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The Trendsetters in Digital Marketing
Tarun Gurwara
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
igitization has emerged as one of the promi-
Dnent avenues revolutionizing the way people
do business. But the fun fact is digitization has
spread its wings across many verticals not just limited
to business. It has made personal blogs available to a
lot of people who have started to monetize it now to
give it a professional swing. Individual approach
towards digitization has changed from just single use
to multiple applications in over a very short amount of
time. Needless to say, the digital wave has struck
mankind and technology alike, transforming our lives
for the better.
Ours is a digital generation and this generation has
become more tech-savvy as the advancements in the
industry have availed a lot of opportunities. Digital
literacy has now become a foundation for not just
businesses but people in general. It is serving as the
cornerstone for development may it be personal or
professional. Now, when we say we need to go digital,
what do we mean by that?
It simply refers to grow our presence on the internet. In
personal terms, we are known to be digitally aware of
the Digital
things only if we leave a digital footprint on the world
wide web. Internet is the place best known as all
things digital and we are yet a tiny part of that
universe. Its ever-expanding network makes us
available with all the information needed at our
The advent of smart devices has made leveraging
the power of the internet easier. That is the reason,
the wall between the digital world and the real world
is thinning, invention by invention. Innovation
happening in the tech space is just mobilizing our
access to digital products and services that become
hassle-free and efficient.
It dynamically paves the way for evolution, some-
thing that we have never experienced before. AI-ML,
IoT, Cloud, and other next-gen technologies are
constantly changing the environment where we
work or stay in. Digitization has made all this not just
possible but accelerated its growth on a whole
different level.
Even though we can quantify and realize this growth
spectrum, we still need to ascertain the ways in
which we can leverage digitization in the most
productive ways. For that, how digitization is chang-
ing the way we do business is something that we
need to focus on. In its entirety, digitization as an
avenue for business can result in a set of newer
opportunities that gives exposure, knowledge,
experience, and growth prospects.
The digital world is creating an environment that
discards traditional practices completely by replac-
ing them with new methods and strategies that are
cost-effective, efficient, and user friendly. In
business, these are the most crucial factors to stay
relevant in the industry. In this latest edition of CIO
Look India magazine, we are going to talk about
some of the companies that are drawing the power
from the digital world and utilizing it for the better-
ment of other businesses. All in the form of provid-
ing exceptional digital marketing services. Digital
Marketing is a concept that is although not new but
coming out of its shell post-pandemic.
‘The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing
Companies,’ is the edition in which our team has
brought the readers a few of the incredible stories
related to the digital marketing agencies that are
dynamically making a difference in this sector by
providing unique services to their clients. So, just sit
back and flip through the pages of our latest edition,
where you might stumble upon some of the articles
curated by the in-house editorial team of CIO Look
Darshan Parmar
The Trendsetters in Digital Marketing
Marketing Insights
Digital Marketing
vs Traditional
Marketing – Which
One is the Winner?
Marketing Dynamics
Dynamics of
Indian Digital
Marketing Space
20 30
ALVI Web Tech
Delivering Result-
Driven SEO Services
A One-stop-shop
for all your Digital
Marketing Needs
Mastering the Art of
Creating Strategies
from Consumer
Data Analysis
Whisperers of
the Digital Era
18 24
26 36
Managing Editor Darshan Parmar
Assisting Editor Abhishaj Sajeev
Contributing Writer Aditya Umale
Visualizer Asha Bange
Art & Design Director Deepanjali Jena
Associate Designer Priyanka Rajage
Operations Head Megha Mishra
Sales Manager Ashwini Pahurkar
Sales Executive Neha Bhilare
Technical Head Aditya K.
Technical Consultant Tanaji
Copyright © 2021 CIOLOOK
India, All rights reserved. The
content and images used in
this magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK
India. Reprint rights remain
solely with CIOLOOK India.
For Subscription
Sumita Sarkar
Avinash Chandra
Founder and CEO
Mahima Chawla
Founder and CEO
Tarun Gurwara
Rahul K Soni
Founder and Director
Nadeem Sabugar
Founder and CEO
Virtual Pebbles works with the vision to get Indian businesses
online with technology and marketing strengths working in
FluoDigital is data driven performance marketing and research
BrandLoom has emerged as one of India's most trusted digital
marketing and branding companies.
ALVI Web Tech
ALVI Web Tech was incepted to help businesses in boosting
more visibility for their website, enhanced business conversion
rate, continuous engagement, and brand awareness.
WebHooters is a company that has managed to stay focused on
its objective of capturing the essence of digital in an unforseen
TMU Branding
& Marketing -
Virtual Pebbles
Company Name Featuring
Tarun Gurwara
The Trendsetters in Digital Marketing
“ “
he internet expansion meant
the breaking down of barriers
and the creation of numerous
opportunities for professionals of all
kinds. Few areas have gone through
a revolution as remarkable as
marketing, which today has a large
part of its activities conducted in the
digitized environment.
Digital marketing is not just a
marketing technique. It has the
potential to make your business
popular and then keep it popular for
ages. Being a top player in this game
is like possessing the ability to make
or break businesses. One such titan
in the digital marketing space is
Virtual Pebbles.
Founded in the year 2017, when
Tarun Gurwara, the Founder, along
with his group of crazy, eclectic, and
creative thinkers of team members,
co-founded ‘Virtual Pebbles’ with
the plan to infuse fresh thinking and
new perspectives into digital
transformations using the media
channels and make everything –
living and non-living – popular.
“Our mission is to harness our
creativity into a viable solution. We’re
all about that new, which excites us:
New services, new design thinking, new
ideas to generate leads, the latest of
every successful service we have given
to our customers since 2017,” said
Tarun Gurwara.
Promoting #AllDigital
At Virtual Pebbles, they are a very
aggressive digital branding agency
and marketing team, which
is#AllDigital. The team is an
assortment of a certified
professionals from various digital
marketing disciplines and from
design schools. They strategize
quarterly plans and execute to
generate inquiries and direct leads
converting to business which is one
of the topmost USPs–
• With currently 30 renowned
customers in almost 3 years of
their existence, Virtual Pebbles
have proved themselves to 4
states (Gujarat included).
• Creative illustrative content that
we develop after ideation.
• Data collection in the form of
videos and stills.
• An integrated method of
marketing – digital marketing
strategies clubbed with sales and
marketing strategies of a business
• Strong lead generation B2C and
For the team over at Virtual
Pebbles, trends and the way
businesses perceived the process of
sales and marketing was the biggest
challenge. It was a huge challenge
back from 2012 to 2017, where
clarity on how digitally using
technology, activities can boost
sales via marketing was
not widely understood.
Scenarios changed
dramatically in India with
telecom companies
disrupting the digital
arena and industries
taking the change
positively. “Our struggles
vanished slowly, and today
in 2020, Virtual Pebbles,
with brands like ‘tera mera
uska’ and Branding &
Marketing café, are
successful with firm clients
and have a good presence
in various states of India,”
informs Tarun.
The Visionary
Virtual Pebbles' idea was
to get Indian businesses online with
technology and marketing strengths
working in equilibrium.
Tarun Gurwara visioned the same in
2012 and initiated this company in
Toronto also started with a team in
India. Being certified on the
software development front as a
PMP (project management
professionals) and certified on
various digital branding, marketing,
and advertising fronts with his
strong strategy on forming,
mentoring and growing Virtual
Pebbles with brands like ‘tera mera
uska’ and branding and marketing
cafe, has catapulted the whole
operation in India, with a bang, since
‘Tera mera uska’ was awarded by the
Vibrant Gujarat Startup summit as
No. 1 in 2019.
Making the Best of a Bad Situation,
and Preparing for The Digital
The pandemic was a major downside
for the nation and as well as the
whole wide world. But, as things
would have it, people were stuck at
home and the primary mode of
communication was digital. What
more could a digital marketing
agency ask for?
Transformation is widely understood as doing normal and regular chores differently. In the four years
since Virtual Pebbles came into existence, they have acquired 35+ clients, executed over 40+ projects.
The company gives ideas with a proof of concept and not only, evidence of air (which we all know exists).
And by all accounts, this is just the start for Virtual Pebbles.
“We super-serve some companies who need, think, sell niche, and we love serving those companies who
would like to be a niche in the market,”shares Tarun.
Some of the specialized services that Virtual Pebbles provides its clientele are:
• Brand Identity / Logo Design
• Trade Show Display Design
• Collateral Development
• Package Design
• Billboards, Kiosks
• Signs, Flyers, Menus
• Banners, Display Ads
• Infographics, Magazines
• Direct Mail Campaigns
• Digital White Papers
• Professional Photography
• Billboards, Kiosks
• Signs, Flyers, Menus
• Banners, Display Ads
• Professional Photography
• Media Planning & Buying
• Strategy and Consulting – Digital
Presence, Marketing plans quarter
wise with Targets aligned with sales
team and objectives with Content &
Channel Planning. This will include
Media Planning & Buying
• Content Research – Researched and
aggregated content
• Vlogging – Scripted
• Remarketing Direct
• Lead Generation – Google Search,
Instagram, Facebook, Emailers
• Email Marketing – 4 to 30 emails per
• Drip Email Marketing Campaigns
• Search Engine Optimization – 9
Month program with Mutually Agreed
Targetted keywords for inbound
business messages and Acquisition
• Pay Per Click Campaigns – Social,
Professional and Video Media
Digital Marketing:
Digital Branding:
Digital Advertising: • Content Research
• Creative Content planning
and creation
• 100+ Creative Visuals per
year – Interactive content
with new strategies and
payments linked.
