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Test Automation
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
Anand Bagmar
About Me
Distributed teams
Hybrid working
Different network setup and speeds
Many teams
Mac, Windows and Linux laptops
Different Software versions
Certificates, Policies and multiple VPNs
Developer &
SDET experience
Test execution environment setup is tedious
System Tests (e2e & component UI): teswiz (Appium, Selenium, Applitools, JDK 17)
• Emulator/Simulator setup (Android SDK, xcode)
API & API Workflow tests: karate
Contract tests: Specmatic
Unit tests, Sonar code quality checks
Test automation
Many environments
Test data
Configuring appropriate test execution in build and release pipelines
Complex path to
ADO agents: Windows Server & Linux agents
Firewall restrictions download dependencies
Direct access prohibited to CI agents
Multiple node & JDK versions
Connectivity issues to application-under-test
No browsers/devices on CI agents
CI execution
Path to Production

Recommended for you

Modern Web-site Development Pipeline
Modern Web-site Development PipelineModern Web-site Development Pipeline
Modern Web-site Development Pipeline

Topics of this presentation: - Basics and best practices of developing single-page applications (SPA) and Web API Services on Microsoft .NET - - Core with Docker and Linux. - PowerShell Core automated builds. - Markdown/PDF documentation. - Documentation of public interfaces with Swagger/OAS/YAML. - Automated testing of SPA on Protractor and testing the Web API on Postman/Newman. This presentation by Sergii Fradkov (Consultant, Engineering), Andrii Zarharov (Lead Software Engineer, Consultant), Igor Magdich (Lead Test Engineer, Consultant) was delivered at GlobalLogic Kharkiv .NET TechTalk #1 on May 24, 2019.

DCAST Meetup - Washington, DC Feb 2016
DCAST Meetup - Washington, DC Feb 2016DCAST Meetup - Washington, DC Feb 2016
DCAST Meetup - Washington, DC Feb 2016

Continuation of my 2016 Selenium Conference talk. Dig a bit more into capturing recording video and logcat data for reporting.

Continuous Integration with Amazon ECS and Docker
Continuous Integration with Amazon ECS and DockerContinuous Integration with Amazon ECS and Docker
Continuous Integration with Amazon ECS and Docker

One of the most fundamental challenges of CI/CD is the ability to balance between Quality, Time, and Cost.  Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), along with Docker and Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR), has changed the game for many by making resource management very simple.  For Okta, it has enabled the Continuous Integration team to maximize throughput while minimizing cost.  In this session we will show you how Okta has created a flexible CI system with ECS, Docker, ECR, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon RDS, and Amazon SQS.  Okta runs 30,000 tests with each developer commit, and releases 10,000 new lines of code each week to production.  The CI system, built 100% on AWS, must be able to handle load while keeping cost under control.  This talk is oriented toward developers looking to achieve efficient resource and cost management without compromising speed or quality.

amazon web servicesnew york summit2016 aws summit new york
Getting a simple automated
test to run consistently for
all Developers and Testers
and in CI (ADO) is painful!
Execution (full or specific tests)
Challenges of
Ensuring Test
Environment Consistency
Coordinated Test
Test setup & execution on
CI Agents
Environment Setup

Recommended for you

QA Automation Solution
QA Automation SolutionQA Automation Solution
QA Automation Solution

The document describes a QA automation solution architecture. The solution uses a test management tool to organize and manage test cases. A BDD tool is used to write automated tests in readable text format and link them to code in a testing project. An automation framework acts as a wrapper for drivers, organizing project components and allowing tests to use commands. A CI tool takes the testing code and runs it on virtual machines, displaying test results via a browser. Reports provide information about test sessions, the overall testing session, and details of individual tests with logs and screenshots.

CI/CD Pipeline Security: Advanced Continuous Delivery Best Practices: Securit...
CI/CD Pipeline Security: Advanced Continuous Delivery Best Practices: Securit...CI/CD Pipeline Security: Advanced Continuous Delivery Best Practices: Securit...
CI/CD Pipeline Security: Advanced Continuous Delivery Best Practices: Securit...

CI/CD Pipeline Security: Advanced Continuous Delivery Best Practices: Security Week at the San Francisco Loft Continuous delivery (CD) enables teams to be more agile and quickens the pace of innovation. Too often, however, teams adopt CD without putting the right safety mechanisms in place. In this talk, we discuss opportunities for you to transform your software release process into a safer one. We explore various DevOps best practices, showcasing sample applications and code with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy. We discuss how to set up delivery pipelines with nonproduction testing stages, failure cases, rollbacks, redundancy, canary testing and blue/green deployments, and monitoring. We'll discuss continuous delivery practices for deploying to Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and Containers (such as Amazon ECS or AWS Fargate). Level: 200 Speaker: Leo Zhadanovsky - Principal Solutions Architect, Cloudstart, AWS

awsaws cloudsecurity
NET Aspire - NET Conf IL 2024 - Tamir Dresher.pdf
NET Aspire - NET Conf IL 2024 - Tamir Dresher.pdfNET Aspire - NET Conf IL 2024 - Tamir Dresher.pdf
NET Aspire - NET Conf IL 2024 - Tamir Dresher.pdf

