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Testing on Mobile
Devices with Location
Eyal Yovel, Solutions Architect
April, 2021
About me
○ Solutions Architect at Sauce Labs,
based in London, UK
○ I have over 15 years of experience in
software development and software
○ I have a passion for learning new
technologies and new test
Eyal Yovel
○ Introduction
○ Changing geo location manually
○ Changing geo location using Appium Desktop
○ Automate end-to-end user flow with location services - iOS
○ Automate e2e user flow with location services – Android
○ Automate e2e user flow with location services – Execution
○ Automate e2e user flow with location services – Web App
○ About Geo-IP
© Sauce Labs, Inc. 4
What Why
Location Services

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© Sauce Labs, Inc. 5
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- Over 4 years of experience in software testing with expertise in manual testing, automation testing using Selenium, and mobile app testing. - Experience testing web applications, ERP systems, and e-commerce platforms across various domains like healthcare, insurance, and retail. - Skilled in all phases of the SDLC with proficiency in functional testing, regression testing, and defect tracking using tools like HP QC and Mantis.

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Mobile Applications Testing: From Concepts to Practice
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Mobile Applications Testing: From Concepts to Practice

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Latitude and Longitude
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Changing Geo Location Manually
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Set/Get Geo Location - Appium Commands
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Demo App
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End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
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Software Assurance, LLC a Dallas-based Testing-centric Company offers specialized Mobile App Testing - We define your Mobile Apps Strategy - Faster, Better & Economically.

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End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
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Cypress testing
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Cypress testing

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Мы вместе проговорить следующие вопросы 1. Запуск тестов в облаке: server-side VS client side execution 2. Парк устройств и поддерживаемые фреймворки в TestDroid, TestObject 3. Доступные действия и ограничения в работе с устройствами в облаке 4. Интеграция проекта на базе Appium-а используя client-side execution & API облачного сервиса 5. Интеграция с hockeyApp. 6. Как мы тестировали и что из этого получилось – личная история

End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
iOS >= 13
iOS =< 12

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Dipping Your Toes Into Cloud Native Application DevelopmentDipping Your Toes Into Cloud Native Application Development
Dipping Your Toes Into Cloud Native Application Development

Presented at CloudDevelop 2016 Building cloud native applications in containers is a new hot topic. Netflix and Google are two prime examples that have been doing it successfully for some time. Some of the new exciting projects like Docker and Kubernetes are focused on cloud native applications in containers. There are supposed to be numerous benefits including the ability to scale applications out easily while doing development on small systems like laptops, the ability for the system to handle some operational problems, and the capability to safely deploy updates to production many times per day. But, what does this look like in practice and how do you start the move to cloud native and containerized applications? In this session we'll look at what makes up a cloud native application, how they work, and how you can start small. We'll look at applications from an architecture and process point of view along with how you can deploy them to AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. You'll walk away ready to start development on a cloud native app.

cloud computingclouddevelop
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...

The document summarizes the shifting landscape of mobile test automation over the past 5 years. It discusses the major open source and proprietary frameworks for iOS and Android testing, including Appium, Espresso, XCUITest, EarlGrey, Detox, and others. It provides an overview of each framework's capabilities and adoption. It also envisions where mobile automation may be headed in the next 5 years, such as supporting new form factors, platforms, and types of testing beyond functional testing.

appiumtest automationapp testing
Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More
Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and MoreAutomated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More
Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More

The document discusses testing infrastructure as code using automated tests. It recommends writing unit tests to test individual components in isolation by deploying real infrastructure, validating it works through methods like HTTP requests or API calls, and then undeploying it. The document provides an example of using Terratest to write a unit test for a Terraform module that deploys a "Hello World" web app. It shows how to build and deploy the infrastructure, validate it works by making an HTTP request, and clean it up after the test.

