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Essentials of Automations:
Exploring Attributes &
Automation Parameters
FME Flow Technical Support
Safe Software
FME Flow Technical Support
Safe Software
FME Flow Technical Support
Team Lead
Safe Software
Welcome to Livestorm.
A few ways to engage with us during the webinar:
Audio issues? Click this for 4 simple
troubleshooting steps.
Poll: Have you ever used
FME Flow Automations?

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14 Easy Steps to End-User Empowerment: Convert Custom Reports to BI Publisher
14 Easy Steps to End-User Empowerment: Convert Custom Reports to BI Publisher14 Easy Steps to End-User Empowerment: Convert Custom Reports to BI Publisher
14 Easy Steps to End-User Empowerment: Convert Custom Reports to BI Publisher

The document outlines 14 steps to convert custom Oracle Reports to Oracle BI Publisher for end-user empowerment. The steps include preparing the environment, converting reports to XML format, creating templates in RTF format, generating and executing PL/SQL packages, setting the output format to XML, creating and registering data definitions and templates, creating a bursting file, and configuring the output. Completing these steps allows business users to select templates, languages, and output formats to generate and view reports without IT assistance.

Test automation process _ QTP
Test automation process _ QTPTest automation process _ QTP
Test automation process _ QTP

The document discusses test automation process and provides guidelines for setting up an automation framework. It explains that automation tools can help manage test scheduling, perform repetitive tasks, simulate users, and run more tests in less time. An effective automation strategy considers reliability, reusability, repeatability, and modularizes test scripts. Benefits of automation include reduced defects, consistent results, and lower costs over time. The document outlines components of an automation framework including data tables, libraries, object repositories, scripts, and results tracking. It provides steps to create an automation suite using the framework.

test automation process _ qtp
Test automation process
Test automation processTest automation process
Test automation process

The document discusses test automation process and framework. It provides details on what test automation means, benefits of automation, guidelines for identifying test cases to automate, challenges in automation, and components of an automation framework like data tables, libraries, object repositories, scripts, and results.

automation framework
Automation Webinar
● May 29: Optimizing FME
Workflows with Parameters
● June 5: The Art of Triggers and
Actions in FME
● Today! Exploring Attributes &
Automation Parameters
1 What are Output Attributes & Automation Parameters?
2 Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
3 Bonus: Intro to Split-Merge Block functionality
4 Using Attributes and Parameters in an Automation App
5 Q&A
Automating processes saves
time & money, improves data
quality, helps businesses scale
and so much more.
What are Output
Attributes and

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Qa case study
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Qa case study

Hopper's approach to QA is described in the Case study. At Hopper, we believe that QA starts at the very beginning of product life cycle. This helps reduce risk and deliver quality products. We combine all aspects of QA - blackbox testing, performance testing, load testing, regression testing, QA Automation etc. We also design QA systems where the existing frameworks may not work.

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The document discusses an automation framework for testing an application under test (AUT). It summarizes that an automation framework uses an automation tool to test an AUT by executing and comparing test results. It then evaluates different automation tools based on features and selects TestComplete as the most suitable tool. Finally, it discusses implementing the framework using block diagrams, test scripts, function libraries and storing results in CSV files for reporting.

FME Flow Automations allow you to build complex enterprise integration workflows by sending
JSON-formatted messages between components (Triggers & Actions).
Output Attributes and Automation Parameters store the JSON key-value pairs in a user-friendly
format so they can be used downstream in the workflow.
Resource: Working with Output Attributes in Workflows
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
Event Attributes
What: predefined output attributes specific
to the trigger, internal and external action
Why: to create dynamic workflows that
process event information in real-time.
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
Custom Attributes
What: output attributes that can be defined on a component by the user building the
Why: when the same action is present more than once in a workflow to prevent overwriting
certain attributes or use attributes from multiple events in the same downstream parameter.
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
Manual Parameters
What: output attributes that can be defined
manually through the editor, or imported from a
JSON file. They are only present when a Manual
Trigger is used
Why: allows users to create output parameters
that allow for different types of user inputs at
workspace runtime
Resources: Manual Trigger and Manual
Parameters Editor
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?

