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Value profiling:
How to Identify the Real Challenges for Your Organisation
+44 (0) 1258 628552
+44 (0) 7768 455345
Personal introduction
Professional musician
• One hit!
• Computer science
• Psychology
• Maths
• Visiting Professor, LUBS
• Visiting Research Fellow,
Goldsmiths, U of London
• Accenture
• Technology start-up
• People analytics
• Global sales force
• AI app development
• Positioning Game
• Why is People Analytics Important?
• The Mechanics of People Analytics
• How to Build a Powerful People Analytics
Why is People Analytics important?
Section Sub-title

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The Rise of People Analytics
The Rise of People AnalyticsThe Rise of People Analytics
The Rise of People Analytics

“People analytics” is a frequently used buzzword. But questions remain as to why this is becoming such a prominent challenge for HR. What are leading organizations doing to develop their understanding of how data analytics can drive better people decisions? In this session, learn what you can start doing tomorrow to accelerate and mobilize your people analytics efforts. Learning Objectives • Learn the research and trends in data & analytics. • Learn what is driving the people analytics movement. • Learn the barriers to entry for companies. • Learn how to mobilize your efforts in building out your people & analytics capabilities. Speaker: Diego Gomez, Vice President of Human Capital Management Transformation, Oracle

Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium | Ron Dimon: EPM Done Right
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Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium | Ron Dimon: EPM Done Right

EPM is the convergence, finally, of better data, better tools, and better processes to empower people at all levels of the organization to answer those basic questions and help improve performance. Based on his 2013 book (published by John Wiley & Sons), Ron Dimon will show how EPM helps your organization: -Tap in to all this data for competitive advantage: from new insight to novel action -Keep people engaged in their work and aligned with strategy -Conduct "enlightened debates" -Treat performance improvement as a management process Ron will share better practices and what some of the leading organizations who have embraced EPM are doing in this interactive and inspiring session. For more information on the Loras College 2014 Business Analytics Symposium, the Loras College MBA in Business Analytics or the Loras College Business Analytics Certificate visit www.loras.edu/mba or www.loras.edu/bigdata.

Building Partnership to Tell Great Stories
Building Partnership to Tell Great StoriesBuilding Partnership to Tell Great Stories
Building Partnership to Tell Great Stories

Building Partnership to Tell Great Stories was a keynote I gave at the Talent Management Alliance Conference in 2013. The topic covered my training approach for helping HR Business Partners learn to leverage the products and services of new analytics teams in HR. A slide deck from a keynote at: The Talent Management Alliance Conference Las Vegas, NV May 2013

people analyticstrainingtalent management
1st principles: Companies deliver value by making investment decisions about various
Investors demand
What can happen if human capital ROI isn’t delivered?
Investors leave
Business shrinks
Board replace human capital by automation
wherever possible
Board create a new role whose job is to
achieve desired ROI on human capital
What might limit delivery of human capital ROI in your organisation?
Recruiting the wrong
What is the likely cause of the above problems?
The mechanics of people analytics

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How to Build an HR Analytics Center of Excellence
How to Build an HR  Analytics Center of  ExcellenceHow to Build an HR  Analytics Center of  Excellence
How to Build an HR Analytics Center of Excellence

Using analytics to turn data into insights regularly provides strategic advantage to all areas of organizations, from marketing to supply chain management and finance. The formation of an HR Analytics Center of Excellence can enable firms to derive strategic insights from workforce data and justify the investments made in HR programs and technology.

apex globalinuggethr analytics
People Analytics Foundation
People Analytics FoundationPeople Analytics Foundation
People Analytics Foundation

This document summarizes Westpac Banking Corporation's people analytics initiatives. It discusses how Westpac analyzes data on its 39,700 employees to better understand acquisition, onboarding, learning, performance, retention, and attrition. Models are being developed to predict attrition risk, identify at-risk employees, and understand internal talent mobility. The goal is to improve workforce productivity, engagement, and cost reductions through advanced people analytics techniques. Treating data and employees like valuable assets can generate significant returns through improved efficiency and decision making.

