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The Hispanic
Millennial Project
Attitudes towards Health and Wellbeing
National Conference on
Health Communication, Marketing, and Media
Atlanta, GA
August 11 – 13, 2015
The Hispanic Millennial Project is a joint
research study developed by cross-cultural
advertising agency Sensis and market
research firm ThinkNow Research.
Online Panel
Over 30,000 respondents to recruit from
Nationally-representative, per Census
Unique recruitment model that encompasses online
and offline recruitment methods such as Spanish-
language television advertising
ThinkNow Research
Fortune 500 clients
Over 30 years of research experience specifically in
the Hispanic and multicultural market
Only multicultural market research company that
owns & operates an in-house panel
Experts in Hispanic
Market Research
ThinkNow Research
provides innovative online
market research solutions
for companies looking to
understand the U.S.
Hispanic consumer. We
specialize in researching the
U.S. Hispanic demographic
and other hard-to-reach
consumers in order to
deliver high quality research
to our clients that bear
actionable and meaningful
4Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk
ThinkNow Research
@ThinkNowTweets thinknowresearch.com/blog
Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk roy@thinknowresearch.com
Ph: 818-843-0220 x102
5Research Methodology
• ThinkNow Research has conducted 5 Waves of a nationwide online survey from March
2014 till June 2015
• A total of n=6,688 interviews have been completed. Qualified respondents were
segmented into one of the following groups:
• N=300 respondents from each group have been included per wave.*
• Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and
US region.
Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic
Origin Self-identify
as Hispanic
as Hispanic
as White Non-
as Asian
as African-
Age 18 to 34 years 35 to 64 years 18 to 34 years 18 to 34 years 18 to 34 years
This compilation of Hispanic Millennial
Project data pulls findings from several
waves to create a comprehensive
picture of Millennial attitudes towards
health and wellbeing. The research
draws from:
• Literature – An analysis of third
party research on Hispanic
• Secondary Research – An analysis
of syndicated research data (U.S.
Census Bureau, Experian
Simmons, Geoscape, etc.) on
Hispanic Millennials
• Primary Research/Quantitative
Research – Online survey data
gathered by ThinkNow Research
Research Abstract:
* Hispanic Millennials were included in all five waves. Other groups were included/excluded in each wave depending
on topic being addressed.
6Why Hispanic Millennials?
Hispanic Millennials make up the second largest Hispanic cohort living in the U.S.
% of Total Hispanic Population
The Silent/The Greatest Generation Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y Generation Z
Geoscape, American Marketscape DataStream, 2014 series
7But Younger Americans are more likely to be Hispanic
50 TO 64 YEARS
35 TO 49 YEARS
18 TO 34 YEARS
14 TO 17 YEARS
Hispanic Origin Non-Hispanic
Source: US Census: Projection 2015.
Hispanics are currently 18% of Total Population
50% of US Population
Under 5 is currently of
minority descent
8Why Hispanic Millennials?
In key DMAs, Hispanic Millennials already represent the majority
52% 53%
35% 35%
Geoscape, American Marketscape DataStream, 2014 series
% Hispanic Millennial/Total DMA Millennial Population
9Five Key Themes:
Hispanic Millennials…
1. Have sophisticated health attitudes
2. Are engaged in healthy lifestyles
3. Embrace technology. Is that pro or anti-health?
4. Send conflicting messages regarding diet
5. Are widely insured but not apt to visit doctors
Theme 1:
Hispanic Millennials Have
Sophisticated HealthAttitudes
11Diet, feeling good, and exercise define health
“What does being ‘healthy’ mean to you? How do you define being ‘healthy’?” (Open-end)
Source: TMP Wave 2
12Proactive about managing health
“Which, if any, preventative measures are you taking to avoid health problems in the future?”
Source: TMP Wave 2
13Report lower levels of stress
Which suggests Hispanic Millennials are more optimistic about their health.
Based on a 5-point scale – Completely Stress Free to Very Stressful
“How would you consider your stress level overall?”
Source: TMP Wave 2
14Yet concerned about hereditary illnesses
“You mentioned that you are concerned about getting an illness / condition in the future. What illness /
condition is that?”
