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Svoboda | Graniru | BBC Russia | Golosameriki | Facebook
SlideShare a Scribd company logo
RiseMetric LLPRiseMetric LLPExperts in Shaping the Perfect Move to Growing Online Business
Suumit Shah
Subhash Choudhary
Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
ith the ubiquitous reach of Internet, people have access to
Weverything and everywhere. Consumers are more vigilant and
they are all ears to not just the brand, but also the ones who are
using the brand. It is observed that 90% of all the purchase decisions begin
online. With ready accessibility, they have myriad levels of options at their
disposal. They can discreetly go through various offers and services from
various e-commerce sites and take the most information decisions.
Consumers today have access to the Internet through various digital
portable devices. The problem of such high proliferation of accessibility
options is that all the devices have different protocols, specifications and
interfaces. This makes it a tough challenge for the marketers to launch their
campaigns on these various challenges using the same strategy. With the
rising competition, many digital marketers have started modifying their
campaigns so as to give the consumers a new experience of the same brand
over different streaming channels.
With easy access to data, comes the heavy trail of data. Data specialists or
Data scientists are heavily involved today to make the trail of data left
behind the consumers, more integrated to the business operations and
activities. In a positive turn of events, different service providers are taking
the efforts to connect with their consumers through the various channels.
This in turn, makes the data availed from the huge pile of data left behind
after various activities, more relevant, with the knowledge on consumers
buying patterns and their interests. These relevant data aids the campaign
creators in taking more accurate decisions.
In the end, the entire purpose of a digital campaign is not just about
promoting a brand, but creating an engaging experience that would
influence them to follow the brand eventually. With advanced analytics,
campaigns are being monitored on real-time basis which enables the
campaigners to change their tactics on a short notice and in a very cost-
effective manner. When positively it used to cost around $100 and $900 to
reach 1000 views, with digital marketing techniques, it now costs only
around $1 to $10. Today, it is mandatory to have access to all the data
related to every kind of customer from every digital platform to deliver
more real-time and engaging customer experience.
Reinvent the
World with the
Power of
Tech and Digital
Debasmita Dutta

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Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal
Corporate Ofces:
November, 2017
Database Management Sharad
Technology Consultant Swapnil Patil
Circulation Manager Vivek
Research Analyst David
Business Development Executive
Rutuja, Divya, Meera
Business Development Manager Akansha Garewal
Sachin Bhandare
Poonam Yadav
Visualiser Shweta Shinde
Art & Design Director Amol Kamble
Art Editor Karan, Pranita
Co-designer Vanshika, Shweta
Picture Editor Alex Noel
Marketing Manager Dhruv Apte
Ariana LawrenceSenior Editor
Copyright © 2017 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success.
Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Managing Editor Debasmita Dutta
RiseMetric LLP:
Experts in Shaping the
Perfect Move to Growing
Online Business
D'Well Research:
Innovating Creative Ways
and Strategies ThatCan Convert
Crowd into Customers
EveryMedia Technologies
Pvt. Ltd:
Creating Tailor-Made
Digital Portfolio
Harmony Multimedia:
Creating and Transforming
the Digital Life
The Power of Branding
over the Internet
Digital Marketing is
changing the Way How
Companies Work
MAA Digital:
Delivering Cutting-edge,
Customised Marketing
Runtime Solutions:
The Creative & Digital
Innovation Hub
Creating Waves in the
Digital Marketing Industry
Cyber Lodge
Insiders Opinion
How to Ensure Success
of an Innovative Online
Business Idea
Leader’s Outlook
Agency’s perspective
on the art & science
of brand engagement
in Digital Age
ADVOCACY and Change,
the journey of AN IDEA
Taking Digital Marketing to a whole
new level of Online Commercialization
t is a virtue of the current generation that Internet has brought accessibility to every smartphone wielder. Today,
Imaximum Business Owners are fortunate to have a level playing field when it comes to branding. Digital
Marketing Solution providers have provided business owners the best chances for survival, competition and
business growth while expanding the branding platforms over the massive digital scale.
In this listing of “The 10 Most Innovative Digital Marketing Companies in 2017” we have enlisted 10 Digital
Solution Providers who have provided an effective marketing channel for their client’s business growth.
For the Cover Story, we have RiseMetric LLP, a full service IT and digital marketing firm developed with powerful
content strategies for progressive companies that has helped them grow their business to the next level.
We have enlisted D’Well Research which is a full service market research company specialized in Business and
Community Research for new product development. We have, EveryMedia, a full-service integrated digital marketing
company. Whirlwind helps businesses to grow their presence online by rethinking their digital strategy and adopting a
content first approach to marketing. We have also listed Runtime Solutions, which is a comprehensive Innovation
development and Digital marketing agency which dispenses blended solutions to all your online, digital and social
media challenges. MAA Digital Ltd finds its place in the list as it provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions,
ranging from strategy and consulting to design and development. The list also includes, Harmony Multimedia
Private Limited, a creative agency which provides all advertising solution under the sky. The listing also includes
Digital Indya, Position2 and Eidolon Design Studio.
We have valuable contributions made by Avinash Chandra of BrandLoom Consulting, for the article, “How to
Ensure Success of an Innovative Online Business Idea” and by Smita Thorat of Brandniti + Design for the article,
“Brandniti+Design Agency’s perspective on the art and science of brand engagement in Digital Age”. It also includes
Nirali Vaidya of Muse Advertising for the article “From Sales to Advocacy and Change, the journey of ‘an Idea’ in
The Editorial Team at Insights Success has delivered articles under Digi-notion which goes by the title, “Digital
Marketing is changing the Way How Companies Work” and Cyber Lodge with the title, “The Power of Branding over
the Internet”.
So Flip through the pages and Spread the Light.

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NFC Remote utilizes chips placed in advertising materials that are programmed to marketing campaigns. When consumers tap their NFC-enabled smartphones on the chips, it automatically sends information to their phone and requests engagement with the business through likes, follows, promotions, or email capture. This solution allows businesses to gauge their marketing effectiveness and build customer loyalty. 30x Marketing is seeking $300,000 in investment to expand their NFC Remote technology and services to more businesses across North America.

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Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
Subhash Choudhary
Suumit Shah
Experts in Shaping the Perfect Move to Growing
Online Business
RiseMetric LLP
Cover Story
n an era of internet and digitization, a successful marketing strategy is concealed in digital
Imarketing where the marketers are continuously working on innovations and ideas to improve
a company’s brand value. Increased use of internet and social media has made left a big impact
on the lifestyle and users’ preferences. Social media presence is necessary for the success of a brand
and it is essential to understand that a company cannot survive without a digital marketing
campaign. So, from the recognition of the brand to targeting the right audience and ensuring loyalty
towards the brand, it needs digital marketing in every step. In this case, the Mumbai based Digital
Marketing Agency; RiseMetric LLP is leading in this business strategy.
The company entails a group of marketers, strategists and designers, who are engrossed in
providing awe, tailored digital marketing services to their clients. They have developed their
innovative and inspiring marketing strategies, which are built upon their existing infrastructure
base, enabling them to entice their clients and similarly, to the organization to achieve their business
goals with high ROI on their digital marketing spend.
With over 7 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing, RiseMetric has helped multiple
startups to flourish their business and achieve crores and millions in less than one year. From Indian
startup space, they have worked with Housing.com, Tinyowl, Bewakoof, Toppr and TVF. On
corporate front, they have been helping McDonald’s, Viacom18, Sony and IIT Bombay for all their
digital needs.
A satisfied customer is the best
business strategy of all
Nothing makes
us happier than
to watch money
owing to client’s
account as a result
of our efforts

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The document discusses digital strategies for the fashion industry during the pandemic. It covers topics like the need for fashion's digital transformation, opportunities presented by the pandemic like ecommerce and omnichannel, the advantages of digital like identifying customer profiles, and factors to consider like budget allocation, measurement, and finding the right audience. It also discusses attribution models, the customer journey, and making digitization more human-centered.

marketingdigital marketingdigital
What's Next: How brands can capture value, mindset and experiences on their o...
What's Next: How brands can capture value, mindset and experiences on their o...What's Next: How brands can capture value, mindset and experiences on their o...
What's Next: How brands can capture value, mindset and experiences on their o...

Brands have long considered the value and prospects of selling directly to consumers. In some instances, marketplaces tampered with those considerations providing quick and efficient ways to reach consumers and sell products with a lower level of effort and barriers to entry. While serving a need to some, marketplaces present their own set of challenges that can be solved by going direct leading companies to either diversify their current channel mix by launching their own DTC or shift their strategy to just DTC which has been supercharged by COVID-19.

People Leading the Torch of Innovation in the field of
Digital Marketing
Suumit Shah is a passionate Internet Marketer and
Founder of RiseMetric. Before starting RiseMetric, he was
heading Digital Marketing at Tinyowl and later at
Housing.com. With his innovative marketing strategies and
dynamic personality, quickly he becomes one of the most
popular growth strategists for tech startups.
Subhash Choudhary is an experienced marketer &
Co-founder of RiseMetric. With over 7 years of long
experience in Internet Marketing and with his unique ideas,
he has gained a deep insight on human psychology to the
shape internet traffic. Subhash has worked closely with
some of the most notable startups from India and helped
them to achieve their growth objectives through digital
Hurdles that went on to become Milestones
The story, from a name to a well-recognized brand, narrates
real-world challenges and footraces of RiseMetric. The
company that missions to benefit their clients business
growth, inherited the fortune to work with some of the
biggest startups from India during its inception days. The
first few startups were functioned from Suumit Shah’s
existing network and the happy clients were contented to
refer their services to others. The referrals started to come
in and they were able to convert most of them into a
successful deal. In the completion of an efficacious year,
they counted a good number of notable brands in their
portfolio which helped them to increase their corporate
clients. With this robust team and successful project-life
they launched in-house projects which again created a
landmark for the company.
Strategies and Elements, Aiding to Stand Different from
the Mob
Suumit believes, “the biggest challenge faced by any
company is generating sales & leads for its business, so the
marketing teams should work diligently to produce enough
demand for their product/services.” Moreover, he add,
“With so many digital platforms like Facebook ads, Google
ads, Twitter ads, SEM, SEO etc. for promoting their product
/ services, it’s becoming even tougher to figure out where to
focus the effort and whom to ignore.”
RiseMetric owns some experienced ‘Campaign Strategists’
who work extensively with their clients to understand their
pain points and then create a long term marketing blueprint.
This blueprint concept is executed by a team of SEO
professionals, SEM experts, Social media ninjas and
Creative Designers. Mostly, the services involved with
their current objective and they have a simple 3 step process
to pitch it:
• Understanding the core marketing objective,
• Define the target audience,
• Draft a customized digital strategy to reach them.
Unlike the conventional sales cycle, RiseMetric has
designed a totally different sales strategy for their clients.
Upon receiving any referral (Verbal, Email Introduction),
they set up a face to face meeting where most of the time,
the decision maker is either the founder or the Co-founders.
Abandoning the traditional presentations pattern, they opt
for verbal communications where the client speak about
their business in terms of marketing, identify the current
problems and their expectations.
Making it more personal to the decision makers, RiseMetric
prefer to broadcast their live examples of work (like
Keyword ranks, Social Media engagements, traffic growth
etc.), rather than any PDF case studies which are often
biased and show selected data. Based on the information
gathered from them and researching the market and the
competition, they come up with a brief and to the point
proposal with detailed solutions. The proposal is discussed
with them in person and after discussing the performance
metrics or targets, they close it. RiseMetric considers, “the
sales cycle is just the beginning; the actual effort goes into
delivery and making sure their money counts.”
Exceptional Execution of Services for Satisfying Clients
RiseMetric is known for their quality services and solutions
provided in Organic Long term SEO, Social Media
Marketing, Pay per Click Services, App Development, App
Store Optimization and Web Development. Further, the way
they execute their services are totally exclusive and carry
different innovative ideas.
• Defining the Audience - They work with the client to
understand their view of the customer and creates the
ideal customer audience persona. They limit their plans
around this persona, which turned out to be very efficient.
• Educating the Client about the Product (Awareness
phase) - Being a new concept and making sale on first
impression will be difficult, so they firstly, shows their
clients multiple videos of the product in action and being
the use in daily life. This is also uploaded on Facebook,
YouTube and other social media sites.
Cover Story
We work
e ensively
with the client to
understand their
pain points and
then create
a long term
• Reinforced Communication with Re-Marketing
(Consideration) - The clients who shows interest in this
product by interacting with the video, RiseMetric
re-targets them with “Still banner” ads on FB as well as
Google. They share the credibility of Founders & Product
team in this phase. They also use SEO to create a positive
image of the brand by ranking organic reviews of the
product by known blogs or channels.
• Capturing lead (Intent) – In this phase, they ran
Facebook leads ads to collect leads for the pre-sales team
or for later follow-up emails. The pre-sales team also
takes care of all the questions and information asked by
the people.
• Getting them to Purchase (Transact) – The last step was
to make them to purchase the product. They tied up with
one of the largest online retailer in India for the product
listing and target their audience segment with FB,
YouTube & Google banner ads showing the price with
a call to action pointing to the retailer.
Gaining Clients with Productive Results
Digital marketing is indeed a very competitive industry and
providing ROI for client’s money is a growing challenge.
RiseMetric realize, “the most effective way to show your
value is to show numbers.” But tracking the ROI of every
single marketing activity isn’t always easy, especially if the
company doesn’t have a two-way communication between
their marketing activities and the sales reports. Measuring
the ROI of marketing activities has remained a top
marketing challenge year-over-year. Additionally, proving
ROI often goes hand-in-hand with making an argument to
increase budget, it’s like, “No ROI tracking, no
demonstrable ROI. No ROI, no budget.”
The RiseMetric team dedicates their time and resources to
establish links between provided marketing activities and
sales results. That way, clients can directly see how many
leads and customers are generated through their marketing
Achievements that led to the Path of Success
RiseMetric shared an experience where they had
successfully strategized and executed a multi-phase
campaign for a very new & innovative product created by
IIT Bombay alumnus. The product is an AI based
Companion robot called Toy, which was able to talk to kids
and even grow with them. Though it was a very new
concept, but selling in India was a challenge with a limited
marketing. But creating a multi-phase marketing plan and
executing it over a period of 4 months led the campaign to a
great success with double digit ROI. Subhash asserts,
“Nothing makes us happier than watching money flowing to
client’s account as a result of our efforts.”
RiseMetric Exists to Deliver its Finest Solutions
RiseMetric is confident on their excellent team and
underwrites their success to them. They choose to work
with some of the best workforces in the industry while
giving them complete freedom of what they do. Instead of
following a predefined template based process, they give
their team a goal to complete the task and the freedom to do
it the way they see fit. This not only helps them to keep
transforming their services but also gives the team a
satisfaction they can never find in template based projects.
RiseMetric is a bunch of technology and marketing
enthusiasts, who believe in bringing a measurable impact in
everything they do. The company does not settle for the off-
the-shelf solutions, their approach and recommendations
are highly customized. They have successfully generated
long-term benefits for their clients in the past and are
looking forward to continue doing it with their believe, “We
innovate, continuously improve and believe in commitment
to clients with product quality and reliability. We encourage
creativity, risk-taking and fun!”
Cover Story
“The sales cycle
is just the beginning;
the actual effort goes
into delivery and
making sure their
money counts”
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by JIN
Management BriefCompany Name
D’Well Research
Thomas George
D’Well is a full service market research company specialized in
Business andCommunityResearchfornewproductdevelopment.
Digital Indya
Sandeep Dabas
Head Of Business
Digital Indya is an independent, integrated digital agency to get
more people to know a brand, product, services for customer reach
Eidolon Design Studio
Sagar Gajjar
Creative Director
Gautam B Thakker
Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a full-service integrated
digital marketing company that has its offices in Mumbai, Delhi,
New York, Dubai and London.
MAA Digital Ltd
Akshar Peerbhoy
Chief Operating Officer
MAA Digital provides comprehensive digital marketing
solutions, ranging from strategy and consulting to design and
Linuraj Sankaran
Senior Marketing
Position2 is an innovative digital marketing agency that
accelerates demand through integrated Content Marketing, Paid
Acquisition, and Marketing Technology solutions.
RiseMetric LLP
Subhash Choudhary
RiseMetric is a full service IT and digital marketing firm
developed with powerful content strategies for progressive
companies that has helped them grow their business to the next
Runtime Solutions
Arjun Chatterjee
Founder & CEO
Saumil Patel
Whirlwind helps businesses grow their presence online by
rethinking their digital strategy and adopting a content first
approach to marketing.
Eidolon Design Studio is a full service creative branding
agency and to create a company into a cult brand and the way
their customers want to represent it to their audience.
Runtime Solutions is a comprehensive Innovation development
and Digital marketing agency which dispenses blended
solutions to all your online, digital and social media challenges.
Harmony Multimedia
Pvt. Ltd
Rajesh Desai
Chairman &
Managing Director
Harmony Multimedia is a creative agency which provides all
advertising solution under the sky. It has a wide range of verticals
encompassing Advertising, Creative Designing, Film Making,
Ever wondered what is the single thing that
transformed once upon a time corporate and serious
business of advertising into creative, clever and
crazy advertising industry during the late 1950s of Mad
Men era? From hard sell and repetitive advertising to witty,
artistic and sophisticated ad campaigns, it was the
introduction of an ‘Idea’into advertising that glamourized
the likes of Doyles, Bernbachs and Ogilvys to re-engineer a
creative breed of advertising professionals who pledged by
the idea as their primary source of fame and fortune. It was
the ‘idea’ that became eponymous with creative advertising
culture. Both agencies and clients swore by the ‘idea’to
upscale their sales graph. The tradition still continues strong
in its fifth decade albeit with a difference. Ideas that have
been selling ketchups and automobiles are now increasingly
selling knowledge and advocacy in their latest avatar. From
big corporations like Vodafone who did a campaign to
address domestic violence in Turkey, Unilever’s deodorant
brand, Lynx who raised awareness about male suicides in
London to ITC’s Savlon that promoted hand washing
through chalk sticks in India, every brand is exploiting the
power of ‘idea’ to sound sustainable and resonate with their
consumers’ conscience.
When ‘idea’ took reins over advertising business during
Mad Men era, it practiced narcissism, competition
outsmarting and wit with vengeance. In last few years, the
‘idea’ however became more nonchalant and started
designing subtle but strong communications targeting
brands’ commitment towards innovation, sustainability, and
enhanced engagement. The leading beer brand Heineken
since 1970s has been proclaiming itself with wholesome
vanity as world’s number one beer brand. The same brand
in its 2016 campaign urges its target users to ‘dance more,
drink slow’ advocating responsible drinking.A beer brand
advocating less consumption of its product is unprecedented
and a bold move. The same year, Heineken also launched a
campaign Brewtroleum where it created bio-fuel from the
beer waste to power cars in New Zealand which had won
Grand Prix- Outdoor in Cannes.Another shocking
campaign came from REI, a major retailer in the US who
shut its store on one of the busiest shopping days
the journey of in ADVERTISINGAN IDEA‘
Nirali Vaidya is the Creative Director at Muse Advertising, creative
agency behind many social innovations like portable dispenser for
condoms in Madhya Pradesh for Population Services International
to combat the hesitation encounter at POP; interactive and on
ground engagement programmes for imbibing sanitation within
rural slums population for Government of Bihar; initiating
developing 7 senses cinema viewing experience for visually
challenged population, mobilizing constructive communication for
Kashmir youth just to name a few. With more than a decade of
experience in advertising as a copywriter and later as a creative
director, she has been writing on consumerism, branding, social
behaviour, digital revolution, content curation, entertainment and
contemporary affairs. As a freelance writer, she writes on politics,
spirituality, environment and entertainment. She serves as guest
faculty to many renowned media and management institutes.
About the Author
16| November 2017 |
Techno-nerd’s Viewpoint
Nirali Vaidya
Creative Director
of the year, telling people instead to get out and enjoy
nature, at the cost of its business!
What is inspiring and channelizing the course of the ‘idea’
from profit to philanthropy centric that is making brands go
more humble, honest, humanitarian and eco-conscious?
1. Persuasion is passé, Empathy is in: There has been a
paradigm shift in audience’s emotional, social and
intellectual quotient which has increased exponentially with
exposure to media, knowledge, processes, and
entertainment. Today, if a brand tries to claim its supremacy
with perfect creative finesse, it will still sound like hard-sell
to this new breed of an over-fed target audience. Brands are
now using the ‘idea’ to penetrate within the conscience of
their target audience and do things that they always wish for
with the help of their products/services. Ariel’s ‘Share the
Load’ campaign urging men to share the load of household
chores especially that of laundry with their wives is an
example of brands intruding in the lives of its target
audience albeit benevolently.
2. More Media at no to less cost: Advocacy and social
good act as catalysts to attract media to review the ad
campaigns that appear more as acts of benefaction rather
than promotional content. Moreover, advocacy and social
good being universal in their appeal have the more organic
reach and appeal to larger audience breaking the barriers of
nationality, race, religion, and ethnicity. This gives a
competitive edge to the brand in the scenario where every
brand is boasting about the social media fan lineage running
into millions. The campaign to stop the sale of acid in retail
counter by non-profit, Make Love Not Scars featuring acid
attack survivor Reshma garnered huge PR across media like
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, BBC World,
Mashable, Mirror, The Huffington Post at no cost and
personalities like Amitabh Bachchan, Ashton Kutcher,
Sherly Sandberg and Sachin Tendulkar too shared their
support for the campaign, making it an award campaign.
3. Sustainable Policy: Some marketers are restructuring
their businesses to accommodate sustainable business
practices and are making investments in research and
development of new technologies that can help them
achieve their sustainable goals. Unilever, for instance, has
committed to half its environmental footprints by 2030.
P&G plans to replace 25% of petroleum-based products
with sustainable ones by 2020. Branding sustainability also
helps marketers to target consumers, investors, vendors and
employees at one go in a single communication campaign.
4. Awards: Cannes advertising festival, the most sought-
after festival amongst the advertising fraternity branded as
‘field-trip to future’ for agencies, start-ups and marketers
has been generously awarding campaigns that are packaged
with social good and those that promise to address
environmental, psychological, health and lifestyle issues.
The festival has also introduced new award category-, Glass
17| November 2017 |
Lions: the Lion for Change to challenge gender biases. In a bid to stay ahead and bag awards at prestigious awards festivals,
brands are making use of ideas that force their way to the jury’s shortlist.
5. Ease of Execution with Technology: Technology and data have given power to the ‘idea’ whereby they not only help in
the adequate execution of the idea but also help in measuring the effectiveness of the campaign in real time. This has
encouraged agencies and brands to dream big, invent without fear and set as challenging goals as possible and experiment
upon their hypothesis. Never before brands and agencies were so confident about putting into practice everything that they
ever dreamed of without the fear of sounding impractical and unrealistic. Toyota has launched i-Road, an ultra-compact
electric vehicle which helps to resolve parking issues in congested cities of Japan by utilizing small and unused spaces with
networking parking and charging spot stations. This project would have been unthinkable a decade back in absence of tech-
driven infrastructure that works in unison with the advertising agencies.
As the evolution of ‘idea’ took from being a piece of communication to transforming into products, experiences and
engagements, advertising businesses that were earlier lauded for their creativity now have to be multi-faceted with
innovation, technology, research and empathy. We can expect Flipkart as a part of its festive sale campaign to introduce
invisible packaging that replaces cardboard cartons loaded with plastic bubbles with certain sonic wave’s technology that
secures the products without causing any damage. This can save the country from the generation of tonnes of plastic waste as
well as from deforestation which otherwise forms an inevitable part of the delivery process. Or can we expect a fertilizer
brand to develop high yielding solution that brings back the fertility of the barren soil that can solve the problem of food
crisis and waste lands. While the earlier Mad Men saw advertising going glam and aristocratic, this age of idea revolution is
making advertising mad with innovation and social consciousness.
18| November 2017 |