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Don’t Hate, Automate! The Fundamentals of Automations
Don’t Hate, Automate! The Fundamentals of AutomationsDon’t Hate, Automate! The Fundamentals of Automations
Don’t Hate, Automate! The Fundamentals of Automations

Great workflows may begin on desktop, but FME Server Automations take them to the next level. FME Server is the enterprise integration platform designed to save your organization time and money while increasing productivity. Automations are at the heart of that solution. Join us as we explore the fundamentals of FME Server Automations. We will guide you through the process of taking a workflow from FME Desktop to FME Server while discussing how they relate - and how they differ. No stone will be left unturned as we introduce each building block of an Automation: - Triggers and Actions - Keys - Workspace parameters - Logs and troubleshooting This foundational knowledge of FME Server Automations will allow you to build your own automated workflows. Leave this webinar with the skills to help decision-makers gain valuable insight into your data, eliminate manual errors, and give you back time in your day.

Automate cross-system ITSM processes through APIs with UiPath Integration Ser...
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This session is for users that want to natively integrate via APIs to read or write data to a multitude of applications including ServiceNow as part of their automation initiatives. In this session you will hear from UiPath experts on: Using the Integration Service and apply it in ITSM and other ServiceNow automation use cases. Setting up authentication using OAuth 2.0 to seamlessly and securely access your ServiceNow instance in both design and run time. Creating a connection with a Connector and use applicable activities in Studio. Exploring how connections work and how they relate to the Connector Activity Packs. Seeing practical examples of additional workflow actions in additional systems to incorporate into use cases in ServiceNow.

Ten Steps To Empowerment
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Ten Steps To Empowerment

Ten Steps To Empowerment Convert Custom Reports To Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and Empower your IT organization as well as your business users

Automation Writer Attributes
What: attributes that store attribute
values from each feature processed by a
workspace. They are present on the Run
Workspace Action only when there is an
Automation Writer in your workspace
Why: Enhance Automations
functionality by orchestrating data-driven
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
Deployment Parameters
What: parameters that are created in
FME Form or Flow and stored in FME
Flow. They provide a way to define and
reuse text string, database connections
and web connection parameters in
workspaces shared between FME Flow
Why: allows workspaces that are
uploaded to multiple FME Flow
environments to run without having to
update parameter values
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
Automation Parameters
What: text values defined by the user building the Automation for use at the Automation level
without ties to a specific component.
Why: reduce maintenance efforts by enabling you to reference the same value in multiple
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
For ultimate flexibility use
attributes and parameters
to create dynamic
Automation workflows.
What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?

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The document discusses functional UI testing of Adobe Flex applications. It covers why testing is important, common testing approaches like unit testing and GUI testing, and automated testing tools for Flex like HP QTP, Selenium, Ranorex, and FlexMonkey. It also discusses best practices for creating test-friendly applications and instrumenting custom components and events to facilitate automated testing.

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Cetas - Application Development Services
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Cetas - Application Development Services

CETAS offers Application Development Services on web, Client & Server and Mobile platforms using Microsoft Technologies. An home grown application development framework enables us to develop applications faster and error free. We use MVC and nhibernate as technologies to provide hardware and DB agnostic solutions.

application development serviceapplication maintenance service
Kscope presentation 2013
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The document provides an overview of the HFM API and steps for building a .NET client application. It discusses the COM, HTTP Listener, and Web Object Model APIs. It demonstrates creating a project, adding references, and implementing authentication, application opening/closing, and metadata extraction. Tips are provided on improving the app with dynamic menus, status updates, and system information. Third-party tools are also mentioned.

Demo: Build
Automation using
Attributes &
Goal Block Key Result
Breakdown a State
into Counties & Blocks
for processing and
send a single email at
the end
Using Attributes and Parameters in an Automation
There are many
attribute and
parameter types, and
it’s confusing to know
when to use them.
Use Output Attributes
and Automation
Parameters to pass
information between
workspaces and send
Using Output Attributes,
Automation Parameters and
the Split-Merge Block allows
you to pass event, feature
attribute, or user-defined
information throughout an
Automation, and send a
single email at the end
Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
Step One: Manual Trigger Parameters
● Provide a user-defined JSON message at
Automation runtime
● Create attributes from the JSON
key-value pairs
Note: This also applies to the Webhook Trigger
Resource: Run an Automation using the Manual Trigger
Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
Step Two: Run Workspaces using
Automation Writer Attributes
● Create additional output port per Automation Writer Feature Type
● Use the Automation Writer to parse attributes out of a workspace downstream in
an Automation workflow
● Trigger one downstream event for every feature that enters the
Automation Writer
Resource: Building Integrations with the FME Flow
Automation Writer
Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters

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HFM API Deep Dive – Making a Better Financial Management Client
HFM API Deep Dive – Making a Better Financial Management ClientHFM API Deep Dive – Making a Better Financial Management Client
HFM API Deep Dive – Making a Better Financial Management Client

While the Financial Management Client program that ships with HFM provides key functionality is quite reliable, there are many areas where it could be improved. Fortunately for us, the Financial Management Client is a great example of a program that implements the HFM COM API as many of the program’s features are directly attributable to API functions. Due to this fact, we can focus on adding value without having to completely reinvent the wheel. This session, which builds off of a previous API presentation, will further walk you through a complete program build utilizing HFM COM API functionality and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Fully working code will be provided as well for viewers.

hfm api fdm
Test Automation Frameworks Final
Test Automation Frameworks   FinalTest Automation Frameworks   Final
Test Automation Frameworks Final

Gain a deeper understand to the strategy and design approaches to automation frameworks. Warning: One size does not fit all! Call Utopia (630) 566-4722 to learn more.

Integration Monday - BizTalk Migrator Deep Dive
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Integration Monday - BizTalk Migrator Deep Dive

Join Dan Probert as we take you on a deep dive of Microsoft’s BizTalk Migrator tool. Learn what all the moving parts do, how to modify the configuration, how to improve performance, how to create your scenarios, how to debug the tool when it runs, and how to view the model built behind the scenes. If you have questions, then this is the place to be, as we’ll also have a Q&A session towards the end. In fact, there is so much content, we probably won’t cover everything in one session!

microsoft biztalk serverbiztalk serverbiztalk migrator
To use Attributes and Parameters in a
Workspace Action, the Workspace
must contain Published Parameters!
Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
Key Takeaways
● Manual triggers can be used to pass in user-defined messages at runtime as manual
● Automation Writers allow us to pass data downstream from one workspace to create
data-driven workflows
● Every feature that gets passed into an automation writer is submitted as a downstream
○ 1 feature equals 1 event
Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
Poll: How can we
consolidate workspace

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Selenium Tutorial for Beginners | Automation framework Basics
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In this presentation, you will learn about the basics of Testing Automation framework. You will learn about the types of automation frameworks, details of these frameworks as well as pros and cons of these frameworks. Java Selenium 3.0 Training -------------------------------------- http://techcanvass.com/Courses/selenium-training-course.aspx Python Selenium 3.0 Training --------------------------------------------- http://techcanvass.com/Courses/selenium-training-with-python.aspx Techcanvass is a software development and training organization. We provide IT certifications training for mid-level professionals. We specialize in the following areas: a) Selenium v3.0 training with Java and Python b) IIBA Business Analysis certifications (all levels) c) Certified Agile Business Analyst Training d) Data Science Training ( R, Python and Big Data) and Tableau Website: http://techcanvass.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebbook.com/Techcanvass Twitter Handle: @techcanvass

test automation frameworktesting automation frameworkautomation framework
Final Automation Testing
Final Automation TestingFinal Automation Testing
Final Automation Testing

Automation testing involves automating manual testing processes using software tools to execute test scripts and compare expected and actual results. There are different types of automation frameworks including data-driven, keyword-driven, modular, and hybrid frameworks. Implementing an automation framework involves 10 steps: identifying the testing scope and needs, evaluating tools, designing the framework, developing and populating test data, and configuring schedulers.

Data Integration Basics: Merging & Joining Data
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Data Integration Basics: Merging & Joining Data

Are you tired of dealing with data trapped in silos? Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to efficiently merge and join disparate datasets, transforming your data integration capabilities. This webinar is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to efficiently integrate data from various sources, allowing you to draw more value from your data. With FME, merging and joining different types of data—whether it’s spreadsheets, databases, or spatial data—becomes a straightforward process. Our expert presenters will guide you through the essential techniques and best practices. In this webinar, you will learn: - Which transformers work best for your specific data types. - How to merge attributes from multiple datasets into a single output. - Techniques to automate these processes for greater efficiency. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your data integration skills. By the end of this webinar, you’ll have the confidence to break down data silos and integrate your data seamlessly, boosting your productivity and the value of your data.

