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Understanding Hispanics’ 
July 2014 
Back-to-School Shopping Behavior
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Key Findings 
Detailed Findings 
Method Online survey via ThinkNow Research Omnibus Survey. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Survey available in English and Spanish 
Sample Size Hispanics: n=505 
Non-Hispanics: n=310 
Screening Criteria 
• Hispanics: self identify as Hispanic origin 
• Non-Hispanics: self identify as Non-Hispanic origin 
• 18-64 years of age 
Test Area Nationwide 
Fieldwork Timing July 11-20, 2014 
Key Findings
• Approximately 4-in-10 Hispanic adults have started to or are 
planning on shopping for back-to-school items this year. This is 
slightly higher than non-Hispanic adults (37%). 
• The back-to-school shopping season for most Hispanic parents (as 
well as non-Hispanic) begins in July and end in August. 
• On average, Hispanic parents shop for more children compared to 
non-Hispanics (2 vs. 1.5) 
• Hispanics will spend an average of $340 this back-to-school 
season which is higher than last year ($293). 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Key Findings, 1 
• General school supplies (notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.) are the most 
common items purchased by parents, followed by clothing and shoes. 
• Most back-to-school items are purchased in-person at retailer stores. 
For books and electronics, Hispanics are more likely to shop for these 
online compared to non-Hispanics. 
• Mass merchants such as Walmart and Target are the most popular 
retailers for the purchase of general back-to-school supplies, as well 
clothing and shoes. 
• As Hispanics have more children to shop for compared to non- 
Hispanics, they make more trips to the store to buy back-to-school 
items and have more online sessions as well. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Key Findings, 2 
Detailed Findings
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Will you be doing any back-to-school shopping this 
year for kids who have not yet graduated high school? 
Hispanics Non - Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
Approximately 4-in-10 Hispanic 
adults have started to or are planning 
on shopping for back-to-school items 
this year. This is slightly higher than 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
When did you or will you Start 
Your Back-to-School Shopping? 
0% 2% 
0% 1% 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
July is the start of the back-to-school 
shopping season for most parents.
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
When did you or will you Finish 
Your Back-to-School Shopping? 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
While most of the shopping is done 
by August, a significant portion is 
finished by July.
How many children that have not yet graduated 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
high school will you be shopping for? 
Hispanic Non-Hispanic 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
As Hispanics have larger households 
than non-Hispanics, they shop for 
more children on average. 
$339 $331 
Average Amount Spent 
Hispanics Non - Hispanics 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
How much do you think you will spend this 
year on back-to-school purchases? 
Hispanics vs. Non-Hispanics By Acculturation Level 
Last Year 
Less Acc Biculturals More Acc 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
Hispanics will spend an average of 
$340 this back-to-school season 
which is higher than one year ago. 
The Less Acculturated segment will 
spend the most overall. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Overall, do you think you will spend more or less on back-to-school 
shopping compared to what you spent last year? 
19 19 
2% 1% 
20% 18% 
30% 37% 
48% 45% 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Did not shop for back-to-school 
items last year / 
does not apply 
Will spend LESS 
About the same 
Will spend MORE 
Planning to Use 
Layaway Service 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence) 
26% 26% 
Hispanics Non - Hispanics
Nearly half of Hispanics and non- 
Hispanics say they will be spending more 
on back-to-school supplies compared to 
last year and about one-quarter will use 
layaway - the same as one year ago.
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
For Your Back-to-School Shopping, What Type 
of Items will You be Shopping for? 
School supplies (notebooks, pencils, pens, paper, 
backpacks, etc.) 
Clothes (uniforms, school outfits, seasonal clothing, 
Shoes (sneakers) 
Electronics (computers, laptops, tablets, printers, 
calculators, etc.) 
