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team members:
Caroline Kreul,
Paige Cero,
Meghan Mulhern &
Mekea Larson
the magic
In order for Macy’s to position itself as the top wedding registry, it must capture the
attention of the millennial demographic. Given that the average bride is 29 years
old and that millennials were born between 1980 and 2000, millennials are now of
peak marital age. The majority of millennials also share a home together prior to their
engagement. This means that rather than starting from scratch, the target customer’s
homes are a collection of items pieced together rather than chosen as a couple.
Couples want to experience a registry built, not pieced, together. They want to
experience “the magic of us.”
Our team approached this challenge from two points of view: that of a millennial
customer and that of a marketing professional. We combined the findings from online
research and research in the field to inform our proposal. Our proposal follows the
path that the target consumer would take when approaching the registry process.
We begin by analyzing the millennial customer, taking into consideration the
technologically dependent and image-driven facets of their world. With these findings
in mind, we walk through the customer’s initial engagement, the experience of the
Macy’s registry process and their competitors’ registry processes, and end with our
final recommendations on how to convert Macy’s registrants into lifelong customers.
This approach leads, step by step, to the most effective ways in which to update
the Macy’s registry and bring in millennial customers. The millennial customer wants
their engagement to be a part of both their lives, their friends lives, and even the lives
of those they don’t know by way of social media. They seek guidance throughout
their engagement experience by way of social networks and media moguls such as
bloggers. Our proposed promotions capitalize on the power of these influencers.
Furthermore, we focus strongly on the role of technology in their lives. Millennials are
the most tech-savvy consumer, and seek out the newest and best that technology has
to offer. We focus on appealing to these preferences by updating the Macy’s website
to create a more appealing and streamlined platform. The more user-friendly it is,
the more likely the millennial will not only use it, but return to it. In the interest of their
returned business, we recommend the creation of additional registries aside from the
current three that are offered. The Macy’s registry customer will want to become a
lifelong customer if they have a positive experience and gain confidence in the Macy’s
brand. For them, that starts with digital platforms.
All of these changes directly address how Macy’s can update their process to appeal
to the image conscious, plugged in and highly social millennial consumer. Through
the power of the influencer, the importance of social media and social networks, and
the need for user-friendly technology, we address the best ways for Macy’s to reach
out to the millennial and begin a relationship as lasting as a marriage.
executive SUMMARY
table of Contents
2Millennial Consumer
the new generation of consumers
and the modern marriage
Initial Involvement
current marketing practices
and our recommendations
Current Process
how the Macy’s registry process
compares to its top competitors
Lifetime with Macy’s
converting registrants to lifelong customers
SWOT Analysis .........................
Project Summary .........................17
competitor ANALYSIS
Offers unique services
for its customers that its
competitiors don’t have,
such as the Dream Fund
and exclusive promotions
Nation-wide store locations
benefit brides who have
guests coming from all over
the country
Broad range of price points
and goods for registrants to
choose from
Lack of targeted social
media and search strategies
In-store wifi is poor, making
it difficult for customers to
utilize the Macy’s phone
application in the store
Workers who are not trained
in wedding offerings can pick
up shifts in the bridal area
Improve user experience by
simplifying the online registry
Making use of the registry
information that is deleted
after one year by expanding
registry options
Websites and apps that
enable users to access
registry wishlists from
different retailers in one
interface, such as Amazon
and Thankful Registry
Couples registering at
multiple locations
Consumer perception that
Macy’s is too expensive
for their guests while
competitors are not
Strengths Weaknesses
Known as a price-friendly
store that attracts millenial
customers who do not
want to burden their fellow
millennial guests
Nine available registries
with seamless online
registering process
For some registrants, the
low-cost stigma leads them
to dual-register with more
contemporary stores like
Crate & Barrel
In-store registry area is
visible to regular patrons,
making bridal area
partrons feel less unique
Registrants work with a
single, specialized store
employee throughout their
Customers view shopping
there as an errand, rather
than a unique, exciting
Strengths Weaknesses
Known as a price-friendly
store, which attracts
millennial customers who
do not want to burden their
fellow millennial guests.
Simple, user-friendly
online registry process
In-store process lacks
interpersonal experience
and enthusiasm
Lack of high-quality
product offerings makes
many Target customers
dual-registrants at other
Registrants already go to
Target on a regular basis,
making registering in-store
more convenient
Customers view shopping
there as a daily errand,
rather than a unique,
exciting experience
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Expanding inventory to
appeal to millennials who
already share a home
millennial CONSUMER
“Millennial” (def.) -
individuals born in the
years ranging from
the early 1980s to
the early 2000s. This
generation is defined
by their coming of
age in the turnover
to a new millenium.
The millennial wants
everything, right now, at
their fingertips and on
their screens.
Technology defines the millennial generation in several ways.
They are the first generation to have been raised in a computer-
dependent world, making them the most technologically dependent
generation to date. Unsurprisingly, they are the leading consumers
of both web-based content and social media, including Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and blogs. They are also likely to own
both a laptop and a cell phone, usually a smart phone. As a result
of wide wifi coverage and the widespread use of smart phones,
millennials can be reached electronically in nearly any place and at
any time.
	 As a result of their constant interactions with technology,
millennials have a decreased attention span and a wide range
of media platforms at which they can be reached.
These traits have resulted in:
•	 an image-oriented culture
•	 fast turnover on trends (music, products, companies, etc.)
•	 Increased influence from friends in relation to products,
particularly via sharing on social media platforms
•	 heightened sensitivity to overt digital advertisements
•	 Increased multitasking
millennials + TECHNOLOGY
millennials + ADULTHOOD
	 Millennials have shifting definitions of “adulthood.” They
define adulthood based on various characteristics and abilities,
rather than milestones related to specific ages. Previous
generations defined adulthood by various rights of passage,
including marriage and beginning long-term careers. These same
previous generations are now defined by high divorce rates and
low career satisfaction.
	 In response to these trends, millennials are more likely to
put off these rights of passage in order to “do it right the first time.”
What once were milestones to be completed by around age 25,
millennials are now putting off until closer to 30 years old. These
include moving out of a parent’s home, completing education,
making a career choice, and marriage.