yevgeniy brikmaninfoqqcon
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
// this capability will work for alerts with 2 options (iOS 12 and below)
capabilities.setCapability("autoAcceptAlerts", true);
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
// change the setting to accept alerts with 3 options
// and select the "Allow While Using App" (iOS 13 and above)
"**/XCUIElementTypeButton[`label == "Allow While Using
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS

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From Point & Click to Pinch & Zoom by Dan Rabinovitz
From Point & Click to Pinch & Zoom by Dan RabinovitzFrom Point & Click to Pinch & Zoom by Dan Rabinovitz
From Point & Click to Pinch & Zoom by Dan Rabinovitz

In today’s fast paced world, if your mobile website or native app isn’t working as well as it should, you’re probably losing business. It’s important for your mobile website to function as well as your desktop website while offering similar capabilities. However, when moving from traditional to mobile tests, it’s not always as straightforward as simply changing selectors to find new elements IDs.. There are a number of questions you need to ask yourself. How do you find new element IDs? Are you embedding another app (like a Google Map)? Does your mobile website use geo location? Android or iOS? How do you test for all of this? These questions, along with many others, lead to some very specific considerations when considering mobile testing strategy. All of these differences require a different approach to selectors. Join Dan Rabinovitz, Senior Solutions Engineer at Sauce Labs, as he outlines the changes in selector strategy required for a successful mobile testing practice. In this SauceCon 2018 talk, Dan will explore the answers to a few key questions: – How to determine if your selectors are the same between desktop and mobile web. – Finding selectors in native and hybrid apps using Appium. – Understanding when the switch needs to be made between native and web contexts. – Determining an execution engine once your selector strategy is set, and deciding between emulators, simulators or real devices.

saucecon 2018sauce labsappium
AWS 고객사를 위한 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트
AWS 고객사를 위한 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트AWS 고객사를 위한 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트
AWS 고객사를 위한 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트

AWS를 사용하는 고객사 중 고급 사용자를 대상으로 하는 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ 입니다. 본 교육에서는 현재 컨테이너 오케스트레이션 툴 중에 가장 관심을 많이 받고 있는 쿠버네티스와 AWS에서 관리형 서비스로 만든 Amazon EKS에 대해 알아봅니다. 쿠버네티스 클러스터를 직접 만들어보고 여러 오픈소스를 활용하여 모니터링, 로깅 등 실제 서비스 환경에서 필요한 기능을 어떻게 구현하는지 실습합니다.

Nyc mule soft_meetup_13_march_2021
Nyc mule soft_meetup_13_march_2021Nyc mule soft_meetup_13_march_2021
Nyc mule soft_meetup_13_march_2021

This document summarizes a presentation about MuleSoft operational capabilities and deployment options. It includes: 1) An overview of MuleSoft and its history as an integration platform, including its acquisition by Salesforce. 2) Details on MuleSoft's operational capabilities when deployed on CloudHub, including auto-scaling, intelligent healing, and zero-downtime updates. 3) Five use cases that demonstrate different deployment architectures using MuleSoft, including CloudHub, hybrid implementations with on-premise and cloud components, and customer-hosted options.

End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
Preparation Permission Alert Test the page
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
For API level 29 (Android 10) and above:
Enable: adb shell settings put secure location_mode 3
Disable: adb shell settings put secure location_mode 0
For API level 28 (Android 9) and below:
Enable: adb shell settings put secure
location_providers_allowed +gps
Disable: adb shell settings put secure
location_providers_allowed -gps
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android

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Overseeing Ship's Surveys and Surveyors Globally Using IoT and Docker by Jay ...
Overseeing Ship's Surveys and Surveyors Globally Using IoT and Docker by Jay ...Overseeing Ship's Surveys and Surveyors Globally Using IoT and Docker by Jay ...
Overseeing Ship's Surveys and Surveyors Globally Using IoT and Docker by Jay ...

