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Enhanced Web Service Testing
​ Kirk Steffke
​ AppExchange Practice Lead
​ kirk@crmscience.com
​ @kirkevonphilly
A Better Mock Structure
•  Test Coverage Overview
•  Review of Native Testing Methods
•  WebServiceMock and HttpCalloutMock
•  StaticResourceCalloutMock
•  MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock
•  Sample Scenario
•  Better Mock Structure
•  Setup
•  Review
​ During this session
Test Coverage Overview
The who, what, when, where, and why’s of creating coverage
•  Code we write…
•  …about the code we just wrote
•  Test classes
•  Independent of code being tested
•  One or more test methods
•  @isTest annotation
Apex Test Coverage
​ “What” with a Hint of “How”

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Software Architecture: Test Case Writing
Software Architecture: Test Case WritingSoftware Architecture: Test Case Writing
Software Architecture: Test Case Writing

The document discusses architectural test case writing. It begins by covering software development methodologies like waterfall and iterative models. It then discusses software testing, particularly architectural testing. Key aspects of architectural test cases are described such as using quality attributes to derive scenarios and test cases. An example scenario and test case template are provided. The document emphasizes that architectural test cases should validate quality attributes and non-functional requirements.

software architecture
Testcontainers - Geekout EE 2017 presentation
Testcontainers - Geekout EE 2017 presentationTestcontainers - Geekout EE 2017 presentation
Testcontainers - Geekout EE 2017 presentation

Unit testing our code on the JVM is well catered for with a lot of great tools that are mature and reliable – things tend to just work. Integrated testing, however, is another matter. Any time we face a situation where we need to involve non-JVM elements in our tests, we’re faced with painful environment setup and repeatability issues. Testcontainers aims to make integrated tests a little less unpleasant, through the power of Docker. Databases, Web browsers – in fact anything available as a Docker image – can be made available as a component to use in our tests. In this talk, we’ll go through the motivations for building Testcontainers, its features, as well as some examples of using it in practice for testing various types of components.

CamundaCon 2022 Keynote: The Process Orchestration Journey
CamundaCon 2022 Keynote: The Process Orchestration JourneyCamundaCon 2022 Keynote: The Process Orchestration Journey
CamundaCon 2022 Keynote: The Process Orchestration Journey

You can find the recording of this talk here: https://page.camunda.com/camundacon-2022-ruecker-keynote

camundaprocess automationprocess orchestration
Apex Test Coverage
​ A Bit More of “How”
Grandma’s Famous Recipe
1.  Write code to do
2.  Create test class
3.  Mark with @isTest
4.  Create test method
5.  Create test data
6.  Invoke code being
7.  Assert (+ or -)
•  Code we write…
•  …about the code we just wrote
•  Test classes
•  Independent of code being tested
•  One or more test method
Apex Test Coverage
Now More “What”
•  You, me, everyone
•  Required
•  75%
•  Ongoing Development
•  Help catch regressions
•  Positive and negative assertions
Apex Test Coverage
​ “Who-ot” and “Why”
•  As you’re developing
•  Moving code from sandbox to production
•  Creating packages
Apex Test Coverage
​ When

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Rest API Security
Rest API SecurityRest API Security
Rest API Security

Companion slides for Stormpath CTO and Co-Founder Les REST API Security Webinar. This presentation covers all the RESTful best practices learned building the Stormpath APIs. This webinar is full of best practices learned building the Stormpath API and supporting authentication for thousands of projects. Topics Include: - HTTP Authentication - Choosing a Security Protocol - Generating & Managing API Keys - Authorization & Scopes - Token Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) - Much more... Stormpath is a User Management API that reduces development time with instant-on, scalable user infrastructure. Stormpath's intuitive API and expert support make it easy for developers to authenticate, manage and secure users and roles in any application.

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Past, Present and Future of DevOps Infrastructure
Past, Present and Future of DevOps InfrastructurePast, Present and Future of DevOps Infrastructure
Past, Present and Future of DevOps Infrastructure

1. Overview of DevOps 2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration as code 3. Identity and Security protection in CI CD environment 4. Monitor Health of the Infrastructure/Application 5. Open Source Software (OSS) and third-party tools, such as Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and Terraform to achieve DevOps. 6. Future of DevOps Application

synergetics learningdevopsdevops infrastructure
What is performance_engineering_v0.2
What is performance_engineering_v0.2What is performance_engineering_v0.2
What is performance_engineering_v0.2

This presentation focuses on the basics of Performance Engineering and touches upon relevant aspects of SPE or Systems Performance Engineering across the development, implementation and support cycle.

proactive performance managamentsoftware performance engineeringperformance
Native Testing Strategies
The Tools that are Already in your Toolbox
•  Class w/ single method that makes a callout
Sample Scenario: Single Callout
​ Class Needing Coverage
Sample Scenario: Single Callout
​ Class Needing Coverage
​ Gist: https://gist.github.com/KirkSteffke/2ca4357c7e84eece9073
•  Method making callout needs coverage
•  Don’t want test methods to actually make callout!
•  Responses to be used for positive/negative tests
Sample Scenario: Testing Objective
​ What We Need to Test