Intro to the
● Split-Merge Blocks will output one event
attribute per input
● Compatible with Automation writers
● Event attributes aren’t aggregated, you’ll only
receive information from the very last job
Resource: Job Orchestration with Automations
Step Three: Rethinking Attributes with the
Split-Merge Block
Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
Step Four: Automation Parameters and Email
● Automation Parameters can be used anywhere in an Automation!
● Great for repeatedly-used parameters (i.e: Email recipients, file paths)
● One single parameter to manage our Email To recipients
Resource: Send email from Automations
Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
Custom Email Subject & Body using
Event Attributes
● Multiple attributes can be used in a single parameter
● Concatenate key values together or build custom text bodies
Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality

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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

An Introduction to All Data Enterprise Integration
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An Introduction to All Data Enterprise Integration

Are you spending more time wrestling with your data than actually using it? You’re not alone. For many organizations, managing data from various sources can feel like an uphill battle. But what if you could turn that around and make your data work for you effortlessly? That’s where FME comes in. We’ve designed FME to tackle these exact issues, transforming your data chaos into a streamlined, efficient process. Join us for an introduction to All Data Enterprise Integration and discover how FME can be your game-changer. During this webinar, you’ll learn: - Why Data Integration Matters: How FME can streamline your data process. - The Role of Spatial Data: Why spatial data is crucial for your organization. - Connecting & Viewing Data: See how FME connects to your data sources, with a flash demo to showcase. - Transforming Your Data: Find out how FME can transform your data to fit your needs. We’ll bring this process to life with a demo leveraging both geometry and attribute validation. - Automating Your Workflows: Learn how FME can save you time and money with automation. Don’t miss this chance to learn how FME can bring your data integration strategy to life, making your workflows more efficient and saving you valuable time and resources. Join us and take the first step toward a more integrated, efficient, data-driven future!

Driving Business Innovation: Latest Generative AI Advancements & Success Story
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Driving Business Innovation: Latest Generative AI Advancements & Success Story

Are you ready to revolutionize how you handle data? Join us for a webinar where we’ll bring you up to speed with the latest advancements in Generative AI technology and discover how leveraging FME with tools from giants like Google Gemini, Amazon, and Microsoft OpenAI can supercharge your workflow efficiency. During the hour, we’ll take you through: Guest Speaker Segment with Hannah Barrington: Dive into the world of dynamic real estate marketing with Hannah, the Marketing Manager at Workspace Group. Hear firsthand how their team generates engaging descriptions for thousands of office units by integrating diverse data sources—from PDF floorplans to web pages—using FME transformers, like OpenAIVisionConnector and AnthropicVisionConnector. This use case will show you how GenAI can streamline content creation for marketing across the board. Ollama Use Case: Learn how Scenario Specialist Dmitri Bagh has utilized Ollama within FME to input data, create custom models, and enhance security protocols. This segment will include demos to illustrate the full capabilities of FME in AI-driven processes. Custom AI Models: Discover how to leverage FME to build personalized AI models using your data. Whether it’s populating a model with local data for added security or integrating public AI tools, find out how FME facilitates a versatile and secure approach to AI. We’ll wrap up with a live Q&A session where you can engage with our experts on your specific use cases, and learn more about optimizing your data workflows with AI. This webinar is ideal for professionals seeking to harness the power of AI within their data management systems while ensuring high levels of customization and security. Whether you're a novice or an expert, gain actionable insights and strategies to elevate your data processes. Join us to see how FME and AI can revolutionize how you work with data!

Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
Key Takeaways
● Split-Merge Block allows you to output a single message for the final job in the block
● With Automation Parameters you can edit a single value and have it update everywhere
that it’s used in your automations.
● Use the Text Editor to add multiple attributes in a single parameter value.
Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
Using Attributes
and Parameters
in Automation
Automation Apps
● Allow users to run Automations that
originate from a Manual Trigger as "apps"
from a web browser
● Apps are shared as URLs, and may be
presented through customizable web
● Manual Parameters allow for user input
into the Automation from the App
Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps

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The Zero-ETL Approach: Enhancing Data Agility and Insight
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The Zero-ETL Approach: Enhancing Data Agility and Insight

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, Zero-ETL is an approach that is reshaping how businesses handle and integrate their data. This webinar explores Zero-ETL, a paradigm shift from the traditional Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process, offering a more streamlined, efficient, and real-time data integration method. We will begin with an introduction to the concept of Zero-ETL, including how it allows direct access to data in its native environment and real-time data transformation, providing up-to-date information with significantly reduced data redundancy. Next, we'll take you through several demonstrations showing how Zero-ETL can deliver real-time data and enable the free movement of data between systems. We will also discuss the various tools that support all aspects of Zero-ETL, providing attendees with an understanding of how they can adopt this innovative approach in their organizations. Lastly, the session will conclude with an interactive Q&A segment, allowing participants to gain deeper insights into how Zero-ETL can be tailored to their specific business needs and how they can get started today. Join us to discover how Zero-ETL can elevate your organization's data strategy.

