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A Portrait of the New America March 15, 2002
Agenda Portrait Background Communications & Culture Connectivity & Culture Conversation & Culture Community & Culture Pride Factor Analysis It’s a Small World Additional Tools
Background On August 9, 2001, The Market Segment Group launched the most comprehensive study of its kind to help businesses understand what drives the nation’s 80 million Hispanics, African Americans and Asian Americans 4,000+ interviews among U.S. Hispanics, Blacks, Asians & Anglos
Background Titled "Portrait of the New America" and distributed initially to the 900,000 U.S. Forbes subscribers with the January 21, 2002 issue, and to 16,000 Ad Age subscribers last month, the interviews covered the attitudes, behaviors and perspectives on life in the U.S., organized around seven themes 1.  HOW MANY U.S. SUBSCRIBERS TO FORBES ARE THERE?
Phone Service at Home 2.  WHAT % OF HISPANICS HAVE NO LD PIC? Have we developed fully integrated marketing plans for each segment to counter the threat posed by prepaid, wireless, DAR and Calling Centers? Despite their heavy phone use, many Hispanics and African Americans don’t have a long distance carrier
LD Methods 3.  WHICH GROUP USES MOST DAR & PREPAID? How satisfied are we with our Hispanic and Asian Prepaid effort? Hispanics more DAR;  Hispanics & Asians more Prepaid;  Hispanic and African American wireless lagging
Trade-offs 4.  WHICH GROUP MOST VALUES INNOVATION? Marketing Communications need to reflect this Which Is More Important when It Comes to Technology and Telephone Service While service is the most important feature in a telephone service provider, Hispanics and African Americans also value innovation & technology.
Outbound Telemarketing 5.  WHAT % OF HISPANICS HAVE EVER RECEIVED AN IN-LANGUAGE OTM CALL? What’s the effectiveness of our in-language (vs. English) OTM effort? Received a Telemarketing Call in a Language Other Than English
Brand Relationship 6.  WHICH GROUP HAS CLOSEST RELATIONSHIP WITH TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDER? Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this More Hispanics have a “close” relationship with their telecom service provider than any other group Anglos report the most “negative” relationships Negative Neutral Functional Close
Brand Relationship Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Hispanics define their “closer” relationships with their telephone provider mostly as a “close friend” and many as a “family member.” Many Anglo relationships with their telecom providers can be described as cold.
Technology Owned 7.  WHAT IS AFRICAN AMERICAN HOME PC PENETRATION? Does WorldNet have a home message that incorporates business? Technology owned Reason PC IS Used Most whites and Asians have PCs and are on the Internet.
Internet Use 8.  WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO CHAT ONLINE? WorldNet Marketing Communications should reflect this African Americans are more likely to use the Internet for entertainment and less likely to use it for news.
Email Use 9.  WHICH GROUP IS LEAST LIKELY TO HAVE A PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNT? Does WorldNet Hispanic marketing emphasize  the availability of a personal email account? While Hispanics use e-mail, they are less likely to have a personal e-mail account.
Email Use 10.  WHICH GROUP USES EMAIL MOST FREQUENTLY? Do we have Asian-targeted email campaigns? Anglos and Asians use e-mail more frequently than African Americans or Hispanics How Often e-mail is Used
Online Activities 11.  WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO HAVE GONE ONLINE VIA A MOBIL PHONE? Important for offer development as well as Marketing Communications Recently Done
Surfing 12.  WHAT % OF HISPANICS PREFER TO SURF IN SPANISH? Is AT&T’s Spanish-language web presence adequate? Asians prefer to surf in English whereas a third of Hispanics prefer to do so in Spanish.
Banner Ads 13.  WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO CLICK ON BANNER ADS? How effective have banner ads been for us?  How do we know? Number of Banner Ads Clicked On in a Month
Online Shopping 14. WHICH GROUP FEELS LEAST SAFE USING CREDIT CARDS ONLINE? Do we have a complete e-commerce plan for the ethnic segments? Hispanic and African American consumers do not feel as safe using their credit cards online for shopping
Internet Importance 15. WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT TO HISPANICS WITH REGARD TO INTERNET SERVICE:  PRICE, SPEED OR RELIABILITY OF CONNECTION? Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Importance With Regard to Internet Connection Hispanic users are more concerned with connection reliability.
Future Purchases 16. WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO BUY A PC IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS? Are our resources aligned with the opportunity?
Broadband Awareness 17. WHICH GROUP HAS THE LOWEST AWARENESS OF BROADBAND? The Broadband team has some work to do Hispanics have the least awareness of broadband.
