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Holiday Shopping Trends
Detailed Findings
Method Online survey via ThinkNow Research’s Omnibus Study
Sample Size
Hispanics: n=608
Non-Hispanics: n=414
Screening Criteria
• Hispanics: self identify as Hispanic origin
• Non-Hispanics: self identify as Non-Hispanic origin
• 18-64 years of age
Quotas/ Weighting
• Age bracket
• Gender balance
• Region
• Primary language spoken at home (Hispanics only)
Some light weighting applied to balance samples to U.S. Census data
with respect to age, gender and region.
Test Area Nationwide
Fieldwork Timing October, 2015
Detailed Findings
Hispanics are starting their Holiday shopping
later than non-Hispanics in 2015 and are more
likely to do their shopping “All at once”.
Both Hispanics and non-Hispanics plan to
spend more this Holiday season than last.
Bilingual and Male Hispanics will spend the
most by significant margins
HS.A. First, when do you usually start your Christmas/holiday shopping, if at all? Please select one response.
Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=608), Non-Hispanics (n=414)
When Do They Start Their Holiday Shopping?
August or before
November – before Thanksgiving
November – Thanksgiving Day/ weekend,…
December – first 2 weeks
December – 3rd week
December – 1 week before Christmas
Weekend before Christmas
Few days before Christmas
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
After Christmas
I don’t buy holiday gifts
Hispanics Non-Hispanics
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
HS.B. Approximately how much money in total did you spend on Christmas gifts last holiday season (2014)?.
Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392), Spanish-Dom (n=195), Bilingual (n=204), English-Dom
(n=176), Males (n=278), Females (n=297)
Average Amount Spent on Christmas Gifts in 2014
Hispanics Non-Hispanics
Bilingual English-
Males Females
(A) B)
(G) (H) (I) (C) (D)
------------------------------ Hispanics ----------------------------------
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
Change in Holiday Spending This Year
Compared to Last Year
HS.C. Do you plan on sending the same, more or less this year for Christmas gifts compared to last year?
Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
All at once
All at once
HS1: Do you usually make several holiday shopping trips or try to do it all at once?
Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
Number of Holiday Shopping Trips
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
Non-Hispanics are significantly more likely to
do their Holiday shopping alone.
Hispanics are more likely to take adult family
members, friends and kids on their holiday
shopping trips than non-Hispanics
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
HS2: Who do you normally bring along with you when holiday shopping? Select all that apply.
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping – Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)
Who They Bring Along on Holiday Shopping Trips
Adult family
Kids Hispanics
Non-Hispanics are more likely to do their
shopping online than Hispanics but about 90%
of both groups will do at least some of their
shopping online.
Hispanic consumers are most likely to do
between 25%-50% of their shopping online
HS4: What percentage of your total holiday shopping do you plan to do online?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping : Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
Proportion of Holiday Shopping Done Online
None 1% to< 25% 25% to < 50% 50% to < 75% 75% to < 100%
Percentage of Online Shopping
32 31
None 1% to< 25% 25% to < 50% 50% to < 75% 75% to < 100%
Hispanics indicated they were more likely than
Non-Hispanics to text friends about good
deals, accompany friends or family on holiday
shopping trips, give a Groupon or other deal
voucher and use layaway services.
Holiday Shopping Behaviors
Text your friends
about good deals
you find
Share good deals
with friends on
Facebook, Twitter,
other social media
Shopping trips not
for yourself, but to
accompany friends
or family
Buy holiday gifts
for pets – either
your own or of
friends or family
Give a Groupon or
other deal voucher
(Groupon, Living
Social, etc.) as a
Give a gift card as
a present
Use layaway
services at a retail
HS.5: On a scale of 1-5, how inclined are you to do the following in the course of your holiday shopping?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping – Total Sample - Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
13% 19% 16%
19% 20%
28% 27%
31% 27% 29% 32%
26% 24%
17% 15%
20% 21%
Actions Inclined to Take During the Course of Holiday Shopping
- Very/Somewhat Likely -
Very likely
Neither likely
nor unlikely
Very unlikely
64% 59% 55% 56% 65% 63% 49% 57%  38%  30% 74% 78% 47%  39%
Top 2 Box
Hispanics are more likely to say they plan on
eating lunch or dinner out while they are doing
their holiday shopping.