.NET Aspire is an opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications. .NET

distributed systemsdotnetc#
• Setup important applications on Mac
• https://gist.github.com/anandbagmar/92b9f92298b1e17fa32c3404ad115
• Script to setup Android SDK on Mac
• https://github.com/anandbagmar/AppiumJavaSample/blob/master/setup
• Script to setup Android SDK on Linux
• https://github.com/anandbagmar/AppiumJavaSample/blob/master/setup
Test Authoring Environment Setup
• Node script to install all dependencies (for system tests):
• https://github.com/znsio/getting-started-with-
• npm install – and you are ready!
Test Execution Environment Setup
Test Automation
Framework support
• Setup should be simple – Ex:
• git pull
• ./gradlew build
• No code change required for
• Running tests against any environment (local, dev, qa, staging, prod, etc.)
• Test data and environment configurations are separately maintained
• Running all or subset of tests
• Tests should run from command-line
Test Automation Framework Criteria

Recommended for you

Advanced Continuous Delivery on AWS
Advanced Continuous Delivery on AWSAdvanced Continuous Delivery on AWS
Advanced Continuous Delivery on AWS

Continuous delivery makes teams more agile and quickens the pace of innovation. Too often, though, teams adopt continuous delivery without defining the meta components or putting the right safety mechanisms in place. In this session, we'll start from the meta components and transform a typical software release process into one that will scale and is safe. We'll use DevOps techniques like continuous integration, a variety of non-production testing stages, rollbacks, redundancy, canary deployments and synthetic tests. We'll use AWS services such as Lambda, CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CloudWatch alarms and dashboards. Speakers: Brent Maxwell, Partner Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services Daniel Zoltak, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

aws cloudamazon web servicescontinuous delivery
Docker Enterprise Workshop - Technical
Docker Enterprise Workshop - TechnicalDocker Enterprise Workshop - Technical
Docker Enterprise Workshop - Technical

Docker Enterprise Workshop, more technical presentation: - Docker 101 - Kubernetes in Docker - Windows containers

Getting to Walk with DevOps
Getting to Walk with DevOpsGetting to Walk with DevOps
Getting to Walk with DevOps

Moving from "Crawl" to "walk" stage on Devops. Part 2 of 4 for Complete DevOps implementation in an organization.

devopscontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery
Your Ultimate Open-Source Solution to
Automate Real-User Scenarios!
Run tests
from CLI
Test Authoring
Execution Setup
Execution Reports
CI Tool
Feature coverage
@BagmarAnand 16
• Web browsers
• Mobile-web browsers
• Android apps
• iOS apps
• Windows desktop apps
• Electron apps
Platform support

Recommended for you

Integration Testing as Validation and Monitoring
 Integration Testing as Validation and Monitoring Integration Testing as Validation and Monitoring
Integration Testing as Validation and Monitoring

In the world of software-as-a-service, just about anyone with a laptop and an Internet connection can spin up their very own cloud-based web service. Software startups, in particular, are often big on ideas but small on staff. This makes streamlining the traditional develop-test-integrate-deploy-monitor pipeline critically important. Melissa Benua says that an effective way to accomplish this is to reduce the number of different test suites that verify many of the same things for each stage. Melissa explains how teams can avoid this by authoring the right set of tests and using the right frameworks. Drawing on lessons learned in companies both large and small, Melissa shows how teams can drastically slash time spent developing automation, verifying builds for release, and monitoring code in production—without sacrificing availability or reliability.

software testingagileintegration
Windows azure overview for SharePoint Pros
Windows azure overview for SharePoint Pros Windows azure overview for SharePoint Pros
Windows azure overview for SharePoint Pros

introduction to widows Azure for SharePoint IT Pros and DEV. how they can leverage with SharePoint farms for enterprise and developer environment.

sharepoint 2013azurewindows azure
[NEW LAUNCH!] AWS IoT Device Tester: Enable Your Edge Devices for AWS IoT (IO...
[NEW LAUNCH!] AWS IoT Device Tester: Enable Your Edge Devices for AWS IoT (IO...[NEW LAUNCH!] AWS IoT Device Tester: Enable Your Edge Devices for AWS IoT (IO...
[NEW LAUNCH!] AWS IoT Device Tester: Enable Your Edge Devices for AWS IoT (IO...

