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Svoboda | Graniru | BBC Russia | Golosameriki | Facebook
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Nikitha Iyer
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
Why are you here?
Case Study

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The what, why and how of web analytics testing
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The what, why and how of web analytics testing

Slides from my talk in UNICOM's Next Generation Testing Conference on 13th December in Bangalore on "The What, Why and How of Web Analytics Testing". This is based on my open-source tool - WAAT. More information about the talk is available here: http://goo.gl/FxISG Information about WAAT is available here: http://goo.gl/oUNHU

waatthoughtworkssoftware testing
Selenium with protractor
Selenium with protractorSelenium with protractor
Selenium with protractor

This document discusses Selenium with Protractor for testing Angular applications. It covers the necessary prerequisites like Node.js, Java, NPM. It also discusses configurations, locators, debugging, reporting and the differences between using traditional Selenium locators vs Angular locators in Protractor.

Better End-to-End Testing with Page Objects Model using Protractor
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Better End-to-End Testing with Page Objects Model using Protractor

This presentation focuses on implementing Page Objects Model using Protractor for AngularJS apps for more maintainable, reusable and flexible end-to-end testing for your project. The presentations was done at 99X Technology as a Tech Talk session done by Team Finale.

page objectsend-to-end testingprotractor

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Protractor Tutorial Quality in Agile 2015
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Protractor Tutorial Quality in Agile 2015

Andrew Eisenberg gives an overview of UI testing with Protractor. He discusses installing and running Protractor, writing basic tests, more complex test scenarios using page objects and promises, debugging tips, and considerations around when and how to use Protractor for UI testing AngularJS applications. While Protractor is a powerful tool, he notes it has limitations and maintenance costs, and manual testing may be better for unstable UIs and use cases in flux.

Protractor overview
Protractor overviewProtractor overview
Protractor overview

The document discusses Protractor, an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. It provides an overview of Protractor, how it differs from Selenium WebDriver, how to install and configure it, how to write tests using the Page Object Model pattern, and how to structure tests into suites and specs. Key aspects covered include Protractor's Angular-specific features, use of Jasmine, and capabilities like multi-browser testing.

hello seleniumprotractorautomationtesting
What is WAAT?
What is WAAT?What is WAAT?
What is WAAT?

I presented "What is WAAT" in "vodQA - Chennai" conference in Jan 2012. This is the slide deck I used. I walked through what is web analytics, and then how WAAT can be used to automate the testing of the web analytics tags being reported from the client browser.

waatsoftware testingautomation
Why Protractor?
Testing ≠ Testers
Quality is a Team Responsibility
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Web Service
Manual / Exploratory

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Cucumber ppt
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Cucumber ppt

Automated testing is important to reduce the time and costs of manual testing. Cucumber is a behavior-driven development framework that allows writing automated acceptance tests in plain language. It executes tests written in its own language called Gherkin. Each Cucumber feature file describes a single feature or scenario using keywords like Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then. Benefits of Cucumber include involving business stakeholders through human-readable tests, focusing on end-user experience, and easier code reuse and test execution.

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Protractor training
Protractor trainingProtractor training
Protractor training

This document discusses end-to-end testing with Protractor.js. It introduces Protractor and describes how it can be used to test Angular applications directly within browsers using WebDriverJS. It also discusses best practices like using page object patterns to organize tests and hide implementation details. Key aspects covered include setting up tests, writing maintainable page objects, and decomposing pages into reusable sections and fields.

software testingjavascriptpage-object
Introduction to Protractor
Introduction to ProtractorIntroduction to Protractor
Introduction to Protractor

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications built on top of Selenium WebDriver. It runs tests against an application in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would. Protractor provides AngularJS-specific APIs and tools to help with debugging on top of WebDriverJS. Functional tests are the foundation of quality but should be isolated and decoupled from the UI using patterns like page objects. Protractor is ready to use today for testing AngularJS applications.

protractortestingfunctional tests
q Cucumber-JVM / Cucumber-Ruby
q WebDriver-JS
q Protractor
What is Test Automation?
Step-by-Step execution
Callbacks & Promises!
Power of JavaScript?

