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HWPL NEWSMonthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
No. 6 2 0 1 5
Our future generations can inherit peace
only if the international law experts do their part.
Let us make good laws
to make the world a better place.
The Success of the 1st Annual Commemoration of
9·18 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit
An International Convention on the Renunciation
and Cessation of War and International Armed
HWPL International Law Peace Committee
Women and Youth Rise Up with One Voice
HWPL brings peace to the United Nations
Global Peacemaking Project
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Overview Outcomes
Over the course of two days, from September 18th
through 19th 2015, the 1st Annual Commemora-
tion of September 18th World Alliance of Religions’
Peace Summit successfully took place in the Re-
public of Korea. The attendees included over 200
world-renowned leaders, not only those who had
participated in the Summit of the previous year, but
also international law experts. In order to create an
institutional framework for the realization of world
peace, suggested by Chairman Lee, HWPL present-
ed the Convention on the Renunciation and Cessa-
tion of War and International Armed Conflicts. Dur-
ing the Summit, the Religious Leaders’ Conference
addressed the role that religious people play in the
peace movement and the importance of the WARP
Office meetings—HWPL’s worldwide interfaith peace
dialogue series.
The success of the 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit has allowed HWPL to be the
world’s first non-governmental organization to present an International Convention on the Renunciation and
Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts. Since its foundation, HWPL has been at the forefront of the
implementation of a convention with the intent to settle armed conflicts only by peaceful means.
Supported by numerous international law experts, political, religious, women, and youth leaders, the Conven-
tion, upon its presentation, also garnered great attention from the international community through live broad-
cast. The drafted Convention is especially meaningful to the youth and women of the world since it addresses
the tragedy of lives lost in the midst of wars and conflicts. It also further stresses the need to strengthen the
provisions for renouncing armed conflicts, calling on states to abide by those provisions. This is an unprece-
dented step in the journey to peace.
Please click the link below to watch the highlights of WARP Summit 2015
- Opening Ceremony at Peace Gate in Seoul, Repub-
lic of Korea
- 2015 Women and Youth Leaders Conference on the
Implementation of an International Convention on
the Renunciation and Cessation of War and Interna-
tional Armed Conflicts
- 2015 IWPG Network: The Importance of the Role of
Women Leaders in the Implementation of an Inter-
national Convention on the Renunciation and Ces-
sation of War
- IPYG Conference on the IPYG Projects Implementa-
tion in Different Countries
- Preliminary Meeting of HWPL International Law
Peace Committee
- HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office:
Presentation Meeting
- HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office:
Religious Leaders’ Conference
- HWPL Media Forum: The Role of the Media in Peace
- 2015 HWPL International Conference: Presentation
of the Convention on the Renunciation and Cessa-
tion of War and International Armed Conflicts
- Panel Discussion: The Convention on the Renuncia-
tion and Cessation of War and International Armed
The Success of the 1st Annual Commemoration of
9·18 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit
Future Directions
2014: WARP Summit 2014
The 1st Annual Commemoration of
September 18th WARP Summit
Post-Action Plan:
- Proposal to implement an International Law for
the Cessation of War and World Peace
- Unity of Religions’ Agreement
- Presentation of the Draft Convention on the Re-
nunciation and Cessation of War and Interna-
tional Armed Conflicts
- HWPL WARP Office Meeting
- Establishment of the HWPL International Law
Peace Committee consisting of 13 members
- Preparation of the Declaration and International
Convention for the Cessation of War and World
- Start the implementation process
Proposed Direction for
1) Announcement of the Declaration of
the Cessation of War to heads of state
around the world
2) Sending the final Convention to
the heads of state to propose implementation
3) Adoption of the Convention
by the United Nations
Distribution Chart
Regional Distribution
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
The very work that we are pursuing is the work of healing
of nations. Once implemented, this Convention will be en-
graved in the hearts of many people to have a peaceful life. The
Convention that cares about human dignity must be drafted,
but it must not be done by any forms of power or authority.
