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Presented by
Dr.G.Hari Prakkash
1st year MPH
School of Public Health
Dept. of Community Medicine
Dr.Anil Bilimale
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Community Medicine
1. Introduction
2. Why Gender equality is required.
3. Unicef strategy.
4. Gender Action Plan 2018-2021
5. Gender Equality and Challenges
6. Laws protecting women from gender discrimination in India.
7. Social Inclusion.
8. Promoting social inclusion.
9. Pathways towards sustainable development.
10. NGO’s working for gender and social inclusion.
11. Conclusion.
12. References.
Gender Equality:
It is defined as “state of equal ease of access of resources and opportunities
regardless of gender including economic participation and decision making; and
the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally regardless of
Why Gender equality is required
Equal rights and opportunities for girls and boys help all children fulfil their potential.
● Ending all discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right,
it’s crucial for sustainable future; it’s proven that empowering women and girls
helps economic growth and development.
● UNDP has made gender equality central to its work and we’ve seen remarkable
progress in the past 20 years.
● It is a Goal-5 of SDG.
● There are more girls in school now compared to 15 years ago, and most regions
have reached gender parity in primary education.
● But although there are more women than ever in the labour market, there are still
large inequalities in some regions, with women systematically denied the same
work rights as men.
● Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal division of unpaid care and domestic
work, and discrimination in public office all remain huge barriers.
● Climate change and disasters continue to have a disproportionate effect on women
and children, as do conflict and migration.
India’s GPI for the year 2018-19 at different
levels of School Education is as under:
Primary Education: 1.03
● Upper Primary Education: 1.12
● Secondary Education: 1.04
● Higher Secondary Education: 1.04.
Source: UNESCO Global
Education Monitoring Report.
According to Unicef
1. Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither
employed nor in education or training – compared to 1 in 10 boys.
2. Some 1 in 20 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 – around 13 million
globally – have experienced forced sex in their lifetimes.
What progress has been made for girls and young women?
Source:https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality- World data
Source:https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality- World data
UNICEF Strategy to promote
gender equality
Reducing inequality
strengthens economies and
builds stable, resilient
Partnering with national
health sectors to expand
quality maternal care
UNICEF invests in skills
building to further their
economic empowerment – as
entrepreneurs, innovators
and leaders
These societies give all
individuals – like men and
women-opportunities to
fulfill their potentials
promoting the role of women in
the design and delivery of water,
sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
Targeted Initiatives:
1. To prevent and respond to gender-based violence,
2. Help end child marriage,
3. Eliminate female genital mutilation,
4. Provide safe spaces,
5. Support menstrual health management,
6. Deliver HIV and AIDS care,
7. Meet psychosocial needs and more.
AppsVirtual Spaces
Report Violence
Connect to local
resources for
Gender Action Plan 2018-2021
Advancing gender equality and the rights of women
and girls is essential to realizing the rights of all
Gender and social inclusion
Gender equality outcomes across all goals of the strategic plan, Spanning
development and humanitarian contexts
UNICEF has prioritize the unique needs of adolescent girls by focusing on five interlinked areas to
tackle some of the most pressing challenges girls face.
1. Ending child marriage and protecting girls from multiple risks that limit life opportunities.
2. Advancing girls’ secondary education with a focus on STEM skills.
3. Promoting gender-responsive adolescent health, including nutrition, pregnancy prevention and
care, and HIV and HPV prevention.
4. Supporting menstrual health and hygiene.
5. Preventing and responding to gender-based violence, particularly in humanitarian settings.
Gender Equality-why is it important?
1. Women empowerment – decision making power, access to opportunities and resources etc.,
2. To achieve gender parity in education.
3. Promote girl’s education.
4. Ensuring women health and safety.
5. To reduce gender based violence.
6. Provide quality maternal health care.
7. Women economic and political empowerment – rights to inherit property, obtain access to
credits, move up in their workplace
8. Improve gender gap index etc.,
9. To prevent child marriage and early unions
If Gender Equality is not ensured?
1. Increase in sexual violence and abusing.
2. It affects their education.
3. Women’s and girls’ empowerment is essential to expand economic growth and
promote social development.
