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Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2022
“Guidelines on the Selection
of SHS-TVL Specializations”
Bureau of Curriculum Development
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
DO 54, s. 2022 “ Guidelines
on the Selection of Senior
High School- Technical,
Vocational, and Livelihood
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Learner centeredness
Medium Term
Short Term
Long Term
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
It is important to remember however that a key feature of the K to 12 curriculum
is its emphasis on learner-centeredness. Therefore, learners’ preference must be
taken into consideration vis-à-vis the local and national development priorities of
the country.
Using the principles of learner-centeredness, relevance, disaggregation, and
localization, this policy provides the guidelines which shall enable SHSs to decide
on the best possible roster of specializations to offer by identifying the
intersections between the national and local development priorities, learners’
preference and input, and SDOs’/schools’ capacity to offer specific TVL
This policy shall augment the absence of existing guidelines outlining the
processes to undertake to ensure that TVL specializations offered by SHSs are in
sync with learners’ preference, SDO and school capacity, and local and national
development priorities.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
These guidelines shall be anchored on the principles of learner-centeredness,relevance,
disaggregation, and localization.
Enable schools to organize data from learners, the national, regional, and local
development priority documents and data sources, and capacity of SDOs and
schools to offer identified TVL specializations.
The provisions in this policy shall help Regional Offices (ROs), SDOs and schools
decide on which TVL specializations to offer.
The procedures outlined in the policy will be take effect starting School Year
2023 while the offering of the streamlined list of TVL specializations will be
implemented from School Year 2024 onwards.
Private schools, state universities and colleges who offer SHS TVL may adopt this policy. This
policy shall only cover the current list of SHS TVL specializations.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
subdivision of national development plans/priorities based on local
development plans.
refers to the priority allotted for learners’ preferred TVL specializations.
It pertains to ensuring that priorities are in-line with the context at the
province/city/municipal level
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Relevance alignment of technical skills development to local and national
development plans
Collective term for a range of technical skills for a specific area or field
(i.e., processed food and beverages, garments, electronics, and
Special Program for
the Technical-
Livelihood (TVL)
different specializations and programs under/related to TVL. Included in
this category are the SHS Maritime Specialization, SHS Basic
Conservation Program, and the Special Program in Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood and Education (SPTVE) Program
Space refers to the immediate physical space near schools.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Policy Statement
To institutionalize the steps to be undertaken by ROs, SDOs,
and TVL SHSs to identify the TVL specializations to offer.
Through this policy, SHSs shall offer SHS TVL specializations
appropriate to learners’ preferences, local and national
development plans, and school and SDO capacity. As a result,
learners will be ready for any of the four exits of Senior High
School—employment, entrepreneurship, middle-level skills
development, and higher education.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
The principle of learner-centeredness is based on Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act (RA) 10533. This section mandates that the K
to 12 curriculum should be learner-centered. In this policy, learner preference is
given importance through the learner preference survey distributed to learners and
the gathering of schools’ enrolment data per specialization.
The second principle, the principle of relevance, is centered around the alignment of
the SHS TVL priorities to sectors that have high growth and increased prospects for
employment. National and regional plans will be used as the basis to identify these
relevant sectors.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
The third principle, disaggregation, is divided into two—disaggregation by sector and
disaggregation by space. Disaggregation by sector provides a clearer picture of sectors and their
sub-sectors. When taken in general, sectors may be seen to have low growth or may not have
many opportunities for employment. However, subsectors within these groups may not all have
the same behavior. Disaggregating sectors into their sub-sectors is a way to identify sub-sectors
which are doing better than others in terms of growth and employment.
Spatial disaggregation, on the other hand, is based on geographic priorities and challenges. Both
disaggregation by sector and space should be combined, which is what can be found in the
Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022.
Finally, the principle of localization highlights how information from the closest surroundings of
schools act as the more immediate reference for SHS TVL. Province/municipality/city plans and
data will be used to both disaggregate and localize national and regional plans. Learners’
preference and all data gathered at the local and national level will be studied vis-à-vis the SDO
and schools’ capacity to offer identified specializations.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
The resulting
intersections from the
four data sets from each
governance level shall be
used by schools to
decide on which TVL
specializations should be
To identify the intersections, the following steps shall
be followed by SHSs…..