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An Introduction to Software Performance Engineering
An Introduction to Software Performance EngineeringAn Introduction to Software Performance Engineering
An Introduction to Software Performance Engineering

Software performance engineering is becoming increasingly important to businesses as they look to improve the non-functional performance of applications and get more out of IT investments. By leveraging performance engineering techniques, IT professionals can be indispensable in building and optimizing scalable systems. This introductory course will teach you the essentials of software performance engineering including : • The performance challenges faced by Enterprise IT today • What is software performance engineering (SPE)? • Best practices for building scalable software systems • The approaches to integrating SPE into IT project lifecycles • Common frameworks for measuring application performance and service levels • The impact of SPE on software developers, testers, capacity planes, and other IT professionals • Case studies from the finance, retail, and insurance industries Instructor: Walter Kuketz, SVP and CTO, Collaborative Consulting This training is sponsored by Correlsense, Collaborative Consulting, and New Horizons

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Scalable web architecture
Scalable web architectureScalable web architecture
Scalable web architecture

This document discusses designing a scalable web architecture for an e-commerce site. It recommends: 1) Using a service-based architecture with microservices for components like the UI, queue, analytics algorithms, and database. 2) Scaling services horizontally using load balancing and auto-scaling. 3) Collecting performance metrics to monitor everything and make data-driven decisions about scaling. 4) Storing data in multiple databases like MySQL, MongoDB, HBase based on their suitability and scaling them independently as services.

Cucumber presenation
Cucumber presenationCucumber presenation
Cucumber presenation

The document provides an overview of Cucumber, which is a tool that executes plain-text behavioral descriptions as automated tests. It discusses how Cucumber uses the Gherkin language to describe desired software behavior without implementation details. The document also covers installing Cucumber, running Cucumber tests via different methods, and provides a demo of a sample Cucumber application.

•  Defined within test class
•  Returns single callout
•  WebServiceMock for WSDL
based SOAP callouts
•  HttpCalloutMock for testing
Http callouts
•  Defined by content of text
file in Static Resource
•  Returns response for a
single endpoint
•  Similar to
•  Static Resource contains
response for multiple
WebServiceMock and
HttpCalloutMock Interfaces
Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2
Options for Testing HTTP Callouts
​ Out-of-the-box Tools
•  Defined within test class
•  Returns single callout
•  WebServiceMock for WSDL
based SOAP callouts
•  HttpCalloutMock for testing
Http callouts
•  Defined by content of text
file in Static Resource
•  Returns response for a
single endpoint
•  Similar to
•  Static Resource contains
response for multiple
WebServiceMock and
HttpCalloutMock Interfaces
Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2
Options for Testing HTTP Callouts
​ Out-of-the-box Tools
•  Not “the” test, but is @test
•  Called by test class methods
•  Returns “mock” responses
•  Sets up header, body, and status code
HttpCalloutMock Interface
​ Part 1: Mock Responder Class
HttpCalloutMock Interface
​ Part 1: Mock Responder Class
​ Gist: https://gist.github.com/KirkSteffke/0d1f22c77b6d3a2f5599

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Dev ops using Jenkins
Dev ops using JenkinsDev ops using Jenkins
Dev ops using Jenkins

Continuous delivery is the process of automating the deployment of code changes to production. It involves building, testing, and deploying code changes through successive environments like integration, testing, and production. Continuous integration starts the process by automatically building and testing code changes. The release pipeline then automates deploying through environments. This finds issues early and allows for rapid deployment of code changes to production through automated testing and infrastructure provisioning.

Platform engineering 101
Platform engineering 101Platform engineering 101
Platform engineering 101

What does it take to get an application into production? Many processes, tools and automation surround that application to deliver it to the customer. As it becomes more common for development teams to autonomously deliver and run their software, the focus of the traditional operational teams shifts towards an as-a-service mindset. But how is such a team positioned within the company? And is Platform Engineering any different from Software Engineering? In this talk I’ll share my experiences as a platform engineer and explain why I believe that every company should be conscious about why and how to setup this responsibility. I’ll also discuss the biggest challenges surrounding it - and how to tackle them.

platform engineeringcloudaws
Spring Framework - Spring Security
Spring Framework - Spring SecuritySpring Framework - Spring Security
Spring Framework - Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and authorization framework for Spring-based applications. It provides authentication via mechanisms like username/password, LDAP, and SSO. Authorization can be implemented through voting-based access control or expression-based access control at the web (URL) level and method level. It includes filters, providers, and services to handle authentication, authorization, logout, and remember-me functionality. Configuration can be done through XML or Java configuration with support for common annotations.

authenticationaccess control listweb security
•  Test class for class making callout (part 1)
•  Utilizes Mock Responder Class (part 2)
•  Respond from callout comes from responder class (part 2)
HttpCalloutMock Interface
​ Part 2: Test Coverage
HttpCalloutMock Interface
​ Part 2: Test Coverage
HttpCalloutMock Interface
​ Recap
•  Defined within test class
•  Returns single callout
•  WebServiceMock for WSDL
based SOAP callouts
•  HttpCalloutMock for testing
Http callouts
•  Defined by content of text
file in Static Resource
•  Returns response for a
single endpoint
•  Similar to
•  Static Resource contains
response for multiple
WebServiceMock and
HttpCalloutMock Interfaces
Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2
Options for Testing HTTP Callouts
​ Out-of-the-box Tools

