                                                                                                                                                 Executive summary

             Digital marketing planning template
11           © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
Executive summary
     No, you’re still not quite finished! After your plan is created, go back to the beginning and cre-
     ate a 1 page summary that a busy, senior executive can understand and believe in!
     The same exec summary is useful for PowerPoint presentations should you need to present

     the bones of your plan, and the ROI. An important part of your role is helping others under-
     stand what digital marketing is, and the immense value that it can add to the business.
     Naturally the Exec summary should contain a 2 line summary of the different parts of
     SOSTACTM (challenging!) but stressing the need for investment in digital channels and show-
     ing the key issues.

     1 Situation
     þþ Key issues requiring action

     2 Objectives
     þþ Our vision
     þþ Key goals

     3 Strategy
     þþ Segmentation, targeting and positioning
     þþ Brand development and customer engagement
     þþ Customer acquisition

     þþ Customer retention and growth

     4 Tactics, Actions and Control
     þþ Investment and budget
     þþ Resourcing
     þþ Timescales

     þþ Success factors for managing change
     þþ Measurement and testing

                                                                                                                                                 Actions and controls
                                                                                                                                                 Executive summary


             Digital marketing planning template
12           © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.

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Digital Marketing Plan Template

  • 1. Digital marketing strategy Planning Template Authors: Dr Dave Chaffey and Danyl Bosomworth v2.0 Published: June 2011 Plan > Reach > Act > Convert > Engage
  • 2. Introduction Introduction 1 Digital Marketing Planning Template First things, first... Digital marketing planning is no different to any other marketing plan, in fact it’s increasingly Situation strange to have separate plans for ‘digital’ and ‘offline’ since that’s not how your customers perceive your business. However, we’re often required to separate plans for “digital” only based on the way teams and reporting is structured and to help the transition to digital - be- fore it becomes “business as usual”. A common format helps align your plan to other market- ing plans! Objectives þþ Focus on building a plan around the customer - not your products and tactics Some general advice to keep in mind when planning þþ Situations and plans change, especially online, so ensure plans are usable by having a þþ Make plans fact-based and state assumptions, so they’re easy for others to buy into clear vision for the year and keeping real detail to a shorter term 90-Day focus þþ Keep it Simple! “Jargon light” is best. Again it helps others buy into what you’re saying Strategy þþ Keep plans up to date - monthly is more than enough þþ There isn’t a perfect plan, what’s needed changes according to each business! Creating the general structure Tactics Knowing where to start is often the hardest thing when writing a digital marketing plan. So once you have a structure / Actions and controls framework to follow in a table of contents it’s then almost a matter of filling in the gaps...  At Smart Insights we recommend the Executive summary SOSTAC™ planning structure developed by PR Smith, Dave Chaffey’s co-author of Emarketing Excellence. This is a great framework for business, marketing or digital marketing plans since it’s simple and logical, so it’s easy to remember and to explain to colleagues or agencies. ! Digital marketing planning template 2 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 3. Each of the six areas help in separating out the key strategies, for example customer acquisi- tion, conversion and retention. Introduction That’s the intro, you’ll want to delete this bit! In the other sections we have provided headings 1 to help structure your strategy, with prompts to help your thinking in italics which you’ll also want to delete. About this document We’ve created this since we’ve been asked so many times for it when giving training courses Situation and consulting. It’s created by Dave Chaffey and Dan Bosomworth of Smart Insights. If you want to download a Microsoft Word version of this document to amend for your own use or check back for updates, you can find this document on our site at: http://www.smartinsights.com/blog/digital-marketing-strategy/digital-marketing-planning-tem- Objectives plate. This is an early draft and we would like to keep improving it, so please feedback with your thoughts and suggestions for improvement: [email protected]. Where do I find more information on digital marketing concepts If you’re not familiar with some of the concepts we introduce in this template, naturally, Strategy there’s more info online. We also have these shortcuts to more in-depth strategy guidance which we reference : • http://bit.ly/smartstrategy - 10 ways to convince colleagues you need an online strategy • http://bit.ly/smartintegration - a table to integrate your goals and strategies • http://bit.ly/smartfeedback - customer feedback tools Tactics • http://bit.ly/smartbenchmarking - recommendations on how to benchmark against competitors • http://bit.ly/smartrace - RACE is our framework for defining strategies to support the cus- tomers through the lifecycle • http://bit.ly/smartradar - our digital marketing radar helps you prioritise your online presence Actions and controls to reach and engage your audience • http://bit.ly/smartreputation - monitor your online reputation • http://bit.ly/smarttargeting - online targeting options • http://bit.ly/smartsegments - how to segment your audience in Google Analytics Executive summary You may also find Dave Chaffey’s book Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice useful since it goes into much more depth in all these areas. ! Digital marketing planning template 3 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 4. Situation analysis. Where are we now? Understanding your online marketplace Introduction The immediate, or micro-environment A. Our customers Always start with the customer, their characteristics, behaviours, needs and wants. You should define: Situation þþ Options for segmenting and targeting – you should apply your traditional segments, but 2 also consider the new microtargeting options available online – see http://bit.ly/smart- targeting. þþ Ideal customers - characteristics summarised in named personas are useful to get start- ed, think about demographics, searching and product selection behaviours and unmet needs - detail here is very useful to talk about “What would John do.. or think about...”