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Snapshot of TW Consumer
Behaviors May 2024
Releases on May 31, 2024
The focus of data:
⚫Intension of cooking or dining out under the influence of food safety issues
⚫New consuming behavior following up
Upcoming Event-Conference of “Sustainability and
Consumer Behavior 2024” on Aug. 2
EOL Group Survey
Method: EOL Group - EOLembrain Online Member Survey
Effective sample size: 1,000, 20-59 years old
Survey Period: May 2024
Intension of cooking or dining
out under the influence of
food safety issues
EOL Group x Weekly Index Survey in Taiwan
Method: EOL Group - EOLembrain Online Member Survey
Effective sample size: 500, 20-59 years old
EOL database of Social Viewing and listening System
Survey Period: 2024/03/01~2024/05/30
Scope: Whole Internet
Several food safety incidents exploded in March, still having certain response
on Internet in April
EOL database of Social Viewing and listening System shows that the online discussion response reached to peaks in the past 90 days as shown in
the following:
In early March, the peak comes from the Sudan Dyes Scandal. The government ordered to stop using chili powder in school meals, which triggers
extensive online discussions. At the end of March, another peak surpassed the one in early March, which is caused by the Baolin Tea House
poisoning incident. The subsequent deaths of the victims caused public outrage, leading to a surge in online discussion that continued into April.
Source: EOL database of Social Viewing and listening System Period of data collection: 2024/03/01~2024/05/30
Discussion response in food safety issues
【Gossiping】Will anyone step down
and take responsibility for this food
safety incident?
Newtalk News>Society
Baolin Tea House Poisoning Cause 2 deaths/
passed away within several hours… Healthy
person poisons “ if not in a large amount
then it is hypertoxic.”: One indicator to
determine the source
Sudan dyes scandals at the beginning and Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incident at the end of the month
Food safety incidents happen subsequently, even at chain brands.
What do consumers care about? How should brands to gain more trust
from consumers?
In recent years, food safety issues in Taiwan have been
rampant, leading consumers to concern more about
the quality and safety of their food. The problems such
as improper preservation of ingredients, excessive
additives, or the inclusion of harmful substances, not
only affect consumers' health but also damage the
reputation of brands. Particularly, the recent food
safety incidents have caused irreparable loss for some
families. When facing these challenges, what can
brands do to restore consumer confidence?
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
Dining out becomes the daily life of consumers in Taiwan, hence food safety
issues bring great impact
The result data of EOL Group Survey in May shows that over 40% of consumers dine out in breakfast time, which indicates that
consumers require convenience and rapidness in breakfast time. About the lunch, over 60% of consumers tend to dine out, which may
be due to the short lunch break and variety of restaurants. While about the dinner, only 31.6% of them dine out. Generally, dining out is
the common choice for most of consumers in daily life. Hence, it can be imaged how much impact would be brought to consumers
when the dining out is unsafe.
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
The proportion of consumers’
preference to dine out for three meals (N=1000)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
61% of consumers prefer dining out, while over 40% of them dine out for breakfast.
Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incidents affect the dining out
behavior of consumers
The changes in the EOL long-term survey of dining types of consumers indicate that: when Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incidents
happened and escalated situation in early April, fewer consumers chose to dine out with the decreased proportion in the choice of
“dinner types on last Saturday night”, while the proportion of “cook at home” increased staring from April 1st. It can be seen that
consumers started to cook at home instead of dining out since they worry about dining out due to food safety issues.
EOL Group x Macromill Weekly Index Asia Survey in Taiwan, N=500, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey
※Period: from 01/08/2024 to 05/20/2024
Dinner Types on Last Saturday Night (choose all that apply) (N=500)
0108 0115 0122 0129 0205 0219 0226 0304 0311 0318 0325 0401 0408 0415 0422 0429 0506 0513
Cook at home Dine out (include take out and food delivery) Did not eat last Saturday night
[Exclusive News] 2 consumers dining
at the popular vegan restaurant at
Feds XINYI A13, doubt to have food
poisoning and cause one death
-FINN News
March 25, 2024
During the time with food safety issues, the proportion of dining out on Saturday decreases 5.2%
Concerning food safety issues, 20% of consumers turn to cooking at home
Will consumer change their choice of dining out or cooking at home after the Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incidents happened?
The data result of the EOL Online survey shows that: 60% of consumers maintain their habit of dining out and cooking at home
while 20.7% of them have a higher proportion of cooking at home. To have a further analysis from the aspect of age, consumers
over 50 years old have a proportion of 26.5% in cooking more frequently at home, whose proportion is higher than other
generations. It indicates that consumers of elderly ages care more about the health risks from food safety issues.