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Vert.x for Microservices Architecture
Vert.x for Microservices ArchitectureVert.x for Microservices Architecture
Vert.x for Microservices Architecture

Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive microservices applications on the JVM. It uses the reactor pattern with a single-threaded event loop to avoid the C10K problem. Verticles are lightweight concurrent units that communicate asynchronously via an event bus. This allows building scalable and reactive microservices. Vert.x supports websockets, clustering, reactive programming with RxJava, and can be deployed to production environments like AWS. It also integrates with Spring for dependency injection and configuration.

software developmentsoftwarearchitecture
React & GraphQL
React & GraphQLReact & GraphQL
React & GraphQL

1. The document discusses GraphQL, an API query language created by Facebook. It introduces GraphQL concepts like queries, mutations, and subscriptions. 2. An example compares fetching data from a REST API versus a GraphQL API. GraphQL allows fetching all required data with a single request, whereas REST requires multiple requests. 3. React and GraphQL are a good fit because GraphQL is declarative, allowing developers to focus on what data is needed rather than how to fetch it. Popular GraphQL clients like Apollo make fetching data even more declarative.

SonarQube - The leading platform for Continuous Code Quality
SonarQube - The leading platform for Continuous Code QualitySonarQube - The leading platform for Continuous Code Quality
SonarQube - The leading platform for Continuous Code Quality

SonarQube is a leading platform for continuous code quality that allows developers to write clean code, detect bugs across 20+ programming languages, and integrate with DevOps tools like Jenkins. The document discusses getting started with SonarQube by setting up the Windows service, MySQL database, security, plugins, rules, quality profiles, and quality gates. It also covers project management, remote access, using the SonarQube scanner for MSBuild, and integrating SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous code quality.

Part 1: The static resource
•  Only contains JSON text
•  Can’t be a zipped static resource w/ multiple files
•  mock.setStaticResource(‘Name of Zip’,’File in Zip’)
​ Part 2: Test coverage
•  Slightly different from last example
•  No separate class; defined within coverage
•  StaticResourceCalloutMock object instead of class with HttpCalloutMock interface
​ Part 2: Test coverage
•  Defined within test class
•  Returns single callout
•  WebServiceMock for WSDL
based SOAP callouts
•  HttpCalloutMock for testing
Http callouts
•  Defined by content of text
file in Static Resource
•  Returns response for a
single endpoint
•  Similar to
•  Static Resource contains
response for multiple
WebServiceMock and
HttpCalloutMock Interfaces
Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2
Options for Testing HTTP Callouts
​ Out-of-the-box Tools

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Jenkins for java world

The document provides an overview of Jenkins, a popular open source continuous integration (CI) tool. It discusses what CI is, describes Jenkins' architecture and features like plugin extensibility. It also covers installing and configuring Jenkins, including managing plugins, nodes and jobs. The document demonstrates how to set up a sample job and outlines benefits like supporting Agile development through continuous integration and access to working software copies.

jenkinscontinuous integration
Unit test your java architecture with ArchUnit
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Unit test your java architecture with ArchUnit

From Confoo 2021. Software architecture tends to be esoteric and intangible. The result of this is architectural drift, with the architecture losing the qualities it was promoting as the code evolves. This talk will introduce ArchUnit, a library that allows you to test your Java architecture. You'll see how to write unit tests that protect architectural characteristics in your code while making your architecture easier to understand for everyone in your team.

confoosoftware architecturejava
Enhanced Web Service Testing: A Better Mock Structure
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Enhanced Web Service Testing: A Better Mock Structure

Salesforce provides an interface for testing callouts named HttpCalloutMock used to cover remote callouts. While adequate for simple callouts, in the real world you often need something more flexible, as in the case of multiple and varying responses from the same or varying endpoints. More precise testing and coverage can be obtained by extending the standard interface. Join us as we demonstrate a solution to use to enable the flexibility required for complex integration and synchronization apps.

salesforce.comtest coverageapex
•  Two methods making callouts
•  One method using both
Part 1: Modified Scenario
•  Similar to StaticResourceCalloutMock
•  Define multiple endpoints
•  Each has own Static Resource
•  Still no Zip file
Part 2: Test Coverage
Static Resource: Example3_bar1 Static Resource: Example3_bar2
Part 2: Test Coverage
1.  New MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock()
2.  Set endpoint based resources
3.  Set mock
4.  Invoke callouts
5.  Perform assertions
Complex Scenario
A hypothetical, but real-world model to help you digest

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Developer testing 101: Become a Testing Fanatic
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In this workshop we will cover the methodologies and three basic levels of testing, then we will deep dive into how to use PHPUnit to achieve developer testing. The tests may not be the prettiest, most robust, or efficient, but you should leave the course with the ability and confidence to write tests for your code. Topics include: xUnit framework basics and workflows, test classification, asserts, data driven testing, and an introduction to mocking. This is a beginner course, but seasoned veterans may discover features they never knew.

