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Berwick Partners
The components of a perfect storm
● Huge market disruption caused by technology
● Customer / supporter behaviours have changed
● Reputational integrity of the sector is under threat
● Channel shift in retail - massive challenge for
charity shops
● Skills exodus - talent moving out of the sector
Progressive leadership in the digital age
“Digital technology has fundamentally
changed two things: the dynamics of the
markets in which you operate and the
speed needed to remain competitive and
Forrester Research, December 2015
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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The 7 Principles of Digital Business Strategy & Transformation
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There is a method for creating a high performance digital business strategy. It is to use the 7 Principles of Digital Business Strategy framework by www.ionology.com

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Leading your team to the digital horizon
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Leading your team to the digital horizon

You’ve seen the future for your organisation and it's unquestionably digital. But then the questions start: Who goes on the journey? How do you lead them along? What direction? How fast? What’s the path? Is the journey the same for everyone throughout the business? Embarking on a Digital Transformation (DT) strategy can seem daunting enough. But when you apply that strategy to large teams, the numerous complexities and variables can make the whole project appear just too exhausting a proposition to even bother taking the first step, let alone all those steps that must inevitably follow if it is to succeed. So how do you bring your team on the journey?

#digital training #digital disruption #digital capdigital skillsdigital competency
Progressive leadership in the digital age
“A key challenge identified in the 2015 Index is the
continued lack of engagement with digital amongst many
charities. Over half of all charities do not believe that having
a website would help increase their funding and nearly 70%
state the same about social media. With the level of basic
digital skills falling, in contrast with UK trends, attitudes
are of key concern.”
Lloyds Bank UK Business Digital Index 2015
Progressive leadership in the digital age
UK: Charities marketing spend vs total marketing spend: 2007
Progressive leadership in the digital age
UK: Charities marketing spend vs total marketing spend: 2009
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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Pecha Kucha - AM 4 Integrating digital into leadership programmes at the University of York. Susan Halfpenny, Teaching and Learning Manager, University of York; Michelle Blake, head of relationship management, University of York

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#digitaltransformation #culture #futureofwork
UK: Charities marketing spend vs total marketing spend: 2012
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● For 77% of the overall marketing spend, DM has represented
9% of overall annual growth in voluntary income
● For 2% of the overall marketing spend, Digital has
represented 6.2% of overall annual growth in voluntary
Source: Institute of Fundraising 2013 Fundratios Report
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● Rise of the Chief Digital Officer in commercial sectors
● No equivalent roles in charity sector (a few CIOs)
● In 2015 alone, 10 CDOs have gone on to become CEO
● Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Social landscape study:
sector CEOs ranked digital as 16th out of 18 in their
strategic priorities
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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The document discusses the challenges of digital transformation. It identifies 6 key challenges companies face: customer experience and marketing, technology, data, measurement, people and organization, and leadership. For each challenge, it provides examples of how companies can overcome issues related to culture and skills, innovation, tools and talent. The overall message is that digital disruption is accelerating, and companies must adapt their strategies, organizations, and leadership to keep pace with an exponential rate of technological change.

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Change management a human aspect
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Organizational Change Management happens one person at a time. Make sure you are focused on the human aspect of change to ensure success of your program.

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NILGA Conference 6th october 2016
NILGA Conference 6th october 2016NILGA Conference 6th october 2016
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Digital transformation presentation delivered by Niall McKeown for NILGA Conference 6th October 2016 in Derry-Londonderry.

digital transformationchange managementdigital strategy
● Sector leadership isn’t currently demonstrating vision or
bravery in digital transformation
● Responsibility for the process has been delegated away
from senior levels
● Digital leaders and champions within the sector are often
focused on delivery not strategy
● Trustees are failing to support proactive change
source: The New Reality, 2015 - newreality.info
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Why is technology and digital so
under-represented within senior
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● Very patchy tech / digital representation at board level
● Only 2.1% of all charity trustees are under the age of 30,
with the average age being 57
● Tendency to risk aversion - tech investment usually has
a chunky price tag
● Specialist recruitment is a challenge but essential
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Has anyone got an example of a
successful digital / tech trustee
appointment they can share?
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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A presentation from Niall McKeown from www.ionology.com describing what digital transformation is, how the implementation of technology is often not transformational and the difference between those 'doing digital' and 'digital innovators' and why the innovators are winning.

