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Udvid din test portefølje med 
Coded UI test og Cloud Load test 
Peter Lindberg - Consultant @ Alterate 
Test automation 
Microsoft Test Manager and manual tests 
Coded UI Test 
Load Test in the cloud with Visual Studio Online
Why test? 
We all make mistakes! 
But also: 
• Are we meeting the requirements and expectations? 
• Does the hardware support the application? 
• Does it work as expected? 
The sooner the defects are discovered – the cheaper they are to fix
Why automate tests? 
Cost reduction! 
• Manual test is expensive 
• Let manual testers spend the time on value adding tests 
• New features 
• Exploratory testing 
• “Time to market” – higher release cadence 
• Safety as developer

Recommended for you

Mobile UI Testing using Appium and Docker
Mobile UI Testing using Appium and DockerMobile UI Testing using Appium and Docker
Mobile UI Testing using Appium and Docker

This document discusses using Appium and Docker together for mobile UI testing on Android. It provides an introduction to Appium and Docker, explaining that Appium allows testing of native and hybrid mobile apps across platforms using WebDriver, while Docker provides lightweight containers to run testing environments and applications. It then demonstrates how to set up a Docker container with an Android environment and Appium server to run UI tests on an Android emulator with no local development environment required.

Application Lifecycle Management with TFS
Application Lifecycle Management with TFSApplication Lifecycle Management with TFS
Application Lifecycle Management with TFS

The document discusses a presentation about application lifecycle management (ALM) using Team Foundation Server 2010. It includes an overview of key ALM concepts like version control, build automation, work item tracking, and team collaboration. It also provides a quick tour of the administration console and components of the virtual environment like SQL Server, SharePoint, and Visual Studio.

almsoftware developmentagile software development
Sencha Roadshow 2017: What's New in Sencha Test
Sencha Roadshow 2017: What's New in Sencha TestSencha Roadshow 2017: What's New in Sencha Test
Sencha Roadshow 2017: What's New in Sencha Test

Learn how you can improve the quality of web applications through Sencha Test 2.2. We’ll demonstrate how you can build robust tests using Page Objects, visualize tests using a tree view and utilize unique locators by using the DOM Tree directly from Sencha Studio.

sencha testtest automationweb app testing
UI Test 
Unit Test
Microsoft Test Manager and 
manual tests
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management

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Effective performance evaluation as part of a CI approach - Mission Impossible?
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Effective performance evaluation as part of a CI approach - Mission Impossible?

A presentation on Continuous Performance Testing. Performance in CI: Background and challenges - Andy Still, Co-Founder, Intechnica An example implementation: Mark Smith, Online QA Manager, Channel 4

performance testingitapplication performance
Browser Vendors are Reshaping Testing - Are You Ready?
Browser Vendors are Reshaping Testing - Are You Ready?Browser Vendors are Reshaping Testing - Are You Ready?
Browser Vendors are Reshaping Testing - Are You Ready?

In this brief presentation, we'll explore how browser vendors like Chrome 45 have changed software testing forever. Check out this slideshare to learn what this means for the future of testing.

chrome 45software testingsoftware quality
Selenium at Salesforce Scale
Selenium at Salesforce ScaleSelenium at Salesforce Scale
Selenium at Salesforce Scale

This document discusses Salesforce's approach to Selenium testing at scale. Some key points: - Salesforce runs over 1 million browser tests per day across thousands of VMs. - They use WebDriver to test against a live application across many browser and OS combinations. - Proper use of page objects is important to encapsulate Selenium and allow tests to scale. - Challenges include assigning failures, non-deterministic tests, browser and Selenium version upgrades.

david louvtonsalesforceengineering
Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) 
Separate application 
Fully integrated with Team Foundation Server 
• Test artifacts are Work Items in TFS 
• Links to Product Backlog Items, Bugs etc. 
• Queries 
• Reporting 
• Ties directly in to the developer world
Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) 
A fully-instrumented, configurable test runner captures detailed records of steps 
performed, behaviors observed, and the status of each test step. Pause testing to report a 
bug, even if it’s not directly related to the current test. High-fidelity defect reports go 
directly to the development team, including all the technical data needed to reproduce 
and resolve the error. Record tests for later playback to speed test sessions and enable 
automation. (visualstudio.com)
What’s in it for the developers? 
“captures detailed records of steps performed, behaviors observed, and the status of each 
test step” 
“Pause testing to report a bug, even if it’s not directly related to the current test” 
“High-fidelity defect reports go directly to the development team, including all the 
technical data needed to reproduce and resolve the error” 
“Record tests for later playback to speed test sessions and enable automation”
MTM Work Item Structure