datahuman resourcesanalytics
Jones Lang Lasalle at The Chief Analytics Officer Forum, Europe
Jones Lang Lasalle at The Chief Analytics Officer Forum, EuropeJones Lang Lasalle at The Chief Analytics Officer Forum, Europe
Jones Lang Lasalle at The Chief Analytics Officer Forum, Europe

Welcome to the Chief Analytics Officer Forum Europe On 7th – 9th March 2016, over 80 Chief Analytics Officers and senior analytics leaders met in London for intimate, top-level discussions; dissecting the role of the CAO, exploring innovative case studies and addressing mutual cross-industry challenges. To learn more, visit http://www.caoforumeurope.com/ This event is organised by http://coriniumintelligence.com/

conferencecao forumchief analytics officer
What kinds human capital decisions do managers make?
People Process Decisions
• Which job applicant should I hire?
• How much should we spend on learning
• What should we measure at performance
Performance managament:
• What competencies are important for high job
Competency management:
Organizational Design
How do we develop a more inclusive
global culture?
How much autonomy is optimal between
group functions and business units?
What is the optimal balance between
FTEs & contractors?
We can lay these human capital decisions out like this:
Level 4
Rewards &
Human Capital
Human Capital
Level 3
Human Capital
Ability to
Level 2
Level 1
Total Return to
Future Value
Important Value Profiling Principles
1. Managers can only make human capital decisions about
people processes. They can’t make any direct decisions
about workforce capabilities, KPDs or business outcomes.
2. All human capital problems are therefore rooted in poor
people process decisions
3. Every block on the right is likely to have multiple causes on
the left (not a single cause)
4. To improve a business outcome, you have to work
backwards through chain to identify the problematic people
process. Then you repair the people process and hope that
these repairs ripple through and fix your business outcome
How to ensure ROI from your human capital investments
1. Identify a
problematic business
2. Identify the KPDs
which are causing it
3. Identify the
workforce capabilities
causing the KPD
4. Identify the people
processes causing the
workforce capability
• Ideally, we should start with a
business outcome problem; yet
most companies start with WCs
• That’s the principle, but how do
you apply it?

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How Talent Analytics Can Help You Maximize Your HR Strategy
How Talent Analytics Can Help You Maximize Your HR StrategyHow Talent Analytics Can Help You Maximize Your HR Strategy
How Talent Analytics Can Help You Maximize Your HR Strategy

For most organizations, the promise of Big Data remains unfulfilled. The vast majority of organizations are stuck in a reporting cycle, churning out lots of metrics, but few insights or solutions. The ability to measure, analyze, and optimize talent practices is now critical to business success. Many HR organizations have recognized this need and are starting to invest more strategically in measurement and analytics. With a plethora of data, recruiting is an area ripe to take advantage of analytics. With the right tools and capabilities, this data can be turned into competitive advantage. Check out our webinar feat. Karen O'Leonard, VP of Benchmarking & Analytics Research of Bersin by Deloitte and Wiliam Blackstorm, Sr. Manager Sourcing & Market Intelligence & Director of Global Talent Analytics, Research Division of Cisco to learn: -Where to start when analyzing recruitment data -How to build an effective talent analytics capability -How one organization, Cisco, is using analytics to develop a more effective recruitment strategy

The Role of HR in Reinventing Organisations: Embracing People Analytics
The Role of HR in Reinventing Organisations: Embracing People AnalyticsThe Role of HR in Reinventing Organisations: Embracing People Analytics
The Role of HR in Reinventing Organisations: Embracing People Analytics