Instagram Campaigns:
01 02
03 04
• Script Formation
• Location planning
• Shoot planning
• Video Shoot / Live Shoot
• Motion Graphics Planning and Production
• Postproduction Marketing
Vlogging Services:
Technology +
• Landing Page
• Microsite Development
• Website Design &
• E-Commerce Web Design
• Website Content/Copy
• BRANDING THE CZAR! Making of an
influencer (Bundled Plan) Digital
• Domain registration and hosting
• Securing the content
• Media Planning and Buying
• Professional Photography
• Instagram Campaigning
• Facebook and YouTube Campaigning
• Lead Generation – Google Search,
Instagram, Facebook, Emailers
• Search Engine Optimization – 9
Month program with Mutually Agreed
Targeted keywords for inbound
business messages and acquisition
• Pay Per Click Campaigns – Social,
Professional and Video Media
Branding the Czar:
• Professional Photography
• Video Shoot / Live Shoot
• Motion Graphics Planning and
• .NET, MVC, Angular, Core
PHP, WordPress, Wo-
• E-Commerce Web Design
• Website Content / Copy
E-commerce Design
and Software
Video Production
and Photography:
05 06
07 08
“We made the most of what the
pandemic had to offer our customers
and us. Sure, there were limitations,
and everyone was busy adjusting to
the new normal, but we tried our best
to cope up with the digital world’s ‘new
normal’, and we sure did a great job on
that,”says the team of Virtual
India has many digital marketing
companies along with digital
advertising agencies and freelancers
who are working fantastically for
many Indian businesses and for
companies overseas too.
This is precisely where Virtual
Pebbles steps in. It is by far, the
strongest in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP,
Delhi, Haryana and Punjab with few
pockets of Maharashtra as - the only
technology-driven digital marketing
company with a great sense of how
marketing strategies on digital
platforms can be activated by using
technology and not just releasing
content to get inbound leads and
inquiries. A true digital
transformation company.
“2021 is going to be enormously huge
for our Vlogging platforms ‘tera mera
uska’ (teramerauska.com) and Content
Cafe (brandingmarketingcafe.com),”
explains Tarun.
While the marketing trends in 2020
have already brought some heads-
up of hot new channels and
interesting tactics, Virtual Pebbles
have already adopted that ‘new
normal’ of the web-world.
Change is a privilege; it is what you
do with it that matters. With the
forced change that was faced by the
company, it believes that the team
has made their way through it with
nothing but grace and positive
The business environment and
technology are reshaping the
industry as well as marketing skills,
which is making all and everyone
reconsider the ongoing evolution in
business. The future of digital
marketing and digital advertising is
going to be challenging in terms of
skills, competition, techniques,
results, etc., but the team is ready
for it. “We have been successfully
serving our customers and we wish to
continue doing so,”states Tarun.
As stated above, the Covid-19
pandemic has created havoc
nationwide but also given a big
boost to the industries related to
the digital and the internet world,
despite their shortcomings and
As a result, digital marketing
agencies are going to grow rapidly in
2021. It is a proven fact that
connecting potential customers
online has been effective and less
expensive than conventional
Digital marketing usually makes a
strong brand and business presence
in the online world. It also gives
equal opportunities to small and big
businesses to advertise their
So, if you get disillusioned with the
same old techniques or realise most
of the marketing firms are not up to
the job, give Virtual Pebbles a call,
and ready yourself for a whole new
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
Stay in the known.
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The Trendsetters in Digital Marketing
Tarun Gurwara
he current era of digitalization has dominated
Talmost every sector and driven every business to go
online. Every company is striving to increase their
brand awareness, build relationships with prospective
clients, and position themselves as an authoritative and
trustworthy expert in their field through digital ways.
The ultimate goal is to stay ahead of the curve. This is
where SEO comes into the picture. Considering this
significant contribution of SEO and other aspects of digital
marketing, a leading company, ALVI Web Tech was
incepted with its comprehensive services, to aid businesses
in boosting more visibility of their website, business
conversion, continuous engagement and brand awareness.
Let’s discover the inspiring journey of the company from its
Founder and CEO, Nadeem Sabugar in his own words:
After completing my computer engineering in 2013, I
stepped up into the real world to find a job. It’s quite
challenging to get a job as a fresher as everybody knows
and I had given many interviews for on-field and off-field
opportunities, but unfortunately couldn’t find one.
So, in order to incur my expenses, I joined a call center and
did the job for 3 months. Meanwhile, I also started learning
about SEO and other stuff. After gaining the knowledge of
SEO, I went for an interview and got selected on the basis
of my knowledge.
My journey started as a fresher towards the end of 2013 and
within four years, I became a team leader. As I was very
curious to do something new by myself, I decided to start
my own company. I took the risk and left my job on
immediate base. This is when I founded ALVI Web Tech in
The journey of ALVI Web Tech started in a rental space and
within 2 years we had our own office, and a well settled
business. It’s been more than 6 years since I am in the SEO
field and I really enjoy what I do.
ALVI Web Tech is one of the best SEO companies in India
and our goal is to provide the best digital marketing
services and improve the overall growth of clients’ business
in the online marketing world.
We provide all the services that drive great results for your
website. Recognized as one of the most successful SEO
companies to drive traffic and contribute to the growth of
businesses. We are the most sought after for all types of
digital marketing and SEO rank boosting services.
Under the hood, we offer Search Engine Marketing, Social
Media Marketing, technical SEO, web page optimization
and PPC campaign services for all types of websites across
business niches. Our offerings also include Link Building,
Guest Posting, Application Marketing, Content Marketing
& Writing, Local SEO, WordPress Web Development,
Online Reputation Repair, and Strategy & Analytics
With our industry-recognized SEO efforts businesses can be
assured to stay always ahead of the competition and get top
search ranks for their target search terms. We know what it
takes to deliver top search ranks for their website. Our
experience in digital marketing goes back to the early age
of web and social media and this gives us a clear edge over
most of our competitors. We help business brands meeting
online challenges of reaching customers with our expertise
is driven value-for-money custom digital campaigns and
business-focused SEO.
We have proven expertise and a robust portfolio of clients
who have been benefited with our services. We offer highly
customized and business-focused SEO services for client
websites across niches.
At ALVI Web Tech, we believe in contributing to the
business dynamics of our client with a committed objective.
We ensure making a broad difference to the outcome of
their website traffic and business conversion with our
Delivering Result-Driven SEO Services
customized and highly business focused SEO
campaign and digital marketing initiatives. We
set achievable expectations to fulfill our
commitment to creating value with our SEO
marketing for customers.
Our SEO campaign is custom designed for each
and every website to suit its specific traffic
needs and to meet the business conversion
objective. We not only ensure doing the right
things following the standard SEO practices and
using best SEO tools, but we also come up with
custom SEO plans for each website depending
on the business dynamics and goals.
From addressing the technical limitations of our
customers’ website such as page speed,
interlinking contents and other on-page issues to
boosting their domain and page authority
through quality inbound links, relevant guest
post-publications, social bookmarking and
social media posts and optimization, we
leverage our expertise in all avenues to boost
their website rank and traffic. We leave no
stones unturned to ensure their steady growth in
page rank for their website.
As per the Advertising & Marketing field, the
knowledge of search engines and latest
developments are necessary to be know,
because results depend on the knowledge you
have. We consistently review our IT strategy
alongside business strategy in every quarter.
This helps us determine how technology is
helping and drives growth.
We keep updating our work strategy, gain
knowledge of the field, and stay focused on
clients’ ROI. Nadeem was recently awarded
Indian Achievers Award 2020 for the Emerging
Company - Best Digital Marketing Company in
India, Gujarat. We believe that if we work on
client satisfaction and get positive responses,
only then can we sustain in the future.
Nadeem Sabugar
Founder and CEO
We set achievable expectations to
fulll our commitment to creating value
with our SEO marketing for customers
“ “
Marketing Insights
n the end, what matters are the results. To put it in
the words of the Paramount Leader of China, Deng
Xiaoping ‘it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or
white, as long as it catches mice’!
The mice for marketers paradoxically are clients who
from time immemorial into the present, have always
been those who remain difficult to please, but without
whose presence a marketer does not go far. So much for
client servicing, the field has undergone humongous
changes, more so in the last decade. What has caused
the change has been the increasing digitization of
communication, more so in the field of marketing and
client communication. As a matter of fact,
communication the world over has undergone a
complete make over in the last two decades. Where it is
most visible and has brought most change continues in
the field of marketing.
The past
Imagine a time when there were no smart-phones and
no internet. These were before the times of the Gen Z
or Millennials. Paper, canvas, and everything physical
ruled. Marketing campaigns took weeks if not months
to formulate and roll-out, given that even
communication was paper-based making them slow but
quite sure. Obviously, there was not anything in the
nature of “personalized communication” other than
stuff in the letter box which were few and far between.
By the way, in countries where postage cards were a
rage, you did have them sent by companies reminding
you of the latter’s existence and likely new product. You
could not ever compare features or get reviews- that’s
till digitization happened. But that’s for latter.
The other way to market were huge billboards either on
top of buildings or such strategic location including
balloons, festoons, standees and so on. Everything was
dated which meant there was a time lag between
ideation, creation, and final installation. As for the
result of campaigns, they took months of waiting,
watching, and collating to know if the target had been
met. Given the gap in communication at every stage,
changing ideas en-route was not a possibility at all.
Calculating ROIs of marketing campaigns was a matter
of months. Also, the concept of CRM meant paper
registers full of client details or at best excel sheets (d-
base till a while back) in unconnected computers which
had to be physically collated.
Time did not mean much then as competition was less.