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Annex A. School’s Enrolment
1. Schools shall study the
SHS TVL enrolment data
per specialization
(current SY and for the
past three years). Grade
11 and 12 school
enrolment data shall be
recorded per
specialization and sector.
This information may be
lifted from the LIS.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
2. Schools shall conduct a survey with Junior High
School (JHS) learners, asking them to identify five
preferred specializations per strand.
Annex B. Learner Survey
For Steps 1 and 2, if the SHS is a stand-alone school, the school shall
refer to the enrolment data and conduct the learner preference survey
with students from their feeder JHSs.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
3. Schools shall conduct an internal school assessment. Information on the number of
available lecture rooms, laboratories, equipment, learning resources, faculty (with TM
and NC), and work immersion sites may be lifted from the School-Based Management
(SBM) data.
Annex C.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
4. Schools shall study local development plans to identify the specializations which
contribute to the growth of the local economy, generate the highest employment,
and can accommodate learners for employment.
Annex C.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
4. Schools shall study local development plans to identify the
specializations which contribute to the growth of the local economy,
generate the highest employment, and can accommodate learners for
Annex D. Local Development Information
What are the specializations
that contribute to the
growth of the local
What are the specializations
that generate the highest
What are the specializations
that can accommodate
learners for employment?
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
5. Schools shall study the national priorities from national development plans. Based on
the current list of SHS TVL specializations, identify the priority sectors listed in these
plans (i.e., AmBisyon Natin 2040, National Technical Education Skills Development
Plan, etc).
Annex E. Data Summary
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
6. Schools shall identify the specializations that fit all these five
a.Specialization is among those with the greatest number of
b.Specialization is among the Top 5 preferred specializations
per strand, based on the ranking of specializations from the
Learner Preference Survey
c.School has sufficient requirements to offer specialization
d.Specialization is in the local development plans/priorities
e.Specialization is in the national development
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Based on these criteria, schools shall list the specializations which they
will continue to offer. Schools shall only choose the specializations
which are common among the four data sets considered. Schools shall
also justify offerings which will be continued despite lacking
Schools may also indicate new/unique specializations to offer based
on their data gathering and analysis. They are then directed to
follow the provisions listed in DepEd Order 51, s. 2015 (Guidelines
on the Implementation of the SHS Program in Existing Public JHSs
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public High
Schools, and Conversion of Existing Public Elementary and JHSs
into Stand-Alone SHSs) and DepEd Order 76, s. 2016 (SHS School
Manual of Operations Volume 1) as needed.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
School Level
the Data to be
submitted to
SDO Level
verify the
School’s Data
Release the
Process of Submission
and Approval
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Table 3. Information to be Gathered by Schools
and their Purpose
Information Purpose
Grades 11 and 12
Enrolment Data
Provides information on the number of SHS students enrolled per
strand, sector, and specialization
Learner Preference
Provides insight on learner’s preference in terms of the SHS TVL
specializations they would like to enroll in
School’s Internal
Itemizes the existing laboratories, equipment, learning resources,
faculty, and work immersion venues per sector and specialization
Local and National
Development Information
Shows the specializations which contribute to the growth of the
national and local economy, generate the highest employment, and
can accommodate learners for employment
School’s Data Summary Provides a space to summarize findings, list specializations which
will be continued, and new specializations which will be proposed
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Table 4.
Timeline and
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Monitoring and Evaluation
The Central Office through the Bureau of Curriculum Development and the Bureau of Learning Delivery shall provide technical
assistance as needed through input on curriculum and list of specializations to be offered based on the TLE and TVL
Curriculum Framework and the Rationalization of TLE and TVL specializations.
ROs, through the CLMD shall monitor compliance of SDOs to this policy. RO CLMD will also provide technical assistance
during implementation.
SDOs through the CID and the TLE/TVL Supervisor, shall monitor compliance of SHS TVL schools to all procedures in this
policy. They will utilize data at their disposal accurately.