When we speak of democracy, whom does it represent? Aren’t
citizens the faces of democracy? If leaders are only trying to
maintain their power, we face authoritarianism in the name of
democracy. We, the citizens of this globe, must urge to pursue
true democracy. People are the owners of democracy. Are we
allowing the world as it is now to continue existing regardless of
human rights being utterly violated and people being mistreat-
ed in a non-peaceful environment? Regardless of country and
generation, the law that solely protects and promises citizens’ good lives must be prioritized at an international
level. This will be one of the imperative instruments which contributes to world peace.
Over 100 women and youth leaders gathered to reaffirm their responsibility as overseers in bringing peace at
the Women and Youth Leaders’ Conference - urging the implementation of the Convention on the Cessation of
War. They pledged to continue to demand the implementation of the Convention in their home countries so
that the international community practically supports their movement. Women leaders will strengthen their
partnership with the IWPG and youth leaders will carry out various peace projects with the IPYG to proclaim the
need of the Convention on a global scale, gathering the wishes of all humanity.
An International Convention on the Renunciation and
Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts Women and Youth Rise Up with One Voice
HWPL International Law Peace Committee
During an in-depth Panel Discussion on the
Convention at the Summit, HWPL appoint-
ed 13 legal professionals as members of the
HWPL International Law Peace Committee.
The committee, consists of international law
scholars, jurists, and professors, will modify
the draft Convention into a complete and ap-
plicable International Convention and further
the implementation process.
Ongoing terrorist attacks and civil wars throughout the
world can sufficiently be resolved by gathering strength
and support from the international community. What terrifies
us the most is not the wars that we experienced in the past, but
the ones we are still to experience. It is the fact that our children
may encounter the same suffering and pains as us. Those bru-
tal acts should never be repeated and passed down to them.
We absolutely have to stop handing down the atrocities of war.
Women and youth are uniting and raising their voices to help
the implementation of the Convention on the Cessation of War.
Once it is implemented, the heads of state of each nation must
abide by the Convention for their citizens. I firmly believe when
the leaders around the world empathize and put themselves in
the shoes of others in the name of peace, achieving peace is not
a distant dream.
Denise Robinson
South African Politician
Ratu Wiliame Mataika
President of the National Youth Council of Fiji
“I’m Denise Robinson. I’m a Member of Parliament
from Cape Town, the Shadow Minister for Women.
I think the world has to change because we’re in a
sad state at the moment. The law, or the internation-
al Convention, will help us to implement to focus on
peace. I think it’s a very good step forward. We’ve
had international agreements in the past that have
been just for nations, at the United Nations and so
on. But what’s important here is that we’ve got or-
dinary people, NGOs, civilians’ organizations, civil
society all standing together as well and saying let
us make this work. It is part of my project to try and
help to make sure that the laws that we have in our
country are improved. We have just amended some
laws that affect the lives of women and children. We
also want to see that the laws are properly imple-
mented so this is where my role as Member of Parlia-
ment is concerned.”
“It is the first time. The Convention on the Cessation
of War hasn’t happened before so I think it will be
beneficial for youths. That means more young peo-
ple will be saved rather than joining military or wars
in whichever places that they will go to. If the law of
cessation of war is enacted, it will be very good move
for especially for young people because it will save
their time and lives. What is the most important is
saving the lives of youth from being victimized by
any war. So I think it will be a very good initiative. I’m
sure all young people will welcome that.”
