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Internship is an opportunity to observe and learn the real happenings of the
Corporate world. The intern has learnt about the functions of the company through observation
and personal interaction with the managers, employees and customers. it provides a platform
for theories for the intern to compare the theories of practical application. This internship report
about the organizational study at BIG BAZAAR in Madurai is summary of the entire
experience of the intern in the company.
Objectives of the study
 To study about the Retail industry and various functions of the BIG BAZAAR.
 To specifically known about the HR functions at BIG BAZAAR.
Scope of the study
The scope of the research is to clearly understanding the retail industry and
various functions of big bazaar. This research is only observation on the details. To understand
the Big Bazaar organization as how systematically it is run by the management personnel. And
to know about the marketing activities of the bid bazaar.
Needfor the Study
This study is taken up to fulfil the requirement of M.B.A degree course of
Madurai School of Management. The training is undertaken during June 2015 to July 2015 and
the main Purpose of the training is to know the application of the theoretical aspects in our
course in the corporate environment and gain first and experience and expose ourselves to
corporate policies, ethics, culture, practices, procedures, facts about the work culture and
policies of the company.
Sources ofdata:
 Primary data
 Secondary data
Primary data:
The data collected for the first time through observation and interview method. The
data is collected by observing the working of various departments and also by interviewing the
managers of all the departments. It is also obtained by the help of staff members.
Secondary Data:
The data is collected by secondary sources also. The data is collected through
company manual, product brochure, company website.
Limitationof the study
The presentstudyisbasedonlyonthe observationanddiscussionwiththe topmanagementandthe
employeesof BigBazaar.The learning’sfromthe studyare confinedonlytothe managementpractices
at Big Bazaar, Madurai.
Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarkets in India, with more than
100 stores in operation. It is a subsidiary of Future Group Venture Ltd.’s, and follows the
business model of United States-based Wall-Mart. Facilities offered by Big Bazaar Online
shopping: Big Bazaar has an official website, Future Bazaar, which is one of the most
favourite sites among people of India for on line shopping.
Future Bazaar is an on line business venture of Future Group, which
sells an assortment of products such as fashion, which includes merchandise for men and
women, mobile accessories, mobile handsets and electronics like home theatres, video
cameras, digital camera, LCD TVs, kitchen appliances and many more.
Introduced by the Big Bazaar, wherein extra and special discounts were
offered on Wednesday every week, to attract the potential buyers into their store.
Security check:-
At each exit of Big Bazaar, they use alarm systems or Electronic Article
Surveillance system, which detects the products that has attached tags or not.
1. Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarket in India, which caters to every family needs and
2. Big Bazaar has released the doors for the fashion world, general merchandise like sports
goods, cutlery, crockery, utensils, and home furnishings etc. at best economical prices.
3. Big Bazaar group offers more than 100 stores all over the country with an amalgamation
of Indian bazaars feel and touch with a convenience and choice of the modern retail
4. The worldwide country chain, Big Bazaar, is formed by CEO of Future Group, Mr.
Kishore Biyani. Their basic attraction associated with reasonable prices is their Unique
Selling Price.
5. Big Bazaar has become a massive hit with lower middle-class and middle class people
as a major client base.6. Reflect the look and feel of Indian bazaars at their modern
To deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time to Every Indian Consumer in the most
profitable manner.
 Future group shares the vision and belief that their customers and stakeholders shall be
served only by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading
to economic development.
 They will be the trend setters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making
consumption affordable for all customer segments for classes and for masses.
 They shall infuse Indian brands with confused and renewed ambition
 They shall be efficient and cost-conscious and committed to quality in whatever we do.
Operations Team
Asst. Store Manager
Store Manager
Operations Team
Visual merchandising
HR Manager
Team Leader
Deportment Manager
Sales Deportment
Support Team
Team Member
Core Values
Believing in the Indian way & in oneself
To be a leader, both in thought and business.
Respect& Humility:
In dealing with everyone within & outside the organization.
For continuous learning, self-development and personal excellence.
Open to new ideas, knowledge and information across the organization and seamless
flow of the same.
Valuing & nurturing Relationships:
With customers, business associates, stakeholders, communities and society.
Simplicity & positively:
To foster innovation, speed and imagination.
Be proactive in meeting challenges emerging from changing business scenarios.
Learn & be inspired from the universal laws of nature
1987 Company incorporated as Menses wear private limited. Launch of Pantaloons
Trouser, India's first formal trouser brand.
1991 Launch of BARE, the India jeans brand.
1992 Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the Month of May.
1994 The Pantaloons Shoppe-exclusive men's wear store in franchisee form at
Launched across the nation. The company starts the distribution of branded
Gram ends through multi-brand retail outlets across the nation.
1995 Pantaloons India family store launched in Kolkata.
2001 Big Bazaar, ‘Is se sata aur accha kahi nabin'-india's first hyper market chain
2002 Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched.
2004 Central-'shop, Eat, celebrate in the Heart of our city'- India’s first seam less
Mall is launched in Bangalore.
2005 Fashion station – the popular fashion chain in launched all – 'a little
Larger'-exclusive stores for plus-size individuals is launched.
2006 Future capital holdings, the company's financial arm launches real estate
Funds and horizon and private equity fund in division.
2007 Future Group crosses the $1 billion turnover mark and Specialized Companies
In retail media, logistics, IPR and brand development and Retail-led technology
Services become operational.
2008 Future Group acquires rural retail chain Aadhar from the Godrej Group, which has
A presence in 65 rural locations. Big Bazaar crosses the100-store mark, Marking
One of the fastest expansions of the hypermarket Format anywhere in the world.
2009 Future Group celebrates its first Shopping Festival across all retail formats
In key Indian cities.
2010 Future Group launches its telecom brand T24 in partnership with Tata tele services
To provide additional loyalty benefits to its customers.
2011 April 2011 – KB's Fair price celebrates opening its 200 stores in India. May
Future Supply Chains becomes ISO certified.
2012 Big Bazaar redefined the concept of customer service with the launch of the
. Rajajinagar Family Centre in Bangalore with its unique Seva Initiative on
24th February 2012.Big Bazaar launched its home delivery Services in Mumbai.
2013 Future Group introduced brand new fashion format 'I am In' for trendy
Youth of the country. Big Bazaar introduced a unique customer Membership
Program 'Big Bazaar Profit Club.'
2014 Future Consumer Enterprises Limited acquired one of the India's oldest
Supermarket chains in India with origins dating back to 1905 ,Nilgiris Future
Supply Chain acquired New Delhi based processed-foods supply chain company,
Brattle Foods.
 Indian Retail Forum Awards
 Retail Asia Pacific 500 Top Awards
 The Reid & Taylor Awards for Retail Excellence
 Platinum Trusted Brand Award Images Retail Award
 DLF Award
 CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards
 Coca cola golden spoon awards and lot of awards to get in big bazaar on future group.
Boardof directors
Managing director:-
 Mr kishore Biyani.
Whole time Director:-
 Mr Gopikishan Biyani.
 Mr Rakesh Biyani.
Independent Director:-
 Mr ShaileshHaribhakti.
 Mr S.Doreswamy.
 Mr Darlie Koshy.
 Mr Anil Harish .
The first decade of modern retail in India has been characterized by a shift from
traditional kirana Shops to new formats including department stores, specialty stores
hypermarkets, and supermarkets and across a range of categories. Modern retail formats have
mushroomed in metros and mini-metros.
In the last few years, modern retail has also established its presence in the small
cities, exposing residents to shopping options like never before. Some of these stores are
branded stores(exclusive showrooms either owned or franchised out by a manufacturer)
specialty stores(greater choice to consumer, comparison between brands is possible)
department stores/supermarkets (one stop shop catering to varied consumer needs) , hyper-mart
(low prices , vast choice available including services such as cafeterias.) , shopping malls
(variety of shops available to each other ).
Major Retailers in India
Pantaloons is one of the biggest retailers in India with more than 450 stores
across the Country. Headquartered in Mumbai, it has more than 5 million sq. ft. retail space
located across the country.
It's growing at an enviable pace and is expected to reach 30 million sq. ft by the
year 2010. In 2001, Pantaloons launched country's first hypermarket ‘Big Bazaar’. It has the
following retail segments:
 Food & Grocery: Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar
 Home Solutions: Hometown, Furniture Bazaar, Collection-I
 Consumer Electronics: E-zone
 Shoes: Shoe Factory
 Books, Music & Gifts: Depot
 Health & Beauty Care: Star, Sitara
 E-tailing: Futurebazaar.com
 Entertainment: Bowling Co.
Tata group is another major player in Indian retail industry with its subsidiary
Trent, which operates West side and Star India Bazaar. Established in 1998, it also
acquired the largest book and music retailer in India ‘Landmark’ in 2005. Trent owns over 4
lake sq. ft retail space across the country.
RPG Group is one of the earlier entrants in the Indian retail market, when it came
into food & grocery retailing in 1996 with its retail Food world stores. Later it also opened the
pharmacy and beauty care outlets ‘Health & Glow’.
Reliance is one of the biggest players in Indian retail industry. More than 300
Reliance Fresh stores and Reliance Mart are quite popular in the Indian retail market. It's
expecting its sales to reach above Rs. 90,000 crores by current year.
