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Peace Federation
UPFWorld Assembly in NewYork City.
Universal Peace Federation
Interfaith Peacebuilding Initiatives
he Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and its global network
of Ambassadors for Peace bring universal, spiritual principles
to the task of resolving conflict and reconciling the divided
human family. International Leadership Conferences, symposia,
and peace councils offer opportunities for high-level consultations.
These are complemented by“track two”diplomacy and grass-roots
programs that build support for a culture of peace.
UPF is an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC, the
Economic and Social Council at the United Nations. The Secretariat
is based in New York, and there are 12 regional offices and more
than 150 chapters worldwide. Each chapter is entitled to nominate
a representative to the UPF Global Peace Council. Individual
members of UPF are called to be Ambassadors for Peace.
Areas of Focus
•	 Interfaith Peacebuilding
•	 Peace and security
•	 Marriage and family
•	 Culture of peace
•	 UN relations
Core Values
•	 We are one human family
created by God.
•	 The highest achievements
of men and women are
rooted in spiritual and moral
•	 The family is the“school of love
and peace.”
•	 Peace comes through dialogue
and cooperation.
•	 Service is the foundation of
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon
UPF Founders
By practicing the ethics of living for
the sake of others we can reconcile the
divided human family
Religious Youth Service
RYS provides an environment wherein youth can
rise above doctrinal differences, unite in activities of
service and learning that benefit communities around
the world, and develop leadership abilities that enable
all participants to help create a culture of peace.
Interfaith Assembly
UPF has hosted Interfaith summits at times of tension,
including one of the first interfaith response to the
9/11/2001 attacks on the United States, followed by a
conference for Muslims in Jakarta; and more recently
the“Divine Winds of Change”seminar in Istanbul.
Interreligious Sports Programs
Young athletes from different religions and
nationalities converge in the spirit of sportsmanship.
Play Soccer Make Peace sponsors matches between
youth from communities that have suffered tension
and division.
World Interfaith Harmony Week
In support of the first World Interfaith Harmony Week
in 2011, UPF worked with religious groups to hold
celebrations in 22 nations. In 2012 UPF and religious
NGOs helped plan an interfaith program at the UN
General Assembly.
UPF encourages debate and discussion among the
world’s faiths, and promoting understanding of the
common ground in teachings, ethics and practice.
Among our interfaith publications are the Dialogue &
Alliance and the two-volume World Scripture.
In many parts of the world addressing security issues
is a necessary step toward peace. UPF’s Office of
Peace and Security brings decades of experience and
expertise to peace initiatives in the Middle East, East
Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the South Caucasus.
Putting Faith into Action
Middle East Peace Initiative
n the foundation of decades of
interfaith efforts, UPF’s Middle East
Peace Initiative began in 2003, in
the heat of violence of the second Intifada.
It offers interfaith pilgrimages, fact-finding
tours, leadership consultations, and grass-
roots encounters.
Visiting the historic and holy sites of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam, participants gain a
first-hand understanding of the history and
spirituality of the Abrahamic faiths.
Briefings, dialogues, and opportunities to
interact with the variety of people in the
region give unique insights into current
events as well as opportunities to serve as
ambassadors of goodwill who build lasting
relationships with people of diverse cultures.
Strategies for Reducing
Interreligious Conflict:
•	 Establish an interreligious
council among respected
spiritual leaders
representing all the
traditions in the region.
•	 Convene the interreligious
council during peace talks.
•	 Convene special council
sessions with heads of
religious bodies outside the
•	 Bring together young
people from the region’s
faith traditions to build
bonds of trust and
•	 Develop a curriculum that
respectfully teaches the
core values of the region’s
diverse faith traditions.
•	 Encourage interfaith prayer
and cooperation.
Interfaith Volunteerism
Flood Relief
Buddhist, Christian, and Muslim students cleaned a
Muslim school in Bangkok damaged by flood waters.
