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Religious Ethics and Interfaith Understanding
A Paper presented at the International Seminar on
Global Peace Convention 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-8 December 2013

- Prof (Dr) M M Verma
Chair, Religious Harmony, IASE (D) University, Rajasthan
President, Interfaith Foundation, India
R-265 B, Greater Kailash -1
New Delhi 110048
Tel: 011- 41631114
Cell: 9818753534
Email: mmvinterfaith@gmail.com
Website: www.interfaithfoundationindia.com

Curriculum Vitae

– Dr M M Verma
Dr Madan Mohan Verma has devoted his life in the pursuit of knowledge. His research
and insight over the last four decades is vast and varied and includes subjects like Indian
and World history, international relations, philosophy, socio-political issues in India,
religion and interfaith. He is gifted to be able to draw knowledge from one field to
another to create a unique perspective. He is regarded as a leading scholar of interfaith
and has spent the last two decades in studying Spiritual Scriptures of various faiths, and
preaching the common message of human love and harmony.
Dr Verma taught political philosophy at the University of Delhi between 1962 and 1995.
He is currently President, Interfaith Foundation, India, and a renowned crusader of
interfaith harmony world over. He has organized and addressed several national and
international conferences. He is also Professor & Chair, Religious Harmony in the
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Deemed University, Rajasthan.
Dr Verma has also held eminent portfolios like Director, Institute of Non-Aligned
Studies; Director, Centre for UN Studies; Director, Institute of Human Resource
Development; Director, Research, Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization;
President, The Brotherhood; President, Indo-Polish Friendship Society; Senior Advisor,
India-Russia Chamber of Commerce, among others. He has been honoured several times
by various universities and organizations both in India and abroad.
Dr Verma has authored Gandhi’s Technique of Mass Mobilization, a best seller that was
released by Hon‟ble President of India, Lt. Dr Shankar Dyal Sharma, NAM and Security
in Asia-Pacific Region, Harmony Among Faiths and Civilizations (ed.), Planning for the
Poor (ed.), Human Resource Development (ed.)

Religious Ethics and Interfaith Understanding
A Paper presented at the International Seminar on
Global Peace Convention 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-8 December 2013

Disagreement among people is a civilized way. People with different beliefs was a theme,
repeatedly mentioned in the Vedas, the Gita and the Qur‟an. Some scholars generally
point out similarities and dissimilarities in different faiths, but it is more important that
they meet as men, sharing the task of building a society in which all men realize their
dignity as called upon to love and serve one another. Liberal religious thinkers and
scholars of different persuasions are making efforts to give people unbiased
interpretations of their Scriptures.
In a secular society, the most important thing is that the followers of every religion must
learn to practice their religion so as not to create problems for others or hurt the
susceptibilities of the followers of other religions. Especially in the Indian context, we
must accept the reality of pluralism and acknowledge that every religion has significantly
contributed to humanity‟s understanding of the ultimate Reality.

Divisive forces
A lot of confusion has been created by the distorted versions of holy Scriptures. People
are divided on the basis of rituals, mode of worship, religious ceremonies and festivals,
lifestyle, manner of dress, language and external symbols. The priestly classes generally
with rigid mindset have played a negative role by dividing the people for their ulterior
benefits. The illiterate and destitute masses, on the other hand, are generally credulous
and follow their leaders blindfold. The self-centered political leaders too have played a
negative role in dividing the people into their vote banks. At the same time, there have
been numerous cases of forcible conversions. Economic exploitation of one class by
another class, one nation by another nation has also created anger, hatred and disharmony
in the world. Political domination of one nation over another has also led to tension and
What are the present religious leaders doing all over the world? They hardly think of
man‟s spiritual growth. As an alternative to class-war, the clever politicians, who also
wield economic clout, have forged a “holy alliance” with the custodians of religious
places of worship, who are keen to get closer to political power, to enjoy power and
The factor of poverty is inseparably mixed with the divine will to provide a religious
cover for inhuman activities. What kind of irreligious persons they are, who try to
provide religious justification in killing the children of God?

Politicians of all shades in India and outside, exploit the poor and ignorant masses in the
name of God. This is an old practice, which has been used differently at different times,
says Karl Marx. Marx rejects the concept that the poor are poor because of God‟s will.
Religious Scriptures are grossly misunderstood, misinterpreted and distorted, which
creates disharmony. As a result, we countenance an unprecedented phase of terrorism
worldwide, which tries to trace its roots to religious fundamentalism.
To go to a temple, church or a mosque without the knowledge and practice of moral
principles, serves little religious purpose. It is per se a ritual and not religion. The way to
God lies through love and service to mankind. This is an old idea, which has been
repeatedly advocated by all religions Scriptures.
Religion is being used as a double-edged weapon both to maintain peace and challenge
the established law and order. However, there is no justification in taking advantage of
the helplessness of the poor youth, who are generally unemployed, and train them for
revengeful activities in the name of God and religion. It is a great sin to manipulate
religion and reduce it the level of a tool. Those who act in this manner are not the
religious people.

