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Social Media Trends
with Matt Navarra
29th January 2020
Matt Sarson
Marketing Manager
UK & Nordics, Talkwalker
Hosted by
Matt Navarra
Social Media Commentator
& Consultant
Talkwalker is a listening and analytics company that empowers
brands to optimise their communication strategies by
understanding the voice of the consumer. We provide companies
with an easy-to-use platform to protect, measure, and promote
their brands worldwide.
Users can leverage Talkwalker as a big data analytics platform and
activate insights across their organisation through AI-powered
technology, utilising real-time online conversations across social
networks, news, blogs, and forums in 187 languages
Over 2,000 Global Customers
Who are Talkwalker?
Recognised by:We specialise in:
Protect Measure Promote
Matt Navarra is well-known social media industry commentator,
tipster, and leaker.
Matt is also an experienced and in-demand digital and social media
consultant with over 10 years industry experience, working with some
of the world's biggest brands.
He is also the founder of the Social Media Geekout Facebook group
and now chart-topping podcast.
Who is Matt Navarra?
What we are talking about today
At the end of 2019, Talkwalker teamed up with Hubspot to produce the
most comprehensive publication on 2020’s social media trends:
50+ industry experts
8 trends
1 eBook
Every year, we ask social media
experts to comment on the trends
likely to impact the industry
Our 8 social media trends
TikTok will be part of
your marketing
Social media wellness
will be an essential
part of consumer
You will harness the
power of data
privacy and fake
AR and VR will be used
effectively in your
You will use AI and
love it
Gen Z will only
engage if you pivot
your strategy
Your influencer
marketing will go
from small to big
You will invest in user
generated content
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Today, we will focus on 3 trends
TikTok Social Media Wellness Influencer Marketing
We all know that social
media can be addictive;
now the efforts to curb
this, with digital detox are
increasingly common
With more than 500
million monthly users,
TikTok went from a niche
app to a global platform
Influencer marketing has
suffered trust issues as a
result of Fyre Festival and
fake followers – but it’s
still a popular strategy
1. 2. 3.
Trend 01
TikTok will be part of your
marketing strategy
There are over 500 million TikTok Monthly Active users
Source: datareportal.com Source: globalwebindex.com
There are over 500 million TikTok Monthly Active users
Source: datareportal.com Source: techcruch.com
Brands going viral on TikTok
Pepsi achieved over 23 billion views with the hashtag
#SwagStepChallenge, becoming the biggest ever
campaign to hit TikTok.
". . . all major social media
platforms start off with a young
user base, usually in the age
bracket of 16-25. However, those
demographics change and new
social platforms, like TikTok, steal
the younger audiences because
of their creativity and
Clean & Clear’s #UnbottleApnaSwag campaign
focused on 5 different female personalities and
challenged their audience to choose the one that
resonated with them. It achieved 15 billion view.
The expert view
"The emerging players in social
media marketing right now are
definitely having a considerable
impact on consumers and the
relationships they have with
The expert view
“The actual usage of social
media continues to grow with
new platforms, like TikTok,
making huge gains over rivals
such as Facebook. The shift
appears to be more of where
people choose to be social
online, and how they engage,
rather than any significant
decline in total time spent using
social media.
Trend 02
Social media wellness will
be an essential part of
consumer engagement
Close to 100k mentions of “social media wellness” on social media in 2019
More than a third of users taking a detox
New apps to help you with digital wellness
Moment - App to track and
manage how much time
you spend on your phone
Forest - App that help you stay
focused on real-world tasks,
cutting excessive phone usage
Goodnight Chrome - App that help you
stay focused on real-world tasks, cutting
excessive phone usage
The expert view
Porsche aligning with the consumer trend
Porsche’s Digital Detox
Road Trip campaign,
helped users see the world
differently, highlighting the
importance of
experiencing the real-world
(while showing off some
nice cars).
With 5.8K engagement and
nearly 100K views, this
video is calming and
supportive, striking a chord
with younger audiences.
The expert view
Trend 03
Your influencer marketing
will go from small to big
An age-old, but fast growing strategy
Influencer Marketing Global Spend Chart (Mediakix)
More than two-thirds see influencer marketing as a priority
Source: The Global State of influencer Marketing
(Talkwalker, 2019)
A micro-influencer gets a
5.1 times better
engagement rate than a
traditional celebrity.
Source: Digiday
But issues around trust have been surfacing
Conversations around influencer
marketing have dropped by 42%
year on year.
Inversely, mentions of fake
influencers are on the rise, driving
over 9,000 engagements in the first
half of the year.
More conversations around
Putting out Fyres in influencer marketing
Fyre Festival was a fraudulent luxury
music festival founded by Billy
McFarland, CEO of Fyre Media Inc,
and rapper Ja Rule
The event was promoted on
Instagram by "social media
influencers" including Kendall
Jenner, Bella Hadid, Hailey Baldwin
and Emily Ratajkowski, many of
whom did not initially disclose they
had been paid to do so.
But ran into a whole host of issues,
leading to the arrest of McFarland
and inspiring a documentary film.
The expert view
Rimmel using micro-influencers to enter a new market
THE RESULTS: Rimmel gained 133k engagements in the first
month alone and saw a 3x increase in branded search
volume from Q1 to Q2 2018.