This collaboration was facilitated by the Thailand
National Interreligious Peace Council.
Community Cohesion
During forums on reconciliation and forgiveness in the UK,
speakers talked about their experiences with people of other
religions, the challenges they have faced in life, and how they
drew upon the resources of their faith.
Responses to Terrorism
After attacks in Norway killed 77 people in July 2011,
UPF-Norway organized a forum in partnership with the
Central Mosque in Oslo that included political leaders
and a youth panel.
Rural Development
Young people of different faiths built a
classroom and toilet facilities for students in an
impoverished community near Lumbini, Nepal
the birthplace of Buddha.
Post-tsunami Cleanup
After the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, UPF
partnered with Christian Disaster Response to train
volunteers doing clean up. This sparked a collaboration of
NGOs and government offices involved in disaster relief.
Reconciliation after Civil War
The disputed presidential elections of 2010 in Cote d’Ivoire
sparked a civil war. Religious leaders and Ambassadors for Peace
met with the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission to
plan a grassroots campaign to teach peace princples.
World Interfaith
Harmony Week
A warm welcome for people of all faiths in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prayers from several faith traditions inTokyo, Japan
First week of February each year
Côte d’Ivoire
Solomon Islands
St. Lucia
United States
he Universal Peace Federation
organized observances in 22
nations in 2011, notably in an
International Leadership Conference
in Seoul, Korea. The opening plenary
on February 7 began with interfaith
prayers from the Muslim, Christian,
Jewish, Confucian, Shinto, Buddhist,
and Sikh traditions. Each of the
religious representatives shared a
reading from their scripture, lit a
candle, and offered a prayer for peace,
while colorful banners and decorations
proclaimed the vision of the week of
interfaith harmony.
•	 H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan advocated for this annual celebration
during the first week of February“based on love of God and love of
one’s neighbor, or on love of the good and love of one’s neighbor,
each according to their own religious traditions or convictions.”
•	 “Spread the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill,”urged UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,“in the world’s churches, mosques,
synagogues, temples and other places of worship.”This was his
call to people of faith on the first World Interfaith Harmony Week,
established by a UN General Assembly Resolution in October 2010.
List of Nations Observing Harmony Week in 2011
Faith leaders at an interfaith assembly in Seoul, Korea
Humanity everywhere is bound together not only
by mutual interests but also by shared commandments,
to love God and neighbor, to love the good.
Exploring Common Ground
In Indonesia, a Muslim emphasized harmonizing
words and deeds, a Buddhist spoke about the
importance of listening, and a Hindu advocated“heart,
humility, humanity, and harmony.”A conference in
Switzerland was conducted in both French and
German by pairs of lecturers from the different
regions of the nation. Forums in Munich and Stuttgart,
Germany included speeches, readings, and prayers.
Addressing National Concerns
Some meetings were part of ongoing work for
reconciliation. Muslim and Christian leaders in
Cote d’Ivoire made plans to work together for
reconciliation. Referring to the bitter post-election
violence of two years earlier, a Buddhist leader in
Kenya called for people to reach out to each other in
forgiveness. In Bangkok, the World Interfaith Harmony
Week event built momentum toward the inauguration
of the Thailand Interfaith Peace Council in September.
Speaking, Listening, Praying
Speakers from various religions took part in forums in
Barbados; Canada; Kazakhstan; and Solomon Islands.
Prayers and readings by representatives of different faiths
were the highlights of gatherings in Japan; Malaysia;
Russia; Slovakia; and the US.
Photos above, left to right: Stuttgart, Germany;
Washington, DC, USA; and Nitra, Slovakia
Engaging in Joint Action
After lighting a“lamp of peace”and reading from various
scriptures, students in India cleaned a park. In Moscow,
Russia, youth made plans for further dialogue. Youth from
four religious groups planned the observance in St. Lucia.