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Developing Brilliant and Powerful APIs in Ruby & Python
Developing Brilliant and Powerful APIs in Ruby & PythonDeveloping Brilliant and Powerful APIs in Ruby & Python
Developing Brilliant and Powerful APIs in Ruby & Python

This document summarizes a presentation about developing brilliant APIs in Ruby and Python. It discusses choosing between Ruby and Python for APIs and frameworks like Rails, Grape, Flask and Django. It also covers API documentation, testing, and API sandboxing tools. The presentation concludes that Ruby+Rails is best for large projects while Python is great for smaller, as-needed APIs and scripting. It emphasizes the importance of documentation and how Ready! API can help test and sandbox APIs across technologies.

api qualitypythonapi development
Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver and HP LoadRunner
Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver and HP LoadRunnerSelenium RC, Selenium WebDriver and HP LoadRunner
Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver and HP LoadRunner

In this Quality Assurance Training session, you will learn about Selenium- Remote Control (RC). Topic covered in this session are: • Introduction to Selenium RC • Installing Selenium RC • Installing Eclipse • Configuring Selenium RC • Selenium RC Scripting For more information, about this quality assurance training, visit this link: https://www.mindsmapped.com/courses/quality-assurance/software-testing-training-with-hands-on-project-on-e-commerce-application/

qa trainingquality assurance trainingsoftware testing training
Test Automation Frameworks: Assumptions, Concepts & Tools
Test Automation Frameworks: Assumptions, Concepts & ToolsTest Automation Frameworks: Assumptions, Concepts & Tools
Test Automation Frameworks: Assumptions, Concepts & Tools

The document discusses factors to consider when selecting a test automation framework. It describes how there are many options for frameworks available and outlines important criteria to evaluate, such as flexibility, ability to support different applications and interfaces, tool and language independence, parallel execution, and design patterns. The presentation provides examples of different types of frameworks and discusses strategies for building frameworks that can scale and evolve with changing needs.

Coded UI tests
What are Coded UI Tests? 
Automated tests interacting with the application through the user interface 
For example used for testing 
• Input validations 
• Calculations 
• “Shopping cart” functionality 
• UI Elements 
• Navigation 
• ….
Supported configurations and platforms 
• Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 
• x86 and x64 
• .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 
• Windows Phone Apps - (Only WinRT-XAML based Phone apps are supported) 
• Windows Store Apps - (Only XAML-based Store apps are supported) 
• Windows Forms + WPF 
• IE 8, 9 and 10 - (9 and 10 only supported on the desktop) 
• Chrome (recording not supported, only playback) 
• Silverlight 5 (only supported with unsupported plugin) 
• SharePoint, Dynamics web client – Fully supported

Recommended for you

Eclipse UI automation
Eclipse UI automationEclipse UI automation
Eclipse UI automation

This document provides an overview of a workshop on automating Eclipse-based applications using UI automation tools. The workshop will cover ways to automate Eclipse functionality, challenges in automating Eclipse, different automation tools including Eclipse plugins and QuickTest Professional, and tips for UI automation of Eclipse. Attendees will learn basics of UI automation tools and how to automate and test Eclipse-based applications. The real challenge of UI automation starts with Eclipse due to its open and customizable nature supported by over 1200 plugins.

ui automationeclipse automation
Testwarez 2009 Use Proper Tool
Testwarez 2009 Use Proper ToolTestwarez 2009 Use Proper Tool
Testwarez 2009 Use Proper Tool

The document discusses how testing tools have evolved along with the testing lifecycle to bring more structure and efficiency. It provides several examples of projects that transitioned from disorganized testing methods like spreadsheets to more integrated testing tools. This allowed them to better manage requirements, automate test execution, and provide reporting. While no single tool is perfect, selecting one suited to the project's needs and ensuring users are trained can formalize the testing process and improve outcomes.