AV Birla Group has a strong presence in Indian apparel retailing. The brands like
Louis Philippe, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Peter England are quite popular. It's also investing in
other segments of retail. It will invest Rs. 8000-9000 crores by current year.
Another big player in the segment will be the Bharti group. Overhauling this
part of the supply chain will be the key to the success of any retail venture in food and
groceries segment. Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, and Bharti Enterprises have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore business opportunities in the Indian retail
This joint venture will mark the entry of Wal-Mart into the Indian retailing
industry a retail chain like Future Group’s Big Bazaar may be clocking heady sales (growing at
100% year- on- year), but the dozen odd shops operating in its proximity wear a deserted look,
giving a somewhat hollow ring to the much- talked- about retail boom in the country.
The key players currently operating in the Indian retail industry includes Future
Group, Trent Ltd, RPG Enterprise, Vishal Retail Ltd, Shoppers Stop Ltd, Bata India Ltd,
Provogue India Ltd, Videocon Appliances Ltd, ITC Ltd, Godrej Agrovert Ltd, and DCM-
Hariyah Kissan Bazaar.
Retailers ranging from Pantaloons to RPG to Piramal’s or the Tata’s are working
towards exploiting this model, perceived by consumers as more value enhancing. But in the
long run, what is most likely to succeed is a more balanced multi-format strategy. Finally,
while in the first flush of the retail boom, the elimination of traditional intermediaries may
bring windfall gains (as well as bring welcome and much-needed relief to the producers), this
source will increasingly dry out as competition intensifies and margins come under pressure a
few years down the line.
What would set the survivors apart from those who are forced to sell out or go
belly-up will be differentiators like location, value-added services (convenience), private labels
and customer loyalty programs other than price. The last, a result of retailer-manufacturer tie-
ups, state-of-the-art supply chain infrastructure, global sourcing and scale will be a key factor.
And, if experience in other markets is anything to go by, an uncanny ability to read shifting
Retailformats in India
 Hypermarkets /Supermarkets:-
Large self-servicing outlets offering products from a variety of categories.
 Mom-and-Pop Stores:-
They are family owned business catering to small sections; they are Individually
Handled retail outlets and have a personal touch.
 Departmental Stores:-
Are general retail merchandisers offering quality products and services.
 Convenience Stores:-
Are located in residential areas with slightly higher prices goods due to the
convenience offered.
 Shopping Malls:-
The biggest form of retail in India, malls offers customers a mix of all types of
products and services including entertainment and food under a single roof.
 E-Trailers:-
Are retailers providing on line buying and selling of products and services.
 Discount Stores:-
These are factory outlets that give discount on the MRP.
 Vending:-
It is a relatively new entry, in the retail sector. Here beverages, snacks and other
small items can be bought via vending machine.
 Category Killers:-
Small specialty stores that offer a variety of categories. They are known as category
killers as they focus on specific categories, such as electronics and sporting goods. This
is also known as Multi Brand Outlets or MBO's.
 Specialty Stores:-
Are retail chains dealing in specific categories and provide deep assortment.
Mumbai's Crossword Book Store and RPG's Music World is a couple of examples.
Learning and Observation
Study parameters of Big Bazaar
“In order to implement specific retail strategy managers prepare the ideal
combination of retail-mix variables and coordinate the activities of the different elements of the
mix such as:
 Merchandise assortment
 Location
 Price
 Visual merchandising
 Store atmosphere
 Customer service
 Advertising
 Promotion
 Personal selling”
Merchandise assortment
The store layout is to maximize the interface between customers and merchandise” It
provides easy accessibility to the customers to view the offerings of the store. Layout of the
store has been strategically designed in order to make effective use of merchandise and passage
to draw customers’ attention on store’s offerings.
Big Bazaar has a wide range of merchandise they have both branded and unbranded products
Home lien items:-
Like bed sheets, pillow covers, carpets to kitchen utility items like steel utensils and
crockery and other minor utility items required in a house.
Star Sitara:-
In this section all kinds of cosmetic items are made available.
MenLadies and kids wear:-
This section includes fashion and casuals wear for men ladies and kids both
branded and unbranded.
Foot wear: -
In this section footwear for men women and kids is made available.
All kinds of toys for children are available.
All kind of office stationery and stationery for school going kids is available.
In today’s competitive environment store design has now become a strategic tool
for differentiating the offerings of the store and retaining customers. Customer’s perception
regarding in-store design has changed. They see shopping as an activity which gives fun and
excitement. Customers like to shop in a changing and exciting environment. Retailers are
developing innovative strategies for store design.
Store design is now become a marketing tool for retailers. Thoughtful design of
physical elements is a significant aspect for communicating store image to customers. Retailers
are giving more attention on creating favourable in store environment for customers, this
requires deep understanding of the target customers.
In retail environment now more systematic attention is been given to efficient
designing of the store which influences the buying behaviour of the customers. Visual
merchandising and store layout are considered as most significant elements of in-store design.
Visual merchandising coordinates stores marketing, positioning and communication strategy.
Thoughtful in-store display creates favourable appearance of the store for the target customer
and attracts them towards products.
Effective display provides easy accessibility of product to target customers
and demonstrate the products in a way to make selection process easy for the customers.
Efficient design of the store layout contributes to profitable utilization of store space.
Efficiently designed layout can create enjoying the environment by providing convenient
shopping. Retailers adopt different patterns of store layout to encourage circulation of the
customers to all parts of the store and to provide easy accessibility of merchandising.
The ultimate objective of efficient store design is to increase sales and profit of
the store. Directly or indirectly the elements have some impact on the buying behaviour of the
customers. Visual merchandising is considered to create an interest in the customers and create
a favourable image of the store in the mind of the customers. Store layout provides convenience
to customers and makes shopping smooth. Retailers always try to create favourable
psychological impact on customers by designing element of the store in most sophisticated
way. E.g. retailers use graphics with social meanings to associate customers with some life
People often complain that Big Bazaar outlets always look very crowded. But
few realize that it is concisely designed to look just like that. When the shop looks neat and
empty, the masses never walk into it. There has to be what is called the ‘button brush effect’,
and an ‘organized chaos’s. As Indians, we like bumping into people, chatting, gossiping and
eating while we shop!.Big Bazaar layout consists of layout of long rows of parallel fixtures,
with no aisles because aisles can be boring they restrict space and can’t be dramatized. At Big
Bazaar, they create multiple cluster or mini-bazaars within every store. It was designed as an
agglomeration of bazaars with different sections selling different categories’.
 It uses space efficiently.
 It provides easy sitting of merchandise and linking of the product throughout the
 It allows more customers in the store at any time.
 Allows staff of the store to work easily alongside the customers without disturbing
 Provide self-service atmosphere
The structure of the big bazaar at Madurai in cover in three floor and excluding basement
The employee and visitors entrance way of the big bazaar. The properly
maintaining to all entries and exit. The damages product and empty boxes to store on basement.
Ground Floor:-
Ground floor include in the food bazaar and logistics. Food bazaar includes in
fruits and vegetables and non-fooditems, stables. Billing section fully maintaining to this floor.
First floor:-
First Floor include
 Home fashion
 Utensils
 Crockery
 Luggage’s and includes the SIS Wall clock shop.(SIS-Shop In Shop)
Second Floor:-
Second Floor includes
 Ladies ethnic wear
 Kids casual wear
 Toys and sports
 Stationary and includes the SIS (shop in shop) handbag shop, fish pedicure,
corn shop.
Third Floor:-
Third Floor includes
 Electronic items
 Food wear
 Men’s casual wear
And here on staff room. Staff member include on HR, Store manager, Asst.
store manager, Visual manager, Admin, Maintenance and food bazaar managers and head
cashier. The interior of a Big Bazaars comprises of the living space of the store which includes
ceiling, walls, flooring and lighting, fixture and fittings” The elements of the interior design are
selected economically.
The general design of the interior is in uniform with the exterior. The exterior of
Big Bazaar includes the exterior of the stores like the e fascia, entrance of the store,
architectural design of the building and window. The exterior design of big bazaar is easily
visible from the distance and it can be distinguished from its competitors. The exterior is
attractive enough to encourage customers to enter in to the store.
Big bazaar uses harmony between the elements of the exterior of the store in
order to deliver desired store image. Window display is used as an effective medium to
introduce new offerings of the company, so special attention is given in designing windows of
the store. The entrance of the store is designed to welcome shoppers and to provide easy
Visual merchandising:-
Visual merchandising at Big Bazaar uses “Store display for promotional purpose,
but as customers are becoming more sophisticated, Big Bazaar has found various techniques
for effective display for providing information and communicating image of the store to the
customers, helping them in taking purchase decision and creating exciting shopping
environment” Big Bazaar not only uses visual merchandising for promoting their product, but
they use it as a significant tool for creating appropriate store environment and influencing
purchase decision of customers.
They use danglers and hoardings at the entrance of the store as this may be a
deciding element in a consumer’s decision to enter a store. It uses various visual merchandising
like it uses remarkable window display for creating a shopping environment as it creates
initiative impression in the mind of customers as window display also sometimes become a
deciding factor whether to enter the store or not .Retailers develop visual merchandising in
order to relate customer’s social life with the product, arouse Their personnel interest for the
product. “Retailers can use combination of elements of in store display; such as colour, texture,
lighting, fixtures, graphics, and signage.”