Man Hee Lee
The Chairman of HWPL
Nam Hee Kim
The Chairwoman of the IWPG
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
On September 28th Dr. Kamal Hossain joined
HWPL’s Global Peace Leadership Conference
at the United Nations Head Quarters in New
York City to discuss the critical role of inter-
faith dialogue in peace building. Currently
the Vice Chair of International Law Associ-
ation played an integral role in drafting the
constitution of Bangladesh and is active in
the arena of peace activism. During the pan-
el discussion Dr. Hossain said, “I was among
those privileged to participate in the World
Alliance of Religions Peace (WARP) Summit in Seoul. We engaged in meaningful interfaith dialogue and shared
serious concerns, the conflicts and violence of different parts of the world.” He applauded the conference be-
cause it promoted peace by generating healthy interfaith dialogue which essentially produces mutual respect
among the different religious and ethnic groups. He linked the WARP Summit’s initiatives with international law
stating it is “strengthening the international law framework by supplementing the gaps.” He states the initia-
tives are in line with the UN Charter and that despite the existence of the UN charter, there is still more work to
be done since conflict still plagues our global society.
Dr. Hossain stressed the need for mechanisms to diffuse tensions and promote peaceful methods in a compre-
hensive way. He also emphasized the importance of the work of HWPL and sees the crucial role it plays. Our
individual responsibility as leaders of peace in this global village, especially as women and youth, is something
we must live up to and not simply leave to the formal governmental structures.
The Global Peace Leadership:
Women, Youth, and Interfaith Dialogue at the United Nations
HWPL brings peace to the United NationsI am Nam Hee Kim, the chairwoman of the In-
ternational Women’s Peace Group (IWPG). With
“The loving heart of a mother” as our motto, the
IWPG has united with women worldwide to urge the
international community to protect children from
war and to achieve the cessation of war and world
Numerous nations that have experienced Chair-
man Lee’s peace movement are becoming one with
him by designating a HWPL Day and building peace
monuments to commemorate the 2014 WARP Sum-
mit. During such a time, UN officials and world lead-
ers, more than anyone else, must become one with
Chairman Lee to make peace a reality. Moreover,
everyone here must become messengers of peace to
achieve peace. Chairman Lee truly is the president of
heaven, who is bringing about world peace through
the heavenly culture.
In this work, the IWPG and the IPYG serve as the two
wings of HWPL and are collaborating as one, while
countless organizations and media worldwide are
also running together with us to achieve peace. If all
of us here become one with Chairman Lee and run
together, we can certainly achieve peace in our gen-
eration. If we just do it, it can be done. Let us gather
our hearts and achieve peace with HWPL. I sincerely
hope that you and I can become those who establish
a peaceful world without war as an inheritance for
our future generations.
Dr. Kamal Hossain speaks of
the importance of HWPL’s
peace initiatives
I am Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate of Heav-
enly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
(HWPL). I wish to speak to you about the peace work
that has been done in the past several years, the
World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit,
and the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP
At the 2014 WARP Summit, approximately 200,000
people gathered. With heaven and earth as witness-
es and in the sight of God and all the people of the
world, politicians and judges pledged to work to-
wards the implementation of an International Con-
vention on the Cessation of War, while religious rep-
resentatives and leaders pledged to unite religions
as one. Since then, everyone has been working dil-
igently for the implementation of an International
Convention on the Cessation of War. Also, religious
leaders are working eagerly to unite religions as one
under God by establishing HWPL World Alliance of
Religions’ Peace Offices.
On September 18th, many people gathered once
again for the 1st anniversary of the WARP Summit.
People of religion and justices, those who establish
international conventions, gathered and brought
various perspectives together in one place to create
an improved International Convention.
Let us not leave war as an inheritance for our belov-
ed children. We must achieve peace and leave it as
a legacy for the future generations. We must all do
this work; it is possible if we make it happen. It is not
something that cannot be done. I humbly ask you to
participate with us in the work of achieving peace.
Thank you very much.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Global Peacemaking Project
Mindanao, Philippines: We Want Peace! Calling for Sustainable Peace
Governor of Maguindanao Province, Mindanao
Hon. Al haj Murad Ebrahim 
MILF Chairman
In January 2014, Chairman Lee, as well-known for his achievement in the nation, played a
decisive role in ending a 40-year religious and political conflict of Mindanao by conducting
the Mindanao Peace Agreement. Hon. Esmael “Toto” G. Mangudadatu, Governor of Maguin-
danao Province, Mindanao and Hon. Al haj Murad Ebrahim, Chairman of Moro Islamic Liber-
ation Front (MILF) who both attended the 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th
WARP Summit gave keynote speeches on HWPL’s active involvement in Mindanao with its
peace initiatives which motivated the unity and commitment of the people of Mindanao.