The document discusses the role of HR in reinventing organizations through embracing people analytics. It suggests HR needs to challenge existing frameworks, look to the future, focus on foundational questions before technology, and become workforce technology champions. Successful future organizations will involve HR in strategy, management structures, and behavioral insights. People analytics can help HR transform by providing data-driven insights but also needs to overcome challenges like preference for opinions over data and setting realistic expectations.

workforce transformationquantified workplacefuture of work
The Datafication of HR: Graduating from Metrics to Analytics
The Datafication of HR: Graduating from Metrics to AnalyticsThe Datafication of HR: Graduating from Metrics to Analytics
The Datafication of HR: Graduating from Metrics to Analytics

This document discusses how HR can graduate from simple metrics to more advanced analytics. It argues metrics like turnover rates only tell part of the story and advanced retention analytics can provide more insight. Similarly, measures like time to hire don't capture effectiveness, while recruiting analytics can provide visualizations to support decisions. The document also outlines common pitfalls to avoid when adopting analytics, such as not starting due to data quality issues or believing traditional data warehouses are necessary.

hrworkforce intelligencetalent analytics
Inputs to the Value Profiling process
e.g. Career Development inputs to the Value Profiling process
Outputs from the Value Profiling process
Human Capital
Human Capital
Ability to
Rewards &
Human Capital
Human Capital
Rewards &
Human Capital
Rewards &
Business Outcomes
Performance Appraisal
Rewards & Recognition
Career Development
Human Capital Infrastructure
Workplace Design
Learning Management
Human Capital Strategy
Employee Relations
HR Processes
The Three Workforce Capabilities Linked to Capital Efficiency
Leadership Capability Employee Engagement Workforce Performance
KPD: Revenue
The three workforce capabilities
linked to revenue
Outputs from the Value Profiling process
y mgt
Low High
Medium Priority High Priority
Low Priority Targeted, Incremental,
Improvements Only
Impact on Outcome
ImplementationEffectiveness Learning

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Zach Frank: Pitfalls of Predicative Models in People Analytics
Zach Frank: Pitfalls of Predicative Models in People AnalyticsZach Frank: Pitfalls of Predicative Models in People Analytics
Zach Frank: Pitfalls of Predicative Models in People Analytics

Zach Frank: Pitfalls of Predicative Models in People Analytics Data Science Online Camp 2021 Website - https://dscamp.org/ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeHtPZ_ZLZ-nHFMUCXY81RQ/featured FB - https://www.facebook.com/Data-Science-Camp-103012708431833

data science solutionsai businessmachine learning
Pwc data analytics
Pwc data analyticsPwc data analytics
Pwc data analytics

This document discusses how data and analytics can enable better decision making across businesses. It notes that while data-driven companies are more likely to report improved decision making, only 1 in 3 executives say their organization is highly data-driven. It also discusses challenges such as barriers related to skills and understanding data, and how most companies have not matured in their data analytics capabilities. The document advocates combining data science with business experience and judgment to make the best decisions.

Measuring Employee Performance with HR Analytics - HRMATT
Measuring Employee Performance with HR Analytics  - HRMATTMeasuring Employee Performance with HR Analytics  - HRMATT
Measuring Employee Performance with HR Analytics - HRMATT

- The document discusses the importance of measuring HR's effectiveness and developing HR analytics. - It emphasizes defining the purpose of an HR scorecard and identifying key performance indicators relevant to the audience. - The document also stresses leveraging technology to create and maintain scorecards, as well as effectively communicating HR's impact through metrics and storytelling.

caribbeanpeople performancetobago
In summary, Value Profiling allows us to answer the following questions:
1. Is there a relationship between a people
process and a desired business outcome?
• e.g. Is there a relationship between L&D spend and
2. How strong is the relationship between a
people process and a desired business outcome?
• e.g. How strong is the relationship between employee
relations and productivity?
3.Which people processes contribute most to a
desired business outcome?
• e.g.Which people processes contribute most to revenue
Making human capital decisions
The HC decision-making journey
1.Anecdotal decisions
2. Reporting and dashboards
3. Data mining
4. Scientific People Analytics
1. Anecdotal decisions
The fundamental reason that we use people
analytics is to avoid anecdotal decision-making
• “It’s obvious that the more you pay, the more productivity you’ll
• “So you’re saying that some test can make better judgements than
• “I’ve been in this business for 20 years and I know that...”
Human capital decisions are based on gut-feel and
• Subjective bias
• Data that the decision-maker already knows
• No sense of looking at multiple factors
Quality is limited by:

