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Java 8 Date &
Time API!
Rasheed Amir - Aurora Solutions
Full Stack Developer, Software Architect & Agile Coach @
Aurora - Provides REMOTE Teams specializing in JVM
languages and Angular + Ember
About: Rasheed
LinkedIn: https://se.linkedin.com/in/rasheedwaraich
Email: rasheed@aurorasolutions.io
Co-founder of:
➔ www.aurorasolutions.io
Board of directors:
➔ www.simsamcareers.com
Organizer: Spring Meetup
❏ 12+ years of hands on “full stack” development experience
❏ Love DDD, TDD, CD, Agility!
How many bugs in this code?
Date date = new Date(2010, 12, 13, 16, 40);
TimeZone zone=TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/HongKong");
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(date, zone);
DateFormat fm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm Z");
String str = fm.format(cal);
6 bugs in the code!
Date date = new Date(2010, 12, 13, 16, 40);
TimeZone zone=TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/HongKong");
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(date, zone);
DateFormat fm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm Z");
String str = fm.format(cal);
● Review the current date and time API
● Understand date and time concepts
● Take a look at the new date and time API
Problems Getting a Date
Several problems here:
1. Which 12 is for which date field?
2. Month 12 is December, right? No. January
3. Year 12 is 12 CE, right? Wrong. 1913
4. Wait - there is a time in a date?
5. More than that, there is a time zone
A Sorry Implementation
● Conceptually an instant, not a date
● Properties have random offsets
○ Some zero-based, like month and hours
○ Some one-based, like day of the month
○ Year has an offset of 1900
● Mutable, not thread-safe
● Not internationalizable
● Millisecond granularity
● Does not reflect UTC
● Date was the work of James Gosling and Arthur van
● Added in JDK 1.0, mostly deprecated in JDK 1.1, never
● IBM donated Calendar code to Sun
Revisited Examples
Problems Getting a Date
Several problems here:
1. Which 12 is for which date field?
2. Month 12 is December, right? No. January
3. They got the year right! Almost. 13 CE
4. Wait - there is a time in a calendar?
5. More than that, there is a time zone
● “Calendar” represents a date, time and time-zone
● Defaults to Gregorian calendar
● In Thailand only, you get a Buddhist calendar
● You can ask specifically ask for a Japanese calendar
Not Much Improvement
● Conceptually an instant, not a calendar
● But, can’t create a Calendar from a Date
● Can’t format a Calendar
● Zero-based offsets
● Stores internal state in two different ways
○ milliseconds from epoch
○ set of fields
● Has bugs and performance issues
● Mutable, not thread-safe
JAVA 8 Date and Time API
● 2002 - Stephen Colebourne starts open source Joda-
Time project
● 2005 - Release of Joda-Time 1.0
● 2007 - JSR 310, for inclusion in Java
● 2011 - Release of Joda-Time 2.0
● 2014 - Finally, the date and time API is in Java 8
No Problem Getting a Date
No problems:
1. ISO 8601 order of fields - year, month, day.
2. Month 12 is December.
3. Year is 12 CE.
4. No time component.
5. No time zone
Bad Arguments
Most importantly, the Java 8 date and time API forces you
to think carefully about what you are doing.
