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© RapidValue Solutions© RapidValue Solutions
Live Webinar:
Making Test Automation 10X Faster for Continuous Delivery
Winner of Mobile App
Testing Award, 2016
Listed as a Representative Vendor in 2016
Market Guide for Mobile App Testing Services
© RapidValue Solutions 2
Vidya VG
Practice Manager - Testing Services
RapidValue Solutions
Ajish Cherian
Senior Architect - Cloud Practice
RapidValue Solutions
© RapidValue Solutions 3
• Achieving test automation in DevOps
• Building a business-tailored test automation framework
• Overcoming limitations of open source tools
• Case study: Creating 2000+ test cases in less than a month for a product development firm
• Demo: Zero-code test automation for non-testers using AccuRate ( test automation suite by RapidValue)
© RapidValue Solutions 4
• I have to wait for infrastructure to be
• I have to wait for software to be deployed.
• I wait for QA to give feedback.
• It always works on my machine.
• Why is the development environment different?
• Why are developers taking so long to release
the code?
• Why are there so many release cycles?
• Why are there so many issues in the
• How soon can the developers release an
update to fix the issues reported by the
• I don’t get enough time for my test cycles.
• The regression cycles are always incomplete.
• There are so many different types of testing
that need to be done.
• What is IT doing?
• Why are my apps not ready yet?
A Typical Scenario in a Software Development Cycle
Developer IT Engineer
LOB Executive
QA Engineer
© RapidValue Solutions 5
Key Success Factors Driving any Software Lifecycle
• Defect-free software in each iteration
• Shorter release cycles
• Faster adoption to changes
• Continuous * (Integration, Delivery and Testing)
• Ability to run automation test cases for every
© RapidValue Solutions 6
Better collaboration, communication
and integration
Traditional siloed teams do not scale to meet the
demands of the enterprise
Enhance operational knowledge into
design phase
Reliability, performance and security aspect - provide a
way to test them
Enable continuous feedback
Test results to determine whether a build
can be promoted
Create high-quality releases through automation
Continuous integration, automated regression testing,
continuous delivery, automated security and
performance testing
Provide automated environments
Identical environments from Dev to Production
Accelerating Software Delivery with DevOps
Developer IT Engineer Support QA Engineer
© RapidValue Solutions 7
DevOps to Improve Collaboration, Efficiency and Business Agility
Collaborative Development
Continuous Integration and Testing
Continuous Deployment
Continuous Monitoring
© RapidValue Solutions 8
Typical Framework for Achieving Test Automation and Collaboration in a DevOps World
© RapidValue Solutions
Building a Business-tailored
Test Automation Framework
© RapidValue Solutions 9
© RapidValue Solutions 10
Challenges in Test Automation to be Addressed by a Framework
Keeping up
on UI and
Form factor
• Frequent technology changes in
mobile and web development.
• Need to upgrade test automation
tools to incorporate new
• Limitations of open
source tools.
• Ever growing number
of target devices,
multiple browser
versions etc.
• Functional test automation
tools are dependent on
the front-end technologies
and UI.
• UI changes cause a ripple
effect in the automation
© RapidValue Solutions 11
Factors to Consider for Building a Test Automation Framework
Understand business,
technology and ALM
Integrate appropriate
Create a list of open
source tools that
support the business
Identify common features
and functionalities
Ensure reusability of
© RapidValue Solutions 12
Achieving Test Automation at Multiple Layers Requires Multiple Tools
Acceptance Test-BDD
Functional Test
Web Service/API Level Test
• Reduce effort
• Reduce cost
• Improve productivity
• Increase test coverage
• Early detection of defects
© RapidValue Solutions
Typical Architecture for a Test Automation Framework
10 Cycles 1 Cycle1 Cycle
Android Devices iOS Devices Desktop Browsers Mobile Browsers
Continuous Integration
Automation Engine Execution & Control
Defect Management
Test Automation Tool
© RapidValue Solutions
Case Study
© RapidValue Solutions 14
© RapidValue Solutions
Achieved Continuous Quality by Creating 2000+ Test Cases in less than 30 Days
One of the Largest Crane Sales- Rental Co in the US and the World's Largest Terex Crane Dealer.