4. Deprived of access to health care or proper nutrition, leading to a higher mortality
5. As girls move into adolescence, gender disparities widen.
6. Child marriage affects girls far more than boys, Globally, nearly 15 million girls
under age 18 are married every year— or 37,000 each day.
Are there any other gender related challenges?
1. Yes. Worldwide, 35 percent of women between 15-49 years of age have experienced
physical and/ or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.
2. 1 in 3 girls aged 15-19 have experienced some form of female genital
mutilation/cutting in the 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East,
Results in high risk of prolonged bleeding, infection (including HIV), childbirth
complications, infertility and death.
3.The Spotlight Initiative, an EU/UN partnership, is a global, multi-year initiative
focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG)
Gender issues across the life
Infancy (0-3) Early Childhood (3-5) School Age (6-10/11) Early Adolescence (10/11-14)
Adolescence and Youth (15-24)Adult (over 25)
Poverty & son
preference, female
foeticide, infanticide,
discrimination in
gender socialization,
early gender norms,
discrimination in
food and healthcare
School dropout,
malnutrition, high risk
of child abuse &
Child marriage, puberty,
continued malnutrition, risk of
violence, HIV/AIDS, trafficking
and commercial sex work.
Premature and frequent
pregnancy, unsafe
delivery leads to infant
and maternal mortality,
anemia, malnutrition
Risk of domestic violence,
rape, trafficking,
commercial sex work,
abortion, HIV/AIDS,
dowry, harassment,
polygamy and divorce
Locked out from
decisions regarding
household income and
other resources making
women poor and power-
less with few assets
throughout their lives
Govt. of India measures to promote gender
Under Ministry of Child and Women Development
❖ Umbrella ICDS
1. Anganwadi Services Scheme
2. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
3. National Creche Scheme
4. Scheme for Adolescent Girls
5. Child Protection Scheme
6. POSHAN Abhiyaan
Women Empowerment Schemes
● Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
● One Stop Centre Scheme
● Women Helpline Scheme
● UJJAWALA : A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue,
Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual
● Working Women Hostel
● Ministry approves new projects under Ujjawala Scheme and continues existing projects
● SWADHAR Greh (A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances)
● Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
● Awardees of Stree Shakti Puraskar, 2014 & Awardees of Nari Shakti Puraskar
● Awardees of Rajya Mahila Samman & Zila Mahila Samman
● Mahila police Volunteers
● Mahila E-Haat
● Mahila Shakti Kendras (MSK)
UN-Women- Policies and Laws
1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2. UN Charter
3. Beijing Platform for Action
4. The UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women – UN
5. Report of the Secretary-General A/64/588: Comprehensive proposal for the
Composite Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
● Article 14 of the Act reads as follows: Equality before law: The State shall not
deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within
the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste,
sex or place of birth.
● Article 15 reads as follows: Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion,
race, caste, sex or place of birth.
● Article 16 reads as under: Equality of opportunity in matters of public
● Ban on Prenatal Diagnostic Testing.
● Laws protecting women from domestic violence (The Protection of Women
from Domestic Violence Act 2005).
● Girl children from abuse (Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2000);
● Laws providing equal rights to school education (Commission of Protection of
Child Rights Act 2005),
● Prohibition of child marriage (Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006).
● Maternity benefit schemes (Maternity Benefits Act, 1961 (amended 1995).
Gender Disparity in Basic Education
Increasing Imbalance in Child
Sex Ratio in India
Source: Census of India various years.
States with Female Literacy Rate Vs TFR in India
Source: Census of India
Social inclusion:
“It is the process of improving the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society-
improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged on the basis of their
Social exclusion:
“It describes the phenomenon where particular people have no recognition by, or voice or stake
in, the society in which they live.”
The World Bank Group defines social inclusion as:
1. The process of improving the terms for individuals(socially backward) and
groups(high risk) to take part in society, and
2. The process of improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those
disadvantaged on the basis of their identity to take part in society.
● A recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) paper shows that the current gender gap
in the labor force costs countries at the bottom half of gender inequality around 35
percent of GDP.
● A 2018 World Bank paper estimates that Africa alone lost $ 2.5 trillion in human
capital due to gender inequality and 11.4% of total wealth in 2014.
● Another study found that exclusion of the ethnic minority Roma cost Romania 887
million euros in lost productivity.