Proportion of “cooking at home”of Consumers after Food Safety Issues
20.7% 14.8%
23.0% 18.5%
60.7% 66.7%
15.8% 21.3% 16.3% 14.8% 10.9%
More frequent Maintain Less frequent
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
The 50s have the highest proportion of changing their behavior with 26.5%,
while 60% of consumers maintain their dining-out habits
Cooking behavior changes by consumers caused by food safety issues
When facing food safety issues, what kinds of changes will consumers have in cooking behavior? The result of the EOL Oline Survey shows that:
“cook for each day/each meal (reduce having leftovers)” is the change that most consumers currently have(27.8%), followed by “choose whole food”(26.9%),
and “choose the trustworthy store for buying food”(25.9%). It indicates that consumers control their food resources more carefully, choosing whole food
instead, and caring more about freshly cooked meals. A further analysis from the aspect of age shows that consumers in their 20s have a higher proportion of
“choose the trustworthy store for buying food”(29.1%) while consumers in their 50s are more strict with the overall food preparation process: they prefer to
cook at home by themselves (27.0%), prepare the ingredients cautiously (30.0%), and reduce the having raw food(25.2%).
It is worth noting that the proportions of controlling the cooking portion and choosing to use whole food are growing with the age of consumers.
After food safety issues, changes of cooking habits or behaviors
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
27.8% 26.9% 25.9%
23.6% 22.1% 20.9% 20.4%
30.0% 27.0% 25.2%
Overall (N=1000)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
27.8% of consumers reduce eating overnight leftovers,
while the 50s have strict standards to the food
The food safety issues not only come from the restaurant but also the condiment that contain toxic substances. What factors do consumers consider
when buying condiments? EOL Survey realizes that the“best date before/production date”(38.8%) will be the factor most consumers care about,
followed by the“good brand image”(28.5%) and the“accustomed brands”(26.8%), which shows that the long-term accumulated reputation of
brands does have a certain effect.
Additionally, consumers in different generations have different considerations: the 20s have a larger preference in considering prices, with the
proportion of choosing “low price”and “accustomed brands”being 20.0% and 19.6% respectively, which indicates that younger consumers have
price and promotions orientation. Contrarily, the 50s care more about the “domestic/local ingredients(30.0%)”, “popular brands(30.0%)” and “all-
Prior factors that will be considered when choosing condiments
after food safety issues (choose all that apply)
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
28.5% 26.8% 26.7%
24.3% 23.8% 23.3% 23.3%
17.3% 16.2%
13.0% 11.8%
8.0% 7.2%
4.1% 3.8%
20.0% 19.6%
30.0% 30.0% 29.1%
Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230)
30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
Best before date and brands are the most important for buying condiments
30% of the 50s prefer to have popular brands while the 20s are attracted by
the promotion
What factors will consumers take into consideration when selecting a dining-out restaurant after the food safety issues? It is realized from the survey
result that:“the cleanliness of the restaurant”will be considered by most consumers(46.8%), followed by“accustomed brands/restaurants”(28.7%)
and (cleanliness of the cooking space”(27.9%). It can be seen that visible cleanliness is the prior consideration for consumers to select the
dining-out channels. Further analysis from the aspect of age shows that consumers in their 20s and 30s care more about Google Reviews (26.1%,
24.8%), which means that young consumers more highly value online reviews and comment. Consumers in their 50s care more about the
“Cleanliness of kitchen/cooking space(33.9%)”,“good brand image(24.3%)”, and“implement putting on a mask during the whole process for all
staff(21.3%). In other words, they are concerned about brand reputation and specific measures of environmental hygiene.
Considered factors for selecting dining-out brands
after the food safety issues(choose all that apply)
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
28.7% 27.9%
17.9% 17.5% 17.2%
14.5% 14.3% 14.3% 14.2% 13.0% 11.4% 11.3% 10.0% 8.8%
24.3% 21.3%
Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230)
30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
“Visible cleanliness”will be the priority for selecting dining-out brands
46.8% of consumers value cleanliness in store, while the young care
about online reviews
As a brand, what can be done to enhance consumers’confidence when facing the concerns of food from consumers? EOL Group realizes that
consumers care about the visible inspection proof and transparent management process: “show the good transport/preservation
equipment/environment of food”(55.7%),“proactively present the food inspection certificate”(53.3%), and“implement putting on marks during
the whole process for all staff”(53.2%) are chosen by most consumers; while the proportions of other measures also reach over 50%. In
contrast, expert endorsements or authentications have less influence on consumer confidence in food safety, with only 14.6% of consumers
feeling reassured by them. In other words, consumers want to see brands actively demonstrating concrete actions showing their
commitment to food safety.
About the food safety concerns, what can a brand do to
enhance the confidence of consumers(choose all that apply)
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
55.7% 53.3% 53.2% 52.6% 52.2% 52.1% 50.1%
Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230)
30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
Transparent food management process can enhance consumers' confidence
Over 50% of consumers trust visible inspection proof and actual measures
they can see.
For the brands with food safety concerns, what should they do to regain the trust of consumers? The survey result shows that: focusing on food management is a
relatively persuasive method, such as "proactively presenting food inspection certificate" (55.0%), "show the good transport/preservation equipment/environment
of food " (51.7%), and "proactively show food sources" (50.8%) are highly effective. Additionally, more than 40% of consumers think measures related to
environment cleansing and control, such as maintaining cleansing and disinfection measures, having sign of environmental regular sanitization, and
transparent kitchens, help enhance confidence. In contrast, only 27.7% of consumers accept public apologies, and a mere 16.5% are attracted by promotional
By analyzing age differences, it is found that consumers in their 20s have a higher proportion of agreement with "obtain reliable certification marks" (46.5%).