Business Situation
• Lack of time for regression testing
• Longer release cycles
Business Benefits
• Reduced regression testing time from 12 hours to 3 hours for weekly sprint
• Enhanced quality and productivity
Testing Services
• Automated 2000+ test cases for Web using AccuRate
• Automated code review for test scripts
© RapidValue Solutions 16
Test Effort Reduction Based on Real-World Implementations
Application Type
No. of Devices
and Browsers
Manual Testing Effort
(In Hours)
Automated Testing Effort
(In Hours)
Responsive Web 8 64 640 32 59
Mobile App
(iOS, Android)
12 96 960 40 112
* Manual and automation effort for 100 tests
10 Cycles 1 Cycle 10 Cycles1 Cycle
© RapidValue Solutions
AccuRate Demo Video
For a full demo, please write to contactus@rapidvaluesolutions.com.
© RapidValue Solutions 17
© RapidValue Solutions
About RapidValue
RapidValue is a leading provider of end-to-end mobility, omni-channel, IoT and cloud solutions to enterprises worldwide. Armed
with a large team of experts in consulting, UX design, application engineering and testing, along with experience delivering global
projects, we offer a range of services across various industry verticals. RapidValue delivers its services to the world’s top brands
and Fortune 1000 companies, and has offices in the United States and India.
This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to RapidValue Solutions Inc. No part of it may be used, circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside
RapidValue. If you are not the intended recipient of this report, you are hereby notified that the use, circulation, quoting, or reproducing of this report is strictly prohibited and may be
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+1 877-643-1850 contactus@rapidvaluesolutions.com

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20240702 Présentation Plateforme GenAI.pdf

Live Webinar- Making Test Automation 10x Faster for Continuous Delivery- By RapidValue Solutions

  • 1. © RapidValue Solutions© RapidValue Solutions Live Webinar: Making Test Automation 10X Faster for Continuous Delivery Winner of Mobile App Testing Award, 2016 Listed as a Representative Vendor in 2016 Market Guide for Mobile App Testing Services
  • 2. © RapidValue Solutions 2 Speakers Vidya VG Practice Manager - Testing Services RapidValue Solutions Ajish Cherian Senior Architect - Cloud Practice RapidValue Solutions
  • 3. © RapidValue Solutions 3 Agenda • Achieving test automation in DevOps • Building a business-tailored test automation framework • Overcoming limitations of open source tools • Case study: Creating 2000+ test cases in less than a month for a product development firm • Demo: Zero-code test automation for non-testers using AccuRate ( test automation suite by RapidValue)
  • 4. © RapidValue Solutions 4 • I have to wait for infrastructure to be available. • I have to wait for software to be deployed. • I wait for QA to give feedback. • It always works on my machine. • Why is the development environment different? • Why are developers taking so long to release the code? • Why are there so many release cycles? • Why are there so many issues in the software? • How soon can the developers release an update to fix the issues reported by the customer? • I don’t get enough time for my test cycles. • The regression cycles are always incomplete. • There are so many different types of testing that need to be done. • What is IT doing? • Why are my apps not ready yet? A Typical Scenario in a Software Development Cycle Developer IT Engineer Support LOB Executive QA Engineer
  • 5. © RapidValue Solutions 5 Key Success Factors Driving any Software Lifecycle • Defect-free software in each iteration • Shorter release cycles • Faster adoption to changes • Continuous * (Integration, Delivery and Testing) • Ability to run automation test cases for every sprint/iteration Iteration
  • 6. © RapidValue Solutions 6 Better collaboration, communication and integration Traditional siloed teams do not scale to meet the demands of the enterprise Enhance operational knowledge into design phase Reliability, performance and security aspect - provide a way to test them Enable continuous feedback Test results to determine whether a build can be promoted Create high-quality releases through automation Continuous integration, automated regression testing, continuous delivery, automated security and performance testing Provide automated environments Identical environments from Dev to Production Accelerating Software Delivery with DevOps Developer IT Engineer Support QA Engineer Development Quality Assurance Operations DevOps
  • 7. © RapidValue Solutions 7 DevOps to Improve Collaboration, Efficiency and Business Agility Collaborative Development Continuous Integration and Testing Continuous Deployment Continuous Monitoring
  • 8. © RapidValue Solutions 8 Typical Framework for Achieving Test Automation and Collaboration in a DevOps World
  • 9. © RapidValue Solutions Building a Business-tailored Test Automation Framework © RapidValue Solutions 9
  • 10. © RapidValue Solutions 10 Challenges in Test Automation to be Addressed by a Framework Challenges Keeping up with technology changes Dependency on UI and maintenance effort Form factor • Frequent technology changes in mobile and web development. • Need to upgrade test automation tools to incorporate new technologies. • Limitations of open source tools. • Ever growing number of target devices, multiple browser versions etc. • Functional test automation tools are dependent on the front-end technologies and UI. • UI changes cause a ripple effect in the automation scripts.
