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Read and respond to each peer initial post with 3-4 sentence
long response
Peer #1
For the Research Assignment, I have chosen to focus on an area
of Healthcare that rarely gets the
attention it deserves.
Mental health.
chose this topic because I am personally effected by it and so
are many millions of Americans. Mental illness is also one of
the leading causes of
death in our nation and one life is lost as a result of suicide,
abuse or incarceration every 17mins in the United States.
Mental illness has been my
area of focus throughout this program and the advocacy and
participatory philosophy will be useful for the final project
because it suggests that
that research inquiry needs to be intertwined with politics and a
political agenda” (Creswell, p.9). I do believe that mental health
has a specific
agenda for a study and that there has been constant aim for
reform in healthcare and mental health. This social issue is
definitely pertinent right
now and topics that address it such as “empowerment,
inequality, oppression, domination, suppression, and alienation”
(Creswell, p.9), and are
really the focus of the study. The goal of this project for me, is
to provide a voice to participants and give them the ability
address the concerns that
will lead to reform.
According to Kemmis and Wilkinson (1998) this philosophy
offers four key features of the advocacy/participatory
framework of inquiry:
1. Participatory actions are focused on bringing about change,
and at the end of this type of study, researchers create an action
agenda for change.
2. It is focused on freeing individuals from societal constraints,
which is why the study begins with an important issue currently
in society.
3. It aims to create a political debate so that change will occur.
4. Since advocacy/participatory researchers engage participants
as active contributors to the research, it is a collaborative
Research Problem Statement
My Vision is to Provide members of the community with the
opportunities and education needed to prevent death due to
suicide, acts of self-harm
and the traumatic impact of mental illness. By promoting
resilience, the enhancement of community resources, conflict
resolution and support for
individuals, families and the communities of those who suffer
with mental disorders, illness or have a sudden mental health
crisis. The target
population includes all individuals within Chatham County,
with unmet mental health needs.
These individuals are currently not being served by
traditional methods due to financial, structural, and personal
barriers including access and stigma. Untreated mental health
issues of these
individuals put them at risk for exacerbation of physical health
problems, suicide attempts, premature moves to long-term care
settings, and
psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration, residential
alcohol/drug treatment or homelessness. The target population
is all individuals within
Chatham County, with unmet mental health needs.
These individuals are currently not being served by traditional
methods due to financial,
structural, and personal barriers including access and stigma.
Program recipients will be any child with parental consent or
adult who many be in
need of treatment for mental illness.
The untreated mental health
issues of these individuals put them at risk for exacerbation of
physical health
problems, suicide attempts, premature moves to long-term care
settings, and psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration,
residential alcohol/drug
treatment or homelessness.
There are too many challenges faced as a result of not being
diagnosed, treated and having a lack of psychosocial support. It
is clear that the
relationship between wrongful incarceration of the mentally ill
and homelessness, is a result of the failure to receive and
maintain mental health
treatment. The Lack of community education and resources has
resulted in a decline in physical health, personal losses, reduced
independence, and
financial burdens for many individuals with mental illness.
Many people see mental illness as a taboo topic, an unrealistic
issue, spiritual warfare
or something to avoid. When in fact they may be exhibiting
symptoms of undiagnosed and untreated depression and mental
illness at earlier points
in life than initially recognized.
Misconceptions by providers, family, and seniors themselves
result in failure to refer individuals for diagnosis and
treatment that in turn can lead to serious consequences for
those which can include the following:
Increased risk of suicide
Increased risk for both psychiatric and medical hospitalization
Premature placement in nursing homes
Exacerbation of physical problems
Alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence
This issue can be addressed by providing various informational
programs through the existing Mental Health Outreach Services,
Case management
and government training and community education suffering
with mental illness. Mental health screenings will been provided
at several
community sites with the health of the Coastal Health District
and the County Health Department.
These community presentations have provided
an opportunity to ask members of the target population, family
members, and service providers for input about the need for
mental health and
substance abuse treatment services for both at every stage of
lifespan development. It is important to address this issue to
prevent the wrongful
incarceration and preventable death of those with mental illness
within the community.
Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative,
Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications
retrieved 4/17/17 .
Kemmis, S., Wilkinson. M. (1998). Participatory Action
Research and the Study of Practice. In
B. Atweh. S. Kemmis, & P. Weeks (Eds.), Action Research
in Practice: Partnerships for Social Justice in Education (pp.21-
New York: Routledge retrieved
Peer #2
Health Care
has a wide range of treatment measures and approaches that can
restore the physical health, mental health, or emotional well-
being of a patient by a trained professional. Trained
are categorized
different classes depending on their area of
, and the type of diseases/illnesses they deal
with (
Holloway, 2016
has several components that are integrated to make up an
effective operation. Some these components include health care
systems, health care reforms, and
insurance. The three components are very important
they highlight the critical areas in health care that need critical
attention and optimum service output.
