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Anand Bagmar
Test Practice Lead
Money / Value

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Presentation - Test Automation in Digital Transformation - IITPSA SIGIST 2016042
Presentation - Test Automation in Digital Transformation - IITPSA SIGIST 2016042Presentation - Test Automation in Digital Transformation - IITPSA SIGIST 2016042
Presentation - Test Automation in Digital Transformation - IITPSA SIGIST 2016042

This document discusses test automation in the context of a successful digital transformation journey. It introduces the speakers and outlines some of the top technical challenges in application development. Digital transformation is defined as realigning technology and business models around the customer experience. Test automation is proposed as a solution to support faster software delivery without becoming a bottleneck during digital transformation. The benefits of test automation include improved time to market, increased efficiency and quality, and decreased costs. Cross-skilling teams and evolving QA roles can facilitate successful test automation. In conclusion, relying too heavily on manual testing is a challenge, and adopting a full test automation strategy can help achieve the goals of digital transformation.

Enabling CD in Enterprises with Testing
Enabling CD in Enterprises with TestingEnabling CD in Enterprises with Testing
Enabling CD in Enterprises with Testing

Slides from my talk in Agile India 2015, Discuss Agile 2015 on "Enabling Continuous Delivery (CD) in Enterprises with Testing"

agileagile software developmentsoftware testing
Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance TestingClient-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

Slides from the workshop I conducted on "Client-side Performance Testing". Abstract of the workshop: In this workshop, we will see the different dimensions of Performance Testing and Performance Engineering, and focus on Client-side Performance Testing. Before we get to doing some Client-side Performance Testing activities, we will first understand how to look at client-side performance, and putting that in the context of the product under test. We will see, using a case study, the impact of caching on performance, the good & the bad! We will then experiment with some tools like WebPageTest and Page Speed to understand how to measure client-side performance. Lastly - just understanding the performance of the product is not sufficient. We will look at how to automate the testing for this activity - using WebPageTest (private instance setup), and experiment with yslow - as a low-cost, programatic alternative to WebPageTest.

How many of you are part of a large
What are the average number of
products / projects in your
organization’s portfolio?
… large organization?
What is the typical technology stack of
these products?
… large organization?
… number of products and projects?
How many of you are part of merged /
acquired companies?
Do you have the same technology across
the “new” products?
… large organization?
… number of products and projects?
… same technology stack?

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Future of Testing, Test Automation and The Quality Analyst
Future of Testing, Test Automation and The Quality AnalystFuture of Testing, Test Automation and The Quality Analyst
Future of Testing, Test Automation and The Quality Analyst

In vodQA Hyderabad, I spoke on what I think is the "Future of Testing, Test Automation and the Quality Analyst". This is an evolved presentation from what I did in vodQA Bangalore (http://essenceoftesting.blogspot.in/2014/06/future-of-testing-test-automation-and.html)

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Perils of Page-Object Pattern
Perils of Page-Object PatternPerils of Page-Object Pattern
Perils of Page-Object Pattern

This document discusses the perils of using the page object pattern for test automation frameworks. It describes the page object pattern, how it can be used to model pages in code and reduce duplication. However, it also notes limitations like tests becoming too implementation focused rather than intent focused. It then introduces a business layer page object pattern that aims to address these limitations by validating business requirements and separating concerns with abstraction layers. This allows the test pyramid to remain balanced and makes maintenance and scaling easier.