The Philippine government and the MILF signed the Comprehensive Agreement on the
Bangsamoro in March 2014. Currently, Phase I, a ceremonial turnover of firearms, has been
completed among four phases of the demobilization process of the armed forces. When
MILF and Philippine Government will be able to cooperate with each other, it is expected
that sustainable peace will be established in the region.
On January 24th 2014, the province of Maguindanao
and HWPL have successfully achieved the Mindanao
Peace Agreement which marked the start of peace.
And in September in the same year, I participated in
the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit host-
ed by HWPL and signed a peace agreement prom-
ising to cooperate more actively for peace. To keep
what I have promised at the Summit, I started to
plan out peace activities as soon as I came back to
Philippines. As a result, on May 25th this year, I in-
vited Chairman Lee and Chairwoman Kim to cele-
brate the proclamation of January 24th as HWPL Day
of Maguindanao. Thereby the province of Maguin-
danao became the province of peace and starting
with Maguindanao, I believe Mindanao Island will be
gradually becoming a land of peace.
“The peace advocacy of HWPL led by Chairman Lee
in Mindanao, Philippines particularly in the cities of
General Santos, Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro and
Buluan, Maguindanao contributed greatly towards
the promotion of peace in our country. Chairman
Lee’s visit sends a very strong message to our people
that we are not alone in our search for genuine and
lasting peace. It also symbolizes the start of partner-
ship and cooperation between Mindanao Province,
MILF, and HWPL. Finally we strongly support the im-
plementation of the international convention on the
cessation of war and world peace. We are aware of
the challenge and its implementation process. But
what is important is we work together to change the
current mindset of evil around the world. In the part
of the MILF we are ensuring our support for HWPL
and Chairman Lee to accomplish the objective of
World Peace”
HWPL NEWSMonthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
2015 October | No. 6
Tel  +82 (0)2 514 1963    Fax   +82 (0)2 514 1961    Email  hwpl@hwpl.kr    Website  www.hwpl.kr

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  • 1. HWPL NEWSMonthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light No. 6 2 0 1 5 10
  • 2. OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS   3 Contents Our future generations can inherit peace only if the international law experts do their part. Let us make good laws to make the world a better place. The Success of the 1st Annual Commemoration of 9·18 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit p.4 p.6 p.6 p.10 p.8 p.7 An International Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts HWPL International Law Peace Committee Women and Youth Rise Up with One Voice HWPL brings peace to the United Nations Global Peacemaking Project
  • 3. OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS   54   OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light Overview Outcomes Program  Day1  Day2 Over the course of two days, from September 18th through 19th 2015, the 1st Annual Commemora- tion of September 18th World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit successfully took place in the Re- public of Korea. The attendees included over 200 world-renowned leaders, not only those who had participated in the Summit of the previous year, but also international law experts. In order to create an institutional framework for the realization of world peace, suggested by Chairman Lee, HWPL present- ed the Convention on the Renunciation and Cessa- tion of War and International Armed Conflicts. Dur- ing the Summit, the Religious Leaders’ Conference addressed the role that religious people play in the peace movement and the importance of the WARP Office meetings—HWPL’s worldwide interfaith peace dialogue series. The success of the 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit has allowed HWPL to be the world’s first non-governmental organization to present an International Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts. Since its foundation, HWPL has been at the forefront of the implementation of a convention with the intent to settle armed conflicts only by peaceful means. Supported by numerous international law experts, political, religious, women, and youth leaders, the Conven- tion, upon its presentation, also garnered great attention from the international community through live broad- cast. The drafted Convention is especially meaningful to the youth and women of the world since it addresses the tragedy of lives lost in the midst of wars and conflicts. It also further stresses the need to strengthen the provisions for renouncing armed conflicts, calling on states to abide by those provisions. This is an unprece- dented step in the journey to peace. Please click the link below to watch the highlights of WARP