The millennial generation are those who were born between 1980 and 2000, and the
average bride is 29 years old. This means that 2015 and the coming years are an exciting and
opportunistic time for the Macy’s bridal division. Millennials are now of marriage-age and will be
deciding where to register for their wedding as well as other upcoming life events further down
the road such as house-warming parties, postgraduate education graduations, pregnancies or
adoptions, and anniversaries. In light of their relationship with technology and attitudes toward
adulthood, there are three key insights that Macy’s must consider as they move forward with
improving their bridal registry campaign:
The Power of Search
Macy’s cannot underestimate the
significance of organic search
engine optimization. College-
educated millennials are taught to
ignore advertised search results
when performing a Google or
other search engine search and
focus solely on the first three
organic search options. Because
the average millennial is likely
to first search for answers or
recommendations with an online
search engine, it is critical that
Macy’s capitalizes on search engine
optimization tactics to position
themselves in one of the coveted
top-three search result slots.
Visualize Our LivesVisualize Our Lives
Because of the intensely image-
driven culture that millennials
incite and surround themselves
with, Macy’s must ensure that the
images that they project in their
campaigns align with the company’s
overarching goal of turning their
registrants into lifelong customers.
Rather than focusing solely on
the bridal experience, images
need to project Macy’s as a brand
that registrants want to continue
partnering with throughout life’s
many events.
Natural Advertising
Because of the influx of digital
advertisements on millennials’
devices, Macy’s must find a way
to present themselves to the
millennial consumer in seemingly
natural ways. This can be tricky
as millennials are sensitive to any
sort of overt advertisement, but
can be easily turned-off by covert
advertising as well; they don’t
respond well to feeling “tricked.”
From the moment he
or she is thinking of
popping the question,
Macy’s should be the
first destination on his
or her mind.
Our goal is for the millennial couple be a Macy’s couple from the moment
they get engaged on. The first step in the process of engagement is buying
a ring to propose with. Macy’s primary competitor, Bed, Bath & Beyond, is
tapping its way into this market with the recent addition of its “Vowbook,”
a collection of fine jewelry complete with wedding rings and bands. While
Bed, Bath & Beyond associates say that this is not yet a primary source of
the company’s business, it has the potential to affect the lower-priced fine
jewelry market, and is positively impacting their bridal sales. To combat this
growing threat and markedly improve Macy’s wedding and engagement
ring sales, we propose creating an exclusive line of engagement and
wedding rings and bands with jeweler Simon G.
Why carry an exclusive line?
Jewelry companies have seen success with the addition of exclusive
bridal collections, such as Kay Jewelers with their Neil Lane Bridal line
and companies like Kohl’s and Zales that carry the Vera Wang “Love”
collection. Millennial consumers also enjoy exclusivity in their purchases
and want the most classic bridal jewelry from the trendiest designers.
Why Simon G.?
Simon G. jewelry already has a name for itself in the engagement and
bridal industry and does not currently have an exclusive design contract
with any other retailer, making it the perfect candidate for a Macy’s
Promotion Timeline
Our goal is for the millennial couple be a Macy’s couple from the moment
they get engaged on. The first step in the process of engagement is buying
a ring to propose with. Macy’s primary competitor, Bed, Bath & Beyond, is
tapping its way into this market with the recent addition of its “Vowbook,”
a collection of fine jewelry complete with wedding rings and bands. While
According to The Knot, the average groom spends three months ring
shopping prior to proposing to their partner and the most popular month
to get engaged is December. With these statistics in mind, the Simon G.
Bridal Line would launch in September 2016.
Promotional materials would be sent out to influencers like top bridal
bloggers one month prior to the launch, along with an invitation to an
exclusive viewing of the collection. This sneak preview of the collection will
create buzz as bloggers and influencers are likely to post about the event
on their social media platforms.
Advertising would begin on Macy’s current platforms (print, television, and
digital) during summer of 2016.
The Macy’s “I Do” campaign provides
a cohesive aesthetic and inclusive image to the
Macy’s brand. Rather than promoting a culture of
heterosexual normativity and racial homogeneity, its
imagery celebrates the marriages of racially diverse
and LGBT couples.
Macy’s has become increasingly outrightly
supportive of the LGBT community, most notably
with the launch of its “Pride + Joy” campaign in
recent years. Macy’s partnered with the Human
Rights Campaign, the largest civil rights organization
working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual
& transgender Americans. This ongoing campaign
includes exclusive merchandise sales, in-store events,
and participation in various Pride parades across the
While Macy’s has been a supporter of the
LGBT community in the past, their “I Do” campaign
has a particularly positive impact on the Macy’s
brand for two reasons. First, it solidifies its supportive
position towards the LGBT community. By putting as
controversial a topic as gay marriage at the forefront
of their internationally recognized brand, Macy’s
makes themselves vulnerable to backlash from anti-
gay activists, politicians, and consumers. This makes
members of the LGBT community and its allies more
likely to think of Macy’s as a store that aligns with their
values, making them more likely to register there for
their marriage or commitment ceremonies.
Second, the “I Do” campaign makes Macy’s a more trusted registry candidate for the millennial generation.
According to a study published by the Pew Research Center in September 2014, the millennial generation is the most
supportive of gay marriage, at 67% in 2014, with all previous generations following a trend of increasing support. This
makes it more likely that millennials will appreciate and support companies who provide LGBT and minority support.
Campaign Suggestion:
While the images used in the “I Do” campaign depict
diverse couples, there is a lack of diversity in the
focus of the images. Both on the pamphlet given to
brides and grooms in-store, and online, there are no
images depicting customers interacting with each
other and the registry items. Competitors like Target
focus less on the single commitment ceremony and
more so on the couples enjoying their lives together.
Macy’s needs to add similar images to their campaign
as it will communicate to customers that Macy’s is a
destination for couples’ lives together, even long after
their marriage.
Couple interacting and having fun with the mundane
task of making dinner while using Target products.
Image courtesy Target’s bridal registry site.
opportunities for GROWTH
While Macy’s is currently active on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and
Pinterest, the brand needs to further implement targeted social media and
online practices to ensure attention from the millennial customer.
Currently, there is no specific Macy’s wedding Twitter account.
Facebook accounts do exist, but only for very few, specific stores.
Macy’s would benefit from creating specialized Facebook and Twitter
accounts dedicated specifically to their bridal branch. Millennial
consumers, who are more likely to post questions or concerns on social
media than other generations and appreciate input from other consumers
via social media, can then have a specific place to direct their success
stories or problems–someone to tweet at or a wall to post on. We
suggest “@macysweddings” as the Twitter handle and “Macy’s Wedding
Registry” as the Facebook page name.