Test Automation Pyramid
Test Automation PyramidTest Automation Pyramid
Test Automation Pyramid

The Test Automation Pyramid is a useful model to help us understand and discuss automated testing efforts. Generally speaking it is a good practice to have lots of unit tests, fewer component integration tests, fewer API tests, and even fewer UI tests.

qualityautomationsoftware testing
How many of you work in distributed
… large organization?
… number of products and projects?
… same technology stack?
… merged companies – same technology stack?
Have you heard of a
Common Test Automation framework?
Good? Bad?
Easy? Difficult?
… large organization?
… number of products and projects?
… same technology stack?
… merged companies – same technology stack?
… distributed teams?
If a product technology stack cannot be
unified in an organization, then WHY
FORCE the Test Automation technology
stack to be the same across the
Case Study

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Test Automation Pyramid
Test Automation PyramidTest Automation Pyramid
Test Automation Pyramid

The document describes a test pyramid approach for automated testing at different levels from unit to UI. The test pyramid prioritizes unit testing which provides the most value for least cost and time, followed by integration, JavaScript, UI and web service tests which require more time and resources. Manual exploratory testing sits at the top as it is most business-facing and technology-facing tests sit at the bottom as they are most valuable to developers.

test pyramid
Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...
Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...
Testing Hourglass at Jira Frontend - by Alexey Shpakov, Sr. Developer @ Atlas...

Alexey Shpakov presents on testing in Jira Frontend. He discusses the testing pyramid with unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. He then introduces the concept of a "testing hourglass" which adds deployment and post-deployment verification to the pyramid. Key aspects of each type of test are discussed such as using feature flags, monitoring for flaky tests, and gradual rollouts to reduce risk.

jiraatlassianalexey shpakov
How to Add Test Automation to your Quality Assurance Toolbelt
How to Add Test Automation to your Quality Assurance ToolbeltHow to Add Test Automation to your Quality Assurance Toolbelt
How to Add Test Automation to your Quality Assurance Toolbelt

SQA job postings are still in abundance, but it is rare to find one that does not include some form of test automation pedigree. Brett will present the topic and then lead the discussion as we explore the various paths to building your test automation acumen, and learn how to add this valuable skill-set to your resume. If you are already an SQA with test automation experience we encourage you to participate and bring your learning forward and into the discussion where we will compare and contrast Computer Science degrees, Code Camps, licensed automation tools such as HP UFT (QTP), test frameworks and scripting tools such as jMeter and SOAPUI. There is much to explore on this topic and we want everyone to leave with a few key areas they can start building on today.

quality assurancetest automationqa
Outlook (Mac)
Outlook Web
Access (OWA)
Outlook Sync
How will you
Automate the
Testing for Outlook?
Outlook for
•  White / QTP
Outlook for
•  Automator
Web Access
•  Selenium /
Sync for
•  Appium /
How will you
Automate the
Integration Tests for

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ISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation Testing
ISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation TestingISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation Testing
ISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation Testing

This document provides an overview and summary of an ISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation Testing course. The course covers ISTQB certification based professional training using the 2018 syllabus, as well as test automation using Selenium Java and .NET frameworks. It is designed to help students learn software testing skills and prepare for careers as test analysts or test automation engineers. Key topics include dynamic testing techniques, testing throughout the software development lifecycle, component testing, test management, and static testing. The course also provides hands-on training in test automation using Selenium WebDriver, building reusable automation components, cross-browser testing, and XSLT reporting.

Bdd and-testing
Bdd and-testingBdd and-testing
Bdd and-testing

Random thinking about how to think about testing and brief introduction to behavioural (code, not psychological) testing.

Agile test-management-test-rail-lastest
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Agile test-management-test-rail-lastest

- Key Points of Agile Testing - Why did we choose TestRail as a Agile Test Management Tool? - Brief Introduction to TestRail

software testingagileagile software development
For a user who has installed and configured
Outlook on
•  Windows OS – desktop version, and,
•  Android device – native mobile app
•  Mac OS – desktop version
•  …
An email drafted in one product is
reflected in the other products
Create & Save
as Draft
Verify Draft4
Verify Draft
Modify Draft
Can you use the same technology
stack for automating the testing
of each variant of Outlook?
Outlook for
•  White / QTP
Outlook for
•  Automator
Web Access
•  Selenium /
Sync for
•  Appium /

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This was a full length talk presented by Ketan Soni in vodQA-3 : A QA Meet held in ThoughtWorks, Pune.

thoughtworksqa meet in twiqa pune
Stop Testing (Only) The Functionality of Your Mobile Apps!
Stop Testing (Only) The Functionality of Your Mobile Apps!Stop Testing (Only) The Functionality of Your Mobile Apps!
Stop Testing (Only) The Functionality of Your Mobile Apps!

