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Mutation testing
for task-oriented chatbots
Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Sara Pérez-Soler, Pablo C. Cañizares,
Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara
{Pablo.GomezA, Sara.PerezS, Pablo.Cerro, Esther.Guerra, Juan.deLara}@uam.es
Modelling & Software Engineering Research Group
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
18th – 21st June 2024
• Conversational agents or chatbots are increasingly used to access
all sort of services using natural language
• Like any other software, chatbots need to be tested
• Usually by defining test scenarios
• However
• There is currently a lack of methods to assess the quality of such
test scenarios
• The result is a high risk of buggy chatbots
• Conversational agents or chatbots are increasingly used to access
all sort of services using natural language
• Like any other software, chatbots need to be tested
• Usually by defining test scenarios
• However
• There is currently a lack of methods to assess the quality of such
test scenarios
• The result is a high risk of buggy chatbots
What is a task-oriented chatbot?
• A task-oriented chatbot is a software application used in natural language
and designed to solve a specific task
• e.g., booking a ticket, ordering a pizza, setting a medical appointment
• Via text or speech recognition
• In recent years, the use of chatbots has increased
…and many more
• Since 2022, we also have open-domain chatbots (ChatGPT, etc.) which engage in conversations
on any topic, and which we do not cover in this work

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Brushing our teeth regularly is important for oral and overall health. It removes plaque and food particles that cause cavities and gum disease. Brushing also freshens our breath. Making brushing a part of our daily routine helps promote strong teeth that last a lifetime.

Chatbot and AI Design Principles
Chatbot and AI Design PrinciplesChatbot and AI Design Principles
Chatbot and AI Design Principles

This document provides guidance on designing successful chatbots and conversational AI. It discusses important considerations for understanding users, defining the problem, scoping the bot, designing conversations, and measuring success. Key points covered include establishing trust, handling unknown inputs, accessibility, and the importance of testing before going live. The overall message is that good UX design principles are needed to build bots that can engage users and successfully help them.

uxaiartificial intelligence
How do chatbots work?
NL phrase
How do chatbots work?
NL phrase
match intent
How do chatbots work?
1. The user sends a natural language
message to the chatbot Utterances
Utterances (user says)
Hi there!
I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Good bye!
How do chatbots work?
1. The user sends a natural language
message to the chatbot
2. The chatbot tries to match the
message with an intention

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As Facebook and other big platforms are pushing to make chat bots mainstream, we're going to explore ways in which they can be useful to businesses, their relevance in the Mobile area and whether they are just a fad or not.

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The document discusses how ChatGPT works and its limitations. It notes that ChatGPT: - Is built on top of large language models like GPT-3 and predicts the next token rather than reasoning. - Only sees text as tokens rather than words, sentences, etc. and has no memory or ability to look up facts. - Is limited by its context window size in generating responses. - Does not learn from interactions but can be steered through examples and feedback to provide more accurate responses within its capabilities. Prompt engineering is important to get the most value from ChatGPT.

How do chatbots work?
1. The user sends a natural language
message to the chatbot
2. The chatbot tries to match the
message with an intention
How do chatbots work?
Hi there!
Intent: Match the user interaction with
an intention
User says Intent
Hi there!
How do chatbots work?
Hi there!
Intent: Match the user interaction with
an intention
User says Intent
Hi there! Greet
How do chatbots work?
I need
to fly
User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Intent: Match the user interaction with
an intention

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How do chatbots work?
I need
to fly
matched User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
Intent: Match the user interaction with
an intention
How do chatbots work?
I need
to fly
matched User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
Intent: Match the user interaction with
an intention
How do chatbots work?
I need
to fly
matched User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
Providing training phrases: a set of examples that users can use to
express an intention. Required for matching inputs with intents
Intent: Match the user interaction with
an intention
How do chatbots work?
Hi there
Training phrases: a set of examples
that users can use to express an
● Must be provided with the intent
Training phrase Intent
Hi there! Greet
Hello Greet
Hi Greet
Hey Greet

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How do chatbots work?
Training phrases: a set of examples
that users can use to express an
● Must be provided with the intent
I need
to fly
matched Training phrase Intent
Airplane ticket from
Madrid to Rome
tomorrow at 1 pm
Book a flight
Flight from Madrid
to Napoli on
17/06/2024 at 11:30
Book a flight
How do chatbots work?
3. Chatbot extracts information from
the message or asks for missing
I need
to fly
User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
How do chatbots work?
3. Chatbot extracts information from
the message or asks for missing
I need
to fly
User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters
From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM
How do chatbots work?
3. Chatbot extracts information from
the message or asks for missing
I need
to fly
User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters
From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM

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2016 est l’année des bots. C’est une évidence à en juger par le flot d’articles, l’engouement des marques sur le sujet et l’arrivée de nouveaux bots chaque jour sur les applis de messaging. Mais que faut-il penser aujourd’hui de ces outils dans notre logique de service client ? Comment faire la part des choses entre buzz et réelles opportunités de renouveler l’expérience de nos utilisateurs ? Que croire des promesses d’Intelligence Artificielle qui rendront nos bots toujours plus intelligents ? Nos opérateurs ‘humains’ doivent-ils craindre aujourd’hui de perdre leur poste au profit de ces bots ? Nous vous proposons de faire un petit tour de ces questions et de découvrir comment iAdvize peut répondre à vos attentes sur ce sujet lors de ce webinar qu'Adrienne Gehannin animera le 7 février à 11H. Dans ce webinar, Adrienne Gehannin abordera les sujets suivants: Commerce Conversationnel & chatbots : LA tendance 2017 Avantages et limites des chatbots dans votre service client Bonnes pratiques pour intégrer efficacement un bot à votre site ou une appli de Messaging Chatbots dans votre service client : comment iAdvize répond à vos attentes ? Vous êtes à la recherche d'une plateforme de commerce conversationnel? Vous souhaitez intégrer un chatbot sur un de vos canaux de communication? Vous hésitez entre chatbot VS conseiller profesionnels? Vous recherchez une solution permettant l'escalade d'un chatbot vers conseiller professionnel?

chatbotrelation clientexperience client
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the International Cricket Council (ICC) has named the ground for the 21-23 World Test Championship final played on Wednesday 21st September.

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How do chatbots work?
3. Chatbot extracts information from
the message or asks for missing
I need
to fly
User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters
From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM
City entities
How do chatbots work?
3. Chatbot extracts information from
the message or asks for missing
I need
to fly
User says Intent
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
Book a flight
At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters
From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM
City entities
How do chatbots work?
4. Build the response and send back
the response to the user
I need
to fly
● Responses to the user:
○ text, images
● External service queries
○ External API rest
○ Database, etc.
User says Action
I need to fly from
Madrid to Salerno on
Wednesday at 12 PM
The price of the
ticket is 150$.
Provide a card
nº and billing
Both, user responses and external services queries: actions
Testing chatbots
Testcase input Testcase output
Hi there! Hi! How can I help
How can I
Help you?

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The document provides instructions for writing an anecdote in an essay. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) create an account on the site and provide login details; 2) complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) writers will bid on the request and the customer can choose a writer; 4) the customer receives the paper and can request revisions if needed; 5) the site promises original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

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Talk I gave at the BarCamp 4 of Auckland (July 2010). I talk about lessons I have learned during my facebook years. I give tips about how to start a facebook application, how to grow and retain your user base and other various Facebook strategy tips. I hope you will find it useful.

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Wodel-Edu: A tool for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercises
Wodel-Edu: A tool for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercisesWodel-Edu: A tool for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercises
Wodel-Edu: A tool for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercises

Creating and grading exercises are recurring tasks within higher education. When these exercises are based on diagrams - like logic circuits, automata or class diagrams - we can represent them as models, and use model-driven engineering techniques for the large-scale generation of quizzes, which can be automatically graded. In this research demo, we showcase Wodel-Edu, a domain-independent tool for the generation and automated evaluation of diagram-based exercises. Wodel-Edu is built atop Wodel, an extensible tool for model mutation, and offers seven kinds of diagram exercises. It supports code generation from the exercises for the Moodle platform, the web, Android and iOS applications.

model-driven engineeringeducationmodel mutation
Testing chatbots
We use Botium and Rasa-test as the test suites to test the chatbots
Hi there!
What day do you want to come in?
Single test interaction
Combination of multiple tests
Hi there!
Hi! How can I help you?
Hello, what do you need?
Greetings! This is the flight ticket
assistant Antony, how can i help you?
Multiple user utterances
Possible responses
Testing chatbots
I need to fly
from …
How can I
Help you?
The price
of the
ticket …
I lost my
the flight
ticket id
… and complex
Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What kinds of coffee are available?
What kinds of coffee can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Order a coffee
Order a wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What kinds of coffee are available?
What kinds of coffee can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Order a coffee: Keeps the two most different phrases
Order a wine
Semantic similarity