● Acknowledging this, the United Nations has committed to “leaving no one behind” in
an effort to help countries promote inclusive growth and achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).
● Social inclusion is also an integral part of—and vital to—achieving the World Bank
Group’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity.
Different forms of inclusion
•Political Inclusion
•Economic Inclusion
•Inclusion in social service access
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4 Attributes for
Inclusion under Indian constitution
Directive principles of state policy
• Equal Justice, Right to work, to education, to Public assistance , Just and human condition of work
•Art.14 –Equality before Law
•Art.15-Prohibition of Discrimination
•Art-16-Equal opportunity
•Art-17- Abolition of untouchability
•Art.21-Protection of life and Personal liberty
•Art.23&24 Economic safe guards
•Art.330&332 – provisions Political representatives
•Protection of civil Rights Act 1955
•Abolition of Bonded labour System Act 1976
•SC/ST prevention of Atrocities Act 1989
•Child Labour prohibition and regulation act 1989
Benefits of social
● Increased productivity in the workplace
● Improved employment outcomes
● Improvement in mental and physical
● Reduced cost of social services
● Inclusive growth
Example: Impact on social inclusion on migrant health outcomes in
Social inclusion programmes in India
Self-help Group–Bank Linkage programme:
● The Bank’s goal was to provide the rural poor with microfinance.
● The result was the provision of adequate financial services to very poor rural micro-
● Over 90 per cent of the beneficiary groups are women’s groups, four fifths of which
are in underserved rural areas.
● Most of these women are from the lowest castes and other disadvantaged groups.
● This programme has not only been a tool for poverty alleviation, but also an avenue for
offering Indian women the possibility of gradually breaking away from exploitation
and isolation.
Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Strategy
for the NACP
○ Work towards improving the quality of information and HIV services to various
social groups
○ Create institutional mechanisms for Gender and social inclusion in the NACP in a
sustained manner.
○ Prepare actionable guidelines on gender, GIPA, grievance redressal mechanisms to
address stigma and discrimination.
● Gender and social inclusiveness will be a cross cutting theme in the operational
guidelines, training modules, reporting system etc.
● GESI would provide guidance to service providers to facilitate linkages with
appropriate agencies/departments to address the inequities among various groups
due to:
a) Economic reasons (Eg: people living below the Poverty Line i.e. BPL category)
b) Gender reasons (Women& transgender)
c) Geographical reasons (remote and difficult terrains)
d) Special vulnerable groups ( wives of migrant workers, female migrant workers)
e) Various high risk groups (FSW, MSM, Transgender and Hijras and IDU) and
bridge populations (migrants and truck drivers)
1. Creating an enabling environment.
2. Addressing stigma and discrimination.
3. Addressing human rights, legal and ethical issues related to health care.
4. Addressing the gender inequality.
5. Addressing the needs of the vulnerable and specific groups.
Promoting social inclusion
● Promote job-rich growth.
● Scale up social inclusion schemes.
● Providing a local network group, linking groups in an area concerned with different issues
affecting a particular community.
● Increasing or co-ordinating opportunities for particular communities to participate in
● Education and awareness campaigns on the needs of people who are socially excluded.
● Regeneration activities to change and improve the social and economic circumstances of a
Understanding the vulnerability of women in
the growth process
 Women are disproportionately represented among the poor.
 There is a gender gap in terms of labour force participation and unemployment
rates (both in favour of men).
 Women tend to work more in the informal sector and self-employment without
access to social protection, for example, informal agriculture and domestic work.
 They have less voice and representation in terms of social dialogue.
 They continue to face a number of constraints (legal, cultural, social norms) that
limit their access to the labor market, productive assets and better-paid work.
 Women often take up part-time and flexible jobs, resulting in underemployment or
unemployment during times of financial crisis.
 Given that many women work in the informal sector and are thus excluded from
employment-based social security schemes, which kick in during a financial crisis,
they are disproportionally affected by shocks.
● Eradication of gender based violence
● Guaranteeing legal identity
● Enabling access to and control over
● Providing access to decent work and
● Ensuring access to public services
● Increasing public participation and
involvement in decision making.
COVID19 pandemic becoming child rights crisis
as 6,000 children could die daily: UNICEF
1. As the COVID-19 pandemic weakens the health systems and disrupts routine
services, the first time that the number of children dying before their fifth birthday
could increase worldwide in decades.