Schools through the Principal, Registrar, and the SHS/TLE/TVL Focal Person shall monitor their enrolment, specializations
they offer, compliance with required facilities, availability of resources, and other relevant data.
SDOs shall submit the summary of data gathered to the RO. ROs will consolidate reports and submit the summary to the
BCD. These shall be done every end of the school year.
The DepEd Central Office, through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), shall validate the consolidated reports from
the ROs and evaluate the implementation of the policy. BCD shall also conduct an outcome evaluation of this policy after its
third-year implementation.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
Effectivity/Transitory Provision
The procedures outlined in the policy shall take effect starting
School Year 2023 while the offering of the streamlined list of TVL
specializations will be implemented from School Year 2024
onwards. The policy shall be registered with the Office of the
National Administrative Register at the University of the
Philippines Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. It shall be
published in the official gazette or newspaper of general
All DepEd Orders and other related issuances, rules, regulations,
and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are
hereby repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service
• Asian Development Bank. (unpublished). Draft National Framework for Senior High School Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood Track Development.
• Department of Education. (2019). DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019. Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic
Education Program.
• Department of Education. (2016). Memo No. 76, s. 2016. Senior High School Manual of Operations.
• Department of Education. (2015). DepEd Order 51, s. 2015. Guidelines on the Implementation of the
Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools and Integrated Schools,
Establishment of Stand-Alone Public High Schools, and Conversion of Existing Public Elementary and
JHSs into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools.
• Department of Education. (2015). DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2015. Guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships.
• Department of Education. (2013). K to 12 Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Curriculum Guides.
• National Economic and Development Authority. (2016). AmBisyon Natin 2040: A Long-term Vision for
the Philippines.
• National Economic and Development Authority. (2017). Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022.
• Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. (2018). National Technical Education and
Skills Development Plan 2018-2022.
Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service

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  • 1. Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2022 “Guidelines on the Selection of SHS-TVL Specializations” Bureau of Curriculum Development
  • 2. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service DO 54, s. 2022 “ Guidelines on the Selection of Senior High School- Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood Specializations”
  • 3. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service RATIONALE Learner centeredness Relevance Disaggregation Localization Medium Term Short Term Long Term
  • 4. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service RATIONALE It is important to remember however that a key feature of the K to 12 curriculum is its emphasis on learner-centeredness. Therefore, learners’ preference must be taken into consideration vis-à-vis the local and national development priorities of the country. Using the principles of learner-centeredness, relevance, disaggregation, and localization, this policy provides the guidelines which shall enable SHSs to decide on the best possible roster of specializations to offer by identifying the intersections between the national and local development priorities, learners’ preference and input, and SDOs’/schools’ capacity to offer specific TVL specializations. This policy shall augment the absence of existing guidelines outlining the processes to undertake to ensure that TVL specializations offered by SHSs are in sync with learners’ preference, SDO and school capacity, and local and national development priorities.
  • 5. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service SCOPE These guidelines shall be anchored on the principles of learner-centeredness,relevance, disaggregation, and localization. Enable schools to organize data from learners, the national, regional, and local development priority documents and data sources, and capacity of SDOs and schools to offer identified TVL specializations. The provisions in this policy shall help Regional Offices (ROs), SDOs and schools decide on which TVL specializations to offer. The procedures outlined in the policy will be take effect starting School Year 2023 while the offering of the streamlined list of TVL specializations will be implemented from School Year 2024 onwards. Private schools, state universities and colleges who offer SHS TVL may adopt this policy. This policy shall only cover the current list of SHS TVL specializations.
  • 6. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service DEFINITION OF TERMS Disaggregation subdivision of national development plans/priorities based on local development plans. Learner- centeredness refers to the priority allotted for learners’ preferred TVL specializations. Localization It pertains to ensuring that priorities are in-line with the context at the province/city/municipal level
  • 7. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service DEFINITION OF TERMS Relevance alignment of technical skills development to local and national development plans Sector Collective term for a range of technical skills for a specific area or field (i.e., processed food and beverages, garments, electronics, and construction) Special Program for the Technical- Vocational- Livelihood (TVL) Track different specializations and programs under/related to TVL. Included in this category are the SHS Maritime Specialization, SHS Basic Conservation Program, and the Special Program in Technical- Vocational-Livelihood and Education (SPTVE) Program Space refers to the immediate physical space near schools.