Consumers in their 40s prefer"proactively presenting food sources" (60.4%), while those in their 50s value more about "signs of environmental regular sanitization"
What can be done for the brand with food safety concerns
to gain trust of consumers (choose all that apply)
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
55.0% 51.7% 50.8%
46.1% 44.3% 43.0% 42.2% 40.8%
16.9% 16.5%
Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230)
30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
Strict control of the ingredients and hygiene can help the brand with food
safety issues regain confidence
The 40s care about the sources of food while the 50s value the regular sanitization of the environment
KEY TAKEAWAY Observation and Suggestion
Increase the frequency of cooking at home, be more cautious from food preparation to the freshness
of each meal, and choose the popular brands of condiments
After the food safety issues, 20% of consumers say their frequency of cooking at home has increased. In addition to controlling
the food sources more cautiously and choosing whole food instead of processed ones, they place more importance on having
freshly cooked food, and not cooking all the food once for several days for convenience. Generally, consumers are more cautious
about the food from selecting, purchasing, preparing to eating. Additionally, in the selection of condiments, consumers prefer to
choose the brands that they trust or are familiar with, hence the long-term accumulated reputation of the brand has a certain
effect, making their consumers less willing to try new brands or switch from their usual ones.
Consumers want all things visible, so“the visible cleanliness and the specific control process”are
the keys to gaining the trust of consumers
When choosing the restaurant for dining or taking out, the vision is the most instant judgment, and therefore, the cleanliness
in the store is the decisive factor; additionally, the clean kitchen and food preparation area, or the perfect food preservation that
can be presented can also help attract more consumers. For younger consumers, online reviews and comment can be
Facing food safety issues, use concrete actions to gain the trust of consumers, and control of
ingredients and hygiene are the most effective.
In light of major food safety concerns recently, superficial marketing and risk management are insufficient to restore brand
credibility or attract consumers back. Consumers want to see concrete actions from brands demonstrating their
commitment to food safety, such as presenting food inspection certificates or showing transparent control processes (including
the preservation, handling, and preparation of food). Therefore, for brands already with food safety concerns, public apologies or
promotions hold little significance for consumers. Only tangible actions can regain the trust of consumers.
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
Tracking Survey to New
Consuming Behaviors
• Survey to the usage ratio of new consuming behavior
• Consumer’s Hot Topics
EOL Group Survey
Method: EOL Group - EOLembrain Online Member Survey
Effective sample size: 1,000,20-59 years old
Online Payment
streaming video services,
such as Netflix, iQIYI,
CatchPlay, etc.
Going to gym or sports
classroom, such as
boxing, yoga, TRX,
Fitness Equipment
Posting IG Stories
Of all the respondents aged 20 to 59, what were the levels of utilization of various consumer behaviors in the past month?
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
Survey to the usage ratio of new consuming behavior
Online payment usage decreased slightly.
TikTok video
Accessing LINE
Shopping Group
Delivery App
Use online
bank account
20% 34% 4% 25%
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd
No change
No change
2% 1% 2%
Hot Topics Among Consumers in May
Whether it’s in person, via text message, or sharing on social media platforms, what topics did consumers
proactively share with friends in May ?
EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOL embrain Online Member Survey (May 2024)
*Sorted according to the proportion of May.
Apr. 48%
nal Issues
19% 18%
© Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
EOL Group is outstanding in consumer
marketing research in Taiwan.
With rich expertise in consumer market
research, EOL Group has developed massive
databases and utilizes AI to deepen its
research, enabling it to grasp the real
changes in industries and consumers.
Companies in Taiwan Company in China
36 years
96 thousand
Member of Macromill
Weekly index Asia
Annual Trend seminar
Taiwan Consumption
Demands Research
Research to changes of consumption
trends, values and lifestyles
Big Data Research
Research on sales using data of
issued invoices
Research on word-of-mouth
among communities
Online Survey
Solid, fast and precise
identification of
registered members
Trend Seminar
EOL Consumer Research Team
Teams and Experts
from Diverse Fields
Marketing Suggestion
Conquering the blind spots
E-ICP consumer profile for 36 years
The Online Survey Database with
200,000 Registered Members
Offline Qualitative and Quantitative
Teams with practical experience composed
of Experts from fields including:
1.Trned Study 2.Communication
3.Brand Marketing
4.Consumer Behaviors
Precise database
Effective and feasible strategic proposals
Integrated marketing and communication
services could be offered using resources
of the Group
Integrated Big
Database of E-invoice Sales Volumes
Shopping Area Evaluation Analysis
Social Viewing and listening System
Consumer sustainable behavior in 6 major industries
X ESG actual consumption information
Conference of “Sustainability and
Consumer Behavior 2024”
Coming soon!
From 2022, EOL cooperate with NCCU College of Commerce Sinyi School to
have“Business ESG Index Survey”and provide related information via the
conference, sharing the actual awareness and actions of consumers,
assisting entrepreneurs to have further understanding of consumers’
opinions, so as to keep optimizing the ESG Report and ESG strategies and
implementation, precisely manage the ESG business opportunities.