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Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
’Well Research was envisioned to provide
Dexclusive user experience research information
from field to support user-centered product design
for companies globally. It is a full service market research
company, specialized in Product Development using
Prototype testing, interviewing, Ethnographic studies,
group discussions, social media analysis and desk research.
D’Well Research’s services assure reliable information,
local knowledge about targeted users, responsiveness and
empathy to clients through its highly motivated team of
employees and freelancers across Asia and Africa. Also, this
Singapore-based company has a team of digital marketing
experts positioned in strategically important markets
throughout the world. D’Well team of researchers, analysts
and marketing specialists provides insights on the users and
the changing trends among the youth and the millennial
shoppers. The research supports the companies to connect
with their customers, understand their common activities,
understand trends and integrate their digital marketing
D’Well Research provides services like innovation
intelligence, user experience research, and innovation
consulting. It also offers marketing support services like
Product marketing studies, studies on marketing
intermediaries, studies on different marketing functions as
well as mobile marketing research, digital marketing,
online research and social media research. D’Well
Research’s social media research helps companies to
understand the language of their audience which can be
used for brand promotion and advertisement campaigns to
push products towards the end customers.
Digital marketing supports the best ways to monitor,
collect, analyze and interpret data to boost business
understanding of target markets and make strategies
accordingly. D'Well Research uses the best and the latest
tools to scan and monitor the social media activities to
assist their clients to know the major influencing factors on
the audience which make them to like or dislike any
product or ad. It helps the companies to focus their digital
marketing on the influencers to get their product on the top
Setting up offices with experienced team of on-field
researchers in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,
Philippines, Vietnam and China assist them to work on
international assignments. This global market research
company is completely focused on qualitative research
services and helps its client to target a specific region and
reduce the infrastructure cost to gather user experience
information from these markets.
Innovating Creative Ways and Strategies
That Can Convert Crowd into Customers
Challenge of
the day is the
driving force
of being an
20| November 2017 |
This full-fledged field team is known for their executing of
qualitative and quantitative studies in following sectors:
1. Healthcare (Pharma, Medical equipment, Insurance,
Food, Treatment)
2. Automotive (Automobiles, Accessories)
3. Smart touch devices (Mobile phones, Computer, TV)
4. Finance (Banking, Insurance)
5. Agriculture (Crop Science, Cultivation, Biotech,
Agriculture equipment)
6. Lifestyle (Fashion, Day/night life, Family, Education)
The success of this B2B Company hinges largely on strong
client relationship. Working for Microsoft, Nokia, Siemens,
HP, Sanofi Pasteur, Philips Healthcare, Standard
Chartered, Maruti Suzuki, Volkswagen, HSBC, Cisco and
many more have helped the firm to improve its customer
experience. D’Well Research supports its client to develop
new apps, websites, operating systems, medical equipment,
cars, insurance and finance products, electronic circuits,
apparels, packaging, advertising concepts, industrial
products etc. The team renders service in all phases of
product development cycle in a transparent way by
providing access to the clients in all stages of the project to
help achieve their goals.
The Leader behind the Establishment
D’Well Research is led by He is anCEO Thomas George.
engineer with a management degree and expertise in
merging product development with marketing management.
With a massive experience of over 20 years in Business and
Community research and a PDMA, TTRA, Esomar,
QRCA, AMSRS Member, he is managing user experience
research for fortune 500 companies.
According to Thomas, an entrepreneur should have a
positive mind with strong determination, dedication and
desire to solve it. This young entrepreneur is known for his
strong visualizing power and delivering convincing
research results to his clients. He incorporated D’Well
Research in 1995 to strengthen new ideas in real life.
Thomas and his team’s hardwork and dedication helped to
overcome the problems in the initial stages and gradually it
converted D’Well Research into a high valued multinational
The Future is Bright for the Creative Masters
D’Well Research has always adapted itself to the fast
hanging technological environment in digital marketing
world to face the competition. D’Well respects and
considers clients views and deals with them empathetically.
Coordinating with the clients during the research and
marketing process has helped them to produce the best
outcomes and satisfactory results. Such steadfast service
delivered in the right amount of time with the right budget
shows the exposure to competition and increases its long-
term survival prospects.
As the Digital Marketing is the future, D’Well Research is
evolving with new and ground breaking tools like
personalization technologies and enhancement in mobile
marketing services.
With its latest innovative tools like AI, VR, AR and
Analytics using Deep learning & Machine learning
techniques in research projects & marketing, D’Well
Research is moving ahead in the competitive market.
D’Well Research believes that the future is determined by
creating innovative ideas and developments that call for the
seamless interworking of mediums. It will be embedded by
the marketers and different platforms for new and
traditional media to play together.
Thomas George
21| November 2017 |
Digital Marketing Facts
• As per a survey site, in 2017, TV ad spending has climb
to $72.01 billion and Digital Ad spending has climb to
$77.37 billion.
• According to Google, more searches are taking place
on mobile devices than on computers.
• Video content is getting four times higher preference
than text.
• Nearly 200 million internet users have installed ad
blocking softwares. 34-63% millennial block ads and
more than half of the internet users do not click on the
pop-up ads.
• Native Ads are viewed 53% more times than banner
ads. Users who are retargeted have a 70% chance of
getting converted. Programmatic Ads will represent
82% of the total digital ads by 2018.
• CMOs are going to increase their digital ad spend by
14.7%. Out of this, social media’s share would rise by
22.4% in the next five years. It is forecasted to account
for 35% of total budgets.
An Average City dweller observes 5000 Ads per day,
considering their exposure to the ads on grocery carts, on
Power Branding
of theover
Quick Facts:
• Out of the approximate total of 3.2 billion people, 1.7
billion internet users are all Asians.
• 200 billion emails and 3 billion Google Searches are
done every day. Out of the 204 million emails sent per
minute, 70% are spam mails.
• Internet requires 50 million horsepower to keep
running in the current state.
• Bots and Malware generate the majority of internet
• Search engine results are just the tip of the iceberg and
are called the Surface Web. The Deep Web is 500 times
• Internet took 3 years to reach 50 million users, while
television took 13 years. Facebook took only 2 years.
• Facebook has around 1.49 billion monthly active users.
Twitter has around 314 million monthly users and
generates 500 million tweets per day.
• A single Google query makes use of 1,000 computers
and arrives at an answer in 0.2 seconds. Google
processes 16 to 20 percent of new searches, every day.
• Over 100,000 new dot com domains are registered on
the internet every day. There are 940 million live
websites on the internet right now.
22| November 2017 |
Cyber Lodge

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Corporate Brochure

The document provides information about IMarks Digital Solutions, an ISO 9001:2008 certified digital marketing agency. It outlines IMarks' mission to provide impressive solutions that boost clients' bottom lines through long-lasting partnerships. The document details IMarks' services such as digital marketing, digital media solutions, web technologies, and digital brand communication. It also lists some of IMarks' clients across multiple industries.