Cloud Frontiers: A Deep Dive into Serverless Spatial Data and FME
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Cloud Frontiers: A Deep Dive into Serverless Spatial Data and FME

Following the popularity of “Cloud Revolution: Exploring the New Wave of Serverless Spatial Data,” we’re thrilled to announce this much-anticipated encore webinar. In this sequel, we’ll dive deeper into the Cloud-Native realm by uncovering practical applications and FME support for these new formats, including COGs, COPC, FlatGeoBuf, GeoParquet, STAC, and ZARR. Building on the foundation laid by industry leaders Michelle Roby of Radiant Earth and Chris Holmes of Planet in the first webinar, this second part offers an in-depth look at the real-world application and behind-the-scenes dynamics of these cutting-edge formats. We will spotlight specific use-cases and workflows, showcasing their efficiency and relevance in practical scenarios. Discover the vast possibilities each format holds, highlighted through detailed discussions and demonstrations. Our expert speakers will dissect the key aspects and provide critical takeaways for effective use, ensuring attendees leave with a thorough understanding of how to apply these formats in their own projects. Elevate your understanding of how FME supports these cutting-edge technologies, enhancing your ability to manage, share, and analyze spatial data. Whether you’re building on knowledge from our initial session or are new to the serverless spatial data landscape, this webinar is your gateway to mastering cloud-native formats in your workflows.

Cloud Frontiers: A Deep Dive into Serverless Spatial Data and FME
Cloud Frontiers:  A Deep Dive into Serverless Spatial Data and FMECloud Frontiers:  A Deep Dive into Serverless Spatial Data and FME
Cloud Frontiers: A Deep Dive into Serverless Spatial Data and FME

Following the popularity of "Cloud Revolution: Exploring the New Wave of Serverless Spatial Data," we're thrilled to announce this much-anticipated encore webinar. In this sequel, we'll dive deeper into the Cloud-Native realm by uncovering practical applications and FME support for these new formats, including COGs, COPC, FlatGeoBuf, GeoParquet, STAC, and ZARR. Building on the foundation laid by industry leaders Michelle Roby of Radiant Earth and Chris Holmes of Planet in the first webinar, this second part offers an in-depth look at the real-world application and behind-the-scenes dynamics of these cutting-edge formats. We will spotlight specific use-cases and workflows, showcasing their efficiency and relevance in practical scenarios. Discover the vast possibilities each format holds, highlighted through detailed discussions and demonstrations. Our expert speakers will dissect the key aspects and provide critical takeaways for effective use, ensuring attendees leave with a thorough understanding of how to apply these formats in their own projects. Elevate your understanding of how FME supports these cutting-edge technologies, enhancing your ability to manage, share, and analyze spatial data. Whether you're building on knowledge from our initial session or are new to the serverless spatial data landscape, this webinar is your gateway to mastering cloud-native formats in your workflows.

Allow multiple
users to pass
parameters and
run automation
Goal Block Key
Manual Parameters in an Automation App
configuring and
Parameters and
Users can trigger
with custom
taken as inputs
Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps
Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps
Key Takeaways
● Manual Parameters send values that can
be used as input throughout the
● Automation Apps pass Manual
Parameters to the automation triggered
from the app
Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps

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From Event to Action: Accelerate Your Decision Making with Real-Time Automation
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Imagine a world where information flows as swiftly as thought itself, making decision-making as fluid as the data driving it. Every moment is critical, and the right tools can significantly boost your organization’s performance. The power of real-time data automation through FME can turn this vision into reality. Aimed at professionals eager to leverage real-time data for enhanced decision-making and efficiency, this webinar will cover the essentials of real-time data and its significance. We’ll explore: FME’s role in real-time event processing, from data intake and analysis to transformation and reporting An overview of leveraging streams vs. automations FME’s impact across various industries highlighted by real-life case studies Live demonstrations on setting up FME workflows for real-time data Practical advice on getting started, best practices, and tips for effective implementation Join us to enhance your skills in real-time data automation with FME, and take your operational capabilities to the next level.

