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Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing
By Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
What is Mobile Application Testing?
Why Mobile Application Testing?
Key Challenges in Enterprise Mobility Testing
Mobile Testing Methodologies/Approach
oLegacy Mobile Testing Approach
oBehavior Driven Testing (BDT) Approach
oCrowd Sourcing for Mobile Application Testing
Available ways for testing Mobile Applications
Types of Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Testing Using Emulators
UI Testing for Mobile Applications
Mobile Application UI Testing
Interruption Testing for Mobile Applications
Gesture Testing for Mobile Applications Continued..
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Security Testing for Mobile Applications
Performance Testing for Mobile Applications
Popular Mobile Application Testing Tools
Remote Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison
Desktop Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison
Analyze and Choose what is best for you!
Thank you and Questions?
Agenda Continued..
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing is a process though which testing can be performed to verify the
functionality, Usability and Stability of the developed mobile applications.
What is Mobile Application Testing?

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Mobile application testing

Learn how a web tester can move to mobile application testing. Softheme's presentation for SQA Days 2012

mobile application testingweb testingmobile testing
Automation With Appium
Automation With AppiumAutomation With Appium
Automation With Appium

Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS mobile, Android mobile, and Windows desktop platforms. Native apps are those written using iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs. Mobile web apps are web apps accessed using a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in 'Browser' app on Android). Hybrid apps have a wrapper around a "webview" -- a native control that enables interaction with web content. Projects like Apache Cordova or Phonegap make it easy to build apps using web technologies that are then bundled into a native wrapper, creating a hybrid app. Importantly, Appium is "cross-platform": it allows you to write tests against multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows), using the same API. This enables code reuse between iOS, Android, and Windows testsuites.

appiumautomation testtesting
Basic Guide For Mobile Application Testing
Basic Guide For Mobile Application TestingBasic Guide For Mobile Application Testing
Basic Guide For Mobile Application Testing

Do'd and Don'ts for mobile application testing, basic guide for learning mobile testing, covers different aspects for mobile testing includes android and iphone test methodology. Also highlights different types of testing, mobile platforms, testing frameworks, emulator and simulator differences.

Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Why Mobile Application Testing?
The face of IT is changing very fast in today’s world. Unlike a decade back when we had bulky desktops
with limited connectivity and that too were mostly getting used by IT dependent companies and end
users had only started to learn about the computers, now the users are becoming smart and have
adapted the new technologies in their daily life and believe me this trend is not going to stop until we
will bring whole universe at our figure tips.
When we talk about Mobile Applications, Testing becomes an important factor for a successful Mobile
Application Development due to the following factors.
Frequent Releases for Mobile Apps
Involvement of Various Devices
Involvement of Various OS
growth in Cloud
and Mobile
Complex and
Acceptance of
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Key Challenges for Enterprise Mobility Testing
Various Device Hardwares
Various Operating Systems
Various Browsers
Various Networks
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Legacy Mobile Testing Approach
Test Environment Setup
Test Data Setup Test Setup Emulators Setup Tools Setup
Identifying Testing Tools
Device Emulators OS Emulators Actual Devices
Identifying Testing Parameters
Device Hardware Operating System Browsers Device Settings
Identifying Test Scenarios
Usability Performance
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) Approach
Focus on requirements
Identifies different flows
application behavior.
Useful for automating
multichannel applications
Compatible with open
source tools
Behavior-driven testing is an iterative, incremental and agile
Behavior-driven testing combines the general techniques and principles of

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Mobile application testing tutorial
Mobile application testing tutorialMobile application testing tutorial
Mobile application testing tutorial

The document discusses different types of mobile application testing including functional testing, memory leakage testing, update testing, interrupt testing, power consumption testing, and security testing. It provides examples of each type of testing and explains their importance in thoroughly validating mobile app functionality and performance.

Mobile Test Automation - Appium
Mobile Test Automation - AppiumMobile Test Automation - Appium
Mobile Test Automation - Appium

This is presentation from the QA meetup - #4 KraQA, where we have presented the Appium as a key to easy automation in mobile.

Mobile application testing
Mobile application testingMobile application testing
Mobile application testing

This presentation contains an introduction to Quality assurance and how quality assurance can be done in Mobile application testing.

Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) Approach Continued..
Advantages of BDT
• Usable domain language for team as well as BA.
• Never have to rewrite specs as behavior does not change
• Good fit for an application having big data sets and rarely changing test cases.
• Good usability and re-usability of test scripts and good test flow coverage.
• Data and code are separately managed and maintained.
• Easy to reproduce a failed scenario or case at developer-end.
BDT Supported Tools
• > Cucumber
• > Phone Monkey
• > Calabash
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Crowd Sourcing for Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Advantages of Crowd sourced Mobile Testing
Higher Quality: The core testing team may not have all the resources to test the
software in different environments and in different situations as it may not be possible to
have all the resources to create different environments in which the software should be
Cost Control: It is cost effective, as the product company pays only for the valid bugs
reported. Usually time to test the software is comparably lesser, so it leads to better
productivity and thus is cheaper than hiring engineers, designers, and specialists.
Fast Market: 2-3 day test cycles instead of 2--‐3 weeks
High Complexity: The quality of mobile application testing is achieved by using different
devices, languages and locations. The pool of testers is diverse with variations in languages
as well as locales. This helps testing applications which are based on localization.
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Available ways for Mobile Application Testing
• An emulator is hardware or software or both that duplicates (or emulates) the
functions of one computer system (the guest) in another computer system (the host)
Using Emulators
•Having an account with a vendor that lets you access remote real devices at any time is very
Remote Real Devices in Cloud
• Emulators and remote, real-device solutions that support script & playback
functionality are time-savers that can allow you to execute more test cases with a
higher degree of consistency. Clearly, a solution that integrates real and emulated
devices is ideal.
Automate Wherever Possible
•If devices are not launched yet, a prototype of that device model is given by the device
On Actual Device

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Mobile App Testing
Mobile App TestingMobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

Mobile is booming, and that's a good thing! But with multiple operating systems and tens of thousands of devices on the market, how can you ensure your app delights your users everywhere, every time, at every turn?

Mobile Automation with Appium
Mobile Automation with AppiumMobile Automation with Appium
Mobile Automation with Appium

The document discusses challenges in mobile automation testing and provides an overview of Appium as a tool for mobile test automation. It covers Appium architecture, requirements, capabilities, and tips for scaling mobile tests. Advanced Appium actions like horizontal and vertical swiping and chained locators are mentioned. The document also discusses visual testing, accessibility testing, and performance testing for mobile apps using Appium.

appiummobile automationios
Introduction To Mobile-Automation
Introduction To Mobile-AutomationIntroduction To Mobile-Automation
Introduction To Mobile-Automation

Sitam Jana presents on mobile automation. The document discusses challenges in mobile testing like compatibility and regression testing. It then covers mobile automation tools like Appium, Robotium and MonkeyRunner that can automate testing on Android and iOS. The last sections provide steps to set up the environment and demonstrate MonkeyRunner through sample code and configuration in Eclipse.

appiumautomationmindfire solutions
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Types of Mobile Application Testing
Stress testing
Field Testing
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Mobile Testing Using Emulators
When developing code for mobile devices, it’s always good to test it out on the targeted device(s).
However, it’s not always convenient or cost-effective to have access to the real thing. That’s where
mobile device emulators and simulators come into play.
Mimics your
software and a
part hardware
Interruption ,
testing and
Memory Leak
issues are not
Cross Platform
Testing is
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
UI Testing for Mobile Applications
Due to diversity in mobile hardware and platforms, testing programs need to incorporate GUI and
compatibility tests in addition to the standard functionality tests.
•Multiple OS versions and devices
•Different Screen Orientations
•Different Screen Setup
•Rendering of images and positioning of elements
User Experience
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Mobile Application UI Testing – Scope and Coverage
Look and Feel

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Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile AppsAppium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps

The document discusses automation testing for mobile apps using Appium. Appium allows for cross-platform mobile app testing by using the same tests across iOS and Android platforms. It functions by proxying commands to the devices to run tests using technologies like UIAutomation for iOS and UiAutomator for Android. While useful for local testing, Appium has limitations for scaling tests in continuous integration environments, where services like Sauce Labs are better suited.

appiumbrowser testingsauce labs
Appium overview
Appium overviewAppium overview
Appium overview

The document discusses Appium, an open source test automation framework for testing native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It provides an overview of Appium and how it can be used to test both mobile web and mobile apps on Android and iOS. The document also summarizes how to set up the environment for Android automation using Appium, including writing sample scripts and discussing framework best practices. Advanced locator strategies for Appium like MobileBy, ByAccessibilityId and ByAndroidUIAutomator are also covered.

