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SlideShare a Scribd company logo
The Future of
Social Media
MARCH 2020
Why we use social media
Four predictions for the future
Breaking down the algorithms
We live in the age
of the image
of information
transmitted to our
brains is visual.
In 2019, we took
1 trillion
The average social
media user scrolls
through 380+
meters of content,
per day
There is unprecedented
competition for attention.
Brands need to understand
what draws people to social
Social Media Today
Has taken over the aesthetic of modern life.
We see ourselves and our world through a filter.
Social media is a performative medium.
The next billion users will define the future of social
The key questions to understand this are...
How will we
in the future?
And how will
social networks
connect us?
Social Commerce
Using Google today is a
highly visual experience.
Over 30% of searches
now trigger image results
Even Amazon
wants to look
like a social
fuel their
Meanwhile, social media
is becoming more like
search and ecommerce.
But, it has a visual
WeChat and AliPay show
what Facebook wants to
2011 2015 2016 2019
Image Editing/
Image + Video
How Instagram Has Evolved
Burberry released its latest collection on
Instagram only.
Social media allows brands to create online
stores, outside their website.
Pinterest Visual Search: How It Works
YouTube videos are shoppable.
Facebook wants its 'Watch' platform to
introduce social viewing.
Watch out for Netflix - they will build new,
social features.
Spotify has also hinted at adding video, and
even e-sports could qualify as social media.
Agencies are important strategists, between
the platforms and their advertisers.
Shoppable, Social Everything
Truly immersive content
Facebook is pushing Virtual
Reality more than any other
social network.
Horizon is currently in Beta and
Facebook wants to launch this
Brands will need to
create both music and
videos to join in with
trends. TikTok is all
about adding to
popular themes with
new content that
others can use.
"It's like YouTube, but so much easier and it's
instant. TikTok is about the moment.
The tools do the work; I can put out a post in 30
- maia (mxmtoon)
1.5M followers, 57M likes on TikTok
Instagram is
adding new
editing tools,
making it easier
for brands
to post content
Snapchat Lens
Brands can now start building AR
experiences, with limited or no
coding skills.
The emphasis is on creativity and
The giants get too big.
Facebook is merging its three big
messaging platforms.
Facebook knows people
are moving towards
closer, smaller online
communities too.
It continues to test
smaller platforms, like
And ephemeral posts.
Even LinkedIn is testing a Stories product.
Twitter Fleets LinkedIn Stories
Meanwhile, Instagram is Copying TikTok
Byte is the new version of Vine (remember
It allows users to monetize their following much
more easily than on TikTok/Instagram. Likes/re-
bytes can make money.
It is new, but if it grows it will influence the
bigger social networks.
People will follow the influencers, wherever
they choose to post their content.
Streaming platforms have started
to poach E-sports talent from their
rivals, tying the players down to
contracts and endorsement deals.
It is possible that social networks
will pursue such a strategy, even if
it is tricky to implement.
Without content and engagement,
they are empty.
Changing Engagement
How Marketers define engagement
when measuring social success
Instagram removes likes
The size of platforms like
Instagram has increased
pressure on vanity metrics.
In turn, this reduces
engagement. People only post
what they know will be
Virtual Influencers
The size of platforms like
Instagram has increased
pressure on vanity metrics.
In turn, this reduces
engagement. People only
post what they know will be
Virtual Influencers
People are willing to connect
with virtual influencers. The key
is the connection they feel to
the content.
After all, do we ever really know
'human' influencers? They are
always a pixellated
Facebook Wants to Enable
Brand-Influencer connections
But We Should
Be Wary: Social
Networks Control
What We See
Understanding The Algorithms
Understanding The Algorithms
Inventory: Which posts could
we show to this user?
Signals: Content type/quality,
text, publisher reputation.
Predictions: Will this user like
this content?
Score: The matching score
between content and user.
Platforms: Every social network wants to be the
one-stop shop for our communications. Facebook
and WeChat are closest to achieving this, but no-
one can ever get there. People want something
new, all the time.
Content: The historical trend line points to more
immersive content that users can adapt and add to.
They want to co-create your brand.
How to use the platform interfaces.
New advertising products.
Latest content trends.
Influencers: Macro and micro.
Data sources you can use.
It is important to know about:
"Nobody wakes up in the morning excited to see
more advertising."
- WhatsApp co-founders
Thank you!

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The Future of Social Media - 2020

  • 1. The Future of Social Media CLARK BOYD MARCH 2020 Newsletter LinkedIn
  • 2. Why we use social media Four predictions for the future Breaking down the algorithms Questions/discussion
  • 3. We live in the age of the image
  • 4. 90% of information transmitted to our brains is visual.
