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In partnership with
Kenshoo, ClickZ presents
Digital Advertising Trends
for the 2018 Holiday
Season, a comprehensive
report based on a
survey of more than 300
marketers identifying
specifically where brands
will be spending, how this
spending differs from last
year’s, and what new media
formats are being utilized.
Within this report, we will
delve beyond the surface
of product announcements
to see what advertisers are
really prioritizing in their
holiday spending plans.
While Amazon edges
towards a central position in
the advertising landscape,
both Google and Facebook
have rolled out new
capabilities to improve
their respective advertising
offerings as well. Meanwhile,
Pinterest and Snapchat offer
an enticing complement
for brands seeking value
beyond the emerging triopoly
of Google, Facebook, and
In the process, the report
also reveals a number of
illuminating points about
how brands believe their
audiences will research,
compare, and purchase
products over the holidays.
Brands will naturally use
2017’s holiday performance
data as the yardstick for
2018’s projections, but that
also brings with it some
limitations. The context
has changed markedly
and there are plentiful new
opportunities out there for
those willing to experiment.
We aim to offer an additional
set of data points to feed
these plans by revealing
how the competition views
the market, from Facebook
Stories to Messenger ads,
from Amazon ads to Universal
App Campaigns (UACs).
As a result, we hope this
document will shed light on
the advertiser and consumer
trends that will define this
crucial sales period for so
many businesses.
Clark Boyd
Editor and Research Lead
Digital Advertising Trends for
the 2018 Holiday Season
Section 1. Foreword from Kenshoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01
Section 2. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02
Section 3. Key findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04
Section 5. The Facebook / Instagram
combination is compelling for advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 6. Social and search work
together towards advertisers’ goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Section 4. Marketers continue
to reward size and scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Section 7. Amazon ads are growing
in importance for retailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Section 8. Social media “Stories”
matter and advertisers are tuning in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Section 9. Pinterest and Snapchat
offer expanded reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Section 10. Mobile leads the way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Section 11. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Section 12. Key takeaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
The holiday season has
always been a juggernaut
for both consumers
and advertisers, but in
today’s hyper-connected,
omnichannel environment,
the volume and complexity
of online advertising
continues to reach new
heights each year.
Fear of missing out isn’t just
a viral meme for social media
users anymore. It applies
equally well to marketers
trying to reach potential
customers across all sorts of
hashtags and all manner of
media platforms.
So how can we make
sense of it? As our industry
simultaneously monitors
signals and data trails from
dozens of disparate sources
and draws conclusions from
isolated anecdotes, we
thought the simplest thing to
do would be just to ask.
Kenshoo, in partnership with
ClickZ, interviewed more than
300 respondents across the
spectrum of digital marketing
and asked what they did last
year for holiday marketing,
what they’re doing this year,
and how they’re doing it.
Based on more than $10
million in advertising dollars
managed on our platform
every day, we know that
the search, social, and
ecommerce channels are
critical for marketers this time
of year, but how critical? And
how are they being affected
by new publishers and new
Our research will shine a light
on some of the hot topics
as we head into the colder
temperatures, including
adoption of publishers
and platforms, shifting of
spending priorities over time,
and the emerging realities of
our mobile world.
Much like Charles Dickens,
we see this effort as visiting
holidays past, present, and
There are insights here that
may serve to validate your
own strategy. You may find
something that will help
you correct your course as
we barrel into the heart of
the season. And you will
get a better sense of the
trends that will drive digital
marketing into the future.
Kenshoo provides
best-of-breed, full-funnel
marketing activation on
the channels with highest
customer engagement,
including search, social,
and ecommerce, enabling
success by maximizing
channel impact and
customer lifetime value.
As the industry’s leading
and award-winning digital
marketing platform, Kenshoo
delivers opportunities to
re-engage and grow
customers across the world’s
leading publishers and all
Christi Olson
Head of Evangelism
Christi is the Head of Evangelism for Bing at Microsoft and is on the Board of Directors for the Search Engine
Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and the University of Idaho School of Business. She has been
recognized by PPC Hero and her peers as one of the Top 25 Most Influential PPC Experts in 2018, 2017, 2016,
and 2015. Her love for digital has driven her to speak at hundreds of conferences including AdWeek, the American
Marketing Association, ClickZ and SEW, Digital Dealer, Digital Marketing Conference Series, SMX, PubCon,
HeroConf, and Search Insider Summit.
Andrew Spikes
Head of Global Paid Search
Andrew Spikes is currently the Head of Global Paid Search at UPS. He’s a performance marketing leader with
domain expertise in paid search, marketing strategy, and digital advertising. He currently oversees UPS’s global paid
search program (36 countries including the US) and leads the digital media planning and optimization for UPS’s
international digital marketing campaigns inclusive of programmatic display and video advertising, paid social, CRM,
and SEO. Prior to UPS, he held similar digital marketing roles at national advertising agencies, venture capital-
backed start-ups, and other Fortune 500 organizations.
Chris Costello
Senior Director of Marketing Research
Chris is a marketing research and analysis professional with over 20 years of experience in digital marketing
measurement, online behavioral analysis and traditional market research, playing an integral role in solving real
problems with real data and providing clear courses of action in competitive business environments. At Kenshoo,
he leads the planning and execution of a research agenda that delivers exceptional marketing value and thought
Nikolai Zeinokov
Ecommerce Director
Recently included in Shopper Marketing’s “Who’s Who in Ecommerce 2017” and “Who’s Who in Digital
Marketing for Shoppers 2018,” Nikolai has more than 10 consecutive years of winning in CPG Ecommerce
and Digital Marketing. He’s worked in 16 different countries across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. His career
includes senior ecommerce positions in companies such as The Walt Disney Company, Kimberly-Clark, and
most recently Heineken USA.
Cindy Krum
Cindy Krum is the CEO and Founder of MobileMoxie, LLC, a mobile marketing consultancy and host of the
most cutting-edge online mobile marketing and SEO tool set on the market. She brings fresh and creative
ideas to her clients, providing on-site training and workshops, as well as speaking at national and international
conferences on a regular basis. Cindy is an active member of the search community. She is passionate about
bringing creative online marketing solutions to clients. Cindy is also the author of Mobile Marketing: Finding
Your Customers No Matter Where They Are, published by Que Publishing and now also available in German,
Italian, Korean, and Chinese.
Sissie Hsiao
VP of Product, Mobile App Advertising
Sissie Hsiao is the global product leader for Google mobile advertising. She leads product strategy and
development for App monetization, reaching millions of apps and billions of app users. Her areas of
responsibility include building a global business, leading both advertiser and publisher facing components of in-
app advertising, as well as leadership on Google’s broader cross-device initiatives. Prior to her work on mobile
ads, Sissie led all of Google’s cross-channel measurement and attribution efforts, and brought Google Display
Network and DoubleClick for Advertisers measurement to Google Analytics.
Prior to Google, Sissie was a Lead Program Manager at Microsoft, launching multiple versions of Microsoft
Office PowerPoint. Sissie has a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of
California, Berkeley.
Today’s consumer can
get exactly what they
want, whenever they
want it, instantly and
is changing how they
expect brands to
engage them.
Marketers continue to reward size and scale.
ClickZ research finds that 46% of brands plan to increase
spending for the 2018 holiday season as compared to last year,
46% will spend roughly the same amount, and only 8% of brands
will decrease their marketing budgets.
Platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat will receive
more marketing dollars than they did last year. However, Google,
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and display continue to be the
primary beneficiaries of the general increase in spending. 46% of
brands surveyed reported increased spending on Google Search,
40% on Facebook, and 36% on Instagram.
Instagram and YouTube are on the rise.
Instagram and YouTube have seen the biggest growth in digital
marketing this year, percentage-wise. YouTube saw the biggest
jump in advertiser participation, with 33% of brands planning to run
ads on the platform this year compared to 26% in 2017. Instagram
follows closely, with an increase from 40% last year to 45% in
2018. This growth suggests that advertisers are understanding a
need to move to image- and video-based ads to engage modern
The Facebook / Instagram combination is compelling for
Facebook as a company is experiencing increased user and
advertiser activity. Survey results reveal that Facebook as a
specific channel will see a slight dip in the number of active
advertisers this holiday season, with 72% of brands planning to
run ads on Facebook compared to the 75% of brands who did so
in 2017.
However, spending on Instagram, owned by Facebook, is
increasing. 56% of brands who plan to invest in Facebook are also
increasing their Instagram investment compared to 2017. So, while
we are seeing a slight decrease in brands who plan to advertise on
Facebook this year, the company as a whole will still experience a
sizeable net gain in advertiser activity.
Social and search work together toward advertisers’ goals.
Surveyed brands were asked about their biggest considerations in social versus search
when planning their 2018 holiday marketing budgets. In analyzing our findings, it’s
important to note that search and social serve different user and advertiser purposes.
For example, where social leads in achieving conversion goals and reach, brands are
considering search a slightly more valuable component for ROI. So, while search and
social serve distinctly different functions, the two converge at the same point of making
money for brands.
Amazon ads are growing in importance for retailers.
There’s no doubt that Amazon needs to be taken seriously as an advertising giant, with
56% of retail or ecommerce brands planning to maintain or increase their Amazon
advertising budget this year.
Advertisers view Amazon as an important component of a holiday sales strategy,
alongside Google. While some reports say that budgets are shifting en masse from
Google to Amazon1
, the heightened demand of the holiday season means brands are
opting to cover all the bases. 86% of brands who plan to run ads on Amazon will also
do so on Google.
Social media “Stories” matter and advertisers are listening.
Facebook and Instagram have adopted their own versions of Stories, providing users
the chance to post without the pressure of getting “enough” likes and comments.
Advertisers are starting to notice and aren’t letting the Stories opportunity slip by. 38%
of brands state that they have included Facebook Stories in their holiday marketing
plans and 37% have included Instagram Stories, making these two of the most popular
new advertising opportunities for the 2018 holidays.
Pinterest and Snapchat offer expanded reach.
Big brands are rounding out their holiday marketing strategies this year by increasing
spending on historically smaller platforms. Though these platforms won’t experience
quite the same level of marketing spend this holiday season as Google, Facebook, and
Instagram, they are still being considered valuable marketing opportunities for both
sales and awareness.
Mobile leads the way.
As in years prior, spending on mobile marketing is on the rise. Consumers rely
increasingly more on their mobile devices than they do on their desktops. In fact, 73%
of brands believe advertising on mobile will be more important than on desktop for
sales and 70% believe it will be more important for brand awareness, confirming that
mobile’s significance is not restricted to certain strategies. Rather, mobile is where
brands need to be spending and innovating, no matter their objective.
As far as app advertising, Facebook remains the leader, and Apple trails behind
in second, barely nudging out Google in third. Where we might expect Google
to be another clear leader, according to our survey results Facebook and Apple
advertisements appear to be more popular with marketers who are looking to drive app
downloads and purchases this holiday season.
As the 2018 holiday season
nears, online shopping
carts grow fuller.
Businesses and consumers
alike continue to go digital,
and marketers are following
suit. With the seemingly
constant emergence of new
social, search, and shopping
platforms, we’re seeing the
spending of brand marketing
dollars increase and the net
of spending cast a little wider.
Overall, the survey results tell
us that brands are investing
more marketing dollars
everywhere, from smaller
platforms to large ones.
Though marketing
opportunities continue
to diversify and channels
such as YouTube, Twitter,
and Pinterest gain speed,
the spending gap between
the smaller channels and
the big players—Google
Search, Facebook, Instagram,
and display—continues to
increase, providing evidence
that marketers know what
channels work best and plan
to invest accordingly.