Books (textbooks) 
Athletic equipment/sporting goods 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
General school supplies are the most 
common items purchased, followed by 
clothes. Hispanics are significantly more 
likely to buy textbooks for back-to-school 
compared to non-Hispanics. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Mass Merchants/ 
Club Stores 
Office Suppliers 
Dollar Stores 
Online Sites/ Stores 
Drug Stores 
Sporting Goods Stores 
Goodwill/ Second- 
Hand Stores/ Garage 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Type of Store Where These Items will be 
School Supplies Books 
Online Sites/ Stores 
Mass Merchants/ 
Office Suppliers 
Dollar Stores 
Goodwill/ Second-Hand 
Stores/ Garage Sales 
Electronics Stores 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence) 
Note: Only top mentions shown
Hispanics and non-Hispanics are 
most likely to buy general school 
supplies at mass merchants such as 
Walmart and Target. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Apparel Stores 
Department Stores 
Mass Merchants/ 
Online Sites/ Stores 
Goodwill/ Second- 
Hand Stores/ Garage 
Club Stores 
Sporting Goods Stores 
Dollar Stores 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Type of Store Where These Items 
will be Purchased 
Clothes Shoes 
Department Stores 
Mass Merchants/ 
Apparel Stores 
Sporting Goods Stores 
Online Sites/ Stores 
Club Stores 
Goodwill/ Second- 
Hand Stores/ Garage 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence) 
Note: Only top mentions shown
Apparel stores, Departments stores and 
Mass merchants are the most popular 
retailers for back-to-school clothes 
and shoes. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Electronics Stores 
Online Sites/ Stores 
Mass Merchants/ 
Office Suppliers 
Club Stores 
Goodwill/ Second- 
Hand Stores/ 
Garage Sales 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Type of Store Where These Items 
will be Purchased 
Note: Only top mentions shown 
Electronics Athletic Equipment 
Sporting Goods Stores 
Mass Merchants/ 
Online Sites/ Stores 
Apparel Stores 
Club Stores 
Hispanics Non-Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
Hispanics are significantly more likely to 
shop for electronics online compared to 
Please enter the percentage of your purchases 
you plan to make online vs. a physical store 
School Supplies Books Clothes Shoes Electronics Athletic Equipment 
78% 82% 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
74% 75% 
75% 76% 79% 
20% 18% 
26% 25% 
25% 24% 21% 
Store Online 
H = Hispanic NH = Non-Hispanic 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence)
Most back-to-school items are 
purchased in-person. For books and 
electronics, however, Hispanics are 
more likely to shop for these online 
compared to Non-Hispanics. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
How many trips to physical stores do you usually need 
to complete your back-to-school shopping? 
Avg. # of Store Visits 
3.8 3.2 
Hispanics Non - Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence) 31
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
How many online shopping sessions do you usually 
need to complete your back-to-school shopping? 
Avg. # of Online Sessions 
2.6 2 
Hispanics Non - Hispanics 
Û indicates significantly larger than 
(95% confidence) 32
As Hispanics are shopping for more 
children, they tend to make more store 
visits and have more online sessions 
when buying back-to-school supplies. 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
n=310 Metric 
Sample Profile 
Male 51% 49% Born in the U.S. 72% 92% 
Female 49% 51% Moved here 28% 8% 
Average years living in U.S. 30 39 
18 to 34 47% 35% Household Income 
35+ 53% 65% Less than $30,000 30% 23% 
Mean age 37 42 $30,000 to less than $50,000 25% 17% 
$50,000 to less than $70,000 12% 17% 
Census Region 70,000 to less than $100,000 16% 14% 
Northeast 15% 19% $100,000 or more 13% 25% 
Midwest 9% 24% Median income ($000) $53 $65 
South 36% 37% 
West 40% 20% Own/Rent 
Own home 59% 67% 
Rent home 38% 31% 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
n=310 Metric 
Sample Profile 
Marital Status Educational Attainment 
Married 50% 46% Less than High School 5% 6% 
Single 34% 30% High school graduate 17% 17% 