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Automated engineering of domain-specific metamorphic testing environments
Automated engineering of domain-specific metamorphic testing environmentsAutomated engineering of domain-specific metamorphic testing environments
Automated engineering of domain-specific metamorphic testing environments

Context: Testing is essential to improve the correctness of software systems. Metamorphic testing (MT) is an approach especially suited when the system under test lacks oracles, or they are expensive to compute. However, building an MT environment for a particular domain (e.g., cloud simulation, model transformation, machine learning) requires substantial effort. Objective: Our goal is to facilitate the construction of MT environments for specific domains. Method: We propose a model-driven engineering approach to automate the construction of MT environments. Starting from a meta-model capturing the domain concepts, and a description of the domain execution environment, our approach produces an MT environment featuring comprehensive support for the MT process. This includes the definition of domain-specific metamorphic relations, their evaluation, detailed reporting of the testing results, and the automated search-based generation of follow-up test cases. Results: Our method is supported by an extensible platform for Eclipse, called Gotten. We demonstrate its effectiveness by creating an MT environment for simulation-based testing of data centres and comparing with existing tools; its suitability to conduct MT processes by replicating previous experiments; and its generality by building another MT environment for video streaming APIs. Conclusion: Gotten is the first platform targeted at reducing the development effort of domain-specific MT environments. The environments created with Gotten facilitate the specification of metamorphic relations, their evaluation, and the generation of new test cases.

metamorphic testingmodel-driven engineeringdomain-specific languages
Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing
Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation TestingWodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing
Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing

Mutation testing (MT) targets the assessment of test cases by measuring their efficiency to detect faults. This technique involves modifying the program under test to emulate programming faults, and assessing whether the existing test cases detect such mutations. MT has been extensively studied since the 70's, and many tools have been proposed for widely used languages like C, Java, Fortran, Ada and SQL; and for notations like Petri-nets. However, building MT tools is costly and error-prone, which may prevent their development for new programming and domain-specific (modelling) languages. In this paper, we propose a framework called Wodel-Test to reduce the effort to create MT tools. For this purpose, it follows a model-driven approach by which MT tools are synthesized from a high-level description. This description makes use of the domain-specific language Wodel to define and execute model mutations. Wodel is language-independent, as it allows the creation of mutation operators for any language defined by a meta-model. Starting from the definition of the mutation operators, Wodel-Test generates a MT environment which parses the program under test into a model, applies the mutation operators, and evaluates the test-suite against the generated mutants, offering a rich collection of MT metrics. We report on an evaluation of the approach based on the creation of MT tools for Java and the Atlas transformation language.

mutation testingmodel mutationmodel-driven engineering
Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing...
Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing...Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing...
Wodel-Test: A Model-Based Framework for Language-Independent Mutation Testing...

Las pruebas de mutación (MT) tienen como objetivo la evaluación de los casos de prueba midiendo su eficiencia para detectar fallos. Esta técnica implica modificar los programas bajo prueba para emular fallos comunes de programación y evaluar si los casos de prueba existentes detectan dichas mutaciones. Las pruebas de mutación se han estudiado de forma exhaustiva desde 1970, y se han propuesto muchas herramientas de pruebas de mutación para lenguajes utilizados ampliamente como C, Java, Fortran, Ada y SQL, y notaciones como redes de Petri. No obstante, crear herramientas de pruebas de mutación es costoso y propenso a errores, lo que puede obstaculizar su creación para nuevos lenguajes de programación y lenguajes de dominio-específico (de modelado). En este trabajo, se propone un entorno llamado Wodel-Test que reduce el esfuerzo para crear herramientas de pruebas de mutación. Con este objetivo, se sigue un enfoque dirigido por modelos por medio del que se sintetizan las herramientas de pruebas de mutación a partir de una descripción de alto nivel. Esta descripción utiliza el lenguaje de dominio específico Wodel para definir y ejecutar las mutaciones de modelos. Wodel es independiente del dominio, es decir, permite la creación de operadores de mutación para cualquier lenguaje definido mediante un meta-modelo. Partiendo de la definición de los operadores de mutación, Wodel-Test genera un entorno de pruebas de mutación que transforma los programas bajo prueba en modelos, aplica los operadores de mutación, y evalúa el conjunto de pruebas contra los mutantes generados, proporcionando una rica colección de métricas de pruebas de mutación. En el trabajo, se proporciona una evaluación del enfoque basada en la creación de herramientas de pruebas de mutación para Java y el lenguaje de transformación de modelos ATL.

