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How will AI change
our work in 2024?
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AI in 2024: A little less talk.
A lot more action.
Following months of familiarization, PR and marketing practitioners will be
more deliberate this year about implementing tools and new techniques across
their workstreams, and at a far brisker pace, cementing AIā€™s role as a must-have
technology more transformational than laptops and mobile phones were to our
craft in previous decades.
So, just how will AI change the way we work in 2024 and how can you get ready?
Read on for 12 predictions from Golinā€™s global digital, media and AI experts:
Image created with the assistance of AI
Social feeds explode as
publishing frequency rises.
In 2024, AI will revolutionize the way brands
approach social media publishing. With
the help of AI, brands are likely to increase
posting frequency across social channels,
especially in organic publishing. The shift is
already underway ā€“ in fact, in 2023, 43% of
marketers reported increasing their social
media content output compared to 2022,
and 36% of marketers attributed this increase
to the use of automation tools, including
generative AI (HubSpotā€™s 2023 Social Media
Marketing Report).
AI will assist in identifying new topics and
creating first drafts for interesting posts,
allowing brands to produce even more
content at a faster pace.
Additionally, AI will help gather and analyze
more data points, enabling the emergence
of new metrics that go beyond generated
impressions. This will allow PR and marketing
professionals to prove the impact of their
work differently, using data-driven insights
to shape and refine their strategies. In 2024,
expect AI to play a major role influencing
how brands post on social, driving
innovation and enabling new ways of
engaging with audiences.
SVP, Executive Digital Director ā€“ Miami
2024 AI Trends 1/12
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AI removes the guesswork
from content optimization.
For years, as marketers we struggle
optimizing content based on subjective
feedback. We hear things like, ā€œMake this pop.
The tone isnā€™t quite right. Will our customers
think this trend is funny?ā€
In 2024, AI will transform content
optimization from a time-consuming
guessing game to a data-driven, predictive
engine, enabling marketers to optimize
content based on subconscious consumer
reactions, removing subjective feedback,
and providing marketers with objective
second by second performance data.
In fact, weā€™ve already created a proprietary
AI-powered solution helping some of our
largest clients analyze, optimize, and predict
the performance of their content ā€“ we call it
EVP, Executive Digital Director ā€“ Chicago
2024 AI Trends 2/12
Image created with the assistance of AI
PR plays an outsize
role in training AI.
For years, the stories weā€™ve told as PR
pros played double duty: they spark media
interest and elicit coverage, and they often
help deliver our messages through organic
search results. In 2024, AIO will be added
to a communicatorā€™s responsibilities ā€“
AI Optimization.
Fact is, LLMs that power the chatbots
increasingly used by journalists for story
research or for delivering quick responses
to consumer questions are trained on
highly cited, authoritative sources like
prominent media outlets, community-
generated media sites like Wikipedia,
and even company-owned properties
like blogs and online newsrooms.
Expect PR pros to be more cognizant of
the sources which influence the large
language models powering popular Gen AI
tools and adapt media strategies to ensure
LLMs are training on up-to-date, factual,
positive information about their companies
and products.
Global President, Digital ā€“ Dallas
2024 AI Trends 3/12
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AI makes tailored media
relations at scale a reality.
In 2024, AI is poised to revolutionize modern
media relations by reshaping key tasks,
including content creation and personalized
communications. AI tools will enable the
production of customized, high-quality
content on a large scale, such as tailored
pitches and press releases. For instance,
an AI system can analyze a journalistā€™s
interests to draft messages that align with
their specific style and preferences, thereby
increasing the likelihood of coverage.
Moreover, AI will improve media interactions
by more accurately segmenting reporters
based on their interests and preferences
prior to outreach.
AI will be capable of performing monitoring,
reporting, and analysis of journalistsā€™
published works, social media activities,
and audience to identify the most suitable
reporters for specific stories or campaigns.
This targeted approach allows messages
to reach the most receptive and relevant
targets, enhancing their effectiveness.
The key challenge will be balancing AIā€™s
capabilities with oversight and ensuring that
media relations maintain a genuine human
touch amidst advancements.
SVP, Media Relations ā€“ New York
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AI helps us navigate
the critical & complex.