Steps to promote Communal Harmony
- Positive role of educationists and NGOs.
- Good leadership, political and religious.
- Role of the Media should be positive and not inflammatory.
- Public awareness, education and economic development.
- Understanding the role of politicians and motivated religious leaders.
- Correct interpretation of the sacred Scriptures.
- Political parties must strictly adhere to secularism.
- Promote the cause of national language.
- Inter-state tourism must be encouraged.
- Reduce illegal migration. And to deal with this problem sternly.
- Sort out issues with the neighbouring states.
- Protect dignity of every person.
- Equal encouragement to all groups of people. No discrimination.
- People urge a genuine share in governance.
- Ban fundamental groups, who terrorize each other.
- Need for an impartial policy protection.
- Independence of judiciary, enforcement of the Preamble, Directive Principles of State
Policy, Fundamental rights and fundamental duties as enshrined in the Constitution,
should be preached and practiced.

- More than any other strategy, religious approach is undoubtedly the most powerful
thread to bind people together. The first and the foremost step is to provide the masses an
unbiased interpretation of the spiritual Scriptures in easily understandable language.
Dissemination of the correct version of spiritual Scriptures through Mass media,
including the electronic media, will go a long way to create peace and harmony.
- There is an urgent need to invite scholars from different persuasions at common
platforms, to highlight the commonalities in different Scriptures. It is imperative that the
spiritual interrelatedness and interconnectedness between man and man is explained.
- There is a dire necessity for a continuing dialogue among religious leaders of different
communities. It is essential that the priestly class changes its mindset and becomes
- All places of worship should be open to all, irrespective of religion, caste, colour and
creed, etc.
- Common prayers at common places be worked out.
- People of different faiths should attend each others‟ religious ceremonies and festivals.
- The study of spiritual Scriptures should be made an integral part of the curriculum at the
secondary and university level.
- Public school education should be encouraged.
- Common language and lifestyle should be encouraged.
- Sports, music, theatre, art exhibitions, and films should be used as common ground to
highlight commonalities and intrinsic relation among Scriptures of different faiths.
- Need for non-denominational languages.
- It goes without saying that wars have been fought in the name of religion; several peace
treaties have been signed in the name of religion; religious insurgence has taken place
against religious rulers, States have been united and divided in the name of religion.
Religious power has been both used and abused.
- It is the need of the hour that people understand the true meaning and significance of
religion and religious exercises. It entails upon the religious gurus to educate and show
the path to the masses.
- In all modern states there is so much of controversy over social, economic and political
issues that the opinions of the masses are important on all these questions.
- The highest hope for illuminating our alienated society is none other than the spiritual
approach (Bhagavad-Gita).
- Forging ahead is based on two ways: (i) study and (ii) practice.
- We should establish correct teachings for peace on the land.
- There is need for dialogue for the transformation of mankind to live a fulfilling life.
- What we need is a new human revolution for world peace, striving tirelessly to spread
the ideas of new humanism. It is a heart-to-heart dialogue to advance global harmony and
human happiness. It is a bold struggle, which knows no retreat and no looking back.
- We should help others to form a connection with all.

- What we need is a genuine trust and friendship to keep the flame of faith burning
brightly in our hearts.
- Today, there is a need to change the mindset of our religious leaders. They should
undergo a modernizing program.
- We should not try to divide the society and the world into several worlds, more
especially on religious grounds.
- We should work for reuniting the world for integrated humanity.
- Let the states keep in mind the national and international interests, common to them all.
- Religious considerations are bound to unleash fissiparous tendencies. For that matter,
there are flagrant conflicts among the Muslim countries, both within and without.
- We should blame neither God nor religion. Veda and Purana are not wrong; it is we
who are wrong, said Guru Nanak.
- The interfaith conferences should promote the culture of common consciousness of the
common good. There is a dire need of common understanding among leaders and masses
of different faiths.
- Let religious leaders and scholars work out universally acceptable principles of the
culture of common consciousness. This is the next step we need to take collectively
towards unity.
- We can address God in one common name. Religion does not teach that Hindus call
him lshwar and Bhagwan; the Muslims Allah, the Sikhs Waheguru, the Christians call
him God. But if the Scriptures are quoted correctly, we can see that divine attributes
are the same in all Scriptures inspite of differences in parables and mythology. But
all address Him as the highest, supreme, all-powerful, all-knowing creator of trillions
of objects.
- We should promote harmony among religious communities and protect their diverse
cultures. Although there may be some dissimilarity in different religions, yet we should
work for their peaceful coexistence.
- There are several paths and all paths recognize unity underlying all religions.
- Let us celebrate the commonalities in our religions. Let us mingle the essential
messages delivered by all religions and faiths.
- We should show reverence to all spiritual paths. Such a spirit is needed, if we are to live
at peace with one another.
- All religious people and scholars should contribute to the dissemination of good ethics
and family coherence. We are a religious people therefore, we owe a special
responsibility to the society. But we have to reform ourselves first before we try to
change others. We should unitedly face the menace of fundamentalism, terrorism,
injustice, drugs and hatred among people.

Religious traditions of world‟s major religions have not existed in the air. Nor do they
exist as islands. The praise of the Lord and His name is the subject, which all scriptures
have addressed (Sukhmani Sahib, canto 24). Praise be to Allah (Qur‟an sura I), is just the
same as in the Gayatri Mantra (Vedas) or the Mul Mantra in (Sikhism). Of all Holy
places, the most sacred is the heart, wherein lives the name of the Lord (SS, canto 3).