◼ Announcement of ESG consumer trend and index survey: Bei
Lien-Ti, Distinguished Professor of NCCU Department of Business
Administration/ Paul H.S. Tsai, CEO of EOL Group
◼ Kynote Speech/Forum of Big-name Enterprise: the presenter from
the brands will be invited to give a short presentation and forums for
experience sharing
Date: August 2, 2024
Time: 13:00~17:30
Location: Center for Public and Business
Administration Education, NCCU
Over 200 participants every year
are joint into the conference!
EOL Exclusive Research “Database of senior and silver-haired generation”
Door-to-door Senior and silver-haired generation survey in
Taiwan for 13 years.
The one and only research on the senior and silver-haired
generation in Taiwan for 13 years, includes various aspects such
as lifestyle, retirement, health conditions, concerns and cognition
related to aging, caregiving methods, home care equipment,
health supplements, etc.
For families, an in-depth understanding of the worries and cognition
of silver-haired groups can help provide better care for elderly family
members. For example, understanding home care equipment can
effectively enhance quality of life as well as ensure safety and comfort.
For businesses, accurate analysis of the senior and silver-haired
generation can help the industry in innovation, addressing consumer
concerns and pain points, and meeting real needs. Providing products
and services that "understand consumers better" can capture the
growing market opportunities presented by the silver-haired
Comprehensive exploration Senior silver-haired
generation research
Largest Scale
Including hundreds of items
of survey
Having long-lasting period
Yearly survey from 2011
Highest efficiency
Getting data easily from E-
Largest cost-efficiency
Saving a large amount of
budget for market research
Description of
lifestyle in all aspects
Trend analysis of
Consumer media
engagement analysis
Research on
considerations and
Steady expansion
into the market
market demand gaps
Expanding user
Increasing product
usage rate
Services of EOL
E-ICP Lifestyle Database
AI Public Opinion Database
Real-time Online Surveys with
Real-name Authentication
Exclusive Five Major Database
Qualitative and Quantitative Project Research
Focus Group Interview
One-on-one Ind-depth
Quantitative (online & offline)
Online Survey/Telephone Interview/
Interview at Households
Central Location Test (CLT)
Database for Sales Volumes from all Channels
EOL Social Viewing and listening System
Modeling of Prediction Model for Consumer Purchase Behaviors
Real Estate Land Prices and Building Valuations
Research of Shopping Area
Integrated Big Data Analysis Services
Customized Reports
Workshop for Creation of Business Opportunities
Consultancy Service for Brands and Trends
Trend Reports Looking for Solutions
E-invoice Database
Shopping Area Evaluation
Thank You
Eastern Online Co., Ltd.,7F., No. 306, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan
※ Do not cite, distribute, reprint, copy, and/or reproduce any
and/or all parts of the data and/or figures in this Document without
prior consent of EOL
Amanda Li / VGM #806
Grace Su / VGM #818
Casper Wang / Director #817
【Contacts for Business Cooperation】
Eastern Online Co., Ltd.:+886-2-2706-4865
Marketing Assistant Manager Ellie Chen #822
Research Director Hueimin Shih #807
【 Press Contact 】

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Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of December 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of December 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of December 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of November 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of November 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of November 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of November 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of October 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of October 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of October 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of October 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of September 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of August 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN)
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN)Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN)
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (EN)
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdfSnapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf
Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of July 2023-EOLiSurvey (JP).pdf

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Snapshot of Consumer Behaviors of May 2024-EOLiSurvey (EN).pdf

  • 1. 2024 Snapshot of TW Consumer Behaviors May 2024 Releases on May 31, 2024 The focus of data: ⚫Intension of cooking or dining out under the influence of food safety issues ⚫New consuming behavior following up Upcoming Event-Conference of “Sustainability and Consumer Behavior 2024” on Aug. 2
  • 2. PART 1 EOL Group Survey Method: EOL Group - EOLembrain Online Member Survey Effective sample size: 1,000, 20-59 years old Survey Period: May 2024 Intension of cooking or dining out under the influence of food safety issues EOL Group x Weekly Index Survey in Taiwan Method: EOL Group - EOLembrain Online Member Survey Effective sample size: 500, 20-59 years old EOL database of Social Viewing and listening System Survey Period: 2024/03/01~2024/05/30 Scope: Whole Internet
  • 3. 1 Several food safety incidents exploded in March, still having certain response on Internet in April EOL database of Social Viewing and listening System shows that the online discussion response reached to peaks in the past 90 days as shown in the following: In early March, the peak comes from the Sudan Dyes Scandal. The government ordered to stop using chili powder in school meals, which triggers extensive online discussions. At the end of March, another peak surpassed the one in early March, which is caused by the Baolin Tea House poisoning incident. The subsequent deaths of the victims caused public outrage, leading to a surge in online discussion that continued into April. Source: EOL database of Social Viewing and listening System Period of data collection: 2024/03/01~2024/05/30 Discussion response in food safety issues 20240301 20240303 20240305 20240307 20240309 20240311 20240313 20240315 20240317 20240319 20240321 20240323 20240325 20240327 20240329 20240331 20240402 20240404 20240406 20240408 20240410 20240412 20240414 20240416 20240418 20240420 20240422 20240424 20240426 20240428 20240430 20240502 20240504 20240506 20240508 20240510 20240512 20240514 20240516 20240518 20240520 20240522 20240524 20240526 20240528 20240530 3/08 PPT>Gossiping 【Gossiping】Will anyone step down and take responsibility for this food safety incident? 3/28 Newtalk News>Society Baolin Tea House Poisoning Cause 2 deaths/ passed away within several hours… Healthy person poisons “ if not in a large amount then it is hypertoxic.”: One indicator to determine the source Sudan dyes scandals at the beginning and Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incident at the end of the month