  • 5. In 2019, we took over 1 trillion smartphone pictures
  • 6. The average social media user scrolls through 380+ meters of content, per day 383M
  • 7. There is unprecedented competition for attention. Brands need to understand what draws people to social media.
  • 8. Social Media Today Has taken over the aesthetic of modern life. We see ourselves and our world through a filter. Social media is a performative medium. The next billion users will define the future of social media. The key questions to understand this are...
  • 9. How will we communicate in the future? And how will social networks connect us?
  • 10. FUTURE TREND 1 : Social Commerce
  • 11. Using Google today is a highly visual experience. Over 30% of searches now trigger image results
  • 12. Even Amazon wants to look like a social network. Our engagements fuel their algorithms.
  • 13. Meanwhile, social media is becoming more like search and ecommerce. But, it has a visual advantage. WeChat and AliPay show what Facebook wants to create.
  • 14. 2011 2015 2016 2019 Commerce Image Editing/ Sharing Data-Driven Discovery Image + Video Stories How Instagram Has Evolved
  • 15. Burberry released its latest collection on Instagram only. Social media allows brands to create online stores, outside their website.
  • 16. Pinterest Visual Search: How It Works
  • 17. YouTube videos are shoppable. Facebook wants its 'Watch' platform to introduce social viewing. Watch out for Netflix - they will build new, social features. Spotify has also hinted at adding video, and even e-sports could qualify as social media. Agencies are important strategists, between the platforms and their advertisers. Shoppable, Social Everything
  • 18. FUTURE TREND 2: Truly immersive content
  • 19. Facebook Horizon Facebook is pushing Virtual Reality more than any other social network. Horizon is currently in Beta and Facebook wants to launch this year.
  • 20. Brands will need to create both music and videos to join in with trends. TikTok is all about adding to popular themes with new content that others can use.
  • 21. "It's like YouTube, but so much easier and it's instant. TikTok is about the moment. The tools do the work; I can put out a post in 30 seconds." - maia (mxmtoon) 1.5M followers, 57M likes on TikTok
  • 22. Instagram is adding new editing tools, making it easier for brands to post content quickly.
  • 23. Snapchat Lens Builder Brands can now start building AR experiences, with limited or no coding skills. The emphasis is on creativity and speed.
  • 24. FUTURE TREND 3: The giants get too big.
  • 25. Facebook is merging its three big messaging platforms.
  • 26. But, Facebook knows people are moving towards closer, smaller online communities too. It continues to test smaller platforms, like HOBBI
  • 27. And ephemeral posts. Even LinkedIn is testing a Stories product. Twitter Fleets LinkedIn Stories
  • 28. Meanwhile, Instagram is Copying TikTok
  • 29. Byte is the new version of Vine (remember Vine?). It allows users to monetize their following much more easily than on TikTok/Instagram. Likes/re- bytes can make money. It is new, but if it grows it will influence the bigger social networks. People will follow the influencers, wherever they choose to post their content. Byte
  • 30. Streaming platforms have started to poach E-sports talent from their rivals, tying the players down to contracts and endorsement deals. It is possible that social networks will pursue such a strategy, even if it is tricky to implement. Without content and engagement, they are empty.
  • 32. How Marketers define engagement when measuring social success
  • 33. Instagram removes likes The size of platforms like Instagram has increased pressure on vanity metrics. In turn, this reduces engagement. People only post what they know will be liked/shared.
  • 34. Virtual Influencers The size of platforms like Instagram has increased pressure on vanity metrics. In turn, this reduces engagement. People only post what they know will be liked/shared.
  • 35. Virtual Influencers People are willing to connect with virtual influencers. The key is the connection they feel to the content. After all, do we ever really know 'human' influencers? They are always a pixellated representation.
  • 36. Facebook Wants to Enable Brand-Influencer connections
  • 37. But We Should Be Wary: Social Networks Control What We See
  • 40. Understanding The Algorithms Inventory: Which posts could we show to this user? Signals: Content type/quality, text, publisher reputation. Predictions: Will this user like this content? Score: The matching score between content and user.
  • 41. FINAL THOUGHTS... Platforms: Every social network wants to be the one-stop shop for our communications. Facebook and WeChat are closest to achieving this, but no- one can ever get there. People want something new, all the time. Content: The historical trend line points to more immersive content that users can adapt and add to. They want to co-create your brand. How to use the platform interfaces. New advertising products. Latest content trends. Influencers: Macro and micro. Data sources you can use. Skills: It is important to know about:
  • 42. "Nobody wakes up in the morning excited to see more advertising." - WhatsApp co-founders