A Hindu who mediates on Brahma, a Muslim who praises Allah, a Sikh, who sings songs
of devotion to the Akal Purakh (The Timeless Being); a Christian, who magnifies Jesus; a
Jew who magnifies Adonai; and a Zoroastrian, who honors Ahura Mazda (The Wise
Lord) are all in essence generating devotion towards the One, they consider to be the
Supreme Power. They may have differing interpretations of God‟s nature, name and
ways, but in a united way, they are all reaching out to the same Creator.
The Yajur Veda calls for good thoughts to come from all sides, annoo bhadra krtavao
yantu vishvataha. It said; “One who is the permanent friend of all, who is engrossed in
the interest of mankind by his mind, speech and action is the one who knows the real
meaning of religion.”
Love is more emphasized in Christianity and also amongst the Sufis, who call it Ishq.
Nonviolence is more emphasized in Hinduism and Jainism. Compassion is more
emphasized in Buddhism. Equality and justice are more emphasized in Islam. Truth, of
course, is common to all religions. Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Confucianism stressed
on the balanced living, which later became the kernel of Guru Nanak‟s teachings.

The Golden Rule
The social concept, termed as “the golden rule” is generally recognized and emphasized
in all religions. It is found in almost all sacred writings, as well as in all popular
philosophical sources. Sometimes, it is worded in the positive, viz., “Do unto others what
you would like others to do unto you.” And sometimes, in the negative; “Do not do to
others what you would not like others to do to you.” Choose for thy neighbours, that,
which you would choose for thyself (Baha‟u‟llah). “Hurt not others in the way that you
yourself would find it hurtful (Udaan Varga 5, 18).
Men gifted with intelligence and purified souls should always treat others as they
themselves wish to be treated” (Mahabharata 13.11.522). Not one of you is a believer
until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself (Forty Hadith of a Nawawi 13).
A man should treat all creatures in the world, as he himself would like to be treated
“(Jainism, Sutra-kiet-anga). Do not take vengeance on and bear a grudge against any of
your people, rather, love your neighbour as yourself” (Judaism Leviticus 19:18). What is
hateful to you do not to your fellowmen. That is the entire law, all the rest is commentary
(Babylonian Talmud, Subbath 3la). As you deemest thyself, so deem others. Then shall
thou become a partner in heaven (Kabir‟s Hymns Asa 17). “Regard your neighbours gain
as your own gain and your neighbour‟s loss as your own loss” (Taoism, Tai Shang Kan
Ying Plen). That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever
is not for itself (Zoroastrianism, Dadisian- i- dinik 94, 5).

Universal Human Values
Religion is neither a sport nor a pastime. It is not meant for those, who are entrenched in
the earthly lives. A man of any religion can be called religious if he abides by the
principles of Truth and love. A true Hindu, Muslim, Christian or a Sikh is a religious
person, provided he believes in Truth. The right way to go about religion is to abide by
the principles of one‟s own religion with the help of one‟s own spiritual Scripture.

Those who do not pay heed to the teachings of superior persons land themselves in
trouble. By listening to the teachings of the wise and experienced persons, one gains
wisdom and with wisdom one can pacify one‟s disturbing emotions. The suffering among
mankind is due to the negligence of the message of the spiritual Masters (Qur’an sura
20:123-124). Hell prevails in a family where religious traditions disappear (BhagavadGita).
Swami Vivekananda was highly distressed to witness economic disparities between the
rich and the poor nations. He wanted mankind to live like one family, where its members
live for each other, caring and sharing each others‟ weal and woe. He emphasized on the
spiritual interrelatedness of mankind. There is but one God and there is but one mankind.
The entire cosmic existence is His own manifestation. Spiritually, all beings are united.
All human beings, irrespective of national boundaries, religion, caste, colour, creed etc.,
are the children of one God. This is what is revealed by all Prophets and spiritual Masters
and is ordained in all the spiritual Scriptures of world‟s major religions. Religious leaders
and scholars from different faiths, social activists and the youth should join hands to
highlight and support the unifying ideas for a better society.
Although it is impossible to change people‟s viewpoint on religions matters, yet we
should read between the lines of our Scriptures and appreciate the historical backdrop
in which they were revealed.
Love represents the highest and indeed the only law of life. The value system in any
religion is its soul, whereas institutions and rituals represent its body. As every body has
soul, every living religion has its soul, which is represented in its value system. Every
religion emphasizes on good deeds and moral values. All Scriptures are great guides and
can substantially contribute to world peace and progress.
Immoral means corrupt a person, and no good can come out of it even when the end is
noble, such as in defending one‟s religion and country. The realization of the ultimate end
i.e., self-realization requires self-purification.
The foundation of a pluralistic society, its culture, legal system and public school
education require acceptance of universal human values, derived from human experience.
God‟s messengers and the world Masters of thought have invited our attention to the
universal human values and have rejected wrong doings, aggression and damage to
The focus of every religion is on making a man humane, pious and righteous and on
building spiritual environment, conducive to peace and prosperity of mankind.
Individual‟s moral regeneration should be our primary concern. A man can become a
good citizen only by disciplining his life according to the moral principles.
God has created man with a natural instinct to love peace, hate evil, accept justice and
reject injustice. We say we obey the Lord and carry out His command but the Lord
won't feel happy if we do not look after his creation.
- Religious leaders and scholars from different faiths ought to highlight universal human
values in world‟s major religions.
- They should educate the masses across the world, irrespective of national boundaries,
religion, caste, colour, creed etc., to practice these universal human values. This will go a
long way in re-uniting mankind into „one wholesome world‟.
- The masses follow what the leaders say and do.
The message of truth, tolerance, peace and coexistence was first delivered by Vedas. The
Vedas taught: Let our minds meet together in the quest for true knowledge. Let us work
together with a common goal. Let us converse with a common purpose. Make all sides
your friends. There is emphasis on truthful living; earning with one‟s own efforts and
sharing the produce with others. Prayers are not empty words.
Ramayana teaches respect for the Guru, simple living and high moral thinking.
Mahabharata shows that usurpation of other‟s wealth and property and insult to woman,
gambling, cheating, pride and attachment lead to dangerous consequences. Lust for
other‟s woman leads to deadly war. The Bhagavad-Gita emphasizes performance of one‟s
natural duty towards the society without the greed for gain. There is an apparent
vocational division among people in the society, but there is no room for untouchability
in Bhagavad-Gita.