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How to Start People Analytics Practice?
How to Start People Analytics Practice?How to Start People Analytics Practice?
How to Start People Analytics Practice?

The majority of organizations (54%) use people analytics to improve HR effectiveness today. Organizations more frequently rely on people analytics to improve business outcomes, organizational performance and achieve labor cost savings. People Analytics allows HR to gain a more strategic role in the organization and clearly show its impact. Advanced organizations use data to analyze the workforce proactively, make predictions, and create and monitor comprehensive workforce plans to achieve financial success. HR data has become an strategic priority, but it takes efforts in order to enable the usage of it.

analyticsdata analysisemployee engagement
Trust impact ppt gpit
Trust impact ppt   gpitTrust impact ppt   gpit
Trust impact ppt gpit

This document discusses how technology can help solve HR challenges and create great workplaces. It describes Great Place IT's TrustImpact solution which uses continuous feedback, action planning and review to drive continuous improvement. The solution provides quick insights, enables deep analysis of results, facilitates action planning and tracking, and allows organizations to measure the impact of actions through continuous surveys. Great Place IT helps organizations analyze survey results, prioritize actions, plan and track progress, and ensure continuous focus on improvements.

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People Analytics: Improving the Employee Experience and Productivity
People Analytics: Improving the Employee Experience and ProductivityPeople Analytics: Improving the Employee Experience and Productivity
People Analytics: Improving the Employee Experience and Productivity

It is true today more than any point in history that talent is a company’s greatest asset. To thrive in our hyper competitive global economy, companies need the right talent to deliver exceptional customer experiences efficiently with minimal risk. Traditionally, Human Resource teams have made decisions on hiring, assigning and developing employees using experience, instinct, and basic statistical data. The same advanced analytics and machine learning techniques we use to improve the customer experience are now being used for our people. People analytics provides insights and enables better and faster data-driven decision making across all aspects of people at work. Topics covered in this presentation include: How analytics has changed the customer experience. Current state of employee engagement and its impact. Limitations of cognitive decision making process. What is people analytics? How companies are using people analytics today? Challenges in adoption of people analytics. Guidance to get started on people analytics journey.

people analyticsanalyticsfuture of work
2. Reporting and dashboards
• employee turnover
• training hours
• time to hire
• cost to hire
• depth of leadership pipeline
• grievances
• safety records
• etc.
Report simple metrics based on
reactive needs e.g.
• Flat reporting
• Comparing across businesses, roles, regions
• Trend analysis
• Benchmarking
Types of reporting
Reporting and dashboards: Process
1. Build data
• Data differs
• regions
• businesses
• Functions
• Differs how?
• Update
• Definitions
2. Integrate data
• Migrate multiple
sources to a
single platform
• development
• performance
• surveys
• operational
• “big data”?
3. Create reports,
dashboards and
• Centralised or
• Integrated tools
from most big
• Independent tools
e.g. Excel, OrgVue,
Crystal Reports,
Reporting and dashboards notes
• Therefore not linked to
KPDs or business outcomes
• Linking to KPDs or business
outcomes therefore still
require anecdotal decisions
No statistical analysis
3. Data mining: Does a change in one factor lead to a change in another?
Performance v Engagement
Performance Engagement
through all
data looking
like Google
often include
big data

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Digital transformation is forcing organizations to rethink their IT strategies in order to remain competitive. Adopting digital technologies can help businesses drive stronger customer engagement, realize higher revenue growth than competitors, and better prepare them for change. Successful digital transformation requires modernizing legacy systems, adopting practices like DevOps, implementing predictive analytics, and ensuring effective security, risk and governance programs.