  • 8. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Policy Statement To institutionalize the steps to be undertaken by ROs, SDOs, and TVL SHSs to identify the TVL specializations to offer. Through this policy, SHSs shall offer SHS TVL specializations appropriate to learners’ preferences, local and national development plans, and school and SDO capacity. As a result, learners will be ready for any of the four exits of Senior High School—employment, entrepreneurship, middle-level skills development, and higher education.
  • 9. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures Learner-centeredness The principle of learner-centeredness is based on Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act (RA) 10533. This section mandates that the K to 12 curriculum should be learner-centered. In this policy, learner preference is given importance through the learner preference survey distributed to learners and the gathering of schools’ enrolment data per specialization. Relevance The second principle, the principle of relevance, is centered around the alignment of the SHS TVL priorities to sectors that have high growth and increased prospects for employment. National and regional plans will be used as the basis to identify these relevant sectors.
  • 10. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures Disaggregation The third principle, disaggregation, is divided into two—disaggregation by sector and disaggregation by space. Disaggregation by sector provides a clearer picture of sectors and their sub-sectors. When taken in general, sectors may be seen to have low growth or may not have many opportunities for employment. However, subsectors within these groups may not all have the same behavior. Disaggregating sectors into their sub-sectors is a way to identify sub-sectors which are doing better than others in terms of growth and employment. Spatial disaggregation, on the other hand, is based on geographic priorities and challenges. Both disaggregation by sector and space should be combined, which is what can be found in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022. Localization Finally, the principle of localization highlights how information from the closest surroundings of schools act as the more immediate reference for SHS TVL. Province/municipality/city plans and data will be used to both disaggregate and localize national and regional plans. Learners’ preference and all data gathered at the local and national level will be studied vis-à-vis the SDO and schools’ capacity to offer identified specializations.
  • 12. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures The resulting intersections from the four data sets from each governance level shall be used by schools to decide on which TVL specializations should be offered. To identify the intersections, the following steps shall be followed by SHSs…..
  • 13. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures Annex A. School’s Enrolment Profile 1. Schools shall study the SHS TVL enrolment data per specialization (current SY and for the past three years). Grade 11 and 12 school enrolment data shall be recorded per specialization and sector. This information may be lifted from the LIS.
  • 14. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures 2. Schools shall conduct a survey with Junior High School (JHS) learners, asking them to identify five preferred specializations per strand. Annex B. Learner Survey Form For Steps 1 and 2, if the SHS is a stand-alone school, the school shall refer to the enrolment data and conduct the learner preference survey with students from their feeder JHSs.
  • 15. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service 3. Schools shall conduct an internal school assessment. Information on the number of available lecture rooms, laboratories, equipment, learning resources, faculty (with TM and NC), and work immersion sites may be lifted from the School-Based Management (SBM) data. Procedures Annex C. School’s Internal Assessment
  • 16. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service 4. Schools shall study local development plans to identify the specializations which contribute to the growth of the local economy, generate the highest employment, and can accommodate learners for employment. Procedures Annex C. School’s Internal Assessment
  • 17. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service 4. Schools shall study local development plans to identify the specializations which contribute to the growth of the local economy, generate the highest employment, and can accommodate learners for employment. Procedures Annex D. Local Development Information What are the specializations that contribute to the growth of the local economy? What are the specializations that generate the highest employment? What are the specializations that can accommodate learners for employment?