AWS IoT Device Tester is a test automation application that enables you to self-test your devices for Amazon FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Greengrass. With AWS IoT Device Tester, you can easily perform qualification testing to determine whether your devices can run Amazon FreeRTOS or AWS IoT Greengrass, and interoperate securely with AWS IoT services. Come learn how AWS IoT Device Tester simplifies the testing of Amazon FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Greengrass devices.

reinvent 2018amazonawsreinvent2018
• Open source framework to automate real-user scenarios
• Multi-user
• Multi-device
• Multi-app
• Setup a HARD-GATE for your functional tests!
Unique capabilities of teswiz
• Cloud device farm integrations
• Applitools AI for validations
• Comprehensive reports with trend analysis, feature
coverage, failure analysis using AI-ML
• Configurable
Unique capabilities of teswiz
CI Execution
Node Setup

Recommended for you

Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021

Slides from my talk on how to Eradicate Flaky Tests from AppiumConf 2021 https://confengine.com/conferences/appium-conf-2021/proposal/15581/eradicate-flaky-tests

Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018
Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018
Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018

Habitat intro for CodeMonsters. For the code used in the demo, see https://github.com/lnxchk/container_sched_backend/

application automationcontinuous delivery
Azure Integration DTAP Series, How to go from Development to Production – Par...
Azure Integration DTAP Series, How to go from Development to Production – Par...Azure Integration DTAP Series, How to go from Development to Production – Par...
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A series of sessions with focus on how to set up a Build & Release setup for Common integration parts with VSTS. In these sessions all will be made hands on and focus will be on understanding the quirks and common tasks. For Azure Functions we will Create Functions, check in the options we have to extract the code. Create a Build and Release setup inside VSTS to move/promote the API to next step/environment in the chain.

azuremicrosoft azuredtap
Use the right node version
Use the right node version
Script for
downloading artifacts
• For System Tests, the artifact (apk/app) could have been
generated from another pipeline
• This artifact needs to be available in local or cloud device
before tests can start execution
Script for downloading artifacts – Why?

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Udvid din test portefølje med coded ui test og cloud load test
Udvid din test portefølje med coded ui test og cloud load testUdvid din test portefølje med coded ui test og cloud load test
Udvid din test portefølje med coded ui test og cloud load test

The document discusses expanding a test portfolio with Coded UI tests and cloud-based load testing in Visual Studio. It covers automating tests with Microsoft Test Manager, creating automated UI tests using Coded UI, and performing load testing on applications hosted in the cloud using Visual Studio Online. Conducting load testing early and customizing tests to measure key performance metrics can help ensure applications meet expectations before public release.

load testcoded ui testvisual studio
Tech Days 2015: Model Based Development with QGen
Tech Days 2015: Model Based Development with QGenTech Days 2015: Model Based Development with QGen
Tech Days 2015: Model Based Development with QGen

Model-Based Development with QGen discusses model-based development using QGen. QGen is a code generator that takes Simulink and Stateflow models as input and generates code in SPARK or MISRA C. It aims to reduce the "us vs them" relationship between system and software engineers by allowing system engineers to develop models that can be directly compiled into code. QGen provides benefits such as decreased verification costs through its qualification evidence and integration with verification, compilation and testing tools. It allows models to be verified by construction through its safe Simulink subset.

simulinkadacode generation
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devicesAutomating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices

This document discusses teswiz, an open source framework for automating real-user scenarios across multiple apps, devices, users, and platforms. It can simulate user actions and behavior to test web, mobile web, Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux applications. Teswiz uses Cucumber, Appium, Selenium and other tools and supports features like multi-device testing, visual testing with Applitools, and generating reports with ReportPortal. The document provides instructions on getting started with teswiz and links to its GitHub page.

• Understand the CI tool APIs
• Script downloads the android/iOS artifact for:
• Specific branch
• Latest successful build, or a specific build number
Script for downloading artifacts
• Script uploads the android/iOS artifact to your device farm
• Teswiz can upload it automatically for you
Script for downloading artifacts – Bonus!
Proxy handling
• Understand what dependencies in your framework need proxy
information. Ex:
• Gradle/maven
• Downloading newer version of browser drivers
• Any external connectivity
• Framework should be configurable to pass this at test execution
time. Ex:
• No proxy required from local laptop execution
• Proxy required when running tests from CI
Proxy Handling

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Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022

The document discusses visual validation testing as a missing piece of the automation testing pyramid. Visual testing is important but challenging as it is typically done manually, which is tedious, error-prone, and difficult to scale. Automating visual testing can help by taking screenshots of expected user interfaces and comparing them to actual screenshots. However, automating also poses challenges around false positives/negatives, maintaining baselines, and accounting for product changes. The document promotes using artificial intelligence in visual test automation to help address these challenges and advocates for including visual testing in an organization's overall quality and automation strategy.

testingsoftware testingtest automation
Design Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in AutomationDesign Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in Automation

In this talk, we will talk about, and see examples of various types of patterns you can use for: - Build your Test Automation Framework - Test Data Management - Locators / IDs (for finding / interacting with elements in the browser / app) Using these patterns you will be able to build a good framework, that will help keep your tests running fast, and reliably in your CI / CD setup!