78% OF
The year-on-year trend is one
of modest growth for most
channels in terms of sheer
advertiser volume.
Figure 1. Via which
advertising channels /
publishers will your
company run ads for the
holiday season?
(2017 vs. 2018)
This growth is put into sharper
focus when we analyze the
budgets advertisers have set
aside for the 2018 holiday
Looking at only the brands
who plan to invest in
advertising on each channel,
the overwhelming consensus
is that advertisers will grow
their spend compared to the
same period last year.
Google Search 75.5%
Facebook 75.2%
Instagram 42.3%
Display advertising 36.6%
YouTube 26.3%
77.6% 2.1%
71.8% -3.4%
44.8% 4.6%
38.7% 2.1%
33.4% 7.1%
2017 2018 YOY CHANGE
Bing Search 24.8%
Google Shopping /
Product Listing Ads
Twitter 23%
Amazon Marketing Services 11.8%
27.3% 2.5%
26.4% 0.7%
25.8% 2.8%
15.6% 3.8%
Other search engines 10.6%
Pinterest 9.4%
Bing Shopping /
Product Listing Ads 6.6%
Snapchat 4.8%
13.2% 2.6%
12.9% 3.5%
9.8% 3.2%
8.3% 3.5%
Figure 2. By how much is
your company planning to
increase budget over the
holiday season compared
with 2017 for the following
channels? (Methodology
note: Includes only
advertisers that plan to
invest in each channel.)
A very small minority plan to
decrease their investment this
year, too:
Figure 3. Is your company
planning to increase or
decrease budget over the
holiday season compared
with 2017 for the following
channels? (Increase vs.
Plan to increase
spend versus
last year
Plan to deacrease
spend versus last
With 63% of Instagram
advertisers due to increase
their investment in the
channel, the overall Facebook
share of the social media
space is more impressive than
From this, we can see that
advertisers know which
channels deliver the highest
return on the metrics that
matter to them. As a general
rule, if brands are running
ads on a channel this holiday
season, they plan to increase
their investment.
The stakes are high at such
a crucial period. Nikolai
Zeinokov notes, “Advertisers
are risk-averse when they know
they need to deliver on their
This trend also leads to the
question of the specific tactics
advertisers plan to employ.
Christi Olson of Microsoft notes,
“There will be consistency in
where brands spend their ad
dollars this year versus last year:
search, shopping, and social.
Specifically, we will see more
investment in remarketing
and audience targeting,
as new and more effective
capabilities take center
stage. Advertisers have really
seen the value of Shopping
campaigns from the high
levels of engagement they
receive, particularly when they
prioritize image quality.”
Advertisers will tend to use
last year’s performance
figures as a benchmark for
this holiday season, but this
can be a limited source of
data for a traffic or revenue
projection. Numerous factors
can affect the nature and
location of consumer demand,
which means brands need to
pace their budgets and move
to where their audience is
Cindy Krum, CEO of
MobileMoxie adds, “This year
we have also seen the launch
of a range of new mobile
technologies, both in terms
of smartphones and smart
home devices. The majority
of these are voice-enabled
and those interactions will
provide tech companies with a
new data source to feed their
Google Search 54%
Facebook 50%
Instagram 63%
Display advertising 52%
YouTube 55%
Bing Search 39%
Google Shopping /
Product Listing Ads
Twitter 51%
Amazon Market Services 43%
Pinterest 71%
Bing Shopping /
Product Listing Ads
Snapchat 48%
While last year’s data is a
helpful barometer, new trends
and behaviors will arise as
this year’s holiday season
Sissie Hsiao, VP of Product,
Mobile App Advertising at
Google, builds on this point
to reflect on what is now
a lengthy holiday spell for
consumers rather than just
a collection of individual,
landmark dates: “It’s tempting
to dedicate the majority of
your marketing resources
to the busy Black Friday-to-
Cyber Monday period, but
most holiday shoppers are
active from October through
the end of December. If you’re
mainly (or only) targeting
those days, you’ll miss the
chance to connect with many
potential customers. The
trends we’re noticing reveal
key information about holiday
shoppers’ behavior: they are
browsing and purchasing over
longer stretches of time, and
it’s more important than ever
for brands to be there for
them earlier in the season.”
Instagram and YouTube
are on the rise.
Though we’re still seeing most
of the dollars spent on the
usual suspects, percentage-
wise, Instagram and YouTube
have seen the biggest growth
this year.
Compared to last year,
marketing spending on
Instagram went up by 5
percentage points and on
YouTube by 7 percentage
The rise in Instagram
advertising activity is led by
three industries in particular:
publishing, retail, and travel.
Figure 4. Will your company
run ads on Instagram this
holiday season? (2017
vs. 2018, segmented by
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
The average across all
industries for brands planning
to run ads on Instagram
is 45%, while the average
among publishing, retail,
and travel—the top three
industries advertising on the
platform—nears 55%. The
brands in these industries
are clearly paying attention to
where their customers are.
On average, publishing,
retail, and travel increased
their budgets by 12% this
year, indicating that these
industries are seeing bigger
opportunity for awareness
and sales on Instagram.
Marketers are realizing that
they need to up their game
if they want to be noticed
amid the quick scrolling and
searching that characterize
the consumer journey
today. Sponsored posts on
Instagram aim for the elusive
“thumb-stopping” quality that
causes a user to pause and
engage with the content.
On the YouTube side, brands
need to rise to the challenges
of the platform as well, finding
the right balance between
promoting awareness
while not disrupting user
experience with irrelevant ads
before every video.
Just 78% of the brands who
plan to run ads on YouTube
this holiday season also
ran ads on the platform
over the holidays in 2017.
Of those who did spend on
YouTube last year, 62% plan
to increase their level of
investment this year.
This leads to the question
of what role YouTube will
play in a holiday marketing
strategy. Looking only at
those advertisers who will
run YouTube ads this year, it
is clear that its potential to
drive brand awareness is a
significant draw.
46% of YouTube advertisers
see the video sharing platform
as an important medium for
increasing brand awareness,
just edging out Facebook
at 45%. This contrasts with
the overall list of responding
advertisers, of whom 72% say
Facebook will be an essential
brand awareness channel
over the holidays.
Figure 5. Which channel
will be most important
for your business for
this holiday season?
(YouTube advertisers vs. all
YT advertisers All advertisiers
The picture is markedly
different when we look at
the importance of YouTube
for sales among these same
­­Figure 6. Which channel
will be most important for
your business for SALES
this holiday season?
(YouTube advertisers only)
82% view Google Search as
an important sales channel,
followed by Facebook at
41%. Just 23% of brands
who will advertise on YouTube
feel it will be important
for increasing sales. This
sheds some light on the role
YouTube will play within a
wider holiday advertising
strategy, alongside
sales-driving activities.
This provides a very healthy
supplementary source of
revenues for Google and
Facebook, of course, while
also allowing the duopoly
to move directly into video
The increase in marketing
spend on both Instagram
and YouTube this year tells
us that brands are following
user preferences for more
image- and video-based ads
and embracing these digital
marketing changes.
In the next section, ClickZ’s
survey results reveal an
evolving relationship between
Facebook and its legion of
Google Search 82%
YouTube 23%
Facebook 41%
YT advertisers All advertisiers
Ecommerce has blurred
the boundaries between
landmark dates; the
holiday season now
spans a period of
Facebook as a company
continues to experience
increased activity from
both users and advertisers.
ClickZ survey results reveal
that Facebook as a specific
channel will see a slight
dip in the number of active
advertisers this holiday
season, with 72% of brands
planning to run ads on
Facebook compared to the
75% of brands who did so in
This still places Facebook in
a very strong second position
in terms of advertiser volume,
behind only Google Search.
Figure 7. Is your company
planning to increase,
maintain, or decrease
its Facebook advertising
budget this holiday season,
compared with 2017?
Notably, 82% of retail brands
and 91% of travel companies
plan to advertise on Facebook
this year, making it the
number one advertising
channel for these two
industries in the 2018 holiday
Figure 8. (Right) Will your
company run Facebook
ads this holiday season?
(Segmented by industry)
Year-on-year decreases in
Facebook activity are most
notable in the financial
services and technology
industries. These advertisers
report an increase in spend
for display advertising
and LinkedIn, which may
represent a more targeted
distribution of budget based
on their audience’s behaviors.
Moreover, Facebook trails
only Google Search in most
categories. When asked to
select up to three answers,
76% of brands say Google
Search will be the most
important channel for driving
sales this holiday season, with
Facebook coming in at 46%
and Google Shopping at 23%.
Figure 9. Which of the
following will be most
important for your
company to drive BRAND
this holiday season?
Please select up to three.
Awareness Sales
since last year
8% Facebook also harbors a very
successful Instagram under
its wing. While Facebook may
be seeing a 3% decline in the
pure quantity of advertisers
this year, Instagram is seeing
a clear increase in brands
who plan to run ads on its
channel: 45% compared to
last year’s 40%. While this
falls short of the 72% of
brands planning to advertise
on Facebook, it’s obvious that
advertising on Instagram is
In fact, when looking at the
two platforms in relation to
each other, 94% of Instagram
advertisers will also run ads
on Facebook and 59% of
advertisers on Facebook say
they will also run Instagram
Figure 10. Will you run ads
on Facebook this holiday
94% of Instagram
advertisers will advertise on
68% of non-Instagram
advertisers will advertise on
While users and advertisers
alike might be adjusting
their habits, Facebook as a
whole is still seeing positive
growth and activity from both
In the next section, ClickZ’s
findings reveal that though
social and search function
differently, the two channels
can work together to
accomplish brand conversion
0% 100%
0% 100%
Search and social need
to work together, but
advertisers also need
to bear in mind that
consumer expectations
are different on each
In our survey, brands
were asked about their
biggest considerations in
social versus search when
planning their 2018 holiday
marketing budgets.
In analyzing our findings, it’s
important to note that search
and social serve different
user purposes. Therefore,
advertisers will use the
channels to achieve different
For example, where social
edges out search in
conversion goals and reach,
brands are considering search
a slightly more valuable
component for ROI.
All to say, while search and
social serve distinctly different
functions, the two converge
at the same point of making
money for brands.
Figure 11. Which of the
following will most affect
your advertising budget
this holiday season? Social
vs. search
Where once social was
primarily used for reach and
brand awareness, it is now a
pivotal channel for sales and
conversions as well.
Of course, the term
“conversion” has a broad
set of potential meanings,
from “liking” a brand page to
visiting the brand’s website
and making a purchase.
Nonetheless, these results
make clear that social is a
fundamental component of
many advertisers’ conversion
“Social is fantastic for luxury
research, but at a certain
price point the research
journey moves into search,
direct traffic, and referrals.
That’s where a strategy has to
take a comprehensive view of
the consumer journey, rather
than focusing exclusively
on social media.” - Nikolai
Social is a multifaceted
category that houses
a number of separate
disciplines. A comparison of
Social Search
Instagram, Facebook, and
Pinterest advertisers surfaces
some subtle distinctions
between the advertising
purposes of each. Instagram
and Facebook both over-
index versus the overall social
media average for ‘conversion
/ acquisition goals,’ while
Pinterest is above average for
“reach” and “ROI.”
Figure 12. Which of
the following will most
influence your SOCIAL
advertising plan for
the holiday season?
(Segmented by individual
social networks)
Overall Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Search is currently more
distinctly defined by a
combination of conversions
and cost, with brands still
seeing search as having a
better return on investment
than social.