Fugro Chance Inc. oversees ship surveys globally using IoT and Docker. They developed a solution using AWS, Docker, and microservices to support a real-time web application for ship tracking. Key challenges included supporting services that need to run together and efficiently deploying new versions. They addressed this using SupervisorD to run multiple services in a single Docker container. This allows flexible development and deployment of future microservices.

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PhD Dissertation Defense (April 2015)
PhD Dissertation Defense (April 2015)PhD Dissertation Defense (April 2015)
PhD Dissertation Defense (April 2015)

The document summarizes a PhD thesis defense presentation on cross-platform testing and maintenance of web and mobile applications. The presentation covers three main topics: 1) Identifying inconsistencies across different browsers and platforms using techniques like behavior capture, matching, and inconsistency detection. 2) Finding missing features on one platform by analyzing application behavior across platforms using techniques like feature mapping. 3) Automating the migration of test suites to new platforms by matching application behaviors and retargeting tests despite differences in platforms. The presentation provides details on tools and techniques developed to address each of these problems, and evaluates them on real-world applications to demonstrate their effectiveness in automating cross-platform testing and maintenance.

Osgis2011 edina addy_pope
Osgis2011 edina addy_popeOsgis2011 edina addy_pope
Osgis2011 edina addy_pope

EDINA is a national data center in the UK that delivers geospatial data and services using open standards and open source software. It provides access to collections like Digimap and OpenBoundaries through web mapping applications and data downloads. EDINA uses open standards like OGC and open source software from OSGeo projects to build interoperable and resilient systems while reducing costs. This hybrid approach provides flexible and innovative services to users while meeting the needs of funders.

End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
Android >= 10
Android =< 9
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
// Grant permission for alert popups
capabilities.setCapability("autoGrantPermissions", true);
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
// Grant permission for alert popups
capabilities.setCapability("autoGrantPermissions", true);
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
// Grant permission for alert popups
capabilities.setCapability("autoGrantPermissions", true);

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Osgis2011 edina addy_pope
Osgis2011 edina addy_popeOsgis2011 edina addy_pope
Osgis2011 edina addy_pope

EDINA is a national data center in the UK that delivers geospatial data and services using open standards and open source software. It provides access to collections like Digimap and OpenBoundaries through web mapping applications and data downloads. EDINA uses open standards like OGC and open source software from projects in OSGeo to build robust and interoperable systems while reducing costs and increasing flexibility.

osgeodatabasesopen source
Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week
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Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week

This document discusses building a full-stack application called MemeMail using Golang and Google Cloud Platform within one week. It describes choosing Google Cloud over other cloud providers for its ease of use. It then discusses the frontend implementation using Vue.js with a simple state mutation approach. The backend is built with Golang on App Engine using Cloud services like Datastore and Cloud Build for CI/CD. It emphasizes keeping the architecture simple rather than over-engineering for an MVP within a tight deadline.

golangcloudgoogle cloud platform
Cloud web applications: the new perspective of sproutcore
Cloud web applications: the new perspective of sproutcoreCloud web applications: the new perspective of sproutcore
Cloud web applications: the new perspective of sproutcore

This document summarizes a thesis on AppAware Analytics. It discusses developing a cloud web application using SproutCore to provide analytics on mobile app usage data collected by the AppAware project. Key points include: 1. The application aims to minimize server-side computation and bandwidth usage by handling most processing in the browser. 2. It uses a REST interface to retrieve app and event data from the server in JSON format. 3. Challenges include the large amount of event data and lack of support for caching computed charts on the client-side. The document evaluates if web applications can compete with desktop applications, concluding it is possible for advanced interactions but performance may suffer with large data transfers.

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End to End User Flow with Location Services - Execution
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End to End User Flow with Location Services - Execution
And what about Web Apps…?