Brand Relationship 18. WHICH GROUP HAS THE CLOSEST RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR ISP? Do we have a fully integrated marketing plan for Asian WorldNet? Close Functional Neutral Negative More Asians report “close” relationships with their ISP.  A higher concentration of them defined the relationship as a “close friend.”
Brand Relationship 19. WHICH GROUP RELATES TO THEIR ISP AS A FAMILY MEMBER? Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Hispanics and African American’s tend to relate to brands as “family members.” Anglo’s and African Americans view ISPs more negatively than Hispanics or Asians.
Language Spoken at Home 20. WHAT % OF HISPANICS SPEAK SPANISH PRIMARILY, OR SPANISH & ENGLISH EQUALLY AT HOME? What proportion of your Hispanic marketing material is in-language? Eight in ten Hispanics are dependent on their native language
In-language Media Consumption 21. WHAT IS THE AVERAGE # OF SPANISH-LANGUAGE TV HOURS/WEEK CONSUMED BY US HISPANICS? Does our Spanish-language TV advertising reflect this level of tenure in the US? Correlation coefficient is .73. Mean = 10 hours
Attitudes Toward Language 22. IS TEACHING CHILDREN TO SPEAK IN NATIVE LANGUAGE MORE IMPORTANT TO HISPANICS OR ASIANS? In-language communications likely to remain important over time Importance of – Percent Top 2 Box
Attitudes Toward Ethnicity 23.  WHICH GROUP, HISPANICS OR ASIANS,  IS MORE LIKELY TO SELF IDENTIFY AS “ETHNICITY, NOT AMERICAN?” Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Ethnic Self-Identification Anglo  Hispanic African  American Asian American, not Ethnicity 2 3 American First, Ethnicity Second 11 15 Ethnicity and American Equally 36 46 Ethnicity First and American Second 28 15 Ethnicity, Not American 25 12 The lion’s share of Hispanics and Asians still place their ethnicity equal to or ahead of their self-description as Americans
Attitudes Toward Ethnicity 24.  APP. WHAT % OF ETHNIC AMERICANS BELIEVE THAT THERE SHOULD BE ADVERTISING TARGETING THEM? This last point is an important piece of the business case Agree With  – Percent Top 2 Box
Attitudes Toward Ethnicity 25.  WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS & ASIANS TO PRESERVE, “RESPECT FOR ELDERS” OR “COMMITMENT TO FAMILY” Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Aspects of Ethnicity Important to Preserve – Percent Top 2 Box
Issues Facing Community 26.  WHICH GROUP WORRIES THE MOST ABOUT CRIME? This is relevant for philanthropy and Community Relations Important Issues Facing Community Hispanics are more concerned than other segments about drugs in the community Asians worry more than others about crime
Confidence in the Government 27.  WHICH GROUP HAS THE LEAST CONFIDENCE IN GOVERNMENT & THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM? This is important for Hispanic community/guerilla marketing initiatives Confidence In Government - Top 2 Box 38 65 48 50 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Confidence In Judicial System - Top 2 Box 36 60 40 44 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Confidence In Police/Law Enforcement -  Top 2 Box 57 60 29 41 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Governmental Agencies Violate Privacy Rights - Top 2 Box 40 29 47 38 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian • Hispanics have overwhelmingly more  confidence in the government and its branches  • Anglos have the least confidence
Immigration 28.  WHICH GROUP IS MOST INCLINED TO BELIEVE THAT  MOST IMMIGRANTS ARE COMING TO THE US ILLEGALLY? Be careful with stereotypes How Are Immigrants Coming to the US Should Government Change the Law  to Reduce  Legal Immigration - Percent  Saying Yes 37 39 41 44 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Should Government Change the Law  to Reduce  Illegal Immigration - Percent  Saying Yes 75 62 70 59 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Anglo  Hispanic African  American Asian Legally 38 18 34 35 Illegally 56 79 57 50 Hispanics are more  inclined to perceive  immigration as  “ illegal”
Immigration 29.  WHICH GROUP IS MOST CONCERNED ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? Be careful with stereotypes How Important Is It For Federal  Government Crack Down on Illegal Aliens Anglo  Hispanic African  American Asian Important 56 52 63 56 Unimportant 30 33 23 15 Anglo  Hispanic African  American Asian Very 21 26 27 24 Somewhat 50 18 47 38 Not at all 31 53 26 32 Concerned About Illegal Aliens Anglo  Hispanic African  American Asian Keep doors open to immigration 64 69 61 62 Strictly limit immigration 33 27 37 27 Don't know 3 4 2 12 The Government Should African  Americans are  more concerned  with illegal  immigration and  are more prone  to want a call to  action
Growth + 460 Births - 250 Deaths + 100 Immigrants = 310 More People
Growth 2.7 Million New Americans Every Year
How is America Changing? 53% 47%
Welcome to the New America
Where do Hispanics live and work?