Due to sheer weight of
numbers, Google Search is
contiguous with the search
advertiser average. The sales
focus of Amazon Advertising
still comes through, with
brands who plan to run
Amazon ads particularly
interested in how it can help
meet their conversion goals.
They are also influenced
mostly by the price of ads
on Amazon, owing largely
to the nascent nature of the
Figure 13. Which of
the following will most
influence your SEARCH
advertising plan for
the holiday season?
(Segmented by individual
search engines)
In summary, social is
being considered a more
serious contender as far as
conversion and acquisition,
while search is being seen as
more valuable for a company’s
The underlying distinction
between the two remains the
nature of consumer intent on
search versus social. Where
a searcher reveals their
intent—either implicitly or
explicitly—via their search
query, a social media user is
much less likely to do so in
this manner.
A social media user will
browse more often than
search, which fundamentally
shapes the challenge for
advertisers intent on reaching
their audience at the right
As search moves up the
traditional conversion funnel
by becoming more visual
and social moves down that
same funnel with increasing
emphasis on conversion and
customer acquisition, the two
will continue to converge in
evermore powerful ways.
Chris Costello, Senior Director
of Marketing Research at
Kenshoo, notes, “Search and
social advertising are both
aspiring to be full-funnel
experiences, which means
they are starting to overlap in
form and function.
Similarities for product ads
based off of data feeds is the
number one example.
Still, recognizing that there
are strong suits to each, and
that consumers will shift
across these channels is
critical to successful online
You can, and will, activate
your target audience in one
channel, and then capture
the resulting demand in
another. Plan, and measure,
In the next section, we will
explore the unique role ads on
Amazon will play during this
upcoming holiday season.
advertiser %
Google Search
Google Shopping
advertiser %
advertiser %
Advertising on Amazon
will increase significantly
over the 2018 holidays
compared to 2017, with
retailers viewing the
ecommerce giant as a vital
component of their sales
According to ClickZ data,
for those who do plan to
advertise on Amazon this
holiday season, advertising
during special occasions
seems to be a top priority.
Brands see Amazon ads
served to shoppers in closer
proximity to their final
purchase click as the perfect
place to boost revenue when
those shoppers are in a
buying mood for the holidays.
This tallies with the recent
Era of Ecommerce report,
which found that 50%
of ecommerce consumer
journeys start with a retailer
and 50% start with a search
Within the list of 20 retailers
in the Era of Ecommerce
research, Amazon is a
dominant presence and that
position will only be cemented
by the offers available
for Christmas and the
Thanksgiving weekend.
Similarly, 67% of brands
advertising on Amazon will
run Black Friday campaigns
and 63% will run Cyber
Monday campaigns, compared
to 47% and 38% respectively
of overall brands.
Figure 14. For which of the
following occasions will
you run specific advertising
campaigns this holiday
season? (Amazon vs.
survey average)
In fact, brands who are
including Amazon in their
marketing plans will allocate
an average of 21% of their
budgets to this channel.
Another third of their budgets
will go to Google in the form
of Search or Shopping ads.
Even though Google still
edges Amazon out in that
category, 21% is a substantial
proportion of a marketing
budget, making Amazon a
crucial consideration for
holiday marketing.
Figure 15. How will
your holiday advertising
budget be split across the
following channels?
Figure 16. How will your holiday advertising budget be split
across the following channels? (Amazon advertisers only)
Black Friday Cyber Monday Christmas
Paid search
(incl. Product
Listing Ads)
Paid social
(incl. Amazon)
Display ads
(incl. programmatic)
Native ads
Paid search
(incl. PLAs)
(incl. Amazon)
Paid social
Display ads
(incl. programmatic)
Native ads
According to Figures 14 and
15, surveyed brands reported
an average of 35% of
marketing budgets allocated
to paid search, while brands
who plan to advertise on
Amazon reported an average
of 33% of budgets going
towards the channel.
For all brand marketers
surveyed, paid social is the
next biggest investment
after paid search. However,
when looking at just
Amazon marketers,
ecommerce—rather than
paid social—is the next
biggest investment.
This allocation and these
occasion-specific marketing
plans point to one clear goal:
Brand marketers know that
many consumers are ditching
the malls and heading to
ecommerce stores in droves,
filling up online shopping
carts and even paying yearly
subscription fees to receive
two-day or same-day shipping.
Equally, marketers know
that consumers research
online and then make their
purchases in-store as well.
Recent ClickZ data from the
Era of Ecommerce report
found that 70% of consumers
do so “Sometimes,” and 15%
perform online research then
purchase offline “Always.”
That “Always” figure rises to
25% for consumers aged
This pattern surfaces in the
new data from the holiday
advertisers’ survey, too.
In fact, 50% of marketers
planning to advertise on
Amazon will run local ads this
holiday season (compared to
41% of all advertisers), in an
effort to connect offline and
online stores.
advertisers All advertisers
“Stories” are becoming
an integral part of the
social media experience,
giving users of Snapchat,
Instagram, and Facebook
the ability to post photos
and short videos for just 24
As this feature is becoming
more popular on Instagram
and Facebook (with a
reported 1 billion Facebook
Stories shared daily2
), brands
are including it in their
marketing budgets.
A further 31% considered
Messenger ads but did not
include them in this year’s
Q3/Q318-earnings-call-transcript.pdf 19
Figure 17. Which of the following new opportunities are you
including in your advertising for the 2018 holiday season?
Interestingly, Snapchat, the
app responsible for beginning
the Stories craze, will receive
very little of these marketing
dollars this holiday season
comparatively, with only
10% of brands planning to
advertise on the platform.
Although Snapchat initially
popularized this content
format with a mass audience,
its moves to attract
advertisers were slower to get
off the ground.
Instagram has taken the
format and run with it,
fine-tuning and improving
Snapchat’s innovation. In
the process, it has started
to prove to advertisers
that Stories can drive the
engagement they crave with
their target audiences.
This dynamic plays out in the
survey results. 62% of brands
who do plan to advertise on
Snapchat Stories will also
invest in Instagram Stories,
making it clear that marketers
will go where the users go.
If a brand advertises on
Snapchat, but their audience
starts to migrate to Instagram,
that brand will allocate money
to Instagram as well.
in plan
Considered for plan but
not included
Local ads 41.6%
Facebook Stories 37.8%
Automated ads 37.5%
Instagram Stories 36.9%
Visual search 24.1%
In-app ads 20.5%
Messenger ads 20.3%
Call intelligence 16.4%
Pinterest ads 15.1%
Instagram has seen the most
success with its Stories
feature since rolling it out in
2016, claiming more than
400 million daily users3
of the
popular feature. Facebook
as a platform is relatively
new to the concept and is
still finding its groove, having
only rolled out the feature in
the beginning of October this
This begs a question with
myriad possible answers:
What is it about Instagram
and Facebook Stories that’s
making advertisers latch on?
With the evolution of Stories,
brands see an opportunity
for more direct user
engagements through social
media, potentially in the form
of increased conversions.
However, they should
be viewed as a broader
marketing play rather than
a direct attempt to deliver
Chris Costello of Kenshoo
builds on this: “These ad types
are going to be more about
activating intent through
branding rather than capturing
it, which means you still need
to convert those potential
customers with other ads and
across other channels.”
This dynamic is clear within
the survey results. When
asked which trends they
see as the breakthrough
developments this holiday
season, answers from
advertisers include,
“Humanizing brand stories,”
“Making an emotional
connection through digital
ads,” and “Developing an
engaging narrative journey.”
Where the typical Instagram
post might fall short, the
Instagram Story has a
solution. Brands can now
connect with their audience
beyond sponsored products or
posts, and link to an outside
website through a Story.
The introduction of Stories
also allows brands to post
more frequently without
compromising style or
Of brands who do plan to
invest in Facebook Stories
this holiday season, 71%
of them think Facebook
will be the most important
channel for awareness and
63% think it will be the most
important for sales. 73% of
these brands plan to spend on
Instagram Stories as well.
While this newer option of
Stories is experiencing a
certain level of marketer
experimentation, many
brands still turn to smaller but
valuable channels as well, as
the next section will explore.
launches-advertising-stories/1494100 20
Visual search will be
a real growth area
this holiday season.
Advertisers should be
building their brand on
Pinterest if they want to
take advantage.
This year more than ever,
big brands are rounding
out their holiday marketing
strategies by increasing
spend on historically
smaller platforms such
as Pinterest, Twitter, and
Though these platforms won’t
experience quite as much
marketing spend this holiday
season as Google, Facebook,
and Instagram, they should
still be considered valuable
marketing opportunities for
both sales and awareness.
Some brands are particularly
keen on this.
One respondent to our survey
reported that their business
plans to “spend 10% on
something different to avoid
following the pack.”
“At Heineken, we’ve had
great results from Pinterest.
It allows brands to develop a
lifestyle aesthetic that goes
beyond just showcasing the
product.” - Nikolai Zeinokov,
Nikolai Zeinokov builds on
this point: “Also, Pinterest’s
demographic base is a bit
more senior than Instagram’s
and tends not to be mobile-
only, as is so often the case
with Instagram use. Therefore,
we found it easier to link out
to our website ecommerce
platform from Pinterest and
have seen some direct returns
on our investment.”
Even though the usual
suspects continue to get the
most user and marketing
traffic, people still are turning
to these other platforms in
significant numbers.
Brands will and should
continue to advertise on the
big channels, but allocating
dollars to the smaller ones will
gain them access to markets
that aren’t as saturated.
Chris Costello of Kenshoo
notes, “For Pinterest, it’s
discovery, but in a way that is
perhaps more comprehensive
than traditional search
According to the ClickZ
survey, many of the brands
that plan to advertise on
smaller platforms have the
luxury of large budgets that
allow them to do so.
Figure 18. (Right) Via
which advertising channels
/publishers will your
company run ads this year
for the holiday season?
(Annual digital advertising
budget of >$5M vs. budget
of <$5M)
Pinterest reports that more
than 1.5 million companies5
use the platform to advertise
each month.
Advertisers are able to
target users with the classic
Promoted Pins in three
different ways: customer or
email list targeting, website
visitor retargeting, and
lookalike targeting, which
allows brands to access
people who fit the profile
of their already existing
Pinterest also allows
advertisers to utilize Promoted
Video ads, citing a 2016
internal study which found
that people who watch
Promoted Videos were 2.6
times more likely to make a
purchase after watching a
brand’s ad6
On the Pinterest mobile app,
brands can advertise with a
Promoted App Pin, allowing
users to download different
brands’ apps directly from the
Pinterest app.
Snapchat also has a unique
edge this year, having formed
a partnership with Amazon.
Here’s how it works: A
Snapchat user simply needs
to open the app and take a
photo of the desired item or
the item’s barcode. If the item
is available on Amazon, the
user can click through directly
to Amazon and make the
>$5M <$5M
While marketers may need
time yet to adjust to this new
technology, the ability to shop
directly from social media
could certainly be a game
With a variety of marketing
opportunities and large
user bases—albeit fewer
than on Facebook or
Instagram—these smaller
platforms can be a crucial
element to a brand’s
marketing plan.
This sentiment is reflected in
ClickZ’s survey findings, which
revealed that 68% of brands
who spend on Pinterest
will also be increasing their
Google Search spending,
compared to 46% of the full
survey set.
Similarly, 74% of brands who
plan to invest in Snapchat ads
have increased their overall
budget since 2017. This
indicates a continued interest
in advertising on smaller
platforms. However, many
of these dollars are coming
from mature brands that can
already afford to spread and
maximize their bets.