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This document discusses digital transformation and the characteristics of digital innovators. It provides three case studies of companies that successfully underwent digital transformation, doubling in size within 18 months or achieving €2 million in revenue within a year. It then outlines six key characteristics of digital innovators, such as having a strategy set by data-driven leaders and understanding the importance of innovation. The document advocates aligning business models to take advantage of technological changes and being able to articulate the current and desired future state of the organization.

digital transformation
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Does your organisation:
● Have the right skills and capabilities?
● Ensure that audience needs drive commissioning?
● Have a consensus around organisational priorities?
● Have effective workflow in place?
● Have good internal comms and collaboration?
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● The lines between digital, marcomms and IT are becoming
increasingly blurred - this is largely a good thing
● However, this causes conflict and uncertainty and needs to
be managed carefully
● Conduct a RACI Matrix between digital and IT to define
the relationship and communicate this clearly
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Tim Cockle, head of digital services, Eduserv Visit the CharityComms website to view slides from past events, see what events we have coming up and to check out what else we do. www.charitycomms.org.uk

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Mobile 2 Social presents information on 21st century recruiting tools and strategies. It discusses how technology enables modern recruitment by focusing on people, content, dialogue and engagement. It emphasizes that recruitment is about candidate relationship management and defining the candidate experience. The document provides recommendations for career websites, applicant tracking systems, social media use, and mobile recruiting. It also explores themes for the future of work and recruitment, such as the use of video, big data, and developing recruiters as marketeers and content specialists in a changing landscape.

How to hire and retain digital talent
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We presented our view point on how to hire and retain digital talent in this day and age. Essentially our point of view is - they don't need to be digital, just smart and have the drive to learn.

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An overview of the definition of Wirearchy and the chapters written by members of the Wirearchy Commons

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The document discusses leadership in the digital age and presents strategies for building self-confidence and leadership skills. Some key points covered include embracing one's worth through daily affirmation, owning one's personal brand and story by sharing it publicly, acting with courage to pursue passions and dreams, and making an impact through brave actions and networking using hashtags. The overall message is about developing leadership skills that allow one to make an "epic impact."

● Take full ownership of the digital agenda
● Open up the pathways to senior management for
digital and technology ‘natives’
● Bring digital planning to the heart of the strategic
● Set yourself and your leadership team clear KPIs around
digital transformation
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● Seek guidance and mentoring from your peers in
retail, publishing and financial services - who has
adapted well and how?
● Bring in industry expertise at board level - actively
address the skills imbalance
● Acquire enough knowledge to be comfortable with
the strategy, not the implementation - and the semantics!
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● This is the hardest part - if your organisation is over 50
years old, the cultural behaviours will be hard to change
● Be brave - it is no longer acceptable for people to be
fearful of or obstructive to technological innovation
● Lead by example: develop pilot innovation programs that
meet specific needs and demonstrate how you can evolve
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Progressive leadership in the digital age

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Social Media for Membership Organisations

Why do membership organisations need social media? What channels should you choose? This presentation answers these questions and more. Ben Jackson (Content, Community and social media strategist at Sift Digital) spoke at the Membership Breakfast Club on 14th October 2015. A write up of the presentation can be found on the Sift Digital website: http://www.siftdigital.com/who-we-are/social-media-for-membership-organisations

by Edo
digital marketingsocial media strategyweb
Digital leadership discussion paper
Digital leadership discussion paperDigital leadership discussion paper
Digital leadership discussion paper

The document discusses the importance of digital leadership for businesses. It provides an overview of digital trends like increasing internet, social media, and mobile phone penetration. Consumers now expect personalized, seamless experiences across online and offline channels. The document then outlines several of globeone's tools to help companies evaluate their digital performance and consumer journeys. It emphasizes the need to define digital objectives and understand a brand's digital ecosystem to develop successful strategies.