Working together to end world hunger was the theme in
Italy. A gathering in Israel honored government workers
who promote interfaith activity. People in Moldova
planned ways to cooperate in public projects.
Some people say that advances in science
have proven that many religious beliefs are
mere superstition and irrelevant to the modern
world. But the role of religion will always be
relevant as long as the spiritual aspect of
human beings remains a reality and a world of
peace has not been established.
The struggles of modern ideologies, cultures,
and races can be overcome through
interreligious understanding and spiritual
Religious scholars should go beyond complex
theories and promoting the superiority of their
own religions and give people the wisdom
to love humanity and build a world of peace.
Religions must pool their wisdom and combine
their energies and work diligently to build the
ideal world.
- Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Spiritual Insight
eligion and spirituality impact the worldviews,
values, and practices of humanity worldwide. Human
beings are not only political, economic, and social but
also spiritual beings with spiritual needs and a capacity for
spiritual wisdom and insight.
UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon advocates that
the United Nations, for its own survival and effectiveness,
build an interreligious council or similar structure within
its system, because the current structure, dominated by
political self-interest, represents an incomplete expression of
humanity’s potential.
Those who represent the highest expressions of humanity’s
vision of peace can help ground peacemaking in moral
and spiritual principles based on the wisdom of Jesus,
Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, Confucius, and other sages.
Top: Rev. Sun Myung Moon speaking at the UN in
2000; Middle: interreligious peace councils in Thailand
(L.) and Ethiopia (R.); Bottom: informal discussions at
UPF conferences in Korea and New York
Interreligious Councils
Universal Peace Federation: INTERRELIGIOUS COUNCILS
“We need a United Nations that can effectively direct the abundant
financial, academic, spiritual, and technical resources. This task is not
the work of one single religion but the combined work of all religions.”
– Kenneth D. Kaunda, President of Zambia (1964-91)
“We need a United Nations that can effectively direct the abundant
financial, academic, spiritual, and technical resources. This task is not
the work of one single religion but the combined work of all religions.”
– Kenneth D. Kaunda, President of Zambia (1964-91)
How Councils Can Help
In addition to military, economic, and ecological
factors, human wellbeing and security involves
people’s ways of thinking, which are deeply
affected by religion. Interreligious councils have
the potential to
•	 Provide fresh and unique perspectives on
problems and potential solutions
•	 Prevent religious differences from being
exploited to stir up conflict
•	 Promote intercultural dialogue,
understanding, and cooperation
•	 Model the capacity to rise above differences
and work together for the common good
A Decade of Progress
2000	 Vision for an interfaith council outlined in an address
by Dr. Sun Myung Moon at the UN
2004	 Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue: GA Resolution
59/23 (sponsored by the Permanent MIssion of the
Republic of the Philippines to the UN)
2005 	 Inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation
modeling the activities of a proposed council
2006	 Tripartite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace
(partnership among Member States, UN bodies, and
2007	Establishment of a Focal Unit in the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations
(GA Resolution 61/221)
2010	 Proposal for a UN Decade of Interreligious and
Intercultural Dialogue, Understanding and
Cooperation for Peace (resolution not yet approved)
2011	 World Interfaith Harmony Week established (the first
week of February)
Top photo: A Model UN Interreligious Council session in
Geneva, Switzerland; below, left to right: the Azerbaijan
National Peace Council, interreligious forum in Uruguay,
Week of Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns
program at the UN headquarters in New York
Be a lamp unto those who
walk in darkness, and a home
to the stranger. Be eyes to
the blind, and a guiding light
unto the feet of the erring. Be
a breath of life to the body of
humankind, a dew upon the
soil of the human heart, and a
fruit upon the tree of humility.
May those frightened cease
to be afraid, and may those
bound be free. May the
people think of befriending
one another.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be known as the
Children of God. Love your
enemies, do good to those
who hate you,bless those who
curse you, pray for those who
abuse you.