Everybody had a share of the pie. And everyone was
The present
Papers these days are anathema. And so too canvas,
paint and every other thing which is physical, needs
storage and must be worked upon using bare hands. It
is the ‘yug’ of digitization with machines doing
everything- in time even deciding what to show to
whom, when and in what quantities. These days
everything must have a reason to be done. And the base
of everything is data which gives information in the
form of ideas, trends, predictions, thoughts,
perceptions, and everything that may influence a
buyer’s decision-making capabilities. Data today comes
in the form of even a thought- courtesy technologies
like NLP which read even into the nuances of messages
on digital medias to glean the current scenario to
suggest the right messages and strategies. Data today is
like the air around us. It is collected in various ways,
only one of which could be the written words on
various gadgets. Sound, voices, and commands too are
being turned into data, besides those coming from
sources including IoT and Edge computing.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
n the following interview
Iwith CIO Look India,
Avinash Chandra, the
Founder and CEO of
Brandloom Consulting shares
his take on the booming scope of
digital marketing and how his
firm is leveraging every
opportunity there is to carve its
Below are the highlights of the
Give our readers a brief
overview of BrandLoom, its
vision, and its journey since
Since its inception in 2015,
BrandLoom has emerged as one
A One-stop-shop for all your
Digital Marketing Needs
Avinash Chandra
Founder & CEO
of India’s most trusted digital marketing and branding
companies. We aim to help our clients grow sustainably and
ethically. Our vision is to establish our company as the go-
to name in our field and keep exploring newer avenues to
offer innovative solutions to our clients.
BrandLoom has been working with brands from various
industries like healthcare, apparels, F&B, farming, FMCG,
education and more. Some of our clients have been- Wipro,
Tata, Jubilant Indus-tries, Groversons, Hero Cycles, etc.
What makes BrandLoom a preferred choice over its
What makes BrandLoom stand out is our unique branding-
ecommerce approach. Our digital marketing services help
us establish brands. We understand the brand first, and then
deploy our digital marketing services to create a self-
sustaining ecosystem that help establish and grow a brand
in the long run.
As a branding agency, we specialize in finding a brand's
market niche, designing its visual branding aspects and
strategic branding for the long term. The strategies we
design to build a brand are all based on data, focused on
ROI and are tailor-made for each client. We always insist
on sustainable strategies, which helps our clients thrive in
the long-term.
To ensure that a brand grows sustainably, we deploy a host
of digital marketing services ranging from SEO, content
marketing to social media marketing, website development,
logo designing, email marketing, online PR, video
marketing, graphic designing and more.
We are happy to say that our clients have been reaping the
benefits of our solutions and are growing organically.
Being at a leadership position of your company, what is
your opinion on the impact of the current pandemic on
the Indian business ecosystem?
The pandemic has affected India's business ecosystem
severely. India has been getting back on its feet, slowly but
steadily. However, many businesses are finding it difficult
to step up because they are not yet prepared for the digital
If the pandemic has shown us something, it is that
businesses have to go digital if they want to survive. If the
Indian business sector has to step into the new age, as a
whole, we have to upgrade our systems and ways of doing
business. In my opinion, businesses that cannot adapt to this
environment will become unviable in the long run.
As an experienced leader, according to you, how
necessary is it to align one’s business with the latest
technological developments?
Being the head of a digital marketing company and having
headed the marketing departments of various MNCs before
that- I can say with certainty that if you cannot align your
business with the latest technological developments, you
will suffer.
Technology is affecting the ways customers are finding,
testing, and interacting with brands and products. Their
expectations are different, and the market has also changed
today because the internet has changed everything.
You have to adopt relevant technologies to do and manage
your business, design new products, interact with customers
and grow your business. If you do not change with time,
time will march on leaving you behind.
What have you envisioned for your company to sustain
its competency in the future?
Definitely, as a team, we have envisioned a future where we
become the go-to name in our field. In our field, we must
stay on top of technological advances and we have aimed to
adopt more agile methods in handling our projects.
This, of course, means we are paying attention to remote
collaboration. Another reason for going agile is that we
want to build a team with the best talents. We do not want a
physical location to be a hindrance to that and it helps
increase employee satisfaction.
We are also a women-friendly company: the majority of our
employees are women. In our experience, if women are
offered a working environment which allows them to have a
better work-life balance, they can contribute their best.
Companies that are not women-friendly lose out on tapping
a vast reservoir of talent to their detriment. We never want
to be like them.
We want to grow pan-India, that these are some things we
feel will sustain our competency in the long-term.
Abunch of ingenious minds of the marketing world
came together to form a marketing agency named
as FLUODIGITAL that works on providing high
end conversions to the clients.
FLUODIGITAL is data driven performance marketing and
research firm. The firm currently works with a very limited
set of clients, as it believes in giving quality output to its
A Strategist Behind Inception
At the helm of the FLUODIGITAL is its Founder and
Director, Rahul K. Soni. Having 15 years of experience
into digital media, he has strong understanding of
Technical, strategies and coding. He is a PGP in Mass
Media from Welingkars Institute of Management. He holds
a Certification of Google Marketing Solutions and keen of
learning data mining solutions. More than 15 years in the
industry, he has worked with some of the leading brands
like YES BANK, REDDIF and IBM and is now working on
developing his own product in data mining. After working
with brands and agencies throughout his tenure, he
identified few gaps and thus wanted to start on own. He
found two major problems - not putting many efforts in
researching and identifying the audience with a strong data
points based on the cohorts.
Rahul spent 5 years with Rediff.com and he realized
tremendous scope in data analysis and how businesses can
drive value from it. FLUODIGITAL started its journey in
2017 but the company was incepted in mid-2018. Then one
day he decided to quit his job and asked for a financial
support from his brother and in return made him investor
and mentor in the company. That moment marked the start
of a roller coaster ride. Initially, he didn’t have any clients
nor any projects and stayed with zero revenue for first 6
months. Eventually, he got his first client. After lockdown
occurred, everything changed and after few months he
found the company in stronger position as it took its own
time to grow while focusing on client ROI and building
processes with a focused attention to limited set of clients.
Stack of Offerings
FLUODIGITAL has currently divided the teams into two
major verticals i.e. Performance marketing and quantitative
research. For performance marketing, it directly works with
SME’s, Funded startups and chooses its clients onthe basis
of the nature of the industry and their need. The company
believes in building long term relationships. Rather than
focusing only on retainers, it chases the consistent result.
Whereas, for research-based products the firm directly
works with creative agencies in which it gives them insights
on different parameters.
For agencies, the company provides services such as
Audience Segmentation, Creative Testing, Path to Purchase
Analysis, Media Planning and Buying, Campaign Analysis,
and Brand Tracking.
For brands and publishers, its services differ so as to
include Customer Segmentation, New Product
Development, Market Intelligence, Social Media Strategy,
Budget Allocation, Brand Tracking, Campaign Analytics
and In-house Media Planning.
Shedding Light on the Effects of Pandemic
In the opinion of Rahul, pandemic has increased the digital
adoption in the country and tremendous opportunities for all
size of media agencies. His team has seen little drop in the
media budgets at the start of the pandemic but after that it
has tremendously increased. His team shares some of the
data point it found during the research-
• Increased openness to new digital offerings introduced
during the pan-demic (84.8%)
• Increased value placed on digital experiences (83.8%)
• Greater acknowledgment of companies’ attempts to “do
good” (79.1%)
• Lower likelihood to buy (67.2%)
• New customers have attracted to their products and
services (65.4%)
Mastering the Art of Creating Strategies from Consumer Data Analysis
Rahul K. Soni
Founder and Director
Inculcating Customer-First Strategy
According to Rahul, today, customers expect
relevant content in relation to what they’re
doing anytime, anywhere in the format and in
the device of their choice. It's their journey that
dictates the strategy of marketing companies.
In order to keep up with this new kind of
“always-connected” customer, those
companies must embrace technology to deliver
an unmatched customer experience.
Fortunately, putting the customer first is
already at the center of many organizations’
strategy. With the same strategy,
FLUODIGITAL has scaled up.
A Top-notch Product in Progress
Rahul believes that competency brings the
innovation in you and always prompt you to
give your best. To sustain the competency,
FLUODIGITAL is building a product which is
currently its service right now. The company
aims to automate the entire process of research
in order to simplify it and give dashboard
access to its clients, so they won’t need to rely
on the company for the data or having an
inhouse resource work for them full time. As a
result, FLUODIGITAL will get a chance to
focus on other areas of businesses.
As a data driven agency, the team at
FLUODIGITAL understands the importance of
data in the marketing and how to use it in a
right way and thus, it is consistently adding
best in class data analysts and data miners for
the same.
Prioritizing on the strong
relationship, we operate on
our grounds of continuously
working with the brand
gaining and updating
consumer insights
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
here was a time not too long back when India meant the
back and beyond of the world. Nothing worked or was ever
expected to. Not even digital marketing. But if the
countries of the world were ships, India could be counted to be a
gargantuan crude-oil carrier which never looked its part but did
its job surprisingly well, despite its apparent shortcoming. And
like a big, big ship, India too takes incredibly long to take a turn!
But when it does, the world follows because it is where the
markets are, and an incredibly large one at 1.32 billion.
In the world of Digital Marketing too, India is taking a turn,
thankfully in the right direction, at the right speed. There are
dynamics to this form of marketing that is slowly but surely
appearing before everyone, be it the buyers or the marketers or
the myriad entities in between.
1. The trickle-down effect is now being felt by those at the
bottom of the barrel
There was a time not too long in the past when digital
marketing was considered a new fad, something akin to
fashion that would disappear in
sometime. But like Levis
Strauss’s Jeans, in India
it seems to be
Dynamics of the Indian
making major inroads in
every sector right from veggie sellers
to sellers of specialized goods and service. With Digital Marketing
experts appearing out of every nook and corner, and crack in the
cement, competition has resulted in prices for services dropping so low
that even the man on the street is now contemplating getting an account
on LinkedIn if not on Facebook and Twitter! As for businesses, there is no
dearth of local and national platforms that can be approached for a small
sum to sell on a national level.
2. eCommerce is bringing the real change
India’s mainstay when it comes to business, specifically trading is small enterprise. These typically consist of a
family which doubles up as owners and workers. Thoughts driven towards growth and marketing seldom find
much traction. Over the years these small traders and businesses have been used quite effectively by FMCGs to
sell their wares. Beyond that, there has hardly been any growth. That was the state till eCommerce companies
including Amazon and Flipkart and Snapdeal came about. With everything from marketing to CRM and logistics
being handled by the latter, small businesses in India have suddenly discovered a healthy way to do business with
the minimum of investment. As for eCommerce, its entire existence depends upon digital marketing!