digital leadershipdigital growth
Berwick Partners
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Dealing with the perfect storm
● Profound change requires cultural readiness
● Cultural readiness requires engagement, adaptability,
consistent vision, courage and tenacity
● It’s useful to know where you’re starting from
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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Content, Capability and Culture
Content, Capability and CultureContent, Capability and Culture
Content, Capability and Culture

The document discusses establishing a user-centered content strategy and culture within an organization. It asks a series of questions about whether attendees have conducted user research, planned content based on user personas, or audited staff skills. It then outlines capabilities needed for an optimized content strategy, including content audits, skills audits, workflow design, guidelines, and tools for content planning, production, and social media. Finally, it stresses the importance of consistency, governance, measurement, and changing the workplace culture to prioritize user-led, digital-first content principles.

by Edo
Digital Leaders powerpoint
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Digital Leaders are a group of year 5 children selected based on their teamwork, organizational, leadership, communication and behavior skills. They help teachers and students with technology like blogging, apps and software by learning how to use apps themselves before teaching others. Digital Leaders can be found in the library at lunchtime or after school on Thursdays, and they also respond to questions on their blog.

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Progressive leadership in the digital age
An organisation may…
● be left behind and lose competitive edge
● become irrelevant
● fail to attract or retain staff, customers, partners, donors,
● lose public trust, interest and/or reputation
● worst case – suffer a catastrophe
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A recession is defined as a period of reduced economic activity where a country's GDP declines for at least two consecutive quarters. It can be caused by currency crises, energy crises, underconsumption, overproduction, or financial crises. Past recessions in the US lasted between 8 months to 2 years. During recessions, unemployment typically rises 2-3 percentage points, adding 3-5 million newly unemployed Americans. However, job losses mainly affect low-skilled workers, as skilled jobs remain available. As a recession looms, human resources management plays a strategic role in optimizing staffing, boosting productivity, managing compensation and benefits, and retaining key employees through communication and motivation.

Leadership For Gen Y
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Leadership For Gen Y

This document provides a framework for developing leadership skills for young professionals. It includes sections on discovering your strengths and power peaks, imagining your future, using social media for communication, acting like an entrepreneur, accessing mentoring, giving powerful presentations, and leading a tribe. The overall framework centers around mindsets, branding, and thinking, communicating, and taking action.

The Leadership Disconnect
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The Leadership Disconnect

The 2012 Kelly Global Workforce Index (KGWI) brings together the findings from almost 170,000 respondents from 30 countries. It shows the results of diverse forces impacting the contemporary workplace, including generational and geographic diversity, the impact of mobile technologies, employee empowerment, and the widespread use of social media. This third installment of the 2012 KGWI examines the issue of leadership in the contemporary workplace from the employee perspective. It explores the way that workers think about the quality, direction, and style of leadership, and the degree to which they share the goals of those who head their organizations. The paper examines the leadership issue across industry sectors, and globally, across the Americas, APAC, and EMEA regions. It also includes a generational perspective, with a focus on the three main workforce generations—Gen Y (age 19–30), Gen X (age 31–48), and Baby Boomers (age 49–66).

managementcall centrepeople
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Where are you starting from?
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Some ideas on measuring how much risk lies within culture. Consider where
typical behaviours in your organisation lie:
How Why
Cost Impact
Poor comms Effective
Analysis paralysis Bias for action
Tactical Strategic
Silos Joined up
Introvert Extrovert
is obtuse
is clear
Avoid failure Learn from mistakes
Engagement - none Visceral
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● Find a way to clearly articulate “digital transformation”
across the entire organisation
● Identify the particular current cultural strengths and
weaknesses of your organisation, and internal attitudes to
and adoption of digital technology
● Place effective “digital champions” at key points
throughout the organisation and ensure they are clear as to
what’s expected of them, and fully supported from the top
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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Leadership talk for Gen Z & Millennials Leadership talk for Gen Z & Millennials
Leadership talk for Gen Z & Millennials

Leadership talk designed to engage Generation Z and Millennials and understand what they believe is important. Relevant now more that ever in the run up to the election.

