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Svoboda | Graniru | BBC Russia | Golosameriki | Facebook
SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com
The Remarkable SEO Power of
Slides online at
Republishing Basics
Take an existing
piece of content
Re-create a part
or the whole
Create additional traffic,
reach, and/or rankings
The Value of Republishing
Targeted Distribution &
The Chance to Reach a NewAudience
Links that Can Help Rankings
A few days prior to these links, the
book’s website wasn’t on page 1
Reinvigorate Valuable but Stale Content
Via NYTimes
Each election cycle, the
NYTimes recreates
interactive and visual
elements to show updates
and possible/likely
Drawbacks to
Effort Could Have Gone to New Content
Via Cinemagraphs
Loss ofAbility to Control UX
Via Medium
Loss ofAbility to Own Conversion Funnel
Via SoFi
Loss ofAbility to Use Cookies
Via Moz & Wordstream
Content &Audience Fatigue
The Version That Ranks May Not
Be the One You Want
When is Republishing Most
A) You Need a Handful of Diverse Links to Rank the
Original Version
I’m almost there. A few more links
would likely get me into the top 3
B) You Can’t Reach this Platform’sAudience as
Effectively through Other Means
If I want to reach web
designers & UX folks,
there’s no better way
than getting an article
on SmashingMagazine
Via Smashing Magazine
C) Content Reach is More Important than Direct
I could have put this on my own
blog, but even if Lifehacker’s
version outranks my original, it will
reach a vastly broader audience
D) Republishing Is Your Best Chance to
Stay Competitive / Top-of-Mind
Anytime you see months or
years in search suggest, it’s
likely that an older piece
won’t rank competitively
against a newer one.
4 Powerful Tactics for
#1: The Semi-Regular
Concept: A remarkable piece of timely content,
updated at regular intervals
Keys to Execution:
Content is initially compelling, useful, & relevant
Can be reproduced w/ continually valuable results
Change over time makes subsequent versions
even more compelling
FiveThirtyEight NBAPredictions
Via FiveThirtyEight
BTW – this is why the Warriors are so good:
Ranking Factors Survey
Via Moz
KPCB’sAnnual Internet Trends Deck
Largest Vocabularly in Hip-Hop?
Via Poly-graph
The tactic wasn’t as
successful here b/c the
value of updates wasn’t
substantive or newly
interesting enough to
re-generate the initial
launch’s buzz
#2: The Localization
Keys to Execution:
Content is useful/interesting to multiple
It’s possible to get relevant/high-quality info to
satisfy each local audience
Local competition hasn’t yet dominated the space
Concept: Geo-focused or single-language
content that can be expanded to new regions
Beginner’s Guide to SEO
Via Moz
Eater’s Top 38
Via Eater
AirBnB Neighborhood Guides
Via AirBnB
OysterAward-Winning Hotels
Via Oyster
Local Rent vs. Buy Calculators?
Via Guild Mortgage
Doesn’t work because
national calculators
are just as good or
better than region-
specific ones.
#3: The Spawn of
Big Content
Keys to Execution:
Broad enough quantity of data/content to warrant
multiple pieces based on the original source
Niche has a healthy supply of interest & publishers
Helps if new/unique info is being
discovered/revealed over time
Concept: Expansive content that has
numerous sub-content opportunities
Via Mozcast
How the Internet Talks
Via FiveThirtyEight
IFixIt Guides
Via IFixIt
Top Marketing Blogs?
Via Inbound.org
#4: Distribution Platform
Keys to Execution:
You can ensure your original ranks in Google
You’re OK losing some links/citation/control of
experience in exchange for eyeballs
External editors will accept a copy of your work
Concept: Replicate popular/timely/relevant
content on other publishers’ sites
Hubris Bubble
Via Ian Landsman
First Comes Smarts, Then Comes Hustle
Via GaryV
For More on Reusing Content, Check outAleyda
Solis’Excellent Post:
Via Aleyda
This is a tactic. Not a strategy.Abuse it,
& Google will eventually make it much
Go Forth & Republish!
Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com

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