When the heart is set right,
then the personal life is
cultivated.When the personal
life is cultivated, then the
family life is regulated. When
the family life is regulated,
And when the national life is
orderly, then there is peace in
the world.
May there be peace on earth.
May thy Vedic Law propagate
peace all through the world.
May all things be a source
of peace to us. And may thy
peace itself, bestow peace on
all, and may that peace come
to me also.
If the enemy incline towards
peace, do thou also incline
towards peace, and trust
God, for the Lord is the one
that heareth and knoweth all
things. And the servants of
God,Most Gracious are those
who walk on the Earth in
them, we say“PEACE.”
Come let us go up the
mountain of the Lord, that
we may walk the paths of the
Most High.And we shall beat
our swords into ploughshares,
and our spears into pruning
hooks. Nation shall not lift
up sword against nation—
neither shall they learn war
any more.
God adjudges us according to
our deeds, not the coat that
we wear: that truth is above
everything, but higher still
is truthful living. Know that
we attaineth God when we
loveth, and only that victory
endures in consequences of
which no one is defeated.
Although the people living
across the ocean surrounding
us are all our brothers and
sisters, why are there constant
troubles in this world? Why
do winds and waves rise in the
ocean surrounding us? I only
earnestly wish that the wind
will soon puff away all the
clouds which are hanging over
the tops of the mountains.
A life of vertical “noon-time”
alignment casts no shadow. I
pray that we can wipe away
the tears of people in misery
and poverty, and lead an
illuminated life of eternal
true love that dissipates all
Prayers or selections from sacred scriptures are read by representatives
of different faiths and traditions, and each pours water from a container
into a common bowl or lights a candle for peace.
(L.) Ceremonies in Italy and the Marshall Islands.
Interfaith Harmony Readings
“Spread the message of interfaith harmony
and goodwill, in the world’s churches, mosques,
synagogues, temples, and other places of worship.”
— Ban Ki-moon
UN Secretary-General
“Use every opportunity to transform our world
into a world that is more just for the vast majority
of citizens, a world where it will be easier and more
efficient to work together.”
— Hon. Evgeny Nikulishchev
First Deputy Chairman Councillor, Parliament of Russia
“You are making a difference by standing up for the
ideal of peace that transcends race and religion.”
— Hon. Kenneth Marende
Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly
“Relationships with people of diverse faith
backgrounds have enriched my life.”
— H.E. Dr. Hussein Hassouna
Ambassador, League of Arab States to the US
Copyright © 2012 Universal Peace Federation
200 White Plains Road, Floor 1		 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 529
Tarrytown, NY 10591 • USA		 New York, NY 10017, USA
info@upf.org | www.upf.org			 unoffice@upf.org
True Love is the Ideal and the Guiding Principle of the Universal Peace Federation
Universal Peace Federation

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Interfaith Peacebuilding

  • 2. UPFWorld Assembly in NewYork City. Universal Peace Federation Interfaith Peacebuilding Initiatives T he Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and its global network of Ambassadors for Peace bring universal, spiritual principles to the task of resolving conflict and reconciling the divided human family. International Leadership Conferences, symposia, and peace councils offer opportunities for high-level consultations. These are complemented by“track two”diplomacy and grass-roots programs that build support for a culture of peace. UPF is an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations. The Secretariat is based in New York, and there are 12 regional offices and more than 150 chapters worldwide. Each chapter is entitled to nominate a representative to the UPF Global Peace Council. Individual members of UPF are called to be Ambassadors for Peace. Areas of Focus • Interfaith Peacebuilding • Peace and security • Marriage and family • Culture of peace • UN relations Core Values • We are one human family created by God. • The highest achievements of men and women are rooted in spiritual and moral development. • The family is the“school of love and peace.” • Peace comes through dialogue and cooperation. • Service is the foundation of reconciliation. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon UPF Founders By practicing the ethics of living for the sake of others we can reconcile the divided human family