Buddhism advocates Five Precepts: Abstain from killing, stealing, covet other’s property,
adultery, lying, liquor, slandering, harsh speaking, idle talk and hatred. Buddhism
advocates the Eightfold Noble Path: Right thinking, right understanding, (free your Self
from superstitions and delusion) right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort,
right mindfulness, right concentration. Buddhism teaches the Acts of Merit: We ought to
care for each other. Give charity to the deserving, observe precepts of morality, render
service to others, honor and nurse elders and parents, give share of your merits to others,
accept merits that others give, hear doctrines of righteousness and rectify your faults.
Respect your teachers, follow the middle path, Buddhism advocates: Open your mind to
truth, practice righteousness and find eternal bliss. A word spoken in wrath is the
sharpest sword. Don’t winnow the faults of others. In Buddhism there is no room for
untouchability. Hatred is the most violent fever. Lust destroys. Be free from pride and
passion. Our own deeds lead to woe.

True religious growth consists in expansion and not in contraction. Jesus said: You can
see God only when your heart is pure. “Hear, O‟ Israel, your Lord, our Lord, is one
Lord.” This implies brotherhood of mankind. He said: Pray with a clean heart. An evil
mind can‟t speak good of others. An evil eye pushes you into darkness. But if you follow
your soul, you are in the domain of light. In matters of charity, let your left hand not
know what your right hand does. Ask God for forgiveness of your sins. God will forgive
you, if you also forgive others. Jesus advised his Apostles: Heal the sick, cleanse the
lepers, raise the dead and cast out devil.

Islam preaches human equality and rejects division of mankind into castes. Islam takes
cognizance of racial and ethnic diversities that characterize human societies across the
world and holds that these diversities are divinely ordained (11:18, 30:22, 25:54). The
believers should call upon the followers of other religions to unite for the sake of truth,
seek mutual help, friendship and cooperation (3:64). The Qur‟an teaches: Emulate one
another in good works (2:148). Men can excel each other in piety. One who is most
righteous is the noblest in his sight (49:13). Islam preaches tolerance towards all prophets
who preceded Mohammad and respect for all scriptures revealed to them (42:17, 2:135,
2:285). Recite what has been revealed to you in the book of your Lord, all differences
will cease (42:17). Although a Muslim is enjoined in the Qur‟an to carry the message of
Islam to non-Muslims, yet he is warned that there is no compulsion in religion (2:56,
109:6). Islam teaches righteous conduct, regular timely prayers, piety, physical and
mental cleanliness and patience (2:151). No lying, give just weight and measures, no
usury, no bribes to judges, no alcohol and gambling, fortitude, sacrifice, fasting, help to
kinsfolk, the needy, orphans, wayfarers and beggars (2:32) Charity means to extend the
hands of friendship to him whom one knows, to him one knows not, and to him
antagonistic to you, said Mohammad.

Guru Nanak says: Religion must join the life current of humanity and should be socially
and spiritually consistent. The Lord of wondrous creativity has manifested himself in
everything, animate and inanimate. All human beings, irrespective of their distinctive
capabilities and functional diversities, are brothers and the only way to serve the Lord is
to serve all his creation (Also in Vedas and Gita).
In a nutshell, Sikhism advocates: Truth, Human Equality (i.e., oneness of human race and
gender equality), Humility, Forgiveness, Seva of all mankind without discrimination,
Freedom of Faith, Reconciliation, Rejection of Exploitation and Tyranny, Patriotism,
Kirat Ki Kamai and Wand Chakko (truthful living, earning through legitimate means and
sharing with others), Langar and Sangat. In a nutshell: Sarbat da Bhala (May God bless

In every religion, there are universal human values and a basic message it has for the
mankind. In fact, every divine teacher had first addressed himself to the problems of his
own times. Every prophet had the revelation of the Supreme Reality and pronounced the
same to his own people. The world desperately needs universally acceptable values for
the sake of unity, peace and survival.
There is need for cooperation on the basis of divine messages and ethical principles that
will help diffuse world conflicts and enhance human values of truth, peace, nonviolence,
justice, tolerance and moderation. Religion is a great power in as much as it is believed to
be the message of the Lord.
In essence, we have to convince each other that there is something higher than our
differences and distinctiveness, which binds us together. And that is the principle of
People who have a genuine concern for religion and spirituality must understand and
respect one another‟s religion. Religious power like any other power can be used for a
good cause or a bad one. What we really need in our world today is the mobilization of
religious power on behalf of world peace, harmony and brotherhood.