Health care systems are elements that work together to deliver
services to communities. Healthcare systems include various
aspects which include hospitals systems, patient care, and
public health programs. Hospitals systems include public
hospitals, non-profit hospitals, and private hospitals. Public
hospitals are owned and get their funds from local, state, and
government. Non-profit hospitals are often owned by the
are linked
with religious associations (
Lawton, 2002
. The main aim of these
is to
healthcare services to the community.
Investors own private hospitals,
and their main aim is to get a lot of profits.
Healthcare systems cannot work without the intervention of
specialized personnel. Some of the personnel who are involved
in healthcare services include doctors, nurses, physicians,
dentists, therapists, technologists, technicians, and supporting
Healthcare systems cannot work well without some regulation
and order. As such, there has to be ethics and laws which
govern the activities and
conduct of the employees in the healthcare facilities.
According to ethics, it is very mandatory to adhere to patient’s
As such, the patients
are entitled
to accurate and easy information which they can read and
understand regarding their health and healthcare providers. The
patients also have a right to choose providers and plans that
provide access to high-quality healthcare.
Philosophical View on Mental Health
The philosophy of mental health, which is also known as the
“new philosophy of psychiatry” is a rapid field developed by
philosophers and the users of mental care services. This
philosophical view establishes a set of inter-linked problems
with familiar solutions. Thus, the philosophical accounts,
methods, and theories can
be applied
in a psychiatric scenario or situation, and thus, it acts as an
evaluation method to those accounts (
Knaup, 2009
). For instance, symptoms such as thoughts insertion challenge
accounts of the everyday ownership of thoughts.
Contrary to other types of philosophy, philosophy of psychiatry
can have a genuine impact on practice. It is a philosophy
mental care. It gives the basic tools that one needs to
understand contemporary
issues and
the mental
health care
more broadly. Therefore, it is not merely a virtual area of
thought and research, but it also helps in understanding the
and values that are essential in day to day thinking.
The rationale
for healthcare topic.
has a wider range of issues and components that are involved in
field. In this process, there are a lot of activities that are
undertaken to cure different illnesses and mental disorder.
Therefore, I chose the topic to explore more issues and
solutions that are involved with mental illnesses in different
age-groups of people.
Research problem statement
Mental health care is a health care concern which has a wider
perspective of the disorders
by different individuals. Therefore, the research will be
discussing the impacts of mental illness
individuals’ social life.
Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016).
Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare
. John Wiley & Sons.
Lawton, R., & Parker, D. (2002). Barriers to incident reporting
in a healthcare system.
Quality and safety in health care
(1), 15-18.
Knaup, C., Koesters, M., Schoefer, D., Becker, T., & Puschner,
B. (2009). Effect of feedback of treatment outcome in specialist
mental healthcare: meta-analysis.
The British Journal of Psychiatry
(1), 15-22.
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Read and respond to each peer initial post with 3-4 sentence long re.docx

  • 1. Read and respond to each peer initial post with 3-4 sentence long response Peer #1 For the Research Assignment, I have chosen to focus on an area of Healthcare that rarely gets the attention it deserves. Mental health. I chose this topic because I am personally effected by it and so are many millions of Americans. Mental illness is also one of the leading causes of death in our nation and one life is lost as a result of suicide, abuse or incarceration every 17mins in the United States. Mental illness has been my area of focus throughout this program and the advocacy and participatory philosophy will be useful for the final project because it suggests that “ that research inquiry needs to be intertwined with politics and a political agenda” (Creswell, p.9). I do believe that mental health has a specific agenda for a study and that there has been constant aim for reform in healthcare and mental health. This social issue is definitely pertinent right now and topics that address it such as “empowerment, inequality, oppression, domination, suppression, and alienation” (Creswell, p.9), and are really the focus of the study. The goal of this project for me, is to provide a voice to participants and give them the ability address the concerns that will lead to reform.