  • 3. Religious Youth Service RYS provides an environment wherein youth can rise above doctrinal differences, unite in activities of service and learning that benefit communities around the world, and develop leadership abilities that enable all participants to help create a culture of peace. Interfaith Assembly UPF has hosted Interfaith summits at times of tension, including one of the first interfaith response to the 9/11/2001 attacks on the United States, followed by a conference for Muslims in Jakarta; and more recently the“Divine Winds of Change”seminar in Istanbul. Interreligious Sports Programs Young athletes from different religions and nationalities converge in the spirit of sportsmanship. Play Soccer Make Peace sponsors matches between youth from communities that have suffered tension and division. World Interfaith Harmony Week In support of the first World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2011, UPF worked with religious groups to hold celebrations in 22 nations. In 2012 UPF and religious NGOs helped plan an interfaith program at the UN General Assembly. Publications UPF encourages debate and discussion among the world’s faiths, and promoting understanding of the common ground in teachings, ethics and practice. Among our interfaith publications are the Dialogue & Alliance and the two-volume World Scripture. Consultations In many parts of the world addressing security issues is a necessary step toward peace. UPF’s Office of Peace and Security brings decades of experience and expertise to peace initiatives in the Middle East, East Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the South Caucasus. 3
  • 4. Putting Faith into Action Middle East Peace Initiative O n the foundation of decades of interfaith efforts, UPF’s Middle East Peace Initiative began in 2003, in the heat of violence of the second Intifada. It offers interfaith pilgrimages, fact-finding tours, leadership consultations, and grass- roots encounters. Visiting the historic and holy sites of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, participants gain a first-hand understanding of the history and spirituality of the Abrahamic faiths. Briefings, dialogues, and opportunities to interact with the variety of people in the region give unique insights into current events as well as opportunities to serve as ambassadors of goodwill who build lasting relationships with people of diverse cultures. Strategies for Reducing Interreligious Conflict: • Establish an interreligious council among respected spiritual leaders representing all the traditions in the region. • Convene the interreligious council during peace talks. • Convene special council sessions with heads of religious bodies outside the region. • Bring together young people from the region’s faith traditions to build bonds of trust and cooperation. • Develop a curriculum that respectfully teaches the core values of the region’s diverse faith traditions. • Encourage interfaith prayer and cooperation.
  • 5. Interfaith Volunteerism Flood Relief Buddhist, Christian, and Muslim students cleaned a Muslim school in Bangkok damaged by flood waters. This collaboration was facilitated by the Thailand National Interreligious Peace Council. Community Cohesion During forums on reconciliation and forgiveness in the UK, speakers talked about their experiences with people of other religions, the challenges they have faced in life, and how they drew upon the resources of their faith. Responses to Terrorism After attacks in Norway killed 77 people in July 2011, UPF-Norway organized a forum in partnership with the Central Mosque in Oslo that included political leaders and a youth panel. Rural Development Young people of different faiths built a classroom and toilet facilities for students in an impoverished community near Lumbini, Nepal the birthplace of Buddha. Post-tsunami Cleanup After the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, UPF partnered with Christian Disaster Response to train volunteers doing clean up. This sparked a collaboration of NGOs and government offices involved in disaster relief. Reconciliation after Civil War The disputed presidential elections of 2010 in Cote d’Ivoire sparked a civil war. Religious leaders and Ambassadors for Peace met with the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission to plan a grassroots campaign to teach peace princples. 5
  • 6. NAM World Interfaith Harmony Week A warm welcome for people of all faiths in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Prayers from several faith traditions inTokyo, Japan First week of February each year Azerbaijan Barbados Canada Côte d’Ivoire Germany Indonesia Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Malaysia Moldova Russia Slovakia Solomon Islands St. Lucia Switzerland Taiwan Thailand United States T he Universal Peace Federation organized observances in 22 nations in 2011, notably in an International Leadership Conference in Seoul, Korea. The opening plenary on February 7 began with interfaith prayers from the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Confucian, Shinto, Buddhist, and Sikh traditions. Each of the religious representatives shared a reading from their scripture, lit a candle, and offered a prayer for peace, while colorful banners and decorations proclaimed the vision of the week of interfaith harmony. • H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan advocated for this annual celebration during the first week of February“based on love of God and love of one’s neighbor, or on love of the good and love of one’s neighbor, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions.” • “Spread the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill,”urged UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,“in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship.”This was his call to people of faith on the first World Interfaith Harmony Week, established by a UN General Assembly Resolution in October 2010. List of Nations Observing Harmony Week in 2011