Read on to the next section
for details about mobile’s
dominance and increased app
retailers-guide-to-awareness-campaigns-on-pinterest 23
Mobile advertisers
should aim to create
consumer confidence by
providing better on-site
While brands are still
increasing spend on search
and social platforms for
desktop, mobile seems to
be where the money really
73% of brands in our survey
believe that advertising on
mobile will be more important
than on desktop for sales
and 70% believe it will be
more important for brand
awareness, confirming that
mobile is not limited to only
certain tactics.
Rather, mobile is where
brands need to spend most of
their money, no matter their
marketing goals.
As Sissie Hsiao of Google
highlights, “Our experiences
with technology are becoming
universal (car, home, TV),
more natural (voice, Lens) and
more intelligent. As a result,
today’s consumer expects
brands to deliver experiences
that are helpful, personal, and
frictionless in everyday life.”
Figure 19. Do you think
advertising on mobile
devices is more important,
less important, or about the
during the holiday season,
compared to desktop?
Figure 20. Do you think
advertising on mobile
devices is more important,
less important, or about
the same for BRAND
AWARENESS during the
holiday season, compared
to a desktop?
That said, advertisers must
have the agility to adjust their
approaches in real-time to
reflect user behaviors.
Mobile-first does not mean
mobile-only, which can make
it challenging for advertisers
to plan their cross-device
Christi Olson of Microsoft
notes that mobile usage
will increase at different
points during the day, across
different industry verticals.
Advertisers must ensure that
their approach is fluid and
delivered by the right tools
and technology to cater to
these changing consumer
Andrew Spikes, Head of
Global Paid Search at UPS,
adds, “For us, it’s having
a robust and accurate
view of your cross-device
conversions. For conversion
events that are less efficient
on mobile devices, specifically
for B2B purchases, it’s
important to know the role
that mobile has had on
desktop transactions.”
It is in this interplay of device
usage that brands will find the
most success. Even if mobile
dominates awareness or
sales, desktop will often play
a vital assisting role.
The lack of screen space on
mobile means consumer trust
in the brand comes to the
forefront, as fewer options are
displayed without intentionally
scrolling to the next set of
Cindy Krum of MobileMoxie
states, “The mobile advantage
this holiday season will
go to brands that have
already worked to develop a
relationship with consumers.”
Slightly less
Much more
Slightly more
About the
Much less
Slightly less
Much more
Slightly more
About the
Much less
Just 26% of responding
brands state that they have
a standalone app. However,
that number rises dramatically
to 55% when looking at
brands with an annual
digital advertising budget
of $5 million or more. When
narrowed to all responding
retail brands, 42% say they
have a dedicated mobile app.
Naturally, these advertisers
will want to promote their
mobile app as part of their
holiday advertising strategy.
We see evidence of this in
increased spending on social
platforms and app advertising.
Facebook is the leader in
app advertising and Apple
trails behind in second, barely
edging out Google in third.
Where we might expect to
see Google as the leader
in this category also, app
marketers know to reach their
audiences through Facebook
and Apple instead. This
suggests that ads for apps
across the Google ecosystem
may be lagging somewhat
Figure 21. In which of the
following digital channels
do you advertise for your
mobile app? Please select
all that apply.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Apple Search
Google Universal
App Campaigns
Display ads
(outside of apps)
In-app ads
It is important to bear in mind
the different advertising
capabilities that each platform
provides. Where Facebook
offers enviable reach and
branding opportunities, Apple
and Google ads run mostly
within their respective app
stores, targeting users as they
browse or search items to
download to their devices.
The advantage for Apple here
may very well stem from how
“the app store” has largely
come to mean the Apple App
Store, rather than, say, Google
However, it is worth
considering that this is not
an either/or decision for
many advertisers. These
different strengths become
complementary when
incorporated into a full-funnel
app advertising strategy.
For example, Facebook can
play to its strengths by acting
as an upper-funnel awareness
channel, while Apple and
Google can focus on direct
conversion within their
respective storefronts.
Chris Costello of Kenshoo
adds, “While social advertising
has always been a
primary channel for app
Instagram and Snapchat
all do well in this
regard—we’re seeing more
scale from Google and Apple,
which gives advertisers more
opportunities to get in front of
potential customers closer to
the point of conversion in the
app stores themselves.
App advertisers have
always been particularly
sophisticated when it comes
to measuring acquisition
costs against broader metrics
like lifetime value, so they
are well-positioned to take
advantage of that increasing
Sophisticated advertisers
are mirroring the multi-
channel purchase paths
of their audiences with a
cross-channel marketing
strategy. This applies to the
area of app advertising just
as it does to cross-device
targeting and to the
search-social dynamic.
Mobile set the stage for
consumer expectations,
and advances in data
and machine learning
are enabling a world
where technology is all
around us—not just a
physical device that we
The holiday season is a
time for community and
togetherness, celebration
and laughter, charity and
As the season of giving
inches closer, brand
marketers are vying for
consumers’ attention and
dollars. According to ClickZ
and Kenshoo’s survey results,
we can conclusively say that
digital marketing spending
is on the rise and growing
more diverse, utilizing what
has worked in the past while
experimenting with new
opportunities as well.
As brands build upon a solid
marketing foundation that
has shown success in the
past, we expect to see a
shift in just how marketers
plan to deliver on acquisition
goals, using a more fluid
combination of spending on
search and social. We’ll see
a lot of advertiser activity
on the big platforms such
as Google, Facebook, and
Instagram. Retail marketers in
particular plan to go Amazon-
heavy, taking advantage of
major online shopping days
and events.
While past data is giving
brand marketers an idea
of how to use the most
popular channels for regular
marketing over the next
couple months, channels
and opportunities such as
Snapchat, Pinterest, and
Stories will see marketing
dollars as well, attracting
users and consumers from all
Marketers have an
opportunity this year to
adapt to and experiment
with innovative marketing
methods. The success of
these experiments will be
dictated by the snappers, the
shoppers, and the scrollers.
Analyzing what causes users
to pause and notice an ad
this year will help brand
marketers plan for the future,
predicting user habits and
preferences. Until then,
advertisers march onward,
hoping to reap the benefits
of consumer generosity this
holiday season.
Based on the ClickZ survey
and interviews with leading
brands, advertisers, and
publishers, it is clear that
this holiday season will
both consolidate existing
trends and create entirely
new ones in the digital
With so much to take account
of, the following is a handy
summary of the eight core
trends that will shape the
advertising landscape over
the coming months.
The big players will maintain their positions
At a time that can make or break a company’s year, advertisers are understandably
standing by what worked for them last year. 78% of responding brands will run ads via
Google Search, while 72% will invest in Facebook ads. That said, new opportunities
still arise within these platforms. Search advertisers are shifting more budget towards
remarketing and audience-based targeting, while visual search continues to emerge.
The Facebook / Instagram combination is compelling for advertisers
50% of brands advertising on Facebook over the holidays will increase their budget
from 2017, and just 8% plan to spend less. 45% of all responding brands will spend
on Instagram ads. Of those who spend on Instagram, an overwhelming 94% will also
run ads on Facebook. The Facebook / Instagram coverage of the social landscape is
compelling for both users and advertisers.
Search and social will work together to deliver on conversion goals
Where search may once have been viewed as the core sales driver and social the
queen of engagement, advertisers now see both as vital components of an acquisition
strategy. 36% say their conversion goals will be the driving force behind their social
strategy this holiday season, compared to 30% for search strategies. The interplay
between the two will help advertisers both create and capture demand.
Amazon Advertising means big business for retailers
Brands who plan to run Amazon ads will dedicate 21% of overall budget to this
channel, second only to Google Search at 33%. Moreover, 82% of these advertisers
will create Christmas-specific campaigns, and 67% will run dedicated campaigns for
Black Friday. For retailers in particular, holiday advertising means investing in Amazon
this year.
Stories formats point to a new potential future
Of the new advertising opportunities available in 2018, advertisers are gravitating
towards Facebook Stories (38% will invest in this format) and Instagram Stories
(37%). Facebook has long extolled the virtues of Stories and advertisers appear to be
listening. The possibilities are not lost on our survey respondents, many of whom view
new ways to tell stories as the key to connecting with consumers in the coming months
and years.
The holidays still provide room for experimentation
Although advertisers may be drawn to conservatism at such a pivotal time of year, many
are still leaving room in their plans to try something completely new. This is notable
among brands with annual digital marketing budgets of $5 million or more. 19% of
this subset will spend on Pinterest, compared to 9% of brands in the full survey set.
Nonetheless, some smaller advertisers say they will set aside “roughly 10%” of their
budget to try to go where their audience is active and their competitors are not.
Mobile is huge—but desktop isn’t going away
73% of responding brands believe mobile will be “more important” or “much more
important” than desktop for sales this holiday season. Just 10% believe desktop will
be the primary device for sales. However, these purchasing patterns are affected
by numerous factors including time of day, item price, and product category. Savvy
advertisers will pace their budgets accordingly and look into their data before
prioritizing one device over another.
Real-time optimization is essential for success
Last year’s performance data offers vital insight into how this year will go, but it offers
no guarantees that the same series of events will occur. Advertisers need to look
beyond their analytics dashboards to understand the current climate and project how it
will affect consumers. Next, they must use the right technology to respond to real-time
increases in impressions across platforms and devices. This precise and agile approach
will allow brands to maximize the sales potential of such a crucial period.