In the landscape of 2024, I envision
marketers and PR professionals harnessing
the power of custom GPTs to expertly
navigate the complex realms of social
inclusion and address critical issues and
crises, particularly concerning race and
disabilities. These advanced language
models will serve as invaluable tools,
adeptly crafting messaging that resonates
with diverse audiences and fosters
genuine connections. Custom GPTs will be
instrumental in providing real-time, tailored
communication strategies during crises,
ensuring swift and empathetic responses.
By leveraging the capabilities of these
models, professionals will not only stay
ahead of evolving conversations but also
proactively contribute to a more inclusive
and socially aware communication
landscape, marking 2024 as a turning
point in the integration of AI for positive
societal impact.
Executive Creative Director ā€“ Chicago
2024 AI Trends 5/12
Image created with the assistance of AI
GenAI will nudge social
media to get real.
The power of AI isnā€™t remotely new in social
media; from third party schedulers to in-
platform reporting and analytics, social
media is governed by machine learning
right down to the algorithms. The explosion
of generative AI more recently has offered
amazing new ways for creative consumers
to visualize their ideas and create social
content (and has led to yet another ā€˜filter-
festā€™ on TikTok) but it has also intensified the
push back to authentic social content, with
consumers becoming savvy to filters and
more inclined to spot fake imagery and
cry disingenuous.
The key for using AI in content and creative?
A less-is-more approach to refine but
not perfect, and polish but not gloss. This
is especially true for influencers, whose
authenticity remains their greatest selling
point with brands and consumers alike.
Where AI can help? Data-crunching and
optimizing to ensure that the creatives
who make social their home can focus their
energies on just that ā€“ being creative.
Executive Director, Integrated Media ā€“ London
2024 AI Trends 6/12
VP, Social Media Strategy Director ā€“ London
Image created with the assistance of AI
AI becomes a focal point of
executive thought leadership.
While we wonā€™t see executives using AI
to scribe their social posts anytime soon
(at least we hope not!), every executive is
going to have to take a position on it this
year. Along with being one of the most
popular topical searches on LinkedIn, this
topic is going to be top of mind for every
employee in pretty much every industry.
While this is obvious in some industries like
marketing, advertising or production, where
AI can directly impact the end product, AI
tools will bring efficiencies to any business
that relies on planning, logistics, operations,
manufacturing, or communicationā€¦ so yeah,
all of them. Employees and stakeholders
will want to know how businesses are
harnessing the potential of AI to improve
their output but avoiding the pitfalls, be it IP,
bias, or misinformation. But more relevant
to the everyday human worker will be
how executives navigate the fears that the
workforce experiences whenever efficiency is
introduced: am I going to be replaced? The
hot topic of the year will be how executives
embrace the benefits of AI but maintain
a commitment to the human beings on
their payroll, whether itā€™s upskilling them
to work in conjunction with AI, or doubling
down on the necessity of human thinking,
creativity, or oversight in more critical roles
that contribute to business success. Every
executive will be on the hotseat when it
comes to putting forth a perspective on
how they will improve their bottom line with
better output rather than deleting humans
from the payroll.
EVP, Executive Digital Director ā€“ Dallas
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Image created with the assistance of AI
AI becomes the silent
MVP on your community
management team.
Brand communities are not a new concept
- but they are still crucial to a brandā€™s
success. However, to create lasting loyalty
and authentic brand advocacy, and for
community to be more than just a buzzword,
it takes a lot of passion and work from
community managers - something that is
often overlooked and underestimated. But
with AI, there is finally support for over-
worked community managers! Building and
maintaining communities can be taken to
the next level: By using predictive analytics,
AI anticipates community trends, and
automated content creation ensures that
members receive tailored information and
engagement is maximized based on their
individual interests. Community managers
also benefit from AI-driven moderation: it
identifies and removes inappropriate content,
ensuring a positive and safe community
environment. The list goes on.
Will AI replace community managers? No!
Have many community managers been
eagerly awaiting AI? Yes! Because AI can
help them become even better at their job
and focus on what AI canā€™t yet do: making
real connections with the community.
Head of Digital ā€“ Germany
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Planning goes into overdrive,
delivering sharper insights
that fuel stronger creative.