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selenium meetup sf talk march 2014 Selenium at Scale
selenium meetup sf talk march 2014 Selenium at Scaleselenium meetup sf talk march 2014 Selenium at Scale
selenium meetup sf talk march 2014 Selenium at Scale

a talk by David Louvton and Sagar Wanaselja about the Selenium Infrastructure at Salesforce.com and design patterns for test automation.

selenium salesforce quality
Test Automation 
Which tests to automate? 
Is it often used functionality? 
Does the UI change often? 
Is the test code easy or difficult to maintain? 
How often is the test expected to be run?
Coded UI test features 
• Fully integrated into Visual Studio ALM 
• Automatic code generation 
• “Intelligent” Intent Aware Recording and Resilient Playback 
• Execute on build server 
• C# / VB.NET

Recommended for you

Building with Visual Studio Online
Building with Visual Studio OnlineBuilding with Visual Studio Online
Building with Visual Studio Online

With Team Foundation Server 2015 and Visual Studio Online, Microsoft has made available a brand new cross-platform build technology. This new build technology promises to be simpler to implement and maintain than Microsoft's previous attempts at automating builds. Rather than dealing with complex XML and/or XAML you simply "compose" build definitions by adding the build activities you need for your specific implementation. The build agents are also must easier to scale and keep up to date than previous build agents. You can even build your Android and iOS apps with it!

tfsvisual studiovso
Best Practices for a Repeatable Shift-Left Commitment
Best Practices for a Repeatable Shift-Left CommitmentBest Practices for a Repeatable Shift-Left Commitment
Best Practices for a Repeatable Shift-Left Commitment

This document discusses best practices for implementing a "shift-left" strategy to move quality assurance activities earlier in the software development lifecycle. It recommends having quality be everyone's responsibility, focusing on delivering valuable features, adopting an automation-first mentality, embracing continuous feedback through a "fail or learn fast" approach, and continuously improving processes. The document provides examples of how some organizations are successfully shifting left, such as through continuous integration/delivery pipelines, minimum viable products, and behavior-driven development. It also describes how Applause's in-sprint testing service can help teams validate features within a sprint to avoid context switching for developers.

applauseshift-left testingtesting
Testing Frameworks
Testing FrameworksTesting Frameworks
Testing Frameworks

Testing frameworks provide an execution environment for automated tests. The main types are modular, data-driven, and keyword-driven frameworks. Modular frameworks organize tests into independent scripts representing application modules. Data-driven frameworks store test data and expected results in external files to reduce code duplication. Keyword-driven frameworks use external files to store test actions and data. Hybrid frameworks combine advantages of the different approaches. While frameworks work with waterfall models, agile methodologies benefit more from test-driven development and behavior-driven development which integrate testing throughout development.

software testingagile software developmenttest automation
Generate Coded UI Tests 
• Automate steps from MTM action recordings 
• Coded UI Test Builder 
• Write them yourself in C# / VB.NET (advanced)
The generated code 
Coded UI Test Editor

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The document discusses test automation architecture and strategies for building an effective test automation pyramid. It recommends starting with unit tests at the base to test individual classes in isolation using mocks and stubs. Integration and API tests should be the next focus to test application logic through service calls. GUI tests should be limited to a fixed number of end-to-end tests while avoiding fragile tests. Cross-functional involvement from different teams is also important for maintaining tests. The goal is to have a stable, well-designed test automation strategy that finds bugs efficiently without wasting resources on fragile tests.

Test Automation and Continuous Integration
Test Automation and Continuous Integration Test Automation and Continuous Integration
Test Automation and Continuous Integration

This document discusses continuous integration and automation testing. It describes continuous integration as a software development practice where changes are frequently integrated and validated through automated builds and tests. This allows teams to detect issues early and stabilize their products. The document provides details on continuous integration processes and practices, how to implement automation testing in a continuous integration environment, and the benefits such as faster feedback, reduced bugs, and improved quality. It also includes a case study on using the TeamCity tool to implement continuous integration and automation testing.



Coded UI Test Editor 
• Change names of test methods and UI elements 
• Split steps in to new methods 
• Move generated code to UIMap partial class for customizing 
• Add pauses 
• View and change properties 
• Remove unwanted steps (duplicates etc.)
Load Test in the cloud with Visual 
Studio Online

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Getting Started with Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Automated Test
Getting Started with Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Automated TestGetting Started with Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Automated Test
Getting Started with Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Automated Test

This document provides an overview and agenda for a four-day instructor-led course on using testing tools in Visual Studio 2012. The course covers recording and writing automated tests using Coded UI, adding validations, best practices, and an overview of the Coded UI tools and APIs. It also demonstrates converting existing manual tests to automated tests and adding assertions during recording.

visual studiomicrosoft visual studiosoftware development process
Getting Started with Visual Studio’s Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Au...
Getting Started with Visual Studio’s Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Au...Getting Started with Visual Studio’s Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Au...
Getting Started with Visual Studio’s Coded UI Testing: Building Your First Au...