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The People Analytics Revolution
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The People Analytics Revolution

People analytics is massively important, and it’s easier than you think to start – now is the time to get involved and seize this massive opportunity.

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Max Blumberg: How can #PeopleAnalytics prevent incidents like the Twitter fir...Max Blumberg: How can #PeopleAnalytics prevent incidents like the Twitter fir...
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The document discusses how People Analytics functions can justify their continued existence and budget within an organization. It provides examples of steps a People Analytics team could take: 1. Communicate to executives how People Analytics can help achieve business objectives and shareholder returns through evidence-based people processes. 2. Research the organization's business problems, strategic capabilities, workforce issues and people process challenges by interviewing executives. 3. Generate hypotheses about which people processes may be limiting workforce capabilities. 4. Collect both existing and new data to test the hypotheses. 5. Perform quantitative analysis like regression modeling to test whether hypotheses are correct. 6. Implement findings by updating people processes proven to develop the needed workforce

Data mining example
The “real” org chart
Interesting to look at engagement on these “real” teams
• Disconnected, risk of exit
• Problem if talented
• Holds network together
• Can become a bottleneck
• Also a bit of a knowledge broker – if he
leaves, Shapiro, Paine etc. become
Data mining
Better than reporting
because at least it
looks at how two
factors move together
The problems are that:
• It seldom starts with a
business problem
• You don’t know which
factor caused the other
4. Scientific People Analytics
“Gut feel”,
Limited to what
the decision-
maker already
Scientific Analytics
Example: Making a clinical investment decision

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Making Workforce Analytics Stick
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Making Workforce Analytics Stick

This document provides an overview of a presentation on making workforce analytics stick. It discusses common roadblocks such as lack of dedicated resources and skills. It emphasizes strategic alignment of workforce analytics with business goals and metrics. Executive level reporting of metrics on productivity, turnover, and other topics is recommended. Quick wins, pilot programs, and communicating success can help make workforce analytics initiatives stick within an organization.

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Making Workforce Analytics Stick
Making Workforce Analytics Stick Making Workforce Analytics Stick
Making Workforce Analytics Stick

This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on making workforce analytics initiatives stick. The presentation covers establishing a business case for workforce analytics, common roadblocks and challenges, and strategies for ensuring initiatives have lasting impact. It recommends aligning analytics with business strategy, conducting executive-level reporting that dollarizes metrics, developing a strategic communication plan, prioritizing quick wins, and piloting programs.

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Business analytics workshop presentation final
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This document outlines an agenda and presentation for a business analytics seminar for credit union executives and board directors. The presentation will define business analytics, explain how it can help credit unions address key issues like margin compression and regulatory compliance, and provide examples of how analytics can be applied to areas like marketing, risk management, and branch performance. Attendees will learn how predictive analytics can help credit unions retain members, optimize pricing, and streamline operations. The presentation will also cover getting started with business analytics projects.

Scientific People Analytics
The key to all scientific
approaches is that they
work systematically
backwards through a
1.They start with a
business problem
2.They hypothesise the
causes on the left
3.They test possible

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MHR Analytics Summit 2018 | Value Profiling: How to Identify the Real Challenges for your Organisation - Max Blumberg