Living with partner 9% 8% Some College, but no degree 24% 24% 
Separated/divorced 7% 8% Trade or technical school 4% 7% 
Widowed 2% 3% Graduated from 2-year College 10% 11% 
Graduated from 4-5 year College 33% 28% 
Average household size 3.2 2.8 Post Graduate Degree 7% 8% 
Presence of Children Employment Status 
No children <18 present 49% 56% Employed or self employed (net) 65% 56% 
Any children <18 present 51% 44% Full-time Homemaker 10% 14% 
Currently unemployed 11% 8% 
Ages of children^ n=258 n=135 Student, not employed 7% 5% 
Under age 6 38% 37% Unable to work/Disabled 4% 7% 
Ages 6 to 12 57% 44% Retired 3% 9% 
Ages 13 to 17 49% 38% 
^ Among respondents with children 
Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic 
Omnibus Study – July 2014 
Language Spoken at Home 
Spanish only 10% 
Spanish mostly 32% 
Spanish and English equally 25% 
English mostly 17% 
English only 16% 
Country of Origin 
Mexican/Mexican American 60% 
Puerto Rican 16% 
South American 11% 
Cuban 9% 
Central American 5% 
Dominican 4% 
Low Acculturation 11% 
Medium Acculturation 63% 
High Acculturation 26% 
Sample Profile 

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ThinkNow Research - Understanding Hispanics' Back-to-School Shopping Behavior

  • 1. Understanding Hispanics’ July 2014 Back-to-School Shopping Behavior
  • 2. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Outline 2 Methodology Key Findings Detailed Findings Appendix
  • 4. Method Online survey via ThinkNow Research Omnibus Survey. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Survey available in English and Spanish Sample Size Hispanics: n=505 Non-Hispanics: n=310 Screening Criteria • Hispanics: self identify as Hispanic origin • Non-Hispanics: self identify as Non-Hispanic origin • 18-64 years of age Test Area Nationwide Fieldwork Timing July 11-20, 2014 Methodology 4
  • 6. • Approximately 4-in-10 Hispanic adults have started to or are planning on shopping for back-to-school items this year. This is slightly higher than non-Hispanic adults (37%). • The back-to-school shopping season for most Hispanic parents (as well as non-Hispanic) begins in July and end in August. • On average, Hispanic parents shop for more children compared to non-Hispanics (2 vs. 1.5) • Hispanics will spend an average of $340 this back-to-school season which is higher than last year ($293). Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Key Findings, 1 6
  • 7. • General school supplies (notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.) are the most common items purchased by parents, followed by clothing and shoes. • Most back-to-school items are purchased in-person at retailer stores. For books and electronics, Hispanics are more likely to shop for these online compared to non-Hispanics. • Mass merchants such as Walmart and Target are the most popular retailers for the purchase of general back-to-school supplies, as well clothing and shoes. • As Hispanics have more children to shop for compared to non- Hispanics, they make more trips to the store to buy back-to-school items and have more online sessions as well. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Key Findings, 2 7
  • 9. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Will you be doing any back-to-school shopping this year for kids who have not yet graduated high school? 9 41% 37% Yes Hispanics Non - Hispanics Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 10. Approximately 4-in-10 Hispanic adults have started to or are planning on shopping for back-to-school items this year. This is slightly higher than non-Hispanics. 10
  • 11. 3% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 61% When did you or will you Start Your Back-to-School Shopping? 34% 62% 37% 0% 2% 0% 1% Hispanics Non-Hispanics 11 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 12. 12 July is the start of the back-to-school shopping season for most parents.
  • 13. 1% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 38% When did you or will you Finish Your Back-to-School Shopping? 53% 8% 0% 34% 59% 7% 0% Hispanics Non-Hispanics 13 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 14. 14 While most of the shopping is done by August, a significant portion is finished by July.