mutation testingmodel mutationmodel-driven engineering
Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What kinds of coffee are available?
What kinds of coffee can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
Order a coffee: Keeps the two most different phrases
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Order a wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Order a wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Order a coffee
Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Order a wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Order a coffee
Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Order a wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Order a coffee

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Wodel-Edu: An MDE Solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Diagram-based...
Wodel-Edu: An MDE Solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Diagram-based...Wodel-Edu: An MDE Solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Diagram-based...
Wodel-Edu: An MDE Solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Diagram-based...

The creation and correction of exercises are two of the most time-consuming tasks performed by teachers. When done by hand, they are error-prone, too. Several approaches have been devised to automate such tasks. In the case of exercises based on diagrams, we can represent them as models, generate a set of variations - called mutants - and automate the process. In this tool demo paper, we showcase Wodel-Edu, a domain-independent framework for the generation and automated grading of diagram-based exercises. This framework offers a family of DSLs enabling the specification and configuration of five different kinds of such exercises, and extensible code generation facilities targeting environments like the Moodle platform, the web, and mobile applications.

model-driven engineeringeducationmodel mutation
Generation of mutation testing tools with Wodel-Test
Generation of mutation testing tools with Wodel-TestGeneration of mutation testing tools with Wodel-Test
Generation of mutation testing tools with Wodel-Test

Mutation testing (MT) is a well-known technique to evaluate and improve the quality of a given test-suite. While several MT tools exist for traditional programming languages, there is no systematic method to create MT tools for domain-specific languages (DSLs). To improve this situation, we present Wodel-Test, a domain-independent tool to synthesize MT tools for arbitrary DSLs.

domain-specific languagesmutation testing
Programación de macros en Microsoft Excel VBA
Programación de macros en Microsoft Excel VBAProgramación de macros en Microsoft Excel VBA
Programación de macros en Microsoft Excel VBA

Este documento describe los pasos para activar la pestaña de desarrollador en Excel y habilitar las macros, cómo usar el editor VBA para crear macros, y cómo leer y escribir datos y ejecutar macros desde una hoja de Excel. Explica cómo declarar macros, usar variables, objetos, colecciones, condicionales y bucles en VBA, y depurar macros usando breakpoints. Finalmente, propone un ejercicio para combinar dos apuestas de quiniela en una quiniela de 7 dobles y comprobar los aciertos.

Mutation testing for chatbots
User says Action
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
expresso or an
NL phrase
Order a
match intent
Order a
User says Action
What kinds of wine are available?
What kinds of wine can I order?
What can I drink here?
Tell me what drinks there are
You can take an
Italian wine or a
French wine
Order a wine
Tell me what
kinds of coffee I
can drink here
Order a coffee
Operators for training phrases
DPmax Deletes the most representative phrase of
an intent
DPmin Deletes the most different phrase of an
DPWP Deletes training phrases with required
DPWL Deletes training phrases with literal
K2Pmax Keeps the 2 most representative phrases
K2Pmin Keeps the 2 most different phrases
Moves the most representative phrase to
the most similar intent
Moves the most different phrase to the
most different intent
Mutation operators for chatbots
Operators for intents
DIP Deletes intent parameter
DPP Deletes parameter prompt
SPO Sets required parameter to optional
DFI Deletes fallback intent
Operators for entities
CRE Changes regular expression
DLE Deletes literal from entity
Operators for actions
DA Deletes actions
DPR Deletes a parameter used in a response
SO Swaps outputs
Operators for conversation flows
DCS Deletes conversation step
DCB Deletes conversation bifurcation
Emulation of common errors of chatbot developers
«conforms to»
«conforms to»
test suites
chatbot impl.
Mutation testing for chatbots
RQ1: How applicable are the defined mutation operators?
RQ2: How effective are the defined mutation operators?
77% 73%
78% 80%
0% 0%
89% 87%
Mutation score by
mutation operator

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PhD defense presentation
PhD defense presentationPhD defense presentation
PhD defense presentation

Este documento describe un lenguaje de dominio específico llamado Wodel para la mutación de modelos. Wodel proporciona primitivas de alto nivel para la mutación de modelos de manera independiente del dominio, y permite la generación y validación de modelos mutantes. Wodel también incluye servicios para el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en la mutación de modelos, como la generación automática de ejercicios y herramientas de pruebas de mutación.