Source: TMP Wave 2
U.S. Born vs. Foreign-born Hispanic Millennials
16U.S. Born emphasize mental health
U.S. born Hispanic Millennials are more likely to define health as being happy, while Foreign born
Hispanic Millennials are more likely to define it as not having physical problems.
What does being “healthy” mean to you? How do you define “healthy”?
Source: TMP Wave 2
17Preference for home remedies over medicine
Foreign Born Hispanic Millennials are more likely to prefer home remedies over medicine compared
to U.S. Born Hispanic Millennials.
Please select the point in the scale that describes how much you agree or
disagree with each statement below (top 2 boxes).
Source: TMP Wave 2
Hispanic Millennial Males vs. Females
19More optimistic about their health
Hispanic Millennial Males are more optimistic about their health compared to women.
How would you rate your overall health? How do you think your health will be 5-10 years from now?
Source: TMP Wave 2
20More likely to suffer from a health condition
Hispanic Millennial Females are more likely to suffer from clinical depression compared to
Source: TMP Wave 2
21Online health information used more than trusted
Female Hispanic Millennials are more likely to seek out health-related information or advice online.
However, they are less likely to trust the internet over doctors.
“What is the most trusted source that you are likely to
use when looking for health-related information or
“What sources are you likely to use when looking for
health-related information or advice?”
Source: TMP Wave 2
Theme 2:
Hispanic Millennials are Engaged in Healthy
23More likely to exercise regularly
“How often do you exercise, if at all?”
4+ Times per Week (Net)
Source: TMP Wave 2
24And exercise for health-related reasons
“Please rank the top 3 reasons why you exercise.”
Source: TMP Wave 2
25Significantly higher engagement in team sports
Difference in attitudes towards exercise & corroborates close knit social ties.
“Which of the following types of exercise do you take part in regularly?”
Playing a Team Sport
Hispanic Millennial Non-Hispanic Millennial
Hispanic Millennial Non-Hispanic Millennial
Source: TMP Wave 2
Theme 3:
Technology Pro orAnti-health?
74% 76%
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanics 35-64
Binge viewing has become the norm for many Millennials.
Letter indicates significance at 95% CL.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Q30. In the past 30 days, have you watched 3 or more back-to-back episodes of the same program?
Have Watched 3+ Back-to Back Episodes of Same Program in Past 30 Days
Source: TMP Wave 5
Mean Number of Hours Per Week
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanics 35-64
Non-Hispanic White Millennials spend the most time playing video
games, followed by African-American Millennials.
Letter indicates significance at 95% CL.
Q15. During an average week, approximately how many hours do you spend playing video games?
Hours Per Week
Base: Video Game Players
Source: TMP Wave 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
4.1 4.3
Mean Number of Times Per Day
Mean Number of Hours Per Day
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanics 35-64
Millennials spend nearly 3 hours on social media each day and update
or check their social media sites through their cellphone an average of
4 times a day.
Letter indicates significance at 95% CL.
Q9. On a typical day, approximately how much time would you say you spend on social media each day?
Q11. In a typical day, how many times do you use your cell phone to update your status or check in with social media
Average Hours Spent on Social Media Per Day
Average No. of Times Use Cellphone to
Update/Check in With Social Media
Source: TMP Wave 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
30Non-Hispanic White Millennials plan to purchase
wearable technology in the near future
African-American Millennials show most interest in purchasing a smart watch.
32% 32%
Health Tracker Smart Glasses Smart Clothing Smart Watch
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African-American Millennials
How likely are you to purchase any of the following products in the near future?
Source: TMP Wave 5
Theme 4:
Conflicting Messages on Heathy Diet
32Common Diets
Hispanic and non-Hispanic Millennials converge in terms of what they avoid eating.
Biggest Concern Overall
“Please rank the top 3 things you look for in food before eating (or the ones you try to avoid most).”
Source: TMP Wave 2
33However, some Hispanic Millennials don’t feel that
processed foods are bad for you
24% 23%22% 21%
Processed meats/cold cuts Frozen pre-packed meals Food additives/preservatives
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials
Hispanic millennial males
talk about organic and
natural foods in a negative
way at over 2X rate of their
female counterparts
Please indicate how healthy each of these types of foods/ingredients are in general?