3. India is going back to being vernac and regional and in some cases, very city and locality-specific
Two hundred years of British rule and seven hundred others covered India with cultures which were alien to it
but had to be endured for survival. With things settling down over the last 70+ years, India is back to being
Marketing Dynamics
regional in its language, culture, foods, and expressions
which can be seen in the way business in each state
wants to promote its product/services using a mix of
English, Hindi (to an extent) and the local language. This
brings to fore the need for local language speakers and
writers, as also those who can express and market in
these languages. For those from other parts, this aspect
continues to be a challenge worth exploring.
4. India's Digital Marketing Space is completely driven
by the mobile phone revolution
It’s said that India missed the PC revolution by miles
but made up with the smartphone! Being the biggest
such market for feature-rich budget mobile phones,
Indian consumers across the country are today firmly in
the net of multiple digital marketers who use every
available opportunity, platform and app to attract the
mobile user to buy the products and services. Very less
of this buying happens on other gadgets including PCs
and tablets given that they are difficult to carry around
and have limited use as compared to the ubiquitous
smart phones. In fact, in order to make it convenient for
mobile users, the better and more evolved marketers
are now designing interfaces and features that take
care of the limited screen space of a smart phone.
5. India's Digital Marketing Space has very city and
locality-specific apps and services that's a hybrid of
bigger services
What started as features meant for bigger digital
marketers is now slowly tricking down to the smaller
ones. Apps were once the calling card for bigger entities
including the likes of Amazon and Flipkart. But like
always, marketers’ need saw to it that the technology
went viral to be picked up by all those who thought it
was useful and interesting. Today, even small traders
and local aggregators are using apps with advanced
features meant for their clients who in most cases are
in their immediate vicinity.
Aligned to Google Maps and other such service
providers, local businesses have started to create and
promote apps that provide information on everything
from hotels and eating places to schools, parking-
spaces, hotels and hospitals, schools and the likes.
6. India's Digital Marketing Space is essentially driven
by Gen Z which does not take much from the previous
Millennial and Gen Z i.e., those born between 1997 and
2012-15 are the ones most likely to use digital means
to buy and sell, and are the ones driving the entire
Indian Digital Marketing Space. Being oblivious to the
concept of saving, hoarding, holding back, buying less
and all that the two generations before them did, they
look at the future without the coloured glasses of the
past, and as marketers are out to create ways and
means to market that may seem very radical to the
previous generations. Things including drop shipping,
influencers, online reviews etc do seem to be the
handiwork of those who are not hamstrung with the
views of the past.
7. The concept of content creation is surely catching
Faasos & Behrouz, Oreo, Flipkart, and Vogue. These
aren’t simply branding tactics that are doing well and
have an appeal and a standing in the market. They are
brands that have used the concept of content right up
to the hilt. For example, Behrouz Biryani. It speaks of
biryani in its heady days in the Arabic context and links
it to the present where the taste apparently reflects its
origins. Oreo brought about the concept of showing
how biscuits can be eaten differently- dunked in milk
after licking the cream and so on. Flipkart’s imaginative
use of children as adults making buying decisions and
enjoying (or regretting) their decisions has touched a
chord in many hearts. Vogue on its part has actress
Madhuri Dixit-Nene speaking about women’s issues
including cruelty and violence. And all of them are
successful as their content has spoken for them! Others
will surely follow given that markets in India continue
to grow.
8. Modes of input are changing
Whether we do anything or not, we certainly do one
thing- generate data by the millions. Fed thru AI-
assisted systems big data is transforming the way
machines henceforth shall respond to commands. What
it means is that machines get inputs from varied
experiences and sources that go towards formulating
and fine-tuning marketing pitches in unimaginable
ways. Today, the standard input means are keyboards
and voice commands (to Alexa, Siri and others in the
game). Tomorrow, AI could even pick-up from unsaid
cues and start to promote. In India this is an interesting
though challenging possibility given that we are a
hotch-potch of languages and cultures where nothing
remains certain beyond certain geographical areas. But
India IS going that way for sure and going BIG TIME!
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
We focus on building effective relationships
between the clients and the customers
that result in higher revenues, enhanced
credibility, and an increase in overall reputation
“ “
Mahima Chawla
Founder and CEO
The past three decades has seen the soft evolution of
marketing, as it tried to keep up and contend with
leaps in technology and our relation to it. And now
in these modern times, it has become practically impossible
to survive in this mobile and internet age without seeing the
effects of digitization on how we live, how we consume
information, and how we do business.
When it comes to business, irrespective of its size it is
impossible for it to succeed without digital marketing
services. Without the best and current digital marketing
strategy, a business may end up losing to its opponents. But
WebHooters, the digital marketing agency, has got you
covered at that front.
WebHooters the digital marketing agency, works in a digital
shell to shape its clients’ businesses on various online
platforms. Armed with the best digital marketing solutions,
the company focuses on capturing the present virtual
audiences and attracting new customers by positioning
digital visibility for stellar brands with an imaginative flair.
WebHooters came into action back in 2015 with the vision
to contemplate digital foundation in a brand-new light. The
WebHooters team is formed together with the mission to
captivate, retain, and transform the ideally aimed market
sector for their clients by shaping their business online.
With a team that acts as an assortment of high creativity,
originality, and innovative spirit, they are dedicated to
bringing forth the best digital solutions to modern-day
WebHooters’ services are of top-notch quality while
simultaneously being cost-effective. This works best for
mid-scale businesses or start-ups who want to be more
digitally focused while creating a marketing strategy.
WebHooters started out as a small team with one singular
idea; to have a creative outlook on digital marketing. Since
the company’s inception, they have worked hard towards
achieving their goals and now they are providing their
clients with the creative outlook that they deserve and the
digital strategies that best suit their business goals.
The company has worked with companies locally and
internationally and covered a large market segment. As they
stay up to date with what is happening in the digital world
at any point of time, they are continually monitoring digital
trends and techniques. They achieve that by positioning
digital visibility for stellar brands with imaginative flair and
turning these magnificent online numbers into profits.
As a digital marketing agency, WebHooters has managed to
stay extremely focused on the objective of capturing the
essence of digital in a never-seen-before way. It has not
always been easy, especially since there has been a sprout
of digital marketing agencies in the last couple of years.
The competition is tough. However, the company always
manages to give their best to each client that they have.
“We keep creativity at our heart for every project and we
proceed while keeping the best interests of our clients in our
minds,” says Mahima Chawla, the Founder and CEO of
From Creativity to Care
From SEO to content creation, and website development to
email blasts, WebHooters has done it all.
“What we ultimately aim for in all our projects is to create
Whisperers of the Digital Era
a definitive business branding to build the reputation of our
clients in the digital space,” states the team of WebHooters.
As an agency, and as individuals, the team at WebHooters is
highly experienced when it comes to presenting traditional
brand communications in a relevant and fashionable way.
Speaking of services, the company offers a bouquet of
them. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a crucial key to
digital marketing that basically sets the foundation of a
digital marketing strategy. The SEO team at WebHooters
conducts detailed research on the keywords that are
persistent within the industry and that list is updated
regularly during the time spend working on a client’s
Then there’s content marketing, which is also an extremely
important part of a well-defined digital marketing
campaign. Content marketing generates credibility and
builds brand loyalty. The content team at WebHooters are a
creative bunch of people who are continually working
towards creating the best content suitable for the clients.
Every piece of content is well-researched, unique, and helps
achieve the main business objectives of clients.
Social media and content marketing goes together as the
content is the brand’s message and social media is the
platform where they communicate the message. “Brand
deals and influencer sponsorships are new methods of
marketing that we are currently seeing in social media and
WebHooters indulge in those specifications to help our
clients reach their target audience,” informs Mahima.
As a digital marketing agency, it also has experts in website
development and logo designing. A well-designed logo that
resonates with the brand’s culture is the first, and arguably
the most important step towards building brand identity.,
The website also has to be immaculate and representative of
a brand’s values, mission, and vision. WebHooters helps its
clients achieve that aesthetically. They have a great team of
graphic designers and developers at WebHooters who
understand the brand and then give it a rightful space in the
digital world.
At last, there’s email marketing. Email marketing has been
gaining more popularity recently. When it comes to email,
the message must be specific and direct to retain the
attention of the reader. “There needs to be a point of
communication and we help our clients bring that point up
in a creative manner,” explains Mahima.
As the digital space is growing, the audience’s attention is
decreasing. A brand has three seconds to get their message
across to the viewers. WebHooters’ creativity and expertise
help in this case where the team brings their individual
specialities together to provide the clients with the best of
all worlds.
The Times They Are A-changing….
WebHooters has always been upfront about adapting to the
latest tools and techniques of digital marketing. As a team,
they are deeply passionate about the developments that are
taking place in the digital marketing front. Since the very
beginning, the company has been creatively driven while
simultaneously being involved in the technological
transformations in the field.
“All the work we do happens in the digital space,
collaborating with various departments and still having the
opportunity for individual ideas and implementations,”
shares the team of WebHooters.
The team at WebHooters concentrates on the most basic
requirement while developing and implementing a digital
marketing strategy- the product. “We can’t market the
product if we don’t understand the product. So, while an
understanding of the industry is necessary, the
understanding of the product is even more crucial. We want
to create an effective digital marketing campaign for our
clients which yields results. In order to do that, we dive
deep into the subject, which is the product or service we are
trying to sell.”
The next thing is creating good content. With the desire to
keep clients visible amongst the multitude of content, the
content team at WebHooters is constantly monitoring the
trending topics in the digital space. So, the team designs the
most relevant and trendy content that suits the client and the
industry they belong to. This is what WebHooters plan on
doing continually in the long run because it understands
how important content is in a digital marketing campaign.