Big Bazaar uses various promotional strategies like the prices on Wednesdays are
very low compared to other retailers, this helps is bringing in a huge number of customers they
even have a concept of “BIG DAY” which means they give huge discounts to their customers
on the some particular period. On such days they come up with promotional offers like bring
old items from your house and take huge discounts and freebies.
Following are the media channel used:
Big Bazaar uses newspaper as one of its media vehicle because most of the
population in urban areas is educated. They place their full page and half page ads mostly in
Times of India or Hindustan times, Dhinamalar, Dhinakaran etc
Radio is another media vehicle used by Big Bazaar in urban areas “Radio mirchi”
is used and in rural areas “All India Radio” is used widely for placing their ads
T.V is also used as one of its media vehicle when they come up with huge offers.
The prices at big Bazaar are kept lowest possible in order to attract huge number of
customers they have the lowest prices on Wednesday they are able to do so because they
believe in bulk buying which helps them in buying products at lower possible prices, by which
in turn they give the benefits to customers.
Big Bazaar in the metropolitan cities are easily accessible to their customers. They
have strength of 300-400 working sales force at a time in an outlet. This sales force is
professionally trained to assist all kinds of customers throughout the day. There are majorly
two types of customers; One’s who prefer selecting their merchandise themselves and don’t ask
for help unless required.
The other is of the type that requires assistance from the time they walk in the store
till the time they exit. Big Bazaar sales force is dressed up in yellow t-shirts. While deciding
that the founders have looked in to the minute aspects of the customer’s psychology. They
found out that a sales man wearing formal clothes with a tie is normally intimidating to a
customer. Especially a customer who might not be as educated or sophisticated as the sales
man! The main aim of Big Bazaar has always been to cater to all kinds of customers
. Which also include the lower middle class. Therefore in an attempt to not make
their varied customers feel inferior big Bazaar has made their sales force wear yellow t-shirts
and yellow being a friendly colour it makes it easier for the customers to strike a conversation
and seek help.
The other very minute aspect of customer psychology that the Big Bazaar sales
force takes care of is; that the customer requires help only when required . Therefore the
distance at which a sales man is standing has great importance because if the sales man is
standing very close to the customer then he or she gives the impression that the customers
going to steal something.
Big Bazaar provides a wide range of services to its customers like Trial rooms,
elevators, car parking, security, baggage counter, trolleys so that one could shop easily They
even provide them with after sale services in case of buying electronic items. One of the major
services provided by them is one stop shop as one could get a whole range of items under one
shop and at the most reasonable price. They always have their outlets in such a location where
it is easy to commute.
They have also given major emphasis to convince for customers in which
layout has played a major role. The layout of the store is so effective that customers find their
way out of what they want. Big Bazaar provides good employee service i.e. their salesmen are
always ready to provide help. Employee service is often neglected as part of good retail
marketing but customer and employee interaction can be used as the significant tool for retail
Various functions of Big Bazaar-retailer
HR Functions
Commercial Functions
Marketing Department
Customer Service Department
Human ResourceFunctions:-
The HR department of Big Bazaar is very dynamic. Employees are the biggest
strength and asset of any organization and the HR dept realizes this very well. This is very
evident from the way the HR department handles all its employees. They take utmost care to
select, train, motivate and retain all the employees. They have continuous developmental
programmes for all the employees.
HR functions include
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Induction
 Training and development
 Performance management system
 Employee welfare
 Compensation and Rewards
 Incentives and payroll administration
The following are the main sources through which Big Bazaar recruits its employees.
Consultancy services:-
For top level management, employees are recruited through private consultants.
They are usually appointed as Departmental Managers.
This is the main source through which Big Bazaar recruits its employee.
People seeking job usually themselves approach the HR department for Job vacancy.
Employees usually selected from this source are appointed at the entry level as team members.
Employee referrals:
This is the other main source through which employees are selected.
Candidates who have given their previous employer as referrals are first interviewed and from
their previous employer, opinion is taken about their behaviour and performance in the job. If
they receive a positive opinion from their previous employer they are selected.
Campus Recruitment:-
Young people bring new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. Therefore Big Bazaar
visits some of the reputed educational institutions to hire some of the most talented and
promising students as its employees.
The procedure in selection that the HR department practices to hire its employees.
For entry level jobs, the candidates are interviewed by a HR person. They are
asked a few basis questions about their education, previous work experience if any, languages
known etc. this is done to evaluate the candidate’s ability to communicate freely and also other
New employees selected will be given a induction and training program. They will
be given information about the company’s business, different departments etc. They will be
informed of their roles, duties and responsibilities. They will also be informed about the HR
policies and rules of the company.
The new employees will be on probation for a period of 6 months. After this
period the HR period along with department manager will review of the performance of the
employee. If the employee’s performance is good and encouraging, the employee’s services
will be confirmed.
Training and development:-
Future group has its own training division for all its employees, known as
‘future learning and development limited’ (FLDL). All the employees are given training for 20
days n a year spread over different periods.
‘Gurukul’ which is a part of FLDL gives training to all the employees on
various skills like team work, dedication discipline improving customer service etc to make
them more knowledgeable and productive.
Performance management system:-
The HR department conducts performance appraisal of the employees annually
in the month. Based on their performance increments will be given in their pay. In addition to
this if an employee achieves or exceeds the target given to along with their team members will
be provided with attractive cash and other incentives.
Employee welfare:-
Employee welfare is an important fact of industrial relations, the extra
dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which evens a good wage cannot. With
the growth of industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. Big
Bazaar can be provided in employee welfare, through it has been proved to contribute to
efficiency in production, and is expensive. Each employee depending on his priorities gives
varying degrees of importance to labour welfare.
Compensation and rewards:-
The employees are rewarded suitably with attractive pay packages. The salary
Of an employee includes basic pay, HRA, special allowance, PF, ESI, Medical claim etc
Annual bonus will be given at the time of Diwali.
The employees and their dependents are also entitled for medical treatment
in recognized hospitals with cashless hospitalization with whom the company has tie-ups. If a
hospital is not recognized, the amount spent by the employee will be reimbursed. Along with
these all the employees are given a card known as ‘Employee Discount Card’ (EDC) through
which they can buy any product at Big Bazaar at a special discount of 20-30%.
Incentives and payroll administration:-
Incentives include perk and rewards in motivate to employees. Rewards
and recognition are key strategies used by organization to boost sales performance and hence,
generate increased revenue. Incentives whether cash or non-cash provide motivation for sales
teams but how much impact do such incentives programs really have on performance. Big
bazaar employees achieve the target and to get the incentives.
Payroll refers to the process by which employees receive their salary.
Functions involve balancing and reconciling payroll data and depositing and reporting taxes.
The payroll department takes care of wage deductions, record keeping and verifying the
reliability of pay data. The payroll functions delivers payroll checks, maintains compliance
with tax laws, records paperwork for new hires and edits existing employee files. Payroll
process are also responsible for calculating reimbursements, bonuses, overtime and holiday
It works on Cash till Operations
Commercial department also called as finance. Finance is the life blood
of any business. The south zone head office located at jayanagar, performs most of the financial
functions and therefore the finance department of Big Bazaar are following this particulars.
 Billing Process,
 Handling Cash,
 Tallying Cash,
 Allocation of Till wise Cashiers,
 Depositing of Cash in Bank,
 Shortage/ Excess Cash Treatment,
 All Modes of Payments,
 Checking of Currency Note,
 Currency Handling & System.
This department is also responsible for collecting and depositing the cash received in
the company’s bank account daily.
Marketing department
Visual merchandising is also called as marketing department
Marketing concept is a customer orientation backed by integrated marketing
aim at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organizational goals. For a firm
in order to implement the marketing concept it has to focus its attention on the consumer,
ascertain his/her needs, discuss and wants before.
Every Brand appeals to individual customers in different ways. Good customer
service is the life blood of any business. Good customer service is all about attending to
existing and potential customers. This maintaining good relationship with the customers is the
key to business success and hence the concept relationship marketing.
Traditionally, marketers have located their target market segments, presented
their offer, and made the sales. It’s always been a single step process. Relationship marketing
looks at customers and clients over a longer term. It takes into account the lifetime value of a
Many experts think it cost anywhere from six to ten times as much, to find
a new customer, than to sell to an existing one. With those financial realities in mind, the
approach makes some sense, and some real dollars .Relationship marketing is based on the idea
that people prefer to do business with people who they know and like. After all, it’s easier to
buy from a friend, than from someone you’ve never heard of before. It’s a matter of building
It’s said that people need to hear an offer at least seven times before the
buy. That concept certainly works against the single step marketing method. The marketing
department is responsible for marketing of Big Bazaar’s products through different media like
TV, ratio, newspaper, banners, placards etc,. The marketing department has to decide and
identify the most effective medium to attract the customers to Big Bazaar thereby increasing the
The department has to design creative and attractive advertisement through which
the company’s products can be promoted to the customers. The company has to visit different
companies and has to enter in tie-ups for all its advertisement campaign. The marketing
department also consists of another separate department which is known as ‘Visual
Merchandising’. Visual merchandising is an art by which a retailer makes the store talk to its
customer. The colours, signage, lights, look and feel, everything is taken into account. It is very
important to figure out what is the story, the picture, the idea that is being sold to the customers.