Eating Out While Holiday Shopping
HS10: When you go Holiday shopping, do you usually plan on eating lunch or dinner while you’re out?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
Just over half of Hispanics say they went
shopping on Black Friday last year.
Hispanics are significantly more likely to say
they will shop on Black Friday this year
compared to Non-Hispanics.
Black Friday Shopping
34% 32%
Hispanics Non-Hispanics
Likelihood of Black Friday Shopping
Very likely
Neither likely
nor unlikely
Very unlikely
HS.8: Did you go shopping on Black Friday last year?
HS.6: How likely are you to go shopping on Black Friday this year?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
Shopped Black Friday Last Year
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
63% 54% Top 2 Box
-6% from
69% in 2014
Hispanic consumers are also more likely to
shop Thanksgiving Day than Non-Hispanics.
Shopping on Thanksgiving Day
24% 24%
Hispanics Non-Hispanics
Likelihood of Shopping on Thanksgiving Day
Very likely
Neither likely
nor unlikely
Very unlikely
HS. 7: Are you more or less likely to start your Black Friday shopping if the sales started on Thanksgiving?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
49% 39% Top 2 Box
Cyber Monday will likely draw both Hispanic
and non-Hispanic consumers: 69% vs. 66%.
There was a decrease, however, among
Hispanics who said they are very or somewhat
likely to shop on Cyber Monday, compared to
2014 (from 79% to 69%).
Shopping on Cyber Monday
9% 9%
5% 6%
35% 28%
34% 38%
Hispanics Non-Hispanics
Likelihood of Shopping on Cyber Monday
Very likely
Neither likely
nor unlikely
Very unlikely
HS.9: Online retailers generally offer some of their best deals of the season that day. How likely are you shop on Cyber Monday?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
69% 66% Top 2 Box
- 10% from
79% in 2014
41% of Hispanic consumers plan on
observing Three Kings Day this holiday
Hispanics who plan to observe Three Kings
day are most likely to celebrate by gathering
with family and serving special foods.
Hispanics are also more likely than Non-
Hispanics to say they will buy special gifts.
Eating Out While Shopping
HS10: When you go Holiday shopping, do you usually plan on eating lunch or dinner while you’re out?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
Almost half of Hispanics anticipate traveling by
car more than two hours from home from
home during the holidays.
A third of non-Hispanics plan to do the same.
Over half plan to bring the family dog on their
holiday trip.
Traveling During the Holidays
HS.13: Do you anticipate that you’ll be traveling in your car to a destination over two hours from your home during the holidays this year?
HS.14: How likely is it you’d bring a pet along on this trip?
Base: Do at least some holiday shopping – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)
Anticipate Traveling 2+ Hours from
Home During Holidays
 and letters indicate statistically
significant difference (95% confidence)
Likelihood of Bringing Family Dog
during Holiday Travels
n = 608
n = 414 Metric
n = 608
n = 414
Male 51% 49% Born in the U.S. 55% 97%
Female 49% 51% Moved here 45% 3%
Average years living in U.S. 12 18
21 to 34 46% 36% Household Income
35 to 64 54% 64% Less than $30,000 35% 24%
Mean age 37 41 $30,000 to less than $50,000 18% 14%
$50,000 to less than $70,000 17% 19%
Census Region 70,000 to less than $100,000 10% 11%
Northeast 15% 19% $100,000 or more 13% 26%
Midwest 9% 24% Prefer not to state 7% 6%
South 37% 37%
West 40% 20% Median income ($000) $50 $65
Sample Profile
Sample Profile
n = 608
n = 414 Metric
n = 608
n = 414
Marital Status Educational Attainment
Married 51% 50% Less than High School 10% 3%
Single 27% 28% High school graduate 25% 25%
Living with partner 12% 11% Some College, but no degree 22% 26%
Separated/divorced 8% 11% Trade or technical school 5% 3%
Widowed 2% 1% Graduated from 2-year College 9% 10%
Graduated from 4-5 year College 22% 23%
Average household size 3.5 2.9 Post Graduate Degree 8% 9%
Presence of Children Employment Status
No children <18 present 39% 58% Employed or self employed (net) 65% 60%
Any children <18 present 61% 42% Full-time Homemaker 13% 11%
Currently unemployed 9% 10%
Student, not employed 5% 4%
Unable to work/Disabled 3% 8%
Retired 5% 6%
Sample Profile
Language Spoken at Home
Spanish only 10%
Spanish mostly 22%
Spanish and English equally 36%
English mostly 15%
English only 17%
Country of Origin
Mexican/Mexican American 64%
Puerto Rican 12%
South American 11%
Cuban 6%
Central American 7%
Dominican 3%
Less Acculturated 23%
Bicultural 49%
More Acculturated 28%
Quantitative Research
Carlos Yanez
818-843-0220 x110
Qualitative Research
Jairo Moncada
818-843-0220 x111