Another opportunity for improvement involves Macy’s
implementation of search engine optimization. Currently, when brides
search for “wedding registry” on Google (the most popular search site),
Macy’s is the fifth natural search choice, and eighth including paid search
advertisements. Macy’s appears behind its competitors, Target and Bed,
Bath & Beyond. As discussed earlier, it is critical that Macy’s appears
as one of the top three organically suggested search options because
millennials are taught to associate quality and trust with only the top three
organic results.
Macy’s can utilize its access to big data to create more targeted
advertisements on Facebook. After changing relationship statuses to
“Engaged,” brides and grooms should have Macy’s ads appear as they
scroll through their newsfeeds. What is most important here is placement:
millennials do not pay attention to advertisements that appear on the
sides of their screen, but will look at an advertisement if it is visually
appealing and is located within their news feed. Ads should appear
as “Suggested Pages,” and should direct users to the aformentioned
“Macy’s Wedding” Facebook page.
Example of
Facebook newsfeed
“Suggested Page”
utilized by other
wedding businesses
and registries.
In order to reach millennials through the power of influencers, Macy’s
would launch a blogger sweepstakes that would also incorporate a user
How it works:
This would be a two-step contest. Contestants would first submit a
Pinterest board featuring their engagement photos, wedding inspiration
images and a selection of their registry items. They would submit it to one
of three categories in partnership with a well-known blogger. The blogger
would pick their top 10 favorite compilations within their categories, which
would be as follows:
• “Traditional Wedding,” with blogger Blaire Edie of Atlantic Pacific
• “Beach Wedding,” with blogger Shea Marie of Peace Love Shea
• “Trendy Wedding,” with blogger Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast
Once the top ten favorites are selected by the bloggers, the compilation
boards would be voted on by Macy’s customers, fellow registry
customers, contestants’ social networks and readers of Style Me Pretty.
What they win:
The winners would win a registry consultation and honeymoon apparel
consultation with the blogger of the category they won. In addition, they
would win a free honeymoon package and $2,500 “Life Registry” credit
that they can use on their first wedding anniversary.
They should partner with Style Me Pretty, a wedding blog with whom they
already have a relationship. This would take advantage of the unique
position of bloggers in that their reader base has the same word-of-mouth
confidence in the bloggers that they place in friend-based referrals. It
also opens up the Macy’s customer and registry base to the readership of
Style Me Pretty and each individual blog, most notably those that may not
otherwise consider Macy’s as a registry destination.
Promotion Timeline
According to The Knot, the most popular month to get engaged is
December. With that statistic in mind, promotions for the contest would
begin on Dec. 1. The contest would begin on Jan. 1, applications would
close on Feb.1, top ten picks would be selected by Mar. 1, and user voting
would continue through May 1. Winners would be announced on May 2.
Promotional materials would be sent out to influencers like top bridal
bloggers and online publications on Dec. 1.
current PROCESS
Once the millennial
brides and grooms-
to-be choose Macy’s
as their registry, it’s
up to us to provide a
positive experience
and show them why
Macy’s is their lifelong,
go-to store.
investigative METHODS
In order to experience the registry process
through the eyes of the target millennial
registry customer, our team member Caroline
registered online at Macy’s, Target and Bed,
Bath & Beyond. Caroline and her boyfriend were
recently engaged, which allowed us to look at
the registry process from the perspective of
both a user, or target “millennial bride,” and a
marketing professional.
She interacted with each site’s various offerings
to compare and contrast their features. She and
another team member also physically visited
each retailer’s Madison, WI area location to learn
more about the process of registering items
in-store. We also reached out to individuals who
had registered with the retailers previously to
gain input from those who had gone through the
entire registry process up until their weddings.
Through our experiences online, in-store, and
feedback from others, we found opportunities
to strengthen the Macy’s experience that
will ultimately lead to increased customer
satisfaction and lifelong partnership with Macy’s.
Online Registry
Sign-Up Steps: 4
# of Registries: 3
• Once on the registry page, users
are greeted with a bar across the
top of the screen with information
unique to the couple, including
the registrants’ names, days
left until the ceremony, number
of purchased items, number of
“most wanted” items, and the total
number of items in the registry.
• Image of one heterosexual and
one homosexual couple having
fun with each other links user to
“Target’s Wedding Catalog”
• The primary color scheme gives
the user a sense of child-like
online registry takeaways:
No more than 4
questions per step
in-store experience:
Target has taken an entirely technological
approach and makes no effort to provide its wedding
registrants with a personal registering experience
in the store. The registry area consists of an in-wall
counter that holds two iPads where registrants can
glance at their current registry items. Registrants
are given an iPod touch to scan items throughout
the store to add to their registries. However, when a
registrant asks to be shown around the store, they
are received with a look of confusion by the Target
staff. This is because associates assume that Target
registrants are also Target customers, meaning that
they expect the registrant to already know how the
store is laid out and thus not need assistance.
Online Registry
Sign-Up Steps: 4
# of Registries: 9
Commitment Ceremony
• On the registry page, users are
greeted with a box on the top
of the screen with information
unique to the couple, including
their names, the number of gifts
registered, the number of gifts
purchased, and the number of
days until the wedding.
• Users are only shown images of
the products that they offer rather
than images of people.
• The simplistic layout of the
registry home screen highlights
the available products with
minimal design tactics.
online registry takeaways:
No more than 4
questions per step
in-store experience:
Unlike Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond (BBB) has
a sitting area and counter where registrants can meet
with specific wedding registry associates. The registry
area is visible to all patrons of BBB before, during and
after appointments, making the registrant feel somewhat
“common” rather than enjoying a unique, bridal-specific
experience. There are at least two registry associates
available to customers at all times. Registry associates
are extremely knowledgable and helpful to registrants
with any questions they might have. They are happy
to show registrants around the store to look at different
possible registry item options.
To make registrants aware of BBB’s product
offerings, registrants are given a series of books
during their consultation that outline all of the gifts that
registrants could register for at BBB. When asked why
registrants should register with BBB, their associate
replied without missing a beat that it’s because, “We’re
the best at what we do.” This confidence on the part of
the associate puts the registrant at ease.
opportunities for GROWTH
Online: Registry Process
The current Macy’s online registering process is
significantly less user friendly than that of their competitors.