. Objectives Also consider what your data tells you in regard to your most profitable, and potentially profitable customers B. Our market þþ Market description - Focus on actionable needs and trends - are you meeting them, what are they - this insight us useful for other teams and you should find out what other teams Strategy know, what exactly is growing in the market, is there evidence you can draw from C. Our competitors þþ Benchmark against competitors for your customer personas and scenarios against the criteria given in the strategy section, in particular their marketing mix. þþ For key digital tactics like SEO and social media marketing, it’s also important to bench- Tactics mark against competitors. See our guide at http://bit.ly/smartbenchmarking. D. Intermediaries, influencers and potential partners þþ Review customer use of different types of sites which may influence their decision for ex- ample, search engines, specialist news sites, aggregators, social networks and bloggers Actions and controls You can monitor your reputation across different influencers using http://bit.ly/smartreputation E. Wider macro environment These are the big picture strategic influences. We recommend you don’t go into too much depth on these, instead review the influence of the main macro factors for digital; social, legal and technology in the context of customer analysis and competitor benchmarking. Executive summary þþ Social - how have consumer attitudes changed? þþ Legal - checking your online marketing activities comply with privacy and online trading laws before problems arise þþ Environment - is your approach ethical and sustainable þþ Political - can you take advantage of government funding schemes þþ Technology - review of the latest technology ! Digital marketing planning template 4 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 5. F. Our own capabilities Once you have looked outwards (often missed), only then should you turn inwards and look at your own capabilities. In particular, you may find this digital marketing benchmarking spreadsheet useful for bench- marking your current capabilities. The spreadsheet supports Dave Chaffey’s report on Man- aging Digital Channels for Econsultancy which goes into more detail on different areas of Introduction strategy development and channel governance. G. Internet-specific SWOT summary Include a digital channel SWOT that summarises your online marketplace analysis findings AND links to strategy. In a large organisation, or for a more complete summary complete a SWOT for: Situation 2 þþ Customer acquisition and conversion and customer development þþ Different brands þþ Different markets þþ Different competitors – direct and indirect Objectives þþ We recommend using a TOWS matrix for SWOT: http://bit.ly/smartswot since this helps integrate your analysis with your strategy rather than the analysis being placed on the shelf and forgotten. 1) Garner evidence and data to help others understand your recommendations - visualise with Tips Strategy 2) Set-up your digital listening post to ensure you understand what’s going on around you and charts and graphs where you can – they’re much more effective than a long report 3) Google “market research” for documents relevant to your sector, they’re often a cheap listen in on conversation that could inform your understanding source of insight to change perspective Tactics Actions and controls Executive summary ! Digital marketing planning template 5 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 6. Objective setting Where do we want to be? Setting useful, actionable objectives Introduction We recommend four different types of measures to help you and colleagues look forward to the future offered by digital marketing: So we suggest this hierarchy of measures may help in larger organisations: • 1. Top-level broad goals to show how the business can benefit from digital channels Situation • 2. Mid-long term vision to help communicate the transformation needed in a larger organi- sation • 3. Specific SMART objectives to give clear direction and commercial targets • 4. Key performance indicators to check you are on track Objectives You should be as specific as possible in your goals. We recommend these should be: 3 þþ SMART - see the definition at foot of http://www.smartinsights.com/about/ þþ Based around the customer lifecycle – we use the mnemonic RACE to define this and give examples of different KPIs here: http://bit.ly/smartrace þþ Define what the R is in ROI for you - it will likely be monetary but don’t forget digital mar- keting can be more than that Strategy þþ Divided into key digital strategy areas of customer acquisition, conversion, customer de- velopment and growth - this is important to ensure you’re covering all of the areas þþ Broken down into short, medium and long-term goals Align goals to the business and marketing goals and how you substantiate them using the approach described in http://bit.ly/smartintegration. Tactics 1) Make sure your online goals align with organisational goals - your colleagues will believe Tips 2) Once you have completed the KPIs, go back up to the big picture and define a long-term more in your strategy then. Actions and controls vision for how digital will help the organisation grow into the future, again aligned with organi- 3) When creating the strategy make sure it is aligned with these goals, a table linking goals, sational vision. 