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Mobile App Testing
Author: Kavitha, Test Training Head, MobiGnosis
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Is a software application designed to run on smartphones,
tablets and mobile devices.
• Application distribution platforms – appstore, googleplay
• Designed and tested on emulators before the field testing
• Ex. calender, contacts, email, weather, games, banking
Mobile application or mobile app
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Mobile application or mobile app …
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Short dev cycle, rapid changes, multiple form factors.
• Native, Web and Hybrid apps.
• Multiple devices and OS.
• Non functional – Security and performance.
• Backward compatibility.
• Popular mobile web browsers.
• Network.
• Graphics, Video, Audio.
• Memory usage.
• Usability .
• What is coming next ?.
Mobile App Challenges
© 2013 MobiGnosis

Recommended for you

Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing

This document discusses mobile application testing and automation. It covers: - The types of mobile application testing including functionality, usability, and consistency testing as well as testing on emulators and different devices. - The challenges of mobile app testing like different devices, operating systems, and networks. - Popular mobile platforms and types of mobile apps. - The approach to mobile app testing including installation/uninstallation, workflows, performance, localization, and device interactions. - Types of mobile app testing like UI, compatibility, interruptions, and security testing. - The importance and benefits of automation for mobile app testing. - Popular mobile automation tools like MonkeyRunner, UIAutomator,

software testingsoftware development
Basic Guide For Mobile Application Testing
Basic Guide For Mobile Application TestingBasic Guide For Mobile Application Testing
Basic Guide For Mobile Application Testing

Do'd and Don'ts for mobile application testing, basic guide for learning mobile testing, covers different aspects for mobile testing includes android and iphone test methodology. Also highlights different types of testing, mobile platforms, testing frameworks, emulator and simulator differences.

Getting started with appium
Getting started with appiumGetting started with appium
Getting started with appium

Appium is a tool for automating native and hybrid mobile apps. This document discusses how to set up an Appium project to test Android apps. It covers installing Appium and related tools on Windows, setting desired capabilities, locating elements, performing actions, validating results, and running tests. The goal is to create an IntelliJ project that uses Appium to test a sample Android app by interacting with app elements and verifying the app's behavior.

mobile application developmentautomationjava
Mobile app dev cycle
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Mobile app dev process
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Types of mobile applications
• Native app
• Runs on device OS and firmware
• Android, IOS
• Web app
• Browser app, web capable mobile devices
• HTML, javascript
• Hybrid app
• Combination of Native and Web apps
• Has cross platform compatibility
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Multiple devices and OS
Multiple Handsets - i Phone, Android Mobiles,
Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile
Multiple Platforms - Android, IOS, Brew, J2ME,
Windows Mobile and Symbian.
© 2013 MobiGnosis

Recommended for you

Hands-On Mobile App Testing
Hands-On Mobile App TestingHands-On Mobile App Testing
Hands-On Mobile App Testing

This document discusses hands-on mobile app testing. It notes that there are over 3 million apps available across major app stores, with over 100 billion downloads, but many apps are not well tested or deleted after first use. It emphasizes testing on different device types and operating system versions. It recommends establishing a beta testing program to get early feedback from real users. The mobile test pyramid prioritizes manual testing, integration tests, and unit tests over end-to-end UI tests. References are provided for tools to conduct stress testing, beta testing, and using device clouds and labs.

daniel knottmobile fragmentationmobile users
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue SolutionsMobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions

There has been an increase in the adoption of smartphones, tablets and several mobile devices with the passage of time. And it has led to an enormous growth of mobile applications in recent years. Mobile device is considered to be the primary medium of interaction for the customers and also, businesses worldwide. And mobile applications are, actually, driving the communication. People, generally, do not give much importance to mobile application testing because of its expensive nature. But it is very much essential to ensure that the consumers have a great experience, every time they use the application. The aim of mobile application testing should be to acquire knowledge about the quality of the service that you are offering. Does it work properly or not? Will it provide services as per the expectation of the customer? These questions need to be answered to ensure that the customer comes back to you, for your service again. Mobile testing is becoming more and more complicated and complex with each passing day. Strategies are invented and used to simplify the mobile application testing. This presentation primarily addresses, the strategy to be adopted in mobile app testing, the types of mobile app testing and the stages to be followed, before the application is set live.