unit testingfunctional testingdeveloper testing
Apex Testing and Best Practices
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Apex Testing and Best Practices

The document provides an overview of testing Apex code in Salesforce, including: - Why unit testing is important for developing robust, error-free code that meets the minimum 75% test coverage requirement. - How to write Apex test classes annotated with @isTest and define test methods using testMethod. - Using Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest() to test governor limits. - Examples of testing a trigger, visualforce controller, web services callouts, and external API callouts. - Best practices for testing such as using System.assert(), achieving 100% coverage, and testing different user contexts with System.runAs().

apex testingworld toursalesforce
Performance Test Driven Development with Oracle Coherence
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Performance Test Driven Development with Oracle Coherence

This presentation discusses test driven development with Oracle Coherence. It outlines the philosophy of PTDD and challenges of testing Coherence, including the need for a cluster and sensitivity to network issues. It discusses automating tests using tools like NanoCloud for managing nodes and executing tests remotely. Different types of tests are described like microbenchmarks, performance regression tests, and bottleneck analysis. Common pitfalls of performance testing like fixed users vs fixed request rates are also covered.

perfomanceperformance testingcoherence
•  Batch job
•  Import of Contacts from remote system
•  Remote system has an API
•  Two endpoints
•  /api/ContactCount
•  /api/Contacts
Remote Import via Batch
•  /api/ContactCount
•  Returns # of Contact records to be imported
•  Result can change during span of batch execution
•  /api/Contacts
•  Returns x number of contacts
•  Paginated
•  Page=1 – returns 1st 200 records
•  Page=2 – returns 2nd 200 records
•  …and so on
Remote Import via Batch
Meet the Endpoints
1.  Batch is called
2.  Start() method
3.  Each execute() iteration performs 2 callouts
4.  1st checks total # of records available
5.  2nd imports records
6.  End of execute determines if more
7.  Execute may run for many iterations
8.  If no more records or limits, finish()
9.  Restart cycle
10.  End
Remote Import via Batch
Batch Flow
Better Mock Structure
Using our tools to make better tools

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Test in action – week 1
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Test in action – week 1

This document discusses different types of software testing including unit testing and integration testing. Unit testing involves writing code to test individual units or modules in isolation with few dependencies. Integration testing evaluates how modules function together as a group in a black box manner. The benefits of testing include facilitating code changes, enhancing software quality by catching bugs, serving as documentation, and improving code quality. Test-driven development is introduced as an approach where tests are written before code to drive the design. Continuous integration is also discussed as a way to fully automate testing, build, and code quality checks.

software testingphpphpunit
Android dev 3
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Android dev 3

This document discusses using web services in Android development. It covers making HTTP requests to web services, parsing the response, and creating your own basic web service using PHP. Key points include constructing the URL, executing asynchronous HTTP requests, checking response codes, and parsing XML or JSON responses. The document provides code samples for making a request and handling the response. It also discusses possible issues like blocking the UI thread during the request and suggests using threads to avoid this. Finally, it proposes an exercise to build an accessible application using a web service and GPS.

Web Services Automated Testing via SoapUI Tool
Web Services Automated Testing via SoapUI ToolWeb Services Automated Testing via SoapUI Tool
Web Services Automated Testing via SoapUI Tool

soapUI is a tool for testing APIs, including SOAP and REST web services. It allows testing functionality, security, performance, and documentation. Key features include testing API functions with parameters, negative testing, security testing like SQL injection and XSS, load and performance testing, and documentation logging. The tool supports SOAP, REST, and HTTP services. Projects contain elements like WSDL/WADL files, services, test cases, test steps, and property transfers between steps. Test cases validate requests with parameters and assertions. Security tests simulate attacks. Performance tests assess response times and throughput under varying loads. Mock services emulate real services for testing without dependencies.

Working with Our Tools
•  HttpCalloutMock Interface and StaticResourceMock
•  Can only handle one endpoint
•  Single response
•  Single setup prior to invoking actual callouts
•  MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock
•  Handle multiple endpoints
•  Single response for each
•  Single setup prior to invoking actual callouts
•  Challenge
•  Use one or more standard tool
•  Extend the usage
•  Create queue of expected responses per endpoint
•  Consider re-usability
•  MakeCallouts Method
•  Loops 10x
•  Builds string of results
•  ContactCount Method
•  Makes Callout
•  Contacts Method
•  Makes callout
•  Page Parameter
Building the Problem
public class Example4_CalloutClass {
// Method to simulate all the callouts in our batch flow
public static string MakeCallouts() {
// Property to return
string results = '';
// Let's call each resource 10x and...
for (integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// ...add to results string this Count's response's body
results += 'Count (' + i + '): ' + CalloutContactCount().getBody() + 'rn';
// ...add to results string this Contact response's body
results += 'Contacts (' + i + '): ' + CalloutContacts(i).getBody() + 'rn';
// Return concatenated string of results
return results;
•  ResponseMap
•  By method
•  By endpoint
•  List of responses
•  Respond
•  Verify request
•  Prepare response
•  Discard
•  Resp Class
Building the Solution
global class TestCalloutResponseGenerator implements HttpCalloutMock {
// Property and getter (semi init'd) to pair method --> endpoint --> list of responses
private static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> ResponseMap;
public static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> getResponseMap() {
if (ResponseMap == null) {
ResponseMap = new map<string, map<string, list<resp>>>();
// For each setMethod() method type, pre-pop. w/ empty map
for (string method :new list<string>{'GET','PUT','POST','DELETE','HEAD','TRACE'})
ResponseMap.put(method, new map<string, list<resp>>());
return ResponseMap;
// Required respond() method for HttpCalloutMock
public HttpResponse Respond(HttpRequest req) {