roads and over the internet. The global marketing
industry is worth a whopping $475 billion.
Since our surrounding is flushed with all kinds of Ads,
people are getting to understand the dynamics of
marketing and have figured out ways to avoid viewing
ads (ad-blocking softwares). So, what can advertisers do
to stay one step ahead?
Showing what the audience wants to see
Jingles are forever and will stay on to be the most
popular branding experience. Advertisers are moving on
from the old model of informing, persuading and
reminding to the new model of demonstrating,
empowering and involving. 86% of the marketers
believe in engaging the audience on multiple channels
using the same strategy for long term success.
Considering the effortlessness involved in skipping the
ads, marketers are trying to get the viewers as
emotionally involved as possible in the storyline in
which the product is presented. It is much more effective
to present the ad as part of the context.
This is exactly what Native Ads is all about. It is the
modern form of product placement in video and blog
content. This has been successfully incorporated in the
movies since long back. The Ace Comb in the James
Dean movie Rebels without a cause, got so popular that
almost every teen that had seen the movie went ahead
and bought one.
Hershey owes a lot to the hit movie E.T. because right
after it hit the screens, they saw a 65% rise in their sales.
The best part is that Hershey did not have to pay
anything for their product placement in the movie. All
they had to do was promote E.T. in their advertising
The longest running and the most expensive deal has
been struck between Heineken and the producers of the
James Bond movies. In the movie Skyfall, Bond goes for
a bottle of Heineken instead of his signature martini
drink. The James Bond movies had made the martini
iconic and now it has been replaced by Heineken for an
undisclosed hefty amount. Bond movies have also made
the Aston Martin cars famous during the 60s and 70s and
the BMW cars during the 90s.
BMW Mini Cooper earned the tag of being a rugged
little car that goes really fast when it got featured in the
movie, The Italian Job, and in one of the Bourne series.
BMW saw a staggering increase in sales in the
consecutive releases of these films.
Branding a Product when the audience is looking for
Now, in a similar fashion, bloggers are paid to forcibly
promote the brand in their storylines while making it
look like as if it is a part of the context. This has led to
many celebrity Twitter users who are paid to tweet in a
particular fashion just because advertisers want to
cash-in on their huge fan following. The scenario is
similar on Facebook.
Out of the 80% of millennial using their smartphones
while shopping, 74% are willing to receive location
based adverts and this can prove to be beneficial with the
right amount of data that must be mined from users’ past
shopping experiences and their buying patterns. This
ensures highest level of conversion rate using the most
minimum effort (and efficient computing power) and
investment from the retailer’s end.
Video accounts for 69% of all customer internet traffic
and 70% of the audiences view brands more positively
after watching an interesting video content of the brand.
With video content expected to dominate over other
content strategies, it is no surprise that YouTube channels
are now considered as part of brand equity. Gaming is
another industry that is being tapped in a similar fashion.
With a good data infrastructure that aids reporting and
distribution, business councils can lead and improve
campaigns that would engage the target audience and
influence them to eventually boost the sales.
23| November 2017 |
igital marketing is becoming one of the essential
Dparts of every marketing campaign; moreover, with
the development in cutting edge tools, both
medium and small sized businesses are doing everything to
keep up with the pace. Conventional industries are also
adapting the online models, or expanding the existing
advertising endeavors with digital marketing – trying to
catch an emerging and very lucrative and high potential
online commercial model. The reason behind is, its ability
to attract targeted prospective customers online who have
the ability to influence the distinction between an
effectively flourishing business – and a fizzled one.
Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of India’s leading
digital media tech companies started off as a small boutique
agency in 2009. It has it’s headquarter in Mumbai and other
offices in Delhi, Hyderabad, Dubai, New York and London;
along with the team of almost 300 members.
Teams in Everymedia believes and enjoys the struggles,
swim through the challenges that comes to them every day,
still they do give best and are back at it the very next day.
They started their journey in a small room, doing anything
and everything, all at the same time. They had been
working with projects that have pushed them up in all sorts
of challenging environments.
Everymedia has a team of enthusiastic and hardworking
individuals who have helped them in winning accolades at
the Goafest, Creative Abby and Asian Customer
Engagement Awards.
The company follows complete consultative approach
towards its clients across brands, films, studios, production
houses and personalities. From perception management to
digital transformation programs, the company has worked
on over 200 movies, catered to some of the top brands and
personalities of the country and devised successful
strategies for leading production houses and studios.
Services Rendered by Everymedia
Services in Everymedia have been divided into three
essential buckets – Content, Technology and Analytics,
which covers multitude of services such as strategic
advisory and consultation, perception management, brand
equity building, market research, digital discovery and
It is about taking a
step back and asking
ourselves questions that
will enable us to come
up with a pro-active,
creative and untapped
consultative approach
that will set us apart
EveryMedia Technologies
Pvt. Ltd:
Creating Tailor-Made Digital Portfolio
24| November 2017 |
Gautam B Thakker
The Company has a set of goals which also includes giving
its best to create a tailor-made digital portfolio to achieve
the results by evaluating client’s needs and requirement and
understanding audience suited for their businesses.
Architect Innovating Marketing Strategies in
Gautam B Thakker, CEO of EveryMedia Technologies,
is known as the Chief Employee. This personal call has
stemmed from his belief of always wanting to mentor and
empower his team. Gautam gives every individual in the
company the opportunity to function as business units in
themselves, follow their own practices and make their own
decisions. Collectively, teams are given the freedom to
implement processes and take calls that are beneficial for
the company at large. He encourages everyone to not look
at a client in the conventional sense of the word, rather treat
every project like a puzzle to solve.
Additionally, Gautam lays great emphasis on sports right
from carom tournaments, setting up an in-house pool table
to forming cricket leagues.
Pushing up the Boundaries
The very initial challenge faced by the company is to
convince a client to move forward from making elaborate
social media profiles and focus more on analytics. However
the team observes, listens and evaluates conversations
happening across digital platforms very cautiously, but
there is the need to understand the fact that analytics has
also become a key aspect that needs to run parallel with any
marketing campaign. Thus, they have started analytics
which will help them to track conversations, build positive
momentum and convert the non-converted audience.
The EveryMedia Team is continuously working across
different mediums, time-zones and platforms using a
variety of tools that condense the big data, cut through the
noise and providing with the essential information to the
clients so that they can achieve the best result.
The greatest challenge company has to experience is to
erase the clutter, build positive engagement and thus build
the equity of the brand.
Future Perspectives
The Company believes that “the future of Digital Marketing
is expected to be dependent on two key factors – visuals
and analytics. Whatever you see, is what you get, whether it
is a product, service or basic numbers.” Thus, it has started
pushing for more video content on digital which will boost
audience engagement.
Despite of the fact that the market is very competitive by
nature it is directing towards focusing on setting the
benchmarks for the clients, because it has a pre-decided
goal to choose the market in which it can flourish ,adopt
approaches and practices that would navigate the market in
the desired direction.
The company has the belief that, it is more important to
create unprecedented impact than just standing out of the
25| November 2017 |
y building a brand strategy, you can understand who
Byour target audience is and where to connect with
them. The correct audience will bring you an
expectant ROI while the wrong audience would be a waste
of time to pursue. When you get the exact audience, you
need to consider what encourages them as it narrates to
your objectives and what digital marketing channel you can
use to connect with them. By doing this same all kinds of
unique strategic undertakings, Harmony Multimedia
covers all the aspect of digital marketing business.
Harmony Multimedia superiorly envelops extensive gamut
of advertising in its arms. As a 360° advertising solution
provider, Harmony is a fully creative agency addicted to
creating ideas, transforming your brand into truly fine
creative communications. With offices in Surat,
Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata, Harmony has
offered creative services to some of the region’s most
recognized local and national brands, including Pan Parag,
Khaitan, Prafful, Parag, Vipul, Subhash Sarees, Rajhans,
Amaazia, Hi-Tech, Navin Electronics, Orange Hospital,
Kothari International School, DavaIndia, SuAyu, Freshy,
Euro Foods and SUMUL. The brand category ranges from
FMCG to Fashion, Real Estate to Retail and Education to
Harmony is highly recognized as the best digital marketing
firm for serving its following services:
• Website Designing
• Web Updation
• Domain Registration & Booking
• Online Marketing Solutions
• Social Media Management
• Social Media Optimization
• Spin Doctrine
• Wide variety of Creative updates which include Short
Videos, Contests, Podcasts, Topical Updates, Interactive
Updates, Testimonials, Blogs, Emailers and Newsletters
It sincerely clinch all the aspects of Conventional and new
age Advertising beginning from Conceptualizing, Creative
Designing, Ad Film – Short Film –Corporate Film
Production, Photography, Media Planning- Buying, Out Of
Home Advertising (OOH), Events, Designing Solutions to
Below the Line Activation (BTL) Social Media
Management, Web Designing, Spin Doctrine and Digital
Fascinating Leaders of Harmony Multimedia
Incorporated by Rajesh Desai, Chairman & Managing
Director, Harmony Multimedia is a result of dreams and
determination. And today, growing on his feed, Harmony is
like a “Big Idea Home where Creativity Never Sleeps.”
As an Ad Maker by Passion and Profession, Rajesh Desai
was born and brought up East Africa before his family
shifted to Navsari, Gujarat. After completing his BSc in
Physics he went for MSc from an acclaimed university of
India, MS University. Later to hone himself further he did
MBA from Symbiosis. The major bubble of this designing
Creativity Never
Sleeps. Harmony
builds brands
Boldly, Brilliantly
Harmony Multimedia:
Creating and Transforming the Digital Life
26| November 2017 |

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IMarks provide customer centric services, frame strategies as per the latest Digital marketing trends,integrate Social Media channels and help to increase your online presence.

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Grow Keys Media is highlighted as the most prominent digital media agency for manufacturers to watch in 2023. As a trailblazing digital media agency, Grow Keys Media has established itself through innovative strategies and visionary leadership. The agency specializes in harnessing the power of digital marketing to elevate manufacturers' brands and drive their success on a global scale through highly targeted campaigns. With over 210 satisfied clients across India and other countries, Grow Keys Media is transforming how manufacturing businesses utilize digital marketing through strategic and customized solutions.

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This edition features a handful of The Most Prominent Digital Media Agency for Manufacturers to Watch-2023 in India that are leading us into a digital future.

endeavor was started with Financial Advertising. At the
same time, Harmony was taken baby steps into the world of
products and service advertising. He is avid reader of Hindi,
English and Gujarati works from acclaimed writers.
Initiated his business from scratch today he possess a
National Ad Agency catering to top National brands,
Harmony Multimedia.
In 17 years of Rajesh’s career span, he has created some
amazing ad films like Pan Parag “The Choice of Young
India”, Subah ke 9 baj gaye Pan Parag khaya kya, Ab
Mobile Bikega to Bhatia se hi Bikega, Saree me Saree
Parag Sarees, Subhash Sarees & Beyond, Desh badal raha
hai – DronStudy.com se padh raha hai and Navin se nahi to
kahin se nahi. Rajesh loves to do writing, reading, acting,
music and travelling. His success mantra lies in the fact that
“He loves what he does.” Along with his team, Rajesh
strives to deliver excellence and unmatchable expertise in
all the offerings. Mehul Prajapati, Rajshree Piruka, Shabbar
Kukawala, Deep D. Desai and Chetan Patel heads of the
creative and the digital team work in sync with each other
to delight the clients.
Harmony Multimedia is a bright bunch of lively people
passionate about brands having creativity by default all set
to Rock & Roll the World of Advertising. Rajesh Desai’s
daughter Devina Desai, Fashion Blogger and son Harshil
Desai, Professional Photographer have added wings to
Harmony with their own undertakings DevinaDesai.com
and Harshil Desai Photography respectively.
Excellent Execution of Strategies to fulfill the Client’s
Harmony’s journey was accompanied by hard work and an
excellent team which has made an awesome experience for
them. They have been practicing Social Media Management
ever before Social Media became a household name.
Harmony, at initial stage, was difficult to explain
importance of Social Media presence to their accounts.
Harmony even had to provide complimentary service to its
clients so that they could first taste the flavor of social
media. Undoubtedly, they gradually understood the
opportunity it holds and were ready to sail in the waves of
Social Media Marketing.
One always need to be on the toes, when it comes to Digital
Marketing, be it replying the client’s customers or solving
their query and this is what the Rajesh’s working attitude
for every client. Even the updates on trending topics needs
to be done within stipulated time or else the charm is lost.
There is always room for recycling and revision. Hence, the
company is implementing all marketing strategies that are
like the final piece to a large puzzle where demand have
been building on. Their working efforts push themselves to
fit whole work together in a logical manner.
Future Enrichments
Harmony services include everything under the umbrella of
Digital Marketing. Moreover they give them the most
beautiful experience whereby helping them to reach out
their real customers. They follow the direct Communication
between brand and customers. This communication
between brand and customers is sacred and has to be done
with profound integrity.
The company delivers the innovative and imaginative ideas
reducing the complications and obstacles, which polish the
skill every day, enhance the passion, creativity and give
creative solution to clients. Harmony knows that the Digital
Marketing itself is a future, it is evolving every second.
Therefore, they are dedicatedly working and enriching
themselves for greater future where they can provide best of
services to their clients.
Rajesh Desai
Chairman & MD
Harshil Desai
27| November 2017 |
Brandniti+Design Agency’s
perspective on the
art and science of brand
engagement in Digital Age
In India, Media & Communication industry is changing at
a rapid speed and so is the consumer market dynamics. In
this complex time when media innovation is dominating
how advertising would work and impact consumer behavior
to its greatest extent; it’s becoming extremely challenging for
agencies to keep up with the pace of technological
advancements and align their offerings with it to deliver
results remaining within the ever-shrinking marketing
budgetsof thebrands.
Industry trends arefavorable
The media industry is now in an intermediary stage in which
digital has been playing a pivotal role for an overall forward
movement. Adoption of new digital tools and invest in
innovation seem to be the ultimate mantra to move ahead in
the current changeover phase of the media industry. Today we
all participate in online experiences and interact with peers,
brands, prospective customers on real-time basis. Today,
technology is such an indispensable part of our lives that we
are exhaustively dependent on it for our daily feeds on
This paradigm shift in consumer behavior is aiding the digital
media to become robust and powerful more than ever before.
We as an agency are well aware of this shift in media
dynamics and always strive to bring tangible benefits of the
powerfulmedia,toour clients.
Goingwith themarket
As per our internal research and several external data, brands
are going to adore professional agencies that are able to
deliver result-oriented digital marketing plans and
campaigns. Understanding customers’ changing needs and
characteristics is a must while integrating media activities
successfully to maximize ROI in a consistent manner is
It is not only the invasion of Social Media that is fuelling the
growth of DigitalAdvertising in India; there are multitudes of
changes in business dynamics, brands’ outlooks and
audience-preferences that are transforming and empowering
the vertical. Though content has been always been the
backbone of the advertising business, in the digital era, it has
become the soul of advertising. While content plays a
versatile and inarguably the most important role in social
media channels, networking sites, blogs and mobile apps, we
are successfully upped our game by introducing content
marketing services to a host of its clients where the
effectiveness of content management is measured in results
With the advent of digital media, customers are becoming
persistent about enhanced user experience in their digital
dealings. Virtual reality is changing the way we define user
experience, and going with the demands, we have developed
Leader’s Outlook
28| November 2017 |
Ms. Smita Thorat Founder Brandniti+Design.is the of The venture is a full service
independent strategic agency focused on guaranteed results through maximizing
innovation in designs. An amalgamation of strategic thinking and design optimization
Brandniti + Design promises to deliver to the mark solutions for brands diverse domains
with a 360 degree approach. She is responsible for execution of the operation, innovative
ideas, strategy, business plan, managing growth, revenue generating operations and
fund raising for the company. She also undertakes the additional responsibility to review
activity reports, financial statements of the company, to determine progress and update
the status periodically in attaining objectives and fine tuning them according to the
current business environment.
Smita Thorat
About the Author
29| November 2017 |
interactive 3D motion graphic projects, which have helped the agency to add immense values to the portfolio
Today’s customers prefer to view audiovisual contents as a promotional tool. Growing need for the visual content has
turned video marketing to be one of the most appealing trends of digital marketing off late. Conversion is an easier
game when a well-conceived and well-produced visual content is used instead of static ones. With thriving mobile
marketing, video content needs to be well thought, informative and short. We offer highly effective video content,
Mobileisthe key
India currently has more than 220 million smart phone users who are consuming digital content mostly on mobile.
Internet penetration and the change in content consumption pattern, today’s Indians are readier than ever to interact
with the brands of their choice through the windows of their smart phones. As Indian consumers spend nearly three
hours on mobile each day, it doesn’t take much of brain to understand that digital media solutions that an agency offers
Advertising is all about impactful storytelling.With the right creative ability, we have developed a capability to narrate
a brand’s story in an immersive way, which is always optimized for mobile. India is expected to grow at the rate of 15%
to reach 1.2 billion mobile subscribers by 2020 with close to 60% of the new subscriptions coming from non-metro
cities and rural parts of India. This is a good enough reason why agencies need to invest time and resource to research
on how semi-urban and rural markets of India tend to respond to mobile advertising. While it’s a fact that mobile
marketing strategy is still evolving in India, agencies will definitely have to revamp their strategies and become more
Asia Pacific is the second largest regional advertising market in the world with India being the fastest growing country
with an increment of 2.84 billion USD between 2015 and 2018, which happens to be the 5th largest ad expenditure
growth intheworld duringthistimeperiod.
In the conventional advertising landscape of the country, newspapers and magazines are still very much relevant for a
section of brands; Television and Radio continue to grow with an annual growth rate of around 10%. In this state of
affairs, the beauty of communication lies in successful cross-channel synergies and that’s how an ROI centric
campaignstandsoutfromaregularcampaign.Imustsay thatwe as anagencyhavemasteredtheart.
Over the last few years, media has dramatically changed and today it’s way more than a print advertisement or a direct
mail, an email, banners or social networks. Media is now a customized vehicle only purpose of which is to drive the
30| November 2017 |

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This document provides a comprehensive guide to digital marketing. It outlines key pillars like search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. It also discusses the importance of data analytics, emerging trends, challenges that marketers face, and how the future of digital marketing will be shaped by advances in technology and consumer needs. Overall, the document emphasizes that understanding digital marketing principles and staying innovative is crucial for businesses to unlock potential and succeed in today's digital landscape.

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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to capture the attention of their target audiences and establish a formidable online presence. Enter the realm of digital marketing, where creativity, data-driven insights, and cutting-edge technologies converge to propel brands towards unprecedented success. In the bustling Tricity region, comprising the cities of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula, a select group of leading digital marketing companies digital marketing companies in Tricity have emerged as beacons of expertise, guiding businesses towards digital dominance and unprecedented growth.

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This document discusses digital marketing. It defines digital marketing as making people aware of a brand, product, or service to promote purchasing and loyalty through internet services. The key aspects covered include digital marketing channels like websites and social media, objectives like engaging audiences and return on investment, and the 5 D's of digital marketing - digital devices, platforms, media, data, and technology. It explains why digital marketing is important for businesses, especially small businesses, as it allows cost-effective wide reach and higher conversions than traditional marketing. Survival of businesses will depend on adapting to the digital world.