To sustain competency for the near future, WebHooters will
encourage all team members to gain deeper knowledge in
their existing forte and simultaneously work on developing
new skills. “We want to present the best digital solutions for
our clients, and we will continue putting maximum efforts in
delivering on our promise. Nothing is more important to us
than the satisfaction of our clients,” concludes Mahima.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.
The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.

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The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies.

  • 4. igitization has emerged as one of the promi- Dnent avenues revolutionizing the way people do business. But the fun fact is digitization has spread its wings across many verticals not just limited to business. It has made personal blogs available to a lot of people who have started to monetize it now to give it a professional swing. Individual approach towards digitization has changed from just single use to multiple applications in over a very short amount of time. Needless to say, the digital wave has struck mankind and technology alike, transforming our lives for the better. Ours is a digital generation and this generation has become more tech-savvy as the advancements in the industry have availed a lot of opportunities. Digital literacy has now become a foundation for not just businesses but people in general. It is serving as the cornerstone for development may it be personal or professional. Now, when we say we need to go digital, what do we mean by that? It simply refers to grow our presence on the internet. In personal terms, we are known to be digitally aware of EDITOR’S NOTE Welcoming the Digital Tomorrow
  • 5. things only if we leave a digital footprint on the world wide web. Internet is the place best known as all things digital and we are yet a tiny part of that universe. Its ever-expanding network makes us available with all the information needed at our fingertips. The advent of smart devices has made leveraging the power of the internet easier. That is the reason, the wall between the digital world and the real world is thinning, invention by invention. Innovation happening in the tech space is just mobilizing our access to digital products and services that become hassle-free and efficient. It dynamically paves the way for evolution, some- thing that we have never experienced before. AI-ML, IoT, Cloud, and other next-gen technologies are constantly changing the environment where we work or stay in. Digitization has made all this not just possible but accelerated its growth on a whole different level. Even though we can quantify and realize this growth spectrum, we still need to ascertain the ways in which we can leverage digitization in the most productive ways. For that, how digitization is chang- ing the way we do business is something that we need to focus on. In its entirety, digitization as an avenue for business can result in a set of newer opportunities that gives exposure, knowledge, experience, and growth prospects. The digital world is creating an environment that discards traditional practices completely by replac- ing them with new methods and strategies that are cost-effective, efficient, and user friendly. In business, these are the most crucial factors to stay relevant in the industry. In this latest edition of CIO Look India magazine, we are going to talk about some of the companies that are drawing the power from the digital world and utilizing it for the better- ment of other businesses. All in the form of provid- ing exceptional digital marketing services. Digital Marketing is a concept that is although not new but coming out of its shell post-pandemic. ‘The Best of 5 Recommended Digital Marketing Companies,’ is the edition in which our team has brought the readers a few of the incredible stories related to the digital marketing agencies that are dynamically making a difference in this sector by providing unique services to their clients. So, just sit back and flip through the pages of our latest edition, where you might stumble upon some of the articles curated by the in-house editorial team of CIO Look India. Darshan Parmar DarsHP RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 6. VIRTUAL PEBBLES The Trendsetters in Digital Marketing Marketing Insights Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing – Which One is the Winner? Marketing Dynamics Dynamics of Indian Digital Marketing Space 20 30 Articles 08Cover Story
  • 7. ALVI Web Tech Delivering Result- Driven SEO Services BrandLoom Consulting A One-stop-shop for all your Digital Marketing Needs FLUODIGITAL Mastering the Art of Creating Strategies from Consumer Data Analysis WebHooters Whisperers of the Digital Era 18 24 26 36 C O N T E N T S
  • 8. CONTENT Managing Editor Darshan Parmar Assisting Editor Abhishaj Sajeev Contributing Writer Aditya Umale DESIGN Visualizer Asha Bange Art & Design Director Deepanjali Jena Associate Designer Priyanka Rajage SALES Operations Head Megha Mishra Sales Manager Ashwini Pahurkar Sales Executive Neha Bhilare TECHNICAL Technical Head Aditya K. Technical Consultant Tanaji JANUARY, 2021 Copyright © 2021 CIOLOOK India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK India. FOLLOW US ON www.twitter.com/ciolookindia www.facebook.com/ciolookindia/ WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email [email protected] For Subscription www.ciolookindia.com CONTACT US ON Sumita Sarkar Editor-in-Chief [email protected] [email protected] I N D I A
  • 9. FluoDigital BrandLoom Consulting WebHooters Avinash Chandra Founder and CEO Mahima Chawla Founder and CEO Tarun Gurwara Founder Rahul K Soni Founder and Director Nadeem Sabugar Founder and CEO Virtual Pebbles works with the vision to get Indian businesses online with technology and marketing strengths working in equilibrium. FluoDigital is data driven performance marketing and research company. BrandLoom has emerged as one of India's most trusted digital marketing and branding companies. ALVI Web Tech ALVI Web Tech was incepted to help businesses in boosting more visibility for their website, enhanced business conversion rate, continuous engagement, and brand awareness. WebHooters is a company that has managed to stay focused on its objective of capturing the essence of digital in an unforseen way. TMU Branding & Marketing - Virtual Pebbles Brief Company Name Featuring RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 12. T he internet expansion meant the breaking down of barriers and the creation of numerous opportunities for professionals of all kinds. Few areas have gone through a revolution as remarkable as marketing, which today has a large part of its activities conducted in the digitized environment. Digital marketing is not just a marketing technique. It has the potential to make your business popular and then keep it popular for ages. Being a top player in this game is like possessing the ability to make or break businesses. One such titan in the digital marketing space is Virtual Pebbles. Founded in the year 2017, when Tarun Gurwara, the Founder, along with his group of crazy, eclectic, and creative thinkers of team members, co-founded ‘Virtual Pebbles’ with the plan to infuse fresh thinking and new perspectives into digital transformations using the media channels and make everything – living and non-living – popular. Mission: “Our mission is to harness our creativity into a viable solution. We’re all about that new, which excites us: New services, new design thinking, new ideas to generate leads, the latest of every successful service we have given to our customers since 2017,” said Tarun Gurwara. Promoting #AllDigital At Virtual Pebbles, they are a very aggressive digital branding agency and marketing team, which is#AllDigital. The team is an assortment of a certified professionals from various digital marketing disciplines and from design schools. They strategize quarterly plans and execute to generate inquiries and direct leads converting to business which is one of the topmost USPs– • With currently 30 renowned customers in almost 3 years of their existence, Virtual Pebbles have proved themselves to 4 states (Gujarat included). • Creative illustrative content that we develop after ideation. • Data collection in the form of videos and stills. • An integrated method of marketing – digital marketing strategies clubbed with sales and marketing strategies of a business (customers). • Strong lead generation B2C and B2B. For the team over at Virtual Pebbles, trends and the way businesses perceived the process of sales and marketing was the biggest challenge. It was a huge challenge back from 2012 to 2017, where clarity on how digitally using technology, activities can boost sales via marketing was not widely understood. Scenarios changed dramatically in India with telecom companies disrupting the digital arena and industries taking the change positively. “Our struggles vanished slowly, and today in 2020, Virtual Pebbles, with brands like ‘tera mera uska’ and Branding & Marketing café, are successful with firm clients and have a good presence in various states of India,” informs Tarun. The Visionary Virtual Pebbles' idea was RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 13. “WE MADE THE MOST OF WHAT THE PANDEMIC HAD TO OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS AND US. SURE THERE WERE LIMITATIONS AND EVERYONE WAS BUSY ADJUSTING TO THE NEW NORMAL, BUT WE TRIED OUR BEST TO COPE UP WITH THE DIGITAL WORLD’S ‘NEW NORMAL’, AND WE SURE DID A GREAT JOB ON THAT! to get Indian businesses online with technology and marketing strengths working in equilibrium. Tarun Gurwara visioned the same in 2012 and initiated this company in Toronto also started with a team in India. Being certified on the software development front as a PMP (project management professionals) and certified on various digital branding, marketing, and advertising fronts with his strong strategy on forming, mentoring and growing Virtual Pebbles with brands like ‘tera mera uska’ and branding and marketing cafe, has catapulted the whole operation in India, with a bang, since 2017. ‘Tera mera uska’ was awarded by the Vibrant Gujarat Startup summit as No. 1 in 2019. Making the Best of a Bad Situation, and Preparing for The Digital Future The pandemic was a major downside for the nation and as well as the whole wide world. But, as things would have it, people were stuck at home and the primary mode of communication was digital. What more could a digital marketing agency ask for? “
  • 14. DISTINGUISHED SERVICES ON A PLATTER Transformation is widely understood as doing normal and regular chores differently. In the four years since Virtual Pebbles came into existence, they have acquired 35+ clients, executed over 40+ projects. The company gives ideas with a proof of concept and not only, evidence of air (which we all know exists). And by all accounts, this is just the start for Virtual Pebbles. “We super-serve some companies who need, think, sell niche, and we love serving those companies who would like to be a niche in the market,”shares Tarun. Some of the specialized services that Virtual Pebbles provides its clientele are: • Brand Identity / Logo Design • Trade Show Display Design • Collateral Development • Package Design • Billboards, Kiosks • Signs, Flyers, Menus • Banners, Display Ads • Infographics, Magazines • Direct Mail Campaigns • Digital White Papers • Professional Photography • Billboards, Kiosks • Signs, Flyers, Menus • Banners, Display Ads • Professional Photography • Media Planning & Buying • Strategy and Consulting – Digital Presence, Marketing plans quarter wise with Targets aligned with sales team and objectives with Content & Channel Planning. This will include Media Planning & Buying • Content Research – Researched and aggregated content • Vlogging – Scripted • Remarketing Direct • Lead Generation – Google Search, Instagram, Facebook, Emailers • Email Marketing – 4 to 30 emails per month • Drip Email Marketing Campaigns • Search Engine Optimization – 9 Month program with Mutually Agreed Targetted keywords for inbound business messages and Acquisition • Pay Per Click Campaigns – Social, Professional and Video Media Platforms Digital Marketing: Digital Branding: Digital Advertising: • Content Research • Creative Content planning and creation • 100+ Creative Visuals per year – Interactive content with new strategies and payments linked. Instagram Campaigns: 01 02 03 04