mobile app testingmobile application testingnetwork testing
Mobile Test Automation - Appium
Mobile Test Automation - AppiumMobile Test Automation - Appium
Mobile Test Automation - Appium

This is presentation from the QA meetup - #4 KraQA, where we have presented the Appium as a key to easy automation in mobile.

• Opera mini
• Google chrome
• Safari
• IE mobile browser
• Dolphin
• Skyfire
Popular mobile web browsers
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Mobile ecosystem
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• First impression
• Is anything confusing ?
• Does the app feel slow ?
• Where are you testing it ?
• Hardware device, network, OS version
• Does the app crash or freeze ?
• How’s the weather ?
Start testing….
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Locate the icon on device home or app screen.
• Tap the icon to start the app.
• Examine the splash screen as the application loads.
• Once the app loads, stop and look at it carefully.
• Cluttered ? Confusing ? Lost ? Quick and easy ? Location and Privacy
data ?
Mobile apps at a glance
© 2013 MobiGnosis

Recommended for you

Mobile App Testing
Mobile App TestingMobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

Mobile is booming, and that's a good thing! But with multiple operating systems and tens of thousands of devices on the market, how can you ensure your app delights your users everywhere, every time, at every turn?

Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile AppsAppium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps

The document discusses automation testing for mobile apps using Appium. Appium allows for cross-platform mobile app testing by using the same tests across iOS and Android platforms. It functions by proxying commands to the devices to run tests using technologies like UIAutomation for iOS and UiAutomator for Android. While useful for local testing, Appium has limitations for scaling tests in continuous integration environments, where services like Sauce Labs are better suited.

appiumbrowser testingsauce labs
Automation With Appium
Automation With AppiumAutomation With Appium
Automation With Appium

Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS mobile, Android mobile, and Windows desktop platforms. Native apps are those written using iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs. Mobile web apps are web apps accessed using a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in 'Browser' app on Android). Hybrid apps have a wrapper around a "webview" -- a native control that enables interaction with web content. Projects like Apache Cordova or Phonegap make it easy to build apps using web technologies that are then bundled into a native wrapper, creating a hybrid app. Importantly, Appium is "cross-platform": it allows you to write tests against multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows), using the same API. This enables code reuse between iOS, Android, and Windows testsuites.

appiumautomation testtesting
• Installation/uninstallation
• download and delete
• Workflows and feature testing
• Functional – specs and requirements
• Data – different types of data
• Regression
• Performance – quick and responsive
• Localization – handle different langugaes
• Scenarios
• Credible usage stories and workflows
Mobile app testing approach
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Device interactions (web, network, apps)
• Wifi, Cellular Network, apps, accessories
• Documentation review
• With in app
• Marketing material
Mobile app testing approach
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Tap
• Double Tap
• Press
• Press and Drag
• Swipe
• Flick
• Shake
• Rotate
• Pinch
• Spread
Gesture Tour
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Installation
• Application Start/Stop Behavior
• Application Credentials
• Interruptions – Voice calls
• Interruptions – SMS
• Autostart
• No disruption to key device applications (pre installed)
Testcase strategies
© 2013 MobiGnosis

Recommended for you

Mobile Automation with Appium
Mobile Automation with AppiumMobile Automation with Appium
Mobile Automation with Appium

The document discusses challenges in mobile automation testing and provides an overview of Appium as a tool for mobile test automation. It covers Appium architecture, requirements, capabilities, and tips for scaling mobile tests. Advanced Appium actions like horizontal and vertical swiping and chained locators are mentioned. The document also discusses visual testing, accessibility testing, and performance testing for mobile apps using Appium.