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Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
oday’s digital world is characterised by an
Timmensely dynamic, multi-pronged approach to
communication. Therefore, one can no longer
communicate in a simple, linear manner, as was the case in
the past. In a retail environment that’s becoming
increasingly complex due to technological advancements
and dwindling attention spans, MAA Digital offers a
dedicatedly insightful approach to customer requirements.
Powered by excellence in creativity, strategy and market
intelligence, MAA Digital provides comprehensive digital
and social media marketing solutions in today’s
sophisticated, yet still rapidly evolving age of technology.
Its solution portfolio covers every possible marketing need,
right from strategy and consulting to design and
A spin-off of MAA Communications, one of India’s very
few global-standard indigenous advertising agencies, MAA
Digital, which was established in 2007, straddles the entire
spectrum of not just digital marketing needs, but also
deployment channels and platforms – thus creating
seamless, flawless campaigns that are as effective as they
are memorable.
Three Generations of Exceptional Leaders
Akshar Peerbhoy, the Chief Operating Officer of MAA
Communications, is a third-generation adman. He draws
on a rich lineage that began with his grandfather, the
legendary Ayaz Peerbhoy, widely regarded as one of the
“Founding Fathers of Indian Advertising”. Akshar has a
deep-rooted passion for advertising, and has spent over a
decade honing his skills in the field. His vision is to elevate
the MAA brand, which his father Bunty Peerbhoy has
successfully nurtured and grown for over 40 years, to new
heights, inking strategic partnerships along the way and
turning MAA Communications into India’s leading
advertising agency. Akshar has been instrumental in
envisioning and successfully launching several initiatives at
MAA Communications, adding a new dimension to the
company’s longstanding tradition of innovation at each
turn. One of his latest accomplishments is the recently
launched ‘MAA #Oneplay’ concept, which is an innovative
marketing approach of the MAA brand. “#Oneplay is about
MAA Digital:
Delivering Cutting-edge, Customised
Marketing Strategies
A strong focus
on a deeply
helps create
solutions that
engage, excite
and delight
32| November 2017 |
providing best-in-class quality, seamless solutions to our
customers...solutions that are powered by our team’s
enduring will to exceed stakeholder expectations every step
of the way,” he explains.
Akshar is also particularly proud of MAA Digital, which he
set up following extensive research into what new-age
organizations truly desire in an advertising partner.
New Approaches towards Digital Marketing
MAA Digital caters to the entire spectrum of new-age
media. With capabilities to strategise, develop and execute
end-to-end digital solutions, it focuses on delivering
valuable results to its customers. The company specialises
in leveraging new-age technologies to ensure effective and
measurable marketing campaigns. MAA Digital not only
executes web, digital and social media plans, but also
provides branding, budgeting, targeting, positioning and
go-to-market solutions from a strategy standpoint. Its
comprehensive range of solutions caters to the most diverse
of client requirements – for instance, outreach, market share
growth, top-of-mind recall, sales funnel expansion and
brand value enhancement.
Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
“The biggest challenge was in terms of changing the
outlook of clients; about convincing them to move from
traditional to new-age media,” says Akshar. Digital media
being a space that’s constantly evolving, companies tend to
regard it as risky. In truth, however, the rapid pace of
change is largely because of the real-time nature of
processes. Digitisation, with its myriad technologies and
platforms, has merely tightened up the timeline typically
taken for publishing, interaction and conversion.
Another challenge MAA Digital faced initially was the
apprehensive stance of companies with respect to the
difficulty involved in adopting new and sophisticated
technologies. However, MAA Digital’s modern marketing
technologies are immensely user-friendly and intuitive in
terms of both UIs and functionality. “Many initial clients
had to be walked through the entire process of strategy,
planning and execution for them to realise the true potential
of digital marketing,” adds Akshar.
Future Goals and Objectives
MAA Digital is constantly upgrading itself with training
and research. It regularly tests the latest techniques and
methods for relevance and efficacy. Moreover, its ensemble
of skilled, niche professionals is more than capable of
responding quickly to sudden shifts in the dynamic digital
MAA Digital, which regularly comes up with new service
offerings, recently created a highly interactive web portal
with minimal AI integration for the real estate industry. It is
currently working on a blended social video-creation
platform (focused on motion graphics) that simplifies the
video creation process and can easily be accessed by
anyone. As part of a broad strategy, the company is
focusing on offering digital as well as traditional services
as an integrated, specialised offering that leverages all the
required skills in a single effort.
Akshar Peerbhoy
Chief Operating Officer
33| November 2017 |
Marketing is the domain that determines the
existence of an organization by answering the
questions like, does it have the opportunity to
work till the end of this day or will the organization go on
working tomorrow? When it comes to marketing, gone are
the days when the organizations used to cling to the old
fashioned marketing techniques. With the transformation of
the world to digitized one, marketing has also gone digital.
Organizations are now constantly in search of specialists in
digital marketing for branding and marketing.
The impact of the rise of digital marketing can be seen
more on the marketing industry than in any other. The
transformation from the traditional marketing to digital
marketing has two prominent reasons, the reach of internet
in today’s world and the preference of targeting the
potential clientele. To achieve the goal of reaching the
potential clientele, one needs to work on effective strategies
and techniques. This is where to offer these services;
Digital Marketers come into the frame.
Digital marketing has refashioned the way organizations
used to do marketing. The apple of one’s eye, TV is taking
backseat with its pal print media when it comes to modern
ways of marketing. It is the mobiles, tablets and laptops that
are proving to be the favorites of the modern day
advertising and marketing guru’s, often called Digital
Marketers. Digital marketing is actually changing the way
industries used to work when it comes to marketing. Every
single organization or we should say brand expects real
time convergence of the potential clients, which is
absolutely possible with the help of the social media,
e-commerce and display marketing. The first and foremost
example of it is the changed budget chart for marketing, in
which the spending on digital marketing can be observed
more than the spending on the traditional marketing
The way Digital Marketing is changing the way industries
work can be better explained as follows:
34| November 2017 |

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Digital Marketing OverviewDigital Marketing Overview
Digital Marketing Overview

Digital marketing is the use of electronic channels to market products and services to customers. It allows businesses to introduce products instantly to consumers anywhere through digital channels like search engines, smartphones, and tablets. There are many ways to learn digital marketing, including online courses, books, and programs from institutions. Digital marketing provides benefits like allowing small businesses to compete with large brands and use cost-effective strategies like live online chat. It is a growing industry with high job and salary prospects for roles like content creation, data analysis, and copywriting.

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is changing e Way
W kCustomer Communication
Before digital marketing took the place of the traditional
marketing, after sale customer service was not on the
priority. It was like, marketing departments used to
welcome the customers in a very fashionable and alluring
way to sell their services or products. The hospitality used
to last till the customer goes out of the door. After that both
the parties used to forget each other. Digital Marketing has
changed the way organizations used to do client
communication. The communication now-a-days starts with
the first confrontation with the client, at the time of
advertisement and continues even after the product is
purchased. Customer service is expected 24/7 as it is the
most inevitable thing today.
All Time Availability of the Client
The other instance where digital marketing has changed the
way of marketing is the changed time of client
communication. In the past there was a fixed timing when
one can communicate with the customers in the confined
time limit, i.e. the evening’s leisure time. But the situation
has changed thoroughly as one can communicate with the
client in real time or even though the time zones are
different, like the marketing is person is sitting in the U.S.
and the customer is from Alaska. The clients are available
online all the time, making it easy for the marketers to offer
them services any time.
Advertising that is Totally Free!
Yes! The availability of potential clients for free has made
the digital advertisement cost free! One does not need to
pay anything to post the advertisement on social media
sites. Companies do not have to have a big budget to spend
on the broadcasting of advertisements. Availability of free
platforms with the guarantee of convergence has made
35| November 2017 |
marketing affordable for everyone. It is just that you should be just a good presenter of your product or services. And if you
have a good budget you can spend it on the creation of the advertisement than on the marketing of that product or service.
Traditional Advertising Taking Backseat
Accept it or not, but traditional advertising has taken a backseat as Digital Marketing has taken the center stage. There is no
fault of the old means of marketing but the changes of the clients in the use of these mediums have made them to do so. The
availability of the same things online has made it far easy for the customers to search for the online available options than go
to the shops to buy the products or services. All this has made easy for the marketer’s to target their proposed audiences. So,
in this online environment traditional way of marketing is on the verge to vanish. So, to gain a conversion marketing teams
only need to be wise enough to target the correct set of audiences.
To Conclude
The marketing has transformed itself changing its characteristics by not being the same ever again. Going with the changing
world industries have changed themselves to be competent enough by going digital. Digital marketing is revolutionizing the
way industries used to work!
36| November 2017 |
Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
ocial Media dominates the online-user-behavior
Stoday along with search. It is likely that your business
is the subject of user ratings, opinions, comments and
rants on popular channels such as Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Tumblr and Pinterest. Digital Marketing
companies help to proactively manage social presence and
influence or shape opinions about your business. The
comprehensive social marketing arsenal includes media
monitoring, user engagement, content development and
dissemination via tweets, posts, and comments.
One of the leading marketing companies which dispense
solutions to online, digital and social media challenges
worldwide is Runtime Solutions. Founded in 2010, the
company runs an integrated 360 Degree Internet Marketing
Set-up which provides targeted solutions and sharply
focused digital and business consulting. The business
solutions range from complex content management systems
for large portals to visually breathtaking interactive
installations to effective digital campaigns.
The stated objective of Runtime Solutions is “to collectively
get our experience to enable your brand to go to the next
level whether it is for: simple communication, customer
conversion or simply to make it part of conversation.” Their
goal is best summarized in one mission statement – “Curro
Ergo Sum”.
Services which brings Runtime on the Top
Runtime Solutions offers a bouquet of business solutions
ranging from multifaceted Content delivery systems to
uber-cool and interactive Apps, platform-agnostic and
dynamic experiences across all form factors. Their
considerable strengths includes strategizing, planning and
executing social media campaigns, mobile applications,
microsites, social applications and a plethora of digital
The Mumbai-based firm is uniquely positioned to provide
digital experiences to each of the brands that they work on.
Runtime Solutions team constantly pivots around the twin’
axes of creativity and technology to simplify complex
product launch briefs or heavy data-based algorithms into
exciting customer experiences and meaningful market
Runtime Solutions keeps customer-centricity at the core of
its communication by adding value to the ever-increasing
social media channels and other relevant platforms. Their
team prides themselves on strategizing, conceptualization
and execution of the entire marketing process. In today’s
Runtime Solutions:
The Creative & Digital Innovation Hub
Sky is the limit
and we like
running ahead
of the pack to
deliver interesting
and cutting-edge
38| November 2017 |

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world content is at the core of marketing, and Runtime
manages the value chain from Planning, Creating and
Distributing content and Measuring the results with the
usage of data science and analytics. This has been possible
with the talented and committed team of brand champions,
designers, writers, and developers that create and deliver
visually-rich campaigns across mediums.
Runtime believes that every project is a challenge for them
to showcase their creativity and the ability to deliver against
all odds. They visualize customer complaints and pain areas
as golden opportunities to shine.
The Inspiring Founder of the Value-Driven Company
Tracing his roots and culture to the Eastern part of India,
wherein the community values education over commerce
Arjun Chatterjee Founder and CEO Runtime, the of
Solutions, had a challenging but interesting time emerging
as an entrepreneur. Post MBA from XLRI, he started his
career as a senior manager in the Tata Group. However,
after working in CNBC-TV18 for 3 years, he was
emboldened to take the plunge on the back of a strong
entrepreneurship spirit and zeal to create a mark of his own.
His goal as the leader of the team is to ensure that he
creates a fair platform with the right opportunities for
individuals to shine and achieve their goals.
The Awards and Recognition of Success
Starting the Journey with the mission of creating and
leveraging digital innovation for delivering effective
marketing solutions to the clients, Runtime enjoys a huge
list of achievements in the attire of success. Being the
winner of andTechnology Fast 500 Asia Pacific Award the
GOLD winner of Best Social Media Application of the
Year, Runtime has been highly successful in being ahead of
the industry curve in innovation.
With team strength of 30, Runtime has been able to deliver
more than 100 websites, many applications, experiences
and campaigns all of which have resulted more than 50
Digital Awards & Recognitions.
Runtime believes in Creating its own Future
As customer expectations shift, digital marketing is making
a shift from engagement to experience. Runtime is focusing
and building thought leadership in the area of Augmented,
Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and emerging
technologies which can deliver impactful brand
experiences. They are building the entire ecosystem in
which video, 3D, Device and Technology intersect and will
truly allow their customers to have “WOW” experiences
across the world. There are many competitors but the 3 key
differentiators for Runtime Solutions are the following:
· Digital Innovation - Pushing the boundaries of the
Medium, whether on the Web, Social Media platforms or
Mobile Applications around the twin axes of Creative and
· Constant value addition - Continuously adding content
and theme-driven pieces in brand communication.
· User-friendly Products - Crisp UIs and dashboards to
demystify Big data makes it easier for regular users to
embrace the medium and become digital citizens.
Runtime has always created a mark with its power-packed
tracking and digital tools working in close conjunction with
marketing and on-ground teams. These tools generate a
customer footprint across the digital landscape, enabling
brands to hyper-target their customer segments and deliver
relevant messaging to appropriate audiences. They are
always on the look-out for the next set of tracking &
monitoring tools and new products to ensure customer
Arjun Chatterjee
Founder & CEO
39| November 2017 |
aunching and managing a start-up is no small feat.
LThere are a million things demanding your
attention. From handling day-to-day operations to
managing resources and other logistics, everything that
happens at a startup requires detailed consideration. Digital
Marketing has now become mainstream to the point where
the first thing to do when building your brand presence is
making a website and/or building their presence on social
platforms. If done right, digital marketing can prove to be a
huge benefit and provide significant customer insights to
grow and accelerate your business.
With the unfolding of modern technologies and
preponderance of digital marketing, businesses are doing all
they can to incorporate brand building along with content
creation. With a vision to provide a marketing platform for
upcoming entrepreneurs, Saumil Patel established
Whirlwind, instituted in 2007 was started as a pure SEO
agency, and soon transformed into an end-to-end digital
marketing agency. It is committed to providing exceptional
value to their clients by focusing on delivering meaningful
leads and predictable business growth.
The Chief Tornado
Saumil Patel, the Founder of Whirlwind, is a trained
engineer and a professional growth hacker. With over
a decade of experience in managing traditional advertising,
new-age media and digital domains, Saumil has coupled the
worlds of technology and marketing to create a unique
service offering known as Whirlwind.
Saumil believes in creating exceptional value for his
clients and aims at achieving this by creating an enriching
environment and culture for his team. He realizes the
importance of culture and has been pushing for innovative
ways to truly imbibe the company’s core values amongst
the team members. Saumil strongly believes in the power of
knowledge and its ability to overcome any challenge. Thus,
he encourages a growth mindset among his employees and
personally ensures that they take charge of their work to
help them realize a sense of ownership within themselves.
Saumil deems that every small effort, from aligning a new
employee with the company’s manifesto to the peer-to-peer
rewarding actions, will eventually add up to be beneficial to
the company.
Additionally, Saumil has always followed the principle of
doing more with less. As a founder of a bootstrapped
company, he understands the challenges of fledgling
enterprises and the opportunities that a no-strings-attached
Creating Waves in the Digital
Marketing Industry
Every business faces
certain ups and downs,
but the ones that make
it through, are the ones
that weather the storm by
creating a whirlwind of
their own, like us!
40| November 2017 |
business provides. Through Whirlwind, Saumil ensures that
this thought is reflected in their approach towards their
clients. “Because we understand the value of money, we
have spent entire lifecycles optimizing investments and
squeezing the most bang out of each buck,” urges Saumil.
Whirlwind of a Journey
As an industry flourishes, the demand for exceptional talent
grows. This creates a shortage of able persons and their
retention becomes difficult. This is where the power of
culture and knowledge can be leveraged to create a unique
offering, not only for the clients but also for the employees.
Whirlwind considers itself fortunate with the sheer number
and variety of clients they have been able to work with. All
of their innovations are stemmed from their core promise of
delivering predictable business growth and generating
meaningful leads for their clients.
One thing that Saumil recounts from his startup days is
what his ex-boss used to say - “You are only as good as
your last quarter” and at Whirlwind, they have tried to stay
competitive not only by competing with others but also by
obsessively focusing on delivering results.
Providing Groundbreaking Solutions
Whirlwind is an end-to-end digital marketing agency that
uses a content-first approach to help businesses grow their
presence online. Their gamut of services includes - Inbound
/ Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search
Engine Marketing (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Lead
Gen Marketing, Conversion Led Web Analytics as well as
Web Design and Development.
Their revolutionary “Converging Orbits Method” is born
out of the need to deliver ROI on multi-stage lead-gen
campaigns which were not profitable. Using data analytics
at every level, n-stage remarketing and delivering
personalized content are the various methods used to
deliver results for their clients. Whirlwind’s C:O Method is
an organic lead-generator which focuses on making
traditional marketing funnels more effective by improving
relevance and engagement by three times and they do this
by demerging silos.
One of their biggest innovations has nothing to do with
marketing and tools, but in the mindset with which they
approach day-to-day operations. They call this the 90DY
(90Day Year) mindset, which helps them align their efforts
with client's goals. The 90DY is a brilliant framework made
famous by Todd Herman, the global leader in high
performance, and allows growth hack around their client’s
marketing goals thereby delivering meaningful progress and
becoming true partners.
A Bright Future Ahead
As we move into the future, the attention span of customers
is going to get smaller and smaller. At Whirlwind, they
strongly believe that the future of digital marketing lies in
building more meaningful relationships and engaging
customers in personalized, relevant ways at various stages
of the lifecycle. Whirlwind is achieving this for its clients
by using the proprietary Converging Orbits Method.
Whirlwind believes that a crucial aspect for agencies will
be to become more data savvy. “The idea behind creating
digital marketing strategies for clients must be data-driven
in order to focus on ROI and understand what really
works!” states Saumil. They believe in stepping out of the
mindset of doing what “looks” best, to actually doing what
Saumil Patel
41| November 2017 |
How to Ensure Success of an
Innovative Online Business Idea
ll of us have been witnessing several start-ups like
AFlipkart, Uber, and Xiaomi becoming successful
today. However, at times we forget to notice there
were thousand more equally promising start-ups that never
saw any success.
All these start-ups have leveraged internet to build their
business idea.
So, what separates the one that are successful and the others
that are not?
What a start-up must do to succeed
Yes, online innovations are increasingly becoming bigger &
better and loved by today’s young consumer.
At times several such innovations take indefinite amount of
time to catch consumer fancy as some of these innovations
are ahead of their time.
However, what a start-up or marketer do to achieve traction
of an online business idea? The answer to this question is in
decades old tried and tested practice called “Diffusion of
Steve Jobs said “To turn really interesting ideas and
fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to
innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines.”
Diffusion of Innovation is that scientific process that helps
you hustle your business ideas to success. If you deploy this
you can certainly achieve the fancy of your prospective
Why Innovation is critical for the world
However, before I share more info, please understand that
your business idea is much bigger than your desire to on
your own.
• Introduction of new products and services is vital to the
consumer, marketer and the world economy.
• For the consumer, new products and services represent
increased opportunities to satisfy personal, social and
environmental needs.
• For a marketer, it provides and important mechanism to
keep the firm competitive and profitable.
• For the world, it represents potential improvement in the
quality of life for people.
Therefore, your business idea has to have a purpose,
purpose to make the world a better place.
What is Diffusion of Innovation?
Over decades marketers have trusted a framework to
accelerate the consumer acceptance of innovative products
and services. This framework is called DIFFUSION OF
This framework enables you take advantage of five
productservice characteristics that seems to influence
consumer acceptance of innovative products/services.
• Relative Advantage: The degree to which potential
customer perceive a new product as superior to existing
• Compatibility: The degree to which potential consumers
feel a new product is consistent with their needs, values
and practices.
• Complexity: The degree to which an innovative product is
difficult to understand or use,
• Trialability: The degree to which a new product is capable
of being tried on a limited basis.
• Observability: Is the ease with an innovative product
benefits or attributes can be absorbed, imagined or
described to potential consumers.
For ages marketers have been using this framework to
promote innovative products and services. However, with
the evolution of internet this framework has evolved a lot.
Diffusion of Online Innovation
The five product characteristics that seem to influence
consumer acceptance of an innovation online have evolved
Insiders Opinion
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Digital marketing is an online marketing platform that allows businesses to effectively target large audiences. It uses various strategies like social media, websites, etc. to generate traffic, create brand awareness, and convert leads into customers. Digital marketing provides an affordable and flexible way for businesses to connect with customers globally without limits on geography, demographics, or time. It helps businesses grow by increasing brand visibility, attracting new customers, and improving sales and profits. E-commerce websites also boost businesses through personalized shopping experiences and increased upselling opportunities.