Appium ppt
Appium pptAppium ppt
Appium ppt

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appium online trainingit courses online trainingappium
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Test Factors
Layout Continues, Relative
Navigation Logical
Position of Icons Logical, Clearly Laid out, Functional
Different Display Format Suitable
Readability Look, Display Duration
Language Grammar, Spelling
Text display Alignment, Overlap, Text Wrapping
Touch Screen Gestures, Input
Motion Sensor Pan, Overturning
Error Messages, Warning Comprehensible
Screen Setup Logical, Duration
Action Chains Logical, Comprehensible
Progress Bar Timing
Performance Load Duration, Multitasking
Mobile Applications UI Testing Criteria
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Interruption Testing for Mobile Applications
Interruption testing is process to replicate abrupt(Unexpected) interrupt to the mobile application.
This can be achieved in various ways and techniques depending on the application under test.
Interrupt testing assures that the device native functionalities are intact and well functional even if the
application is running. Interrupt testing also assures the application robustness with the device native
•Sources of Interruption
•Interruption thru Services
•Various Interruption testing Scenarios
•Achievements of Interruption Testing
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Different Sources of Interruption
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Various Scenarios for Interruption Testing
Call Establish/Accept/Reject Interruption
Camera Activated
Low Memory
Charger Effect
Battery Removal
Social Media Notifications
Alarm Clocks
Home Button/Application Minimize
Calendar Events

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Mobile Testing with Appium
Mobile Testing with AppiumMobile Testing with Appium
Mobile Testing with Appium

We will learn more about mobile application testing using the Appium automation testing Framework. We'll explore how it is different from web application testing, what is the importance of mobile application testing and lastly, why should we choose appium as a testing tool.

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iOS Application Testing
iOS Application TestingiOS Application Testing
iOS Application Testing

Mobile Application Testing, iOS Application Testing,iPhone Application Testing,iPad Application Testing,iPod Application Testing,

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Android & iPhone App Testing
 Android & iPhone App Testing Android & iPhone App Testing
Android & iPhone App Testing

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Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Achievements for Interruption Testing
Interruption testing cannot be done on Simulators & cloud, partial
support on emulators
Testing the application for interrupt handling is a very important
aspect of mobile testing as these interrupts are a very common
phenomenon that may occur anytime during the application run.
The interrupts must be handled properly so that they do not cause
interruption in the application functionality. The application must be
in a suspended state during the interruption but must resume
continuing its normal function after the interruption is over. The
hardware interrupts are on the highest priority and the software
interrupts can be prioritized accordingly.
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Gesture Testing
A Gesture is a pen movement or combination of movements that match the patterns
defined by a recognizer, and is assigned special behavior within an application in order to
implement the behavior assigned to the gesture. Gestures provide a powerful mechanism
for making your application truly gesture centric.
In addition to interpreting Strokes as written characters, a recognizer can return results
that specify the user has entered a Gesture. A gesture can be a hand/face movement, Ink
stroke or pen movement that matches the set of glyphs defined by a recognizer. These
glyphs are assigned special behavioral meaning in the application. When a Gesture object
is recognized it triggers an event that you can handle in your application.
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Gesture Sensing Technologies
 Gesture interaction validation primarily dealt with application response with various
inputs like tap, touch, squeeze ,pinch.
The thought is to see a certain swipe/pinch/zoom etc. movement will work against
various UI changes. When someone makes this gesture what exactly happens in an app
across platforms.
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Security Testing for Mobile Applications
The enterprise mobile applications extend corporate networks beyond the perimeter devices and thus
potentially expose these organizations to new types of security threats.
•Location-Independent (mobile)
•Different attackers
•Identify different penetration tests
•Focus on functionality and design rather than security

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Presentation delivered by Amarender Yogender at the June 09 Knowledge sharing session hosted at Oracle India

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One of the biggest challenges that one faces when developing a mobile application is how to test it.

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Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Environmental Analysis
 Focus on the company behind the app and their business case and the relating stakeholders
 Analyze internal processes and structures
Architectural Analysis
 App (network interfaces, used data, communication with other
 Resources, session management, jailbreak/rooting detection, …)
 Runtime environment (MDM, jailbreak/rooting, OS version)
 Backend services (application server, databases, firewall, …)
Security Testing - Intelligence Gathering
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Identifying threats for the app - specific or
prepared threats (e. g. OWASP Top 10)
Should be done already in the development
Risk rating e. g. with OWASP Risk Rating
Developing countermeasures e. g. with best
practices or developers guides
Differences to conventional process
Most software testing processes do not include
Threat Modeling
Threat Modeling makes the complete process
more traceable and efficient for all participants
Security Testing - Thread Modeling
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Identifying vulnerabilities in the app by previously created test cases
using the following methods.
Security Testing - Vulnerability Analysis
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Leading enterprises in various industries depend on mobile
applications to support their core business activities. Ex. Mobile
Failure to provide optimal user experience in the wake of
increased user volume may lead to service failures, unhappy
customers and loss in company’s business and reputation
Without performance testing, it may not be possible to anticipate
real world scenario and the infrastructure required to support peak
Performance Testing for Mobile Applications

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Evaluación de usabilidad de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles dotados de...
Evaluación de usabilidad de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles dotados de...Evaluación de usabilidad de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles dotados de...
Evaluación de usabilidad de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles dotados de...