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[Dr. Verma] Paper: Religious Ethics and Interfaith Understanding

  • 1. Religious Ethics and Interfaith Understanding A Paper presented at the International Seminar on Global Peace Convention 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-8 December 2013 - Prof (Dr) M M Verma Chair, Religious Harmony, IASE (D) University, Rajasthan President, Interfaith Foundation, India R-265 B, Greater Kailash -1 New Delhi 110048 Tel: 011- 41631114 Cell: 9818753534 Email: [email protected] Website: www.interfaithfoundationindia.com 1
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae – Dr M M Verma Dr Madan Mohan Verma has devoted his life in the pursuit of knowledge. His research and insight over the last four decades is vast and varied and includes subjects like Indian and World history, international relations, philosophy, socio-political issues in India, religion and interfaith. He is gifted to be able to draw knowledge from one field to another to create a unique perspective. He is regarded as a leading scholar of interfaith and has spent the last two decades in studying Spiritual Scriptures of various faiths, and preaching the common message of human love and harmony. Dr Verma taught political philosophy at the University of Delhi between 1962 and 1995. He is currently President, Interfaith Foundation, India, and a renowned crusader of interfaith harmony world over. He has organized and addressed several national and international conferences. He is also Professor & Chair, Religious Harmony in the Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Deemed University, Rajasthan. Dr Verma has also held eminent portfolios like Director, Institute of Non-Aligned Studies; Director, Centre for UN Studies; Director, Institute of Human Resource Development; Director, Research, Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization; President, The Brotherhood; President, Indo-Polish Friendship Society; Senior Advisor, India-Russia Chamber of Commerce, among others. He has been honoured several times by various universities and organizations both in India and abroad. Dr Verma has authored Gandhi’s Technique of Mass Mobilization, a best seller that was released by Hon‟ble President of India, Lt. Dr Shankar Dyal Sharma, NAM and Security in Asia-Pacific Region, Harmony Among Faiths and Civilizations (ed.), Planning for the Poor (ed.), Human Resource Development (ed.) 2
  • 3. Religious Ethics and Interfaith Understanding A Paper presented at the International Seminar on Global Peace Convention 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-8 December 2013 Introduction Disagreement among people is a civilized way. People with different beliefs was a theme, repeatedly mentioned in the Vedas, the Gita and the Qur‟an. Some scholars generally point out similarities and dissimilarities in different faiths, but it is more important that they meet as men, sharing the task of building a society in which all men realize their dignity as called upon to love and serve one another. Liberal religious thinkers and scholars of different persuasions are making efforts to give people unbiased interpretations of their Scriptures. In a secular society, the most important thing is that the followers of every religion must learn to practice their religion so as not to create problems for others or hurt the susceptibilities of the followers of other religions. Especially in the Indian context, we must accept the reality of pluralism and acknowledge that every religion has significantly contributed to humanity‟s understanding of the ultimate Reality. Divisive forces A lot of confusion has been created by the distorted versions of holy Scriptures. People are divided on the basis of rituals, mode of worship, religious ceremonies and festivals, lifestyle, manner of dress, language and external symbols. The priestly classes generally with rigid mindset have played a negative role by dividing the people for their ulterior benefits. The illiterate and destitute masses, on the other hand, are generally credulous and follow their leaders blindfold. The self-centered political leaders too have played a negative role in dividing the people into their vote banks. At the same time, there have been numerous cases of forcible conversions. Economic exploitation of one class by another class, one nation by another nation has also created anger, hatred and disharmony in the world. Political domination of one nation over another has also led to tension and disharmony. What are the present religious leaders doing all over the world? They hardly think of man‟s spiritual growth. As an alternative to class-war, the clever politicians, who also wield economic clout, have forged a “holy alliance” with the custodians of religious places of worship, who are keen to get closer to political power, to enjoy power and money. The factor of poverty is inseparably mixed with the divine will to provide a religious cover for inhuman activities. What kind of irreligious persons they are, who try to provide religious justification in killing the children of God? 3
  • 4. Politicians of all shades in India and outside, exploit the poor and ignorant masses in the name of God. This is an old practice, which has been used differently at different times, says Karl Marx. Marx rejects the concept that the poor are poor because of God‟s will. Religious Scriptures are grossly misunderstood, misinterpreted and distorted, which creates disharmony. As a result, we countenance an unprecedented phase of terrorism worldwide, which tries to trace its roots to religious fundamentalism. To go to a temple, church or a mosque without the knowledge and practice of moral principles, serves little religious purpose. It is per se a ritual and not religion. The way to God lies through love and service to mankind. This is an old idea, which has been repeatedly advocated by all religions Scriptures. Religion is being used as a double-edged weapon both to maintain peace and challenge the established law and order. However, there is no justification in taking advantage of the helplessness of the poor youth, who are generally unemployed, and train them for revengeful activities in the name of God and religion. It is a great sin to manipulate religion and reduce it the level of a tool. Those who act in this manner are not the religious people. Steps to promote Communal Harmony - Positive role of educationists and NGOs. - Good leadership, political and religious. - Role of the Media should be positive and not inflammatory. - Public awareness, education and economic development. - Understanding the role of politicians and motivated religious leaders. - Correct interpretation of the sacred Scriptures. - Political parties must strictly adhere to secularism. - Promote the cause of national language. - Inter-state tourism must be encouraged. - Reduce illegal migration. And to deal with this problem sternly. - Sort out issues with the neighbouring states. - Protect dignity of every person. - Equal encouragement to all groups of people. No discrimination. - People urge a genuine share in governance. - Ban fundamental groups, who terrorize each other. - Need for an impartial policy protection. - Independence of judiciary, enforcement of the Preamble, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental rights and fundamental duties as enshrined in the Constitution, should be preached and practiced. 4