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Using The Page Object Pattern
Using The Page Object PatternUsing The Page Object Pattern
Using The Page Object Pattern

Creating automated functional tests of your web application with Selenium IDE is quick and easy, but leads to massive duplication in your test scripts. See why this duplication is a problem, and how to address it using a simple design pattern called the Page Object.

APIs: A Better Alternative to Page Objects
APIs: A Better Alternative to Page ObjectsAPIs: A Better Alternative to Page Objects
APIs: A Better Alternative to Page Objects

APIs are proposed as an alternative to page objects for reducing repetition, improving maintenance and readability in tests. APIs abstract the test code away from the page structure by making calls to functions that interact with the system under test via its API. While APIs can improve tests, they require close cooperation from developers to implement and do not completely replace page objects due to upfront costs.

Protractor survival guide
Protractor survival guideProtractor survival guide
Protractor survival guide

This document provides an overview of end-to-end testing with Protractor by summarizing various terminology, demonstrating example tests, and discussing continuous integration practices. It defines key Angular and testing concepts like directives, dependency injection, Jasmine, and WebDriver. Example tests are shown for a calculator app and a mock Facebook app. Continuous integration is discussed in the context of running Protractor tests within Docker containers as part of the software delivery pipeline.

Browser / Driver Why? Challenges
phantomJS Headless execution
-  easier for developers
-  Seamless CI
-  Officially not
recommended by
Chrome -  End-user
-  Excellent for
development &
-  Certain elements
“not visible” – though
worked with Firefox
Firefox -  End-user
-  Worked locally
-  Worked in CI – in
headless (xvfb), but
NOT for maps
-  Worked in headless
mode (xvfb) in
Type Example
Angular Directives Ex: ng-repeat, ng-model
Custom Directives Ex: third party libraries providing
multi-column select, Sliders for
range, Charts
Working with non-Angular Ex: Login, Admin
Setting breakpoints while handling promises

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Better Page Object Handling with Loadable Component Pattern
Better Page Object Handling with Loadable Component PatternBetter Page Object Handling with Loadable Component Pattern
Better Page Object Handling with Loadable Component Pattern

This document discusses the Loadable Component pattern for improving page object handling in Selenium tests. It begins with an introduction to page object patterns and common failures. It then covers topics like wait strategies in Selenium, the LoadableComponent and SlowLoadableComponent patterns, and implementing these patterns on an existing project. Examples are provided in Java of how to update base page classes and page object classes to use these patterns. Common failures like brittle tests are also discussed.

sqa days 20
Protractor end-to-end testing framework for angular js
Protractor   end-to-end testing framework for angular jsProtractor   end-to-end testing framework for angular js
Protractor end-to-end testing framework for angular js

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications that runs tests against a real browser, interacting with the application as a user would. It is built on WebDriverJS and uses native events and browser-specific drivers to test asynchronous behavior and support for AngularJS. Protractor tests can run in any browser and interact directly with page elements rather than testing JavaScript code.

angularjs testingprotractor end-to-end testing framework for angula
AngularJS and Protractor
AngularJS and ProtractorAngularJS and Protractor
AngularJS and Protractor

This document provides an overview of Protractor, an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. It discusses prerequisites for setting up Protractor, including installing Node.js and Java. Steps are outlined for configuring Protractor, writing a first test, and running tests. Code examples are also shown for interacting with Angular elements in tests using Protractor capabilities. The document aims to demonstrate the basics of Protractor through a simple todo application example and code snippets.