Ashwin Agrawal
818-843-0220 x107
Contact Info
Mario X. Carrasco
818-843-0220 x101
Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk
818-843-0220 x102

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  • 4. Methodology Method Online survey via ThinkNow Research’s Omnibus Study Sample Size Hispanics: n=608 Non-Hispanics: n=414 Screening Criteria • Hispanics: self identify as Hispanic origin • Non-Hispanics: self identify as Non-Hispanic origin • 18-64 years of age Quotas/ Weighting Quotas: • Age bracket • Gender balance • Region • Primary language spoken at home (Hispanics only) Some light weighting applied to balance samples to U.S. Census data with respect to age, gender and region. Test Area Nationwide Fieldwork Timing October, 2015
  • 6. Hispanics are starting their Holiday shopping later than non-Hispanics in 2015 and are more likely to do their shopping “All at once”. Both Hispanics and non-Hispanics plan to spend more this Holiday season than last. Bilingual and Male Hispanics will spend the most by significant margins
  • 7. HS.A. First, when do you usually start your Christmas/holiday shopping, if at all? Please select one response. Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=608), Non-Hispanics (n=414) When Do They Start Their Holiday Shopping? 3% 5% 14% 21% 25% 15% 3% 4% 2% 2% 0% 0% 6% August or before September October November – before Thanksgiving November – Thanksgiving Day/ weekend,… December – first 2 weeks December – 3rd week December – 1 week before Christmas Weekend before Christmas Few days before Christmas Christmas Eve Christmas Day After Christmas I don’t buy holiday gifts  Hispanics Non-Hispanics  13% 7% 19% 17% 21% 13% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 1% 6%    and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
  • 8. HS.B. Approximately how much money in total did you spend on Christmas gifts last holiday season (2014)?. Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392), Spanish-Dom (n=195), Bilingual (n=204), English-Dom (n=176), Males (n=278), Females (n=297) Average Amount Spent on Christmas Gifts in 2014 $806 $840 Hispanics Non-Hispanics $771 $927 $698 $915 $692 Spanish- Dom Bilingual English- Dom Males Females D (A) B) (G) (H) (I) (C) (D) ------------------------------ Hispanics ---------------------------------- MEAN GI  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
  • 9. Change in Holiday Spending This Year Compared to Last Year HS.C. Do you plan on sending the same, more or less this year for Christmas gifts compared to last year? Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392) Same 53% More 28% Less 19% Hispanics Same 59% More 25% Less 16% Non-Hispanics  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
  • 10. Several trips 69% All at once 28% Don't holiday shop 3% Hispanics Several trips 74% All at once 22% Don't holiday shop 4% Non-Hispanics HS1: Do you usually make several holiday shopping trips or try to do it all at once? Base: Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392) Number of Holiday Shopping Trips  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)
  • 11. Non-Hispanics are significantly more likely to do their Holiday shopping alone. Hispanics are more likely to take adult family members, friends and kids on their holiday shopping trips than non-Hispanics
  • 12.  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) HS2: Who do you normally bring along with you when holiday shopping? Select all that apply. Base: Do at least some holiday shopping – Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378) Who They Bring Along on Holiday Shopping Trips 57% 28% 26% 19% 52% 37% 24% 16% Adult family members No one/alone Friends Kids Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
  • 13. Non-Hispanics are more likely to do their shopping online than Hispanics but about 90% of both groups will do at least some of their shopping online. Hispanic consumers are most likely to do between 25%-50% of their shopping online
  • 14. HS4: What percentage of your total holiday shopping do you plan to do online? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping : Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) Proportion of Holiday Shopping Done Online 12 22 41 18 7 0 20 40 60 80 None 1% to< 25% 25% to < 50% 50% to < 75% 75% to < 100% Hispanics  Percentage of Online Shopping 9 17 32 31 11 0 20 40 60 80 None 1% to< 25% 25% to < 50% 50% to < 75% 75% to < 100% Non-Hispanics  36% 43% Hispanics Non-Hispanics MEAN 
  • 15. Hispanics indicated they were more likely than Non-Hispanics to text friends about good deals, accompany friends or family on holiday shopping trips, give a Groupon or other deal voucher and use layaway services.