  • 5. - More than any other strategy, religious approach is undoubtedly the most powerful thread to bind people together. The first and the foremost step is to provide the masses an unbiased interpretation of the spiritual Scriptures in easily understandable language. Dissemination of the correct version of spiritual Scriptures through Mass media, including the electronic media, will go a long way to create peace and harmony. - There is an urgent need to invite scholars from different persuasions at common platforms, to highlight the commonalities in different Scriptures. It is imperative that the spiritual interrelatedness and interconnectedness between man and man is explained. - There is a dire necessity for a continuing dialogue among religious leaders of different communities. It is essential that the priestly class changes its mindset and becomes liberal. - All places of worship should be open to all, irrespective of religion, caste, colour and creed, etc. - Common prayers at common places be worked out. - People of different faiths should attend each others‟ religious ceremonies and festivals. - The study of spiritual Scriptures should be made an integral part of the curriculum at the secondary and university level. - Public school education should be encouraged. - Common language and lifestyle should be encouraged. - Sports, music, theatre, art exhibitions, and films should be used as common ground to highlight commonalities and intrinsic relation among Scriptures of different faiths. - Need for non-denominational languages. - It goes without saying that wars have been fought in the name of religion; several peace treaties have been signed in the name of religion; religious insurgence has taken place against religious rulers, States have been united and divided in the name of religion. Religious power has been both used and abused. - It is the need of the hour that people understand the true meaning and significance of religion and religious exercises. It entails upon the religious gurus to educate and show the path to the masses. - In all modern states there is so much of controversy over social, economic and political issues that the opinions of the masses are important on all these questions. - The highest hope for illuminating our alienated society is none other than the spiritual approach (Bhagavad-Gita). - Forging ahead is based on two ways: (i) study and (ii) practice. - We should establish correct teachings for peace on the land. - There is need for dialogue for the transformation of mankind to live a fulfilling life. - What we need is a new human revolution for world peace, striving tirelessly to spread the ideas of new humanism. It is a heart-to-heart dialogue to advance global harmony and human happiness. It is a bold struggle, which knows no retreat and no looking back. - We should help others to form a connection with all. 5
  • 6. - What we need is a genuine trust and friendship to keep the flame of faith burning brightly in our hearts. - Today, there is a need to change the mindset of our religious leaders. They should undergo a modernizing program. - We should not try to divide the society and the world into several worlds, more especially on religious grounds. - We should work for reuniting the world for integrated humanity. - Let the states keep in mind the national and international interests, common to them all. - Religious considerations are bound to unleash fissiparous tendencies. For that matter, there are flagrant conflicts among the Muslim countries, both within and without. - We should blame neither God nor religion. Veda and Purana are not wrong; it is we who are wrong, said Guru Nanak. - The interfaith conferences should promote the culture of common consciousness of the common good. There is a dire need of common understanding among leaders and masses of different faiths. - Let religious leaders and scholars work out universally acceptable principles of the culture of common consciousness. This is the next step we need to take collectively towards unity. - We can address God in one common name. Religion does not teach that Hindus call him lshwar and Bhagwan; the Muslims Allah, the Sikhs Waheguru, the Christians call him God. But if the Scriptures are quoted correctly, we can see that divine attributes are the same in all Scriptures inspite of differences in parables and mythology. But all address Him as the highest, supreme, all-powerful, all-knowing creator of trillions of objects. - We should promote harmony among religious communities and protect their diverse cultures. Although there may be some dissimilarity in different religions, yet we should work for their peaceful coexistence. - There are several paths and all paths recognize unity underlying all religions. - Let us celebrate the commonalities in our religions. Let us mingle the essential messages delivered by all religions and faiths. - We should show reverence to all spiritual paths. Such a spirit is needed, if we are to live at peace with one another. - All religious people and scholars should contribute to the dissemination of good ethics and family coherence. We are a religious people therefore, we owe a special responsibility to the society. But we have to reform ourselves first before we try to change others. We should unitedly face the menace of fundamentalism, terrorism, injustice, drugs and hatred among people. Commonalities Religious traditions of world‟s major religions have not existed in the air. Nor do they exist as islands. The praise of the Lord and His name is the subject, which all scriptures have addressed (Sukhmani Sahib, canto 24). Praise be to Allah (Qur‟an sura I), is just the same as in the Gayatri Mantra (Vedas) or the Mul Mantra in (Sikhism). Of all Holy places, the most sacred is the heart, wherein lives the name of the Lord (SS, canto 3). 6