From Event to Action: Accelerate Your Decision Making with Real-Time Automation
From Event to Action:  Accelerate Your Decision Making with Real-Time AutomationFrom Event to Action:  Accelerate Your Decision Making with Real-Time Automation
From Event to Action: Accelerate Your Decision Making with Real-Time Automation

Imagine a world where information flows as swiftly as thought itself, making decision-making as fluid as the data driving it. Every moment is critical, and the right tools can significantly boost your organization's performance. The power of real-time data automation through FME can turn this vision into reality. Aimed at professionals eager to leverage real-time data for enhanced decision-making and efficiency, this webinar will cover the essentials of real-time data and its significance. We'll explore: FME's role in real-time event processing, from data intake and analysis to transformation and reporting An overview of leveraging streams vs. automations FME's impact across various industries highlighted by real-life case studies Live demonstrations on setting up FME workflows for real-time data Practical advice on getting started, best practices, and tips for effective implementation Join us to enhance your skills in real-time data automation with FME, and take your operational capabilities to the next level.

Beyond Boundaries: Leveraging No-Code Solutions for Industry Innovation
Beyond Boundaries: Leveraging No-Code Solutions for Industry InnovationBeyond Boundaries: Leveraging No-Code Solutions for Industry Innovation
Beyond Boundaries: Leveraging No-Code Solutions for Industry Innovation

Hiring and retaining software development talent is next to impossible for AEC firms and other industries alike. Join us and guest speakers from HOK, a leader in the AEC industry, as they share their success in navigating the tight talent market through the use of no-code solutions and FME. Discover how HOK approached the process of building a custom tool to automate the creation of projects and user management for Trimble Connect and ProjectSight. Using a mix of traditional and no-code in FME, our guest speakers will reveal how the team bridged the resource gap and used the available talent pool, producing the mission-critical web app “Trajectory”. They will also dive into details, illustrating first-hand how JSON data was used as a “glue” between two development groups. Learn how embracing FME as a no-code solution can unlock potential within your teams, foster collaboration, and drive efficiency.

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A world where data is not just a
commodity but a catalyst for
real change.
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Powering Real-Time Decisions with Continuous Data Streams
Powering Real-Time Decisions with Continuous Data StreamsPowering Real-Time Decisions with Continuous Data Streams
Powering Real-Time Decisions with Continuous Data Streams

In an era where making swift, data-driven decisions can set industry leaders apart, understanding the world of data streaming and stream processing is crucial. During this webinar, we'll explore: Stream Processing Overview: Dive into what stream processing entails and the value it brings organizations. Stream vs. Batch Processing: Learn the key differences and benefits of stream processing compared to traditional batch processing, highlighting the efficiency of real-time data handling. Mastering Data Volumes: Discover strategies for effectively managing both high and low volume data streams, ensuring optimal performance. Boosting Operational Excellence: Explore how adopting data streaming can enhance your organization's operational workflows and productivity. Spatial Data's Role in Streams: Understand the importance of spatial data in stream processing for more informed decision-making. Interactive Demos: Watch practical demos, from dynamic geofencing to group-based processing. Plus, we’ll show you how you can do it without coding! Register now to take the first step towards more informed, timely, and precise decision-making for your organization.

The Critical Role of Spatial Data in Today's Data Ecosystem
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The Critical Role of Spatial Data in Today's Data Ecosystem

In today's data-driven landscape, integrating spatial data is becoming increasingly crucial for organizations aiming to harness the full potential of their data. Spatial data offers unique insights based on location, making it a fundamental component for addressing various challenges across different sectors, including urban planning, environmental sustainability, public health, and logistics. Our webinar delves into the indispensable role of spatial data in data management and analysis. We'll showcase how omitting spatial data from your data strategy not only weakens your data infrastructure, but also limits the depth of your insights. Through real-world case studies, we'll highlight the transformative impact of spatial data, demonstrating its ability to uncover complex patterns, trends, and relationships. Join us for this introductory-level webinar as we explore the critical importance of spatial data integration in driving strategic decision-making processes. By the end of the webinar, you'll gain a renewed perspective on how spatial data is essential for confronting and overcoming challenges across various domains.