This training seminar demonstrates how to record tests run against various types of application user interfaces using Microsoft Visual Studio’s Coded UI Tests and how to replay them at any time. Additionally, we explore how to embed validations, either simple or elaborate, to ensure your application is producing the correct results. Learn how to improve the quality of your applications by having a repeatable set of Microsoft Coded UI Tests available to ensure defects don’t go unnoticed!

visual studiomicrosoft visual studiosoftware development process
Debugging,Troubleshooting & Monitoring Distributed Web & Cloud Applications a...
Debugging,Troubleshooting & Monitoring Distributed Web & Cloud Applications a...Debugging,Troubleshooting & Monitoring Distributed Web & Cloud Applications a...
Debugging,Troubleshooting & Monitoring Distributed Web & Cloud Applications a...

In the past, applications where created as monolithic entities running on a single server. If this is the past for you, too, you will have experienced the downside of modern distributed and cloud applications, as debugging, troubleshooting, and monitoring is not easily accomplished with traditional approaches. Within this session, we will explore different possibilities for collecting and analyzing the needed information to solve issues on modern distributed application and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach like debugger, log files, performance counter and third party solutions. The focus of this session will be on Developer and DevOps need, as increased release cycles and third party dependency more and more result in the need for troubleshooting also on production system, rather than in an isolated test environment. This session requires a solid understanding of distributed applications and knowledge of SOA, but most principles also apply to and can be beneficial for more traditional application design approaches. The used code examples are in .NET but the shown principles generally apply to other languages, too, and shown software is often available for a variety of environments.

devopsdebuggingdistributed applications
What do we want to achieve with load tests? 
• Will the planned platform support the expected load and peak loads? 
• Will simultaneous users cause problems 
• Server load (max. CPU / memory consumption etc.) 
• When does it break and how? 
Planning is key! Dialogue with Product Owner / stakeholder etc. 
What are targets and objectives? 
What are the success & acceptance criteria? 
Concrete and measurable!! 
There’s a big difference between 1 and 5 seconds when a web site load…
traffic to 
Does it 
perform as 
Recreate the 
Fix the 
So when should I start planning and execute load teste? 
Start early! 
Save time

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Cabot is an offshore software development firm focussed on niche technologies, QA Automation, Data analysis and mobile development. We are located in India, Dubai, US. Our team size is over 100 and we have been in the industry for about 11 years and delivered more than 500 successful projects to clients across the globe.

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Triple Assurance: AI-Powered Test Automation in UI Design and Functionality
Triple Assurance: AI-Powered Test Automation in UI Design and FunctionalityTriple Assurance: AI-Powered Test Automation in UI Design and Functionality
Triple Assurance: AI-Powered Test Automation in UI Design and Functionality

Explore the efficiencies of test automation using the GienTech automation framework enhanced by the AI-powered Applitools platform. Details and session recording with demonstration at https://applitools.info/j90

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Testing with Microsoft Technologies - Kick Off Session
Testing with Microsoft Technologies - Kick Off SessionTesting with Microsoft Technologies - Kick Off Session
Testing with Microsoft Technologies - Kick Off Session

The document provides an overview and agenda for a session on Microsoft testing tools. The session will cover manual testing and test case management using Microsoft Test Manager 2012, automated testing using coded UI tests in Visual Studio 2012, web performance testing in Visual Studio 2012, cloud-based load testing in Visual Studio 2013, application lifecycle management using Visual Studio Online 2013, and working with Team Foundation Server 2012.