Summit 2015 http://hwpl.kr/video/warp2015_main_highlight_en.html - Opening Ceremony at Peace Gate in Seoul, Repub- lic of Korea - 2015 Women and Youth Leaders Conference on the Implementation of an International Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and Interna- tional Armed Conflicts - 2015 IWPG Network: The Importance of the Role of Women Leaders in the Implementation of an Inter- national Convention on the Renunciation and Ces- sation of War - IPYG Conference on the IPYG Projects Implementa- tion in Different Countries - Preliminary Meeting of HWPL International Law Peace Committee - HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office: Presentation Meeting - HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office: Religious Leaders’ Conference - HWPL Media Forum: The Role of the Media in Peace Building - 2015 HWPL International Conference: Presentation of the Convention on the Renunciation and Cessa- tion of War and International Armed Conflicts - Panel Discussion: The Convention on the Renuncia- tion and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts The Success of the 1st Annual Commemoration of 9·18 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit Future Directions 2014: WARP Summit 2014 2015: The 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit Post-Action Plan: - Proposal to implement an International Law for the Cessation of War and World Peace - Unity of Religions’ Agreement - Presentation of the Draft Convention on the Re- nunciation and Cessation of War and Interna- tional Armed Conflicts - HWPL WARP Office Meeting - Establishment of the HWPL International Law Peace Committee consisting of 13 members - Preparation of the Declaration and International Convention for the Cessation of War and World Peace - Start the implementation process Proposed Direction for Implementation: 1) Announcement of the Declaration of the Cessation of War to heads of state around the world 2) Sending the final Convention to the heads of state to propose implementation 3) Adoption of the Convention by the United Nations Distribution Chart Regional Distribution
  • 4. OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS   76   OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light The very work that we are pursuing is the work of healing of nations. Once implemented, this Convention will be en- graved in the hearts of many people to have a peaceful life. The Convention that cares about human dignity must be drafted, but it must not be done by any forms of power or authority. When we speak of democracy, whom does it represent? Aren’t citizens the faces of democracy? If leaders are only trying to maintain their power, we face authoritarianism in the name of democracy. We, the citizens of this globe, must urge to pursue true democracy. People are the owners of democracy. Are we allowing the world as it is now to continue existing regardless of human rights being utterly violated and people being mistreat- ed in a non-peaceful environment? Regardless of country and generation, the law that solely protects and promises citizens’ good lives must be prioritized at an international level. This will be one of the imperative instruments which contributes to world peace. Over 100 women and youth leaders gathered to reaffirm their responsibility as overseers in bringing peace at the Women and Youth Leaders’ Conference - urging the implementation of the Convention on the Cessation of War. They pledged to continue to demand the implementation of the Convention in their home countries so that the international community practically supports their movement. Women leaders will strengthen their partnership with the IWPG and youth leaders will carry out various peace projects with the IPYG to proclaim the need of the Convention on a global scale, gathering the wishes of all humanity. An International Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts Women and Youth Rise Up with One Voice HWPL International Law Peace Committee During an in-depth Panel Discussion on the Convention at the Summit, HWPL appoint- ed 13 legal professionals as members of the HWPL International Law Peace Committee. The committee, consists of international law scholars, jurists, and professors, will modify the draft Convention into a complete and ap- plicable International Convention and further the implementation process. Ongoing terrorist attacks and civil wars throughout the world can sufficiently be resolved by gathering strength and support from the international community. What terrifies us the most is not the wars that we experienced in the past, but the ones we are still to experience. It is the fact that our children may encounter the same suffering and pains as us. Those bru- tal acts should never be repeated and passed down to them. We absolutely have to stop handing down the atrocities of war. Women and youth are uniting and raising their voices to help the implementation of the Convention on the Cessation of War. Once it is implemented, the heads