A unique approach
Ron Swanson from Parks &
Recreation brought the more nice
Whiskey, Lagavulin, to the masses
with this lovely video
The day the campaign was
The expert view
Thank you

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Top social media trends for 2020 with Matt Navarra

  • 1. Social Media Trends 2020 with Matt Navarra 29th January 2020 Matt Sarson Marketing Manager UK & Nordics, Talkwalker Hosted by Matt Navarra Social Media Commentator & Consultant
  • 2. Talkwalker is a listening and analytics company that empowers brands to optimise their communication strategies by understanding the voice of the consumer. We provide companies with an easy-to-use platform to protect, measure, and promote their brands worldwide. Users can leverage Talkwalker as a big data analytics platform and activate insights across their organisation through AI-powered technology, utilising real-time online conversations across social networks, news, blogs, and forums in 187 languages Over 2,000 Global Customers Who are Talkwalker? Recognised by:We specialise in: Protect Measure Promote
  • 3. Matt Navarra is well-known social media industry commentator, tipster, and leaker. Matt is also an experienced and in-demand digital and social media consultant with over 10 years industry experience, working with some of the world's biggest brands. He is also the founder of the Social Media Geekout Facebook group and now chart-topping podcast. Who is Matt Navarra?
  • 4. What we are talking about today At the end of 2019, Talkwalker teamed up with Hubspot to produce the most comprehensive publication on 2020’s social media trends: SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2020 50+ industry experts 8 trends 1 eBook
  • 5. Every year, we ask social media experts to comment on the trends likely to impact the industry Methodology
  • 6. Our 8 social media trends TikTok will be part of your marketing strategy Social media wellness will be an essential part of consumer engagement You will harness the power of data privacy and fake news AR and VR will be used effectively in your marketing You will use AI and love it Gen Z will only engage if you pivot your strategy Your influencer marketing will go from small to big You will invest in user generated content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  • 7. Today, we will focus on 3 trends TikTok Social Media Wellness Influencer Marketing We all know that social media can be addictive; now the efforts to curb this, with digital detox are increasingly common With more than 500 million monthly users, TikTok went from a niche app to a global platform Influencer marketing has suffered trust issues as a result of Fyre Festival and fake followers – but it’s still a popular strategy 1. 2. 3.
  • 8. Trend 01 TikTok will be part of your marketing strategy
  • 9. There are over 500 million TikTok Monthly Active users Source: datareportal.com Source: globalwebindex.com
  • 10. There are over 500 million TikTok Monthly Active users Source: datareportal.com Source: techcruch.com
  • 11. Brands going viral on TikTok Pepsi achieved over 23 billion views with the hashtag #SwagStepChallenge, becoming the biggest ever campaign to hit TikTok. ". . . all major social media platforms start off with a young user base, usually in the age bracket of 16-25. However, those demographics change and new social platforms, like TikTok, steal the younger audiences because of their creativity and innovation." Clean & Clear’s #UnbottleApnaSwag campaign focused on 5 different female personalities and challenged their audience to choose the one that resonated with them. It achieved 15 billion view.
  • 12. The expert view "The emerging players in social media marketing right now are definitely having a considerable impact on consumers and the relationships they have with brands.
  • 13. The expert view “The actual usage of social media continues to grow with new platforms, like TikTok, making huge gains over rivals such as Facebook. The shift appears to be more of where people choose to be social online, and how they engage, rather than any significant decline in total time spent using social media.
  • 14. Trend 02 Social media wellness will be an essential part of consumer engagement
  • 15. Close to 100k mentions of “social media wellness” on social media in 2019
  • 16. More than a third of users taking a detox
  • 17. New apps to help you with digital wellness Moment - App to track and manage how much time you spend on your phone Forest - App that help you stay focused on real-world tasks, cutting excessive phone usage Goodnight Chrome - App that help you stay focused on real-world tasks, cutting excessive phone usage
  • 19. Porsche aligning with the consumer trend Porsche’s Digital Detox Road Trip campaign, helped users see the world differently, highlighting the importance of experiencing the real-world (while showing off some nice cars). With 5.8K engagement and nearly 100K views, this video is calming and supportive, striking a chord with younger audiences.
  • 21. Trend 03 Your influencer marketing will go from small to big
  • 22. An age-old, but fast growing strategy Influencer Marketing Global Spend Chart (Mediakix)
  • 23. More than two-thirds see influencer marketing as a priority Source: The Global State of influencer Marketing (Talkwalker, 2019) 5x A micro-influencer gets a 5.1 times better engagement rate than a traditional celebrity. Source: Digiday
  • 24. But issues around trust have been surfacing Conversations around influencer marketing have dropped by 42% year on year. Inversely, mentions of fake influencers are on the rise, driving over 9,000 engagements in the first half of the year. More conversations around risk
  • 25. Putting out Fyres in influencer marketing Fyre Festival was a fraudulent luxury music festival founded by Billy McFarland, CEO of Fyre Media Inc, and rapper Ja Rule The event was promoted on Instagram by "social media influencers" including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Hailey Baldwin and Emily Ratajkowski, many of whom did not initially disclose they had been paid to do so. But ran into a whole host of issues, leading to the arrest of McFarland and inspiring a documentary film.
  • 27. Rimmel using micro-influencers to enter a new market THE RESULTS: Rimmel gained 133k engagements in the first month alone and saw a 3x increase in branded search volume from Q1 to Q2 2018.
  • 28. A unique approach Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation brought the more nice Whiskey, Lagavulin, to the masses with this lovely video The day the campaign was launched