  • 4. Food safety incidents happen subsequently, even at chain brands. What do consumers care about? How should brands to gain more trust from consumers? In recent years, food safety issues in Taiwan have been rampant, leading consumers to concern more about the quality and safety of their food. The problems such as improper preservation of ingredients, excessive additives, or the inclusion of harmful substances, not only affect consumers' health but also damage the reputation of brands. Particularly, the recent food safety incidents have caused irreparable loss for some families. When facing these challenges, what can brands do to restore consumer confidence? EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 2 © Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
  • 5. 3 Dining out becomes the daily life of consumers in Taiwan, hence food safety issues bring great impact The result data of EOL Group Survey in May shows that over 40% of consumers dine out in breakfast time, which indicates that consumers require convenience and rapidness in breakfast time. About the lunch, over 60% of consumers tend to dine out, which may be due to the short lunch break and variety of restaurants. While about the dinner, only 31.6% of them dine out. Generally, dining out is the common choice for most of consumers in daily life. Hence, it can be imaged how much impact would be brought to consumers when the dining out is unsafe. EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 45.2% 61.0% 31.6% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Breakfast Lunch Dinner The proportion of consumers’ preference to dine out for three meals (N=1000) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. 61% of consumers prefer dining out, while over 40% of them dine out for breakfast.
  • 6. 4 Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incidents affect the dining out behavior of consumers The changes in the EOL long-term survey of dining types of consumers indicate that: when Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incidents happened and escalated situation in early April, fewer consumers chose to dine out with the decreased proportion in the choice of “dinner types on last Saturday night”, while the proportion of “cook at home” increased staring from April 1st. It can be seen that consumers started to cook at home instead of dining out since they worry about dining out due to food safety issues. EOL Group x Macromill Weekly Index Asia Survey in Taiwan, N=500, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey ※Period: from 01/08/2024 to 05/20/2024 Dinner Types on Last Saturday Night (choose all that apply) (N=500) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0108 0115 0122 0129 0205 0219 0226 0304 0311 0318 0325 0401 0408 0415 0422 0429 0506 0513 Cook at home Dine out (include take out and food delivery) Did not eat last Saturday night -5.2% +6.0% [Exclusive News] 2 consumers dining at the popular vegan restaurant at Feds XINYI A13, doubt to have food poisoning and cause one death -FINN News March 25, 2024 During the time with food safety issues, the proportion of dining out on Saturday decreases 5.2%
  • 7. 5 Concerning food safety issues, 20% of consumers turn to cooking at home Will consumer change their choice of dining out or cooking at home after the Baolin Tea House Poisoning Incidents happened? The data result of the EOL Online survey shows that: 60% of consumers maintain their habit of dining out and cooking at home while 20.7% of them have a higher proportion of cooking at home. To have a further analysis from the aspect of age, consumers over 50 years old have a proportion of 26.5% in cooking more frequently at home, whose proportion is higher than other generations. It indicates that consumers of elderly ages care more about the health risks from food safety issues. Proportion of “cooking at home”of Consumers after Food Safety Issues 20.7% 14.8% 23.0% 18.5% 26.5% 63.5% 63.9% 60.7% 66.7% 62.6% 15.8% 21.3% 16.3% 14.8% 10.9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Overall (N=1000) 20-29Y (N=230) 30-39Y (N=270) 40-49Y (N=270) 50-59Y (N=230) More frequent Maintain Less frequent EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. The 50s have the highest proportion of changing their behavior with 26.5%, while 60% of consumers maintain their dining-out habits
  • 8. Cooking behavior changes by consumers caused by food safety issues When facing food safety issues, what kinds of changes will consumers have in cooking behavior? The result of the EOL Oline Survey shows that: “cook for each day/each meal (reduce having leftovers)” is the change that most consumers currently have(27.8%), followed by “choose whole food”(26.9%), and “choose the trustworthy store for buying food”(25.9%). It indicates that consumers control their food resources more carefully, choosing whole food instead, and caring more about freshly cooked meals. A further analysis from the aspect of age shows that consumers in their 20s have a higher proportion of “choose the trustworthy store for buying food”(29.1%) while consumers in their 50s are more strict with the overall food preparation process: they prefer to cook at home by themselves (27.0%), prepare the ingredients cautiously (30.0%), and reduce the having raw food(25.2%). It is worth noting that the proportions of controlling the cooking portion and choosing to use whole food are growing with the age of consumers. After food safety issues, changes of cooking habits or behaviors EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 6 27.8% 26.9% 25.9% 23.6% 22.1% 20.9% 20.4% 8.3% 36.1% 29.1% 43.7% 30.0% 27.0% 25.2% Only cook for each day/each meal (reduce having leftovers) Choose whole food Choose the trustworthy store for buying food Be more cautious of the food cleaning/preparing process Increase the frequency of cooking by oneself Reduce having raw food Reduce using condiments or processed food Change the cooking types Bring no influence to me Overall (N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230) 30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270) 50-99Y(n=230) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. 27.8% of consumers reduce eating overnight leftovers, while the 50s have strict standards to the food