2. Additional 1.2 million deaths could occur in just the next six months, due to
reductions in routine health coverage, and an increase in so-called child wasting.
3. Around 56,700 more maternal deaths could also occur in just six months, in addition
to the 144,000 likely deaths across the low income countries.
NGO’s Working for Gender and Social
NGO’s Working for Gender and Social
Inclusion in India.
Listed below are the NGOs for women which are helping women get legal justice and encouraging them to take
their lives in their own hands.
● Guria India.
● Action Aid India.
● Majlis Manch.
● Sayodhya Home For Women In Need.
● Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra.
● International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care (PCVC).
● Committee for Legal Aid to Poor.
● Prerna.
● Sakhya Women’s Guidance Cell.
● The Prajnya Trust.
● Gender equality is a fundamental right which contributes to a healthy society filled
with respectful relationships between one another.
● Women empowerment is a critical aspect in achieving gender equality which includes
woman’s decision making power, access to opportunities and resources and her sense
of self worth.
● Social inclusion that fostering inclusive growth and development in developing
countries requires the development of productive capacities and structural
transformation, the creation of decent jobs and the adoption of social inclusion
policies that give vulnerable groups an opportunity to participate in and benefit from
economic growth.
1. https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/social-inclusion#4.
2. https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality.
3. https://wcd.nic.in/schemes-listing/2405- Ministry of Child and Women
4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Social inclusion
programmes and inclusive growth in developing countries.
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_India.
6. https://www.unicef.org/rosa/reports/gender-equality-programming-south-asia.
7. 10 NGOs helping women to fight for their rights in India.
8. UNICEF-Gender Action Plan 2018-2021

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Gender and social inclusion

  • 1. GENDER AND SOCIAL INCLUSION Presented by Dr.G.Hari Prakkash 1st year MPH School of Public Health Dept. of Community Medicine JSSMC Mysuru. Moderator Dr.Anil Bilimale Assistant Professor Dept. of Community Medicine JSSMC Mysuru.
  • 2. OUTLINE 1. Introduction 2. Why Gender equality is required. 3. Unicef strategy. 4. Gender Action Plan 2018-2021 5. Gender Equality and Challenges 6. Laws protecting women from gender discrimination in India. 7. Social Inclusion. 8. Promoting social inclusion. 9. Pathways towards sustainable development. 10. NGO’s working for gender and social inclusion. 11. Conclusion. 12. References.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Gender Equality: It is defined as “state of equal ease of access of resources and opportunities regardless of gender including economic participation and decision making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally regardless of gender.”
  • 4. Why Gender equality is required Equal rights and opportunities for girls and boys help all children fulfil their potential. ● Ending all discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, it’s crucial for sustainable future; it’s proven that empowering women and girls helps economic growth and development. ● UNDP has made gender equality central to its work and we’ve seen remarkable progress in the past 20 years. ● It is a Goal-5 of SDG.
  • 5. Contd., ● There are more girls in school now compared to 15 years ago, and most regions have reached gender parity in primary education. ● But although there are more women than ever in the labour market, there are still large inequalities in some regions, with women systematically denied the same work rights as men. ● Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal division of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimination in public office all remain huge barriers. ● Climate change and disasters continue to have a disproportionate effect on women and children, as do conflict and migration.
  • 6. India’s GPI for the year 2018-19 at different levels of School Education is as under: Primary Education: 1.03 ● Upper Primary Education: 1.12 ● Secondary Education: 1.04 ● Higher Secondary Education: 1.04. Source: UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report.
  • 7. According to Unicef 1. Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither employed nor in education or training – compared to 1 in 10 boys. 2. Some 1 in 20 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 – around 13 million globally – have experienced forced sex in their lifetimes.
  • 8. What progress has been made for girls and young women? Source:https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality- World data
  • 10. UNICEF Strategy to promote gender equality
  • 11. 1 Reducing inequality strengthens economies and builds stable, resilient societies 3 Partnering with national health sectors to expand quality maternal care 5 UNICEF invests in skills building to further their economic empowerment – as entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders 2 These societies give all individuals – like men and women-opportunities to fulfill their potentials 4 promoting the role of women in the design and delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) ecosystems.