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Digital Marketing Trends: 2018 Holiday Season - ClickZ/Kenshoo

  • 2. In partnership with Kenshoo, ClickZ presents Digital Advertising Trends for the 2018 Holiday Season, a comprehensive report based on a survey of more than 300 marketers identifying specifically where brands will be spending, how this spending differs from last year’s, and what new media formats are being utilized. Within this report, we will delve beyond the surface of product announcements to see what advertisers are really prioritizing in their holiday spending plans. While Amazon edges towards a central position in the advertising landscape, both Google and Facebook have rolled out new capabilities to improve their respective advertising offerings as well. Meanwhile, Pinterest and Snapchat offer an enticing complement for brands seeking value beyond the emerging triopoly of Google, Facebook, and Amazon. In the process, the report also reveals a number of illuminating points about how brands believe their audiences will research, compare, and purchase products over the holidays. Brands will naturally use 2017’s holiday performance data as the yardstick for 2018’s projections, but that also brings with it some limitations. The context has changed markedly and there are plentiful new opportunities out there for those willing to experiment. We aim to offer an additional set of data points to feed these plans by revealing how the competition views the market, from Facebook Stories to Messenger ads, from Amazon ads to Universal App Campaigns (UACs). As a result, we hope this document will shed light on the advertiser and consumer trends that will define this crucial sales period for so many businesses. Clark Boyd Editor and Research Lead Digital Advertising Trends for the 2018 Holiday Season ABOUT THE REPORT
  • 3. CONTENTS Section 1. Foreword from Kenshoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Section 2. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Section 3. Key findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Section 5. The Facebook / Instagram combination is compelling for advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Section 6. Social and search work together towards advertisers’ goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Section 4. Marketers continue to reward size and scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Section 7. Amazon ads are growing in importance for retailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Section 8. Social media “Stories” matter and advertisers are tuning in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Section 9. Pinterest and Snapchat offer expanded reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Section 10. Mobile leads the way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Section 11. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Section 12. Key takeaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
  • 4. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON ABOUT THE REPORT FOREWORD FROM KENSHOO The holiday season has always been a juggernaut for both consumers and advertisers, but in today’s hyper-connected, omnichannel environment, the volume and complexity of online advertising continues to reach new heights each year. Fear of missing out isn’t just a viral meme for social media users anymore. It applies equally well to marketers trying to reach potential customers across all sorts of hashtags and all manner of media platforms. So how can we make sense of it? As our industry simultaneously monitors signals and data trails from dozens of disparate sources and draws conclusions from isolated anecdotes, we thought the simplest thing to do would be just to ask. Kenshoo, in partnership with ClickZ, interviewed more than 300 respondents across the spectrum of digital marketing and asked what they did last year for holiday marketing, what they’re doing this year, and how they’re doing it. Based on more than $10 million in advertising dollars managed on our platform every day, we know that the search, social, and ecommerce channels are critical for marketers this time of year, but how critical? And how are they being affected by new publishers and new formats? Our research will shine a light on some of the hot topics as we head into the colder temperatures, including adoption of publishers and platforms, shifting of spending priorities over time, and the emerging realities of our mobile world. Much like Charles Dickens, we see this effort as visiting holidays past, present, and future. There are insights here that may serve to validate your own strategy. You may find something that will help you correct your course as we barrel into the heart of the season. And you will get a better sense of the trends that will drive digital marketing into the future. ABOUT KENSHOO Kenshoo provides best-of-breed, full-funnel marketing activation on the channels with highest customer engagement, including search, social, and ecommerce, enabling success by maximizing channel impact and customer lifetime value. As the industry’s leading and award-winning digital marketing platform, Kenshoo delivers opportunities to re-engage and grow customers across the world’s leading publishers and all devices. 1
  • 5. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Christi Olson Head of Evangelism Microsoft Christi is the Head of Evangelism for Bing at Microsoft and is on the Board of Directors for the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and the University of Idaho School of Business. She has been recognized by PPC Hero and her peers as one of the Top 25 Most Influential PPC Experts in 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015. Her love for digital has driven her to speak at hundreds of conferences including AdWeek, the American Marketing Association, ClickZ and SEW, Digital Dealer, Digital Marketing Conference Series, SMX, PubCon, HeroConf, and Search Insider Summit. Andrew Spikes Head of Global Paid Search UPS Andrew Spikes is currently the Head of Global Paid Search at UPS. He’s a performance marketing leader with domain expertise in paid search, marketing strategy, and digital advertising. He currently oversees UPS’s global paid search program (36 countries including the US) and leads the digital media planning and optimization for UPS’s international digital marketing campaigns inclusive of programmatic display and video advertising, paid social, CRM, and SEO. Prior to UPS, he held similar digital marketing roles at national advertising agencies, venture capital- backed start-ups, and other Fortune 500 organizations. Chris Costello Senior Director of Marketing Research Kenshoo Chris is a marketing research and analysis professional with over 20 years of experience in digital marketing measurement, online behavioral analysis and traditional market research, playing an integral role in solving real problems with real data and providing clear courses of action in competitive business environments. At Kenshoo, he leads the planning and execution of a research agenda that delivers exceptional marketing value and thought leadership. Nikolai Zeinokov Ecommerce Director Heineken Recently included in Shopper Marketing’s “Who’s Who in Ecommerce 2017” and “Who’s Who in Digital Marketing for Shoppers 2018,” Nikolai has more than 10 consecutive years of winning in CPG Ecommerce and Digital Marketing. He’s worked in 16 different countries across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. His career includes senior ecommerce positions in companies such as The Walt Disney Company, Kimberly-Clark, and most recently Heineken USA. Cindy Krum CEO MobileMoxie Cindy Krum is the CEO and Founder of MobileMoxie, LLC, a mobile marketing consultancy and host of the most cutting-edge online mobile marketing and SEO tool set on the market. She brings fresh and creative ideas to her clients, providing on-site training and workshops, as well as speaking at national and international conferences on a regular basis. Cindy is an active member of the search community. She is passionate about bringing creative online marketing solutions to clients. Cindy is also the author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are, published by Que Publishing and now also available in German, Italian, Korean, and Chinese. Sissie Hsiao VP of Product, Mobile App Advertising Google Sissie Hsiao is the global product leader for Google mobile advertising. She leads product strategy and development for App monetization, reaching millions of apps and billions of app users. Her areas of responsibility include building a global business, leading both advertiser and publisher facing components of in- app advertising, as well as leadership on Google’s broader cross-device initiatives. Prior to her work on mobile ads, Sissie led all of Google’s cross-channel measurement and attribution efforts, and brought Google Display Network and DoubleClick for Advertisers measurement to Google Analytics. Prior to Google, Sissie was a Lead Program Manager at Microsoft, launching multiple versions of Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Sissie has a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley. 2
  • 6. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Today’s consumer can get exactly what they want, whenever they want it, instantly and effortlessly—which is changing how they expect brands to engage them. “” SISSIE HSIAO VP OF PRODUCT, MOBILE APP ADVERTISING GOOGLE
  • 7. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON KEY FINDINGS Marketers continue to reward size and scale. ClickZ research finds that 46% of brands plan to increase spending for the 2018 holiday season as compared to last year, 46% will spend roughly the same amount, and only 8% of brands will decrease their marketing budgets. Platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat will receive more marketing dollars than they did last year. However, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and display continue to be the primary beneficiaries of the general increase in spending. 46% of brands surveyed reported increased spending on Google Search, 40% on Facebook, and 36% on Instagram. Instagram and YouTube are on the rise. Instagram and YouTube have seen the biggest growth in digital marketing this year, percentage-wise. YouTube saw the biggest jump in advertiser participation, with 33% of brands planning to run ads on the platform this year compared to 26% in 2017. Instagram follows closely, with an increase from 40% last year to 45% in 2018. This growth suggests that advertisers are understanding a need to move to image- and video-based ads to engage modern consumers. The Facebook / Instagram combination is compelling for advertisers. Facebook as a company is experiencing increased user and advertiser activity. Survey results reveal that Facebook as a specific channel will see a slight dip in the number of active advertisers this holiday season, with 72% of brands planning to run ads on Facebook compared to the 75% of brands who did so in 2017. However, spending on Instagram, owned by Facebook, is increasing. 56% of brands who plan to invest in Facebook are also increasing their Instagram investment compared to 2017. So, while we are seeing a slight decrease in brands who plan to advertise on Facebook this year, the company as a whole will still experience a sizeable net gain in advertiser activity. 4
  • 8. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Social and search work together toward advertisers’ goals. Surveyed brands were asked about their biggest considerations in social versus search when planning their 2018 holiday marketing budgets. In analyzing our findings, it’s important to note that search and social serve different user and advertiser purposes. For example, where social leads in achieving conversion goals and reach, brands are considering search a slightly more valuable component for ROI. So, while search and social serve distinctly different functions, the two converge at the same point of making money for brands. Amazon ads are growing in importance for retailers. There’s no doubt that Amazon needs to be taken seriously as an advertising giant, with 56% of retail or ecommerce brands planning to maintain or increase their Amazon advertising budget this year. Advertisers view Amazon as an important component of a holiday sales strategy, alongside Google. While some reports say that budgets are shifting en masse from Google to Amazon1 , the heightened demand of the holiday season means brands are opting to cover all the bases. 86% of brands who plan to run ads on Amazon will also do so on Google. Social media “Stories” matter and advertisers are listening. Facebook and Instagram have adopted their own versions of Stories, providing users the chance to post without the pressure of getting “enough” likes and comments. Advertisers are starting to notice and aren’t letting the Stories opportunity slip by. 38% of brands state that they have included Facebook Stories in their holiday marketing plans and 37% have included Instagram Stories, making these two of the most popular new advertising opportunities for the 2018 holidays. 1 https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/08/google-search-losing- some-adverrtising-business-to-amazon-ad-sources.html Pinterest and Snapchat offer expanded reach. Big brands are rounding out their holiday marketing strategies this year by increasing spending on historically smaller platforms. Though these platforms won’t experience quite the same level of marketing spend this holiday season as Google, Facebook, and Instagram, they are still being considered valuable marketing opportunities for both sales and awareness. Mobile leads the way. As in years prior, spending on mobile marketing is on the rise. Consumers rely increasingly more on their mobile devices than they do on their desktops. In fact, 73% of brands believe advertising on mobile will be more important than on desktop for sales and 70% believe it will be more important for brand awareness, confirming that mobile’s significance is not restricted to certain strategies. Rather, mobile is where brands need to be spending and innovating, no matter their objective. As far as app advertising, Facebook remains the leader, and Apple trails behind in second, barely nudging out Google in third. Where we might expect Google to be another clear leader, according to our survey results Facebook and Apple advertisements appear to be more popular with marketers who are looking to drive app downloads and purchases this holiday season. 5