EVP, Executive Planning Director ā€“ New York
2024 AI Trends 9/12
Strategy is a constant search for meaning
and truth, in the service of creating change ā€“
whether itā€™s consumer behavior, in culture,
or a companyā€™s purpose. The role of the
strategist is to master the tools and
processes to investigate past and present
information; find inspiration in truths, and
shed new light on insights that will help
create change. In 2023, AI-powered tools
like Waldo gave us a glimpse of the power
of GenAI. A virtual researcher, Waldo
aggregates information that used to
take hours in seconds, giving us more
time to spend truth-hunting than doing
repetitive tasks. In 2024 the fruits of our
experimentation will come to bare. A recent
4As survey confirmed that agencies are
much further along than their clients in
GenAI experimentation and planning; 43% of
companies are unsure how to best use them.
But every marketer in 2024 will need to keep
up with this rapidly changing space. From the
comms director to the CMO having agency
partners they can lean on and learn from will
be critical and strategy will play a vital role in
learning, unlearning, and relearning the new
skills required to responsibly move our clients
and our agency forward. And, as with every
technological advancement, GenAI will reveal
new challenges. For brands that are fine with
the status quo there will be an abundance of
average work made for average reasons at
below-average cost.
All of us should challenge each other to
deliver work thatā€™s exceptional, showing our
dynamic understanding of human behavior
and cultural meaning. GenAI is a powerful tool
and a gamechanger, but it will always be an
enabler not the solution. Strategic thinking
and human ingenuity combined with GenAI
innovation will lead to positive change.
AI fuels diversity in
conceptual creativity.
AI will prompt greater diversification of the
conceptual creative talent pool. Traditionally,
most conceptual creatives came from art
or copy background with the advantage
of better visual or verbal storytelling
capabilities. Gen AI is creating equity by
equipping everyone with tools to better
express their ideas through images or text.
Expect the competitive growth mindset
among this bigger, diverse and equitable
group of creative thinkers to fuel bolder
ideas in 2024, creating even more change
that matters.
Chief Creative Officer, APAC ā€“ Singapore
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Applied models for all.
Creative Technology Director ā€“ Chicago
2024 AI Trends 11/12
2023 was defined by everyone who didnā€™t
already love chatbots learning to love
chatbots. Thanks to OpenAIā€™s ChatGPT,
Google Bard and Microsoft Copilot, chat
became the one user experience touchpoint
to rule them all, right?
Wrong! While those interfaces were powerful
in helping new users and folks who arenā€™t
building AI understand what large language
models (LLMs) can do in addressing their
day-to-day needs, curiosity, or just make
conversation, 2024 is the year these models
leave the browser and the chat interface
and start weaving themselves into every
interaction on your device.
And it wonā€™t be just one model, either. From
next-generation smart assistants to new
media capture and autocorrectā€”transformer-
based models and LLMs are just going to be
another layer of 2024ā€™s operating systems.
Suddenly your devices are more personalized,
more context aware, more powerful than
before thanks to a balance of both LLMs and
smaller, more specialized models running
For PR and marketing professionals, this is
going to mean a lot more interaction with
AIā€”even if thereā€™s not a chat box to type into.
While less splashy than a new chat interface,
the efficiencies here are no different. Look for
content tools to start nudging or generating
alt text for images, for smarter corrections
and tweaks based on internal style guides,
even context-aware recommendations
for workstreams that previously required
collating across several tools like vetting
and influencer management.
The kicker? As these models become more
focused, more context-appropriate, they
also become more secure for enterprise
and professional use. PR pros should have
already been aiming for encrypted, approved
tools that donā€™t donate client data to model
training, but embedding these brings
additional security that transforms how we
live, create, and work.
That shift not only means more folks using
AI day-to-day, but also using it securely at a
time when companies like OpenAI are rolling
out legal indemnification. While 2024 might
not be the year every company gets cleared
to do more with AI, itā€™s safe to say that the
tooling to make it possible will continue to
roll out.
Youā€™ve seen the demo of Copilot writing
an email for you, now imagine if Copilot
understood you the way your smartphone
did. 2022 and 2023ā€™s remarkable pace of
progress will look quaint faster than we think.
Behavioral measurement
proves PRā€™s impact.
In 2024, AI will help practitioners prove
the link between PR campaigns and buyer
behavior. No longer stymied by last-click
KPIs that favor media buying campaigns,
top of funnel awareness marketing will be
proven by linking earned media and change
in customer actions via the purchases
they make.
RIP vanity metrics such as impressions,
AVE and reach!
Global President, Data & Analytics ā€“ London
2024 AI Trends 12/12
Image created with the assistance of AI
To learn how Golin can assist you on your
AI journey, contact us: AI@golin.com.