  • 12. Targeted Initiatives: 1. To prevent and respond to gender-based violence, 2. Help end child marriage, 3. Eliminate female genital mutilation, 4. Provide safe spaces, 5. Support menstrual health management, 6. Deliver HIV and AIDS care, 7. Meet psychosocial needs and more.
  • 14. Gender Action Plan 2018-2021 Advancing gender equality and the rights of women and girls is essential to realizing the rights of all children
  • 16. Gender equality outcomes across all goals of the strategic plan, Spanning development and humanitarian contexts
  • 17. FIVE TARGETED PRIORITIES FOR ADOLESCENT GIRL’S EMPOWERMENT AND WELL BEING UNICEF has prioritize the unique needs of adolescent girls by focusing on five interlinked areas to tackle some of the most pressing challenges girls face. 1. Ending child marriage and protecting girls from multiple risks that limit life opportunities. 2. Advancing girls’ secondary education with a focus on STEM skills. 3. Promoting gender-responsive adolescent health, including nutrition, pregnancy prevention and care, and HIV and HPV prevention. 4. Supporting menstrual health and hygiene. 5. Preventing and responding to gender-based violence, particularly in humanitarian settings.
  • 18. Gender Equality-why is it important? 1. Women empowerment – decision making power, access to opportunities and resources etc., 2. To achieve gender parity in education. 3. Promote girl’s education. 4. Ensuring women health and safety. 5. To reduce gender based violence.
  • 19. Contd., 6. Provide quality maternal health care. 7. Women economic and political empowerment – rights to inherit property, obtain access to credits, move up in their workplace 8. Improve gender gap index etc., 9. To prevent child marriage and early unions
  • 20. If Gender Equality is not ensured? 1. Increase in sexual violence and abusing. 2. It affects their education. 3. Women’s and girls’ empowerment is essential to expand economic growth and promote social development. 4. Deprived of access to health care or proper nutrition, leading to a higher mortality rate. 5. As girls move into adolescence, gender disparities widen. 6. Child marriage affects girls far more than boys, Globally, nearly 15 million girls under age 18 are married every year— or 37,000 each day.
  • 21. Are there any other gender related challenges? 1. Yes. Worldwide, 35 percent of women between 15-49 years of age have experienced physical and/ or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. 2. 1 in 3 girls aged 15-19 have experienced some form of female genital mutilation/cutting in the 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East, Results in high risk of prolonged bleeding, infection (including HIV), childbirth complications, infertility and death. 3.The Spotlight Initiative, an EU/UN partnership, is a global, multi-year initiative focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG)
  • 22. Gender issues across the life cycle
  • 23. Infancy (0-3) Early Childhood (3-5) School Age (6-10/11) Early Adolescence (10/11-14) Adolescence and Youth (15-24)Adult (over 25) Poverty & son preference, female foeticide, infanticide, discrimination in breastfeeding. Discriminating gender socialization, early gender norms, discrimination in food and healthcare School dropout, malnutrition, high risk of child abuse & exploitation. Child marriage, puberty, continued malnutrition, risk of violence, HIV/AIDS, trafficking and commercial sex work. Premature and frequent pregnancy, unsafe delivery leads to infant and maternal mortality, anemia, malnutrition Risk of domestic violence, rape, trafficking, commercial sex work, abortion, HIV/AIDS, dowry, harassment, polygamy and divorce Locked out from decisions regarding household income and other resources making women poor and power- less with few assets throughout their lives
  • 25. Govt. of India measures to promote gender equality Under Ministry of Child and Women Development ❖ Umbrella ICDS 1. Anganwadi Services Scheme 2. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana 3. National Creche Scheme 4. Scheme for Adolescent Girls 5. Child Protection Scheme 6. POSHAN Abhiyaan
  • 26. Women Empowerment Schemes ● Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme ● One Stop Centre Scheme ● Women Helpline Scheme ● UJJAWALA : A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation ● Working Women Hostel
  • 27. ● Ministry approves new projects under Ujjawala Scheme and continues existing projects ● SWADHAR Greh (A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances) ● Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) ● NARI SHAKTI PURASKAR ● Awardees of Stree Shakti Puraskar, 2014 & Awardees of Nari Shakti Puraskar Contd.,
  • 28. ● Awardees of Rajya Mahila Samman & Zila Mahila Samman ● Mahila police Volunteers ● Mahila E-Haat ● Mahila Shakti Kendras (MSK) ● NIRBHAYA Contd.,
  • 29. UN-Women- Policies and Laws 1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 2. UN Charter 3. Beijing Platform for Action 4. The UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women – UN Women 5. Report of the Secretary-General A/64/588: Comprehensive proposal for the Composite Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
  • 30. LAWS PROTECTING WOMEN FROM GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN INDIA ● Article 14 of the Act reads as follows: Equality before law: The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. ● Article 15 reads as follows: Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. ● Article 16 reads as under: Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. ● Ban on Prenatal Diagnostic Testing.