The document discusses different strategies for testing mobile apps, including testing functionality, usability, performance, and more extensively than just functionality. It addresses testing on real devices versus emulators, the need for accessibility testing, and tools for testing areas like contrast, text-to-speech, location services and network bandwidth. The document also discusses visual testing strategies like using AI to detect visual differences and validating user interfaces.

mobile testingmobile test automationmobile app testing
[webinar] Best of Breed: Successful Test Automation Practices from Innovative...
[webinar] Best of Breed: Successful Test Automation Practices from Innovative...[webinar] Best of Breed: Successful Test Automation Practices from Innovative...
[webinar] Best of Breed: Successful Test Automation Practices from Innovative...

While test automation is a struggle for most teams everywhere, there are companies who have mastered their technique and are executing a very successful test automation strategy. In this talk, Angie Jones shares the research on how top companies and global brands are approaching test automation, and successfully implementing it. Angie was joined by a panel of QA executives, who also shared what they are seeing in the industry in regards to successful (and not so successful) test automation practices: * Theresa Neate - QA Practise Lead @ Real Estate Group * Amrit Sadhab - Digital Practise Lead @ Origin Energy * Karen Mangio - QA Practise Lead @ NAB Mobile * Cameron Bradley - Head of QA @ Tabcorp

angie jonestest automationcontinuous delivery
How does TaaS
Outlook on
for Outlook
Sync on
Create & Save
as Draft
Verify Draft4
Verify Draft
Modify Draft
Service Providers

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The Test Pyramid
The Test PyramidThe Test Pyramid
The Test Pyramid

The document discusses the "test pyramid" concept for balancing test suites from unit to end-to-end tests. It provides examples of different types of tests including unit tests, integration tests, UI/end-to-end tests. It also discusses challenges with different types of tests and strategies for addressing those challenges including dependency injection, mocks, and tools like Cucumber, Robolectric, and Pacto. The document seeks feedback on testing approaches and provides additional resources on testing best practices.

acceptance testingtest automationcontinuous integration
Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests
Measuring Coverage From E2E TestsMeasuring Coverage From E2E Tests
Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests

It is easy to measure code coverage when running unit tests. However, very frequently the following questions come up: - How can we measure API test coverage and e2e / UI test coverage? - Does e2e / UI test coverage add value? - If not, what other data can we look at to know if the e2e tests have good coverage? This session is about understanding the above questions, and finding solutions for the same.

Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS
Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaSAutomate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS
Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS

Slides and link to audio from my talk + demo on how to "Automation across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS" at Agile India 2014, Bangalore on 1st March 2014

open sourceintegration testingruby
TaaS Server
Specified in a simple yml file

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Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS
Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaSAutomate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS
Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS

"TaaS" is an open-source product that allows you do achieve the "correct" way of doing integration testing across a variety of products via Test Automation. Typically in organizations, there are multiple projects / products. Many organizations like to have a common Test Automation solution across these products in an effort to standardize the framework. However, this is not a good idea! Each product should be tested using the tools and technologies that are "right" for it. Yet - these different products talk with each other and you need to test the integration between them in an automated way.

software testingagile developmenttechnology
Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS
Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS
Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS

The document discusses Test as a Service (TaaS), an approach to testing software across different platforms and technologies. TaaS defines contracts that specify tests and parameters. Test frameworks on different platforms implement the contracts. A TaaS server runs the tests by invoking the contracts and returning results. This allows reusing tests across platforms without duplicating code and decoupling test technologies. The approach is applied to testing different versions of Microsoft Outlook across Windows, Mac, Android and web.