Image created with the assistance of AI

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  • 1. 12 PREDICTIONS FROM GOLINā€™S GLOBAL EXPERTS How will AI change our work in 2024? Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 2. AI in 2024: A little less talk. A lot more action. FOREWORD Following months of familiarization, PR and marketing practitioners will be more deliberate this year about implementing tools and new techniques across their workstreams, and at a far brisker pace, cementing AIā€™s role as a must-have technology more transformational than laptops and mobile phones were to our craft in previous decades. So, just how will AI change the way we work in 2024 and how can you get ready? Read on for 12 predictions from Golinā€™s global digital, media and AI experts: Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 3. Social feeds explode as publishing frequency rises. In 2024, AI will revolutionize the way brands approach social media publishing. With the help of AI, brands are likely to increase posting frequency across social channels, especially in organic publishing. The shift is already underway ā€“ in fact, in 2023, 43% of marketers reported increasing their social media content output compared to 2022, and 36% of marketers attributed this increase to the use of automation tools, including generative AI (HubSpotā€™s 2023 Social Media Marketing Report). AI will assist in identifying new topics and creating first drafts for interesting posts, allowing brands to produce even more content at a faster pace. Additionally, AI will help gather and analyze more data points, enabling the emergence of new metrics that go beyond generated impressions. This will allow PR and marketing professionals to prove the impact of their work differently, using data-driven insights to shape and refine their strategies. In 2024, expect AI to play a major role influencing how brands post on social, driving innovation and enabling new ways of engaging with audiences. PREDICTION ONE ALEX BLASSER SVP, Executive Digital Director ā€“ Miami 2024 AI Trends 1/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 4. AI removes the guesswork from content optimization. For years, as marketers we struggle optimizing content based on subjective feedback. We hear things like, ā€œMake this pop. The tone isnā€™t quite right. Will our customers think this trend is funny?ā€ In 2024, AI will transform content optimization from a time-consuming guessing game to a data-driven, predictive engine, enabling marketers to optimize content based on subconscious consumer reactions, removing subjective feedback, and providing marketers with objective second by second performance data. In fact, weā€™ve already created a proprietary AI-powered solution helping some of our largest clients analyze, optimize, and predict the performance of their content ā€“ we call it SocialSense. PREDICTION TWO AMIT WADEHRA EVP, Executive Digital Director ā€“ Chicago 2024 AI Trends 2/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 5. PR plays an outsize role in training AI. For years, the stories weā€™ve told as PR pros played double duty: they spark media interest and elicit coverage, and they often help deliver our messages through organic search results. In 2024, AIO will be added to a communicatorā€™s responsibilities ā€“ AI Optimization. Fact is, LLMs that power the chatbots increasingly used by journalists for story research or for delivering quick responses to consumer questions are trained on highly cited, authoritative sources like prominent media outlets, community- generated media sites like Wikipedia, and even company-owned properties like blogs and online newsrooms. Expect PR pros to be more cognizant of the sources which influence the large language models powering popular Gen AI tools and adapt media strategies to ensure LLMs are training on up-to-date, factual, positive information about their companies and products. PREDICTION THREE JEFF BERINGER Global President, Digital ā€“ Dallas 2024 AI Trends 3/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 6. AI makes tailored media relations at scale a reality. In 2024, AI is poised to revolutionize modern media relations by reshaping key tasks, including content creation and personalized communications. AI tools will enable the production of customized, high-quality content on a large scale, such as tailored pitches and press releases. For instance, an AI system can analyze a journalistā€™s interests to draft messages that align with their specific style and preferences, thereby increasing the likelihood of coverage. Moreover, AI will improve media interactions by more accurately segmenting reporters based on their interests and preferences prior to outreach. AI will be capable of performing monitoring, reporting, and analysis of journalistsā€™ published works, social media activities, and audience to identify the most suitable reporters for specific stories or campaigns. This targeted approach allows messages to reach the most receptive and relevant targets, enhancing their effectiveness. The key challenge will be balancing AIā€™s capabilities with oversight and ensuring that media relations maintain a genuine human touch amidst advancements. PREDICTION FOUR JACK BARBOUR SVP, Media Relations ā€“ New York 2024 AI Trends 4/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 7. AI helps us navigate the critical & complex. In the landscape of 2024, I envision marketers and PR professionals harnessing the power of custom GPTs to expertly navigate the complex realms of social inclusion and address critical issues and crises, particularly concerning race and disabilities. These advanced language models will serve as invaluable tools, adeptly crafting messaging that resonates with diverse audiences and fosters genuine connections. Custom GPTs will be instrumental in providing real-time, tailored communication strategies during crises, ensuring swift and empathetic responses. By leveraging the capabilities of these models, professionals will not only stay ahead of evolving conversations but also proactively contribute to a more inclusive and socially aware communication landscape, marking 2024 as a turning point in the integration of AI for positive societal impact. PREDICTION