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Introduction to Computing
for Complex Systems
(Lab Session 4)
daniel martin katz
illinois institute of technology
chicago kent college of law
@computationaldanielmartinkatz.com computationallegalstudies.com
Take a Look at
this Article
from the
(July 22, 2010)
Agent Based
Models and
Refer Back to
my slides about
equilibrium and
its discontents
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Schelling Social Segregation Model
the full
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Print This and Draw the
Connections for a Full Map
of the Schelling Code
Mapping of the
Schelling Code
(%-similar-wanted is a slider)
We Need to see
What “update-
varables” is
Actually Doing
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Here we are going to “set” some of our
“turtles-own” variables
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
“Set” the Turtles-own Variable “similar-nearby”
to the count of “turtles-on” neighbors (8 of them)
but only those with color = my color
“Set” the Turtles-own Variable “other-nearby”
to the count of “turtles-on” neighbors (8 of them)
but only those with color = not my color
Take a look at what is happening here
The “happy?” condition is going to be important
involves an agent by agent comparison of the
spread between “similarity-wanted” & “similar-
Now Lets Look at “Update-globals”
It involves “lets” and “sets”
uses the globals but also some of the
turtles-own variables
I will allow you to review this on your own
However, consider the syntax of “sum”
(1) Right Click
(ctrl + Click on Mac)
on the “percent-
similar” plot
(2) This will appear
and will allow for
various modifications
(color, interval, etc.)
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
We now consider the “to go”
portion of the code
lets reduce the “to go” procedures
the “to go” portion
of the code
above are the major new elements
remember conceptually the model relies
upon movement if a turtle is unhappy
Again, we have the “if”
the “to go” portion
of the code
The “to go” button with
stop when all turtles
are “happy?”
Here is how “Happy?” gets set:
model continues to tick until every agent is
above the “%-similar-wanted” as set on the
create an agentset of “not happy?” turtles
the movement portion
of the code
For that agentset we run the “find-new-spot”
We know from the “to go” procedures that
this is going to continue to run until the
“if” condition is satisfied
the movement portion
of the code
the movement portion
of the code
the movement portion
of the code
Notice that it is going to re-run the “find-new-spot”
If the “if” condition is met
In other words, agents are going to move until
they find a open patch
then agent will occupy the center of open patch
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Thinking about Extensions
to the Schelling Model
This is closer to a “representative agent” model
Agents are homogenous in their %similar-wanted
In reality, there is likely variance across agents
In other words, comparing across agents there
are differential preferences with respect to the
Thinking about Extensions
to the Schelling Model
spatial considerations
The 8 neighbors might not be how
individuals actually make their assessments
agents might make choices based upon a wider
assessment of the neighborhood
there might be different “prices” for different
patches (i.e. a simulated housing market)
Thinking about Extensions
to the Schelling Model
structural considerations
the model could encode certain barriers
to entry to particular neighborhoods
barriers could be highly asymmetric
(i.e. red turtles face no barriers and
green turtles face high barriers)
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
An Exercise
Start With the Default
Implementation of
Social Segregation
Imagine that you are
interested in
developing a certain
style of integration
Modify the Code as
Needed in Order to
Produce The Closest
Possible Model Run
to the Camouflage
Note: this involves 4
Groups not 2 Groups
Your Goal!
Homework Exercise
Send Me Your Best
I will announce the
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Simple Birth Rates
Simple Birth Rates
Simple Birth Rates
Simple Birth Rates
take a few minutes and play around with the model
consider the questions offered above
Thinking Conceptually:
Simple Birth Rates
What Does the Turtle Movement Add to the Model?
Are Turtles Added to the Model?
and If So How?
Are Turtles Removed from the Model?
and If So How?
Simple Birth Rates:
Exploring the Code
Step 1: map the dependancies
Step 2: learn the syntax and
functionality for all
unknown primitives
Step 3: read each line of code and
determine what it doing
Simple Birth Rates
Step 4: sketch a procedures map
that follows the chronology
of your program
At this point it is more Important for you to go
though the models line by line on your own using
the above protocol
Basic Setup
Simple Birth Rates
Simple Birth Rates
“To Setup” Procedures
“To Go”
Simple Birth Rates
Turtle Movement
Simple Birth Rates
How does
it work?
Simple Birth Rates
Take a Look
at the
Simple Birth Rates
ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Simple Birth Rates
Right Click (ctrl + Click on Mac) on the “run experiment” Button
Simple Birth Rates
observer is
Calls upon the
Name of
Simple Birth Rates
Take a look at
this for later in
the week
Automation is really
going to help us

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of TimeQuality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