  • 15. How many children that have not yet graduated Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 high school will you be shopping for? 1.9 1.5 Hispanic Non-Hispanic Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 16. As Hispanics have larger households than non-Hispanics, they shop for more children on average. 16
  • 17. $339 $331 $400 $350 $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 Average Amount Spent Hispanics Non - Hispanics Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 How much do you think you will spend this year on back-to-school purchases? 17 Hispanics vs. Non-Hispanics By Acculturation Level Last Year (8/2013) $293 $453 $299 $246 $500 $450 $400 $350 $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 Less Acc Biculturals More Acc Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 18. Hispanics will spend an average of $340 this back-to-school season which is higher than one year ago. The Less Acculturated segment will spend the most overall. 18
  • 19. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Overall, do you think you will spend more or less on back-to-school shopping compared to what you spent last year? 19 19 2% 1% 20% 18% 30% 37% 48% 45% Hispanics Non-Hispanics Did not shop for back-to-school items last year / does not apply Will spend LESS About the same Will spend MORE Planning to Use Layaway Service Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence) 26% 26% Hispanics Non - Hispanics
  • 20. Nearly half of Hispanics and non- Hispanics say they will be spending more on back-to-school supplies compared to last year and about one-quarter will use layaway - the same as one year ago.
  • 21. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 For Your Back-to-School Shopping, What Type of Items will You be Shopping for? 90% 78% 75% 47% 45% 35% 87% 76% 76% 46% 30% 26% School supplies (notebooks, pencils, pens, paper, backpacks, etc.) Clothes (uniforms, school outfits, seasonal clothing, etc.) Shoes (sneakers) Electronics (computers, laptops, tablets, printers, calculators, etc.) Books (textbooks) Athletic equipment/sporting goods Hispanics Non-Hispanics 21 Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 22. General school supplies are the most common items purchased, followed by clothes. Hispanics are significantly more likely to buy textbooks for back-to-school compared to non-Hispanics. 22
  • 23. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 62% 45% 42% 39% 28% 25% 13% 11% 58% 39% 43% 44% 27% 28% 7% 5% Mass Merchants/ Supercenters Club Stores Office Suppliers Dollar Stores Online Sites/ Stores Drug Stores Sporting Goods Stores Goodwill/ Second- Hand Stores/ Garage Hispanics Non-Hispanics Type of Store Where These Items will be Purchased 23 School Supplies Books 32% 16% 28% 21% 14% 12% 11% 26% 12% 7% 16% 10% Online Sites/ Stores Mass Merchants/ Supercenters Office Suppliers Dollar Stores Goodwill/ Second-Hand Stores/ Garage Sales Electronics Stores Hispanics Non-Hispanics Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence) Note: Only top mentions shown
  • 24. Hispanics and non-Hispanics are most likely to buy general school supplies at mass merchants such as Walmart and Target. 24
  • 25. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 53% 53% 49% 25% 23% 17% 13% 12% 46% 33% 50% 20% 16% 12% 13% 11% Apparel Stores Department Stores Mass Merchants/ Supercenters Online Sites/ Stores Goodwill/ Second- Hand Stores/ Garage Club Stores Sporting Goods Stores Dollar Stores Hispanics Non-Hispanics Type of Store Where These Items will be Purchased 25 Clothes Shoes 43% 38% 30% 28% 26% 14% 14% 39% 44% 21% 17% 17% 9% 9% Department Stores Mass Merchants/ Supercenters Apparel Stores Sporting Goods Stores Online Sites/ Stores Club Stores Goodwill/ Second- Hand Stores/ Garage Sales Hispanics Non-Hispanics Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence) Note: Only top mentions shown
  • 26. Apparel stores, Departments stores and Mass merchants are the most popular retailers for back-to-school clothes and shoes. 26