appiummobile automationios
Performance testing of mobile apps
Performance testing of mobile appsPerformance testing of mobile apps
Performance testing of mobile apps

This talk was presented at VodQA Gurgaon 3rd edition (11 July 2013) Talk Abstract: In midst of testing functional aspect of your mobile apps, performance testing is often ignored or takes a back seat. With the strict quality checks on app stores and other platforms, it becomes all the more essentials for your app to meet performance criteria. We would be focusing on understanding these criteria in detail, their impact and ways to tackle them. Speakers: Rupesh Dubey: Rupesh has 5+ years of experience in Test Automation and Manual testing and have been with ThoughtWorks for more than 3 years. He has worked in various domains including HealthCare and Business Consulting. Priyank Dhillon: He has around 8 years of experience as QA. He has worked on domains such as Telecom, Video and E-commerce and has been involved in different aspects of testing such as Security, White box, Performance. He has worked in software automation testing using wide range of automation tools, doing manual testing and in requirement analysis.

thoughtworksperformance testingios
Mobile Testing Service Desk_Own.ppt
Mobile Testing Service Desk_Own.pptMobile Testing Service Desk_Own.ppt
Mobile Testing Service Desk_Own.ppt

Mobile users have high expectations for apps, with nearly 80% deleting apps after first use due to bad design, slow loading, or crashes. Testing mobile apps is challenging due to a variety of devices, platforms, and user expectations. An effective mobile testing strategy uses a combination of emulators, physical devices, cloud/mobile testing tools, and both automated and manual testing methods across the application lifecycle to ensure quality, performance, and reliability.

Types of mobile app testing
• UI Testing – Color, menu, style
• Performance and stress – under low resources
• Usability testing
• Certification compliance testing
• Submission guidelines compliance testing
• Interruption testing – voice calls, sms, low memory notification
• Monkey testing
• Low network/no network
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Singular Approach – one device, one language, one
• Proportional Approach – narrow combination
• Shotgun Approach – multiple combination
• Outsourced strategy – remote device services, personal
Platform test strategies
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Android app testing
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Android apps
• Managing the Activity lifecycle
• Start activity
• Pause and resume activity
• Stopping and restarting
• Recreating
• Fragments
• Nested activity
• Layouts
• Understand the android app – code walkthrough
© 2013 MobiGnosis

Recommended for you

How to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App Testing
How to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App TestingHow to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App Testing
How to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App Testing

These are the slides from my keynote talk at the Mobile App Europe conference 2014 in Potsdam. Unfortunately, I was not able to give the talk because of sickness, but nevertheless I want to share the slides with you guys. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

mobile test pyramidcalabashmanual mobile testing
Appium ppt
Appium pptAppium ppt
Appium ppt

"Learn All Aspects Of Appium step by step, Enhance your skills & Launch Your Career, On-Demand Course affordable price & classes on virtually every topic.Try Before You Buy for maven online training visit: https://goo.gl/YKsHBZ"

appium online trainingit courses online trainingappium
iOS Application Testing
iOS Application TestingiOS Application Testing
iOS Application Testing

Mobile Application Testing, iOS Application Testing,iPhone Application Testing,iPad Application Testing,iPod Application Testing,

ios application testingmobile application testingipod application testing
Android application life cycle
• In Android, each application is a process,called activity.
• Android (aka Dalvik VM) maintains an unique activity stack to
observe the status of process, and manage the memory.
• Life cycle of an activity is managed by Android OS, not by
application itself.
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Status of an activity
• Active - "Active" is the status that an activity is running.
• Paused - "Paused" means an activity is in the background.
• Stopped - The activity has already exit the screen, no other
action is running.
• Dead - The activity has been finished manually, or garbage
collected by system.
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Activity API
• ● OnCreate()
• ● OnStart()
• ● OnResume()
• ● OnPause()
• ● OnStop()
• ● OnRestart()
• ● OnDestroy()
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Four components in Android:
• Activity,
• Service,
• BroadcastReceiver,
• ContentProvider
• Except ContentProvider, the others main objects are running in the
main thread.
• The life cycle of Service is most persistent (longest).
© 2013 MobiGnosis

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The document discusses mobile application testing. It defines mobile application testing as testing software developed for handheld devices to check functionality, usability, and consistency. Both manual and automated testing are discussed. The document then covers different types of testing that may be performed including functional, performance, security, usability, compatibility, recoverability, and installation testing. It provides examples of test scenarios for each type.