Another concept that was incorporated in Big Bazaar from the beginning was that
of ‘category management’ as opposed to the brand merchandising practice that is followed by
many retailers. Category management is based on the belief that a customer walks into a store
looking for party shirt or a formal trouser, rather than a particular brand. Therefore the store is
designed according to the categories like men’s formal wear, women’s western wear or a casual
wear etc. within the organization too; teams were divided according to the categories that they
managed, rather than the brands.
Big Bazaar wanted to have a complete bouquet of products in each category at
different price-points, design, fabric, size, and colour. The objective was to create ‘traffic
drivers’ within the store rather than make brands compete with each other. Focusing o
categories also helped to achieve a level of perfection within the specific segments.
The department is responsible for the attractive product arrangement in the store
with respect to their nature. The basic function of this department is it divides the store into
some department based on the nature of the product and also within the department it decides
how the products should be arranged keeping in mind the customers taste. It also arranges the
products to attract the customers and also ensure easy availability of products.
It has Signage’s,
 Details of Materials,
 VM Frames,
 Shelf Talkers,
 Hot Spots,
 Execution of Promotions,
 Communication of Offers,
 Directional Signage’s in the Store,
 Window Display.
Operations include on maintenance and administration
Store Manager
Asst. Store Manager
House keeping
The Store administration comes under the Store Manager. Its functions are
store maintenance, housekeeping, security etc The store maintenance is concerned with the
proper running of the store in co-ordination with all the departments. It also has to ensure
proper back –up power supply in times of power cuts. The Housekeeping is concerned with
keeping all the departments of the Store clean and neat all the time. Covers and other wastes
should be properly cleaned and the floor is swept regularly to keep it clean.
The Security section is concerned with the security of the entire store.
Security department keeps a vigilant check on all the people entering and departing at the
various entry and exit points in the store. They also maintain all the registers like employees’
attendance register, stock register, visitors’ register etc. They check all customers’ bill before
letting them out of the store.
They ensure orderliness in the store and prevent shrinkage or pilferage of
goods to minimize the loss arising out of it. The housekeeping and security are outside agencies
employed by the store on a contract basis to take care of the respective functions.
The Administration department also has a separate section known as
‘Information Technology’. This department is responsible for the maintenance of all the
systems of the Store; all billing machines their functioning networking with the master machine
etc.If there is any problem with the machine in any department in the store, then this
department comes into function. This dept integrates all the systems in the store and properly
maintains all of them. These are all involved in operations management.
 Entire SOP,( Standard operating procedure)
 Opening of Stores,
 H. K. Activities throughout the Day, (House Keeping)
 Security Activities,
 H. K. positioning,
 Security Positioning,
 Discipline & Attire Check of Security & H. K.,
 Parking Management,
 Trolley management,
 Scrap Disposal process,
 Waste Management,
 Daily Check Points,
 Fixed Asset Knowledge,
 A/C’s, Electricals, Lifts, Invertors.
Logistics is a very important department of Big Bazaar. It is responsible
for procuring the stock of all the products of the different departments. The logistics
department receives the goods from the warehouse.
The ware house of Big Bazaar for the entire south zone is located at Karnataka.
The logistics department receives the stock of different goods and verified the quantity and
quality of the goods with the particulars given in the ‘Goods Received Statement’ which it
receives along with the stock. Then it checks for any damage in the stock received. If there is
no damage in the stock, after recording it in the ‘Stock Inward register’ dispatches the goods to
the respective department taking the signature of the departmental Manager.
On the other hand if there is a damage On the other hand if there is a damage in the goods or if
the goods do not match the details given in the Goods Received Statement, it enters in the
Stock Outward Register and sends it back to the warehouse along with a Goods Returned Note
giving full information regarding the reason for returning back the goods and the defect or
damage in the goods.
The logistics department receives two truckloads of stock every day. It is the respective
departmental Managers who place an order to the Zonal head office through e-mail for stock of
goods when they feel that the stock has to be replenished.
The logistics department works in complete coordination with all the other departments to
ensure that the stocks are received and maintained properly continuously for the smooth
functioning of Big Bazaar and avoid any inconvenience to the customers. This includes
 Inward,
 Display,
 Replenishing (First In First out),
 Offer Updating,
 Top Selling SKU’s,
 Bottom Line SKU’s,
 Liquidation Process,
 Defective Goods Handling (DAD- Damage & Defective),
 Margins,
 Buying,
 Outward,
 Stock takes.
Sales department
This department is responsible for the collection of sales amount i.e., cash
sales. There are in all nearest 20 cash counters in the Store. There is a Head Cashier to whom
all the cahiers report and submit the total sales amount collected throughout the day by the
cashiers. In addition to cash all leading credit and debit cards are accepted at no extra charge. .
A cashier at the time of opening his billing counter will be given an opening balance of
Rs.1000. The cashier has to ensure that all the offers applicable on respective products are
given to the customer in his/ her bill. Also if any free items are given on some purchases, it
should be informed to the customer clearly.
After the billing is done, the cashier has to pack the products neatly in a plastic
cover according to the customer’s needs. At the time of closing the billing counter, the cashier
has to give a statement of cash, with all particulars of different denominations of cash, amount
collected through credit cards, amount collected in debit cards, amount collected in Sodexho
coupons & Big Bazaar vouchers and also amount collected through Credit Notes.
Wednesday Bazaar is a very important and popular event in Big Bazaar. Every
Wednesday fabulous offers and great discounts are given on most of the products. Customers
arrive in large numbers as they realize that it is on Wednesday that products are offered at the
lowest price Good discounts and offers were provided on products to celebrate this occasion
along with the customers who were the prime reason for its success.
On Saturday and Sunday also the customer turnout is high, as it is on the
weekends that most of the customers find time for shopping. They arrive along with their
family to enjoy the shopping experience. Good discounts and offers are also provided to attract
more number of customers. Retailing is not just about selling products it is about selling an
idea. Why do people in shop when they are bored or depressed? It is not just because they have
the money to buy, but because they want to go through an experience. It is very crucial in
retailing to make customers relate to every product that is being sold, as well as the Store’s
Customer service department
As the name suggests this is the separate dept which mainly focuses on
customer service like if a customer finds difficulty in finding any product, if there are any
customer complaints, they are also looked into, any customer assistance etc. is also provided.
There is also an Exchange Counter where if a customer is dissatisfied or wants to exchange the
product he/ she has purchased for any reason , the customers can exchange them within 7 days
of their purchase.
When a customer brings a product for exchange, the product is first received
and checked if it is used or deliberately damaged or tampered with. If it is in an acceptable
condition, then the customer is issued a Credit Note for that amount (product’s price). The
customer can then purchase any product for that amount or just take back the money by
encasing the credit note at a cash counter.
If the customer buys a product less than the amount in the credit note, the
difference amount will be returned to the customer and on the other hand if a customer buys a
product more than the amount in the credit note, the customer will be asked to pay the
difference amount. This department is also responsible for announcing all the offers running in
the store on different products throughout the day. This dept also does gift wrapping for any
product if the customer wants it at free of cost. It has
 CSD (Customer Service Desk) Operations,
 Customer Movement,
 Customer Touch Point,
 After Sale Services,
 Home Delivery,
 It is observed that the organization hierarchy is professional as all the departmental
Managers directly report to the Store Manager who in turn reports to the Zonal Head.
 There exist a healthy and positive relationship between employees and managers.
 The employees accept their responsibilities wholeheartedly, accept that it is their
responsibility to carry out a part of the activities of the company and they will be held
accountable for the quality of their work.
 It is found that more than 60% of employees are of the age group of 20-35. From this it
reveals that company is having young and energetic workforce who are very creative,
enthusiastic and also very determined to grow in their career and in turn helping the
company to grow.
 Big Bazaar retail industry rules also include on shop in shop employees. Also work in
part time employees. All employees followed in Big Bazaar rules and regulation.
 Working environment is good and also the various facilities provided helps in
motivating the employees.
 At Big Bazaar employees are recognized on monthly basis with titles like “Best
Employee of the month”, “Miss/Mr. Perfect”, “Best Cashier”, ”Best Promoter”, and
“Best part timer” ,motivate employees to work effectively.
 Parking facilities was unknown the most of the customers.
 Security verification of the employees and the visitors are done manually.
 Reduce price of crockery, utensils, and men’s wear and ladies wear.
 Security system for verifying the visitors as well as the employees can be improvised
electronic devices.
 To introduce the restaurant in ground floor.
 To provide the shop in shop employees should be wear proper uniform.
The internship at Big Bazaar, Madurai has provided information regarding
there retail business management process in terms of front office and back activities. The intern
also learn the various department functions and HR how to handle the problem of employees.
Training and development shall be arranged to support team management and identify the
strategies of handling and retaining the customer.