What can be included in load tests? 
• Web test 
• Unit tests 
• Coded UI (possible – but not recommended) 
• Coded Web Performance test
To the Cloud! 
• Load tests can be executed from the cloud with Visual Studio Online 
• MSDN subscribers have 15,000 virtual user minutes included pr. month 
• No need to set up a big test rig / infrastructure “on premises” 
• Setup in Visual Studio – execute in Azure 
• Visual Studio connected to Visual Studio Online
Visual Studio 
Load test 
web service 
Test agent pool 
Agent Agent Agent 
Agent Agent Agent

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1.microsoft visual studio 2010 test manager
1.microsoft visual studio 2010  test manager1.microsoft visual studio 2010  test manager
1.microsoft visual studio 2010 test manager

The document discusses Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Test Manager. It provides an overview of Visual Studio Team System 2010 and its tools for software development, testing, and management. It also describes the capabilities of Microsoft Test Manager for test planning, case management, execution and defect tracking. Finally, it demonstrates some of these capabilities through a test planning and execution demo.

Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012
Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012
Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012

Twice vertelt u in een korte intensieve sessie meer over ALM en Team Foundation Server. In dit seminar is gedemonstreerd wat de nieuwe mogelijkheden zijn van Visual Studio 2012 en Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Server. Team Foundation Server ondersteunt de gehele Lifecycle van het applicatie ontwikkeltraject op basis van het Agile gedachtegoed. Er is onder andere ingegaan op de verbeterde samenwerkingsmogelijkheden, het beheer van de source code en het applicatie testproces. Onderwerpen die behandeld zullen worden tijdens dit seminar: • Agile Dashboards • Drag/Drop Storyboards en Taskboards • Ondersteuning voor meerdere teams • Betere offline Version Control d.m.v. local workspaces • Exploratory Testing • Feedback Manager • Geïntegreerde Code Review • Vernieuwde IDE • Integratie met verschillende Unit Test Frameworks • Suspend/Resume work binnen Visual Studio

visual studio 2012application lifecycle managementtfs
Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012
Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012
Introductie Visual Studio ALM 2012

Seminar over ALM en Team Foundation Server In dit seminar wordt gedemonstreerd wat de nieuwe mogelijkheden zijn van Visual Studio 2012 en Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Server. Team Foundation Server ondersteunt de gehele Lifecycle van het applicatie ontwikkeltraject op basis van het Agile gedachtegoed. Er wordt onder andere ingegaan op de verbeterde samenwerkingsmogelijkheden, het beheer van de source code en het applicatie testproces. Onderwerpen die behandeld worden tijdens dit seminar zijn: - Agile dashboards - Drag/drop storyboards en Taskboards - Ondersteuning voor meerdere teams - betere offline version control d.m.v. local workspaces - Exploratory testing - Feedback manager - Geïntegreerde code review - Vernieuwde IDE - Integratie met verschillende Unit Test Frameworks -Suspend/Resume work binnen Visual Studio

application lifecycle managementtfsvisual studio alm
#Ask me about everything! 
Join me at the Microsoft Booth the next 
30 minutes @Meet The Experts 
Dont forget to: Evaluate this session!

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Udvid din test portefølje med coded ui test og cloud load test