FIVE TONY Oā€™NEILL Executive Creative Director ā€“ Chicago 2024 AI Trends 5/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 8. GenAI will nudge social media to get real. The power of AI isnā€™t remotely new in social media; from third party schedulers to in- platform reporting and analytics, social media is governed by machine learning right down to the algorithms. The explosion of generative AI more recently has offered amazing new ways for creative consumers to visualize their ideas and create social content (and has led to yet another ā€˜filter- festā€™ on TikTok) but it has also intensified the push back to authentic social content, with consumers becoming savvy to filters and more inclined to spot fake imagery and cry disingenuous. The key for using AI in content and creative? A less-is-more approach to refine but not perfect, and polish but not gloss. This is especially true for influencers, whose authenticity remains their greatest selling point with brands and consumers alike. Where AI can help? Data-crunching and optimizing to ensure that the creatives who make social their home can focus their energies on just that ā€“ being creative. PREDICTION SIX GARETH DAVIES Executive Director, Integrated Media ā€“ London 2024 AI Trends 6/12 JO BROMILOW VP, Social Media Strategy Director ā€“ London Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 9. AI becomes a focal point of executive thought leadership. While we wonā€™t see executives using AI to scribe their social posts anytime soon (at least we hope not!), every executive is going to have to take a position on it this year. Along with being one of the most popular topical searches on LinkedIn, this topic is going to be top of mind for every employee in pretty much every industry. While this is obvious in some industries like marketing, advertising or production, where AI can directly impact the end product, AI tools will bring efficiencies to any business that relies on planning, logistics, operations, manufacturing, or communicationā€¦ so yeah, all of them. Employees and stakeholders will want to know how businesses are harnessing the potential of AI to improve their output but avoiding the pitfalls, be it IP, bias, or misinformation. But more relevant to the everyday human worker will be how executives navigate the fears that the workforce experiences whenever efficiency is introduced: am I going to be replaced? The hot topic of the year will be how executives embrace the benefits of AI but maintain a commitment to the human beings on their payroll, whether itā€™s upskilling them to work in conjunction with AI, or doubling down on the necessity of human thinking, creativity, or oversight in more critical roles that contribute to business success. Every executive will be on the hotseat when it comes to putting forth a perspective on how they will improve their bottom line with better output rather than deleting humans from the payroll. PREDICTION SEVEN JIM LIN EVP, Executive Digital Director ā€“ Dallas 2024 AI Trends 7/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 10. AI becomes the silent MVP on your community management team. Brand communities are not a new concept - but they are still crucial to a brandā€™s success. However, to create lasting loyalty and authentic brand advocacy, and for community to be more than just a buzzword, it takes a lot of passion and work from community managers - something that is often overlooked and underestimated. But with AI, there is finally support for over- worked community managers! Building and maintaining communities can be taken to the next level: By using predictive analytics, AI anticipates community trends, and automated content creation ensures that members receive tailored information and engagement is maximized based on their individual interests. Community managers also benefit from AI-driven moderation: it identifies and removes inappropriate content, ensuring a positive and safe community environment. The list goes on. Will AI replace community managers? No! Have many community managers been eagerly awaiting AI? Yes! Because AI can help them become even better at their job and focus on what AI canā€™t yet do: making real connections with the community. PREDICTION EIGHT SARAH KOEHLER Head of Digital ā€“ Germany 2024 AI Trends 8/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 11. Planning goes into overdrive, delivering sharper insights that fuel stronger creative. PREDICTION NINE EVAN CONFIELD EVP, Executive Planning Director ā€“ New York 2024 AI Trends 9/12 Strategy is a constant search for meaning and truth, in the service of creating change ā€“ whether itā€™s consumer behavior, in culture, or a companyā€™s purpose. The role of the strategist is to master the tools and processes to investigate past and present information; find inspiration in truths, and shed new light on insights that will help create change. In 2023, AI-powered tools like Waldo gave us a glimpse of the power of GenAI. A virtual researcher, Waldo aggregates information that used to take hours in seconds, giving us more time to spend truth-hunting than doing repetitive tasks. In 2024 the fruits of our experimentation will come to bare. A recent 4As survey confirmed that agencies are much further along than their clients in GenAI experimentation and planning; 43% of companies are unsure how to best use them. But every marketer in 2024 will need to keep up with this rapidly changing space. From the comms director to the CMO having agency partners they can lean on and learn from will be critical and strategy will play a vital role in learning, unlearning, and relearning the new skills required to responsibly move our clients and our agency forward. And, as with every technological advancement, GenAI will reveal new challenges. For brands that are fine with the status quo there will be an abundance of average work made for average reasons at below-average cost. All of us should challenge each other to deliver work thatā€™s exceptional, showing our dynamic understanding of human behavior and cultural meaning. GenAI is a powerful tool and a gamechanger, but it will always be an enabler not the solution. Strategic thinking and human ingenuity combined with GenAI innovation will lead to positive change.