  • 9. The food safety issues not only come from the restaurant but also the condiment that contain toxic substances. What factors do consumers consider when buying condiments? EOL Survey realizes that the“best date before/production date”(38.8%) will be the factor most consumers care about, followed by the“good brand image”(28.5%) and the“accustomed brands”(26.8%), which shows that the long-term accumulated reputation of brands does have a certain effect. Additionally, consumers in different generations have different considerations: the 20s have a larger preference in considering prices, with the proportion of choosing “low price”and “accustomed brands”being 20.0% and 19.6% respectively, which indicates that younger consumers have price and promotions orientation. Contrarily, the 50s care more about the “domestic/local ingredients(30.0%)”, “popular brands(30.0%)” and “all- natural(29.1%)”. Prior factors that will be considered when choosing condiments after food safety issues (choose all that apply) EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 7 38.8% 28.5% 26.8% 26.7% 24.3% 23.8% 23.3% 23.3% 17.3% 16.2% 13.0% 11.8% 8.0% 7.2% 4.1% 3.8% 17.6% 20.0% 19.6% 30.0% 30.0% 29.1% Best date before/production … Good brand image Accustomed brands Have certificate label Domestic/local ingredients Traceable sources Popular brands All-natural Have promotions/ special offer Reduce/avoid food near expiration date Low price Type and texture of packing Recommended by relatives and friends Organic products Recommended by netizens Recommended by specialist No influence Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230) 30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270) 50-99Y(n=230) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. Best before date and brands are the most important for buying condiments 30% of the 50s prefer to have popular brands while the 20s are attracted by the promotion
  • 10. What factors will consumers take into consideration when selecting a dining-out restaurant after the food safety issues? It is realized from the survey result that:“the cleanliness of the restaurant”will be considered by most consumers(46.8%), followed by“accustomed brands/restaurants”(28.7%) and (cleanliness of the cooking space”(27.9%). It can be seen that visible cleanliness is the prior consideration for consumers to select the dining-out channels. Further analysis from the aspect of age shows that consumers in their 20s and 30s care more about Google Reviews (26.1%, 24.8%), which means that young consumers more highly value online reviews and comment. Consumers in their 50s care more about the “Cleanliness of kitchen/cooking space(33.9%)”,“good brand image(24.3%)”, and“implement putting on a mask during the whole process for all staff(21.3%). In other words, they are concerned about brand reputation and specific measures of environmental hygiene. Considered factors for selecting dining-out brands after the food safety issues(choose all that apply) EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 8 46.8% 28.7% 27.9% 20.8% 17.9% 17.5% 17.2% 14.5% 14.3% 14.3% 14.2% 13.0% 11.4% 11.3% 10.0% 8.8% 5.6% 2.0% 19.5% 26.1% 20.4% 24.8% 52.6% 33.9% 24.3% 21.3% Cleanliness in the store Accustomed brands/stores Cleanliness of kitchen/cooking space Types of food Google Reviews Good brand image Have the sign of environmental regular sanitization Type of cooking Low price Maintain cleansing and disinfection measures Implement putting on marks during the whole process for all staff Traceable sources of food Have promotion/special offer Popular brands/restaurants Certificate label Recommended by relatives and friends Recommended by netizens Recommended by specialist No influence to me Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230) 30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270) 50-99Y(n=230) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. “Visible cleanliness”will be the priority for selecting dining-out brands 46.8% of consumers value cleanliness in store, while the young care about online reviews
  • 11. As a brand, what can be done to enhance consumers’confidence when facing the concerns of food from consumers? EOL Group realizes that consumers care about the visible inspection proof and transparent management process: “show the good transport/preservation equipment/environment of food”(55.7%),“proactively present the food inspection certificate”(53.3%), and“implement putting on marks during the whole process for all staff”(53.2%) are chosen by most consumers; while the proportions of other measures also reach over 50%. In contrast, expert endorsements or authentications have less influence on consumer confidence in food safety, with only 14.6% of consumers feeling reassured by them. In other words, consumers want to see brands actively demonstrating concrete actions showing their commitment to food safety. About the food safety concerns, what can a brand do to enhance the confidence of consumers(choose all that apply) EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 9 55.7% 53.3% 53.2% 52.6% 52.2% 52.1% 50.1% 39.5% 14.6% .5% Show the good transport/preservation equipment/environme nt of food Proactively present the food inspection certificate Implement putting on marks during the whole process for all staff Transparent kitchen/show the cooking process Have cleansing/disinfection measures Have the sign of environmental regular sanitization Proactively present food resources Obtain reliable certification mark Endorsement or authentication by expert others Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230) 30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270) 50-99Y(n=230) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. Transparent food management process can enhance consumers' confidence Over 50% of consumers trust visible inspection proof and actual measures they can see.