  • 15. • Script Formation • Location planning • Shoot planning • Video Shoot / Live Shoot • Motion Graphics Planning and Production • Postproduction Marketing Vlogging Services: Technology + Marketing Activation: • Landing Page Optimization • Microsite Development • Website Design & Development • E-Commerce Web Design • Website Content/Copy Redesign • BRANDING THE CZAR! Making of an influencer (Bundled Plan) Digital presence • Domain registration and hosting • Securing the content • Media Planning and Buying • Professional Photography • Instagram Campaigning • Facebook and YouTube Campaigning • Lead Generation – Google Search, Instagram, Facebook, Emailers • Search Engine Optimization – 9 Month program with Mutually Agreed Targeted keywords for inbound business messages and acquisition • Pay Per Click Campaigns – Social, Professional and Video Media Platforms Branding the Czar: • Professional Photography • Video Shoot / Live Shoot • Motion Graphics Planning and Production • .NET, MVC, Angular, Core PHP, WordPress, Wo- Commerce • E-Commerce Web Design • Website Content / Copy Redesign E-commerce Design and Software Development: Video Production and Photography: 05 06 07 08 09
  • 16. “We made the most of what the pandemic had to offer our customers and us. Sure, there were limitations, and everyone was busy adjusting to the new normal, but we tried our best to cope up with the digital world’s ‘new normal’, and we sure did a great job on that,”says the team of Virtual Pebbles. India has many digital marketing companies along with digital advertising agencies and freelancers who are working fantastically for many Indian businesses and for companies overseas too. This is precisely where Virtual Pebbles steps in. It is by far, the strongest in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab with few pockets of Maharashtra as - the only technology-driven digital marketing company with a great sense of how marketing strategies on digital platforms can be activated by using technology and not just releasing content to get inbound leads and inquiries. A true digital transformation company. “2021 is going to be enormously huge for our Vlogging platforms ‘tera mera uska’ (teramerauska.com) and Content Cafe (brandingmarketingcafe.com),” explains Tarun. While the marketing trends in 2020 have already brought some heads- up of hot new channels and interesting tactics, Virtual Pebbles have already adopted that ‘new normal’ of the web-world. Change is a privilege; it is what you do with it that matters. With the forced change that was faced by the company, it believes that the team has made their way through it with nothing but grace and positive aggression. The business environment and technology are reshaping the industry as well as marketing skills, which is making all and everyone reconsider the ongoing evolution in business. The future of digital marketing and digital advertising is going to be challenging in terms of skills, competition, techniques, results, etc., but the team is ready for it. “We have been successfully serving our customers and we wish to continue doing so,”states Tarun. As stated above, the Covid-19 pandemic has created havoc nationwide but also given a big boost to the industries related to the digital and the internet world, despite their shortcomings and limitations. “ “ As a result, digital marketing agencies are going to grow rapidly in 2021. It is a proven fact that connecting potential customers online has been effective and less expensive than conventional methods. Digital marketing usually makes a strong brand and business presence in the online world. It also gives equal opportunities to small and big businesses to advertise their service/products. So, if you get disillusioned with the same old techniques or realise most of the marketing firms are not up to the job, give Virtual Pebbles a call, and ready yourself for a whole new experience. CHANGE IS A PRIVILEGE; IT IS WHAT YOU DO WITH IT THAT MATTERS. WITH THE FORCED CHANGE THAT WAS FACED BY THE COMPANY, THEY BELIEVE THAT THEY MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH IT WITH NOTHING BUT GRACE AND POSITIVE AGGRESSION
  • 20. he current era of digitalization has dominated Talmost every sector and driven every business to go online. Every company is striving to increase their brand awareness, build relationships with prospective clients, and position themselves as an authoritative and trustworthy expert in their field through digital ways. The ultimate goal is to stay ahead of the curve. This is where SEO comes into the picture. Considering this significant contribution of SEO and other aspects of digital marketing, a leading company, ALVI Web Tech was incepted with its comprehensive services, to aid businesses in boosting more visibility of their website, business conversion, continuous engagement and brand awareness. Let’s discover the inspiring journey of the company from its Founder and CEO, Nadeem Sabugar in his own words: After completing my computer engineering in 2013, I stepped up into the real world to find a job. It’s quite challenging to get a job as a fresher as everybody knows and I had given many interviews for on-field and off-field opportunities, but unfortunately couldn’t find one. So, in order to incur my expenses, I joined a call center and did the job for 3 months. Meanwhile, I also started learning about SEO and other stuff. After gaining the knowledge of SEO, I went for an interview and got selected on the basis of my knowledge. My journey started as a fresher towards the end of 2013 and within four years, I became a team leader. As I was very curious to do something new by myself, I decided to start my own company. I took the risk and left my job on immediate base. This is when I founded ALVI Web Tech in 2018. The journey of ALVI Web Tech started in a rental space and within 2 years we had our own office, and a well settled business. It’s been more than 6 years since I am in the SEO field and I really enjoy what I do. ALVI Web Tech is one of the best SEO companies in India and our goal is to provide the best digital marketing services and improve the overall growth of clients’ business in the online marketing world. We provide all the services that drive great results for your website. Recognized as one of the most successful SEO companies to drive traffic and contribute to the growth of businesses. We are the most sought after for all types of digital marketing and SEO rank boosting services. Under the hood, we offer Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, technical SEO, web page optimization and PPC campaign services for all types of websites across business niches. Our offerings also include Link Building, Guest Posting, Application Marketing, Content Marketing & Writing, Local SEO, WordPress Web Development, Online Reputation Repair, and Strategy & Analytics Consulting. With our industry-recognized SEO efforts businesses can be assured to stay always ahead of the competition and get top search ranks for their target search terms. We know what it takes to deliver top search ranks for their website. Our experience in digital marketing goes back to the early age of web and social media and this gives us a clear edge over most of our competitors. We help business brands meeting online challenges of reaching customers with our expertise is driven value-for-money custom digital campaigns and business-focused SEO. We have proven expertise and a robust portfolio of clients who have been benefited with our services. We offer highly customized and business-focused SEO services for client websites across niches. At ALVI Web Tech, we believe in contributing to the business dynamics of our client with a committed objective. We ensure making a broad difference to the outcome of their website traffic and business conversion with our ALVI WEB TECH Delivering Result-Driven SEO Services JANUARY 2021 18
  • 21. customized and highly business focused SEO campaign and digital marketing initiatives. We set achievable expectations to fulfill our commitment to creating value with our SEO marketing for customers. Our SEO campaign is custom designed for each and every website to suit its specific traffic needs and to meet the business conversion objective. We not only ensure doing the right things following the standard SEO practices and using best SEO tools, but we also come up with custom SEO plans for each website depending on the business dynamics and goals. From addressing the technical limitations of our customers’ website such as page speed, interlinking contents and other on-page issues to boosting their domain and page authority through quality inbound links, relevant guest post-publications, social bookmarking and social media posts and optimization, we leverage our expertise in all avenues to boost their website rank and traffic. We leave no stones unturned to ensure their steady growth in page rank for their website. As per the Advertising & Marketing field, the knowledge of search engines and latest developments are necessary to be know, because results depend on the knowledge you have. We consistently review our IT strategy alongside business strategy in every quarter. This helps us determine how technology is helping and drives growth. We keep updating our work strategy, gain knowledge of the field, and stay focused on clients’ ROI. Nadeem was recently awarded Indian Achievers Award 2020 for the Emerging Company - Best Digital Marketing Company in India, Gujarat. We believe that if we work on client satisfaction and get positive responses, only then can we sustain in the future. Nadeem Sabugar Founder and CEO We set achievable expectations to fulll our commitment to creating value with our SEO marketing for customers “ “ JANUARY 2021 19 RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 24. I n the end, what matters are the results. To put it in the words of the Paramount Leader of China, Deng Xiaoping ‘it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice’! The mice for marketers paradoxically are clients who from time immemorial into the present, have always been those who remain difficult to please, but without whose presence a marketer does not go far. So much for client servicing, the field has undergone humongous changes, more so in the last decade. What has caused the change has been the increasing digitization of communication, more so in the field of marketing and client communication. As a matter of fact, communication the world over has undergone a complete make over in the last two decades. Where it is most visible and has brought most change continues in the field of marketing. The past Imagine a time when there were no smart-phones and no internet. These were before the times of the Gen Z or Millennials. Paper, canvas, and everything physical ruled. Marketing campaigns took weeks if not months to formulate and roll-out, given that even communication was paper-based making them slow but quite sure. Obviously, there was not anything in the nature of “personalized communication” other than stuff in the letter box which were few and far between. By the way, in countries where postage cards were a rage, you did have them sent by companies reminding you of the latter’s existence and likely new product. You could not ever compare features or get reviews- that’s till digitization happened. But that’s for latter. The other way to market were huge billboards either on top of buildings or such strategic location including balloons, festoons, standees and so on. Everything was dated which meant there was a time lag between ideation, creation, and final installation. As for the result of campaigns, they took months of waiting, watching, and collating to know if the target had been met. Given the gap in communication at every stage, changing ideas en-route was not a possibility at all. Calculating ROIs of marketing campaigns was a matter of months. Also, the concept of CRM meant paper registers full of client details or at best excel sheets (d- base till a while back) in unconnected computers which had to be physically collated. Time did not mean much then as competition was less. Everybody had a share of the pie. And everyone was happy. The present Papers these days are anathema. And so too canvas, paint and every other thing which is physical, needs storage and must be worked upon using bare hands. It is the ‘yug’ of digitization with machines doing everything- in time even deciding what to show to whom, when and in what quantities. These days everything must have a reason to be done. And the base of everything is data which gives information in the form of ideas, trends, predictions, thoughts, perceptions, and everything that may influence a buyer’s decision-making capabilities. Data today comes in the form of even a thought- courtesy technologies like NLP which read even into the nuances of messages on digital medias to glean the current scenario to suggest the right messages and strategies. Data today is like the air around us. It is collected in various ways, only one of which could be the written words on various gadgets. Sound, voices, and commands too are being turned into data, besides those coming from sources including IoT and Edge computing. JANUARY 2021 22