● Reference point to measure time
● May be based on religious or political milestones
● Divides the timeline into eras
● Start of a particular era
Computer System Epochs
● January 0, 0 - MATLAB
● January 1, 1 - Symbian, .NET
● January 1, 1601 - COBOL, Windows
● January 1, 1900 - LISP, SNTP
● January 1, 1904 – Old Mac OS
● January 1, 1970 - Unix Epoch (Linux, Mac OS X), Java,
C, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby
Calendar System
● Organizes days for social, religious, commercial or
administrative purposes
● Names periods like days, weeks, months, and years
● Periods may follow cycles of the sun or moon
● A date is a specific day in the system
● May be based on an epoch
● GMT is Greenwich Mean Time
● Mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich
● UTC is Coordinated Universal Time
● Precisely defined with atomic time Does not change
with seasons
● Replaced GMT as reference time scale on 1 January
ISO 8601
● International standard for representation of dates and
● Uses the Gregorian calendar system
● Ordered from most to least significant: year, month,
day, hour, minute
● Each date and time value has a fixed number of digits
with leading zeros
● Uses four-digit year at minimum, YYYY
Machine and Human Timelines
● Machines have one view of time
○ discrete points corresponding to the smallest measurement possible
○ a single, ever increasing number
● Humans have a different view of time
○ continuous timelines
○ calendar systems
○ arbitrary units like years, months, days, hours
○ time zones, and daylight savings rules
Design Principles
● Distinguish between machine and human views
● Well-defined and clear purpose
● Immutable, thread-safe
● Reject null and bad arguments early
● Extensible, by use of strategy pattern
● Fluent interface with chained methods
● Point on a discretized time-line
● Stored to nanosecond resolution
○ long for seconds since epoch, and
○ int for nanosecond of second
● Convert to any date time field using a Chronology
● Use for event time-stamps
● An indication of date or time that cannot identify a
specific, unique instant
● Definition uses fields such as year, month, day of
month, and time of day
● Commonly used partials, such as LocalDate and
LocalTime are available
● Others like MonthDay, YearMonth (card expiration?) are
also available
● Precise length of elapsed time, in nanoseconds
● Does not use date-based constructs like years,
months, and days
● Can be negative, if end is before start
● A length of elapsed time
● Defined using calendar fields - years, months, and days
(not minutes and seconds)
● Takes time zones into account for calculation
Time Zone
● Region with uniform standard time for legal,
commercial, social, and political purposes
● Some countries use daylight saving time for part of the
● Offset from UTC (UTC-12 to UTC+14)
● UTC is sometimes denoted by Z (Zulu)
● JDK time zone data is updated with JDK releases
● Gets the current instant using a time-zone
● Use instead of System.currentTimeMillis()
● Use an alternate clock for testing Clock
● Pluggable calendar system
● Provides access to date and time fields
● Built-in
○ ISO8601 (default): IsoChronology
○ Chinese: MinguoChronology
○ Japanese: JapaneseChronology
○ Thai Buddhist: ThaiBuddhistChronology
○ Islamic: HijrahChronology
New Packages
● java.time - instants, durations, dates, times, time zones,
● java.time.format - formatting and parsing
● java.time.temporal - field, unit, or adjustment access to
● java.time.zone – support for time zones
● java.time.chrono - calendar systems other than ISO-
Commonly Used Classes
● LocalDate
○ ISO 8601 date without time zone and time
○ Corresponds to SQL DATE type
○ Example: birthdate or employee hire-date
● LocalTime
○ ISO 8601 time without time zone and date
○ Corresponds to SQL TIME type
○ Example: the time that an alarm clock goes off
● LocalDateTime
○ ISO 8601 date and time without time zone
○ Corresponds to SQL TIMESTAMP type
Commonly Used Classes
Consistent Operations
● of - static factory, validates input
● from - static factory, converts to instance of target
● get - returns part of the state is - queries the state
● with - immutable copy with elements changed
● to - converts to another object type
● plus, minus - immutable copy after operation
Staying Constant
● Day of week, for example DayOfWeek.SUNDAY
● Month , for example LocalDate.of(2014, Month.MAY,
● Time units, for example Instant.now().plus(1,
● Other useful constants
○ LocalTime.MIDNIGHT // 00:00
○ LocalTime.NOON // 12:00
● Format with a DateTimeFormatter instance
● Internationalization is supported
● Custom formats can be used, including am/ pm for
● Parse with a DateTimeFormatter instance
● parse(…) methods return a temporal
● Use from(…) to convert to a known date or time type
Temporal Adjusters
Temporal Adjusters
Java 8 style
Temporal Queries
● Strategy for extracting information from temporals
● Externalize the process of querying
● Examples
○ get the time zone in a temporal
○ check if date is February 29 in a leap year
○ calculate days until your next birthday
● TemporalQueries class has implementations of
common queries
● Existing date-related APIs can be error- prone and
● Separate concepts of computer-related times and
human-related times
Need to manipulate dates and times? Use Joda-Time or
the Java 8 date and time API
● JSR 310: A New Java Date/Time API
● Joda-Time
● Why JSR-310 isn't Joda-Time
● Java 101: The next generation: It's time for a change
Code used in this presentation on GitHub:

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Java 8 date & time api

  • 1. Java 8 Date & Time API! Rasheed Amir - Aurora Solutions
  • 2. www.aurorasolutions.io Full Stack Developer, Software Architect & Agile Coach @ Aurora - Provides REMOTE Teams specializing in JVM languages and Angular + Ember About: Rasheed LinkedIn: https://se.linkedin.com/in/rasheedwaraich 2 Email: [email protected] Co-founder of: ➔ www.aurorasolutions.io Board of directors: ➔ www.simsamcareers.com Organizer: Spring Meetup Summary: ❏ 12+ years of hands on “full stack” development experience ❏ Love DDD, TDD, CD, Agility!