patterndesign patterntest data pattern
Change Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective Keynote
Change Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective KeynoteChange Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective Keynote
Change Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective Keynote

https://confengine.com/conferences/selenium-conf-2022/proposal/17141/changing-tyres-in-a-moving-car-making-functional-test-automation-effective In my experience, I have seen teams struggle with more than one, and in many cases, all of the above statements. On retrospection, I have realized, that most of these challenges are because of a combination of the following issues: Lack of holistic vision, understanding, skills, and capabilities for taking on this seemingly easy activity of functional test automation Lack of time for design, implementation, and maintenance of the automated test code In this session, I will share, with examples, the features & capabilities that are not used right in Test Automation implementation resulting in you answering “NO” to the above statements. These are anti-patterns of functional automation implementation and have a negative impact on the quality of feedback from your automated tests. More importantly, I will share approaches and solutions of how you can avoid these anti-patterns and evolve to answer “YES” to each of the above statements.

dependencies - Uber jar
• To reduce the number of dependencies to be downloaded,
teswiz is built as a uber jar.
• Specify only “teswiz” as a dependency in your test framework
Uber jar

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Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)
Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)
Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)

Slides from my talk on "Rewrite Vs Refactor" given at Agile India 2021. https://confengine.com/conferences/agile-india-2021/proposal/15495/rewrite-vs-refactor In this session, I will share various examples and experiences and as a result of being in such situations, the factors I looked at when enhancing the code-base to decide - should I refactor or rewrite the code-under-consideration to be able to move forward faster, while moving towards the long-term vision. Though I will focus on various examples of Test Automation, this session is applicable for any role that writes / maintains code of any nature.

softwaresoftware developmentsoftware testing
Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI
Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AINext Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI
Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI

Slides from hands-on workshop at Agile India 2021. Machine setup instructions are available in the proposal - https://confengine.com/conferences/agile-india-2021/proposal/15552/next-generation-functional-amp-visual-testing-powered-by-ai In this workshop, using numerous examples, we will explore: Why Automated Visual Validation is essential to be part of your Test Strategy How Visual AI increases the coverage of your functional testing, while reducing the code, and increasing stability of your automated tests Potential solutions / options for Automated Visual Testing, with pros & cons of each How an AI-powered tool, Applitools Eyes, can solve this problem Hands-on look at Applitools Visual AI and how to get started using it

automationtest automationapplitools
The Best Test Automation Framework is...
The Best Test Automation Framework is...The Best Test Automation Framework is...
The Best Test Automation Framework is...

I had the privilege of delivering the opening keynote at the recent Future Of Testing event focused on Test Automation Frameworks on 30th September 2021. My topic was “The best test automation framework is …”. Here is the mind map I used in my keynote presentation. https://applitools.com/future-of-testing-frameworks-north-america-2021/

testingsoftware testingtest automation
• Run as a java process
• ./gradlew run
Uber jar
Run browser in
• CI agents may not have browsers installed
• The installed browser may be an older version
Run browser in docker – Why?
• Should allow support for any os/architecture
• Should allow choosing the browser (ex: firefox, chrome, etc.)
• Should allow starting the containers with specific project
names and dynamic ports to prevent conflict with multiple
test executions
• Support specifying proxy information
• Can be used on local laptops as well as in CI executions
Run browser in docker

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Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020

https://confengine.com/agile-india-2020/proposal/11065/visual-validation-the-missing-tip-of-the-automation-pyramid The top of the pyramid is our UI / end-2-end functional tests - which simulate end-user behavior and interactions with the product-under test. While Automation helps validate functionality of your product, aspects of UX validations can only be seen and captured by the human eye and is hence mostly a manual activity. This is an area where AI & ML can truly help. With everyone wanting to be Agile, make quick releases, the look & feel / UX validation, which is a slow, and error-prone activity, quickly becomes a huge bottleneck. In addition, with any UX related issues propping up cause huge brand-value and revenue loss, may lead to social-trolling and worse - dilute your user-base. In this session, using numerous examples, we will explore: Why Automated Visual Validation is essential to be part of your Test Strategy Potential solutions / options for Automated Visual Testing, with pros & cons of each How an AI-powered tool, Applitools Eyes, can solve this problem.

Selenium Deep Dive
Selenium Deep DiveSelenium Deep Dive
Selenium Deep Dive

This document outlines an agenda for a Selenium workshop. It covers topics like getting started with Selenium, implementing page object models and design patterns, handling test data, using assertions, and responsive web design testing. Exercises are provided to demonstrate concepts like building page objects, running tests across browsers, and using test data. The goal is to help students learn Selenium concepts and address common automation challenges.

Does your functional automation really add value?
Does your functional automation really add value?Does your functional automation really add value?
Does your functional automation really add value?