  • 27. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 35% 28% 22% 16% 15% 11% 32% 15% 20% 10% 15% 12% Electronics Stores Online Sites/ Stores Mass Merchants/ Supercenters Office Suppliers Club Stores Goodwill/ Second- Hand Stores/ Garage Sales Hispanics Non-Hispanics Type of Store Where These Items will be Purchased Note: Only top mentions shown 27 Electronics Athletic Equipment 30% 20% 19% 11% 11% 29% 25% 15% 9% 4% Sporting Goods Stores Mass Merchants/ Supercenters Online Sites/ Stores Apparel Stores Club Stores Hispanics Non-Hispanics Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 28. Hispanics are significantly more likely to shop for electronics online compared to non-Hispanics. 28
  • 29. Please enter the percentage of your purchases you plan to make online vs. a physical store School Supplies Books Clothes Shoes Electronics Athletic Equipment 78% 82% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 50% 74% 75% 84% 75% 85% 61% 75% 76% 79% 20% 18% 50% 26% 25% 16% 25% 15% 39% 25% 24% 21% 0% Û H NH H NH H NH H NH H NH H NH Store Online 29 H = Hispanic NH = Non-Hispanic Û Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence)
  • 30. Most back-to-school items are purchased in-person. For books and electronics, however, Hispanics are more likely to shop for these online compared to Non-Hispanics. 30
  • 31. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 How many trips to physical stores do you usually need to complete your back-to-school shopping? Avg. # of Store Visits 3.8 3.2 Hispanics Non - Hispanics Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence) 31
  • 32. Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 How many online shopping sessions do you usually need to complete your back-to-school shopping? Avg. # of Online Sessions 2.6 2 Hispanics Non - Hispanics Û indicates significantly larger than (95% confidence) 32
  • 33. As Hispanics are shopping for more children, they tend to make more store visits and have more online sessions when buying back-to-school supplies. 33
  • 35. Metric Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Hispanics n=505 Non-Hispanics n=310 Metric Sample Profile Hispanics n=505 Non-Hispanics n=310 Male 51% 49% Born in the U.S. 72% 92% Female 49% 51% Moved here 28% 8% Average years living in U.S. 30 39 Age 18 to 34 47% 35% Household Income 35+ 53% 65% Less than $30,000 30% 23% Mean age 37 42 $30,000 to less than $50,000 25% 17% $50,000 to less than $70,000 12% 17% Census Region 70,000 to less than $100,000 16% 14% Northeast 15% 19% $100,000 or more 13% 25% Midwest 9% 24% Median income ($000) $53 $65 South 36% 37% West 40% 20% Own/Rent Own home 59% 67% Rent home 38% 31% 35
  • 36. Metric Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Hispanics n=505 Non- Hispanics n=310 Metric Sample Profile Hispanics n=505 Non- Hispanics n=310 Marital Status Educational Attainment Married 50% 46% Less than High School 5% 6% Single 34% 30% High school graduate 17% 17% Living with partner 9% 8% Some College, but no degree 24% 24% Separated/divorced 7% 8% Trade or technical school 4% 7% Widowed 2% 3% Graduated from 2-year College 10% 11% Graduated from 4-5 year College 33% 28% Average household size 3.2 2.8 Post Graduate Degree 7% 8% Presence of Children Employment Status No children <18 present 49% 56% Employed or self employed (net) 65% 56% Any children <18 present 51% 44% Full-time Homemaker 10% 14% Currently unemployed 11% 8% Ages of children^ n=258 n=135 Student, not employed 7% 5% Under age 6 38% 37% Unable to work/Disabled 4% 7% Ages 6 to 12 57% 44% Retired 3% 9% Ages 13 to 17 49% 38% ^ Among respondents with children 36
  • 37. Metric Source: ThinkNow Research Hispanic Omnibus Study – July 2014 Hispanics n=505 Language Spoken at Home Spanish only 10% Spanish mostly 32% Spanish and English equally 25% English mostly 17% English only 16% Country of Origin Mexican/Mexican American 60% Puerto Rican 16% South American 11% Cuban 9% Central American 5% Dominican 4% Acculturation Low Acculturation 11% Medium Acculturation 63% High Acculturation 26% Sample Profile 37