  • 7. UNAM Faith leaders at an interfaith assembly in Seoul, Korea Humanity everywhere is bound together not only by mutual interests but also by shared commandments, to love God and neighbor, to love the good. Exploring Common Ground In Indonesia, a Muslim emphasized harmonizing words and deeds, a Buddhist spoke about the importance of listening, and a Hindu advocated“heart, humility, humanity, and harmony.”A conference in Switzerland was conducted in both French and German by pairs of lecturers from the different regions of the nation. Forums in Munich and Stuttgart, Germany included speeches, readings, and prayers. Addressing National Concerns Some meetings were part of ongoing work for reconciliation. Muslim and Christian leaders in Cote d’Ivoire made plans to work together for reconciliation. Referring to the bitter post-election violence of two years earlier, a Buddhist leader in Kenya called for people to reach out to each other in forgiveness. In Bangkok, the World Interfaith Harmony Week event built momentum toward the inauguration of the Thailand Interfaith Peace Council in September. Speaking, Listening, Praying Speakers from various religions took part in forums in Barbados; Canada; Kazakhstan; and Solomon Islands. Prayers and readings by representatives of different faiths were the highlights of gatherings in Japan; Malaysia; Russia; Slovakia; and the US. Photos above, left to right: Stuttgart, Germany; Washington, DC, USA; and Nitra, Slovakia Engaging in Joint Action After lighting a“lamp of peace”and reading from various scriptures, students in India cleaned a park. In Moscow, Russia, youth made plans for further dialogue. Youth from four religious groups planned the observance in St. Lucia. Working together to end world hunger was the theme in Italy. A gathering in Israel honored government workers who promote interfaith activity. People in Moldova planned ways to cooperate in public projects. 7
  • 8. Some people say that advances in science have proven that many religious beliefs are mere superstition and irrelevant to the modern world. But the role of religion will always be relevant as long as the spiritual aspect of human beings remains a reality and a world of peace has not been established. The struggles of modern ideologies, cultures, and races can be overcome through interreligious understanding and spiritual harmony. Religious scholars should go beyond complex theories and promoting the superiority of their own religions and give people the wisdom to love humanity and build a world of peace. Religions must pool their wisdom and combine their energies and work diligently to build the ideal world. - Rev. Sun Myung Moon Spiritual Insight R eligion and spirituality impact the worldviews, values, and practices of humanity worldwide. Human beings are not only political, economic, and social but also spiritual beings with spiritual needs and a capacity for spiritual wisdom and insight. UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon advocates that the United Nations, for its own survival and effectiveness, build an interreligious council or similar structure within its system, because the current structure, dominated by political self-interest, represents an incomplete expression of humanity’s potential. Those who represent the highest expressions of humanity’s vision of peace can help ground peacemaking in moral and spiritual principles based on the wisdom of Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, Confucius, and other sages. Top: Rev. Sun Myung Moon speaking at the UN in 2000; Middle: interreligious peace councils in Thailand (L.) and Ethiopia (R.); Bottom: informal discussions at UPF conferences in Korea and New York Interreligious Councils
  • 9. Universal Peace Federation: INTERRELIGIOUS COUNCILS “We need a United Nations that can effectively direct the abundant financial, academic, spiritual, and technical resources. This task is not the work of one single religion but the combined work of all religions.” – Kenneth D. Kaunda, President of Zambia (1964-91) “We need a United Nations that can effectively direct the abundant financial, academic, spiritual, and technical resources. This task is not the work of one single religion but the combined work of all religions.” – Kenneth D. Kaunda, President of Zambia (1964-91) How Councils Can Help In addition to military, economic, and ecological factors, human wellbeing and security involves people’s ways of thinking, which are deeply affected by religion. Interreligious