  • 9. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON MARKETERS CONTINUE TO REWARD SIZE AND SCALE As the 2018 holiday season nears, online shopping carts grow fuller. Businesses and consumers alike continue to go digital, and marketers are following suit. With the seemingly constant emergence of new social, search, and shopping platforms, we’re seeing the spending of brand marketing dollars increase and the net of spending cast a little wider. Overall, the survey results tell us that brands are investing more marketing dollars everywhere, from smaller platforms to large ones. Though marketing opportunities continue to diversify and channels such as YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest gain speed, the spending gap between the smaller channels and the big players—Google Search, Facebook, Instagram, and display—continues to increase, providing evidence that marketers know what channels work best and plan to invest accordingly. 78% OF RESPONDING BRANDS WILL RUN GOOGLE SEARCH ADS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, 72% WILL SPEND ON FACEBOOK ADS, 45% WILL SPEND ON INSTAGRAM, AND 39% WILL RUN DISPLAY ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. 6
  • 10. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON The year-on-year trend is one of modest growth for most channels in terms of sheer advertiser volume. Figure 1. Via which advertising channels / publishers will your company run ads for the holiday season? (2017 vs. 2018) This growth is put into sharper focus when we analyze the budgets advertisers have set aside for the 2018 holiday season. Looking at only the brands who plan to invest in advertising on each channel, the overwhelming consensus is that advertisers will grow their spend compared to the same period last year. CHANNEL Google Search 75.5% Facebook 75.2% Instagram 42.3% Display advertising 36.6% YouTube 26.3% 77.6% 2.1% 71.8% -3.4% 44.8% 4.6% 38.7% 2.1% 33.4% 7.1% 2017 2018 YOY CHANGE Bing Search 24.8% Google Shopping / Product Listing Ads 25.7% Twitter 23% Amazon Marketing Services 11.8% 27.3% 2.5% 26.4% 0.7% 25.8% 2.8% 15.6% 3.8% Other search engines 10.6% Pinterest 9.4% Bing Shopping / Product Listing Ads 6.6% Snapchat 4.8% 13.2% 2.6% 12.9% 3.5% 9.8% 3.2% 8.3% 3.5% 20182017 Figure 2. By how much is your company planning to increase budget over the holiday season compared with 2017 for the following channels? (Methodology note: Includes only advertisers that plan to invest in each channel.) A very small minority plan to decrease their investment this year, too: Figure 3. Is your company planning to increase or decrease budget over the holiday season compared with 2017 for the following channels? (Increase vs. decrease) 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% GoogleSearch Facebook Instagram Displayadvertising YouTube BingSearch GoogleShopping/ ProductListingAds Twitter AmazonMarketing Services Pinterest BingShopping/ ProductListingAds Snapchat 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% GoogleSearch Facebook Instagram Displayadvertising YouTube BingSearch GoogleShopping/ ProductListingAds Twitter AmazonMarketingServices Othersearchengines Pinterest BingShopping/ ProductListingAds Snapchat Plan to increase spend versus last year Plan to deacrease spend versus last year80% 60% 40% 20% 0% GoogleSearch Facebook Instagram Displayadvertising YouTube BingSearch GoogleShopping/ ProductListingAds Twitter AmazonMarketing Services Pinterest BingShopping/ ProductListingAds Snapchat 7
  • 11. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON With 63% of Instagram advertisers due to increase their investment in the channel, the overall Facebook share of the social media space is more impressive than ever. From this, we can see that advertisers know which channels deliver the highest return on the metrics that matter to them. As a general rule, if brands are running ads on a channel this holiday season, they plan to increase their investment. The stakes are high at such a crucial period. Nikolai Zeinokov notes, “Advertisers are risk-averse when they know they need to deliver on their numbers.” This trend also leads to the question of the specific tactics advertisers plan to employ. Christi Olson of Microsoft notes, “There will be consistency in where brands spend their ad dollars this year versus last year: search, shopping, and social. Specifically, we will see more investment in remarketing and audience targeting, as new and more effective capabilities take center stage. Advertisers have really seen the value of Shopping campaigns from the high levels of engagement they receive, particularly when they prioritize image quality.” Advertisers will tend to use last year’s performance figures as a benchmark for this holiday season, but this can be a limited source of data for a traffic or revenue projection. Numerous factors can affect the nature and location of consumer demand, which means brands need to pace their budgets and move to where their audience is active. Cindy Krum, CEO of MobileMoxie adds, “This year we have also seen the launch of a range of new mobile technologies, both in terms of smartphones and smart home devices. The majority of these are voice-enabled and those interactions will provide tech companies with a new data source to feed their advertisements.” CHANNEL Google Search 54% Facebook 50% Instagram 63% Display advertising 52% YouTube 55% 6% 4% 4% 3% 4% PLAN TO INCREASE SPEND VERSUS LAST YEAR PLAN TO DECREASE SPEND VERSUS LAST YEAR Bing Search 39% Google Shopping / Product Listing Ads 58% Twitter 51% Amazon Market Services 43% 5% 4% 4% 4% Pinterest 71% Bing Shopping / Product Listing Ads 48% Snapchat 48% 2% 10% 1% While last year’s data is a helpful barometer, new trends and behaviors will arise as this year’s holiday season progresses. Sissie Hsiao, VP of Product, Mobile App Advertising at Google, builds on this point to reflect on what is now a lengthy holiday spell for consumers rather than just a collection of individual, landmark dates: “It’s tempting to dedicate the majority of your marketing resources to the busy Black Friday-to- Cyber Monday period, but most holiday shoppers are active from October through the end of December. If you’re mainly (or only) targeting those days, you’ll miss the chance to connect with many potential customers. The trends we’re noticing reveal key information about holiday shoppers’ behavior: they are browsing and purchasing over longer stretches of time, and it’s more important than ever for brands to be there for them earlier in the season.” Instagram and YouTube are on the rise. Though we’re still seeing most of the dollars spent on the usual suspects, percentage- wise, Instagram and YouTube have seen the biggest growth this year. Compared to last year, marketing spending on Instagram went up by 5 percentage points and on YouTube by 7 percentage points. The rise in Instagram advertising activity is led by three industries in particular: publishing, retail, and travel. Figure 4. Will your company run ads on Instagram this holiday season? (2017 vs. 2018, segmented by industry) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Publishing Retail Travel 20182017 8
  • 12. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON The average across all industries for brands planning to run ads on Instagram is 45%, while the average among publishing, retail, and travel—the top three industries advertising on the platform—nears 55%. The brands in these industries are clearly paying attention to where their customers are. On average, publishing, retail, and travel increased their budgets by 12% this year, indicating that these industries are seeing bigger opportunity for awareness and sales on Instagram. Marketers are realizing that they need to up their game if they want to be noticed amid the quick scrolling and searching that characterize the consumer journey today. Sponsored posts on Instagram aim for the elusive “thumb-stopping” quality that causes a user to pause and engage with the content. On the YouTube side, brands need to rise to the challenges of the platform as well, finding the right balance between promoting awareness while not disrupting user experience with irrelevant ads before every video. Just 78% of the brands who plan to run ads on YouTube this holiday season also ran ads on the platform over the holidays in 2017. Of those who did spend on YouTube last year, 62% plan to increase their level of investment this year. This leads to the question of what role YouTube will play in a holiday marketing strategy. Looking only at those advertisers who will run YouTube ads this year, it is clear that its potential to drive brand awareness is a significant draw. 46% of YouTube advertisers see the video sharing platform as an important medium for increasing brand awareness, just edging out Facebook at 45%. This contrasts with the overall list of responding advertisers, of whom 72% say Facebook will be an essential brand awareness channel over the holidays. Figure 5. Which channel will be most important for your business for BRAND AWARENESS this holiday season? (YouTube advertisers vs. all advertisers) 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% YT advertisers All advertisiers YOU NEED THE RIGHT TECH ON THE BACK-END TO ENABLE YOU TO SCALE YOUR ADVERTISING STRATEGY AS NEW IMPRESSIONS OCCUR, THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF EACH DAY. - CHRISTI OLSON MICROSOFT “” The picture is markedly different when we look at the importance of YouTube for sales among these same advertisers. ­­Figure 6. Which channel will be most important for your business for SALES this holiday season? (YouTube advertisers only) 82% view Google Search as an important sales channel, followed by Facebook at 41%. Just 23% of brands who will advertise on YouTube feel it will be important for increasing sales. This sheds some light on the role YouTube will play within a wider holiday advertising strategy, alongside sales-driving activities. This provides a very healthy supplementary source of revenues for Google and Facebook, of course, while also allowing the duopoly to move directly into video advertising. The increase in marketing spend on both Instagram and YouTube this year tells us that brands are following user preferences for more image- and video-based ads and embracing these digital marketing changes. In the next section, ClickZ’s survey results reveal an evolving relationship between Facebook and its legion of advertisers. 75% 50% 25% 0% CHANNEL Google Search 82% YouTube 23% Facebook 41% 76% 11% 47% YT ADVERTISERS ALL ADVERTISERS YT advertisers All advertisiers 9
  • 13. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Ecommerce has blurred the boundaries between landmark dates; the holiday season now spans a period of months. “” ANDREW SPIKES HEAD OF GLOBAL PAID SEARCH UPS
  • 14. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON THE FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM COMBINATION IS COMPELLING FOR ADVERTISERS Facebook as a company continues to experience increased activity from both users and advertisers. ClickZ survey results reveal that Facebook as a specific channel will see a slight dip in the number of active advertisers this holiday season, with 72% of brands planning to run ads on Facebook compared to the 75% of brands who did so in 2017. This still places Facebook in a very strong second position in terms of advertiser volume, behind only Google Search. IN FACT, OF THE 72% OF BRANDS WHO PLAN TO ADVERTISE ON FACEBOOK, 50% PLAN TO INCREASE THEIR BUDGETS COMPARED TO LAST YEAR. 11
  • 15. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Figure 7. Is your company planning to increase, maintain, or decrease its Facebook advertising budget this holiday season, compared with 2017? Notably, 82% of retail brands and 91% of travel companies plan to advertise on Facebook this year, making it the number one advertising channel for these two industries in the 2018 holiday season. Figure 8. (Right) Will your company run Facebook ads this holiday season? (Segmented by industry) Year-on-year decreases in Facebook activity are most notable in the financial services and technology industries. These advertisers report an increase in spend for display advertising and LinkedIn, which may represent a more targeted distribution of budget based on their audience’s behaviors. Moreover, Facebook trails only Google Search in most categories. When asked to select up to three answers, 76% of brands say Google Search will be the most important channel for driving sales this holiday season, with Facebook coming in at 46% and Google Shopping at 23%. Figure 9. Which of the following will be most important for your company to drive BRAND AWARENESS and SALES this holiday season? Please select up to three. 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Google Search Facebook Instagram YouTube Display advertising Awareness Sales Increase 50% Increased significantly since last year 20.4% Same 42% Decrease 8% Facebook also harbors a very successful Instagram under its wing. While Facebook may be seeing a 3% decline in the pure quantity of advertisers this year, Instagram is seeing a clear increase in brands who plan to run ads on its channel: 45% compared to last year’s 40%. While this falls short of the 72% of brands planning to advertise on Facebook, it’s obvious that advertising on Instagram is growing. In fact, when looking at the two platforms in relation to each other, 94% of Instagram advertisers will also run ads on Facebook and 59% of advertisers on Facebook say they will also run Instagram ads. Figure 10. Will you run ads on Facebook this holiday season? 94% of Instagram advertisers will advertise on Facebook 68% of non-Instagram advertisers will advertise on Facebook While users and advertisers alike might be adjusting their habits, Facebook as a whole is still seeing positive growth and activity from both platforms. In the next section, ClickZ’s findings reveal that though social and search function differently, the two channels can work together to accomplish brand conversion goals. 0% 100% 0% 100% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Financial Services Media/Publishing Professional Services Retail Technology Travel 12
  • 16. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Search and social need to work together, but advertisers also need to bear in mind that consumer expectations are different on each channel. “” CHRISTI OLSON HEAD OF EVANGELISM MICROSOFT
  • 17. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON SOCIAL AND SEARCH WORK TOGETHER TOWARD ADVERTISERS’ GOALS In our survey, brands were asked about their biggest considerations in social versus search when planning their 2018 holiday marketing budgets. In analyzing our findings, it’s important to note that search and social serve different user purposes. Therefore, advertisers will use the channels to achieve different goals. For example, where social edges out search in conversion goals and reach, brands are considering search a slightly more valuable component for ROI. All to say, while search and social serve distinctly different functions, the two converge at the same point of making money for brands. 14