  • 11. © RapidValue Solutions 11 Factors to Consider for Building a Test Automation Framework Understand business, technology and ALM context Integrate appropriate tools Create a list of open source tools that support the business context Identify common features and functionalities Ensure reusability of scripts
  • 12. © RapidValue Solutions 12 Achieving Test Automation at Multiple Layers Requires Multiple Tools Acceptance Test-BDD Functional Test Web Service/API Level Test BENEFITS • Reduce effort • Reduce cost • Improve productivity • Increase test coverage • Early detection of defects
  • 13. © RapidValue Solutions 13 Typical Architecture for a Test Automation Framework 10 Cycles 1 Cycle1 Cycle Android Devices iOS Devices Desktop Browsers Mobile Browsers BDD BA Continuous Integration Automation Engine Execution & Control Dashboard Generate .pdf email Automation Scripts Defect Management FunctionsScripting Generate Reports Test Automation Tool DatabaseSWT FORMS API ADT JFACE
  • 14. © RapidValue Solutions Case Study © RapidValue Solutions 14
  • 15. © RapidValue Solutions Achieved Continuous Quality by Creating 2000+ Test Cases in less than 30 Days One of the Largest Crane Sales- Rental Co in the US and the World's Largest Terex Crane Dealer. Business Situation • Lack of time for regression testing • Longer release cycles Business Benefits • Reduced regression testing time from 12 hours to 3 hours for weekly sprint • Enhanced quality and productivity 15 MOBILE GOVERNANCESTRUCTURE CUSTOMER EMPLOYEE PROCESS BIG DATA CLOUD DIGITAL BUSINESS INNOVATION Testing Services • Automated 2000+ test cases for Web using AccuRate • Automated code review for test scripts
  • 16. © RapidValue Solutions 16 Test Effort Reduction Based on Real-World Implementations Application Type No. of Devices and Browsers Manual Testing Effort (In Hours) Automated Testing Effort (In Hours) Responsive Web 8 64 640 32 59 Mobile App (iOS, Android) 12 96 960 40 112 * Manual and automation effort for 100 tests 10 Cycles 1 Cycle 10 Cycles1 Cycle
  • 17. © RapidValue Solutions AccuRate Demo Video For a full demo, please write to [email protected]. © RapidValue Solutions 17
  • 18. © RapidValue Solutions About RapidValue RapidValue is a leading provider of end-to-end mobility, omni-channel, IoT and cloud solutions to enterprises worldwide. Armed with a large team of experts in consulting, UX design, application engineering and testing, along with experience delivering global projects, we offer a range of services across various industry verticals. RapidValue delivers its services to the world’s top brands and Fortune 1000 companies, and has offices in the United States and India. This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to RapidValue Solutions Inc. No part of it may be used, circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside RapidValue. If you are not the intended recipient of this report, you are hereby notified that the use, circulation, quoting, or reproducing of this report is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Disclaimer: 18 www.rapidvaluesolutions.com www.rapidvaluesolutions.com/blog +1 877-643-1850 [email protected]