Summary of foods rated GOOD for you
↑↓ and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Source: TMP Wave 4
34Source: TMP Wave 4
35Hispanic Millennials report a preference for home-cooked
Net: At least once a week
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials
How often do you do each of the following, if at all?
Cook meals from scratch (myself)
↑↓ and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Source: TMP Wave 4
36Yet are more likely to eat fast food weekly
51% 52%
Net: At least once a week
Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials
How often do you do each of the following, if at all?
Eat at a fast food restaurant (including drive-thru)
↑↓ and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Source: TMP Wave 4
Theme 5:
Widely Insured but not apt to visit doctors
38Most Now Have Health Insurance
“Do you currently have health insurance?” (Age 18-64)
Q: Do you currently have health insurance? A: Yes (any form)
Source TNR Omnibus March 2015 Base: All Respondents – Hispanics (‘13 n=502, ‘14 n=504, ’15 n=604) Non-Hispanics (‘13 n=302, ‘14 n=306, ’15 n=974)
77% 76%
83% 85%83%
All Hispanics Non-Hispanics
Nov. 2013 (A) May 2014 (B) March 2015 (C)
Low Acculturation Bicultural High Acculturation
Nov. 2013 (A) May 2014 (B) March 2015 (C)
39But a higher percentage receive public assistance
“How do you get your health insurance?”
Source: TMP Wave 2
40The doctor is the most trusted source
Which sources are you likely to use when looking for health-related information or
Source: TMP Wave 2
41Seeing a doctor is not part of the vernacular
Hispanic Millennials agree that seeing a doctor regularly is important, although won’t go
unless it is an emergency.
“Seeing a doctor regularly is important to me.”
Results of Top 2 Box: Strongly Agree/Somewhat Agree
“I don’t need to get check-ups or see a doctor unless it’s
absolutely necessary.”
Results of Top 2 Box: Strongly Agree/Somewhat Agree
Source: TMP Wave 2
Implications for Marketers
43Marketing Healthcare to Hispanic Millennials
• Be positive and upbeat yet realistic
– Hispanic Millennials are more optimistic than non-Hispanic Millennials about
their health today
– They also have a lingering preoccupation with hereditary health concerns
common in the Hispanic community
• Address long-term benefits of health maintenance
– Hispanic Millennials proactively take preventative measures to avoid health
problems in the future
– They exercise more often and increasingly monitor the types of food they eat
44Marketing Healthcare to Hispanic Millennials
• Leverage technology and mobile apps
– More and more Hispanic Millennials turning to the internet and digital tools to
manage their overall health
– U.S. Born Hispanic Millennials embracing the internet as a trusted source
versus Foreign born Hispanic Millennials that trust doctors
– Growing reliance on mobile apps to track physical activity and diet
• Enlist doctors for endorsements
– Hispanic Millennials, particularly the Foreign Born, view doctors as an
authoritative voice
• Highlight nutritional information especially about calories
– Hispanic Millennials pay attention to what they eat, particularly calories,
sugars, and types of fats
45Other Considerations for Marketers
• Market organic products
– Hispanic Millennials are avid consumers of organic products and actively research
them online
• Emphasize the added bonus of boosting physical appearance
– Hispanic Millennials are culturally tied to maintaining their health for the sake of
physical appearance
• Communicate the long-term benefits of fitness
– Hispanic Millennials see exercise as a way to maintain health and avoid health
problems later
Sample Characteristics of each wave
47Research Methodology – Wave 1
• ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey between March 14-19, 2014.
• A total of n=900 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following three
• *Non-Hispanic White does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups
• Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region.
Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White
Origin Self-identify as
Hispanic origin
Self-identify as
Hispanic origin
Self-identify as White
Non-Hispanic origin*
Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age
Base Size N=300 N=300 N=300
48Research Methodology – Wave 2
• ThinkNow conducted a nationwide online survey in June 2014
• A total of n=908 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the
following three groups:
• Non-Hispanic White does not include African-Americans, Asians, and other ethnic groups
• Respondents in each group were weighted to match U.S. Census for age, gender, and U.S. region
Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White
Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic
Self-identify as White Non-
Hispanic Origin
Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age
Base Size N=302 N=305 N=301
49Research Methodology – Wave 3
• ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey during October, 2014.