  • 18. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Figure 11. Which of the following will most affect your advertising budget this holiday season? Social vs. search Where once social was primarily used for reach and brand awareness, it is now a pivotal channel for sales and conversions as well. Of course, the term “conversion” has a broad set of potential meanings, from “liking” a brand page to visiting the brand’s website and making a purchase. Nonetheless, these results make clear that social is a fundamental component of many advertisers’ conversion strategies. “Social is fantastic for luxury research, but at a certain price point the research journey moves into search, direct traffic, and referrals. That’s where a strategy has to take a comprehensive view of the consumer journey, rather than focusing exclusively on social media.” - Nikolai Zeinokov Social is a multifaceted category that houses a number of separate disciplines. A comparison of Social Search WHERE ONCE SOCIAL WAS PRIMARILY USED FOR REACH AND BRAND AWARENESS, IT IS NOW A PIVOTAL CHANNEL FOR SALES AND CONVERSIONS AS WELL. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Conversion/ acquisitiongoals Returnon investment Reach Adpricing Overallchannel/ publisherbudget Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest advertisers surfaces some subtle distinctions between the advertising purposes of each. Instagram and Facebook both over- index versus the overall social media average for ‘conversion / acquisition goals,’ while Pinterest is above average for “reach” and “ROI.” Figure 12. Which of the following will most influence your SOCIAL advertising plan for the holiday season? (Segmented by individual social networks) Overall Instagram Facebook Pinterest 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Adpricing Conversion/ acquisitiongoals Channel budget Reach ROI 15
  • 19. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Search is currently more distinctly defined by a combination of conversions and cost, with brands still seeing search as having a better return on investment than social. Due to sheer weight of numbers, Google Search is contiguous with the search advertiser average. The sales focus of Amazon Advertising still comes through, with brands who plan to run Amazon ads particularly interested in how it can help meet their conversion goals. They are also influenced mostly by the price of ads on Amazon, owing largely to the nascent nature of the platform. Figure 13. Which of the following will most influence your SEARCH advertising plan for the holiday season? (Segmented by individual search engines) In summary, social is being considered a more serious contender as far as conversion and acquisition, while search is being seen as more valuable for a company’s ROI. The underlying distinction between the two remains the nature of consumer intent on search versus social. Where a searcher reveals their intent—either implicitly or explicitly—via their search query, a social media user is much less likely to do so in this manner. A social media user will browse more often than search, which fundamentally shapes the challenge for advertisers intent on reaching their audience at the right time. As search moves up the traditional conversion funnel by becoming more visual and social moves down that same funnel with increasing emphasis on conversion and customer acquisition, the two will continue to converge in evermore powerful ways. Chris Costello, Senior Director of Marketing Research at Kenshoo, notes, “Search and social advertising are both aspiring to be full-funnel experiences, which means they are starting to overlap in form and function. Similarities for product ads based off of data feeds is the number one example. Still, recognizing that there are strong suits to each, and that consumers will shift across these channels is critical to successful online advertising. You can, and will, activate your target audience in one channel, and then capture the resulting demand in another. Plan, and measure, accordingly.” In the next section, we will explore the unique role ads on Amazon will play during this upcoming holiday season. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Adpricing Conversion/ acquisition Channel budget Reach ROI Overall advertiser % Google Search advertisers% Google Shopping advertiser % Amazon advertiser % 16
  • 20. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON AMAZON IS GROWING IN IMPORTANCE— ESPECIALLY FOR RETAILERS Advertising on Amazon will increase significantly over the 2018 holidays compared to 2017, with retailers viewing the ecommerce giant as a vital component of their sales strategy. According to ClickZ data, for those who do plan to advertise on Amazon this holiday season, advertising during special occasions seems to be a top priority. Brands see Amazon ads served to shoppers in closer proximity to their final purchase click as the perfect place to boost revenue when those shoppers are in a buying mood for the holidays. This tallies with the recent Era of Ecommerce report, which found that 50% of ecommerce consumer journeys start with a retailer and 50% start with a search engine. Within the list of 20 retailers in the Era of Ecommerce research, Amazon is a dominant presence and that position will only be cemented by the offers available for Christmas and the Thanksgiving weekend. Similarly, 67% of brands advertising on Amazon will run Black Friday campaigns and 63% will run Cyber Monday campaigns, compared to 47% and 38% respectively of overall brands. 82% OF BRANDS THAT PLAN TO ADVERTISE ON AMAZON THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WILL RUN CHRISTMAS- SPECIFIC CAMPAIGNS, COMPARED TO 72% OF OVERALL BRANDS. 17
  • 21. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Figure 14. For which of the following occasions will you run specific advertising campaigns this holiday season? (Amazon vs. survey average) In fact, brands who are including Amazon in their marketing plans will allocate an average of 21% of their budgets to this channel. Another third of their budgets will go to Google in the form of Search or Shopping ads. Even though Google still edges Amazon out in that category, 21% is a substantial proportion of a marketing budget, making Amazon a crucial consideration for holiday marketing. Figure 15. How will your holiday advertising budget be split across the following channels? Figure 16. How will your holiday advertising budget be split across the following channels? (Amazon advertisers only) 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Black Friday Cyber Monday Christmas Paid search (incl. Product Listing Ads) 35% Paid social 20% Ecommerce channels (incl. Amazon) 16% Display ads (incl. programmatic) 13% Email 6% Other 6% Native ads 4% Paid search (incl. PLAs) 33% Ecommerce channels (incl. Amazon) 21% Paid social 17% Display ads (incl. programmatic) 17% Email 7% Other 3% Native ads 2% According to Figures 14 and 15, surveyed brands reported an average of 35% of marketing budgets allocated to paid search, while brands who plan to advertise on Amazon reported an average of 33% of budgets going towards the channel. For all brand marketers surveyed, paid social is the next biggest investment after paid search. However, when looking at just Amazon marketers, ecommerce—rather than paid social—is the next biggest investment. This allocation and these occasion-specific marketing plans point to one clear goal: sales. Brand marketers know that many consumers are ditching the malls and heading to ecommerce stores in droves, filling up online shopping carts and even paying yearly subscription fees to receive two-day or same-day shipping. Equally, marketers know that consumers research online and then make their purchases in-store as well. Recent ClickZ data from the Era of Ecommerce report found that 70% of consumers do so “Sometimes,” and 15% perform online research then purchase offline “Always.” That “Always” figure rises to 25% for consumers aged 18-34. This pattern surfaces in the new data from the holiday advertisers’ survey, too. In fact, 50% of marketers planning to advertise on Amazon will run local ads this holiday season (compared to 41% of all advertisers), in an effort to connect offline and online stores. Amazon advertisers All advertisers 18
  • 22. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON SOCIAL MEDIA “STORIES” MATTER AND ADVERTISERS ARE TUNING IN “Stories” are becoming an integral part of the social media experience, giving users of Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook the ability to post photos and short videos for just 24 hours. As this feature is becoming more popular on Instagram and Facebook (with a reported 1 billion Facebook Stories shared daily2 ), brands are including it in their marketing budgets. A further 31% considered Messenger ads but did not include them in this year’s strategy. 38% OF BRANDS ARE INCLUDING FACEBOOK STORIES INTO THEIR HOLIDAY MARKETING PLANS AND 37% ARE INCLUDING INSTAGRAM STORIES. 2 https://s21.q4cdn.com/399680738/files/doc_financials/2018/ Q3/Q318-earnings-call-transcript.pdf 19
  • 23. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Figure 17. Which of the following new opportunities are you including in your advertising for the 2018 holiday season? Interestingly, Snapchat, the app responsible for beginning the Stories craze, will receive very little of these marketing dollars this holiday season comparatively, with only 10% of brands planning to advertise on the platform. Although Snapchat initially popularized this content format with a mass audience, its moves to attract advertisers were slower to get off the ground. Instagram has taken the format and run with it, fine-tuning and improving Snapchat’s innovation. In the process, it has started to prove to advertisers that Stories can drive the engagement they crave with their target audiences. This dynamic plays out in the survey results. 62% of brands who do plan to advertise on Snapchat Stories will also invest in Instagram Stories, making it clear that marketers will go where the users go. If a brand advertises on Snapchat, but their audience starts to migrate to Instagram, that brand will allocate money to Instagram as well. 50% 40% 30% 20% 0% Localads 10% FacebookStories Automatedads InstagramStories Visualsearch In-appads Messengerads Callintelligence Pinterestads Included in plan Considered for plan but not included ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY Local ads 41.6% Facebook Stories 37.8% Automated ads 37.5% Instagram Stories 36.9% Visual search 24.1% 25.3% 29.4% 27.2% 30% 23.7% INCLUDED IN PLAN CONSIDERED FOR PLAN BUT NOT INCLIDED In-app ads 20.5% Messenger ads 20.3% Call intelligence 16.4% Pinterest ads 15.1% 30.8% 20.8% 23.7% 24.6% Instagram has seen the most success with its Stories feature since rolling it out in 2016, claiming more than 400 million daily users3 of the popular feature. Facebook as a platform is relatively new to the concept and is still finding its groove, having only rolled out the feature in the beginning of October this year4 . This begs a question with myriad possible answers: What is it about Instagram and Facebook Stories that’s making advertisers latch on? With the evolution of Stories, brands see an opportunity for more direct user engagements through social media, potentially in the form of increased conversions. However, they should be viewed as a broader marketing play rather than a direct attempt to deliver acquisitions. Chris Costello of Kenshoo builds on this: “These ad types are going to be more about activating intent through branding rather than capturing it, which means you still need to convert those potential customers with other ads and across other channels.” This dynamic is clear within the survey results. When asked which trends they see as the breakthrough developments this holiday season, answers from advertisers include, “Humanizing brand stories,” “Making an emotional connection through digital ads,” and “Developing an engaging narrative journey.” Where the typical Instagram post might fall short, the Instagram Story has a solution. Brands can now connect with their audience beyond sponsored products or posts, and link to an outside website through a Story. The introduction of Stories also allows brands to post more frequently without compromising style or aesthetic. Of brands who do plan to invest in Facebook Stories this holiday season, 71% of them think Facebook will be the most important channel for awareness and 63% think it will be the most important for sales. 73% of these brands plan to spend on Instagram Stories as well. While this newer option of Stories is experiencing a certain level of marketer experimentation, many brands still turn to smaller but valuable channels as well, as the next section will explore. THESE AD TYPES ARE GOING TO BE MORE ABOUT ACTIVATING INTENT THROUGH BRANDING RATHER THAN CAPTURING IT, WHICH MEANS YOU STILL NEED TO CONVERT THOSE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH OTHER ADS AND ACROSS OTHER CHANNELS. - CHRIS COSTELLO KENSHOO “” 3 https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/28/instagram- stories-daily-active-users-double-snapchats.html 4 https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/facebook- launches-advertising-stories/1494100 20
  • 24. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Visual search will be a real growth area this holiday season. Advertisers should be building their brand on Pinterest if they want to take advantage. “” NIKOLAI ZEINOKOV ECOMMERCE DIRECTOR HEINEKEN
  • 25. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON PINTEREST AND SNAPCHAT OFFER EXPANDED REACH This year more than ever, big brands are rounding out their holiday marketing strategies by increasing spend on historically smaller platforms such as Pinterest, Twitter, and Snapchat. Though these platforms won’t experience quite as much marketing spend this holiday season as Google, Facebook, and Instagram, they should still be considered valuable marketing opportunities for both sales and awareness. Some brands are particularly keen on this. One respondent to our survey reported that their business plans to “spend 10% on something different to avoid following the pack.” “At Heineken, we’ve had great results from Pinterest. It allows brands to develop a lifestyle aesthetic that goes beyond just showcasing the product.” - Nikolai Zeinokov, Heineken Nikolai Zeinokov builds on this point: “Also, Pinterest’s demographic base is a bit more senior than Instagram’s and tends not to be mobile- only, as is so often the case with Instagram use. Therefore, we found it easier to link out to our website ecommerce platform from Pinterest and have seen some direct returns on our investment.” Even though the usual suspects continue to get the most user and marketing traffic, people still are turning to these other platforms in significant numbers. Brands will and should continue to advertise on the big channels, but allocating dollars to the smaller ones will gain them access to markets that aren’t as saturated. Chris Costello of Kenshoo notes, “For Pinterest, it’s discovery, but in a way that is 22