councils have the potential to • Provide fresh and unique perspectives on problems and potential solutions • Prevent religious differences from being exploited to stir up conflict • Promote intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation • Model the capacity to rise above differences and work together for the common good A Decade of Progress 2000 Vision for an interfaith council outlined in an address by Dr. Sun Myung Moon at the UN 2004 Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue: GA Resolution 59/23 (sponsored by the Permanent MIssion of the Republic of the Philippines to the UN) 2005 Inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation modeling the activities of a proposed council 2006 Tripartite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace (partnership among Member States, UN bodies, and NGOs) 2007 Establishment of a Focal Unit in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations (GA Resolution 61/221) 2010 Proposal for a UN Decade of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Understanding and Cooperation for Peace (resolution not yet approved) 2011 World Interfaith Harmony Week established (the first week of February) Top photo: A Model UN Interreligious Council session in Geneva, Switzerland; below, left to right: the Azerbaijan National Peace Council, interreligious forum in Uruguay, Week of Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns program at the UN headquarters in New York 9
  • 10. Baha’i: Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness, and a home to the stranger. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be a breath of life to the body of humankind, a dew upon the soil of the human heart, and a fruit upon the tree of humility. Buddhism: May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerlessfindpower,andmay people think of befriending one another. Christianity: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be known as the Children of God. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. Confucianism: When the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated.When the personal life is cultivated, then the family life is regulated. When the family life is regulated, thenthenationallifeisorderly. And when the national life is orderly, then there is peace in the world. Hinduism: May there be peace on earth. May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. May all things be a source of peace to us. And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also. Islam: If the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God,Most Gracious are those who walk on the Earth in humility,andwhenweaddress them, we say“PEACE.” Judaism: Come let us go up the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High.And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation— neither shall they learn war any more. Sikhism: God adjudges us according to our deeds, not the coat that we wear: that truth is above everything, but higher still is truthful living. Know that we attaineth God when we loveth, and only that victory endures in consequences of which no one is defeated. Shintoism: Although the people living across the ocean surrounding us are all our brothers and sisters, why are there constant troubles in this world? Why do winds and waves rise in the ocean surrounding us? I only earnestly wish that the wind will soon puff away all the clouds which are hanging over the tops of the mountains. Unificationism: A life of vertical “noon-time” alignment casts no shadow. I pray that we can wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness. Prayers or selections from sacred scriptures are read by representatives of different faiths and traditions, and each pours water from a container into a common bowl or lights a candle for peace. (L.) Ceremonies in Italy and the Marshall Islands. Interfaith Harmony Readings
  • 11. “Spread the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill, in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, and other places of worship.” — Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary-General “Use every opportunity to transform our world into a world that is more just for the vast majority of citizens, a world where it will be easier and more efficient to work together.” — Hon. Evgeny Nikulishchev First Deputy Chairman Councillor, Parliament of Russia “You are making a difference by standing up for the ideal of peace that transcends race and religion.” — Hon. Kenneth Marende Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly “Relationships with people of diverse faith backgrounds have enriched my life.” — H.E. Dr. Hussein Hassouna Ambassador, League of Arab States to the US Copyright © 2012 Universal Peace Federation 200 White Plains Road, Floor 1 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 529 Tarrytown, NY 10591 • USA New York, NY 10017, USA [email protected] | www.upf.org [email protected] True Love is the Ideal and the Guiding Principle of the Universal Peace Federation Universal Peace Federation