  • 26. n the following interview Iwith CIO Look India, Avinash Chandra, the Founder and CEO of Brandloom Consulting shares his take on the booming scope of digital marketing and how his firm is leveraging every opportunity there is to carve its niche. Below are the highlights of the interview: Give our readers a brief overview of BrandLoom, its vision, and its journey since inception Since its inception in 2015, BrandLoom has emerged as one Consulting A One-stop-shop for all your Digital Marketing Needs Avinash Chandra Founder & CEO JANUARY 2021 24
  • 27. of India’s most trusted digital marketing and branding companies. We aim to help our clients grow sustainably and ethically. Our vision is to establish our company as the go- to name in our field and keep exploring newer avenues to offer innovative solutions to our clients. BrandLoom has been working with brands from various industries like healthcare, apparels, F&B, farming, FMCG, education and more. Some of our clients have been- Wipro, Tata, Jubilant Indus-tries, Groversons, Hero Cycles, etc. What makes BrandLoom a preferred choice over its competition? What makes BrandLoom stand out is our unique branding- ecommerce approach. Our digital marketing services help us establish brands. We understand the brand first, and then deploy our digital marketing services to create a self- sustaining ecosystem that help establish and grow a brand in the long run. As a branding agency, we specialize in finding a brand's market niche, designing its visual branding aspects and strategic branding for the long term. The strategies we design to build a brand are all based on data, focused on ROI and are tailor-made for each client. We always insist on sustainable strategies, which helps our clients thrive in the long-term. To ensure that a brand grows sustainably, we deploy a host of digital marketing services ranging from SEO, content marketing to social media marketing, website development, logo designing, email marketing, online PR, video marketing, graphic designing and more. We are happy to say that our clients have been reaping the benefits of our solutions and are growing organically. Being at a leadership position of your company, what is your opinion on the impact of the current pandemic on the Indian business ecosystem? The pandemic has affected India's business ecosystem severely. India has been getting back on its feet, slowly but steadily. However, many businesses are finding it difficult to step up because they are not yet prepared for the digital era. If the pandemic has shown us something, it is that businesses have to go digital if they want to survive. If the Indian business sector has to step into the new age, as a whole, we have to upgrade our systems and ways of doing business. In my opinion, businesses that cannot adapt to this environment will become unviable in the long run. As an experienced leader, according to you, how necessary is it to align one’s business with the latest technological developments? Being the head of a digital marketing company and having headed the marketing departments of various MNCs before that- I can say with certainty that if you cannot align your business with the latest technological developments, you will suffer. Technology is affecting the ways customers are finding, testing, and interacting with brands and products. Their expectations are different, and the market has also changed today because the internet has changed everything. You have to adopt relevant technologies to do and manage your business, design new products, interact with customers and grow your business. If you do not change with time, time will march on leaving you behind. What have you envisioned for your company to sustain its competency in the future? Definitely, as a team, we have envisioned a future where we become the go-to name in our field. In our field, we must stay on top of technological advances and we have aimed to adopt more agile methods in handling our projects. This, of course, means we are paying attention to remote collaboration. Another reason for going agile is that we want to build a team with the best talents. We do not want a physical location to be a hindrance to that and it helps increase employee satisfaction. We are also a women-friendly company: the majority of our employees are women. In our experience, if women are offered a working environment which allows them to have a better work-life balance, they can contribute their best. Companies that are not women-friendly lose out on tapping a vast reservoir of talent to their detriment. We never want to be like them. We want to grow pan-India, that these are some things we feel will sustain our competency in the long-term. JANUARY 2021 25 RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 28. Abunch of ingenious minds of the marketing world came together to form a marketing agency named as FLUODIGITAL that works on providing high end conversions to the clients. FLUODIGITAL is data driven performance marketing and research firm. The firm currently works with a very limited set of clients, as it believes in giving quality output to its clients. A Strategist Behind Inception At the helm of the FLUODIGITAL is its Founder and Director, Rahul K. Soni. Having 15 years of experience into digital media, he has strong understanding of Technical, strategies and coding. He is a PGP in Mass Media from Welingkars Institute of Management. He holds a Certification of Google Marketing Solutions and keen of learning data mining solutions. More than 15 years in the industry, he has worked with some of the leading brands like YES BANK, REDDIF and IBM and is now working on developing his own product in data mining. After working with brands and agencies throughout his tenure, he identified few gaps and thus wanted to start on own. He found two major problems - not putting many efforts in researching and identifying the audience with a strong data points based on the cohorts. Rahul spent 5 years with Rediff.com and he realized tremendous scope in data analysis and how businesses can drive value from it. FLUODIGITAL started its journey in 2017 but the company was incepted in mid-2018. Then one day he decided to quit his job and asked for a financial support from his brother and in return made him investor and mentor in the company. That moment marked the start of a roller coaster ride. Initially, he didn’t have any clients nor any projects and stayed with zero revenue for first 6 months. Eventually, he got his first client. After lockdown occurred, everything changed and after few months he found the company in stronger position as it took its own time to grow while focusing on client ROI and building processes with a focused attention to limited set of clients. Stack of Offerings FLUODIGITAL has currently divided the teams into two major verticals i.e. Performance marketing and quantitative research. For performance marketing, it directly works with SME’s, Funded startups and chooses its clients onthe basis of the nature of the industry and their need. The company believes in building long term relationships. Rather than focusing only on retainers, it chases the consistent result. Whereas, for research-based products the firm directly works with creative agencies in which it gives them insights on different parameters. For agencies, the company provides services such as Audience Segmentation, Creative Testing, Path to Purchase Analysis, Media Planning and Buying, Campaign Analysis, and Brand Tracking. For brands and publishers, its services differ so as to include Customer Segmentation, New Product Development, Market Intelligence, Social Media Strategy, Budget Allocation, Brand Tracking, Campaign Analytics and In-house Media Planning. Shedding Light on the Effects of Pandemic In the opinion of Rahul, pandemic has increased the digital adoption in the country and tremendous opportunities for all size of media agencies. His team has seen little drop in the media budgets at the start of the pandemic but after that it has tremendously increased. His team shares some of the data point it found during the research- • Increased openness to new digital offerings introduced during the pan-demic (84.8%) • Increased value placed on digital experiences (83.8%) • Greater acknowledgment of companies’ attempts to “do good” (79.1%) • Lower likelihood to buy (67.2%) • New customers have attracted to their products and services (65.4%) FLUODIGITAL Mastering the Art of Creating Strategies from Consumer Data Analysis JANUARY 2021 26 RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 29. Rahul K. Soni Founder and Director JANUARY 2021 27
  • 30. Inculcating Customer-First Strategy According to Rahul, today, customers expect relevant content in relation to what they’re doing anytime, anywhere in the format and in the device of their choice. It's their journey that dictates the strategy of marketing companies. In order to keep up with this new kind of “always-connected” customer, those companies must embrace technology to deliver an unmatched customer experience. Fortunately, putting the customer first is already at the center of many organizations’ strategy. With the same strategy, FLUODIGITAL has scaled up. A Top-notch Product in Progress Rahul believes that competency brings the innovation in you and always prompt you to give your best. To sustain the competency, FLUODIGITAL is building a product which is currently its service right now. The company aims to automate the entire process of research in order to simplify it and give dashboard access to its clients, so they won’t need to rely on the company for the data or having an inhouse resource work for them full time. As a result, FLUODIGITAL will get a chance to focus on other areas of businesses. As a data driven agency, the team at FLUODIGITAL understands the importance of data in the marketing and how to use it in a right way and thus, it is consistently adding best in class data analysts and data miners for the same. Prioritizing on the strong BRAND-CUSTOMER relationship, we operate on our grounds of continuously working with the brand gaining and updating consumer insights ““ JANUARY 2021 28
  • 32. T here was a time not too long back when India meant the back and beyond of the world. Nothing worked or was ever expected to. Not even digital marketing. But if the countries of the world were ships, India could be counted to be a gargantuan crude-oil carrier which never looked its part but did its job surprisingly well, despite its apparent shortcoming. And like a big, big ship, India too takes incredibly long to take a turn! But when it does, the world follows because it is where the markets are, and an incredibly large one at 1.32 billion. In the world of Digital Marketing too, India is taking a turn, thankfully in the right direction, at the right speed. There are dynamics to this form of marketing that is slowly but surely appearing before everyone, be it the buyers or the marketers or the myriad entities in between. 1. The trickle-down effect is now being felt by those at the bottom of the barrel There was a time not too long in the past when digital marketing was considered a new fad, something akin to fashion that would disappear in sometime. But like Levis Strauss’s Jeans, in India it seems to be JANUARY 2021 30
  • 33. Dynamics of the Indian DIGITAL MARKETING Space making major inroads in every sector right from veggie sellers to sellers of specialized goods and service. With Digital Marketing experts appearing out of every nook and corner, and crack in the cement, competition has resulted in prices for services dropping so low that even the man on the street is now contemplating getting an account on LinkedIn if not on Facebook and Twitter! As for businesses, there is no dearth of local and national platforms that can be approached for a small sum to sell on a national level. 2. eCommerce is bringing the real change India’s mainstay when it comes to business, specifically trading is small enterprise. These typically consist of a family which doubles up as owners and workers. Thoughts driven towards growth and marketing seldom find much traction. Over the years these small traders and businesses have been used quite effectively by FMCGs to sell their wares. Beyond that, there has hardly been any growth. That was the state till eCommerce companies including Amazon and Flipkart and Snapdeal came about. With everything from marketing to CRM and logistics being handled by the latter, small businesses in India have suddenly discovered a healthy way to do business with the minimum of investment. As for eCommerce, its entire existence depends upon digital marketing! 3. India is going back to being vernac and regional and in some cases, very city and locality-specific Two hundred years of British rule and seven hundred others covered India with cultures which were alien to it but had to be endured for survival. With things settling down over the last 70+ years, India is back to being Marketing Dynamics JANUARY 2021 31