4) Finally, remember to revisit this section to align with your control and review process. Sim- substantiation (situation analysis) and strategies as given in Dave’s books can help here. Executive summary plify to the “strategic levers” which really control business results. These are your K KPIs. In a nutshell, it’s about alignment and integration between the different sections of your plan. ! Digital marketing planning template 6 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 7. Strategy How are you going to achieve the goals? Setting a meaningful strategy Introduction The key elements of digital strategy involve revisiting and aligning the main thrust of your marketing strategy in an online context, make sure you draw from other plans, if there isn’t one then use these headers. Don’t get drawn into the details at this stage. That’s the tactics. We recommend you summarise your strategy in a table like the one shown here: http://bit.ly/ smartintegration - this provides a great summary and integrates goals with situation, strategy, tactics and measures! Situation But you may want to summarise the essence of some or all of the digital strategies below. - how are you going to leverage the potential of digital marketing to your business, and how does that meet the objectives. This is about your approach only, not the detail. Consider breaking it down as well, it’s often easier to explain in smaller, bite-size chunks, this also helps when it comes to tactics which should hang from the strategies below: Objectives A. Targeting and segmentation þþ A company’s online customers have different demographic characteristics, needs and be- haviours to its offline customers. It follows that different approaches to segmentation may be required and specific segments may need to be selectively targeted though specific content and messaging on your site or elsewhere on the web. This capability for “micro- Strategy targeting is one of the biggest benefits of digital marketing. 4 þþ Specific targeting approaches to apply online described in the book include: demograph- ic, value-based, lifecycle and behavioural personalisation. B. Positioning þþ How do you position your online products and services in the customers mind? Consider Tactics þþ Reinforcing your core proposition. How do you prove your credibility þþ Define your online value proposition. This should flow from your positioning and be what the customer sees immediately when they interact with you online. Actions and controls þþ Define these in key messages for different audiences, e.g. prospects against existing customers, segments with different value you target. þþ You need clear messaging hierarchies to effectively communicate your positioning both in online and offline media. C. Proposition and the marketing mix Executive summary Think about the digital marketing mix - how can you provide differential value to customers through varying the 4Ps online through Product, Price, Promotion and Place and how can you add value through service. And don’t forget what PR Smith calls the Eighth P of “Partner- ing”. Particularly if you sell online, you will want to explain how you will modify the marketing mix. For example: þþ Product. Can you offer a different product range online. How can you add value to prod- ucts through additional content or online services. ! Digital marketing planning template 7 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 8. þþ Price. Review your pricing and consider differential pricing for online products or ser- vices. þþ Place. Identify your online distribution issues and challenges. Should you create new intermediaries or portals or partner with existing sites? þþ Promotion. Discuss the problems and opportunities of the online communications mix. Introduction These will be detailed in the acquisition and retention communications strategies. Review approaches for online promotions and merchandising to increase sales. You may want to include exclusive promotions to support the growth of different digital channels, i.e. Email, Mobile, Facebook, Twitter. þþ People. Can use automated tools such as FAQ to deliver “web self-service” or should you provide online contact points through Live Chat or Phone Call-back. Situation þþ Processes. List the components of process and understand the need to integrate them into a system. þþ Physical evidence. Identify the digital components that give ‘evidence’ to customers of your credibility such as awards and testimonials þþ Place. The eighth P. So much of marketing today is based on strategic partnerships partnerships, marketing marriages and alliances that we have added this ‘P’ in as a vital Objectives ingredient in today’s marketing mix. D. Brand strategy Gaining ‘street cred’ online is now paramount to success, how and where are you going to do that - brand favourability follows credibility and trust - what do you understand will be the reasons to engage with your brand, why would they click through - or not - how will you dem- Strategy onstrate credibility online. 4 E. Online representation or presence. This includes your own Web site strategy (one site or four, sub-domains, what are the site goals and how will they be achieved...) and priorities for social presences. Our digital mar- keting radar (http://bit.ly/smartradar) helps you prioritise your online presence to reach and Tactics engage your audience. F. Content and engagement strategy. Which content will feature to gain initial interest, support the buying process (text and rich media product content and tools) and stickiness and to promote return visits (blogs and com- Actions and controls munity). Remember user-generated content too, such as reviews, ratings and comments. You will have to prioritise content types and ensure you devote sufficient resource to it to cre- ate quality content which helps you compete. All effective online companies see themselves as publishers! G. Digital channel acquisition communications strategy Executive summary Outline how you will acquire traffic, what’s are the main approaches you will use? Don’t for- get to consider how you drive visitors through offline media and integrated campaigns. þþ Key digital media channels for traffic acquisition would include: þþ Search engine marketing (natural and paid) þþ Social media marketing and Online PR (think brand strategy) þþ Partner and affiliate marketing ! Digital marketing planning template 8 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 9. þþ Display advertising þþ Email marketing to leads database H. Digital channel conversion strategy How does