  • 1. Udvid din test portefølje med Coded UI test og Cloud Load test VS20011 Peter Lindberg - Consultant @ Alterate [email protected] @peterlindbergdk www.linkedin.com/in/peterlindbergdk www.alterate.dk #CampusDays
  • 2. #CampusDays Topics Test automation Microsoft Test Manager and manual tests Coded UI Test Load Test in the cloud with Visual Studio Online
  • 3. #CampusDays Why test? We all make mistakes! But also: • Are we meeting the requirements and expectations? • Does the hardware support the application? • Does it work as expected? The sooner the defects are discovered – the cheaper they are to fix
  • 4. #CampusDays Why automate tests? Cost reduction! • Manual test is expensive • Let manual testers spend the time on value adding tests • New features • Exploratory testing • “Time to market” – higher release cadence • Safety as developer
  • 5. #CampusDays Exploratory testing Automated UI Test Integration Test Unit Test
  • 7. #CampusDays Microsoft Test Manager and manual tests
  • 8. #CampusDays Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management
  • 9. #CampusDays Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) Separate application Fully integrated with Team Foundation Server • Test artifacts are Work Items in TFS • Links to Product Backlog Items, Bugs etc. • Queries • Reporting • Ties directly in to the developer world
  • 10. #CampusDays Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) A fully-instrumented, configurable test runner captures detailed records of steps performed, behaviors observed, and the status of each test step. Pause testing to report a bug, even if it’s not directly related to the current test. High-fidelity defect reports go directly to the development team, including all the technical data needed to reproduce and resolve the error. Record tests for later playback to speed test sessions and enable automation. (visualstudio.com)
  • 11. #CampusDays What’s in it for the developers? “captures detailed records of steps performed, behaviors observed, and the status of each test step” “Pause testing to report a bug, even if it’s not directly related to the current test” “High-fidelity defect reports go directly to the development team, including all the technical data needed to reproduce and resolve the error” “Record tests for later playback to speed test sessions and enable automation”
  • 12. #CampusDays MTM Work Item Structure
  • 15. #CampusDays What are Coded UI Tests? Automated tests interacting with the application through the user interface For example used for testing • Input validations • Calculations • “Shopping cart” functionality • UI Elements • Navigation • ….
  • 16. #CampusDays Supported configurations and platforms Configurations • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 • x86 and x64 • .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 Platforms • Windows Phone Apps - (Only WinRT-XAML based Phone apps are supported) • Windows Store Apps - (Only XAML-based Store apps are supported) • Windows Forms + WPF • IE 8, 9 and 10 - (9 and 10 only supported on the desktop) • Chrome (recording not supported, only playback) • Silverlight 5 (only supported with unsupported plugin) • SharePoint, Dynamics web client – Fully supported
  • 18. #CampusDays Test Automation Test Execution Test Script
  • 19. #CampusDays Which tests to automate? Is it often used functionality? Does the UI change often? Is the test code easy or difficult to maintain? How often is the test expected to be run?
  • 20. #CampusDays Coded UI test features • Fully integrated into Visual Studio ALM • Automatic code generation • “Intelligent” Intent Aware Recording and Resilient Playback • Execute on build server • C# / VB.NET
  • 21. #CampusDays Generate Coded UI Tests • Automate steps from MTM action recordings • Coded UI Test Builder • Write them yourself in C# / VB.NET (advanced)
  • 22. #CampusDays The generated code TestMethod
  • 24. #CampusDays Coded UI Test Editor
  • 25. #CampusDays Coded UI Test Editor • Change names of test methods and UI elements • Split steps in to new methods • Move generated code to UIMap partial class for customizing • Add pauses • View and change properties • Remove unwanted steps (duplicates etc.)
  • 27. #CampusDays Load Test in the cloud with Visual Studio Online
  • 29. #CampusDays What do we want to achieve with load tests? • Will the planned platform support the expected load and peak loads? • Will simultaneous users cause problems • Server load (max. CPU / memory consumption etc.) • When does it break and how? Planning is key! Dialogue with Product Owner / stakeholder etc. What are targets and objectives? What are the success & acceptance criteria? Concrete and measurable!! There’s a big difference between 1 and 5 seconds when a web site load…
  • 30. #CampusDays How? Generate traffic to application Does it perform as expected? Recreate the performance problems Fix the performance problems
  • 32. #CampusDays So when should I start planning and execute load teste? Start early! = Save time
  • 33. #CampusDays What can be included in load tests? • Web test • Unit tests • Coded UI (possible – but not recommended) Customize! • Coded Web Performance test
  • 35. #CampusDays To the Cloud! • Load tests can be executed from the cloud with Visual Studio Online • MSDN subscribers have 15,000 virtual user minutes included pr. month • No need to set up a big test rig / infrastructure “on premises” • Setup in Visual Studio – execute in Azure • Visual Studio connected to Visual Studio Online
  • 36. #CampusDays Visual Studio Load test web service Result database Controller Test agent pool Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent
  • 38. #CampusDays Q&A #Ask me about everything! Join me at the Microsoft Booth the next 30 minutes @Meet The Experts Dont forget to: Evaluate this session!

Editor's Notes

  1. Section title slide (Optional)
  2. Section title slide (Optional)
  3. Intent aware = Taking all the steps to click All Programs, open browser, navigate to URL => Open URL in browser Resilient playback = smart algorithms to accommodate changes in configurations like window resize/Minimize/Maximize, screen resolution changes etc. to provide a resilient playback support.
  4. 20 mins CodedUISP proj:
  5. Section title slide (Optional)
  6. Unit test – good for WCF Services, Web API, REST, Odata etc. Also database queries, Store Procedures etc.
  7. Create small web tests to be able to granularly load test and diagnose the application functionality
  8. Azure pricing calculator http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/?scenario=full