Where do African Americans live and work?
Where do Asians live and work?
Leisure Time 30.  WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO READ FOR PLEASURE? This is important for MarComm, as well as for reward program development
Pride Factor Analysis 5 PRIDE FACTORS
Pride Factor Analysis ANGLOS ARE NOT PARTICULARLY PROUD OF ANY ONE ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES Total Anglos Adults 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50
Pride Factor Analysis Support Hispanic programs with image enhancement language HISPANICS TAKE EXTRAORDINARY PRIDE IN THEIR HERITAGE, & IMAGE/ POSSESSIONS 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50 Total Hispanic Adults
Pride Factor Analysis Support African American programs with image enhancement language AFRICAN AMERICANS TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN THEIR HERITAGE, & THEIR IMAGE/POSSESSIONS 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50 Total Afr. Am.  Adults
Pride Factor Analysis For Asian programs, focus on product functionality rather than psychographic benefits MY WORLD/NESTING IS NOT PARTICULARLY RELEVANT TO ASIANS Total Asian Adults 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50
Pride Factor Analysis:  Summary Asian 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50 Total Hispanic Afr. Am.
It’s a Small World WHAT IF IT WERE A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL? If you took the world’s population and reduced it to 100 people, there would be: 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 North & South Americans 8 Africans
It’s a Small World 70 people would be non-Christian 30 people would be Christian
It’s a Small World 50% of the entire world’s wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people These 6 would all be citizens of the United States
It’s a Small World 70 people would be unable to read 50 people would suffer from malnutrition 80 people would live in sub-standard housing Only 1 person would have a university education

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Multicultural Marketing Research

  • 1. A Portrait of the New America March 15, 2002
  • 2. Agenda Portrait Background Communications & Culture Connectivity & Culture Conversation & Culture Community & Culture Pride Factor Analysis It’s a Small World Additional Tools
  • 4.  
  • 5. Background On August 9, 2001, The Market Segment Group launched the most comprehensive study of its kind to help businesses understand what drives the nation’s 80 million Hispanics, African Americans and Asian Americans 4,000+ interviews among U.S. Hispanics, Blacks, Asians & Anglos
  • 6. Background Titled "Portrait of the New America" and distributed initially to the 900,000 U.S. Forbes subscribers with the January 21, 2002 issue, and to 16,000 Ad Age subscribers last month, the interviews covered the attitudes, behaviors and perspectives on life in the U.S., organized around seven themes 1. HOW MANY U.S. SUBSCRIBERS TO FORBES ARE THERE?
  • 8. Phone Service at Home 2. WHAT % OF HISPANICS HAVE NO LD PIC? Have we developed fully integrated marketing plans for each segment to counter the threat posed by prepaid, wireless, DAR and Calling Centers? Despite their heavy phone use, many Hispanics and African Americans don’t have a long distance carrier
  • 9. LD Methods 3. WHICH GROUP USES MOST DAR & PREPAID? How satisfied are we with our Hispanic and Asian Prepaid effort? Hispanics more DAR; Hispanics & Asians more Prepaid; Hispanic and African American wireless lagging
  • 10. Trade-offs 4. WHICH GROUP MOST VALUES INNOVATION? Marketing Communications need to reflect this Which Is More Important when It Comes to Technology and Telephone Service While service is the most important feature in a telephone service provider, Hispanics and African Americans also value innovation & technology.
  • 11. Outbound Telemarketing 5. WHAT % OF HISPANICS HAVE EVER RECEIVED AN IN-LANGUAGE OTM CALL? What’s the effectiveness of our in-language (vs. English) OTM effort? Received a Telemarketing Call in a Language Other Than English
  • 12. Brand Relationship 6. WHICH GROUP HAS CLOSEST RELATIONSHIP WITH TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDER? Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this More Hispanics have a “close” relationship with their telecom service provider than any other group Anglos report the most “negative” relationships Negative Neutral Functional Close
  • 13. Brand Relationship Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Hispanics define their “closer” relationships with their telephone provider mostly as a “close friend” and many as a “family member.” Many Anglo relationships with their telecom providers can be described as cold.