the user experience, which depends on information architecture, page template design, merchandising, messaging and performance help you make it easy for visitors to Introduction engage and convert? I. Digital channel retention communications strategy Often neglected, what will be the main online and offline tactics to encourage repeat visits and sales. Again integrated campaigns involving offline touchpoints are crucial here. Situation J. Data strategy What are your goals in permission marketing and data capture - what/where/how/when/why, what tools and value adds are you going to use. You might alternatively reference these in the conversion strategy. How do you improve the quality of your customer data across channels to help increase the Objectives relevance of your messages through personalisation K. Multichannel integration strategy How you integrate traditional and digital channels should run through every section of your strategy since it’s key to success. One way to structure this is to map customer journeys across channels as channel chains. Strategy L. Social media marketing strategy 4 þþ We would argue that social media marketing is part of a broader customer engagement strategy plus brand, acquisition, conversion and retention strategies, but many organisa- tions are grappling with how they get value from this, so it may help to develop an overall social media marketing. Tactics M. Digital marketing governance strategy þþ In larger organisations how you manage digital marketing is a big challenge. Questions that the governance strategy seeks to answer are how do we manage internal and external resources through changes to structures and skills needed for digital and multichannel Actions and controls marketing. Executive summary ! Digital marketing planning template 9 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 10. Tactics The details of stategy Tactics are where the rubber hits the road to get results, so you need to define how you will Introduction implement your strategy in the real world - when you’ll do it, with what, your goals for each tactic aligned to the main objectives and how that will that be measured. þþ Each of strategy sections A to M will need implementation details which you can get spe- cialists in your team or agencies to develop. Remember that with digital, “the devil is in the detail”. The best digital strategies can fail if the execution is poor - search, social and email marketing and creating a persuasive web design are classic examples of this we see daily. Situation þþ If there’s only you, create a plan and Just Do It! You have the benefit that you can be more nimble, so can test and learn þþ How are you going to divide the year up - thinking about campaigns versus seasonal or business focusses, this helps to get the plan actionable. Consider quarterly (90 day) blocks to focus on and ensure objectives, strategies and tactics are focussed on that. Objectives þþ Keep this section light and fact based and avoid too much description repeated in the strategy section. Hang your tactics under the strategic hangers, for example traffic acqui- sition, so that it’s easy for others follow. Strategy Tactics 5 Actions and controls Executive summary ! Digital marketing planning template 10 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 11. Actions and Controls Making it happen Create measurable KPI’s to align against objectives and stay on track Introduction Issues to reference include: þþ Budgets - media, digital platform investments and resources þþ Timescales including a longer-term roadmap if necessary þþ Organize your measuring in dashboards so that it’s easy to summarise and keep up to date against the plan. Situation þþ Consider KPI’s (key performance indicators) that relate to tactics, strategies and so ob- jectives, sometimes a KPI is an objective, for example a KPI could be weekly total natural search traffic, home page bounce or email open rate. These can be good early warnings to objectives like ‘online sales revenue’ or ‘new leads’ not being met. Plain old Excel will suffice and will allow you to keep the latest results to hand. þþ The key is that (assuming your objectives were clear, detailed and relevant) you have the Objectives headers to site your KPI’s and measure against. þþ Consider how you will measure and report using web analytics þþ Are there other measurement tools and resources needed þþ What is the process to measure and report, for example looking at keyword level traffic daily is not actionable, but home page bounce can be if site changes are made Strategy þþ Think about creating a KPI summary dashboard Governance In larger organisations, you have to think about resourcing, i.e. þþ Skills - internal and agency requirements to deliver on your plan Tactics þþ Structure - do you have a separate digital team or can you integrate þþ Systems - the processes to make things work and keep you agile Actions and controls 6 Executive summary ! Digital marketing planning template 11 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.
  • 12. Executive summary No, you’re still not quite finished! After your plan is created, go back to the beginning and cre- ate a 1 page summary that a busy, senior executive can understand and believe in! The same exec summary is useful for PowerPoint presentations should you need to present Introduction the bones of your plan, and the ROI. An important part of your role is helping others under- stand what digital marketing is, and the immense value that it can add to the business. Naturally the Exec summary should contain a 2 line summary of the different parts of SOSTACTM (challenging!) but stressing the need for investment in digital channels and show- ing the key issues. Situation 1 Situation þþ Key issues requiring action 2 Objectives þþ Our vision þþ Key goals Objectives 3 Strategy þþ Segmentation, targeting and positioning þþ Brand development and customer engagement þþ Customer acquisition Strategy þþ Customer retention and growth 4 Tactics, Actions and Control þþ Investment and budget þþ Resourcing þþ Timescales Tactics þþ Success factors for managing change þþ Measurement and testing Actions and controls Executive summary 7 ! Digital marketing planning template 12 © Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. Please go to www.smartinsights.com to feedback or access our other guides.