• A total of n=1,530 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of
the following five segments. In this presentation we will focus on three segments:
• Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region.
Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White
Origin Self-identify as Hispanic
Self-identify as Hispanic
Self-identify as White Non-
Hispanic origin*
Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age
Base Size N=303 N=307 N=307
*Non-Hispanic White (does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups)
50Research Methodology – Wave 4
• ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey during March, 2015.
• A total of n=1,533 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the
following five segments. In this presentation we will focus on three segments:
• Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region.
Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic
White Millennials
Asian Millennials African-
Origin Self-identify as
Hispanic origin
Self-identify as
Hispanic origin
Self-identify as
White Non-Hispanic
Self-identify as
Self-identify as
Age 18 to 34 years of
35 to 64 years of
18 to 34 years of
18 to 34 years of
18 to 34 years of
Base Size N=301 (Foreign
Born: 91)
N=305 (Foreign
Born: 95)
N=327 N=300 N=300
*Non-Hispanic White (does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups)
• ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey during June, 2015.
• A total of n=1,512 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following
five segments. In this presentation we will focus on three segments:
• Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region.
Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic
White Millennials
Asian Millennials African-
Origin Self-identify as
Hispanic origin
Self-identify as
Hispanic origin
Self-identify as
White Non-Hispanic
Self-identify as
Self-identify as
Age 18 to 34 years of
35 to 64 years of
18 to 34 years of
18 to 34 years of
18 to 34 years of
Base Size N=306 (Foreign
Born: 91)
N=305 (Foreign
Born: 95)
N=301 N=300 N=300
*Non-Hispanic White (does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups)
Research Methodology – Wave 5
52Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk
ThinkNow Research
@ThinkNowTweets thinknowresearch.com/blog
Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk roy@thinknowresearch.com
Ph: 818-843-0220 x102

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Hispanic Millennial Attitudes Towards Health & Wellbeing

  • 1. The Hispanic Millennial Project Attitudes towards Health and Wellbeing National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media Atlanta, GA August 11 – 13, 2015
  • 2. The Hispanic Millennial Project is a joint research study developed by cross-cultural advertising agency Sensis and market research firm ThinkNow Research.
  • 3. 3 Online Panel Over 30,000 respondents to recruit from Nationally-representative, per Census Unique recruitment model that encompasses online and offline recruitment methods such as Spanish- language television advertising ThinkNow Research Research Fortune 500 clients Over 30 years of research experience specifically in the Hispanic and multicultural market Only multicultural market research company that owns & operates an in-house panel Experts in Hispanic Market Research ThinkNow Research provides innovative online market research solutions for companies looking to understand the U.S. Hispanic consumer. We specialize in researching the U.S. Hispanic demographic and other hard-to-reach consumers in order to deliver high quality research to our clients that bear actionable and meaningful results.
  • 4. 4Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk Partner ThinkNow Research @ThinkNowTweets thinknowresearch.com/blog Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk [email protected] Ph: 818-843-0220 x102
  • 5. 5Research Methodology • ThinkNow Research has conducted 5 Waves of a nationwide online survey from March 2014 till June 2015 • A total of n=6,688 interviews have been completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following groups: • N=300 respondents from each group have been included per wave.* • Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region. Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African- American Millennials Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as White Non- Hispanic origin Self-identify as Asian Self-identify as African- American Age 18 to 34 years 35 to 64 years 18 to 34 years 18 to 34 years 18 to 34 years This compilation of Hispanic Millennial Project data pulls findings from several waves to create a comprehensive picture of Millennial attitudes towards health and wellbeing. The research draws from: • Literature – An analysis of third party research on Hispanic Millennials • Secondary Research – An analysis of syndicated research data (U.S. Census Bureau, Experian Simmons, Geoscape, etc.) on Hispanic Millennials • Primary Research/Quantitative Research – Online survey data gathered by ThinkNow Research Research Abstract: * Hispanic Millennials were included in all five waves. Other groups were included/excluded in each wave depending on topic being addressed.