The practices such as recognising the employees’ performance with the title
“Best employee of the Month”, will motivate the employees to take up challenging jobs and do
wonders at Big Bazaar. Thus the intern has learnt about how to management are applied in
different business activities of Big Bazaar.
 https://www.scribd.com/doc/21349941/Big-Bazaar-Project
 www.mbanetbook.co.in/.../project-report-of-big-bazaar-marketing.html
 www.slideshare.net/tjmatharu/projectreportonbigbazaar
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bazaar
 www.quikr.com/projects-on-big-bazaar.../projects...big-bazaar.../z

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  • 1. 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY OF BIG BAZAAR AT MADURAI Introduction Internship is an opportunity to observe and learn the real happenings of the Corporate world. The intern has learnt about the functions of the company through observation and personal interaction with the managers, employees and customers. it provides a platform for theories for the intern to compare the theories of practical application. This internship report about the organizational study at BIG BAZAAR in Madurai is summary of the entire experience of the intern in the company. Objectives of the study  To study about the Retail industry and various functions of the BIG BAZAAR.  To specifically known about the HR functions at BIG BAZAAR. Scope of the study The scope of the research is to clearly understanding the retail industry and various functions of big bazaar. This research is only observation on the details. To understand the Big Bazaar organization as how systematically it is run by the management personnel. And to know about the marketing activities of the bid bazaar. Needfor the Study This study is taken up to fulfil the requirement of M.B.A degree course of Madurai School of Management. The training is undertaken during June 2015 to July 2015 and the main Purpose of the training is to know the application of the theoretical aspects in our course in the corporate environment and gain first and experience and expose ourselves to corporate policies, ethics, culture, practices, procedures, facts about the work culture and policies of the company.
  • 2. 2 ResearchMethodology: Sources ofdata:  Primary data  Secondary data  Primary data: The data collected for the first time through observation and interview method. The data is collected by observing the working of various departments and also by interviewing the managers of all the departments. It is also obtained by the help of staff members. Secondary Data: The data is collected by secondary sources also. The data is collected through company manual, product brochure, company website. Limitationof the study The presentstudyisbasedonlyonthe observationanddiscussionwiththe topmanagementandthe employeesof BigBazaar.The learning’sfromthe studyare confinedonlytothe managementpractices at Big Bazaar, Madurai.
  • 3. 3 COMPANYPROFILE Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarkets in India, with more than 100 stores in operation. It is a subsidiary of Future Group Venture Ltd.’s, and follows the business model of United States-based Wall-Mart. Facilities offered by Big Bazaar Online shopping: Big Bazaar has an official website, Future Bazaar, which is one of the most favourite sites among people of India for on line shopping. Future Bazaar is an on line business venture of Future Group, which sells an assortment of products such as fashion, which includes merchandise for men and women, mobile accessories, mobile handsets and electronics like home theatres, video cameras, digital camera, LCD TVs, kitchen appliances and many more. Discounts:- Introduced by the Big Bazaar, wherein extra and special discounts were offered on Wednesday every week, to attract the potential buyers into their store. Security check:- At each exit of Big Bazaar, they use alarm systems or Electronic Article Surveillance system, which detects the products that has attached tags or not. 1. Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarket in India, which caters to every family needs and requirements. 2. Big Bazaar has released the doors for the fashion world, general merchandise like sports goods, cutlery, crockery, utensils, and home furnishings etc. at best economical prices. 3. Big Bazaar group offers more than 100 stores all over the country with an amalgamation of Indian bazaars feel and touch with a convenience and choice of the modern retail facilities
  • 4. 4 4. The worldwide country chain, Big Bazaar, is formed by CEO of Future Group, Mr. Kishore Biyani. Their basic attraction associated with reasonable prices is their Unique Selling Price. 5. Big Bazaar has become a massive hit with lower middle-class and middle class people as a major client base.6. Reflect the look and feel of Indian bazaars at their modern outlets. GROUP VISION To deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time to Every Indian Consumer in the most profitable manner. GROUP MISSION  Future group shares the vision and belief that their customers and stakeholders shall be served only by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading to economic development.  They will be the trend setters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making consumption affordable for all customer segments for classes and for masses.  They shall infuse Indian brands with confused and renewed ambition  They shall be efficient and cost-conscious and committed to quality in whatever we do.
  • 5. 5 ORGNIZATION CHART Operations Team Asst. Store Manager Store Manager Operations Team Administration Visual merchandising HR Manager Team Leader Deportment Manager Sales Deportment CSD Cashie r Logistic Maintenance Support Team Team Member
  • 6. 6 Core Values Indian’s: Believing in the Indian way & in oneself Leadership: To be a leader, both in thought and business. Respect& Humility: In dealing with everyone within & outside the organization. Introspection: For continuous learning, self-development and personal excellence. Openness: Open to new ideas, knowledge and information across the organization and seamless flow of the same. Valuing & nurturing Relationships: With customers, business associates, stakeholders, communities and society. Simplicity & positively: To foster innovation, speed and imagination. Adaptability: Be proactive in meeting challenges emerging from changing business scenarios. Flow: Learn & be inspired from the universal laws of nature
  • 7. 7 MajorMilestones 1987 Company incorporated as Menses wear private limited. Launch of Pantaloons Trouser, India's first formal trouser brand. 1991 Launch of BARE, the India jeans brand. 1992 Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the Month of May. 1994 The Pantaloons Shoppe-exclusive men's wear store in franchisee form at Launched across the nation. The company starts the distribution of branded Gram ends through multi-brand retail outlets across the nation. 1995 Pantaloons India family store launched in Kolkata. 2001 Big Bazaar, ‘Is se sata aur accha kahi nabin'-india's first hyper market chain Launched. 2002 Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched. 2004 Central-'shop, Eat, celebrate in the Heart of our city'- India’s first seam less Mall is launched in Bangalore. 2005 Fashion station – the popular fashion chain in launched all – 'a little Larger'-exclusive stores for plus-size individuals is launched. 2006 Future capital holdings, the company's financial arm launches real estate Funds and horizon and private equity fund in division. 2007 Future Group crosses the $1 billion turnover mark and Specialized Companies In retail media, logistics, IPR and brand development and Retail-led technology Services become operational. 2008 Future Group acquires rural retail chain Aadhar from the Godrej Group, which has A presence in 65 rural locations. Big Bazaar crosses the100-store mark, Marking One of the fastest expansions of the hypermarket Format anywhere in the world.
  • 8. 8 2009 Future Group celebrates its first Shopping Festival across all retail formats In key Indian cities. 2010 Future Group launches its telecom brand T24 in partnership with Tata tele services To provide additional loyalty benefits to its customers. 2011 April 2011 – KB's Fair price celebrates opening its 200 stores in India. May Future Supply Chains becomes ISO certified. 2012 Big Bazaar redefined the concept of customer service with the launch of the . Rajajinagar Family Centre in Bangalore with its unique Seva Initiative on 24th February 2012.Big Bazaar launched its home delivery Services in Mumbai. 2013 Future Group introduced brand new fashion format 'I am In' for trendy Youth of the country. Big Bazaar introduced a unique customer Membership Program 'Big Bazaar Profit Club.' 2014 Future Consumer Enterprises Limited acquired one of the India's oldest Supermarket chains in India with origins dating back to 1905 ,Nilgiris Future Supply Chain acquired New Delhi based processed-foods supply chain company, Brattle Foods. Rewards:  Indian Retail Forum Awards  The INDIANSTAR Awards  Retail Asia Pacific 500 Top Awards  The Reid & Taylor Awards for Retail Excellence
  • 9. 9  Platinum Trusted Brand Award Images Retail Award  DLF Award  CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards  Coca cola golden spoon awards and lot of awards to get in big bazaar on future group. Boardof directors Managing director:-  Mr kishore Biyani. Whole time Director:-  Mr Gopikishan Biyani.  Mr Rakesh Biyani. Independent Director:-  Mr ShaileshHaribhakti.  Mr S.Doreswamy.  Mr Darlie Koshy.  Mr Anil Harish . RetailIndustry The first decade of modern retail in India has been characterized by a shift from traditional kirana Shops to new formats including department stores, specialty stores hypermarkets, and supermarkets and across a range of categories. Modern retail formats have mushroomed in metros and mini-metros.
  • 10. 10 In the last few years, modern retail has also established its presence in the small cities, exposing residents to shopping options like never before. Some of these stores are branded stores(exclusive showrooms either owned or franchised out by a manufacturer) specialty stores(greater choice to consumer, comparison between brands is possible) department stores/supermarkets (one stop shop catering to varied consumer needs) , hyper-mart (low prices , vast choice available including services such as cafeterias.) , shopping malls (variety of shops available to each other ). Major Retailers in India Pantaloons: Pantaloons is one of the biggest retailers in India with more than 450 stores across the Country. Headquartered in Mumbai, it has more than 5 million sq. ft. retail space located across the country. It's growing at an enviable pace and is expected to reach 30 million sq. ft by the year 2010. In 2001, Pantaloons launched country's first hypermarket ‘Big Bazaar’. It has the following retail segments:  Food & Grocery: Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar  Home Solutions: Hometown, Furniture Bazaar, Collection-I  Consumer Electronics: E-zone  Shoes: Shoe Factory  Books, Music & Gifts: Depot  Health & Beauty Care: Star, Sitara  E-tailing: Futurebazaar.com  Entertainment: Bowling Co.