ICPSR - Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences - Lab Session 4 - Professor Daniel Martin Katz

  • 1. Introduction to Computing for Complex Systems (Lab Session 4) daniel martin katz illinois institute of technology chicago kent college of law @computationaldanielmartinkatz.com computationallegalstudies.com
  • 2. Take a Look at this Article from the Economist (July 22, 2010) Agent Based Models and Positive Economic Theory Refer Back to my slides about equilibrium and its discontents
  • 7. Print This and Draw the Connections for a Full Map of the Schelling Code
  • 8. Mapping of the Schelling Code (%-similar-wanted is a slider)
  • 9. We Need to see What “update- varables” is Actually Doing
  • 12. Here we are going to “set” some of our “turtles-own” variables
  • 14. “Set” the Turtles-own Variable “similar-nearby” to the count of “turtles-on” neighbors (8 of them) but only those with color = my color
  • 15. “Set” the Turtles-own Variable “other-nearby” to the count of “turtles-on” neighbors (8 of them) but only those with color = not my color
  • 16. Take a look at what is happening here The “happy?” condition is going to be important involves an agent by agent comparison of the spread between “similarity-wanted” & “similar- nearby”
  • 17. Now Lets Look at “Update-globals” It involves “lets” and “sets” uses the globals but also some of the turtles-own variables
  • 18. I will allow you to review this on your own However, consider the syntax of “sum”
  • 19. (1) Right Click (ctrl + Click on Mac) on the “percent- similar” plot (2) This will appear and will allow for various modifications (color, interval, etc.)
  • 24. We now consider the “to go” portion of the code
  • 25. lets reduce the “to go” procedures the “to go” portion of the code above are the major new elements remember conceptually the model relies upon movement if a turtle is unhappy
  • 26. Again, we have the “if” the “to go” portion of the code The “to go” button with stop when all turtles are “happy?” Here is how “Happy?” gets set: model continues to tick until every agent is above the “%-similar-wanted” as set on the slider
  • 27. create an agentset of “not happy?” turtles the movement portion of the code For that agentset we run the “find-new-spot” procedures We know from the “to go” procedures that this is going to continue to run until the “if” condition is satisfied
  • 30. the movement portion of the code Notice that it is going to re-run the “find-new-spot” If the “if” condition is met In other words, agents are going to move until they find a open patch then agent will occupy the center of open patch
  • 32. Thinking about Extensions to the Schelling Model This is closer to a “representative agent” model Agents are homogenous in their %similar-wanted In reality, there is likely variance across agents In other words, comparing across agents there are differential preferences with respect to the %similar-wanted
  • 33. Thinking about Extensions to the Schelling Model spatial considerations The 8 neighbors might not be how individuals actually make their assessments agents might make choices based upon a wider assessment of the neighborhood there might be different “prices” for different patches (i.e. a simulated housing market)
  • 34. Thinking about Extensions to the Schelling Model structural considerations the model could encode certain barriers to entry to particular neighborhoods barriers could be highly asymmetric (i.e. red turtles face no barriers and green turtles face high barriers)
  • 36. An Exercise Start With the Default Implementation of Social Segregation Imagine that you are interested in developing a certain style of integration
  • 37. Modify the Code as Needed in Order to Produce The Closest Possible Model Run to the Camouflage Note: this involves 4 Groups not 2 Groups Your Goal! Homework Exercise
  • 38. Send Me Your Best Effort [email protected] I will announce the Winner
  • 43. Simple Birth Rates take a few minutes and play around with the model consider the questions offered above
  • 44. Thinking Conceptually: Simple Birth Rates What Does the Turtle Movement Add to the Model? Are Turtles Added to the Model? and If So How? Are Turtles Removed from the Model? and If So How?
  • 46. Step 1: map the dependancies Step 2: learn the syntax and functionality for all unknown primitives Step 3: read each line of code and determine what it doing Simple Birth Rates Step 4: sketch a procedures map that follows the chronology of your program At this point it is more Important for you to go though the models line by line on your own using the above protocol
  • 48. Experiment Basic Setup Simple Birth Rates Death Plots Reproduction Movement
  • 49. Simple Birth Rates “To Setup” Procedures
  • 51. Simple Birth Rates Turtle Movement Procedures
  • 53. Simple Birth Rates Take a Look at the Reproduction Procedures
  • 56. Simple Birth Rates Right Click (ctrl + Click on Mac) on the “run experiment” Button
  • 57. Simple Birth Rates forever button Notice observer is selected Calls upon the go-experiment sub-procedures Name of our Button
  • 58. Simple Birth Rates Take a look at this for later in the week Automation is really going to help us