  • 12. AI fuels diversity in conceptual creativity. AI will prompt greater diversification of the conceptual creative talent pool. Traditionally, most conceptual creatives came from art or copy background with the advantage of better visual or verbal storytelling capabilities. Gen AI is creating equity by equipping everyone with tools to better express their ideas through images or text. Expect the competitive growth mindset among this bigger, diverse and equitable group of creative thinkers to fuel bolder ideas in 2024, creating even more change that matters. PREDICTION TEN SHOUVIK PRASANNA MUKHERJEE Chief Creative Officer, APAC ā€“ Singapore 2024 AI Trends 10/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 13. Applied models for all. PREDICTION ELEVEN ZACH TARVIN Creative Technology Director ā€“ Chicago 2024 AI Trends 11/12 2023 was defined by everyone who didnā€™t already love chatbots learning to love chatbots. Thanks to OpenAIā€™s ChatGPT, Google Bard and Microsoft Copilot, chat became the one user experience touchpoint to rule them all, right? Wrong! While those interfaces were powerful in helping new users and folks who arenā€™t building AI understand what large language models (LLMs) can do in addressing their day-to-day needs, curiosity, or just make conversation, 2024 is the year these models leave the browser and the chat interface and start weaving themselves into every interaction on your device. And it wonā€™t be just one model, either. From next-generation smart assistants to new media capture and autocorrectā€”transformer- based models and LLMs are just going to be another layer of 2024ā€™s operating systems. Suddenly your devices are more personalized, more context aware, more powerful than before thanks to a balance of both LLMs and smaller, more specialized models running on-device. For PR and marketing professionals, this is going to mean a lot more interaction with AIā€”even if thereā€™s not a chat box to type into. While less splashy than a new chat interface, the efficiencies here are no different. Look for content tools to start nudging or generating alt text for images, for smarter corrections and tweaks based on internal style guides, even context-aware recommendations for workstreams that previously required collating across several tools like vetting and influencer management. The kicker? As these models become more focused, more context-appropriate, they also become more secure for enterprise and professional use. PR pros should have already been aiming for encrypted, approved tools that donā€™t donate client data to model training, but embedding these brings additional security that transforms how we live, create, and work. That shift not only means more folks using AI day-to-day, but also using it securely at a time when companies like OpenAI are rolling out legal indemnification. While 2024 might not be the year every company gets cleared to do more with AI, itā€™s safe to say that the tooling to make it possible will continue to roll out. Youā€™ve seen the demo of Copilot writing an email for you, now imagine if Copilot understood you the way your smartphone did. 2022 and 2023ā€™s remarkable pace of progress will look quaint faster than we think.
  • 14. Behavioral measurement proves PRā€™s impact. In 2024, AI will help practitioners prove the link between PR campaigns and buyer behavior. No longer stymied by last-click KPIs that favor media buying campaigns, top of funnel awareness marketing will be proven by linking earned media and change in customer actions via the purchases they make. RIP vanity metrics such as impressions, AVE and reach! PREDICTION TWELVE JONNY BENTWOOD Global President, Data & Analytics ā€“ London 2024 AI Trends 12/12 Image created with the assistance of AI
  • 15. To learn how Golin can assist you on your AI journey, contact us: [email protected]. Image created with the assistance of AI