  • 2. According to Kemmis and Wilkinson (1998) this philosophy offers four key features of the advocacy/participatory framework of inquiry: 1. Participatory actions are focused on bringing about change, and at the end of this type of study, researchers create an action agenda for change. 2. It is focused on freeing individuals from societal constraints, which is why the study begins with an important issue currently in society. 3. It aims to create a political debate so that change will occur. 4. Since advocacy/participatory researchers engage participants as active contributors to the research, it is a collaborative experience. Research Problem Statement My Vision is to Provide members of the community with the opportunities and education needed to prevent death due to suicide, acts of self-harm and the traumatic impact of mental illness. By promoting resilience, the enhancement of community resources, conflict resolution and support for individuals, families and the communities of those who suffer with mental disorders, illness or have a sudden mental health crisis. The target population includes all individuals within Chatham County, with unmet mental health needs. These individuals are currently not being served by traditional methods due to financial, structural, and personal barriers including access and stigma. Untreated mental health issues of these individuals put them at risk for exacerbation of physical health problems, suicide attempts, premature moves to long-term care
  • 3. settings, and psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration, residential alcohol/drug treatment or homelessness. The target population is all individuals within Chatham County, with unmet mental health needs. These individuals are currently not being served by traditional methods due to financial, structural, and personal barriers including access and stigma. Program recipients will be any child with parental consent or adult who many be in need of treatment for mental illness. The untreated mental health issues of these individuals put them at risk for exacerbation of physical health problems, suicide attempts, premature moves to long-term care settings, and psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration, residential alcohol/drug treatment or homelessness. There are too many challenges faced as a result of not being diagnosed, treated and having a lack of psychosocial support. It is clear that the relationship between wrongful incarceration of the mentally ill and homelessness, is a result of the failure to receive and maintain mental health treatment. The Lack of community education and resources has resulted in a decline in physical health, personal losses, reduced independence, and financial burdens for many individuals with mental illness. Many people see mental illness as a taboo topic, an unrealistic issue, spiritual warfare
  • 4. or something to avoid. When in fact they may be exhibiting symptoms of undiagnosed and untreated depression and mental illness at earlier points in life than initially recognized. Misconceptions by providers, family, and seniors themselves result in failure to refer individuals for diagnosis and treatment that in turn can lead to serious consequences for those which can include the following: Increased risk of suicide Increased risk for both psychiatric and medical hospitalization Premature placement in nursing homes Exacerbation of physical problems Alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence Incarceration Homelessness This issue can be addressed by providing various informational programs through the existing Mental Health Outreach Services,
  • 5. Case management and government training and community education suffering with mental illness. Mental health screenings will been provided at several community sites with the health of the Coastal Health District and the County Health Department. These community presentations have provided an opportunity to ask members of the target population, family members, and service providers for input about the need for mental health and substance abuse treatment services for both at every stage of lifespan development. It is important to address this issue to prevent the wrongful incarceration and preventable death of those with mental illness within the community. References Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications retrieved 4/17/17 . Kemmis, S., Wilkinson. M. (1998). Participatory Action Research and the Study of Practice. In B. Atweh. S. Kemmis, & P. Weeks (Eds.), Action Research in Practice: Partnerships for Social Justice in Education (pp.21- 36). New York: Routledge retrieved
  • 6. 4/17/17. Peer #2 Health Care Healthcare has a wide range of treatment measures and approaches that can restore the physical health, mental health, or emotional well- being of a patient by a trained professional. Trained professional are categorized into different classes depending on their area of specialty , and the type of diseases/illnesses they deal with ( Holloway, 2016 ) . Healthcare has several components that are integrated to make up an effective operation. Some these components include health care systems, health care reforms, and healthcare insurance. The three components are very important because they highlight the critical areas in health care that need critical attention and optimum service output. Health care systems are elements that work together to deliver services to communities. Healthcare systems include various aspects which include hospitals systems, patient care, and public health programs. Hospitals systems include public hospitals, non-profit hospitals, and private hospitals. Public
  • 7. hospitals are owned and get their funds from local, state, and the federal government. Non-profit hospitals are often owned by the community and are linked with religious associations ( Lawton, 2002 . The main aim of these organizations is to provide healthcare services to the community. Investors own private hospitals, and their main aim is to get a lot of profits. Healthcare systems cannot work without the intervention of specialized personnel. Some of the personnel who are involved in healthcare services include doctors, nurses, physicians, dentists, therapists, technologists, technicians, and supporting staff. Healthcare systems cannot work well without some regulation and order. As such, there has to be ethics and laws which govern the activities and behavioral conduct of the employees in the healthcare facilities. According to ethics, it is very mandatory to adhere to patient’s rights. As such, the patients are entitled to accurate and easy information which they can read and understand regarding their health and healthcare providers. The patients also have a right to choose providers and plans that provide access to high-quality healthcare.
  • 8. Philosophical View on Mental Health The philosophy of mental health, which is also known as the “new philosophy of psychiatry” is a rapid field developed by philosophers and the users of mental care services. This philosophical view establishes a set of inter-linked problems with familiar solutions. Thus, the philosophical accounts, methods, and theories can be applied in a psychiatric scenario or situation, and thus, it acts as an evaluation method to those accounts ( Knaup, 2009 ). For instance, symptoms such as thoughts insertion challenge accounts of the everyday ownership of thoughts. Contrary to other types of philosophy, philosophy of psychiatry can have a genuine impact on practice. It is a philosophy of mental care. It gives the basic tools that one needs to understand contemporary issues and the mental health care more broadly. Therefore, it is not merely a virtual area of thought and research, but it also helps in understanding the concepts, principles, and values that are essential in day to day thinking. The rationale for healthcare topic. Healthcare has a wider range of issues and components that are involved in the medical field. In this process, there are a lot of activities that are undertaken to cure different illnesses and mental disorder.
  • 9. Therefore, I chose the topic to explore more issues and solutions that are involved with mental illnesses in different age-groups of people. Research problem statement Mental health care is a health care concern which has a wider perspective of the disorders experienced by different individuals. Therefore, the research will be discussing the impacts of mental illness on individuals’ social life. References Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare . John Wiley & Sons. Lawton, R., & Parker, D. (2002). Barriers to incident reporting in a healthcare system. Quality and safety in health care , 11 (1), 15-18. Knaup, C., Koesters, M., Schoefer, D., Becker, T., & Puschner, B. (2009). Effect of feedback of treatment outcome in specialist mental healthcare: meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry , 195 (1), 15-22.