  • 12. For the brands with food safety concerns, what should they do to regain the trust of consumers? The survey result shows that: focusing on food management is a relatively persuasive method, such as "proactively presenting food inspection certificate" (55.0%), "show the good transport/preservation equipment/environment of food " (51.7%), and "proactively show food sources" (50.8%) are highly effective. Additionally, more than 40% of consumers think measures related to environment cleansing and control, such as maintaining cleansing and disinfection measures, having sign of environmental regular sanitization, and transparent kitchens, help enhance confidence. In contrast, only 27.7% of consumers accept public apologies, and a mere 16.5% are attracted by promotional offers. By analyzing age differences, it is found that consumers in their 20s have a higher proportion of agreement with "obtain reliable certification marks" (46.5%). Consumers in their 40s prefer"proactively presenting food sources" (60.4%), while those in their 50s value more about "signs of environmental regular sanitization" (49.6%). What can be done for the brand with food safety concerns to gain trust of consumers (choose all that apply) EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 10 55.0% 51.7% 50.8% 46.1% 44.3% 43.0% 42.2% 40.8% 27.7% 16.9% 16.5% 0.1% 8.7% 46.5% 60.4% 49.6% Proactively present the food inspection certificate Show the good transport/preservation equipment/environme… Proactively present food resources Have cleansing/disinfection measures Have the sign of environmental regular sanitization Have the sign of environmental regular sanitization Implement putting on marks during the whole process for all staff Obtain reliable certification mark Give public apology to consumers Endorsement or authentication by expert Have promotions/ special offer Others I will not use the brand anymore Overall(N=1000) 20-29Y(n=230) 30-39Y(n=270) 40-49Y(n=270) 50-99Y(n=230) © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. Strict control of the ingredients and hygiene can help the brand with food safety issues regain confidence The 40s care about the sources of food while the 50s value the regular sanitization of the environment
  • 13. KEY TAKEAWAY Observation and Suggestion Increase the frequency of cooking at home, be more cautious from food preparation to the freshness of each meal, and choose the popular brands of condiments After the food safety issues, 20% of consumers say their frequency of cooking at home has increased. In addition to controlling the food sources more cautiously and choosing whole food instead of processed ones, they place more importance on having freshly cooked food, and not cooking all the food once for several days for convenience. Generally, consumers are more cautious about the food from selecting, purchasing, preparing to eating. Additionally, in the selection of condiments, consumers prefer to choose the brands that they trust or are familiar with, hence the long-term accumulated reputation of the brand has a certain effect, making their consumers less willing to try new brands or switch from their usual ones. Consumers want all things visible, so“the visible cleanliness and the specific control process”are the keys to gaining the trust of consumers When choosing the restaurant for dining or taking out, the vision is the most instant judgment, and therefore, the cleanliness in the store is the decisive factor; additionally, the clean kitchen and food preparation area, or the perfect food preservation that can be presented can also help attract more consumers. For younger consumers, online reviews and comment can be strengthened. Facing food safety issues, use concrete actions to gain the trust of consumers, and control of ingredients and hygiene are the most effective. In light of major food safety concerns recently, superficial marketing and risk management are insufficient to restore brand credibility or attract consumers back. Consumers want to see concrete actions from brands demonstrating their commitment to food safety, such as presenting food inspection certificates or showing transparent control processes (including the preservation, handling, and preparation of food). Therefore, for brands already with food safety concerns, public apologies or promotions hold little significance for consumers. Only tangible actions can regain the trust of consumers. EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) 11 © Eastern Online Co., Ltd.