  • 32. ● Laws protecting women from domestic violence (The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005). ● Girl children from abuse (Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2000); ● Laws providing equal rights to school education (Commission of Protection of Child Rights Act 2005), ● Prohibition of child marriage (Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006). ● Maternity benefit schemes (Maternity Benefits Act, 1961 (amended 1995). Contd.,
  • 33. Gender Disparity in Basic Education Increasing Imbalance in Child Sex Ratio in India Source: Census of India various years.
  • 34. States with Female Literacy Rate Vs TFR in India Source: Census of India
  • 35. SOCIAL INCLUSION DEFINITION: Social inclusion: “It is the process of improving the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society- improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged on the basis of their identity.” Social exclusion: “It describes the phenomenon where particular people have no recognition by, or voice or stake in, the society in which they live.”
  • 36. Contd., The World Bank Group defines social inclusion as: 1. The process of improving the terms for individuals(socially backward) and groups(high risk) to take part in society, and 2. The process of improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged on the basis of their identity to take part in society.
  • 37. ● A recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) paper shows that the current gender gap in the labor force costs countries at the bottom half of gender inequality around 35 percent of GDP. ● A 2018 World Bank paper estimates that Africa alone lost $ 2.5 trillion in human capital due to gender inequality and 11.4% of total wealth in 2014. ● Another study found that exclusion of the ethnic minority Roma cost Romania 887 million euros in lost productivity. ● Acknowledging this, the United Nations has committed to “leaving no one behind” in an effort to help countries promote inclusive growth and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ● Social inclusion is also an integral part of—and vital to—achieving the World Bank Group’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. Contd.,
  • 38. Different forms of inclusion •Political Inclusion •Economic Inclusion •Inclusion in social service access
  • 39. Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue OPPORTUNI TIES SECURITY ACCESS CAPABILITY 4 Attributes for inclusion
  • 40. Inclusion under Indian constitution Directive principles of state policy • Equal Justice, Right to work, to education, to Public assistance , Just and human condition of work •Art.14 –Equality before Law •Art.15-Prohibition of Discrimination •Art-16-Equal opportunity •Art-17- Abolition of untouchability
  • 41. •Art.21-Protection of life and Personal liberty •Art.23&24 Economic safe guards •Art.330&332 – provisions Political representatives •Protection of civil Rights Act 1955 •Abolition of Bonded labour System Act 1976 •SC/ST prevention of Atrocities Act 1989 •Child Labour prohibition and regulation act 1989
  • 42. Benefits of social inclusion ● Increased productivity in the workplace ● Improved employment outcomes ● Improvement in mental and physical health ● Reduced cost of social services ● Inclusive growth
  • 43. Example: Impact on social inclusion on migrant health outcomes in Australia.
  • 44. Social inclusion programmes in India Self-help Group–Bank Linkage programme: ● The Bank’s goal was to provide the rural poor with microfinance. ● The result was the provision of adequate financial services to very poor rural micro- entrepreneurs. ● Over 90 per cent of the beneficiary groups are women’s groups, four fifths of which are in underserved rural areas. ● Most of these women are from the lowest castes and other disadvantaged groups. ● This programme has not only been a tool for poverty alleviation, but also an avenue for offering Indian women the possibility of gradually breaking away from exploitation and isolation.
  • 45. Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Strategy for the NACP Objectives ○ Work towards improving the quality of information and HIV services to various social groups ○ Create institutional mechanisms for Gender and social inclusion in the NACP in a sustained manner. ○ Prepare actionable guidelines on gender, GIPA, grievance redressal mechanisms to address stigma and discrimination.