La evaluación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la usabilidad de dos aplicaciones móviles existentes para personas discapacitadas centrándose en usuarios en silla de ruedas eléctrica. Se realizó un test con un usuario, analizando su experiencia con tareas como localizar puntos de interés y calcular rutas. Los resultados mostraron que las aplicaciones requerían mucho entrenamiento y mejoras en la intuibilidad de botones y funciones. La técnica de evaluación fue útil para mejorar los requisitos de futuras aplicaciones móviles accesibles.

tipos de pruebas.
tipos de pruebas.tipos de pruebas.
tipos de pruebas.

El documento describe los diferentes tipos de pruebas de software, incluyendo pruebas de unidad, integración, validación, sistema, caja blanca y caja negra. Explica que las pruebas de unidad prueban módulos individuales, mientras que las pruebas de integración prueban la interfaz entre módulos. Las pruebas de validación y sistema verifican que el software cumple con los requisitos funcionales y se integra correctamente.

Mobile performance testing
Mobile performance testingMobile performance testing
Mobile performance testing

This document discusses performance testing for mobile applications. It outlines the importance of performance testing given the growth of mobile platforms and users' tendency to abandon apps with performance issues. It then describes various types of mobile apps and some common performance challenges. The rest of the document provides techniques for testing aspects like network performance, battery usage, and memory consumption on different mobile devices and networks. It also lists some tools that can be used for performance testing of mobile apps.

by hunz
software quality assuranceperformance testingautomation
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Performance Testing Types and Challenges
Limited Bandwidth
Network Latency
Packet loss
Power Consumption
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Performance Testing Tools
Report Analyzer
Test Case
JMeter Master
Under Test
 It consists of a Master system (the JMeter GUI)
which controls remote slave systems running
JMeter-server instances which concurrently
imposes load on a target server, network or
object under test by emulating traffic to and
from client software.
Test both Browser based and Native
Mobile applications using most advanced
Network behavior and Service
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Popular Mobile Application Testing Tools
Perfecto Mobile
Device Anywhere
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Remote Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison
Functionality/Tools Perfecto Mobile Keynote Device Anywhere
Product Installation Method Web Based Downloadable Software
App Clean UP Possible Not Possible
Cloud(Global) Public
Device Reservation Support
Supported OS iOS,
Windows Phone as well as Emulators support
Windows Phone as well as Emulators support
Automation 1. Visual Objects (OCR)
2. Real (Native) objects
3. Web Objects/HTML5 (DOM)
4. Script Portability
5. Sharing test sessions live (Video/screenshots)
6. Integrations (HP)
7. Integrations (IBM)
1. Visual Objects (OCR)
2. Web Objects/HTML5 (DOM)
3. Sharing test sessions live (Video/screenshots)
4. Integrations (HP)
5. Integrations (IBM)
ALM Integrations 1. Testing (Manual/Automation)
2. Performance testing
3. Monitoring
1. Testing (Manual/Automation)
2. Performance testing
3. Monitoring
Mobile Monitoring & Performance 1. Real device support
2. Rich reporting suite
3. Integration with ALM Tools
4. Saas Delivery model
5. Performance and network testing
1. Real device support
2. Rich reporting suite
3. Integration with ALM Tools
4. Saas Delivery model
5. Performance and network testing
Party API connectivity Perfecto has open API support (Restful API support) No API Support

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Mobile Device Client Application Performance Testing
Mobile Device Client Application Performance Testing Mobile Device Client Application Performance Testing
Mobile Device Client Application Performance Testing

What is the most important factor in mobile UX? Performance is perhaps the most important factor for mobile user experience. Your users will literally stop using your service if it does not respond fast enough. But evaluating and testing the performance of a mobile application is not as straight forward as evaluating and testing the performance of traditional web-based solutions as there are several other variables such as application structure (browser versus native), network used (2G, 3G, 4G, etc.), payload structure, etc. Mobile Performance Testing consists of three parts: Part 1 - Client Application performance Part 2 - Server performance Part 3 - Network performance This presentation is from part 1 of a series of 3 webinars in which we will explain these three parts. It covers how to performance test mobile Client Applications on a mobile device. We will feature 'Angry Birds', explain how to performance test this mobile application and discuss what tools get the best results.