  • 6. 6Why Hispanic Millennials? Hispanic Millennials make up the second largest Hispanic cohort living in the U.S. 5% 14% 19% 27% 35% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% % of Total Hispanic Population The Silent/The Greatest Generation Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Geoscape, American Marketscape DataStream, 2014 series
  • 7. 7But Younger Americans are more likely to be Hispanic 8% 12% 19% 21% 24% 25% 26% 65 YEARS AND OVER 50 TO 64 YEARS 35 TO 49 YEARS 18 TO 34 YEARS 14 TO 17 YEARS 5 TO 13 YEARS UNDER 5 YEARS % OF US POPULATION THAT IS HISPANIC BY AGE Hispanic Origin Non-Hispanic Source: US Census: Projection 2015. Hispanics are currently 18% of Total Population 50% of US Population Under 5 is currently of minority descent
  • 8. 8Why Hispanic Millennials? In key DMAs, Hispanic Millennials already represent the majority 27% 35% 62% 95% 44% 52% 53% 29% 15% 35% 35% 61% 37% 32% 19% Geoscape, American Marketscape DataStream, 2014 series % Hispanic Millennial/Total DMA Millennial Population
  • 9. 9Five Key Themes: Hispanic Millennials… 1. Have sophisticated health attitudes 2. Are engaged in healthy lifestyles 3. Embrace technology. Is that pro or anti-health? 4. Send conflicting messages regarding diet 5. Are widely insured but not apt to visit doctors
  • 10. Theme 1: Hispanic Millennials Have Sophisticated HealthAttitudes
  • 11. 11Diet, feeling good, and exercise define health “What does being ‘healthy’ mean to you? How do you define being ‘healthy’?” (Open-end) Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 12. 12Proactive about managing health “Which, if any, preventative measures are you taking to avoid health problems in the future?” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 13. 13Report lower levels of stress Which suggests Hispanic Millennials are more optimistic about their health. Based on a 5-point scale – Completely Stress Free to Very Stressful “How would you consider your stress level overall?” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 14. 14Yet concerned about hereditary illnesses “You mentioned that you are concerned about getting an illness / condition in the future. What illness / condition is that?” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 15. HealthAttitudes U.S. Born vs. Foreign-born Hispanic Millennials
  • 16. 16U.S. Born emphasize mental health U.S. born Hispanic Millennials are more likely to define health as being happy, while Foreign born Hispanic Millennials are more likely to define it as not having physical problems. What does being “healthy” mean to you? How do you define “healthy”? Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 17. 17Preference for home remedies over medicine Foreign Born Hispanic Millennials are more likely to prefer home remedies over medicine compared to U.S. Born Hispanic Millennials. Please select the point in the scale that describes how much you agree or disagree with each statement below (top 2 boxes). Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 19. 19More optimistic about their health Hispanic Millennial Males are more optimistic about their health compared to women. How would you rate your overall health? How do you think your health will be 5-10 years from now? Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 20. 20More likely to suffer from a health condition Hispanic Millennial Females are more likely to suffer from clinical depression compared to males. Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 21. 21Online health information used more than trusted Female Hispanic Millennials are more likely to seek out health-related information or advice online. However, they are less likely to trust the internet over doctors. “What is the most trusted source that you are likely to use when looking for health-related information or advice?” “What sources are you likely to use when looking for health-related information or advice?” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 22. Theme 2: Hispanic Millennials are Engaged in Healthy Lifestyles
  • 23. 23More likely to exercise regularly “How often do you exercise, if at all?” 4+ Times per Week (Net) Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 24. 24And exercise for health-related reasons “Please rank the top 3 reasons why you exercise.” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 25. 25Significantly higher engagement in team sports Difference in attitudes towards exercise & corroborates close knit social ties. “Which of the following types of exercise do you take part in regularly?” 25% 14% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Playing a Team Sport Hispanic Millennial Non-Hispanic Millennial  14% 23% Hiking Hispanic Millennial Non-Hispanic Millennial  Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 26. Theme 3: Technology Pro orAnti-health?