of state of each nation must abide by the Convention for their citizens. I firmly believe when the leaders around the world empathize and put themselves in the shoes of others in the name of peace, achieving peace is not a distant dream. Denise Robinson South African Politician Ratu Wiliame Mataika President of the National Youth Council of Fiji “I’m Denise Robinson. I’m a Member of Parliament from Cape Town, the Shadow Minister for Women. I think the world has to change because we’re in a sad state at the moment. The law, or the internation- al Convention, will help us to implement to focus on peace. I think it’s a very good step forward. We’ve had international agreements in the past that have been just for nations, at the United Nations and so on. But what’s important here is that we’ve got or- dinary people, NGOs, civilians’ organizations, civil society all standing together as well and saying let us make this work. It is part of my project to try and help to make sure that the laws that we have in our country are improved. We have just amended some laws that affect the lives of women and children. We also want to see that the laws are properly imple- mented so this is where my role as Member of Parlia- ment is concerned.” “It is the first time. The Convention on the Cessation of War hasn’t happened before so I think it will be beneficial for youths. That means more young peo- ple will be saved rather than joining military or wars in whichever places that they will go to. If the law of cessation of war is enacted, it will be very good move for especially for young people because it will save their time and lives. What is the most important is saving the lives of youth from being victimized by any war. So I think it will be a very good initiative. I’m sure all young people will welcome that.” Man Hee Lee The Chairman of HWPL Nam Hee Kim The Chairwoman of the IWPG
  • 5. OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS   98   OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light On September 28th Dr. Kamal Hossain joined HWPL’s Global Peace Leadership Conference at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York City to discuss the critical role of inter- faith dialogue in peace building. Currently the Vice Chair of International Law Associ- ation played an integral role in drafting the constitution of Bangladesh and is active in the arena of peace activism. During the pan- el discussion Dr. Hossain said, “I was among those privileged to participate in the World Alliance of Religions Peace (WARP) Summit in Seoul. We engaged in meaningful interfaith dialogue and shared serious concerns, the conflicts and violence of different parts of the world.” He applauded the conference be- cause it promoted peace by generating healthy interfaith dialogue which essentially produces mutual respect among the different religious and ethnic groups. He linked the WARP Summit’s initiatives with international law stating it is “strengthening the international law framework by supplementing the gaps.” He states the initia- tives are in line with the UN Charter and that despite the existence of the UN charter, there is still more work to be done since conflict still plagues our global society. Dr. Hossain stressed the need for mechanisms to diffuse tensions and promote peaceful methods in a compre- hensive way. He also emphasized the importance of the work of HWPL and sees the crucial role it plays. Our individual responsibility as leaders of peace in this global village, especially as women and youth, is something we must live up to and not simply leave to the formal governmental structures. The Global Peace Leadership: Women, Youth, and Interfaith Dialogue at the United Nations HWPL brings peace to the United NationsI am Nam Hee Kim, the chairwoman of the In- ternational Women’s Peace Group (IWPG). With “The loving heart of a mother” as our motto, the IWPG has united with women worldwide to urge the international community to protect children from war and to achieve the cessation of war and world peace. Numerous nations that have experienced Chair- man Lee’s peace movement are becoming one with him by designating a HWPL Day and building peace monuments to commemorate the 2014 WARP Sum- mit. During such a time, UN officials and world lead- ers, more than anyone else, must become one with Chairman Lee to make peace a reality. Moreover, everyone here must become messengers of peace to achieve peace. Chairman Lee truly is the president of heaven, who is bringing about world peace through the heavenly culture. In this work, the IWPG and the IPYG serve as the two wings of HWPL and are collaborating as one, while countless organizations and media worldwide are also running together with us to achieve peace. If all of us here become one with Chairman Lee and run together, we can certainly achieve peace in our gen- eration. If we just do it, it can be done. Let us gather our hearts and achieve peace with HWPL. I sincerely hope that you and I can become those who establish