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Mobile app testing services
Mobile app testing servicesMobile app testing services
Mobile app testing services

Best Mobile App Testing Services by ProvaSolutions are here to stay.Get a Free Mobile App Testing Services Trial Today.Read More: http://bit.ly/2leGRtd

mobile app testing services
Mobile App Testing Best Practices
Mobile App Testing Best PracticesMobile App Testing Best Practices
Mobile App Testing Best Practices

This document discusses building an ideal mobile app testing strategy. It recommends including various types of testing at different stages, such as unit testing, exploratory testing, build acceptance testing, and regression testing. It emphasizes testing apps on real devices rather than emulators to uncover issues related to hardware diversity, screen sizes, customizations, and memory/CPU. The document advocates enabling real device testing earlier in the process to lower bug fixing costs. It also recommends automating tests to speed up release cycles and integrating testing with continuous integration processes. The ideal strategy is described as using a cloud-based solution like Keynote Mobile Testing to provide on-demand access to many real devices for various types of automated and manual testing by development teams.

mobile app developmentdeviceanywherekeynote systems
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Desktop Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison
Functionality/Tools Squish GUI Testing M-eux Test Egg Plant Robotium Sikuli MonkeyTalk
Company FrogLogic Jamo Solutions Test Plant Google Code Projects GitHub Project Gorilla Logic
Testing Areas Covered Cross Browser Testing
GUI Testing
Web testing
Mobile Testing
GUI Testing
Mobile Testing
GUI Testing,
Image Based Testing
Web Testing
Performance Analysis
Mobile Testing
GUI Testing and
Mobile Testing
GUI Testing and
Image Based Testing
Mobile Testing
Supported Languages Python
Squish specific script
APIs for a lot of
Visual Studio,
M-eux specific Script.
Visual Design Eclipse Python language level 2.7
(supported by Jython)
Ruby language level 1.9 and
2.0 (supported by JRuby)
Java Programming
Supported OS iOS Cocoa Touch
iOS and
iOS and
Android Android and
Android and
License Paid Paid Paid Free Free Free
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
Analyze and Choose what is best for you!
•Purpose of the Application
•Nature of Business
•Current and forecast
•Device Variant Support
•Native Application or
Web Based Application
•OS Variant Support
•Work on
•Integration to Test
Management Tools
•Areas to be Automated
Scope and
of the
•Identifying the Core
•Identifying the frequently
used functionality
•Indentifying the Business
impacting functionalities
• Could Based/ Standalone
• Network Infrastructure
• Mobile Features to be
Timelines of
the Project
•Purpose of the Application
•Special Period Business
•Enterprise App
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari
The significant challenges and risks involved in mobile application development may
reduce the quality of the mobile applications. These risks and challenges can be mitigated
by adopting the various testing type and techniques outlined in this presentation.
The importance of testing for mobile applications can not be over sighted before making
them ready for production. An application with defects can hurt the business and the
company reputation.
Mobile Application Testing by
Javed Ansari

Recommended for you

Mobile App Testing
Mobile App TestingMobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

This document discusses mobile application testing. It begins with an introduction of the author and their position at Seesaa Viet Nam .Co.,Ltd. It then covers topics such as what a mobile application is, the challenges of testing mobile apps, how mobile application testing is done, and the differences between testing mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It emphasizes using test automation, emulators, and actual devices during the testing process. It concludes with best practices for mobile application testing such as understanding the network and device landscape and performing various types of testing on actual devices.

Mobile Application Security Testing, Testing for Mobility App | www.idexcel.com
Mobile Application Security Testing, Testing for Mobility App | www.idexcel.comMobile Application Security Testing, Testing for Mobility App | www.idexcel.com
Mobile Application Security Testing, Testing for Mobility App | www.idexcel.com

Application development has come a long way in last two decades, but it is puzzling to see that despite major security breaches, security testing takes a back seat as compared to other forms of quality testing measures such as usability or functional testing.