  • 14. PART 2 Tracking Survey to New Consuming Behaviors • Survey to the usage ratio of new consuming behavior • Consumer’s Hot Topics EOL Group Survey Method: EOL Group - EOLembrain Online Member Survey Effective sample size: 1,000,20-59 years old
  • 15. 63% Online Payment 25% Subscription-based streaming video services, such as Netflix, iQIYI, CatchPlay, etc. 12% Going to gym or sports classroom, such as boxing, yoga, TRX, Fitness Equipment 29% Posting IG Stories Of all the respondents aged 20 to 59, what were the levels of utilization of various consumer behaviors in the past month? 1 EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOLembrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) Survey to the usage ratio of new consuming behavior Online payment usage decreased slightly. 3 Others Upload TikTok video Accessing LINE Shopping Group Accessing Delivery App Use online bank account 20% 34% 4% 25% © Eastern Online Co., Ltd No change 1% 4% No change 1% 2% 1% 2%
  • 16. 32% Shopping and Discount 31% Hot Topics Among Consumers in May Whether it’s in person, via text message, or sharing on social media platforms, what topics did consumers proactively share with friends in May ? 2 EOL Group Survey, N=1,000, 20-59 years old; conducted by: EOL embrain Online Member Survey (May 2024) May. *Sorted according to the proportion of May. Apr. 48% Food and Dining 49% 27% Drama 25% Internatio nal Issues 18% 17% 19% Economic Development 19% 18% Politics 15% 19% Culinary 16% © Eastern Online Co., Ltd. 44% Investment and Financial Management 40%
  • 17. EOL Group is outstanding in consumer marketing research in Taiwan. With rich expertise in consumer market research, EOL Group has developed massive databases and utilizes AI to deepen its research, enabling it to grasp the real changes in industries and consumers. Companies in Taiwan Company in China
  • 18. 36 years 96 thousand household 1000M 200 thousand Member of Macromill Weekly index Asia Annual Trend seminar 400 attendees 200 companies E-ICP Taiwan Consumption Demands Research Research to changes of consumption trends, values and lifestyles Big Data Research Research on sales using data of issued invoices Research on word-of-mouth among communities Online Survey Solid, fast and precise identification of registered members Trend Seminar
  • 19. EOL Consumer Research Team Integrated Platform Teams and Experts from Diverse Fields Marketing Suggestion Conquering the blind spots E-ICP consumer profile for 36 years The Online Survey Database with 200,000 Registered Members Offline Qualitative and Quantitative Survey Teams with practical experience composed of Experts from fields including: 1.Trned Study 2.Communication 3.Brand Marketing 4.Consumer Behaviors Precise database Effective and feasible strategic proposals Integrated marketing and communication services could be offered using resources of the Group ABOUT US Integrated Big Database Database of E-invoice Sales Volumes Shopping Area Evaluation Analysis Social Viewing and listening System
  • 20. Consumer sustainable behavior in 6 major industries X ESG actual consumption information Conference of “Sustainability and Consumer Behavior 2024” Coming soon! From 2022, EOL cooperate with NCCU College of Commerce Sinyi School to have“Business ESG Index Survey”and provide related information via the conference, sharing the actual awareness and actions of consumers, assisting entrepreneurs to have further understanding of consumers’ opinions, so as to keep optimizing the ESG Report and ESG strategies and implementation, precisely manage the ESG business opportunities. ◼ Announcement of ESG consumer trend and index survey: Bei Lien-Ti, Distinguished Professor of NCCU Department of Business Administration/ Paul H.S. Tsai, CEO of EOL Group ◼ Kynote Speech/Forum of Big-name Enterprise: the presenter from the brands will be invited to give a short presentation and forums for experience sharing Date: August 2, 2024 Time: 13:00~17:30 Location: Center for Public and Business Administration Education, NCCU Over 200 participants every year are joint into the conference!
  • 21. EOL Exclusive Research “Database of senior and silver-haired generation” Door-to-door Senior and silver-haired generation survey in Taiwan for 13 years. The one and only research on the senior and silver-haired generation in Taiwan for 13 years, includes various aspects such as lifestyle, retirement, health conditions, concerns and cognition related to aging, caregiving methods, home care equipment, health supplements, etc. For families, an in-depth understanding of the worries and cognition of silver-haired groups can help provide better care for elderly family members. For example, understanding home care equipment can effectively enhance quality of life as well as ensure safety and comfort. For businesses, accurate analysis of the senior and silver-haired generation can help the industry in innovation, addressing consumer concerns and pain points, and meeting real needs. Providing products and services that "understand consumers better" can capture the growing market opportunities presented by the silver-haired generation. Comprehensive exploration Senior silver-haired generation research Comparation Largest Scale Including hundreds of items of survey Having long-lasting period Yearly survey from 2011 Highest efficiency Getting data easily from E- ICP Largest cost-efficiency Saving a large amount of budget for market research Analysis Description of lifestyle in all aspects Trend analysis of lifestyle Consumer media engagement analysis Research on consumer considerations and demands Benefits Steady expansion into the market Understanding market demand gaps Expanding user group Increasing product usage rate
  • 22. Services of EOL E-ICP Lifestyle Database AI Public Opinion Database Real-time Online Surveys with Real-name Authentication Exclusive Five Major Database Qualitative and Quantitative Project Research Qualitative Focus Group Interview One-on-one Ind-depth Interview Quantitative (online & offline) Online Survey/Telephone Interview/ Interview at Households Central Location Test (CLT) Database for Sales Volumes from all Channels EOL Social Viewing and listening System Modeling of Prediction Model for Consumer Purchase Behaviors Real Estate Land Prices and Building Valuations Research of Shopping Area Integrated Big Data Analysis Services Customized Reports Workshop for Creation of Business Opportunities Consultancy Service for Brands and Trends Trend Reports Looking for Solutions E-invoice Database Shopping Area Evaluation Database
  • 23. Thank You Eastern Online Co., Ltd.,7F., No. 306, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan ※ Do not cite, distribute, reprint, copy, and/or reproduce any and/or all parts of the data and/or figures in this Document without prior consent of EOL Amanda Li / VGM #806 Grace Su / VGM #818 Casper Wang / Director #817 Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected] 【Contacts for Business Cooperation】 Eastern Online Co., Ltd.:+886-2-2706-4865 Marketing Assistant Manager Ellie Chen #822 Research Director Hueimin Shih #807 【 Press Contact 】