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Nielsen millennial mindset Italy 2016 sample
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Nielsen millennial mindset Italy 2016 sample

This document discusses the characteristics and preferences of Millennials (ages 18-34) compared to Baby Boomers (ages 55+). Some key findings are that Millennials are more likely than Baby Boomers to utilize shared products and services. Millennials also prefer to work for companies committed to positive social and environmental impact and check packaging labels to ensure this. The document additionally notes that Millennials are more open than Baby Boomers to watching video programming on their schedule through time-shifted viewing and on mobile devices, and are more likely to pay for and subscribe to online video programming only.

nielsen millennials
Culture mra
Culture mraCulture mra
Culture mra

Culture is defined as the total way of life shared by members of a community, including both nonmaterial aspects like language and values as well as material objects. There are two main categories of culture - nonmaterial culture which includes language, values, and shared meanings, and material culture which consists of physical objects produced by a society. Common assumptions about culture are that it is a problem-solving mechanism, it is relative to the culture in which practices exist, and it is a social product that is learned and modified over time through carriers like language, values, and norms.

● Ensure your digital and IT teams are aligned and
interlaced – with board level representation
● Require this team to continuously research, articulate and
deliver the “art of the possible”
● Ensure that any technology-based change project has
effective senior sponsorship and excellent
communication at every stage
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● Applicable to everybody
● Cultural & universal
● A reflection of the world as is
● Collaborative, silo-averse
● Incremental and constant
● Audience-led
● Innovative
● Long term
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● A silver bullet
● Just about technology
● Just about Fundraising & MarComms
● Optional
● Temporary
● Simple
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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Creating the world of Gen Y

A talk delivered to Youth to Business, part of AIESEC's International Congress and 65th year celebrations. What are the challenges and opportunities for Gen Y in creating a better world? How does technological innovation, changing education paradigms and new forms of leadership provide a platform for positive change?

How to be a Leader
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How to be a Leader

These are tips for being a great leader. Do you wonder how to rally your team? Are there times when you feel like you could be doing some basic management things in a more effective way? Do you want to be a better manager? This is the presentation for you!

► Email, Lead Gen and Data 30 Key Insights From FIRST
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► Email, Lead Gen and Data 30 Key Insights From FIRST

This document provides 30 key insights about email marketing, lead generation, and data. Some of the main points include: email is still a primary driver of revenue for many companies; over 50% of emails are now opened on mobile devices; and collecting and utilizing customer data effectively is important for targeting, personalization, and measuring marketing efforts. Maintaining high email delivery and open rates, testing templates across devices, and focusing on repeat customers are emphasized.

emaildataemail marketing
Progressive leadership in the digital age
● Successful change is easier when people want it, and are
excited by the possibilities
● People choose to engage – you can’t make them – but
you can create an environment that will encourage them to
● For many organisations change will be a complex, slow
process measured in years, needing focus, discipline and
Progressive leadership in the digital age
Progressive leadership in the digital age

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Progressive leadership in the digital age