We all know that automation is one of the key enablers for those on the CI-CD journey. Most teams are: • implementing automation • talking about its benefits • up-skilling themselves • talking about tooling • etc. In my experience, unfortunately most of the functional automation that is built is: • not optimal • not fit-for-purpose • does not run fast enough • gives inconsistent feedback, hence unreliable Hence, for the amount of effort invested in implementing automation, are you really getting the value from this activity? In this talk, we will discuss these challenges and why it would lead to poor ROI of automation. More importantly, we will discuss the following techniques to make automation valuable: • know the objective for the automation framework • establish criteria for tests to be automated • design your framework with proper abstraction layers • develop using appropriate design patterns

Template for running
tests in build pipeline
Path to Production
• Create templates
• Reuse with appropriate configuration parameters
Running tests in Build Pipeline

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Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests
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Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests

It is easy to measure code coverage when running unit tests. However, very frequently the following questions come up: - How can we measure API test coverage and e2e / UI test coverage? - Does e2e / UI test coverage add value? - If not, what other data can we look at to know if the e2e tests have good coverage? This session is about understanding the above questions, and finding solutions for the same.

Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020
Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020
Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020

Workshop on "Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC (Test Practitioners Club, NCR), Feb2020"

Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium
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Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium

Slides from my talk on "Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid", given at QA Symposium, Feb 2020

Task Groups for running
tests in release pipeline
Path to Production
• Create Task Groups
• Include in each relevant stage of Release pipeline
Running tests in Release Pipeline

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Collaboration - A Taboo!
Collaboration - A Taboo!Collaboration - A Taboo!
Collaboration - A Taboo!

When one has fun at work, work becomes fun. However, daily pressures, metrics, KPIs, and what not, have dissolved the fun, and made work drudgery in various ways. This creates stress for individuals, in teams, and across teams, there is mistrust, unnecessary competition, blame, finger-pointing ….What better way to learn, and re-learn the basics of life, work, team-work - than to play a game, have fun, and correlate it with how life and work indeed should be treated as a game, and we should have fun in this journey. Only then can people truly succeed, and so can organisations.Here, we will play a game – “Collaboration - A Taboo!” – where you will –Re-learn collaboration techniques via a game!Learning applicable for individuals & teams, in small or big organisationsRe-live your childhood when playing this gameBe prepared for a twist which will leave you thinking!

Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid
Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation PyramidVisual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid
Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid

The Test Automation Pyramid is not a new concept. The top of the pyramid is our UI / end-2-end functional tests - which should cover the breadth of the product. What the functional tests cannot capture though, is the aspects of UX validations that can only be seen and in some cases, captured by the human eye. This is where the new buzzwords of AI & ML can truly help. In this session, we will explore why Visual Validation is an important cog in the wheel of Test Automation and also different tools and techniques that can help achieve this. We will also see a demo of Applitools Eyes - and how it can be a good option to close this gap in automation!

testtestingsoftware testing
Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop
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Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop

Slides from my talk on Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop - delivered at PSTC 2018

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What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help?
What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help?What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help?
What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help?

Agile Methodology is not new. Many organisations / teams have already adopted Agile way of Software Development or are in the enablement journey for the same. What does this mean for Testing? There is no doubt that the Testing approach and mindset also needs to change to be in tune with the Agile Development methodology. Learn what does it mean to Test on Agile Projects. Also, learn how Test Automation approach needs to change for the team to be successful! Also, see the skills and capabilities required to make anyone in the Quality / Testing role add tremendous value to the team!

agileagile software developmentagile testing
The What, Why and How of Analytics Testing
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The What, Why and How of Analytics Testing

Here are slides from my talk on "What, Why and How of Analytics Testing" at Selenium Conference, Berlin 2017. This talk focusses on Analytics related to Browser & Mobile Native apps, with impact on / of IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data. See my blog for more details - https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/2017/10/analytics-forgotten-child.html

Patterns of a “good” test automation framework
Patterns of a “good” test automation frameworkPatterns of a “good” test automation framework
Patterns of a “good” test automation framework

This document discusses patterns for test automation frameworks. It begins by introducing common patterns like page objects, business layer, and factories. It then provides examples of page object and business layer page object patterns. The document also discusses test data patterns and different ways to specify test data and locators. Finally, it outlines advantages of using patterns like reduced complexity, reusability, and maintenance. The key message is that the best pattern depends on the specific test automation context.

software testingautomationtest data pattern
Hard Gate
Make your tests valuable!
What is a Hard Gate! Why is it required?
• Automated tests should allow you to take decisions on
product quality
What is a Hard Gate! Why is it required?
• For every test execution cycle:
• Passing tests are expected to pass
• Known Failing tests are supposed to fail, unless:
• The product (bug) is fixed, OR
• The test is fixed/updated
If either criteria is not met, the build should fail!