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This document discusses connectivity in SQL and JDBC. It begins by explaining that JDBC is a Java API that allows Java programs to execute SQL statements. It then describes the JDBC architecture and drivers. The responsibilities of the JDBC client include establishing a connection, submitting SQL statements, processing results, and closing the connection. The document outlines the steps to develop a Java/JDBC application, including loading and registering drivers, establishing a connection, preparing and executing statements, processing result sets, and closing connections. Finally, it compares Statement and PreparedStatement objects.

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FitNesse is a wiki-based software testing tool that can be a powerful addition to your Continuous Integration Environments. Its greatest advantages include providing visibility into tests and results, and providing access to test-writing by non-technical team members. We will: * look at specific examples and code, * discuss the advantages and drawbacks of using FitNesse as a test framework * implement, deploy, and use a simple fixture in a fitnesse test * review different kinds of fixtures, including decision table, script, query, html, and selenium webtest fixtures * discuss some of the more interesting fixture extensions we've implemented, including JSON-based verification and the ability to pass in javascript code for dynamic verification * use Hudson/Jenkins to run your FitNesse tests as a step in your Continuous Integration/Deployment process

Test in action week 2
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Test in action week 2

This document discusses PHPUnit, a unit testing framework for PHP. It covers PHPUnit installation, writing test cases, assertions, fixtures, organizing tests, and best practices for test naming, structure and design including the F.I.R.S.T. principles. Key topics include using PHPUnit to test classes, methods and exceptions, leveraging data providers, fixtures for shared test setup/teardown, and keeping tests clean with single concepts per test.

software testingphpphpunit
•  Body (JSON)
•  Status (success)
•  StatusCode
•  Discard
Building the Solution
// Class to hold details of response from within test methods
public class Resp {
public string body { get; set; }
public string status { get; set; }
public integer statusCode { get; set; }
public boolean discard { get; set; }
public Resp(string body, string status, integer statusCode, boolean discard) {
this.body = body;
this.status = status;
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.discard = discard;
•  ResponseMap
•  By method
•  By endpoint
•  List of responses
Building the Solution
// Property to pair method --> endpoint --> list of responses
private static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> ResponseMap;
// Getter to return or prepare a semi init'd response map
public static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> getResponseMap() {
if (ResponseMap == null) {
ResponseMap = new map<string, map<string, list<resp>>>();
// For each setMethod() method type, pre-pop. w/ empty map
for (string method :new list<string>{'GET','PUT','POST','DELETE','HEAD','TRACE'})
ResponseMap.put(method, new map<string, list<resp>>());
return ResponseMap;
•  Respond
•  Verify request
•  Prepare response
•  Discard
Building the Solution
TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Respond(HttpRequest req)
// Required respond() method for HttpCalloutMock
public HttpResponse Respond(HttpRequest req) {
// Property for returned response
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
// Ensure HttpRequest is valid
if (req != null && !string.isBlank(req.getMethod()) && !string.isBlank(req.getEndPoint())) {
// Verify the Response map contains the req's method and endpoint
if (getResponseMap().containsKey(req.getMethod()) &&
) {
// Instantiate a list of the method/endpoint's response bodies
list<resp> respList =
// If there's at least one, use it - otherwise, output an error
if (!respList.isEmpty()) {
•  Setup ResponseMap
•  Shortcut Explanation
•  Contacts
•  ContactCount
•  Discard
•  Set mock
•  Invoke Callout
Testing the Solution
public class Example4_TestCalloutClass {
public static testMethod void TestWithPattern() {
/* The below is just a shortcut for the demo. Instead of this 10x (1 per page):
new list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp> {
new TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp(
'{"Contacts":"data...page 1'"}',
// Temporary collection to hold looped results (for demo, we don't care about actual data,

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SCWCD : Thread safe servlets : CHAP : 8
SCWCD : Thread safe servlets : CHAP : 8SCWCD : Thread safe servlets : CHAP : 8
SCWCD : Thread safe servlets : CHAP : 8

7.1 Identify which attribute scopes are thread-safe: Local variables Instance variables Class variables Request attributes Session attributes Context attributes 7.2 Identify correct statements about differences between the multithreaded and single-threaded servlet models. 7.3 Identify the interface used to declare that a servlet must use the single thread model.

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The document discusses test-driven development (TDD). It states that TDD relies on short development cycles where the developer first writes an automated test case that defines a new function or improvement. Then the developer produces code to pass that test, and refactors the new code to acceptable standards.