  • 16. Holiday Shopping Behaviors Text your friends about good deals you find Share good deals with friends on Facebook, Twitter, other social media Shopping trips not for yourself, but to accompany friends or family Buy holiday gifts for pets – either your own or of friends or family Give a Groupon or other deal voucher (Groupon, Living Social, etc.) as a gift Give a gift card as a present Use layaway services at a retail store HS.5: On a scale of 1-5, how inclined are you to do the following in the course of your holiday shopping? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping – Total Sample - Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) 17% 13% 19% 16% 19% 20% 19% 12% 22% 19% 13% 12% 21% 15% 27% 28% 28% 27% 33% 37% 24% 25% 22% 16% 36% 31% 27% 18% 38% 31% 27% 29% 32% 26% 24% 32% 17% 15% 38% 48% 20% 21% H NH H NH H NH H NH H NH H NH H NH Actions Inclined to Take During the Course of Holiday Shopping - Very/Somewhat Likely - Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely 64% 59% 55% 56% 65% 63% 49% 57%  38%  30% 74% 78% 47%  39% Top 2 Box
  • 17. Hispanics are more likely to say they plan on eating lunch or dinner out while they are doing their holiday shopping.
  • 18. Eating Out While Holiday Shopping HS10: When you go Holiday shopping, do you usually plan on eating lunch or dinner while you’re out? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)  Yes 73% No 27% Hispanics Yes 64% No 36% Non-Hispanics
  • 19. Just over half of Hispanics say they went shopping on Black Friday last year. Hispanics are significantly more likely to say they will shop on Black Friday this year compared to Non-Hispanics.
  • 20. Black Friday Shopping 15% 22% 10% 8% 11% 16% 29% 22% 34% 32% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Hispanics Non-Hispanics Likelihood of Black Friday Shopping Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely  HS.8: Did you go shopping on Black Friday last year? HS.6: How likely are you to go shopping on Black Friday this year? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392) 53% 44% Hispanics Non-Hispanics Shopped Black Friday Last Year  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)  63% 54% Top 2 Box -6% from 69% in 2014 
  • 21. Hispanic consumers are also more likely to shop Thanksgiving Day than Non-Hispanics.
  • 22. Shopping on Thanksgiving Day 21% 38% 13% 8%16% 15% 25% 15% 24% 24% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Hispanics Non-Hispanics Likelihood of Shopping on Thanksgiving Day Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely    HS. 7: Are you more or less likely to start your Black Friday shopping if the sales started on Thanksgiving? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)  49% 39% Top 2 Box
  • 23. Cyber Monday will likely draw both Hispanic and non-Hispanic consumers: 69% vs. 66%. There was a decrease, however, among Hispanics who said they are very or somewhat likely to shop on Cyber Monday, compared to 2014 (from 79% to 69%).