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Appium solution
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Appium solution

This document provides information about Appium, an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It discusses Appium's architecture and features, how to set up Appium for testing iOS and Android apps, different language clients available and requirements for writing tests in Java. The document also covers new capabilities and strategies introduced in Appium, such as TouchActions and MultiTouchActions.

automationmobile application developmentselenium
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Jforum S...
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Microservices are being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you're working with a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you're working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. This presentation will show you how to use JHipster to create Angular + Spring Boot apps with a unified front-end. You will leave with the know-how to create your own excellent apps! Related blog posts: * Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/05/22/java-microservices-spring-boot-spring-cloud * Java Microservices with Spring Cloud Config and JHipster: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/05/23/java-microservices-spring-cloud-config * Secure Reactive Microservices with Spring Cloud Gateway: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/08/28/reactive-microservices-spring-cloud-gateway

Appium workship, Mobile Web+Dev Conference
Appium workship,  Mobile Web+Dev ConferenceAppium workship,  Mobile Web+Dev Conference
Appium workship, Mobile Web+Dev Conference

This document provides an overview of Appium, an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It discusses Appium's architecture, how it works with different platforms, how to set it up locally or on Sauce Labs, and provides an introduction to concepts like desired capabilities, finding elements and interacting with apps. The document also outlines a hands-on workshop for using Appium to run tests on Sauce Labs from the command line.

And what about Web Apps…?
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web

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Appium mobile web+dev conference
Appium   mobile web+dev conferenceAppium   mobile web+dev conference
Appium mobile web+dev conference

This document provides an overview and introduction to Appium, an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It discusses Appium's architecture, how it works with different platforms, how to set it up locally or with Sauce Labs, and provides an example of running a sample test suite with Appium.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Test Automation with Appium.pdf
A Step-by-Step Guide to Test Automation with Appium.pdfA Step-by-Step Guide to Test Automation with Appium.pdf
A Step-by-Step Guide to Test Automation with Appium.pdf

Software testing is critical in ensuring any application's success in the digital world. With an ever-growing number of devices and operating systems, guaranteeing flawless functionality across multiple platforms can be daunting. This is where Appium comes to the rescue.

software testing
Amazon Container Services – 유재석 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)
 Amazon Container Services – 유재석 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트) Amazon Container Services – 유재석 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)
Amazon Container Services – 유재석 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)

본 게시물은 2019년 6월 25일에 AWS Game Team에서 진행한 Container Workshop 교육 자료입니다. AWS 컨테이너 서비스들을 이해하여 손쉽게 컨테이너를 실행하세요.

gaming immersion day 2019/06/25
End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web
Let’s talk about something new…
Let’s talk about something new…
Let’s talk about Geo-IP
GeoIP refersto the method oflocating a computer terminal’s
geographic location by identifying that terminal’s IP address.
An IP address is assigned to each device (e.g. computer, printer)
participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for
communication (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_geolocation)

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AWS Container Services – 유재석 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)

The document discusses container orchestration tools. It provides an overview of Kubernetes, including its components like the control plane, API server, scheduler, and nodes. It also describes common Kubernetes objects like pods, labels, deployments, replication controllers, and services. The document positions Amazon ECS and EKS as managed container orchestration services on AWS.

gaming immersion day 2019/07/16
Simplify Salesforce Testing with AI-Driven Codeless Tools
Simplify Salesforce Testing with AI-Driven Codeless ToolsSimplify Salesforce Testing with AI-Driven Codeless Tools
Simplify Salesforce Testing with AI-Driven Codeless Tools

Testing Salesforce Apps presents numerous challenges for enterprise organizations. Teams have to navigate complex architecture, integration workflows, and continuous changes in the customized SFDC implementation, as well as a wide range of different applications hosted on Salesforce Cloud. If left unchecked, these challenges can hamper critical enterprise processes like the revenue-generating Quote to Cash process. During this webinar, you will learn how to automate functional testing and thoroughly test both the UIs and the APIs in your Salesforce applications using AutonomIQ’s AI-driven codeless tool. We’ll discuss how Aryaka Networks, a global leader in WAN transformation solutions, uses AutonomIQ to autonomously test critical business processes like Quote to Cash in their customized Salesforce application, and we’ll show you how to streamline UI testing to improve test creation, execution, and maintenance, and easily add API testing to your strategy for better coverage. Key Takeaways: Simplify the creation of your test scripts using plain English statements and a codeless studio Learn how to autonomously create UI and API tests for Salesforce and integrations with other applications Ensure the health of your end-to-end SFDC applications for key business processes like quote to cash