Instead of filling out a series of very short forms, Macy’s
makes their registrants fill out an intimidatingly-long online
form. Because of our image-based culture and their short
attention spans, millennial brides and grooms prefer taking
a series of small, visually appealing steps than filling
out one long form. Screenshots of each registry process
illustrates this point:
In-Store: Wifi Compatibility
After speaking to a registry associate at Macy’s, we learned
that the most common frustration registrants experience is
a technical one. Because the bridal area of Macy’s stores is
usually located on the basement level, customers have difficulty
connecting to Wifi. Macy’s has a quality mobile app that allows
registrants to view their registry selections in real time. The lack
of wifi access stunts users’ ability to utilize this application. This
is especially significant for the millennial generation of registrants
as the majority own and are prone to utilize mobile applications.
Target’s Online Registry
Bed, Bath & Beyond’s Online Registry
Macy’s Mobile Registry Application
lifetime with MACY’S
After grasping the
millennial couple’s
attention and
engaging them in
the Macy’s wedding
registry, customers
should continue to
look to Macy’s for all
of their life’s events.
customer “Be everywhere, do everything, and
never fail to astonish the customer.”
-Margaret Getchell,
Macy’s first female retail exective
The first step to do so is for Macy’s to extend their registry offerings.
Currently, Macy’s has four registries: wedding, anniversary,
commitment, and housewarming. While these categories are
major events in a couple’s life together, Macy’s needs to more
thoroughly recognize society’s steps throughout adulthood in
order to “be everywhere.” Macy’s needs to help customers make
life registries.
Competitors like Bed, Bath & Beyond have already expanded their
registry options by creating nine registry categories, including:
wedding, baby, housewarming, anniversary, birthday, college/
university, commitment ceremony, retirement and other. After
conducting research in the field, we found that when registering
with Bed, Bath & Beyond, the store’s registry consultant already
tells brides and grooms to think of their experience with them as
creating a “life registry.”
According to a Macy’s registry associate, the data collected
from wedding registries is deleted one year after the wedding
ceremony. Instead of deleting this information, Macy’s could carry
the information over to other life event registries. For example,
Simply making the categories won’t let Macy’s “be everything;”
Macy’s still needs to “do everything.” Registry and Macy’s
customers will need to be informed, educated and reminded about
these categories throughout their daily lives. While the first two
can be done in store while couples register for their wedding, the
reminder aspect needs to put “big data” to use. Having couples
enter in the date of their wedding can help Macy’s know when to
send out anniversary registry reminders, as well as approximate
when couples will consider having kids. As a wedding anniversary
Furthermore, in order to directly appeal to the millennial consumer,
Macy’s needs to implement a greater focus on a technology
category within their registries. According to Mintel, a research
database on consumer trends, we found that the “intent to purchase
data favors 25 to 34-year-olds to such a large extent that brands
should be seeking to focus efforts toward getting tech products
and services on to wedding and birth registries, as well as buying
leads related to first home purchases.” Best Buy has also recently
started their own gift registry service, increasing the threat of dual-
registry. In an effort to satiate the millennials’ desire for technology
and the necessity of first-home goods, Macy’s should increase the
inventory of tech-friendly home goods. Possible items can include
items that were bought for the couple can be stored in a folder
in each registry so that couples can reference what items they
already have so as not to duplicate purchases. Additionally, items
that were not purchased for the couple for their wedding could be
transferred to the “housewarming” registry and appear in targeted
ad placements to continuously remind the user of what products
they want.
Moreover, the Bed, Bath & Beyond online interface for creating
new registry pages makes locating and using these registry
options simple and easy. First, Bed, Bath and Beyond has a first,
last name and city format to find a registry. Next, a drop down
menu will always be found in the same spot, at the top of the page
for guests. The drop down menu offers the user to visually see all
the registries offered and select which one of their “life registries”
they would like to add to. Macy’s interactive platform is different
in that instead of being directed to choose a registry to work with,
and thereby being informed of what registry options Macy’s has,
customers are only prompted to click on “Wedding Registry” on
the homepage.
reminder, which could work as a push notification from the app
or by email, Macy’s could supply the top ten most common
anniversary gifts for that year to each spouse. The same could
work for birthdays, for example, by supplying the top ten most
common gifts for someone turning 35 years old. In the same way
mannequins work for stores, these top ten gift ideas will guide
customers on what works for what occasion and help facilitate the
use of Macy’s registries for life.
Wifi-controlled cooking devices, such as crock pots and cooking
To further “astonish the customer,” Macy’s could provide a
“birthday in a box” service. The service would gather the top
registry items for birthdays based on other users’ purchases and
categorize them by type. The user would then choose a gift and,
and Macy’s would wrap it and send it it to the registrant or gift
recipient’s home. The customer will save time by not needing to
think too long about what to give their friend or significant other.
The customer would be astonished by the service’s time-saving
function and the gift recipient’s look of excitement as they unwrap
the Macy’s complimentary wrapping.
project SUMMARY
millennial CONSUMER
•	 Technology is a big part of their lives and being “connected” to friends, family, companies and
products through social media outlets is crucial to this consumer segment.
•	 Macy’s cannot underestimate the power of organic search optimization. Millennials are extremely
likely to utilize online search websites like Google and are likely to focus on only the first three
search options.
•	 Macy’s must find a way to present themselves in a natural way when advertising to millennial
•	 Advertising that provides millennial couples with a story or snapshot of what their life together will
look like with the products they receive from Macy’s will Enhance the current “I Do” campaign.
•	 Develop specialized Facebook and Twitter accounts dedicated to “connecting” and communicating
first hand with consumers. Promotional coupons, sweepstakes for consumers who “share” or
“retweet” the most (spreading more awareness), advertisements for upcoming events etc. can all
be utilized on these social media platforms.
•	 Seemingly natural yet targeted advertisements on social media platforms are a great way to
advertise to consumers. Facebook specifically follows the life of each consumer and when
someone changes their status to “engaged,” Macy’s wedding registry advertisements should be
popping up on their newsfeed.
•	 Pair with jewelry designer Simon G. to create an exclusive bridal collection and create a Blogger
Sweepstakes to expand brand reach.
current PROCESS
•	 Current registry process is significantly less user friendly than competitors and visually looks
laborious to consumers. This could be solved by breaking up the process with “next” arrows so
that the process does not feel as arduous.