Cloud Revolution: Exploring the New Wave of Serverless Spatial Data
Cloud Revolution: Exploring the New Wave of Serverless Spatial DataCloud Revolution: Exploring the New Wave of Serverless Spatial Data
Cloud Revolution: Exploring the New Wave of Serverless Spatial Data

Once in a while, there really is something new under the sun. The rise of cloud-hosted data has fueled innovation in spatial data storage, enabling a brand new serverless architectural approach to spatial data sharing. Join us in our upcoming webinar to learn all about these new ways to organize your data, and leverage data shared by others. Explore the potential of Cloud Native Geospatial Formats in your workflows with FME, as we introduce five new formats: COGs, COPC, FlatGeoBuf, GeoParquet, STAC and ZARR. Learn from industry experts Michelle Roby from Radiant Earth and Chris Holmes from Planet about these cloud-native geospatial data formats and how they can make data easier to manage, share, and analyze. To get us started, they’ll explain the goals of the Cloud-Native Geospatial Foundation and provide overviews of cloud-native technologies including the Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG), SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC), and GeoParquet. Following this, our seasoned FME team will guide you through practical demonstrations, showcasing how to leverage each format to its fullest potential. Learn strategic approaches for seamless integration and transition, along with valuable tips to enhance performance using these formats in FME. Discover how these formats are reshaping geospatial data handling and how you can seamlessly integrate them into your FME workflows and harness the explosion of cloud-hosted data.

Recap of Next Steps
1 Join the FME Community
2 Contact us
3 Experience the FME Accelerator
Please fill out our
webinar survey

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Essentials of Automations: Exploring Attributes & Automation Parameters