Unit testing with Spock Framework
Unit testing with Spock FrameworkUnit testing with Spock Framework
Unit testing with Spock Framework

The document discusses unit testing with the Spock testing framework. It introduces Spock and outlines key concepts like the three pillars of good unit tests, Spock idioms, mocks and stubs, and continuous integration. Spock provides an expressive testing language based on Groovy that makes tests more readable, maintainable and trustworthy. Examples demonstrate how to write feature methods, use blocks, verify interactions, stub implementations, test exceptions, integrate with Spring, and perform HTTP calls and data-driven testing with Spock.

spock unit test groovy
Testing the Solution
// Temporary collection to hold looped results (for demo, we don't care about actual data, just proof of concept)
map<string, list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp>> pagedResponses =
new map<string, list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp>>();
// Create a dummy response for Contact callout for our "10" pages of contacts
for (integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Each loop = 1 page
pagedResponses.put('/api/Contacts?page=' + i, new list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp>{
new TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp(
'{"Contacts":"data...' + i + '"}',
// Add all of the contact responses to the response map
TestCalloutResponseGenerator.getResponseMap().put('GET', pagedResponses);
•  Setup ResponseMap
•  Shortcut Explanation
•  Contacts
•  ContactCount
•  Discard
•  Set mock
•  Invoke Callout
Testing the Solution
// Enable mock response
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TestCalloutResponseGenerator());
// Invoke the callout method
string results = Example4_CalloutClass.MakeCallouts();
system.debug('Results: rnrn' + results);
Testing the Solution
1.  Count or Contact callout
2.  # of loop iteration
3.  Count data 10, 12, 12, …
1.  Use 1st, discard
2.  Use 2nd, don’t discard
4.  Contact data increments
1.  Provided per page response
Thank you

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Unit Testing in SharePoint 2010
Unit Testing in SharePoint 2010Unit Testing in SharePoint 2010
Unit Testing in SharePoint 2010

This document discusses unit testing practices for SharePoint 2010. It notes that SharePoint objects are difficult to test because they lack interfaces and are sealed classes. It introduces Pex and Moles mocking frameworks that can generate stubs for SharePoint objects using runtime instrumentation. The document demonstrates using SharePoint Mole Behaviors to pre-generate common SharePoint object behaviors. It observes that this approach saves time but behaviors may not be complete and unit tests can run slowly. It recommends building a facade in front of SharePoint and producing consistent behaviors by disassembling SharePoint if necessary.

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This document provides an overview of API testing and web services protocols. It discusses XML, SOAP, REST, and introduces the tool SoapUI for testing web services. Key points include: 1. XML is used to transport and store data on the web. It has elements, attributes, and syntax rules. XML Namespaces avoid element name conflicts. 2. SOAP is a protocol for accessing web services. It uses XML, includes envelope, header and body elements. WSDL describes SOAP web services operations. 3. REST services use HTTP to manipulate resources via operations like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. It can output JSON, XML and is language/platform independent. 4.

Ajax Under The Hood
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Ajax Under The Hood

Have you ever wondered how Ajax requests fit in with WebObject's Request-Response loop? Have you ever wanted to make a new Ajax component or debug a problem in an existing one? Do you want to use a different JavaScript library with WebObjects? This session will look at what was done to make Ajax work in a component action world, looking at changes to the Request-Response loop and the page cache. You will learn how to use AjaxComponent, AjaxDynamicElement, and the other classes that are used to create WebObjects Ajax components.


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Enhanced Web Service Testing: A Better Mock Structure