  • 24. Shopping on Cyber Monday 9% 9% 5% 6% 16% 19% 35% 28% 34% 38% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Hispanics Non-Hispanics Likelihood of Shopping on Cyber Monday Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely HS.9: Online retailers generally offer some of their best deals of the season that day. How likely are you shop on Cyber Monday? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392)  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) 69% 66% Top 2 Box - 10% from 79% in 2014
  • 25. 41% of Hispanic consumers plan on observing Three Kings Day this holiday season. Hispanics who plan to observe Three Kings day are most likely to celebrate by gathering with family and serving special foods. Hispanics are also more likely than Non- Hispanics to say they will buy special gifts.
  • 26. Eating Out While Shopping HS10: When you go Holiday shopping, do you usually plan on eating lunch or dinner while you’re out? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping. Total Sample – Hispanics (n=557), Non-Hispanics (n=378)  and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence)  Yes 73% No 27% Hispanics Yes 64% No 36% Non-Hispanics
  • 27. Almost half of Hispanics anticipate traveling by car more than two hours from home from home during the holidays. A third of non-Hispanics plan to do the same. Over half plan to bring the family dog on their holiday trip.
  • 28. Traveling During the Holidays HS.13: Do you anticipate that you’ll be traveling in your car to a destination over two hours from your home during the holidays this year? HS.14: How likely is it you’d bring a pet along on this trip? Base: Do at least some holiday shopping – Hispanics (n=575), Non-Hispanics (n=392) 45% 32% Hispanics Non-Hispanics Anticipate Traveling 2+ Hours from Home During Holidays   and letters indicate statistically significant difference (95% confidence) 58% Dog Hispanics Likelihood of Bringing Family Dog during Holiday Travels
  • 30. Metric Hispanics n = 608 Non- Hispanics n = 414 Metric Hispanics n = 608 Non- Hispanics n = 414 Male 51% 49% Born in the U.S. 55% 97% Female 49% 51% Moved here 45% 3% Average years living in U.S. 12 18 Age 21 to 34 46% 36% Household Income 35 to 64 54% 64% Less than $30,000 35% 24% Mean age 37 41 $30,000 to less than $50,000 18% 14% $50,000 to less than $70,000 17% 19% Census Region 70,000 to less than $100,000 10% 11% Northeast 15% 19% $100,000 or more 13% 26% Midwest 9% 24% Prefer not to state 7% 6% South 37% 37% West 40% 20% Median income ($000) $50 $65 Sample Profile
  • 31. Sample Profile Metric Hispanics n = 608 Non- Hispanics n = 414 Metric Hispanics n = 608 Non- Hispanics n = 414 Marital Status Educational Attainment Married 51% 50% Less than High School 10% 3% Single 27% 28% High school graduate 25% 25% Living with partner 12% 11% Some College, but no degree 22% 26% Separated/divorced 8% 11% Trade or technical school 5% 3% Widowed 2% 1% Graduated from 2-year College 9% 10% Graduated from 4-5 year College 22% 23% Average household size 3.5 2.9 Post Graduate Degree 8% 9% Presence of Children Employment Status No children <18 present 39% 58% Employed or self employed (net) 65% 60% Any children <18 present 61% 42% Full-time Homemaker 13% 11% Currently unemployed 9% 10% Student, not employed 5% 4% Unable to work/Disabled 3% 8% Retired 5% 6%
  • 32. Sample Profile Metric Hispanics n=608 Language Spoken at Home Spanish only 10% Spanish mostly 22% Spanish and English equally 36% English mostly 15% English only 17% Country of Origin Mexican/Mexican American 64% Puerto Rican 12% South American 11% Cuban 6% Central American 7% Dominican 3% Acculturation Less Acculturated 23% Bicultural 49% More Acculturated 28%
  • 33. Quantitative Research Carlos Yanez 818-843-0220 x110 [email protected] Qualitative Research Jairo Moncada 818-843-0220 x111 [email protected] Panel Ashwin Agrawal 818-843-0220 x107 [email protected] Contact Info Corporate Mario X. Carrasco Partner 818-843-0220 x101 [email protected] Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk Partner 818-843-0220 x102 [email protected]