Overcoming the
q Same Test Data in all environments / tenants
q  Minimal Environment specific configuration
q Intelligent ‘before’ & ‘after’ setups

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Carmen Popoviciu - Protractor styleguide | Codemotion Milan 2015
Carmen Popoviciu - Protractor styleguide | Codemotion Milan 2015Carmen Popoviciu - Protractor styleguide | Codemotion Milan 2015
Carmen Popoviciu - Protractor styleguide | Codemotion Milan 2015

In this talk, I would like to speak about best practices for writing e2e tests with Protractor. The styleguide that I will introduce, is a joint initiative of mine and @andresdom from Google. Some of the subjects that will be covered include why e2e testing is important, what e2e tests should cover, naming conventions, selector strategies, page objects, helper objects and performance considerations. That and lots of smileys obviously, because we wanted to smiley all the things ...right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Automated Web Testing using JavaScript
Automated Web Testing using JavaScriptAutomated Web Testing using JavaScript
Automated Web Testing using JavaScript

Session from GIDS 2014, showing how to do automated Web testing using a variety of JavaScript frameworks, including QUnit, Jasmine, Protractor, Selenium, and PhantomJS

Protractor: Tips & Tricks
Protractor: Tips & TricksProtractor: Tips & Tricks
Protractor: Tips & Tricks

The document discusses best practices, tips, performance, and debugging strategies for Protractor, an end-to-end testing framework for AngularJS applications. It addresses common problems like unknown window sizes, fragile tests due to small HTML changes, and long test run times. Solutions include setting the window size before tests, using page objects to abstract the HTML, enabling sharding to run tests in parallel, and integrating with IDEs for debugging. The tips are from Sergey Bolshchikov, a developer advocate and creator of resources for front-end developers.

Page functions
-  Common behavior
-  Non-angular
Screenshots with
Unique output
directory names
JS Console warnings
& errors
Chart functions
CSV loader
Modals & Alerts
File Upload
File Download
Custom Locators
•  JavaScript
•  Angular
•  Protractor
Of course, NO!!
-  Maps
-  Reports
-  How many and where to put “assertions”?
-  Use Soft-asserts
q  Choose tech-stack based on context
q  Experiment & Fail-Fast!
q  Proper Cost-Value evaluation
q  Manage Risk (what to automate – now / later, and what NOT
to automate)
q  Keep learning & sharing – new and better solutions

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Test Data - Food for your Test Automation Framework
Test Data - Food for your Test Automation FrameworkTest Data - Food for your Test Automation Framework
Test Data - Food for your Test Automation Framework

Slides from my talk in Selenium Conference 2016, Bangalore Blog post: http://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/2016/06/test-data-food-for-test-automation.html Abstract: Building a Test Automation Framework is easy - there are so many resources / guides / blogs / etc. available to help you get started and help solve the issues you get along the journey. Teams already building 1000s of tests of various types - UI, web service-based, integration, unit, etc. is a proof of that. However, building a "good" Test Automation Framework is not very easy. There are a lot of principles and practices you need to use, in the right context, with a good set of skills required to make the Test Automation Framework maintainable, scalable and reusable. In this talk, we will focus on one of the critical aspects and patterns in building the Test Automation framework - Test Data! We will look at different data patterns as options and techniques how to create, manage, use, reuse Test Data in a way to keep the tests running in an reliable and deterministic way. We will also discuss what questions to ask, what things to think about in selecting your approach for Test Data! This discussion will be applicable for any type of Test Automation (web / mobile / desktop), but, we will focus primarily on UI automation frameworks, ex. using Selenium. Video & blog post will be linked soon!

contextsoftware testingautomation
Automating Web Analytics
Automating Web AnalyticsAutomating Web Analytics
Automating Web Analytics

Slides from workshop conducted at ThoughtWorks, Pune in vodQA, on Sat, 27th August, 2016. Workshop Facilitators - Anand Bagmar, Smriti Tuteja, Pallipuspa Samal, Rohit Singhal, S Ramalingam, Shilpa G More information about vodQA, and this workshop can be found from the following links - https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/2016/08/vodqa-pune-less-talk-only-action-agenda.html https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/search/label/vodQA https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/search/label/waat

Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance TestingClient-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

Slides from my 4-hour workshop on Client-Side Performance Testing conducted at Phoenix, AZ in STPCon 2017 (March). Workshop Takeaways: Understand difference between is Performance Testing and Performance Engineering. Hand’s on experience of some open-source tools to monitor, measure and automate Client-side Performance Testing. Examples / code walk-through of some ways to automate Client-side Performance Testing. See blog for more details - https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/2017/03/workshop-client-side-performance.html