  • 1. All content remains the property of Blumberg Partnership Ltd and may only be used with prior written consent Value profiling: How to Identify the Real Challenges for Your Organisation www.maxb.com [email protected] +44 (0) 1258 628552 +44 (0) 7768 455345
  • 2. Personal introduction 2 Professional musician • One hit! Academic • Computer science • Psychology • Maths • Visiting Professor, LUBS • Visiting Research Fellow, Goldsmiths, U of London Work • Accenture • Technology start-up Today • People analytics • Global sales force transformation • AI app development • Positioning Game
  • 3. Agenda 3 1. • Why is People Analytics Important? 2. • The Mechanics of People Analytics 3. • How to Build a Powerful People Analytics Function
  • 4. Why is People Analytics important? Section Sub-title
  • 5. 1st principles: Companies deliver value by making investment decisions about various assets 5 Investor ROI Tangible assets Intellectual capital Customer capital Human capital Data Social capital Financial capital Investors demand ROI
  • 6. What can happen if human capital ROI isn’t delivered? 6 Investors leave Business shrinks Board replace human capital by automation wherever possible Board create a new role whose job is to achieve desired ROI on human capital
  • 7. What might limit delivery of human capital ROI in your organisation? 7 Attrition Recruiting the wrong people Etc. What is the likely cause of the above problems?
  • 8. The mechanics of people analytics
  • 9. What kinds human capital decisions do managers make? 9 People Process Decisions • Which job applicant should I hire? Recruitment: • How much should we spend on learning management? Learning • What should we measure at performance appraisals? Performance managament: • What competencies are important for high job performance? Competency management: Organizational Design Decisions How do we develop a more inclusive global culture? How much autonomy is optimal between group functions and business units? What is the optimal balance between FTEs & contractors?
  • 10. We can lay these human capital decisions out like this: 10 PEOPLE PROCESSES Level 4 Competency Management Rewards & Recognition Career Development Employee Relations Performance Appraisal Human Capital Strategy Recruitment Knowledge Management Succession Planning Learning Management Workplace Design Change Management Workforce Planning Human Capital Infrastructure WORKFORCE CAPABILITIES Level 3 Employee Engagement Workforce Performance Human Capital Efficiency Leadership Capability Talent Management Workforce Adaptability Ability to Change Cultural Alignment KEY PERFORMANCE DRIVERS Level 2 Productivity Quality Innovation Customers BUSINESS OUTCOMES Level 1 Revenue Growth ROIC Total Return to Shareholders Future Value Capital Efficiency
  • 11. Important Value Profiling Principles 1. Managers can only make human capital decisions about people processes. They can’t make any direct decisions about workforce capabilities, KPDs or business outcomes. 2. All human capital problems are therefore rooted in poor people process decisions 3. Every block on the right is likely to have multiple causes on the left (not a single cause) 4. To improve a business outcome, you have to work backwards through chain to identify the problematic people process. Then you repair the people process and hope that these repairs ripple through and fix your business outcome problems. 11
  • 12. How to ensure ROI from your human capital investments 12 1. Identify a problematic business outcome 2. Identify the KPDs which are causing it 3. Identify the workforce capabilities causing the KPD issues 4. Identify the people processes causing the workforce capability issues • Ideally, we should start with a business outcome problem; yet most companies start with WCs • That’s the principle, but how do you apply it?
  • 13. Inputs to the Value Profiling process 13
  • 14. e.g. Career Development inputs to the Value Profiling process 14