•	 Make sure stores are compatible with the use the Macy’s app on mobile devices. The app is a
great way to engage millennials, but if it does not work in the stores, then the informative aspects
of the app are useless.
lifetime with MACY’S
•	 Extend registry offerings to more thoroughly recognize society’s steps throughout adulthood,
aligning with Macy’s image of becoming a “life registry.”
•	 Do not delete registry items after one year; carry items they did not receive over to another
registry and allow customers to keep items they have received to reference back to
•	 Utilize the data obtained from the registry registration to gain customer loyalty through targeted
ads and services.
•	 Implement greater focus on a technological category within registries and increase inventory on
tech-friendly home goods.

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Macys Case Competition Final

  • 1. team members: Caroline Kreul, Paige Cero, Meghan Mulhern & Mekea Larson Us the magic
  • 2. In order for Macy’s to position itself as the top wedding registry, it must capture the attention of the millennial demographic. Given that the average bride is 29 years old and that millennials were born between 1980 and 2000, millennials are now of peak marital age. The majority of millennials also share a home together prior to their engagement. This means that rather than starting from scratch, the target customer’s homes are a collection of items pieced together rather than chosen as a couple. Couples want to experience a registry built, not pieced, together. They want to experience “the magic of us.” Our team approached this challenge from two points of view: that of a millennial customer and that of a marketing professional. We combined the findings from online research and research in the field to inform our proposal. Our proposal follows the path that the target consumer would take when approaching the registry process. We begin by analyzing the millennial customer, taking into consideration the technologically dependent and image-driven facets of their world. With these findings in mind, we walk through the customer’s initial engagement, the experience of the Macy’s registry process and their competitors’ registry processes, and end with our final recommendations on how to convert Macy’s registrants into lifelong customers. This approach leads, step by step, to the most effective ways in which to update the Macy’s registry and bring in millennial customers. The millennial customer wants their engagement to be a part of both their lives, their friends lives, and even the lives of those they don’t know by way of social media. They seek guidance throughout their engagement experience by way of social networks and media moguls such as bloggers. Our proposed promotions capitalize on the power of these influencers. Furthermore, we focus strongly on the role of technology in their lives. Millennials are the most tech-savvy consumer, and seek out the newest and best that technology has to offer. We focus on appealing to these preferences by updating the Macy’s website to create a more appealing and streamlined platform. The more user-friendly it is, the more likely the millennial will not only use it, but return to it. In the interest of their returned business, we recommend the creation of additional registries aside from the current three that are offered. The Macy’s registry customer will want to become a lifelong customer if they have a positive experience and gain confidence in the Macy’s brand. For them, that starts with digital platforms. All of these changes directly address how Macy’s can update their process to appeal to the image conscious, plugged in and highly social millennial consumer. Through the power of the influencer, the importance of social media and social networks, and the need for user-friendly technology, we address the best ways for Macy’s to reach out to the millennial and begin a relationship as lasting as a marriage. executive SUMMARY
  • 3. table of Contents 1 2Millennial Consumer the new generation of consumers and the modern marriage Initial Involvement current marketing practices and our recommendations Current Process how the Macy’s registry process compares to its top competitors Lifetime with Macy’s converting registrants to lifelong customers SWOT Analysis ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 5 10 15 Project Summary .........................17
  • 4. competitor ANALYSIS Offers unique services for its customers that its competitiors don’t have, such as the Dream Fund and exclusive promotions Nation-wide store locations benefit brides who have guests coming from all over the country Broad range of price points and goods for registrants to choose from Lack of targeted social media and search strategies In-store wifi is poor, making it difficult for customers to utilize the Macy’s phone application in the store Workers who are not trained in wedding offerings can pick up shifts in the bridal area Improve user experience by simplifying the online registry process Making use of the registry information that is deleted after one year by expanding registry options Websites and apps that enable users to access registry wishlists from different retailers in one interface, such as Amazon and Thankful Registry Couples registering at multiple locations (dual-registrants) Consumer perception that Macy’s is too expensive for their guests while competitors are not Strengths Weaknesses Known as a price-friendly store that attracts millenial customers who do not want to burden their fellow millennial guests Nine available registries with seamless online registering process For some registrants, the low-cost stigma leads them to dual-register with more contemporary stores like Crate & Barrel In-store registry area is visible to regular patrons, making bridal area partrons feel less unique Registrants work with a single, specialized store employee throughout their experience Customers view shopping there as an errand, rather than a unique, exciting experience Strengths Weaknesses Known as a price-friendly store, which attracts millennial customers who do not want to burden their fellow millennial guests. Simple, user-friendly online registry process In-store process lacks interpersonal experience and enthusiasm Lack of high-quality product offerings makes many Target customers dual-registrants at other stores Registrants already go to Target on a regular basis, making registering in-store more convenient Customers view shopping there as a daily errand, rather than a unique, exciting experience Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Expanding inventory to appeal to millennials who already share a home 1
  • 5. millennial CONSUMER “Millennial” (def.) - individuals born in the years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. This generation is defined by their coming of age in the turnover to a new millenium. The millennial wants everything, right now, at their fingertips and on their screens. 2
  • 6. Technology defines the millennial generation in several ways. They are the first generation to have been raised in a computer- dependent world, making them the most technologically dependent generation to date. Unsurprisingly, they are the leading consumers of both web-based content and social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and blogs. They are also likely to own both a laptop and a cell phone, usually a smart phone. As a result of wide wifi coverage and the widespread use of smart phones, millennials can be reached electronically in nearly any place and at any time. As a result of their constant interactions with technology, millennials have a decreased attention span and a wide range of media platforms at which they can be reached. These traits have resulted in: • an image-oriented culture • fast turnover on trends (music, products, companies, etc.) • Increased influence from friends in relation to products, particularly via sharing on social media platforms • heightened sensitivity to overt digital advertisements • Increased multitasking millennials + TECHNOLOGY millennials + ADULTHOOD Millennials have shifting definitions of “adulthood.” They define adulthood based on various characteristics and abilities, rather than milestones related to specific ages. Previous generations defined adulthood by various rights of passage, including marriage and beginning long-term careers. These same previous generations are now defined by high divorce rates and low career satisfaction. In response to these trends, millennials are more likely to put off these rights of passage in order to “do it right the first time.” What once were milestones to be completed by around age 25, millennials are now putting off until closer to 30 years old. These include moving out of a parent’s home, completing education, making a career choice, and marriage. 3