  • 11. 11 COMPETITORS Tata.Group Tata group is another major player in Indian retail industry with its subsidiary Trent, which operates West side and Star India Bazaar. Established in 1998, it also acquired the largest book and music retailer in India ‘Landmark’ in 2005. Trent owns over 4 lake sq. ft retail space across the country. RPG.Group RPG Group is one of the earlier entrants in the Indian retail market, when it came into food & grocery retailing in 1996 with its retail Food world stores. Later it also opened the pharmacy and beauty care outlets ‘Health & Glow’. Reliance Reliance is one of the biggest players in Indian retail industry. More than 300 Reliance Fresh stores and Reliance Mart are quite popular in the Indian retail market. It's expecting its sales to reach above Rs. 90,000 crores by current year. AV.Birla.Group AV Birla Group has a strong presence in Indian apparel retailing. The brands like Louis Philippe, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Peter England are quite popular. It's also investing in other segments of retail. It will invest Rs. 8000-9000 crores by current year. Another big player in the segment will be the Bharti group. Overhauling this part of the supply chain will be the key to the success of any retail venture in food and groceries segment. Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, and Bharti Enterprises have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore business opportunities in the Indian retail industry. This joint venture will mark the entry of Wal-Mart into the Indian retailing industry a retail chain like Future Group’s Big Bazaar may be clocking heady sales (growing at 100% year- on- year), but the dozen odd shops operating in its proximity wear a deserted look, giving a somewhat hollow ring to the much- talked- about retail boom in the country.
  • 12. 12 The key players currently operating in the Indian retail industry includes Future Group, Trent Ltd, RPG Enterprise, Vishal Retail Ltd, Shoppers Stop Ltd, Bata India Ltd, Provogue India Ltd, Videocon Appliances Ltd, ITC Ltd, Godrej Agrovert Ltd, and DCM- Hariyah Kissan Bazaar. Retailers ranging from Pantaloons to RPG to Piramal’s or the Tata’s are working towards exploiting this model, perceived by consumers as more value enhancing. But in the long run, what is most likely to succeed is a more balanced multi-format strategy. Finally, while in the first flush of the retail boom, the elimination of traditional intermediaries may bring windfall gains (as well as bring welcome and much-needed relief to the producers), this source will increasingly dry out as competition intensifies and margins come under pressure a few years down the line. What would set the survivors apart from those who are forced to sell out or go belly-up will be differentiators like location, value-added services (convenience), private labels and customer loyalty programs other than price. The last, a result of retailer-manufacturer tie- ups, state-of-the-art supply chain infrastructure, global sourcing and scale will be a key factor. And, if experience in other markets is anything to go by, an uncanny ability to read shifting trends. Retailformats in India  Hypermarkets /Supermarkets:- Large self-servicing outlets offering products from a variety of categories.  Mom-and-Pop Stores:- They are family owned business catering to small sections; they are Individually Handled retail outlets and have a personal touch.  Departmental Stores:- Are general retail merchandisers offering quality products and services.
  • 13. 13  Convenience Stores:- Are located in residential areas with slightly higher prices goods due to the convenience offered.  Shopping Malls:- The biggest form of retail in India, malls offers customers a mix of all types of products and services including entertainment and food under a single roof.  E-Trailers:- Are retailers providing on line buying and selling of products and services.  Discount Stores:- These are factory outlets that give discount on the MRP.  Vending:- It is a relatively new entry, in the retail sector. Here beverages, snacks and other small items can be bought via vending machine.  Category Killers:- Small specialty stores that offer a variety of categories. They are known as category killers as they focus on specific categories, such as electronics and sporting goods. This is also known as Multi Brand Outlets or MBO's.  Specialty Stores:- Are retail chains dealing in specific categories and provide deep assortment. Mumbai's Crossword Book Store and RPG's Music World is a couple of examples.
  • 14. 14 Learning and Observation Study parameters of Big Bazaar “In order to implement specific retail strategy managers prepare the ideal combination of retail-mix variables and coordinate the activities of the different elements of the mix such as:  Merchandise assortment  Location  Price  Visual merchandising  Store atmosphere  Customer service  Advertising  Promotion  Personal selling” Merchandise assortment The store layout is to maximize the interface between customers and merchandise” It provides easy accessibility to the customers to view the offerings of the store. Layout of the store has been strategically designed in order to make effective use of merchandise and passage to draw customers’ attention on store’s offerings. Big Bazaar has a wide range of merchandise they have both branded and unbranded products like: Home lien items:- Like bed sheets, pillow covers, carpets to kitchen utility items like steel utensils and crockery and other minor utility items required in a house.
  • 15. 15 Star Sitara:- In this section all kinds of cosmetic items are made available. MenLadies and kids wear:- This section includes fashion and casuals wear for men ladies and kids both branded and unbranded. Foot wear: - In this section footwear for men women and kids is made available. Toys:- All kinds of toys for children are available. Stationary:- All kind of office stationery and stationery for school going kids is available. Layout:- In today’s competitive environment store design has now become a strategic tool for differentiating the offerings of the store and retaining customers. Customer’s perception regarding in-store design has changed. They see shopping as an activity which gives fun and excitement. Customers like to shop in a changing and exciting environment. Retailers are developing innovative strategies for store design. Store design is now become a marketing tool for retailers. Thoughtful design of physical elements is a significant aspect for communicating store image to customers. Retailers are giving more attention on creating favourable in store environment for customers, this requires deep understanding of the target customers.
  • 16. 16 In retail environment now more systematic attention is been given to efficient designing of the store which influences the buying behaviour of the customers. Visual merchandising and store layout are considered as most significant elements of in-store design. Visual merchandising coordinates stores marketing, positioning and communication strategy. Thoughtful in-store display creates favourable appearance of the store for the target customer and attracts them towards products. Effective display provides easy accessibility of product to target customers and demonstrate the products in a way to make selection process easy for the customers. Efficient design of the store layout contributes to profitable utilization of store space. Efficiently designed layout can create enjoying the environment by providing convenient shopping. Retailers adopt different patterns of store layout to encourage circulation of the customers to all parts of the store and to provide easy accessibility of merchandising. The ultimate objective of efficient store design is to increase sales and profit of the store. Directly or indirectly the elements have some impact on the buying behaviour of the customers. Visual merchandising is considered to create an interest in the customers and create a favourable image of the store in the mind of the customers. Store layout provides convenience to customers and makes shopping smooth. Retailers always try to create favourable psychological impact on customers by designing element of the store in most sophisticated way. E.g. retailers use graphics with social meanings to associate customers with some life style. People often complain that Big Bazaar outlets always look very crowded. But few realize that it is concisely designed to look just like that. When the shop looks neat and empty, the masses never walk into it. There has to be what is called the ‘button brush effect’, and an ‘organized chaos’s. As Indians, we like bumping into people, chatting, gossiping and eating while we shop!.Big Bazaar layout consists of layout of long rows of parallel fixtures, with no aisles because aisles can be boring they restrict space and can’t be dramatized. At Big Bazaar, they create multiple cluster or mini-bazaars within every store. It was designed as an agglomeration of bazaars with different sections selling different categories’.
  • 17. 17  It uses space efficiently.  It provides easy sitting of merchandise and linking of the product throughout the store.  It allows more customers in the store at any time.  Allows staff of the store to work easily alongside the customers without disturbing them.  Provide self-service atmosphere The structure of the big bazaar at Madurai in cover in three floor and excluding basement Basement:- The employee and visitors entrance way of the big bazaar. The properly maintaining to all entries and exit. The damages product and empty boxes to store on basement. Ground Floor:- Ground floor include in the food bazaar and logistics. Food bazaar includes in fruits and vegetables and non-fooditems, stables. Billing section fully maintaining to this floor. First floor:- First Floor include  Home fashion  Utensils  Crockery  Luggage’s and includes the SIS Wall clock shop.(SIS-Shop In Shop) Second Floor:- Second Floor includes  Ladies ethnic wear  Kids casual wear  Toys and sports  Stationary and includes the SIS (shop in shop) handbag shop, fish pedicure, corn shop.
  • 18. 18 Third Floor:- Third Floor includes  Electronic items  Food wear  Men’s casual wear And here on staff room. Staff member include on HR, Store manager, Asst. store manager, Visual manager, Admin, Maintenance and food bazaar managers and head cashier. The interior of a Big Bazaars comprises of the living space of the store which includes ceiling, walls, flooring and lighting, fixture and fittings” The elements of the interior design are selected economically. The general design of the interior is in uniform with the exterior. The exterior of Big Bazaar includes the exterior of the stores like the e fascia, entrance of the store, architectural design of the building and window. The exterior design of big bazaar is easily visible from the distance and it can be distinguished from its competitors. The exterior is attractive enough to encourage customers to enter in to the store. Big bazaar uses harmony between the elements of the exterior of the store in order to deliver desired store image. Window display is used as an effective medium to introduce new offerings of the company, so special attention is given in designing windows of the store. The entrance of the store is designed to welcome shoppers and to provide easy accessibility. Visual merchandising:- Visual merchandising at Big Bazaar uses “Store display for promotional purpose, but as customers are becoming more sophisticated, Big Bazaar has found various techniques for effective display for providing information and communicating image of the store to the customers, helping them in taking purchase decision and creating exciting shopping environment” Big Bazaar not only uses visual merchandising for promoting their product, but they use it as a significant tool for creating appropriate store environment and influencing purchase decision of customers.