03 - Membangun Aplikasi Mobile Berkualitas (Herman Tolle)
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Materi Membangun Aplikasi Mobile Berkualitas yang disampaikan pada acara Bimbingan Teknis Entrepreneurship Kreatif Digital (Mobile Application dan Game) 16-17 September 2016 oleh Dr. Eng. Herman Tolle yang diadakan oleh Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf) bekerjasama dengan Universitas Brawijaya Malang

startupgame developmentmobile application development
Automation is a process, which includes the development of
scripts to run the testcases automatically with out manual
intervention and to log results.
• Rregression testing - automation.
• Repetitive testing and time consuming.
• Reduce time, cost. Increase productivity and test coverage
Why Automation ?
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Steps to automate
1. Understanding the application (Technology Used).
2. Choosing a suitable tool for the automation.
3. Identifying functions (like login, register new users).
4. Identification of the Scenarios (Test Cases) for automation.
5. Writing user defined functions for Unit functions and scenarios.
6. Adding verification fuctions (more the merrier).
7. Scenarios should be independent of eachother.
8. Combine all the scenarios and run end-end (test suites).
© 2013 MobiGnosis
Automation tools for Android based app
• Selenium - Android driver
• Installing android emulator and configuring
• Configuring webdriver apk in emulator
• Identifying objects
• Parameterization
• Implicit and explicit wait
• Do’s and don’ts with android driver
• Andriod test framework
© 2013 MobiGnosis
• Is an open source test framework
• Robust automatic black-box test cases for Android
• Functional , system and acceptance test scenarios can be
• https://code.google.com/p/robotium/
© 2013 MobiGnosis

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Thank You – Team MobiGnosis
© 2013 MobiGnosis

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Mobile Application Testing Training Presentation