  • 7. The millennial generation are those who were born between 1980 and 2000, and the average bride is 29 years old. This means that 2015 and the coming years are an exciting and opportunistic time for the Macy’s bridal division. Millennials are now of marriage-age and will be deciding where to register for their wedding as well as other upcoming life events further down the road such as house-warming parties, postgraduate education graduations, pregnancies or adoptions, and anniversaries. In light of their relationship with technology and attitudes toward adulthood, there are three key insights that Macy’s must consider as they move forward with improving their bridal registry campaign: millennials + MACY’S The Power of Search Macy’s cannot underestimate the significance of organic search engine optimization. College- educated millennials are taught to ignore advertised search results when performing a Google or other search engine search and focus solely on the first three organic search options. Because the average millennial is likely to first search for answers or recommendations with an online search engine, it is critical that Macy’s capitalizes on search engine optimization tactics to position themselves in one of the coveted top-three search result slots. Visualize Our LivesVisualize Our Lives Because of the intensely image- driven culture that millennials incite and surround themselves with, Macy’s must ensure that the images that they project in their campaigns align with the company’s overarching goal of turning their registrants into lifelong customers. Rather than focusing solely on the bridal experience, images need to project Macy’s as a brand that registrants want to continue partnering with throughout life’s many events. Natural Advertising Because of the influx of digital advertisements on millennials’ devices, Macy’s must find a way to present themselves to the millennial consumer in seemingly natural ways. This can be tricky as millennials are sensitive to any sort of overt advertisement, but can be easily turned-off by covert advertising as well; they don’t respond well to feeling “tricked.” 4
  • 8. initial INVOLVEMENT From the moment he or she is thinking of popping the question, Macy’s should be the first destination on his or her mind. 5
  • 9. Our goal is for the millennial couple be a Macy’s couple from the moment they get engaged on. The first step in the process of engagement is buying a ring to propose with. Macy’s primary competitor, Bed, Bath & Beyond, is tapping its way into this market with the recent addition of its “Vowbook,” a collection of fine jewelry complete with wedding rings and bands. While Bed, Bath & Beyond associates say that this is not yet a primary source of the company’s business, it has the potential to affect the lower-priced fine jewelry market, and is positively impacting their bridal sales. To combat this growing threat and markedly improve Macy’s wedding and engagement ring sales, we propose creating an exclusive line of engagement and wedding rings and bands with jeweler Simon G. Why carry an exclusive line? Jewelry companies have seen success with the addition of exclusive bridal collections, such as Kay Jewelers with their Neil Lane Bridal line and companies like Kohl’s and Zales that carry the Vera Wang “Love” collection. Millennial consumers also enjoy exclusivity in their purchases and want the most classic bridal jewelry from the trendiest designers. Why Simon G.? Simon G. jewelry already has a name for itself in the engagement and bridal industry and does not currently have an exclusive design contract with any other retailer, making it the perfect candidate for a Macy’s partnership. Promotion Timeline Our goal is for the millennial couple be a Macy’s couple from the moment they get engaged on. The first step in the process of engagement is buying a ring to propose with. Macy’s primary competitor, Bed, Bath & Beyond, is tapping its way into this market with the recent addition of its “Vowbook,” a collection of fine jewelry complete with wedding rings and bands. While Simon G.BRIDAL LINE According to The Knot, the average groom spends three months ring shopping prior to proposing to their partner and the most popular month to get engaged is December. With these statistics in mind, the Simon G. Bridal Line would launch in September 2016. Promotional materials would be sent out to influencers like top bridal bloggers one month prior to the launch, along with an invitation to an exclusive viewing of the collection. This sneak preview of the collection will create buzz as bloggers and influencers are likely to post about the event on their social media platforms. Advertising would begin on Macy’s current platforms (print, television, and digital) during summer of 2016. SUGGESTEDPROMOTION 6
  • 10. “I Do” CAMPAIGN The Macy’s “I Do” campaign provides a cohesive aesthetic and inclusive image to the Macy’s brand. Rather than promoting a culture of heterosexual normativity and racial homogeneity, its imagery celebrates the marriages of racially diverse and LGBT couples. Macy’s has become increasingly outrightly supportive of the LGBT community, most notably with the launch of its “Pride + Joy” campaign in recent years. Macy’s partnered with the Human Rights Campaign, the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender Americans. This ongoing campaign includes exclusive merchandise sales, in-store events, and participation in various Pride parades across the country. While Macy’s has been a supporter of the LGBT community in the past, their “I Do” campaign has a particularly positive impact on the Macy’s brand for two reasons. First, it solidifies its supportive position towards the LGBT community. By putting as controversial a topic as gay marriage at the forefront of their internationally recognized brand, Macy’s makes themselves vulnerable to backlash from anti- gay activists, politicians, and consumers. This makes members of the LGBT community and its allies more likely to think of Macy’s as a store that aligns with their values, making them more likely to register there for their marriage or commitment ceremonies. Second, the “I Do” campaign makes Macy’s a more trusted registry candidate for the millennial generation. According to a study published by the Pew Research Center in September 2014, the millennial generation is the most supportive of gay marriage, at 67% in 2014, with all previous generations following a trend of increasing support. This makes it more likely that millennials will appreciate and support companies who provide LGBT and minority support. Campaign Suggestion: Imagery While the images used in the “I Do” campaign depict diverse couples, there is a lack of diversity in the focus of the images. Both on the pamphlet given to brides and grooms in-store, and online, there are no images depicting customers interacting with each other and the registry items. Competitors like Target focus less on the single commitment ceremony and more so on the couples enjoying their lives together. Macy’s needs to add similar images to their campaign as it will communicate to customers that Macy’s is a destination for couples’ lives together, even long after their marriage. Couple interacting and having fun with the mundane task of making dinner while using Target products. Image courtesy Target’s bridal registry site. 7