mutationdomain-specific languagewodel
Seed Model Synthesis for Testing Model-based Mutation Operators
Seed Model Synthesis for Testing Model-based Mutation OperatorsSeed Model Synthesis for Testing Model-based Mutation Operators
Seed Model Synthesis for Testing Model-based Mutation Operators

In software engineering, mutation consists in injecting small changes in artefacts - like models, programs, or data - for purposes like (mutation) testing, test data generation, and all sorts of search-based methods. These activities normally require the definition of sets of mutation operators, which are often built ad-hoc because there is currently poor support for their development and testing. To improve this situation, in previous work we proposed a model-based approach to create and execute mutation operators. Our proposal represents the artefacts to be mutated as models and provides a domain-specific language called Wodel to define the mutation operators. However, testing the operators is cumbersome, since it requires the manual creation of input seed models. To facilitate this testing process, we propose a method - based on model finding - for the automated synthesis of test models that exercise the defined mutation operators. We provide tool support for our proposal, and illustrate its usage by defining mutation operators for BPMN.

model-based mutationmodel-driven engineeringmodel synthesis
Mutation Testing for DSLs (Tool Demo)
Mutation Testing for DSLs (Tool Demo)Mutation Testing for DSLs (Tool Demo)
Mutation Testing for DSLs (Tool Demo)

Mutation testing (MT) is a well-known technique to evaluate and improve the quality of a given test-suite. While several MT tools exist for traditional programming languages, there is no systematic method to create MT tools for domain-specific languages (DSLs). To improve this situation, we present Wodel-Test, a domain-independent tool to synthesize MT tools for arbitrary DSLs.

domain-specific languagesmutation testing
RQ1: How applicable are the defined mutation operators?
RQ2: How effective are the defined mutation operators?
77% 73%
78% 80%
0% 0%
89% 87%
Mutation score by
mutation operator
RQ3: How effective is the mutation testing process?
Botium automatic Botium by hand Rasa test
Mutation score
by test suite kind
RQ3: How effective is the mutation testing process?
Botium automatic Botium by hand Rasa test
Mutation score
by test suite kind
RQ4: How efficient is the mutation testing process?
0,1% 0,2% 0,3%
1,0% 1,2% 1,4% 1,6% 1,6% 1,7%
The mutation testing
process of 67% of the
chatbots was completed
in less than 90 minutes

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Towards a model-driven engineering solution for language independent mutation...
Towards a model-driven engineering solution for language independent mutation...Towards a model-driven engineering solution for language independent mutation...
Towards a model-driven engineering solution for language independent mutation...

Mutation testing is a technique to assess test suite adequacy to distinguish between correct and incorrect programs. Mutation testing applies one or more small changes to a program to obtain variants called mutants. The adequacy of a test suite is measured by determining how many of the mutants it distinguishes from the original program. There are many works about mutation testing, but the existing approaches focus on a speci fic programming language, and usually, it is not easy to customize the set of mutation operators. In this paper, we present Wodel-Test, an extension of the Wodel tool that implements a language-independent mutation testing framework based on MDE principles.

model-driven engineeringmodel mutationmutation testing
Wodel: A DSL for Model Mutation; and Wodel-Edu: its Application to the Automa...
Wodel: A DSL for Model Mutation; and Wodel-Edu: its Application to the Automa...Wodel: A DSL for Model Mutation; and Wodel-Edu: its Application to the Automa...
Wodel: A DSL for Model Mutation; and Wodel-Edu: its Application to the Automa...

Wodel is a domain-specific language for model mutation that is independent of the target language or domain. It allows high-level specification of mutation operators that are compiled into Java code. Wodel-Edu extends Wodel to automatically generate model-based exercises by applying mutations to seed models and generating questions about the mutants. Exercises include multiple choice questions about correct/incorrect mutants or how to fix mutants.

domain-speci c languagesautomatic exercise generation and correctionmodel-driven engineering
A DSL for Model Mutation and its Applications to Different Domains
A DSL for Model Mutation and its Applications to Different DomainsA DSL for Model Mutation and its Applications to Different Domains
A DSL for Model Mutation and its Applications to Different Domains

Presentation of my PhD. plan during the Doctoral Symposium track at Models'16 conference - 2nd October 2016, Saint-Malo, France.