  • 7. A Hindu who mediates on Brahma, a Muslim who praises Allah, a Sikh, who sings songs of devotion to the Akal Purakh (The Timeless Being); a Christian, who magnifies Jesus; a Jew who magnifies Adonai; and a Zoroastrian, who honors Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord) are all in essence generating devotion towards the One, they consider to be the Supreme Power. They may have differing interpretations of God‟s nature, name and ways, but in a united way, they are all reaching out to the same Creator. The Yajur Veda calls for good thoughts to come from all sides, annoo bhadra krtavao yantu vishvataha. It said; “One who is the permanent friend of all, who is engrossed in the interest of mankind by his mind, speech and action is the one who knows the real meaning of religion.” Love is more emphasized in Christianity and also amongst the Sufis, who call it Ishq. Nonviolence is more emphasized in Hinduism and Jainism. Compassion is more emphasized in Buddhism. Equality and justice are more emphasized in Islam. Truth, of course, is common to all religions. Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Confucianism stressed on the balanced living, which later became the kernel of Guru Nanak‟s teachings. The Golden Rule The social concept, termed as “the golden rule” is generally recognized and emphasized in all religions. It is found in almost all sacred writings, as well as in all popular philosophical sources. Sometimes, it is worded in the positive, viz., “Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you.” And sometimes, in the negative; “Do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you.” Choose for thy neighbours, that, which you would choose for thyself (Baha‟u‟llah). “Hurt not others in the way that you yourself would find it hurtful (Udaan Varga 5, 18). Men gifted with intelligence and purified souls should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated” (Mahabharata 13.11.522). Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself (Forty Hadith of a Nawawi 13). A man should treat all creatures in the world, as he himself would like to be treated “(Jainism, Sutra-kiet-anga). Do not take vengeance on and bear a grudge against any of your people, rather, love your neighbour as yourself” (Judaism Leviticus 19:18). What is hateful to you do not to your fellowmen. That is the entire law, all the rest is commentary (Babylonian Talmud, Subbath 3la). As you deemest thyself, so deem others. Then shall thou become a partner in heaven (Kabir‟s Hymns Asa 17). “Regard your neighbours gain as your own gain and your neighbour‟s loss as your own loss” (Taoism, Tai Shang Kan Ying Plen). That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not for itself (Zoroastrianism, Dadisian- i- dinik 94, 5). Universal Human Values Religion is neither a sport nor a pastime. It is not meant for those, who are entrenched in the earthly lives. A man of any religion can be called religious if he abides by the principles of Truth and love. A true Hindu, Muslim, Christian or a Sikh is a religious person, provided he believes in Truth. The right way to go about religion is to abide by the principles of one‟s own religion with the help of one‟s own spiritual Scripture. 7
  • 8. Those who do not pay heed to the teachings of superior persons land themselves in trouble. By listening to the teachings of the wise and experienced persons, one gains wisdom and with wisdom one can pacify one‟s disturbing emotions. The suffering among mankind is due to the negligence of the message of the spiritual Masters (Qur’an sura 20:123-124). Hell prevails in a family where religious traditions disappear (BhagavadGita). Swami Vivekananda was highly distressed to witness economic disparities between the rich and the poor nations. He wanted mankind to live like one family, where its members live for each other, caring and sharing each others‟ weal and woe. He emphasized on the spiritual interrelatedness of mankind. There is but one God and there is but one mankind. The entire cosmic existence is His own manifestation. Spiritually, all beings are united. All human beings, irrespective of national boundaries, religion, caste, colour, creed etc., are the children of one God. This is what is revealed by all Prophets and spiritual Masters and is ordained in all the spiritual Scriptures of world‟s major religions. Religious leaders and scholars from different faiths, social activists and the youth should join hands to highlight and support the unifying ideas for a better society. Although it is impossible to change people‟s viewpoint on religions matters, yet we should read between the lines of our Scriptures and appreciate the historical backdrop in which they were revealed. Love represents the highest and indeed the only law of life. The value system in any religion is its soul, whereas institutions and rituals represent its body. As every body has soul, every living religion has its soul, which is represented in its value system. Every religion emphasizes on good deeds and moral values. All Scriptures are great guides and can substantially contribute to world peace and progress. Immoral means corrupt a person, and no good can come out of it even when the end is noble, such as in defending one‟s religion and country. The realization of the ultimate end i.e., self-realization requires self-purification. The foundation of a pluralistic society, its culture, legal system and public school education require acceptance of universal human values, derived from human experience. God‟s messengers and the world Masters of thought have invited our attention to the universal human values and have rejected wrong doings, aggression and damage to environment. The focus of every religion is on making a man humane, pious and righteous and on building spiritual environment, conducive to peace and prosperity of mankind. Individual‟s moral regeneration should be our primary concern. A man can become a good citizen only by disciplining his life according to the moral principles. God has created man with a natural instinct to love peace, hate evil, accept justice and reject injustice. We say we obey the Lord and carry out His command but the Lord won't feel happy if we do not look after his creation. - Religious leaders and scholars from different faiths ought to highlight universal human values in world‟s major religions. - They should educate the masses across the world, irrespective of national boundaries, religion, caste, colour, creed etc., to practice these universal human values. This will go a long way in re-uniting mankind into „one wholesome world‟. - The masses follow what the leaders say and do. 8