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Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance TestingClient-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

Slides from my 4-hour workshop on Client-Side Performance Testing conducted at Phoenix, AZ in STPCon 2017 (March). Workshop Takeaways: Understand difference between is Performance Testing and Performance Engineering. Hand’s on experience of some open-source tools to monitor, measure and automate Client-side Performance Testing. Examples / code walk-through of some ways to automate Client-side Performance Testing. See blog for more details - https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/2017/03/workshop-client-side-performance.html

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Presentation to Wing wing community. Porting "Blue Zone" application featured in the "Hexagonal Architecture Explained" book.

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Splunk Presentation

Hard Gate - Make your tests valuable!
Build passes if Hard Gate criteria is met.
Build fails if
• one or more passing tests have failed, or,
• one or more failing tests have passed
Functional (e2e) Automation as Hard Gate!
Applitools Visual AI
for validations
AI-powered Validations

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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。


Bitcoin heist prediction using ML

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90% less code to write & maintain with infinite coverage.
Every Element Is Validated They Look & Work Perfect
Use Applitools Ultrafast Grid (UFG)
- Test is simpler – one call to Applitools
(eyes.checkWindow()) validates the full screen
- Run the test once
- Get results from all browsers automatically
- Less test data
- No additional load on the application environment
• Works for all platforms
• Native & hybrid apps – android, iOS
• Web browsers
• Desktop applications
• Electron applications
• Seamless scaling using Applitools Ultrafast Grid
Applitools Visual AI
Specify as many browsers with viewports and devices
as required for validation
You do not need to do cross-browser validation at the
end anymore!
AI-powered Cross Browser Test Automation
reportportal as a
Central reporting server

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What is OCR Technology and How to Extract Text from Any Image for Free

Discover the fascinating world of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology with our comprehensive presentation. Learn how OCR converts various types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. Dive into the history, modern applications, and future trends of OCR technology. Get step-by-step instructions on how to extract text from any image online for free using a simple tool, along with best practices for OCR image preparation. Ideal for professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts looking to harness the power of OCR.

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A central reporting server for your
Test Execution
Real-time status
• See progress of launches
currently in progress
• Can also see details of tests
that are currently running, till
the point of execution
Test Execution Details – Device farm report link & Device logs
• The link to the device farm test execution
dashboard is available in the result
• teswiz attaches browser logs/device logs
automatically to the result in ReportPortal

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Development of Chatbot Using AI\ML Technologies
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Development of Chatbot Using AI\ML Technologies

A captivating AI chatbot PowerPoint presentation is made with a striking backdrop in order to attract a wider audience. Select this template featuring several AI chatbot visuals to boost audience engagement and spontaneity. With the aid of this multi-colored template, you may make a compelling presentation and get extra bonuses. To easily elucidate your ideas, choose a typeface with vibrant colors. You can include your data regarding utilizing the chatbot methodology to the remaining half of the template.

chatbot ppt
Test Execution Details – with screenshots
• The test result includes screenshots as
captured by the test
Test Execution Details – Applitools Visual AI Validation Results
• The test result includes the status of
Applitools Visual AI validation
• Link to the Applitools dashboard is available in
the result
Test Execution Trend Analysis
• Each test shows the trend of its execution –
giving an indication of (in)stability
Test Results – Next Steps
• On investigation of the failed tests, mark the
failures with appropriate reasons (as

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Mindfire Solutions specializes in DevOps services, facilitating digital transformation through streamlined software development and operational efficiency. Their expertise enhances collaboration, accelerates delivery cycles, and ensures scalability using cloud-native technologies. Mindfire Solutions empowers businesses to innovate rapidly and maintain competitive advantage in dynamic market landscapes.

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NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

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Class based indexes feature in Django

Auto-analysis of failed tests
Analyse the failure reasons by Auto-Analyzer based on Machine Learning
Auto Analysis of Test Failures
• Why waste time
marking the test
failed for the same
reason as last time?
• ReportPortal can do
this automatically
for you with the
Auto Analysis and
Pattern Analysis
Auto Analysis of Test Failures
Test Result
Configure simple and
• Create as many dashboards as
relevant for the team
• Dashboards may be for different
persona/role, giving appropriate

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Browse the slides from our recent webinar hosted by Divine Odazie, our tech evangelist.

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This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. It covers the fundamental concepts, benefits, and key functionalities of ERP software, illustrating how it integrates various business processes into a unified system. From finance and HR to supply chain and customer relationship management, ERP facilitates efficient data management and decision-making across organizations. Whether you're new to ERP or looking to deepen your understanding, this presentation offers valuable insights into leveraging ERP for business success.