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Mobile App Testing
Mobile App TestingMobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

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Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari

  • 1. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 1 Mobile Application Testing By Javed Ansari
  • 2. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 2 What is Mobile Application Testing? Why Mobile Application Testing? Key Challenges in Enterprise Mobility Testing Mobile Testing Methodologies/Approach oLegacy Mobile Testing Approach oBehavior Driven Testing (BDT) Approach oCrowd Sourcing for Mobile Application Testing Available ways for testing Mobile Applications Types of Mobile Application Testing Mobile Testing Using Emulators UI Testing for Mobile Applications Mobile Application UI Testing Interruption Testing for Mobile Applications Gesture Testing for Mobile Applications Continued.. Agenda
  • 3. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 3 Security Testing for Mobile Applications Performance Testing for Mobile Applications Popular Mobile Application Testing Tools Remote Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison Desktop Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison Analyze and Choose what is best for you! Conclusion Thank you and Questions? Agenda Continued..
  • 4. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 4 Mobile Application Testing is a process though which testing can be performed to verify the functionality, Usability and Stability of the developed mobile applications. What is Mobile Application Testing?
  • 5. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 5 Why Mobile Application Testing? The face of IT is changing very fast in today’s world. Unlike a decade back when we had bulky desktops with limited connectivity and that too were mostly getting used by IT dependent companies and end users had only started to learn about the computers, now the users are becoming smart and have adapted the new technologies in their daily life and believe me this trend is not going to stop until we will bring whole universe at our figure tips. When we talk about Mobile Applications, Testing becomes an important factor for a successful Mobile Application Development due to the following factors. Frequent Releases for Mobile Apps Involvement of Various Devices Involvement of Various OS Technology Convergence Exponential growth in Cloud and Mobile Computing Complex and Fragmented Technologies Global Acceptance of Mobility
  • 6. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 6 Key Challenges for Enterprise Mobility Testing Various Device Hardwares Various Operating Systems Various Browsers Various Networks
  • 7. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 7 Legacy Mobile Testing Approach Test Environment Setup Test Data Setup Test Setup Emulators Setup Tools Setup Identifying Testing Tools Device Emulators OS Emulators Actual Devices Identifying Testing Parameters Device Hardware Operating System Browsers Device Settings Identifying Test Scenarios Application Functions Device Interactions Usability Performance Network Impacts Interruptions
  • 8. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 8 Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) Approach Focus on requirements Identifies different flows application behavior. Useful for automating multichannel applications Compatible with open source tools Behavior-driven testing is an iterative, incremental and agile methodology. Behavior-driven testing combines the general techniques and principles of TDD and BDD
  • 9. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 9 Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) Approach Continued.. Advantages of BDT • Usable domain language for team as well as BA. • Never have to rewrite specs as behavior does not change • Good fit for an application having big data sets and rarely changing test cases. • Good usability and re-usability of test scripts and good test flow coverage. • Data and code are separately managed and maintained. • Easy to reproduce a failed scenario or case at developer-end. BDT Supported Tools • > Cucumber • > Phone Monkey • > Calabash
  • 10. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 10 Crowd Sourcing for Mobile Application Testing
  • 11. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 11 Advantages of Crowd sourced Mobile Testing Higher Quality: The core testing team may not have all the resources to test the software in different environments and in different situations as it may not be possible to have all the resources to create different environments in which the software should be tested. Cost Control: It is cost effective, as the product company pays only for the valid bugs reported. Usually time to test the software is comparably lesser, so it leads to better productivity and thus is cheaper than hiring engineers, designers, and specialists. Fast Market: 2-3 day test cycles instead of 2--‐3 weeks High Complexity: The quality of mobile application testing is achieved by using different devices, languages and locations. The pool of testers is diverse with variations in languages as well as locales. This helps testing applications which are based on localization.
  • 12. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 12 Available ways for Mobile Application Testing • An emulator is hardware or software or both that duplicates (or emulates) the functions of one computer system (the guest) in another computer system (the host) Using Emulators •Having an account with a vendor that lets you access remote real devices at any time is very handy. Remote Real Devices in Cloud • Emulators and remote, real-device solutions that support script & playback functionality are time-savers that can allow you to execute more test cases with a higher degree of consistency. Clearly, a solution that integrates real and emulated devices is ideal. Automate Wherever Possible •If devices are not launched yet, a prototype of that device model is given by the device manufacturer. On Actual Device