model mutationautomated generation of exercisesmodel-driven engineering
RQ4: How efficient is the mutation testing process?
0,1% 0,2% 0,3%
1,0% 1,2% 1,4% 1,6% 1,6% 1,7%
The mutation testing
process of 67% of the
chatbots was completed
in less than 90 minutes
• Technology-independent approach for MuT of chatbots with
• A catalogue of 19 mutation operators for
• Training phrases, intents, entities, chatbot actions and conversation flows
• Support for test scenarios from botium and rasa-test
• Experiment with 15 chatbots and 29 test suites
• Positive results regarding applicability, effectiveness and efficiency
• Room for improvement in 86% of the test suites
• MuT for chatbots running times are costly but acceptable
• Less than 90 minutes for 67% of the chatbots
Future work
• Automate the detection of semantically equivalent mutants
• e.g., using confidence decrease heuristics
• Automate the synthesis of tests able to kill the alive mutants
• Adapt our approach to LLM-based agents
Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Sara Pérez-Soler, Pablo C. Cañizares,
Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara
{Pablo.GomezA, Sara.PerezS, Pablo.Cerro, Esther.Guerra, Juan.deLara}@uam.es
Mutation testing
for task-oriented chatbots
Thank you!
./ Wodel-Test
Tool demo

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Un framework para la generación automática de ejercicios mediante técnicas de...

Presentación de mi Trabajo Fin de Máster sobre un framework para la generación automática de ejercicios mediante técnicas de mutación. Junio 2016.

model-driven engineeringautomated generation of exerciseseducation
Wodel: A Domain-Specific Language for Model Mutation
Wodel: A Domain-Specific Language for Model MutationWodel: A Domain-Specific Language for Model Mutation
Wodel: A Domain-Specific Language for Model Mutation

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software engineering paradigm that uses models as main assets in all development phases. While many languages for model manipulation exist (e.g., for model transformation or code generation), there is a lack of frameworks to de ne and apply model mutations. A model mutant is a variation of an original model, created by specific model mutation operations. Model mutation has many applications, for instance, in the areas of model transformation testing, model-based testing or education.In this paper, we present a domain-speci c language, called Wodel, for the speci cation and generation of model mutants. Wodel is domain-independent, as it can be used to generate mutants of models conforming to arbitrary metamodels. Its development environment is extensible, permitting the incorporation of post-processors for di erent applications. As an example, we show an application consisting on the automated generation of exercises for particular domains (automata, class diagrams, electronic circuits, etc.).

domain-specific languageseducationmodel mutation
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Mutation Testing for Task-Oriented Chatbots