  • 27. 27 74% 76% 66% 73% 60% Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanics 35-64 Binge viewing has become the norm for many Millennials. Letter indicates significance at 95% CL. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Q30. In the past 30 days, have you watched 3 or more back-to-back episodes of the same program? Have Watched 3+ Back-to Back Episodes of Same Program in Past 30 Days E CE E Source: TMP Wave 5
  • 28. 28 6.5 9.0 5.8 7.2 5.1 Mean Number of Hours Per Week Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanics 35-64 CE E ACDE Non-Hispanic White Millennials spend the most time playing video games, followed by African-American Millennials. Letter indicates significance at 95% CL. Q15. During an average week, approximately how many hours do you spend playing video games? Hours Per Week Base: Video Game Players Source: TMP Wave 5 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
  • 29. 29 4.3 3.8 4.1 4.3 3.4 Mean Number of Times Per Day 2.7 2.6 2.2 2.6 1.8 Mean Number of Hours Per Day Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanics 35-64 E E E E E FE Millennials spend nearly 3 hours on social media each day and update or check their social media sites through their cellphone an average of 4 times a day. Letter indicates significance at 95% CL. Q9. On a typical day, approximately how much time would you say you spend on social media each day? Q11. In a typical day, how many times do you use your cell phone to update your status or check in with social media Average Hours Spent on Social Media Per Day Average No. of Times Use Cellphone to Update/Check in With Social Media CE Source: TMP Wave 5 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
  • 30. 30Non-Hispanic White Millennials plan to purchase wearable technology in the near future African-American Millennials show most interest in purchasing a smart watch. 32% 28% 25% 30% 41% 32% 32% 35%36% 32% 22% 35% 33% 28% 22% 38% Health Tracker Smart Glasses Smart Clothing Smart Watch Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African-American Millennials How likely are you to purchase any of the following products in the near future? Source: TMP Wave 5
  • 32. 32Common Diets Hispanic and non-Hispanic Millennials converge in terms of what they avoid eating. Biggest Concern Overall “Please rank the top 3 things you look for in food before eating (or the ones you try to avoid most).” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 33. 33However, some Hispanic Millennials don’t feel that processed foods are bad for you 31% 24% 23%22% 21% 17%17% 19% 16% 27% 30% 23% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Processed meats/cold cuts Frozen pre-packed meals Food additives/preservatives Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials Hispanic millennial males talk about organic and natural foods in a negative way at over 2X rate of their female counterparts Please indicate how healthy each of these types of foods/ingredients are in general? Summary of foods rated GOOD for you ↑↓ and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) (A) (B) (C) (D) BC BC Source: TMP Wave 4
  • 35. 35Hispanic Millennials report a preference for home-cooked meals 81% 77% 83% 74% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Net: At least once a week Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials How often do you do each of the following, if at all? Cook meals from scratch (myself) ↑↓ and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) (A) (B) (C) (D) DD Source: TMP Wave 4
  • 36. 36Yet are more likely to eat fast food weekly 62% 51% 52% 58% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Net: At least once a week Hispanic Millennials Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African American Millennials How often do you do each of the following, if at all? Eat at a fast food restaurant (including drive-thru) ↑↓ and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) (A) (B) (C) (D) BC Source: TMP Wave 4
  • 37. 37 Theme 5: Widely Insured but not apt to visit doctors
  • 38. 38Most Now Have Health Insurance “Do you currently have health insurance?” (Age 18-64) Q: Do you currently have health insurance? A: Yes (any form) Source TNR Omnibus March 2015 Base: All Respondents – Hispanics (‘13 n=502, ‘14 n=504, ’15 n=604) Non-Hispanics (‘13 n=302, ‘14 n=306, ’15 n=974) 77% 76% 83% 85%83% 89% All Hispanics Non-Hispanics Nov. 2013 (A) May 2014 (B) March 2015 (C) 58% 82% 78% 72% 85% 79% 66% 89% 85% Low Acculturation Bicultural High Acculturation Nov. 2013 (A) May 2014 (B) March 2015 (C)
  • 39. 39But a higher percentage receive public assistance “How do you get your health insurance?” Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 40. 40The doctor is the most trusted source Which sources are you likely to use when looking for health-related information or advice? Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 41. 41Seeing a doctor is not part of the vernacular Hispanic Millennials agree that seeing a doctor regularly is important, although won’t go unless it is an emergency. “Seeing a doctor regularly is important to me.” Results of Top 2 Box: Strongly Agree/Somewhat Agree “I don’t need to get check-ups or see a doctor unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Results of Top 2 Box: Strongly Agree/Somewhat Agree Source: TMP Wave 2