  • 13. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 13 Types of Mobile Application Testing Mobile Testing Sanity Testing Functional Testing User Interface Testing Interruption Testing Security Testing Performance/ Stress testing Field Testing
  • 14. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 14 Mobile Testing Using Emulators When developing code for mobile devices, it’s always good to test it out on the targeted device(s). However, it’s not always convenient or cost-effective to have access to the real thing. That’s where mobile device emulators and simulators come into play. Emulator Mimics your software and a part hardware Interruption , Network Connectivity testing and Memory Leak issues are not possible. Multiple Device/Screen Resolution Support Cross Platform Testing is possible
  • 15. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 15 UI Testing for Mobile Applications Due to diversity in mobile hardware and platforms, testing programs need to incorporate GUI and compatibility tests in addition to the standard functionality tests. •Multiple OS versions and devices •Different Screen Orientations •Different Screen Setup •Rendering of images and positioning of elements User Experience Usability Positive Interaction Appealing Design
  • 16. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 16 Mobile Application UI Testing – Scope and Coverage Browser Compatibility Testing Layout Testing Content Testing Look and Feel Testing Navigation Testing Instruction Testing
  • 17. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 17 Test Factors Layout Continues, Relative Navigation Logical Position of Icons Logical, Clearly Laid out, Functional Different Display Format Suitable Readability Look, Display Duration Language Grammar, Spelling Text display Alignment, Overlap, Text Wrapping Touch Screen Gestures, Input Motion Sensor Pan, Overturning Error Messages, Warning Comprehensible Screen Setup Logical, Duration Action Chains Logical, Comprehensible Progress Bar Timing Performance Load Duration, Multitasking Mobile Applications UI Testing Criteria
  • 18. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 18 Interruption Testing for Mobile Applications Interruption testing is process to replicate abrupt(Unexpected) interrupt to the mobile application. This can be achieved in various ways and techniques depending on the application under test. Interrupt testing assures that the device native functionalities are intact and well functional even if the application is running. Interrupt testing also assures the application robustness with the device native features. •Sources of Interruption •Interruption thru Services •Various Interruption testing Scenarios •Achievements of Interruption Testing
  • 19. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 19 Different Sources of Interruption
  • 20. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 20 Various Scenarios for Interruption Testing Call Establish/Accept/Reject Interruption Camera Activated Low Memory Charger Effect Battery Removal Social Media Notifications Alarm Clocks Home Button/Application Minimize Bluetooth Calendar Events
  • 21. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 21 Achievements for Interruption Testing Interruption testing cannot be done on Simulators & cloud, partial support on emulators Testing the application for interrupt handling is a very important aspect of mobile testing as these interrupts are a very common phenomenon that may occur anytime during the application run. The interrupts must be handled properly so that they do not cause interruption in the application functionality. The application must be in a suspended state during the interruption but must resume continuing its normal function after the interruption is over. The hardware interrupts are on the highest priority and the software interrupts can be prioritized accordingly.
  • 22. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 22 Gesture Testing A Gesture is a pen movement or combination of movements that match the patterns defined by a recognizer, and is assigned special behavior within an application in order to implement the behavior assigned to the gesture. Gestures provide a powerful mechanism for making your application truly gesture centric. In addition to interpreting Strokes as written characters, a recognizer can return results that specify the user has entered a Gesture. A gesture can be a hand/face movement, Ink stroke or pen movement that matches the set of glyphs defined by a recognizer. These glyphs are assigned special behavioral meaning in the application. When a Gesture object is recognized it triggers an event that you can handle in your application.
  • 23. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 23 Gesture Sensing Technologies  Gesture interaction validation primarily dealt with application response with various inputs like tap, touch, squeeze ,pinch. The thought is to see a certain swipe/pinch/zoom etc. movement will work against various UI changes. When someone makes this gesture what exactly happens in an app across platforms.
  • 24. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 24 Security Testing for Mobile Applications The enterprise mobile applications extend corporate networks beyond the perimeter devices and thus potentially expose these organizations to new types of security threats. •Location-Independent (mobile) •Consumerization •Different attackers •Identify different penetration tests •Focus on functionality and design rather than security Vulnerability Analysis Threat Modeling Intelligence Gathering
  • 25. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 25 Environmental Analysis  Focus on the company behind the app and their business case and the relating stakeholders  Analyze internal processes and structures Architectural Analysis  App (network interfaces, used data, communication with other  Resources, session management, jailbreak/rooting detection, …)  Runtime environment (MDM, jailbreak/rooting, OS version)  Backend services (application server, databases, firewall, …) Security Testing - Intelligence Gathering