  • 1. www.uam.es Mutation testing for task-oriented chatbots Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Sara Pérez-Soler, Pablo C. Cañizares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara {Pablo.GomezA, Sara.PerezS, Pablo.Cerro, Esther.Guerra, Juan.deLara}@uam.es Modelling & Software Engineering Research Group Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain 18th – 21st June 2024
  • 2. Motivation • Conversational agents or chatbots are increasingly used to access all sort of services using natural language • Like any other software, chatbots need to be tested • Usually by defining test scenarios • However • There is currently a lack of methods to assess the quality of such test scenarios • The result is a high risk of buggy chatbots 2/25
  • 3. Motivation • Conversational agents or chatbots are increasingly used to access all sort of services using natural language • Like any other software, chatbots need to be tested • Usually by defining test scenarios • However • There is currently a lack of methods to assess the quality of such test scenarios • The result is a high risk of buggy chatbots 2/25
  • 4. What is a task-oriented chatbot? • A task-oriented chatbot is a software application used in natural language and designed to solve a specific task • e.g., booking a ticket, ordering a pizza, setting a medical appointment • Via text or speech recognition • In recent years, the use of chatbots has increased …and many more • Since 2022, we also have open-domain chatbots (ChatGPT, etc.) which engage in conversations on any topic, and which we do not cover in this work 3/25
  • 5. How do chatbots work? 4/25 User NL phrase Chatbot chatbot response
  • 6. How do chatbots work? 5/25 User NL phrase intent1 intentn Chatbot match intent … intenti … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service 1 4 2 3
  • 7. How do chatbots work? 6/25 1. The user sends a natural language message to the chatbot Utterances Utterances (user says) Hi there! I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Good bye!
  • 8. How do chatbots work? 7/25 1. The user sends a natural language message to the chatbot 2. The chatbot tries to match the message with an intention
  • 9. How do chatbots work? 7/25 ?? Intention? 1. The user sends a natural language message to the chatbot 2. The chatbot tries to match the message with an intention
  • 10. How do chatbots work? 8/25 Hi there! Intent: Match the user interaction with an intention User says Intent Hi there!
  • 11. How do chatbots work? 8/25 Hi there! Intent matched Intent: Match the user interaction with an intention User says Intent Hi there! Greet
  • 12. Book How do chatbots work? 9/25 I need to fly User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Intent: Match the user interaction with an intention
  • 13. Book How do chatbots work? 9/25 I need to fly Intent matched User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight Intent: Match the user interaction with an intention
  • 14. Book How do chatbots work? 9/25 I need to fly Intent matched User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight HOW?! Intent: Match the user interaction with an intention
  • 15. Book How do chatbots work? 9/25 I need to fly Intent matched User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight HOW?! Providing training phrases: a set of examples that users can use to express an intention. Required for matching inputs with intents Intent: Match the user interaction with an intention
  • 16. Book How do chatbots work? 10/25 Hi there Intent matched Training phrases: a set of examples that users can use to express an intention ● Must be provided with the intent Training phrase Intent Hi there! Greet Hello Greet Hi Greet Hey Greet
  • 17. Book How do chatbots work? 11/25 Training phrases: a set of examples that users can use to express an intention ● Must be provided with the intent I need to fly Intent matched Training phrase Intent Airplane ticket from Madrid to Rome tomorrow at 1 pm Book a flight Flight from Madrid to Napoli on 17/06/2024 at 11:30 Book a flight
  • 18. How do chatbots work? 12/25 3. Chatbot extracts information from the message or asks for missing information I need to fly User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight
  • 19. to:Salerno How do chatbots work? 13/25 3. Chatbot extracts information from the message or asks for missing information I need to fly User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM
  • 20. to:Salerno How do chatbots work? 13/25 3. Chatbot extracts information from the message or asks for missing information I need to fly User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM City
  • 21. to:Salerno How do chatbots work? 13/25 3. Chatbot extracts information from the message or asks for missing information I need to fly User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM City entities
  • 22. to:Salerno How do chatbots work? 13/25 3. Chatbot extracts information from the message or asks for missing information I need to fly User says Intent I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM Book a flight At this point, the chatbot extracts key information from the input: parameters From:Madrid when:Wed. At 12 PM Time City entities
  • 23. How do chatbots work? 14/25 4. Build the response and send back the response to the user I need to fly ● Responses to the user: ○ text, images ● External service queries ○ External API rest ○ Database, etc. User says Action I need to fly from Madrid to Salerno on Wednesday at 12 PM The price of the ticket is 150$. Provide a card nº and billing name Both, user responses and external services queries: actions
  • 24. Testing chatbots 15/25 User Chatbot Testcase input Testcase output Hi there! Hi! How can I help you? Hi there! Hi! How can I Help you? … complete conversations
  • 25. Testing chatbots 16/25 We use Botium and Rasa-test as the test suites to test the chatbots #me Hi there! #bot What day do you want to come in? #me GREET_UTTERANCES_USER #bot GREET_RESPONSES_USER Single test interaction Combination of multiple tests GREET_UTTERANCES_USER Hi there! Hi Hello Hey GREET_RESPONSES_USER Hi! How can I help you? Hello, what do you need? Greetings! This is the flight ticket assistant Antony, how can i help you? Multiple user utterances Possible responses convo file (conversation step) utterances responses