  • 46. Approach: ● Gender and social inclusiveness will be a cross cutting theme in the operational guidelines, training modules, reporting system etc. ● GESI would provide guidance to service providers to facilitate linkages with appropriate agencies/departments to address the inequities among various groups due to: a) Economic reasons (Eg: people living below the Poverty Line i.e. BPL category) b) Gender reasons (Women& transgender) c) Geographical reasons (remote and difficult terrains) d) Special vulnerable groups ( wives of migrant workers, female migrant workers) e) Various high risk groups (FSW, MSM, Transgender and Hijras and IDU) and bridge populations (migrants and truck drivers)
  • 47. GENDER EQUITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSION STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 1. Creating an enabling environment. 2. Addressing stigma and discrimination. 3. Addressing human rights, legal and ethical issues related to health care. 4. Addressing the gender inequality. 5. Addressing the needs of the vulnerable and specific groups.
  • 48. Promoting social inclusion ● Promote job-rich growth. ● Scale up social inclusion schemes. ● Providing a local network group, linking groups in an area concerned with different issues affecting a particular community. ● Increasing or co-ordinating opportunities for particular communities to participate in society. ● Education and awareness campaigns on the needs of people who are socially excluded. ● Regeneration activities to change and improve the social and economic circumstances of a community.
  • 49. Understanding the vulnerability of women in the growth process  Women are disproportionately represented among the poor.  There is a gender gap in terms of labour force participation and unemployment rates (both in favour of men).  Women tend to work more in the informal sector and self-employment without access to social protection, for example, informal agriculture and domestic work.  They have less voice and representation in terms of social dialogue.
  • 50. Contd.,  They continue to face a number of constraints (legal, cultural, social norms) that limit their access to the labor market, productive assets and better-paid work.  Women often take up part-time and flexible jobs, resulting in underemployment or unemployment during times of financial crisis.  Given that many women work in the informal sector and are thus excluded from employment-based social security schemes, which kick in during a financial crisis, they are disproportionally affected by shocks.
  • 51. PATHWAYS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ● Eradication of gender based violence ● Guaranteeing legal identity ● Enabling access to and control over resources ● Providing access to decent work and livelihoods ● Ensuring access to public services ● Increasing public participation and involvement in decision making.
  • 52. COVID19 pandemic becoming child rights crisis as 6,000 children could die daily: UNICEF 1. As the COVID-19 pandemic weakens the health systems and disrupts routine services, the first time that the number of children dying before their fifth birthday could increase worldwide in decades. 2. Additional 1.2 million deaths could occur in just the next six months, due to reductions in routine health coverage, and an increase in so-called child wasting. 3. Around 56,700 more maternal deaths could also occur in just six months, in addition to the 144,000 likely deaths across the low income countries.
  • 53. NGO’s Working for Gender and Social Inclusion
  • 54. NGO’s Working for Gender and Social Inclusion in India. Listed below are the NGOs for women which are helping women get legal justice and encouraging them to take their lives in their own hands. ● Guria India. ● Action Aid India. ● Majlis Manch. ● Sayodhya Home For Women In Need. ● Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra. ● International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care (PCVC). ● Committee for Legal Aid to Poor. ● Prerna. ● Sakhya Women’s Guidance Cell. ● The Prajnya Trust. ● SVYM.
  • 55. Conclusion ● Gender equality is a fundamental right which contributes to a healthy society filled with respectful relationships between one another. ● Women empowerment is a critical aspect in achieving gender equality which includes woman’s decision making power, access to opportunities and resources and her sense of self worth. ● Social inclusion that fostering inclusive growth and development in developing countries requires the development of productive capacities and structural transformation, the creation of decent jobs and the adoption of social inclusion policies that give vulnerable groups an opportunity to participate in and benefit from economic growth.
  • 56. References 1. https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/social-inclusion#4. 2. https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality. 3. https://wcd.nic.in/schemes-listing/2405- Ministry of Child and Women development 4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Social inclusion programmes and inclusive growth in developing countries. 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_India. 6. https://www.unicef.org/rosa/reports/gender-equality-programming-south-asia. 7. 10 NGOs helping women to fight for their rights in India. 8. UNICEF-Gender Action Plan 2018-2021