  • 1. BEST PRACTICES Mobile App Testing www.mobignosis.com Author: Kavitha, Test Training Head, MobiGnosis © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 2. • Is a software application designed to run on smartphones, tablets and mobile devices. • Application distribution platforms – appstore, googleplay • Designed and tested on emulators before the field testing • Ex. calender, contacts, email, weather, games, banking etc. Mobile application or mobile app © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 3. Mobile application or mobile app … © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 4. • Short dev cycle, rapid changes, multiple form factors. • Native, Web and Hybrid apps. • Multiple devices and OS. • Non functional – Security and performance. • Backward compatibility. • Popular mobile web browsers. • Network. • Graphics, Video, Audio. • Memory usage. • Usability . • What is coming next ?. Mobile App Challenges © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 5. Mobile app dev cycle © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 6. Mobile app dev process © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 7. Types of mobile applications • Native app • Runs on device OS and firmware • Android, IOS • Web app • Browser app, web capable mobile devices • HTML, javascript • Hybrid app • Combination of Native and Web apps • Has cross platform compatibility © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 8. Multiple devices and OS Multiple Handsets - i Phone, Android Mobiles, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile Multiple Platforms - Android, IOS, Brew, J2ME, Windows Mobile and Symbian. © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 9. • Opera mini • Google chrome • Safari • IE mobile browser • Dolphin • Skyfire Popular mobile web browsers © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 11. • First impression • Is anything confusing ? • Does the app feel slow ? • Where are you testing it ? • Hardware device, network, OS version • Does the app crash or freeze ? • How’s the weather ? Start testing…. © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 12. • Locate the icon on device home or app screen. • Tap the icon to start the app. • Examine the splash screen as the application loads. • Once the app loads, stop and look at it carefully. • Cluttered ? Confusing ? Lost ? Quick and easy ? Location and Privacy data ? Mobile apps at a glance © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 13. • Installation/uninstallation • download and delete • Workflows and feature testing • Functional – specs and requirements • Data – different types of data • Regression • Performance – quick and responsive • Localization – handle different langugaes • Scenarios • Credible usage stories and workflows Mobile app testing approach © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 14. • Device interactions (web, network, apps) • Wifi, Cellular Network, apps, accessories • Documentation review • With in app • Marketing material Mobile app testing approach © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 15. • Tap • Double Tap • Press • Press and Drag • Swipe • Flick • Shake • Rotate • Pinch • Spread Gesture Tour © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 16. • Installation • Application Start/Stop Behavior • Application Credentials • Interruptions – Voice calls • Interruptions – SMS • Autostart • No disruption to key device applications (pre installed) Testcase strategies © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 17. Types of mobile app testing • UI Testing – Color, menu, style • Performance and stress – under low resources • Usability testing • Certification compliance testing • Submission guidelines compliance testing • Interruption testing – voice calls, sms, low memory notification • Monkey testing • Low network/no network © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 18. • Singular Approach – one device, one language, one carrier • Proportional Approach – narrow combination • Shotgun Approach – multiple combination • Outsourced strategy – remote device services, personal network Platform test strategies © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 19. Android app testing © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 20. Android apps • Managing the Activity lifecycle • Start activity • Pause and resume activity • Stopping and restarting • Recreating • Fragments • Nested activity • Layouts • Understand the android app – code walkthrough © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 21. Android application life cycle Activity • In Android, each application is a process,called activity. • Android (aka Dalvik VM) maintains an unique activity stack to observe the status of process, and manage the memory. • Life cycle of an activity is managed by Android OS, not by application itself. http://developer.android.com/training/basics/activity- lifecycle/index.html © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 22. Status of an activity • Active - "Active" is the status that an activity is running. • Paused - "Paused" means an activity is in the background. • Stopped - The activity has already exit the screen, no other action is running. • Dead - The activity has been finished manually, or garbage collected by system. © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 23. Activity API • ● OnCreate() • ● OnStart() • ● OnResume() • ● OnPause() • ● OnStop() • ● OnRestart() • ● OnDestroy() © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 24. Service • Four components in Android: • Activity, • Service, • BroadcastReceiver, • ContentProvider • Except ContentProvider, the others main objects are running in the main thread. • The life cycle of Service is most persistent (longest). https://marakana.com/static/slides/AndroidMainBuildingBlocks.html #(1) © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 25. Automation Automation is a process, which includes the development of scripts to run the testcases automatically with out manual intervention and to log results. • Rregression testing - automation. • Repetitive testing and time consuming. • Reduce time, cost. Increase productivity and test coverage Why Automation ? © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 26. Steps to automate 1. Understanding the application (Technology Used). 2. Choosing a suitable tool for the automation. 3. Identifying functions (like login, register new users). 4. Identification of the Scenarios (Test Cases) for automation. 5. Writing user defined functions for Unit functions and scenarios. 6. Adding verification fuctions (more the merrier). 7. Scenarios should be independent of eachother. 8. Combine all the scenarios and run end-end (test suites). © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 27. Automation tools for Android based app • Selenium - Android driver • Installing android emulator and configuring • Configuring webdriver apk in emulator • Identifying objects • Parameterization • Implicit and explicit wait • Do’s and don’ts with android driver • Andriod test framework https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/AndroidDriver © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 28. Robotium • Is an open source test framework • Robust automatic black-box test cases for Android applications. • Functional , system and acceptance test scenarios can be automated. • https://code.google.com/p/robotium/ © 2013 MobiGnosis
  • 29. Thank You – Team MobiGnosis © 2013 MobiGnosis