  • 43. 43Marketing Healthcare to Hispanic Millennials • Be positive and upbeat yet realistic – Hispanic Millennials are more optimistic than non-Hispanic Millennials about their health today – They also have a lingering preoccupation with hereditary health concerns common in the Hispanic community • Address long-term benefits of health maintenance – Hispanic Millennials proactively take preventative measures to avoid health problems in the future – They exercise more often and increasingly monitor the types of food they eat
  • 44. 44Marketing Healthcare to Hispanic Millennials • Leverage technology and mobile apps – More and more Hispanic Millennials turning to the internet and digital tools to manage their overall health – U.S. Born Hispanic Millennials embracing the internet as a trusted source versus Foreign born Hispanic Millennials that trust doctors – Growing reliance on mobile apps to track physical activity and diet • Enlist doctors for endorsements – Hispanic Millennials, particularly the Foreign Born, view doctors as an authoritative voice • Highlight nutritional information especially about calories – Hispanic Millennials pay attention to what they eat, particularly calories, sugars, and types of fats
  • 45. 45Other Considerations for Marketers • Market organic products – Hispanic Millennials are avid consumers of organic products and actively research them online • Emphasize the added bonus of boosting physical appearance – Hispanic Millennials are culturally tied to maintaining their health for the sake of physical appearance • Communicate the long-term benefits of fitness – Hispanic Millennials see exercise as a way to maintain health and avoid health problems later
  • 47. 47Research Methodology – Wave 1 • ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey between March 14-19, 2014. • A total of n=900 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following three groups: • *Non-Hispanic White does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups • Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region. Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White Millennials Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as White Non-Hispanic origin* Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age Base Size N=300 N=300 N=300
  • 48. 48Research Methodology – Wave 2 • ThinkNow conducted a nationwide online survey in June 2014 • A total of n=908 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following three groups: • Non-Hispanic White does not include African-Americans, Asians, and other ethnic groups • Respondents in each group were weighted to match U.S. Census for age, gender, and U.S. region Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White Millennials Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as White Non- Hispanic Origin Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age Base Size N=302 N=305 N=301
  • 49. 49Research Methodology – Wave 3 • ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey during October, 2014. • A total of n=1,530 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following five segments. In this presentation we will focus on three segments: • Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region. Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White Millennials Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as White Non- Hispanic origin* Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age Base Size N=303 N=307 N=307 *Non-Hispanic White (does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups)
  • 50. 50Research Methodology – Wave 4 • ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey during March, 2015. • A total of n=1,533 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following five segments. In this presentation we will focus on three segments: • Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region. Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African- American Millennials Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as White Non-Hispanic origin* Self-identify as Asian Self-identify as African-American Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age 18 to 34 years of age 18 to 34 years of age Base Size N=301 (Foreign Born: 91) N=305 (Foreign Born: 95) N=327 N=300 N=300 *Non-Hispanic White (does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups)
  • 51. 51 • ThinkNow Research conducted a nationwide online survey during June, 2015. • A total of n=1,512 interviews were completed. Qualified respondents were segmented into one of the following five segments. In this presentation we will focus on three segments: • Respondents in each group were weighted to match US Census for gender, age and US region. Hispanic Millennials Hispanics 35+ Non-Hispanic White Millennials Asian Millennials African- American Millennials Origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as Hispanic origin Self-identify as White Non-Hispanic origin* Self-identify as Asian Self-identify as African-American Age 18 to 34 years of age 35 to 64 years of age 18 to 34 years of age 18 to 34 years of age 18 to 34 years of age Base Size N=306 (Foreign Born: 91) N=305 (Foreign Born: 95) N=301 N=300 N=300 *Non-Hispanic White (does not include African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups) Research Methodology – Wave 5
  • 52. 52Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk Partner ThinkNow Research @ThinkNowTweets thinknowresearch.com/blog Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk [email protected] Ph: 818-843-0220 x102