  • 26. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 26 Identifying threats for the app - specific or prepared threats (e. g. OWASP Top 10) Should be done already in the development Risk rating e. g. with OWASP Risk Rating Developing countermeasures e. g. with best practices or developers guides Differences to conventional process Most software testing processes do not include Threat Modeling Threat Modeling makes the complete process more traceable and efficient for all participants Security Testing - Thread Modeling
  • 27. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 27 Identifying vulnerabilities in the app by previously created test cases using the following methods. Security Testing - Vulnerability Analysis
  • 28. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 28 Leading enterprises in various industries depend on mobile applications to support their core business activities. Ex. Mobile banking Failure to provide optimal user experience in the wake of increased user volume may lead to service failures, unhappy customers and loss in company’s business and reputation Without performance testing, it may not be possible to anticipate real world scenario and the infrastructure required to support peak loads Performance Testing for Mobile Applications
  • 29. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 29 Performance Testing Types and Challenges Limited Bandwidth Network Latency Packet loss Power Consumption Performance Testing Load Testing Endurance Testing Volume Testing Scalability Testing Spike Testing Stress Testing
  • 30. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 30 Mobile Application Performance Testing Tools Report Analyzer Test Case Controller Scenario Generator JMeter Master Application Under Test JMeter Slave  It consists of a Master system (the JMeter GUI) which controls remote slave systems running JMeter-server instances which concurrently imposes load on a target server, network or object under test by emulating traffic to and from client software. Test both Browser based and Native Mobile applications using most advanced Network behavior and Service Virtualization.
  • 31. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 31 Popular Mobile Application Testing Tools Remote Based Paid Perfecto Mobile Device Anywhere Desktop Based Paid EggPlant SeeTest JamoSolutions Squish FoneMonkey Open Source Robotium Sikuli MonkeyTalk Robot Framework
  • 32. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 32 Remote Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison Functionality/Tools Perfecto Mobile Keynote Device Anywhere Product Installation Method Web Based Downloadable Software App Clean UP Possible Not Possible Cloud(Global) Public Private Device Reservation Support Public Private Supported OS iOS, Android BlackBerry Windows Phone as well as Emulators support iOS Android BlackBerry Windows Phone as well as Emulators support Automation 1. Visual Objects (OCR) 2. Real (Native) objects 3. Web Objects/HTML5 (DOM) 4. Script Portability 5. Sharing test sessions live (Video/screenshots) 6. Integrations (HP) 7. Integrations (IBM) 1. Visual Objects (OCR) 2. Web Objects/HTML5 (DOM) 3. Sharing test sessions live (Video/screenshots) 4. Integrations (HP) 5. Integrations (IBM) ALM Integrations 1. Testing (Manual/Automation) 2. Performance testing 3. Monitoring 1. Testing (Manual/Automation) 2. Performance testing 3. Monitoring Mobile Monitoring & Performance 1. Real device support 2. Rich reporting suite 3. Integration with ALM Tools 4. Saas Delivery model 5. Performance and network testing 1. Real device support 2. Rich reporting suite 3. Integration with ALM Tools 4. Saas Delivery model 5. Performance and network testing 3 rd Party API connectivity Perfecto has open API support (Restful API support) No API Support
  • 33. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 33 Desktop Based Mobile Application Testing Tools Comparison Functionality/Tools Squish GUI Testing M-eux Test Egg Plant Robotium Sikuli MonkeyTalk Company FrogLogic Jamo Solutions Test Plant Google Code Projects GitHub Project Gorilla Logic Testing Areas Covered Cross Browser Testing GUI Testing Web testing Mobile Testing GUI Testing Mobile Testing GUI Testing, Image Based Testing Web Testing Performance Analysis Mobile Testing GUI Testing and Mobile Testing GUI Testing and Image Based Testing Mobile Testing Supported Languages Python JavaScript Ruby Perl Tcl Squish specific script APIs for a lot of convenience Visual Studio, Eclipse M-eux specific Script. Visual Design Eclipse Python language level 2.7 (supported by Jython) Ruby language level 1.9 and 2.0 (supported by JRuby) Java Programming MonkeyTalk Supported OS iOS Cocoa Touch Android Web/HTML5/AJAX/Fl ex Android, BalcBerry, iOS and Windows Android, BalcBerry, iOS and Windows Android Android and iOS Android and iOS License Paid Paid Paid Free Free Free
  • 34. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 34 Analyze and Choose what is best for you! Cost Benefit Analysis •Purpose of the Application •Nature of Business •Current and forecast comparisons Scope Based Decisions •Device Variant Support •Native Application or Web Based Application •OS Variant Support Features Based Decisions •Work on Emulator/Device •Integration to Test Management Tools •Areas to be Automated Regression Testing Scope and Complexity of the System •Identifying the Core Functionality •Identifying the frequently used functionality •Indentifying the Business impacting functionalities Infrastructure Decisions • Could Based/ Standalone • Network Infrastructure • Mobile Features to be used Timelines of the Project •Purpose of the Application •Special Period Business App •Enterprise App
  • 35. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 35 The significant challenges and risks involved in mobile application development may reduce the quality of the mobile applications. These risks and challenges can be mitigated by adopting the various testing type and techniques outlined in this presentation. The importance of testing for mobile applications can not be over sighted before making them ready for production. An application with defects can hurt the business and the company reputation. Conclusion
  • 36. Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari 36