  • 11. opportunities for GROWTH While Macy’s is currently active on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, the brand needs to further implement targeted social media and online practices to ensure attention from the millennial customer. Currently, there is no specific Macy’s wedding Twitter account. Facebook accounts do exist, but only for very few, specific stores. Macy’s would benefit from creating specialized Facebook and Twitter accounts dedicated specifically to their bridal branch. Millennial consumers, who are more likely to post questions or concerns on social media than other generations and appreciate input from other consumers via social media, can then have a specific place to direct their success stories or problems–someone to tweet at or a wall to post on. We suggest “@macysweddings” as the Twitter handle and “Macy’s Wedding Registry” as the Facebook page name. Another opportunity for improvement involves Macy’s implementation of search engine optimization. Currently, when brides search for “wedding registry” on Google (the most popular search site), Macy’s is the fifth natural search choice, and eighth including paid search advertisements. Macy’s appears behind its competitors, Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. As discussed earlier, it is critical that Macy’s appears as one of the top three organically suggested search options because millennials are taught to associate quality and trust with only the top three organic results. Macy’s can utilize its access to big data to create more targeted advertisements on Facebook. After changing relationship statuses to “Engaged,” brides and grooms should have Macy’s ads appear as they scroll through their newsfeeds. What is most important here is placement: millennials do not pay attention to advertisements that appear on the sides of their screen, but will look at an advertisement if it is visually appealing and is located within their news feed. Ads should appear as “Suggested Pages,” and should direct users to the aformentioned “Macy’s Wedding” Facebook page. Example of Facebook newsfeed “Suggested Page” utilized by other wedding businesses and registries. 8
  • 12. bloggerSWEEPSTAKES In order to reach millennials through the power of influencers, Macy’s would launch a blogger sweepstakes that would also incorporate a user vote. How it works: This would be a two-step contest. Contestants would first submit a Pinterest board featuring their engagement photos, wedding inspiration images and a selection of their registry items. They would submit it to one of three categories in partnership with a well-known blogger. The blogger would pick their top 10 favorite compilations within their categories, which would be as follows: • “Traditional Wedding,” with blogger Blaire Edie of Atlantic Pacific • “Beach Wedding,” with blogger Shea Marie of Peace Love Shea • “Trendy Wedding,” with blogger Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast Once the top ten favorites are selected by the bloggers, the compilation boards would be voted on by Macy’s customers, fellow registry customers, contestants’ social networks and readers of Style Me Pretty. What they win: Strategy: The winners would win a registry consultation and honeymoon apparel consultation with the blogger of the category they won. In addition, they would win a free honeymoon package and $2,500 “Life Registry” credit that they can use on their first wedding anniversary. They should partner with Style Me Pretty, a wedding blog with whom they already have a relationship. This would take advantage of the unique position of bloggers in that their reader base has the same word-of-mouth confidence in the bloggers that they place in friend-based referrals. It also opens up the Macy’s customer and registry base to the readership of Style Me Pretty and each individual blog, most notably those that may not otherwise consider Macy’s as a registry destination. SUGGESTEDPROMOTION Promotion Timeline According to The Knot, the most popular month to get engaged is December. With that statistic in mind, promotions for the contest would begin on Dec. 1. The contest would begin on Jan. 1, applications would close on Feb.1, top ten picks would be selected by Mar. 1, and user voting would continue through May 1. Winners would be announced on May 2. Promotional materials would be sent out to influencers like top bridal bloggers and online publications on Dec. 1. 9
  • 13. current PROCESS Once the millennial brides and grooms- to-be choose Macy’s as their registry, it’s up to us to provide a positive experience and show them why Macy’s is their lifelong, go-to store. 10
  • 14. investigative METHODS In order to experience the registry process through the eyes of the target millennial registry customer, our team member Caroline registered online at Macy’s, Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Caroline and her boyfriend were recently engaged, which allowed us to look at the registry process from the perspective of both a user, or target “millennial bride,” and a marketing professional. She interacted with each site’s various offerings to compare and contrast their features. She and another team member also physically visited each retailer’s Madison, WI area location to learn more about the process of registering items in-store. We also reached out to individuals who had registered with the retailers previously to gain input from those who had gone through the entire registry process up until their weddings. Through our experiences online, in-store, and feedback from others, we found opportunities to strengthen the Macy’s experience that will ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction and lifelong partnership with Macy’s. 11
  • 15. Online Registry Sign-Up Steps: 4 # of Registries: 3 College Wedding Baby • Once on the registry page, users are greeted with a bar across the top of the screen with information unique to the couple, including the registrants’ names, days left until the ceremony, number of purchased items, number of “most wanted” items, and the total number of items in the registry. • Image of one heterosexual and one homosexual couple having fun with each other links user to “Target’s Wedding Catalog” • The primary color scheme gives the user a sense of child-like simplicity. online registry takeaways: No more than 4 questions per step in-store experience: Target has taken an entirely technological approach and makes no effort to provide its wedding registrants with a personal registering experience in the store. The registry area consists of an in-wall counter that holds two iPads where registrants can glance at their current registry items. Registrants are given an iPod touch to scan items throughout the store to add to their registries. However, when a registrant asks to be shown around the store, they are received with a look of confusion by the Target staff. This is because associates assume that Target registrants are also Target customers, meaning that they expect the registrant to already know how the store is laid out and thus not need assistance. 12
  • 16. Online Registry Sign-Up Steps: 4 # of Registries: 9 College/University Birthday Wedding Housewarming Baby Anniversary Commitment Ceremony Retirement Other • On the registry page, users are greeted with a box on the top of the screen with information unique to the couple, including their names, the number of gifts registered, the number of gifts purchased, and the number of days until the wedding. • Users are only shown images of the products that they offer rather than images of people. • The simplistic layout of the registry home screen highlights the available products with minimal design tactics. online registry takeaways: No more than 4 questions per step in-store experience: Unlike Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond (BBB) has a sitting area and counter where registrants can meet with specific wedding registry associates. The registry area is visible to all patrons of BBB before, during and after appointments, making the registrant feel somewhat “common” rather than enjoying a unique, bridal-specific experience. There are at least two registry associates available to customers at all times. Registry associates are extremely knowledgable and helpful to registrants with any questions they might have. They are happy to show registrants around the store to look at different possible registry item options. To make registrants aware of BBB’s product offerings, registrants are given a series of books during their consultation that outline all of the gifts that registrants could register for at BBB. When asked why registrants should register with BBB, their associate replied without missing a beat that it’s because, “We’re the best at what we do.” This confidence on the part of the associate puts the registrant at ease. 13