  • 15. Outputs from the Value Profiling process 15 Workforce Management Performance Appraisal Knowledge Management Human Capital Strategy Learning Management Human Capital Infrastructure HR PROCESSES Level 4 WORKFORCE CAPABILITIES Level 3 Ability to Change Employee Relations Performance Appraisal Recruiting Workplace Design Rewards & Recognition Human Capital Strategy Career Development Learning Management Human Capital Infrastructure Knowledge Management HR PROCESSES Level 4 WORKFORCE CAPABILITIES Level 3 Employee Engagement Employee Relations Knowledge Management Recruiting Rewards & Recognition Employee Relations Change Management Learning Management Succession Planning Performance Appraisal Human Capital Infrastructure HR PROCESSES Level 4 WORKFORCE CAPABILITIES Level 3 Leadership Capability Performance Appraisal Recruiting Rewards & Recognition Knowledge Management Learning Management Career Development HR PROCESSES Level 4 WORKFORCE CAPABILITIES Level 3 Talent Management Business Outcomes Performance Appraisal Rewards & Recognition Career Development Human Capital Infrastructure Workplace Design Recruitment Learning Management Human Capital Strategy Employee Relations HR Processes The Three Workforce Capabilities Linked to Capital Efficiency Leadership Capability Employee Engagement Workforce Performance Increasing Impact KPD: Revenue The three workforce capabilities linked to revenue
  • 16. Outputs from the Value Profiling process 16 Perfor app HC infrastr Rewar d WF plan Knldg e mgt Succe ssPlan Comp etenc y mgt Recruit Empye e relatio n Workp l design Caree r dvlpm t Low High Medium Priority High Priority Low Priority Targeted, Incremental, Improvements Only High Low Impact on Outcome ImplementationEffectiveness Learning mgt HC strateg Change mgt
  • 17. In summary, Value Profiling allows us to answer the following questions: 17 1. Is there a relationship between a people process and a desired business outcome? • e.g. Is there a relationship between L&D spend and innovation? 2. How strong is the relationship between a people process and a desired business outcome? • e.g. How strong is the relationship between employee relations and productivity? 3.Which people processes contribute most to a desired business outcome? • e.g.Which people processes contribute most to revenue growth?
  • 18. Making human capital decisions
  • 19. The HC decision-making journey 19 1.Anecdotal decisions 2. Reporting and dashboards 3. Data mining 4. Scientific People Analytics
  • 20. 1. Anecdotal decisions The fundamental reason that we use people analytics is to avoid anecdotal decision-making • “It’s obvious that the more you pay, the more productivity you’ll get” • “So you’re saying that some test can make better judgements than me?” • “I’ve been in this business for 20 years and I know that...” Human capital decisions are based on gut-feel and intuition: • Subjective bias • Data that the decision-maker already knows • No sense of looking at multiple factors Quality is limited by:
  • 21. 2. Reporting and dashboards 21 • employee turnover • training hours • time to hire • cost to hire • depth of leadership pipeline • grievances • safety records • etc. Report simple metrics based on reactive needs e.g. • Flat reporting • Comparing across businesses, roles, regions • Trend analysis • Benchmarking Types of reporting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Performance
  • 22. Reporting and dashboards: Process 22 1. Build data dictionary • Data differs across • regions • businesses • Functions • Differs how? • Update frequency • Definitions 2. Integrate data sources • Migrate multiple sources to a single platform • HRIS • development data • performance data • surveys • operational data • “big data”? 3. Create reports, dashboards and visualizations • Centralised or self-serve • Integrated tools from most big vendors • Independent tools e.g. Excel, OrgVue, Crystal Reports, etc.
  • 23. Reporting and dashboards notes 23 • Therefore not linked to KPDs or business outcomes • Linking to KPDs or business outcomes therefore still require anecdotal decisions No statistical analysis
  • 24. 3. Data mining: Does a change in one factor lead to a change in another? 24 0 2 4 6 8 Performance v Engagement Performance Engagement Involves trawling through all available data looking for relationships Companies like Google often include big data
  • 25. Data mining example The “real” org chart Interesting to look at engagement on these “real” teams 25 Peripheral • Disconnected, risk of exit • Problem if talented Central: • Holds network together • Can become a bottleneck • Also a bit of a knowledge broker – if he leaves, Shapiro, Paine etc. become disconnected
  • 26. Data mining Better than reporting because at least it looks at how two factors move together The problems are that: • It seldom starts with a business problem • You don’t know which factor caused the other
  • 27. 4. Scientific People Analytics “Gut feel”, intuition Limited to what the decision- maker already knows
  • 29. Scientific People Analytics 29 The key to all scientific approaches is that they work systematically backwards through a model 1.They start with a business problem 2.They hypothesise the causes on the left 3.They test possible solutions