salesforcetest automationsauce labs
Your Framework for Success: introduction to JavaScript Testing at Scale
Your Framework for Success: introduction to JavaScript Testing at ScaleYour Framework for Success: introduction to JavaScript Testing at Scale
Your Framework for Success: introduction to JavaScript Testing at Scale

There are countless ways to set up your automated testing environment. When it comes to stability and maintainability, it’s crucial to choose the right frameworks at the beginning of the journey, to set yourself up for success and save yourself time and headaches further down the road. In addition to traditional WebDriver-based JavaScript frameworks like Selenium or WebdriverIO, many new projects have popped up in recent years that provide even more capabilities, particularly for web UI testing. With the emergence of new frameworks like Puppeteer, Playwright, Cypress, and others, how do you choose which one’s right for you and your team? And how do you integrate the chosen framework into your testing practice, to shift testing left and speed up your software delivery lifecycle? In this webinar, Sauce Labs experts will provide an overview of the JavaScript framework landscape for automated functional testing, with a focus on Cypress, TestCafe, and Playwright. They will explore the differences between these frameworks, and discuss how to choose and implement the right tool for your project. Key Takeaways: - Understand how browser automation emerged over the last decade - Learn about the technical differences of traditional and new frameworks - Learn to pick the right JavaScript framework for your project Speakers: Christian Bromann | Staff Software Engineer, Sauce Labs Daniel Graham | Senior Software Engineer, Sauce Labs

javascriptautomated testingsauce labs
How to change my Geo-IP
- Use VPN (Virtual Private Network) services
- VPN Provider: WonderProxy (https://wonderproxy.com/)
- Use WonderProxy to change the Geolocation of your test traffic
How to Test from different countries
- Use Sauce Connect (tunnel) + WonderProxy
How to Test from different countries

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Automating Hybrid Applications with Appium
Automating Hybrid Applications with AppiumAutomating Hybrid Applications with Appium
Automating Hybrid Applications with Appium

When creating a mobile application, organisations have a few options to choose from; mobile web, native or a hybrid application. Where web apps are just websites that can be accessed on the internet via a mobile browser like Chrome or Safari, native apps are applications that are developed for a specific platform such as Android or iOS. Hybrid apps are different because they possess elements from native apps and web apps. When automating web applications, Selenium commands are used. Nine out of ten times the same automation script can be used for mobile web applications as our desktop web applications. With native apps however, we need to look deeper into the differences between Android and iOS apps before we can use Appium commands. But how should you automate hybrid apps, can or do you need to choose one of the two automation strategies or is there also a hybrid approach for automating hybrid apps? That’s what we are going to talk about during this webinar. We will be looking into how to detect a hybrid application for Android and iOS, the do’s and the don’ts when it comes to automating a hybrid application and we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to make this work for both Android and iOS. By the end of this webinar, you’ll be able to create your own Appium scripts to automate Android and iOS hybrid mobile applications. Key Takeaways: - Understand what a hybrid mobile application is - How to detect a hybrid mobile application - Learn how iOS and Android handle hybrid mobile applications - Learn how to automate hybrid mobile applications

sauce labsappiumhybrid mobile application
Quality at Speed: More API Testing, Less UI Testing
Quality at Speed: More API Testing, Less UI TestingQuality at Speed: More API Testing, Less UI Testing
Quality at Speed: More API Testing, Less UI Testing