  • 17. opportunities for GROWTH Online: Registry Process The current Macy’s online registering process is significantly less user friendly than that of their competitors. Instead of filling out a series of very short forms, Macy’s makes their registrants fill out an intimidatingly-long online form. Because of our image-based culture and their short attention spans, millennial brides and grooms prefer taking a series of small, visually appealing steps than filling out one long form. Screenshots of each registry process illustrates this point: In-Store: Wifi Compatibility After speaking to a registry associate at Macy’s, we learned that the most common frustration registrants experience is a technical one. Because the bridal area of Macy’s stores is usually located on the basement level, customers have difficulty connecting to Wifi. Macy’s has a quality mobile app that allows registrants to view their registry selections in real time. The lack of wifi access stunts users’ ability to utilize this application. This is especially significant for the millennial generation of registrants as the majority own and are prone to utilize mobile applications. Target’s Online Registry Bed, Bath & Beyond’s Online Registry Macy’s Mobile Registry Application 14
  • 18. lifetime with MACY’S After grasping the millennial couple’s attention and engaging them in the Macy’s wedding registry, customers should continue to look to Macy’s for all of their life’s events. 15
  • 19. customer “Be everywhere, do everything, and never fail to astonish the customer.” -Margaret Getchell, Macy’s first female retail exective be EVERYWHERE do EVERYTHING never fail to ASTONISH THE CUSTOMER The first step to do so is for Macy’s to extend their registry offerings. Currently, Macy’s has four registries: wedding, anniversary, commitment, and housewarming. While these categories are major events in a couple’s life together, Macy’s needs to more thoroughly recognize society’s steps throughout adulthood in order to “be everywhere.” Macy’s needs to help customers make life registries. Competitors like Bed, Bath & Beyond have already expanded their registry options by creating nine registry categories, including: wedding, baby, housewarming, anniversary, birthday, college/ university, commitment ceremony, retirement and other. After conducting research in the field, we found that when registering with Bed, Bath & Beyond, the store’s registry consultant already tells brides and grooms to think of their experience with them as creating a “life registry.” According to a Macy’s registry associate, the data collected from wedding registries is deleted one year after the wedding ceremony. Instead of deleting this information, Macy’s could carry the information over to other life event registries. For example, Simply making the categories won’t let Macy’s “be everything;” Macy’s still needs to “do everything.” Registry and Macy’s customers will need to be informed, educated and reminded about these categories throughout their daily lives. While the first two can be done in store while couples register for their wedding, the reminder aspect needs to put “big data” to use. Having couples enter in the date of their wedding can help Macy’s know when to send out anniversary registry reminders, as well as approximate when couples will consider having kids. As a wedding anniversary Furthermore, in order to directly appeal to the millennial consumer, Macy’s needs to implement a greater focus on a technology category within their registries. According to Mintel, a research database on consumer trends, we found that the “intent to purchase data favors 25 to 34-year-olds to such a large extent that brands should be seeking to focus efforts toward getting tech products and services on to wedding and birth registries, as well as buying leads related to first home purchases.” Best Buy has also recently started their own gift registry service, increasing the threat of dual- registry. In an effort to satiate the millennials’ desire for technology and the necessity of first-home goods, Macy’s should increase the inventory of tech-friendly home goods. Possible items can include items that were bought for the couple can be stored in a folder in each registry so that couples can reference what items they already have so as not to duplicate purchases. Additionally, items that were not purchased for the couple for their wedding could be transferred to the “housewarming” registry and appear in targeted ad placements to continuously remind the user of what products they want. Moreover, the Bed, Bath & Beyond online interface for creating new registry pages makes locating and using these registry options simple and easy. First, Bed, Bath and Beyond has a first, last name and city format to find a registry. Next, a drop down menu will always be found in the same spot, at the top of the page for guests. The drop down menu offers the user to visually see all the registries offered and select which one of their “life registries” they would like to add to. Macy’s interactive platform is different in that instead of being directed to choose a registry to work with, and thereby being informed of what registry options Macy’s has, customers are only prompted to click on “Wedding Registry” on the homepage. reminder, which could work as a push notification from the app or by email, Macy’s could supply the top ten most common anniversary gifts for that year to each spouse. The same could work for birthdays, for example, by supplying the top ten most common gifts for someone turning 35 years old. In the same way mannequins work for stores, these top ten gift ideas will guide customers on what works for what occasion and help facilitate the use of Macy’s registries for life. Wifi-controlled cooking devices, such as crock pots and cooking thermometers. To further “astonish the customer,” Macy’s could provide a “birthday in a box” service. The service would gather the top registry items for birthdays based on other users’ purchases and categorize them by type. The user would then choose a gift and, and Macy’s would wrap it and send it it to the registrant or gift recipient’s home. The customer will save time by not needing to think too long about what to give their friend or significant other. The customer would be astonished by the service’s time-saving function and the gift recipient’s look of excitement as they unwrap the Macy’s complimentary wrapping. CONVERSION 16
  • 20. project SUMMARY millennial CONSUMER • Technology is a big part of their lives and being “connected” to friends, family, companies and products through social media outlets is crucial to this consumer segment. • Macy’s cannot underestimate the power of organic search optimization. Millennials are extremely likely to utilize online search websites like Google and are likely to focus on only the first three search options. • Macy’s must find a way to present themselves in a natural way when advertising to millennial consumers. initial INVOLVEMENT • Advertising that provides millennial couples with a story or snapshot of what their life together will look like with the products they receive from Macy’s will Enhance the current “I Do” campaign. • Develop specialized Facebook and Twitter accounts dedicated to “connecting” and communicating first hand with consumers. Promotional coupons, sweepstakes for consumers who “share” or “retweet” the most (spreading more awareness), advertisements for upcoming events etc. can all be utilized on these social media platforms. • Seemingly natural yet targeted advertisements on social media platforms are a great way to advertise to consumers. Facebook specifically follows the life of each consumer and when someone changes their status to “engaged,” Macy’s wedding registry advertisements should be popping up on their newsfeed. • Pair with jewelry designer Simon G. to create an exclusive bridal collection and create a Blogger Sweepstakes to expand brand reach. current PROCESS • Current registry process is significantly less user friendly than competitors and visually looks laborious to consumers. This could be solved by breaking up the process with “next” arrows so that the process does not feel as arduous. • Make sure stores are compatible with the use the Macy’s app on mobile devices. The app is a great way to engage millennials, but if it does not work in the stores, then the informative aspects of the app are useless. lifetime with MACY’S • Extend registry offerings to more thoroughly recognize society’s steps throughout adulthood, aligning with Macy’s image of becoming a “life registry.” • Do not delete registry items after one year; carry items they did not receive over to another registry and allow customers to keep items they have received to reference back to • Utilize the data obtained from the registry registration to gain customer loyalty through targeted ads and services. • Implement greater focus on a technological category within registries and increase inventory on tech-friendly home goods. 17