  • 15. Technology Owned 7. WHAT IS AFRICAN AMERICAN HOME PC PENETRATION? Does WorldNet have a home message that incorporates business? Technology owned Reason PC IS Used Most whites and Asians have PCs and are on the Internet.
  • 16. Internet Use 8. WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO CHAT ONLINE? WorldNet Marketing Communications should reflect this African Americans are more likely to use the Internet for entertainment and less likely to use it for news.
  • 17. Email Use 9. WHICH GROUP IS LEAST LIKELY TO HAVE A PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNT? Does WorldNet Hispanic marketing emphasize the availability of a personal email account? While Hispanics use e-mail, they are less likely to have a personal e-mail account.
  • 18. Email Use 10. WHICH GROUP USES EMAIL MOST FREQUENTLY? Do we have Asian-targeted email campaigns? Anglos and Asians use e-mail more frequently than African Americans or Hispanics How Often e-mail is Used
  • 19. Online Activities 11. WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO HAVE GONE ONLINE VIA A MOBIL PHONE? Important for offer development as well as Marketing Communications Recently Done
  • 20. Surfing 12. WHAT % OF HISPANICS PREFER TO SURF IN SPANISH? Is AT&T’s Spanish-language web presence adequate? Asians prefer to surf in English whereas a third of Hispanics prefer to do so in Spanish.
  • 21. Banner Ads 13. WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO CLICK ON BANNER ADS? How effective have banner ads been for us? How do we know? Number of Banner Ads Clicked On in a Month
  • 22. Online Shopping 14. WHICH GROUP FEELS LEAST SAFE USING CREDIT CARDS ONLINE? Do we have a complete e-commerce plan for the ethnic segments? Hispanic and African American consumers do not feel as safe using their credit cards online for shopping
  • 23. Internet Importance 15. WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT TO HISPANICS WITH REGARD TO INTERNET SERVICE: PRICE, SPEED OR RELIABILITY OF CONNECTION? Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Importance With Regard to Internet Connection Hispanic users are more concerned with connection reliability.
  • 24. Future Purchases 16. WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO BUY A PC IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS? Are our resources aligned with the opportunity?
  • 25. Broadband Awareness 17. WHICH GROUP HAS THE LOWEST AWARENESS OF BROADBAND? The Broadband team has some work to do Hispanics have the least awareness of broadband.
  • 26. Brand Relationship 18. WHICH GROUP HAS THE CLOSEST RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR ISP? Do we have a fully integrated marketing plan for Asian WorldNet? Close Functional Neutral Negative More Asians report “close” relationships with their ISP. A higher concentration of them defined the relationship as a “close friend.”
  • 27. Brand Relationship 19. WHICH GROUP RELATES TO THEIR ISP AS A FAMILY MEMBER? Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Hispanics and African American’s tend to relate to brands as “family members.” Anglo’s and African Americans view ISPs more negatively than Hispanics or Asians.
  • 29. Language Spoken at Home 20. WHAT % OF HISPANICS SPEAK SPANISH PRIMARILY, OR SPANISH & ENGLISH EQUALLY AT HOME? What proportion of your Hispanic marketing material is in-language? Eight in ten Hispanics are dependent on their native language
  • 30. In-language Media Consumption 21. WHAT IS THE AVERAGE # OF SPANISH-LANGUAGE TV HOURS/WEEK CONSUMED BY US HISPANICS? Does our Spanish-language TV advertising reflect this level of tenure in the US? Correlation coefficient is .73. Mean = 10 hours
  • 31. Attitudes Toward Language 22. IS TEACHING CHILDREN TO SPEAK IN NATIVE LANGUAGE MORE IMPORTANT TO HISPANICS OR ASIANS? In-language communications likely to remain important over time Importance of – Percent Top 2 Box
  • 32. Attitudes Toward Ethnicity 23. WHICH GROUP, HISPANICS OR ASIANS, IS MORE LIKELY TO SELF IDENTIFY AS “ETHNICITY, NOT AMERICAN?” Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Ethnic Self-Identification Anglo Hispanic African American Asian American, not Ethnicity 2 3 American First, Ethnicity Second 11 15 Ethnicity and American Equally 36 46 Ethnicity First and American Second 28 15 Ethnicity, Not American 25 12 The lion’s share of Hispanics and Asians still place their ethnicity equal to or ahead of their self-description as Americans
  • 33. Attitudes Toward Ethnicity 24. APP. WHAT % OF ETHNIC AMERICANS BELIEVE THAT THERE SHOULD BE ADVERTISING TARGETING THEM? This last point is an important piece of the business case Agree With – Percent Top 2 Box
  • 34. Attitudes Toward Ethnicity 25. WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS & ASIANS TO PRESERVE, “RESPECT FOR ELDERS” OR “COMMITMENT TO FAMILY” Again, Marketing Communications need to reflect this Aspects of Ethnicity Important to Preserve – Percent Top 2 Box