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• Visibility (evolved from Relative advantage): Visibility is
critical as we build our online marketing plans. We can
offer the best products and services, but if nobody knows
about the product and why it is better, what’s the point?
Visibility comes from a number of marketing channels,
including advertising, organic search, social media
marketing, online PR, or e-mail. These visibility options
may require space on your Web pages, may be integrated
into design, require additional budgeting, or take some
technological setup.
• Credibility (evolved form of compatibility): Credibility is
exuded in websites, blogs, images, videos, PR, social
media, or reviews. You never have a second chance to
make a great first impression. Building credibility & trust
is an online marketing must and first practice.
• Usability (evolved form of Complexity): Usability comes
from appropriate and professional design, site architecture,
clear navigation, call to actions, e-mails, content, and even
social media.
• Sell-ability (evolved from Trialability): Sell-ability is a
critical online marketing planning piece, as this is how
well you show, and tell, and sell the value of your
organization, products, and services. People need to
understand why you or your organization is worth
working with. This can come through videos,
testimonials, press releases, taglines, and images.
• Scalability (evolved from Observability): When
we employ credibility, usability, visibility, and
sell-ability, we reap the benefits of scalability.
Online marketing efforts lasts a lifetime on the
Web, building and compounding overtime.
Scalable ideas are like ELSS (equity linked
saving schemes). Small investments made
consistently over time can grow to support your
organization’s overall Web presence and
Avinash Chandra hopes the framework will
help you to identify the way to hustle your
innovative business idea to success.
Avinash Chandra is the Founder and CEO of BrandLoom Consulting. He helps companies to
generate more revenue through digital marketing. He has successfully led Business and Marketing
operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups.
In totality he has worked with over 100 Brands during his 17 years of professional career with a
proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses.
About the Author
43| November 2017 |
Avinash Chandra
Founder & CEO
Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017
Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017

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Insights success the 10 most innovative digital marketing companies in 27th nov 2017

