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Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
Case Study

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Shared services
Testing ≠ Testers
Quality is a Team Responsibility

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Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid

The Test Automation Pyramid is not a new concept. The top of the pyramid is our UI / end-2-end functional tests - which should cover the breadth of the product. What the functional tests cannot capture though, is the aspects of UX validations that can only be seen and in some cases, captured by the human eye. This is where the new buzzwords of AI & ML can truly help. In this session, we will explore why Visual Validation is an important cog in the wheel of Test Automation and also different tools and techniques that can help achieve this. We will also see a demo of Applitools Eyes - and how it can be a good option to close this gap in automation!

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Understand basics of Web services , different tools used in testing web services. Mainly focused on testing REST services.

Unit (JavaScript)
q WebDriver-Java
q Cucumber-JVM / Cucumber-Ruby
q WebDriver-JS
q Protractor

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Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) is an evolved way of thinking about Testing. It helps in identifying the 'correct' scenarios, in form of user journeys, to build a good and effective (manual & automation) regression suite that validates the Business Goals.

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Lets cook cucumber !!
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This document provides an overview of Cucumber, a behavior-driven development framework. It discusses what BDD is, the benefits it provides like usability, fewer defects, and living documentation. Popular BDD tools like Cucumber, Jasmine and JBehave are mentioned. Cucumber is introduced in more detail, explaining how it executes scenarios using a Given, When, Then format and supports multiple programming languages. Hands-on examples demonstrate features like data and table-driven execution, background, hooks, tags and reports. Suggested additional reading materials on BDD and Cucumber are also provided.

What is Test Automation?
Step-by-Step execution
Callbacks & Promises!
Power of JavaScript?
-  Mac OS
-  Vagrant (Open SuSe)
CI Environment
-  Build
-  Unit Tests
-  Integration
-  End-2-End (E2E)
-  Performance
Sandbox / QA
-  Exploratory
-  Demos
-  Client-pre-setups
Browser / Driver Why? Challenges
phantomJS Headless execution
-  easier for developers
-  Seamless CI
-  Officially not
recommended by
Chrome -  End-user
-  Excellent for
development &
-  Certain elements
“not visible” – though
worked with Firefox
Firefox -  End-user
-  Worked locally
-  Worked in CI – in
headless (xvfb), but
NOT for maps
-  Worked in headless
mode (xvfb) in

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Brace yourself from automation death trap
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A session where we learn about the clues to keep in mind to not fall into a maintenance overhead autoamtion

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Slides from my talk on how to Eradicate Flaky Tests from AppiumConf 2021 https://confengine.com/conferences/appium-conf-2021/proposal/15581/eradicate-flaky-tests

Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020
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Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020

https://confengine.com/agile-india-2020/proposal/11065/visual-validation-the-missing-tip-of-the-automation-pyramid The top of the pyramid is our UI / end-2-end functional tests - which simulate end-user behavior and interactions with the product-under test. While Automation helps validate functionality of your product, aspects of UX validations can only be seen and captured by the human eye and is hence mostly a manual activity. This is an area where AI & ML can truly help. With everyone wanting to be Agile, make quick releases, the look & feel / UX validation, which is a slow, and error-prone activity, quickly becomes a huge bottleneck. In addition, with any UX related issues propping up cause huge brand-value and revenue loss, may lead to social-trolling and worse - dilute your user-base. In this session, using numerous examples, we will explore: Why Automated Visual Validation is essential to be part of your Test Strategy Potential solutions / options for Automated Visual Testing, with pros & cons of each How an AI-powered tool, Applitools Eyes, can solve this problem.

Type Example
Angular Directives Ex: ng-repeat, ng-model
Custom Directives Ex: third party libraries providing
multi-column select, Sliders for
range, Charts
Working with non-Angular Ex: Login, Admin
Setting breakpoints while handling promises
Overcoming the

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Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests

It is easy to measure code coverage when running unit tests. However, very frequently the following questions come up: - How can we measure API test coverage and e2e / UI test coverage? - Does e2e / UI test coverage add value? - If not, what other data can we look at to know if the e2e tests have good coverage? This session is about understanding the above questions, and finding solutions for the same.