  • 1. Essentials of Automations: Exploring Attributes & Automation Parameters
  • 2. Bailey Knapp FME Flow Technical Support Specialist Safe Software Tim Shin FME Flow Technical Support Specialist Safe Software Kate Brillinger FME Flow Technical Support Team Lead Safe Software
  • 3. Welcome to Livestorm. A few ways to engage with us during the webinar: Audio issues? Click this for 4 simple troubleshooting steps.
  • 4. Poll: Have you ever used FME Flow Automations?
  • 5. Automation Webinar Series ● May 29: Optimizing FME Workflows with Parameters ● June 5: The Art of Triggers and Actions in FME ● Today! Exploring Attributes & Automation Parameters
  • 6. Agenda 1 What are Output Attributes & Automation Parameters? 2 Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters 3 Bonus: Intro to Split-Merge Block functionality 4 Using Attributes and Parameters in an Automation App 5 Q&A Agenda
  • 7. Automating processes saves time & money, improves data quality, helps businesses scale and so much more.
  • 8. 1 What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 9. FME Flow Automations allow you to build complex enterprise integration workflows by sending JSON-formatted messages between components (Triggers & Actions). Output Attributes and Automation Parameters store the JSON key-value pairs in a user-friendly format so they can be used downstream in the workflow. Resource: Working with Output Attributes in Workflows What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 10. Event Attributes What: predefined output attributes specific to the trigger, internal and external action type. Why: to create dynamic workflows that process event information in real-time. What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 11. Custom Attributes What: output attributes that can be defined on a component by the user building the automation. Why: when the same action is present more than once in a workflow to prevent overwriting certain attributes or use attributes from multiple events in the same downstream parameter. What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 12. Manual Parameters What: output attributes that can be defined manually through the editor, or imported from a JSON file. They are only present when a Manual Trigger is used Why: allows users to create output parameters that allow for different types of user inputs at workspace runtime Resources: Manual Trigger and Manual Parameters Editor What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 13. Automation Writer Attributes What: attributes that store attribute values from each feature processed by a workspace. They are present on the Run Workspace Action only when there is an Automation Writer in your workspace Why: Enhance Automations functionality by orchestrating data-driven workflows. What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 14. Deployment Parameters What: parameters that are created in FME Form or Flow and stored in FME Flow. They provide a way to define and reuse text string, database connections and web connection parameters in workspaces shared between FME Flow instances Why: allows workspaces that are uploaded to multiple FME Flow environments to run without having to update parameter values What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 15. Automation Parameters What: text values defined by the user building the Automation for use at the Automation level without ties to a specific component. Why: reduce maintenance efforts by enabling you to reference the same value in multiple places. What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 16. For ultimate flexibility use attributes and parameters to create dynamic Automation workflows. What are Output Attributes and Automation Parameters?
  • 18. Goal Block Key Result Breakdown a State into Counties & Blocks for processing and send a single email at the end Using Attributes and Parameters in an Automation There are many attribute and parameter types, and it’s confusing to know when to use them. Use Output Attributes and Automation Parameters to pass information between workspaces and send messages downstream. Using Output Attributes, Automation Parameters and the Split-Merge Block allows you to pass event, feature attribute, or user-defined information throughout an Automation, and send a single email at the end Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
  • 19. Step One: Manual Trigger Parameters ● Provide a user-defined JSON message at Automation runtime ● Create attributes from the JSON key-value pairs {“state”:“Hawaii”} Note: This also applies to the Webhook Trigger Resource: Run an Automation using the Manual Trigger Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
  • 20. Step Two: Run Workspaces using Automation Writer Attributes ● Create additional output port per Automation Writer Feature Type ● Use the Automation Writer to parse attributes out of a workspace downstream in an Automation workflow ● Trigger one downstream event for every feature that enters the Automation Writer Resource: Building Integrations with the FME Flow Automation Writer Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
  • 21. Tip To use Attributes and Parameters in a Workspace Action, the Workspace must contain Published Parameters! Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
  • 22. Demo Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
  • 23. Key Takeaways ● Manual triggers can be used to pass in user-defined messages at runtime as manual parameters ● Automation Writers allow us to pass data downstream from one workspace to create data-driven workflows ● Every feature that gets passed into an automation writer is submitted as a downstream event. ○ 1 feature equals 1 event Demo: Build Automation using Attributes & Parameters
  • 24. Poll: How can we consolidate workspace actions?
  • 26. ● Split-Merge Blocks will output one event attribute per input ● Compatible with Automation writers ● Event attributes aren’t aggregated, you’ll only receive information from the very last job Resource: Job Orchestration with Automations Step Three: Rethinking Attributes with the Split-Merge Block Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
  • 27. Step Four: Automation Parameters and Email Recipients ● Automation Parameters can be used anywhere in an Automation! ● Great for repeatedly-used parameters (i.e: Email recipients, file paths) ● One single parameter to manage our Email To recipients Resource: Send email from Automations Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
  • 28. Custom Email Subject & Body using Event Attributes ● Multiple attributes can be used in a single parameter ● Concatenate key values together or build custom text bodies Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
  • 29. Demo Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
  • 30. Key Takeaways ● Split-Merge Block allows you to output a single message for the final job in the block ● With Automation Parameters you can edit a single value and have it update everywhere that it’s used in your automations. ● Use the Text Editor to add multiple attributes in a single parameter value. Intro to the Split-Merge Block Functionality
  • 32. Automation Apps ● Allow users to run Automations that originate from a Manual Trigger as "apps" from a web browser ● Apps are shared as URLs, and may be presented through customizable web pages ● Manual Parameters allow for user input into the Automation from the App Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps
  • 33. Allow multiple users to pass parameters and run automation Goal Block Key Manual Parameters in an Automation App Result Difficulty configuring and customizing workflow parameters Leverage Manual Parameters and Automation Apps Users can trigger Automations with custom parameters taken as inputs Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps
  • 34. Demo Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps
  • 35. Key Takeaways ● Manual Parameters send values that can be used as input throughout the automation ● Automation Apps pass Manual Parameters to the automation triggered from the app Using Attributes and Parameters in Automation Apps
  • 37. Get our Ebook Spatial Data for the Enterprise fme.ly/gzc Guided learning experiences at your fingertips academy.safe.com FME Academy Resources Check out how-to’s & demos in the knowledge base support.safe.com Knowledge Base Webinars Upcoming & on-demand webinars safe.com/webinars
  • 39. We’d love to help you get started. Get in touch with us at [email protected] Experience the FME Accelerator Contact Us A world where data is not just a commodity but a catalyst for real change. fme.safe.com/accelerator Next Steps
  • 40. ClaimYour Community Badge & Dive into the new Community! ● Get community badges for watching webinars ● community.safe.com ● Today’s code: 4H7HE4 Join the Community today! Next Steps
  • 41. 8 Q&A
  • 42. ThankYou Recap of Next Steps 1 Join the FME Community 2 Contact us 3 Experience the FME Accelerator Please fill out our webinar survey