  • 1. NOVEMBER 2017 www.insightssuccess.in RiseMetric LLPRiseMetric LLPExperts in Shaping the Perfect Move to Growing Online Business Suumit Shah Founder Subhash Choudhary Co-founder
  • 4. ith the ubiquitous reach of Internet, people have access to Weverything and everywhere. Consumers are more vigilant and they are all ears to not just the brand, but also the ones who are using the brand. It is observed that 90% of all the purchase decisions begin online. With ready accessibility, they have myriad levels of options at their disposal. They can discreetly go through various offers and services from various e-commerce sites and take the most information decisions. Consumers today have access to the Internet through various digital portable devices. The problem of such high proliferation of accessibility options is that all the devices have different protocols, specifications and interfaces. This makes it a tough challenge for the marketers to launch their campaigns on these various challenges using the same strategy. With the rising competition, many digital marketers have started modifying their campaigns so as to give the consumers a new experience of the same brand over different streaming channels. With easy access to data, comes the heavy trail of data. Data specialists or Data scientists are heavily involved today to make the trail of data left behind the consumers, more integrated to the business operations and activities. In a positive turn of events, different service providers are taking the efforts to connect with their consumers through the various channels. This in turn, makes the data availed from the huge pile of data left behind after various activities, more relevant, with the knowledge on consumers buying patterns and their interests. These relevant data aids the campaign creators in taking more accurate decisions. In the end, the entire purpose of a digital campaign is not just about promoting a brand, but creating an engaging experience that would influence them to follow the brand eventually. With advanced analytics, campaigns are being monitored on real-time basis which enables the campaigners to change their tactics on a short notice and in a very cost- effective manner. When positively it used to cost around $100 and $900 to reach 1000 views, with digital marketing techniques, it now costs only around $1 to $10. Today, it is mandatory to have access to all the data related to every kind of customer from every digital platform to deliver more real-time and engaging customer experience. Editorial Reinvent the World with the Power of Tech and Digital Network Debasmita Dutta
  • 5. Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754, (302)-319-9947 Email: [email protected] For Subscription: www.insightssuccess.com Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Off. No. 513 & 510, 5th Flr., Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: 020-69400110, 111, 112 Email: [email protected] For Subscription: www.insightssuccess.in [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Co-Editor Corporate Ofces: November, 2017 Database Management Sharad Technology Consultant Swapnil Patil Circulation Manager Vivek Research Analyst David Business Development Executive Rutuja, Divya, Meera Business Development Manager Akansha Garewal Sachin Bhandare Poonam Yadav Visualiser Shweta Shinde Art & Design Director Amol Kamble Art Editor Karan, Pranita Co-designer Vanshika, Shweta Picture Editor Alex Noel Marketing Manager Dhruv Apte Contributors Nikita Ariana LawrenceSenior Editor Copyright © 2017 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Managing Editor Debasmita Dutta
  • 6. CONTENTS RiseMetric LLP: Experts in Shaping the Perfect Move to Growing Online Business 24 26 20 D'Well Research: Innovating Creative Ways and Strategies ThatCan Convert Crowd into Customers EveryMedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd: Creating Tailor-Made Digital Portfolio Harmony Multimedia: Creating and Transforming the Digital Life 08
  • 7. Articles 32 38 40 22 34 28 42 16 The Power of Branding over the Internet Digital Marketing is changing the Way How Companies Work MAA Digital: Delivering Cutting-edge, Customised Marketing Strategies Runtime Solutions: The Creative & Digital Innovation Hub Whirlwind: Creating Waves in the Digital Marketing Industry Cyber Lodge Digi-notion Insiders Opinion How to Ensure Success of an Innovative Online Business Idea Leader’s Outlook Brandniti+Design Agency’s perspective on the art & science of brand engagement in Digital Age From SALES TO ADVOCACY and Change, the journey of AN IDEA in ADVERTISING Techno-nerd’s Viewpoint
  • 8. Taking Digital Marketing to a whole new level of Online Commercialization t is a virtue of the current generation that Internet has brought accessibility to every smartphone wielder. Today, Imaximum Business Owners are fortunate to have a level playing field when it comes to branding. Digital Marketing Solution providers have provided business owners the best chances for survival, competition and business growth while expanding the branding platforms over the massive digital scale. In this listing of “The 10 Most Innovative Digital Marketing Companies in 2017” we have enlisted 10 Digital Solution Providers who have provided an effective marketing channel for their client’s business growth. For the Cover Story, we have RiseMetric LLP, a full service IT and digital marketing firm developed with powerful content strategies for progressive companies that has helped them grow their business to the next level. We have enlisted D’Well Research which is a full service market research company specialized in Business and Community Research for new product development. We have, EveryMedia, a full-service integrated digital marketing company. Whirlwind helps businesses to grow their presence online by rethinking their digital strategy and adopting a content first approach to marketing. We have also listed Runtime Solutions, which is a comprehensive Innovation development and Digital marketing agency which dispenses blended solutions to all your online, digital and social media challenges. MAA Digital Ltd finds its place in the list as it provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions, ranging from strategy and consulting to design and development. The list also includes, Harmony Multimedia Private Limited, a creative agency which provides all advertising solution under the sky. The listing also includes Digital Indya, Position2 and Eidolon Design Studio. We have valuable contributions made by Avinash Chandra of BrandLoom Consulting, for the article, “How to Ensure Success of an Innovative Online Business Idea” and by Smita Thorat of Brandniti + Design for the article, “Brandniti+Design Agency’s perspective on the art and science of brand engagement in Digital Age”. It also includes Nirali Vaidya of Muse Advertising for the article “From Sales to Advocacy and Change, the journey of ‘an Idea’ in Advertising”. The Editorial Team at Insights Success has delivered articles under Digi-notion which goes by the title, “Digital Marketing is changing the Way How Companies Work” and Cyber Lodge with the title, “The Power of Branding over the Internet”. So Flip through the pages and Spread the Light.
  • 11. Experts in Shaping the Perfect Move to Growing Online Business RiseMetric LLP Cover Story n an era of internet and digitization, a successful marketing strategy is concealed in digital Imarketing where the marketers are continuously working on innovations and ideas to improve a company’s brand value. Increased use of internet and social media has made left a big impact on the lifestyle and users’ preferences. Social media presence is necessary for the success of a brand and it is essential to understand that a company cannot survive without a digital marketing campaign. So, from the recognition of the brand to targeting the right audience and ensuring loyalty towards the brand, it needs digital marketing in every step. In this case, the Mumbai based Digital Marketing Agency; RiseMetric LLP is leading in this business strategy. The company entails a group of marketers, strategists and designers, who are engrossed in providing awe, tailored digital marketing services to their clients. They have developed their innovative and inspiring marketing strategies, which are built upon their existing infrastructure base, enabling them to entice their clients and similarly, to the organization to achieve their business goals with high ROI on their digital marketing spend. With over 7 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing, RiseMetric has helped multiple startups to flourish their business and achieve crores and millions in less than one year. From Indian startup space, they have worked with Housing.com, Tinyowl, Bewakoof, Toppr and TVF. On corporate front, they have been helping McDonald’s, Viacom18, Sony and IIT Bombay for all their digital needs. A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all
  • 12. Nothing makes us happier than to watch money owing to client’s account as a result of our efforts
  • 13. People Leading the Torch of Innovation in the field of Digital Marketing Suumit Shah is a passionate Internet Marketer and Founder of RiseMetric. Before starting RiseMetric, he was heading Digital Marketing at Tinyowl and later at Housing.com. With his innovative marketing strategies and dynamic personality, quickly he becomes one of the most popular growth strategists for tech startups. Subhash Choudhary is an experienced marketer & Co-founder of RiseMetric. With over 7 years of long experience in Internet Marketing and with his unique ideas, he has gained a deep insight on human psychology to the shape internet traffic. Subhash has worked closely with some of the most notable startups from India and helped them to achieve their growth objectives through digital marketing. Hurdles that went on to become Milestones The story, from a name to a well-recognized brand, narrates real-world challenges and footraces of RiseMetric. The company that missions to benefit their clients business growth, inherited the fortune to work with some of the biggest startups from India during its inception days. The first few startups were functioned from Suumit Shah’s existing network and the happy clients were contented to refer their services to others. The referrals started to come in and they were able to convert most of them into a successful deal. In the completion of an efficacious year, they counted a good number of notable brands in their portfolio which helped them to increase their corporate clients. With this robust team and successful project-life they launched in-house projects which again created a landmark for the company. Strategies and Elements, Aiding to Stand Different from the Mob Suumit believes, “the biggest challenge faced by any company is generating sales & leads for its business, so the marketing teams should work diligently to produce enough demand for their product/services.” Moreover, he add, “With so many digital platforms like Facebook ads, Google ads, Twitter ads, SEM, SEO etc. for promoting their product / services, it’s becoming even tougher to figure out where to focus the effort and whom to ignore.” RiseMetric owns some experienced ‘Campaign Strategists’ who work extensively with their clients to understand their pain points and then create a long term marketing blueprint. This blueprint concept is executed by a team of SEO professionals, SEM experts, Social media ninjas and Creative Designers. Mostly, the services involved with their current objective and they have a simple 3 step process to pitch it: • Understanding the core marketing objective, • Define the target audience, • Draft a customized digital strategy to reach them. Unlike the conventional sales cycle, RiseMetric has designed a totally different sales strategy for their clients. Upon receiving any referral (Verbal, Email Introduction), they set up a face to face meeting where most of the time, the decision maker is either the founder or the Co-founders. Abandoning the traditional presentations pattern, they opt for verbal communications where the client speak about their business in terms of marketing, identify the current problems and their expectations. Making it more personal to the decision makers, RiseMetric prefer to broadcast their live examples of work (like Keyword ranks, Social Media engagements, traffic growth etc.), rather than any PDF case studies which are often biased and show selected data. Based on the information gathered from them and researching the market and the competition, they come up with a brief and to the point proposal with detailed solutions. The proposal is discussed with them in person and after discussing the performance metrics or targets, they close it. RiseMetric considers, “the sales cycle is just the beginning; the actual effort goes into delivery and making sure their money counts.” Exceptional Execution of Services for Satisfying Clients RiseMetric is known for their quality services and solutions provided in Organic Long term SEO, Social Media Marketing, Pay per Click Services, App Development, App Store Optimization and Web Development. Further, the way they execute their services are totally exclusive and carry different innovative ideas. • Defining the Audience - They work with the client to understand their view of the customer and creates the ideal customer audience persona. They limit their plans around this persona, which turned out to be very efficient. • Educating the Client about the Product (Awareness phase) - Being a new concept and making sale on first impression will be difficult, so they firstly, shows their clients multiple videos of the product in action and being the use in daily life. This is also uploaded on Facebook, YouTube and other social media sites. Cover Story
  • 14. We work e ensively with the client to understand their pain points and then create a long term marketing blueprint ‘‘ ‘‘
  • 15. • Reinforced Communication with Re-Marketing (Consideration) - The clients who shows interest in this product by interacting with the video, RiseMetric re-targets them with “Still banner” ads on FB as well as Google. They share the credibility of Founders & Product team in this phase. They also use SEO to create a positive image of the brand by ranking organic reviews of the product by known blogs or channels. • Capturing lead (Intent) – In this phase, they ran Facebook leads ads to collect leads for the pre-sales team or for later follow-up emails. The pre-sales team also takes care of all the questions and information asked by the people. • Getting them to Purchase (Transact) – The last step was to make them to purchase the product. They tied up with one of the largest online retailer in India for the product listing and target their audience segment with FB, YouTube & Google banner ads showing the price with a call to action pointing to the retailer. Gaining Clients with Productive Results Digital marketing is indeed a very competitive industry and providing ROI for client’s money is a growing challenge. RiseMetric realize, “the most effective way to show your value is to show numbers.” But tracking the ROI of every single marketing activity isn’t always easy, especially if the company doesn’t have a two-way communication between their marketing activities and the sales reports. Measuring the ROI of marketing activities has remained a top marketing challenge year-over-year. Additionally, proving ROI often goes hand-in-hand with making an argument to increase budget, it’s like, “No ROI tracking, no demonstrable ROI. No ROI, no budget.” The RiseMetric team dedicates their time and resources to establish links between provided marketing activities and sales results. That way, clients can directly see how many leads and customers are generated through their marketing activities. Achievements that led to the Path of Success RiseMetric shared an experience where they had successfully strategized and executed a multi-phase campaign for a very new & innovative product created by IIT Bombay alumnus. The product is an AI based Companion robot called Toy, which was able to talk to kids and even grow with them. Though it was a very new concept, but selling in India was a challenge with a limited marketing. But creating a multi-phase marketing plan and executing it over a period of 4 months led the campaign to a great success with double digit ROI. Subhash asserts, “Nothing makes us happier than watching money flowing to client’s account as a result of our efforts.” RiseMetric Exists to Deliver its Finest Solutions RiseMetric is confident on their excellent team and underwrites their success to them. They choose to work with some of the best workforces in the industry while giving them complete freedom of what they do. Instead of following a predefined template based process, they give their team a goal to complete the task and the freedom to do it the way they see fit. This not only helps them to keep transforming their services but also gives the team a satisfaction they can never find in template based projects. RiseMetric is a bunch of technology and marketing enthusiasts, who believe in bringing a measurable impact in everything they do. The company does not settle for the off- the-shelf solutions, their approach and recommendations are highly customized. They have successfully generated long-term benefits for their clients in the past and are looking forward to continue doing it with their believe, “We innovate, continuously improve and believe in commitment to clients with product quality and reliability. We encourage creativity, risk-taking and fun!” Cover Story “The sales cycle is just the beginning; the actual effort goes into delivery and making sure their money counts”
  • 16. Read it FirstRead it First Subscribe today Global Subscription Address : Country :City : State : Zip : Date : CORPORATE OFFICE Name : Telephone : Email : Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Off No. 513 & 510, 5th Flr, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017. Phone - India: 020-69400110 | USA: 302-319-9947 Email: [email protected] For Subscription : www.insightssuccess.in 1 Year.......... Rs. 2500(12 Issues) .... 6 Months ..... (06 Issues) .... Rs. 1300 3 Months .... (03 Issues) .... Rs. 700 1 Month ...... (01 Issue) ..... Rs. 250 Yes I would like to subscribe to Insights Success Magazine. Cheque should be drawn in favour of : INSIGHTS SUCCESS MEDIA AND TECH PVT. LTD.
  • 17. Management BriefCompany Name D’Well Research dowellresearch.com Thomas George CEO D’Well is a full service market research company specialized in Business andCommunityResearchfornewproductdevelopment. Digital Indya digitalindya.com Sandeep Dabas Head Of Business Development Digital Indya is an independent, integrated digital agency to get more people to know a brand, product, services for customer reach andacquisitionandtheyhavegottherightformulatodojustthat. Eidolon Design Studio eidoloncyber.com Sagar Gajjar Creative Director EveryMedia everymedia.world Gautam B Thakker CEO Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a full-service integrated digital marketing company that has its offices in Mumbai, Delhi, New York, Dubai and London. MAA Digital Ltd maa.co.in Akshar Peerbhoy Chief Operating Officer MAA Digital provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions, ranging from strategy and consulting to design and development. Position2 position2.com Linuraj Sankaran Senior Marketing Specialist Position2 is an innovative digital marketing agency that accelerates demand through integrated Content Marketing, Paid Acquisition, and Marketing Technology solutions. RiseMetric LLP risemetric.com Subhash Choudhary Co-founder RiseMetric is a full service IT and digital marketing firm developed with powerful content strategies for progressive companies that has helped them grow their business to the next level. Runtime Solutions runtime-solutions.com Arjun Chatterjee Founder & CEO Whirlwind whirlwind.co.in Saumil Patel Founder Whirlwind helps businesses grow their presence online by rethinking their digital strategy and adopting a content first approach to marketing. Eidolon Design Studio is a full service creative branding agency and to create a company into a cult brand and the way their customers want to represent it to their audience. Runtime Solutions is a comprehensive Innovation development and Digital marketing agency which dispenses blended solutions to all your online, digital and social media challenges. Harmony Multimedia Pvt. Ltd harmonymultimedia.in Rajesh Desai Chairman & Managing Director Harmony Multimedia is a creative agency which provides all advertising solution under the sky. It has a wide range of verticals encompassing Advertising, Creative Designing, Film Making, Photography,Digital,PublishingandMediaBuying-Planning.
  • 18. Ever wondered what is the single thing that transformed once upon a time corporate and serious business of advertising into creative, clever and crazy advertising industry during the late 1950s of Mad Men era? From hard sell and repetitive advertising to witty, artistic and sophisticated ad campaigns, it was the introduction of an ‘Idea’into advertising that glamourized the likes of Doyles, Bernbachs and Ogilvys to re-engineer a creative breed of advertising professionals who pledged by the idea as their primary source of fame and fortune. It was the ‘idea’ that became eponymous with creative advertising culture. Both agencies and clients swore by the ‘idea’to upscale their sales graph. The tradition still continues strong in its fifth decade albeit with a difference. Ideas that have been selling ketchups and automobiles are now increasingly selling knowledge and advocacy in their latest avatar. From big corporations like Vodafone who did a campaign to address domestic violence in Turkey, Unilever’s deodorant brand, Lynx who raised awareness about male suicides in London to ITC’s Savlon that promoted hand washing through chalk sticks in India, every brand is exploiting the power of ‘idea’ to sound sustainable and resonate with their consumers’ conscience. When ‘idea’ took reins over advertising business during Mad Men era, it practiced narcissism, competition outsmarting and wit with vengeance. In last few years, the ‘idea’ however became more nonchalant and started designing subtle but strong communications targeting brands’ commitment towards innovation, sustainability, and enhanced engagement. The leading beer brand Heineken since 1970s has been proclaiming itself with wholesome vanity as world’s number one beer brand. The same brand in its 2016 campaign urges its target users to ‘dance more, drink slow’ advocating responsible drinking.A beer brand advocating less consumption of its product is unprecedented and a bold move. The same year, Heineken also launched a campaign Brewtroleum where it created bio-fuel from the beer waste to power cars in New Zealand which had won Grand Prix- Outdoor in Cannes.Another shocking campaign came from REI, a major retailer in the US who shut its store on one of the busiest shopping days From and Change,SALES TO ADVOCACY the journey of in ADVERTISINGAN IDEA‘ ‘ Nirali Vaidya is the Creative Director at Muse Advertising, creative agency behind many social innovations like portable dispenser for condoms in Madhya Pradesh for Population Services International to combat the hesitation encounter at POP; interactive and on ground engagement programmes for imbibing sanitation within rural slums population for Government of Bihar; initiating developing 7 senses cinema viewing experience for visually challenged population, mobilizing constructive communication for Kashmir youth just to name a few. With more than a decade of experience in advertising as a copywriter and later as a creative director, she has been writing on consumerism, branding, social behaviour, digital revolution, content curation, entertainment and contemporary affairs. As a freelance writer, she writes on politics, spirituality, environment and entertainment. She serves as guest faculty to many renowned media and management institutes. About the Author 16| November 2017 | Techno-nerd’s Viewpoint Nirali Vaidya Creative Director
  • 19. of the year, telling people instead to get out and enjoy nature, at the cost of its business! What is inspiring and channelizing the course of the ‘idea’ from profit to philanthropy centric that is making brands go more humble, honest, humanitarian and eco-conscious? 1. Persuasion is passé, Empathy is in: There has been a paradigm shift in audience’s emotional, social and intellectual quotient which has increased exponentially with exposure to media, knowledge, processes, and entertainment. Today, if a brand tries to claim its supremacy with perfect creative finesse, it will still sound like hard-sell to this new breed of an over-fed target audience. Brands are now using the ‘idea’ to penetrate within the conscience of their target audience and do things that they always wish for with the help of their products/services. Ariel’s ‘Share the Load’ campaign urging men to share the load of household chores especially that of laundry with their wives is an example of brands intruding in the lives of its target audience albeit benevolently. 2. More Media at no to less cost: Advocacy and social good act as catalysts to attract media to review the ad campaigns that appear more as acts of benefaction rather than promotional content. Moreover, advocacy and social good being universal in their appeal have the more organic reach and appeal to larger audience breaking the barriers of nationality, race, religion, and ethnicity. This gives a competitive edge to the brand in the scenario where every brand is boasting about the social media fan lineage running into millions. The campaign to stop the sale of acid in retail counter by non-profit, Make Love Not Scars featuring acid attack survivor Reshma garnered huge PR across media like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, BBC World, Mashable, Mirror, The Huffington Post at no cost and personalities like Amitabh Bachchan, Ashton Kutcher, Sherly Sandberg and Sachin Tendulkar too shared their support for the campaign, making it an award campaign. 3. Sustainable Policy: Some marketers are restructuring their businesses to accommodate sustainable business practices and are making investments in research and development of new technologies that can help them achieve their sustainable goals. Unilever, for instance, has committed to half its environmental footprints by 2030. P&G plans to replace 25% of petroleum-based products with sustainable ones by 2020. Branding sustainability also helps marketers to target consumers, investors, vendors and employees at one go in a single communication campaign. 4. Awards: Cannes advertising festival, the most sought- after festival amongst the advertising fraternity branded as ‘field-trip to future’ for agencies, start-ups and marketers has been generously awarding campaigns that are packaged with social good and those that promise to address environmental, psychological, health and lifestyle issues. The festival has also introduced new award category-, Glass 17| November 2017 |
  • 20. Lions: the Lion for Change to challenge gender biases. In a bid to stay ahead and bag awards at prestigious awards festivals, brands are making use of ideas that force their way to the jury’s shortlist. 5. Ease of Execution with Technology: Technology and data have given power to the ‘idea’ whereby they not only help in the adequate execution of the idea but also help in measuring the effectiveness of the campaign in real time. This has encouraged agencies and brands to dream big, invent without fear and set as challenging goals as possible and experiment upon their hypothesis. Never before brands and agencies were so confident about putting into practice everything that they ever dreamed of without the fear of sounding impractical and unrealistic. Toyota has launched i-Road, an ultra-compact electric vehicle which helps to resolve parking issues in congested cities of Japan by utilizing small and unused spaces with networking parking and charging spot stations. This project would have been unthinkable a decade back in absence of tech- driven infrastructure that works in unison with the advertising agencies. As the evolution of ‘idea’ took from being a piece of communication to transforming into products, experiences and engagements, advertising businesses that were earlier lauded for their creativity now have to be multi-faceted with innovation, technology, research and empathy. We can expect Flipkart as a part of its festive sale campaign to introduce invisible packaging that replaces cardboard cartons loaded with plastic bubbles with certain sonic wave’s technology that secures the products without causing any damage. This can save the country from the generation of tonnes of plastic waste as well as from deforestation which otherwise forms an inevitable part of the delivery process. Or can we expect a fertilizer brand to develop high yielding solution that brings back the fertility of the barren soil that can solve the problem of food crisis and waste lands. While the earlier Mad Men saw advertising going glam and aristocratic, this age of idea revolution is making advertising mad with innovation and social consciousness. 18| November 2017 |