Test Automation Architecture in Microservices
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Tips and tricks on implementing a successful test automation architecture in a Microservices environment.

Java Test Automation for REST, Web and Mobile
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Presentation about how to use REST, Web and Mobile open source tools to increase your test codebase. This presentation was made by me and Edson Yanaga for JavaOne 2017 San Francisco on 04/09/2017

q Same Test Data in all environments / tenants
q  Minimal Environment specific configuration
q Intelligent ‘before’ & ‘after’ setups
Page functions
-  Common behavior
-  Non-angular
Screenshots with
counters, per spec
Unique output directory
JS Console warnings &
errors Map & Chart functions
CSV, Zip file loader
Modals & Alerts
File Upload
File Download
Head & Head-less
•  JavaScript
•  Angular
•  Protractor

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Cucumber ppt
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Cucumber ppt

Automated testing is important to reduce the time and costs of manual testing. Cucumber is a behavior-driven development framework that allows writing automated acceptance tests in plain language. It executes tests written in its own language called Gherkin. Each Cucumber feature file describes a single feature or scenario using keywords like Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then. Benefits of Cucumber include involving business stakeholders through human-readable tests, focusing on end-user experience, and easier code reuse and test execution.

new languagescucumber
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Slides from my talk on Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop - delivered at PSTC 2018

analyticsbig dataconsumer
Sharing the pain using Protractor
Sharing the pain using ProtractorSharing the pain using Protractor
Sharing the pain using Protractor

Slides from my talk in Selenium Conference 2016 about "Sharing the pain with Protractor & Selenium WebDriver" See blog for more information - http://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/2016/06/sharing-pain-using-protractor.html My blog: http://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com

patterntestingtest automation
JUST KIDDING!!! - Of course, NO!!
-  Maps, Use Soft-asserts (intelligently), phantomJS
-  Quick(er) root-cause analysis
-  Reports
-  Easier debugging
-  How many and where to put “assertions”?
-  Faster test execution
-  Parallel Test execution
-  Implement View tests (html specs)
q  Choose tech-stack based on context
q  Experiment & Fail-Fast!
q  Proper Cost-Value evaluation
q  Manage Risk (what to automate – now / later, and what NOT
to automate)
q  Keep learning & sharing – new and better solutions
q  Evolve
Page Objects – Google - https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/PageObjects
Page Objects – Martin Fowler - http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html
Perils of Page-Object Pattern – Anand Bagmar -
Protractor – https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/e2e-testing,
Learn Protractor for Angular – ‪https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial
Sample project – ‪https://github.com/NikithaIyer/angular-phonecat-e2e

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Protractor: Tips & Tricks
Protractor: Tips & TricksProtractor: Tips & Tricks
Protractor: Tips & Tricks

The document discusses best practices, tips, performance, and debugging strategies for Protractor, an end-to-end testing framework for AngularJS applications. It addresses common problems like unknown window sizes, fragile tests due to small HTML changes, and long test run times. Solutions include setting the window size before tests, using page objects to abstract the HTML, enabling sharding to run tests in parallel, and integrating with IDEs for debugging. The tips are from Sergey Bolshchikov, a developer advocate and creator of resources for front-end developers.

Protractor Training - Online training On Skype
Protractor Training - Online training On Skype Protractor Training - Online training On Skype
Protractor Training - Online training On Skype

Angularjs Protractor Training in viman nagar,just only in 8k. let's call us on 8652457999 for more information. We have provided basic information in ppt, you can get more in training. we provide 100+ examples which make you perfect in Protractor. We also provide corporate training. We have already provided multiple corporate training in multiple offices. You can learn online

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Discuss continuous integration for database projects, including building project, deploying project to database, and executing unit tests and functional tests. This presentation will also discuss database test standards, tips and tricks.