  • 26. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON perhaps more comprehensive than traditional search engines.” According to the ClickZ survey, many of the brands that plan to advertise on smaller platforms have the luxury of large budgets that allow them to do so. Figure 18. (Right) Via which advertising channels /publishers will your company run ads this year for the holiday season? (Annual digital advertising budget of >$5M vs. budget of <$5M) Pinterest reports that more than 1.5 million companies5 use the platform to advertise each month. Advertisers are able to target users with the classic Promoted Pins in three different ways: customer or email list targeting, website visitor retargeting, and lookalike targeting, which allows brands to access people who fit the profile of their already existing audience. Pinterest also allows advertisers to utilize Promoted Video ads, citing a 2016 internal study which found that people who watch Promoted Videos were 2.6 times more likely to make a purchase after watching a brand’s ad6 . On the Pinterest mobile app, brands can advertise with a Promoted App Pin, allowing users to download different brands’ apps directly from the Pinterest app. Snapchat also has a unique edge this year, having formed a partnership with Amazon. Here’s how it works: A Snapchat user simply needs to open the app and take a photo of the desired item or the item’s barcode. If the item is available on Amazon, the user can click through directly to Amazon and make the purchase. 25% 20% 15% 10% 0% Pinterest 5% Snapchat Channel >$5M <$5M 25% OF BRANDS WITH AN ANNUAL DIGITAL MARKETING BUDGET OF $5 MILLION OR MORE WILL INVEST IN PINTEREST ADS THIS YEAR, VERSUS JUST 9% OF ADVERTISERS WITH A SMALLER BUDGET. While marketers may need time yet to adjust to this new technology, the ability to shop directly from social media could certainly be a game changer. With a variety of marketing opportunities and large user bases—albeit fewer than on Facebook or Instagram—these smaller platforms can be a crucial element to a brand’s marketing plan. This sentiment is reflected in ClickZ’s survey findings, which revealed that 68% of brands who spend on Pinterest will also be increasing their Google Search spending, compared to 46% of the full survey set. Similarly, 74% of brands who plan to invest in Snapchat ads have increased their overall budget since 2017. This indicates a continued interest in advertising on smaller platforms. However, many of these dollars are coming from mature brands that can already afford to spread and maximize their bets. Read on to the next section for details about mobile’s dominance and increased app advertising. 5 https://business.pinterest.com/en/blog/250- million-people-now-use-pinterest-each-month 6 https://business.pinterest.com/en/blog/the- retailers-guide-to-awareness-campaigns-on-pinterest 23
  • 27. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Mobile advertisers should aim to create consumer confidence by providing better on-site experiences. “” CINDY KRUM CEO MOBILEMOXIE
  • 28. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON MOBILE LEADS THE WAY While brands are still increasing spend on search and social platforms for desktop, mobile seems to be where the money really is. 73% of brands in our survey believe that advertising on mobile will be more important than on desktop for sales and 70% believe it will be more important for brand awareness, confirming that mobile is not limited to only certain tactics. Rather, mobile is where brands need to spend most of their money, no matter their marketing goals. As Sissie Hsiao of Google highlights, “Our experiences with technology are becoming universal (car, home, TV), more natural (voice, Lens) and more intelligent. As a result, today’s consumer expects brands to deliver experiences that are helpful, personal, and frictionless in everyday life.” 25
  • 29. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Figure 19. Do you think advertising on mobile devices is more important, less important, or about the same for DRIVING SALES during the holiday season, compared to desktop? Figure 20. Do you think advertising on mobile devices is more important, less important, or about the same for BRAND AWARENESS during the holiday season, compared to a desktop? That said, advertisers must have the agility to adjust their approaches in real-time to reflect user behaviors. Mobile-first does not mean mobile-only, which can make it challenging for advertisers to plan their cross-device strategy. Christi Olson of Microsoft notes that mobile usage will increase at different points during the day, across different industry verticals. Advertisers must ensure that their approach is fluid and delivered by the right tools and technology to cater to these changing consumer needs. Andrew Spikes, Head of Global Paid Search at UPS, adds, “For us, it’s having a robust and accurate view of your cross-device conversions. For conversion events that are less efficient on mobile devices, specifically for B2B purchases, it’s important to know the role that mobile has had on desktop transactions.” It is in this interplay of device usage that brands will find the most success. Even if mobile dominates awareness or sales, desktop will often play a vital assisting role. The lack of screen space on mobile means consumer trust in the brand comes to the forefront, as fewer options are displayed without intentionally scrolling to the next set of results. Cindy Krum of MobileMoxie states, “The mobile advantage this holiday season will go to brands that have already worked to develop a relationship with consumers.” Slightly less important 6.6% Much more important 39.9% Slightly more important 32.6% About the same 16.6% Much less important 4.3% Slightly less important 3.5% Much more important 38.8% Slightly more important 31.4% About the same 20.5% Much less important 5.8% FOR LUXURY BRANDS, MOBILE IS FANTASTIC FOR INITIAL AWARENESS, BUT DESKTOP IS VITAL FOR BOTH COMPARISON AND PURCHASE. - NIKOLAI ZEINOKOV HEINEKEN “” Just 26% of responding brands state that they have a standalone app. However, that number rises dramatically to 55% when looking at brands with an annual digital advertising budget of $5 million or more. When narrowed to all responding retail brands, 42% say they have a dedicated mobile app. Naturally, these advertisers will want to promote their mobile app as part of their holiday advertising strategy. We see evidence of this in increased spending on social platforms and app advertising. Facebook is the leader in app advertising and Apple trails behind in second, barely edging out Google in third. Where we might expect to see Google as the leader in this category also, app marketers know to reach their audiences through Facebook and Apple instead. This suggests that ads for apps across the Google ecosystem may be lagging somewhat behind. Figure 21. In which of the following digital channels do you advertise for your mobile app? Please select all that apply. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Facebook Apple Search Google Universal App Campaigns Display ads (outside of apps) Bing In-app ads Pinterest Snapchat 26
  • 30. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON It is important to bear in mind the different advertising capabilities that each platform provides. Where Facebook offers enviable reach and branding opportunities, Apple and Google ads run mostly within their respective app stores, targeting users as they browse or search items to download to their devices. The advantage for Apple here may very well stem from how “the app store” has largely come to mean the Apple App Store, rather than, say, Google Play. However, it is worth considering that this is not an either/or decision for many advertisers. These different strengths become complementary when incorporated into a full-funnel app advertising strategy. For example, Facebook can play to its strengths by acting as an upper-funnel awareness channel, while Apple and Google can focus on direct conversion within their respective storefronts. Chris Costello of Kenshoo adds, “While social advertising has always been a primary channel for app advertisers—Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat all do well in this regard—we’re seeing more scale from Google and Apple, which gives advertisers more opportunities to get in front of potential customers closer to the point of conversion in the app stores themselves. App advertisers have always been particularly sophisticated when it comes to measuring acquisition costs against broader metrics like lifetime value, so they KNOWING A LARGE PORTION OF TIME SPENT ON SMARTPHONES TODAY HAPPENS IN APPS, DEVELOPERS AND MARKETERS ARE PARTNERING TO GET SMARTER ABOUT FINDING WAYS TO MEET CONSUMERS ON THEIR OWN TURF. - SISSIE HSIAO GOOGLE “” are well-positioned to take advantage of that increasing opportunity.” Sophisticated advertisers are mirroring the multi- channel purchase paths of their audiences with a cross-channel marketing strategy. This applies to the area of app advertising just as it does to cross-device targeting and to the search-social dynamic. 27
  • 31. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON Mobile set the stage for consumer expectations, and advances in data and machine learning are enabling a world where technology is all around us—not just a physical device that we carry. “” SISSIE HSIAO VP OF PRODUCT MOBILE APP ADVERTISING GOOGLE
  • 32. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON CONCLUSION The holiday season is a time for community and togetherness, celebration and laughter, charity and generosity. As the season of giving inches closer, brand marketers are vying for consumers’ attention and dollars. According to ClickZ and Kenshoo’s survey results, we can conclusively say that digital marketing spending is on the rise and growing more diverse, utilizing what has worked in the past while experimenting with new opportunities as well. As brands build upon a solid marketing foundation that has shown success in the past, we expect to see a shift in just how marketers plan to deliver on acquisition goals, using a more fluid combination of spending on search and social. We’ll see a lot of advertiser activity on the big platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Retail marketers in particular plan to go Amazon- heavy, taking advantage of major online shopping days and events. While past data is giving brand marketers an idea of how to use the most popular channels for regular marketing over the next couple months, channels and opportunities such as Snapchat, Pinterest, and Stories will see marketing dollars as well, attracting users and consumers from all sides. Marketers have an opportunity this year to adapt to and experiment with innovative marketing methods. The success of these experiments will be dictated by the snappers, the shoppers, and the scrollers. Analyzing what causes users to pause and notice an ad this year will help brand marketers plan for the future, predicting user habits and preferences. Until then, advertisers march onward, hoping to reap the benefits of consumer generosity this holiday season. 29
  • 33. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON KEY TAKEAWAYS Based on the ClickZ survey and interviews with leading brands, advertisers, and publishers, it is clear that this holiday season will both consolidate existing trends and create entirely new ones in the digital world. With so much to take account of, the following is a handy summary of the eight core trends that will shape the advertising landscape over the coming months. 30
  • 34. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TRENDS 2018 HOLIDAY SEASON The big players will maintain their positions At a time that can make or break a company’s year, advertisers are understandably standing by what worked for them last year. 78% of responding brands will run ads via Google Search, while 72% will invest in Facebook ads. That said, new opportunities still arise within these platforms. Search advertisers are shifting more budget towards remarketing and audience-based targeting, while visual search continues to emerge. The Facebook / Instagram combination is compelling for advertisers 50% of brands advertising on Facebook over the holidays will increase their budget from 2017, and just 8% plan to spend less. 45% of all responding brands will spend on Instagram ads. Of those who spend on Instagram, an overwhelming 94% will also run ads on Facebook. The Facebook / Instagram coverage of the social landscape is compelling for both users and advertisers. Search and social will work together to deliver on conversion goals Where search may once have been viewed as the core sales driver and social the queen of engagement, advertisers now see both as vital components of an acquisition strategy. 36% say their conversion goals will be the driving force behind their social strategy this holiday season, compared to 30% for search strategies. The interplay between the two will help advertisers both create and capture demand. Amazon Advertising means big business for retailers Brands who plan to run Amazon ads will dedicate 21% of overall budget to this channel, second only to Google Search at 33%. Moreover, 82% of these advertisers will create Christmas-specific campaigns, and 67% will run dedicated campaigns for Black Friday. For retailers in particular, holiday advertising means investing in Amazon this year. Stories formats point to a new potential future Of the new advertising opportunities available in 2018, advertisers are gravitating towards Facebook Stories (38% will invest in this format) and Instagram Stories (37%). Facebook has long extolled the virtues of Stories and advertisers appear to be listening. The possibilities are not lost on our survey respondents, many of whom view new ways to tell stories as the key to connecting with consumers in the coming months and years. The holidays still provide room for experimentation Although advertisers may be drawn to conservatism at such a pivotal time of year, many are still leaving room in their plans to try something completely new. This is notable among brands with annual digital marketing budgets of $5 million or more. 19% of this subset will spend on Pinterest, compared to 9% of brands in the full survey set. Nonetheless, some smaller advertisers say they will set aside “roughly 10%” of their budget to try to go where their audience is active and their competitors are not. Mobile is huge—but desktop isn’t going away 73% of responding brands believe mobile will be “more important” or “much more important” than desktop for sales this holiday season. Just 10% believe desktop will be the primary device for sales. However, these purchasing patterns are affected by numerous factors including time of day, item price, and product category. Savvy advertisers will pace their budgets accordingly and look into their data before prioritizing one device over another. Real-time optimization is essential for success Last year’s performance data offers vital insight into how this year will go, but it offers no guarantees that the same series of events will occur. Advertisers need to look beyond their analytics dashboards to understand the current climate and project how it will affect consumers. Next, they must use the right technology to respond to real-time increases in impressions across platforms and devices. This precise and agile approach will allow brands to maximize the sales potential of such a crucial period.