  • 22. ’Well Research was envisioned to provide Dexclusive user experience research information from field to support user-centered product design for companies globally. It is a full service market research company, specialized in Product Development using Prototype testing, interviewing, Ethnographic studies, group discussions, social media analysis and desk research. D’Well Research’s services assure reliable information, local knowledge about targeted users, responsiveness and empathy to clients through its highly motivated team of employees and freelancers across Asia and Africa. Also, this Singapore-based company has a team of digital marketing experts positioned in strategically important markets throughout the world. D’Well team of researchers, analysts and marketing specialists provides insights on the users and the changing trends among the youth and the millennial shoppers. The research supports the companies to connect with their customers, understand their common activities, understand trends and integrate their digital marketing campaigns. D’Well Research provides services like innovation intelligence, user experience research, and innovation consulting. It also offers marketing support services like Product marketing studies, studies on marketing intermediaries, studies on different marketing functions as well as mobile marketing research, digital marketing, online research and social media research. D’Well Research’s social media research helps companies to understand the language of their audience which can be used for brand promotion and advertisement campaigns to push products towards the end customers. Digital marketing supports the best ways to monitor, collect, analyze and interpret data to boost business understanding of target markets and make strategies accordingly. D'Well Research uses the best and the latest tools to scan and monitor the social media activities to assist their clients to know the major influencing factors on the audience which make them to like or dislike any product or ad. It helps the companies to focus their digital marketing on the influencers to get their product on the top list. Setting up offices with experienced team of on-field researchers in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and China assist them to work on international assignments. This global market research company is completely focused on qualitative research services and helps its client to target a specific region and reduce the infrastructure cost to gather user experience information from these markets. D’WELL RESEARCH: Innovating Creative Ways and Strategies That Can Convert Crowd into Customers “ Challenge of the day is the driving force of being an entrepreneur “ 20| November 2017 |
  • 23. This full-fledged field team is known for their executing of qualitative and quantitative studies in following sectors: 1. Healthcare (Pharma, Medical equipment, Insurance, Food, Treatment) 2. Automotive (Automobiles, Accessories) 3. Smart touch devices (Mobile phones, Computer, TV) 4. Finance (Banking, Insurance) 5. Agriculture (Crop Science, Cultivation, Biotech, Agriculture equipment) 6. Lifestyle (Fashion, Day/night life, Family, Education) The success of this B2B Company hinges largely on strong client relationship. Working for Microsoft, Nokia, Siemens, HP, Sanofi Pasteur, Philips Healthcare, Standard Chartered, Maruti Suzuki, Volkswagen, HSBC, Cisco and many more have helped the firm to improve its customer experience. D’Well Research supports its client to develop new apps, websites, operating systems, medical equipment, cars, insurance and finance products, electronic circuits, apparels, packaging, advertising concepts, industrial products etc. The team renders service in all phases of product development cycle in a transparent way by providing access to the clients in all stages of the project to help achieve their goals. The Leader behind the Establishment D’Well Research is led by He is anCEO Thomas George. engineer with a management degree and expertise in merging product development with marketing management. With a massive experience of over 20 years in Business and Community research and a PDMA, TTRA, Esomar, QRCA, AMSRS Member, he is managing user experience research for fortune 500 companies. According to Thomas, an entrepreneur should have a positive mind with strong determination, dedication and desire to solve it. This young entrepreneur is known for his strong visualizing power and delivering convincing research results to his clients. He incorporated D’Well Research in 1995 to strengthen new ideas in real life. Thomas and his team’s hardwork and dedication helped to overcome the problems in the initial stages and gradually it converted D’Well Research into a high valued multinational company. The Future is Bright for the Creative Masters D’Well Research has always adapted itself to the fast hanging technological environment in digital marketing world to face the competition. D’Well respects and considers clients views and deals with them empathetically. Coordinating with the clients during the research and marketing process has helped them to produce the best outcomes and satisfactory results. Such steadfast service delivered in the right amount of time with the right budget shows the exposure to competition and increases its long- term survival prospects. As the Digital Marketing is the future, D’Well Research is evolving with new and ground breaking tools like personalization technologies and enhancement in mobile marketing services. With its latest innovative tools like AI, VR, AR and Analytics using Deep learning & Machine learning techniques in research projects & marketing, D’Well Research is moving ahead in the competitive market. D’Well Research believes that the future is determined by creating innovative ideas and developments that call for the seamless interworking of mediums. It will be embedded by the marketers and different platforms for new and traditional media to play together. Thomas George CEO 21| November 2017 |
  • 24. Digital Marketing Facts • As per a survey site, in 2017, TV ad spending has climb to $72.01 billion and Digital Ad spending has climb to $77.37 billion. • According to Google, more searches are taking place on mobile devices than on computers. • Video content is getting four times higher preference than text. • Nearly 200 million internet users have installed ad blocking softwares. 34-63% millennial block ads and more than half of the internet users do not click on the pop-up ads. • Native Ads are viewed 53% more times than banner ads. Users who are retargeted have a 70% chance of getting converted. Programmatic Ads will represent 82% of the total digital ads by 2018. • CMOs are going to increase their digital ad spend by 14.7%. Out of this, social media’s share would rise by 22.4% in the next five years. It is forecasted to account for 35% of total budgets. An Average City dweller observes 5000 Ads per day, considering their exposure to the ads on grocery carts, on THE Power Branding of theover Internet Quick Facts: • Out of the approximate total of 3.2 billion people, 1.7 billion internet users are all Asians. • 200 billion emails and 3 billion Google Searches are done every day. Out of the 204 million emails sent per minute, 70% are spam mails. • Internet requires 50 million horsepower to keep running in the current state. • Bots and Malware generate the majority of internet traffic. • Search engine results are just the tip of the iceberg and are called the Surface Web. The Deep Web is 500 times larger. • Internet took 3 years to reach 50 million users, while television took 13 years. Facebook took only 2 years. • Facebook has around 1.49 billion monthly active users. Twitter has around 314 million monthly users and generates 500 million tweets per day. • A single Google query makes use of 1,000 computers and arrives at an answer in 0.2 seconds. Google processes 16 to 20 percent of new searches, every day. • Over 100,000 new dot com domains are registered on the internet every day. There are 940 million live websites on the internet right now. 22| November 2017 | Cyber Lodge
  • 25. roads and over the internet. The global marketing industry is worth a whopping $475 billion. Since our surrounding is flushed with all kinds of Ads, people are getting to understand the dynamics of marketing and have figured out ways to avoid viewing ads (ad-blocking softwares). So, what can advertisers do to stay one step ahead? Showing what the audience wants to see Jingles are forever and will stay on to be the most popular branding experience. Advertisers are moving on from the old model of informing, persuading and reminding to the new model of demonstrating, empowering and involving. 86% of the marketers believe in engaging the audience on multiple channels using the same strategy for long term success. Considering the effortlessness involved in skipping the ads, marketers are trying to get the viewers as emotionally involved as possible in the storyline in which the product is presented. It is much more effective to present the ad as part of the context. This is exactly what Native Ads is all about. It is the modern form of product placement in video and blog content. This has been successfully incorporated in the movies since long back. The Ace Comb in the James Dean movie Rebels without a cause, got so popular that almost every teen that had seen the movie went ahead and bought one. Hershey owes a lot to the hit movie E.T. because right after it hit the screens, they saw a 65% rise in their sales. The best part is that Hershey did not have to pay anything for their product placement in the movie. All they had to do was promote E.T. in their advertising campaigns. The longest running and the most expensive deal has been struck between Heineken and the producers of the James Bond movies. In the movie Skyfall, Bond goes for a bottle of Heineken instead of his signature martini drink. The James Bond movies had made the martini iconic and now it has been replaced by Heineken for an undisclosed hefty amount. Bond movies have also made the Aston Martin cars famous during the 60s and 70s and the BMW cars during the 90s. BMW Mini Cooper earned the tag of being a rugged little car that goes really fast when it got featured in the movie, The Italian Job, and in one of the Bourne series. BMW saw a staggering increase in sales in the consecutive releases of these films. Branding a Product when the audience is looking for one Now, in a similar fashion, bloggers are paid to forcibly promote the brand in their storylines while making it look like as if it is a part of the context. This has led to many celebrity Twitter users who are paid to tweet in a particular fashion just because advertisers want to cash-in on their huge fan following. The scenario is similar on Facebook. Out of the 80% of millennial using their smartphones while shopping, 74% are willing to receive location based adverts and this can prove to be beneficial with the right amount of data that must be mined from users’ past shopping experiences and their buying patterns. This ensures highest level of conversion rate using the most minimum effort (and efficient computing power) and investment from the retailer’s end. Video accounts for 69% of all customer internet traffic and 70% of the audiences view brands more positively after watching an interesting video content of the brand. With video content expected to dominate over other content strategies, it is no surprise that YouTube channels are now considered as part of brand equity. Gaming is another industry that is being tapped in a similar fashion. With a good data infrastructure that aids reporting and distribution, business councils can lead and improve campaigns that would engage the target audience and influence them to eventually boost the sales. 23| November 2017 |
  • 26. igital marketing is becoming one of the essential Dparts of every marketing campaign; moreover, with the development in cutting edge tools, both medium and small sized businesses are doing everything to keep up with the pace. Conventional industries are also adapting the online models, or expanding the existing advertising endeavors with digital marketing – trying to catch an emerging and very lucrative and high potential online commercial model. The reason behind is, its ability to attract targeted prospective customers online who have the ability to influence the distinction between an effectively flourishing business – and a fizzled one. Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of India’s leading digital media tech companies started off as a small boutique agency in 2009. It has it’s headquarter in Mumbai and other offices in Delhi, Hyderabad, Dubai, New York and London; along with the team of almost 300 members. Teams in Everymedia believes and enjoys the struggles, swim through the challenges that comes to them every day, still they do give best and are back at it the very next day. They started their journey in a small room, doing anything and everything, all at the same time. They had been working with projects that have pushed them up in all sorts of challenging environments. Everymedia has a team of enthusiastic and hardworking individuals who have helped them in winning accolades at the Goafest, Creative Abby and Asian Customer Engagement Awards. The company follows complete consultative approach towards its clients across brands, films, studios, production houses and personalities. From perception management to digital transformation programs, the company has worked on over 200 movies, catered to some of the top brands and personalities of the country and devised successful strategies for leading production houses and studios. Services Rendered by Everymedia Services in Everymedia have been divided into three essential buckets – Content, Technology and Analytics, which covers multitude of services such as strategic advisory and consultation, perception management, brand equity building, market research, digital discovery and assessment. “ It is about taking a step back and asking ourselves questions that will enable us to come up with a pro-active, creative and untapped consultative approach that will set us apart “ EveryMedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd: Creating Tailor-Made Digital Portfolio 24| November 2017 |
  • 27. Gautam B Thakker CEO The Company has a set of goals which also includes giving its best to create a tailor-made digital portfolio to achieve the results by evaluating client’s needs and requirement and understanding audience suited for their businesses. Architect Innovating Marketing Strategies in EveryMedia Gautam B Thakker, CEO of EveryMedia Technologies, is known as the Chief Employee. This personal call has stemmed from his belief of always wanting to mentor and empower his team. Gautam gives every individual in the company the opportunity to function as business units in themselves, follow their own practices and make their own decisions. Collectively, teams are given the freedom to implement processes and take calls that are beneficial for the company at large. He encourages everyone to not look at a client in the conventional sense of the word, rather treat every project like a puzzle to solve. Additionally, Gautam lays great emphasis on sports right from carom tournaments, setting up an in-house pool table to forming cricket leagues. Pushing up the Boundaries The very initial challenge faced by the company is to convince a client to move forward from making elaborate social media profiles and focus more on analytics. However the team observes, listens and evaluates conversations happening across digital platforms very cautiously, but there is the need to understand the fact that analytics has also become a key aspect that needs to run parallel with any marketing campaign. Thus, they have started analytics which will help them to track conversations, build positive momentum and convert the non-converted audience. The EveryMedia Team is continuously working across different mediums, time-zones and platforms using a variety of tools that condense the big data, cut through the noise and providing with the essential information to the clients so that they can achieve the best result. The greatest challenge company has to experience is to erase the clutter, build positive engagement and thus build the equity of the brand. Future Perspectives The Company believes that “the future of Digital Marketing is expected to be dependent on two key factors – visuals and analytics. Whatever you see, is what you get, whether it is a product, service or basic numbers.” Thus, it has started pushing for more video content on digital which will boost audience engagement. Despite of the fact that the market is very competitive by nature it is directing towards focusing on setting the benchmarks for the clients, because it has a pre-decided goal to choose the market in which it can flourish ,adopt approaches and practices that would navigate the market in the desired direction. The company has the belief that, it is more important to create unprecedented impact than just standing out of the crowd. 25| November 2017 |
  • 28. y building a brand strategy, you can understand who Byour target audience is and where to connect with them. The correct audience will bring you an expectant ROI while the wrong audience would be a waste of time to pursue. When you get the exact audience, you need to consider what encourages them as it narrates to your objectives and what digital marketing channel you can use to connect with them. By doing this same all kinds of unique strategic undertakings, Harmony Multimedia covers all the aspect of digital marketing business. Harmony Multimedia superiorly envelops extensive gamut of advertising in its arms. As a 360° advertising solution provider, Harmony is a fully creative agency addicted to creating ideas, transforming your brand into truly fine creative communications. With offices in Surat, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata, Harmony has offered creative services to some of the region’s most recognized local and national brands, including Pan Parag, Khaitan, Prafful, Parag, Vipul, Subhash Sarees, Rajhans, Amaazia, Hi-Tech, Navin Electronics, Orange Hospital, Kothari International School, DavaIndia, SuAyu, Freshy, Euro Foods and SUMUL. The brand category ranges from FMCG to Fashion, Real Estate to Retail and Education to Health. Harmony is highly recognized as the best digital marketing firm for serving its following services: • Website Designing • Web Updation • SEO • Domain Registration & Booking • Online Marketing Solutions • Social Media Management • Social Media Optimization • Spin Doctrine • Wide variety of Creative updates which include Short Videos, Contests, Podcasts, Topical Updates, Interactive Updates, Testimonials, Blogs, Emailers and Newsletters It sincerely clinch all the aspects of Conventional and new age Advertising beginning from Conceptualizing, Creative Designing, Ad Film – Short Film –Corporate Film Production, Photography, Media Planning- Buying, Out Of Home Advertising (OOH), Events, Designing Solutions to Below the Line Activation (BTL) Social Media Management, Web Designing, Spin Doctrine and Digital Advertising. Fascinating Leaders of Harmony Multimedia Incorporated by Rajesh Desai, Chairman & Managing Director, Harmony Multimedia is a result of dreams and determination. And today, growing on his feed, Harmony is like a “Big Idea Home where Creativity Never Sleeps.” As an Ad Maker by Passion and Profession, Rajesh Desai was born and brought up East Africa before his family shifted to Navsari, Gujarat. After completing his BSc in Physics he went for MSc from an acclaimed university of India, MS University. Later to hone himself further he did MBA from Symbiosis. The major bubble of this designing “ Creativity Never Sleeps. Harmony builds brands Beautifully, Boldly, Brilliantly “ Harmony Multimedia: Creating and Transforming the Digital Life 26| November 2017 |
  • 29. endeavor was started with Financial Advertising. At the same time, Harmony was taken baby steps into the world of products and service advertising. He is avid reader of Hindi, English and Gujarati works from acclaimed writers. Initiated his business from scratch today he possess a National Ad Agency catering to top National brands, Harmony Multimedia. In 17 years of Rajesh’s career span, he has created some amazing ad films like Pan Parag “The Choice of Young India”, Subah ke 9 baj gaye Pan Parag khaya kya, Ab Mobile Bikega to Bhatia se hi Bikega, Saree me Saree Parag Sarees, Subhash Sarees & Beyond, Desh badal raha hai – DronStudy.com se padh raha hai and Navin se nahi to kahin se nahi. Rajesh loves to do writing, reading, acting, music and travelling. His success mantra lies in the fact that “He loves what he does.” Along with his team, Rajesh strives to deliver excellence and unmatchable expertise in all the offerings. Mehul Prajapati, Rajshree Piruka, Shabbar Kukawala, Deep D. Desai and Chetan Patel heads of the creative and the digital team work in sync with each other to delight the clients. Harmony Multimedia is a bright bunch of lively people passionate about brands having creativity by default all set to Rock & Roll the World of Advertising. Rajesh Desai’s daughter Devina Desai, Fashion Blogger and son Harshil Desai, Professional Photographer have added wings to Harmony with their own undertakings DevinaDesai.com and Harshil Desai Photography respectively. Excellent Execution of Strategies to fulfill the Client’s Need Harmony’s journey was accompanied by hard work and an excellent team which has made an awesome experience for them. They have been practicing Social Media Management ever before Social Media became a household name. Harmony, at initial stage, was difficult to explain importance of Social Media presence to their accounts. Harmony even had to provide complimentary service to its clients so that they could first taste the flavor of social media. Undoubtedly, they gradually understood the opportunity it holds and were ready to sail in the waves of Social Media Marketing. One always need to be on the toes, when it comes to Digital Marketing, be it replying the client’s customers or solving their query and this is what the Rajesh’s working attitude for every client. Even the updates on trending topics needs to be done within stipulated time or else the charm is lost. There is always room for recycling and revision. Hence, the company is implementing all marketing strategies that are like the final piece to a large puzzle where demand have been building on. Their working efforts push themselves to fit whole work together in a logical manner. Future Enrichments Harmony services include everything under the umbrella of Digital Marketing. Moreover they give them the most beautiful experience whereby helping them to reach out their real customers. They follow the direct Communication between brand and customers. This communication between brand and customers is sacred and has to be done with profound integrity. The company delivers the innovative and imaginative ideas reducing the complications and obstacles, which polish the skill every day, enhance the passion, creativity and give creative solution to clients. Harmony knows that the Digital Marketing itself is a future, it is evolving every second. Therefore, they are dedicatedly working and enriching themselves for greater future where they can provide best of services to their clients. Rajesh Desai Chairman & MD Harshil Desai Director www.harmonymultimedia.in 27| November 2017 |
  • 30. Brandniti+Design Agency’s perspective on the art and science of brand engagement in Digital Age In India, Media & Communication industry is changing at a rapid speed and so is the consumer market dynamics. In this complex time when media innovation is dominating how advertising would work and impact consumer behavior to its greatest extent; it’s becoming extremely challenging for agencies to keep up with the pace of technological advancements and align their offerings with it to deliver results remaining within the ever-shrinking marketing budgetsof thebrands. Industry trends arefavorable The media industry is now in an intermediary stage in which digital has been playing a pivotal role for an overall forward movement. Adoption of new digital tools and invest in innovation seem to be the ultimate mantra to move ahead in the current changeover phase of the media industry. Today we all participate in online experiences and interact with peers, brands, prospective customers on real-time basis. Today, technology is such an indispensable part of our lives that we are exhaustively dependent on it for our daily feeds on information,communicationandentertainment. This paradigm shift in consumer behavior is aiding the digital media to become robust and powerful more than ever before. We as an agency are well aware of this shift in media dynamics and always strive to bring tangible benefits of the powerfulmedia,toour clients. Goingwith themarket As per our internal research and several external data, brands are going to adore professional agencies that are able to deliver result-oriented digital marketing plans and campaigns. Understanding customers’ changing needs and characteristics is a must while integrating media activities successfully to maximize ROI in a consistent manner is consideredtobethebiggestplusintheindustry. It is not only the invasion of Social Media that is fuelling the growth of DigitalAdvertising in India; there are multitudes of changes in business dynamics, brands’ outlooks and audience-preferences that are transforming and empowering the vertical. Though content has been always been the backbone of the advertising business, in the digital era, it has become the soul of advertising. While content plays a versatile and inarguably the most important role in social media channels, networking sites, blogs and mobile apps, we are successfully upped our game by introducing content marketing services to a host of its clients where the effectiveness of content management is measured in results andoutputs. With the advent of digital media, customers are becoming persistent about enhanced user experience in their digital dealings. Virtual reality is changing the way we define user experience, and going with the demands, we have developed anin-housecapabilitytodevelopstrikinglybeautiful Leader’s Outlook 28| November 2017 |
  • 31. Ms. Smita Thorat Founder Brandniti+Design.is the of The venture is a full service independent strategic agency focused on guaranteed results through maximizing innovation in designs. An amalgamation of strategic thinking and design optimization Brandniti + Design promises to deliver to the mark solutions for brands diverse domains with a 360 degree approach. She is responsible for execution of the operation, innovative ideas, strategy, business plan, managing growth, revenue generating operations and fund raising for the company. She also undertakes the additional responsibility to review activity reports, financial statements of the company, to determine progress and update the status periodically in attaining objectives and fine tuning them according to the current business environment. Smita Thorat Founder About the Author 29| November 2017 |
  • 32. interactive 3D motion graphic projects, which have helped the agency to add immense values to the portfolio managementserviceitprovidestotherealestateindustry. Today’s customers prefer to view audiovisual contents as a promotional tool. Growing need for the visual content has turned video marketing to be one of the most appealing trends of digital marketing off late. Conversion is an easier game when a well-conceived and well-produced visual content is used instead of static ones. With thriving mobile marketing, video content needs to be well thought, informative and short. We offer highly effective video content, whichisdevelopedin-houseandiscost-effective. Mobileisthe key India currently has more than 220 million smart phone users who are consuming digital content mostly on mobile. Internet penetration and the change in content consumption pattern, today’s Indians are readier than ever to interact with the brands of their choice through the windows of their smart phones. As Indian consumers spend nearly three hours on mobile each day, it doesn’t take much of brain to understand that digital media solutions that an agency offers needtobe‘mobile-first’. Advertising is all about impactful storytelling.With the right creative ability, we have developed a capability to narrate a brand’s story in an immersive way, which is always optimized for mobile. India is expected to grow at the rate of 15% to reach 1.2 billion mobile subscribers by 2020 with close to 60% of the new subscriptions coming from non-metro cities and rural parts of India. This is a good enough reason why agencies need to invest time and resource to research on how semi-urban and rural markets of India tend to respond to mobile advertising. While it’s a fact that mobile marketing strategy is still evolving in India, agencies will definitely have to revamp their strategies and become more relevanttoamobile-firstgeneration. WayForward Asia Pacific is the second largest regional advertising market in the world with India being the fastest growing country with an increment of 2.84 billion USD between 2015 and 2018, which happens to be the 5th largest ad expenditure growth intheworld duringthistimeperiod. In the conventional advertising landscape of the country, newspapers and magazines are still very much relevant for a section of brands; Television and Radio continue to grow with an annual growth rate of around 10%. In this state of affairs, the beauty of communication lies in successful cross-channel synergies and that’s how an ROI centric campaignstandsoutfromaregularcampaign.Imustsay thatwe as anagencyhavemasteredtheart. Over the last few years, media has dramatically changed and today it’s way more than a print advertisement or a direct mail, an email, banners or social networks. Media is now a customized vehicle only purpose of which is to drive the rightcommunicationhome. 30| November 2017 |