  • 36. Issues Facing Community 26. WHICH GROUP WORRIES THE MOST ABOUT CRIME? This is relevant for philanthropy and Community Relations Important Issues Facing Community Hispanics are more concerned than other segments about drugs in the community Asians worry more than others about crime
  • 37. Confidence in the Government 27. WHICH GROUP HAS THE LEAST CONFIDENCE IN GOVERNMENT & THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM? This is important for Hispanic community/guerilla marketing initiatives Confidence In Government - Top 2 Box 38 65 48 50 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Confidence In Judicial System - Top 2 Box 36 60 40 44 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Confidence In Police/Law Enforcement - Top 2 Box 57 60 29 41 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Governmental Agencies Violate Privacy Rights - Top 2 Box 40 29 47 38 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian • Hispanics have overwhelmingly more confidence in the government and its branches • Anglos have the least confidence
  • 38. Immigration 28. WHICH GROUP IS MOST INCLINED TO BELIEVE THAT MOST IMMIGRANTS ARE COMING TO THE US ILLEGALLY? Be careful with stereotypes How Are Immigrants Coming to the US Should Government Change the Law to Reduce Legal Immigration - Percent Saying Yes 37 39 41 44 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Should Government Change the Law to Reduce Illegal Immigration - Percent Saying Yes 75 62 70 59 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Legally 38 18 34 35 Illegally 56 79 57 50 Hispanics are more inclined to perceive immigration as “ illegal”
  • 39. Immigration 29. WHICH GROUP IS MOST CONCERNED ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? Be careful with stereotypes How Important Is It For Federal Government Crack Down on Illegal Aliens Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Important 56 52 63 56 Unimportant 30 33 23 15 Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Very 21 26 27 24 Somewhat 50 18 47 38 Not at all 31 53 26 32 Concerned About Illegal Aliens Anglo Hispanic African American Asian Keep doors open to immigration 64 69 61 62 Strictly limit immigration 33 27 37 27 Don't know 3 4 2 12 The Government Should African Americans are more concerned with illegal immigration and are more prone to want a call to action
  • 40. Growth + 460 Births - 250 Deaths + 100 Immigrants = 310 More People
  • 41. Growth 2.7 Million New Americans Every Year
  • 42. How is America Changing? 53% 47%
  • 43. Welcome to the New America
  • 44. Where do Hispanics live and work?
  • 45. Where do African Americans live and work?
  • 46. Where do Asians live and work?
  • 47. Leisure Time 30. WHICH GROUP IS MOST LIKELY TO READ FOR PLEASURE? This is important for MarComm, as well as for reward program development
  • 49. Pride Factor Analysis 5 PRIDE FACTORS
  • 50. Pride Factor Analysis ANGLOS ARE NOT PARTICULARLY PROUD OF ANY ONE ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES Total Anglos Adults 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50
  • 51. Pride Factor Analysis Support Hispanic programs with image enhancement language HISPANICS TAKE EXTRAORDINARY PRIDE IN THEIR HERITAGE, & IMAGE/ POSSESSIONS 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50 Total Hispanic Adults
  • 52. Pride Factor Analysis Support African American programs with image enhancement language AFRICAN AMERICANS TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN THEIR HERITAGE, & THEIR IMAGE/POSSESSIONS 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50 Total Afr. Am. Adults
  • 53. Pride Factor Analysis For Asian programs, focus on product functionality rather than psychographic benefits MY WORLD/NESTING IS NOT PARTICULARLY RELEVANT TO ASIANS Total Asian Adults 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50
  • 54. Pride Factor Analysis: Summary Asian 0.50 0.30 0.10 Heritage Work/Skills My World/Nesting Active Leisure Image/Possessions -0.10 -0.30 -0.50 Total Hispanic Afr. Am.
  • 56. It’s a Small World WHAT IF IT WERE A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL? If you took the world’s population and reduced it to 100 people, there would be: 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 North & South Americans 8 Africans
  • 57. It’s a Small World 70 people would be non-Christian 30 people would be Christian
  • 58. It’s a Small World 50% of the entire world’s wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people These 6 would all be citizens of the United States
  • 59. It’s a Small World 70 people would be unable to read 50 people would suffer from malnutrition 80 people would live in sub-standard housing Only 1 person would have a university education