  • 1. Enhanced Web Service Testing ​ Kirk Steffke ​ AppExchange Practice Lead ​ [email protected] ​ @kirkevonphilly ​  A Better Mock Structure
  • 2. •  Test Coverage Overview •  Review of Native Testing Methods •  WebServiceMock and HttpCalloutMock Interfaces •  StaticResourceCalloutMock •  MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock •  Sample Scenario •  Better Mock Structure •  Setup •  Review Agenda ​ During this session
  • 3. Test Coverage Overview The who, what, when, where, and why’s of creating coverage
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  • 6. •  Code we write… •  …about the code we just wrote •  Test classes •  Independent of code being tested •  One or more test method Apex Test Coverage Now More “What”
  • 7. •  You, me, everyone •  Required •  75% •  Ongoing Development •  Help catch regressions •  Positive and negative assertions Apex Test Coverage ​ “Who-ot” and “Why”
  • 8. •  As you’re developing •  Moving code from sandbox to production •  Creating packages Apex Test Coverage ​ When
  • 9. Native Testing Strategies The Tools that are Already in your Toolbox
  • 10. •  Class w/ single method that makes a callout Sample Scenario: Single Callout ​ Class Needing Coverage
  • 11. Sample Scenario: Single Callout ​ Class Needing Coverage ​ Gist: https://gist.github.com/KirkSteffke/2ca4357c7e84eece9073
  • 12. •  Method making callout needs coverage •  Don’t want test methods to actually make callout! •  Responses to be used for positive/negative tests Sample Scenario: Testing Objective ​ What We Need to Test
  • 13. •  Defined within test class •  Returns single callout response •  WebServiceMock for WSDL based SOAP callouts •  HttpCalloutMock for testing Http callouts •  Defined by content of text file in Static Resource •  Returns response for a single endpoint •  Similar to StaticResourceCalloutMock •  Static Resource contains response for multiple endpoints WebServiceMock and HttpCalloutMock Interfaces StaticResourceCalloutMock MultiStaticResourceCalloutMo ck Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2 Options for Testing HTTP Callouts ​ Out-of-the-box Tools
  • 14. •  Defined within test class •  Returns single callout response •  WebServiceMock for WSDL based SOAP callouts •  HttpCalloutMock for testing Http callouts •  Defined by content of text file in Static Resource •  Returns response for a single endpoint •  Similar to StaticResourceCalloutMock •  Static Resource contains response for multiple endpoints WebServiceMock and HttpCalloutMock Interfaces StaticResourceCalloutMock MultiStaticResourceCalloutMo ck Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2 Options for Testing HTTP Callouts ​ Out-of-the-box Tools
  • 15. •  Not “the” test, but is @test •  Called by test class methods •  Returns “mock” responses •  Sets up header, body, and status code HttpCalloutMock Interface ​ Part 1: Mock Responder Class
  • 16. HttpCalloutMock Interface ​ Part 1: Mock Responder Class ​ Gist: https://gist.github.com/KirkSteffke/0d1f22c77b6d3a2f5599
  • 17. •  Test class for class making callout (part 1) •  Utilizes Mock Responder Class (part 2) •  Respond from callout comes from responder class (part 2) HttpCalloutMock Interface ​ Part 2: Test Coverage
  • 20. •  Defined within test class •  Returns single callout response •  WebServiceMock for WSDL based SOAP callouts •  HttpCalloutMock for testing Http callouts •  Defined by content of text file in Static Resource •  Returns response for a single endpoint •  Similar to StaticResourceCalloutMock •  Static Resource contains response for multiple endpoints WebServiceMock and HttpCalloutMock Interfaces StaticResourceCalloutMock MultiStaticResourceCalloutMo ck Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2 Options for Testing HTTP Callouts ​ Out-of-the-box Tools
  • 21. StaticResourceCalloutMock Part 1: The static resource •  Only contains JSON text •  Can’t be a zipped static resource w/ multiple files •  mock.setStaticResource(‘Name of Zip’,’File in Zip’)
  • 22. StaticResourceCalloutMock ​ Part 2: Test coverage •  Slightly different from last example •  No separate class; defined within coverage •  StaticResourceCalloutMock object instead of class with HttpCalloutMock interface
  • 24. •  Defined within test class •  Returns single callout response •  WebServiceMock for WSDL based SOAP callouts •  HttpCalloutMock for testing Http callouts •  Defined by content of text file in Static Resource •  Returns response for a single endpoint •  Similar to StaticResourceCalloutMock •  Static Resource contains response for multiple endpoints WebServiceMock and HttpCalloutMock Interfaces StaticResourceCalloutMock MultiStaticResourceCalloutMo ck Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock3Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock1 Documentation: bit.ly/df15mock2 Options for Testing HTTP Callouts ​ Out-of-the-box Tools
  • 25. •  Two methods making callouts •  One method using both MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock Part 1: Modified Scenario
  • 26. •  Similar to StaticResourceCalloutMock •  Define multiple endpoints •  Each has own Static Resource •  Still no Zip file MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock Part 2: Test Coverage Static Resource: Example3_bar1 Static Resource: Example3_bar2
  • 27. MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock Part 2: Test Coverage 1.  New MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock() 2.  Set endpoint based resources 3.  Set mock 4.  Invoke callouts 5.  Perform assertions
  • 28. Complex Scenario A hypothetical, but real-world model to help you digest
  • 29. •  Batch job •  Import of Contacts from remote system •  Remote system has an API •  Two endpoints •  /api/ContactCount •  /api/Contacts Remote Import via Batch Overview
  • 30. •  /api/ContactCount •  Returns # of Contact records to be imported •  Result can change during span of batch execution •  /api/Contacts •  Returns x number of contacts •  Paginated •  Page=1 – returns 1st 200 records •  Page=2 – returns 2nd 200 records •  …and so on Remote Import via Batch Meet the Endpoints
  • 31. 1.  Batch is called 2.  Start() method 3.  Each execute() iteration performs 2 callouts 4.  1st checks total # of records available 5.  2nd imports records 6.  End of execute determines if more records? 7.  Execute may run for many iterations 8.  If no more records or limits, finish() 9.  Restart cycle 10.  End Remote Import via Batch Batch Flow
  • 32. Better Mock Structure Using our tools to make better tools