Whether your company is a digital native or you’re just starting or well on your way to digital transformation, you know that your web services, mobile apps, and API programs need faster time-to-market without increasing risk. More full-stack and backend developers as well as QA/testing, architecture, and DevOps leaders are trying to inject rocket fuel into their agile development by doing more API testing. But how much UI testing can be moved over to much faster API testing? And then, how short can you make your testing sprints with API testing? With the right provisioning of UI, visual, and API testing, your organization can measurably improve DevOps metrics as you begin to do far more testing in much less time - without increasing on-hand IT resources. In this webinar, Sauce Labs experts will clarify what parts of the “quality spectrum” are better covered by UI testing vs. API testing. Learn why API testing can be much faster and more reliable than UI testing, and how you can leverage API testing to achieve quality at speed. Key Takeaways: - Easily extend your Selenium and Appium UI testing suite with API testing automation for much faster, more reliable functional, integration, and load/performance testing - Implement a CI/CD pipeline and DevOps workflows safely and securely with Sauce Labs full quality spectrum testing - Achieve quality at speed with significant improvements in time to market and quality to market

sauce labsapi testingdevops
Creating Digital Confidence with Test Automation
Creating Digital Confidence with Test AutomationCreating Digital Confidence with Test Automation
Creating Digital Confidence with Test Automation

Engineering teams understand the importance of a comprehensive continuous testing strategy to build digital confidence, improve user experience, and accelerate release velocity. However, when beginning on the journey to continuous testing, the task of building and executing a strategy that provides clear value can be challenging. Whether it’s designing automation from scratch, understanding where you can scale the value of your tests throughout the pipeline and across teams, or demonstrating the value that quality brings to larger business objectives, building a test automation strategy sometimes creates a web that is seemingly too complex to untangle. In this webinar, Yoosuf Maktoum, Senior Manager of Quality Engineering at Sysco Corporation, will share a test automation design and implementation strategy that helped his own team achieve success. Yoosuf will discuss a unique test automation design pattern that both supports and accelerates automation efforts. This framework, leveraging open source technologies, enables reusability, smarter and faster automation, and is suitable in both a DevOps and Agile workflow. He will then demonstrate how this framework can be applied to a single test automation script for functional and nonfunctional tests, test data management, and test environment management, as well as how it can support testing for both legacy and modern applications. Through these methods, his team is able to provide quality as a service across the organization. Attendees of this session will learn: - Basic design principles to consider when building out automation, and how open source can augment your strategy - How to apply a single automation framework across various types of testing (web, mobile, API, and standalone automation) - Strategies for aligning testing with business objectives to demonstrate value to leadership

sauce labstest automation framework
Let’s do this.

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Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...
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Docker, Inc.
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Amazon Web Services Korea

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Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...
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Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...
Dipping Your Toes Into Cloud Native Application Development
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Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
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Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More
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AWS 고객사를 위한 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트AWS 고객사를 위한 ‘AWS 컨테이너 교육’ - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트
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Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services