  • 18. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures 5. Schools shall study the national priorities from national development plans. Based on the current list of SHS TVL specializations, identify the priority sectors listed in these plans (i.e., AmBisyon Natin 2040, National Technical Education Skills Development Plan, etc). Annex E. Data Summary
  • 19. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures 6. Schools shall identify the specializations that fit all these five criteria: a.Specialization is among those with the greatest number of enrollees b.Specialization is among the Top 5 preferred specializations per strand, based on the ranking of specializations from the Learner Preference Survey c.School has sufficient requirements to offer specialization d.Specialization is in the local development plans/priorities e.Specialization is in the national development plans/priorities
  • 20. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures Based on these criteria, schools shall list the specializations which they will continue to offer. Schools shall only choose the specializations which are common among the four data sets considered. Schools shall also justify offerings which will be continued despite lacking requirements Schools may also indicate new/unique specializations to offer based on their data gathering and analysis. They are then directed to follow the provisions listed in DepEd Order 51, s. 2015 (Guidelines on the Implementation of the SHS Program in Existing Public JHSs and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public High Schools, and Conversion of Existing Public Elementary and JHSs into Stand-Alone SHSs) and DepEd Order 76, s. 2016 (SHS School Manual of Operations Volume 1) as needed.
  • 21. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures School Level Summarized the Data to be submitted to SDO SDO Level TLE Supervisor verify the School’s Data Summary Regional Office Release the approval Process of Submission and Approval
  • 22. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Table 3. Information to be Gathered by Schools and their Purpose Information Purpose Grades 11 and 12 Enrolment Data Provides information on the number of SHS students enrolled per strand, sector, and specialization Learner Preference Survey Provides insight on learner’s preference in terms of the SHS TVL specializations they would like to enroll in School’s Internal Assessment Itemizes the existing laboratories, equipment, learning resources, faculty, and work immersion venues per sector and specialization Local and National Development Information Shows the specializations which contribute to the growth of the national and local economy, generate the highest employment, and can accommodate learners for employment School’s Data Summary Provides a space to summarize findings, list specializations which will be continued, and new specializations which will be proposed Procedures
  • 23. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Procedures Table 4. Timeline and Procedure
  • 24. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Monitoring and Evaluation 1 The Central Office through the Bureau of Curriculum Development and the Bureau of Learning Delivery shall provide technical assistance as needed through input on curriculum and list of specializations to be offered based on the TLE and TVL Curriculum Framework and the Rationalization of TLE and TVL specializations. 2 ROs, through the CLMD shall monitor compliance of SDOs to this policy. RO CLMD will also provide technical assistance during implementation. 3 SDOs through the CID and the TLE/TVL Supervisor, shall monitor compliance of SHS TVL schools to all procedures in this policy. They will utilize data at their disposal accurately. 4 Schools through the Principal, Registrar, and the SHS/TLE/TVL Focal Person shall monitor their enrolment, specializations they offer, compliance with required facilities, availability of resources, and other relevant data. 5 SDOs shall submit the summary of data gathered to the RO. ROs will consolidate reports and submit the summary to the BCD. These shall be done every end of the school year. 5 The DepEd Central Office, through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), shall validate the consolidated reports from the ROs and evaluate the implementation of the policy. BCD shall also conduct an outcome evaluation of this policy after its third-year implementation.
  • 25. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Effectivity/Transitory Provision The procedures outlined in the policy shall take effect starting School Year 2023 while the offering of the streamlined list of TVL specializations will be implemented from School Year 2024 onwards. The policy shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register at the University of the Philippines Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. It shall be published in the official gazette or newspaper of general circulation. All DepEd Orders and other related issuances, rules, regulations, and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
  • 26. 7/5/2022 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service REFERENCES • Asian Development Bank. (unpublished). Draft National Framework for Senior High School Technical- Vocational-Livelihood Track Development. • Department of Education. (2019). DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019. Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program. • Department of Education. (2016). Memo No. 76, s. 2016. Senior High School Manual of Operations. • Department of Education. (2015). DepEd Order 51, s. 2015. Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public High Schools, and Conversion of Existing Public Elementary and JHSs into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools. • Department of Education. (2015). DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2015. Guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships. • Department of Education. (2013). K to 12 Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Curriculum Guides. • National Economic and Development Authority. (2016). AmBisyon Natin 2040: A Long-term Vision for the Philippines. • National Economic and Development Authority. (2017). Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022. • Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. (2018). National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan 2018-2022.