taassoftware testingtesting
Agile2013 - Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS - via Case Study
Agile2013 - Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS - via Case StudyAgile2013 - Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS - via Case Study
Agile2013 - Integration testing in enterprises using TaaS - via Case Study

Slides used in Agile2013 conference on the topic - Integration Testing in Enterprises using TaaS - via Case Study

taastestingtest automation
¨ Update tests to -
¨ Handle input parameters
¨ From Environment variables
¨ Execute the “test”
¨ Output parameters
¨ As console output between special markers
¨ Console logs
¨ Exceptions (if any)
¨ All return values are in “json” format

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What Good is this Tool? A Guide to Choosing the Right Application Security Te...
What Good is this Tool? A Guide to Choosing the Right Application Security Te...What Good is this Tool? A Guide to Choosing the Right Application Security Te...
What Good is this Tool? A Guide to Choosing the Right Application Security Te...

Abstract: Choosing the right Application Security Testing (AST) tool can be challenging for any security program, and after rolling it out, discovering the real security value it brings can be downright discouraging. No single tool can solve all of all of your security problems, but unfortunately, that is exactly how many of them are marketed. This is compounded by sales teams who convince executive leadership that security programs should be built around their tools, rather than fitting each tool within a well-planned security program. The primary takeaways from this talk are: • An understanding the real value of each type of AST tool (SAST, DAST, IAST); • How to leverage your tools for better security visibility and process efficiency; • Steps to find the right tool for your security program; • Keys to finding the best stage of the SDLC to implement each tool type within your security program; • How to integrate new tools with your existing DevOps or Agile environments and processes Additional Takeaways: • Examine the strengths and limitations of SAST, DAST, and IAST tools • Learn how to choose the right tools for your security program • Discover how to seamlessly integrate your tools into existing DevOps and Agile environments and processes • Provide security visibility to developers, managers, and executives by enhancing your existing technology • Learn to use your tools to improve the efficiency of security tasks that are currently manual

Agile testing
Agile testingAgile testing
Agile testing

Despite the belief that a shared context and collaboration drives quality, too often, software testers and quality professionals struggle to find their place within today's integrated agile teams. This session is a practitioner’s view of testing and testing practices within an iterative/incremental development environment. We will begin with a discussion of some of the challenges of testing within an agile environment and delve into the guiding principles of Agile Testing and key enabling practices. Agile Testing necessitates a change in mindset, and it is as much, if not more, about behavior, as it is about skills and tooling, all of which will be explored.

Principles and Practices in Continuous Deployment at Etsy
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Principles and Practices in Continuous Deployment at Etsy

This document discusses principles and practices of continuous deployment at Etsy. It describes how Etsy moved from deploying code changes every 2-3 weeks with stressful release processes, to deploying over 30 times per day. The key principles that enabled this are innovating continuously, resolving scaling issues quickly, minimizing recovery time from failures, and prioritizing employee well-being over stressful releases. Automated testing, deployment to staging environments, dark launches, and extensive monitoring allow for frequent, low-risk deployments to production.

continuous deploymentcontinuous deliveryculturecode
¨ Dedicated machine
¨ Provide IP address / host name + port to potential
TaaS Client

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on automation testing using IBM Rational Functional Tester. It discusses what automation testing is, why it is useful, and when it should be implemented. It also addresses common myths about automation testing and provides best practices for setting up a successful automation framework. Finally, it gives an introduction to the features and capabilities of IBM Rational Functional Tester, including the recording and playback process for automated tests.

Automation testing
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Automation testing

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on automation testing using IBM Rational Functional Tester. It discusses what automation testing is, why it is useful, and when it should be implemented. It also addresses common myths about automation testing and provides tips for successful automation. Finally, it covers features of IBM Rational Functional Tester, including how to set up a test environment and record scripts to automate testing.