  • 19. 19 They use danglers and hoardings at the entrance of the store as this may be a deciding element in a consumer’s decision to enter a store. It uses various visual merchandising like it uses remarkable window display for creating a shopping environment as it creates initiative impression in the mind of customers as window display also sometimes become a deciding factor whether to enter the store or not .Retailers develop visual merchandising in order to relate customer’s social life with the product, arouse Their personnel interest for the product. “Retailers can use combination of elements of in store display; such as colour, texture, lighting, fixtures, graphics, and signage.” Promotion:- Big Bazaar uses various promotional strategies like the prices on Wednesdays are very low compared to other retailers, this helps is bringing in a huge number of customers they even have a concept of “BIG DAY” which means they give huge discounts to their customers on the some particular period. On such days they come up with promotional offers like bring old items from your house and take huge discounts and freebies. Advertising:- Following are the media channel used: Newspaper:- Big Bazaar uses newspaper as one of its media vehicle because most of the population in urban areas is educated. They place their full page and half page ads mostly in Times of India or Hindustan times, Dhinamalar, Dhinakaran etc . Radio:- Radio is another media vehicle used by Big Bazaar in urban areas “Radio mirchi” is used and in rural areas “All India Radio” is used widely for placing their ads T.V:- T.V is also used as one of its media vehicle when they come up with huge offers.
  • 20. 20 Prices:- The prices at big Bazaar are kept lowest possible in order to attract huge number of customers they have the lowest prices on Wednesday they are able to do so because they believe in bulk buying which helps them in buying products at lower possible prices, by which in turn they give the benefits to customers. PersonnelSelling:- Big Bazaar in the metropolitan cities are easily accessible to their customers. They have strength of 300-400 working sales force at a time in an outlet. This sales force is professionally trained to assist all kinds of customers throughout the day. There are majorly two types of customers; One’s who prefer selecting their merchandise themselves and don’t ask for help unless required. The other is of the type that requires assistance from the time they walk in the store till the time they exit. Big Bazaar sales force is dressed up in yellow t-shirts. While deciding that the founders have looked in to the minute aspects of the customer’s psychology. They found out that a sales man wearing formal clothes with a tie is normally intimidating to a customer. Especially a customer who might not be as educated or sophisticated as the sales man! The main aim of Big Bazaar has always been to cater to all kinds of customers . Which also include the lower middle class. Therefore in an attempt to not make their varied customers feel inferior big Bazaar has made their sales force wear yellow t-shirts and yellow being a friendly colour it makes it easier for the customers to strike a conversation and seek help. The other very minute aspect of customer psychology that the Big Bazaar sales force takes care of is; that the customer requires help only when required . Therefore the distance at which a sales man is standing has great importance because if the sales man is standing very close to the customer then he or she gives the impression that the customers going to steal something.
  • 21. 21 Services:- Big Bazaar provides a wide range of services to its customers like Trial rooms, elevators, car parking, security, baggage counter, trolleys so that one could shop easily They even provide them with after sale services in case of buying electronic items. One of the major services provided by them is one stop shop as one could get a whole range of items under one shop and at the most reasonable price. They always have their outlets in such a location where it is easy to commute. They have also given major emphasis to convince for customers in which layout has played a major role. The layout of the store is so effective that customers find their way out of what they want. Big Bazaar provides good employee service i.e. their salesmen are always ready to provide help. Employee service is often neglected as part of good retail marketing but customer and employee interaction can be used as the significant tool for retail marketing.
  • 22. 22 Various functions of Big Bazaar-retailer HR Functions ↓ Commercial Functions ↓ Marketing Department ↓ Logistics ↓ Customer Service Department ↓ Administration Human ResourceFunctions:- The HR department of Big Bazaar is very dynamic. Employees are the biggest strength and asset of any organization and the HR dept realizes this very well. This is very evident from the way the HR department handles all its employees. They take utmost care to select, train, motivate and retain all the employees. They have continuous developmental programmes for all the employees. HR functions include
  • 23. 23  Recruitment  Selection  Induction  Training and development  Performance management system  Employee welfare  Compensation and Rewards  Incentives and payroll administration Recruitment:- The following are the main sources through which Big Bazaar recruits its employees. Consultancy services:- For top level management, employees are recruited through private consultants. They are usually appointed as Departmental Managers. Walk-ins: This is the main source through which Big Bazaar recruits its employee. People seeking job usually themselves approach the HR department for Job vacancy. Employees usually selected from this source are appointed at the entry level as team members. Employee referrals: This is the other main source through which employees are selected. Candidates who have given their previous employer as referrals are first interviewed and from their previous employer, opinion is taken about their behaviour and performance in the job. If they receive a positive opinion from their previous employer they are selected.
  • 24. 24 Campus Recruitment:- Young people bring new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. Therefore Big Bazaar visits some of the reputed educational institutions to hire some of the most talented and promising students as its employees. Selection:- The procedure in selection that the HR department practices to hire its employees. Interview:- For entry level jobs, the candidates are interviewed by a HR person. They are asked a few basis questions about their education, previous work experience if any, languages known etc. this is done to evaluate the candidate’s ability to communicate freely and also other skills. Induction: New employees selected will be given a induction and training program. They will be given information about the company’s business, different departments etc. They will be informed of their roles, duties and responsibilities. They will also be informed about the HR policies and rules of the company. The new employees will be on probation for a period of 6 months. After this period the HR period along with department manager will review of the performance of the employee. If the employee’s performance is good and encouraging, the employee’s services will be confirmed.
  • 25. 25 Training and development:- Future group has its own training division for all its employees, known as ‘future learning and development limited’ (FLDL). All the employees are given training for 20 days n a year spread over different periods. ‘Gurukul’ which is a part of FLDL gives training to all the employees on various skills like team work, dedication discipline improving customer service etc to make them more knowledgeable and productive. Performance management system:- The HR department conducts performance appraisal of the employees annually in the month. Based on their performance increments will be given in their pay. In addition to this if an employee achieves or exceeds the target given to along with their team members will be provided with attractive cash and other incentives. Employee welfare:- Employee welfare is an important fact of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which evens a good wage cannot. With the growth of industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. Big Bazaar can be provided in employee welfare, through it has been proved to contribute to efficiency in production, and is expensive. Each employee depending on his priorities gives varying degrees of importance to labour welfare. Compensation and rewards:- The employees are rewarded suitably with attractive pay packages. The salary Of an employee includes basic pay, HRA, special allowance, PF, ESI, Medical claim etc Annual bonus will be given at the time of Diwali.
  • 26. 26 The employees and their dependents are also entitled for medical treatment in recognized hospitals with cashless hospitalization with whom the company has tie-ups. If a hospital is not recognized, the amount spent by the employee will be reimbursed. Along with these all the employees are given a card known as ‘Employee Discount Card’ (EDC) through which they can buy any product at Big Bazaar at a special discount of 20-30%. Incentives and payroll administration:- Incentives include perk and rewards in motivate to employees. Rewards and recognition are key strategies used by organization to boost sales performance and hence, generate increased revenue. Incentives whether cash or non-cash provide motivation for sales teams but how much impact do such incentives programs really have on performance. Big bazaar employees achieve the target and to get the incentives. Payroll refers to the process by which employees receive their salary. Functions involve balancing and reconciling payroll data and depositing and reporting taxes. The payroll department takes care of wage deductions, record keeping and verifying the reliability of pay data. The payroll functions delivers payroll checks, maintains compliance with tax laws, records paperwork for new hires and edits existing employee files. Payroll process are also responsible for calculating reimbursements, bonuses, overtime and holiday pay. CommercialDepartment:- It works on Cash till Operations Commercial department also called as finance. Finance is the life blood of any business. The south zone head office located at jayanagar, performs most of the financial functions and therefore the finance department of Big Bazaar are following this particulars.
  • 27. 27  Billing Process,  Handling Cash,  Tallying Cash,  Allocation of Till wise Cashiers,  Depositing of Cash in Bank,  Shortage/ Excess Cash Treatment,  All Modes of Payments,  Checking of Currency Note,  Currency Handling & System. This department is also responsible for collecting and depositing the cash received in the company’s bank account daily. Marketing department Visual merchandising is also called as marketing department Marketing concept is a customer orientation backed by integrated marketing aim at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organizational goals. For a firm in order to implement the marketing concept it has to focus its attention on the consumer, ascertain his/her needs, discuss and wants before. Every Brand appeals to individual customers in different ways. Good customer service is the life blood of any business. Good customer service is all about attending to existing and potential customers. This maintaining good relationship with the customers is the key to business success and hence the concept relationship marketing. Traditionally, marketers have located their target market segments, presented their offer, and made the sales. It’s always been a single step process. Relationship marketing looks at customers and clients over a longer term. It takes into account the lifetime value of a customer.
  • 28. 28 Many experts think it cost anywhere from six to ten times as much, to find a new customer, than to sell to an existing one. With those financial realities in mind, the approach makes some sense, and some real dollars .Relationship marketing is based on the idea that people prefer to do business with people who they know and like. After all, it’s easier to buy from a friend, than from someone you’ve never heard of before. It’s a matter of building trust. It’s said that people need to hear an offer at least seven times before the buy. That concept certainly works against the single step marketing method. The marketing department is responsible for marketing of Big Bazaar’s products through different media like TV, ratio, newspaper, banners, placards etc,. The marketing department has to decide and identify the most effective medium to attract the customers to Big Bazaar thereby increasing the sales. The department has to design creative and attractive advertisement through which the company’s products can be promoted to the customers. The company has to visit different companies and has to enter in tie-ups for all its advertisement campaign. The marketing department also consists of another separate department which is known as ‘Visual Merchandising’. Visual merchandising is an art by which a retailer makes the store talk to its customer. The colours, signage, lights, look and feel, everything is taken into account. It is very important to figure out what is the story, the picture, the idea that is being sold to the customers. Another concept that was incorporated in Big Bazaar from the beginning was that of ‘category management’ as opposed to the brand merchandising practice that is followed by many retailers. Category management is based on the belief that a customer walks into a store looking for party shirt or a formal trouser, rather than a particular brand. Therefore the store is designed according to the categories like men’s formal wear, women’s western wear or a casual wear etc. within the organization too; teams were divided according to the categories that they managed, rather than the brands.
