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The Era of Ecommerce
This Morning
• The Era of Ecommerce Report
• Key Findings
• The Non-Exclusive Consumer
• Advertisers Are Struggling to
Keep Pace
• How Brands Can Capitalize on the
About the Report
• Sequel to 2017’s Age of Amazon report
• Survey of over 1,000 consumers and 750 brand
• Interviews with senior leaders from Pinterest,
LEGO, Kantar Consulting, and many others.
The aim of this report is to analyze the full
consumer journey, across retailers and search
engines, from research to consideration to
By doing so, we hope to provide brands with a
clear understanding of their audience and the best
ways to engage them through digital advertising.
Key Findings
When a consumer knows what they
are looking for:
50% of ecommerce journeys
start with a retailer.
50% start with a search engine.
When a consumer does not know
what they are looking for:
62% of ecommerce journeys
start with a search engine.
38% start with a retailer.
But brands are not catering
to the new customer
Just 28% of brands have
a strategy for Amazon
25% of brands have a
strategy for
non-Amazon retailers.
Advertisers are spending more on
63% of brands plan to increase
Google Search spend.
26% will increase Amazon spend.
More brands will decrease (18%)
than increase (17%) spend with
other retailers.
The Non-Exclusive Consumer
Of consumers start with
a search engine when
they know what they
want; 50% go to a retailer
Start with a search engine
when they do not know
what they want; 38% go to
a retailer
Of the 50% of consumers who
start with a search engine, the
vast majority go to Google. This
gives Google a 46% share of the
Amazon is the most popular
retailer for initial research.
However, there is also an
important long tail of retailers
who cater to different consumer
When consumers do not know
what they want, they tend to visit
a search engine. Again, Google
dominates the search engine
share of the total.
Amazon is more dominant
among retailers here, which
gives it an 18% share of all
consumer research visits.
Which Sites Do You Visit Regularly?
Across research,
consideration, and
purchase stages, Amazon
is the most visited retailer
or search engine. 96% of
consumers go to
Amazon.com on a regular
78% go to Google; 78% go
to Walmart.com.
For Which Purposes Do You Visit These Sites?
Consumers visit each website
for research, consideration,
and purchase.
Google is the main starting
point for research.
Pinterest is very popular for
product imagery.
Amazon leads the way for
purchases, followed by
Consumer Electronics
Amazon is a consistent fixture
across all product categories,
but the competition is always
Comparison Purchase
Advertisers are Struggling to Keep Pace
70% of responding brands to
this year’s survey have
increased their ecommerce
marketing budgets within the
last 12 months, while just 5.5%
have decreased spend.
Budgets are
But the Investment is Not Spread Equally
Google Paid Search and SEO are
the areas brands are planning to
invest in most.
Beyond these channels, Amazon
Advertising will see more
investment but most are planning
to spend the same as last year.
Brands are least likely to increase
investment in sponsored products
with non-Amazon retailers.
Brands Are Not Advertising Where Their Audience Shops
As a result, there is
a widening gap
advertisers and
consumers on all
Amazon is a slight
exception to this,
but even here
brands are not
aligned with
Advertisers step up
activity once a
consumer shows clear
purchase intent.
This trend appears across
all major retailers and
search engines.
For example, 34% of
consumers compare
products on Walmart; 7% of
brands say they have
optimized their product
descriptions for this retailer.

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  • 1. The Era of Ecommerce
  • 2. This Morning • The Era of Ecommerce Report • Key Findings • The Non-Exclusive Consumer • Advertisers Are Struggling to Keep Pace • How Brands Can Capitalize on the Opportunity 1
  • 3. 2 About the Report • Sequel to 2017’s Age of Amazon report • Survey of over 1,000 consumers and 750 brand marketers • Interviews with senior leaders from Pinterest, LEGO, Kantar Consulting, and many others. The aim of this report is to analyze the full consumer journey, across retailers and search engines, from research to consideration to purchase. By doing so, we hope to provide brands with a clear understanding of their audience and the best ways to engage them through digital advertising.
  • 5. 4 When a consumer knows what they are looking for: 50% of ecommerce journeys start with a retailer. 50% start with a search engine. When a consumer does not know what they are looking for: 62% of ecommerce journeys start with a search engine. 38% start with a retailer. But brands are not catering to the new customer journey. Just 28% of brands have a strategy for Amazon advertising. 25% of brands have a strategy for non-Amazon retailers. Advertisers are spending more on Google/Amazon. 63% of brands plan to increase Google Search spend. 26% will increase Amazon spend. More brands will decrease (18%) than increase (17%) spend with other retailers.
  • 7. 6 50% Of consumers start with a search engine when they know what they want; 50% go to a retailer 62% Start with a search engine when they do not know what they want; 38% go to a retailer
  • 8. 7 Of the 50% of consumers who start with a search engine, the vast majority go to Google. This gives Google a 46% share of the total. Amazon is the most popular retailer for initial research. However, there is also an important long tail of retailers who cater to different consumer demands.
  • 9. 8 When consumers do not know what they want, they tend to visit a search engine. Again, Google dominates the search engine share of the total. Amazon is more dominant among retailers here, which gives it an 18% share of all consumer research visits.
  • 10. Which Sites Do You Visit Regularly? 9 Across research, consideration, and purchase stages, Amazon is the most visited retailer or search engine. 96% of consumers go to Amazon.com on a regular basis. 78% go to Google; 78% go to Walmart.com.
  • 11. For Which Purposes Do You Visit These Sites? 10 Consumers visit each website for research, consideration, and purchase. Google is the main starting point for research. Pinterest is very popular for product imagery. Amazon leads the way for purchases, followed by Walmart.
  • 12. Consumer Electronics 11 PurchaseComparison Amazon is a consistent fixture across all product categories, but the competition is always changing.
  • 14. Advertisers are Struggling to Keep Pace 13
  • 15. 14
  • 16. 15 70% of responding brands to this year’s survey have increased their ecommerce marketing budgets within the last 12 months, while just 5.5% have decreased spend. Ecommerce Budgets are Growing
  • 17. 16 But the Investment is Not Spread Equally Google Paid Search and SEO are the areas brands are planning to invest in most. Beyond these channels, Amazon Advertising will see more investment but most are planning to spend the same as last year. Brands are least likely to increase investment in sponsored products with non-Amazon retailers.
  • 18. 17 Brands Are Not Advertising Where Their Audience Shops As a result, there is a widening gap between advertisers and consumers on all retailers. Amazon is a slight exception to this, but even here brands are not aligned with consumer behaviors.
  • 19. 18 Advertisers step up activity once a consumer shows clear purchase intent. This trend appears across all major retailers and search engines. For example, 34% of consumers compare products on Walmart; 7% of brands say they have optimized their product descriptions for this retailer.
  • 20. 19