  • 26. Testing chatbots 17/25 Hi there! I need to fly from … Hi! How can I Help you? The price of the ticket … I lost my baggage Please, provide the flight ticket id … and complex conversations
  • 27. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What kinds of coffee are available? What kinds of coffee can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine Intent matched Order a coffee Order a wine Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here
  • 28. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What kinds of coffee are available? What kinds of coffee can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine 0.512 0.538 0.475 0.474 Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here Order a coffee: Keeps the two most different phrases Order a wine Semantic similarity
  • 29. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What kinds of coffee are available? What kinds of coffee can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service Order a coffee: Keeps the two most different phrases User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine Order a wine 0.512 0.538 0.475 0.474 Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here
  • 30. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine Order a wine Intent matched Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here Order a coffee
  • 31. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine Order a wine Intent matched Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here Order a coffee Test-suite
  • 32. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine Order a wine Intent matched Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here Order a coffee
  • 33. Mutation testing for chatbots 18/25 User says Action What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an expresso or an americano User NL phrase Order a coffe intentn Chatbot match intent … Order a wine … chatbot response 3 extract params build response external service User says Action What kinds of wine are available? What kinds of wine can I order? What can I drink here? Tell me what drinks there are You can take an Italian wine or a French wine Order a wine Intent matched Tell me what kinds of coffee I can drink here Order a coffee Test-suite
  • 34. 19/25 Operators for training phrases DPmax Deletes the most representative phrase of an intent DPmin Deletes the most different phrase of an intent DPWP Deletes training phrases with required parameter DPWL Deletes training phrases with literal K2Pmax Keeps the 2 most representative phrases K2Pmin Keeps the 2 most different phrases MPmax Moves the most representative phrase to the most similar intent MPmin Moves the most different phrase to the most different intent Mutation operators for chatbots Operators for intents DIP Deletes intent parameter DPP Deletes parameter prompt SPO Sets required parameter to optional DFI Deletes fallback intent Operators for entities CRE Changes regular expression DLE Deletes literal from entity Operators for actions DA Deletes actions DPR Deletes a parameter used in a response SO Swaps outputs Operators for conversation flows DCS Deletes conversation step DCB Deletes conversation bifurcation Emulation of common errors of chatbot developers
  • 36. RQ1: How applicable are the defined mutation operators? RQ2: How effective are the defined mutation operators? 21/25 39% 48% 67% 60% 77% 73% 78% 80% 67% 0% 0% 40% 50% 76% 14% 89% 87% 96% Alive Killed Mutation score by mutation operator
  • 37. RQ1: How applicable are the defined mutation operators? RQ2: How effective are the defined mutation operators? 21/25 39% 48% 67% 60% 77% 73% 78% 80% 67% 0% 0% 40% 50% 76% 14% 89% 87% 96% Alive Killed Mutation score by mutation operator
  • 38. RQ3: How effective is the mutation testing process? 22/25 Botium automatic Botium by hand Rasa test 45% 94% 20% Alive Killed Mutation score by test suite kind
  • 39. RQ3: How effective is the mutation testing process? 22/25 Botium automatic Botium by hand Rasa test 45% 94% 20% Alive Killed Mutation score by test suite kind
  • 40. RQ4: How efficient is the mutation testing process? 23/25 0,1% 0,2% 0,3% 1,0% 1,2% 1,4% 1,6% 1,6% 1,7% 2,6% 4,9% 8,4% 12,8% 27,5% 34,7% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Covid19_tracer bikeShop e2e-bot Spaceonova personal-bot yassinelamarti Rasa-demo 256644 h4h-chatbot diagrams2ai dusbot legal-alien-chatbot Email-WhatsApp-Integration lankbanfinance Data-mining The mutation testing process of 67% of the chatbots was completed in less than 90 minutes
  • 41. RQ4: How efficient is the mutation testing process? 23/25 0,1% 0,2% 0,3% 1,0% 1,2% 1,4% 1,6% 1,6% 1,7% 2,6% 4,9% 8,4% 12,8% 27,5% 34,7% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Covid19_tracer bikeShop e2e-bot Spaceonova personal-bot yassinelamarti Rasa-demo 256644 h4h-chatbot diagrams2ai dusbot legal-alien-chatbot Email-WhatsApp-Integration lankbanfinance Data-mining The mutation testing process of 67% of the chatbots was completed in less than 90 minutes
  • 42. Conclusions • Technology-independent approach for MuT of chatbots with • A catalogue of 19 mutation operators for • Training phrases, intents, entities, chatbot actions and conversation flows • Support for test scenarios from botium and rasa-test • Experiment with 15 chatbots and 29 test suites • Positive results regarding applicability, effectiveness and efficiency • Room for improvement in 86% of the test suites • MuT for chatbots running times are costly but acceptable • Less than 90 minutes for 67% of the chatbots 24/25
  • 43. Future work • Automate the detection of semantically equivalent mutants • e.g., using confidence decrease heuristics • Automate the synthesis of tests able to kill the alive mutants • Adapt our approach to LLM-based agents 25/25
  • 44. www.uam.es Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Sara Pérez-Soler, Pablo C. Cañizares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara {Pablo.GomezA, Sara.PerezS, Pablo.Cerro, Esther.Guerra, Juan.deLara}@uam.es Mutation testing for task-oriented chatbots Thank you! ./ Wodel-Test Dataset Tool demo