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Sharing (less) Pain of using Protractor & WebDriver

  • 1. SHARING (LESS) PAIN – PROTRACTOR & WEBDRIVER Anand Bagmar Software Quality Evangelist
  • 8. TEAM OWNS QUALITY Testing ≠ Testers Quality is a Team Responsibility
  • 10. OPTIONS LOOKED AT q WebDriver-Java q Cucumber-JVM / Cucumber-Ruby q WebDriver-JS q Protractor
  • 13. CHALLENGES - JAVASCRIPT What is Test Automation? Synchronous, Step-by-Step execution ASynchronous Callbacks & Promises! Power of JavaScript?
  • 14. CHALLENGES – PATH TO PRODUCTION Local -  Mac OS -  Vagrant (Open SuSe) CI Environment -  Build -  Unit Tests -  Integration -  End-2-End (E2E) -  Performance Sandbox / QA -  Exploratory -  Demos -  Client-pre-setups Production
  • 15. CHALLENGES – BROWSER (& OS) SUPPORT Browser / Driver Why? Challenges phantomJS Headless execution -  easier for developers -  Seamless CI integration -  Officially not recommended by Protractor Chrome -  End-user requirement -  Excellent for development & testing -  Certain elements “not visible” – though worked with Firefox Firefox -  End-user requirement -  Worked locally -  Worked in CI – in headless (xvfb), but NOT for maps -  Worked in headless mode (xvfb) in vagrant
  • 16. CHALLENGES – BUILD TOOL INTEGRATION Gulp-angular-protractor Gulp-protractor Protractor Selenium-WebDriver Gulp
  • 17. CHALLENGES - ANGULAR Type Example Angular Directives Ex: ng-repeat, ng-model Custom Directives Ex: third party libraries providing multi-column select, Sliders for range, Charts Working with non-Angular Ex: Login, Admin
  • 18. CHALLENGES - DEBUGGING Setting breakpoints while handling promises
  • 21. SOLUTIONS – SIMPLIFY BUILD TOOL INTEGRATION Protractor Selenium-WebDriver Gulp
  • 22. SOLUTIONS – DETERMINISTIC TEST DATA q Same Test Data in all environments / tenants q  Minimal Environment specific configuration q Intelligent ‘before’ & ‘after’ setups
  • 23. SOLUTIONS – UTILITIES Page functions -  Common behavior -  Non-angular Screenshots with counters, per spec Unique output directory names JS Console warnings & errors Map & Chart functions CSV, Zip file loader Modals & Alerts File Upload File Download Head & Head-less execution Configurations
  • 24. SOLUTIONS - LEARN •  JavaScript •  Angular •  Protractor
  • 25. DID WE SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS? JUST KIDDING!!! - Of course, NO!! -  Maps, Use Soft-asserts (intelligently), phantomJS -  Quick(er) root-cause analysis -  Reports -  Easier debugging -  How many and where to put “assertions”? -  Faster test execution -  Parallel Test execution -  Implement View tests (html specs) YES!!!
  • 26. OUR TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS PAIN & GAIN! q  Choose tech-stack based on context q  Experiment & Fail-Fast! q  Proper Cost-Value evaluation q  Manage Risk (what to automate – now / later, and what NOT to automate) q  Keep learning & sharing – new and better solutions q  Evolve 26
  • 27. REFERENCES Page Objects – Google - https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/PageObjects Page Objects – Martin Fowler - http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html Perils of Page-Object Pattern – Anand Bagmar - http://essenceoftesting.blogspot.in/2014/09/perils-of-page-object-pattern.html Protractor – https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/e2e-testing, ‪http://www.protractortest.org/#/ Learn Protractor for Angular – ‪https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial Sample project – ‪https://github.com/NikithaIyer/angular-phonecat-e2e