  • 34. oday’s digital world is characterised by an Timmensely dynamic, multi-pronged approach to communication. Therefore, one can no longer communicate in a simple, linear manner, as was the case in the past. In a retail environment that’s becoming increasingly complex due to technological advancements and dwindling attention spans, MAA Digital offers a dedicatedly insightful approach to customer requirements. Powered by excellence in creativity, strategy and market intelligence, MAA Digital provides comprehensive digital and social media marketing solutions in today’s sophisticated, yet still rapidly evolving age of technology. Its solution portfolio covers every possible marketing need, right from strategy and consulting to design and development. A spin-off of MAA Communications, one of India’s very few global-standard indigenous advertising agencies, MAA Digital, which was established in 2007, straddles the entire spectrum of not just digital marketing needs, but also deployment channels and platforms – thus creating seamless, flawless campaigns that are as effective as they are memorable. Three Generations of Exceptional Leaders Akshar Peerbhoy, the Chief Operating Officer of MAA Communications, is a third-generation adman. He draws on a rich lineage that began with his grandfather, the legendary Ayaz Peerbhoy, widely regarded as one of the “Founding Fathers of Indian Advertising”. Akshar has a deep-rooted passion for advertising, and has spent over a decade honing his skills in the field. His vision is to elevate the MAA brand, which his father Bunty Peerbhoy has successfully nurtured and grown for over 40 years, to new heights, inking strategic partnerships along the way and turning MAA Communications into India’s leading advertising agency. Akshar has been instrumental in envisioning and successfully launching several initiatives at MAA Communications, adding a new dimension to the company’s longstanding tradition of innovation at each turn. One of his latest accomplishments is the recently launched ‘MAA #Oneplay’ concept, which is an innovative marketing approach of the MAA brand. “#Oneplay is about MAA Digital: Delivering Cutting-edge, Customised Marketing Strategies “ A strong focus on a deeply insightful approach helps create innovative solutions that engage, excite and delight customers “ 32| November 2017 |
  • 35. providing best-in-class quality, seamless solutions to our customers...solutions that are powered by our team’s enduring will to exceed stakeholder expectations every step of the way,” he explains. Akshar is also particularly proud of MAA Digital, which he set up following extensive research into what new-age organizations truly desire in an advertising partner. New Approaches towards Digital Marketing MAA Digital caters to the entire spectrum of new-age media. With capabilities to strategise, develop and execute end-to-end digital solutions, it focuses on delivering valuable results to its customers. The company specialises in leveraging new-age technologies to ensure effective and measurable marketing campaigns. MAA Digital not only executes web, digital and social media plans, but also provides branding, budgeting, targeting, positioning and go-to-market solutions from a strategy standpoint. Its comprehensive range of solutions caters to the most diverse of client requirements – for instance, outreach, market share growth, top-of-mind recall, sales funnel expansion and brand value enhancement. Transforming Challenges into Opportunities “The biggest challenge was in terms of changing the outlook of clients; about convincing them to move from traditional to new-age media,” says Akshar. Digital media being a space that’s constantly evolving, companies tend to regard it as risky. In truth, however, the rapid pace of change is largely because of the real-time nature of processes. Digitisation, with its myriad technologies and platforms, has merely tightened up the timeline typically taken for publishing, interaction and conversion. Another challenge MAA Digital faced initially was the apprehensive stance of companies with respect to the difficulty involved in adopting new and sophisticated technologies. However, MAA Digital’s modern marketing technologies are immensely user-friendly and intuitive in terms of both UIs and functionality. “Many initial clients had to be walked through the entire process of strategy, planning and execution for them to realise the true potential of digital marketing,” adds Akshar. Future Goals and Objectives MAA Digital is constantly upgrading itself with training and research. It regularly tests the latest techniques and methods for relevance and efficacy. Moreover, its ensemble of skilled, niche professionals is more than capable of responding quickly to sudden shifts in the dynamic digital space. MAA Digital, which regularly comes up with new service offerings, recently created a highly interactive web portal with minimal AI integration for the real estate industry. It is currently working on a blended social video-creation platform (focused on motion graphics) that simplifies the video creation process and can easily be accessed by anyone. As part of a broad strategy, the company is focusing on offering digital as well as traditional services as an integrated, specialised offering that leverages all the required skills in a single effort. Akshar Peerbhoy Chief Operating Officer 33| November 2017 |
  • 36. Marketing is the domain that determines the existence of an organization by answering the questions like, does it have the opportunity to work till the end of this day or will the organization go on working tomorrow? When it comes to marketing, gone are the days when the organizations used to cling to the old fashioned marketing techniques. With the transformation of the world to digitized one, marketing has also gone digital. Organizations are now constantly in search of specialists in digital marketing for branding and marketing. The impact of the rise of digital marketing can be seen more on the marketing industry than in any other. The transformation from the traditional marketing to digital marketing has two prominent reasons, the reach of internet in today’s world and the preference of targeting the potential clientele. To achieve the goal of reaching the potential clientele, one needs to work on effective strategies and techniques. This is where to offer these services; Digital Marketers come into the frame. Digital marketing has refashioned the way organizations used to do marketing. The apple of one’s eye, TV is taking backseat with its pal print media when it comes to modern ways of marketing. It is the mobiles, tablets and laptops that are proving to be the favorites of the modern day advertising and marketing guru’s, often called Digital Marketers. Digital marketing is actually changing the way industries used to work when it comes to marketing. Every single organization or we should say brand expects real time convergence of the potential clients, which is absolutely possible with the help of the social media, e-commerce and display marketing. The first and foremost example of it is the changed budget chart for marketing, in which the spending on digital marketing can be observed more than the spending on the traditional marketing channels. The way Digital Marketing is changing the way industries work can be better explained as follows: Digi-notion 34| November 2017 |
  • 37. Digital Marketing is changing e Way How Companies W kCustomer Communication Before digital marketing took the place of the traditional marketing, after sale customer service was not on the priority. It was like, marketing departments used to welcome the customers in a very fashionable and alluring way to sell their services or products. The hospitality used to last till the customer goes out of the door. After that both the parties used to forget each other. Digital Marketing has changed the way organizations used to do client communication. The communication now-a-days starts with the first confrontation with the client, at the time of advertisement and continues even after the product is purchased. Customer service is expected 24/7 as it is the most inevitable thing today. All Time Availability of the Client The other instance where digital marketing has changed the way of marketing is the changed time of client communication. In the past there was a fixed timing when one can communicate with the customers in the confined time limit, i.e. the evening’s leisure time. But the situation has changed thoroughly as one can communicate with the client in real time or even though the time zones are different, like the marketing is person is sitting in the U.S. and the customer is from Alaska. The clients are available online all the time, making it easy for the marketers to offer them services any time. Advertising that is Totally Free! Yes! The availability of potential clients for free has made the digital advertisement cost free! One does not need to pay anything to post the advertisement on social media sites. Companies do not have to have a big budget to spend on the broadcasting of advertisements. Availability of free platforms with the guarantee of convergence has made 35| November 2017 |
  • 38. marketing affordable for everyone. It is just that you should be just a good presenter of your product or services. And if you have a good budget you can spend it on the creation of the advertisement than on the marketing of that product or service. Traditional Advertising Taking Backseat Accept it or not, but traditional advertising has taken a backseat as Digital Marketing has taken the center stage. There is no fault of the old means of marketing but the changes of the clients in the use of these mediums have made them to do so. The availability of the same things online has made it far easy for the customers to search for the online available options than go to the shops to buy the products or services. All this has made easy for the marketer’s to target their proposed audiences. So, in this online environment traditional way of marketing is on the verge to vanish. So, to gain a conversion marketing teams only need to be wise enough to target the correct set of audiences. To Conclude The marketing has transformed itself changing its characteristics by not being the same ever again. Going with the changing world industries have changed themselves to be competent enough by going digital. Digital marketing is revolutionizing the way industries used to work! 36| November 2017 |
  • 40. ocial Media dominates the online-user-behavior Stoday along with search. It is likely that your business is the subject of user ratings, opinions, comments and rants on popular channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Pinterest. Digital Marketing companies help to proactively manage social presence and influence or shape opinions about your business. The comprehensive social marketing arsenal includes media monitoring, user engagement, content development and dissemination via tweets, posts, and comments. One of the leading marketing companies which dispense solutions to online, digital and social media challenges worldwide is Runtime Solutions. Founded in 2010, the company runs an integrated 360 Degree Internet Marketing Set-up which provides targeted solutions and sharply focused digital and business consulting. The business solutions range from complex content management systems for large portals to visually breathtaking interactive installations to effective digital campaigns. The stated objective of Runtime Solutions is “to collectively get our experience to enable your brand to go to the next level whether it is for: simple communication, customer conversion or simply to make it part of conversation.” Their goal is best summarized in one mission statement – “Curro Ergo Sum”. Services which brings Runtime on the Top Runtime Solutions offers a bouquet of business solutions ranging from multifaceted Content delivery systems to uber-cool and interactive Apps, platform-agnostic and dynamic experiences across all form factors. Their considerable strengths includes strategizing, planning and executing social media campaigns, mobile applications, microsites, social applications and a plethora of digital innovations. The Mumbai-based firm is uniquely positioned to provide digital experiences to each of the brands that they work on. Runtime Solutions team constantly pivots around the twin’ axes of creativity and technology to simplify complex product launch briefs or heavy data-based algorithms into exciting customer experiences and meaningful market intelligence. Runtime Solutions keeps customer-centricity at the core of its communication by adding value to the ever-increasing social media channels and other relevant platforms. Their team prides themselves on strategizing, conceptualization and execution of the entire marketing process. In today’s Runtime Solutions: The Creative & Digital Innovation Hub “ Sky is the limit and we like running ahead of the pack to deliver interesting and cutting-edge solutions “ 38| November 2017 |
  • 41. world content is at the core of marketing, and Runtime manages the value chain from Planning, Creating and Distributing content and Measuring the results with the usage of data science and analytics. This has been possible with the talented and committed team of brand champions, designers, writers, and developers that create and deliver visually-rich campaigns across mediums. Runtime believes that every project is a challenge for them to showcase their creativity and the ability to deliver against all odds. They visualize customer complaints and pain areas as golden opportunities to shine. The Inspiring Founder of the Value-Driven Company Tracing his roots and culture to the Eastern part of India, wherein the community values education over commerce Arjun Chatterjee Founder and CEO Runtime, the of Solutions, had a challenging but interesting time emerging as an entrepreneur. Post MBA from XLRI, he started his career as a senior manager in the Tata Group. However, after working in CNBC-TV18 for 3 years, he was emboldened to take the plunge on the back of a strong entrepreneurship spirit and zeal to create a mark of his own. His goal as the leader of the team is to ensure that he creates a fair platform with the right opportunities for individuals to shine and achieve their goals. The Awards and Recognition of Success Starting the Journey with the mission of creating and leveraging digital innovation for delivering effective marketing solutions to the clients, Runtime enjoys a huge list of achievements in the attire of success. Being the winner of andTechnology Fast 500 Asia Pacific Award the GOLD winner of Best Social Media Application of the Year, Runtime has been highly successful in being ahead of the industry curve in innovation. With team strength of 30, Runtime has been able to deliver more than 100 websites, many applications, experiences and campaigns all of which have resulted more than 50 Digital Awards & Recognitions. Runtime believes in Creating its own Future As customer expectations shift, digital marketing is making a shift from engagement to experience. Runtime is focusing and building thought leadership in the area of Augmented, Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and emerging technologies which can deliver impactful brand experiences. They are building the entire ecosystem in which video, 3D, Device and Technology intersect and will truly allow their customers to have “WOW” experiences across the world. There are many competitors but the 3 key differentiators for Runtime Solutions are the following: · Digital Innovation - Pushing the boundaries of the Medium, whether on the Web, Social Media platforms or Mobile Applications around the twin axes of Creative and Technology. · Constant value addition - Continuously adding content and theme-driven pieces in brand communication. · User-friendly Products - Crisp UIs and dashboards to demystify Big data makes it easier for regular users to embrace the medium and become digital citizens. Runtime has always created a mark with its power-packed tracking and digital tools working in close conjunction with marketing and on-ground teams. These tools generate a customer footprint across the digital landscape, enabling brands to hyper-target their customer segments and deliver relevant messaging to appropriate audiences. They are always on the look-out for the next set of tracking & monitoring tools and new products to ensure customer delight. Arjun Chatterjee Founder & CEO 39| November 2017 |
  • 42. aunching and managing a start-up is no small feat. LThere are a million things demanding your attention. From handling day-to-day operations to managing resources and other logistics, everything that happens at a startup requires detailed consideration. Digital Marketing has now become mainstream to the point where the first thing to do when building your brand presence is making a website and/or building their presence on social platforms. If done right, digital marketing can prove to be a huge benefit and provide significant customer insights to grow and accelerate your business. With the unfolding of modern technologies and preponderance of digital marketing, businesses are doing all they can to incorporate brand building along with content creation. With a vision to provide a marketing platform for upcoming entrepreneurs, Saumil Patel established Whirlwind. Whirlwind, instituted in 2007 was started as a pure SEO agency, and soon transformed into an end-to-end digital marketing agency. It is committed to providing exceptional value to their clients by focusing on delivering meaningful leads and predictable business growth. The Chief Tornado Saumil Patel, the Founder of Whirlwind, is a trained engineer and a professional growth hacker. With over a decade of experience in managing traditional advertising, new-age media and digital domains, Saumil has coupled the worlds of technology and marketing to create a unique service offering known as Whirlwind. Saumil believes in creating exceptional value for his clients and aims at achieving this by creating an enriching environment and culture for his team. He realizes the importance of culture and has been pushing for innovative ways to truly imbibe the company’s core values amongst the team members. Saumil strongly believes in the power of knowledge and its ability to overcome any challenge. Thus, he encourages a growth mindset among his employees and personally ensures that they take charge of their work to help them realize a sense of ownership within themselves. Saumil deems that every small effort, from aligning a new employee with the company’s manifesto to the peer-to-peer rewarding actions, will eventually add up to be beneficial to the company. Additionally, Saumil has always followed the principle of doing more with less. As a founder of a bootstrapped company, he understands the challenges of fledgling enterprises and the opportunities that a no-strings-attached Whirlwind: Creating Waves in the Digital Marketing Industry “ Every business faces certain ups and downs, but the ones that make it through, are the ones that weather the storm by creating a whirlwind of their own, like us! “ 40| November 2017 |
  • 43. business provides. Through Whirlwind, Saumil ensures that this thought is reflected in their approach towards their clients. “Because we understand the value of money, we have spent entire lifecycles optimizing investments and squeezing the most bang out of each buck,” urges Saumil. Whirlwind of a Journey As an industry flourishes, the demand for exceptional talent grows. This creates a shortage of able persons and their retention becomes difficult. This is where the power of culture and knowledge can be leveraged to create a unique offering, not only for the clients but also for the employees. Whirlwind considers itself fortunate with the sheer number and variety of clients they have been able to work with. All of their innovations are stemmed from their core promise of delivering predictable business growth and generating meaningful leads for their clients. One thing that Saumil recounts from his startup days is what his ex-boss used to say - “You are only as good as your last quarter” and at Whirlwind, they have tried to stay competitive not only by competing with others but also by obsessively focusing on delivering results. Providing Groundbreaking Solutions Whirlwind is an end-to-end digital marketing agency that uses a content-first approach to help businesses grow their presence online. Their gamut of services includes - Inbound / Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Lead Gen Marketing, Conversion Led Web Analytics as well as Web Design and Development. Their revolutionary “Converging Orbits Method” is born out of the need to deliver ROI on multi-stage lead-gen campaigns which were not profitable. Using data analytics at every level, n-stage remarketing and delivering personalized content are the various methods used to deliver results for their clients. Whirlwind’s C:O Method is an organic lead-generator which focuses on making traditional marketing funnels more effective by improving relevance and engagement by three times and they do this by demerging silos. One of their biggest innovations has nothing to do with marketing and tools, but in the mindset with which they approach day-to-day operations. They call this the 90DY (90Day Year) mindset, which helps them align their efforts with client's goals. The 90DY is a brilliant framework made famous by Todd Herman, the global leader in high performance, and allows growth hack around their client’s marketing goals thereby delivering meaningful progress and becoming true partners. A Bright Future Ahead As we move into the future, the attention span of customers is going to get smaller and smaller. At Whirlwind, they strongly believe that the future of digital marketing lies in building more meaningful relationships and engaging customers in personalized, relevant ways at various stages of the lifecycle. Whirlwind is achieving this for its clients by using the proprietary Converging Orbits Method. Whirlwind believes that a crucial aspect for agencies will be to become more data savvy. “The idea behind creating digital marketing strategies for clients must be data-driven in order to focus on ROI and understand what really works!” states Saumil. They believe in stepping out of the mindset of doing what “looks” best, to actually doing what “works”. Saumil Patel Founder 41| November 2017 |
  • 44. How to Ensure Success of an Innovative Online Business Idea ll of us have been witnessing several start-ups like AFlipkart, Uber, and Xiaomi becoming successful today. However, at times we forget to notice there were thousand more equally promising start-ups that never saw any success. All these start-ups have leveraged internet to build their business idea. So, what separates the one that are successful and the others that are not? What a start-up must do to succeed Yes, online innovations are increasingly becoming bigger & better and loved by today’s young consumer. At times several such innovations take indefinite amount of time to catch consumer fancy as some of these innovations are ahead of their time. However, what a start-up or marketer do to achieve traction of an online business idea? The answer to this question is in decades old tried and tested practice called “Diffusion of Innovation”. Steve Jobs said “To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines.” Diffusion of Innovation is that scientific process that helps you hustle your business ideas to success. If you deploy this you can certainly achieve the fancy of your prospective consumers. Why Innovation is critical for the world However, before I share more info, please understand that your business idea is much bigger than your desire to on your own. • Introduction of new products and services is vital to the consumer, marketer and the world economy. • For the consumer, new products and services represent increased opportunities to satisfy personal, social and environmental needs. • For a marketer, it provides and important mechanism to keep the firm competitive and profitable. • For the world, it represents potential improvement in the quality of life for people. Therefore, your business idea has to have a purpose, purpose to make the world a better place. What is Diffusion of Innovation? Over decades marketers have trusted a framework to accelerate the consumer acceptance of innovative products and services. This framework is called DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION. This framework enables you take advantage of five productservice characteristics that seems to influence consumer acceptance of innovative products/services. • Relative Advantage: The degree to which potential customer perceive a new product as superior to existing product. • Compatibility: The degree to which potential consumers feel a new product is consistent with their needs, values and practices. • Complexity: The degree to which an innovative product is difficult to understand or use, • Trialability: The degree to which a new product is capable of being tried on a limited basis. • Observability: Is the ease with an innovative product benefits or attributes can be absorbed, imagined or described to potential consumers. For ages marketers have been using this framework to promote innovative products and services. However, with the evolution of internet this framework has evolved a lot. Diffusion of Online Innovation The five product characteristics that seem to influence consumer acceptance of an innovation online have evolved to: Insiders Opinion 42| November 2017 |
  • 45. • Visibility (evolved from Relative advantage): Visibility is critical as we build our online marketing plans. We can offer the best products and services, but if nobody knows about the product and why it is better, what’s the point? Visibility comes from a number of marketing channels, including advertising, organic search, social media marketing, online PR, or e-mail. These visibility options may require space on your Web pages, may be integrated into design, require additional budgeting, or take some technological setup. • Credibility (evolved form of compatibility): Credibility is exuded in websites, blogs, images, videos, PR, social media, or reviews. You never have a second chance to make a great first impression. Building credibility & trust is an online marketing must and first practice. • Usability (evolved form of Complexity): Usability comes from appropriate and professional design, site architecture, clear navigation, call to actions, e-mails, content, and even social media. • Sell-ability (evolved from Trialability): Sell-ability is a critical online marketing planning piece, as this is how well you show, and tell, and sell the value of your organization, products, and services. People need to understand why you or your organization is worth working with. This can come through videos, testimonials, press releases, taglines, and images. • Scalability (evolved from Observability): When we employ credibility, usability, visibility, and sell-ability, we reap the benefits of scalability. Online marketing efforts lasts a lifetime on the Web, building and compounding overtime. Scalable ideas are like ELSS (equity linked saving schemes). Small investments made consistently over time can grow to support your organization’s overall Web presence and marketing. Avinash Chandra hopes the framework will help you to identify the way to hustle your innovative business idea to success. Avinash Chandra is the Founder and CEO of BrandLoom Consulting. He helps companies to generate more revenue through digital marketing. He has successfully led Business and Marketing operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups. In totality he has worked with over 100 Brands during his 17 years of professional career with a proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses. About the Author 43| November 2017 | Avinash Chandra Founder & CEO