  • 29. 29 Big Bazaar wanted to have a complete bouquet of products in each category at different price-points, design, fabric, size, and colour. The objective was to create ‘traffic drivers’ within the store rather than make brands compete with each other. Focusing o categories also helped to achieve a level of perfection within the specific segments. The department is responsible for the attractive product arrangement in the store with respect to their nature. The basic function of this department is it divides the store into some department based on the nature of the product and also within the department it decides how the products should be arranged keeping in mind the customers taste. It also arranges the products to attract the customers and also ensure easy availability of products. It has Signage’s,  Details of Materials,  VM Frames,  Shelf Talkers,  Hot Spots,  Execution of Promotions,  Communication of Offers,  Directional Signage’s in the Store,  Window Display.
  • 30. 30 Operations Operations include on maintenance and administration Store Manager ↓ Asst. Store Manager ↓ Administration ↓ Maintenance ↓ House keeping The Store administration comes under the Store Manager. Its functions are store maintenance, housekeeping, security etc The store maintenance is concerned with the proper running of the store in co-ordination with all the departments. It also has to ensure proper back –up power supply in times of power cuts. The Housekeeping is concerned with keeping all the departments of the Store clean and neat all the time. Covers and other wastes should be properly cleaned and the floor is swept regularly to keep it clean. The Security section is concerned with the security of the entire store. Security department keeps a vigilant check on all the people entering and departing at the various entry and exit points in the store. They also maintain all the registers like employees’ attendance register, stock register, visitors’ register etc. They check all customers’ bill before letting them out of the store.
  • 31. 31 They ensure orderliness in the store and prevent shrinkage or pilferage of goods to minimize the loss arising out of it. The housekeeping and security are outside agencies employed by the store on a contract basis to take care of the respective functions. The Administration department also has a separate section known as ‘Information Technology’. This department is responsible for the maintenance of all the systems of the Store; all billing machines their functioning networking with the master machine etc.If there is any problem with the machine in any department in the store, then this department comes into function. This dept integrates all the systems in the store and properly maintains all of them. These are all involved in operations management.  Entire SOP,( Standard operating procedure)  Opening of Stores,  H. K. Activities throughout the Day, (House Keeping)  Security Activities,  H. K. positioning,  Security Positioning,  Discipline & Attire Check of Security & H. K.,  Parking Management,  Trolley management,  Scrap Disposal process,  Waste Management,  Daily Check Points,  Fixed Asset Knowledge,  A/C’s, Electricals, Lifts, Invertors. Logistics Logistics is a very important department of Big Bazaar. It is responsible for procuring the stock of all the products of the different departments. The logistics department receives the goods from the warehouse.
  • 32. 32 The ware house of Big Bazaar for the entire south zone is located at Karnataka. The logistics department receives the stock of different goods and verified the quantity and quality of the goods with the particulars given in the ‘Goods Received Statement’ which it receives along with the stock. Then it checks for any damage in the stock received. If there is no damage in the stock, after recording it in the ‘Stock Inward register’ dispatches the goods to the respective department taking the signature of the departmental Manager. On the other hand if there is a damage On the other hand if there is a damage in the goods or if the goods do not match the details given in the Goods Received Statement, it enters in the Stock Outward Register and sends it back to the warehouse along with a Goods Returned Note giving full information regarding the reason for returning back the goods and the defect or damage in the goods. The logistics department receives two truckloads of stock every day. It is the respective departmental Managers who place an order to the Zonal head office through e-mail for stock of goods when they feel that the stock has to be replenished. The logistics department works in complete coordination with all the other departments to ensure that the stocks are received and maintained properly continuously for the smooth functioning of Big Bazaar and avoid any inconvenience to the customers. This includes  Inward,  Display,  Replenishing (First In First out),  Offer Updating,  Top Selling SKU’s,  Bottom Line SKU’s,  Liquidation Process,  Defective Goods Handling (DAD- Damage & Defective),  Margins,  Buying,  Outward,  Stock takes.
  • 33. 33 Sales department This department is responsible for the collection of sales amount i.e., cash sales. There are in all nearest 20 cash counters in the Store. There is a Head Cashier to whom all the cahiers report and submit the total sales amount collected throughout the day by the cashiers. In addition to cash all leading credit and debit cards are accepted at no extra charge. . A cashier at the time of opening his billing counter will be given an opening balance of Rs.1000. The cashier has to ensure that all the offers applicable on respective products are given to the customer in his/ her bill. Also if any free items are given on some purchases, it should be informed to the customer clearly. After the billing is done, the cashier has to pack the products neatly in a plastic cover according to the customer’s needs. At the time of closing the billing counter, the cashier has to give a statement of cash, with all particulars of different denominations of cash, amount collected through credit cards, amount collected in debit cards, amount collected in Sodexho coupons & Big Bazaar vouchers and also amount collected through Credit Notes. Wednesday Bazaar is a very important and popular event in Big Bazaar. Every Wednesday fabulous offers and great discounts are given on most of the products. Customers arrive in large numbers as they realize that it is on Wednesday that products are offered at the lowest price Good discounts and offers were provided on products to celebrate this occasion along with the customers who were the prime reason for its success. On Saturday and Sunday also the customer turnout is high, as it is on the weekends that most of the customers find time for shopping. They arrive along with their family to enjoy the shopping experience. Good discounts and offers are also provided to attract more number of customers. Retailing is not just about selling products it is about selling an idea. Why do people in shop when they are bored or depressed? It is not just because they have the money to buy, but because they want to go through an experience. It is very crucial in retailing to make customers relate to every product that is being sold, as well as the Store’s environment.
  • 34. 34 Customer service department As the name suggests this is the separate dept which mainly focuses on customer service like if a customer finds difficulty in finding any product, if there are any customer complaints, they are also looked into, any customer assistance etc. is also provided. There is also an Exchange Counter where if a customer is dissatisfied or wants to exchange the product he/ she has purchased for any reason , the customers can exchange them within 7 days of their purchase. When a customer brings a product for exchange, the product is first received and checked if it is used or deliberately damaged or tampered with. If it is in an acceptable condition, then the customer is issued a Credit Note for that amount (product’s price). The customer can then purchase any product for that amount or just take back the money by encasing the credit note at a cash counter. If the customer buys a product less than the amount in the credit note, the difference amount will be returned to the customer and on the other hand if a customer buys a product more than the amount in the credit note, the customer will be asked to pay the difference amount. This department is also responsible for announcing all the offers running in the store on different products throughout the day. This dept also does gift wrapping for any product if the customer wants it at free of cost. It has  CSD (Customer Service Desk) Operations,  Customer Movement,  Customer Touch Point,  After Sale Services,  Home Delivery,
  • 35. 35 Findings  It is observed that the organization hierarchy is professional as all the departmental Managers directly report to the Store Manager who in turn reports to the Zonal Head.  There exist a healthy and positive relationship between employees and managers.  The employees accept their responsibilities wholeheartedly, accept that it is their responsibility to carry out a part of the activities of the company and they will be held accountable for the quality of their work.  It is found that more than 60% of employees are of the age group of 20-35. From this it reveals that company is having young and energetic workforce who are very creative, enthusiastic and also very determined to grow in their career and in turn helping the company to grow.  Big Bazaar retail industry rules also include on shop in shop employees. Also work in part time employees. All employees followed in Big Bazaar rules and regulation.  Working environment is good and also the various facilities provided helps in motivating the employees.  At Big Bazaar employees are recognized on monthly basis with titles like “Best Employee of the month”, “Miss/Mr. Perfect”, “Best Cashier”, ”Best Promoter”, and “Best part timer” ,motivate employees to work effectively.  Parking facilities was unknown the most of the customers.  Security verification of the employees and the visitors are done manually.
  • 36. 36 Suggestions:  Reduce price of crockery, utensils, and men’s wear and ladies wear.  Security system for verifying the visitors as well as the employees can be improvised electronic devices.  To introduce the restaurant in ground floor.  To provide the shop in shop employees should be wear proper uniform.
  • 37. 37 Conclusion The internship at Big Bazaar, Madurai has provided information regarding there retail business management process in terms of front office and back activities. The intern also learn the various department functions and HR how to handle the problem of employees. Training and development shall be arranged to support team management and identify the strategies of handling and retaining the customer. The practices such as recognising the employees’ performance with the title “Best employee of the Month”, will motivate the employees to take up challenging jobs and do wonders at Big Bazaar. Thus the intern has learnt about how to management are applied in different business activities of Big Bazaar.
  • 38. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY  https://www.scribd.com/doc/21349941/Big-Bazaar-Project  www.mbanetbook.co.in/.../project-report-of-big-bazaar-marketing.html  www.slideshare.net/tjmatharu/projectreportonbigbazaar  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bazaar  www.quikr.com/projects-on-big-bazaar.../projects...big-bazaar.../z