Beyond TDD: Enabling Your Team to Continuously Deliver Software
Beyond TDD: Enabling Your Team to Continuously Deliver SoftwareBeyond TDD: Enabling Your Team to Continuously Deliver Software
Beyond TDD: Enabling Your Team to Continuously Deliver Software

Many project teams have adopted unit testing as a necessary step in their development process. Many more use a test-first approach to keep their code lean. Yet, far too often these teams still suffer from many of the same impediments: recurrent integration failures with other enterprise projects, slow feedback with the customer, and sluggish release cycles. With a languishing feedback loop, the enterprise continues to put increasing pressure on development teams to deliver. How does an aspiring agile team improve to meet the demands of the enterprise? Continuous integration is the next logical step for the team. In this talk, you’ll learn how continuous integration solves intra and inter-project integration issues without manual overhead, the value added by continuous integration, and how to leverage tools and processes to further improve the quality of your code. Finally, we discuss the gold standard of agile teams: continuous deployment. You’ll learn how continuous deployment helps close the feedback loop with your customers, increases visibility for your team, and standardizes the deployment process.

agiledotnetunit testingtest driven development
What is TaaS?
“TaaS” is a product that allows you to validate
the integration across a variety of products via
Test Automation – the “correct” way

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This document discusses various types of software testing and their purposes. It covers unit testing, snapshot testing, property-based testing, contract testing, mutation testing, stress/load testing, chaos testing, and testing for different environments including backend, frontend, and cloud-native applications. The key points made are that different types of testing are needed to have confidence a solution works, catch regressions, avoid breaking consumers, ensure survivability of failures, and build the right product. Testing approaches must evolve with architectural changes like moving to the cloud. Isolation is important for hardening production systems.

Achieving DevOps Success: Enabling Continuous Delivery Goals through Applica...
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Achieving DevOps Success: Enabling Continuous Delivery Goals through Applica...

Culture, process, methods and tools – these are the key elements to DevOps transformation success. By employing a robust and dependable application integration platform, learn how the seamless connection of all these elements in conjunction with continuous delivery best practices enables continuous delivery goals of DevOps

software developmentdigital transformationcontinuous integration
Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough
Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools WalkthroughVisual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough
Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough

If you're considering moving to Team Foundation Server or Visual Studio Team Services, this deck will walk you through the highlights, of which there are a TON!

software developmentsoftware testingalm
¨ Agnostic
¨ Platform
¨ OS
¨ Implementation language
¨ Developed in Ruby using Sinatra
¨ Contract
¨ Simple parameters
¨ Input & Output
¨ Timeout
¨ Decouples the technology barriers
¨ Result as json
¨ Output parameters
¨ Console logs & errors
¨ Exceptions
TaaS is NOT a …

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Transform Software Testing and Quality with the Neotys-Inflectra Platform
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Transform Software Testing and Quality with the Neotys-Inflectra Platform

On July 17, 2019 Inflectra and Neotys hosted a joint webinar called: Transform Software Testing & Quality with the Neotys-Inflectra Platform. The webinar demonstrated the powerful capabilities of this combined QA and performance testing platform vis-a-vis legacy tools.  The is the presentation used in this webinar.

inflectraneotyssoftware testing
Continuous delivery is more than dev ops
Continuous delivery is more than dev opsContinuous delivery is more than dev ops
Continuous delivery is more than dev ops

Continuous delivery requires more that DevOps. It also requires one to think differently about product design, development & testing, and the overall structure of the organization. This presentation will help you understand what it takes and why one would want to deliver value to your customers multiple times each day. #CIC Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan Ardita Karaj

agile tour montreal 2018
Fostering Long-Term Test Automation Success
Fostering Long-Term Test Automation SuccessFostering Long-Term Test Automation Success
Fostering Long-Term Test Automation Success