  • 1. Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services Eyal Yovel, Solutions Architect April, 2021
  • 2. About me 2 ○ Solutions Architect at Sauce Labs, based in London, UK ○ I have over 15 years of experience in software development and software automation ○ I have a passion for learning new technologies and new test frameworks Eyal Yovel @eyalyovel https://github.com/eyaly
  • 3. Agenda 3 ○ Introduction ○ Changing geo location manually ○ Changing geo location using Appium Desktop ○ Automate end-to-end user flow with location services - iOS ○ Automate e2e user flow with location services – Android ○ Automate e2e user flow with location services – Execution ○ Automate e2e user flow with location services – Web App ○ About Geo-IP
  • 4. © Sauce Labs, Inc. 4 What Why Location Services
  • 5. © Sauce Labs, Inc. 5
  • 6. © Sauce Labs, Inc. 6 GPS receiver GPS satellites Assisted GPS How does GPS work on my phone?
  • 7. 7 How does GPS work on my phone? Latitude Longitude Altitude
  • 9. 9 Latitude and Longitude Latitude - Imaginary lines that measure distance north and south of the equator Longitude - Imaginary lines that measure distance east and west of the prime meridian Altitude - How high a location is above sea level
  • 12. 12 Changing Geo Location - iOS Simulator
  • 13. 13 Changing Geo Location - Android Emulator
  • 14. 14 Changing Geo Location - Sauce Labs Real devices
  • 15. 15 Set/Get Geo Location - Appium Commands
  • 16. 16 Set Geo Location - Appium Command
  • 17. 17 Get Geo Location - Appium Command
  • 19. 19 Set/Get Geo Location - Appium Commands -Demo
  • 20. 20 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS Preparation Permission Alert Test the page
  • 21. 21 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
  • 22. 22 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://github.com/eyaly/testng-geo-location-examples
  • 23. 23 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://github.com/eyaly/testng-geo-location-examples
  • 24. 24 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://github.com/eyaly/testng-geo-location-examples
  • 25. 25 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://github.com/eyaly/testng-geo-location-examples
  • 26. 26 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
  • 27. 27 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
  • 28. 28 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS iOS >= 13 iOS =< 12
  • 29. 29 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://appium.io/docs/en/writing-running-appium/caps/ // this capability will work for alerts with 2 options (iOS 12 and below) capabilities.setCapability("autoAcceptAlerts", true);
  • 30. 30 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver#settings-api // change the setting to accept alerts with 3 options // and select the "Allow While Using App" (iOS 13 and above) getiosDriver().setSetting("acceptAlertButtonSelector", "**/XCUIElementTypeButton[`label == "Allow While Using App"`]");
  • 31. 34 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS
  • 32. 35 End to End User Flow with Location Services - iOS https://github.com/eyaly/testng-geo-location-examples
  • 33. 36 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android Preparation Permission Alert Test the page
  • 34. 37 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android For API level 29 (Android 10) and above: Enable: adb shell settings put secure location_mode 3 Disable: adb shell settings put secure location_mode 0 For API level 28 (Android 9) and below: Enable: adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed +gps Disable: adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed -gps
  • 35. 38 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
  • 36. 39 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android
  • 37. 40 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android Android >= 10 Android =< 9
  • 38. 41 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android https://appium.io/docs/en/writing-running-appium/caps/ // Grant permission for alert popups capabilities.setCapability("autoGrantPermissions", true);
  • 39. 42 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android // Grant permission for alert popups capabilities.setCapability("autoGrantPermissions", true);
  • 40. 43 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Android // Grant permission for alert popups capabilities.setCapability("autoGrantPermissions", true);
  • 41. 45 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Execution
  • 42. 46 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Execution
  • 43. 47 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Execution
  • 44. 48 And what about Web Apps…?
  • 45. 49 And what about Web Apps…?
  • 46. 50 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web
  • 47. 51 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web
  • 48. 52 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web
  • 49. 53 End to End User Flow with Location Services - Web https://github.com/eyaly/testng-geo-location-examples
  • 50. 54 Let’s talk about something new…
  • 51. 55 Let’s talk about something new…
  • 52. 56 Let’s talk about Geo-IP GeoIP refersto the method oflocating a computer terminal’s geographic location by identifying that terminal’s IP address. (https://help.nexcess.net/77285-other/what-is-geoip) An IP address is assigned to each device (e.g. computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_geolocation)
  • 53. 57 How to change my Geo-IP - Use VPN (Virtual Private Network) services - VPN Provider: WonderProxy (https://wonderproxy.com/) - Use WonderProxy to change the Geolocation of your test traffic Sauce: https://wonderproxy.com/docs/devs/guides/globalize-your-testing-with-sauce https://wiki.saucelabs.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=48365781
  • 54. 58 How to Test from different countries - Use Sauce Connect (tunnel) + WonderProxy
  • 55. 59 How to Test from different countries