  • 2. The components of a perfect storm ● Huge market disruption caused by technology ● Customer / supporter behaviours have changed radically ● Reputational integrity of the sector is under threat ● Channel shift in retail - massive challenge for charity shops ● Skills exodus - talent moving out of the sector Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 3. “Digital technology has fundamentally changed two things: the dynamics of the markets in which you operate and the speed needed to remain competitive and relevant.” Forrester Research, December 2015 Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 6. “A key challenge identified in the 2015 Index is the continued lack of engagement with digital amongst many charities. Over half of all charities do not believe that having a website would help increase their funding and nearly 70% state the same about social media. With the level of basic digital skills falling, in contrast with UK trends, attitudes are of key concern.” Lloyds Bank UK Business Digital Index 2015 Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 7. UK: Charities marketing spend vs total marketing spend: 2007 Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 8. UK: Charities marketing spend vs total marketing spend: 2009 Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 9. UK: Charities marketing spend vs total marketing spend: 2012 Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 10. ● For 77% of the overall marketing spend, DM has represented 9% of overall annual growth in voluntary income ● For 2% of the overall marketing spend, Digital has represented 6.2% of overall annual growth in voluntary income Source: Institute of Fundraising 2013 Fundratios Report Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 12. ● Rise of the Chief Digital Officer in commercial sectors ● No equivalent roles in charity sector (a few CIOs) ● In 2015 alone, 10 CDOs have gone on to become CEO ● Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Social landscape study: sector CEOs ranked digital as 16th out of 18 in their strategic priorities Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 13. ● Sector leadership isn’t currently demonstrating vision or bravery in digital transformation ● Responsibility for the process has been delegated away from senior levels ● Digital leaders and champions within the sector are often focused on delivery not strategy ● Trustees are failing to support proactive change source: The New Reality, 2015 - newreality.info Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 14. Question: Why is technology and digital so under-represented within senior management? Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 15. ● Very patchy tech / digital representation at board level ● Only 2.1% of all charity trustees are under the age of 30, with the average age being 57 ● Tendency to risk aversion - tech investment usually has a chunky price tag ● Specialist recruitment is a challenge but essential Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 16. Question: Has anyone got an example of a successful digital / tech trustee appointment they can share? Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 18. Does your organisation: ● Have the right skills and capabilities? ● Ensure that audience needs drive commissioning? ● Have a consensus around organisational priorities? ● Have effective workflow in place? ● Have good internal comms and collaboration? Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 19. ● The lines between digital, marcomms and IT are becoming increasingly blurred - this is largely a good thing ● However, this causes conflict and uncertainty and needs to be managed carefully ● Conduct a RACI Matrix between digital and IT to define the relationship and communicate this clearly Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 25. ● Take full ownership of the digital agenda ● Open up the pathways to senior management for digital and technology ‘natives’ ● Bring digital planning to the heart of the strategic process ● Set yourself and your leadership team clear KPIs around digital transformation Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 26. ● Seek guidance and mentoring from your peers in retail, publishing and financial services - who has adapted well and how? ● Bring in industry expertise at board level - actively address the skills imbalance ● Acquire enough knowledge to be comfortable with the strategy, not the implementation - and the semantics! Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 27. ● This is the hardest part - if your organisation is over 50 years old, the cultural behaviours will be hard to change ● Be brave - it is no longer acceptable for people to be fearful of or obstructive to technological innovation ● Lead by example: develop pilot innovation programs that meet specific needs and demonstrate how you can evolve Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 30. Progressive leadership in the digital age Dealing with the perfect storm ● Profound change requires cultural readiness ● Cultural readiness requires engagement, adaptability, consistent vision, courage and tenacity ● It’s useful to know where you’re starting from
  • 34. An organisation may… ● be left behind and lose competitive edge ● become irrelevant ● fail to attract or retain staff, customers, partners, donors, volunteers… ● lose public trust, interest and/or reputation ● worst case – suffer a catastrophe Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 35. Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 38. Where are you starting from? Progressive leadership in the digital age Some ideas on measuring how much risk lies within culture. Consider where typical behaviours in your organisation lie: How Why Cost Impact Poor comms Effective Analysis paralysis Bias for action Tactical Strategic Silos Joined up Introvert Extrovert Accountability is obtuse Accountability is clear Avoid failure Learn from mistakes Engagement - none Visceral
  • 40. ● Find a way to clearly articulate “digital transformation” across the entire organisation ● Identify the particular current cultural strengths and weaknesses of your organisation, and internal attitudes to and adoption of digital technology ● Place effective “digital champions” at key points throughout the organisation and ensure they are clear as to what’s expected of them, and fully supported from the top Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 41. ● Ensure your digital and IT teams are aligned and interlaced – with board level representation ● Require this team to continuously research, articulate and deliver the “art of the possible” ● Ensure that any technology-based change project has effective senior sponsorship and excellent communication at every stage Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 43. ● Applicable to everybody ● Cultural & universal ● A reflection of the world as is ● Collaborative, silo-averse ● Incremental and constant ● Audience-led ● Innovative ● Long term Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 44. ● A silver bullet ● Just about technology ● Just about Fundraising & MarComms ● Optional ● Temporary ● Simple Progressive leadership in the digital age
  • 46. ● Successful change is easier when people want it, and are excited by the possibilities ● People choose to engage – you can’t make them – but you can create an environment that will encourage them to choose ● For many organisations change will be a complex, slow process measured in years, needing focus, discipline and stamina! Progressive leadership in the digital age