  • 9. Hinduism The message of truth, tolerance, peace and coexistence was first delivered by Vedas. The Vedas taught: Let our minds meet together in the quest for true knowledge. Let us work together with a common goal. Let us converse with a common purpose. Make all sides your friends. There is emphasis on truthful living; earning with one‟s own efforts and sharing the produce with others. Prayers are not empty words. Ramayana teaches respect for the Guru, simple living and high moral thinking. Mahabharata shows that usurpation of other‟s wealth and property and insult to woman, gambling, cheating, pride and attachment lead to dangerous consequences. Lust for other‟s woman leads to deadly war. The Bhagavad-Gita emphasizes performance of one‟s natural duty towards the society without the greed for gain. There is an apparent vocational division among people in the society, but there is no room for untouchability in Bhagavad-Gita. Buddhism Buddhism advocates Five Precepts: Abstain from killing, stealing, covet other’s property, adultery, lying, liquor, slandering, harsh speaking, idle talk and hatred. Buddhism advocates the Eightfold Noble Path: Right thinking, right understanding, (free your Self from superstitions and delusion) right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. Buddhism teaches the Acts of Merit: We ought to care for each other. Give charity to the deserving, observe precepts of morality, render service to others, honor and nurse elders and parents, give share of your merits to others, accept merits that others give, hear doctrines of righteousness and rectify your faults. Respect your teachers, follow the middle path, Buddhism advocates: Open your mind to truth, practice righteousness and find eternal bliss. A word spoken in wrath is the sharpest sword. Don’t winnow the faults of others. In Buddhism there is no room for untouchability. Hatred is the most violent fever. Lust destroys. Be free from pride and passion. Our own deeds lead to woe. Christianity True religious growth consists in expansion and not in contraction. Jesus said: You can see God only when your heart is pure. “Hear, O‟ Israel, your Lord, our Lord, is one Lord.” This implies brotherhood of mankind. He said: Pray with a clean heart. An evil mind can‟t speak good of others. An evil eye pushes you into darkness. But if you follow your soul, you are in the domain of light. In matters of charity, let your left hand not know what your right hand does. Ask God for forgiveness of your sins. God will forgive you, if you also forgive others. Jesus advised his Apostles: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devil. Islam Islam preaches human equality and rejects division of mankind into castes. Islam takes cognizance of racial and ethnic diversities that characterize human societies across the world and holds that these diversities are divinely ordained (11:18, 30:22, 25:54). The believers should call upon the followers of other religions to unite for the sake of truth, 9
  • 10. seek mutual help, friendship and cooperation (3:64). The Qur‟an teaches: Emulate one another in good works (2:148). Men can excel each other in piety. One who is most righteous is the noblest in his sight (49:13). Islam preaches tolerance towards all prophets who preceded Mohammad and respect for all scriptures revealed to them (42:17, 2:135, 2:285). Recite what has been revealed to you in the book of your Lord, all differences will cease (42:17). Although a Muslim is enjoined in the Qur‟an to carry the message of Islam to non-Muslims, yet he is warned that there is no compulsion in religion (2:56, 109:6). Islam teaches righteous conduct, regular timely prayers, piety, physical and mental cleanliness and patience (2:151). No lying, give just weight and measures, no usury, no bribes to judges, no alcohol and gambling, fortitude, sacrifice, fasting, help to kinsfolk, the needy, orphans, wayfarers and beggars (2:32) Charity means to extend the hands of friendship to him whom one knows, to him one knows not, and to him antagonistic to you, said Mohammad. Sikhism Guru Nanak says: Religion must join the life current of humanity and should be socially and spiritually consistent. The Lord of wondrous creativity has manifested himself in everything, animate and inanimate. All human beings, irrespective of their distinctive capabilities and functional diversities, are brothers and the only way to serve the Lord is to serve all his creation (Also in Vedas and Gita). In a nutshell, Sikhism advocates: Truth, Human Equality (i.e., oneness of human race and gender equality), Humility, Forgiveness, Seva of all mankind without discrimination, Freedom of Faith, Reconciliation, Rejection of Exploitation and Tyranny, Patriotism, Kirat Ki Kamai and Wand Chakko (truthful living, earning through legitimate means and sharing with others), Langar and Sangat. In a nutshell: Sarbat da Bhala (May God bless all). Conclusion In every religion, there are universal human values and a basic message it has for the mankind. In fact, every divine teacher had first addressed himself to the problems of his own times. Every prophet had the revelation of the Supreme Reality and pronounced the same to his own people. The world desperately needs universally acceptable values for the sake of unity, peace and survival. There is need for cooperation on the basis of divine messages and ethical principles that will help diffuse world conflicts and enhance human values of truth, peace, nonviolence, justice, tolerance and moderation. Religion is a great power in as much as it is believed to be the message of the Lord. In essence, we have to convince each other that there is something higher than our differences and distinctiveness, which binds us together. And that is the principle of unity. People who have a genuine concern for religion and spirituality must understand and respect one another‟s religion. Religious power like any other power can be used for a good cause or a bad one. What we really need in our world today is the mobilization of religious power on behalf of world peace, harmony and brotherhood. 10