  • 3. Example How many bugs in this code? Date date = new Date(2010, 12, 13, 16, 40); TimeZone zone=TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/HongKong"); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(date, zone); DateFormat fm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm Z"); String str = fm.format(cal);
  • 4. Example 6 bugs in the code! Date date = new Date(2010, 12, 13, 16, 40); TimeZone zone=TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/HongKong"); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(date, zone); DateFormat fm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm Z"); String str = fm.format(cal);
  • 5. Overview ● Review the current date and time API ● Understand date and time concepts ● Take a look at the new date and time API
  • 6. Problems Getting a Date Several problems here: 1. Which 12 is for which date field? 2. Month 12 is December, right? No. January 3. Year 12 is 12 CE, right? Wrong. 1913 4. Wait - there is a time in a date? 5. More than that, there is a time zone
  • 7. A Sorry Implementation ● Conceptually an instant, not a date ● Properties have random offsets ○ Some zero-based, like month and hours ○ Some one-based, like day of the month ○ Year has an offset of 1900 ● Mutable, not thread-safe ● Not internationalizable ● Millisecond granularity ● Does not reflect UTC
  • 8. Backstory ● Date was the work of James Gosling and Arthur van Hoff ● Added in JDK 1.0, mostly deprecated in JDK 1.1, never removed ● IBM donated Calendar code to Sun
  • 10. Problems Getting a Date Several problems here: 1. Which 12 is for which date field? 2. Month 12 is December, right? No. January 3. They got the year right! Almost. 13 CE 4. Wait - there is a time in a calendar? 5. More than that, there is a time zone
  • 11. Calendar ● “Calendar” represents a date, time and time-zone ● Defaults to Gregorian calendar ● In Thailand only, you get a Buddhist calendar ● You can ask specifically ask for a Japanese calendar Calendar
  • 12. Not Much Improvement ● Conceptually an instant, not a calendar ● But, can’t create a Calendar from a Date ● Can’t format a Calendar ● Zero-based offsets ● Stores internal state in two different ways ○ milliseconds from epoch ○ set of fields ● Has bugs and performance issues ● Mutable, not thread-safe
  • 13. JAVA 8 Date and Time API ● 2002 - Stephen Colebourne starts open source Joda- Time project ● 2005 - Release of Joda-Time 1.0 ● 2007 - JSR 310, for inclusion in Java ● 2011 - Release of Joda-Time 2.0 ● 2014 - Finally, the date and time API is in Java 8
  • 14. No Problem Getting a Date No problems: 1. ISO 8601 order of fields - year, month, day. 2. Month 12 is December. 3. Year is 12 CE. 4. No time component. 5. No time zone
  • 16. Concepts Most importantly, the Java 8 date and time API forces you to think carefully about what you are doing.