In today’s environment of plummeting software delivery cycle times, test automation becomes a more critical and strategic necessity. How can we possibly keep up with software delivery's explosive pace while retaining satisfactory test coverage? How do we keep the reins on costs and reduce risk? Carl Nagle maintains that the long-term solution is a greater level of “sustainable” test automation. The Software Automation Framework Support (SAFS) method separates test design from test execution with a data-driven, action-based approach that encapsulates volatile application-specific data into readily localizable “maps” for simple maintenance. Test designs (scripts or programs) are completely independent of the ready-to-run SAFS engines that will execute them. And since the test design methodology does not change over long periods of time, testers can focus more on getting robust automation in place quickly and pay less attention to each new technology, testing tool, or test IDE. Join Carl to learn how test automation thrives when testers and tools are not tied up in application-specific silos.

software testing
¨ Tool for integrating different products
¨ Lack of security
¨ Probably not as robust
¨ Load Testing Tool
TaaS Technical
¨ Specify contract details
¨ Implement contracts
¨ Return the results
¨ Run TaaS Server (REST service)
¨ Serve TaaS Client requests
¨ As separate processes
¨ Collect the input parameters
¨ Invoke the contract
¨ Consume the result
¨ Continue with test orchestration

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Test driven development
Test driven developmentTest driven development
Test driven development

Test driven development as the state of the art of todays software developement. These slides provides a short introduction into test driven development (TDD) and gives some arguments why you should use tddTDD or why not

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The Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical by Thomas Haver
The Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical by Thomas HaverThe Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical by Thomas Haver
The Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical by Thomas Haver

The document discusses strategies for automating software testing. It emphasizes taking a risk-based approach to determine what to automate based on factors like frequency of use, complexity, and legal risk. The document provides recommendations for test automation best practices like treating automated test code like development code, using frameworks and tools to standardize coding practices, and prioritizing unit and integration testing over UI testing. It also discusses challenges that can arise with test automation like flaky tests, long test execution times, and keeping automation in sync with changing software. Metrics for measuring the effectiveness of test automation are presented, like test coverage, defect findings and trends, and time savings.

Optimizing Your Agile Testing Processes
Optimizing Your Agile Testing ProcessesOptimizing Your Agile Testing Processes
Optimizing Your Agile Testing Processes

An overview of agile testing and how to incorporate it into an agile software development process. From a Webinar by uTest: http://www.utest.com/webinar_agile_testing.htm

¨ Automate the last-mile
¨ No code duplication
¨ Implementation of contract lies with the framework
testing that product
¨ Evolves with product changes
¨ Decoupling of technologies
¨ Helps in Manual Testing (setup of data)
¨ Anyone can use it
¨ Each product is tested in the “best” possible way
¨ Its – providing Test as a Service!!!
¨ Open source (apache2 license)
¨ Available on github!
¨ Available on rubygems.org !
¨ Read about it from my blog
¨ Negotiate contract details
¨ Setup & configure TaaS Server
¨ Implement contracts
¨ Return the results
¨ Run TaaS Server (REST service)
¨ Configure TaaS Client

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Drive Faster Quality Insights through Customized Test Automation
Drive Faster Quality Insights through Customized Test AutomationDrive Faster Quality Insights through Customized Test Automation
Drive Faster Quality Insights through Customized Test Automation

When making the transformation to DevOps and agile, many organizations find it hard to meet tough product release schedules and to cope with large data sets. Triaging failures across multiple platforms has become tedious and time-consuming. Reporting test-driven development (RTDD) is an innovative approach to agile testing that helps you write and implement tests with the end in mind (i.e., the test reports). RTDD puts structure, governance, and advanced capabilities into your test automation strategy. RTDD enables the entire product team to collaborate and make data-driven decisions in real time, resulting in test scenarios and test suites that are structured and easy to manage.

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Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation
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Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation

Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation with Azure DevOps Build & Release Pipelines Automating end-to-end (e2e) test for Android and iOS native apps, and web apps, within Azure build and release pipelines, poses several challenges. This session dives into the key challenges and the repeatable solutions implemented across multiple teams at a leading Indian telecom disruptor, renowned for its affordable 4G/5G services, digital platforms, and broadband connectivity. Challenge #1. Ensuring Test Environment Consistency: Establishing a standardized test execution environment across hundreds of Azure DevOps agents is crucial for achieving dependable testing results. This uniformity must seamlessly span from Build pipelines to various stages of the Release pipeline. Challenge #2. Coordinated Test Execution Across Environments: Executing distinct subsets of tests using the same automation framework across diverse environments, such as the build pipeline and specific stages of the Release Pipeline, demands flexible and cohesive approaches. Challenge #3. Testing on Linux-based Azure DevOps Agents: Conducting tests, particularly for web and native apps, on Azure DevOps Linux agents lacking browser or device connectivity presents specific challenges in attaining thorough testing coverage. This session delves into how these challenges were addressed through: 1. Automate the setup of essential dependencies to ensure a consistent testing environment. 2. Create standardized templates for executing API tests, API workflow tests, and end-to-end tests in the Build pipeline, streamlining the testing process. 3. Implement task groups in Release pipeline stages to facilitate the execution of tests, ensuring consistency and efficiency across deployment phases. 4. Deploy browsers within Docker containers for web application testing, enhancing portability and scalability of testing environments. 5. Leverage diverse device farms dedicated to Android, iOS, and browser testing to cover a wide range of platforms and devices. 6. Integrate AI technology, such as Applitools Visual AI and Ultrafast Grid, to automate test execution and validation, improving accuracy and efficiency. 7. Utilize AI/ML-powered central test automation reporting server through platforms like reportportal.io, providing consolidated and real-time insights into test performance and issues. These solutions not only facilitate comprehensive testing across platforms but also promote the principles of shift-left testing, enabling early feedback, implementing quality gates, and ensuring repeatability. By adopting these techniques, teams can effectively automate and execute tests, accelerating software delivery while upholding high-quality standards across Android, iOS, and web applications.

Eradicate Flaky Tests
Eradicate Flaky TestsEradicate Flaky Tests
Eradicate Flaky Tests

Slides from my talk on "Techniques to Eradicate Flaky Tests" at Testing Talks - The Reunion, Melbourne, Australia on 20th Oct 2022

Identify –
¨ Is TaaS the right thing for you?
¨ Error codes for the service
¨ Service Discovery
¨ Security
¨ Create a Java / .Net version of TaaS Server
¨ Asynchronous requests
¨ Be creative
¨ Find Innovative solution to the problem
¨ Another open source contribution

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Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devicesAutomating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices

This document discusses teswiz, an open source framework for automating real-user scenarios across multiple apps, devices, users, and platforms. It can simulate user actions and behavior to test web, mobile web, Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux applications. Teswiz uses Cucumber, Appium, Selenium and other tools and supports features like multi-device testing, visual testing with Applitools, and generating reports with ReportPortal. The document provides instructions on getting started with teswiz and links to its GitHub page.

Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022

The document discusses visual validation testing as a missing piece of the automation testing pyramid. Visual testing is important but challenging as it is typically done manually, which is tedious, error-prone, and difficult to scale. Automating visual testing can help by taking screenshots of expected user interfaces and comparing them to actual screenshots. However, automating also poses challenges around false positives/negatives, maintaining baselines, and accounting for product changes. The document promotes using artificial intelligence in visual test automation to help address these challenges and advocates for including visual testing in an organization's overall quality and automation strategy.

testingsoftware testingtest automation
Design Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in AutomationDesign Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in Automation

In this talk, we will talk about, and see examples of various types of patterns you can use for: - Build your Test Automation Framework - Test Data Management - Locators / IDs (for finding / interacting with elements in the browser / app) Using these patterns you will be able to build a good framework, that will help keep your tests running fast, and reliably in your CI / CD setup!

patterndesign patterntest data pattern

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