  • 33. Limitations Working with Our Tools •  HttpCalloutMock Interface and StaticResourceMock •  Can only handle one endpoint •  Single response •  Single setup prior to invoking actual callouts •  MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock •  Handle multiple endpoints •  Single response for each •  Single setup prior to invoking actual callouts
  • 34. Problems Continued… •  Challenge •  Use one or more standard tool •  Extend the usage •  Create queue of expected responses per endpoint •  Consider re-usability
  • 35. •  MakeCallouts Method •  Loops 10x •  Builds string of results •  ContactCount Method •  Makes Callout •  Contacts Method •  Makes callout •  Page Parameter Building the Problem Example4_CalloutClass.apxc public class Example4_CalloutClass { // Method to simulate all the callouts in our batch flow public static string MakeCallouts() { // Property to return string results = ''; // Let's call each resource 10x and... for (integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // ...add to results string this Count's response's body results += 'Count (' + i + '): ' + CalloutContactCount().getBody() + 'rn'; // ...add to results string this Contact response's body results += 'Contacts (' + i + '): ' + CalloutContacts(i).getBody() + 'rn'; } // Return concatenated string of results return results;
  • 36. •  ResponseMap •  By method •  By endpoint •  List of responses •  Respond •  Verify request •  Prepare response •  Discard •  Resp Class Building the Solution TestCalloutResponseGenerator.apxc @isTest global class TestCalloutResponseGenerator implements HttpCalloutMock { // Property and getter (semi init'd) to pair method --> endpoint --> list of responses private static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> ResponseMap; public static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> getResponseMap() { if (ResponseMap == null) { ResponseMap = new map<string, map<string, list<resp>>>(); // For each setMethod() method type, pre-pop. w/ empty map for (string method :new list<string>{'GET','PUT','POST','DELETE','HEAD','TRACE'}) ResponseMap.put(method, new map<string, list<resp>>()); } return ResponseMap; } // Required respond() method for HttpCalloutMock public HttpResponse Respond(HttpRequest req) {
  • 37. •  Body (JSON) •  Status (success) •  StatusCode •  Discard Building the Solution TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp // Class to hold details of response from within test methods public class Resp { public string body { get; set; } public string status { get; set; } public integer statusCode { get; set; } public boolean discard { get; set; } public Resp(string body, string status, integer statusCode, boolean discard) { this.body = body; this.status = status; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.discard = discard; } }
  • 38. •  ResponseMap •  By method •  By endpoint •  List of responses Building the Solution TestCalloutResponseGenerator.getResponseMap() // Property to pair method --> endpoint --> list of responses private static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> ResponseMap; // Getter to return or prepare a semi init'd response map public static map<string, map<string, list<resp>>> getResponseMap() { if (ResponseMap == null) { ResponseMap = new map<string, map<string, list<resp>>>(); // For each setMethod() method type, pre-pop. w/ empty map for (string method :new list<string>{'GET','PUT','POST','DELETE','HEAD','TRACE'}) ResponseMap.put(method, new map<string, list<resp>>()); } return ResponseMap; }
  • 39. •  Respond •  Verify request •  Prepare response •  Discard Building the Solution TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Respond(HttpRequest req) // Required respond() method for HttpCalloutMock public HttpResponse Respond(HttpRequest req) { // Property for returned response HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); // Ensure HttpRequest is valid if (req != null && !string.isBlank(req.getMethod()) && !string.isBlank(req.getEndPoint())) { // Verify the Response map contains the req's method and endpoint if (getResponseMap().containsKey(req.getMethod()) && getResponseMap().get(req.getMethod()).containsKey(req.getEndpoint()) ) { // Instantiate a list of the method/endpoint's response bodies list<resp> respList = getResponseMap().get(req.getMethod()).get(req.getEndpoint()); // If there's at least one, use it - otherwise, output an error if (!respList.isEmpty()) {
  • 40. •  Setup ResponseMap •  Shortcut Explanation •  Contacts •  ContactCount •  Discard •  Set mock •  Invoke Callout Testing the Solution Example4_TestCalloutClass.TestWithPattern() @isTest public class Example4_TestCalloutClass { public static testMethod void TestWithPattern() { /* The below is just a shortcut for the demo. Instead of this 10x (1 per page): TestCalloutResponseGenerator.getResponseMap().get('GET').put( '/api/Contacts?page=1', new list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp> { new TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp( '{"Contacts":"data...page 1'"}', 'success', 200, false ) } ); */ // Temporary collection to hold looped results (for demo, we don't care about actual data,
  • 41. Testing the Solution Example4_TestCalloutClass.TestWithPattern() // Temporary collection to hold looped results (for demo, we don't care about actual data, just proof of concept) map<string, list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp>> pagedResponses = new map<string, list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp>>(); // Create a dummy response for Contact callout for our "10" pages of contacts for (integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Each loop = 1 page pagedResponses.put('/api/Contacts?page=' + i, new list<TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp>{ new TestCalloutResponseGenerator.Resp( '{"Contacts":"data...' + i + '"}', 'success', 200, true) }); } // Add all of the contact responses to the response map TestCalloutResponseGenerator.getResponseMap().put('GET', pagedResponses);
  • 42. •  Setup ResponseMap •  Shortcut Explanation •  Contacts •  ContactCount •  Discard •  Set mock •  Invoke Callout Testing the Solution Example4_TestCalloutClass.TestWithPattern() // Enable mock response Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TestCalloutResponseGenerator()); // Invoke the callout method string results = Example4_CalloutClass.MakeCallouts(); system.debug('Results: rnrn' + results);
  • 43. Testing the Solution TestCalloutClass 1.  Count or Contact callout 2.  # of loop iteration 3.  Count data 10, 12, 12, … 1.  Use 1st, discard 2.  Use 2nd, don’t discard 4.  Contact data increments 1.  Provided per page response