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• Teswiz and karate test frameworks can automatically upload
test results to your reportportal server
• sendToReportPortal:
• https://github.com/znsio/sendToReportPortal/blob/main/importRes
• Can upload junit test results generated by any type of tests to
reportportal with relevant test execution metadata
• Ensuring Test
Environment Consistency
• Coordinated Test
• Test setup & execution on
CI Agents
Consistent environment setup
Test Automation Framework support
Node setup
Script for downloading artifacts
Proxy Handling
Downloading dependencies - Uber Jar
Browsers in docker
Template for build pipelines
Task groups for release pipelines
Hard Gate
AI for validations
Central reporting server
Anand Bagmar
Thank you

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Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation

  • 3. Ground Reality Distributed teams Hybrid working Different network setup and speeds Many teams (>100) Mac, Windows and Linux laptops Different Software versions Certificates, Policies and multiple VPNs Inconsistent Developer & SDET experience Test execution environment setup is tedious System Tests (e2e & component UI): teswiz (Appium, Selenium, Applitools, JDK 17) • Emulator/Simulator setup (Android SDK, xcode) API & API Workflow tests: karate Contract tests: Specmatic Unit tests, Sonar code quality checks Test automation toolset Many environments Test data Branch Configuring appropriate test execution in build and release pipelines Complex path to production ADO agents: Windows Server & Linux agents Firewall restrictions download dependencies Direct access prohibited to CI agents Multiple node & JDK versions Connectivity issues to application-under-test No browsers/devices on CI agents CI execution @BagmarAnand
  • 5. Getting a simple automated test to run consistently for all Developers and Testers and in CI (ADO) is painful! Setup Execution (full or specific tests) @BagmarAnand
  • 6. Challenges of End-2-End Test Automation Ensuring Test Environment Consistency Coordinated Test Execution Test setup & execution on CI Agents @BagmarAnand
  • 9. • Setup important applications on Mac • https://gist.github.com/anandbagmar/92b9f92298b1e17fa32c3404ad115 871 • Script to setup Android SDK on Mac • https://github.com/anandbagmar/AppiumJavaSample/blob/master/setup AndroidSDK.sh • Script to setup Android SDK on Linux • https://github.com/anandbagmar/AppiumJavaSample/blob/master/setup _linux.sh Test Authoring Environment Setup @BagmarAnand
  • 10. • Node script to install all dependencies (for system tests): • https://github.com/znsio/getting-started-with- teswiz/blob/main/package.json • npm install – and you are ready! Test Execution Environment Setup @BagmarAnand
  • 12. • Setup should be simple – Ex: • git pull • ./gradlew build • No code change required for • Running tests against any environment (local, dev, qa, staging, prod, etc.) • Test data and environment configurations are separately maintained • Running all or subset of tests • Tests should run from command-line Test Automation Framework Criteria @BagmarAnand
  • 13. Your Ultimate Open-Source Solution to Automate Real-User Scenarios! @BagmarAnand
  • 15. Run tests from CLI Test Authoring Execution Setup 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 Execution Reports CI Tool Feature coverage @BagmarAnand 16
  • 16. • Web browsers • Mobile-web browsers • Android apps • iOS apps • Windows desktop apps • Electron apps Platform support @BagmarAnand
  • 17. • Open source framework to automate real-user scenarios • Multi-user • Multi-device • Multi-app • Setup a HARD-GATE for your functional tests! Unique capabilities of teswiz @BagmarAnand
  • 18. • Cloud device farm integrations • Applitools AI for validations • Comprehensive reports with trend analysis, feature coverage, failure analysis using AI-ML • CLI • Configurable Unique capabilities of teswiz Defaults Property files Environment Variables @BagmarAnand
  • 21. Use the right node version @BagmarAnand
  • 22. Use the right node version @BagmarAnand
  • 24. • For System Tests, the artifact (apk/app) could have been generated from another pipeline • This artifact needs to be available in local or cloud device before tests can start execution Script for downloading artifacts – Why? @BagmarAnand
  • 25. • Understand the CI tool APIs • Script downloads the android/iOS artifact for: • Specific branch • Latest successful build, or a specific build number Script for downloading artifacts @BagmarAnand
  • 26. • Script uploads the android/iOS artifact to your device farm OR • Teswiz can upload it automatically for you Script for downloading artifacts – Bonus! @BagmarAnand
  • 28. • Understand what dependencies in your framework need proxy information. Ex: • Gradle/maven • Downloading newer version of browser drivers • Any external connectivity • Framework should be configurable to pass this at test execution time. Ex: • No proxy required from local laptop execution • Proxy required when running tests from CI Proxy Handling @BagmarAnand
  • 31. Downloading dependencies - Uber jar #6 @BagmarAnand
  • 32. • To reduce the number of dependencies to be downloaded, teswiz is built as a uber jar. • Specify only “teswiz” as a dependency in your test framework Uber jar @BagmarAnand
  • 33. • Run as a java process • ./gradlew run Uber jar @BagmarAnand
  • 35. • CI agents may not have browsers installed • The installed browser may be an older version Run browser in docker – Why? @BagmarAnand