  • 17. Epoch ● Reference point to measure time ● May be based on religious or political milestones ● Divides the timeline into eras ● Start of a particular era
  • 18. Computer System Epochs ● January 0, 0 - MATLAB ● January 1, 1 - Symbian, .NET ● January 1, 1601 - COBOL, Windows ● January 1, 1900 - LISP, SNTP ● January 1, 1904 – Old Mac OS ● January 1, 1970 - Unix Epoch (Linux, Mac OS X), Java, C, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby
  • 19. Calendar System ● Organizes days for social, religious, commercial or administrative purposes ● Names periods like days, weeks, months, and years ● Periods may follow cycles of the sun or moon ● A date is a specific day in the system ● May be based on an epoch
  • 20. UTC ● GMT is Greenwich Mean Time ● Mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich ● UTC is Coordinated Universal Time ● Precisely defined with atomic time Does not change with seasons ● Replaced GMT as reference time scale on 1 January 1972
  • 21. ISO 8601 ● International standard for representation of dates and times ● Uses the Gregorian calendar system ● Ordered from most to least significant: year, month, day, hour, minute ● Each date and time value has a fixed number of digits with leading zeros ● Uses four-digit year at minimum, YYYY
  • 22. Machine and Human Timelines ● Machines have one view of time ○ discrete points corresponding to the smallest measurement possible ○ a single, ever increasing number ● Humans have a different view of time ○ continuous timelines ○ calendar systems ○ arbitrary units like years, months, days, hours ○ time zones, and daylight savings rules
  • 23. Design Principles ● Distinguish between machine and human views ● Well-defined and clear purpose ● Immutable, thread-safe ● Reject null and bad arguments early ● Extensible, by use of strategy pattern ● Fluent interface with chained methods
  • 24. Instant ● Point on a discretized time-line ● Stored to nanosecond resolution ○ long for seconds since epoch, and ○ int for nanosecond of second ● Convert to any date time field using a Chronology ● Use for event time-stamps
  • 25. Partial ● An indication of date or time that cannot identify a specific, unique instant ● Definition uses fields such as year, month, day of month, and time of day ● Commonly used partials, such as LocalDate and LocalTime are available ● Others like MonthDay, YearMonth (card expiration?) are also available
  • 26. Duration ● Precise length of elapsed time, in nanoseconds ● Does not use date-based constructs like years, months, and days ● Can be negative, if end is before start
  • 27. Period ● A length of elapsed time ● Defined using calendar fields - years, months, and days (not minutes and seconds) ● Takes time zones into account for calculation
  • 28. Time Zone ● Region with uniform standard time for legal, commercial, social, and political purposes ● Some countries use daylight saving time for part of the year ● Offset from UTC (UTC-12 to UTC+14) ● UTC is sometimes denoted by Z (Zulu) ● JDK time zone data is updated with JDK releases
  • 29. Clock ● Gets the current instant using a time-zone ● Use instead of System.currentTimeMillis() ● Use an alternate clock for testing Clock
  • 30. Chronology ● Pluggable calendar system ● Provides access to date and time fields ● Built-in ○ ISO8601 (default): IsoChronology ○ Chinese: MinguoChronology ○ Japanese: JapaneseChronology ○ Thai Buddhist: ThaiBuddhistChronology ○ Islamic: HijrahChronology
  • 31. New Packages ● java.time - instants, durations, dates, times, time zones, periods ● java.time.format - formatting and parsing ● java.time.temporal - field, unit, or adjustment access to temporals ● java.time.zone – support for time zones ● java.time.chrono - calendar systems other than ISO- 8601
  • 32. Commonly Used Classes ● LocalDate ○ ISO 8601 date without time zone and time ○ Corresponds to SQL DATE type ○ Example: birthdate or employee hire-date ● LocalTime ○ ISO 8601 time without time zone and date ○ Corresponds to SQL TIME type ○ Example: the time that an alarm clock goes off ● LocalDateTime ○ ISO 8601 date and time without time zone ○ Corresponds to SQL TIMESTAMP type
  • 34. Consistent Operations ● of - static factory, validates input ● from - static factory, converts to instance of target class ● get - returns part of the state is - queries the state ● with - immutable copy with elements changed ● to - converts to another object type ● plus, minus - immutable copy after operation
  • 35. Staying Constant ● Day of week, for example DayOfWeek.SUNDAY ● Month , for example LocalDate.of(2014, Month.MAY, 20); ● Time units, for example Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS) ● Other useful constants ○ LocalTime.MIDNIGHT // 00:00 ○ LocalTime.NOON // 12:00
  • 36. Formatting ● Format with a DateTimeFormatter instance ● Internationalization is supported ● Custom formats can be used, including am/ pm for time
  • 37. Parsing ● Parse with a DateTimeFormatter instance ● parse(…) methods return a temporal ● Use from(…) to convert to a known date or time type
  • 40. Temporal Queries ● Strategy for extracting information from temporals ● Externalize the process of querying ● Examples ○ get the time zone in a temporal ○ check if date is February 29 in a leap year ○ calculate days until your next birthday ● TemporalQueries class has implementations of common queries
  • 41. Summary ● Existing date-related APIs can be error- prone and tedious ● Separate concepts of computer-related times and human-related times Need to manipulate dates and times? Use Joda-Time or the Java 8 date and time API
  • 42. Resources ● JSR 310: A New Java Date/Time API ● Joda-Time ● Why JSR-310 isn't Joda-Time ● Java 101: The next generation: It's time for a change
  • 43. Code Code used in this presentation on GitHub: