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Vol 04
Issue 03
Trailblazing a Floating CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Powered Indian Future
CEO and Managing Director
The Most
Influential Leaders in
Solar Industry
Beyond Panels
How Leaders are
Shaping Solar Policy
and Advocacy?
The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry April2024.pdf
The Most
Influential Leaders in
Solar Industry

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The 5 most recommended green energy provider in india
The 5 most recommended green energy provider in indiaThe 5 most recommended green energy provider in india
The 5 most recommended green energy provider in india

The major players of the industry that have been featured in this latest edition of green energy providers will also continue to play their part in it.

IGCT Solar Power Noida
IGCT Solar Power NoidaIGCT Solar Power Noida
IGCT Solar Power Noida

The document discusses India's growing energy needs and goals to increase renewable energy capacity. It outlines India's target to reach 8,00,000 MW of installed electricity capacity by 2030, with substantial contributions from renewable sources like solar. The organization, IGCT Solar Power, is committed to developing solar energy solutions to help meet India's energy demands and goals in a sustainable way through turnkey engineering, procurement and construction services for grid-tied solar power plants. IGCT aims to deliver cost-effective solar solutions using the latest technologies to support India's economic growth through clean energy.

The 10 most promising ev solution providers of 2021 (final file)(2) compressed
The 10 most promising ev solution providers of 2021 (final file)(2) compressedThe 10 most promising ev solution providers of 2021 (final file)(2) compressed
The 10 most promising ev solution providers of 2021 (final file)(2) compressed

EV solution providers give us the chance to live in a better tomorrow and provide us with an opportunity to better our mistakes and keep the environment safe. There is no doubt in my mind that EV solutions will be a big transformation in the world, and the companies providing us with those solutions will be an essential part of the industry.

he sun, once a source of passive energy, has
Tbecome a powerful engine propelling our world
towards a sustainable future. The solar industry has
witnessed significant growth and innovation in recent years,
driven by visionary leaders who have revolutionized the
way we harness renewable energy. At the forefront of a
change, these visionary leaders in the solar industry, with
their dedication and innovation are reshaping the energy
These influential leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the
future of solar power and driving sustainable change on a
global scale. These influential leaders understand that solar
energy is more than just generating electricity. They
champion a vision for a sustainable future, one powered by
clean, renewable resources. Their commitment extends
beyond profit margins, encompassing environmental
responsibility and a desire to create a more equitable energy
As we recognize the most influential leaders in the solar
industry, it's essential to acknowledge their profound impact
on advancing solar technology, promoting renewable
energy adoption, and advocating for environmental
These leaders demonstrate exceptional foresight, strategic
thinking, and a deep commitment to driving positive change
in the energy sector. They spearhead groundbreaking
research and development initiatives, champion policies
that support solar energy deployment, and foster
collaboration among industry stakeholders to accelerate
progress towards a clean energy future.
Their leadership extends beyond business success to
encompass environmental stewardship, social
responsibility, and community engagement. By promoting
solar energy adoption, they not only contribute to reducing
carbon emissions and mitigating climate change but also
create economic opportunities, empower local
communities, and improve energy access worldwide.
As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the
transition to renewable energy, the influence of CIOLook
India’s chosen ones of ‘The Most Influential Leaders in
Solar Industry,’ will continue to shape the trajectory of the
solar industry. Their vision, dedication, and innovation
inspire us to reimagine the way we power our world and
pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for
generations to come.
- Gaurav PR Wankhade
Managing Editor
Trailblazing a Floating CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Powered Indian Future
An Influential Leader Leading the
Shift to Sustainability -
Yash Tarwadi
Making the Switch to Solar Energy Easier,
Faster, and Affordable for Everyone
Enlightening Indian Energy Industry
with Ino-Group’s Green Solar Solutions
Unmesh Jagtap
Beyond Panels
How Leaders are Shaping
Solar Policy and Advocacy?
Global Changemakers
Top Ten Trends in
Leadership Pioneering Solar
Power Around the World
Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode
Art & Design Director : Sameen Arif
Sr. Graphic Designer : Rashmi Singh
Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar
Asst. Vice President : Tejaswini Whaval
Sr. Team Leader : Suraj Gadekar
BDE : Bhagyshri Bhandwilkar
April, 2024
Copyright © 2024 CIOLOOK India, All
rights reserved. The content and images
used in this magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without prior permission from CIOLOOK
India. Reprint rights remain solely with
For Subscription
Abhishek Joshi
Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi
Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad
Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade
Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni
SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar
Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade
Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale
Cover Price: Rs.300/-

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India's solar energy sector is pivotal to its renewable energy strategy, leveraging its geographical advantage for notable solar power generation. Government initiatives aim to boost solar's share in the energy mix, with a target of 100 GW by 2022 within a broader goal of 175 GW of renewable energy. Top solar energy companies in India like Adani Green Energy, and Tata Power Solar, are driving growth with innovative solutions and massive projects. Despite challenges such as land acquisition, the sector's expansion promises economic and job growth opportunities. India's global contribution includes technology exports and international collaborations, marking its stance as a key player in the global renewable energy landscape. The future of solar power in India looks promising, with continued innovation and supportive government policies ensuring its pivotal role in achieving energy security and sustainability. For info on solar companies in India, visit https://www.ibef.org/industry/renewable-energy/showcase

solar energy companiessolar companies in indiasolar power in india
The 10 Most Admired CEOs to Follow in India, 2022
The 10 Most Admired CEOs to Follow in India, 2022The 10 Most Admired CEOs to Follow in India, 2022
The 10 Most Admired CEOs to Follow in India, 2022

"Discover the Top 10 Most Admired CEOs to Follow in India, 2022 - Gain insights from visionary leaders shaping industries and driving success. Stay informed and inspired by their remarkable achievements. Read now!"

businessbusiness intelligencesmall business
Lakshya Kumar internship project on Brand Marketing of "Tata Power Solar".
Lakshya Kumar internship project on Brand Marketing of "Tata Power Solar".Lakshya Kumar internship project on Brand Marketing of "Tata Power Solar".
Lakshya Kumar internship project on Brand Marketing of "Tata Power Solar".

The document is an internship project report submitted by Lakshya Kumar on his internship with Tata Power Solar. It discusses Tata Power Solar's brand marketing of solar power systems in India. It provides an overview of solar power in India, introduces Tata Power Solar and describes their vision. It also explains how solar rooftop systems work, the benefits of solar energy, and Lakshya Kumar's work promoting Tata Power Solar's brand during his internship through activities like market segmentation, meetings with customers, and SWOT analysis.

#brand #marketing #tatapower
Deepak Ushadevi,
CEO and
Managing Director
Solar Solutions
Ino-Group of Companies
Freyr Energy
Solnce Energy
Private Limited
Eric Widget,
CEO and Founder
Unmesh Jagtap,
Director and CEO
Vidya Shenoy,
General Manager
Yash Tarwadi,
Founder and CEO
Eric Widget led Revoltcreations Solar Solutions deploy
smart and advance energy design tools to design, install and
commission the solar power plants.
As the Director and CEO of Ino-Group of Companies, Unmesh,
with his team is engaged in diversified activities mainly in
engineering, design and manufacturing, solar power, energy
saving projects and products and specialty paint and coatings.
From pioneering Freyr Energy’s growth in the solar
sector, achieving a 10x revenue increase, to spearheading
tech innovations that revolutionized the customer
experience, Vidya navigates the complex terrains of
strategic planning and digital marketing with finesse.
Driven by his vision of making solar energy accessible to
all, Yash founded Solnce Energy, a company aimed at
streamlining the adoption of solar power.
Featuring Company
The Most
Influential Leaders in
Solar Industry
As the CEO and Managing Director of CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Pvt
Ltd India, Deepak is instrumental in developing the solar floating
market to provide floating solar guidelines, knowledge transfer, and
know-how to ensure quality and bankable floating projects in India.
Deepak Ushadevi
CEO and Managing Director
Trailblazing a Floating CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR
Powered Indian Future
The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry
hat influences us the most are the simple
Winnovations with profound impact. That impact
could be seen in the global sustainability cause
by the most influential leaders in the solar industry like
Deepak Ushadevi, who, as the CEO and Managing
pushing the envelope with a pioneering innovation of
floating solar since 2011.
Deepak’s success mantra is simple. “Be the change you
wish to see in the world. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi is
what I ardently believe in,” he says. And Deepak has
become that change throughout his personal and
professional life. He started his career as an engineer at
Chartered Semiconductor in Singapore. Professionally with
over 23 years of experience in the field of solar and
semiconductors in various capacities as a subject matter
expert, technologist, and business unit head. Deepak's
primary areas of expertise include new commercial
initiatives, the introduction of new technology, strategic
alignment, and market development. He focused on
developing/commissioning new single Junction & Tandem
Junction think film lines in India, Italy, Germany, China,
Japan, and the US.
What propels his passion for the Solar Industry is its
expansive and eco-friendly nature, championing the cause
of green energy. “This profound commitment to
sustainability resonates with my professional journey,” he
adds, as he has played a pivotal role in ushering in new
technologies globally. Deepak’s involvement spans the IC
Chip processor segment, Solar technology, and the
revolutionary field of floating solar technology. The
confluence of his experiences and the transformative
advancements in these industries has shaped his career and
fuelled his dedication to pioneering innovations in the
pursuit of a greener and more sustainable future.
Significant Strides in Renewable Energy
CIEL ET TERRE is world leader in floating solar and also
the leader in floating solar domain in India. Deepak shares
the guiding philosophy that has propelled his organization's
success. In 2018, CIEL ET TERRE embarked on its Indian
venture, and since then, the company has been making
significant strides in the renewable energy landscape. The
company's headquarters, situated in Manyata Tech Park,
Bangalore, has been instrumental in overseeing the
implementation of various capacity addition and expansion
As of today, CIEL ET TERRE INDIA (CTSP) has
successfully commissioned projects across seven different
states in India, boasting an impressive cumulative capacity
of 260+ MWp, with a flagship project of 120 MWp in
phase 1 contributing to the ambitious 600 MWp – phase
1&2 floating solar project led by RUMSL, solidifying its
position as the world's largest floating solar initiative.
The Solar landscape is continually evolving. When asked
how they ensure that their company remains adaptable and
ahead of industry trends, providing innovative solutions to
their clients, Deepak informs CIEL ET TERRE has been
fully devoted to floating PV ever since.
Its unique expertise and track record make the company
become the most experienced group in ‘Floating PV,’
especially thanks to ‘all-in-one’ solutions and high-quality
services. CIEL ET TERRE’s teams are trained to adapt and
respond smartly to the various needs in floating solar
worldwide as the demand increases each year a little faster.
Deepak adds, “Bankability, Reliability, Proximity and
Flexibility are the key factors that enable us.”
Pioneering Hydrelio® Floating Solar
In 2006, CIEL ET TERRE embarked on a journey in the
renewable energy sector, initially focusing on rooftop and
ground-mounted solar projects.
In 2011, a pivotal moment occurred with the introduction of
the Hydrelio® product, the patented Hydrelio Classic, a
floating solar solution capable of accommodating modules
up to 300 Wp. Classic Hydrelio design with a Standard tilt
of 12° and easy operations and maintenance is its major
feature. Building on this success, CIEL ET TERRE
continued to push the boundaries of solar technology.
Deepak informs that in 2015, they unveiled the Hydrelio
Equato, designed to support even more powerful 400 Wp
modules. Equatorial design with fixed tilt 5°. They are
designed for equatorial adaptation, anchoring control, and
cost-effective transport solutions optimised for 4-in-a-row
The year 2019 marked another milestone with the launch of
Hydrelio Air 1280, a product capable of handling modules
up to 500 Wp, demonstrating the company's commitment to
staying at the forefront of solar energy advancements. Air
Hydrelio is designed with 11° floats with a racking system,
extra ventilation, and a cost-effective transport solution.

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P2 Solar aims to develop eco-friendly solar solutions and reduce global pollution. It currently focuses on developing solar power projects in regions with good sunlight exposure and attractive tariff rates. The company has identified markets in India, Europe and Canada and plans to develop a minimum of 100MW of solar capacity by 2014. P2 Solar provides a sustainable and profitable investment opportunity with an expected 20% equity IRR through its well-defined growth strategy and experienced management team.

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The 5 Most Dynamic CEOs to Watch in 2024 (3).pdfThe 5 Most Dynamic CEOs to Watch in 2024 (3).pdf
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In this brand new edition of Insights Success India, titled, ‘The 5 Most Dynamic CEOs to Watch in 2024,’ you will witness the breathtaking stories of five of the legendary personalities who are transforming the business world with their visionary leadership.

Your uniqueness is
defined by your
innovation and
The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry April2024.pdf
In 2019, CIEL ET TERRE once again raised the bar by
introducing Hydrelio Air 1440, which is designed to
accommodate modules with a capacity of up to 570 Wp.
The company's dedication to innovation culminated in the
groundbreaking release of Hydrelio Air Optim in 2023,
which can support modules with an impressive 670 Wp
The Guiding Light
Today, Deepak’s leadership style is recognized as a driving
force behind CIEL ET TERRE’s tremendous success.
Shedding the light on his approach, he says leadership is the
cornerstone of any organization's success. Be it a driving
force that shapes the culture, values or behaviour of the
workforce well, different leadership styles can profoundly
impact how an organization operates on a day-to-day basis
and the type of culture it fosters. “At CIEL ET TERRE
INDIA, we have Democratic and transformational
*Democratic leadership: Deepak says they have leaders
who believe in involving employees in decision-making.
They seek input, opinions, and ideas from their team
members. “This style encourages a culture of inclusivity,
open communication, and teamwork. Our Employees feel
valued and are likelier to be engaged and committed to the
organization's goals.”
*Transformational Leadership: At CIEL ET TERRE
INDIA, it is also about inspiring and motivating employees
to achieve extraordinary results. This style fosters a culture
of innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement.
“Leaders encourage our employees to think outside the box,
take risks, and pursue ambitious goals for the betterment of
the organization.”
Consistently Exceeding Client Expectations
The essence of renewable energies lies in seamless
operations and enhancing the end-user experience. To
balance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction,
operating as a multinational corporation across 30+
countries, CIEL ET TERRE adheres to rigorous protocols
and standards. These guidelines propel us to consistently
exceed client expectations. Daily tasks such as project
tracking, milestone planning, and continuous project
progress assessments ensure that our project execution
consistently meets high standards. Moreover, engaging in
face-to-face interactions with clients, actively seeking their
feedback, and navigating through channels for
improvement contribute to our efficiency, striving to
enhance the overall ecosystem daily.
Sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial
aspects of the modern Solar niche. According to Deepak,
India, the world's most populous country, grapples with an
insatiable demand for energy and land, departing fossil
fuels imperative for a sustainable future. Considering the
nation's circumstances, embracing green energy emerges as
the optimal choice. However, challenges such as space
constraints, land disputes, legal intricacies, and acquisition
delays necessitate innovative solutions, with floating solar
power emerging as a compelling alternative.
In the realm of solar, technology plays a pivotal role in
enhancing efficiency. Similarly, Deepak says that in the
ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, the efficiency
of floating solar stands out, influencing economic,
environmental, and social dimensions more profoundly than
conventional models. With nearly two decades of expertise
in the renewable energy sector and a leadership role in a
technology solutions provider, the journey into the realm of
floating solar has unveiled a new market – floating
photovoltaics (PV). A global imperative propels this
evolution to generate clean energy with greater efficiency
while conserving valuable land resources.
Surmounting Adversities
The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful
organization. Deepak says that as a technology-centric
organization, they focus on empowering their human assets
with the best industry practices to foster a culture of
growth, skill development, and empowerment among their
employees. They are promoting diversity and inclusion in
all the functional departments. They prioritise continuous
learning for all the employees and empower them to make
decisions on their expertise areas. They promote a 360-
degree feedback system to share inputs, raise concerns and
receive constructive feedback from peers and supervisors.
They are in high favour of reward and recognition
programs, and their Fridays are filled with fun.
Deepak adds, “We encourage our team to have a work-life
balance with flexible timing and work-from-home options.
We also have short- and long-term monitory benefits plans
called Project-based benefits (PBB) to keep them motivated
throughout the journey with us.”
As a leader in India's Solar sector, challenges are an integral
part of running any company, and “We've encountered our
fair share,” says Deepak. He adds that transportation
headaches, tight timelines, and unpredictable weather
conditions have all been hurdles they've navigated.
Transportation problems have been recurring, particularly
when moving solar equipment or components to their
project sites. To tackle this, they've fostered local
partnerships for efficient transportation services and
explored modular components that are easier to transport.
“Flexibility in our logistics approach has proven key in
overcoming this challenge.”
Time constraints often press on the team, threatening delays
in installation and commissioning. “To counter this,
meticulous project planning and scheduling have become
our allies,’ says Deepak. Thus, he ensures they prioritize
tasks and deploy project management tools. “Regular
assessments and course corrections help us stay on track.”
Unpredictable weather conditions are part and parcel of
working in the renewable energy sector. Deepak mentions
that to tackle this challenge, they design their systems with
weather resilience in mind. This includes flexible structures
to withstand extreme weather and incorporating forecasting
tools to anticipate changes. Smart technologies that adjust
system parameters in response to weather conditions
contribute to optimal performance and stability.
“In the face of these challenges, our commitment to finding
innovative solutions remains unwavering,” says Deepak.
“We believe in a holistic approach that combines
technology, strategic partnerships, and community
engagement. Regular reviews and updates to our strategies
based on project experiences keep us adaptive and resilient
in the dynamic landscape of the solar sector.”
Fostering A Floating Solar-Empowered Tomorrow
Finally, Deepak divulges that looking towards the future,
CIEL ET TERRE is actively engaged in research and
development, aiming to introduce solutions that can
accommodate panels with capacities of up to 700 Wp by
the end of 2024. This commitment to pushing the limits of
solar technology underscores CIEL ET TERRE's role as a
trailblazer in the renewable energy industry, contributing to
the ongoing global transition towards sustainable and clean
energy solutions. With each product launch, CIEL ET
TERRE reaffirms its dedication to driving innovation and
shaping the future of solar energy.
All this model is being tested to extreme wind at ONETA
French aerospace for wind tunnel testing and computational
fluid dynamics, bending fatigue tested at IFP EB, UV
corrosion tested for 20+ years lifetime, and drinking water
compliance with BS standards.
Additional testing on the HDPE and colourant control,
DQP, thickness control, cooling jig spec, dimension control,
leak testing, etc., have also been benchmarked in our design
and innovation space.
In short, under the visionary leadership of Deepak, team
CIEL ET TERRE is ensuring that India emerges as a super-
player in the floating solar innovation, contributing
tremendously to the global sustainability mission. For more
information, please visit .

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The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry April2024.pdf
How Leaders
Solar Policy
16 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
olar panels gleaming on rooftops have become a
Ssymbol of a greener future. But the journey towards a
sun-powered world extends far beyond the hardware.
The solar industry is not just about these panels that capture
sunlight and convert it into electricity; it's also about the
policies and advocacy efforts that shape the adoption and
growth of solar energy.
A new breed of leaders is emerging in the solar industry –
leaders who are not just focused on installing panels, but on
shaping the policies and advocacy efforts that will propel
solar energy into the mainstream. Leaders in the solar
industry are playing a crucial role in driving policy changes
and advocating for the widespread adoption of solar energy
as a clean and renewable source of power.
A Call for Change: Championing Sustainable Policy
These leaders understand that a robust policy framework is
crucial for solar's long-term success. They actively engage
in advocacy, pushing for policies that incentivize solar
adoption, streamline regulations, and create a level playing
field with traditional energy sources. Their efforts go
beyond simply lobbying; they work to educate
policymakers and the public about the economic and
environmental benefits of solar energy.
One of the key areas where leaders are making an impact is
in influencing government policies related to solar energy.
They work closely with policymakers at the local, national,
and international levels to advocate for favorable policies
that support the development of solar infrastructure,
incentivize investment in solar projects, and remove
barriers to solar adoption. This includes advocating for
policies such as tax incentives, rebates, net metering,
renewable energy standards, and streamlined permitting
Building Bridges: Collaboration for a Sustainable
The transition to a solar-powered future cannot be achieved
in isolation. These forward-thinking leaders recognize the
power of collaboration. They forge partnerships with
environmental groups, consumer advocates, and energy
utilities. By working together, they can address challenges
like grid integration, storage solutions, and ensuring
equitable access to solar energy for all communities.
Leaders in the solar industry also play a vital role in
shaping public opinion and raising awareness about the
benefits of solar energy. They engage in public outreach
Beyond Panels
17 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
campaigns, educational initiatives, and media outreach to
inform the public about the environmental, economic, and
social benefits of solar power. By dispelling myths and
misinformation about solar energy and highlighting its
advantages, they help build support for policies that
promote solar adoption.
Empowering Communities: A Grassroots Movement
The fight for a solar future doesn't happen solely in
boardrooms and committee meetings. These innovative
leaders understand the importance of empowering
communities. They support grassroots initiatives that
encourage local solar installations, educate residents about
the benefits of clean energy, and advocate for policies that
prioritize community solar projects.
Additionally, leaders in the solar industry collaborate with
other stakeholders, including environmental organizations,
community groups, businesses, and utilities, to build
coalitions and advocate for shared goals. They participate in
industry associations and advocacy groups to amplify their
voices and leverage collective influence to advance solar
policy objectives.
Investing in Innovation: A Brighter Future Powered by
the Sun
Leaders in solar policy and advocacy recognize that
innovation is key to overcoming existing challenges and
unlocking the full potential of solar energy. They support
research and development initiatives exploring next-
generation solar technologies, improved energy storage
solutions, and more efficient grid integration methods.
Furthermore, leaders in the solar industry are actively
involved in shaping international agreements and initiatives
aimed at addressing climate change and promoting
renewable energy adoption. They participate in global
forums, conferences, and negotiations to advocate for
ambitious targets for solar energy deployment and to
promote international cooperation on clean energy
A Legacy of Sustainability
The leadership driving solar policy and advocacy is not just
shaping an industry; it's shaping a more sustainable future.
Their tireless efforts to create supportive policies, foster
collaboration, and empower communities will ensure that
solar energy becomes the cornerstone of a clean energy
future for generations to come.
Building a Collaborative Ecosystem
The rise of solar energy necessitates a collaborative
approach. These leaders recognize the value of
partnerships, forging connections with governments,
research institutions, and other industry stakeholders. By
working together, they can overcome challenges, accelerate
innovation, and ensure that solar energy becomes the
cornerstone of a sustainable global energy system.
A Brighter Future
The leadership of these visionaries paves the way for a
brighter future powered by the sun. Their dedication to
sustainability, innovation, and collaboration will ensure that
solar energy continues to illuminate the path towards a
cleaner, more secure energy future for generations to come.
Leaders in the solar industry are not only driving
technological innovation but also shaping policy and
advocacy efforts to accelerate the transition to a clean
energy future. Their leadership and advocacy are essential
for overcoming regulatory barriers, mobilizing public
support, and unlocking the full potential of solar energy to
address climate change and create a more sustainable
18 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024

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The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry April2024.pdf
he most influential solar leaders are those with
Ta mission. Unmesh Jagtap’s mission with his
Ino-Group of Companies is to enlighten the
lives of every Indian by providing clean and safe
energy at an affordable cost and 'Make in India' green
and environment-friendly technology and products.
As the Director and CEO of Ino-Solar Energy Pvt
Ltd, Sonnenschein Engineering & Infra LLP, and
NEOUNPA Engineering Technologies Pvt Ltd, or Ino-
Group of Companies in short, Unmesh, with his team
is engaged in diversified activities mainly in
engineering, design and manufacturing, solar power,
energy saving projects and products and specialty
paint and coatings.
The Team of Technocrats
The group is promoted by technocrats who have vast
experience working in the engineering and energy
sector in India and worldwide with technology support
from USA, India, and South Africa-based companies
who have conducted numerous research programs in
the energy and engineering sectors and have success-
fully commissioned projects which have illuminated
the homes of thousands of low-income houses in all
parts of the world as well as helped the environment
through energy saving and reducing hazardous waste.
Unmesh, along with Bipin Shah, is a founder and
With a Mechanical Engineering Degree, Unmesh did
his Master's in the USA as a Research Assistant under
the guidance of Dr Yogi Goswami, a renowned
researcher in solar energy, at the University of
Florida’s Solar Energy & Energy Conservation
Enlightening Indian Energy Industry
with Ino-Group’s Green Solar Solu ons
The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry
20 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
Our mission has been
to enlighten the lives
of every Indian by
providing clean and
safe energy at an
affordable cost and
Making in India green
and environment-
friendly technology
and products.
Director and CEO, Ino-Group of Companies
21 | www.ciolookindia.com
Unmesh researched Experimental Evaluation and Theoreti-
cal Modeling of Solar Optical Properties and Shading
Coefficients of Compound Fenestrations. He has expertise
in manufacturing Solar PV Modules and as a System
Integrator for designing and implementing various projects
in Solar PV Power Plants, Solar Water Heaters, Domestic
Wind Turbines, Wind & Solar Hybrid Systems and Energy
Conservation Solutions. He has completed assignments like
setting up a PV Module Manufacturing Plant, EPC of Solar
PV Plants from 1 KW to 1000 KW and Consultancy for
Solar PV and CSP Plants.
He has also worked as a Board Member for LUXRA India,
a subsidiary of LUXRA Group, Germany, and is engaged in
solar module manufacturing and projects.
Excellence Through Innovation
Unmesh states, “Our philosophy is Excellence through
Innovation, and our mission has been to enlighten the lives
of each and every Indian by providing clean and safe
energy at an affordable cost and Making in India green and
environment-friendly technology and products.”
Sharing their other USPs, Unmesh says they include:
Ÿ Focus on Technology, Innovation and continuous
improvements in products and services.
Ÿ Focus on providing technologies to the neediest sector
of the community, which are in low-income areas or
Rural areas, at affordable prices.
Ÿ Flexibility to adapt as per Customer Needs.
Ÿ There is no compromise on Quality Products even
though the Market competition is forcing price cuts.
Ÿ Holistic and honest 360-degree guidance and solutions
to Clients regardless of actual Business Case Conver-
sion also help.
Ÿ “Our aim is always to educate our clients and the
general society about Energy Conservation,” adds
Ÿ Telling more about their offerings, he says they include
Solar Project Development, EPC, and Infrastructure
Projects are in CAPX and OPEX mode, mainly for
industrial and corporate clients.
Ÿ Developing and manufacturing Solar Module Mounting
Structures with LUXRA Solar, Germany.
Ÿ Reflective Cool Paints are manufactured in a joint
venture with Millennium Solutions, USA. The product
is certified by the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC),
USA, and is now being exported from India to Africa,
Mexico, Colombia, and Bangladesh.
Ÿ “Our Paint has been approved and used by almost all
participants in the Million Cool Roofs Challenge going
over the Globe, which is a joint Project by the Kigali
Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) in collaboration
22 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024

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Come to our Solar Power Energy, a veritable expert in the fields of clean energy! As leaders in the solar industry, here it is: we are very glad to have our brand new Upneda solar rooftop system, which is one of our most popular products. In the effort to keep it sustainable and secure proper advancement, solutions are now known to be this route. Therefore, it is a mixture of energy independence and environmental stewardship. Now, we’ll dive into the reasons why these mechanisms totally upstage the conventional ways we generate electricity in our homes and workplaces.

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The objective of this white paper is to provide inputs and intelligence for the manufacturing activities in India for the solar PV ecosystem – for both crystalline and thin film technologies while addressing the question of which technology is most suitable under Indian conditions from a regulatory, financial and technical perspective. The topics discussed spans the entire value chain which includes c-Si Value Chain Polysilicon Wafer Cells Modules Thin Film Technologies a-Si CdTe CIGS/CIS detailed technological comparison of the available module technologies i.e. c-Si and Thin Film has been undertaken along with a comparative analysis of the financials that goes into the manufacturing of modules using either technology. In addition to the traditional manufacturing options in the value chain, the paper provides critical insight into other, lesser treaded avenues such as raw material manufacturing, machineries and equipment manufacture and other non-core solar products such as glasses, solar grade cables etc. The report is rounded off with an insightful analysis of the policy regime existent in terms of what has been done and what needs to be done to nurture the development of a complete solar PV ecosystem - See more at: http://www.eai.in/ref/wp/analysis-of-manufacturing-opportunities-in-the-solar-pv-value-chain.html

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As we look towards 2024, ‘The Most Trusted Aerospace & Defense Companies to Watch Out 2024,’ of CIOLook India are those that combine technological innovation with a commitment to excellence, sustainability, and strategic vision.

with the Global Cool Cities Alliance, Sustainable
Energy for All and Nesta’s Challenge Prize Centre and
supported by the World Resources Institute.”
Ÿ SEIL has been selected by the World Bank's IFC
(International Finance Corporation) Tech Emerge
Program as an “Innovator” for our passive cooling
solutions, such as Cool Paints. SEIL will collaborate
with various Adopters from South America and Nigeria
to conduct Pilot Projects and implement our solutions in
countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Nigeria.
Ÿ One Group Company manufactures various Diesel
Engine Parts and Fuel Rail Assemblies. It has a full-
fledged CNC Machine shop.
Ÿ It offers Turnkey Projects for the complete Product
Development of Special-Purpose Testing Machines for
the Food and Engineering Industries, such as NDT-type
Testing Machines.
Ÿ Engineering services include concept design, 3D
modelling, prototype products, and special-purpose
machines, as per client requirements.
Optimum Advances
Unmesh’s take on advanced technologies is optimistic. He
says AI and ML are the way most companies will operate or
have to operate in the future. The Mechanical Engineering
Industry is adopting these techniques fast for large manu-
facturing or Service Units. The adoption of MSME is not
that fast due to investment constraints, but eventually, as
technologies evolve and scale increases, “I am sure MSME
will use both AI and ML in the best possible and optimum
In the Solar Module Manufacturing industry, full automa-
tion has already become mandatory for world-class quality
products. As the product is too sensitive to contamination
and manual errors, manual intervention is becoming almost
zero in new, upcoming manufacturing facilities.
Remote monitoring of solar plants is used effectively, even
for small ones. However, the way ahead is to control
parameters and make corrections or maintenance remotely.
This will be a great help in the case of Remote and large
solar plants.
The Sustainable Goal
According to Unmesh, the objectives of the group are to
carry on in India and abroad the business of manufacturing,
engineering, designing, consultancy, repairing, developing,
fabricating assembling, production, sales, trading,
distribution, marketing, servicing of solar-based products
such as Solar Home Kits and appliances, Solar Lights, Solar
Power packs, Solar Water Pumps; Electronics Products such
as power saving transformers, capacitor banks, waste to
energy appliances, prefabricated efficient house; energy
optimization equipment’s, smart remote monitoring and
control systems.
The company's goal is to provide a holistic 360-degree
Solution to any customer in all the above areas by measur-
ing, analysing, and understanding the exact Energy need
and usage. The solutions should be technologically
advanced and affordable to all sectors based on their
financial capacity and give them optimum ROI on any
investments made.
Ino-Indian Future Green Energy Vision
Divulging his future vision, Unmesh says, “Currently, we
are working on some Solar Projects and researching
providing Smart Power Optimization solutions for Residen-
tial applications in the USA and other parts of the World.”
Future projects are in the pipeline to provide Solar Grid-
Connected Systems with Smart Power Conditioning Units
for big residential Projects in the USA. We are also
planning a few MW-scale Solar projects in India.
Other Major R&D is going on Energy Simulation for
Buildings and Smart Fenestrations, which have AI capabili-
ties to adjust the solar radiation to the building for proper
lighting while keeping the heat transmitted to a minimum
“In specialty paints, we have developed Fire-Resistant
Paints, and our future plan is to Export them along with our
Reflective Paints to a global client base.”
“Lastly, we are working on a Carbon-Neutral Resilient
Farming project.” It aims to provide small farmers with
zero-carbon farming solutions, which include various
technologies like Bio-Digesters, biogas, Solar-Powered
Prefabricated small Cold Storage Plants, Solar pumping
solutions, and passive-cooled storage areas.
“We have tied up with the University of Gujrat, which has
set us up with an Energy Centre. Through that, we are
implementing a Pilot Project for a smart Village that will be
self-power sufficient and aim for zero carbon emissions,”
concludes Unmesh.
23 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
Global Changemakers
Top Ten Trends
Leadership Pioneering
Solar Power
Around the World
24 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
s the world increasingly recognizes the urgency of
Aaddressing climate change and transitioning to
renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged
as a key player in the global energy landscape. The sun is
rising on a new era of leadership in the global energy sector.
Visionary individuals are emerging as changemakers,
pioneering advancements in solar power and pushing the
boundaries of what's possible. Leadership in the solar
industry is not only driving technological innovation but
also shaping trends that are pioneering the widespread
adoption of solar power around the world.
Progressive Policy Powerhouses: Leaders in the solar
industry are actively advocating for policies that support the
development and deployment of solar energy. They work
with governments and regulatory bodies to implement
favorable policies such as tax incentives, feed-in tariffs, and
renewable energy mandates. These leaders are adept at
navigating the complexities of policy and regulation. They
advocate for policies that incentivize solar adoption,
streamline permitting processes, and create a level playing
field with traditional energy sources.
Community Engagement Champions: Solar industry
leaders are engaging with local communities to build
support for solar projects and ensure that solar benefits are
equitably distributed. They are partnering with community
25 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
organizations, local governments, and indigenous
communities to develop community-owned solar projects
and share the economic benefits of solar energy. They
understand the importance of empowering local
communities. They support grassroots initiatives, educate
residents about solar benefits, and champion policies that
prioritize community solar projects, fostering local energy
Ingenious Innovation Architects: These leaders are
champions of research and development. They invest in
exploring next-generation solar technologies, improved
energy storage solutions, and more efficient grid integration
methods, ensuring solar remains competitive and
accessible. Solar industry leaders are expanding into new
markets around the world, driving global growth in solar
installations. They are investing in emerging markets and
working to overcome barriers to solar adoption in regions
with limited infrastructure and regulatory challenges.
Transformational Tech Titans: Technology is a key driver
of progress in solar. These leaders leverage advancements
in AI, data analytics, and blockchain to optimize solar panel
efficiency, streamline project management, and create
intelligent solar grids. Leaders in the solar industry are
driving innovation in solar technology, including
improvements in solar panel efficiency, energy storage
solutions, and smart grid integration. They are investing in
research and development to make solar power more
affordable, reliable, and accessible.
Financial Finesse Architects: Financing solar projects can
be complex. Solar industry leaders are pioneering new
financing models to make solar energy more accessible to a
wider range of customers. They are developing innovative
financing solutions such as solar leasing, power purchase
agreements, and green bonds to overcome financial barriers
to solar adoption. These leaders develop innovative
financing models like green bonds and community solar
subscriptions, making solar power more accessible to
individuals and businesses.
Sustainability Policy Coordinating Crusaders: Solar
industry leaders are collaborating with governments,
utilities, and other stakeholders to develop coordinated
policies and regulations that support the growth of solar
power. They are advocating for policies that enable grid
modernization, streamline permitting processes, and
facilitate interconnection of solar systems. They are driven
by a deep commitment to environmental responsibility.
Their leadership extends beyond profit margins, focusing on
creating a sustainable future powered by clean, renewable
Education, Outreach, and Collaboration Connoisseurs:
Solar industry leaders are raising awareness about the
benefits of solar energy and educating consumers,
businesses, and policymakers about the opportunities and
challenges of solar adoption. They are developing
educational programs, hosting events, and leveraging media
and social media platforms to promote solar power. They
recognize that a successful solar future requires
collaboration. They forge partnerships with governments,
research institutions, energy utilities, and environmental
groups to address challenges and accelerate progress.
Global Vision, Local Action: These leaders understand that
the path to a solar future is paved at both the global and
local levels. They champion international cooperation on
solar development while actively implementing solutions
within their own communities. Solar industry leaders are
working together on international initiatives and
partnerships to promote global cooperation on solar energy
deployment. They are collaborating on research and
development projects, sharing best practices, and
supporting capacity building efforts in developing countries
to accelerate the global transition to solar power.
Data-Driven Grid Integration Decisions: In today's data-
rich world, these leaders leverage data analytics to optimize
solar projects, identify areas with the highest solar potential,
and track the industry's progress towards sustainable energy
goals. Solar industry leaders are working to integrate solar
power into existing energy grids and optimize grid stability
and reliability. They are developing technologies such as
energy storage systems, demand response programs, and
grid-scale solar installations to support the integration of
solar energy into the grid.
Storytelling Corporate Leadership Strategists: Effective
communication is key to garnering public support for solar
energy. These leaders are adept storytellers, using
compelling narratives to educate the public about the
economic and environmental benefits of solar power,
fostering a sense of shared responsibility for a sustainable
future. Leading companies across industries are committing
to renewable energy targets and investing in solar power to
reduce their carbon footprint and meet sustainability goals.
Solar industry leaders are working with corporate partners
to develop customized solar solutions and drive corporate
investment in solar projects.
26 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024

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Yash Tarwadi
Founder and CEO
Solnce Energy
Private Limited
28 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
ith their keen vision and deep-rooted entrepre-
Wneurial acumen, influential leaders guide others
to shed pollution-increasing practices and
embrace sustainable and eco-friendly innovations so that
we can cleanse our environment.
Influential leaders like Yash Tarwadi, who possess the
innate ability to identify opportunities, take calculated risks,
and build successful ventures, can inspire and guide others.
Yash is the Founder and CEO of Solnce Energy Private
Limited. Solnce Energy is an Indian company focused on
simplifying the adoption of solar energy for homes and
businesses. Yash informs that they offer services through
their app, including connecting clients with solar panel
installers, facilitating competitive bidding, and managing
A Young Visionary
Yash, aged 27, is a chemical engineer and an alumnus of
IIM. During his engineering days, renewable energy wasn't
a hot topic. However, Yash was deeply concerned about
global climate change. Motivated by his desire to positively
impact the environment, he set out to harness solar power
for his use.
However, in 2017, when Yash began installing solar panels
on his roof, he was inundated with choices and uncertain-
ties: which panels to choose, who to hire for installation,
where to procure the necessary components, and how to
budget for it all. Recognizing that many others faced
similar challenges, Yash saw an opportunity to simplify the
transition to solar energy.
Driven by his vision of making solar energy accessible to
all, Yash founded , a company aimed at
Solnce Energy
streamlining the adoption of solar power. “My mission was
clear: to make the switch to solar energy easier, faster, and
more affordable for everyone,” says Yash.
Fostering Accessible and Affordable Sustainable Energy
Emerging as one of the best solar companies, Yash says that
from the beginning, they focused on making solar services
accessible and affordable. “Being in the industry, we know
the loopholes, so we have developed India’s First Solar app
An Influential Leader Leading the
Shift to Sustainability -
Making the Switch to Solar Energy Easier,
Faster, and Affordable for Everyone
29 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
- Solnce App - for customers to make it as easy as Amazon
to buy anything. In our case, it is any kind of solar service.
This accessibility has attracted most of our customers, and
our app works on a unique bidding process to make it
affordable. These points were major focuses we have taken
care of, which has been our organisation's guiding
philosophy,” states Yash.
The Solar landscape is continually evolving. Thus, to
ensure their company remains adaptable, Yash says they
closely monitor industry trends and technological advance-
ments. They closely observe research and development to
stay at the forefront of solar technology, allowing them to
anticipate changes and adapt their services accordingly.
Moreover, their commitment to innovation is exemplified
by the development of India’s First Solar app - Solnce App.
This groundbreaking platform revolutionizes how custom-
ers access solar services, making it as easy as shopping on
Amazon. Yash adds, “By this, we continue to lead the way
in providing cutting-edge solutions to our clients, ultimately
driving the growth and success of our company in the ever-
evolving solar landscape.”
An Ever-Triumphant Leadership
Yash’s leadership is what drives Solnce’s success. Accord-
ing to him, as a leader, his approach to leadership and team
building is rooted in fostering a culture of collaboration,
empowerment, and continuous growth. “I believe in leading
by example, setting clear goals and expectations while
providing the necessary support and guidance for my team
to thrive.”
First and foremost, he prioritizes open communication and
transparency. He encourages feedback from team members
at all levels and actively listens to their ideas, concerns, and
suggestions. “By creating an environment where everyone
feels heard and valued, we foster trust and mutual respect
within the team.”
Furthermore, Yash believes in empowering his team
members to take ownership of their roles and projects. He
adds, “I provide them with the autonomy and resources they
need to succeed while encouraging innovation and
creativity.” By empowering individuals to make decisions
and take initiative, Yash cultivates a sense of ownership and
accountability, driving individual and collective success.
Efficiency Optimum – Satisfaction Maximum
Yash furthers that at Solnce, they understand that the
essence of solar lies in providing efficient and sustainable
energy solutions and ensuring a seamless customer
experience. “Striking a balance between operational
efficiency and customer satisfaction is at the core of our
business strategy.”
Yash and his team of experts have implemented several key
initiatives to achieve this balance, and their Solnce app
plays an important role. Firstly, they invest heavily in
cutting-edge technology and streamlined processes to
optimize operational efficiency. “By leveraging our Solnce
app, we minimize manual errors and maximize the speed
and accuracy of our operations.” This allows them to
deliver prompt and reliable customer service while
minimizing downtime and disruptions.
Furthermore, they prioritize customer-centricity in every-
thing they do. “From the initial consultation to post-
installation support, we prioritize open communication,
transparency, and responsiveness. We listen closely to our
customers' needs and preferences, tailoring our solutions to
meet their requirements.” Additionally, they provide
comprehensive support and guidance throughout the
customer journey, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free
Moreover, they continuously monitor and evaluate their
performance to identify areas for improvement.
The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry
Being in the industry,
we know the loopholes,
so we have developed
India’s First Solar app -
Solnce App - for customers
to make it as easy as
Amazon to buy anything.
30 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024

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“We gather customer feedback through surveys and reviews
and use this information to refine our processes and
enhance the end-user experience. By being proactive and
responsive to customer feedback, we demonstrate our
commitment to their satisfaction and loyalty.”
Benchmarking Environmental Ethos
According to Yash, sustainability and environmental
responsibility are fundamental principles that guide their
company's operations and shape their commitment to
creating a greener future. “We understand the solar
industry's critical role in mitigating climate change and
reducing our carbon footprint, and we are dedicated to
leading by example.”
One of the primary ways they integrate sustainability into
their operations is by promoting renewable energy sources,
particularly solar power. “By providing high-quality solar
energy solutions to our customers, we enable them to
reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and transition to clean,
renewable energy sources.” This not only helps to lower
carbon emissions but also contributes to the overall health
of our planet.
In addition to promoting renewable energy adoption, they
are committed to minimizing their environmental impact as
a company. “We strive to operate in an eco-friendly manner
by implementing energy-efficient practices, reducing waste
generation, and optimizing resource utilization wherever
possible. We are dedicated to raising awareness about
environmental stewardship and sustainability within our
community.” Through educational initiatives, outreach
programs, and partnerships with local organizations, Yash
ensures he and his team empower individuals and busi-
nesses to make more sustainable choices and take meaning-
ful action to protect our planet.
Epitomizing Techno-Smart Solutions
In the realm of solar energy, technology plays a pivotal role
in enhancing efficiency. Ardently believing in this fact, Yash
says that at the heart of their focus lies the innovative
Solnce App, representing a revolutionary leap into the
digital realm and epitomizing smart solutions for the Indian
market. Serving as India’s first one-stop solar application,
Solnce App embodies efficiency and convenience like never
before, streamlining what used to be hours of offline labour
into a matter of seconds.
Gone are the days of cumbersome paperwork and lengthy
consultations. With the Solnce App, the entire process of
solar energy adoption has been digitized and simplified,
putting the power in the hands of the consumer. From
selecting the right panels to finding reputable installers,
every step of the journey is seamlessly integrated into one
user-friendly platform.
By leveraging the latest digital technology, Solnce App
empowers users to make informed decisions quickly and
effortlessly. “Whether it's comparing prices, reviewing
installation options, or tracking energy savings, our app
offers unparalleled accessibility and transparency, paving
the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for all,”
claims Yash.
Ensuring Constant Team Upgrade
He also adds that they recognize that their workforce is the
backbone of their success. “We are committed to fostering a
culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment
among our employees, ensuring they have the tools and
support they need to thrive.”
31 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
One of the key ways they promote growth and development
is through ongoing training and professional development
opportunities. They offer a variety of workshops, seminars,
and online courses to help employees enhance their skills
and knowledge in their respective areas of expertise. “We
believe in providing opportunities for employees to take on
new challenges and responsibilities. We offer cross-
functional training and rotational programs that allow
employees to gain exposure to different aspects of the
business and develop a broader skill set. We also promote
from within whenever possible, recognizing and rewarding
employees who demonstrate initiative and leadership
In addition to formal training and development initiatives,
Yash says they have open mic sessions that focus on the
employees' mental health, and they empower employees to
take ownership of their work and contribute ideas for
improvement. They also provide opportunities for employ-
ees to participate in decision-making processes and
initiatives that directly impact the company's direction and
Skilled Problem Solvers
As a leader in India's Solar sector, Yash reveals they faced a
significant technical challenge when implementing a large-
scale solar project with complex integration requirements.
“Our team, however, displayed exceptional problem-solving
skills and collaboration.” Through rigorous research and
collaboration with experts, they developed a tailored
solution that addressed the technical complexities and
enhanced the overall efficiency of the project. “This
instance demonstrated our team's technical prowess and
determination to deliver innovative solutions, solidifying
our reputation as leaders in the solar sector,’ says Yash
Solnce Energy's initiative shows immense potential for
sustained growth and continuity. With a target market of
19.9 million Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) seeking solar solutions, the initiative has a vast
opportunity to make a significant impact. As the global
focus on renewable energy and environmental sustainability
intensifies, the demand for Solnce Energy’s services is
expected to rise consistently.
Envisioning a Solar-Powered Nation
Thus, looking to the future, Yash divulges his plans: “As we
look to the future, our vision for our company is to be at the
forefront of India's solar landscape, driving innovation,
sustainability, and accessibility in the renewable energy
sector. Work more on our vision of making solar accessible
and affordable. We aspire to continue making a significant
impact by expanding our reach, advancing technological
solutions, and promoting widespread adoption of solar
energy across the nation.”
He furthers that they are committed to expanding their
presence across India, reaching underserved communities
and remote areas with innovative solar solutions. “We
believe everyone should have access to clean and afford-
able energy, and we are dedicated to bridging the gap
through our initiatives and partnerships.”
Yash’s vision for the future is to drive India's transition to a
sustainable energy future powered by solar. “Through
innovation, expansion, advocacy, and collaboration, we are
committed to making a lasting and positive impact on
India's solar landscape,” he concludes.
Recently, Yash and his team Solnce have received
• The prestigious honour of “Tech For Good 2023
Award” from Times Network India and
• ‘Emerging Energytech Startup of the Year 2021,’ by
The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and
• UNDP has selected the company.
32 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
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  • 1. Vol 04 Issue 03 2024 I N D I A www.ciolookindia.com Deepak Ushadevi Trailblazing a Floating CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Powered Indian Future CEO and Managing Director CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR PVT LTD The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry Beyond Panels How Leaders are Shaping Solar Policy and Advocacy?
  • 3. The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry
  • 5. ILLUMINATING CHANGE: LEADERS SHAPING THE FUTURE OF SOLAR ENERGY he sun, once a source of passive energy, has Tbecome a powerful engine propelling our world towards a sustainable future. The solar industry has witnessed significant growth and innovation in recent years, driven by visionary leaders who have revolutionized the way we harness renewable energy. At the forefront of a change, these visionary leaders in the solar industry, with their dedication and innovation are reshaping the energy landscape. These influential leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the future of solar power and driving sustainable change on a global scale. These influential leaders understand that solar energy is more than just generating electricity. They champion a vision for a sustainable future, one powered by clean, renewable resources. Their commitment extends beyond profit margins, encompassing environmental responsibility and a desire to create a more equitable energy landscape. As we recognize the most influential leaders in the solar industry, it's essential to acknowledge their profound impact on advancing solar technology, promoting renewable energy adoption, and advocating for environmental sustainability. These leaders demonstrate exceptional foresight, strategic thinking, and a deep commitment to driving positive change in the energy sector. They spearhead groundbreaking research and development initiatives, champion policies that support solar energy deployment, and foster collaboration among industry stakeholders to accelerate progress towards a clean energy future. Their leadership extends beyond business success to encompass environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and community engagement. By promoting solar energy adoption, they not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change but also create economic opportunities, empower local communities, and improve energy access worldwide. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the transition to renewable energy, the influence of CIOLook India’s chosen ones of ‘The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry,’ will continue to shape the trajectory of the solar industry. Their vision, dedication, and innovation inspire us to reimagine the way we power our world and pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come. - Gaurav PR Wankhade Managing Editor
  • 6. Deepak Ushadevi Trailblazing a Floating CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Powered Indian Future Cover Story 08
  • 7. 20 16 24 28 An Influential Leader Leading the Shift to Sustainability - Yash Tarwadi Making the Switch to Solar Energy Easier, Faster, and Affordable for Everyone Enlightening Indian Energy Industry with Ino-Group’s Green Solar Solutions Unmesh Jagtap articles Beyond Panels How Leaders are Shaping Solar Policy and Advocacy? Global Changemakers Top Ten Trends in Leadership Pioneering Solar Power Around the World Profiles
  • 8. CONTENT DESIGN Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode Art & Design Director : Sameen Arif Sr. Graphic Designer : Rashmi Singh SALES Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar Asst. Vice President : Tejaswini Whaval Sr. Team Leader : Suraj Gadekar BDE : Bhagyshri Bhandwilkar TECHNICAL April, 2024 Copyright © 2024 CIOLOOK India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK India. FOLLOW US ON www.twitter.com/ciolookindia www.facebook.com/ciolookindia/ WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email [email protected] For Subscription www.ciolookindia.com CONTACT US ON Abhishek Joshi Editor-in-Chief [email protected] SME-SMO Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale Cover Price: Rs.300/- www.ciolookindia.com LOOK I N D I A
  • 9. CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Pvt Ltd Deepak Ushadevi, CEO and Managing Director Revoltcreations Solar Solutions Ino-Group of Companies Freyr Energy Solnce Energy Private Limited Eric Widget, CEO and Founder Unmesh Jagtap, Director and CEO Vidya Shenoy, General Manager Marketing Yash Tarwadi, Founder and CEO Eric Widget led Revoltcreations Solar Solutions deploy smart and advance energy design tools to design, install and commission the solar power plants. As the Director and CEO of Ino-Group of Companies, Unmesh, with his team is engaged in diversified activities mainly in engineering, design and manufacturing, solar power, energy saving projects and products and specialty paint and coatings. From pioneering Freyr Energy’s growth in the solar sector, achieving a 10x revenue increase, to spearheading tech innovations that revolutionized the customer experience, Vidya navigates the complex terrains of strategic planning and digital marketing with finesse. Driven by his vision of making solar energy accessible to all, Yash founded Solnce Energy, a company aimed at streamlining the adoption of solar power. Brief Featuring Company The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry As the CEO and Managing Director of CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Pvt Ltd India, Deepak is instrumental in developing the solar floating market to provide floating solar guidelines, knowledge transfer, and know-how to ensure quality and bankable floating projects in India.
  • 10. Deepak Ushadevi CEO and Managing Director CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR PVT LTD Cover Story
  • 11. Deepak Ushadevi Trailblazing a Floating CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR Powered Indian Future The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry
  • 12. hat influences us the most are the simple Winnovations with profound impact. That impact could be seen in the global sustainability cause by the most influential leaders in the solar industry like Deepak Ushadevi, who, as the CEO and Managing Director of CIEL ET TERRE SOLAR PVT LTD, is pushing the envelope with a pioneering innovation of floating solar since 2011. Deepak’s success mantra is simple. “Be the change you wish to see in the world. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi is what I ardently believe in,” he says. And Deepak has become that change throughout his personal and professional life. He started his career as an engineer at Chartered Semiconductor in Singapore. Professionally with over 23 years of experience in the field of solar and semiconductors in various capacities as a subject matter expert, technologist, and business unit head. Deepak's primary areas of expertise include new commercial initiatives, the introduction of new technology, strategic alignment, and market development. He focused on developing/commissioning new single Junction & Tandem Junction think film lines in India, Italy, Germany, China, Japan, and the US. What propels his passion for the Solar Industry is its expansive and eco-friendly nature, championing the cause of green energy. “This profound commitment to sustainability resonates with my professional journey,” he adds, as he has played a pivotal role in ushering in new technologies globally. Deepak’s involvement spans the IC Chip processor segment, Solar technology, and the revolutionary field of floating solar technology. The confluence of his experiences and the transformative advancements in these industries has shaped his career and fuelled his dedication to pioneering innovations in the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable future. Significant Strides in Renewable Energy CIEL ET TERRE is world leader in floating solar and also the leader in floating solar domain in India. Deepak shares the guiding philosophy that has propelled his organization's success. In 2018, CIEL ET TERRE embarked on its Indian venture, and since then, the company has been making significant strides in the renewable energy landscape. The company's headquarters, situated in Manyata Tech Park, Bangalore, has been instrumental in overseeing the implementation of various capacity addition and expansion projects. As of today, CIEL ET TERRE INDIA (CTSP) has successfully commissioned projects across seven different states in India, boasting an impressive cumulative capacity of 260+ MWp, with a flagship project of 120 MWp in phase 1 contributing to the ambitious 600 MWp – phase 1&2 floating solar project led by RUMSL, solidifying its position as the world's largest floating solar initiative. The Solar landscape is continually evolving. When asked how they ensure that their company remains adaptable and ahead of industry trends, providing innovative solutions to their clients, Deepak informs CIEL ET TERRE has been fully devoted to floating PV ever since. Its unique expertise and track record make the company become the most experienced group in ‘Floating PV,’ especially thanks to ‘all-in-one’ solutions and high-quality services. CIEL ET TERRE’s teams are trained to adapt and respond smartly to the various needs in floating solar worldwide as the demand increases each year a little faster. Deepak adds, “Bankability, Reliability, Proximity and Flexibility are the key factors that enable us.” Pioneering Hydrelio® Floating Solar In 2006, CIEL ET TERRE embarked on a journey in the renewable energy sector, initially focusing on rooftop and ground-mounted solar projects. In 2011, a pivotal moment occurred with the introduction of the Hydrelio® product, the patented Hydrelio Classic, a floating solar solution capable of accommodating modules up to 300 Wp. Classic Hydrelio design with a Standard tilt of 12° and easy operations and maintenance is its major feature. Building on this success, CIEL ET TERRE continued to push the boundaries of solar technology. Deepak informs that in 2015, they unveiled the Hydrelio Equato, designed to support even more powerful 400 Wp modules. Equatorial design with fixed tilt 5°. They are designed for equatorial adaptation, anchoring control, and cost-effective transport solutions optimised for 4-in-a-row configuration. The year 2019 marked another milestone with the launch of Hydrelio Air 1280, a product capable of handling modules up to 500 Wp, demonstrating the company's commitment to staying at the forefront of solar energy advancements. Air Hydrelio is designed with 11° floats with a racking system, extra ventilation, and a cost-effective transport solution.
  • 13. Your uniqueness is defined by your innovation and authenticity.
  • 15. In 2019, CIEL ET TERRE once again raised the bar by introducing Hydrelio Air 1440, which is designed to accommodate modules with a capacity of up to 570 Wp. The company's dedication to innovation culminated in the groundbreaking release of Hydrelio Air Optim in 2023, which can support modules with an impressive 670 Wp capacity. The Guiding Light Today, Deepak’s leadership style is recognized as a driving force behind CIEL ET TERRE’s tremendous success. Shedding the light on his approach, he says leadership is the cornerstone of any organization's success. Be it a driving force that shapes the culture, values or behaviour of the workforce well, different leadership styles can profoundly impact how an organization operates on a day-to-day basis and the type of culture it fosters. “At CIEL ET TERRE INDIA, we have Democratic and transformational Leadership.” *Democratic leadership: Deepak says they have leaders who believe in involving employees in decision-making. They seek input, opinions, and ideas from their team members. “This style encourages a culture of inclusivity, open communication, and teamwork. Our Employees feel valued and are likelier to be engaged and committed to the organization's goals.” *Transformational Leadership: At CIEL ET TERRE INDIA, it is also about inspiring and motivating employees to achieve extraordinary results. This style fosters a culture of innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement. “Leaders encourage our employees to think outside the box, take risks, and pursue ambitious goals for the betterment of the organization.” Consistently Exceeding Client Expectations The essence of renewable energies lies in seamless operations and enhancing the end-user experience. To balance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, operating as a multinational corporation across 30+ countries, CIEL ET TERRE adheres to rigorous protocols and standards. These guidelines propel us to consistently exceed client expectations. Daily tasks such as project tracking, milestone planning, and continuous project progress assessments ensure that our project execution consistently meets high standards. Moreover, engaging in face-to-face interactions with clients, actively seeking their feedback, and navigating through channels for improvement contribute to our efficiency, striving to enhance the overall ecosystem daily. Sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial aspects of the modern Solar niche. According to Deepak, India, the world's most populous country, grapples with an insatiable demand for energy and land, departing fossil fuels imperative for a sustainable future. Considering the nation's circumstances, embracing green energy emerges as the optimal choice. However, challenges such as space constraints, land disputes, legal intricacies, and acquisition delays necessitate innovative solutions, with floating solar power emerging as a compelling alternative. In the realm of solar, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. Similarly, Deepak says that in the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, the efficiency of floating solar stands out, influencing economic, environmental, and social dimensions more profoundly than conventional models. With nearly two decades of expertise in the renewable energy sector and a leadership role in a technology solutions provider, the journey into the realm of floating solar has unveiled a new market – floating photovoltaics (PV). A global imperative propels this evolution to generate clean energy with greater efficiency while conserving valuable land resources. Surmounting Adversities The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Deepak says that as a technology-centric organization, they focus on empowering their human assets with the best industry practices to foster a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment among their employees. They are promoting diversity and inclusion in all the functional departments. They prioritise continuous learning for all the employees and empower them to make decisions on their expertise areas. They promote a 360- degree feedback system to share inputs, raise concerns and receive constructive feedback from peers and supervisors. They are in high favour of reward and recognition programs, and their Fridays are filled with fun. Deepak adds, “We encourage our team to have a work-life balance with flexible timing and work-from-home options. We also have short- and long-term monitory benefits plans called Project-based benefits (PBB) to keep them motivated throughout the journey with us.” As a leader in India's Solar sector, challenges are an integral part of running any company, and “We've encountered our
  • 16. fair share,” says Deepak. He adds that transportation headaches, tight timelines, and unpredictable weather conditions have all been hurdles they've navigated. Transportation problems have been recurring, particularly when moving solar equipment or components to their project sites. To tackle this, they've fostered local partnerships for efficient transportation services and explored modular components that are easier to transport. “Flexibility in our logistics approach has proven key in overcoming this challenge.” Time constraints often press on the team, threatening delays in installation and commissioning. “To counter this, meticulous project planning and scheduling have become our allies,’ says Deepak. Thus, he ensures they prioritize tasks and deploy project management tools. “Regular assessments and course corrections help us stay on track.” Unpredictable weather conditions are part and parcel of working in the renewable energy sector. Deepak mentions that to tackle this challenge, they design their systems with weather resilience in mind. This includes flexible structures to withstand extreme weather and incorporating forecasting tools to anticipate changes. Smart technologies that adjust system parameters in response to weather conditions contribute to optimal performance and stability. “In the face of these challenges, our commitment to finding innovative solutions remains unwavering,” says Deepak. “We believe in a holistic approach that combines technology, strategic partnerships, and community engagement. Regular reviews and updates to our strategies based on project experiences keep us adaptive and resilient in the dynamic landscape of the solar sector.” Fostering A Floating Solar-Empowered Tomorrow Finally, Deepak divulges that looking towards the future, CIEL ET TERRE is actively engaged in research and development, aiming to introduce solutions that can accommodate panels with capacities of up to 700 Wp by the end of 2024. This commitment to pushing the limits of solar technology underscores CIEL ET TERRE's role as a trailblazer in the renewable energy industry, contributing to the ongoing global transition towards sustainable and clean energy solutions. With each product launch, CIEL ET TERRE reaffirms its dedication to driving innovation and shaping the future of solar energy. All this model is being tested to extreme wind at ONETA French aerospace for wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics, bending fatigue tested at IFP EB, UV corrosion tested for 20+ years lifetime, and drinking water compliance with BS standards. Additional testing on the HDPE and colourant control, DQP, thickness control, cooling jig spec, dimension control, leak testing, etc., have also been benchmarked in our design and innovation space. In short, under the visionary leadership of Deepak, team CIEL ET TERRE is ensuring that India emerges as a super- player in the floating solar innovation, contributing tremendously to the global sustainability mission. For more information, please visit . https://ciel-et-terre.net/
  • 18. How Leaders are Shaping Solar Policy and Advocacy? 16 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 19. olar panels gleaming on rooftops have become a Ssymbol of a greener future. But the journey towards a sun-powered world extends far beyond the hardware. The solar industry is not just about these panels that capture sunlight and convert it into electricity; it's also about the policies and advocacy efforts that shape the adoption and growth of solar energy. A new breed of leaders is emerging in the solar industry – leaders who are not just focused on installing panels, but on shaping the policies and advocacy efforts that will propel solar energy into the mainstream. Leaders in the solar industry are playing a crucial role in driving policy changes and advocating for the widespread adoption of solar energy as a clean and renewable source of power. A Call for Change: Championing Sustainable Policy These leaders understand that a robust policy framework is crucial for solar's long-term success. They actively engage in advocacy, pushing for policies that incentivize solar adoption, streamline regulations, and create a level playing field with traditional energy sources. Their efforts go beyond simply lobbying; they work to educate policymakers and the public about the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy. One of the key areas where leaders are making an impact is in influencing government policies related to solar energy. They work closely with policymakers at the local, national, and international levels to advocate for favorable policies that support the development of solar infrastructure, incentivize investment in solar projects, and remove barriers to solar adoption. This includes advocating for policies such as tax incentives, rebates, net metering, renewable energy standards, and streamlined permitting processes. Building Bridges: Collaboration for a Sustainable Future The transition to a solar-powered future cannot be achieved in isolation. These forward-thinking leaders recognize the power of collaboration. They forge partnerships with environmental groups, consumer advocates, and energy utilities. By working together, they can address challenges like grid integration, storage solutions, and ensuring equitable access to solar energy for all communities. Leaders in the solar industry also play a vital role in shaping public opinion and raising awareness about the benefits of solar energy. They engage in public outreach Beyond Panels 17 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 20. campaigns, educational initiatives, and media outreach to inform the public about the environmental, economic, and social benefits of solar power. By dispelling myths and misinformation about solar energy and highlighting its advantages, they help build support for policies that promote solar adoption. Empowering Communities: A Grassroots Movement The fight for a solar future doesn't happen solely in boardrooms and committee meetings. These innovative leaders understand the importance of empowering communities. They support grassroots initiatives that encourage local solar installations, educate residents about the benefits of clean energy, and advocate for policies that prioritize community solar projects. Additionally, leaders in the solar industry collaborate with other stakeholders, including environmental organizations, community groups, businesses, and utilities, to build coalitions and advocate for shared goals. They participate in industry associations and advocacy groups to amplify their voices and leverage collective influence to advance solar policy objectives. Investing in Innovation: A Brighter Future Powered by the Sun Leaders in solar policy and advocacy recognize that innovation is key to overcoming existing challenges and unlocking the full potential of solar energy. They support research and development initiatives exploring next- generation solar technologies, improved energy storage solutions, and more efficient grid integration methods. Furthermore, leaders in the solar industry are actively involved in shaping international agreements and initiatives aimed at addressing climate change and promoting renewable energy adoption. They participate in global forums, conferences, and negotiations to advocate for ambitious targets for solar energy deployment and to promote international cooperation on clean energy solutions. A Legacy of Sustainability The leadership driving solar policy and advocacy is not just shaping an industry; it's shaping a more sustainable future. Their tireless efforts to create supportive policies, foster collaboration, and empower communities will ensure that solar energy becomes the cornerstone of a clean energy future for generations to come. Building a Collaborative Ecosystem The rise of solar energy necessitates a collaborative approach. These leaders recognize the value of partnerships, forging connections with governments, research institutions, and other industry stakeholders. By working together, they can overcome challenges, accelerate innovation, and ensure that solar energy becomes the cornerstone of a sustainable global energy system. A Brighter Future The leadership of these visionaries paves the way for a brighter future powered by the sun. Their dedication to sustainability, innovation, and collaboration will ensure that solar energy continues to illuminate the path towards a cleaner, more secure energy future for generations to come. Leaders in the solar industry are not only driving technological innovation but also shaping policy and advocacy efforts to accelerate the transition to a clean energy future. Their leadership and advocacy are essential for overcoming regulatory barriers, mobilizing public support, and unlocking the full potential of solar energy to address climate change and create a more sustainable world. 18 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 22. he most influential solar leaders are those with Ta mission. Unmesh Jagtap’s mission with his Ino-Group of Companies is to enlighten the lives of every Indian by providing clean and safe energy at an affordable cost and 'Make in India' green and environment-friendly technology and products. As the Director and CEO of Ino-Solar Energy Pvt Ltd, Sonnenschein Engineering & Infra LLP, and NEOUNPA Engineering Technologies Pvt Ltd, or Ino- Group of Companies in short, Unmesh, with his team is engaged in diversified activities mainly in engineering, design and manufacturing, solar power, energy saving projects and products and specialty paint and coatings. The Team of Technocrats The group is promoted by technocrats who have vast experience working in the engineering and energy sector in India and worldwide with technology support from USA, India, and South Africa-based companies who have conducted numerous research programs in the energy and engineering sectors and have success- fully commissioned projects which have illuminated the homes of thousands of low-income houses in all parts of the world as well as helped the environment through energy saving and reducing hazardous waste. Unmesh, along with Bipin Shah, is a founder and director. With a Mechanical Engineering Degree, Unmesh did his Master's in the USA as a Research Assistant under the guidance of Dr Yogi Goswami, a renowned researcher in solar energy, at the University of Florida’s Solar Energy & Energy Conservation Laboratory. Enlightening Indian Energy Industry with Ino-Group’s Green Solar Solu ons The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry 20 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 23. Our mission has been to enlighten the lives of every Indian by providing clean and safe energy at an affordable cost and Making in India green and environment- friendly technology and products. ‘‘ ‘‘ Director and CEO, Ino-Group of Companies 21 | www.ciolookindia.com
  • 24. Unmesh researched Experimental Evaluation and Theoreti- cal Modeling of Solar Optical Properties and Shading Coefficients of Compound Fenestrations. He has expertise in manufacturing Solar PV Modules and as a System Integrator for designing and implementing various projects in Solar PV Power Plants, Solar Water Heaters, Domestic Wind Turbines, Wind & Solar Hybrid Systems and Energy Conservation Solutions. He has completed assignments like setting up a PV Module Manufacturing Plant, EPC of Solar PV Plants from 1 KW to 1000 KW and Consultancy for Solar PV and CSP Plants. He has also worked as a Board Member for LUXRA India, a subsidiary of LUXRA Group, Germany, and is engaged in solar module manufacturing and projects. Excellence Through Innovation Unmesh states, “Our philosophy is Excellence through Innovation, and our mission has been to enlighten the lives of each and every Indian by providing clean and safe energy at an affordable cost and Making in India green and environment-friendly technology and products.” Sharing their other USPs, Unmesh says they include: Ÿ Focus on Technology, Innovation and continuous improvements in products and services. Ÿ Focus on providing technologies to the neediest sector of the community, which are in low-income areas or Rural areas, at affordable prices. Ÿ Flexibility to adapt as per Customer Needs. Ÿ There is no compromise on Quality Products even though the Market competition is forcing price cuts. Ÿ Holistic and honest 360-degree guidance and solutions to Clients regardless of actual Business Case Conver- sion also help. Ÿ “Our aim is always to educate our clients and the general society about Energy Conservation,” adds Unmesh. Ÿ Telling more about their offerings, he says they include Solar Project Development, EPC, and Infrastructure Projects are in CAPX and OPEX mode, mainly for industrial and corporate clients. Ÿ Developing and manufacturing Solar Module Mounting Structures with LUXRA Solar, Germany. Ÿ Reflective Cool Paints are manufactured in a joint venture with Millennium Solutions, USA. The product is certified by the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC), USA, and is now being exported from India to Africa, Mexico, Colombia, and Bangladesh. Ÿ “Our Paint has been approved and used by almost all participants in the Million Cool Roofs Challenge going over the Globe, which is a joint Project by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) in collaboration 22 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 25. with the Global Cool Cities Alliance, Sustainable Energy for All and Nesta’s Challenge Prize Centre and supported by the World Resources Institute.” Ÿ SEIL has been selected by the World Bank's IFC (International Finance Corporation) Tech Emerge Program as an “Innovator” for our passive cooling solutions, such as Cool Paints. SEIL will collaborate with various Adopters from South America and Nigeria to conduct Pilot Projects and implement our solutions in countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Nigeria. Ÿ One Group Company manufactures various Diesel Engine Parts and Fuel Rail Assemblies. It has a full- fledged CNC Machine shop. Ÿ It offers Turnkey Projects for the complete Product Development of Special-Purpose Testing Machines for the Food and Engineering Industries, such as NDT-type Testing Machines. Ÿ Engineering services include concept design, 3D modelling, prototype products, and special-purpose machines, as per client requirements. Optimum Advances Unmesh’s take on advanced technologies is optimistic. He says AI and ML are the way most companies will operate or have to operate in the future. The Mechanical Engineering Industry is adopting these techniques fast for large manu- facturing or Service Units. The adoption of MSME is not that fast due to investment constraints, but eventually, as technologies evolve and scale increases, “I am sure MSME will use both AI and ML in the best possible and optimum way.” In the Solar Module Manufacturing industry, full automa- tion has already become mandatory for world-class quality products. As the product is too sensitive to contamination and manual errors, manual intervention is becoming almost zero in new, upcoming manufacturing facilities. Remote monitoring of solar plants is used effectively, even for small ones. However, the way ahead is to control parameters and make corrections or maintenance remotely. This will be a great help in the case of Remote and large solar plants. The Sustainable Goal According to Unmesh, the objectives of the group are to carry on in India and abroad the business of manufacturing, engineering, designing, consultancy, repairing, developing, fabricating assembling, production, sales, trading, distribution, marketing, servicing of solar-based products such as Solar Home Kits and appliances, Solar Lights, Solar Power packs, Solar Water Pumps; Electronics Products such as power saving transformers, capacitor banks, waste to energy appliances, prefabricated efficient house; energy optimization equipment’s, smart remote monitoring and control systems. The company's goal is to provide a holistic 360-degree Solution to any customer in all the above areas by measur- ing, analysing, and understanding the exact Energy need and usage. The solutions should be technologically advanced and affordable to all sectors based on their financial capacity and give them optimum ROI on any investments made. Ino-Indian Future Green Energy Vision Divulging his future vision, Unmesh says, “Currently, we are working on some Solar Projects and researching providing Smart Power Optimization solutions for Residen- tial applications in the USA and other parts of the World.” Future projects are in the pipeline to provide Solar Grid- Connected Systems with Smart Power Conditioning Units for big residential Projects in the USA. We are also planning a few MW-scale Solar projects in India. Other Major R&D is going on Energy Simulation for Buildings and Smart Fenestrations, which have AI capabili- ties to adjust the solar radiation to the building for proper lighting while keeping the heat transmitted to a minimum level. “In specialty paints, we have developed Fire-Resistant Paints, and our future plan is to Export them along with our Reflective Paints to a global client base.” “Lastly, we are working on a Carbon-Neutral Resilient Farming project.” It aims to provide small farmers with zero-carbon farming solutions, which include various technologies like Bio-Digesters, biogas, Solar-Powered Prefabricated small Cold Storage Plants, Solar pumping solutions, and passive-cooled storage areas. “We have tied up with the University of Gujrat, which has set us up with an Energy Centre. Through that, we are implementing a Pilot Project for a smart Village that will be self-power sufficient and aim for zero carbon emissions,” concludes Unmesh. 23 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 26. Global Changemakers Top Ten Trends in Leadership Pioneering Solar Power Around the World 24 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 27. s the world increasingly recognizes the urgency of Aaddressing climate change and transitioning to renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a key player in the global energy landscape. The sun is rising on a new era of leadership in the global energy sector. Visionary individuals are emerging as changemakers, pioneering advancements in solar power and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Leadership in the solar industry is not only driving technological innovation but also shaping trends that are pioneering the widespread adoption of solar power around the world. Progressive Policy Powerhouses: Leaders in the solar industry are actively advocating for policies that support the development and deployment of solar energy. They work with governments and regulatory bodies to implement favorable policies such as tax incentives, feed-in tariffs, and renewable energy mandates. These leaders are adept at navigating the complexities of policy and regulation. They advocate for policies that incentivize solar adoption, streamline permitting processes, and create a level playing field with traditional energy sources. Community Engagement Champions: Solar industry leaders are engaging with local communities to build support for solar projects and ensure that solar benefits are equitably distributed. They are partnering with community 25 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 28. organizations, local governments, and indigenous communities to develop community-owned solar projects and share the economic benefits of solar energy. They understand the importance of empowering local communities. They support grassroots initiatives, educate residents about solar benefits, and champion policies that prioritize community solar projects, fostering local energy independence. Ingenious Innovation Architects: These leaders are champions of research and development. They invest in exploring next-generation solar technologies, improved energy storage solutions, and more efficient grid integration methods, ensuring solar remains competitive and accessible. Solar industry leaders are expanding into new markets around the world, driving global growth in solar installations. They are investing in emerging markets and working to overcome barriers to solar adoption in regions with limited infrastructure and regulatory challenges. Transformational Tech Titans: Technology is a key driver of progress in solar. These leaders leverage advancements in AI, data analytics, and blockchain to optimize solar panel efficiency, streamline project management, and create intelligent solar grids. Leaders in the solar industry are driving innovation in solar technology, including improvements in solar panel efficiency, energy storage solutions, and smart grid integration. They are investing in research and development to make solar power more affordable, reliable, and accessible. Financial Finesse Architects: Financing solar projects can be complex. Solar industry leaders are pioneering new financing models to make solar energy more accessible to a wider range of customers. They are developing innovative financing solutions such as solar leasing, power purchase agreements, and green bonds to overcome financial barriers to solar adoption. These leaders develop innovative financing models like green bonds and community solar subscriptions, making solar power more accessible to individuals and businesses. Sustainability Policy Coordinating Crusaders: Solar industry leaders are collaborating with governments, utilities, and other stakeholders to develop coordinated policies and regulations that support the growth of solar power. They are advocating for policies that enable grid modernization, streamline permitting processes, and facilitate interconnection of solar systems. They are driven by a deep commitment to environmental responsibility. Their leadership extends beyond profit margins, focusing on creating a sustainable future powered by clean, renewable resources. Education, Outreach, and Collaboration Connoisseurs: Solar industry leaders are raising awareness about the benefits of solar energy and educating consumers, businesses, and policymakers about the opportunities and challenges of solar adoption. They are developing educational programs, hosting events, and leveraging media and social media platforms to promote solar power. They recognize that a successful solar future requires collaboration. They forge partnerships with governments, research institutions, energy utilities, and environmental groups to address challenges and accelerate progress. Global Vision, Local Action: These leaders understand that the path to a solar future is paved at both the global and local levels. They champion international cooperation on solar development while actively implementing solutions within their own communities. Solar industry leaders are working together on international initiatives and partnerships to promote global cooperation on solar energy deployment. They are collaborating on research and development projects, sharing best practices, and supporting capacity building efforts in developing countries to accelerate the global transition to solar power. Data-Driven Grid Integration Decisions: In today's data- rich world, these leaders leverage data analytics to optimize solar projects, identify areas with the highest solar potential, and track the industry's progress towards sustainable energy goals. Solar industry leaders are working to integrate solar power into existing energy grids and optimize grid stability and reliability. They are developing technologies such as energy storage systems, demand response programs, and grid-scale solar installations to support the integration of solar energy into the grid. Storytelling Corporate Leadership Strategists: Effective communication is key to garnering public support for solar energy. These leaders are adept storytellers, using compelling narratives to educate the public about the economic and environmental benefits of solar power, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for a sustainable future. Leading companies across industries are committing to renewable energy targets and investing in solar power to reduce their carbon footprint and meet sustainability goals. Solar industry leaders are working with corporate partners to develop customized solar solutions and drive corporate investment in solar projects. 26 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 30. Yash Tarwadi Founder and CEO Solnce Energy Private Limited 28 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 31. ith their keen vision and deep-rooted entrepre- Wneurial acumen, influential leaders guide others to shed pollution-increasing practices and embrace sustainable and eco-friendly innovations so that we can cleanse our environment. Influential leaders like Yash Tarwadi, who possess the innate ability to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and build successful ventures, can inspire and guide others. Yash is the Founder and CEO of Solnce Energy Private Limited. Solnce Energy is an Indian company focused on simplifying the adoption of solar energy for homes and businesses. Yash informs that they offer services through their app, including connecting clients with solar panel installers, facilitating competitive bidding, and managing paperwork. A Young Visionary Yash, aged 27, is a chemical engineer and an alumnus of IIM. During his engineering days, renewable energy wasn't a hot topic. However, Yash was deeply concerned about global climate change. Motivated by his desire to positively impact the environment, he set out to harness solar power for his use. However, in 2017, when Yash began installing solar panels on his roof, he was inundated with choices and uncertain- ties: which panels to choose, who to hire for installation, where to procure the necessary components, and how to budget for it all. Recognizing that many others faced similar challenges, Yash saw an opportunity to simplify the transition to solar energy. Driven by his vision of making solar energy accessible to all, Yash founded , a company aimed at Solnce Energy streamlining the adoption of solar power. “My mission was clear: to make the switch to solar energy easier, faster, and more affordable for everyone,” says Yash. Fostering Accessible and Affordable Sustainable Energy Emerging as one of the best solar companies, Yash says that from the beginning, they focused on making solar services accessible and affordable. “Being in the industry, we know the loopholes, so we have developed India’s First Solar app An Influential Leader Leading the Shift to Sustainability - Making the Switch to Solar Energy Easier, Faster, and Affordable for Everyone 29 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 32. - Solnce App - for customers to make it as easy as Amazon to buy anything. In our case, it is any kind of solar service. This accessibility has attracted most of our customers, and our app works on a unique bidding process to make it affordable. These points were major focuses we have taken care of, which has been our organisation's guiding philosophy,” states Yash. The Solar landscape is continually evolving. Thus, to ensure their company remains adaptable, Yash says they closely monitor industry trends and technological advance- ments. They closely observe research and development to stay at the forefront of solar technology, allowing them to anticipate changes and adapt their services accordingly. Moreover, their commitment to innovation is exemplified by the development of India’s First Solar app - Solnce App. This groundbreaking platform revolutionizes how custom- ers access solar services, making it as easy as shopping on Amazon. Yash adds, “By this, we continue to lead the way in providing cutting-edge solutions to our clients, ultimately driving the growth and success of our company in the ever- evolving solar landscape.” An Ever-Triumphant Leadership Yash’s leadership is what drives Solnce’s success. Accord- ing to him, as a leader, his approach to leadership and team building is rooted in fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and continuous growth. “I believe in leading by example, setting clear goals and expectations while providing the necessary support and guidance for my team to thrive.” First and foremost, he prioritizes open communication and transparency. He encourages feedback from team members at all levels and actively listens to their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. “By creating an environment where everyone feels heard and valued, we foster trust and mutual respect within the team.” Furthermore, Yash believes in empowering his team members to take ownership of their roles and projects. He adds, “I provide them with the autonomy and resources they need to succeed while encouraging innovation and creativity.” By empowering individuals to make decisions and take initiative, Yash cultivates a sense of ownership and accountability, driving individual and collective success. Efficiency Optimum – Satisfaction Maximum Yash furthers that at Solnce, they understand that the essence of solar lies in providing efficient and sustainable energy solutions and ensuring a seamless customer experience. “Striking a balance between operational efficiency and customer satisfaction is at the core of our business strategy.” Yash and his team of experts have implemented several key initiatives to achieve this balance, and their Solnce app plays an important role. Firstly, they invest heavily in cutting-edge technology and streamlined processes to optimize operational efficiency. “By leveraging our Solnce app, we minimize manual errors and maximize the speed and accuracy of our operations.” This allows them to deliver prompt and reliable customer service while minimizing downtime and disruptions. Furthermore, they prioritize customer-centricity in every- thing they do. “From the initial consultation to post- installation support, we prioritize open communication, transparency, and responsiveness. We listen closely to our customers' needs and preferences, tailoring our solutions to meet their requirements.” Additionally, they provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the customer journey, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Moreover, they continuously monitor and evaluate their performance to identify areas for improvement. The Most Influential Leaders in Solar Industry Being in the industry, we know the loopholes, so we have developed India’s First Solar app - Solnce App - for customers to make it as easy as Amazon to buy anything. 30 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 33. “We gather customer feedback through surveys and reviews and use this information to refine our processes and enhance the end-user experience. By being proactive and responsive to customer feedback, we demonstrate our commitment to their satisfaction and loyalty.” Benchmarking Environmental Ethos According to Yash, sustainability and environmental responsibility are fundamental principles that guide their company's operations and shape their commitment to creating a greener future. “We understand the solar industry's critical role in mitigating climate change and reducing our carbon footprint, and we are dedicated to leading by example.” One of the primary ways they integrate sustainability into their operations is by promoting renewable energy sources, particularly solar power. “By providing high-quality solar energy solutions to our customers, we enable them to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and transition to clean, renewable energy sources.” This not only helps to lower carbon emissions but also contributes to the overall health of our planet. In addition to promoting renewable energy adoption, they are committed to minimizing their environmental impact as a company. “We strive to operate in an eco-friendly manner by implementing energy-efficient practices, reducing waste generation, and optimizing resource utilization wherever possible. We are dedicated to raising awareness about environmental stewardship and sustainability within our community.” Through educational initiatives, outreach programs, and partnerships with local organizations, Yash ensures he and his team empower individuals and busi- nesses to make more sustainable choices and take meaning- ful action to protect our planet. Epitomizing Techno-Smart Solutions In the realm of solar energy, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. Ardently believing in this fact, Yash says that at the heart of their focus lies the innovative Solnce App, representing a revolutionary leap into the digital realm and epitomizing smart solutions for the Indian market. Serving as India’s first one-stop solar application, Solnce App embodies efficiency and convenience like never before, streamlining what used to be hours of offline labour into a matter of seconds. Gone are the days of cumbersome paperwork and lengthy consultations. With the Solnce App, the entire process of solar energy adoption has been digitized and simplified, putting the power in the hands of the consumer. From selecting the right panels to finding reputable installers, every step of the journey is seamlessly integrated into one user-friendly platform. By leveraging the latest digital technology, Solnce App empowers users to make informed decisions quickly and effortlessly. “Whether it's comparing prices, reviewing installation options, or tracking energy savings, our app offers unparalleled accessibility and transparency, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for all,” claims Yash. Ensuring Constant Team Upgrade He also adds that they recognize that their workforce is the backbone of their success. “We are committed to fostering a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment among our employees, ensuring they have the tools and support they need to thrive.” 31 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024
  • 34. One of the key ways they promote growth and development is through ongoing training and professional development opportunities. They offer a variety of workshops, seminars, and online courses to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective areas of expertise. “We believe in providing opportunities for employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities. We offer cross- functional training and rotational programs that allow employees to gain exposure to different aspects of the business and develop a broader skill set. We also promote from within whenever possible, recognizing and rewarding employees who demonstrate initiative and leadership potential.” In addition to formal training and development initiatives, Yash says they have open mic sessions that focus on the employees' mental health, and they empower employees to take ownership of their work and contribute ideas for improvement. They also provide opportunities for employ- ees to participate in decision-making processes and initiatives that directly impact the company's direction and success. Skilled Problem Solvers As a leader in India's Solar sector, Yash reveals they faced a significant technical challenge when implementing a large- scale solar project with complex integration requirements. “Our team, however, displayed exceptional problem-solving skills and collaboration.” Through rigorous research and collaboration with experts, they developed a tailored solution that addressed the technical complexities and enhanced the overall efficiency of the project. “This instance demonstrated our team's technical prowess and determination to deliver innovative solutions, solidifying our reputation as leaders in the solar sector,’ says Yash proudly. Solnce Energy's initiative shows immense potential for sustained growth and continuity. With a target market of 19.9 million Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) seeking solar solutions, the initiative has a vast opportunity to make a significant impact. As the global focus on renewable energy and environmental sustainability intensifies, the demand for Solnce Energy’s services is expected to rise consistently. Envisioning a Solar-Powered Nation Thus, looking to the future, Yash divulges his plans: “As we look to the future, our vision for our company is to be at the forefront of India's solar landscape, driving innovation, sustainability, and accessibility in the renewable energy sector. Work more on our vision of making solar accessible and affordable. We aspire to continue making a significant impact by expanding our reach, advancing technological solutions, and promoting widespread adoption of solar energy across the nation.” He furthers that they are committed to expanding their presence across India, reaching underserved communities and remote areas with innovative solar solutions. “We believe everyone should have access to clean and afford- able energy, and we are dedicated to bridging the gap through our initiatives and partnerships.” Yash’s vision for the future is to drive India's transition to a sustainable energy future powered by solar. “Through innovation, expansion, advocacy, and collaboration, we are committed to making a lasting and positive impact on India's solar landscape,” he concludes. Recently, Yash and his team Solnce have received • The prestigious honour of “Tech For Good 2023 Award” from Times Network India and • ‘Emerging Energytech Startup of the Year 2021,’ by The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry. • UNDP has selected the company. 32 | www.ciolookindia.com April, 2024