  • 36. • Should allow support for any os/architecture • Should allow choosing the browser (ex: firefox, chrome, etc.) • Should allow starting the containers with specific project names and dynamic ports to prevent conflict with multiple test executions • Support specifying proxy information • Can be used on local laptops as well as in CI executions Run browser in docker @BagmarAnand https://github.com/znsio/teswiz/blob/main/dockerContainers.sh https://github.com/znsio/teswiz/blob/main/docker-compose-v3.yml
  • 37. Template for running tests in build pipeline #8 @BagmarAnand
  • 39. • Create templates • Reuse with appropriate configuration parameters Running tests in Build Pipeline @BagmarAnand
  • 41. Task Groups for running tests in release pipeline #9 @BagmarAnand
  • 43. • Create Task Groups • Include in each relevant stage of Release pipeline Running tests in Release Pipeline @BagmarAnand
  • 50. Hard Gate Make your tests valuable! #10 @BagmarAnand
  • 51. @BagmarAnand What is a Hard Gate! Why is it required? https://github.com/znsio/teswiz/blob/main/docs/HardGate.md • Automated tests should allow you to take decisions on product quality
  • 52. @BagmarAnand What is a Hard Gate! Why is it required? https://github.com/znsio/teswiz/blob/main/docs/HardGate.md • For every test execution cycle: • Passing tests are expected to pass • Known Failing tests are supposed to fail, unless: • The product (bug) is fixed, OR • The test is fixed/updated If either criteria is not met, the build should fail!
  • 53. @BagmarAnand Hard Gate - Make your tests valuable! https://github.com/znsio/teswiz/blob/main/docs/HardGate.md Build passes if Hard Gate criteria is met. Build fails if • one or more passing tests have failed, or, • one or more failing tests have passed
  • 54. @BagmarAnand Functional (e2e) Automation as Hard Gate! https://github.com/znsio/teswiz/blob/main/docs/HardGate.md
  • 55. Applitools Visual AI for validations #11 @BagmarAnand
  • 57. 90% less code to write & maintain with infinite coverage. WITH APPLITOOLS AI Every Element Is Validated They Look & Work Perfect Use Applitools Ultrafast Grid (UFG) - Test is simpler – one call to Applitools (eyes.checkWindow()) validates the full screen - Run the test once - Get results from all browsers automatically - Less test data - No additional load on the application environment @BagmarAnand
  • 58. • Works for all platforms • Native & hybrid apps – android, iOS • Web browsers • Desktop applications • Electron applications • Seamless scaling using Applitools Ultrafast Grid @BagmarAnand Applitools Visual AI
  • 59. Specify as many browsers with viewports and devices as required for validation You do not need to do cross-browser validation at the end anymore! @BagmarAnand AI-powered Cross Browser Test Automation
  • 60. reportportal as a Central reporting server #12 @BagmarAnand
  • 62. A central reporting server for your organization @BagmarAnand
  • 63. Test Execution Real-time status • See progress of launches currently in progress • Can also see details of tests that are currently running, till the point of execution @BagmarAnand
  • 64. Test Execution Details – Device farm report link & Device logs • The link to the device farm test execution dashboard is available in the result • teswiz attaches browser logs/device logs automatically to the result in ReportPortal @BagmarAnand
  • 65. Test Execution Details – with screenshots • The test result includes screenshots as captured by the test @BagmarAnand
  • 66. Test Execution Details – Applitools Visual AI Validation Results • The test result includes the status of Applitools Visual AI validation • Link to the Applitools dashboard is available in the result @BagmarAnand
  • 67. Test Execution Trend Analysis • Each test shows the trend of its execution – giving an indication of (in)stability @BagmarAnand
  • 68. Test Results – Next Steps • On investigation of the failed tests, mark the failures with appropriate reasons (as configured) @BagmarAnand
  • 69. Auto-analysis of failed tests Analyse the failure reasons by Auto-Analyzer based on Machine Learning @BagmarAnand
  • 70. Auto Analysis of Test Failures • Why waste time marking the test failed for the same reason as last time? • ReportPortal can do this automatically for you with the Auto Analysis and Pattern Analysis feature @BagmarAnand
  • 71. Auto Analysis of Test Failures @BagmarAnand
  • 72. Test Result Visualization Configure simple and understandable reports • Create as many dashboards as relevant for the team • Dashboards may be for different persona/role, giving appropriate information @BagmarAnand
  • 73. • Teswiz and karate test frameworks can automatically upload test results to your reportportal server • sendToReportPortal: • https://github.com/znsio/sendToReportPortal/blob/main/importRes ultsAndUpdateAttributes.sh • Can upload junit test results generated by any type of tests to reportportal with relevant test execution metadata reportportal.io @BagmarAnand
  • 74. Challenges • Ensuring Test Environment Consistency • Coordinated Test Execution • Test setup & execution on CI Agents Solutions Consistent environment setup Test Automation Framework support Node setup Script for downloading artifacts Proxy Handling Downloading dependencies - Uber Jar Browsers in docker Template for build pipelines Task groups for release pipelines Hard Gate AI for validations Central reporting server Summary @BagmarAnand