a peaceful world without war as an inheritance for our future generations. Dr. Kamal Hossain speaks of the importance of HWPL’s peace initiatives I am Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate of Heav- enly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). I wish to speak to you about the peace work that has been done in the past several years, the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit, and the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. At the 2014 WARP Summit, approximately 200,000 people gathered. With heaven and earth as witness- es and in the sight of God and all the people of the world, politicians and judges pledged to work to- wards the implementation of an International Con- vention on the Cessation of War, while religious rep- resentatives and leaders pledged to unite religions as one. Since then, everyone has been working dil- igently for the implementation of an International Convention on the Cessation of War. Also, religious leaders are working eagerly to unite religions as one under God by establishing HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Offices. On September 18th, many people gathered once again for the 1st anniversary of the WARP Summit. People of religion and justices, those who establish international conventions, gathered and brought various perspectives together in one place to create an improved International Convention. Let us not leave war as an inheritance for our belov- ed children. We must achieve peace and leave it as a legacy for the future generations. We must all do this work; it is possible if we make it happen. It is not something that cannot be done. I humbly ask you to participate with us in the work of achieving peace. Thank you very much.
  • 6. OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS   1110   OCTOBER 2015 HWPL NEWS Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light Global Peacemaking Project Mindanao, Philippines: We Want Peace! Calling for Sustainable Peace Hon.Esmael“Toto”G.Mangudadatu  Governor of Maguindanao Province, Mindanao Hon. Al haj Murad Ebrahim  MILF Chairman In January 2014, Chairman Lee, as well-known for his achievement in the nation, played a decisive role in ending a 40-year religious and political conflict of Mindanao by conducting the Mindanao Peace Agreement. Hon. Esmael “Toto” G. Mangudadatu, Governor of Maguin- danao Province, Mindanao and Hon. Al haj Murad Ebrahim, Chairman of Moro Islamic Liber- ation Front (MILF) who both attended the 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit gave keynote speeches on HWPL’s active involvement in Mindanao with its peace initiatives which motivated the unity and commitment of the people of Mindanao. The Philippine government and the MILF signed the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro in March 2014. Currently, Phase I, a ceremonial turnover of firearms, has been completed among four phases of the demobilization process of the armed forces. When MILF and Philippine Government will be able to cooperate with each other, it is expected that sustainable peace will be established in the region. On January 24th 2014, the province of Maguindanao and HWPL have successfully achieved the Mindanao Peace Agreement which marked the start of peace. And in September in the same year, I participated in the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit host- ed by HWPL and signed a peace agreement prom- ising to cooperate more actively for peace. To keep what I have promised at the Summit, I started to plan out peace activities as soon as I came back to Philippines. As a result, on May 25th this year, I in- vited Chairman Lee and Chairwoman Kim to cele- brate the proclamation of January 24th as HWPL Day of Maguindanao. Thereby the province of Maguin- danao became the province of peace and starting with Maguindanao, I believe Mindanao Island will be gradually becoming a land of peace. “The peace advocacy of HWPL led by Chairman Lee in Mindanao, Philippines particularly in the cities of General Santos, Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro and Buluan, Maguindanao contributed greatly towards the promotion of peace in our country. Chairman Lee’s visit sends a very strong message to our people that we are not alone in our search for genuine and lasting peace. It also symbolizes the start of partner- ship and cooperation between Mindanao Province, MILF, and HWPL. Finally we strongly support the im- plementation of the international convention on the cessation of war and world peace. We are aware of the challenge and its implementation process. But what is important is we work together to change the current mindset of evil around the world. In the part of the MILF we are ensuring our support for HWPL and Chairman Lee to accomplish the objective of World Peace”
  • 7. HWPL NEWSMonthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light 2015 October | No. 6 Tel  +82 (0)2 514 1963   Fax   +82 (0)2 514 1961   Email  [email protected]   Website  www.hwpl.kr