  • 34. regional in its language, culture, foods, and expressions which can be seen in the way business in each state wants to promote its product/services using a mix of English, Hindi (to an extent) and the local language. This brings to fore the need for local language speakers and writers, as also those who can express and market in these languages. For those from other parts, this aspect continues to be a challenge worth exploring. 4. India's Digital Marketing Space is completely driven by the mobile phone revolution It’s said that India missed the PC revolution by miles but made up with the smartphone! Being the biggest such market for feature-rich budget mobile phones, Indian consumers across the country are today firmly in the net of multiple digital marketers who use every available opportunity, platform and app to attract the mobile user to buy the products and services. Very less of this buying happens on other gadgets including PCs and tablets given that they are difficult to carry around and have limited use as compared to the ubiquitous smart phones. In fact, in order to make it convenient for mobile users, the better and more evolved marketers are now designing interfaces and features that take care of the limited screen space of a smart phone. 5. India's Digital Marketing Space has very city and locality-specific apps and services that's a hybrid of bigger services What started as features meant for bigger digital marketers is now slowly tricking down to the smaller ones. Apps were once the calling card for bigger entities including the likes of Amazon and Flipkart. But like always, marketers’ need saw to it that the technology went viral to be picked up by all those who thought it was useful and interesting. Today, even small traders and local aggregators are using apps with advanced features meant for their clients who in most cases are in their immediate vicinity. Aligned to Google Maps and other such service providers, local businesses have started to create and promote apps that provide information on everything from hotels and eating places to schools, parking- spaces, hotels and hospitals, schools and the likes. 6. India's Digital Marketing Space is essentially driven by Gen Z which does not take much from the previous generations Millennial and Gen Z i.e., those born between 1997 and 2012-15 are the ones most likely to use digital means to buy and sell, and are the ones driving the entire Indian Digital Marketing Space. Being oblivious to the concept of saving, hoarding, holding back, buying less and all that the two generations before them did, they look at the future without the coloured glasses of the past, and as marketers are out to create ways and means to market that may seem very radical to the previous generations. Things including drop shipping, influencers, online reviews etc do seem to be the handiwork of those who are not hamstrung with the views of the past. 7. The concept of content creation is surely catching up Faasos & Behrouz, Oreo, Flipkart, and Vogue. These aren’t simply branding tactics that are doing well and have an appeal and a standing in the market. They are brands that have used the concept of content right up to the hilt. For example, Behrouz Biryani. It speaks of biryani in its heady days in the Arabic context and links it to the present where the taste apparently reflects its origins. Oreo brought about the concept of showing how biscuits can be eaten differently- dunked in milk after licking the cream and so on. Flipkart’s imaginative use of children as adults making buying decisions and enjoying (or regretting) their decisions has touched a chord in many hearts. Vogue on its part has actress Madhuri Dixit-Nene speaking about women’s issues including cruelty and violence. And all of them are successful as their content has spoken for them! Others will surely follow given that markets in India continue to grow. 8. Modes of input are changing Whether we do anything or not, we certainly do one thing- generate data by the millions. Fed thru AI- assisted systems big data is transforming the way machines henceforth shall respond to commands. What it means is that machines get inputs from varied experiences and sources that go towards formulating and fine-tuning marketing pitches in unimaginable ways. Today, the standard input means are keyboards and voice commands (to Alexa, Siri and others in the game). Tomorrow, AI could even pick-up from unsaid cues and start to promote. In India this is an interesting though challenging possibility given that we are a hotch-potch of languages and cultures where nothing remains certain beyond certain geographical areas. But India IS going that way for sure and going BIG TIME! JANUARY 2021 32
  • 38. We focus on building effective relationships between the clients and the customers that result in higher revenues, enhanced credibility, and an increase in overall reputation “ “ Mahima Chawla Founder and CEO JANUARY 2021 36
  • 39. The past three decades has seen the soft evolution of marketing, as it tried to keep up and contend with leaps in technology and our relation to it. And now in these modern times, it has become practically impossible to survive in this mobile and internet age without seeing the effects of digitization on how we live, how we consume information, and how we do business. When it comes to business, irrespective of its size it is impossible for it to succeed without digital marketing services. Without the best and current digital marketing strategy, a business may end up losing to its opponents. But WebHooters, the digital marketing agency, has got you covered at that front. WebHooters the digital marketing agency, works in a digital shell to shape its clients’ businesses on various online platforms. Armed with the best digital marketing solutions, the company focuses on capturing the present virtual audiences and attracting new customers by positioning digital visibility for stellar brands with an imaginative flair. Foundation WebHooters came into action back in 2015 with the vision to contemplate digital foundation in a brand-new light. The WebHooters team is formed together with the mission to captivate, retain, and transform the ideally aimed market sector for their clients by shaping their business online. With a team that acts as an assortment of high creativity, originality, and innovative spirit, they are dedicated to bringing forth the best digital solutions to modern-day marketing. WebHooters’ services are of top-notch quality while simultaneously being cost-effective. This works best for mid-scale businesses or start-ups who want to be more digitally focused while creating a marketing strategy. WebHooters started out as a small team with one singular idea; to have a creative outlook on digital marketing. Since the company’s inception, they have worked hard towards achieving their goals and now they are providing their clients with the creative outlook that they deserve and the digital strategies that best suit their business goals. The company has worked with companies locally and internationally and covered a large market segment. As they stay up to date with what is happening in the digital world at any point of time, they are continually monitoring digital trends and techniques. They achieve that by positioning digital visibility for stellar brands with imaginative flair and turning these magnificent online numbers into profits. As a digital marketing agency, WebHooters has managed to stay extremely focused on the objective of capturing the essence of digital in a never-seen-before way. It has not always been easy, especially since there has been a sprout of digital marketing agencies in the last couple of years. The competition is tough. However, the company always manages to give their best to each client that they have. “We keep creativity at our heart for every project and we proceed while keeping the best interests of our clients in our minds,” says Mahima Chawla, the Founder and CEO of WebHooters. From Creativity to Care From SEO to content creation, and website development to email blasts, WebHooters has done it all. “What we ultimately aim for in all our projects is to create Whisperers of the Digital Era JANUARY 2021 37 RECOMMENDED Digital Marketing COMPANIES THE BEST OF
  • 40. a definitive business branding to build the reputation of our clients in the digital space,” states the team of WebHooters. As an agency, and as individuals, the team at WebHooters is highly experienced when it comes to presenting traditional brand communications in a relevant and fashionable way. Speaking of services, the company offers a bouquet of them. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a crucial key to digital marketing that basically sets the foundation of a digital marketing strategy. The SEO team at WebHooters conducts detailed research on the keywords that are persistent within the industry and that list is updated regularly during the time spend working on a client’s project. Then there’s content marketing, which is also an extremely important part of a well-defined digital marketing campaign. Content marketing generates credibility and builds brand loyalty. The content team at WebHooters are a creative bunch of people who are continually working towards creating the best content suitable for the clients. Every piece of content is well-researched, unique, and helps achieve the main business objectives of clients. Social media and content marketing goes together as the content is the brand’s message and social media is the platform where they communicate the message. “Brand deals and influencer sponsorships are new methods of marketing that we are currently seeing in social media and WebHooters indulge in those specifications to help our clients reach their target audience,” informs Mahima. As a digital marketing agency, it also has experts in website development and logo designing. A well-designed logo that resonates with the brand’s culture is the first, and arguably the most important step towards building brand identity., The website also has to be immaculate and representative of a brand’s values, mission, and vision. WebHooters helps its clients achieve that aesthetically. They have a great team of graphic designers and developers at WebHooters who understand the brand and then give it a rightful space in the digital world. At last, there’s email marketing. Email marketing has been gaining more popularity recently. When it comes to email, the message must be specific and direct to retain the attention of the reader. “There needs to be a point of communication and we help our clients bring that point up in a creative manner,” explains Mahima. As the digital space is growing, the audience’s attention is decreasing. A brand has three seconds to get their message across to the viewers. WebHooters’ creativity and expertise help in this case where the team brings their individual specialities together to provide the clients with the best of all worlds. The Times They Are A-changing…. WebHooters has always been upfront about adapting to the latest tools and techniques of digital marketing. As a team, they are deeply passionate about the developments that are taking place in the digital marketing front. Since the very beginning, the company has been creatively driven while simultaneously being involved in the technological transformations in the field. “All the work we do happens in the digital space, collaborating with various departments and still having the opportunity for individual ideas and implementations,” shares the team of WebHooters. The team at WebHooters concentrates on the most basic requirement while developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy- the product. “We can’t market the product if we don’t understand the product. So, while an understanding of the industry is necessary, the understanding of the product is even more crucial. We want to create an effective digital marketing campaign for our clients which yields results. In order to do that, we dive deep into the subject, which is the product or service we are trying to sell.” The next thing is creating good content. With the desire to keep clients visible amongst the multitude of content, the content team at WebHooters is constantly monitoring the trending topics in the digital space. So, the team designs the most relevant and trendy content that suits the client and the industry they belong to. This is what WebHooters plan on doing continually in the long run because it understands how important content is in a digital marketing campaign. To sustain competency for the near future, WebHooters will encourage all team members to gain deeper knowledge in their existing forte and simultaneously work on developing new skills. “We want to present the best digital solutions for our clients, and we will continue putting maximum efforts in delivering on our promise. Nothing is more important to us than the satisfaction of our clients,” concludes Mahima. JANUARY 2021 38