Page Objects – Google - https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/PageObjects
Page Objects – Martin Fowler - http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html
Perils of Page-Object Pattern – Anand Bagmar -
Protractor – https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/e2e-testing,
Learn Protractor for Angular – ‪https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial
Sample project – ‪https://github.com/NikithaIyer/angular-phonecat-e2e

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NYC 26-Jun-2024 Combined Presentations.pdf
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Sharing the pain using Protractor

  • 1. SHARING THE PAIN – PROTRACTOR & WEBDRIVER Nikitha Iyer Developer Anand Bagmar Software Quality Evangelist
  • 3. Why are you here?
  • 11. TEAM OWNS QUALITY Testing ≠ Testers Quality is a Team Responsibility
  • 12. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Component Integration View Web Service UI Manual / Exploratory P e r f o r m a n c e S e c u r i t y Accessibility TEST PYRAMID
  • 14. OPTIONS LOOKED AT q Cucumber-JVM / Cucumber-Ruby q WebDriver-JS q Protractor
  • 16. CHALLENGES - JAVASCRIPT What is Test Automation? Synchronous, Step-by-Step execution ASynchronous Callbacks & Promises! Power of JavaScript?
  • 17. CHALLENGES – BROWSER (& OS) SUPPORT Browser / Driver Why? Challenges phantomJS Headless execution -  easier for developers -  Seamless CI integration -  Officially not recommended by Protractor Chrome -  End-user requirement -  Excellent for development & testing -  Certain elements “not visible” – though worked with Firefox Firefox -  End-user requirement -  Worked locally -  Worked in CI – in headless (xvfb), but NOT for maps -  Worked in headless mode (xvfb) in vagrant
  • 18. CHALLENGES – BUILD TOOL INTEGRATION Gulp-angular-protractor Gulp-protractor Protractor Selenium-WebDriver Gulp
  • 19. CHALLENGES - ANGULAR Type Example Angular Directives Ex: ng-repeat, ng-model Custom Directives Ex: third party libraries providing multi-column select, Sliders for range, Charts Working with non-Angular Ex: Login, Admin
  • 20. CHALLENGES - DEBUGGING Setting breakpoints while handling promises
  • 23. SOLUTIONS – SIMPLIFY BUILD TOOL INTEGRATION Protractor Selenium-WebDriver Gulp
  • 24. SOLUTIONS – DETERMINISTIC TEST DATA q Same Test Data in all environments / tenants q  Minimal Environment specific configuration q Intelligent ‘before’ & ‘after’ setups
  • 25. SOLUTIONS – UTILITIES Page functions -  Common behavior -  Non-angular Screenshots with counters Unique output directory names JS Console warnings & errors Chart functions CSV loader Modals & Alerts File Upload File Download Custom Locators Configurations
  • 26. SOLUTIONS - LEARN •  JavaScript •  Angular •  Protractor
  • 27. DID WE SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS? JUST KIDDING!!! Of course, NO!! -  Maps -  Reports -  How many and where to put “assertions”? -  Use Soft-asserts YES!!!
  • 28. OUR TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS PAIN & GAIN! q  Choose tech-stack based on context q  Experiment & Fail-Fast! q  Proper Cost-Value evaluation q  Manage Risk (what to automate – now / later, and what NOT to automate) q  Keep learning & sharing – new and better solutions 28
  • 29. REFERENCES Page Objects – Google - https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/PageObjects Page Objects – Martin Fowler - http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html Perils of Page-Object Pattern – Anand Bagmar - http://essenceoftesting.blogspot.in/2014/09/perils-of-page-object-pattern.html Protractor – https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/e2e-testing, ‪http://www.protractortest.org/#/ Learn Protractor for Angular – ‪https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial Sample project – ‪https://github.com/NikithaIyer/angular-phonecat-e2e